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永不妥协(原 名:Erin Brockovich 演 员:茱莉亚罗伯兹)

2023-06-18 20:46:45


Julia Roberts Captures Our Hearts and the Screen in this Powerful Tale of Personal Triumph.


Steven Soderbergh directs Julia Roberts in a mature, powerful, deeply moving performance of Erin Brockovich, a woman who has traded on her sex appeal and stubbornness to disastrous effect until she finds her perfection as a legal assistant championing the cause of a small community ravaged by a polluting industrial titan. We all boo and hiss when corporate corruption, cover-up, and greed knowingly hurt people. The courage of movie heroes and heroines to dig up the truth and stand against the malevolent goliaths tickles our spirits as we glean the awesome power of truth and goodness. Erin Brockovich is a magnificently adapted true story of one woman"s crusade against a corporate behemoth, but that is not what makes this movie the second gem of the year for both of us.

Erin Brokovich offers a powerful vision for how a woman can achieve personal and professional victory by overcoming the external and internal constraints that keep her from integrating the full power of her sexuality, her mouth, her almost obsessive doggedness, her untapped intelligence, and her relationship charisma to cut through to the truth. As the movie opens, Erin begs for work for which she has no training. The highlight of her personal background has been a stint as Miss Wichita. Like many young women who are blinded by the easy triumphs their beauty procures, Erin has invested life"s resources poorly. She has been married and divorced twice and is struggling to raise three kids. Without a man or a job, her prospects seem dim, even to her. She teeters on the brink of disaster.

Erin finds some hope in the form of a wealthy doctor who runs a red light and slams into her car. Erin believes she"s hit a litigation jackpot. Her lawyer, Ed Masry (Albert Finney) tries to tame her mouthy bitchiness in court, but she blows it on the stand and ends up with nothing. She then plays on her lawyer"s guilt about losing the case to leverage a job as a gofer in his office. In many ways, Erin is the white trash employee from hell. She wears garish outfits. She badgers the other employees and Ed with ripping insults. There may be truth in her jibes, but they are so hostile that she becomes more a liability than an asset.

The real opportunity presents itself when Erin is given a routine, pro-bono (meaning the law firm gets no money) real estate purchase case in which a huge utility company (PG&E, Pacific Gas & Electric) is buying out the property of a family living next to one of its desert plants. Erin smells a rat and begins to investigate what turns into a major scandal. PG&E has knowingly dumped toxic levels of a deadly form of Chromium into the town"s water. Horrific diseases afflict most families living around the plant, but the people don"t realize PG&E has been the culprit.

The dramatic tension that drives this movie so deeply into the heart is the transformation in Erin. She has always had a tremendous underutilized talent for gaining empathy, especially from the genuinely downtrodden. She also has a superb memory for detail and a powerful instinct for visceral confrontation with the flunkies and fops in the legal profession who try to bury her and the case in paper and bull. Finding a way to nail PG&E gives Erin the perfect opportunity to express her many gifts and benefit herself and others, but to succeed, she must make major changes and sacrifices.

Some of the story elements of Erin"s success seem like a Hollywood fairy tale. Her next-door neighbor is a motorcycle riding construction worker between jobs with the time and the heart to tend her kids while she focuses on her job. Too good to be true perhaps, but then, all stories that have motivated us to broaden our consciousness, to accept more freedom and to achieve greater things than our station, our race, or gender would have allowed, have fairy tale elements. What is so important and moving about the stories like Erin Brockovich is their magical ability to provide an image of how we might overcome the external, and more importantly the internal, shackles that bind us.

The power of the Prince (even in the form of a good looking construction worker) in this movie is not that he brings the magical answer to Erin, but that he tempts her to fall into the role of a kept Princess. At one point he demands more attention and makes the ever so enticing demand that Erin leave the rat race of her legal career behind to be with him and the kids. He calls on the deep longing in a feminine soul to fall back on the intimacy of a man rescuing her, taking care of her and her chicks, soothing her hurt and loneliness, salving her desperation. With great pain, Erin declares her will and pulls back from him to claim her own destiny.

Erin has to make hard choices not just about her romance. As a struggling, single, working woman, she must find a way to be true to the demands of her kids. Even with the convenient Prince as part of the answer, Erin must find the place to love them and still achieve her glory. In a scene of immense pathos, this in many ways irresolvable dilemma finds a resolution. Erin"s son, who has become more and more resentful of his mom"s absence, finds a statement about a badly afflicted child his age. We won"t spoil the details, but what a magnificent way to show a boy suddenly mature with understanding and acceptance of his mother"s hard work.

Erin"s other source of power comes from her ability to adapt her Aphroditic allure, which previously led to her failed dependence on men, into a weapon to cajole and seduce to get information. Her boobs, often consciously flaunted by buttoning down her tops to show a lot of cleavage and tan line, lead the way to important concessions and revelations.

A lot of the emotional grip of Erin Brockovich comes from the clever dialog and intriguing story line. The interweaving of the words, the actions, the legal story, and the personal transformation journey are done with exceptional quality by one of our new favorite screenwriters, Susannah Grant. She wrote Ever After, Pocahontas, and the soon to be released 28 Days. Ms. Grant always puts women in roles where their character development is crucial to resolving all of the dramatic dilemmas. Even if her heroines get the man, it is not at the cost of personal integrity. We look forward to many more scripts with this powerful vision for how women can be as much as they are gifted to be, with all their flaws and blessings included.

However, the greatest delight of Erin Brockovich is Julia Roberts. She stunned us with her acumen, maturity, and beauty. We are accustomed to seeing her portray women emerging from confusion or weakness, but never have her tears, her expressions, her sauciness, her body, her face, even her huge smile been more glowing. We are beginning to see the deeper beauty in her performances that comes with maturity. When the history of the cinema of this era is told, we believe that Julia will be a lasting tribute to stories that showed how sexual power can be integrated with personal power to achieve glory for and by women.

We also acknowledge Albert Finney in a fine portrayal of a bemused lawyer who struggles to keep his balance with Erin and the huge case that threatens to bankrupt him when he is almost ready to retire. There is powerful chemistry between Ed and Erin, though it is not overtly sexual. They do not have to do "it" to have significant impact on each other. These two feral scrappers live best by their wits and their clashing. Often in ways neither seems to expect, they draw out the best in each other.

And so, Erin ultimately hits her jackpot when she does the work she is best suited to do with gusto, determination, and sacrifice. What a magnificent cinematic metaphor to give us the vision to be more than we seem, to be all that we can be.

