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the braed smells nice and tasters good

1. C


Everbright 光大 QUARTZ 石英 WATER RESISTANT 防水就知道这些了,呵呵







本人有一块Everbright 的手表,属于哪个档次的,能值多少钱,想请教各位。谢谢

我认为你可以去淘宝看看输入你表的牌子 型号。。当然淘宝上的都比市面上的便宜。。但正宗的手表 店主一般都会印上市场价的。。。很方便的 可以试试看哦





Everbright 手表是什么品牌?是依波的品牌吗,属于哪个档次的?谢谢!

市场价:1,080.00 元 会员价:918.00 元 是依波的

Everbright 的手表好不好?多少钱?





Everbright品牌来自于香港恒亮国际投资有限公司(H.K.EVERBRIGHT INT`L HOLDINGS LIMITED)旗下品牌


1、n. 光大银行China Everbright Bank2、永明eg:Everbright: Flecks of marble and pearl shimmer across this weapon, set within images of bursting stars and beaming suns.


依波表老款everbright是依波早期的一个型号,其产品特点包括:1. 镜面:采用石英表镜,具有防刮伤、防磨损和防眩光处理,表面光滑亮丽。2. 功能:具有防水功能,可适用于洗手、洗脸等生活场景。3. 风格:以简约、大气的设计风格为主,适合商务、休闲等各种场合佩戴。4. 材质:表壳采用不锈钢材质,具有高强度和耐腐蚀性,适合长时间佩戴。5. 电池:采用太阳能动力技术,无需更换电池,环保经济。总的来说,依波表老款everbright是一款功能齐全、设计简约、经久耐用、环保经济的石英手表,适合各种场合佩戴。

Calibre PEX error: SCONNECT conflicts detected



brioni是很有名的一个西装品牌,这个牌子的西服设计的非常好看,款式新颖,而且特别修身。下面我给大家讲讲brioni是什么牌子?brioni什么档次? brioni是什么牌子 brioni是一个比较顶级的男装品牌,这个牌子主要是以正装为主,非常高大上,很受有钱人士的喜欢。 brioni布里奥尼品牌名称得名于伊斯特拉小岛(Istrian island)。在20世纪初,此岛曾是欧洲一群崇尚时尚的富豪们经常乘坐直升机造访的奢华休闲胜地。来自国际时尚首都罗马的布里奥尼,凭借其面向高端客户的品牌定位、美国消费者对品牌急增的兴趣、与二战之后经济快速复苏的条件下,品牌快速壮大。拥有来自阿布鲁佐(Abruzzo)最出色工匠的技艺,让布里奥尼迅速崛起,在1950至1960间,成为意大利海内外娱乐界、政界及商界人士的着装基准。brioni什么档次 brioni是一个比较顶级的牌子,属于奢侈品等级。 以定制西服见长的Brioni,从一开始就是少数欧洲贵族和富豪的奢侈品。1950年代,随着《罗马假日》的热映,罗马成为美国富人的旅行首选地,Brioni迅速成长为一个世界性的奢侈品品牌。Brioni(布莱奥尼)是在排他性、社会地位和自我提高性三项指标上排名最高的品牌,同时它也被认为是能为品牌定价带来最大价值空间的品牌。代表罗马式风格的Brioni拥有如詹姆士·邦德这样的拥护者,从皮尔斯·布鲁斯南时代的007开始,Brioni就是这位顶尖特工的御用品牌。这个一向量体裁衣的品牌最近正在向奢侈运动装领域进军,并在不久前于Saks Fifth Avenue开出了自己第一间实体店铺。brioni怎么样 好友今天又再回去了次the mall,好吧,个么就再给老公搞个两件Brioni衬衫,两条领带~好友自己今天开始买买买了,超额帮我完成指标,大感谢!感谢神!期待好友再次去欧洲开会,休士顿the Galleria可以短期不用去了… brioni男士手工腰带,这腰带是我前段时间去买商务礼物,在八达岭奥莱顺便入手的。经典b字头,全手工制作,皮质十分柔软,类似于fendi的selleria皮质。最最重要,作为男装顶级品牌,却折扣力度非常大,仅仅2折入手,话说的确是品牌推广没有做好。当然,他家nb还是要说是西装,即使2折左右,也在20k左右。服装我也看了看,不过都是适合大叔的装扮,非常非常成熟。还有就是比较推荐他家的休闲鞋,因为有双正价买的,穿了三年,相当舒服。折扣店还有折扣,有兴趣可以去淘一淘。 上次去欧洲回来新买的一些loro piana,还有一条打对折的brioni的裤子,在loro piana的质感拔不出来。虽然现在是夏天了,哈哈,去南半球就是秋冬天了,到现在觉得买的一个性价比和使用率最高的就是一个lp的babycashmere的小吊带。西装挑选方法 第一, 材质 天然的永远是最尊贵的,不只在西装面料的选择上。似乎所有东西前面加上“人造”两个字,就会被所谓品质人士嫌弃。而在西装这种装x中的战斗机的选择上更是如此,所以化纤、尼龙这种非天然的面料就不在此赘述,至于原因,你去试一试就懂了。 第二,克重 什么是克重?简单说来就是一平米面料的重量。我们可以以此判断面料的厚薄,从而为不同的季节场合选择相应的面料。这个问题比较枯燥,作为一个只是想买一套西装的人其实不用了解得太详细。 第三, 颜色 很多人以为黑西装白衬衣是最保险、不会出错的选择,但事实上,黑西装不保险,只是像“买保险”。黑西装只有在出席非常正式的场合,例如葬礼、婚宴才应该穿着,其他你认为比较正式但又没有达到相当正式的规格的场合,藏青色和灰色的西装才是应该选择的。藏青色和灰色的西装简直是万能的,它们能驾驭各种场合,正式程度绝对可以hold住一次大型的商务会议,同时,若是穿着它去酒吧去派对,也完全不会显得突兀。

