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abbr.CG aided three-dimensional interactive application 计算机图形辅助三维交互应用




CATIA是英文 Computer Aided Tri-Dimensional Interface Application 的缩写。 是世界上一种主流的CAD/CAE/CAM 一体化软件。在70年代Dassault Aviation 成为了第一个用户,CATIA 也应运而生。从1982年到1988年,CATIA 相继发布了1版本、2版本、3版本,并于1993年发布了功能强大的4版本,现在的CATIA 软件分为V4版本和 V5版本两个系列。V4版本应用于UNIX 平台,V5版本应用于UNIX和Windows 两种平台。V5版本的开发开始于1994年。为了使软件能够易学易用,Dassault System 于94年开始重新开发全新的CATIA V5版本,新的V5版本界面更加友好,功能也日趋强大,并且开创了CAD/CAE/CAM 软件的一种全新风格。


学呀 买本相应版本的书 照着做 记住了各个功能的用法 你就会了呀


 CATIA 最新版本是V6,由于这个版本主要是针对利用互联网协同操作的目的而开发的,所以主要有利于大型的,集团型的制造公司。 对于国内的工业发展水平来说,不好普及此版本。现在18,19,20的版本都比较稳定了。对于新手,学习哪个版本都无所谓,手上有什么资料就用哪个版本,这样最好了。而且CATIA每个版本相差不是很大,适应是没有任何问题的。2012年达索公司提出了3DEXPERIENCE概念,目前最新版本是3DEXPERIENCE R2016x,也就是通常大家所说的V6,而我们CATIA华南群习惯上简称为3DEXP。CATIA是法国达索公司的产品开发旗舰解决方案。作为PLM协同解决方案的一个重要组成部分,它可以通过建模帮助制造厂商设计他们未来的产品,并支持从项目 前阶段、具体的设计、分析、模拟、组装到维护在内的全部工业设计流程。模块化的CATIA系列产品提供产品的风格和外型设计、机械设计、设备与系统工程、管理数字样机、机械加工、分析和模拟。CATIA产品基于开放式可扩展的V5架构。通过使企业能够重用产品设计知识,缩短开发周期,CATIA解决方案加快企业对市场的需求的反应。自1999年以来,市场上广泛采用它的数字样机流程,从而使之成为世界上最常用的产品开发系统。




一种三维图形设计软件主要用于 汽车 航空 行业的零件 设计类似的还有UG PRO/E


目前常用CATIA V5 R17CATIA V5 R18CATIA V5 R19当然现在已有V6,但是还没用普及,我目前用的是V5 R19


catia 汽车设计是一项复杂的系统工程,需要学习的技能还是比较多的。下面我来详细讲解一下,主要需要学习以下技能:




CATIA从1981年到1988年先后推出了V1、V2、V3、V4版本,1999年推出了V5版本,但更新到V5R21版本后,开始被称为V5-6R2012/2013/2014/2015/2016等。2012年,达索公司提出了3DEXPERIENCE的概念。目前最新版本是3DEXPERIENCE R2016x,俗称V6,我们CATIA华南官方群习惯上简称为3DEXP简称。







飞利浦显示器关不了 显示controllidel monitor bloccati 按哪个键都显示这些,长按解锁键也不好使,




谁能帮我转换一下 cati v5r20 文件



look at the cat it is fat 看这只猫,它很胖



请问拉丁语“Quo usquwe tabdem Catilina Patientia nostra?”什么意思

你确定没有打错字吗,要不就是你引用地方已经错了usque肯定不是usquwe tabdem从没见过我看到的原文是Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra?Catilina,你还要浪费我们的耐心多久quo

找出不同的词 catively carefully friendly

friendly 是不同的。其余两个都是副词,friendly 是形容词,虽然后面也带着 -ly


capital 英 [ˈkæpɪtl] 美 [ˈkæpɪtl]n. 资本; 首都; 资源;大写字母; adj. 资本的;首都的; 极好的;死刑的; [例句]Companies are having difficulty in raising capital各公司融资困难。[其他] 复数:capital

catiline"s war是什么意思

catiline"s war 喀提林的战争 catiline"s war 喀提林的战争catiline"s war 喀提林的战争catiline"s war 喀提林的战争catiline"s war 喀提林的战争



toronto duty free cati 什么意思

toronto duty free cati多伦多免税计算机辅助电话访谈CATI计算机辅助电话访谈;


是cities吧?citiesn.城市( city的名词复数 ); 全市居民; (由国王或女王授予特权,通常有大教堂的)特许市; (由政府授予特权的)特权市;[ˈsitiz]

万用表CATII1000V CATIII600V是什么意思?

