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1.主要是臂力和单手往上吸,然后用起步踢的腿向下后(腿不要埃地)扫同时另一个腿往往后上方踢,然后换手,换手时要单手把身子吸,吸起来以后把身子尽量往撑起来的手臂方向靠。 2.注意这是关键第一圈起步时起到半圈撑V字时一般都是撑低撑里的如果是一般情况的话就用上述方法,如果第一圈的半圈就把身子起的高的话向后向后转时腿和上述方法一样不过身子不要靠换手时就像回环接过来一個手一样。 3.转过来后接手(先要把腿转过来)然后两腿成v字俄挺(高低都行),这就是托马斯的后半圈。

Special (Featuring Brandy And Pharrell) 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Special (Featuring Brandy And Pharrell)歌手:Snoop Dogg&Brandy&Pharrell专辑:Malice N Wonderland (Edited)SpecialWilshireWin A Date With Tad Hamilton2009.02.09I ride in on the trainEveryday is the same old thingIt"s 9 to 5Don"t know if I"m dead alreadyI"m lookin for a hallelujahI need a little something specialSomething specialMy walls are greyMakes me feel like I live in a caveI"m wearing fearAnd when tomorrow comesI"ll do it all againAgain againI"m looking for a hallelujahI need a little something specialI"m looking for a hallelujahLooking for something specialTo get me off the cycleLet me out Let me outI dream of my escapeFree as a bird I"ll fly awayI"m looking for a hallelujahI need a little something specialI"m looking for a hallelujahI need a little something specialI need a little something specialHallelujah2009.02.09http://music.b***.com/song/2842608

Mika&Pharrell Williams的《Celebrate》 歌词

歌曲名:Celebrate歌手:Mika&Pharrell Williams专辑:The Origin of Love Deluxe VersionCelebrateMIKA,Pharrell WilliamsI want the whole world to celebrateI wanna come home To the only placeI know Where the treesI planted growI wanna come homeOnce I get up I feel betterThen I pull myself togetherI remember those two lettersIt will be OKEveryone says now or neverI say only if it"s betterBe a night like this foreverWill we know betterI want the whole world to celebrateI want the whole world to celebrateI want the whole world to celebrateI want the whole world to celebrateI"ll be just fine When I see you at the finish lineDoesn"t matter if I take my timeI"m coming homeOnce I get up I feel betterAnd I pull myself togetherI remember those two lettersIt will be OKEveryone says now or neverI say only if it"s betterBe a night like this foreverWill we know betterI want the whole world to celebrateI want the whole world to celebrateI want the whole world to celebrateI want the whole world to celebrateI"m not mad at you at allBut I want the whole world to celebrateYeah, mmmm Right about nowit"s time for everybody to stand up Stand up,stand up And have fun "Cause we just begunI want the whole world to celebrateLet"s goOnce again if I feel betterThen I pull myself togetherI remember those two lettersIt will be OK Everyone says now or neverI say only if it"s better Be a night like this foreverI wanna go home (I want the whole world to celebrate)I wanna go home (I want the whole world to celebrate)I wanna go home (I want the whole world to celebrate)I wanna go home (I want the whole world to celebrate)And celebrate I"ll get the whole world to celebrateI want the whole world to celebrateI want the whole world to celebrate

pharreli is mybrotha什么意思

  Pharrell is my brotha的中文翻译  Pharrell is my brotha   Pharrell是我的兄弟

Tina Brooks的《True Blue》 歌词

歌曲名:True Blue歌手:Tina Brooks专辑:Blue N Groovy - Blue Note Connects With The Good Vibes绫仓盟-true blueLyric:绫仓盟Arrange: SyrufitAlbum:Syrufit/Love Hearts?原曲:东方怪绮谈/久远の楽园梦(ゆめ)とか爱(あい)とかどこかに置(お)いてずいぶん远(とお)くまで歩(ある)いてた道草(みちくさ) 近道(ちかみち) 缲(く)り返(かえ)したら目的(もくてき) 行(ゆ)き先(さき)は 闇(やみ)の中(なか)现実(げんじつ) 空想(くうそう) この手(て)で拾(ひろ)い掲(かか)げただけなのに満足気(まんぞくげ)片方(かたほう)无(な)くした靴(くつ)蹴(け)りあげて「明日(あした)は天気(てんき)かな」広(ひろ)がる静(しず)かな世界(せかい)寂(さみ)しくて耳(みみ)を澄(す)ましてた宝物(たからもの)捜(さが)し求(もと)めて 地図(ちず)を広(ひろ)げいざ 虹(にじ)の麓(ふもと)まできっと流(なが)しても色(いろ)のない 追忆(ついおく)の涙(なみだ)ほら 映(うつ)る空(そら)の青(あお)忘(わす)れない...梦(ゆめ)とか爱(あい)とかどこかに置(お)いて後悔(こうかい)感(かん)じては俯(うつむ)いた舞(ま)い散(ち)る花(はな)びら体(からだ)の缠(まと)い「明日(あした)も绮丽(きれい)かな」広(ひろ)がる优(やさ)しい时间(じかん)爱(いと)しくて足(あし)を止(と)めてみた宝物(たからもの)捜(さが)し求(もと)めて 地図(ちず)を広(ひろ)げいざ 虹(にじ)の麓(ふもと)まできっと流(なが)してきた数(かず)だけ 大切(たいせつ)な涙(なみだ)ほら 包(つつ)む空(そら)の青(あお)忘(わす)れない...あの空(そら) mei


