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Liam Noble&Ingrid Laubrock的《Cells》 歌词

歌曲名:Cells歌手:Liam Noble&Ingrid Laubrock专辑:Let"s Call This...This is ZJY, I"m waiting for U, MY LOVE,RIt"ll all click when the mortgage clearsAll our fears will disappearNow you go to bedI"m staying hereI"ve got another level that I want to clearMy skin feels like orange peelMy eyes have been vacuum-sealedMy organs move like a squirm of eelsWe should be more adventurous with our mealsThey annoy me those who employ meThey could destroy meThey should enjoy meWe eat chinese off our kneesAnd look for each other in the TV screenThe sun goes up and the sun goes downI drag myself into the townAll I do I want to do with youEveryday I"m at my deskAt my desk I"m like the restAll I do I want to do with youOn the city"s skin they move on massLike a rash on the back of a manky catNow in I go like a foolI can"t resist dipping in the poolI watch them watch me I watch them tooAcross the street across the roomI dress myself like a charcoal sketchMy eyes are brown and my hair"s a messThey annoy me those who employ meThey could destroy meThey should enjoy meWe eat chinese off our kneesAnd look for each other in the TV screenThe sun goes up and the sun goes downI drag myself into the townAll I do I want to do with youEveryday I"m at my deskAt my desk I"m like the restAll I do I want to do with youThe sun goes up and the sun goes downI drag myself into the townAll I do I want to do with youThe cells I am at the moment will soon dieBut I will be hereOh I"ll still be hereThe cells I am at the moment will soon dieBut I will be hereOh I"ll still be hereThe sun goes up and the sun goes downI drag myself into the townAll I do I want to do with youEveryday I"m at my deskAt my desk I"m like the restAll I do I want to do with youEveryday everyday everyday everyday everyday everyday

Rocketmq的k8s配置(1nameservice + 1brocker)

RockerMQ在k8s的部署有两种方式, 一种是使用operator 在k8s集群中部署,可参考 operation项目 ; 一种是编写简单的k8s配置文件,在rocketmq的docker项目中有提供模板。 这里我们希望使用单机版k8s部署一套低配置rockerMQ, 仅启动一个nameservice和1个broker,我们将使用 rocketmq-docker项目 提供的模板来完成。 apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: rocketmq spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: rocketmq template: metadata: labels: app: rocketmq spec: containers: - name: broker image: apacherocketmq/rocketmq:4.6.0 command: [&","mqbroker", "-n","localhost:9876"] imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 10909 - containerPort: 10911 env: - name: JAVA_OPT value: -server -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /home/rocketmq/logs name: brokeroptlogs - mountPath: /home/rocketmq/store name: brokeroptstore - name: namesrv image: apacherocketmq/rocketmq:4.6.0 command: ["sh","mqnamesrv"] imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 9876 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /home/rocketmq/logs name: namesrvoptlogs volumes: - name: brokeroptlogs emptyDir: {} - name: brokeroptstore emptyDir: {} - name: namesrvoptlogs emptyDir: {} - name: namesrvoptstore emptyDir: {} apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: rocketmqservice spec: type: NodePort ports: - name: namesrv port: 9876 targetPort: 9876 nodePort: 32000 selector: app: rocketmq notes: 签名异常问题 Caused by: org.apache.rocketmq.acl.common.AclException: [10015:signature-failed] unable to calculate a request signature. error=Algorithm HmacSHA1 not available 手动方案I,在 中${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/ext后加上ext文件夹的绝对路径(jdk路径) 最终方案: 手动的方式,很不方便,经过检查,实际问题是由于路径上的${JAVA_HOME}变量为空,导致无法找到etx路径。所以,我们通过k8s的方式传入JAVA_HOME环境便令就可以了。如下图: 3.2 添加订阅组 订阅组 可以用来实现消费的loadbalance,同一订阅组的消费者分享所有的读队列。 创建订阅组使用updateSubGroup 命令,所需参数如下: 执行命令新建一个授权服务的消费组 ./mqadmin updateSubGroup -b localhost:10911 -n localhost:9876 -g GID_authorize 执行结果:

使用Matlab绘制三维图像步骤 不要敷衍 如果可以 请绘制Rosenbrock函数

把这个文件存到一个createfigure.m文件中,运行一下就行了。这个注释挺全的吧?而且画出来的就是rosenbrock函数。有不明白的再问吧~function createfigure% Create figurefigure1 = figure("Position",[10 40 1200 600]);colormap("gray");axis square;R=0:.002:1;TH=2*pi*(0:.002:1); X=R"*cos(TH); Y=R"*sin(TH); Z=log(1+vrosenbrock(X,Y));% Create subplotsubplot1 = subplot(1,2,1,"Parent",figure1);view([124 34]);grid("on");hold("all");% Create surfacesurf(X,Y,Z,"Parent",subplot1,"LineStyle","none");% Create contourcontour(X,Y,Z,"Parent",subplot1);% Create subplotsubplot2 = subplot(1,2,2,"Parent",figure1);view([234 34]);grid("on");hold("all");% Create surfacesurf(X,Y,Z,"Parent",subplot2,"LineStyle","none");% Create contourcontour(X,Y,Z,"Parent",subplot2);% The function vrosenbrock, used in createfigure, calculates Rosenbrock"s function at a whole vector of points:function z=vrosenbrock(x,y)z=100*(y - x.^2).^2 + (1-x).^2;



Peter Brocklehurst的《Ave Maria》 歌词

歌曲名:Ave Maria歌手:Peter Brocklehurst专辑:For Youave mariagratia plenadominus tecumbenedicta tuin mulieribuset benedictusfructus ventristui jesussancta mariasancta mariamariaora pro nobisnobis peccatoribusnunc et in horain hora mortis nostrae(sancta mariasancta maria)mariaora pro nobisnobis peccatoribusnunc et in horain hora mortis nostraeamenamen





简爱中的Jane Eyre爱的是Edward Fairfax Rochester还是Mr. Brocklehurst

前者 毫无疑问她最后回到了Rochester的身边,虽然那时候他已经瞎了,并且也没有原来那么富有。他们最后一直生活在一起的。

永不妥协(原 名:Erin Brockovich 演 员:茱莉亚罗伯兹)

Erin Brockovich is an unemployed single mother, desperate to find a job, but is having no luck. This losing streak even extends to a failed lawsuit against a doctor in a car accident she was in. With no alternative, she successfully browbeats her lawyer to give her a job in compensation for the loss. While no one takes her seriously, with her trashy clothes and earthy manners, that soon changes when she begins to investigate a suspicious real estate case involving the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. What she discovers is that the company is trying quietly to buy land that was contaminated by hexavalent chromium, a deadly toxic waste that the company is improperly and illegally dumping and, in turn, poisoning the residents in the area. As she digs deeper, Erin finds herself leading point in a series of events that would involve her lawfirm in one of the biggest class action lawsuits in American history against a multi-billion dollar corporation. 参考:

Erin Brockovich什么意思呢 英文?~!~?!

永不妥协Erin Brockovich 电影名字 以下是官方简介:Erin Brockovich is an unemployed single mother, desperate to find a job, but is having no luck. This losing streak even extends to a failed lawsuit against a doctor in a car accident she was in. With no alternative, she successfully browbeats her lawyer to give her a job in compensation for the loss. While no one takes her seriously, with her trashy clothes and earthy manners, that soon changes when she begins to investigate a suspicious real estate case involving the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. What she discovers is that the company is trying quietly to buy land that was contaminated by hexavalent chromium, a deadly toxic waste that the company is improperly and illegally dumping and, in turn, poisoning the residents in the area. As she digs deeper, Erin finds herself leading point in a series of events that would involve her lawfirm in one of the biggest class action lawsuits in American history against a multi-billion dollar corporation.


