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keep calm 和 stayed calm 有什么区别

keep calm沉住气;平心静气; [英][ki:p kɑ:m][美][kip kɑm] stayed calm保持冷静

Our holidays were ruined by the werther ---have stayed at home

选C. might just as well是固定短语,译为:倒不如…还是...的好, 不妨might as well后可以接动词原形也可以接完成时,你把他看作是插入的就行了.1 You might as well try.你不妨试着用。2 We might as well walk there.我们不妨步行去。3 You might just as well go as not.你去也好,不去也好。 4 You might as well come with us.他还是跟我们一起来的好。5 I expect I might as well be going.我看我也该走了。6 We might as well get round the table.我们不防围着桌子坐下。7 Business is terrible I might as well pack up.生意很不好做我还是关门算了.8 As well might the glow_worm match himself against lightning.这样,简直萤火虫也可以与闪电比光亮了。9 Perhaps we might as well get round the table.我们不妨围着桌子坐。

Our holidays were ruined by the weather, so ____have stayed at home!


i stayed up all night

A 现在分词表示伴随 我整晚没有睡,伴随的状态就是努力寻找解决问题的办法 因为已经有了完整的主语和谓语,这里没有连词,所以不存在填入谓语 那么只能是分词

Not really.I just stayed at home most of the time

原句应该是:Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.翻译:不是啊。大多数时候我只是待在家里看看书放松下。如果可以,烦请点击页面右上角的 满意 按钮,谢谢!

---- The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returne...

D 检查考生对情态动词表示判断的掌握和运用能力。首先,对过去发生事情的判断用情态动词+完成形式;其次,ought to have done 表示“本应该……”,即事情没有做,所以不符合语境。must have done 表示“肯定……”。

英语判断ed读音是否相同 1.enjoyed learned 2.jumped stayed 3.walked talked 4.played watched


判断下列每组画线部分读音,选出发音不同的一项。()A. watched B.stayed





不同动词过去式一滴的读音清,辅音后读清辅音,浊辅音和元音后读浊辅音。stayed 中的ed读[d]washed中的ed读[t]



just stayed英语怎么读

people to be useful and find their place in the world.




stayed怎么读 英文单词stayed的正确发音?

在英语中,发音是非常重要的,因为不同的发音可能会导致不同的意思。因此,如果你想要正确地使用英语单词,并与英语母语者交流,那么学习正确的发音是非常重要的。在英语中,发音是非常重要的,因为不同的发音可能会导致不同的意思。因此,如果你想要正确地使用英语单词,并与英语母语者交流,那么学习正确的发音是非常重要的。在英语中,发音是非常重要的,因为不同的发音可能会导致不同的意思。因此,如果你想要正确地使用英语单词,并与英语母语者交流,那么学习正确的发音是非常重要的。stayed是一个英文单词,它的正确发音为 /steɪd/。其中,第一个音节为长元音 /eɪ/,第二个音节为清辅音 /d/。总之,正确的发音是学习英语的重要部分,而stayed的正确发音为 /steɪd/。


四得诶得stay 英[steɪ]美[ste]vt. 停留; 停止; 坚持; 抑制;vi. 继续处于某种状态;n. 逗留; 延期; 倚靠; 忍耐;


/steɪd/stayed是stay的过去式和过去分词stay:vt.& vi.停留;停止;坚持;抑制 vi.继续处于某种状态 n.逗留;延期;倚靠;忍耐


stayed[英][steɪd] [美][sted] stay的过去式和过去分词 stay vt.& vi.停留;停止;坚持;抑制 vi.继续处于某种状态 n.逗留;延期;倚靠;忍耐 最好可以把句子发一下、 毕竟在不同的句子里、 单词的意思也是不同的、

stayed怎么读 stayed的读法

1、stayed英[steu026ad]美[steu026ad]。 2、v.停留; 待; 保持; 继续是; 暂住; 逗留; 3、[词典]stay的过去分词和过去式; 4、[例句]Its a pity that you cant stay longer.你不能再多停留些时间,真是遗憾。




stayed v. 停留,停止( stay的过去式和过去分词 ); 继续处于某种状态; [例句]I stayed the weekend with him.我在他那里度过了周末。[其他] 原型: stay