bravely的意思是:adv.勇敢地;华丽地。一、短语搭配:fight bravely;英勇奋战。二、例句:1、We won fair and square — they should concede that bravely and be good losers.我们赢得光明正大,他们应当勇敢地接受失败,做输得起的人。2、Bravely brushing aside all objections, he ventured to entrust young people with important tasks.他力排众议,敢于对年轻人委以重任。3、Those who died bravely in the war earned an everlasting glory.在战争中英勇献身的人们赢得了永久的盛名。4、The general incited/spurred the soldiers to fight bravely.将军激励战士们勇敢作战。

英语Brief Intermission怎么翻译?



abroad,读音:英[u0259u02c8bru0254u02d0d],美[u0259u02c8brɑu02d0d]。释义:adv.在国外;到海外。adj.往国外的。n.海外;异国。词源:15世纪进入英语,直接源自古英语的on brede,意为出门,离开家。短语:be able有能力;聪明,能干。feel able感觉能够。prove able证明有能力。market abroad海外市场。abroad的例句1、She worked abroad for a year.她在国外工作了一年。2、He had been abroad many times.他曾多次出国。3、He"s never ventured abroad in his life.他一生中从来不敢出国。4、I have never contemplated living abroad.我从未考虑过去国外居住。5、I grasped the opportunity to work abroad.我毫不犹豫地抓住了去国外工作的机会。

请问swan‘s way 和 Remembrance of Things Past是什么关系?如何翻译

swan‘s way 在斯万家那边Remembrance of Things Past 追忆似水年华《追忆逝水年华》(à la recherche du temps perd")由法国作家马塞尔·普鲁斯特(Marcel Proust,1871年—1922年)的作品。全文共计7卷,分别是:《在斯万家那边》、《在少女们身旁》、《盖尔芒特家那边》、《索多姆和戈摩尔》、《女囚》、《女逃亡者》、《重现的时光》。 所以,楼主的提问,前者是后者的一卷《追忆逝水年华》(à la recherche du temps perd")由法国作家马塞尔·普鲁斯特(Marcel Proust,1871年—1922年)的作品。全文共计7卷,分别是:《在斯万家那边》、《在少女们身旁》、《盖尔芒特家那边》、《索多姆和戈摩尔》、《女囚》、《女逃亡者》、《重现的时光》。 赏析这部作品细腻刻画出19世纪末、20世纪初的法国上流社会、文人雅士,从单纯地描写人类社会转向对人类心理情绪的分析,完成了在文学作品中对人类情感的第一次成熟地剖析,开“意识流”小说之先河,成为文学史上新的文学形式发轫的标志。作品的总体构架是叙述者对所经历的往事的回顾,而这种回顾是与遗忘的一种抗争。同时这部作品是第一部以记叙一部作品的诞生为题材的着作,普鲁斯特认为人的生活只有在回忆中才形成“真实的生活”,“回忆中的生活比当时当地的现实生活更为现实”;安得烈·莫罗亚在序中就提到:「唯一真实的乐园是人们失去的乐园」,而「幸福的岁月是失去的岁月。」普鲁斯特的气质内向而敏感,对母亲十分依恋,倾心於文学,青年时代经常出入上流社会沙龙,是巴黎贵妇沙龙中一-(出)-手豪阔的常客,熟悉上流社会人物的形形色色,成为他日后写作中各式人物的灵感来源。他在写作时认为题材并不重要,重要的是,「客观世界」如何反映在「主观意念」中。《追忆逝水年华》一书即透过他特殊的叙事风格,营造出一个独特的个人世界。他的叙述时时中断,小说中夹杂了大量的议论、联想、心理分析,一个失眠的夜可以花40页来描述,一个三小时的聚会可以用掉190页的篇幅。时间可以做无限的铺陈,自然也可以随意压缩;过去、现在、未来可以在意识流中颠倒、交叠、相互渗透。由於《追忆逝水年华》卷帙浩繁,4000多页、200多万字,委婉曲折,细腻至极,难读难译,有专家认为要先看第五卷,再回头看第一卷。普鲁斯特的弟弟罗贝尔笑着说:“要想读《追忆逝水年华》,先得大病一场,或是把腿摔折,要不哪来那麽多时间?”当年《追忆逝水年华》第一卷出版时,许多出版社拒绝出版,《新法兰西评论》的着名作家纪德(Andre Gide)拒绝推荐出版这部小说,奥兰夫出版公司的阿尔费莱德·安布罗看了书稿大惑不解,“为什麽要在开头用三十页描写自己睡不着觉?”因此普鲁斯特还得自掏腰包印书出版。1913年第一部小说《在斯万家那边》(Du c?té de chez Swann)出版,《新法兰西评论》的主编兼诗人里维埃尔(Jacques Riviere)大力推荐,引起热烈的讨论,纪德很有风度的承认错误,并写信向普鲁斯特致歉。1919年第二部小说《在少女身旁》(A l"ombre des jeunes filles en Fleurs)出版,一开始反应平平,但随后荣获「龚古尔文学奖」(Prix Goncourt),普鲁斯特开始声名大噪。1921年5月在网球场博物馆参观荷兰画展时,普鲁斯特突感不适。1922年4月3日《索多姆和戈摩尔》(Sodome et Gomorphe)第二卷在新法兰西评论社印毕。同年11月18日普鲁斯特与世长辞,所幸这时他的小说已全部完成。1923年《女囚》(La Prisonnière)在新法兰西评论社出版,1925年《女逃亡者》以及《阿尔贝蒂娜不知去向》出版,1927年出版《过去韶光的重现》(Le Temps Retrouvé),至此全书出版。普鲁斯特的外祖母酷爱十七世纪法国着名书简作家塞维尼夫人(Madame Sévigné,1626年—1696年)的书简。每逢外出旅行时,总要把塞维尼夫人《书简集》随身带走,以便抽空阅读。第四卷《索多姆和戈摩尔》果然发现了塞维尼夫人的名字。《追忆逝水年华》被誉为二十世纪最伟大的小说之一,史蒂芬·黑雨(Stephane Heuet)在二十一世纪初将这七巨册小说改编成漫画12册,这是一项艰难的任务。小说第一卷《在斯万家那边》中的第二部分,《斯万之恋》(Un amour de Swann),常常单独出版。其主要内容是查尔斯·斯万和奥黛特·德·克雷西之间的爱情故事。这一部分篇幅较短、独立性较强,因此被认为是初读《追忆逝水年华》最好的选择,在法国的一些学校中被作为法语课或哲学课的重要阅读材料来研读。参考网址