CAT IV —600V:8kV impulse CAT III —600V:6kV impulse CAT III —1000V: 8kV impulse CAT II —600V:4kV impluse CAT II ---1000V:6kV impulseCATI :通过变压器或者类似设备连接到墙上插座的二次电气线路,例如电子仪器设备类。有保护措施的电子设备、任何高压、低压回路,如办公室内部的复印机等。CATII:通过电源线连接到室内插座的用电设备的一次电气线路,如移动式工具,家电等。家用电器、便携工具(电钻等)、家用插座,距离三类线路10米以上的插座或者距离四类线路20米以上的插座。CATIII:直接连接到配电盘的大型设备的一次线路及配电盘与插座之间的电路线路(三相分配电路包括单个商业照明电路)。位置固定的设备,如多相马达、多相闸盒;大型建设物内部的照明设备、线路;工业现场(车间)的机床、电源配电盘等。CATIV:三相公用供电设备和室外供电线路设备。设计到“初始连接”的设备,如电站的电力分配系统;电力仪表,前端过置保护,任何室外输电线路。

600V CATII是什么意思

安全设计符合国际 IEC1010-1 CATII 600V


左上角“开始”“制图”摆好位置截图,呵呵~正规一点的话可以工程图里投影线框,可以设置投影元素和颜色,复制粘贴到表格里。 能说的详细点吗,做什么用?谁有更好的方法,分享分享,先谢谢了~实物与数模的区别,就好像上原子弹与质能守恒公式之间的区别,现实是理论的投影,但你不能认为拥有了理论就有了一切…… 你所说的这个流程几乎涉及整个机械产业,其流程大体如是: 客户需求->建模(数模)->相关模具数模制作->交付模具厂商生产 ->...这个不可能,因为二维图只是几个投影,剖切而已,一个产品几张二维图根本表示不清楚,现在设计生产都是先做三维数模再导成二维图的,也就是说指导制造的是三维数据,图纸只是表达一些关键尺寸信息等,用于质检部门检测关键尺寸用。如果做二维图...感谢所有参与问题解答的朋友,谢谢!但是,这里我还想说一下。对于设计图纸来说,最终是要满足两个需要,一个是制造厂制造,另外一个就是给我的买方使用,那这是我基本上是以提供二维图纸为主,而且我见过外方的设计图纸,比如达涅利,西马克的...传统的机械绘图,是想象出零部件的立体形状,然后对立体模型从各个方向上投影,生成各投影面上的二维视图,加以标注尺寸等注释,生成基本的二维的图纸。如下图。 但是二维图纸的缺点也是明显的,就是略复杂点的就显得不直观,需要人为的正确想象...


说实在的 南康的CATI性价比比不上 北京商智通的雅典娜CATI的,国家统计局的、北师大等好多都是用的商智通的 呵呵 如果您需要,可以进一步和我联系


其他软件不知道,反正我们现在采购的德派的,有什么问题咨询,半天不回,回复的时候就是说“你这样试试,那样试试。。。”总是就是没有实时性解决措施,再不然就是这个要收费服务,那个要收费服务。。。。反正就是坑,亏得前期我们比较了那么多家,结果选的德派的服务太差劲了。。。。而且每年还收服务费,这个服务费不知道都服务了些啥?如果有质疑,我可以实名,我们就是一家调研公司, 我现在就是因为在做项目过程中,有问题咨询,半天不反馈,所以毛了,我就是转黑粉,看见有提这个就跟黑