An artist went to a beautiful place of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a farmer. Eve...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A小题4:A小题5:B 试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了一个画家和农民的故事,农民想以这位画家的作品来打消自己儿子学画的积极性,却被画家误以为是农民欣赏他的画作,闹出了一个最后令画家尴尬不已的笑话。小题1:细节理解题。根据文中提供的信息,这位画家非常喜欢画画。故选C。小题2:推理判断题。根据文中原句Every day he went out and painted from morning to evening. (每天从早到晚他出去画画)可知这位画家是在外面作画,故选B。小题3:推理判断题。根据文中最后描述:农民想以这位画家的作品来打消自己儿子学画的积极性,可以看出这位画家并不擅长作画,故选A。小题4:细节理解题。根据文中原句He wants to become an artist. (他想成为一名画家。)可知答案应为A。小题5:推理判断题。根据文中最后一段描述and then he will not want to be an artist any more, I believe,(我相信他再也不想成为画家了)可以推断出农民不想让他儿子当画家,故选B。

歌词 so喔哦哦 dance stayed

听听是不是fefe dobson 的 《stuttering》Therez a whole lot of things that I will forgiveBut I just can"t take a liarI was by your side till the very endSo you push me in the fire..I start to believe you but somethin is wrongYou won"t look in my eyesTell me Whats going onIts you and me who danced the worldThats what You said..Thats what you saidIf You can"t be honest with me,then am afraid this is the endHurry up Hurry up..If you ever really care about me ..Tell the truth,Give it upYou sound guilty coz you are stutteringOhhh eyyy OhhhhhThere your stutteringOhhh eyyy OhhhhhThere you stutter onThe seconds turn into minutes nowBut you won"t give me an answerYou can tell me this ,you can tell me thatBut don"t say you don"t rememberCoz I know you better than you know yourselfSo don"t say am crazy,i know very wellIts you and me who dance the world,Thats what You said..Thats what you saidIf You can"t be honest with me,then am afraid this is the end..Hurry up.. Hurry up..If you ever really care about me ..Tell the truth,Give it up..You sound guilty coz you are stutteringOhhheyyyOhhhhhThere your stutteringOhhh eyyy OhhhhhThere you stutter onOhhh eyyy OhhhhhhThere your stutteringOhhh eyyy OhhhhhThere you stutter nowAhhh ahhh ahh.Don"t want to hear your sorry nowOhhhh best thing you can do with me is step it outAhhh ahhh ahh.Don"t want to hear your sorry nowStop stop stuttering your wordsIts only making you look worseHurry up..Hurry up..If you ever really care about meTell the truthGive it up,you sound guiltyCoz your stutteringOhhh eyyy OhhhhhThere your stutteringOhhh eyyy OhhhhhThere you stutter nowKeep on stutteringOhhh eyyy OhhhhhThere you stutter nowKeep on stutteringOhhhThere you stutter now

I stayed there for two months last year. stay是延续性动词,而且还有for+时间段,为什么不用had been

就是一个时态的问题啊,过去时和过去完成时表达的意义是不一样的。但看前一部分的话用完成时什么问题都没有,但最后给出的时间是last year!!!!所以限定了时态。。。要细心哦,亲 。。。。


we staye dina hotel by the sea我们在这儿住那靠海的酒店

we stayed in a hotel by the sea中by the sea做什么成分

介词短语。We stay in a hotel by the sea.句子 用的是一般将来时,will + 原形动词动词短语:stay in the hotel 介词短语:by the sea句子译文:我们住在海边的一家旅馆里。这是一个定语从句。省略了whichWe stay in a hotel which by the sea



Do you still remember the days when we stayed together in Beijing last summer?

when 引导时间状语从句,修饰days

–How long has John _______?–For almost eight months. A.become an engineer B.stayed in Beij

B 考查动词。根据下文大约的八个月,英语中表示一段时间的时间状语不能与延续性动词连用,选项ACD都表示瞬间动作,故选B,只有选项B为延续性动词,其余都不是。

she stayed 什么 mary for ten days


i stayed in beijing for ten years。

have stayed in china for ten years .it was an 【e----】 that i will never forget. 【分析】这个空应该填experience,意思为经历. 【翻译】我在中国已经待了10年了,这是我永远不会忘记的经历. 希望可以帮到你.



i stayed in a small fishing village by the sea and it was a happy time of my life,是什么意思