Eeny, meeny, miny, moeCatch a lover by his toeI"ll never let him goEeny, meeny, miny, moeEeny, meeny, miny, moeMIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALLWhich one dose he like?Pretty Girl or Naughty Girl?Baby I"ll show you nowlooks like a Pretty Girlナチュラルなまつげと清楚なフレアskirtnachuraru na matsuge to seiso na furea skirtHow do you like it?What do you want? babyOh Oh Oh Oh 控えめにSmilingOh Oh Oh Oh hikaeme ni SmilingBaby I"ll show you nowI am so Naughty Girl赤いLIPS 派手目なキラキラNAILakai LIPS hademe na kirakira NAILHow do you like it?Which do you like? babyOh Oh Oh Oh 大胆なStylingOh Oh Oh Oh daitan na StylingまるでI"m like a top stylistmarude I"m like a top stylistどんなスタイルもおまかせ you knowdonna sutairu mo omakase you know见てて 変幻自在のマジックmitete hengen jizai no majikkuShow you right now"Love me do love me do love me do love me do"あなたをトリコにしてくanata wo toriko ni shiteku"Love me do love me do love me do love me do"唱える魔法のジュモンをtonaeru mahou no jumon woDan Dan あなたは恋したくなるDan Dan anata wa koishitaku naruDan Dan あなたはハマってくDan Dan anata wa hamatteku手に入れたい All day All nightte ni iretai All day All nightMake you mine, like"Abracadabra"Baby I"ll show you howI am a Good Girlヤマトナデシコ walk three steps behind 系yamatonadeshiko walk three steps behind keiHow do you like it?What do you want? babyOh Oh Oh Oh 一途にDreamingOh Oh Oh Oh ichizu ni DreamingBaby I"ll show you howI"m a little Bad Girlワガママ小悪魔 So I"m going my waywagamama koakuma So I"m going my wayHow do you like it?Which do you like? babyOh Oh Oh Oh いつでもスリリングOh Oh Oh Oh itsu demo suriringuまるで I"m a 映画のActressmarude I"m a eiga no Actressどんなシーンもお手の物でしょdonna shi-n mo ote no mono desho见てて 変幻自在のマジックmitete hengen jizai no majikkuShow you right now"Love me do love me do love me do love me do"あなたをトリコにしてくanata wo toriko ni shiteku"Love me do love me do love me do love me do"唱える魔法のジュモンをtonaeru mahou no jumon woDan Dan あなたは恋したくなるDan Dan anata wa koishitaku naruDan Dan あなたはハマってくDan Dan anata wa hamatteku手に入れたい All day All nightte ni iretai All day All nightMake you mine, like"Abracadabra"目を闭じてみて wo tojite mite four three two one信じてみてよ Hocus Pocusshinjite mite yo Hocus Pocus今のままの you & I 奇迹ima no mama no you & I kiseki起こしてみせる Open Sesameokoshite miseru Open Sesame目を闭じてみて Follow me Trust meme wo tojite mite Follow me Trust me时は进んでく Tick-tock Tick-tocktoki wa susundeku Tick-tock Tick-tockこの世で一番に可爱いのは谁?kono yo de ichiban ni kawaii no wa dare?MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL"Love me do love me do love me do love me do"あなたをトリコにしてくanata wo toriko ni shiteku"Love me do love me do love me do love me do"唱える魔法のジュモンをtonaeru mahou no jumon woDan Dan あなたは恋したくなるDan Dan anata wa koishitaku naruDan Dan あなたはハマってくDan Dan anata wa hamatteku手に入れたい All day All nightte ni iretai All day All nightMake you mine, like"Abracadabra"

