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i know this time we gotta say good-bye   这是最perfect 的摊牌   情歌开心唱到最後一拍  要恢复得很快   寃海洋勇敢的澎湃   一个人自由自在  就算离开时带走小小的伤痛   过不了太久一定自动的発合  詏定我的闹钟   响起的那分钟   心情亮的要世界暖烘烘  godadido......he  good-bye   you know this time we gotta say good-bye  谁叫爱情忘了等待  一瞬间走的太快  good-bye   you know this time we gotta say good-bye  别把明天锁在閠外   陪昨天聊个天聊到发呆  要保持好状慴   给自己最好的交代   眼睛也骄傲起来  good-bye  you know this time we gotta say good-bye  未来渐渐靠了过来   由不得我们任青春空白  制作:喜之郎

good bye可不可以分开写

不可以要分开也要用“-” 也就是 good-bye

歌词里有离开GOOD BYE是什么歌?


《Good Bye》的中文歌词是什么啊

Good-bye Baby, Good-bye(min)学会用快乐慢慢 把寂寞替代爱不该还有   加时比赛就让彼此的心开始释怀Baby Good-bye, Good-bye(jia)我不是你想的那个女孩如果不想继续爱就别一直猜其实在心里早就已经 全明白可我还甩不掉你的依赖(fei)「离开 你也许就是现在」不用太意外 「要把 你清理出我脑海」对你不再有期待Good-bye Baby, Good-bye(min)学会用快乐慢慢 把寂寞替代爱不该还有   加时比赛就让彼此的心开始释怀Good-bye Baby, Good-bye(suzy)该转身选择离开消失在这人海所有的辩解 没了色彩因为爱走了就再回不来Baby Good-bye, Good-bye(jia)思念已经充满太多无奈伤口渐渐愈合就别再掀开曾遇见你是一场最美 的意外现在爱散落在多远的未来(fei)「太精 彩你徒劳的对白」真让我意外「想让 我再次重新倒带」眼泪是最后感慨*repeat chorus(jia)时间一声声一声声散落在不同彼此的未来信任也一点点一点点全被你放逐到千里之外不要装作可以置身事外一次次不断给我伤害以为我永远不会离开HA JI MA no 要对你说bye bye(fei)「太精 彩你徒劳的对白」真让我意外「想让 我再次重新倒带」眼泪是最后感慨*repeat chorus中文的



good bye是什麼意思?

是当人们彼此要分开的时候 一种用英语道别的方式, 它表示了说话双方的友好, 同时也寄托这对对方的一种依依不舍


Pack up all my care and woe,收拾我的所有关心和疾苦,Here I go,我就要走了Singing low, 低声吟唱Bye bye blackbird,再见黑鸟Where somebody waits for me,到有人等我的地方Sugar"s sweet, so is she,糖很甜,她也一样Bye bye 再见Blackbird!黑鸟No one here can love or understand me,这里没有人爱我,理解我Oh, what hard luck stories they all hand me,噢,他们给我讲了一个悲哀的故事Make my bed and light the light,铺好床,点亮灯I"ll be home late tonight,今晚晚一些我就会回家了Blackbird bye bye.再见,黑鸟Pack up all my care and woe,收拾我的所有关心和疾苦, Here I go,我就要走了Singing low, 低声吟唱Bye (bye) bye (bye) blackbird.再见,再见 黑鸟(tchoo tchoo tchoo tchoo tchoo tchoo)Where somebody waits for me,去有人等我的地方Sugar"s sweet, so is she,糖很甜,她也一样Bye (bye) bye (bye) blackbird.再见,再见 黑鸟(tchoo tchoo tchoo tchoo tchoo tchoo)No one here can love or understand me,没有人能爱我,理解我Oh, what hard luck stories they all hand me,噢,他们给我讲了一个悲哀的故事(Oh oh oh oh)Make my bed, light that light,铺好床,点亮灯I"ll be home late tonight,今晚晚一些我就会回家了Blackbird黑鸟Make my bed and light the light,铺好床然后点亮灯I"ll be home late tonight,今晚晚些我就会到家了Leave you bird jet in the sky把你飞翔过的痕迹留在空中Toodle oo!Farewell!告别!Bye bye!再见!Blackbird 黑鸟(Blackbird,Blackbird)We"ll take the flying little blackbird bye! 我们来和这只飞翔的小鸟说再见

good bye是什麼意思?



He went to mr. perkins to bid him good-bye . 他去同珀金斯先生告别。 We said good-bye to each other at the station .. 我们是在车站分手的。 He bade her good-bye and left . 他对她说了一声“再见”就走开了。 Today we say good-bye for ever . 咱们俩今天诀别了。 The guest stood up to say good-bye . 客作而辞。 Good . i must say good-bye now . 好,就此告辞。 With mixed feepngs he said good-bye to dy. archibald . 他怀著矛盾的心情告别了阿奇博尔德大夫。 I left in such a hurry that i did n"t have time to say good-bye to you . 临行匆忙,未能向你告别。 At the end of the afternoon i dropped by the west wing to say good-bye . 接近黄昏时,我顺便到西翼楼告别。 Joanna bade her father good-bye and set off to make her fortune . 乔安娜同父亲告别后,就动身自谋生路去了。 At the mariveles navy headquarters he said good-bye to his work gang . 他在马里韦莱斯海军司令部向他的那帮工人告别。 All of us stood for a long time at the edge of the village waving good-bye to him . 我们大家把他送到村口,久久不肯回去。 I crept back to bed, but was awakened later by low voices saying good-bye . 我悄悄溜回床上,但是后来被低声的告别声绘吵醒。 At last, he whispered a hurried good-bye to his host and darted toward the door . 最后,他匆匆地向主人轻声道别,急步走向门口。 "i came down to say good-bye to my friends," answered presley shortly . “我是来向我的朋友们告别的,”普瑞斯莱直截了当的回答。 I was nothing to him, and there was no reason why he should have wished me good-bye . 我同他非亲非故,没有理由要他来向我告辞的。 But if mr. godfrey didn"t turn over a new leaf, he might say good-bye to miss nancy lammeter . 如果高德夫雷先生不悔过自新的话,他就得同南茜拉梅特“一刀两断”了。 To dissipate the sadness of this recital, tess went and bade all her favourite cows good-bye . 苔丝听了这些故事,自然很伤感,她想把悲哀排遣,就去外面,向她从前喜欢的那些牛告别。 The eagerness in his manner tightened abruptly into formapty as several people approached him to say good-bye . 这时有几个人走过来和他告别,他原先热切的态度陡然收敛,变成了拘谨。 "only give me leave to go home and say good-bye to those whom i love," he said, "and then i will e back and give up my pfe. " “我只有一个请求,让我回家一趟,向我所热爱的人们告别一下,”他说“然后我一定回来伏法。” Only one man, who stood on the deck of his ship in the silent creek, was saying good-bye to her in thought as he waited for the tide . 只有一个人,在那静悄悄的小巷湾里,这人就在帆船的甲板上,等候著潮水的到来,正默默地向她告别。 After saying good-bye to him at the station, babbitt returned to his office to reapze that he faced a world which, without paul, was meaningless . 巴比特在火车站和他告别后,回到自己的事务所,发现少了保罗,他面前的世界失去了意义。

die by和die of区别

die by 是以……方式死,自杀,老死等等。 die of是死于……一般是自身原因,比如死于癌症,疾病等。

蔡依林的《Good Bye》 歌词

歌曲名:Good Bye歌手:蔡依林专辑:Jolin 1019蔡依林-Good-bye作词:毛毛 / 李峻 / 作曲:Kelth ChanGood-byeI know this time we gotta say good-bye这是最perfect 的摊牌情歌开心唱到最後一拍要恢复得很快学海洋勇敢的澎湃一个人自由自在就算离开时带走小小的伤痛过不了太久一定自动的愈合设定我的闹钟响起的那分钟心情亮的要世界暖烘烘GoDaDiDo......HeGood-byeyou know this time we gotta say good-bye谁叫爱情忘了等待一瞬间走的太快Good-byeyou know this time we gotta say good-bye别把明天锁在门外陪昨天聊个天聊到发呆要保持好状态给自己最好的交代眼睛也骄傲起来Good-byeyou know this time we gotta say good-bye未来渐渐靠了过来由不得我们任青春空白

T-ara咸恩静歌曲《Good bye》歌词

《Good bye》韩语和中文歌词:ub098ub97c ub5a0ub098ubc84ub9b0 uadf8ub308 uc78aub294ub2e4ub294 uac8c我怎么能忘记离开我的你uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc544ud508uc9c0 uc544uc2dcub098uc694你知道这有多痛吗uc218uc5c6uc774 ub9ceuc740 ubc24uc744 uc0c8uba70 uadf8ub308 uadf8ub9acub358无数个夜晚想念你到天明ub098ub97c uadf8ub300ub294 ubaa8ub974uc2dcub098uc694你已经不记得我了吗uba3c uacf3uc5d0uc11c uc774ub807uac8c ubcf4ub0b4ub4dcub9b4uac8cuc694我在远方就这样祝福着你uc6b0ub9acuac00 uc0acub791ud588ub358 uae30uc5b5uc740 ub2e4 ub450uace0 uac00uc138uc694请你留下我们曾经相爱的回忆uc0acub791uc774ub780 uc544ud30cub3c4所谓爱情 就算痛uadf8 uc0acub78c ud798ub4e4uc9c0 uc54auac8c也不会让所爱的人受累ud3b8ud788 ubcf4ub0b4uc8fcub294 uac70ub798uc694我想放手让你安心离开ub0b4 ubaa8ub4e0uac78 uc8fcuc5b4ub3c4因为爱你 就算倾尽所有uc544uae5duc9c0 uc54auc744 uc0acub791uc774uae30uc5d0也不觉得可惜ub098ub294 ud589ubcf5ud55c uc0acub78c我是个幸福的人uadf8ub300uc758 ube48uc790ub9acub294 uc5ecuae30 ube44uc6ccub458uac8cuc694你的位置一直都为你保留uc5b8uc81cub77c ud574ub3c4 uc26cuc5b4uac00uc138uc694无论何时 都可以回来休息uba3c uacf3uc5d0uc11c uc774ub807uac8c ubcf4ub0b4ub4dcub9b4uac8cuc694我在远方就这样祝福着你uc6b0ub9acuac00 uc0acub791ud588ub358 uae30uc5b5uc740 ub2e4 ub450uace0 uac00uc138uc694请你留下我们曾经相爱的回忆uc0acub791uc774ub780 uc544ud30cub3c4所谓爱情 就算痛uadf8 uc0acub78c ud798ub4e4uc9c0 uc54auac8c也不会让所爱的人受累ud3b8ud788 ubcf4ub0b4uc8fcub294 uac70ub798uc694我想放手让你安心离开ub0b4 ubaa8ub4e0uac78 uc8fcuc5b4ub3c4因为爱你 就算倾尽所有uc544uae5duc9c0 uc54auc744 uc0acub791uc774uae30uc5d0也不觉得可惜ub098ub294 ud589ubcf5ud55c uc0acub78c我是个幸福的人uc0acub791ud558ub294 uadf8ub300uc5ec uaf2d ud589ubcf5ud558uc138uc694亲爱的 请你一定要幸福uc548ub155 uc548ub155 uc548ub155再见 再见 再见ub0a0 ub5a0ub098uac00ub294 uadf8ub300uc5ec uaf2d ub0a0 uc78auc5b4uc918uc694离开我的你 请一定要忘记我uc548ub155 uc548ub155 uc548ub155再见 再见 再见

GOOD ByE是什么意思


Bye与Good bye有什么区别





good-bye 英["gu028ad"bau026a] 美[ɡu028adu02c8bau026a] int. 再见!; n. 告辞,告别; [例句]They hurried into the city to say good-bye to us.他们赶进城来和我们告别。

Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_CANCELLED_BY_USER是哪出了问题?