cati 高版本图纸低版本无法编辑









分辨率是指一块表测量结果的好坏.了解一块表的分辨率,你就可以知道是否可以看到被测量信号的微小变化.例如,如果数字多用表在4V范围内的分辨率是1mV,那么在测量1V的信号时,你就可以看到1mV(1/1000伏特)的微小变化. 如果你要测量小于1/4英寸(或1毫米)的长度,你肯定不会用最小单位为英寸(或厘米)的尺子.如果温度为98.6°F,那么用只有整数标记的温度计测量是没用的.你需要一块分辨率为0.1°F的温度表. 位数、字就是用来描述表的分辨率的.数字多用表是按它们可以显示的位数和字分类的. 一个3位半的表,可以显示三个从0到9的全数字位,和一个半位(只显示1或没有显示).一块 3位半的数字表可以达到1999字的分辨率.一块4位半的数字表可以达到19999字的分辨率. 用字来描述数字表的分辨率比用位描述好.现在的3位半数字表的分辨率已经提高到3200或4000字. 3200字的数字表为某些测量提供了更好的分辨率.例如,一个1999字的表,在测量大于200V的电压时,你不可能显示到0.1V.而3200字的数字表在测320伏特的电压时,仍可显示到0.1V.当被测电压高于320V,而又要达到0.1V的分辨率时,就要用价格贵一些的20000字的数字表. 精度 精度就是指在特定的使用环境下,出现的最大允许误差.换句话说,精度就是用来表明 数字多用表的测量值与被测信号的实际值的接近程度. 对于数字多用表来说,精度通常使用读数的百分数表示.例如,1%的读数精度的含义是:数字多用表的显示是100.0V时,实际的电压可能会在99.0V到101.0V之间.


活细胞  活细胞就是能进行新陈代谢的细胞。例如血小板,筛管细胞,   死细胞就是不能进行新陈代谢的细胞,例如导管细胞,木纤维.   细胞的产物分初级代谢产物和次级代谢产物.包括代谢废物和激素,或者氧气(光合作用细胞的产物)例如胃蛋白酶,抗体。   参考资料:《生物学》死细胞  死细胞就是不能进行新陈代谢的细胞.   活细胞就是能进行新陈代谢的细胞,   细胞的产物分初级代谢产物和次级代谢产物.包括代谢废物和激素,或者氧气(光合作用细胞的产物)。   参考资料:《生物学》细胞产物应该是指通过细胞的新陈代谢所合成、分泌的物质


计算机辅助电话访问(Computer Assisted Telephone Interview)提供商有:上海南康 客户端那种的德派软件 网页的那种上海萌泰 也是网页的那种


读作/kæti/ 不知是否指这个:计算机辅助电话访问(Computer Assisted Telephone Interview),是将近年高速发展的通讯技术及计算机信息处理技术应用于传统的电话访问所得到的产物,问世以来得到越来越广泛的应用.


CATI计算机辅助电话调查系统(Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing)简称CATI,通常的工作形式是访员坐在计算机前,面对屏幕上的问卷,向电话对面的被访者读出问题,并将受访者的回答通过鼠标或键盘记录到计算机中去;督导在另一台计算机前对整个访问工作进行现场监控。通过该系统调查者可以以更短的时间,更少的费用,得到更加优质的访问数据,所得数据可以被各种软件直接使用。CATI相对传统的市场调查的优势在于:计算机控制逻辑,减小访员工作强度、犯错机会;降低了对访员的要求,减少培训时间,可尽快开展项目。计算机根据问卷逻辑、已回答问题的答案、被访者(样本)情况及其他环境参数, 自动控制提问,比如哪个问题该显示,哪个问题该跳过,问题中哪些选项该隐藏,问题、选项出现的顺序、动态等等。数据马上保存在计算机中,不需要另外的录入、校验过程,编码也可以由计算机完成,数据分析、统计可以马上同步进行。不需要印刷、打印纸质问卷,节省了成本;而且更为灵活,CATI系统允许在线更改问卷,所有访员计算机自动更新,答卷自动整合。CATI适用于做:城市商业环境研究、顾客忠诚/流失研究、顾客消费习惯/生活形态研究、产品的市场分析定位、产品广告效果快速跟踪、产品用户的使用和态度研究、品牌知名度调研、品牌转换研究、品牌价值/定位研究、品牌市场占有率调研、品牌竞争对手研究、民意测试和民意调研、电话营销、客户回访以及各类其他数据的采集等。希望能够对你有帮助,是在别处复制粘贴的



