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cell phone 是什么意思啊

2023-07-22 11:37:14

“手机”有两个“学名”:移动电话(mobile phone)和“蜂窝式便携无线电话”(cellphone)。第一个学名不太通用,第二个学名cellphone却牢牢扎根。英文单词cellphone怎么会广布全球、世界通用呢?请注意其中的构造成分“cell”,它有三个意思:细胞、蜂窝、牢房。我们可以从这三个角度来描绘手机的功能,演绎出一些深刻的哲理。 手机像“细胞”,无论走到哪里,它都能够生成新的社会、新的可能、新的关系。换言之,手机不仅有移动的功能,而且有生成和创造的功能。 手机像“蜂窝”,它使我们拥挤在密密麻麻的蜂房里,忙忙碌碌,闹闹嚷嚷,几乎丧失了一切独立生存的空间。 手机像“牢房”,它的联络功能,超过了人类的一切其他技术手段,使人类社会成为一个“千里一线牵”的社会。手机便捷,我们可以随时随地呼叫,随时随地获取信息,这是其利;然而,我们又可能随时随地被叫,随时随地受到手机铃声的干扰,这是其弊。手机使你能够与家人、朋友保持联系,又使你受到各种短信的骚扰。它把我们牢牢锁定在一个无处藏身、随时待命的囚笼里。


cell phone是什么意思

cell phone[英][sel fu0259un][美][su025bl fon]; 例句:1.Are present cell phone safety standards strict enough? 现在的手机安全标准够不够严?2.Harvey uses a cell phone to help manage his disease. 哈维利用一个手机来帮助控制他的病情。
2023-07-22 09:04:252

cell phone是什么意思

2023-07-22 09:04:414

cell phone是什么意思

cell phone英 [sel fu0259un] 美 [su025bl fon] n.手机双语例句1This is my cell phone and pager. 这是我的手机号码和寻呼机号码。2My cell phone rang. 我的手机响了起来。
2023-07-22 09:04:501

cell phone是什么意思

手机有两个“学名”:移动电话(mobile phone)和“蜂窝式便携无线电话”(cellphone)
2023-07-22 09:04:581

英语cell phone和phone区别是什么?

Cell phone是专指手机,phone可以指手机或固定电话。
2023-07-22 09:05:184

Cell phone / mobile phone?

Cell Phone Mobile Phone一样,都是指手机。 Cell phone 全名是 cellular phone 因为建立手机网络,令人能拿着电话走来走去不断线,技术上要要分区建立发射/接收塔,每个塔管一个小区,这些小区叫做 cell 好像蜜蜂的蜂房一样。 每一个 cell 就要能连起来,设立成 cellular neork,就好像蜂巢一样,全面覆盖整个地区, Cellular phone 或 cell phone 这个主要是在美国人较多用的叫法。 Mobile phone 主要系指手机是流动性的电话 是全世界都用的普遍叫法。 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运! cell phone 同mobile phone都系解手提电话.. 仲有portable phone都系.. 参考: 自己 Cell phone 手机(手机)挂... mobile phone移动电话(移动电话)挂.... (yahoo!聪明笔)讲[email protected]@ 参考: mobile phone同cell phone都系指手提电话。 mobile phone系英国语法 而cell phone系美国语法 咁原因我念系因为cell phone既cell系指电池 咁cell phone就指"有电池既电话" 而mobile系指流动性的 咁mobile phone就指"流动性的电话" 希望帮到你la 参考: Oxford Advanced Learner"s Dictionary
2023-07-22 09:05:371


名片上的"手机"英文缩写有以下一些选择,根据自己的需求选择合适的即可。1、M/T: Mobile Telephone(固定电话)2、M/P: Mobile Phone(移动电话)3、C/P: Cell Phone(数字式蜂窝移动电话)4、H/P: Hand Phone (东南亚人常用)5、GSM: 指的是GSM制式的6、Mob.: Mobile(移动电话)7、Cell (美国人常用)8、Mobile (欧洲人常用)扩展资料:名片上一般需要的内容:正面基本信息包括 公司logo、公司名称联系人姓名、职位联系地址、电话、传真、邮箱反面可以附上公司品牌价值标语,或者业务范围简介。另外,现在很多公司都有二维码,可以把二维码直接印在名片上。参考资料来源:百度百科-名片
2023-07-22 09:05:441