Baby I Love You的歌词

Baby I love UI love UI love UI have found the only oneOnly oneThat is meant for meU"re always on my mindI"ll go through whateverMe and U will ride into eternityBaby we can go placesMaybe a trip around the worldAs U and I look up into the cloudsI keep tellin" myselfI gotta tell him how I feel insideI guess I la-la but I keep holdin" backCos I don"t wanna scare U awayYeah it"s just me, so frustratedI wish I"d say it naturallyMy heart is racingCos boy I want U constantlyMe and U and now chemistryIt"s so amazing that I want it moreBut I can"t help bout think that U have some1 elseDon"t wanna pay my mind attention this wayI try to block it outAll this time with youI can"t believe I have a doubtI"m so crazy but U could save meBaby, please let me know U"re in love with me(Baby I don"t know why)I"m telling stories in my headNow I can"t sleep at night(And baby U donno whyLeavin" me tonightIt just don"t feel rightBut I can"t wait til I"ll be seeing U here againI"m tryin to break my insecurities so I can explainEverything I wanna say that I kept insideWhat"s all around me baby I don"t careUr face is all I see when U"re not hereAnd I"m so surprised though I get carried awayI could lose a dayFrom thinkin U might not feel the sameBut let me just sayI gotta turn it upCos it don"t matterBaby it"s time I trust what I feelAnd I need Ur love to follow meCos now U know that u"re my worldMy everything, everythingNow baby when I sleep at nightI close my eyes and smileAnd when I"m kissing UI feel my body light up insideI hope U never ever think bout lettin me goIf I don"t have U babyI would rather be on my ownWhat we have is so untouchableUnbreakable and we will go on and onBaby I love UI love UI love UI have found the only oneOnly oneThat is meant for meU"re always on my mindI"ll go through whateverMe and U will ride into eternityBaby I love UI love UI love UI swear U"re the only oneOnly oneNothing"s gonna changeI"m always by Ur sideThis is foreverLike the stars my love will shine next to Ur heartWe will light a fire if we"re in the darkAnd I"ll be a fighter if we"re apartWe can"t tell what"s comin" but I"m not worriedCos I believe in us in loveBaby I love UI love UI love UI have found the only oneOnly oneThat is meant for meU"re always on my mindI"ll go through whateverMe and U will ride into eternityBaby I love UI love UI love UI swear U"re the only oneOnly oneNothing"s gonna changeI"m always by Ur sideThis is foreverLike the stars my love will shine next to Ur heart

Love(Babyboo Remix) 天王星 【歌词】 !!!急急急!

做鬼脸 我就是想看到你的微笑转个圈 我就喜欢在你怀里撒娇一路互相依靠着成为彼此永远的骄傲 oh my baby 从此你是我童话里的男主角 还记得 第一次害羞的往你肩上靠忘不了 我们当时相遇的那个街角丘比特向你我发出了爱情的信号让我相信 一切都是上天早就安排好 [K-BO] in my heart ,in my dream.那一个夏季。我们的相遇 那么不经意。 in my life ,in my soul,全部都是你。你占据我的心,don""t break my heart. Loving U,我的最爱,Missing U,只为你存在。 Close to U,不要再等待,Baby,Close your eyes. [Double.J] 镜子里看到我的倒影也有你的拥抱凌晨三点半 要喝我煮的玉米浓汤 my luv在一起的时光总觉得太过短暂不害怕想念的时候总能接到你的电话传说中 无名指的血液都连接着心脏我说我要亲手给你戴上爱的指环 my luv 幸福围绕着塔罗牌的答案它发出耀眼的光芒让过去的悲伤慢慢的蒸发 [K-BO] in my heart ,in my dream.那一个夏季。我们的相遇 那么不经意。 in my life ,in my soul,全部都是你。你占据我的心,don""t break my heart. Loving U,我的最爱,Missing U,只为你存在。 Close to U,不要再等待,Baby,Close your eyes. Loving U,我的最爱,Missing U,只为你存在。 Close to U,不要再等待,Baby,Close your eyes.

哦,我夹死了baby 啥歌

Free Loop(live版) - Daniel Powter I"m a little used to calling outside your name I wont see you tonight so I can keep from going insane I don"t know enough I get some kinda lazy day Hey yeah I"ve been fabulous through to fight 。

求snake by D.H.Lawrence 的翻译

Snake蛇A snake came to my water-troughOn a hot, hot day, and I in pyjamas for the heat,To drink there.一条蛇来到我的水槽饮水,在一个大热天,我热得穿一身睡衣裤。In the deep, strange-scented shade of the great dark carob-treeI came down the steps with my pitcherAnd must wait, must stand and wait, for there he was at the trough before me.在巨大的深色角豆树散发奇味的浓荫里,我提着水壶走下台阶,我得等待,得站住、等待,因为他就在我前面的水槽边。He reached down from a fissure in the earth-wall in the gloomAnd trailed his yellow-brown slackness soft-bellied down, over the edge of the stone troughAnd rested his throat upon the stone bottom,And where the water had dripped from the tap, in a small clearness,He sipped with his straight mouth,Softly drank through his straight gums, into his slack long body,Silently.他从阴暗处的土墙裂缝里探下身子,拖着黄褐色的松弛软腹爬下,越过石头水槽的边沿,把喉咙搁在石头槽底上,水从龙头上小滴小滴清晰落下,他用笔直的嘴呷饮,让水通过笔直的牙床,流入松弛的长长身躯,舒适地饮着,默不做声。Someone was before me at my water-trough,And I, like a second-comer, waiting.有人在我之前已来到我的水槽,而我,像个后来者,等待着。He lifted his head from his drinking, as cattle do,And looked at me vaguely, as drinking cattle do,And flickered his two-forked tongue from his lips, and mused a moment,And stooped and drank a little more,Being earth-brown, earth-golden from the burning bowels of the earthOn the day of Sicilian July, with Etna smoking.他停止喝水,抬起头,像牲口一样,他毫无表情地看着我,像喝水的牲口,嘴里闪出双叉舌头,沉思了片刻,然后俯身,又喝了点水;他从燃烧的大地深处孕育而生,一身土棕色、土金色,西西里七月的这个日子,埃特纳火山还在冒烟。The voice of my education said to meHe must be killed,For in Sicily the black, black snakes are innocent, the gold are venomous.我所接受的教育向我发出声音说他得处死,因为在西西里,黑蛇,黑色的蛇是清白的,而金色的蛇是有毒的。And voices in me said, If you were a manYou would take a stick and break him now, and finish him off.我身体里那些声音发话:如果你是男人,你就该马上操起棍子,打断他,打死他。But must I confess how I liked him,How glad I was he had come like a guest in quiet, to drink at my water-troughAnd depart peaceful, pacified, and thankless,Into the burning bowels of this earth?但我是否得坦认:我非常喜欢他,非常高兴他安静地、像客人一样到我的水槽来喝水,然后平静、平和地离开,没有道谢,回到这大地燃烧的深处?Was it cowardice, that I dared not kill him?Was it perversity, that I longed to talk to him?Was it humility, to feel so honoured?I felt so honoured.是出于怯懦,我不敢把他杀死?是由于错乱,我渴望和他交谈?是某种谦卑,我竟感到如此荣幸?我感到如此荣幸。And yet those voices:If you were not afraid, you would kill him!然而,那些声音又发话:“要是你不害怕,就该把他处死!”And truly I was afraid, I was most afraid,But even so, honoured still moreThat he should seek my hospitalityFrom out the dark door of the secret earth.的确,我害怕,非常害怕,但即便如此,我甚至更感到荣幸,因为他走出秘密大地的黑暗之门,应当是寻求我的好客。He drank enoughAnd lifted his head, dreamily, as one who has drunken,And flickered his tongue like a forked night on the air, so black,Seeming to lick his lips,And looked around like a god, unseeing, into the air,And slowly turned his head,And slowly, very slowly, as if thrice adream,Proceeded to draw his slow length curving roundAnd climb again the broken bank of my wall-face.他喝够了,抬起头,神情恍惚,像个醉汉,闪动的舌头像空中叉裂的漆夜,那么黑,似乎在舔他的嘴唇,然后像一个神,一副视而不见的神情,环视空中,缓缓扭转脑袋,缓缓地,慢慢悠悠地,仿佛进入重重幽梦,开始拖着慢吞吞、盘绕的全身,又爬上墙面起伏的陡坡。And as he put his head into that dreadful hole,And as he slowly drew up, snake-easing his shoulders, and entered farther,A sort of horror, a sort of protest against his withdrawing into that horrid black hole,Deliberately going into the blackness, and slowly drawing himself after,Overcame me now his back was turned.当他将头伸进那个可怕的洞穴,当他缓缓停住,以蛇的方式松了松肩,再探身进洞,当他不慌不忙地进入黑暗,缓缓拖着自己,撤进那个可怕的黑洞,一种恐惧,一种对他的抗议即刻占据了我,而他对我毫不理会。I looked round, I put down my pitcher,I picked up a clumsy logAnd threw it at the water-trough with a clatter.我环顾左右,放下水壶,操起一根粗糙的木料,啪的一声掷向水槽。I think it did not hit him,But suddenly that part of him that was left behind convulsed in undignified haste,Writhed like lightning, and was goneInto the black hole, the earth-lipped fissure in the wall-front,At which, in the intense still noon, I stared with fascination.我想我没砸中,但他留在后面的身子,突然惊惶而失态地猛抖,闪电般扭动,消失在黑洞里,消失在墙面上那嘴状的裂缝里,我入迷地盯着黑洞,在这酷热而宁静的中午。And immediately I regretted it.I thought how paltry, how vulgar, what a mean act!I despised myself and the voices of my accursed human education.我立刻感到懊悔。我想这是多么低劣,多么粗鲁,多么卑鄙的行为!我鄙视自己,鄙视身上那些可恶的人类教育的声音。And I thought of the albatross,And I wished he would come back, my snake.我想起了信天翁;但愿他能回来,我的蛇啊。For he seemed to me again like a king,Like a king in exile, uncrowned in the underworld,Now due to be crowned again.因为我又觉得他像一个君王,像流放中的君王,被废黜到地狱,现在该到重新加冕的时候了。And so, I missed my chance with one of the lordsOf life.And I have something to expiate:A pettiness.就这样,我与一位生命之主错过了机遇。我多少得遭受恶果:因为某种委琐。

求一首英文歌,里面有句歌词是这样的:i just want you by my side in night see for you tonight

《One last Sundown》Doc Walker

see you goodbye see you tonight是哪首中文歌曲里面的歌词

柯有伦的“Don‘t say goodbye ”

跪求一首嗨曲,开头是i see you tonight 然后i see you by my.我说的可能不对,但是唱出来的绝对一样,


so far和by far的区别


so far 和by far的区别?