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
Erin Brockovich is an unemployed single mother, desperate to find a job, but is having no luck. This losing streak even extends to a failed lawsuit against a doctor in a car accident she was in. With no alternative, she successfully browbeats her lawyer to give her a job in compensation for the loss. While no one takes her seriously, with her trashy clothes and earthy manners, that soon changes when she begins to investigate a suspicious real estate case involving the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. What she discovers is that the company is trying quietly to buy land that was contaminated by hexavalent chromium, a deadly toxic waste that the company is improperly and illegally dumping and, in turn, poisoning the residents in the area. As she digs deeper, Erin finds herself leading point in a series of events that would involve her lawfirm in one of the biggest class action lawsuits in American history against a multi-billion dollar corporation.



flict=strike表示“打击” 词根flict=strike表示“打击” afflict v 使苦恼;折磨(af一再+filct→一再打击→折磨) conflict v 冲突,斗争(con共同+flict→共同打→冲突) inflict v 导致破坏或痛苦(in进入+flict→进入打斗→导致痛苦)
2023-06-18 20:04:083


2023-06-18 20:04:424


100个冷门且好听的英文名1、chowhound吃货、formerly原来、cold mood冷情绪、oxygen氧气、sham伪善。2、polite文雅、cosmopolitan四海为家、the traveler过客、雨食infante◎、vision断桥。3、redundant多余、pull难挽、stupid笨蛋、aurora极光、clumsy笨拙。4、quorra"s chord心弦、queen女王、芯裂feint、heart揪心、chafferer迷心。5、winner冠军、subsequently后来、heartplug心塞、naive天真、detainment挽留。6、afflict折磨、slow慢热、augenstern眼中的星星、demophobia人群恐惧、tangle纠缠。7、Lennon伦农、lemon柠檬、ttony沉沦、serenity宁静、sandm旧梦。8、melancholy忧郁、tears眼泪、lie说谎、too late太迟、prison囚困。9、deephug深拥、rascal小子、optimism乐观、disappear逃避、agoni爱过你。10、stay挽留、memory荒年、lonely孤独、paranoia妄想症、smile陌离。11、future未来、same time时光不变、phantom幻想、expectation期遇、deep love深爱。12、cerulean蔚蓝、saphead笨蛋蛋、remain残骸、mantra心咒、sandy情绪控。13、geek怪咖、love song情歌、partiality偏心、despair绝望、beginner初学者。14、hickey吻痕、sunshine残阳、pretext借口、cardiac心亡、value me珍爱我。15、ridiculous可笑的、laugh tired笑倦、fall to him沦陷于他、arrogant傲慢。16、catsayer隐痛、lost失去、forget淡忘、永远eternally、alien外星人。17、drink alone独自买醉、curtain落幕、struggle挣扎、star时光、sad痛心。18、devil冒失鬼、spring初心、outsiders局外人、alone in孤身一人、desert舍弃。19、eternity永恒、dreams凉兮、mist薄雾、dislike不喜、pizazz潇洒。20、youth shouting青春呐喊、tiredness疲惫、deeplove深爱、broken凉城、allure倾城。
2023-06-18 20:04:511

什么单词包含这些字母:a i c f f r t

2023-06-18 20:05:073

折磨的拼音狐 折磨的拼音是什么

折磨的读音是:zhé mó。 折磨的拼音是:zhé mó。 注音是:ㄓㄜ_ㄇㄛ_。 词性是:动词。 结构是:折(左右结构)磨(半包围结构)。折磨的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】[zhémó]:(动)使在肉体上、精神上受痛苦:受尽~。[近]折腾|煎熬。[反]爱抚。二、引证解释⒈使在精神或肉体上受打击,受痛苦。引唐白居易《春晚咏怀赠皇甫朗之》:“多中更被愁牵引,少里兼招病折磨。”《儒林外史》第五四回:“我贪图些甚么?受这些折磨!”秦牧《长河浪花集·深情注视壁上人》:“_她_受着穷困和胃溃疡的折磨,但仍然一心一意要写成这本书。”⒉犹消磨。引明孟称舜《桃花人面》第二出:“无端花月成淹滞,有限韶光空折磨,俺衷肠您知么?”谢觉哉《书同文,语同音》:“还要死记背诵。这样,折磨了我好几年的光阴,却一点用处也没有。”三、国语词典使精神或肉体上承受痛苦。唐.白居易〈春晚咏怀赠皇甫朗之〉诗:「多中更被愁牵引,少处兼遭病折磨。」《儒林外史.第五四回》:「我贪图些甚么?受这些折磨!你家有银子,不愁弄不得一个人来,放我一条生路去罢!」也作「磨折」、「折蹬」、「折_」。词语翻译英语topersecute,totorment德语peinigt,schikanieren,Behelligung(S)_,Bel_stigung(S)_,Drill(S)_,Feuerprobe(S)_,Plage(S)_,Qu_lerei(S)_,Verfolgung(S)_,maltr_tieren(V)_,peinigen(V)_,betroffen(Adj)_,folternd(Adj)_法语tourmenter四、网络解释折磨(汉语词语)折磨(zhémó),出于唐白居易《春晚咏怀赠皇甫朗之》:“多中更被愁牵引,少里兼招病折磨。”,现多指因病痛,困难等在精神或肉体上受打击。网络上另有“玩贴吧的赛亚人”一义。关于折磨的近义词揉搓熬煎磨难煎熬磨折揉磨关于折磨的反义词疼惜关于折磨的诗词《窗-偏头疼折磨着我》《岁暮感怀·枯菀由天任折磨》《锦园访荷·傲骨天生故折磨》关于折磨的诗句少处兼遭病折磨春荣秋谢花折磨残躯病折磨关于折磨的单词afflicted withafflictafflicted childgruelingtormentrackafflictinglyafflicted district关于折磨的成语擦掌磨拳磨砻浸灌切磋琢磨磨砺以须磨穿铁鞋朝折暮折磨砥刻厉千磨百折磨砻底厉磨动关于折磨的词语磨砻浸灌百般折磨蚁旋磨擦掌磨拳千磨百折切磋琢磨磨穿铁鞋磨砻底厉磨砺以须九折臂关于折磨的造句1、病痛的折磨让她在病床上不停地呻吟着。2、凡卡想与其在老板家受折磨,莫如回到爷爷身边去放羊。3、这场扼病把老王折磨得骨瘦如柴,令人心痛。4、一年来疼痛的折磨,如今已使他形销骨立。5、敌人的百般折磨,丝毫没有动摇江姐的革命意志。点此查看更多关于折磨的详细信息
2023-06-18 20:07:011


Evildoer(坏人) Your father(你爹) Im fine(我很好) To be lonely(寂寞寂寞就好) promise(承诺) People to dog to(人来狗往) Healer(治愈者) afflict(折磨) Heart friends money dog(心交朋友钱交狗) Evil(罪恶) Rampant(猖狂) Sleepless night(雨夜未眠) Transparent(透明) Assault(强攻) Night owl(夜猫) 男生英文网名带翻译 succeed in escaping(逃脱) Pattern(套路) Rebound(备胎) hate to part with or use(舍不得) Seduce(色诱) Renaitre(复活) A thousand years of love(千年之恋) Thats What I Am(这就是我) Jealousy(妒忌) Ripe(成熟) Pathosis(病态) salted fish(咸鱼) enjoy in retrospect(回味) merlin(默) Partner(伴侣) Come back(重来) Your most precious(你最珍贵) I"m waiting for you(我在等你) Estrus(发情期) Revenge(寻仇) Sweethess(甜腻) Guetse(乱情) Chafferer(恶作剧) Crazy(疯了) Like the blue(似海蓝) The spirit of hypoxia(精神缺氧) Naive(幼稚) Stubborn(固执) You are everything to me(你是我的全部) Sink or Swim(浮沉) Reluctantly(勉强) Say goodbye(说再见) indulge(沉溺) ancestor(小祖宗)
2023-06-18 20:07:081