Cell phone 作文第三段(3)

I think the cell phone is so good that makes our life more confortable and more convenient . I believe that a bright future is waiting for us if we make a good use of cell phone.
2023-07-22 09:06:032

英语作文,cell phone,200字,麻烦了

As is known to all, the cellphone is very widely used, especially by teenagers who live the life “on the go”. They think it a useful tool for daily life, so they want to have one.Many students think if they have a cellphone, they can keep in touch with their families and friends. They think owing a cellphone is good for their life. Some parents also share the same idea.However, some people donu2019t agree that students should bring cellphones to school. First, they think it is bad for the studentsu2019 health to use cellphones. Second, it will add burden to parents because students usually depend on their parents. Third, if students use cellphones in school, they may not keep their minds on their studies. They may spend most of their time sending text messages or playing games.In my opinion, I think owing a cellphone is not a bad thing. However, we should use the cellphones at the right moment. In class, we should make full use of our time to study. Do not use cellphones in class to interrupt others. If in emergency, it is not a bad choice to use cellphones.
2023-07-22 09:06:131

cell phone 和mobile phone 意思上有什么区别?

实物上实际上都是指的移动电话,也就是手机.但脑海中的图像是不一样的,mobile phone更现代,更贴近生活,指的是移动电话.cell phone 实际上指的是蜂窝网络电话.这根据cell这个词就可以判别,好像是有一个人发明了用显微镜观看细胞的方法,他看到每个细胞都是一个一个的像小房间的东西,于是命名cell.这就好比现在的蜂窝网络.也是一个一个小房间组成的.但实际上是一个东西,主要是mental image的不同.我读到这两个词的感觉是一个很复古,一个很现代
2023-07-22 09:06:222

Cell phone.和Mobile phone有什么区别?是英美式的区别吗?

mobilephone:a telephone that you can carry with you and use in any place 移动电话,手机cellphone=a cellular phone: a telephone that you can carry aronnd with you,that works from a system that uses a network of radio stations to pass on signals (利用无线电通讯网的)蜂窝电话,手机可见两者强调的方面不同,一个强调移动,另一个强调无线电通讯
2023-07-22 09:06:312

求英语作文,在线等待.My View on Cell phone这是作文题目.

Here is a possible essay:My View on Cell PhoneNowadays, cell phone has become an essential part of our daily life. It enables us to communicate with others, access the Internet, and enjoy various forms of entertainment with ease. However, while cell phone brings convenience and fun, we should be aware of its potential negative impacts as well.In my view, the advantages of cell phone are undeniable. It helps us stay connected with our friends, family, and colleagues no matter where we are. With the help of cell phone, we can quickly send text messages, make phone calls, and use messaging apps to talk to others in real-time. Moreover, cell phone allows us to access vast amounts of information on the Internet, which widens our knowledge and enriches our life. Lastly, cell phone provides us with various entertainment options such as games, music, and videos, which can help us relax and enjoy our free time.However, we should also be aware of the potential drawbacks of cell phone. For example, excessive use of cell phone may lead to addiction, which can harm our physical and mental health. Moreover, cell phone overuse can often cause distraction, which may lead to traffic accidents, poor academic performance, and other negative consequences. Also, cell phone use can erode face-to-face communication skills and make us more isolated from others. Therefore, we should use cell phone wisely and responsibly.In conclusion, cell phone is a great invention that has brought much convenience and enjoyment to our life. However, we should also be cautious about its potential negative impacts and use it with moderation and awareness. With proper use, cell phone can be a powerful tool that enhances our life and connects us with others.
2023-07-22 09:06:482

mobile phone,telephone,,cell phone又什么不同

2023-07-22 09:07:032

Cell phone 作文第三段(3)