今天听了一首英文歌,歌名是break even,里面一句歌词是什么意思


什么是Breakeven_point?如题 谢谢了

收支平衡点(Break-even Point) 所谓的收支相抵点是指厂商无 经济利润 但能实现 正常利润 的均衡点, 是 边际成本 与 平均成本 的交点。

Breakeven Inflation Rate是什么意思

损益平衡通货膨胀率 应该是这样

Even If My Heart Would Break (Featuring Aaron Neville) 歌词

歌曲名:Even If My Heart Would Break (Featuring Aaron Neville)歌手:Kenny G专辑:The Essential Kenny GWith Kenny GI"ve been around this worldI"ve been a lot of placesSeen a million faces in a thousand timesBut when I looked into your eyesI knew I found heavenAnd I"ve been wanting to tell youI never want to let you goIt may be winter in EdenBut what I"m feeling is summer in my heartIs it too familiar to say I love youWould you be suspicious if I asked your name, tell meWhat would it take to really convince youThat I"m gonna love you, even if my heart would breakSeen a better dayI can feel it comingI can hear it coming in the winter nightCuz you turned this man into a true believerWhen you left your traces on that moonlit nightIt may be winter in EdenBut when I"m with you, with you, it"s summer in my heartIs it too familiar to say I love youWould you be suspicious if I asked your name, tell meWhat would it take to really convince youThat I"m gonna love you even if my heart would breakIt may be winter in EdenBut when I"m with you, with you, it"s always summer in my heartSo let the mountains tumble, tumble to the seaLet the rivers overflow, it won"t bother meLet the stars go out tonight, cuz I can see them in your eyesI"m gonna love you even if my heart would breakIs it too familiar to say I love youWould you be suspicious if I asked your name, tell meWhat would it take to really convince youThat I"m gonna love you even if my heart would breakEven if my heart would break, I"m gonna love youEven if my heart would break, I"m gonna love youLet the stars go out tonight cuz I can see them in your eyesAnd I"m gonna love you, even if my heart would break

Colbie Caillat-Breakeven At Fast Car歌词

  AT40 Full Chart  Week of March 23rd, 2009  1 1 The Fray  You Found Me  2 2 Nickelback  Gotta Be Somebody  3 3 Taylor Swift  Love Story  4 4 David Cook  Light On  5 6 Kelly Clarkson  My Life Would Suck Without You  6 5 Katy Perry  Hot N Cold  7 7 Pink  Sober  8 8 Jason Mraz  I"m Yours  9 11 The All American Rejects  Gives You Hell  10 9 O.A.R  Shattered [Turn The Car Around]  11 10 Daughtry  What About Now  12 12 3 Doors Down  Let Me Be Myself  13 17 Plain White T"s  1, 2, 3, 4  14 15 Lady Gaga  Just Dance  15 18 Coldplay  Viva La Vida  16 13 Pink  So What  17 16 Gavin Rossdale  Love Remains The Same  18 14 Lifehouse  Broken  19 20 Jason Mraz  Lucky featuring Colbie Caillat  20 19 Beyonce  Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)  21 21 Kevin Rudolf  Let It Rock  22 22 Missy Higgins  Where I Stood  23 23 Saving Abel  Addicted  24 30 Katy Perry  Thinking Of You  25 26 Theory of a Deadman  Not Meant To Be  26 24 Sara Bareilles  Love Song  27 34 3 Doors Down  It"s Not My Time  28 25 Kid Rock  All Summer Long  29 27 Leona Lewis  Bleeding Love  30 29 Natasha Bedingfield  Pocketful Of Sunshine  31 39 Finger Eleven  Paralyzer  32 32 Eric Hutchinson  Rock & Roll  33 40 The Veronicas  Untouched  34 31 Colbie Caillat  Bubbly  35 35 Lifehouse  Whatever It Takes  36 36 Leona Lewis  Better In Time  37 - Thriving Ivory  Angels On The Moon  38 33 Daughtry  Feels Like Tonight  39 28 The Killers  Human  40 38 Britney Spears  Circus  可能稍微有些出入...但应该不大

Even If My Heart Would Break 歌词

歌曲名:Even If My Heart Would Break歌手:Kenny G & Aaron Neville专辑:The Essential Kenny GWith Kenny GI"ve been around this worldI"ve been a lot of placesSeen a million faces in a thousand timesBut when I looked into your eyesI knew I found heavenAnd I"ve been wanting to tell youI never want to let you goIt may be winter in EdenBut what I"m feeling is summer in my heartIs it too familiar to say I love youWould you be suspicious if I asked your name, tell meWhat would it take to really convince youThat I"m gonna love you, even if my heart would breakSeen a better dayI can feel it comingI can hear it coming in the winter nightCuz you turned this man into a true believerWhen you left your traces on that moonlit nightIt may be winter in EdenBut when I"m with you, with you, it"s summer in my heartIs it too familiar to say I love youWould you be suspicious if I asked your name, tell meWhat would it take to really convince youThat I"m gonna love you even if my heart would breakIt may be winter in EdenBut when I"m with you, with you, it"s always summer in my heartSo let the mountains tumble, tumble to the seaLet the rivers overflow, it won"t bother meLet the stars go out tonight, cuz I can see them in your eyesI"m gonna love you even if my heart would breakIs it too familiar to say I love youWould you be suspicious if I asked your name, tell meWhat would it take to really convince youThat I"m gonna love you even if my heart would breakEven if my heart would break, I"m gonna love youEven if my heart would break, I"m gonna love youLet the stars go out tonight cuz I can see them in your eyesAnd I"m gonna love you, even if my heart would break