BBRC的"Conflicts of Interest form"应该怎么写


I like Oliver Twist best ,which is written by British writer为什么用which不用it



bridge: n. 桥;桥牌;船桥;桥接器 vt. 渡过;架桥bridegroom:新郎

bridegroom 这个英语音标中的d不发音吗?

bridegroom 英[u02c8brau026adɡruu02d0m] 美[u02c8brau026adɡruu02d0m] n. 新郎; 即将(或刚刚)结婚的男子; 可以看出,bridegroom 这个英语单词中的d发[d]音。

Tony Stark和Bruce Wayne哪个比较有钱?


hesmy什么意思brotler 的中文?

He"s my brother.意思是:他是我的兄弟。brother,名词,哥哥、弟弟。

求一首英文歌的歌名!记得有一句歌词是:“is it enough to love?is it enough to breathe?”

  歌 名: anything but ordinary(绝不平凡)  歌 手: 艾薇儿·拉维妮(Avril Lavigne)  专 辑: 《Let Go》  歌 词:  Sometimes I get so weird 有时我很古怪   I even freak myself out 我甚至会麻痹自己   - I laugh myself to sleep 我笑着哄自己入睡   It"s my lullaby 这是我的摇篮曲   Sometimes I drive so fast 有时我把车开的超快   Just to feel the danger 只是为了体验危险   I wanna scream 我想大声尖叫  It makes me feel alive 这可以让我觉得自己还活着  Is it enough to love? 这样去爱就足够了吗?  Is it enough to breath? 这样呼吸就足够了吗?  Somebody rip my heart out 有人撕碎了我的心   And leave me here to bleed 留我在这里独自流血   Is it enough to die? 就这样死掉?  Somebody save my life 有人救了我   I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡  To walk within the lines 画线自限   Would make my life so boring 会让我的生活很无聊   I want to know that I   Have been to the extreme 我想知道我曾经达到的极限  So knock me off my feets 所以放开我的双脚吧   Come on now give it to me  Anything to make me feel alive 给我任何可以让我感觉还活着的东西   Is it enough to love? 这样去爱就足够了吗?  Is it enough to breath? 这样呼吸就足够了吗?  Somebody rip my heart out 有人撕碎了我的心   And leave me here to bleed 留我在这里独自流血   Is it enough to die? 就这样死掉?  Somebody save my life 有人救了我  I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡  I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡  Let down your defences 解除你的防御   Use no common sense 抛开你的成见  If you look you will see 如果看见你就会了解   that this world is a beautiful 这个世界是如此美好   accident turbulent suculent 有意外、有骚动、又有趣   opulent permanent, no way 永远丰富多彩   I wanna taste it 我想去享受一下  Don"t wanna waste it away 不想浪费时间  Sometimes I get so weird 有时我很古怪  I even freak myself out 我甚至会麻痹自己   I laugh my self to sleep 我笑着哄自己入睡  It"s my lullaby 这是我的摇篮曲  Is it enough? 这样就足够了吗?  Is it enough? 这样就足够了吗?  Is it enough to breath? 这样呼吸就足够了吗?   Somebody rip my heart out 有人撕碎了我的心  And leave me here to bleed 留我在这里  Is it enough to die? 就这样死掉?  Somebody save my life 有人救了我  I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡  Is it enough? 这样就足够了吗?  Is it enough to die? 就这样死掉?  Somebody save my life 有人救了我  I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡  I"d rather be anything but ordinary please 什么我都愿意,就是不甘于平凡

英语Compatibility Libraries怎么翻译?


Bread And Blood 歌词

歌曲名:Bread And Blood歌手:Air Supply专辑:Greatest HitsI"m not afraid of losing you or saying goodbyeIf someone needs you more than me, I will understand whyI"d never stand between someone who"s holding your heartBut I can"t let a superstition tear us apartWho has the right to speak fire from aboveIf heaven is away from you, that is the place I"ll give upFor falling in love can"t be taking these lips from the cupCHORUSDon"t fill her mind with bread and bloodDon"t confuse strength with pride and mudI have a faith in love that"s thicker than all bread and bloodEditted by JackyI"m not afraid to face the truth of what I believeIf love was never menat to choose, it could never succeedAnd we may always stand alone in everyone"s sightAnd be the judge unto ourselves between wrong and rightWho puts a price on eternity"s sinWho throws the first stone shall search for perfection againFor you are the reason that pleasure was taken from the painI won"t see you cry, should it make you cry

They brought him in on a stretcher.这句有两个介词,是错的吗?

