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在飞机上听到了歌词是【Now do we say goodbye】的歌曲、求歌名

Do we really have to say goodbye

求一首夜店常放的歌曲,歌词里有一句什么baby.......turn me on !


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求I May Fall的歌词 rwby的

There"s a day when our hearts will be broken总有个日子,当我们的心灵即将破碎When the shadow will cast out the light当闇影将光芒给驱逐出去And our eyes cried million tears而我们的眼中垂泪了百万次Help won"t arrive援助并没有到来There"s a day when our courage collapsed总有个日子,当我们的勇气崩溃瓦解And our friends turn and leave us behind而朋友转身离开留下我们Creatures of darkness will triumph来自黑闇的怪物将高歌胜利The sun won"t rise阳光不会再升起When we lost all hope当我们失去所有希望And succumbed to fear屈服在於恐惧之中And the skies rain blood天空开始降下血雨And the end draws near终结已经断然临近I may fall~我也许会陨落~With not like this, it won"t be by your hand不是以这样的方式,也不会是经由你的手I may fall~我也许会陨落~Not this place, not today但不是这儿,也不是今天I may fall~我也许会陨落~Bring it on, it1s not enough to take me down放马过来,这还不足以把我打倒I may fall~我也许会陨落~There"s a place where we"ll stand outnumbered总有个场地,当我们都将会寡不敌众Where the wolves and the soul-less will rise当狼群和无魂者将会崛起In the time of our final moments在我们处於最终的那个时刻Every dream dies所有梦想将消亡There"s a place where our shields will lay shattered总有个场地,当我们的防御将被击碎And the fear1s all that1s left in our hearts我们的心中就只剩下恐惧strength and our courage have run out我们的力量及勇气都以用尽We fall apart我们会四分五裂When we lose our faith当我们已失去了信念And forsake our friends抛弃了我们的朋友When the moon is gone当月亮消失的时候And we reached our end而我们到达了终焉I may fall——我也许会陨落——(超赞的电吉他奏乐)There"s a moment that changes a life when总有个刹那,将改变生活的一切之时We do something that no one else can我们做出无人能及的事物And the path that we1ve taken will lead us而我们选择之路将带领我们One final stand一个最后的奋起There"s a moment we‘ll make a decision总有个刹那,我们将会做出一个决定Not to cower and crash on the ground不是作为懦夫以及自堕者(注一)The moment we face on those demons当我们面对上那些恶魔之时Our courage found我们找回了勇气When we stand with friends当我们与朋友在一起and we won"t retreat我们不会再退缩了and we stare down death我们盯著死亡退下then the taste is sweet这滋味相当地甜美I may fall~我也许会陨落But not like this, it won"t be by your hand不是以这样的方式,也不会是经由你的手I may fall~我也许会陨落Not this place, not today但不是这儿,也不是今天I may fall~我也许会陨落Bring it on, it1s not enough to take me down放马过来,这还不足以把我打倒I may fall~我也许会陨落I may fall~我也许会陨落I may fall~我也许会陨落I may~ I may fall~我也许~ 我也许会陨落~

郑恺baby在第一季跑男 在船上唱的英文歌 是什么

It Takes A Lot To Know A Man - Damien RiceIt takes a lot to know a manit takes a lot to understandthe warrior, the sagethe little boy in rageit takes a lot to know a womana lot to understandwhat"s hummingthe honeybee, the stingthe little girl with wingsit takes a lot to give,to ask for help,to be yourselfto know and love what youit takes a lot to be,to touch, to feelthe slow reveal of whatyour body needsit takes a lot to know a mana lot to know, to understanda father and a sonthe hunter and the gunit takes a lot know a womana lot to comprehendwhat"s comingthe mother and the childthe muse and the beguileit takes a lot to give,to ask for help,to be yourself,to know and love what youit takes a lot to breatheto touch, to feelthe slow revealof what another body needsit takes a lot to giveto ask for help, to be yourselfto know and love what youit takes a lot to breatheto touch, to feelthe slow revealof what another body needsit takes a lot to live,to ask for help,to be yourself,to know and love what youit takes a lot to breatheto touch, to feelthe slow revealof what another body needswhat are you so afraid to losewhat is it you"re thinkingthat will happen if you dowhat are you so afraid to losewhat is it you"re thinkingthat will happen if you dowhat are you so afraid to losewhat is it you"re thinkingthat will happen if you dowhat are you so afraid to losewhat is it you"re thinkingthat will happen if you do


bps缩写是bits per second,上面答案是错的还有不少人点了赞。。。是字节每秒的意思,换算成字符要除以8,所以100M bps的网理论速度是12.5Mb/s

one person’s actions on the well-being of a bystander.怎么翻译啊

one person"s actions on the well-being of a bystander. 个体行为对旁人的状态影响。a person engages in an activity that influences the well-being of a bystander and yet neither pays nor receives payment for that effect. 个人参加影响旁人状态的行为,而且既不用支付也不从结果中得到受益。就是这个well-being不好翻译 翻译得不对 和我联系哦 我可以重新改善 毕竟我对经济学知之有限 well-being[5welbIIN]adj.康乐, 安宁, 福利

9529056bits/sec 等于多少M bits/sec 与Bytes有什么区别

9529056bits/sec约为90.4Mbits/sec;  Bit意为“位”或“比特”,是计算机运算的基础,属于二进制的范筹;Byte意为“字节”,是计算机文件大小的基本计算单位;这两者应用的场合不同。通常用bit来作数据传输的单位,因为物理层,数据链路层的传输对于用户是透明的,而这种通信传输是基于二进制的传输。在应用层通常是用byte来作单位,表示文件的大小,在用户看来就是可见的数据大小。比如一个字符就是1byte,如果是汉字,则是2byte。下面是2个具体应用实例:Mbps=megabitspersecond(兆位/秒)是速率单位,MB=megabytes(兆比、兆字节)是量单位,1MB/S(兆字节/秒)=8MBPS(兆位/秒)。我们所说的硬盘容量是40GB、80GB、100GB,这里的B指是的Byte也就是“字节”。(与容量相关,应用层)1KB=1024bytes=2^10bytes1MB=1024KB=2^20bytes1GB=1024MB=2^30bytesUSB2.0标准接口传输速率是480兆位/秒,即480MBps。这里的B指是的Bit也就是“位”。(与传输相关,底层)注:另外,Byte通常简写为B(大写),而bit通常简写为b(小写)。

在32位微型计算机中,1Word=? Bytes=? bits

1Word=2Bytes=16 bits

请问 byte 与 bit 有什么区别?


9529056bits/sec 等于多少M bits/sec 与Bytes有什么区别

1byte = 8bit 网络流量一般用bytes/s 每秒字节数 1bits=8bytes bits/s=bytes/s是指网络传输的速度. K是千 M是兆 G是吉咖 T是太拉 8bit(


byte是字节,bits是位 一个字节占八位,两个是不同的单位







找首英文歌,歌词中好像有baby baby i love you,baby baby i need you...i need you...i want you...

应该是 Justin Bieber&Ludacris 的 baby

I Love You Baby是什么歌曲啊?