2023-07-22 09:07:221


Cell PhonesAs is shown in the chart, cell phones are becoming more and more popular within China. In 1999, the number of cell phones in use was only 24,480,000, but in 2002, the number is more than 100 million, which is a turning point. The newest statistic shows that in 2007 the number has exceeded 500 million.There are many factors contributing to this development. Firstly, a cell phone has no wires and can be carried everywhere easily. Secondly, a cell phone is something wonderful that we can have fun with news, games, music and chat through sending short messages. Thirdly, the drop in price and the simultaneous improvement in the functions have made it possible for an average person to make use of a cell phone. ?The wide use of cell phones has made them more and more indispensable in peopleu2019s daily life. The many functions of the cell phone have made certain people reluctant to separate themselves from their cell phone.
2023-07-22 09:07:311

手机英语怎么说,美国是cell phone, 那英国的说法是什么?

mobile phone handphone
2023-07-22 09:07:564

英语 cell phone 是否属于 telephone?

说详细的话。。一个指手机。。一个指家用电话。。实际生活中。。你可以直接问别人。。can i use your phone?。。真要说手机算不算电话。。那总归行咯
2023-07-22 09:08:063


手机是我们日常生活中必不可少的物品之一,英语中常用的词汇有两种。Mobile phoneMobile phone是手机的较为正式的表达方式,其中的mobile表示“移动的”,phone表示“电话”。这种表达方式比较通用,适用于各种场合。例如,“我需要一部新的移动电话”可以表示为“I need a new mobile phone”。Cell phoneCell phone是手机的口语化表达方式,其中的cell表示“单元格”,phone表示“电话”。这种表达方式在美国等地比较流行。例如,“你的手机在哪里?”可以表示为“Where is your cell phone?”。使用建议建议使用Mobile phone:Mobile phone是一个通用的表达方式,适用于各种场合,尤其是在正式场合中;建议使用Cell phone:Cell phone在美国等地比较流行,尤其适用于口语化的场合。需要注意的是,在美国以外的地区,人们普遍使用mobile phone来表示手机,使用cell phone的情况比较少见。总之,手机可以用mobile phone或cell phone来表达,要根据具体场合选择合适的表达方式。
2023-07-22 09:08:161

cell phone number和mobile phone number有区别吗

没有区别的 亲
2023-07-22 09:08:325


2023-07-22 09:08:512


因为手机小巧玲珑,一般人都是手上拿着,口袋带着的 记得采纳啊
2023-07-22 09:08:592

以"my view on cell phone"为题写一篇120字英语作文,要求:在中国玩手机变

Nowadays,mobile phones have become as indispensable tool in people"s lives.A proposed this idea,many people will ignore him,also some people will argue that the benefits of the mobile phone a lot,it can facilitate people"s contact,is beneficial to people"s life,there are many function can help people living there are two sides to anything,change an Angle to think will be better.But I think mobile phones there are drawbacks,affect people"s health:A,cell phone harm the eyesWith cell phone too close to the distance,a long time looking at small font is easier to make the eye fatigue,headache,dry eyes,blurred visionSecond,the mobile phone make you sickAccording to a study published in applied microbiology,found that about 20% to 30% of the virus in glass similar to smart phone screen surface will be transferred to your fingertips,which can then be transferred to your mouth,eyes,etc.Three,the mobile phone to destroy focus abilityMobile phone seems to have a magic,people are like opium,continually check the menu screen,news,email,application,even if seldom see new and interesting information,continue to look at it.Mobile phones increase the people damage to its dependencies and the people work a centralized capacity.Four,mobile phoneBought a mobile phone,you don"t have time to relax.Mobile phone with you 24 hours a day,a text message,email,there is no way don"t you look at it .
2023-07-22 09:09:091

give me your call phone number,是cell还是call

call is wrog.
2023-07-22 09:09:296


Cell phones are playing a more and more important role in people"s daily life in the modern society. Cell phones have become one of the most popular communicating tools in the world.稍微修改了一些细节,包括定冠词、单复数、状语的位置以及形容词等方面。
2023-07-22 09:09:503