这两个介词不一样bring in是固定搭配的词组,in不是介词而是相当于辅助动词完成动作表达的副词on the stretcher的on是地点状语的引导词,是介词


沙特阿拉伯王国(S.A)中文简称沙特、阿拉伯联合共和国(U.A.R.)中文简称阿联、阿拉伯联合酋长国(U.A.E) 中文简称阿联酋 ————————————————————————— 这里只有阿联要重要介绍: 1958年2月1日由埃及与叙利亚合并组成的泛伊斯兰国家。原来的计划,还包括伊拉克在内,但因为国内局势不稳定,伊拉克未加入联邦。1961年叙利亚因政变宣布退出,而埃及则沿用阿拉伯联合共和国名称,直到1971年9月2日,阿拉伯联合共和国才将国名改为阿拉伯埃及共和国。 以上三个国家官方语言都是阿拉伯语和通用英语


briefcase 是公文包suitcase 是手提箱,衣箱

I think the coffee beans are from Brazil, ________ I’m not completely sure.

【答案】:C句意:我想咖啡豆是巴西产的,不过我不太确定。考查连词。A. because因为;B. since因为、由于;C. though即使、不过;D. whether是否。根据句意可知,我想咖啡豆是巴西产的,不过我不太确定。C选项符合句意,故选C。


天剑250(天剑王)详细参数型号(型式)·Code JYM250-2 总长×总宽×总高·L×W×H 2025mm×760mm×1065mm座席高·Seat height 805mm轴距·Wheelbase --------1360mm最低离地距离·Minimum ground clearance --------175mm整备质量·Wet(with oil and a full fuel tank) --------152kg最高车速·Maximum speed --------123km/h最小转弯半径·Minimum turning radius --------2.4m发动机种类·Engine type --------空冷、4冲程·Air cooled, 4-stroke气缸数·Cylinder arrangement -------单缸·Single cylinder总排气量·Displacement --------249cm3缸径×行程·Bore & stroke -------74.0mm×58.0mm 压缩比·Compression ratio -------9.80:1最高功率·Maximum horse power -------15.4kW(7500r/min)最大扭矩·Maximum torque --------19.7Nm(6500r/min)启动方式·Starting system type --------电启动·Electric starter机油容量·Engine oil capacity --------1.5L油箱容量·Fuel tank capacity --------19.2L化油器型式/燃料供给·Carburetor Type/Fuel supply --------FI [燃料喷射方式·Fuel Injection] 点火方式·Ignition system type ---------T.C.I蓄电池容量·Battery voltage/capacity -------12V 6Ah 离合器形式·Clutch type ---------湿式多片手操纵·Wet, multiple-disc coil spring变速机形式·Transmission type --------常啮式前进5档返回·Constant mesh 5-speed变速比·Gear ratio ---------2.571/1.684/1.273/1.040/0.852车架形式·Frame type ---------双摇篮式·Double cradle轮胎规格(前/后)·Tire size(Front/Rear) --------100/80-17M/C 52S / 130/70-17M/C 62S制动装置形式(前/后)·Brake type(Front/Rear) ---------单盘式 / 鼓式·Single disc brake / Drum brake悬架方式(前/后)·Suspension type(Front/Rear) ---------伸缩式/连杆式单臂·Telescopic / Bottom link swing arm前灯、前位灯·Headlight、Auxiliary light --------12V、35W/35w×1、12V、5w×1

two of the strings were broken.broken是adj也是v,为什么在这个句子中为v.而不为adj?两个词性如何分?

是形容词还是动词要看具体情况,例如There are 10 strings over there. Two of the strings were broken. 这里就是形容词,表示状态。再如 Suddenly two of the strings were broken by the srong wind. 这里就是动词,表示动作。如果没有上下文,则均可。望采纳。