急要marie digby的crazier things歌词

I"ve seen tidal waves People washed away Seen the towers fall Trust me, I"ve seen it all Hurricanes have come Entire cities gone Snowing in July And no one can tell me why I give you a million reasons to leave But you don"t give up Keep calling my phone But I don"t pick up Couldn"t see you with me That sounds crazy So why am I holding back? "Cause crazier things have happened So why not give us a try? Why not give love a chance? "Cause crazier things have happened And take it from me Crazier things have happened Bombs are going off All our soldiers lost And who pays the cost? It doesn"t make sense at all I am just a girl I can"t change the world "Cause it"s way too tough So maybe I"ll start with love I give you a million reasons to leave But you don"t give up Keep calling my phone But I don"t pick up Couldn"t see you with me That sounds crazy So why am I holding back? "Cause crazier things have happened So why not give us a try? Why not give love a chance? "Cause crazier things have happened And take it from me Crazier things have happened I was so scared to try "Cause I"ve seen other people cry And it seemed like it hurt too much To fall in love But I"ve, I"ve seen so much in life To let the world pass me by To let love pass me by Not this time So why am I holding back? "Cause crazier things have happened So why not give us a try? Why not give love a chance? "Cause crazier things have happened And take it from me

deliver a baby

deliver 没有“生小孩”的意思,而是“接生”,有以下两种用法: 1.deliver sb,给某人接生,如deliver a baby 2.deliver sb.of ...,帮某人接生...,如She was delivered of a daughter.可以意译为“她生下了一个女儿”.

delivered by hand中文是什么意思




delivered by 是什么意思?


be implemented by

Fx不能像在传统的回旋方法中那样用滤光反射镜f通过回旋来实现. as in就像在……中那样. 主语Fx,谓语be implemented被动态,被实现的意思 by和with带两个状语,by一个表示方式、方法,with表示工具 as in也引导了一个状语.三个都属于方式状语

do as infinity-baby baby baby的歌词 中文日文罗马音都要

[ti:Baby!Baby!Baby!][ar:Do As Infinity][al:EIGHT][by:赖润诚][00:01.03]「Baby!Baby!Baby!」[00:04.03]作词∶Masanori Ouchi[00:07.03]作曲∶Shoichiro Hirata[00:10.03]歌∶Do As Infinity[00:16.03][00:18.03]自信はないさRock You[00:19.81]胜ち目は薄いRock Me[00:22.05]だけど逃げないHard Way[00:24.38]キセキを起こせHard End[00:26.62]ヘコたれるなMy Heart[00:28.67]弱音を吐くなMy Dream[00:30.78]无理は承知のBig Fight[00:32.98]その手で掴めBig Chance[00:35.43]凹まない 负けない 泣かない[00:39.11]强がりじゃない それが私よ[00:44.37]大人に なれない ならない[00:48.11]妥协が出来ない それが私よ[00:54.12][00:56.54]不器用を通り越した[00:58.19]孤独なオンナだけど[01:00.54]No Baby! Baby! Baby![01:03.54]死んでたまるか[01:05.02]谁にも染められない[01:07.56]谁にも止められない[01:09.51]No Baby! Baby! Baby![01:14.15][01:22.37]生まれつきのBad Boy[01:24.17]陥りやすいBad Girl[01:26.46]罪の意识もSo Cool[01:28.72]言い訳するなSo Young[01:30.93]自分で决めろYour Life[01:33.10]愚痴は饱きたぜYour Work[01:35.18]私は私Will Be[01:37.45]时代よ変われWill Come[01:40.10]情けない 出来ない 知らない[01:43.54]头のデキは そんなよくない[01:48.71]优しく なれない 出来ない[01:52.40]伤つくことには もう惯れたけど[01:58.63][02:40.90]凹まない 负けない 泣かない[02:44.70]强がりじゃない それが私よ[02:49.80]戻れない 逃げない 惩りない[02:53.41]カタチにはハマりたくはないから[02:58.69]谁にも 媚びない 寄らない[03:02.42]けど爱されたい 女でいたい[03:08.61][03:10.85]本能で生きている[03:12.83]扱いづらいワタシ[03:15.01]No Baby! Baby! Baby![03:17.63]何が悪いの?[03:19.45]ワガママなんかじゃない[03:21.63]それでしか生きられない[03:23.90]No Baby! Baby! Baby![03:28.09][03:31.09]〖 LRC By 赖润诚卐地狱门歌词组 〗[03:34.09]【 おわり 】

找一首英文歌,是男生唱的,我记得不太清了,只记得里面有baby I………还有……something

boys round here

baby steps 少女时代-太蒂徐 空间链接


求少女时代Baby steps空间链接


少女时代 baby steps 的链接 放空间里的 发给我吧!谢谢!!!

已发 注意查收

谁有少女时代的baby steps的谱子?

javascript:void(0) 没有

一首歌歌词有baby do you remember 好像是akon的 求歌名


Baby Steps~网球优等生~的角色配音

丸尾荣一郎:村田太志 鹰崎奈津:寿美菜子 江川逞:浪川大辅 影山小次郎:寺岛拓笃 深泽谕吉:下野纮 宫川卓也:柿原彻也 田岛勇树:优希 艾力克斯:神谷浩史 玛莎:潘惠美



Baby Steps~网球优等生~的主题歌

片头歌《Believe in yourself》作词、作曲、歌:阿部真央,编曲:akkin 片尾歌《ベイビーステップ(Baby-Steps)》作词、作曲、编曲:堀江晶太,歌:Babyraids

Baby Steps~网球优等生~的音乐专辑

【专辑名】OP主题歌《Believe in yourself》 【发售日】2014年5月21日【歌】阿部真央【收录曲】01. Believe in yourself作词、作曲:阿部真央,编曲:akkin02. Believe in yourself (TV Ver.)03. Believe in yourself (Inst.) 【专辑名】《ベイビーステップ/ぶっちゃけRock"n はっちゃけRoll》 【发售日】2014年5月14日【歌】ベイビーレイズ(babyraids)【收录曲】通常盘01. ぶっちゃけRock"n はっちゃけRoll作词:増子直纯(怒髪天),作曲:上原子友康(怒髪天)02. ベイビーステップ(Baby-Steps) ※TV动画《网球优等生》ED主题歌作词、作曲、编曲:堀江晶太03. ぶっちゃけRock"n はっちゃけRoll(Inst.)04. ベイビーステップ(Inst.)初回限定盘A01. ぶっちゃけRock"n はっちゃけRoll02.ベイビーステップ03. 充电満タン~サタデーナイト作词:川さん(PAN),作曲:よこしん(PAN)04. ぶっちゃけRock"n はっちゃけRoll(Inst.)05. ベイビーステップ(Inst.)06. 充电満タン~サタデーナイト(Inst.)01. ぶっちゃけRock"n はっちゃけRoll Music Video02. 虎ノ门列伝 -虎ノ门W杯编-03. ぶっちゃけRock"n はっちゃけRoll / ベイビーステップ ジャケットメイキング初回限定盘B01. ぶっちゃけRock"n はっちゃけRoll02. ベイビーステップ03. Again and again作词u30fb作曲:森勇介(locofrank)04. ぶっちゃけRock"n はっちゃけRoll(Inst.)05. ベイビーステップ(Inst.)06. Again and again(Inst.)01. ぶっちゃけRock"n はっちゃけRoll Music Video02. ぶっちゃけRock"n はっちゃけRoll Dance Ver.03. 虎ノ门列伝 -虎字虎字くん编-04. ぶっちゃけRock"n はっちゃけRoll Music Videoメイキング初回限定盘C01. ベイビーステップ02. ぶっちゃけRock"n はっちゃけRoll03. ベイビーステップ(TV ver.)04. ベイビーステップ(Inst.)05. ぶっちゃけRock"n はっちゃけRoll(Inst.) 【专辑名】TV动画《Baby Steps~网球优等生~》Original Soundtrack【发售日】2014年9月30日【音乐】吉川洋一郎【收录曲】01. エーちゃん [1]02. ブレイク~エーちゃんのテーマ~03. エーちゃん [2]04. 作戦05. 悲しみ06. 希望 试聴する07. 仲间たち08. 感动!09. エーちゃん [3]10. Cute!~ナッちゃんのテーマ~11. ナツの夕暮れ12. スプリットステップ13. 励まし14. エーちゃん [4]15. STC16. 高校生活17. ハローグッバイ18. ショック19. エーちゃん [5]20. ジャンプ&ダッシュ21. ウォームアップ22. 続ける心23. 成长と希望24. エーちゃん [6]25. 高鸣る心臓26. セットポイント27. エーちゃん [7]28. 反撃29. 成长30. エーちゃん [8]31. アニキ~深沢谕吉くんのテーマ~32. エーちゃん [9]33. ラリーの応酬34. オンザライン35. エーちゃん [10]36. 悪い流れ37. ムーブオン38. 飞跃39. エーちゃん [11]40. ノート分析41. 穷地42. パッシングショット43. ショック44. エーちゃん [12]45. コンセントレーション46. マッチポイント47. エーちゃん [13]48. 初胜利49. エーちゃん [14]50. ゲームセット ~サブタイトル~

少女时代baby steps有个外国版本,求歌词

  varsity的baby steps已发,注意查收  原版(Varsity - Baby Steps)  (Ohh) (Yeah yeah)  Admit it, we"re finished, you don"t want me no more (No)  Like a night mare, I lived it, it was too big to ignore (Ooh)  I hear the sounds but they pass me by.  My hazard lights are flashing, somebody, anyone -  Help cause its an emergency.  Someone just wounded my heart.  So help, its like a bad surgery and now its time to recharge.  I"m starting over taking,  One, two, baby steps.  Three, four, baby steps.  Five, six, baby steps.  I"m starting over again.  Abandonded, yeah I"m crying.  Its like you left me so dead (So dead, so dead)  I"m so broken, my love"s frozen.  How do you live with regrets (Oh woah)  I see the memories flash before my eyes.  My tank is running empty, somebody rescue me.  Help cause its an emergency.  Someone just wounded my heart.  So help, its like a bad surgery and now its time to recharge.  I"m starting over taking,  One, two, baby steps.  Three, four, baby steps.  Five, six, baby steps.  I"m starting over taking,  One, two, baby steps.  Three, four, baby steps.  Five, six, baby steps.  I"m starting over again.  Its unexplainable, kind of and unattainable when the person you love aint enough.  I feel so pitiful, look at my face you"ll know the pain is in my eyes.  I need some, help.  (x2)  Help cause its an emergency.  Someone just wounded my heart.  So help, its like a bad surgery and now its time to recharge.  I"m starting over taking,  One, two, baby steps.  Three, four, baby steps.  Five, six, baby steps.  I"m starting over again  Baby Steps