歌曲名:I Love You Baby 歌手:Paul Anka As I walk by the seaside As I walk through the grass I see little bluebirds Making love while I pass Bees are hummin" and they"re singin" everywhere Everyone"s in love Oh oh I love you baby, I love you so I need you honey, I"ll never let you go "Cause you"re the girl in my heart You"re the one I adore And I-I I love you As I walk by the schoolyard As I walk by the gate I see the weeping willow Where we kissed on every date And carved in the bark You"ll find an arrow and a heart And underneath it says Oh oh I love you baby, I love you so I need you honey, I"ll never let you go "Cause you"re the girl in my heart You"re the one I adore And I-I I love you As I walk to the corner And I pass the candy store I hear the very music That I once heard before Oh how you held me as the music softly played I was so in love Oh oh I love you baby, I love you so I need you honey, I"ll never let you go "Cause you"re the girl in my heart You"re the one I adore And I-I I love you I-I I love you I-I I love you

increased to和increased by的区别

increase to表示增长到如,The population has increased from 1.2milion to 1.8 milion.人口已从120万增长到了180万.increase by表示按多少增长如,The rate of inflation increased by 2%通货膨胀率增长了2%希望能帮到你哦

increased by和increased to的区别

一、意思不同 1.increase by意思:增长了 2.increase to意思:增加到 二、用法不同 1.increase by用法:用作及物动词接名词或代词作宾语。 2.increase to用法:后接副词或代词,在句中作主谓语。 三、侧重点不同 1.increase by侧重点:表示增加的具体数量。 2.increase to侧重点:指抽象的“增加”。 扩展资料 例句: OurturnoverhavebeIncreaseby&20000. 我们的.交易额增加了2000镑。 Thegovernmenthassaiditneedstoincreaserevenue. 印度政府曾表示,需要增加收入以弥补日渐上升的能源成本。

为什么kenneth edmonds叫babyface!?

摘自百科:“另外一提的是,“Babyface”这个别号,亦是在那期间内由另一位俄亥俄州的乐手Bootsy Collins,率先此别名来(称有着稚嫩面容的他),并自此一直沿用下来。”

increased to和increased by有什么区别呢

"increased to"和"increased by"都是表示增加或提高的意思,但是在用法上有些不同:"increased to"表示从一个初始值或数量增加到另一个具体的值或数量。例如, "The temperature increased to 30 degrees Celsius."(温度升高到摄氏30度。)"increased by"表示增加了一个特定的量或比例。例如,"The price of the product increased by 20%."(这个产品的价格增加了20%。)所以,可以总结一下:"increased to"后面跟的是目标值或数量,表示增加到一个具体的数值;"increased by"后面跟的是增加的量或比例,表示增加了多少。需要注意的是,在使用这两种表达方式时,要根据具体的语境和含义来选择使用哪种。

as will be demonstrated by

是非限定定语从句修饰 But the Nobel Foundation"s limit of three recipients per prize,each of whom must still be living,has long been outgrown by the collaborative nature of modern research这段话。as作为从句的主语,引导从句

ps3 暴雨的凶手我认为不是shelby而是norman jayden


Jennifer Lopez Baby I Love U (R. Kelly Remix) 的歌词连接

Baby I love you, You know I need you Gotta have you Can"t be without you It"s like downtown New York in the middle of traffic jams all I really want you to know is who I am find me low key in the back of a club or with some fine females rollin" on dubs you "n me big pimpin" on a shopping spree in LA paparazzis and critics don"t give a damn what they say I never knew I could feel the way I felt when I met you I can never forget you And boy when you look my way I realize more and more I adore your pretty eyes But what I wanna know from you is Do you wanna share my love"s bliss I long for the day when I"m feeling your kiss Can you (need you) love me for a lifetime but in just one night I"m helpless for you baby but it"s alright (In just one night, oh...) Chorus (JLo): Baby I love you (love you) Baby I need you (need you) I gotta have you (I gotta have you babe) Can"t be without you Baby I love you (love you) Baby I need you (need you) I gotta have you (I gotta have you babe) Can"t be without you (Boy...I got somethin" to say to you) Blessed and cursed on the day that I felt the power of you inside of me, it was strong and I loved it And there comes a time in our lives when things change it"s a brand new day (and baby I spend it with you...) But what I wanna know from you is Do you wanna share my love"s bliss I long for the day when I"m feeling your kiss Can you (need you) love me for a lifetime but in just one night I"m helpless for you baby but it"s alright (oh...) Baby I love you (love you) Baby I need you (need you) I gotta have you (I gotta have you babe) Can"t be without you Baby I love you (love you) Baby I need you (need you) I gotta have you (I gotta have you babe) Can"t be without you Baby I love you, You know I need you Gotta have you Can"t be without you It"s like downtown New York in the middle of traffic jams all I really want you to know is who I am find me low key in the back of a club or with some fine females rollin " on dubs you "n me big pimpin" on a shopping spree in LA paparazzis and critics don"t give a damn what they say Your red drop-top Bentley on somebody"s highway you"ll let me jump in some club, come on let"s valet got a little smoke, got a little drink sittin" in VIP got a little buzz on my hands up honeys feelin" me got that Cris sittin" on ice like a gangsta lean hands surroundin" them nice like security After party in the Ritz Carlton penthouse suite all my thugs "n me, breath smellin" like Hennessy gotta few friends flying in from San Diego It"s a surprise party for my homie JLo... Baby I love you (love you) Baby I need you (need you) I gotta have you (I gotta have you babe) Can"t be without you Baby I love you (love you) Baby I need you (need you) I gotta have you (I gotta have you babe) Can"t be without you Love you... I need you I gotta have you baby Baby I love you!


有一首英文歌 节奏感很强 适合跳街舞 有一句是give me your love,Give Me Your Love 歌名是什么

贾斯丁比伯的love me?

求歌词中有you tell me can you show me love baby...can you handle me女生唱的英文快歌歌名

你看是不是 Nothing in the world ! 这首歌我前天也刚找到.真是巧了!

有这句歌词tell me can you feel me show me your love baby,节奏很快的男的歌有谁知道歌名?

Love to be loved by you 德国natural乐队的marc terenzi歌词:I can′t believe I′m standing here Been waiting for so many years and Today I found the queen to reign my heart. You changed my life so patiently And turned into something good and real. I feel just like I felt in all my dreams. There are questions hard to answer, can′t you see... Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life? Show me how can I show you That I′m blinded by your light. When you touch me, I can touch you To find out the dream is true. I love to be loved by you You′re looking kinda scared right now, You"re waiting for the wedding vows, body But I don′t know if my tongue′s able to talk Your beauty is just blinding me, Like sunbeams on a summer stream, man, I gotta close my eyes to protect me Can you take my hand and lead me from here please? Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life? Show me how can I show you That I′m blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true. I love to be loved I need to be loved I love to be loved by you. I know they′re gonna say Our love′s not strong enough to last forever. And I know they′re gonna say that we′ll give up Because of heavy weather. But how can they understand That our love is just heaven-sent We keep on going on and on Cause this is where we both be long. Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life? Show me how can I show you That I′m blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true I love to be loved I need, yes I need to be loved I love to be loved by you. Yes, I love to be loved by you.