英文男网名如下:1、chowhound(吃货)2、formerly(原来)3、cold mood(冷情绪)4、oxygen(氧气)5、sham(伪善)6、polite(文雅)7、cosmopolitan(四海为家)8、the traveler过客9、rascal(小子)10、optimism (乐观)11、redundant(多余)12、pull(难挽)13、stupid(笨蛋)14、aurora(极光)15、clumsy(笨拙)16、quorra"s chord(心弦)17、future(未来)18、lonely(孤独)19、heart (揪心)20、chafferer迷心21、winner(冠军)22、subsequently(后来)23、heartplug心塞24、naive(天真)25、clumsy(笨拙)26、afflict(折磨)27、slow(慢热)28、augenstern (眼中的星星)29、demophobia(人群恐惧)30、tangle (纠缠)31、lemon(柠檬)32、ttony(沉沦)33、serenity(宁静)
2023-06-18 20:07:171


100个冷门且好听的英文名1、chowhound吃货、formerly原来、cold mood冷情绪、oxygen氧气、sham伪善。2、polite文雅、cosmopolitan四海为家、the traveler过客、雨食infante◎、vision断桥。3、redundant多余、pull难挽、stupid笨蛋、aurora极光、clumsy笨拙。4、quorra"s chord心弦、queen女王、芯裂feint、heart揪心、chafferer迷心。5、winner冠军、subsequently后来、heartplug心塞、naive天真、detainment挽留。6、afflict折磨、slow慢热、augenstern眼中的星星、demophobia人群恐惧、tangle纠缠。7、Lennon伦农、lemon柠檬、ttony沉沦、serenity宁静、sandm旧梦。8、melancholy忧郁、tears眼泪、lie说谎、too late太迟、prison囚困。9、deephug深拥、rascal小子、optimism乐观、disappear逃避、agoni爱过你。10、stay挽留、memory荒年、lonely孤独、paranoia妄想症、smile陌离。11、future未来、same time时光不变、phantom幻想、expectation期遇、deep love深爱。12、cerulean蔚蓝、saphead笨蛋蛋、remain残骸、mantra心咒、sandy情绪控。13、geek怪咖、love song情歌、partiality偏心、despair绝望、beginner初学者。14、hickey吻痕、sunshine残阳、pretext借口、cardiac心亡、value me珍爱我。15、ridiculous可笑的、laugh tired笑倦、fall to him沦陷于他、arrogant傲慢。16、catsayer隐痛、lost失去、forget淡忘、永远eternally、alien外星人。17、drink alone独自买醉、curtain落幕、struggle挣扎、star时光、sad痛心。18、devil冒失鬼、spring初心、outsiders局外人、alone in孤身一人、desert舍弃。19、eternity永恒、dreams凉兮、mist薄雾、dislike不喜、pizazz潇洒。20、youth shouting青春呐喊、tiredness疲惫、deeplove深爱、broken凉城、allure倾城。
2023-06-18 20:07:331


100个冷门且好听的英文名1、chowhound吃货、formerly原来、cold mood冷情绪、oxygen氧气、sham伪善。2、polite文雅、cosmopolitan四海为家、the traveler过客、雨食infante◎、vision断桥。3、redundant多余、pull难挽、stupid笨蛋、aurora极光、clumsy笨拙。4、quorra"s chord心弦、queen女王、芯裂feint、heart揪心、chafferer迷心。5、winner冠军、subsequently后来、heartplug心塞、naive天真、detainment挽留。6、afflict折磨、slow慢热、augenstern眼中的星星、demophobia人群恐惧、tangle纠缠。7、Lennon伦农、lemon柠檬、ttony沉沦、serenity宁静、sandm旧梦。8、melancholy忧郁、tears眼泪、lie说谎、too late太迟、prison囚困。9、deephug深拥、rascal小子、optimism乐观、disappear逃避、agoni爱过你。10、stay挽留、memory荒年、lonely孤独、paranoia妄想症、smile陌离。11、future未来、same time时光不变、phantom幻想、expectation期遇、deep love深爱。12、cerulean蔚蓝、saphead笨蛋蛋、remain残骸、mantra心咒、sandy情绪控。13、geek怪咖、love song情歌、partiality偏心、despair绝望、beginner初学者。14、hickey吻痕、sunshine残阳、pretext借口、cardiac心亡、value me珍爱我。15、ridiculous可笑的、laugh tired笑倦、fall to him沦陷于他、arrogant傲慢。16、catsayer隐痛、lost失去、forget淡忘、永远eternally、alien外星人。17、drink alone独自买醉、curtain落幕、struggle挣扎、star时光、sad痛心。18、devil冒失鬼、spring初心、outsiders局外人、alone in孤身一人、desert舍弃。19、eternity永恒、dreams凉兮、mist薄雾、dislike不喜、pizazz潇洒。20、youth shouting青春呐喊、tiredness疲惫、deeplove深爱、broken凉城、allure倾城。
2023-06-18 20:07:501


100个好听到爆的男英文名:1、chowhound吃货2、formerly原来3、cold mood冷情绪4、oxygen氧气5、sham伪善6、polite文雅7、cosmopolitan四海为家8、the traveler过客9、雨食infante◎10、vision断桥11、redundant多余12、pull难挽13、stupid笨蛋14、aurora极光15、clumsy笨拙16、quorra"s chord心弦17、queen女王18、芯裂feint19、heart揪心20、chafferer迷心21、winner冠军22、subsequently后来23、heartplug心塞24、naive天真25、clumsy笨拙26、afflict折磨27、slow慢热28、augenstern眼中的星星29、demophobia人群恐惧30、tangle纠缠31、Lennon伦农32、lemon柠檬33、ttony沉沦34、serenity宁静35、sandm旧梦36、melancholy忧郁37、tears眼泪38、lie说谎39、too late太迟40、prison囚困41、deephug深拥42、rascal小子43、optimism乐观44、disappear逃避45、agoni爱过你46、stay挽留47、memory荒年48、lonely孤独49、paranoia妄想症50、smile陌离51、future未来52、same time时光不变53、phantom幻想54、expectation期遇55、deep love深爱56、cerulean蔚蓝57、saphead笨蛋蛋58、remain残骸59、mantra心咒60、sandy情绪控61、geek怪咖)62、love song情歌63、partiality偏心64、despair绝望65、beginner初学者66、hickey吻痕67、sunshine残阳68、pretext借口69、cardiac心亡70、material girl拜金女71、value me珍爱我72、ridiculous可笑的73、laugh tired笑倦74、fall to him沦陷于他75、arrogant傲慢76、catsayer隐痛77、lost失去78、forget淡忘79、永远eternally80、alien外星人81、drink alone独自买醉82、curtain落幕83、struggle挣扎84、star时光85、sad痛心86、devil冒失鬼87、spring初心88、outsiders局外人89、alone in a孤身一人90、desert舍弃91、eternity永恒92、dreams凉兮93、mist薄雾94、dislike不喜95、pizazz潇洒96、youth shouting青春呐喊97、tiredness疲惫98、deeplove深爱99、broken凉城100、allure倾城101、miss想念102、expecto奢望103、destiny怎挽104、first最初105、limerance纯爱106、drowning溺死107、memories落寞的回忆108、detainment挽留109、冷温柔triste110、prison囚心
2023-06-18 20:08:071