during a vacation是什么意思



1、意思上的不同2、用法上的不同apply for 的宾语在内容上应当是希望获得的事物,例如job,、work,post、position,reward,visa, 工资的提高 经理职位, 国籍,贷款(loan, credit)。而apply to的宾语在内容上则应当是对之作出申请的个人或机构,例如秘书 , 经理 (director), 大学 university扩展资料:请看例句:Father is thinking of applying for the directorship. 父亲正在考虑申请当经理。I am applying for a job as a clerk. 我正在申请一个做职员的工作。He applied for a transfer to another department. 他申请调往另一个部门。Nobody applied for the reward. 谁也没有申请这项奖金。How many universities have you applied to? 你向几所大学提出了申请?He has applied to the banker for loan. 他已向这位银行家申请了贷款。

apply 和 application有什么区别

前者动词 后者名词


你好!classification [/,klæsifi"keiʃən/] n. 分类;类别,等级class [klɑ:s, klæs] n. 班级;阶级;种类 vt. 分类;把…分等级 adj. 极好的category ["kætiɡəri] n. 种类,分类;范畴type [taip] n. 类型,品种;样式;模范 vt. 打字;测定(血等)类型 vi. 打字grade [ɡreid] n. 等级;年级;阶段;级别;成绩 vt. 评分;把…分等级 vi. 分等级;逐渐变化祝你学习顺利啦!

campus location是什么意思


Advantages and disadvanges of online communication 求此英语作文一篇 100-500字

The Internet has created a means for people to come closer together. Rather than spending money on phone services, people in different states or even different countries can hop on messenger services, social networking or email to communicate. The Internet allows people to find old friends, classmates, and family members, or meet new people.With the growing popularity of the Internet more and more people are communicating via email. This fast and efficient method of communication is perhaps the preferred method of online communication at the present with thousands upon thousands of emails being sent each day. The many uses of email are what make it so appealing and so versatile. Whether you are sending a greeting to a grandparent or sending files to a coworker, you can easily utilize email to do so. Email has come quite a long way since its introduction, yet it is still used for many of the same reasons. Basic electronic communication has essentially evolved into a more resourceful tool as one has the ability to do much more now then they once could. Along with the usual sending of files and text messages through email, one can send greeting cards, manage their emails by assigning them to folders or classifying them as junk and even organize and manage their daily tasks on some email servers. This wonderful tool is not without its downside however. Some people choose to send worms and viruses via email and in the process infect and damage quite a lot of computers. A virus email can often be very difficult to detect, especially to someone with very little knowledge of computer viruses and how they work. If you notice that you have an anonymous email or an email with a name foreign to you then you may not want to open this email as may likely be a viruses and the mere act of opening the email makes your computer susceptible to infection. Along with the abovementioned problems privacy has also become an issue with email activity. Virtually every email that you send has to go through a number of computers before it reaches the inbox of the intended receiver and along the way there exists a distinct possibility that an individual could hack into your email and read it. Thus it is imperative that you have a bullet proof password. Online communication does not allow users to see one another or speak face-to-face. Though the use of video chat can allow users to speak face-to-face virtually, chat programs and email do not always allow it. An online friendship does not have the same contact as a physical one, such as meeting up in person, contacting over the telephone, and having a conversation, nor does it allow you the physical experience and comfort of having a friend by your side.

英语作文,the advantages of getting a good education

1. First of all,getting good education,people can abtain more opportunities in the future easily,no matter the further education or getting a suitable job.Second,for students themselves,getting excellent education means they may have more relative knowledge and information in their major than those who didn"t get it.Also they may construct personal qualification to meet the all-around development. They can serve well for our modern society.---2. Nowadays, our world is getting more and more civilized. There are more people are getting education than before and the education level is higher and higher.The good thing that we get educated is that we can make our life better with knowledge, raise our personal quality and avoid the mistakes caused by ignorant.Getting a good education can also make sure that we have a saitisfied work when we finish our education, in the same time we can contribut to our society with our power and knowledge.Therefore, ducation is very important for everyone.--3. The benifits of getting a good educationFirstly, you can expand your herizon if you get good sciencific education, you can see the world more clearly than if you are not well educated. Most of the outstanding scientists are better off their excellent educational experience.Secondly, you can get a good job if you graduate from the famous university, you know, in the fierce society, getting a good job is not an easy thing even if you have the bachelor diploma. So a good education is a key to the door of the bright career.Thirdly, you would know how to get well with others if you have a good conscience education, and you would have a high EQ, and more and more people like you, that will be your big advantage to your success. And, the most important thing is that you know how to bring yourself the true peace into your heart, and how to love.All in all, never miss the chance to get the good education in your life, maybe it will be the rock of your road to the true harmony with the world.