求首歌有句词是show me your love baby


一道初一英语题!The baby is only__ A.two-month-old B.two month C.two months old D.two month old


谁看过a world lit only by fire?麻烦说下简介,还有它的英文读后感,跪求~

内容均取自网络,保证符合题目要求,但不保证准确性以及质量。简介 ReviewIt speaks to the failure of medieval Europe, writes popular historian William Manchester, that "in the year 1500, after a thousand years of neglect, the roads built by the Romans were still the best on the continent." European powers were so absorbed in destroying each other and in suppressing peasant revolts and religious reform that they never quite got around to realizing the possibilities of contemporary innovations in public health, civil engineering, and other peaceful pursuits. Instead, they waged war in faraway lands, created and lost fortunes, and squandered millions of lives. For all the wastefulness of medieval societies, however, Manchester notes, the era created the foundation for the extraordinary creative explosion of the Renaissance. Drawing on a cast of characters numbering in the hundreds, Manchester does a solid job of reconstructing the medieval world, although some scholars may disagree with his interpretations.From Publishers WeeklyManchester"s marvelously vivid popular history humanizes the tumultuous span from the Dark Ages to the Renaissance. A one-week PW bestseller in cloth. Illustrations.英文读后感1(最好不要抄袭,因为内容取自网络,别人也可能读到)Author William Manchester recently passed away which has prompted me to re-read some of his books. One favorite is A World Lit Only by Fire : The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance - Portrait of an Age. Manchester is often accused of being a "popular" historian, more focused on narrative than getting his facts straight. To these detractors I say, phooey. Unlike many history books which are the world"s best cure for insomnia, A World Lit Only By Fire is highly readable, entertaining, and enlightening. Manchester paints a grimly realistic picture of what life was like in the middle ages including the stench, the violence, and the pervasive Roman Catholic Church. He shows the seeds and the blossoming of the Renaissance - the combination of technology (printing press), brilliant enlightened minds (such as Erasmus and DaVinci), and Papal funding that brought about a full scale shift in the consciousness of the Western world.The book is filled with colorful anecdotes describing the violence and punishments that were standard practice of the time.Some men, in their search for absolution, suffered almost unendurable ordeals. The notorious Count Fulk the Black of Anjou, who crimes were legendary, finally realized that his immortal soul was in peril and, while miserable in the throes of conscience, begged for divine mercy. Count Fulk had sinned for twenty years. Among other things he had murdered his wife, though this charge had been dropped on the strength of his unsupported word that he had found her rutting behind a barn with a goatherd......Shackled, he was condemned to a triple Jerusalem pilgrimage: across most of France and Savoy, over the Alps, through the Papal States, Carinthia, Hungary, Bosnia, mountainous Serbia, Bulgaria, Constantinople, and the length of mountainous Anatolia, then down through modern Syria and Jordan to the holy city. In irons, his feet bleeding, he made this round trip three times - 15,300 miles - and the last time he was dragged through the streets on a hurdle while two well-muscled men lashed his naked back with bullwhips.One of my favorite sections describes the complete moral degeneration of the Catholic popes, including the story of Lucrezia Borgia, daughter of Pople Alexander VI, who gave birth to his son. Manchester describes in detail how the selling of indulgences to fund Papal wars pushed Martin Luther over the edge and set off the Reformation. Many important characters of the time are explored including Erasmus, Thomas More, Henry VIII, Copernicus, and Martin Luther. A full quarter of the book is devoted to the story of Magellan and his voyage of circumnavigation. All this and the book is only 300 pages long. It"s an engaging introduction to that period of history.英文阅读感2This review is from: A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age (Paperback)Having enjoyed William Manchester"s works in the past, and being interested in the material supposedly covered in this book, I was prepared to enjoy A World Lit Only by Fire when I sat down with it. But, as much as I would have liked to, I couldn"t.Manchester states that he"s no expert on the period, and neither am I, but even I could see the glaring and seemingly endless number of factual errors throughout the book, not to mention the myths (such as that of "la belle Ferroniere" and Francis I) he presents as fact. The book isn"t really even about the Middle Ages, aside from twenty or so pages Manchester devotes to outlining that thousand years of European history. The majority of the book is dedicated to Renaissance and post-Renaissance Europe, and a sizable chunk of that is solely concerned with the career of Magellan.This would be acceptable, of course, if Manchester"s "history" wasn"t just a rehash of 19th (!) century clichés and stereotypes about the Middle Ages: that is, a Europe composed wholly of mud, blood, sex, torture and ridiculous superstition, utterly worthless and depraved. And although I"m certainly not a fan of the Catholic Church, Manchester"s endless cavalcade of largely unsubstantiated potshots at that institution is particularly annoying. If this book was someone"s sole source of information on the time period, they"d be excused for thinking that Europe from the fall of Rome to the rediscovery of Classical culture in the Renaissance was pretty much composed of people expiring from sexually transmitted diseases... when they weren"t poisoning popes and burning witches, that is.So, why two stars and not one? A World Lit Only by Fire may be tabloid history, but it could be considered a guilty pleasure if you keep in mind that it"s utter nonsense. The portion of the book dedicated to Magellan is also a cut above the rest. Given that the majority of readers will probably be utterly ignorant about this time period, though, it"s pretty irresponsible of Manchester to present a bunch of unrelated half-truths and myths as history. He says in his Author"s Note--along with various other veiled apologies--that he didn"t plan out the writing of this book in advance and it certainly shows.If you want to read about the time period covered in this book without sacrificing facts for readability (or vice versa), try A Distant Mirror by Barbara Tuchman, the appropriate volumes of The Story of Civilization by Will Durant (The Age of Faith, The Renaissance, and The Reformation) or The Civilization of the Middle Ages by Norman Cantor. They show that reading about this period can be both entertaining and informative, even if there isn"t a bloodthirsty, syphilitic twelve year-old bishop on every page.阅读感3This review is from: A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age (Paperback)William Manchester is Professor of History Emeritus at Wesleyan University in Connecticut. Over the years he has written many popular works on history; this is his contribution to the medieval period. Manchester"s particular interest and area of expertise is the life and accomplishments of Ferdinand Magellan. This book sets up the picture of Magellan"s world, beginning with the Dark Ages and moving to the beginning of the sixteenth century. He sees in Magellan a symbolic figure--the personification of the end of the medieval mind and the beginning of the modern age. The last major section of the book is about Magellan himself. After discussing the medieval mind in general, Manchester proceeds to show how their world progressed and then came to an end. He traces the major events in Europe over a five hundred-year period. He conceives of the medieval mind as being superstitious, subject to the authority of the church, and full of erroneous ideas. One notes throughout the book a pronounced dislike of religion, especially of Christianity and the institutional church. His sharpest barbs are reserved for popes and Protestant reformers. With the coming of the scientific age, he sees the intellectual demise of religion in general and Christianity in particular. Religion is relegated to ethical values and encouraging legends. It is disappointing to see how he ignores the fact that Christianity, and Protestant Christianity in particular, spurred the modern scientific method. Manchester admits that he depends almost exclusively on secondary sources. This is a major weakness of the book. While writing in my own field (Reformed theology) Manchester betrays an abysmal ignorance of Calvin"s ideas and positions and history, accepting the most common stereotypes. He gives a very unbalanced picture of Calvin, and I think of Luther as well. I would rate this book as two stars, except that his excellent discussion of Magellan"s life, adventures, and significance raises it up in my opinion to three stars. This book is written for a popular audience, and one can see while reading it that he is used to college students. He writes in a quick, racy style that is easy to read and often entertaining. He often writes about sexual topics, more often it seems than called for and giving more detailed information than necessary; but then maybe this was necessary in his lectures to keep his college students listening. 阅读感4This book is absolutely marvelous. While others may criticize Manchester for not being "scholarly" and sticking to movements and the generalities of medieval Europe, I say "Thank you!" We didn"t read this to be taught "and this king begat this king who begat this. . ." and all that rubbish. We didn"t read it to memorize "and this is the year which is considered the beginning of the --- period in . . ." We don"t care. We read it because we wanted to know some of the more interesting tidbits that one of the most fascinating periods in human history has to offer us. Thats what makes history intresting! Not the dates of certain reigns of certain monarchs, but what those monarchs actually did that our World History books back in tenth grade failed to mention, being deemed inappropriate for 15 year olds. I encountered this book in an AP European History course, and of the 17 members of the class, I can"t name a one that regretted taking time out of the summer before their senior year to read this book. Intresting books like this are what inspired me to become a history major, and I have no clue as to why anyone would want to go into History if all it was was boring dissertations and thesises having solely to do with what generally happened when. Without facets of history like the ones presented in this book, no one in there right mind would ever give a second thougt to the subject. Also, I myself am a Catholic but have the good sense to recognize the shortcomings of past leaders and their practices. To say that A World Lit Only by Fire is unfairly Anti-Catholic for airing some of the dirty laundry of Renaissance popes is comparable to saying that Schindler"s List is unfairly Anti-German for presenting them in an unfavorable light.