brockboune是什么意思?这个词的含义呢 最好的解决办法就是去查词典 字典里会告诉我们这个的意思

all for love-stevie brock 歌词

speaking]you no girl my heart goes out to youhear me out now cuz it"s all for lovesinging]i"m so glad you"re my girli"ll do anything for youcall you every nightand give you flowers tooi thank the lord for youand think about you all the timei ask him everydaythat you"ll forever be minei wanna hold your handto show you i"ll be therei like to do the thingsthat let to know i carei sing this lullaby"cause girl you fill me fulli look into your eyesyou"re so beautifuloh girl i think i love youi"m always thinkin" of youi want you to know i"d do it all for lovei love it when we"re togethergirl i need you foreverand want you to know i do it all for lovei will never leave you sugarthis i guaranteei look into the futurei see you and meknight in shining armori will be your fairy talei wanna take care of yougirl i"ll serve you welli will be there for youto catch you when you falli"ll hold you in my armsthat"s where you belongi sing this lullaby"cause girl you fill me fulli look into your eyesyou"re so beautiful beautiful yeah!oh girl i think i love youi"m always thinkin" of youi want you to know i"d do it all for lovei love it when we"re togethergirl i need you foreverand want you to know i do it all for lovespeaking part]yo-come here sweethearti want you to know something all rightsee everyday in my life without youwould be like a hundred yearsthe distance between usan ocean of tearssee all the things i do for youare for love-- dig itsinging]all for lovin" (all for love)all for you (you you you)all for lovin" you (you)yeah babyoh girl i think i love youi"m always think i love youi want you to know i"d do it all for lovei love it when we"re togethergirl i need you foreverand want you to know i do it all for loveoh girl i think i love youi"m always think i love youi want you to know i"d do it all for lovei love it when we"re togethergirl i need you foreverand want you to know i do it all for loveoh girl i think i love youi"m always think i love youi want you to know i"d do it all for lovei love it when we"re togethergirl i need you foreverand want you to know i do it all for love

约翰·塞纳(John Cena)和布洛克·莱斯纳(Brock Lesnar)私下有矛盾吗?

福田普罗科环卫车BROCK 8T洗扫车适合什么样的路面?高速路可以吗?

BROCK 8T洗扫车适用于高速公路、环城公路、高等级公路、城市主干道等路面的高速、长距离清扫保洁作业,尤其适用于污染严重路面的清扫工作,所以高速公路的清扫,对于她来说, So Easy!



brock lesnar得过几次ufc冠军

2007年2月6日MMA处子战击败金岷秀2007年10月22日,UFC总裁Dana White宣布和WWE前摔角巨星Brock Lesnar签下2年的合同2008年2月2日,UFC81 中,第一回合1分30秒时被Frank Mir踝锁降服2008年8月9日,UFC87中,一致判定击败“疯马”Heath Herring2008年11月15日,UFC91中,第二回合3分07秒 TKO Randy Couture,夺得UFC重量级冠军头衔2009年7月11日,UFC100中,第二回合1分48秒 TKO Frank Mir,卫冕了UFC重量级冠军2010年7月4日,UFC116中, 第二回合3分17秒成功降服Shane Carwin。卫冕了UFC重量级冠军2010年10月23日,UFC121中,第一回合4分07秒被 Cain Velasquez TKO。丢掉了UFC重量级冠军。2011年12月30日,UFC141中,第一回合2分35秒被 Alistair OvereemTKO。输掉比赛并宣布退役,结束了4年的MMA职业生涯。截止12年1月,MMA战绩5胜3负



美国棒球电影,男主角叫brock kelly,求名字。




brock university



不算好大学,知名度非常低~ 具体课程怎么样不知道跟queen Ivey Schulich 没法比

加拿大留学,UT,UBC,SFU---以及中介推荐的Brock,Windsor,St mary

McGill根本不要会法语好不好啊,我就是McGill的,不推荐你来读,我们学校商科不算好,读出来大多都在本地工作,那就要法语了。说实在得你的GPA太低了,而且又不是985 211,Windsor对你来说还不错。其实你想申什么就申什么呗,不就是多交钱,你先查申请条件,你合格了的,又是你想申的,不管牛不牛你都申请呗。


布鲁克兄弟 香港蛮流行 好象是香港的吧





一个电影里叫brock的足球队的人背着160磅的人爬完了整个足球场 这个电影是什么???大概讲

可能是facing the giants吧