Even If My Heart Would Break 歌词

歌曲名:Even If My Heart Would Break歌手:Kenny G&Aaron Neville专辑:The Essential Kenny GWith Kenny GI"ve been around this worldI"ve been a lot of placesSeen a million faces in a thousand timesBut when I looked into your eyesI knew I found heavenAnd I"ve been wanting to tell youI never want to let you goIt may be winter in EdenBut what I"m feeling is summer in my heartIs it too familiar to say I love youWould you be suspicious if I asked your name, tell meWhat would it take to really convince youThat I"m gonna love you, even if my heart would breakSeen a better dayI can feel it comingI can hear it coming in the winter nightCuz you turned this man into a true believerWhen you left your traces on that moonlit nightIt may be winter in EdenBut when I"m with you, with you, it"s summer in my heartIs it too familiar to say I love youWould you be suspicious if I asked your name, tell meWhat would it take to really convince youThat I"m gonna love you even if my heart would breakIt may be winter in EdenBut when I"m with you, with you, it"s always summer in my heartSo let the mountains tumble, tumble to the seaLet the rivers overflow, it won"t bother meLet the stars go out tonight, cuz I can see them in your eyesI"m gonna love you even if my heart would breakIs it too familiar to say I love youWould you be suspicious if I asked your name, tell meWhat would it take to really convince youThat I"m gonna love you even if my heart would breakEven if my heart would break, I"m gonna love youEven if my heart would break, I"m gonna love youLet the stars go out tonight cuz I can see them in your eyesAnd I"m gonna love you, even if my heart would break

break even point

损益两平点, 收支平衡点, 保本点

请帮忙解释下breakeven point (sales)和breakeven point (output) 谢谢

breakeven point (sales) 是 最低销售总收益breakeven point (output) 是最低销售量BEP = TFC/(SUP - VCUP)BEP = (Break-even Point)TFC = (Total Fixed Costs)VCUP =(Variable Costs per Unit of Production)SUP = (Selling Price Per Unit of Production)2个基本差不多 只要知道一个基本另外一个就知道了。

Breakeven Analysis是什么意思啊?




breakeven price 是什么?能够给我详细介绍一下吗?



  BEP = TFC/(SUP - VCUP)  注释:  BEP = 收支平衡点(Break-even Point) TFC = 总固定成本(Total Fixed Costs) VCUP = 单位变动成本(Variable Costs per Unit of Production) SUP = 单位产品价格(Selling Price Per Unit of Production)  收支平衡点(BreakEvenPoint(BEP)):收益相等于损失的一点或,期权购买者用以收购权利金的金融工具的价格,这意味着他既没有损失也没有获利。对一个认购权来说,收支收益率]平衡点是执行价格加上权利金。期权买方要在无损失的情况下行使期权股价必须达到的水平。对于买入期权而言,相等于行使价格+已付溢价。对于出售期权,相等于行使价格-已付溢价,而今天达到的收支平衡点既不能弥补昨天发生的损失,也不能为未来的损失做任何储备。从投资回报的角度来看,它对此没有任何贡献。


breakeven 英["breu026ak"i:vu0259n] 美["breu026ak"i:vu0259n] n. 盈亏平衡点,收支平衡点; [例句]And by calculation the feasible breakeven point is obtained.并通过计算得出了该项目可行的盈亏平衡点。


BEP=Cf/(p-cu-tu)。 breakeven公式是BEP=Cf/(p-cu-tu),BEP盈亏平衡点时的产销量,Cf固定成本,P单位产品销售价格,Cu单位产品变动成本,Tu单位产品增值税及附加。 breakeven即盈亏平衡点,又称零利润点、保本点、盈亏临界点、损益分歧点、收益转折点,通常是指全部销售收入等于全部成本时(销售收入线与总成本线的交点)的产量。