Ruby Murray的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:Ruby Murray专辑:When Irish Eyes Are Smiling/Irish... And Proud Of It(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作....p(^-^)qdanny boy 丹尼男孩The Choirboys(童声版)Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 噢!丹尼男孩,听笛声,笛声正在召唤From glen to glen and down the mountain side 在山谷间回荡,消失在山的另一边The summer"s gone and all the flowers are dying 夏天已经逝去,花儿开始枯萎Tis you tis you must go and I must bide 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待But come you back when summer"s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshine or in shadow 我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 噢!丹尼男孩,噢!丹尼男孩,我是多么爱你--苏格兰风笛--And if you come when all the flowers are dying 但是如果你在百花凋谢的时候回来And I am dead as dead I well may be 也许我已经死去,我会死得很安详I pray you"ll find the place where I am lying 我祈祷你会前来,找到我长眠之地And kneel and say an ave there for me 跪下来和我说你为我而在这里And I shall hear though soft you tread above me 我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be 我的坟墓将会更加温暖而甜蜜Then you will kneel and whisper that you love me 然后你跪下,在我耳边低声说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me 我将在平静中安息,直到你来我身边爱尔兰民歌-伦敦德里小调

inspired by life 还是inspired from life?

应是 inspired by life,这是被动语态,要用by,可以from. 例如:The equipment is invented by David.,2,应该有区别的,主要是在介词的使用上的,by 主要是指借助什么而来做什么的,而from是从什么中得到或者源于什么的。,2,用by,没有from这个用法, 回复楼上的 我查了牛 津,没from这个用法,牛 津里释义:to give *** .the idea for something,especially something artistic or shows imagination,赋予灵感,引起联想,启发思考eg:The choice of decor was inspired by a trip ...,1,个人觉得意思差不多, 有本诗歌集叫Poetry Inspired by Life; inspired from life也有这么用的,都是灵感来自生活的意思,1,inspired by life 还是inspired from life 如题,应该用哪个?如果意思有区别请指出来

inspired by life 还是inspired from life


inspired by放句首什么用法

先翻译吧: Inspired by his success,(或 Inspired by his story about his success,) I have decided to run an online shop. 过去分词直接放句首,短语做状(有说做主语补语) Be+过去分词放句首的用法还真没见过:因为短语中不能出现谓语动词.