CATIA中catalog格式文件是什么? 怎么建立地?谢谢!


As young adults,it is our duty to tryour best to deal with each challenge in our education with the


location and locality and spot and adress 的区别?

以下几个词都有place 的意思. location: a place where sth happens or exists.地点 地方,指确切的位置或是定位. locality: (1)...周围或是围绕的地区 (2)地点,地方,栖息,较于 location正式 spot: a particular area or place 地点,场所,处所,较为口语化. address: 住址,通信处 . lot: 一片地,小场地.

cassandra 怎么设置keyspace的 replication

象这样:update keyspace XXX with placement_strategy = "org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy" and strategy_options = {replication_factor:3};其中的simpleStrategy是replication策略之一,replication_factor是这种策略下的备份数。当然,除了update之外,在创建keyspace的时候就可以指定策略。

英语after reviewing your application怎么翻译?

application 申请书,申请表,正式申请收到你的申请表之后

policy implication是什么意思

policy implication 网络意思:政策意义; 政策含义; 政策涵义; [例句]Economics of Bequest Motives: Theories, Positive Analysis and Policy Implication遗产动机经济学:理论、经验分析及政策意义

鍒榎Application Data什么吗

Application Data应用程序数据,泛指软件在运行过程中传递或者产生的数据


Position and Adoption Speed Justification位置与到达成熟期速率的理由justification美 [.dʒʌstɪfɪ"keɪʃ(ə)n]英 [.dʒʌstɪfɪ"keɪʃ(ə)n]n.正当理由例句筛选1."There can be no justification for such a senseless act of violence, " he said.“如此愚蠢的暴力行动不会有正当理由,”他说道。2.The court"s justification was that the war was a crime of aggression.而法院的理由是,战争是侵略罪行。

有没有一篇关于adult education的英语短文

Adult education is the practice of teaching and educating adults.This often happens in the workplace,through "extension" or "continuing education" courses at secondary schools,at a college or university.Other learning places include folk high schools,community colleges,and lifelong learning centers.The practice is also often referred to as "Training and Development".It has also been referred to as andragogy (to distinguish it from pedagogy).A difference is made between vocational education,mostly undertaken in workplaces and frequently related to upskilling,and non-formal adult education including learning skills or learning for personal development.Programs provide one to one tutoring and small group sessions for adults at the 6th grade level or below.Public libraries,nonprofit organizations and school systems administer these programs across the country.ProLiteracy Worldwide Educating adults differs from educating children in several ways.One of the most important differences is that adults have accumulated knowledge and experience that can add to or hinder the learning experience.Another difference is that most adult education is voluntary,therefore,the participants are generally better motivated. Adults frequently apply their knowledge in a practical fashion to learn effectively.They must have a reasonable expectation that the knowledge recently gained will help them further their goals.One example,common in the 1990s,was the proliferation of computer training courses in which adults (not children or adolescents),most of whom were office workers,could enroll.These courses would teach basic use of the operating system or specific application software.Because the abstractions governing the user"s interactions with a PC were so new,many people who had been working white-collar jobs for ten years or more eventually took such training courses,either at their own whim (to gain computer skills and thus earn higher pay) or at the behest of their managers. In the United States,a more general example is that of the high-school dropout who returns to school to complete general education requirements.Most upwardly-mobile positions require at the very least a high school diploma or equivalent.A working adult is unlikely to have the freedom to simply quit his or her job and go "back to school" full time.Public school systems and community colleges usually offer evening or weekend classes for this reason.In Europe this is often referred to as "second-chance",and many schools offer tailor-made courses and learning programs for these returning learners. Those adults who read at the very lowest level get help from volunteer literacy programs.These national organization which provides training,tutor certification and accreditation for local volunteer programs.States often have state organizations such as Literacy Florida!Inc.which provide field services for volunteer literacy programs.

Is doomed to failure vacation翻译成中文是什么意思

sth./ sb. is doomed to failure 某事/某人注定要失败不知道后面跟vacation是什么意思。 也讲不通。


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beaches for their vacation.beaches是什么意思?




preliminary admissions decision notification是什么意思

preliminary admissions decision notification预录录取通知双语对照例句:1.Notification of decision on electioneering activities. 就批准进行竞选活动的决定通知。2.Bottom line: don"t get hung up on grievances, because you have no way of knowingwhy an admissions decision was made. 底线:不要因为委屈而心神不宁,因为你没办法知道录取决定是如何作出的。

please peel off this mask BEfore application 中文是什么意思?