2023-06-18 20:08:396


troubleKK: []DJ: []n.1. 烦恼;忧虑[C][U]Her heart was full of trouble.她忧心忡忡。2. 困难;困境;麻烦的事[U][C][(+with)][+v-ing]Her son has got into trouble again.她儿子又惹麻烦了。You"re asking for trouble.你是在自找麻烦。I had a little trouble learning English grammar.我学英文语法有过一点困难。3. 麻烦,打扰,费事[S][U]4. 纷争,动乱,骚乱[P1]There used to be a lot of troubles in that region.那个地区过去动乱不断。5. 故障[U][(+with)]My car has got engine trouble.我的汽车引擎发生故障。6. 缺点,毛病[C][(+with)]7. 疾病,苦痛[U][C]I often have trouble with my teeth.我常常牙痛。vt.1. 使烦恼;使忧虑Losing a little money doesn"t trouble me.损失一点钱我并不在意。2. (表示客气时用)麻烦[(+for)][O2]Could I trouble you to open the window?麻烦你把窗子打开好吗?3. (疾病)折磨,使疼痛Her wound has been troubling her a lot this week.这星期她伤口一直很疼。4. 扰乱;使激动vi.1. (常用于否定句和疑问句)烦恼;费心[(+about)][+to-v]Don"t trouble about that.别为那事费心了。She didn"t even trouble to look at our presents.她甚至不屑看一下我们的礼物。
2023-06-18 20:09:451


我知道哦是第三册的 Lesson 27Nothing to selland nothing to buy不卖也不买Listen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。Listen to the tape then answer the question below.What is the most important thing for a tramp?It has been said that everyone lives by selling something. In the light of this statement, teachers live by selling knowledge, philosophers by selling wisdom and priests by selling spiritual comfort. Though it may be possible to measure the value of material good in terms of money, it is extremely difficult to estimate the true value of the services which people perform for us. There are times when we would willingly give everything we possess to save our lives, yet we might grudge paying a surgeon a high fee for offering us precisely this service. The conditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods are paid for at a shop. Everyone has something to sell.Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule. Beggars almost sell themselves as human being to arouse the pity of passers-by. But real tramps are not beggars. They have nothing to sell and require nothing from others. In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity. A tramp may ask you for money, but he will never ask you to feel sorry for him. He has deliberately chosen to lead the life he leads and is fully aware of the consequences. He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but his is free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people. His few material possessions make it possible for him to move from place to place with ease. By having to sleep in the open, he gets far closer to the world of nature than most of us ever do. He may hunt, beg, or stead occasionally to keep himself alive; he may even, in times of real need, do a little work; but he will never sacrifice his freedom. We often speak of my even, in times of real need, do a little work; but he will never sacrifice his freedom. We often speak of tramps with contempt and put them in the same class as beggars, but how many of us can honestly say that we have not felt a little envious of their simple way of life and their freedom from care?
2023-06-18 20:10:061


找本英语单词书 反到正文第一页 或者 下载个有道词典 然后打一个a 就会有了啊
2023-06-18 20:10:146


my english is poor sorry
2023-06-18 20:10:435


Herman Melville: Moby DickErnest Hemingway: Farewell to Arms
2023-06-18 20:10:594


2023-06-18 20:11:169


2023-06-18 20:11:595


we can better resign ourselves to the afflicting
2023-06-18 20:12:141


问题一:什么叫做工程化方法? 工程化方法 广义的工程化能力包括信息情报、国际化采购能力、新材料、新工艺、新技术应用能力、样机的工程实现与测试能力等。 工程化研究体系 工程化研究体系指通过专项研究提升工程化能力的研发,包括原理样机、临床样机、工程样机的研究,最后由工程样机的开发研究来确定批量生产技术参数与加工工艺以及持续改进等产业化技术条件。 问题二:建设工程产业化是什么意思 建筑产业随着资源价格、劳动力成本的不断升高,消费群体对建筑品质等实际需求越来越高,如何才能在维持建造利润的前提下满足业主的需求等问题已成了建筑经济必须考虑的问题。而很好的工程质量与利润最大化的这一矛盾,只有从整个建筑业的的产业化和建筑产业化的优秀工程管理入手,从而找到有效之方案。 随着社会现代化进程的不断加深,工业制造也已进入4.0时代,粗犷传统的建筑业必须跟随现代化脚步,通过产业化、建筑2.0,把建筑建造的大部分流程和部件利用工业4.0的新技术、新模式工业标准化生产,形成建筑部件流水线作业,提高生产效率。施工阶段对整个建筑工程来说又是非常重要,施工的好坏决定着工程的质量。在这一阶段中,采取一定的管理措施对施工现场和施工对象进行生产任务的管理。为了确保建筑工程在施工过程中能够合理的运用人力和物力,协调空间和时间,可以根据施工现场的特点和条件,结合企业自身的实际情况来进行施工管理,从而使得企业获得最大化的经济效益和社会效益。然而施工阶段是工程管理的核心也是问题的多发期,对工程的影响极为重大,因此要提高施工管理水平也是建筑产业化发展的重要环节。 引荐国外建筑产业化模式发展与我国现状建筑产业化管理模式的对比,来推动适合我国的建筑产业化进程。同时寄往整合建筑产业化资源整合、统一标准、产业革新,达到社会效益的最大化,展开探讨。 问题三:什么是工程化思想? 工程一词最早是指 人类有计划、有步骤地改造自然的活动,“软件工程”中的“工程”是指“工程”一词的引申意义。现在把人类所有有计划、有步骤、有系统的各种活动都可以在前面冠以“工程”一词。 问题四:前端工程化和前端模块化是什么意思 既然JavaScript不能handle如此大规模的代码,我们可以借鉴一下其它语言是怎么处理大规模程序设计的,在Java中有一个重要带概念――package,逻辑上相关的代码组织到同一个包内,包内是一个相对独立的王国,不用担心命名冲突什么的,那么外部如果使用呢?直接import对应的package即可 问题五:创新成果工程化产业化是什么意思?麻烦重点解释一下创新工程化的概念。 10分 你好: “产业化”的概念是从“产业”的概念发展而来的,要理解“产业化”,首先需要搞清什么是“产业”。所谓“产业”,本来意义是指国民经济的各种生产部门,有时也专指工业。后来随着“三次产业”的划分和第三产业的兴起,则推而广之,泛指各种制造提供物质、流通手段、服务劳动等等的企业或组织。“产业”这个概念是属居于微观经济的细胞与宏观经济的单位之间的一个“ *** 概念”,它是具有某种同一属性的企业或组织的 *** ,又是国民经济以某一标准划分的部分的总和。 我知道所以你知道! 问题六:se分析中模型阶段和工程化阶段指什么意思 1)系统规划:确定系统的目标 2)系统分析:对问题域进行分析和理解 3)系统设计:概要设计,详细设计、数据库设计、编码实现 4)系统实施:软硬件的安装,用户培训,试行 5)系统维护:对系统故障维护、完善性,预防性维护。 问题七:技术和设备的直接工程化应用是什么意思? 就是现场放大实验。 问题八:快速化工程是什么意思 快速化工程 Rapid engineering 重点词汇释义 快速fast; quick; high-speed; speedy; celerity
2023-06-18 20:11:551