ZBrush 有一百多种笔刷,每一个笔刷的用途都都有所不同,找到合适的笔刷,不仅能雕刻出好的作品,还能提高工作效率。Blob:产生随机起伏,常配合Strokes中的spray使用,制作水泥、岩石等粗糙表面。Clay:用法类似素描排线,一般沿肌肉纤维走向。Elastic:笔画得越快,起伏越大,越慢则越平。Flatten:压平表面。BrushMod>0会突出,BrushMod<0则陷下。Gouge:凿坑笔刷。Inflat:膨胀笔刷,沿物体表面法线加高,笔刷连续,遇到法线相对的表面可将表面靠拢。Layer:一笔连续画出等高的突起,笔画相交不会叠加。Magnify:鼓包笔刷,有点像Inflat笔刷,但是遇到法线相对的表面会撑开。MalletFast:类似刨刀的效果,适合做坚硬的岩石。MeshInsert Dot:模型无细分才能使用。事先要在Brush菜单下找到MeshInsert按钮,选择一个要插入的模型。Morph:首先雕刻一个造型,点Tool/Morph Target/storeMT,然后再改变造型。选择Morph笔刷在模型表面涂抹,涂抹过的区域会变成存储过的第一个造型。半人半机器的终结者可用此法制作。Move:移动笔刷。Nudge:涂抹笔刷,用此笔刷改变网格制作的细节无法体现在置换贴图中。Pinch:收紧笔刷,便于表现转折较剧烈处。注意,用此笔改变网格制作的细节无法体现在置换贴图中!Slash2:常用于衣服褶皱的制作。Smooth:平滑并放松网格。SnakeHook:扯出长条,前提是有足够的细分。按Alt键时可以使笔刷贴合背景SubTool的表面。ZProject:投射笔刷,可将一个模型的细节投射到另一个模型上,先在画布中放置一个模型作为样本,取消Edit模式,再把需要雕刻的模型加进来,激活Edit模式后,点击Move按钮,左键从要雕刻的位置拖到样本上,在点击Draw按钮,使用ZProject笔刷在要雕刻的模型表面涂抹,便可在模型上看到样本的细节。Standard:标准笔刷,在物体表面加高,笔画连续。BrushMod>0类似Pinch效果,<0leisi Inflat效果。brush>elasticity可调节弹性移动力度和范围。Brush>auto Masking>topological可以启用拓扑移动。Clip Brushes:按下Ctrl+Shift选择Stroke和Brush。圆形:Ctrl+Shift+鼠标左键拖出圆形范围,保持左键按下的时候,按下空格键可以移动位置。松开左键,圆形内的部分保留。配合Alt键,圆形以内的部分抠掉。Curve:Ctrl+Shift+鼠标左键拖出曲线,按一下Alt键可出现平滑拐点,按两下Alt键可出现尖锐拐点,松开左键,有阴影的那一侧被抠掉。配合Alt键,无阴影那一侧抠掉。

英语题目!!Last month, Mr.and Mrs. Brown 1 to a big city for a day rest(休息). They 2 to go to the


fabric maker什么意思

fabric maker织物制造者双语例句1Heard the one about the orchid king and the sports fabric maker?听说过兰花之王和体育布料生产商的故事吗?2Indian textile mills are also not yet providing services such as advance shipment notice, under which they notify the garment manufacturer of the width of a given batch of fabric and its shrinkage so that the apparel maker can calibrate its machinery accordingly.印度的纺织厂也还不能提供装运前通知(advance shipment notice)等服务。借助这种服务,纺织厂可以向服装厂通报一批特定织物的宽度和缩水程度,这样,服装厂就可以相应地校准机器。




ggboxplot(data, x, y, combine = FALSE,merge=FALSE, color ="black", fill ="white", palette =NULL, title =NULL, xlab =NULL, ylab =NULL, =NULL, panel.labs =NULL, short.panel.labs =TRUE, linetype ="solid",size=NULL, width =0.7, notch =FALSE,select=NULL, remove =NULL,order=NULL,add="none", add.params =list(),error.plot ="pointrange", label =NULL, font.label =list(size=11, color ="black"), =NULL, repel =FALSE, label.rectangle =FALSE,ggtheme = theme_pubr(), ...) data所需的数据框 dataframex y进行作图所需的数据 combine对于多个变量的数据是否分面,默认是FALSE merge对于多个变量的数据是否合并,默认是FALSE color轮廓线的颜色 fill填充色 palette自定义颜色画板 title设置标题 xlab设置x轴标题 ylab设置y轴标题 orientation变换坐标轴的方向 facet.by设置分组分面 panel.labs设置分面各组的标题 short.panel.labs是否缩写分面标题,逻辑值,默认是TRUE linetype线的类型 size设置点和轮廓线的大小 width设置柱子的宽度,取值范围 0~1 notch否添加缺口 select选择需要展示的变量 remove移除不需要展示的变量 order选定变量的排列顺序 add添加图片元素:"none", "dotplot", "jitter", "boxplot", "point", "mean", "mean_se", "mean_sd", "mean_ci", "mean_range", "median", "median_iqr", "median_mad", "median_range" add.params给add参数中添加的元素添加属性:olor, shape, size, fill, linetypeeg:add.params = list(color = "red")error.plot添加误差棒,选项有"pointrange", "linerange", "crossbar", "errorbar", "upper_errorbar", "lower_errorbar", "upper_pointrange", "lower_pointrange", "upper_linerange", "lower_linerange"。默认是"pointrange" or "errorbar" label设置列标签font.label设置标签字号(e.g.: 14)、类型(e.g.: "plain", "bold", "italic", "bold.italic")、颜色(e.g.: "red")如:font.label = list(size = 14, face = "bold", color ="red") repel逻辑值,是否使用ggrepel避免字体重叠 label.rectangle是否给标签添加方框ggtheme设置画图主题,默认是theme_pubr()。ggplot2 official themes: theme_gray(), theme_bw(), theme_minimal(), theme_classic(), theme_void()

用make suer、fall asleep、break apart take down、re


Breaking Benjamin的《home》 歌词

歌曲名:home歌手:Breaking Benjamin专辑:saturateI"ve got a little red bowand I bought it for you"cause I know you"re not fairI don"t get it, oh welland you color my skinand the colors don"t blend"cause I"m gonna get youand your little dog toothere"s a yellow brick roadthat we follow back home"cause I know you can"t waityour belligerent hatethere"s no place like homethere"s no place like homelike homeI"ve, got a southern belle tooand ruby red shoesand a body of straware you sick of it all?there"s a man made of tinwith an oil can grinand I"m gonna get youand your little dog toothere"s a yellow brick roadthat we follow back homeand I know you can"t waityour belligerent hatethere"s no place like homethere"s no place like homethere"s a little white porchand you wanted it soand you let me go downto the end of the roadand the black and the whitea technicolorful lifecan I stand by your side?like homewe can make it alright"cause I"m homethere"s a little white porchand you wanted it soand you let me go downto the end of the roadand the black and the whitea technicolorful lifethen another arrivedit"s a cowardly lionwhat I want from this worldwhat I wanna resolvewhen I want you to stayso I want you to waitI don"t wanna be boldI don"t wanna be coldI don"t wanna grow oldI don"t wanna grow old



课文翻译:a day to celebrate earth


摩亚羽毛球拍MBR FORCE 9好不好?!

