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MOMO熊,中文名字叫做桃桃,因为MOMO在日语里面就是“桃子”的意思。它诞生于1997年,是由SONY公司推出的电子邮箱宠物PostPet之中最著名的一个。PostPet是日本人八谷和彦先生在梦中突发奇想而来的。PostPet其实本身是套具有电子宠物娱乐功能的电子邮件应用软件。当发送电子邮件的时候,饲养在邮箱里的宠物会为你发送邮件;同样当收到邮件的时候,可爱的宠物也会传来讯信;而当对方回信的时候,对方的宠物会做各式各样的动作。这套软件在日本一经推出就掀起了极大的轰动,也造就了不少新的卡通明星,其中最受欢迎的PostPet就是MOMO熊啦。POPOBE本是广州一个设计师的游戏之作,其原型是一个全身空白的可供涂鸦的小熊模型,由于售卖店主的异想天开,把自己喜欢的动漫人物Copy在小熊身上,使之结合为一种新型公仔———POPOBE。POPOBE一经推出就大受顾客追捧,特别是星战版的,让男孩也光明正大拥有适合自己的公仔。很多的人是把原创版小熊模型买回去,根据自己的喜好进行DIY。公仔文化何以向POPOBE挺进,根据记者了解后发现,一是其新颖性,因为它可以是DIY的,想画什么动漫人物都行,即使是相同的动漫人物,出自不同人之手也就有不同程度的区别;二是形象简单,POPOBE没有规定的模式,没有固定的销售对象,更没有年龄的限制,它可以是孩童的涂鸦公仔,也可以成为动漫迷的收藏对象,更是新奇的定情信物,总之是功用多多,老少皆宜。暴力熊是2002年的当红卡通,出自于大阪插画家MoriChack之手。暴力熊又叫血粉熊(因为它是粉红色的,又嗜血),英文名字叫做Gloomy(就是阴郁的意思,还挺贴切的吧)关于暴力熊的故事是这样的:有一个小男孩在回家路上发现空地上有一个小纸箱,里面放了一只粉红色被遗弃的婴儿熊熊。看着它天真的脸庞觉得很可怜,就把它抱回家养了。回家后小男孩的妈妈嫌熊熊不干净,叫小男孩帮他洗一洗,洗干净了才能进到家里来。这只婴儿熊熊就是暴力熊(Gloomy)。从此小男孩几乎每天都和Gloomy一起生活,洗澡、看书、玩乐。但是,万万没想到,暴力熊逐渐显现出它的本性。长出爪子之后的它没事就常常会把主人——小男孩抓起来打,或是拿起来摔,或是……#$@#&*@(以下省去若干血腥内容)……bearbrick的话...鄙人不懂 呵呵 网上搜了那么多给点面子哈^^






  Brugi Spa Creazioni Sportiva是一家意大利运动服装生产企业。成立于1956年,在体育运动服装领域十分有名。  它的产品在整个欧洲和许多其他国家都有销售,年产量超过400万件。旗下的知名品牌有Brugi、Ast、Nordsen。  Brugi集团凭借着50年的经验,为大家提供各种竞技运动和时尚运动产品。希望在不久的将来,国内市场上能够见到优质的Brugi运动服装。


BE@RBRICK(就是Bearbrick的昵称)熊BE@RBRICK是由著名的玩具公司MEDICOM TOY所出品的一系列熊积木玩具, 第一代发行于2001年的八月, 一炮而红后, 到现在已经发展成十分庞大的家族!Be@rbrick每一代都有所谓的基本款,包括BASIC、JELLYBEAN、PATTERN、FLAG、HORROR、SF、CUTE、 ANIMAL,因为造型多变可爱, 再加上每一代都有几只限量版跟别只不同, 于是熊迷们纷纷大花银两遍寻; 大大增加收集迷的乐趣。手脚是像积木、机器人一样的样子的,这也是有原由的。Kubrick这个词最早是丹麦乐高LEGO公司开发的积木小人时用的名词, Medicom公司推出的Kubrick和Be@rbrick都是建立在那个基础之上的。并且要收集到整套的BE@RBRICK除了要有足够的经济支持~运气也很重要听说正版的BE@RBRICK发售就跟我们计划经济时代集体供粮的方式似的,只在固定日期和固定地点贩卖,而且你交钱,就给你一包,完全不知道一盒子里面装的是什么东西.东西到手了才只是刚刚开始,这个时候好玩的就来了,因为你根本不知道里面这12只熊都是什么模样,所以只有在打开后你才能真正去估算这一盒子的价值.打个比方来说,熊是按照1-12的数字分为12种款式,越往后数字的熊出产数量越小,也就是越限量.那么由于它的包装方式是很随机的,所以也就可能你所买到的盒子里12只全是数字1的最普通款,也有会可能是2-12数字限量的款.所以说,购买过程就象抽奖一样,所以才会导致那么多收藏的人趋之若骛,并且一些款式的价格炒上了天,这其中不仅是日本人自己的功劳,HK人也没少出力...Be@rbrick从1代至今9代都有许多人收集, 是兼具流行性及收藏保值价值的超级明星玩偶!(超贵!) Bearbrick 官网:


[1]名字:be@rbrick 也称 BE@RBRICK 或 bearbrick    出品公司: MEDICOM 日本   大陆代理: PPW   生日:公元2001年8月 Series 1 推出   到2009年,第18代已经推出!   昵称:Bearbrick, be@rbrick, BB, 积木熊, 布里克小熊, 百变布里克, B熊   错称:暴力熊




因为bearbrick熊走高端路线,还限量,导致价格昂贵。Bearbrick之所以能红遍大江南北,除了新颖的造型、细致认真的涂装。还因为Medicom公司找到了合适切入点。将潮流元素、街头文化、电影与Bearbrick进行跨界结合,形成全新的艺术品。与全球各地的艺术家、设计师、流行品牌合作,推出限量版、特别版。还和一些潮流服装品牌进行搭配销售,经常会出现连夜排队抢购的景象。价格也随之攀升,如果之后要想收藏都要付出高昂的费用。Bearbrick的主要材质为ABS、PVC,也有少量限定品会采用金属、木质、植绒等材质。大部分都在中国内地生产,也有少量限定品会在国外生产。在每代产品中都会附赠每只小熊的出生卡片,而且还会发行一款或者几款限量版、隐藏版, 来增加收藏的乐趣。所谓玩家们经常说“日版”,“港版”等,其实只是售卖地的区别。在玩具本身上无任何区别。都是同一厂家生产。只不过会由于售卖地的不同,相关法律不同,可能会加贴不同认证标识。其他就完全一样了。能够买到的大陆版也是和日本完全一样的。


暴力熊原则上暴力熊并不是指Bearbrick,而是血粉熊,英文名字叫做Gloomy,原型是日本漫画《爱丽丝学院》里面的那个眼睛打叉叉的熊,出自于大阪插画家Mori Chack之手。至于为什么国内会有关于各种熊概念的混淆,甚至把类似的几种熊的形象统称为暴力熊,应该是由于在这些形象和玩具最初进入中国时,并不是通过官方渠道和正规代理商进入,属于民间流传。而各个熊也因此没有正规的中文名,因此在华夏文明的强悍统治下,各界群众为了更好地称呼熊们,便急迫地需要一个上口的中文名字,于是暴力熊的名字统称了各个种类的潮流熊形象,造成以后也无法再进行明确地区分,最终暴力熊的名字流传开来,很多人把Bearbrick错称为暴力熊。Bearbrick基本介绍:款式:Bearbrick的每一代都有基本款,包括BASIC、JELLYBEAN、PATTERN、FLAG、HORROR、SF、CUTE、ANIMALBASIC 基本款:每一代都会推出一个颜色,就是它的主打色,在它的胸口会有亮珠一颗,然后会有9个字母,每个字母都集起将会是B E A R B R I C K。JELLYBEAN 透明款每一代都会有透明颜色。以透明为主,但是推出不同的颜色。PATTERN 图案款:每一代都会有不同的图案,印花或者特殊的图案。FLAG 国旗款:每一代都会有一个基本的国旗系。HORROR 恐怖款: 每一代都恐怖的动漫形象。CUTE 可爱款:每一代中,选取一个可爱的设计,多数由女性设计师完成。.ANIMAL 动物款:每一代都有一款是以动物为元素的。当然不一定是真实的动物。最新的18系列里就是大名鼎鼎的Hello KittySF 科幻款:选择一个知名的科幻形象为元素。ARTIST 艺术家款:邀请知名艺术家特别设计款式,数量很少。(每代有2只)另外每代中还会有数量不等的隐藏款,隐藏款的款式官方并不公布,只有靠玩家自己发掘了。