求少女时代baby steps,libraby 中韩歌词

Library uc18cub140uc2dcub300-ud0dcud2f0uc11c(SNSD-TaeTiSeo) uc5b4ub5bbuac8c uc774ub807uac8c ubaa8ub4e0 uc21cuac04 ub2e4ub978 uc0acub78cuc778uac83 uac19uc544 uc81cubc95 uc624ub798 ub9ccub098 ub108ub780 ub0a8uc790 ub09c ub2e4 uc548ub2e4uace0 ub09c uc27duac8c uadf8ub807uac8c uc790uc2e0 uc788uac8c uc598uae30ud558uace0 uc2f6uc5c8ub294ub370 uac00ub054uc529uc740 ub09c ub180ub77c uc544uc9c1 ubab0ub790ub358 ub124 ubaa8uc2b5 ub108ub85c uac00ub4dd ucc44uc6ccuc9c4 Dictionary uc544uc8fc uc0acuc18cud55c ubaa8ub4e0 Knowledge uc774 ubc24 uae4auc5b4 uac00ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ube60uc838 ub4e4uaebcuc57c Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Just a library Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh uc5f4uc5b4 uc904ub798 ub0b4uac8c Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh ub108 uc544ub2cc ub2e4ub978 uac83uc740 uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 uc5c6ub294 uadf8ub7f0uacf3uc774uba74 ud574 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Just a library Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh uc77duc5b4uc904ub798 ub108ub97c Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh ub110 uc0acub791ud558ub294 ub3d9uc548 ubc29ud574 ubc1buc9c0 uc54auace0 ub124 uc0dduac01ub9cc ud558uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uc19cuc0acud0d5uacb0ucc98ub7fc ubd80ub4dcub7f0 ubc14ub78cuc774 ucc38 uace0uc6b4ub0a0uc5d4 ud558uc580 ubca4uce58 ub098ub780ud788 ub108uc640 ub098 ub458uc774 uc549uc544uc11c uc678uc6ccub46cuc57c ud560 uacf3uc778 underline ub2e4uc2dc ubcf4uace0ud508 uacf3uc5d0ub294 bookmark ub108ub97c uc544ub294 uadf8 ub204uad6cubcf4ub2e4 ub354 uc644ubcbdud558ub3c4ub85d Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Just a library Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh uc5f4uc5b4 uc904ub798 ub0b4uac8c Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh ub108 uc544ub2cc ub2e4ub978 uac83uc740 uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 uc5c6ub294 uadf8ub7f0uacf3uc774uba74 ud574 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Just a library Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh uc77duc5b4uc904ub798 ub108ub97c Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh ub110 uc0acub791ud558ub294 ub3d9uc548 ubc29ud574 ubc1buc9c0 uc54auace0 ub124 uc0dduac01ub9cc ud558uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 LRC:小王子QQ122121036 uadf8 uc5b4ub5a4 uc124uba85ub3c4 ud544uc694uc5c6ub294 uc13cuc2a4uc5d0 uc544ub9c8 uae5cuc9dd ub180ub784uaebcuc57c Only for you baby hey Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Just a library Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh uc5f4uc5b4 uc904ub798 ub0b4uac8c Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh ub108 uc544ub2cc ub2e4ub978 uac83uc740 uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 uc5c6ub294 uadf8ub7f0uacf3uc774uba74 ud574 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Just a library Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh uc77duc5b4uc904ub798 ub108ub97c Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh ub110 uc0acub791ud558ub294 ub3d9uc548 ubc29ud574 ubc1buc9c0 uc54auace0 ub124 uc0dduac01ub9cc ud558uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 uc5c6ub294 uadf8ub7f0uacf3uc774uba74 ud574

求少女时代小分队TTS的baby steps的中文韩文及音译歌词


帮忙找下歌啊。是快歌英文的男生唱的。我只记得中间是:hey baby girl what you do what you say


Baby Hold On 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Hold On歌手:Eddie Money专辑:Playlist: The Very Best Of Eddie MoneyBaby hold onDixie Chicks375931574制作Hey, it might never be the sameWe might never live those days gone byBut we can tryGood morningLet"s kick the babies out of bedHow about you and me instead hanging onNot up and goneBaby, hold onLet"s start this overBaby, hold onWe"re not much older nowBaby, hold onIf you still see what I seeKeep holding onHold on to meBaby, it"s good to see you smile againI know we can"t escapeSo let"s pretendWe"re someplace elseIt"s a new dayLet"s look at all we"ve gotIt"s everything we thoughtWe ever wantedIt"s beautifulBaby, hold onLet"s start this over(Baby, hold on)We"re not much older nowBaby, hold onIf you still see what I seeKeep holding onHold on to meI look across the room and catch you staring at meAnd see the love we almost left behindSo lead me by the hand and let"s make upLet"s make up for lost timeBaby, hold onLet"s start this overBaby, hold onWe"re not much olderBaby, hold onIf you still see what I seeKeep holding onBaby, hold onHold on to meBaby, hold onJust hold on to meBaby, hold onHold on to meKeep holding onHey, it might never be the sameWe might never live those days gone by

Baby Steps~网球优等生~的剧情简介


varsity - baby steps 这首歌的歌词大概在说什么呢。

应该是有个哥们儿被甩了,然后正处在阴暗期,心力憔悴,精神脆弱,觉得自己举步维艰,baby steps就是孩子刚会走路,那种晃晃悠悠的不稳的步子,生活是条路,说明他活得很脆弱,很累,需要有人扶一把,搭把手。失恋啊,失恋啊但是从I“"m starting over taking,One, two, baby steps.Three, four, baby steps.Five, six, baby steps.I"m starting over again.”这段来看,歌手并不是单纯的表达失恋的痛苦和艰难,而是流露出自己正在独自走下去,成长成为更好的自己。不再依赖!是首好歌!!你也不求翻译,我就随便翻译一点儿你看看varsity - baby steps 步步维艰 (Ohh) (Yeah yeah)Admit it, we"re finished, you don"t want me no more (No)认了吧,我们完了,你再也不想要我了Like a night mare, I lived it, it was too big to ignore (Ooh)我像是处在噩梦之中,难以磨灭的噩梦I hear the sounds but they pass me by.人们都无视我的存在My hazard lights are flashing, somebody, anyone 我的警示灯闪个不停(我非常不安)Help cause it"s an emergency.Someone just wounded my heart.救救我吧,这太可怕了,他狠狠伤害了我So help, it"s like a bad surgery and now it"s time to recharge.快帮帮我吧,太糟糕了,快要就不过来了(recharge大概是医院急救电击时候一次不管用,就再充电,再点击一次,所以说快要活不过来了)I"m starting over taking,我没有放弃自己One, two, baby steps. 一步两步,颤颤巍巍Three, four, baby steps.三步四步,我尽管晃悠,可是我走得下去!Five, six, baby steps.五步六步,我摇摇晃晃地走着I"m starting over again.我正在一点一点好起来Abandoned, yeah I"m crying.被甩了,是啊,泪水不争气的流了It"s like you left me for dead (So dead, so dead)你不顾我的死活就走了I"m so broken, my love"s frozen.我心碎的很,我对爱情心凉了啊!!How do you live with regrets (Oh woah)你难道就没有一点后悔和遗憾么?I see the memories flash before my eyes.我却还在回忆里想着你My tank is running empty, somebody rescue me.我空虚的快要垮掉,谁会来救我Help cause it"s an emergency.Someone just wounded my heart.So help, it"s like a bad surgery and now it"s time to recharge.I"m starting over taking,One, two, baby steps.Three, four, baby steps.Five, six, baby steps.I"m starting over taking,One, two, baby steps.Three, four, baby steps.Five, six, baby steps.I"m starting over again.It"s unexplainable, kind of and unattainable when the person you love ain"t enough.这很难说清楚,有点儿无计可施啊,爱上了一个贪得无厌的人I feel so pitiful, look at my face you"ll know the pain is in my eyes.I need some, help.真是可怜,或许此刻我苍白的脸上,那双眼睛里全是忧伤心痛[x2:]Help cause it"s an emergency.Someone just wounded my heart.So help, it"s like a bad surgery and now it"s time to recharge.I"m starting over taking,One, two, baby steps.Three, four, baby steps.Five, six, baby steps.I"m starting over again.

跪求少时小分队太蒂徐Baby steps 中文谐音歌词,不胜感激

  8  2楼  (无m)kiu进 吗嗯米 加固 sei哦那嘎 Oh  (素m)giu破go 看球都 魔都 和咯那嘎 Oh  他了 素 (饿b)嫩 诺了 波面所 内 咋跟 哭(林m)咋都 特ki嘎素莫所  Oh 难 都里嫩 口冷么 就系米 他嘎嘎 bua  Oh 难 头 卡嘎一 (卡r)素咯 哦总计 徒留我就 你嘎 莫咯计嘎  One, Two 内 吗米 Three, Four (素m)giu里 Five, Six on莫米 诺曼 波咩 go咯  度 怒呢 卡了素咯 你嘎 头 咋 波哟(It"s U, It"s U ha)  内 度 gi了 吗个素咯 总(一r) 诺曼 的留  你 (怒n)比 一go内gi 哦留我 on总(一r) 你 giu忒搜 (怒n)起曼波给 得  Oh 难 都里嫩 口冷么 都 按本 他嘎嘎 怕  Oh 难 内 撒狼一 破一嫩 卡嘎on 口里嘎计 一怎 他嘎哇就  One, Two 内 吗米 Three, Four (素m)giu里 Five, Six on莫米 诺曼 波咩 go咯  One, Two 哦节都 Three, Four 哦呢都 Five, Six 内(衣r)都  诺了 hiang黑 口咯  哦呢都 那 红咋 怒目计嫩 口冷么咯 诺 hiang黑 go go一级曼  你 吗没 他嫩 那 你 普没 阿那组 哭 那了 ki打留 I Need U hey,  Oh 难 都里嫩 口冷么 就系米 他嘎嘎 bua(somebody hate me somebody hate me~)  Oh 难 头 卡嘎一 (卡r)素咯 哦总计 徒留我就(哦总计 徒留我就)  Oh 难 都里嫩 口冷么(都里嫩 口冷么) 都 按本 他嘎嘎 怕(都 按本 都他嘎嘎 怕)  Oh 难 内 撒狼一 波一嫩(撒狼一 波一嫩) 卡嘎on 口里嘎计 一怎 他嘎哇就  One, Two 内 吗米 Three, Four (素m)giu里 Five, Six on莫米 诺曼 波咩 口咯  One, Two 哦节都 Three, Four 哦呢都 Five, Six 内(衣r)都  诺了 hiang黑 口咯

Baby Steps~网球优等生~的作品简介

《Baby Steps~网球优等生~(べイビーステップ)》是由日本漫画家胜木光作画的漫画。描写认真的男子高中生丸尾荣一郎认识到网球的魅力,继而成长的青春物语。作者胜木光有着打网球的经验,基于严谨的取材,描写了真实的网球技战术和训练方法,因此被称为是真实的网球漫画,有受到网球业者的赞赏。

baby steps中文什么意思

baby steps 在英语中意为 慢慢来!