FORCE 9? 还是ACE 9?后者性价比不错,前者没用过也没听说过,不清楚。

Once a group of 17-year-old schoolboys decided to break the world basketball marathon record(马拉.

小题1:D小题2:A小题3:A小题4:C小题5:B 试题分析:本文讲述了一群年轻人打破世界纪录的故事以及在此过程中的具体情况描述。小题1:D 计算题。根据第一段Once a group of 17-year-old schoolboys decided to break the world basketball marathon record(马拉松记录). They wanted to play for ninety hours and that is to add six hours to the record. Each team had nine players, with five at a time. The boys decided each person would play 21. 5 hours and then rest for 2 hours.可知90个小时由两支队伍轮流进行,一支队伍9人,那么一共18人,故D正确。小题2:A 计算题。根据第一段第2行They wanted to play for ninety hours and that is to add six hours to the record.说明现在的记录是90小时,比原来多了6小时,那么原来是84小时。故A正确。小题3:A 细节题。根据第二段The first night was very hard for the players. When it was their turn to rest, they were too excited(兴奋的) to fall asleep at once. 说明他们很兴奋,难以入睡。故A正确。小题4:C 推理题。根据文章最后3行But in the final hours, the players got better. For the last few minutes, the players looked as fresh as when they started. How happy everyone was!可知在最后几个小时里,他们感觉到即将成功了,所以非常兴奋和刚刚开始一样了。故C项正确。小题5:B 细节题。在这四天里,只有第一天他们很兴奋,难以入睡;其余几天都非常累,所以很快就睡着了。故B正确。点评:本文讲述了一群年轻人打破世界纪录的故事以及在此过程中的具体情况描述。文章基本上是考查细节题,对此类题型考生可以首先从问题中找到关键词,然后以此为线索,运用略读及查阅的技巧在文中迅速寻找这一细节,找到后再把这一部分内容仔细阅读一遍,仔细比较所给选项与文中细节的细微区别,在准确理解细节的前提下,最后确定最佳答案。

宰范《Wasted》《New Breed》歌词


Keane的《Broken Toy》 歌词

歌曲名:Broken Toy歌手:Keane专辑:Under The Iron SeaBroken ToyKeaneUnder The Iron SeaBroken ToyKeaneUnder The Iron Sea12th June, 2006I think you knowBecause it"s old newsThe people you love are hard to findSo I think if I were in your shoesI would be kindI look out for youCome rain come shineWhat good does it do?I guess I"m a toy that is brokenI guess we"re just older nowI want to stay another seasonSee summer upon this sorry landSo don"t dust off your gunWithout a reason you understandI look out for youCome rain come shineWhat good does it do?I guess I"m a toy that is brokenI guess we"re just older nowWho says a river can"t leave its waters?Who says you walk in a line?Who says a city can"t change its borders?Who says you"re mine?I look out for youCome rain come shineWhat good does it do?I guess I"m a record you"re tired ofI guess we"re just older nowI guess I"m a toy that is brokenI guess we"re just older now

求能和Keane的“Goodbye Yellow Brick Road"媲美的歌







Lucky Brand 是美国Liz Claiborne Inc旗下的品牌,总部设于纽约,成立于1976年,主要是设计与行销广泛的女装、男装与配件产品,适于从正式到休闲等各种场合穿着。美国的一个著名中产阶级品牌,简称LIZ,一般都会在其首饰刻印品名缩写Lc.。LUCKY BRAND最早是以摇滚风格的牛仔裤起家, 它的创始人是Gene Montesano和Barry Perlman, 二人从儿时就是好朋友, 都对摇滚有着浓厚的兴趣。70年代二人都经历了嘻皮运动, 21岁的Gene和17岁的Barry, 还有他们的朋友Bill Rudnick, 早在1972年就在佛罗里达开了一家牛仔裤店。扩展资料:Lucky Brand 通过现有贷方——富国银行(Wells Fargo Commercial Capital)旗下投资部门 Wells Fargo Capital Finance 与商业贷款公司 Gordon Brothers Finance Company 扩大了第一顺位抵押权贷款(First Lien Term Loan)的规模。同时,也通过私募股权投资公司 Lantern Capital Partners 与 Restore Capital 旗下合资公司提供的第二顺位抵押权贷款(Second Lien Term Loan)为现有第二顺位抵押权贷款提供了更多资金。在提供资金的同时,这家合资公司也收购了 Lucky Brand 的少数股权。2013年12月,美国私募股权投资公司 Leonard Green & Partners 从 Kate Spade 品牌原来的母公司、美国服饰集团 Fifth & Pacific 手中以 2.25亿美元的价格收购了 Lucky Brand。参考资料来源:百度百科——LUCKY BRAND