Rooster Teeth Productions是一家位于美国的独立工作室,并运行着一家具有多个频道的视频网站。 其一直致力于真人影视作品、动画作品和机械电影作品。本作第一季vol.1首映前,由Oum和助理动画家Shane Newville主导制作了一系列四段,每段分别以其中一位主角为主题的宣传影片。每段影片均由一个角色的登场开始,并接着详细地演示了她们的动作场景:第一部RWBY - Red Trailer、第二部RWBY - White Trailer、第三部RWBY - Black Tralier以及第四部RWBY - Yellow Trailer。2013年7月18日(美国时间,中国7月19日)正式播出第一话,北美中部时区(UTC-6)每周四晚间7时(赞助者则提前2小时)在Rooster Teeth网站更新,《RWBY》片中内容与任何童话并不相关。第一季vol.2于美国时间2014年5月22日放出了片头动画,也就是《RWBY》第一季vol.2的OP视频。片头采用了由Jeff Williams制作、Casey Lee Williams演唱的《Time To Say Goodbye》一曲,在慷慨激昂的旋律中可看见四名少女与敌人奋战的场景,有了更精湛的动作、更丰富的画面和更多的人物,可以说有着明显的进步。同时,RoosterTeeth发布了四部制作日志(Production Diary)视频以进行宣传。视频中,制作组的成员向观众们介绍了他们的制作流程、在制作中遇到的困难、以及相较于第一季vol.1动画实现的突破。成员们也谈到了他们对于第一季vol.2动画的想法和展望。官方宣布vol.2没有角色预告片,但是于美国时间2014年7月4日在RTX 2014展会上放出了vol.2全剧情预告。2014年7月24日正式播出第一季vol.2的第一章。 第一季vol.3由于本剧创作者和导演Monty Oum于2015年2月1日因药物过敏去世,众多铁杆粉丝在哀悼的同时,也对未来《RWBY》的制作是否会就此坑掉表示忧虑。3月12日,本剧制作人Gray G.Haddock发布日记,说明了当前制作组的现状,并为广大观众打了一剂定心针:制作组已经开始筹备新一期作品的制作,剧本和技术部门也已经就绪。Kerry Shawcross和Miles Luna已准备好原稿的创作,Shane Newville已经制造了新的打斗镜头(例如Yang要好好教训一个需要教训的人)。 原主创Monty生前设计的世界观和未来将会延续下去,Ruby和她的朋友们也将继续冒险历程。 《RWBY》第一季vol.3已于纽约时间2015年10月8日在纽约国际动漫展独家首播 ,10月24日(中国10月25日)正式开播。 成形 RWBY的概念在开始扩展前于Oum的脑海中存在已久。在他为Rooster Teeth制作的第十季动画《Red vs. Blue》(红斗蓝)快要完结时,他发展了一套以颜色为角色命名、设计的方法,并为此系列的原点 。当时,Oum问了《Red vs. Blue》的创作者Burnie Burns可否在该季度完结后制作此RWBY系列。当时Burns出于对制作进度的忧虑,告诉Oum“如果你完成了第10季,那你想做什么都可以。”于是,RWBY的制作在《Red vs. Blue》第十季制作完结后立即展开,使得其首段预告在两星期内完成并在美国时间2012年11月5日于《Red vs. Blue》最终集片末credits后播放。Oum在中国台湾画师Eileen Chang(张雅婷)的帮助下设计了这些角色。一开初,这系列是由和他在Rooster Teeth的同事Miles Luna及Kerry Shawcross一起创作的。其角色应用设计启发自经典童话角色,而每个角色的首字母合起来组成了此系列的标题。本作的音乐是由此前亦为《Red vs Blue》第8-10季创作背景音乐的Jeff Williams负责作曲。起初Oum对于用一个男性为主的团队来制作一个以女性为主的故事有些担心,但认为团队成员在发展女性角色时做得颇好。《RWBY》在美国是一部风格极为特殊的动画。虽然运用了在美国极为常见的3DCG动画技术,人物设计风格却与日本动画相差无几。本作的制作成本虽然有限,但其天马行空、灵活流畅的动作戏依然获得了广泛地好评。一经放映,就在美国乃至世界动漫圈引起了广泛反响,在视频网站Youtube上的点击量超过4000万次。 首集于美国时间2013年7月5日在由Rooster Teeth举办的动漫、游戏、网络及计算机艺术展会Rooster Teeth Expo(RTX)2013中的一个panel中首播,并于美国时间7月18日开始网络放映。 播放 根据已故前导演Monty Oum的说法,《RWBY》预计将制作7~10季,第一季将分为3卷(volume)。 第一季vol.1 每一章长度都在10-14分钟,首章、季中章和末尾两章都不拆分,而其它集因为是完整章节的拆分,则会分为Part1、Part2,每个Part有4-6分钟长。首季vol.1一直放映到十一月第二周,然后收录成DVD、BD发售。 共有十章,网络放送版拆分为十六集,DVD、BD不拆分。 第一季vol.2 于美国时间2014年7月4日-6日,在德克萨斯州奥斯汀举行的RTX 2014中举行首映会。随后于美国时间2014年7月24日开始在网上发布,可在线观看。vol.2由12章组成,每章约12分钟。每周在网上发布的版本都是不拆分的完整版。在连续四周内每周发布一个完整章节,然后空闲一周,播放官方设定系列纪录片《RWBY:World of Remnant》(RWBY:树U000233b4子世界),再连续四周每周发布一个完整章节,以此类推。 第一季vol.3 于纽约时间2015年10月8日在纽约国际动漫展独家首映,在美国时间10月24日上午10点在官方网站上面向赞助者正式播出第1章,非赞助者则需推迟一天才能在官网上收看。在连续四周内每周六面向赞助者发布一个完整章节,周日正式公开,然后空闲一周。第3章因故延期发布。vol.3由12章组成,每章长度约12分钟左右。本卷播放期间,将插播4集《RWBY:树U000233b4子世界》。本卷于2016年2月14日完结。 第一季vol.1 Red Trailer RWBY预告片之“红”是Rooster Teeth Productions工作室在美国时间2012年11月5日公布的角色预告片。在这部预告片中可见手持巨大枪镰新月玫瑰(Crescent Rose)的战斗少女Ruby,在空旷无垠的雪地上,与贝奥狼们(Beowolves)展开了一场血腥的厮杀。预告片色彩浓郁、造型优美、动作流畅,很快便以其独树一帜而酣畅淋漓的暴力美学吸引了大批观众。这是RWBY的最早预告片,也是少女Ruby初次正式登场。 White Trailer RWBY预告片之“白”是Rooster Teeth工作室在2013年2月14日推出的第二部RWBY角色预告片。预告片采用了双线叙事,主线与支线穿插描述,同时描绘了女主角Weiss Schnee在舞台上演唱《Mirror Mirror》与在月光照耀的教堂中同手持重剑的铁骑士战斗这两个场景。Weiss大量借鉴了花样滑冰和舞蹈的战斗动作以及利用魔法辅助攻击的作战方式,让人体会到了另一种更为精致优雅的战斗风格。 Black Trailer RWBY预告片之“黑”是Rooster Teeth工作室在2013年3月22日于PAX East中的一个panel中公开推出的第三部RWBY角色预告片。本部预告片中首次出现了两名主角互相配合战斗并包含配音对白的场景。在“黑”的宣传片首映后,Oum指出他对前两段影片较短的时长和较少角色发展感到后侮。预告片描述了Adam和Blake劫取或毁灭火车上某一物品的行动,在经历了与数量众多的机械警卫(AK-130)及一台不朽大和的战斗后,Blake选择了离开Adam。 Yellow Trailer RWBY预告片之“黄”是RWBY系列在美国时间2013年6月1日于RoosterTeeth的A-Kon panel上播放的第四部角色预告片。本部预告片中,Yang只身前往一家酒吧向Junior打探情报。在对Junior进行过“残酷”的审讯后,Yang在夜总会中大打出手,先后战胜了空头帮众打手、Militia和Melanie两姐妹以及Junior(黑熊),并在片尾与女主角Ruby相遇,预示着正片的开幕。另外在正片中第一位出场的反派Roman也在本片中出现。第一季vol.2美国时间2014年7月4日至6日,Rooster Teeth动画工作室在得克萨斯州自行主办的为期三天的游戏、网络及计算机艺术展览会RTX 2014活动中的一个panel上,正式公布了《RWBY》第一季vol.2的唯一预告片。在预告片中可见有新角色登场,在最初的四部宣传预告片中出现的反派角色也将再度现身,剧情发展将愈来愈紧凑,而除了校园生活的描写,更多的动作场景也值得期待。同时,官方也正式宣布与全球最大的影视娱乐制作公司华纳兄弟公司达成了一项协议。华纳兄弟旗下日本娱乐公司Home Entertainment Japan已收购《RWBY》在日本的播放权,Rooster Teeth将与日本华纳兄弟(Warner Bros. Japan)合作发布正式的《RWBY》日语配音版 ,于2015年11月14日在日本上映,同年12月9日以蓝光光碟和DVD形式出品第一卷(收录美版1-10话)。 对此,本剧已故前导演Oum骄傲地表示:“这是日本进口的首部美国制作的Anime(日式动画)。” 第一季vol.3美国时间2015年10月15日,Rooster Teeth动画工作室在其官网上正式放出了第三卷的OP。片头采用了Casey Lee Williams演唱的《WhenIt Falls》。在OP中可见在预告片之“黑”篇中出场的Adam将在本卷以反派的身份正式回归,SSSN队也将全体亮相,Ruby和Yang姐妹的家族秘辛会被揭晓,Weiss的姐姐Winter也将登场。而在信标学院里即将发生的猎人与戮兽的大战也令人期待。 美国时间2015年10月22日凌晨,Rooster Teeth动画工作室正式发布了vol.3的预告片,并于次日上传至YouTube。在预告中可见更多的猎人小队将亮相维特节比武大会,更多精彩的打斗场面也将在本卷出现。