Brother Ali的《Tight Rope》 歌词

歌曲名:Tight Rope歌手:Brother Ali专辑:UsRon Pope - TightropeQQ : 349777127I woke up before the sunChased your ghost across the yardThrough the fog and tumbling dark "til you were goneVirginia I can hardly breatheI"ve forgotten how to sleepAnd your face still haunts my dreams when I"m aloneSo now I"m walking on a tightrope wireToo far off the groundI"m imagining the words you said when last I saw your mouthYes I"m walking on a tightrope wireSo afraid to fallAnd I"d tell you that I miss youbut I"m sure it doesn"t matter at allThe things I gave awayThey"re not coming back for meShould"ve learned from my mistakes but I never doAs I lay here all alone I hang up before I callAnd admit to all my faults to pass the timeSo now I"m walking on a tightrope wireToo far off the groundI"m imagining the words you said when last I saw your mouthYes I"m walking on a tightrope wireSo afraid to fallAnd I"d tell you that I miss youbut I"m sure it doesn"t matter at allThere"s a place we used to goToday I went aloneIf there"s a message in this songWell I don"t knowSo now I"m walking on a tightrope wireToo far off the groundI"m imagining the words you said when last I saw your mouthYes I"m walking on a tightrope wireSo afraid to fallAnd I"d tell you that I miss you but I"m sureYes I"m walking on a tightrope wireToo far off the groundI"m imagining the words you said when last I saw your mouthYes I"m walking on a tightrope wireSo afraid to fallAnd I"d tell you that I miss you but I"m sureAnd I"d tell you that I miss youbut I"m sure it doesn"t matter at allit doesn"t matter at allRon Pope - TightropeQQ : 349777127

cooper infused fabric 什么面料




git merge, 如何merge一个branch到另外一个branch

参考链接 假如我现在有两个branch:story6header and competition. 我想把competition这个branch merge到 story6header 这个branch 上。执行以下操作: 最后 不要忘记 push到github git push origin story6header 这也许是个错误的方法,我也不知道正确不正确,不过我尝试下来是成功了 。 20170715 更新 想了一下,觉得将一个分支merge到一个分支,这种做法不太合适,容易把branch搞乱,为了保持分支的干净整洁,还是建议将分支merge到master branch上。 所以,merge的正确方式应该是


bronze [bru0252nz]n. 青铜; 铜像v. 镀青铜于; 上青铜色于copper [cop·per || "ku0252pu0259]n. 铜; 铜币; 铜制品; 红铜色#警察v. 镀铜于; 覆以铜皮


更新1: 咁点解more irregularly就会令到atoms冇咁容易slip into each other ? The wer is D. Copper is a pure metal. In copper all the atoms are identical and thus the atoms are packed regularly. When a force is exerted layers of atoms can slip into each other readily. This explains the ductility and malleability of metals. Bronze is the alloy of copper and tin. When tin atoms of different size are introduced the metal atoms are packed more irregularly. Therfore when a force is exerted layers of atoms slip into each other less readily. This increases the strength of bronze. 2009-08-19 18:23:33 补充: 你想像一下便可以知道。全部同一大小圆球形排在一起,圆球形由一层滑至另一层比较容易。但加入一些大小不同的圆球形,滑动便比较困难了。


Brass偏指黄色的铜 copper是紫红色铜 bronze青铜



copper 和brass的区别请问这两种铜有什么区别,用肉眼可以区分吗




bronze ,copper的区别?


black umbrella是什么意思?跪求解答。



umbrella[英] [ʌmˈbrelə][美] [ʌmˈbrɛlə]n.雨伞; 〈比喻〉保护物; [军]空中掩护幕; 总括;[例句]Harry held an umbrella over Dawn.哈里为唐打着伞。[复数]umbrellas

umbrella怎么读 umbrella的意思

1、umbrella的读音:英[u028cmu02c8brelu0259]美[u028cmu02c8brelu0259] 2、n.雨伞; 伞; 保护伞; 阳伞; 综合体; 总体; 整体; 保护国(或体系); 庇护; 3、adj.伞状的;机构庞大的; 4、[例句]She hit him on the head with her umbrella.她用雨伞打他的头。 5、复数:umbrellas


你好!umbrella 英[u028cmu02c8brelu0259] 美[u028cmu02c8bru025blu0259] n. 雨伞; 〈比喻〉保护物; [军] 空中掩护幕; 总括; [例句]Harry held an umbrella over Dawn.哈里为唐打着伞。


jayz ya


《Umbrella》由苹果电脑的数码音乐软件GarageBand制作,词曲作者为克里斯托弗·斯图尔特、The-Dream和肖恩·卡特,音乐制作由克里斯托弗·斯图尔特和库克·哈勒尔负责 。《Umbrella》原本是制作人准备送给布兰妮·斯皮尔斯的,他们希望将这首歌收录在布兰妮·斯皮尔斯的第五张录音室专辑《晕炫风暴》,于是他们便发送了一个歌曲样本给布兰妮·斯皮尔斯的音乐管理人,但是却遭到了Jive唱片公司的拒绝,因为Jive唱片公司声称他们有足够的能力为布兰妮·斯皮尔斯寻找可以录制的歌曲。因此,布兰妮·斯皮尔斯至始至终都没有接触到这首歌 。在遭到拒绝后,克里斯托弗·斯图尔特和The-Dream说服其他唱片公司接受这首歌。于是,他们与英国R&B唱作歌手泰欧·克鲁斯协商,但泰欧·克鲁斯未能说服他的唱片公司发布这首歌曲 。到了2007年2月初,歌曲的样本被送到的L.A. Reid得力助手、A&R唱片公司的执行人员Karen Kwak手中。里德通过消息告诉克里斯托弗·斯图尔特,他发现这首歌非常适合蕾哈娜,准备将这首歌收录在蕾哈娜的第三张专辑《Good Girl Gone Bad》中。当L.A. Reid将歌曲的样本发给蕾哈娜后,蕾哈娜则表示,在歌曲样本开始播放后,她就喜欢上这首歌了,她觉得这首歌奇怪又有趣,听了一遍又一遍。 最后,她对制作人说自己需要这首歌。于是,《Umbrella》就成为了蕾哈娜的歌曲。克里斯托弗在接受采访时,表示自己最初对蕾哈娜是否真的适合唱这首歌曲而产生怀疑。但当他听到蕾哈娜在录歌时唱的“Ella,Ella”之后,就觉得自己得到一些想要的感觉 。