HERMES爱马仕Goliath Bracelet 歌莉亚手链男款亚麻蓝怎么打开


Martina McBride的《Walk Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Walk Away歌手:Martina McBride专辑:ShineMartina McBride - Walk AwayLook at you standing thereYou look so out of placeI turn around one more timeRegret still has your faceI can read your mind right nowYou want me to stick aroundBut nothing ends if I don"t leave right nowLet me go let me walk away, walk away babyI can"t stay let me walk away, walk away babyI"ll be fine, I will recoverAnd I will learn to love anotherSometimes goodbye is the hardest thing to saySo I"ll walk awayIt was love and there were times I even fooled myselfAnd I believe we really tried but some things you just can"t helpAs sure as we"re both standing hereI can see it all so clearAnd I can"t wait for you to say goodbyeLet me go let me walk away, walk away babyI can"t stay let me walk away, walk away babyI"ll be fine, I will recoverAnd I will learn to love anotherSometimes goodbye is the hardest thing to saySo I"ll walk awayI can hurt right nowOr I can hurt laterI think I"ll get it over withI think I"ll get it over withLet me go let me walk away, walk awayI can"t stay let me walk away, walk awayI"ll be fine, I will recoverAnd you will learn to love anotherSometimes goodbye is the hardest thing to saySo I"ll walk away



Melos Brass的《March》 歌词

歌曲名:March歌手:Melos Brass专辑:Erga Ellinon Syntheton Gia Halkina Pnefstaいつでも どこでも かっこつけてるほしいの みつけて すぐに买っちゃう きみはまなざし するどく 疲れた 声 からからでっかい しごとを 次から次へととってくる「ずっとこどもでいよう」って「ずっとこのままでいよう」って约束は とんでって世界の终わりで あわになる冬の初めに始めてみたはてなく ちぐはぐ ふたりのマーチ「march」作词∶コトリンゴ作/编曲:コトリンゴ歌∶豊崎爱生车を买ったの?それまた すてきね でも「寝てない」「眠れない」ぐちなの? じまんなの?ずっと気づいて いたけれど隠れた言叶 知らんぷり家も车も いらないから少しわたしと 话をして冬の终わりに 终わるみたいはてなく あべこべ ふたりのマーチほつれる ほつれてほつれた ほつれをほどいて ほどいたほどけて なくなったさよなら さよなら さよなら【 おわり 】








官网购买。Astro是英国灯饰品牌,现在已经获得了一流的信誉,天文照明已经扩展到许多不同风格的照明,如现代浴室洗墙灯,美丽的吸顶灯,落地灯,以优雅的任何区域和卓越的户外照明 - 选择已被证明超出客户期望在质量和风格。 冷静,聪明,优雅的设计与青铜,镍,白色,银色,镀铬和黑色饰面惊人:从抛光或亚光选择,这取决于有多少反射光的变化是必需的。 天文既现代,时尚和功能,寻找令人难以置信的任何地方在家里或工作场所。astro品牌是约翰·费伦和詹姆斯Bassant创立的,中文名叫天文照明。


Notice me 让我成为你的目光焦点Take my hand 握住我的手Why are we strangers when 为何我们矜持地像陌生人Our love is strong 虽然我俩的爱又如此强烈Why carry on without me? 何不让我加入你的生命Everytime I try to fly 每当我要展翅高飞I fall without my wings 却又从云间坠落I feel so small 渺小的我I guess I need you, baby 多么需要你的呵护And everytime I see you in my dreams 每当在梦中与你相见I see your face, it"s haunting me 你的脸孔总让我魂牵梦系I guess I need you, baby 我多么渴望你的呵护I make believe 我傻傻的假设That you are here 你在我的身边It"s the only way 唯有这样I see clear 让我看清一切What have I done? 过去我的所作所为You seemed to move on easy 让你离开了我, 不再眷恋Everytime I try to fly 每当我要展翅高飞I fall without my wings 却又从云间坠落I feel so small 渺小的我I guess I need you, baby 多么需要你的呵护And everytime I see you in my dreams 每当在梦中与你相见I see your face, your haunting me 你的脸孔总让我魂牵梦系I guess I need you, baby 我多么渴望你的呵护I may have made it rain 错误已经造成Please forgive me 请你原谅我My weakness caused you pain 如果我曾带给你苦痛And this song is my sorry 这首歌就是我的歉意At night I pray 我夜夜祈祷That soon your face will fade away 你熟悉的面孔,会渐渐消失不见Everytime I try to fly 每当我要展翅高飞I fall without my wings 却又从云间坠落I feel so small 渺小的我I guess I need you, baby 多么需要你的呵护And everytime I see you in my dreams 每当在梦中与你相见I see your face, your haunting me 你的脸孔总让我魂牵梦系I guess I need you, baby 我多么渴望你的呵护