win7无法激活 很抱歉 系统无法再非MBR引导的分区上进行激活怎么办









Be@rbrick  这只诞生于日本,目前已经流行全世界的小熊就是Be@rbrick(积木小熊)。  提到Be@rbrick就不能不提Medicom Toy(日本的玩具公司)。这家成立于1996年的玩具公司,可以说是日本最具规模和代表性的玩具厂商。除12英寸人形以外,最具代表性的就要属Kubrick以及于2001年正式面世的Be@rbrick了,这两款玩具的诞生给全球玩具收藏家带来了全新的感受和收藏热潮。Medicom公司又能紧紧抓住时尚的潮流脉搏,先后推出电影系列、音乐系列等。  Be@rbrick的手脚和身体类似积木人,这是因为Be@rbrick沿用了Kubrick的造型。Kubrick这词最早源于乐高(LEGO)玩具的积木人,Medicom公司在此基础上设计了Be@rbrick。Be@rbrick第一代于2001年8月发行,到现在已经发展成一个非常庞大的体系,全球销售量已过千万只。Be@rbrick的每一代都有基本款,包括BASIC、JELLYBEAN、PATTERN、FLAG、HORROR、SF、CUTE、ANIMAL,从高度上分为50%、70%、100%、400%、1000%五种不同尺寸(100%的高度为70mm)。在每代产品中都会附赠每只小熊的出生卡片,而且还会发行一款或者几款限量版、隐藏版,来增加收藏的乐趣。  它之所以能红遍大江南北,除了新颖的造型、细致认真的涂装。还因为Medicom公司找到了合适切入点。将潮流元素、街头文化、电影与Be@rbrick进行跨界结合,形成全新的艺术品。与全球各地的艺术家、设计师、流行品牌合作,推出限量版、特别版。还和一些潮流服装品牌进行搭配销售。 QEE   Qee公仔是从香港出发的平台玩具,率先与欧美艺术家合作,目前已经是一个尺寸、种类繁多的玩具家族,一共有9种基本型,分别是小熊、小猫、小狗、猴子、兔子、骷髅头、蛋宝宝、小猪和Grizee。此外还有另外一个系列坐着的Qee宝宝。大部分都是头部不同,身体基本相似,所以,Qee Bear之外的Qee公仔 (Qee) 都比较容易区分!  不玩公仔的朋友第一次见到Qee,都会以为它是BE@RBRICK,其实它们还有很大区别。Qee公仔最明显的标志是长着大小耳,耳朵一大一小;小驼背;双臂向前;脖子上可套钥匙扣;整体看起来比较光滑圆润,没有棱角感,身体微微前倾。  有一部分人认为Qee公仔有模仿BE@RBRICK的倾向,实际上Qee公仔的出现比BE@RBRICK 要早!Qee公仔出自香港一家玩具公司Toy2R,主要走艺术设计路线,推广钥匙扣玩具以及“人人都可以是艺术家”的观念。 据我所知北京还没有BE@RBRICK的专卖柜台。而TOY2R在北京中友百货、王府井百货都设有专门店。














BE@RBRICK(就是Bearbrick的昵称)熊  BE@RBRICK是由著名的玩具公司MEDICOM TOY所出品的一系列熊积木玩具, 第一代发行于2001年的八月, 一炮而红后, 到现在已经发展成十分庞大的家族!  虽然只有七年的历史,但它在潮流界,已经成名远扬。潮流界很有代表性的玩偶,就是它,bearbrick。那么多颜色,那么多款式那么多漂亮的外形,让人很想冲动与bearbrick一们一起坐在一起!从01年开始到现在有7年的时间,已经出了有第15代了。大家应该都会比较喜欢第15代的bearbrick,因为里面就是五星红旗的代表bearbrick.  bearbrick分为基本款,6厘米100%,24厘米400%,60厘米1000%.如果大家对60厘米的bearbrick感兴趣的话,家里的空间也要很大噢!除了前面的3款,be@rbrick公司,近几年还推出了50%(可以做小模型车),12款70%的bearbrick玩偶。












MBR[主引导记录(Master Boot Record)]的缩写1、MBR,即主引导记录2、是对兼容机的硬盘或者可移动磁盘分区时,在驱动器最前端的一段引导扇区。3、MBR概念是在1983年PC DOS 2.0支持硬盘后才有的。MBR描述了逻辑分区的信息,包含文件系统以及组织方式。4、MBR还包含计算机在启动的第二阶段加载操作系统的可执行代码或连接每个分区的引导记录(VBR)。这个MBR代码通常被称为引导程序。5、由于MBR分区表的最大可寻址的存储空间只有2Tb(232×512字节)。因此,在大硬盘出现的现在,MBR分区方式逐渐被表取代。MBR不可能存在于不可分区的媒介中。

Magic Number是MBR分区的__________,固定为值为________?

Magic Number是MBR分区的标识符,固定为值为0x55AA。MBR(Master Boot Record)分区是一种存储设备分区的方式,其中包含操作系统引导程序等关键信息,Magic Number则是MBR的结构部分之一,用于标识磁盘分区是否被使用,以及是否需要引导操作系统。当计算机引导时,会从磁盘的MBR分区中读取Magic Number_

millenium fabric 是什么面料

millenium fabric千年织物A fine, very thin fabric, such as gauze.薄纱一种非常薄的精细织物,如纱罗A finely woven white linen or cotton fabric.细麻布精致纺出的白色的麻布或棉纺织物This is a good fabric softener for woolens.这是一种很好的羊毛织物柔软剂。This is a specimen of the new fabric.这是新布料的样品。I don"t like the pattern on the fabric.我不喜欢那块布料上的图案。