《You Are Not Alone 》和《Bye Bye》的歌词及中文意思

you are not alone Another day has gone 又一日过往 I"m still all alone 我依然孤单 How could this be 怎会如此?You"re not here with me 你不在我的身边 You never said goodbye 你从不说再见 Someone tell me why 谁能告诉我因缘 Did you have to go 你真得走吗? And leave my world so cold 我的世界一片凄凉 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 "Lone, "lone 孤单啊孤单 Why, "lone 为什么 孤单 Just the other night 几天前的晚上 I thought I heard you cry 我想我听到了你哭泣 Asking me to come 呼唤我的到来 And hold you in my arms 紧拥你在怀间 I can hear your prayers 我听到了你的祈愿 Your burdens I will bear 我愿肩承你的负担 But first I need your hand 但先得执子之手 Then forever can begin 方能偕老白头 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 Whisper three words 说出那三个字(我爱你) and I"ll come runnin" 我将飞奔而来 And girl you know that I"ll be there 情人啊,我会常在你身边 I"ll be there 常在你身边 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 bye bye This is for my peoples who just lost somebody 这首歌献给那些刚刚失去某人的人 Ya best friend ya baby 你最好的朋友、你的宝贝 Ya man or ya lady 你的男人或者你的女人 Put ya hand way up high 高高举起你的双手 We will never say bye 我们永远不会说再见 Mamas daddys sisters brothers 妈妈爸爸兄弟姐妹 Friends and cousins 朋友和堂(表)兄弟姐妹 This is for my peoples who lost their grandmothers 这首歌献给那些失去祖母的人 Lift ya head to the sky 抬起头仰望天空 Cause we will never say bye 因为我们永远不会说再见 As a child there were them times 孩提时,有他们相伴的时光 I didn"t get it but you kept me in line 我还不懂事,但你将我紧紧记在脑海里 I didn"t know why you didn"t show up sometimes 我不知道为什么有些时候你不在 On Sunday mornings and I missed you 星期日的早上我十分想念你 But I"m glad we talked through 但我很开心我们谈了许多 All them grown folk things 他们都长成了普通人 Separation brings 带来了分离 You never let me know it 你从不让我知道这些 You never let it show because 你从不让他在我眼前出现 You loved me and obviously 因为你很爱我 There"s so much more left to say 还有好多话想说 If you were with me today 你今天仍和我同在 Face to face 面对面的 Never knew I could hurt like this 从没想过我会如此痛苦 And everyday life goes on I 每天生活都继续着 Wish I could talk to you for a while 我希望我能和你聊一会儿 Miss you but I try not to cry 我好想念你但是我努力不让自己哭泣 As time goes by 时间流逝 And it"s true that you"ve Reached a better place 事实上,你已经到了一个更加美好的地方 Still I"d give the world 然而我来到这个世界上 To see your face (bye) 看见你的脸庞 And be right here next to you (bye) 就在你的身边 But it"s like you"re gone too soon (bye) 但似乎你离开的太快了 Now the hardest thing to do 现在最难受的事情 Is say bye bye 是和你说再见 Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye And you never got a chance 你没有机会 To see how good I done 来看我做的有多么棒 And you never got to see me 你从没有看到我 Back at number one 重新成为第一 I wish that you were here 我希望你能在这儿 To celebrate together 和我一起庆祝 I wish that we could spend 我希望我们能一起度过 The holidays together 整个假期 I remember when you used to 我记得你曾经 Tuck me in at night 在夜晚给我塞好被子 With the teddy bear you gave me 你给我的小熊 That I held so tight 我紧紧抱在怀里 I thought you were so strong 我曾以为你很强大 You"d make it through whatever 你克服了很多困难 It"s so hard to accept the fact You"re gone forever 很难接受你永远离开的现实 Never knew I could hurt like this 从没想过我会如此痛苦 And everyday life goes on I 每天生活都继续着 Wish I could talk to you for a while 我希望我能和你聊一会儿 Miss you but I try not to cry 我好想念你但是我努力不让自己哭泣 As time goes by 时间流逝 And it"s true that you"ve Reached a better place 事实上,你已经到了一个更加美好的地方 Still I"d give the world 然而我来到这个世界上 To see your face (bye) 看见你的脸庞 And be right here next to you (bye) 就在你的身边 But it"s like you"re gone too soon (bye) 但似乎你离开的太快了 Now the hardest thing to do 现在最难受的事情 Is say bye bye 是和你说再见 Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye This is for my peoples who just lost somebody 这首歌献给那些刚刚失去某人的人 Ya best friend ya baby 你最好的朋友、你的宝贝 Ya man or ya lady 你的男人或者你的女人 Put ya hand way up high 高高举起你的双手 We will never say bye 我们永远不会说再见 Mamas daddys sisters brothers 妈妈爸爸兄弟姐妹 Friends and cousins 朋友和堂(表)兄弟姐妹 This is for my peoples who lost their grandmothers 这首歌献给那些失去祖母的人 Lift ya head to the sky 抬起头仰望天空 Cause we will never say bye 因为我们永远不会说再见 Never knew I could hurt like this 从没想过我会如此痛苦 And everyday life goes on I 每天生活都继续着 Wish I could talk to you for a while 我希望我能和你聊一会儿 Miss you but I try not to cry 我好想念你但是我努力不让自己哭泣 As time goes by 时间流逝 And it"s true that you"ve Reached a better place 事实上,你已经到了一个更加美好的地方 Still I"d give the world 然而我来到这个世界上 To see your face (bye) 看见你的脸庞 And be right here next to you (bye) 就在你的身边 But it"s like you"re gone too soon (bye) 但似乎你离开的太快了 Now the hardest thing to do 现在最难受的事情 Is say bye bye 是和你说再见

迈克尔杰克逊是不是有首歌里有句歌词是“you never say goodbye "

you are not alone - michael jackson another day has gone i"m still all alone how could this be you"re not here with me you never say goodbye someone tell me why did you have to go leave my world so cold everyday i sit and ask myself how did love slip away something whispers in my ear and says that you are not alone for i am here with you though you"re far away i am here to stay you are not alone for i am here with you though we"re far apart you"re always in my heart you are not alone lone lone why,lone just the other night i thought i heard you cry asking me to come and hold you in my arms i can hear your prayers your burdens i will bear but first i need your hand then forever can begin everyday i sit and ask myself how did love slip away something whispers in my ear and says that you are not alone for i am here with you though you"re far away I am here to stay you are not alone i am here with you though we"re far apart you"re always in my heart for you are not alone oh... whisper three words and i"ll come running fly... and girl you know that i"ll be there i"ll be there you are not alone i am here with you though you"re far away i am here to stay you are not alone i am here with you though we"re far apart you"re always in my heart you are not alone(you are not alone) for i am here with you(i am here with you) though you"re far away(though you"re far away) i am here to stay you are not alone you"re always in my heart i am here with you heart.....though we"re far apart heart..... always say my heart for you are not alone not alone oh..... you are not alone you are not alone say again you are not alone you are not alone not alone, not alone you just reach for me girl in the morning in the evening not alone, not alone you and me, not alone oh, together, together...

求英语帝翻译下歌词,tobymac的get back up中文歌词,有内容


Unstructured by Clarks是什么意思?


求moby《slipping away》歌词中文 翻译


格雷森蔡斯的 slipping away 的歌词,不是moby 的。

"Cause it only breaks my heart,to see you goin through thisto see you goin through thisand there"s nothing that I can doand it only breaks my Heart,you don"t hava do thisI"v got nothing to hold on to"Cause you keep slipping away,a little bit more everyday nowfeels like I"m running in placeyou keep slipping away awayjust when I get you alone itFeels like I"m on my own likethe tears running down on you****ceyou keep slipping away away,you keep slipping awayAnd it only makes me sadI think we almost made it,girl we almost made itYou know as well as Iand I take you in my arms,pull you close to me butEvery time I tryYou keep slipping awaya little bit more every day nowfeels like I"m running in placeyou keep slipping away awayjust when I get you alone itFeels like I"m on my own likethe tears running down on your faceyou keep slipping away awayyou keep slipping awayShould I give up? should I let go?my mind says yes but my heart says no,My heart says no, my heart says no"Cause you keep slipping away,a little bit more everyday nowfeels like I"m running in placeyou keep slipping away awaycause you keep slippingAway (oooh you you)"Cause you keep slipping away,a little bit more everyday nowfeels like I"m running in placeyou keep slipping away awayjust when I get you alone,Feels like I"m on my own likethe tears running down on your face youkeep slipping away awayyou keep slipping away (you keep slipping away)

WARNING: Device for PV XXXX not found or rejected by a filter

vgreduce - Remove physical volume(s) from a volume group --removemissing Removes all missing PVs from the VG, if there are no LVs allocated on them. This resumes normal operation of the VG (new LVs may again be created, changed and so on). If this is not possible because LVs are referencing the missing PVs, this option can be combined with --force to have the command remove any partial LVs. In this case, any LVs and dependent snapshots that were partly on the missing disks are removed completely, including those parts on disks that are still present. If LVs spanned several disks, including ones that are lost, salvaging some data first may be possible by activating LVs in partial mode. 从VG中删除所有丢失的pv(如果没有在这些pv上分配lv)。这将恢复VG的正常操作(可能会再次创建、更改新的lv等等)。如果由于lv引用了丢失的pv而无法执行此操作,则可以将此选项与--force结合使用,以使命令删除任何部分lv。在这种情况下,部分位于缺失磁盘上的所有lv和从属快照都将被完全删除,包括磁盘上仍然存在的那些部分。如果lv跨越多个磁盘,包括丢失的磁盘,则可以通过在部分模式下激活LVs来先恢复一些数据。 vgreduce --removemissing VG

谁了解S by STELLA鞋子,介绍下呗

S by STELLA的鞋子款式特别多,平底鞋、高跟鞋,还有绑带高跟凉鞋一应俱全

大家觉得s by STELLA这个品牌怎么样?

北京上海广州深圳武汉长沙南昌中山柳州成都等各大商场都有线下专卖店哦 跟Stella Luna 是隶属同一家公司同一设计师品牌哦 来自美国纽约 也有天猫旗舰店呢



Spellbound by emily Bronte 请教释义 以及原由。 谢谢!