李小龙传 (Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story)电影英语观后感大概500字

= =

Bryan Adams的资料和成名曲及全部的歌曲?百度百科

James Bryan的《Systems》 歌词

歌曲名:Systems歌手:James Bryan专辑:Beautiful WorldChester Bennington of Linkin Park - SystemYou fell away,What more can I say?The feelings evolved,I won"t let it out,I can"t replace...Your screaming face,Feeling the sickness insideWhy won"t you die?Your blood in mine…We"ll be fine…Then your body will be mineSo many wordsCan"t describe my faceThis feeling"s evolvedSo soon to break outI can"t relateto a happy statefeeling the blood run insideWhy won"t you die?Your blood in mine…We"ll be fine…Then your body will be mineWhy is everything so fucking hard for me?Keep me down to what you think I should be!Must you tempt me and provoke the ministry?Keep on trying I"ll not die so easilyWhy is everything so fucking hard for me?Why is everything so fucking hard for me?Why won"t you die?Your blood in mine….We"ll be fine….Then your body will be mine



Bryan Adams唱的Here I Am歌词的大意

here i am this is me 我在这儿这就是我 there"s no where else on earth i"d rather be 这世上我只宁愿呆在这儿 here i am it"s just me and you 只有你和我 and tonight we make our dreams e true 今夜让我们美梦成真 it"s a new world it"s a new start 新的世界全新的开始 it"s alive with the beating of young hearts 活生生年青的心跳 it"s a new day it "s a new plan 新的一天新的憧憬 i"ve been waiting for you 我一直等着你 here i am 我在这儿 here we are we"ve just begun 我们在这儿开始 and after all this time our time has e 经过了风雨迎来我们的时代 ya here we are still going strong 在这里我们学会坚强 right here in the place where we belong 就这在儿,属于我们的地方 here i am next to you 我依偎着你 and suddenly the world is all brand new 突然地,世界焕然一新 here i am where i"m gonna stay 我要呆在这儿 now there"s nothin standin in our way 没有任何能阻挡 here i am this is me 我在这儿这就是我






Bryan Boy Bryan是来自菲律宾的一位19岁男孩。因为其广受关注的博客而在时尚界掀起波澜。 中国有毒药,菲律宾有Bryan(也有人说他是菲律宾男版芙蓉)。和中国的毒药比起来,Bryan Boy更时尚,他对时尚独到的见解,他那真实的个性,使他的博客颇受欢迎,他是一个狂爱臭美,个性真实的小孩子。 Bryan在博客里对自己的描述: 性别:男 年龄:19岁 所在地:菲律宾马尼拉 星座:白羊座 种族: 亚洲人 信仰:天主教 体型:偏瘦 学历:高中 收入:25万美元以上



Bryan Alvarado SOS歌词

歌手:rihanna 专辑:unreleased [Intro]Lalala lalala la la lala la OhhhYou know I never felt like this beforeLalala lalala la la lala la OhhhFeels like something real[Verse 1]I"m obessive when just one thought of you comes up I"m aggressive just one thought of closing up You got me stressing, incessantly pressing the issue"Da very moment gone you know I miss youI"m the question an you of course the answerJust hold me close boy cause I"m your tiny dancerYou make me shaken up, heads are mistakenbut I can"t control myself ,got me calling out for Help[Chorus]S.O.S please someone help me. it"s not healthy for me to feel this Y O U are making this hard, I can"t take it see it don"t feel right. S.O.S please someone help me, it"s not healthy for me to feel this Y O U are making this hard, You got me tossing turning can"t sleep at nightRihanna[Bridge]This time please someone come and rescue mecause you or my mind has got me losing itI "m lost you got me lookin for the rest of me(just testing me)but still I"m losing it. This time please some one come and rescue me cause you or my mind has got me losing it, I"m lost you got me looking for the rest of me , got the best of me, So now I"m losing it.[Verse 2]Just your presence and I second guess my sanity, yes it"s a lesson and it"s based on my vanityTaken me(Uh Huh) you know ya glad to feel it right, take me on ya__________________arms with you tonight, Im out with you, ya got me head over heels, boy you keep me hanging on by the way you make me feel[Chorus]S.O.S please someone help me. it"s not healthy for me to feel this Y O U are making this hard, I can"t take it see it don"t feel right. [Bridge]This time please someone come and rescue mecause you or my mind has got me losing itI "m lost you got me lookin for the rest of me(just testing me)but still I"m losing it. This time please some one come and rescue me cause you or my mind has got me losing it, I"m Boy you know you got me feeling open andBoy________________ words of spokenI said BOY I"m telling you U got me open, I don"t know what to do It"s TrueI"m going crazy over you I"m beging[Chorus 1x]S.O.S please someone help me "Somebody Help me" , it"s not healthy for me to feel thisY O U are making this hard, "why you makin des hard for mi baby" You got me tossing turning can"t sleep at night[Bridge 2X]This time please someone come and rescue me "Some one Rescue me"cause you or my mind has got me losing itI "m lost you got me lookin for the rest of me(just testing me)but still I"m losing it. This time please someone come and rescue mecause you or my mind(all of de time) has got me losing itI "m lost you got me lookin for the rest of me got the best of me but still I"m losing it. [Outro]lala lala lala lala Ohhhohh ohh lala lala lala lala oh oh.... fadeOH OH