其实与其是说电脑,其实意思就是要你认为计算机互联网对学生的影响,我刚好写过,你看行不(Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet) Ten years ago, the Internet was practically unheard of by most people. Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. The Internet is a collection of various services and resources. According to Russ Brock, a director and consultant at the Center for Innovation and Inquiry, the Internet"s main components are E-mail and the World Wide Web. “There"s a lot more to the Internet than E-mail, search engines, celerity web sites, up-to-the-second sports scores, and chat rooms full of risqué discussions. The Net also ranks as one of today"s best business tools - if it"s used adroitly”. Almost all households contain the Internet; however, before people connect to the Internet, they need to be aware of its disadvantages and advantages.
2023-06-18 20:12:032


cele意思是:suff.疝;肿物n.(Cele)人名;(塞)赛历[地名] 策勒县例句:Cele said Thursday she had been shot in the back of the neck. 赛历在星期四说她在脖子后面中枪。
2023-06-18 20:12:211

I miss my folks是什么意思

2023-06-18 20:12:234


2023-06-18 20:12:343


2023-06-18 20:12:341

Folks are really that bad?这是一个什么句

2023-06-18 20:12:411


2023-06-18 20:12:443


问题一:"粘贴"用英语怎么说 paste 英[pe?st] 美[pest] n. 面团; 糨糊; 肉(或鱼等)酱(作涂抹料或烹饪用); (制作人造宝石的) 铅质玻璃; vt. 粘贴,张贴; 以…覆盖于; [例句]He then sticks it back together with flour paste 然后他用面糊把它重新粘了起来。 [其他] 第三人称单数:pastes 复数:pastes 现在分词:pasting 过去式:pasted 问题二:贴膏药用英语怎么说 apply a plaster to 贴膏药于… plaster an aching musc弧e. 在疼痛的肌肉上贴上膏药 问题三:让我们来贴图片怎么说用英语怎么说 粘在一起:let"s glue the maps/pictures. let‘s stick the pictures. 贴在墙上:let"s post the maps/pic触ures. 问题四:张贴,用英语怎么说,,? post; put up; post up; plaster; paste ; 在家里最显眼的地方张贴家庭日历。 Post a family calendar in a central place. 2. 但我保证过不把它张贴到我的博客上。 But I promised not to post them on my blog. 3. 在你房间里张贴幽默卡通,提醒你时刻保持轻松的心情。 Post cartoons around the house to remind you that humor helps. 4. 他捣鼓出几款数码相机并使消费者可以在网络上张贴并分享自己的照片。 He cranked out digital cameras and offered customers the ability to post and sharepictures online. 5. 我们的竞选工作人员在大学城里到处张贴了海报,但是我们拿不准会有多少人来参加大会。 Our campaign workers had put up flyers around town, but we didn"t know howmany people would show up. 希望采纳 问题五:贴纸 用英语怎么说 5分 paster 问题六:“贴上你 ”用英语怎么说? 5分 你需要把整个语境提供出来,是什么东西贴上,要表达一个什么感觉,没有上下文不行的。 问题七:车贴用英语怎么说 traffic allowance 问题八:张贴,用英语怎么说 post 英 [p??st] 美 [po?st] n. 岗位;邮政;邮件;柱,桩,杆 vt. 张贴;邮寄;宣布;设岗 vi. 快速行进 adj. 有关赛跑(或赛马,赛狗)起点标志的 adv. 〈外〉在后;用急件[驿马];赶紧地,火速地 词汇难度:高考 / CET4 / 考研 / TOEFL / TEM4 / BEC 第三人称单数: posts 复数: posts 现在分词: posting 过去式: posted 过去分词: posted 问题九:贴创口贴用英文怎么说 band-aid 问题十:粘贴用英文怎么写 affix 电脑常用的是paste
2023-06-18 20:12:471


野牛群离草原无踪无影 它知道有人类要来临大地等人们来将它开垦 用双手带给它新生命草原上将盖满金色麦穗 大城市过不久就建起欢迎你各民族姐妹兄弟 来到这最美丽的天地
2023-06-18 20:12:4912

怎么注册bestbuy,phone 和邮编怎么填写

你要先注册支付宝账号,进入“支付宝”,点击“免费注册”,选择邮箱注册, 填写资料,看提示进入邮箱激活账号。 办理网上银行,带着身份证和卡到农行柜台开通网上银行,要购买U盾或者口令卡 ,然后上银行网站个人网银看提示下载证书。 你可以先为你。
2023-06-18 20:12:581


笑,你这个问题是专门给我提的么?这是英文单词的一个前缀,没什么实际意义, 我随意起的ID而已
2023-06-18 20:12:582


abele actinostele adele aerocele allele anele apotele arthrocele banjulele blastocele blastocoele bronchocele bubonocele cephalocele cephalohematocele cephalohydrocele choriocele clientele coleocele cybele cystocele dele descemetocele diacele diacoele dialystele diaphragmatocele dictyostele edematoscheocele ……
2023-06-18 20:13:061