请你以cell-phone 为题写一篇英语作文

My dear mom bought a cellphone to me,she wants to communicate with me at any time and at any place. The cellphone is red and white ,it is very lovely,I love it very much and I take it to school every day.But I never open it in class because I know it will disturb the class. I can use it to send good message to my best friends and tell them the latest news.I can relate to my parents and tell them my situation to make them satisfied. Thank you for my mom ,and I will protect it well
2023-07-22 09:09:591


望采纳,谢谢。Cell phone is so cheap that almost all people can afford it.Whenever you go, you see people hold cell phones listening to music, talking on the phone, chatting with their friends by mobile QQ or sending video clip by micro messages.Our life style has changed enormously because of the widespread of mobile phones.手机很便宜,因此很多人都能买得起手机了。不管你到哪里去,你都会看到人们拿着手机听歌,讲电话,移动QQ和朋友聊天或者通过微信发语音。由于手机的广泛使用,我们的生活方式发生了很大的变化。First of all, mobile phones change the way we communicate with others.In the past, we contact with our families, relatives and friend by writing letters or just go to certain area to make a phone call.However, if we want to contact with them, all we need to do is to take out our cell phone, dial numbers and then we can reach them in a minute.第一,手机改变了我们与其他人交流的方式。在过去,如果我们要联系我们的家人,亲戚或朋友,我们会给他们写信或者到一个固定有电话的地方给他们打电话。但是,现在如果我们要联系他们,我们只需要拿出我们的手机,拨通他们的号码,就可以在一分钟之内找到他们。Secondly, the way we contact with our friends is various.For most cell phones, we can download lots of software such as QQ, MSN, and micro message and so on to contact with our friends quite often and know their latest information.第二,我们联系朋友的方式多样化了。许多手机都可以下载QQ,MSN,微信等软件。 通过这些软件,我们就能随时联系我们的朋友,了解他们的动态。Thirdly, by cell phone, we can take photos and locate ourselves easily.All cell phones have photo taking function.We can take photos anywhere we want and don"t need to take our camera.Besides, if we are lost, we can use cell phones to locate ourselves to help us to get the right direction.第三,我们也能通过手机进行拍照和定位。所有的手机都有拍照的功能。不管我们到哪里,我们都不需要带相机过去,只需要用手机就可以拍照。另外,如果我们迷路了,我们可以用手机定位来帮助我们找到正确的路。In conclusion, cell phones change our life greatly.总之,手机大大改变了我们的生活。 ——来自{yh3057}英语牛人团
2023-07-22 09:10:091

请你以cell-phone 为题写一篇英语作文

2023-07-22 09:10:192

cell phone number与phone number 有什么区别

手机号码 vs 电话号码
2023-07-22 09:10:274


手机的危害 The Dangers of Cell PhoneToday, with the development of high-technology, we can get access to all kinds of high-tech products, such as computer, digital cameras and so on. These products make our life more convenient, we can keep in touch with family and friends any time any where. Our life has been changed by the high-tech, we live in a fast-pace world. Cell phone influences our life deeply, everyone owns it. While cell phone brings many dangers. First, cell hone contains radiation which hurts people"s body. Today, more and more people die of cancer, the main reason is that the high-tech products radiate their bodies, in the long run, the bodies get sick. Cell phone is one of such products, it hurts our bodies as long we use it. Second, cell phone distracts our attention about discovering the beauty of life. People pay their attention on cell phone, they count on it by reading news and making friends, being less going out. We should use cell phone properly.今天,随着高科技的发展,我们可以接触各种各样的高科技产品,比如电脑,数字相机等等。这些产品让我们的生活变得方便,我们可以和家人和朋友随时随地保持联系。我们的生活受高科技影响而改变,我们生活在一个快节奏的世界。手机深深影响着我们的生活,每个人都有手机。然而手机给我们带来了危害。第一,手机包含了危害我们身体的辐射。现在,越来越多的人死于癌症,主要的原因是高科技产品辐射着他们的身体,长此下去,身体就得病了。手机就是其中的产品,只要我们使用,就会受到危害。第二,手机让我们忽略了发现生活的美
2023-07-22 09:10:361