  凯蒂·卡西迪KatieCassidy  凯蒂·卡西迪是70十年代的流行偶像、演员和歌手大卫·卡西迪的私生女,现在同母亲、继父以及两个姐姐一起生活在美国加州,和生父之间的关系也很亲密。凯蒂曾是一个专业拉拉队比赛队伍的成员,对表演、唱歌和舞蹈都很感兴趣。尽管没能得到父亲的支持,她和一家唱片公司签约并翻唱了父亲的代表曲“IThinkILoveYou”,宣传期间她遇到了曾经和现在的男友、男孩组合DreamStreet的两位成员GregRaposo和杰西·麦卡尼。  经过了乐坛一番并不成功的闯荡之后凯蒂·卡西迪转向了模特界,不久得到了电视剧《七重天》和《性、爱和谎言》以及恐怖影片《来电惊魂》的客串角色,并在06年底上映的另一部恐怖片《绝命圣诞夜》中首次担任主角,07年出演了《人生遥控器》中亚当·桑德勒角色的女儿,还同连姆·尼森、玛姬·格蕾斯一起拍摄了动作片《劫持》,更重要的是她在美剧《邪恶力量》中扮演性感美貌的女恶魔猎Ruby,得到很多人的喜爱。最新凯蒂·卡西迪被挑中在改编自经典电视剧的大银幕版《朱门恩怨》中出演重要角色,这将会帮助她的表演事业实现质的突破。  参与电影电视作品介绍:  BubblegumBabylon  TheLost  神奇遥控器Click  WalktheTalk  陌生来电/惊呼狂叫WhenaStrangerCalls  YouAreHere  BlackChristmas  邪恶力量Supernatural

six hot japanese girls in bikinis get fingered by one lucky guy是什么意思

six hot japanese girls in bikinis get fingered by one lucky guy 六热的日本女孩在Bikinis夜店被一个幸运的家伙语法点是by作为介词使用,意为“被,由”1.表时间:意为:到.时候为止We"ll have finished the work by ten o"clock.2.表交通方式:意为:乘坐某种交通工具He came here by sea/ plane/bus.3.表方位:在.附近We often go out for a walk by the river.4.表方式用某种抽象的方式You can learn English well by doing more listening,reading.5.觉得有用就给个最佳,欢迎来问.


Bobby:波比 Sam:山姆

Bobby和B.I的cp为什么叫Double B?双B可以理解Double B是为什么- -

Double就是双的意思啊 所以double B就是双B的




cream 非常完美 beautiful 这些是自作曲climax; wait for me 和b team的合唱go l4l 纽带 bounce 这些是smtm个人单曲


同学,很高兴回答你的问题可以参考下面:Sam:Where do you have breakfast?Kate:I have breakfast at school.And you?Sam:At home.What do you have for breakfast?Kate:I have hamburgers for breakfast.And you?Sam:I have eggs and milk for breakfast.Kate:Where do you have lunch?Sam:I have lunch at school.And you?Kate:At home.What do you have for lunch?Sam:I have rice and chicken for lunch.And you?Kate:I have rice and meat for lunch.Sam:Where do you have dinner?Kate:I have dinner at home.How about you?Sam:Me too.What do you have for dinner?Kate:I have dumplings for dinner.How about you?Sam:I have noodles for dinner.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^不明白请继续追问,^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Yeah It*s that remix right heremy name is bobbyIf you didn*t know now you know homeboi leggo holdu holdu let*s go诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里turn up诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里turn up诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里turn up诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里turn up诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里turn up没一帮 马他 hustle哦里 那 接 都那搜些 留噶 克搜 多哦又 些么 克切 哦搜诺娃 那一 又gi moneyhi 怕 end of the storyCan*t nobody spend it like me那能 hi怕 马苏 woah怕怕 特能 怕恰 所gi克gi哇 陪gi拉 苏五给能 忙他内 恰哦 他家怕恰 弄内 哈桑内嫩 money恰狼的累 内 gi了能 胖桑内内切 啊jong一 啊句给 恰 怕诺 忙够 奴噶 五特 外几够 哦够 几 木能 外古gi 劳洞家噶为 够 卡够 为 哟西米几B.I ZICO MINOP.O 吧够 他 比口诺能 内噶 会波西噶 他咯money 能 克苏 卡搜 黑几够 一搜比哦 马能 额几 内森特了rap 额 够sei 陪搜能 西giu马呀 啊 几里他莫 几额 汤恰 内 bobby 西波诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里Turn up诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里Turn up诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里Turn up诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里Turn up诺哇 那也 又gi够里一够 五里 阿唉 苏里Turn upIt ain*y over yet内忙的路 西普累那 一接那 hiphopUnder ground 普西 当为普及 内gi哇 几桑那 吧gi 木 哈吉爱豆 一能 亲家哟 哈 够 哪里 那内Hater 得 的 皮 怕大为 帮心都 哦不搜那 wi爱共就撒 噶大 波里 古丽够 一口那 莫啊I don*t giva thing about ur去森 牛古啊 一冷gi冷 噶就哇 不 不 球他 噶kin为冷撒 他 地洗我波能 诺内 西留 内 撒一路 gi爱比爱 马额 诺内累 比mion米内 噶 哄西 内 哈西额 够他那 他额路 五头额 就下头 波能 内 木苏 诺咯吧韩苏噶 几土了 气特 木 诺口卡就 忙 噶能 内 木波里马能 撒蓝恩 啊陪搜 内 木苏里一咯克 内 噶梦 里那够 mion色 那 莫拉多多多恰 rap money诺内恩 哈吉恩 莫哦所Boy group 内陪恩 木特意 那所西感 穷穷够 一内额几mion 哟搜 陪yo hold up DJ hold up洞 大为 皮哦 哦搜我 恰皮 那哦够西里 破哟就搜 大搜恰送 为啊 吧哦留爱豆 一拉能 他特莫克 口古 所多多 他给 动 波罗所ong马 马那 苏 一搜几根 多咯 都 得木 内hi多咯内 五里 几内噶 几啊诺 一冷 求龙一接 bob by 几I started from the bottom一接 几 几恩 恰累多罗就能 桑换哦搜哭酿 show me the moneyHey DJ kick that thing let*s goI*m back on the microphone几根 马特 恩 一track 额路 吧波球莫度 波能 一 嫩 古给 弄pio所能 诺pio够能Say hiphop heyI*m back on the microphone几根 马特 恩 一track 额路 吧波球莫度 波能 一 嫩 古给 弄pio所能 诺pio够能Say hiphop hey


你好!hello bobby你好,鲍比







bobby’s turn是什么意思



鲍勃迪伦 solo,韩国有个rapper叫bobby,最近发了solo...

fox 和Bobby中o发音一样吗?

对 一样的⋯⋯




Bobby第七季时外遇前女友, 跟Lindsay间发生了不少矛盾, 后来离婚也离开了Lawfirm, 后来就是在第八季时回来交代下结局~    第八季时很多人都没有交代, 其中Helen不见了, Lindsay跟她的助手也离开了, Lucy(reception女孩)也离开了, 在最后两集时回来交代了下; 网上流传是因为预算问题.    到最后几乎为每个成员安排圆满结局, 只是不知道我亲爱的Lindsay跟Helen的结局~~有种虎头蛇尾的感觉, 唉! 只是第八季出了个副产品 - Allan Shore, 演变成后来的B.L.




我觉得你如果是个女孩叫博比(Bobby)好是个男孩叫鲍博(Bob) 原因就是比较时尚:国外好多人都爱取这样的名字!