2023-06-18 20:13:111


cele hernia, localized dilation
2023-06-18 20:13:132


2023-06-18 20:13:291


只有上网的Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet Ten years ago,the Internet as practically unheard of by most people.Today,the Internet is one of the most poerful tools throughout the orld.The Internet is a collection of various services and resources.According to Russ Brock,a director and consultant at the Center for Innovation and Inquiry,the Internet"s main components are E-mail and the World Wide Web.“There"s a lot more to the Internet than E-mail,search engines,celerity eb sites,up-to-the-second sports scores,and chat rooms full of risqué discussions.The Net also ranks as one of today"s best business tools - if it"s used adroitly”.Almost all households contain the Internet; hoever,before people connect to the Internet,they need to be aare of its disadvantages and advantages.Many fear the Internet because of its disadvantages.They claim to not use the Internet because they are afraid of the possible consequences or are simply not interested.People ho have yet connected to the Internet claim they are not missing anything.Today"s technological society must realize,it is up to them to protect themselves on the Internet “Half of U.S.adults,or 94 million Americans,aren"t online”.Children using the Internet has become a big concern.Most parents do not realize the dangers involved hen their children log onto the Internet.When children are online,they can easily be lured into something dangerous.When children talk to others online,they do not realize they could actually be talking to a harmful person.As a result,there have been many cases here children have been convinced to meet people they have talked ith online.In fact,“stories seem to come out every eek:a child or teenager lured into something foolish,dangerous,or even deadly on line” .Cathy Cleaver of the Family Research Council claims that it is against the la for a molester to even attempt to find children online .In addition,children may also receive pornography online by mistake; therefore,causing concern among parents everyhere.Whether surfing the Web,reading nesgroups,or using email,children can be exposed to extremely inappropriate material.Pornographic sites tend to make sure they are the first sites to be listed in any search area; thus,children come across such sites easily.A man from Pearl,Mississippi as arrested in 1996 for donloading pornographic images of children from the Internet.He as charged ith
2023-06-18 20:11:321

请以Learn English为题,写一篇英语作文

To learn English, one has to do five actions. They are read, write, speak, listen and practise. All these actions have to do more to improve the English. To start these actions, one can always start from basic. Start by reading children books, write short compositions, speak simple sentences, listen to news and children songs. Of course to practise frequently with friends on words you learned. Do all the five actions consistencely and religiously
2023-06-18 20:11:244

在美国BEST BUY 售后的疑问.

2023-06-18 20:11:165


  汉语解释:形速度高,非常快。那么,你知道迅速的英文怎么说吗?   迅速[xùn sù]   迅速的英文释义:   rapid ; swift ; speedy ; prompt   网 络speed;celerity;swift;Prompt   迅速的英文例句:   幼年是生长迅速的时期。   Childhood is a period of rapid growth.   这场合需要迅速的行动。   The occasion calls for prompt action.   他迅速的反应让我们吃了一惊。   His reaction of swiftness surprised us.   新兴且发展迅速的产业所发行的股票,有迅速升值.   stock in a new or rapidly developing industry that tends to rise quickly in price.   非正式学习在新技术的支援下迅速得到了迅速的发展。   Informal learning gets more and more attention and develops rapidly in the support of the new technology.   这种理念已经远远的传播到地球的另一个角落北京,它迅速的应用于北京的民用建筑中,在那里高层民用建筑群正在迅速的掘起。   That the word has spread to far-flung corners of the earth is apparent from their high-rise residential blocks for Peking that are now beginning to climb skywards.   过去10年,其中很多经济体经历了非常迅速的增长,多数经济体已迅速从2008年至2009年的危机中复苏。   Many experienced very rapid growth over the past decade, and most have recovered quickly from the 2008-2009 crisis.   在如此迅速的扩张其账面资产之后,一旦危机结束,Fed也许会缺乏一定的远见或勇气使其足够迅速的得以收缩。 由此产生的额外流动很可能导致经济过热。   Having expanded its balance-sheet so rapidly, the Fed may not have the foresight or courage to shrink it fast enough once the crisis passes, and the extra liquidity could fuel an overheating economy.   新加坡航空公司SIA和澳洲航空公司Qantas等外国航空公司迅速表示,它们有意进入增长迅速的中国内地航空市场。   Foreign airlines, including Singapore Airlines SIA and Australia"s Qantas, were quick to register their interest in exposure to the fast-growing mainland market.   分时度假自从20世纪60年代以来,在西方国家迅速发展,成为旅游业增长最迅速的一部分。   Since ing forth in 60"s of the 20th century, timesharing quickly developed in the western countries.It has bee the most increasing part of the touri *** industry.   1. The auguries of death are fast gathering round his head. 死亡凶兆迅速地在他脑海中盘旋。   2. She gave him a quick, upward look, then lowered her eyes. 她抬眼迅速瞥了他一下,然后眼睛又垂了下去。   3. If raging inflation returns, then interest rates will shoot up. 如果再发生严重的通货膨胀,那么利率就会迅速上调。   4. There are many emergencies which need prompt first aid treatment. 有很多紧急情况需要进行迅速的急救处理。   5. Word has been spreading fast of the incidents on the streets. 有关街头骚乱的讯息迅速传播开来。   6. These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics. 这些观点迅速成为语言学中新的正统观念。   7. The matter has certainly been handled expeditiously by the authorities. 当局显然已经迅速有效地处理了这个问题。   8. The pany made a rapid-fire series of settlements with 25 States. 公司同25个州进行了一连串迅速的结算。   9. They meant to finish her off, swiftly and without mercy. 他们打算毫不留情地迅速结果了她。   10. The vegetarian burger was an innovation which was rapidly exported to Britain. 素食汉堡是一种迅速传到了英国的新开发食品。   11. These stories are spreading like wildfire through the city. 这些谣言迅速传遍了整座城市。   12. The housekeeper moved *** artly to the Vicar"s desk to answer the call. 管家迅速来到牧师的书桌前接电话。   13. Some animal and plant species cannot acmodate to the rapidly changing cond-itions. 某些种类的动植物不能适应迅速变化的环境。   14. Officials played down any hope for a quick end to the bloodshed. 官员们让迅速结束这场 *** 的希望变得渺茫起来。   15. When in danger, the anteater lashes its tail round a branch. 遇有危险,食蚁兽会迅速用尾巴卷住树枝。   16. The government has been caught out by the speed of events. 事情发展之迅速暴露了 *** 的无能。   17. They moved out from the airport at a brisk clip. 他们迅速撤离机场。   18. The Thames was in spate, with flocks of Canada geese speeding downriver. 泰晤士河河水暴涨,成群的加拿大雁迅速游向下游。   19. They escaped the blaze but were rushed to hospital suffering from shock. 他们逃离了火海,却因休克而被迅速送往医院。   20. The secrecy and swiftness of the invasion shocked and amazed army officers. 这次入侵的隐秘和迅速令陆军军官们大为震惊。
2023-06-18 20:11:141