英语作文advantages and disadvantages of the cell phone

2023-07-22 09:10:462

cell phone 是什么意思啊

“手机”有两个“学名”:移动电话(mobile phone)和“蜂窝式便携无线电话”(cellphone)。第一个学名不太通用,第二个学名cellphone却牢牢扎根。英文单词cellphone怎么会广布全球、世界通用呢?请注意其中的构造成分“cell”,它有三个意思:细胞、蜂窝、牢房。我们可以从这三个角度来描绘手机的功能,演绎出一些深刻的哲理。 手机像“细胞”,无论走到哪里,它都能够生成新的社会、新的可能、新的关系。换言之,手机不仅有移动的功能,而且有生成和创造的功能。 手机像“蜂窝”,它使我们拥挤在密密麻麻的蜂房里,忙忙碌碌,闹闹嚷嚷,几乎丧失了一切独立生存的空间。 手机像“牢房”,它的联络功能,超过了人类的一切其他技术手段,使人类社会成为一个“千里一线牵”的社会。手机便捷,我们可以随时随地呼叫,随时随地获取信息,这是其利;然而,我们又可能随时随地被叫,随时随地受到手机铃声的干扰,这是其弊。手机使你能够与家人、朋友保持联系,又使你受到各种短信的骚扰。它把我们牢牢锁定在一个无处藏身、随时待命的囚笼里。
2023-07-22 09:11:261

cell phone是什么意思

cell phone 英[sel fu0259un] 美[su025bl fon] n. 手机; [例句]This is my cell phone and pager.这是我的手机号码和寻呼机号码。
2023-07-22 09:11:491

英语作文,cell phone,200字,麻烦了

As is known to all, the cellphone is very widely used, especially by teenagers who live the life “on the go”. They think it a useful tool for daily life, so they want to have one. Many students think if they have a cellphone, they can keep in touch with their families and friends. They think owing a cellphone is good for their life. Some parents also share the same idea. However, some people don"t agree that students should bring cellphones to school. First, they think it is bad for the students" health to use cellphones. Second, it will add burden to parents because students usually depend on their parents. Third, if students use cellphones in school, they may not keep their minds on their studies. They may spend most of their time sending text messages or playing games. In my opinion, I think owing a cellphone is not a bad thing. However, we should use the cellphones at the right moment. In class, we should make full use of our time to study. Do not use cellphones in class to interrupt others. If in emergency, it is not a bad choice to use cellphones.
2023-07-22 09:12:141

cell phone 是什么意思啊

2023-07-22 09:12:415

cell phone怎么读

cell: [ sel ] phone: [ fu0259un ] 额 分开了...
2023-07-22 09:13:082


2023-07-22 09:13:171

cell phone的来历

“手机”有两个“学名”:移动电话(mobile phone)和“蜂窝式便携无线电话”(cellphone)。第一个学名不太通用,第二个学名cellphone却牢牢扎根。英文单词cellphone怎么会广布全球、世界通用呢?请注意其中的构造成分“cell”,它有三个意思:细胞、蜂窝、牢房。我们可以从这三个角度来描绘手机的功能,演绎出一些深刻的哲理。 手机像“细胞”,无论走到哪里,它都能够生成新的社会、新的可能、新的关系。换言之,手机不仅有移动的功能,而且有生成和创造的功能。 手机像“蜂窝”,它使我们拥挤在密密麻麻的蜂房里,忙忙碌碌,闹闹嚷嚷,几乎丧失了一切独立生存的空间。 手机像“牢房”,它的联络功能,超过了人类的一切其他技术手段,使人类社会成为一个“千里一线牵”的社会。手机便捷,我们可以随时随地呼叫,随时随地获取信息,这是其利;然而,我们又可能随时随地被叫,随时随地受到手机铃声的干扰,这是其弊。手机使你能够与家人、朋友保持联系,又使你受到各种短信的骚扰。它把我们牢牢锁定在一个无处藏身、随时待命的囚笼里。
2023-07-22 09:13:402

求大师给个关于cell phone 的英语作文,70个词左右就OK了,拜托!