急求Bobby Tinsley的详细资料和他好听的抒情歌!!!

  姓名:BobbyTinsley  音乐流派:R&B/Soul  年仅22岁的BobbyTinsley,曾出过一张专辑《Page1》和4首单曲,他的歌应该是近年才在网络上开始流行的,总体上说风格属于慢版R&B,曲风很接近BoyzIIMan和BrianMcknight,但BobbyTinsley的曲风确更偏温和,在加上他轻厚的声音,就像在享受冬日的阳光。懒懒散散,更难能可贵的是他还是位白人,白人的R&B很多,但能和黑人相媲美的毕竟较少,如果你喜欢R&B,特别是抒情R&B的话就不要错过这样一位有着好声音的歌手。  这张专辑收录了《I"mmissingyou》和其他的几支单曲,共17首歌。延续了上张专辑的风格,干净、宁和,让人的心情舒缓,当然节奏上也不会弱。如果你喜欢抒情R&B,但还没听过BobbyTinsley的话,推荐听下他的《I"mmissingyou》,相信你会喜欢上他的声音。






这是Bobby的家. This is Bobby"s home.






您好!Holup! - Bobby[韩] 词:BOBBY 曲:Shockbit&BOBBY 编曲:Shockbit 그냥 서있어도 간지가 펄펄 只是站着气质就已无敌 그 위압감은 몬스터 트럭 너넨 봉고 那压迫感是怪物卡车 你们是BONGO 무대 위를 conquered 征服舞台 날아다녀 bomber 飞来飞去的投弹手 나 앞질러가 번개 you all can"t even be thunder 我抢先闪电一步 你不可能比我快 심어놨지 범벅 到处都已安放完毕 하룻개의 정서 初生牛犊的情绪 색안경들 꼈던 것들의 삐뚤어진 코뼈 带着有色眼镜的扭曲鼻梁 맨 위에서 turn up 在顶端表演 나밖에 못해 폭격 除了我谁都做不了 轰炸 날 따라 하려다 想要模仿我 너넨 다 똥 묻히고 엉엉 却粘了一身屎 Welcome to my palace 欢迎来到我的宫殿 딴 놈들 하지 jealous 别的家伙才会嫉妒 이상한 곳에 데려가 줄게 带你到仙境 You all be my alice 你是我的爱丽丝 이 비트는 alcohol 这个节奏是酒精 나는 랩 성룡 我是说Rap的成龙 무대 위의 꽐라 沉醉在舞台之上 느낀다면 follow 若是感受到就跟上我 친구 불러 모아 오늘 붐벼 밤새 召唤朋友 今天蜂拥在一起熬夜 휴지 뿌린 놈은 퇴장할게 강제 乱撒卫生纸的家伙 强制退场 지금 내 기분은 완전 쳤어 high에 此刻我的心情无比高涨 떨어지면 order up a hundred 샴페인 若从高处落下 预定100支香槟 친구 불러 모아 오늘 붐벼 밤새 召唤朋友 今天蜂拥在一起熬夜 호루라기 부는 놈은 퇴장 강제 吹哨子的家伙 强制退场 지금 내 기분은 완전 쳤어 high에 此刻我的心情无比高涨 떨어지면 order up a hundred 샴페인다 若从高处落下 预定100支香槟 뻗어 let"s go 张开 开始吧 그냥 뻗어 let"s go 张开吧 开始吧 꽐랄랄랄랄랄라 沉醉吧 다 뻗어 let"s go 全都张开 开始吧 꽐랄랄랄랄랄라 沉醉吧 그냥 뻗어 let"s go 张开吧 开始吧 이건 내 목소리 정적과 극의 극 되지 这跟我声音的沉默 成为极与极 한 마리 걔 一只疯狗 세가 무대 위 짖어 열정과 패기 在舞台上狂吠的热情与魄力 정신 나간 하룻개 야성 내 몸을 쟁취 疯狂的初生牛犊 野心占据了我的身体 Holy I love it baby shake fat a dance on me 我爱的亲爱的和我一起跳舞吧 랩할 땐 만취 기분이 비행기 옆에 说Rap的时候沉醉无比 心情就像在飞机边上 정신을 잃음 본능이 챙기면 돼 丢掉了神智 带好本能就行 BOBBY 빼고는 무대나 비트 위 除了Bobby 在舞台和节奏上 관중 앞에서의 꽐라 간지를 在观众面前的沉醉 감히 간섭 못해 谁都不能干涉我的气质 I feel like I"m Michael when I"m up on the stage 当我在台上我觉得我是Michael 공기 위의 legend 달 위에서 walking all day 空气上的传说 在月亮之上整日漫步 Man 남자면 첫 시작 포지션이 정상위 若是男人的话 第一个开始 体位是男上位 쯤 돼야 뭐를 하지 느낀다면 follow me 时机到了要做点什么 感受到的话就跟上我 친구 불러 모아 오늘 붐벼 밤새 召唤朋友 今天蜂拥在一起熬夜 휴지 뿌린 놈은 퇴장할게 강제 乱撒卫生纸的家伙 强制退场 지금 내 기분은 완전 쳤어 high에 此刻我的心情无比高涨 떨어지면 order up a hundred 샴페인 若从高处落下 预定100支香槟 친구 불러 모아 오늘 붐벼 밤새 召唤朋友 今天蜂拥在一起熬夜 호루라기 부는 놈은 퇴장 강제 吹哨子的家伙 强制场 지금 내 기분은 완전 쳤어 high에 此刻我的心情无比高涨 떨어지면 order up a hundred 샴페인 若从高处落下 预定100支香槟 다 뻗어 let"s go 全都张开 开始吧 그냥 뻗어 let"s go 张开吧 开始吧 꽐랄랄랄랄랄라 沉醉吧 다 뻗어 let"s go 全都张开 开始吧 꽐랄랄랄랄랄라 沉醉吧 그냥 뻗어 let"s go 张开吧 开始吧 나 오늘 집에 갈 땐 대리 불러줘 今天回家的时候 帮我叫个代理 이 밤의 끝에 뭐가 있긴 뭐 있어 今晚的尽头还能有什么 나 오늘 집에 갈 땐 대리 불러줘 今天回家的时候 帮我叫个代理 이 밤의 끝에 뭐가 있긴 뭐 있어 今晚的尽头还能有什么 다 뻗어 let"s go 全都张开 开始吧 그냥 뻗어 let"s go 张开吧 开始吧 꽐랄랄랄랄랄라 沉醉吧 다 뻗어 let"s go 全都张开 开始吧 꽐랄랄랄랄랄라 沉醉吧 그냥 뻗어 let"s go 张开吧 开始吧





读音是:英['bu0252bi]单词是:bobby释义:n.警察n.(Bobby)人名;(英)博比[复数:bobbies]短语:Bobby Brown鲍比·布朗;鲍比;巴比布朗;鲍比布朗用作英文名:Bobby中文音译:鲍比其他音译:波比名字性别:男孩英文名来源语种:英语名字寓意:著名的,厚道,老实,注重安全名字印象:热心而聪明,直觉很准。独立,自信。思想有深度。喜欢对新的思想提出疑问。适合做个领导者。虽然有时出于好意,但往往由于过于坦白而束缚了友谊。情侣英文名:情侣男名:Bobby鲍比情侣女名:Lucy露茜配对理由:Bobby和Lucy取自影片《浪荡子》中的情侣角色,适合情侣专用。影片信息:片名《浪荡子》,英文名:《Loosies》,2011年上映。主要演员:Bobby鲍比,由PeterFacinelli彼得·费辛利饰演。Lucy露茜,由JaimieAlexander杰米·亚历山大饰演。


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