u2728试玩了6款推荐给大家,U0001f49b个个都是精品!U0001f440推荐大家用平板玩哦,不然容易伤眼睛~U0001f579ufe0fScavenger huntU0001f3aeiOS外服 /安卓虫虫助手简约的卡通画风,地图非常非常大U0001f50d光是看就能看一整天~但是还是有一定难度U0001f579ufe0fSoupsoupU0001f3aeiOS外服/安卓Googleplay画风可爱到炸裂!每个图是不一样的风格u2764ufe0fu200dU0001f525真的很像是一本精美的杂志~sukiU0001f495U0001f579ufe0fHidden objects-Neon SecretsU0001f3aeiOS国服/安卓Googleplay画风非常有现代和艺术感U0001f3a8而且是依次寻物,玩起来解压轻松!U0001f579ufe0fねこさがしU0001f3aeiOS国服/安卓爱吾搜寻找猫咪很有“挑战”的寻找猫猫的寻物游戏U0001f431会有倒计时,找错了还会扣分呜呜可是猫猫好可爱U0001f579ufe0fhidden objectU0001f3aeiOS国服/安卓暂未找到下载方式手绘画风治愈可爱,有互动性地去寻物物品点一下会有提示~过一关就要看广告唉U0001f972U0001f579ufe0fHidden FolksU0001f3aeiOS国服18/安卓虫虫搜隐藏之人经典黑白画风!互动感强!鼻祖级寻物游戏U0001f44dU0001f3fb费眼睛增压的同时也上头解压,值得尝试!
2023-06-18 20:11:061


town folks城里的人
2023-06-18 20:10:593


单词记忆一直被认为是非常枯燥的事,英语单词虽然难记;但是它本身也是很有规律的,除了利用构词法的知识去背单词外,还可以利用联想法。归纳法和词根记忆法来丰富词汇量。 1.联想记忆法:对于没有词根的单词或词根难以记住的单词,就可以采用联想记忆法。 所谓联想记忆就是把一个单词分割成几个单词或几个部分,并用联想的方法记住。大学英语教学大纲所规定的许多复杂词汇都可用此方法,在此需要说明一点,这种方法有时不一定科学,但是却非常有效。例如:Mustard(芥末),分解为[must=一定,必然,ard=灼热,燃烧、该词可联想成:吃了芥末必然很热】。 Emboss(突出,在某物表面刻浮雕),分解为 [em=往外, boss=老板,联想成:老板的肚子都往外突出」。 Massacre(大屠杀),分解为[mass=大众,acr=尖。联想成:用尖利的武器刺杀大众」。 Aftermath(结果,后果),分解为[after=之后,math=数学,联想成:数学考试后看结果]。 Abridge(删节,缩则),分解为[A,bridge=桥梁,联想成:A通过桥梁可缩短距离]。 Melody(美的音乐。美的曲调),分解为[me=我,lody=lady,小姐,联想成:我和小姐一起弹奏美妙的音乐」。B oycott(联合抵制),分解为[boy=男孩,cott=cot,窄床,小屋,陋室,联想成:男孩联合抵制不住小屋」。Intoxicate(使陶醉,痴迷),分解为[int=into,进入到某种状态,ox=公牛,i=love,爱,cate=cat,猫、联想成:公牛爱猫到了痴迷的程度]。Asaassination(刺杀,暗杀),分解为[As,,如同…一样,sin=罪恶,ation是名词的后缀,联想成:如同S一样做罪恶的事情—一暗杀]。Advocat e(主张;提倡,拥护),分解为[Ad=广告,voc=speak;说,联想成广告上所说的]。husbandry(耕作,家政),分解为[husband=丈夫,dry=干旱,联想成:丈夫在干旱的农田里耕作]。 Bride(新娘),分解为[bribe=贿赂,联想成:向新娘行贿来达到目的],Skyscraper(摩天大楼),分解为[sky=天空,scrap=rpwi擦,er=物,东西,联想成:擦着天的东西]。Henpnecked(受老婆虐待的,怕老婆的),分解为[hen=母鸡,peck=啄,联想成:公鸡害怕母鸡啄」。forerunner (先辈,先驱,祖先),分解为[fore=先。前,runner=跑步的人,联想成:在前面跑的人]。 这种方法最大的优点就是可以充分发挥出个人的想向力,启发和培养学生的一种创造意识,避免枯燥,机械地记忆单词,使单词的记忆更长久,创造意识首先在于大脑能积极开展创造性思维,每个人的知识程度,思维方式都有很大的不同,用这种联想的方式可以最大限度地培养学生的思维能力,使思考方式呈立体型地向四面八方扩散,考试前,学生也可以互相交流,互受启发。 2.组词归纳法。 所谓组词归纳法就是把所碰到的词根据同意词或反意词进行归类,因为零散的词汇很难记得长久,如果把一组词进行记忆则较有效,以后如再遇到类似的词,就可把它归于某一组。 例如:大学英语词汇表中所列的单词storm(风暴,暴风雨),仅知道这个意思是远远不够的,还应知道如:snowstorm,rainstorm, sandstorm, drizzle(毛毛细雨),breeze微风), blizard(大风雪,暴风雪),gale(大风),blast(阵风),typhoon(台风),tornado(龙卷风),hurricane(飓风)。词汇表中所列举的花有: rose(玫瑰),tulip(郁金香),lily(百合花),lotus(荷花),marigold(万寿菊,金盏花),carnation(康乃馨),cactus(仙人掌),chrysanthemum(菊花),forget-me-not(勿忘我).与味道有关的词汇如:fragrance (香味),perfume(香味,芳香,香水,香料),aroma(香味,香气),odor(香味,臭味),flavor(味,芳香), balm(香味,芳香)。与犯罪有关的组词有:criminal(罪犯),culprit(罪犯)、felon(重罪犯),con=convict(囚犯,尤其指长期坐监狱的罪犯)。表示断言、主张意思的词汇在《大学英语大纲》中的有: assert(断言,维护),allege(断定,宣称),affirm(断言,证实),大纲外的词有:asseverate(断言),aver(断言,主张),avouch(断言,主张)。另外,除了把同意词,相似的词及双意词组成组进行记忆外,也可以根据词意进行扩展性记忆,如:四级词汇中表示贵族的词有nobleman,aristocrat,由于历史的原因,贵族又分公爵,侯爵,伯爵,子爵和男爵,他们用英语表示分别是.Duke,Marquis;Earl, Viscount, Baronet.英语中有句俗话: Formwomb to tomb;意思是说从生到死,人的这一生长过程也可以把所学过的生词串起来记忆, embry (胎儿),infant(婴儿),baby(小孩),child(儿童),juvedk(少年的),addescence(青年期),teenage(青少年),premature(未成熟的), mature(成熟的)。 adult(成人),grown-up(成人),old,aged(老年人),dotage(老朽)。Nibble(轻咬;细咬),bite(咬);chew(嚼,咀嚼),eat(吃),munch(大声咀嚼),swallow (吞咽),devour(狼吞虎咽)。 这种通过横向记忆,不但可以减少一般词汇表中按字母预序记忆单词的枯燥,而且可以把所学的零散词汇有效地组在一起;起到举一反三,触类旁通的作用。 3.词根记忆法。 这是记单词最主要的方法,因为英语单词虽浩如烟海,但词根只有几百个,而英语单词85%可以通过词根进行分解记忆,用这种方法记单词,不仅速度快,而且记得牢固,如果在记忆过程中,把单调分解成一个一个的字母,那么单词 中所包含的单位很多,每个字母没有特定的含意,产生不了联想、所以必然是记单词速度慢、不能长久。这就是.为什么单词背了忘。忘了背的主要原同。解决这一问题最好的办法就是多记词根,通过词根进行联想,与分解记忆法不同的是,词根记忆不仅有效,而且它是一种科学方法。有理论根据。例如《大学英语教学大纲》的一些词汇就可以通过词根分解法记忆。词根brev=short短, abbreviation[ab一加强意义, brev=short,短,ation名词后缀]=编写,缩短,节略。 Brevity[brev=短,ity=名词后缀」=(陈述等的)简短,简洁;(生命)短促,短暂。词根tract=drag,draw,pull拖,拉,引,abstract[abs=离开。tract=拉、袖,抽走=抽象,提要、概扩。Attract[at=toward tract=to draw;to draw something or someone toword oneself,to gain the attention of someone.]=吸引,引诱。Distract[dis=away, to draw away the mind in a different direction;]=分心,转移。Retract[re=back, tract=to draw; pull,to draw and take something back.]=缩回;收回。Celer=quick,speed快,速,accelerate[ac=一再,celer=速度,一再加速度]=加速,加快。Celerity一迅速,敏捷。Decelerate[de一去掉,celer=速度]=减速。Nym,onym=name,名称,名字。anonvmous[an=无,没有,onym=名称,名字]=匿名的。synonym[syn=same,相同,onym=name,名称,名字]=同意词。 Antonym[ant= anti,相反,onym=name,名称,名字」=反意词。Acronvm[acro=高出,nym=name,名称」=大写字母的编写。 Gon=angle,角度。Trigon[tri=三,gon=角度]=三角形。Pentagon[penta=五,gon=角]=五角形;如果在该名词前加定冠词The,该词意为五角大楼(美国国防部的办公大楼)。Diagonal[dia=穿,对,gof=角]=对角钱。 以上介绍的记忆单词的方法,可以互相补充,交替使用。但无论采用哪一种方法,最重要的是重复,一劳永逸的事情是没有的,这几种方法可以启发大家多思多记,把枯燥,机械,被动的背单词变成主动,有趣的方法,另外,还要根据个人的特点和已掌握的词汇来决定。
2023-06-18 20:10:531