翻译piease peel off this mask AFTER application completed是什么意思?

撕掉第二层“离形膜”--“Please peel off this mask AFTER application completed

"② please peel off this mask AFTER application"是什么意思?


Carson带你学Android:全面解析 熟悉而陌生 的Application类使用

即不同的组件(如 Activity、Service )都可获得 Application 对象且都是同一个对象 Application 对象的生命周期是整个程序中最长的,即等于 Android App 的生命周期 那么,该 Application 类有什么作用呢?下面,我将介绍 Application 类的方法使用 典型的应用场景有两个: 特别注意: onTrimMemory() 中的 TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN 与 onStop() 的关系 调用时刻:应用程序结束时调用 从 Applicaiton 类的方法可以看出, Applicaiton 类的应用场景有:(已按优先级排序) 即继承 Application 类 在 Manifest.xml 文件中 <application> 标签里进行配置 Manifest.xml 至此,关于 Applicaiton 类已经讲解完毕。 下面我将继续对 Android 中的知识进行深入讲解 ,感兴趣的同学可以继续关注 Carson_Ho 的 不定期分享关于 安卓开发 的干货,追求 短、平、快 ,但 却不缺深度 。

catia 自动生成的BCK用CATIA 怎么打开



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A few weeks vacation 为什么要用 weeks