Bryan was driving home one evening的中文翻译Bryan was driving home one evening一天晚上,布莱恩在开车回家

谁知道bryan admas的flying歌词和中文翻译 谢谢

if you ever feel like you"re gonna fall - oh i"ll be thereand if you ever feel down or feel small - oh don"t despairand if you ever feel lost or feel alone - babe c"mon homelet"s just make love - all nightlet"s just hold on - so tightlet"s make it last - for lifei won"t let you go如果你感到彷佛你坠落,我会在你身边如果你感到失落或者渺小,不要绝望如果你感到迷失或者孤独,宝贝儿,回家吧让我们整夜云雨让我们紧紧拥抱让我们此生相守我不会放你离开ya we"re flying - feels just like flyingwe"re such a long way up - from the groundjust you and me flying - so high "n i"m never gonna come downevery time you turn around and wanna run - oh come to mewhen every little dream comes undone - oh don"t worrylet"s just make love - all nightlet"s just hold on - so tightlet"s make it last - for lifei won"t let you go是的我们在飞翔,感觉就像在飞翔一样我们已经扶摇直上距离地面那么遥远只有你和我同飞,飞得那么高,我永远不想下降每一次当你转身想要奔跑,奔向我吧当每一个微乎其微的梦想不能实现,不要担心让我们整夜云雨让我们紧紧拥抱让我们此生相守我不会放你离开ya we"re flying - feels just like flyingwe"re such a long way up - from the groundjust you and me flying - so high "n i"m never gonna come downooooh, let"s just make love - all nightlet"s just hold on - so tightlet"s make it last - for lifei won"t let you go是的我们在飞翔,感觉就像在飞翔一样我们已经扶摇直上距离地面那么遥远只有你和我同飞,飞得那么高,我永远不想下降哦,让我们紧紧拥抱让我们此生相守我不会放你离开ya we"re flying - feels just like flyingwe"re such a long way up - from the groundya we"re flying (ya we"re flying)- feels just like flying (feels just like flying)we"re such a long way up - from the groundya we"re flying so high and,we"re never gonna come down:you and me是的我们在飞翔,感觉就像在飞翔一样我们已经扶摇直上距离地面那么遥远是的我们在飞翔(是的我们在飞翔),感觉就像在飞翔一样(感觉就像在飞翔一样)我们已经扶摇直上距离地面那么遥远是的,我们飞得那么高我们永远不会下落,你和我。



Luke Bryan的《Apologize》 歌词

歌曲:Apologize歌手:Luck BryanI"m holding on your rope,Got me ten feet off the groundAnd I"m hearing what you say but I just can"t make a soundYou tell me that you need meThen you go and cut me down,but waitYou tell me that you"re sorryDidn"t think I"d turn around, and say...That it"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateI"d take another chance, take a fallTake a shot for youAnd I need you like a heart needs a beatBut it"s nothing newI loved you with the fire red-Now it"s turning blue, and you say..."Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was youBut I"m afraid...That is too late to apologize, it"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late .....I said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateIt"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateIt"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateHolding on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground...<End>









谁有 bryan adams run to you 的翻译

Run To You 奔向你 Bryan Adams 布莱恩`亚当斯She says her love for me could never die她说她会永远爱我 But that"d change if she ever found out about you and I但那会改变的如果她发现了你和我Oh - but her love is cold哦,但是她的爱是冷酷的It wouldn"t hurt her if she didn"t know, cause...它不会伤害她,如果她不知道,因为...When it gets too much当它得到太多I need to feel your touch我需要感受你的爱抚I"m gonna run to you我要奔向你I"m gonna run to you我要奔向你Cause when the feelin"s right I"m gonna run all night因为当我有了这种正确的感觉时我要整夜奔跑I"m gonna run to you我要奔向你She"s got a heart of gold she"d never let me down她有一颗金子般的心,她从不会让我失望But you"re the one that always turns me on但你是一个总能让我神魂颠倒的人You keep me comin" "round是你让我到来的I know her love is true我知道她的爱是真的But it"s so damn easy makin" love to you但它总是如此该死的容易和你缠绵I got my mind made up我得到了我的决心I need to feel your touch我需要你的爱抚I"m gonna run to you我要奔向你Ya - I"m gonna run to you呀,我要奔向你Cause when the feelin"s right I"m gonna stay all night因为当我有了这种正确的感觉时我要整夜等候I"m gonna run to you我要奔向你Ya - I"m gonna run to you呀,我要奔向你Oh when the feelin"s right I"m gonna run all night哦,因为当我有了这种正确的感觉时我要整夜奔跑I"m gonna run to you 我要奔向你楼主要的应该是这个把..我刚开始还以为要翻译bryan adams run to you 这句话呢。 希望楼主采纳





We tried to ring you back,Bryan, but we think we ______ your number incorrectly. A. lo...

C 试题分析:句意,Bryan,我们设法给你回电话,但是我们认为我们记下的你的电话号码不正确。look up 查出 get through 穿过 take down 记下 work out 解决,根据题意,故选C。点评:解答这类题目,关键是理解题干意思以及各选项词组的意思,可以像数学中的代入法一样,依次把各个选项意思放入句子中进行比较,不难选出正确答案。
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