Baby Steps~网球优等生~的登场人物

丸尾荣一郎(荣儿)声优:村田太志STC所属成员。做事有条有理又认真的学生。原本只是抱着锻炼身体的心态接触网球,现已完全沉迷在网球上。不断进行基本训练,能力一点一点的在提升中!将练习及比赛内容完全写在[荣儿笔记]里,作为网球选手是全能型,笔记本记录的数据运用战略熟,动态视力的好处和精准的球控制战斗的武器“理论派”。目标是成为职业网球球员。第15卷和奈津开始交往。随着接触网球,逐渐产生了成为网球职业选手的强烈愿望,为了能够达成这一目的,和父母作出如果不能够再全国大赛上取得冠军,就放弃网球的约定,所以在接下来的时间里,取消了补习等全身心投入网球当中。在取得全国青少年大赛门票的关东大赛中,作为非种子选手,在第二轮爆冷门战胜了种子选手,随后在难波江的交战中落败。在随后的全国大赛作为非种子选手,一路过关斩将,最后却因一线之差惜败于准决赛。在全日本选手权大赛中,击败了昔日的前辈江川逞等选手,在半决赛中负于门马步梦。现已前往澳大利亚参加希望赛,但是一轮游。随后参加了很多希望赛,但是成绩依然不理想。现已出道成为职业选手,接受爽儿的邀请去观看温网。 鹰崎奈津声优:寿美菜子STC所属。与荣儿就读同一所高中,号称全校最可爱的女生。虽然性格很大剌剌,但对于网球的热情却高于常人好几倍!!网球实力在关东地区堪称无敌,以成为职业球员而努力。打从心底里为认真努力的荣儿加油。第15卷和荣儿开始交往。在全国大赛中,终于打败了宿敌清水,取得了全国大赛的冠军。在全日本选手权大赛的八强赛中负于日本一姐。已决定去美国发展。 江川逞声优:浪川大辅STC所属。运用天生的身体能力及技术站在神奈川顶点的人。擅长打法为发球上网。高中毕业成为职业网球选手。世界排名前500名内,日本排名第9名,全日本选手权大赛第8种子。发球速度可以说是日本第一,在全日青中负于难波江优,但在成为职业选手的第一年中得到了三次优胜。在随后的全日本选手权大赛第二轮负于荣儿。已成为日本代表队B队的一员。现已进入温网正赛。 深泽喻吉声优:下野纮STC所属。管荣儿叫大哥,总是滔滔不绝的说着。有着较好的实力,但在大赛上总是紧张无法很好的发挥所以没有拿到过较好的成绩。包括其在内和江川等人并称神奈川六大天王,全国大赛中,第三轮不幸与荣儿排在了一起,止步于荣儿之手。 田岛勇树声优:优希STC所属。比荣儿小8岁的少年,神奈川少年的12岁以下的第1号种子了天才儿童。  槙原真纯声优:近藤唯比荣儿小一届的少女,拥有着开朗的性格。STC的人都称呼她为“纯”。  横山花声优:西口杏里沙比荣儿大一届的少女。  香坂明子声优:染谷麻衣神奈川县女子前4强选手。 青井龙平声优:鸟海浩辅在STC担任荣儿的教练,原职业网球选手因伤退役。凭借退役网球选手的经验来指导和协助荣儿。 三浦声优:楠大典拥有丰富网球职教经验。最早发行荣儿动态视力好,并对荣儿针对性指导的教练。  森本声优:川岛悠美荣儿在STC参加体验活动时,最初遇见的网球教练。 影山小次郎声优:寺岛拓笃荣儿的同班同学。虽然常常取笑荣儿做事太过一板一眼,但也会在傍边陪着。心中期待荣儿有大转变。和佐佐木姬子是每场荣儿的比赛都来加油的啦啦队。现已与佐佐木交往 佐佐木姬子声优:濑户麻沙美荣儿的同班同学。和影山是每场荣儿的比赛都来加油的啦啦队。单恋荣儿中,但同时也被影山小次郎暗恋中。现已与影山交往。   越水成雪声优:下妻由幸和荣儿同学年的男高校生。学校社团为网球社。 男选手 难波江优声优:樱井孝宏长清朝中央高中,青城院所属的男子选手。优秀的全能型选手有效打击对手弱点,无一丝多余动作的打法,但同时又能配合对手随意变化球风。非常重视数据,使用一台笔记本电脑来录入选手资料,其能力为未知数。在两届全日青中取得优胜。在全日本选手权大赛中击败了NO.14的大黑志朗,NO.5的有野忠雄和NO.3的渡边隆敏,在半决赛负于爽儿。日本排名83。现已被选入日本代表队B队。已经出道成为职业选手。 荒谷宽声优:羽多野涉以彻底锻炼过得肉体所产生的速度和力量为武器。具备媲美短跑选手的脚力极强人的上半身,令人害怕的一发逆转系的底线型球员。在于县内赛时明白了了对战中思考的重要性。和荣一郎同年级,但外表看起来略显成熟。日本排名130。在全日青负于难波江优。在全日本选手权大赛上以一线之差负于日本排名NO.11的山口让。 神田久志荣儿更低一年级的男子选手,其高中内的训练量犹如地狱般的磨练。运用敏捷的速度,让强力又稳定的旋转球彻底爆发出来。性格要强,对战高年级学生也不隐藏的敌意,在全国青少年大赛准决赛中最后打败了荣儿。在全日本选手权大赛中负于门马步梦。日本排名106. 冈田隆行声优:伊藤健太郎香川TC所属。虽然攻略难度高,但基本打法为破坏惊人的上升平击球。属于不断攻击的超速攻击型选手。 井出意明声优:KENN精神力胜于技术力,强项为接近战机在大型比赛中对决,用能吸引观众目光的打法,压制所有对手。属于比赛越胶着越强的类型。在关东大赛上输给荣儿后跑去西班牙发展。在全日本选手权大赛中负于爽儿。日本排名98. 高木朔夜声优:森田成一难波江好友。作为网球选手是全能型,但在比赛中,常用诡计的表演技艺和礼仪违反行为对对方的比赛步调和情绪扰乱。 大林良声优:前野智昭梅田TC所属,但同时也是湘南工业学院的网球部副主将。擅长打发为发球和截击。 岩佐博水声优:浅沼晋太郎FARSIDE TA所属。任何截球方式都擅长的全方位型球员。圣蹊高中的学生,大荣一郎一届的男子选手。双亲都是艺术家,自己借由在比赛过程中击球的轨道来“绘画”,“画作”完成时就不再出手去更动作品。与荣一郎比完一场比赛后,查觉到自己还是喜欢画画,决定朝艺术方面的目标努力,减少打网球的时间。 宫川卓也声优:柿原彻也宫川T.A.所属。武器为搭配180cm身高的双手正反拍打发的截球。湘南工业学院的高中生,比荣一郎小一届的男子选手。在比赛时有着借由喝昆布茶和吃梅干,来让自己恢复精神和体力的方法。 最上纪彦湘南工业学院的高中生、比荣一郎小一届的男子选手。 绪方克己关西近清高校的高中生。与荣儿同年级选手。从小就受到大家期望但与同世代受关注的池爽儿交手后败阵。曾因伤病3年没打网球,而在高中时复出。打球风格是正统的实力派。在全日青中负于荣儿。现已决定参加下一届全日本选手权大赛。 女选手   清水亚希声优:石原夏织和奈津同期的女子选手,以成为职业球员为目标。从年幼的时候开始和身为教练的母亲一起打网球一起的生活了,所以对网球的感觉虽然不是讨厌,但也对网球感觉不感觉到快乐并不了解。奈津和她四次在比赛相遇,四次全败。虽然只有数次跟荣儿交谈,看着荣儿的背影,亚希心中似乎牵起一抹淡淡的情愫。在全日青中负于奈津。  中城惠声优:相沢ゆりか比奈津小一届的女子选手。 池爽儿声优:细谷佳正与荣儿同年级的职业选手。奈津和同龄的青梅竹马,同时也是促进奈津以成为职业选手为目标的关键人物。因为此后,中学2年级的时候已无人能与之匹敌所以去佛罗里达留学,转战美国。在全日本选手权大赛中击败门马步梦,夺得冠军。日本排名NO.1,世界排名NO.43。现已决定参加温网预选。 麦克声优:堀内贤雄佛罗里达网球奥斯卡的心理调理教练。讲一口流利的日语。临时作为教练在STC探访时,就指导过荣儿。荣儿短期留学期间从旁支持和协助陷入困境的荣儿。 凯宾声优:加藤亮夫佛罗里达网球奥斯卡的技术层面教练。 艾利克斯声优: 神谷浩史首次登场时的年龄是19岁。荣儿的短期留学中,4人房间里同室的1人。性格温柔,好强。比赛失败会心情变坏。擅长正手,在与栄一郎的比赛中,开始改观,接受失败。排名从世界800名提升到500名内。取得了布雷登公开赛的冠军。 玛莎声优: 潘惠美亚历克斯的妹妹,兄控。首次登场时的年龄是13岁,不过,容貌很成熟,知道了她的年龄荣儿也吃惊。性格倔强,一点急躁和粗暴。目标也是成为职业选手。 克里修纳声优: 花江夏树印度留学生,初次登场时的年龄16岁。荣儿的短期留学中,4人在房间里同室的1人。分析能力出色,从早期阶段对荣儿的评价就很高。世界青少年排名前十。世界青少年大赛决赛中负于难波江优。 平敦士声优: 江口拓也首次登场时的年龄是19岁。荣儿的短期留学中4人房间同室的1人,在美国上课的同时,也以职业选手为目标。担任荣儿的翻译。在荣儿第二次留学时已经成为佛罗里达网球学院的见习教练。 荣儿的父亲声优:宫本充温和的性格。荣儿以职业选手为目标的事情表示理解和支持。  丸尾早苗声优:加藤优子丸尾的母亲,以荣儿成绩优秀自夸着,令荣儿接触网球的引导人。开始反对荣儿以职业选手为目标,随后慢慢地接受。   宫本声优:桐本琢也网球杂志的记者,注意到了荣一郎网球方面的飞快进步速度。   池爽儿见上文   门马步梦全日本选手权大赛第2种子,日本排名NO.2,世界排名54的强者,29岁,东京银行所属。拥有强大的实力,曾经以6:2战胜江川逞,在全日本选手权大赛中以6:4,6:3战胜了神田久志,又以6:0,6:1的大比分完胜荣儿,最后在决赛上负于池爽儿。被爽儿称作“守护日本的人”。是个会为后辈着想的人,曾经给荣儿,神田提供建议。经常说话说着说着就若无其事的吃东西。 浅野芯日本排名71位的老将,实力虽然因为年龄增大而日渐减退,但是多年的经验依然还在。是青井龙平现役时的最后一个对手。是技术型球员,活用各种打法一度令蓉儿陷入苦战,是青井那个时期的名将。自称未败给门马过。有一个女朋友。在全日本选手权大赛预选赛第三轮输给了荣儿,对荣儿表示认可。现已成为日本代表队教练。      大黑志朗  日本排名NO.14的精英,对难波江优的实力很感兴趣。似乎很受后辈的尊重,被江川尊称为大黑先生。在全日本选手权大赛第二轮输给了难波江优。   渡边隆敏日本排名NO.4,全日本选手权大赛第3种子,实力很强。对自己的排位十分执着。在全日本选手权大赛第四轮败给难波江优。    吉道大树日本排名NO.5,全日本选手权大赛第4种子,本来是荣儿第四轮的对手,却因脚伤恶化不得不退赛。    有野忠雄日本排名NO.7的选手,是大会第6种子。被难波江优称作想交手的类型。正手威力和池爽儿相当。在全日本选手权大赛第三轮中负于难波江优。   山口让日本排名NO.11,全日本选手权大赛第10种子,拥有不错的实力。在全日本选手权大赛第二轮中未用全力就击败荒谷宽,第三轮击败了第五种子,日本排名NO.6的羽毛田达郎,但是在第四轮不敌门马步梦。与浅野私交不错。与浅野一样是技术型选手。 江川逞见上文