weeks"表示所有格,即几周的假期,用weeks是几周假期,同two thousands students

Awards or qualification怎么填


求文章The struggle for an education 翻译

Read and Explore阅读与探索Text B文章BAfter a long and hard journey, he finally reached Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute in Virginia with only fifty cents in his pocket. This is Booker T. Washington"s account of his journey -- starting from the dark and dangerous coal-mine and eventually ending up in his admission to the institute -- the struggle to pursue an education and to change his destiny.经历了漫长而艰难的旅程之后,他终于到达了弗吉尼亚的汉普顿师范和农业学院,这时他身上只剩五十美分。这就是布克·T·华盛顿所描述的他的旅程——从在漆黑而又危险的煤矿里工作到最终被学院录取——为了追求教育而努力奋斗并且改变了自己的命运。The Struggle for an Education我的求学之路Booker T. Washington布克·T·华盛顿One day, while at work in the coal-mine, I happened to overhear two miners talking about a great school for coloured people somewhere in Virginia. In the darkness of the mine I noiselessly crept as close as I could to the two men who were talking. I heard one tell the other that not only was the school established for the members of my race, but that opportunities were provided by which poor but worthy students could work out all or a part of the cost of board, and at the same time be taught some trade or industry.一天,在煤矿上班时,我无意中听到两个矿工说道,有一所专为有色人种开设的很好的学校,在弗吉尼亚州的某个地方。矿井里一片漆黑,我悄无声息地爬到离那两人尽可能近的地方。我听到一个人对另一个说,学校不仅是为了我的种族成员而专门建立的,而且也会提供机会,使穷苦但上进的学生得以支付全部或部分食宿费用,同时也能学会一门手艺或技术。I resolved at once to go to that school, although I had no idea where it was, or how many miles away, or how I was going to reach it; I remembered only that I was on fire constantly with one ambition, and that was to go to Hampton. This thought was with me day and night.我当即决定要去那所学校,虽然学校在哪里,离我有多远,我又该怎么到那里,我一点概念也没有;我只记得心中有个愿望在熊熊燃烧,那就是去汉普顿。这个念头日日夜夜在我心头萦绕Finally the great day came, and I started for Hampton. I had only a small, cheap bag that contained what few articles of clothing I could get. The distance from Malden to Hampton is about five hundred miles. I had not been away from home many hours before it began to grow painfully evident that I did not have enough money to pay my fare to Hampton.这个重要的日子终于到了,我动身前往汉普顿。我只有一个廉价的小包,装着仅有的几件衣物。马尔登到汉普顿之间的距离大约有500英里。我离开家,走了还没几个小时,我就清楚而痛苦地意识到,靠我身上这点钱是到不了汉普顿的。By walking, begging rides both in wagons and in the cars, in some way, after a number of days, I reached the city of Richmond, Virginia, about eighty-two miles from Hampton. When I reached there, tired, hungry, and dirty, it was late in the night. I had never been in a large city, and this rather added to my misery. When I reached Richmond, I was completely out of money. I had not a single acquaintance in the place, and, being unused to city ways, I did not know where to go. I applied at several places for lodging, but they all wanted money, and that was what I did not have. Knowing nothing else better to do, I walked the streets. In doing this I passed by many food-stands where fried chicken and half-moon apple pies were piled high and made to present a most tempting appearance. How I wished I could have gotten hold of one of those chicken legs or one of those pies. But I could not get either of these, nor anything else to eat.我一路走,求过路的司机捎我一程,几天后不觉到了弗吉尼亚的里士满,离汉普顿还有大约82英里。到那里的时候已是深夜,我又累又饿,一身肮脏。我从没到过大城市,这有点让我更加难过。到里士满时,我已身无分文。人生地不熟,又不习惯城市的道路,我根本不知道该往哪儿走。我去了几个地方想投宿,都是要收钱的,而我缺的正是钱。我不知如何是好,就在街上晃悠。沿街走着,我经过许多食档,炸鸡和半月形的苹果焰饼堆得高高的,极其诱人。多希望我能够拿上一条鸡腿或一个焰饼啊。但我什么也拿不到,也找不到别的东西吃。I must have walked the streets till after midnight. At last I became so exhausted that I could walk no longer. I was tired; I was hungry; I was everything but discouraged. Just about the time when I reached extreme physical exhaustion, I came upon a portion of a street where the board sidewalk was considerably elevated. I waited for a few minutes, till I was sure that no passers-by could see me, and then crept under the sidewalk and lay for the night upon the ground, with my bag of clothing for a pillow. Nearly all night I could hear the tramp of feet over my head. The next morning I found myself somewhat refreshed, but I was extremely hungry, because it had been a long time since I had had sufficient food. As soon as it became light enough for me to see my surroundings I noticed that I was near a large ship, and that this ship seemed to be unloading a cargo of pig iron. I went at once to the vessel and asked the captain to permit me to help unload the vessel in order to get money for food. The captain, a white man, who seemed to be kind-hearted, consented. I worked long enough to earn money for my breakfast, and it seems to me, as I remember it now, to have been about the best breakfast that I have ever eaten.我一直在街上走,直到半夜过后。最后,我精疲力竭,再也走不动了。我既累又饿,可就是没有气馁。就在疲惫不堪之时,我到了一条街道,木板铺成的人行道高出路面不少。我等了几分钟,确定过往行人不会看到我,就爬到人行道下面,整夜躺在地上,用装衣服的包当枕头。几乎一整夜我都能听到头顶上沉重的脚步声。第二天我觉得自己精神好了一点,不过我饿极了,因为已经很久没有吃饱过了。