umbrella英语怎么读 umbrella的意思

1、umbrella英式发音[u028cmu02c8brelu0259],美式发音[u028cmu02c8brelu0259]。 2、umbrella,英文单词,名词,译为“雨伞;保护伞;庇护;伞形结构”。 3、双语例句: Have you seen my umbrella? 你看见我的伞没有? We each have an umbrella. 我们每人都有一把雨伞。



carry an umbrella中文是什么意思?




i like 什么 umbrella.




umbrella 英语怎么读



umbrella什么意思:雨伞1、She hit him on the head with her umbrella. 她用雨伞打他的头。2、She gave him a sharp prod with her umbrella. 她用雨伞使劲捅了他一下。3、"Contact sports" is an umbrella term for a variety of different sports. “接触式运动”是多种不同体育运动的总称。4、Many previously separate groups are now operating under the umbrella of a single authority. 许多原本分散的团体现在正在单一的权威领导下运作。5、What have you done with my umbrella? 你把我的伞弄到哪里去了?6、I put up my umbrella. 我撑开伞。


同义句可以为please give an umbrella to me.






umbrella英[ʌm"brelə];美[ʌm"brelə]短语搭配:umbrella term雨伞术语,伞状术语,伞概念,涵盖性术语。Umbrella Fund计划为伞子基金,伞子基金,伞型基金,伞形基金。umbrella antenna伞形天线,伞状天线。雨伞的英文例句:1、It was raining hard, and she hadn"t an umbrella.雨下得很大,但她没有雨伞。2、The man with the umbrella will be the Prime Minister.拿着雨伞的那个人准是首相。3、The angry woman made at me with her umbrella.那个愤怒的女人用雨伞袭击我.4、Could you identify your umbrella among a hundred others.你能从100把雨伞中认出你的那一把吗?5、It was very sensible of you to bring your umbrella.你带雨伞很明智.6、She stole him an umbrella.她给他偷了一把雨伞.7、The ribs of the umbrella are strong.雨伞的骨架非常结实.8、An umbrella will protect you from the rain.雨伞可以保护你不至于淋雨.9、Someone has walked away with her umbrella.有人把她的雨伞顺手牵羊地拿走了.10、An umbrella should be waterproof.雨伞应能防水.


umbrella(雨伞),英文单词,来自拉丁文的Umbra,意思是雨伞、伞,也有遮阳、阴影处、庇护的意思1、伞;雨伞;阳伞①I put up my umbrella.我撑开伞。②colourful beach umbrellas五彩缤纷的海滩遮阳伞2、综合体;总体;整体①Many previously separate groups are now operating under the umbrella of a single authority.许多原本分散的团体现在正在单一的权威领导下运作。②anumbrella organization/group/fund综合机构╱团体╱基金③Contact sports" is anumbrella termfor a variety of different sports.“接触式运动”是多种不同体育运动的总称。3、保护国(或体系);保护伞;庇护




是一个电影的标识。游戏的世界中有正义就要有邪恶,有拯救世界的主角就要有一个与主角对着干的神秘组织。在无数游戏中,《生化危机》系列里的安布雷拉公司(Umbrella corporation)绝对是最广为人知的反派组织之一。安布雷拉公司和它的雇员们贯穿了整个《生化危机》的世界观,即使没有玩过生化危机系列的玩家可能也略知一二。作为使世界陷入丧尸危机的幕后黑手,安布雷拉公司具有不可想象的势力和强大的私人武装。他们的影响力之大甚至打破了次元壁,导致人们经常会在现实中看到贴着安布雷拉标志的车辆出没。


[05m"brel05]最前面那个是A ,三角音!!

the rabbit is under the umbrella是什么意思


library umbrella beown 的br发音一样吗?如若不一样为什么不一样






under the umbrella of是什么意思













Umbrella的发音以元音音素[u028c]开头,因此它需要使用冠词a。使用a和an的区别a是用于修饰以辅音音素开头的单词,例如:"a book" (book的发音以辅音音素 b 开头)。同样地, "a cat", "a tree", "a car" 等等,都是以辅音音素开头。an则是用于修饰以元音音素开头的单词,例如:"an apple" (apple的发音以元音音素 a 开头),类似地,"an egg", "an umbrella", "an hour" 等等都是以元音音素开头。需要注意的是,使用"a"或"an"取决于单词发音中首字母所对应的音素(不仅仅是首字母对应的字母),而不是取决于首字母是什么字母。例如,"hour"这个单词以H开头,但是发音是以元音音素开头,因此需要使用"an"来修饰。a或an的特殊使用法有一些特殊情况需要考虑在使用"a"或"an"时,例如:1、当修饰以"u"开头的单词时,有时需要根据发音来决定使用"a"还是"an"。例如,“an umbrella”和“a university”。但是,对于以"u"开头的单词,如果发音在元音音素"ju"前面,通常使用"a",而不是"an"。例如,“a usual meal”而不是“an usual meal”。2、有些以"h"开头的单词,而它们的第一个音节发音不清晰,有时需要根据发音来决定使用"a"还是"an"。例如,“a historical event”或“an historical event”,这取决于当地的语言习惯和发音的不同。3、在一些缩写词和首字母缩写词中,有时需要根据首字母发音来决定使用"a"还是"an"。例如,“a UFO”(不用"an"),因为U发音为"you",而不是元音音素。