As is shown in the chart, cell phones are becoming increasingly popular within China. In 1999, the number of cell phones in use was only 2 million, but in 2002, the number reaches 5 million. And in the year 2005, the number has suddenly soared to 9 million. There are many factors contributing to this development. Firstly, a cell phone has no wires and can be carried everywhere easily. Secondly, a cell phone is something wonderful that we can have fun with news, games, music and chat through sending short messages. Thirdly, the drop in price and the simultaneous improvement in the functions have made it possible for an average person to make use of cell phone. The wide use of cell phones has make them more and more indispensable in people"s daily life. The many functions of the cell phone have made certain people reluctant to separate themselves from their cell phone. 谢谢
2023-07-22 09:13:513

a Cell phone的意思是什么

手机 亲~!!!是一个手机请采纳
2023-07-22 09:14:003


cell phone [英][sel fu0259un][美][su025bl fon]; 例句: 1. Are present cell phone safety standards strict enough? 现在的手机安全标准够不够严? 2. Harvey uses a cell phone to help manage his disease. 哈维利用一个手机来帮...
2023-07-22 09:14:101


剪刀的英文是"scissors"。音标为[‘sɪzəz]。在日常生活中,我们还会用到很多其他物品的英语单词。以下是一些常见物品的英语单词及其用法:1. 书(book):用来读取和获取知识的物品。例如:I love reading books.(我喜欢读书。)2. 笔(pen):用来写字或画画的工具。例如:Please lend me a pen.(请借给我一支笔。)3. 纸(paper):用来写字、打印和绘画的材料。例如:Could you pass me a piece of paper?(你能递给我一张纸吗?)4. 钥匙(key):用来打开锁的工具。例如:I can"t find my keys.(我找不到我的钥匙。)5. 手机(cell phone/mobile phone):用来打电话、发短信和上网的电子设备。例如:I forgot my cell phone at home.(我把手机忘在家里了。)6. 电视(television/TV):用来收看电视节目和观看影片的设备。例如:Let"s watch a movie on TV.(我们一起在电视上看电影吧。)7. 椅子(chair):用来坐的家具。例如:Please have a seat on the chair.(请坐在椅子上。)8. 餐具(tableware):用来进餐的器具,包括刀、叉、勺和碗盘等。例如:Please set the table with the tableware.(请用餐具摆好餐桌。)9. 衣服(clothes):用来穿在身上保暖或装饰的物品。例如:I need to buy some new clothes for the party.(我需要为派对买些新衣服。)10. 鞋子(shoes):用来保护脚部并行走的物品。例如:I need to buy a pair of new shoes.(我需要买一双新鞋。)
2023-07-22 09:14:411

a Cell phone的意思是什么

手机 亲~!!!是一个手机请采纳
2023-07-22 09:15:083

手机英语怎么说,美国是cell phone,那英国

手机 [词典] cellphone; handset; mobile phone; [电影] Handphone; [例句]有个手机响了。A cellular telephone beeped
2023-07-22 09:15:182

请你以cell-phone 为题写一篇英语作文

My dear mom bought a cellphone to me,she wants to communicate with me at any time and at any place. The cellphone is red and white ,it is very lovely,I love it very much and I take it to school every day.But I never open it in class because I know it will disturb the class. I can use it to send good message to my best friends and tell them the latest news.I can relate to my parents and tell them my situation to make them satisfied. Thank you for my mom ,and I will protect it well
2023-07-22 09:15:351