Take baby steps 是什么意思

Take baby steps采取婴儿步骤从小步开始不厌其烦要一步一个脚印的双语例句1You have to take baby steps to break out of your fear.要打破你的恐惧,你得从小步开始。2Studying those who have succeeded with similar ventures alsohelps.But above all, take baby steps.学习那些和你有同样经历的成功人士也许会有帮助。3Take baby steps to get through the difficult days.困难时期要一步一步度过。4But let"s take baby steps to get there.当时还是让我们不厌其烦地到达那一步吧。5But above all, take baby steps.最重要的是,要一步一个脚印地走。

跪求少女时代小分队TTS的baby steps的中文歌词最好标上哪句是谁唱的

baby steps泰妍:关闭的内心 总是设法要向着你 oh即使想隐蔽 但还是不自觉地表现出来 oh徐贤:看着无法得到的你 我渺小的影子也害怕的躲了起来 帕尼:oh 我紧张的步伐 小心翼翼地走向你泰妍:oh 我 为了能够更靠近你 不知不觉中开始害怕 怕你离我越来越远合:1 2 我的心 3 4 呼吸 5 6 全身 徐贤:我只会看着你走帕尼:我的双眼越是紧闭 你的样子却越是清晰(It"s U, It"s U)徐贤:我的双耳 越是紧闭 越是整天只听得到你 泰妍:读懂你的眼神很难 整天只在你身边看你的眼色徐贤:oh 我紧张的步伐 又再一次的试着走近你帕尼:oh 请走近我 一直走 走到能看到我的爱为止的距离 现在请走近我吧合:1 2 我的心 3 4 呼吸 5 6 全身 徐贤:我只会看着你走合:1 2 昨天是 3 4 今天是 5 6明天也是 (baby step)泰妍:只向着你走 (baby step)帕尼:今天我独自一人忍着泪水的脚步 也正向着你走去泰妍:等着得到你的心 等着你来拥抱我的那一天 I need your help合:我紧张的步伐 小心翼翼地走进我吧泰妍:somebody help me somebody help me合:我 为了能走得更近一些 不知不觉中的恐慌徐贤:我紧张的步伐 尝试着再走一步帕尼:oh 请走近我 一直走 走到能看到我的爱为止的距离 帕尼:现在请走近我吧合:1 2 我的心 3 4 呼吸 5 6 全身 徐贤:我只会看着你走1 2 昨天是 3 4 今天是 5 6明天也是 baby step 泰妍:只向着你走 baby step

求Baby steps&疯了般的想你 中文歌词

baby steps泰妍:关闭的内心 总是设法要向着你 oh即使想隐蔽 但还是不自觉地表现出来 oh徐贤:看着无法得到的你 我渺小的影子也害怕的躲了起来 帕尼:oh 我紧张的步伐 小心翼翼地走向你泰妍:oh 我 为了能够更靠近你 不知不觉中开始害怕 怕你离我越来越远合:1 2 我的心 3 4 呼吸 5 6 全身 徐贤:我只会看着你走帕尼:我的双眼越是紧闭 你的样子却越是清晰(It"s U, It"s U)徐贤:我的双耳 越是紧闭 越是整天只听得到你 泰妍:读懂你的眼神很难 整天只在你身边看你的眼色徐贤:oh 我紧张的步伐 又再一次的试着走近你帕尼:oh 请走近我 一直走 走到能看到我的爱为止的距离 现在请走近我吧合:1 2 我的心 3 4 呼吸 5 6 全身 徐贤:我只会看着你走合:1 2 昨天是 3 4 今天是 5 6明天也是 (baby step)泰妍:只向着你走 (baby step)帕尼:今天我独自一人忍着泪水的脚步 也正向着你走去泰妍:等着得到你的心 等着你来拥抱我的那一天 I need your help合:我紧张的步伐 小心翼翼地走进我吧泰妍:somebody help me somebody help me合:我 为了能走得更近一些 不知不觉中的恐慌徐贤:我紧张的步伐 尝试着再走一步帕尼:oh 请走近我 一直走 走到能看到我的爱为止的距离 帕尼:现在请走近我吧合:1 2 我的心 3 4 呼吸 5 6 全身 徐贤:我只会看着你走1 2 昨天是 3 4 今天是 5 6明天也是 baby step 泰妍:只向着你走 baby step ,留在这里。 你说你不知道的理由,因为你冰冷的眼神,让我无法说出口,我只能静静看著你为什麽我的心会这麼痛,我的指尖不断颤抖著,无法抑止我的思念让我疯狂想见到的人,疯狂到只想听到你的一句话我爱你,真的爱你,你到底会哪里?刻在我内心深处的那个人是你 我会永远的记著你我该怎麼办,就算是冰冷的你,我还是很想见到你为什麽我的心会这麼痛,我的指尖不断颤抖著,却还是无法忘记你让我疯狂想见到的人,疯狂到只想听到你的一句话我爱你,真的爱你,你到底会哪里?刻在我内心深处的那个人请也对我诉说,你也会记住我,千万别把我完全抹去,这是我的全部让我疯狂想见到的人,疯狂到只想听到你的一句话我爱你,真的爱你,你到底会哪里?刻在我内心深处的那个人是你 我会永远的记著你我爱你,我很爱你

求tarsity baby steps中文音译歌词

Varsity - Baby Steps (Ohh) (Yeah yeah) Admit it, we"re finished, you don"t want me no more (No) 承认吧,我们完了,你不再想要我了(不)Like a night mare, I lived it, it was too big to ignore (Ooh) 如同梦魇,我活在其中,难以忽视(哦)I hear the sounds but they pass me by. 我听见了声音但它们忽略了我My hazard lights are flashing, somebody, anyone - 我的危险信号灯在闪,有人,任何人-Help cause its an emergency. 来帮帮我么,因为真的很紧急Someone just wounded my heart. 有人伤了我的心So help, its like a bad surgery and now its time to recharge. 所以帮帮我吧,这好像一次糟糕的手术而现在是充电的时候了I"m starting over taking, 我重新开始了,One, two, baby steps. 一步两步,宝贝儿Three, four, baby steps. 三步四步,宝贝儿Five, six, baby steps. 五步六步,宝贝儿I"m starting over again. 我重新开始了!Abandonded, yeah I"m crying. 被遗弃了,是的,我在哭泣Its like you left me so dead (So dead, so dead) 就如同你狠狠的抛弃了我I"m so broken, my love"s frozen. 我是如此难过,我的爱情被冷藏了How do you live with regrets (Oh woah) 你在后悔中活得怎么样I see the memories flash before my eyes. 我看着记忆在眼前闪过My tank is running empty, somebody rescue me. 我的坦克漫无目的,有人来救救我么Help cause its an emergency. Someone just wounded my heart. So help, its like a bad surgery and now its time to recharge. I"m starting over taking, One, two, baby steps. Three, four, baby steps. Five, six, baby steps. I"m starting over taking, One, two, baby steps. Three, four, baby steps. Five, six, baby steps. I"m starting over again.

求少女时代 《baby steps》中文和韩文音译

[00:00.06]少女时代-TTS - Baby Steps[00:02.12][00:03.16](TaeYeon) Uh[00:05.88][00:07.53]Hey[00:10.47][00:11.64]em kiao ji ma en mi[00:16.99]qia gu sei ou na ga Oh[00:21.47]song giao po guo kang qio do [00:27.03]mo du hun lio na ga Oh [00:31.55](SeoHyun)ta en su wo nen no lv bu mio so [00:36.55]nie jia gun ku li jia do tu gi ga su o so [00:41.46](Tiffany) Oh nan duo li nun ka lun nun [00:46.55]chu xin mi ta ga ga ba [00:50.92](TaeYeon) Oh nan tuo ka ga yi ka su luo[00:56.84]on jong ji tu liao wo jio[01:00.09]ni ga mo luo ji kiao [01:01.47](ALL) One Two nie ma mi [01:03.99]Three Four song giao li [01:06.60]Five Six o nu li [01:09.23] [01:10.09](SeoHyun) no man bu mio go luo [01:12.24](Tiffany) tun mu nun ka lun su luo [01:17.39]ni ga tuo jio bu yo[01:20.04]It"s U, It"s U[01:22.12](SeoHyun) nie tu ki lv ma giao su luo [01:27.73]jiong yi no man tu lio Oh Yeah [01:32.26](TaeYeon)ni nun bi yi guo mei gi o liao wo[01:37.32]on jio yi li lio pe so no ji man bu ke due[01:42.01](SeoHyun) Oh nan duo li nun ka lun nun [01:47.40]duo wan ban ta ga ga ba [01:50.83][01:51.78](Tiffany) Oh nan nie sa lang yi po yi nun ka ga en ko li ga ji[02:00.71] yi jian ta ga wa jio [02:02.12](ALL) One Two nie ma en mi[02:04.72]Three Four song giao li [02:07.23]Five Six o nu li[02:09.78][02:10.73](SeoHyun) no man bu mio go luo[02:12.20](ALL) One Two on jie du[02:14.77]Three Four on nen du [02:17.37]Five Six mei yi du[02:20.03]Baby Steps[02:20.85](TaeYeon) no ye hang ye ko luo[02:22.55](Tiffany)on nen du nan hong jia nun mu ji nun go lun mu luo[02:29.76]nan hang ye go lu yi ji man [02:32.67](TaeYeon) ni ma en mie tan nen nai[02:35.32]ni bu mie a na ju kun na lu ki da lio[02:41.57]I need you help[02:44.80](ALL) nan duo li nun ka lun nun [02:47.97]chu xin mi ta ga ga ba[02:51.55](TaeYeon) Oh Somebody help me[02:52.73](ALL) Oh help tuo ka ga yi ka su luoTaeYeon:Oh Somebody help me[02:58.05]TaeYeon: on jiong ji tu liao wa jio[03:02.43]Oh nan do li lun ka lun nun[03:08.31]do wan ban ta ga ga ba [03:10.71](SeoHyun) duo wan ban duo ta ga ga ba[03:12.69]Oh nan nie sa lang yi bo yi nen ka ga un kuo li ga ji[03:21.45](Tiffany) yi jian ta ga wa jio[03:23.06](ALL) One Two nie ma en mi[03:25.58]Three Four song giao li[03:28.08]Five Six o nu li[03:31.66](SeoHyun) no man bu mio ko luo [03:33.21]One Two on jie du[03:35.61]Three Four on nen du[03:38.24]Five Six mei yi du[03:40.72]Baby Steps[03:41.69](TaeYeon) no lv hang ye ko luo [03:47.51]Baby

