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英语单词:grease 和 bribe 作动词 都有“贿赂”的意思,其区别和具体用法是如何?

grease , 给你的抹油。好处是实在的,坏处也明显是你的。bribe, 给予或许诺的好处。好处是不一定的,但是是诱人的。


Bribe是英语单词,意为“贿赂”,是一个比较常用的词汇。以下是几种记忆方法:字母组合记忆法:将bribe的每个字母组合成一个单词:B-Rib-E。可以联想到“猪肋肉”(pork rib)和“鹅肝酱”(foie gras)这些美食,然后把两个单词合在一起,“猪肋肉和鹅肝酱”就是一个贵族享受,相对而言需要支付更多的钱,也就容易记忆bribe的意思。反义词记忆法:将bribe与正义相对立,也就是不正义、有欺骗性的行为联系起来。例如,“他贿赂了法官,以获得好判决。”这样的句子相信大家都不喜欢看到,所以可以通过反面思考,记住这个单词的意思。情景记忆法:在实际生活中,可以用贿赂这个词汇描述某些情境,例如“他用一张100美元的钞票向警察行贿,逃避了交通罚款”。关联某个场景和单词的使用,可以帮助记忆。请点击输入图片描述以上是几种常用的bribe记忆方法,可以根据自己的兴趣爱好或特定场景,选择适合自己的方法进行记忆。


找了英英的解释~Bribe: he gift or promise which is accepted of some advantage as the inducement for some illegal act or omission; or of some illegal emolument as a consideration for preferring one person to another in the performance of a legal act. 大概的意思就是bribe是一种贿赂行为,给予或者许诺他人好处作为他人非法行为的诱因,或不合法的薪水,加r Briber可变为行贿人的意思Bribery: The term bribery extends now further and includes the offence of giving a bribe to many other officers. The offence of the giver and of the receiver of the bribe has the same name. An attempt to bribe, though unsuccessful, has been holden to be criminal and the offender may be indicted. Bribery 现在常引申为行贿他人的一种犯罪行为,用于法律文件中的词,尝试去行贿,虽然未成功,但是有犯罪的行为,违法者任然有可能被起诉~希望对你有帮助哦~

grease money与bribery的区别?

grease money润滑金(指公司或个人为了使某些正常进行的工作加快完成而付给政府官员或企业人员的钱)briberyn. 贿赂;受贿;行贿

bribe 作为名词和bribery的区别?



Corruption cases are frequently reported by news media. For example, some high ranking officials help themselves to state fund (公款) illegally. For another example, some leaders abuse power (滥用权力). What"s more, malpractice(玩忽职守,渎职), bribery (贿赂) and other corrupt behaviour do much harm. As a result, the healthy development of the economy is seriously affected.   As China continues its reforms and opens wider to the outside world, anti corruption is a question of priorities. Our government has realized the seriousness of corruption problems. Corruption presents a dreadful threat to state interests. Corruption cases seriously damage efforts to build a clean and honest government, undoubtedly dampen(泼冷水,挫伤) people"s enthusiasm(热情) and heavily affect stability(稳定).   In the future, to cement (巩固) the fruits that reform has borne, an even greater effort is needed in the battle against corrupt behaviour. Governments at all levels should take more effective measures to combat corruption. Laws already in effect must be strictly enforced (执行). The implementation (实施) of anti corruption programs should target every part of China. Anti corruption agencies should intensify crackdown (增强打击力度) on bribery, attach greater importance to the anti corruption campaign.

bribery和grease money的区别

bribery|u02c8brau026aberi| 贿赂 bribery and corruption贿赂和腐败grease 贿赂别人;The offender attempt to grease the palm of the judge.罪犯企图贿赂法官。bribe 接受贿赂;贿赂别人动词 (v.)bribe somebody to do somethingThey tried to bribe the judge to acquit them.他们试图贿赂法官判他们无罪。 bribe somebody with something 给某人提供某物,特别用于孩子Sam wouldn"t do her homework until I bribed her with ice cream.名词 (n.) accept/take a bribe He is so honest that he will not accept bribe.他忠诚老实,不肯受贿。 收起to grease [somebody"s] palmfigurative colloquial 向某人行贿

bribe 和bribery 区别



bribe bribe[braIb; braib]《源自古法语“ (给了乞丐的) 大块面包”的意思》可数名词贿赂offer [give] ~s行贿accept [take] ~s受贿bribery[`braIbu0259rI; ˋbraibu0259ri]不可数名词贿赂,行贿,受贿commit ~行贿 [受贿]




bribe英[brau026ab]美[brau026ab]vt.贿赂,行贿;n.贿赂; 诱惑物;[例句]He was being investigated for receiving bribes.他因收受贿赂正在接受调查。[其他]第三人称单数:bribes 复数:bribes 现在分词:bribing 过去式:bribed过去分词:bribed

英语单词:grease 和 bribe 作动词 都有“贿赂”的意思,其区别和具体用法是如何?

grease , 给你的抹油。好处是实在的,坏处也明显是你的。bribe, 给予或许诺的好处。好处是不一定的,但是是诱人的。