天一亮我能看清周围的时候,我立刻就注意到我是在一条大船旁边,这船似乎是在卸生铁。我立刻走到船上,请求船长允许我帮忙卸货,好换点钱买东西吃。船长是个白人,一副心地善良的样子,同意了。我干活赚够了早餐钱。记忆里,这是我平生吃得最有滋味的一顿早餐。When I had saved what I considered enough money with which to reach Hampton, I started again. Without any unusual occurrence I reached Hampton, with a surplus of exactly fifty cents with which to begin my education. To me it had been a long, eventful journey; but the first sight of the large, three-story, brick school building seemed to have rewarded me for all that I had undergone in order to reach the place. The sight of it seemed to give me new life. I felt that a new kind of existence had now begun -- that life would now have a new meaning.等我觉得自己攒的钱够去汉普顿了,就再度启程。一路顺利地到达了汉普顿,这时我身上只剩五十美分,这就是我的教育资金了。对我而言,这趟旅程漫长而曲折,但一看到宏伟的三层砖房教学楼,我就觉得一路所吃的苦都是值得的。看见它,仿佛给我注入了新的生命。我感觉,新的生活已经开始了,从此我的生命将有新的意义。As soon as possible after reaching the grounds of the Hampton Institute, I presented myself before the head teacher for assignment to a class. Having been so long without proper food, a bath, and change of clothing, I did not, of course, make a very favourable impression upon her, and I could see at once that there were doubts in her mind about the wisdom of admitting me as a student. I felt that I could hardly blame her if she got the idea that I was a worthless loafer or tramp. For some time she did not refuse to admit me, neither did she decide in my favour, and I continued to linger about her, and to impress her in all the ways I could with my worthiness. In the meantime I saw her admitting other students, and that added greatly to my discomfort, for I felt, deep down in my heart, that I could do as well as they, if I could only get a chance to show what was in me.我到了汉普顿学院后就尽快找到校长,请她给我安排班级。不过,那么久都没有好好吃过东西,也没有洗澡、换衣服,我当然不能给她留下什么好印象,我立刻就看出来她心里在怀疑,录取我是不是一件明智的事。我觉得,就算她认为我是个一无是处的懒人或流浪汉,我也不能怪她。有一阵子,她没有拒绝录取我,但也没有同意,我于是继续在她周围晃来晃去,使出浑身解数让她对我产生好感。与此同时,看到她录取别的学生,我感到很难受,因为在内心深处,我觉得,只要给我机会让我展示自己,我也能像他们一样出色。After some hours had passed, the head teacher said to me, "The adjoining classroom needs sweeping. Take the broom and sweep it."几个小时后,校长对我说:“隔壁的教室该打扫了。拿扫把去扫一下吧。”It occurred to me at once that here was my chance. I swept the classroom three times. Then I got a dusting-cloth and I dusted it four times. All the woodwork around the walls, every bench, table, and desk, I went over four times with my dusting-cloth. I had the feeling that in a large measure my future depended upon the impression I made upon the teacher in the cleaning of that room. When I was through, I reported to the head teacher. She was a woman who knew just where to look for dirt. She went into the room and inspected the floor and closets; then she took her handkerchief and rubbed it on the woodwork about the walls, and over the table and benches. When she was unable to find one bit of dirt on the floor, or a particle of dust on any of the furniture, she quietly remarked, "I guess you will do to enter this institution."我立刻意识到,机会来了。我把那间教室扫了三遍。然后找来抹布,把房间抹了四遍。墙边所有的木制部分,每一张长凳、餐桌、课桌,都用抹布擦了四遍。我有种感觉,在很大程度上,我的前途就取决于我打扫这房间给校长留下的印象。打扫完之后,我就去向校长汇报。这个女人非常清楚到哪儿去找灰尘。她走进房间,检查地板和橱柜;然后拿出手绢,在墙上的木制部分上,在餐桌和长凳上擦。她在地板上找不到一粒尘土,所有的家具上面也都找不到一点灰尘,她轻声说,“我觉得你可以进这所学院了。”I was one of the happiest souls on earth. The sweeping of that room was my college examination, and never did any youth pass an examination for entrance into Harvard or Yale that gave him more genuine satisfaction. I have passed several examinations since then, but I have always felt that this was the best one I ever passed.我感觉自己是全世界最幸福的人了。打扫教室就是我的大学人学考试,任何一个通过哈佛或耶鲁入学考试的年轻人,所体会到的由衷满足也不过如此吧。在那以后我通过了其他考试,但我一直觉得这是我成绩最好的一次。


PREVIOUS QUALIFICATIONS先前的资格双语例句1This did not seem to be explained by their previous academic qualifications.他们之前的获得的学历证明并不能解释其中的原因。2Some of these courses are open to school leavers, but for some you need previous qualifications, or relevant successful employment.这些课程是开给离开学校的人,但你以前要有资格证书或有多年相关工作。

factors influencing the choice of domestication and foreignization

Currently, most Chinese scholars use foreignization /domestication as their English renditions for yihua/guihua. Does the Chinese debate originate with Venuti (1995)? A historical review shows that Lu Xun used the term of guihua (assimilation or domestication) in talking about translation as early as 1935. And the word yihua is already included in Dictionary of Modern Chinese published in 1978 and reprinted in 1991. This means that the two terms are not recent loan words from the West. Then

在线等!帮我查一下 application 在译为“应用程序”时是否可数?


英语语法词态问题Many students are not adequately prepared for higher education.

prepared是形容词,事先准备好的adequately是 副词,修饰prepared

don"t adept in communication.

don"t adept in communication.不善于沟通。

Education breeds confidence.这句话是孔子说的吗

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