baby steps 英文版歌词

Baby Steps 所属专辑 《TWINKLE》歌手:varsity fanclub时间2012-04-30Admit it, we"re finished, you don"t want me no more (No) 承认吧,我们完了,你不再想要我了(不)Like a night mare, I lived it, it was too big to ignore (Ooh) 如同梦魇,我活在其中,难以忽视(哦)I hear the sounds but they pass me by. 我听见了声音但它们忽略了我My hazard lights are flashing, somebody, anyone - 我的危险信号灯在闪,有人,任何人-Help cause its an emergency. 来帮帮我么,因为真的很紧急Someone just wounded my heart. 有人伤了我的心So help, its like a bad surgery and now its time to recharge. 所以帮帮我吧,这好像一次糟糕的手术而现在是充电的时候了I"m starting over taking, 我重新开始了,One, two, baby steps. 一步两步,宝贝儿Three, four, baby steps. 三步四步,宝贝儿Five, six, baby steps. 五步六步,宝贝儿I"m starting over again. 我重新开始了!Abandonded, yeah I"m crying. 被遗弃了,是的,我在哭泣Its like you left me so dead (So dead, so dead) 就如同你狠狠的抛弃了我I"m so broken, my love"s frozen. 我是如此难过,我的爱情被冷藏了How do you live with regrets (Oh woah) 你在后悔中活得怎么样I see the memories flash before my eyes. 我看着记忆在眼前闪过My tank is running empty, somebody rescue me. 我的坦克漫无目的,有人来救救我么Help cause its an emergency. Someone just wounded my heart. So help, its like a bad surgery and now its time to recharge. I"m starting over taking, One, two, baby steps. Three, four, baby steps. Five, six, baby steps. I"m starting over taking, One, two, baby steps. Three, four, baby steps. Five, six, baby steps. I"m starting over again. 重复Its unexplainable, kind of and unattainable when the person you love aint enough. 这无法解释,是一种难以企及你爱的人的感觉I feel so pitiful, look at my face you"ll know the pain is in my eyes. 我觉得如此惋惜,看着我的脸你就会知道我眼中的痛苦I need some, help. 我需要一些帮助。(x2) Help cause its an emergency. Someone just wounded my heart. So help, its like a bad surgery and now its time to recharge. I"m starting over taking, One, two, baby steps. Three, four, baby steps. Five, six, baby steps. I"m starting over again重复

Meja的《Babysteps》 歌词

歌曲名:Babysteps歌手:Meja专辑:RealitalesI磎 living in a dreamfairytaleI wonder what is realand what is fake?and what is true for meis not for youwhat磗 realitywhat does it mean to you?BridgeGo take a look aroundin you reverydayto find that a miracleis just a step awayChorusBabysteps along the wayone little babystep every dayBabysteps along the wayone little babystep is OKI磎 not to little I磎 not to muchsimply humanwith a female touchI take babysteps along the wayI don磘 wanna pretendthat it磗 all under controlthe more I try to learnthe less I knowI capture in my handand ancient soulbut I don磘 understandthe ultimate goalBridgeI take a look around in my everydayto find that a miracleis just a step awayChorusI takebabysteps................

The picture ( ) on the wall is painted by my nephew. A. having B.hanging C.hang D. b


java中怎么把byte 类型的数据改为 boolean类型的



/词: 林白 /曲: 林俊杰 /Rap: 林俊杰 音乐潮人—林俊杰为BY2量身订做,亲自操刀创作而出这首复古时尚的电音Disco。绝对是心情不好,就一定要揪三五好友一起去KTV炒热气氛的必点舞曲。 歌词:灯光太耀眼 音乐在耳边 转个圈圈慢慢地往前 第一眼 就看见 发生什么事 天知道 要不要过去 瞧一瞧 是谁的心跳 在乱叫 在那里 扑通扑通扑通 那么的热闹 灯光太耀眼 音乐在耳边 转个圈圈慢慢地往前 第一眼 就看见 你的出现 在你我之间 有一种 像荡秋千奇妙的感觉 越吵越闹越大声越好 当我们走在一起 朋友的朋友就是朋友 让我们一起大声放肆尖叫 B Y T W O~~ 当我们走在一起 紧紧靠 大家凑热闹 再一次大声对全世界宣告 B Y T W O~~ 凑热闹赶走烦恼 发生什么事 天知道 要不要过去 瞧一瞧 是谁的心跳 在乱叫 在那里 扑通扑通扑通 那么的热闹 灯光太耀眼 音乐在耳边 转个圈圈慢慢地往前 第一眼 就看见 你的出现 在你我之间 有一种 像荡秋千奇妙的感觉 越吵越闹越大声越好 当我们走在一起 朋友的朋友就是朋友 让我们一起大声放肆尖叫 B Y T W O~~ 当我们走在一起 紧紧靠 大家凑热闹 再一次大声对全世界宣告 B Y T W O~~ 凑热闹赶走烦恼 Lefto Righto go with da flow Yumi Miko takin" the show Gucci"s LV"s makin" it glow Party knows no rain or snow Lefto Righto down with da flow All your ladies ya"ll get low Nights still early lets go slow Paparazzi heads up 当我们走在一起 朋友的朋友就是朋友 让我们一起大声放肆尖叫 B Y T W O~~ 当我们走在一起 紧紧靠 大家凑热闹 再一次大声对全世界宣告 B Y T W O~~ 凑热闹赶走烦恼



有首女生唱的英文歌,高潮oh baby oh baby give me some sunshine.

布兰妮的Baby One More Time

求一首耳熟能详的英文歌,只记得高潮部分有“baby tonight”这句

we are young

Bobby Vee的《Butterfly》 歌词

歌曲名:Butterfly歌手:Bobby Vee专辑:The Singles CollectionButterfly -corrine bailey reamary.zIn my mother"s houseThere"s a photographOf a day gone pastAlways makes me laughThere"s a little girlWary of the worldShe got much to learnGet her fingers burnedAn affinityBetween you and meCause we"re familySaid that I"d be fineGive me all your timeAnd I left your sideLike a butterflyShower me with your loveAll of everydayYou make the red rose sunShine on meLift me up so highWatch me fly awayWould you live your lifeLike a butterflyIn my mother"s houseThere was happinessI wrapped my myself in itWas my chrysalisAs my life unfoldsSee a pattern throughOf you protecting meAnd I protecting youWhat was that you"d sayMake your own mistakesAnd when you"re grownMake sure that you remain the sameNow I realiseWhat was on your mindWhen I left your sideLike a butter flyShower me with your loveAll of everydayYou make the red rose sunShine on meLift me up so highWatch me fly awayGive me lifeLike a butterflyShower me with your loveAll of everydayYou make the red rose sunShine on meLift me up so highWatch me fly awayGive me lifeLike a butterfly(Thanks to claire for these lyrics)

so far 和by far的区别?

so far 是表示until this time or to this place到现在为止;到这里为止,后面的句子一般用完成时,而且so far后面一般接比较贬义或者消极的信息,比如说 Fusion has not, so far, been tamed. 到目前为止,还不能控制聚变。 So far no further news had been obtained.至今没有得到进一步的消息by now 也是表示到目前为止,但是不像so far后面没有要加消极信息的那一层意思By now he has dropped the complacent notion.现在,他抛弃了一个得意的想法By now he had stirred at best only a partial sympathy.他这时候的心情,也至多只能说是略有几分同情而已。

so far 和by far的区别

so far

baby ,honey,darling,sweetie 什么意思?


Cut by Numbers谁能帮我翻译一下这篇文章啊!!非常感谢!!!

由数字减少约翰教区牧师为计算机铺路了-援助了制造业。 由丹 Cho十年,大部份最极深的人类改革已经要求残忍的精密。从在一枚矽薄片上让一个汽车的累赘变成看不见极小的特征的等高线,今天的科技惊奇会不可能制造独自地使用眼睛和手。 被帮助在计算机中提高如一个先锋的人类生产能力的制造业者约翰 T. 教区牧师-援助了制造业。 藉由将机器运动翻译成一组数字,教区牧师教机器建立机器。 在 1947 年,约翰教区牧师在生产了直升飞机转子的横贯城市,大音阶的第三音中带领了教区牧师公司厂。 在那时 , 数传计算机静止的是健身房尺寸的事件, 但是打洞器-卡片操作的电机械计算者被会计员用。 教区牧师租用了一部 IBM 会计机器嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼一些设计叁数,因为他的转子刀锋的形状被复杂相等定义了。 没有人猜想了机器会最后用空前的准确性和速度帮助教区牧师生产完成部份。 为了制造刀锋型板, 工人藉由为定义了一个型板的曲线的 17 点作标记已经传统地开始-每个吃力地以一个计算尺计算。然后他们会用手拉等高线连接点,制造形状的一个粗糙挖剪细工, 而且申请 , 块对规格 ??落。 甚至和熟练的工人,程序不可避免产生了导致了毁灭的型板和浪费的时间的错误。 然而, IBM 计算者给予了教区牧师一个主意。 他要求职员法兰克 Stulen 沿着等高线的边缘计算 200 点了,使用计算者。 教区牧师然后在每一个 200 组坐标有了一个机械师训练一个洞。 如洞是现在接近地足够重叠, 不需要另外的追踪或切断。 所有的一个机械师必须做是移动对被需要的坐标机制月台,训练一个洞,移动到下一个坐标, 而且重复。 技术仍然仰赖一个人类操作机器, 但是教区牧师想像了自动化的下个步骤-在经由打洞器卡片被喂数字的指导的一部马达驱动的机器。 教区牧师采取了他的主意给美国空军,这允许了他一份契约但是最后把计画的控制给了麻州理工学院。然而,今天约翰教区牧师被认为 "数字的控制 ," 的父亲和他在 1985 年被颁发技术的国立奖牌。