这是一个倒装句。then状语,there are谓语,we主语,rare定语,folks同位语,who fit both those descriptions定语从句。
2023-06-18 20:10:465


2023-06-18 20:10:382


quick fast in a hurry celerity expeditiousness fleetness speediness amazingly quick rapid swift speedy prompt
2023-06-18 20:10:301


平民 ordinary folks“普通人”、“平民百姓”在美国被叫做 an average JoeFolk除了“人们、人民、民族”的宏大含义外,还表示“家人、亲属、父母、朋友”的意思,例如: I"d like you to meet my folks.(我想要你见见我的父母/家人。) The old folk sat and talked.(老人坐下来说话。) Well folks, shall we go?(喂,朋友,我们出去吗?)
2023-06-18 20:10:291

a symphony of justice 求这首歌的歌词

When I was a childI had nobody in this worldI was left alone,Just a sweet little quiet girlWhen I tried to speakWords I wanted to say were gone"Someone take me soonI"ve been waiting for far too long"Years went by and still no one cameThen one day everything in my life changedI was home and I learned to play the chords true andstrongNow I have found where I belongFind your strength in the music ringing out to set thestageFly on wings of celerity, swift and truePersevere through the battle though you may bewearing thinSummoner, know that I believe in youI will keep you safe, feel my symphony all aroundListen to my hymn and our victory will resoundFrom my mind to yours, we will win this before toolong听出的一部分
2023-06-18 20:10:233

I got a call from the folks over at vurilization project.这里的over 什么意思

over at一个词组,表示 在
2023-06-18 20:10:203


common people
2023-06-18 20:10:123


问题一:快点用英语怎么说 如果你是想叫一个人动作快点, 可以用 1. hurry up! 2. be quick! 希场能帮助到你! :) 问题二:快点的英语怎么说 如果你是想叫一个人动作快点, 可以用 1. hurry up! 2. be quick! 希望能帮助到你! :) 问题三:英文翻译:"他的动作快的惊人" 他的动作快的惊人 1. He moves so quickly that it surprises me! 2. His movement is astonishingly quick! 3. He"s got an astonishing speed! 4. His quickness is unbelievable! 5. His quickness is incredible! 6. He"s got such an astonishing speed! 7. His quickness surprises us all! 8. It"s astonishing that he can move so quickly! 9. His quickness shocks me! 10. It"s incredible that he can move so quickly! 问题四:快点的英文翻译,是什么? hurry up ,be quick 问题五:很快用英语怎么说 quickly fast 如果想突出“很”的话,可憨加一个very 问题六:快速用英语怎么说 很高兴回答你的问题,以下是我个人见解,希望可以帮到你: 快速 [词典] fast; quick; high-speed; speedy; celerity; [例句]这些直升机是为将士兵和装备快速空运到战场上而设计的。 The helicopters are designed to quickly lift soldiers and equipment to the battlefield. 望采纳,十分感谢。 问题七:军训的动作,如立正.稍息------等等用英语怎么说 常用口令 mon Orders 起床! Get up! 上操 attention drill 快点儿! Be quick! *** ! Fall in! 一(二)列队 On one rank (two ranks) 立正! Attention 稍息! At ease! 向右看-齐! Right-dress! 向左看-齐! Left-dress! 向前-看! Eyes- front! 报数! Count off! 点名! Call the roll!roll call 到! Here! 立定! Halt! 靠拢! Close! 向左-转! Left-face(Left turn)! 向右-转! Right-face(Right turn)! 向后-转! About-face(About turn)! 齐步-走! Forward- march(March off)! 踏步! Mark time-march! 跑步-走! Double (time)-march! 便步-走! At ease-march! 右转弯-走! Right-wheel! 左转弯-走! Left-wheel! 前进! Advance! 取(拿)枪! Take arms! 肩枪! Shoulder arms! 枪放下! Order arms! 卧到! Down! 装子弹! Load! 退子弹! Unload! 射击! Fire! 起立! Get up (Stand up)! 解散! Di *** iss! 用炮 Prepare for action! 收炮 March order! 架炮 Seat/Mount gun! 置炮 Lay gun! 就炮 Take posts! 炮后 *** Fall in in rear of piece! 步操口令 口令表 1. Squad C Fall in (集队) 2. Attention (立正) 3. Stand at C ease (稍息) 4. Stand easy (休息) 5. Dressing in three ranks C right dress (向右看齐) 6. Eyes C front (向前看) 7. Open Order C March (开排) 8. Close Order C March (合排) 9. Move to the right in threes C Right turn (合排向右转) 10. Move to the left in threes C Left turn (合排向左转) 11. Move to the right C Right t......>>
2023-06-18 20:09:561