问题一:名片上的"手机"英文缩写是什么? mobile phone MP handphone HP mobile phone MB: 手机 - M.T. 小灵通 - Cell Phone 在国外,mobile或者cell都是指的手机,而且很少用写的。 如果一定要用缩写的话,我的建议是HS(handset)比较专业,Handphone是中式英语. 问题二:手机的英文缩写是什么??? MB: MOBILE PHONE国际称呼 问题三:手机客户端的英文缩写是什么? 5分 手机客户端就是可以在手机终端运行的软件。 其英文是: Mobile client 参考自: 问题四:“手机号码”的英文缩写是什么啊? “手机号码”的英文原词是:Phone numbers。缩写应该是:PN 问题五:手机号码的英文简写 1、Phone Number表示电话号码,并不特指手机号码,可以简写成PN或者Phone NO. 2、Telephone Number表示电话号码,可以简写成Tel或者Tel NO. 3、Mo攻ile Phone表示手机号码,可以简写成MP,或MB,或Mob。 4、Cell Phone表示小灵通,可以简写成Cell,或不用简写。 问题六:名片上的"手机"英文缩写是什么? mobile phone MP handphone HP mobile phone MB: 手机 - M.T. 小灵通 - Cell Phone 在国外,mobile或者cell都是指的手机,而且很少用写的。 如果一定要用缩写的话,我的建议是HS(handset)比较专业,Handphone是中式英语. 问题七:手机的英文缩写是什么??? MB: MOBILE PHONE国际称呼 问题八:手机的英文缩写是什么吖? M/T: Mobile Telephone M/P: Mobile Phone C/P: Cell Phone H/P: Hand Phone (东南亚人常用) GSM: 指的是GSM制式的 Mob.: Mobile 短一点的全称 Cell (美国人常用) Mobile (欧洲人常用) 请采纳支持下
2023-07-22 09:15:441


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile PhonesMobile phones are one of the most popular inventions in modern times. They have changed the way we communicate, access information, and entertain ourselves. However, like any other technology, mobile phones also have their advantages and disadvantages.One of the advantages of mobile phones is their convenience. They enable us to keep in touch with our family, friends, and colleagues anytime and anywhere. They also provide us with a lot of information and services through the internet, such as news, weather, maps, games, social media, online shopping, etc. Mobile phones can also be used as cameras, music players, calculators, alarm clocks, and more.However, mobile phones can also be a source of distraction and addiction. They can interfere with our work, study, and social life if we use them excessively or inappropriately. They can also affect our health negatively, such as causing eye strain, neck pain, sleep disorders, and radiation exposure. Moreover, mobile phones can pose some risks to our privacy and security. They can be hacked, stolen, lost, or damaged. They can also expose our personal data and location to hackers, advertisers, or criminals.Therefore, we should use mobile phones wisely and responsibly. We should limit our screen time and avoid using them while driving, studying, or sleeping. We should also protect our phones with passwords and antivirus software. We should respect others" privacy and etiquette when using phones in public places. We should also be aware of the potential dangers and benefits of mobile phones and make informed choices.
2023-07-22 09:16:292

plugging onto cellphones

Cell phone becomes an essential and important part of our lives nowadays.It does not only have the basic features such as making calls and sms,it also gradually replaces camera,video camera,and computer.Cell phone provides human beings with convenience and safety because people can easily communicate with each other at any time,any where.However,there is another side of cell phones.It increases some technological crimes,such as taking photo in public places,which strongly affects other people"s right of privacy.Furthermore,it influences teenagers so much,so that they are no longer focus on studies.For this reason,I think that the use of cell phone should be limited,especially for students at school,because the disadvantages of cell phone affect students more than adults.In conclusion,mobile phone is great,but its weakness should be taken into consideration. 写的很辛苦啊.T T 拿上去分数一定很不错~trust me
2023-07-22 09:17:151

cell phoneareused

回答:A. 解释:用的是被动,因为后一句中的主语they指的是cell phones。这句话的意思是:现在,手机真的很有帮助,他们在日常生活中被广泛应用。 希望能帮助到您!
2023-07-22 09:17:481


2023-07-22 09:18:0213

I have got a cell phone ,email and voice mail.But why am i so lonely?的翻译、语法、解析

have got 指有的意思,老外经常使用。I have a cell phone=I have got a cell phone.
2023-07-22 09:18:344