umbrella的英语说法:英:[/u028cmu02c8bru025blu0259/];美:[/u028cmu02c8bru025blu0259/]一、中文翻译n. 伞;保护伞;防护物;庇护二、形式复数形式:umbrellas三、短语搭配1. umbrella term 包罗万象的术语2. umbrella organization 组织总会3. under the umbrella of 在...的保护下4. open/close an umbrella 打开/关闭伞5. rain umbrella 雨伞6. beach umbrella 海滩伞四、双语例句1. She opened her umbrella and stepped out into the rain.她打开伞,走进雨中。2. He forgot to bring an umbrella and got wet in the rain.他忘了带伞,在雨中淋湿了。3. "E-commerce" is an umbrella term for buying and selling goods online.“电子商务”是一个包含在线买卖商品的术语。4. Several organizations operate under the umbrella of the United Nations.几个组织在联合国的庇护下运作。5. Don"t forget to pack a beach umbrella for our trip.别忘了为我们的旅行打包一个海滩伞。6. We sat under the shade of a large umbrella.我们坐在一个大伞的阴影下。五、用法1. "Umbrella" 作为名词,最常见的意思是伞,用来遮挡雨或阳光。例如:She left her umbrella at home.(她把伞忘在家里了。)2. "Umbrella" 也可以表示一种包含或包罗众多项目、团体、活动等的事物或概念。例如:Human rights is an umbrella term that includes many different aspects.(人权是一个包含许多不同方面的概念。)3. "Umbrella" 可以与许多其他单词搭配,形成常见的短语,如"umbrella term"(包罗万象的术语)和"under the umbrella of"(在...的保护下)。例如:Several different activities fall under the umbrella of physical education.(几种不同的活动都属于体育教育的范畴。)4. "Umbrella" 的复数形式是"umbrellas",表示多把伞。例如:There are several umbrellas in the closet.(衣柜里有几把伞。)5. "Umbrella" 可以用来描述与伞相关的人、物、活动等。例如:She bought a new umbrella.(她买了一把新伞。)六、同义词n. 雨伞;保护伞;庇护;伞形结构shadow,bumbershoot



Windows无法安装到这个磁盘。选中的磁盘具有 MBR 分区表。在EFI系统上,Windows只能安装到这个GPT磁盘。

想装uefi的系统? pe里面cmd用diskpart命令 删掉整个硬盘后 convert gpt 再创建一个200m的小分区 再创建个装系统的分区 这样安装时就能识别成uefi系统 你要直接装mbr的系统的话,开机时按esc 选u盘启动即可 这样的话 如果你u盘里的系统设置正常 即可直接安装

pull up the drawbridge什么意思

  pull up the drawbridge的中文翻译  pull up the drawbridge  拉起吊桥  双语例句  1  The only thing to do is pull up the drawbridge and trap him  她唯一能做的就是拉起吊桥让他掉入陷阱  2  Now is not the time to pull up the drawbridge, to seek solace in isolation or to revert to an outdated and futile protectionism.  现在不是拉起吊桥、在孤立中寻求安慰或倒退到过时无益的保护主义的时候。

browser metrics 指什么?

Browser Metrics:Data Collection Service数据收集服务(搜索引擎)

brand metrics什么意思


学街舞breaking有什么好处? 坏处呢?

  优缺点:身体灵活度会大大提高,但由于breaking需要的力量较大,练的时候很辛苦且有一定的危险性。  这些动作大多需要很强的上肢力量,感觉,以及灵活性。它们惯性很大,经常在旋转动作中甩动腿,扭转躯体。手臂,特别是肱三头肌和肩膀,经常需要在特别的位置承受全身的重量当腹肌和lower back muscle要移动腿部转圈时。胸肌和手臂后部的肌肉也需要承受巨大压力。  地板霹雳舞(Breaking、Breakdance、b-boying),是一种难度较高的街舞舞步,比较重视舞步技巧性。1970年代起源于美国纽约市的布朗克斯区。Breaking的中文翻译是地板,地板动作或霹雳舞。 比较值得注意的是,早期跳霹雳舞的舞者多为西班牙语裔美国人,而非裔美国人,然而他们当初偏好的音乐风格却大大影响至今嘻哈音乐。  Bre地板霹雳舞其他具个人特色的动作为主。对跳地板舞的人称呼为B-boy或B-girl (beat boy)、(breaking boy)。


我什么都不带 练舞不受伤怎么可能啊

请问一下,硬盘初始化用MBR 还是用GPT比较好?

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