Bust It Baby Part 2 [Feat. Ne-Yo] (Explicit Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Bust It Baby Part 2 [Feat. Ne-Yo] (Explicit Album Version)歌手:Plies专辑:Bust It Baby Part 2 [Feat. Ne-Yo]Bust It Baby Part 2Plies Ft. Ne-Yoclubsound.freehost.plRapPlies:Bust It BabyAye can I please talk to my bust it baby real quick homieLet me bring you in my world, and let you know what i call my lil bust it babyNe-Yo:She got me speedin" in the fast lanePedal to the floor mayne, tryna get back to her loveBest believe she got that good thangShe my little hood thang, ask around they know usYou"ll know that"s mine...BUSTTTTTT ITTTT... ba bay bayyEverybody know that"s mine..BUSTTTT ITTTTT.... ba bay bayyEverybody know thats mine..Plies:If i wasn"t married to the streets, it"d be youYo lips what make you so cuteLove when you poke yo mouth out when you mad tooSave your number in my phone under Lil BooLike your sex but more love what cha doTurn me on how you stare at me when we throughWhen you give it to me, i don"t wanna turn ya looseScared to moan around you, alls i can say is "Ooh"My favorite panties of yours the ones that see-throughOne wit the pink trim on "em and they light blueSpeakin" for the goons, thank god for makin" youBUST IT BABY is what i call youNe-Yo:She got me speedin" in the fast lanePedal to the floor mayne, tryna get back to her loveBest believe she got that good thangShe my little hood thang, ask around they know usYou"ll know that"s mine..BUSTTTTTT ITTT... ba bay bayyyEverybody know that"s mine..BUSTTTT ITTT... ba bay bayyyEverybody know thats mineAy Ay slow downThey say he"s an entertainer?, slow downyou"re just one more, he don"t respect youHe just gon" hurt you, and neglect youWell they gon" say what they wanna, yeahI made a promise, to do you right and i"m gonnaGirl i"ll do everything i can, prove i"ma better manThan your friends think i amShe got me speedin" in the fast lanePedal to the floor mayne, tryna get back to her loveBest believe she got that good thangShe my little hood thang, ask around they know usYou"ll know that"s mine..BUSTTTTTT ITTT... ba bay bayyyEverybody know that"s mine..BUSTTTT ITTT... ba bay bayyyEverybody know thats minePlies:I juss gave her a nick name, it"s wet-wetCause when we finished she mess up all the bedsetsShe got sommin" to relax me when i"m under stressNever told her, but to let her know it but she the bestShe like to spell her name wit her tongue on my chestIf you had told me it was this good, i"da never guessedShe full of surprises, i don"t know what she"ll do nextBut while she sleep i sneak and put hickies on her neckAnd when she go out, she shut down the whole setlove to see her in heels wit the slit in her dressShe like to do her own hair and get her own checksMy BUST IT BABY i keep "er on deckNe-Yo:She got me speedin" in the fast lanePedal to the floor mayne, tryna get back to her loveBest believe she got that good thangShe my little hood thang, ask around they know usYou"ll know that"s mine..BUSTTTTTT ITTT... ba bay bayyyEverybody know that"s mine..BUSTTTT ITTT... ba bay bayyyEverybody know thats mine

关于banana baby这个牌子

Banana Baby & Banana CC 是姊妹品牌, Banana Baby 为专利品牌服饰,以轻松、时尚、典雅、浪漫性感为主创手法。是一个源自于韩国经典时尚女装品牌,面料来自于韩国、香港、台湾等地区及国家。现在Banana Baby 专卖店不单在中国迅速发展,在新西兰也有该品牌的专卖。 Banana CC这个品牌是近年服装界突出的新力军。其之设计风格是时尚、自然、青春的路线,适合年龄层次18-30岁的美女们。它剪裁简单、用料舒适,时尚不乏其品牌自身的特色,款式都是日韩现流行的风格。


standby和idle的区别:手机处于三个状态;第一个IDLE相当于语音关机状态,手机在数据的IDLE进行附着,告诉SGSN我开机了;第二步进入READY ,就绪;要传数据;若无数据可传递,那么等待一段时间后,定时器超时导致手机得释放掉它所占用TBF临时块流;手机进入保持状态;第三步:保持状态下,相当于手机在语音状态下的待机状态;原因:在保持状态下,它只接收寻呼消息;一旦有寻呼信息,收到后响应,则从保持状态进入READY(这中间有个申请PDCH信道资源,即建立TBF临时块流的过程);


手机处于三个状态;第一个IDLE相当于语音关机状态,手机在数据的IDLE进行附着,告诉SGSN我开机了;第二步进入READY ,就绪;要传数据;若无数据可传递,那么等待一段时间后,定时器超时导致手机得释放掉它所占用TBF临时块流;手机进入保持状态;第三步:保持状态下,相当于手机在语音状态下的待机状态;原因:在保持状态下,它只接收寻呼消息;一旦有寻呼信息,收到后响应,则从保持状态进入READY(这中间有个申请PDCH信道资源,即建立TBF临时块流的过程);

The Last Goodbye的歌词

Last GoodbyeAin"t no headlights on the road tonightEverybody here is sleeping tightAin"t nobody gonna find us hereWe"ll disappearThere"s a dancer in the arms of loveAnd he"s dancing on the sky aboveAnd the truth is that we"ll never knowWhere love will flowAim high, shoot lowWe gotta aim high, shoot low babyChorus:Ain"t no headlights on the road tonightAin"t nobody here to make it rightCause we couldn"t seem to find a wayFor love to stayIf you had another night to giveI would have another night to liveBut you"re never gonna see me cry the last goodbye(Last goodbye)Is it cloudy where you are tonight?Are the neon lights shining brightAre you looking for a place to stayTo get away (don"t get away)And my days are horses down the hillRunning fast and theres no time to killAnd the truth is that we"ll never knowWhere love will flowAim high, shoot lowWe gotta aim high, shoot low babyChorus:Ain"t no headlights on the road tonightAin"t nobody here to make it rightCause we couldn"t seem to find a wayFor love to stayIf you had another night to giveI would have another night to liveBut you"re never gonna see me cry the last goodbyeIf I could do it overI"d do it all again (do it again)And if I got one more chanceI wouldn"t change a thingAim high, shoot lowAim high, shoot low...Chorus:Ain"t no headlights on the road tonightAin"t nobody here to make it rightCause we couldn"t seem to find a wayFor love to stayIf you had another night to giveI would have another night to liveBut you"re never gonna see me cry the last goodbyeChorus:Ain"t no headlights on the road tonightAin"t nobody here to make it rightCause we couldn"t seem to find a wayFor love to stayIf you had another night to giveI would have another night to liveBut you"re never gonna see me cry the last goodbye 今夜的公路没有汽车(行驶)每个人都已熟睡没有人会在这里找到我们我们将会消失那里有个舞者在爱的臂膀中(起舞)他在天空中舞蹈真相便是我们将永远不会知道是否爱会洋溢于空中眼高手低宝贝 我们要眼高手低今夜的公路没有汽车(行驶)没有人会在这里把你弄哭因为我们似乎找不到一种让爱停留的方式如果你再给(我)多一晚我便可活多一晚但你永不想在永别的时候看到我哭今晚你走过的地方人潮拥挤霓虹灯发出耀眼的光芒你在寻找一个栖身之所吗?(能让你)逃离时光就像下山的马(一心)飞奔并没有时间去在乎(别的事情)真相便是 我们将永远不会知道是否爱会洋溢于空中眼高手低宝贝 我们要眼高手低如果我可以再来一次我可以重新再来一次如果我可以有多一次机会我将不会改变任何一样东西眼高手低眼高手低 Last GoodbyeAin"t no headlights on the road tonightEverybody here is sleeping tightAin"t nobody gonna find us here最后的告别是不是今晚的道路上没有大灯每个人都在这里沉睡没有人会在这里找到我们We"ll disappearThere"s a dancer in the arms of loveAnd he"s dancing on the sky aboveAnd the truth is that we"ll never know我们将消失有一个爱的怀抱中的舞者他上方的天空上跳舞而事实是,我们永远不会知道Where love will flowAim high, shoot lowWe gotta aim high, shoot low babyChorus:爱将流向哪里大志,拍低我们要志存高远,拍低的婴儿合唱:Ain"t no headlights on the road tonightAin"t nobody here to make it rightCause we couldn"t seem to find a wayFor love to stay是不是今晚的道路上没有大灯这里没有人作出正确的因为我们似乎无法找到一个方法对于爱留If you had another night to giveI would have another night to liveBut you"re never gonna see me cry the last goodbye(Last goodbye)如果你有一个晚上给我想有一个晚上住但你永远不会看到我哭了最后的告别(最后的告别)Is it cloudy where you are tonight?Are the neon lights shining brightAre you looking for a place to stayTo get away (don"t get away)它阴天今晚你在哪里?是霓虹灯闪亮亮您是否在寻找一个栖身之地脱身(不闪避)And my days are horses down the hillRunning fast and theres no time to killAnd the truth is that we"ll never knowWhere love will flow我的日子都是马下山运行速度快,世界上没有时间来杀死而事实是,我们永远不会知道爱将流向哪里Aim high, shoot lowWe gotta aim high, shoot low babyChorus:Ain"t no headlights on the road tonight大志,拍低我们要志存高远,拍低的婴儿合唱:是不是今晚的道路上没有大灯Ain"t nobody here to make it rightCause we couldn"t seem to find a wayFor love to stayIf you had another night to give这里没有人作出正确的因为我们似乎无法找到一个方法对于爱留如果你有一个晚上给I would have another night to liveBut you"re never gonna see me cry the last goodbyeIf I could do it overI"d do it all again (do it again)我想有一个晚上住但你永远不会看到我哭了最后的告别如果我能做到这一点我做一遍(做一遍)And if I got one more chanceI wouldn"t change a thingAim high, shoot lowAim high, shoot low...如果我有最后一次机会我不会改变任何事情大志,拍低大志,拍低...Chorus:Ain"t no headlights on the road tonightAin"t nobody here to make it rightCause we couldn"t seem to find a way合唱:是不是今晚的道路上没有大灯这里没有人作出正确的因为我们似乎无法找到一个方法For love to stayIf you had another night to giveI would have another night to liveBut you"re never gonna see me cry the last goodbye对于爱留如果你有一个晚上给我想有一个晚上住但你永远不会看到我哭了最后的告别Chorus:Ain"t no headlights on the road tonightAin"t nobody here to make it rightCause we couldn"t seem to find a way合唱:是不是今晚的道路上没有大灯这里没有人作出正确的因为我们似乎无法找到一个方法For love to stayIf you had another night to giveI would have another night to liveBut you"re never gonna see me cry the last goodbye对于爱留如果你有一个晚上给我想有一个晚上住但你永远不会看到我哭了最后的告别
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