  既然BRP卡一旦丢失,一方面是个人信息会被泄漏,可能会惹上很多不必要的麻烦;另一方面是如果不及时补办的话,有可能在出入境时面临1000镑的罚款,并被驱逐回国。  可以申请补办BRP卡,报警可选择去警局或者直接在网上报警,要记得说明自己的丢失物品、地点、物品价值等相关信息。  之后警局会根据你所填写的联系地址给你寄一封带有crime reference number的信。这个crime reference number非常有用,你可以用它免费申请一张新的young person card,否则要交10镑补办费用。  在警局备案后,需要在home office,再次声明已经丢失BRP卡。如果你有时间慢慢补办,可以选择56镑的申请补办BRP的服务。如果特别着急,还有一个可以在一周内快速拿到BRP的高级服务选项,价值590镑!  然后需要再填一份表格!记得主要填写Step3的链接的第27页文件。填写的时候大家要多注意点儿,这个文件并不是每个部分都需要填写。  填写完成后,将表格和护照,之前收到的带有crime reference number的警局信,以及学校开的学生证明,取之前BRP时用到的一封home office寄给你的信,警局注册信,GP注册信等相关文件。一起打包邮寄到这个地址:Home Office/Form BRP(RC)/PO Box 502/Durham/DH99 1WG  申请表section A部分会填到你的银行账户信息。home office受理你的申请后会给你自动扣款,期间一定要保证银行卡里余额足够支付应付费用!之后耐心等待home office回信就可以了。  大概二至三周,home office会回复你一封叫你去邮局录入生物信息的信。  登陆邮局官网,查找有录入生物信息服务的邮局。不是每个邮局都能录入生物信息,记得点击Refine branch services(optional),选择Identity&Licences一栏里的Home Office Biometric Enrolment。  录入生物信息过程非常简单:会给你重新拍照,录指纹,然后在电子屏上签下你的名字。记得带着收到的信,后面有个条形码需要扫描。现场要交19.20镑,可刷卡可现金支付。  大概一个月后,会收到home office的第二封信。这封信包含你之前寄给home office的包括护照在内的所有证明文件,还会告诉你你的replacement BRP已经准备好了,你将在至多10个工作日内收到它。  最后一步,要去警局注册新BRP卡。警局工作人员会在你旧的警局注册信上盖一个章,将你新BRP的信息填进去,无需交34镑重新办注册即可。

论文的数学公式是cambria math吗


London Bridge是什么意思

London Bridge伦敦塔桥

黑执事人偶歌曲《London bridge is falling down》几个版本!都要特别是受手风琴版!!


求《黑执事》中女王唱的那段《London bridge was falling down》!


求!黑执事里面塞巴斯蒂安和木偶唱的那个london bridge is falling down!

这个歌的中文意思是 伦敦桥要倒塌了 在酷狗里搜索londin bridge is falling down就能查到这首歌

求菲姬的London bridge的歌词、中英文的哦

london bridge is falling down ,falling domn, london bridge is falling down ,my fair lady. build it up with iron bars ,iron bars , build it up with iron bars ,my fair lady.伦敦桥要倒了,要倒了,要倒了, 伦敦桥要倒了,我的小女孩, 用铁做的栏杆,铁栏杆,铁栏杆 用铁做的栏杆,我的小女孩.。iron bars will bend and break ,bend and break ,bend and break , iron bars will bend and break,my fair lady. hear is a place that I have fun ,I have fun ,I have fun , hear is a place that I have fun ,my fair lady. 铁栏杆会弯曲和断裂,弯曲和断裂,弯曲和断裂, 铁栏杆会弯曲和断裂,我的小女孩, 这地方真好玩儿,真好玩儿,真好玩儿, 这地方真好玩儿,我的小女孩。take the keys and lock him up, lock him up, lock him up. take the keys and lock him up,my fair lady. 拿钥匙锁上他,锁上他,锁上他, 拿钥匙锁上他,我的小女孩。

London Bridge Is Falling Down的英文歌词、中文翻译及这首歌的创造背景

london bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. london bridge is falling down, my fair lady! london bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. london bridge is falling down, my fair lady! london bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. london bridge is falling down, my fair lady! 伦敦桥要塌下来, 塌下来,塌下来。 伦敦桥要塌下来, 我美丽的淑女。 用铁栏把它建筑起来, 铁栏杆,铁栏杆。 用铁栏把它建筑起来, 我美丽的淑女。 铁栏会弯曲和折断, 弯曲和折断,弯曲和折断, 铁栏会弯曲和折断, 我美丽的淑女。 用银和金把它建筑起来, 银和金,银和金, 用银和金把它建筑起来, 我美丽的淑女

London Bridge Is Falling Down 歌词

歌曲名:London Bridge Is Falling Down歌手:Twins专辑:Singing In The Twins Wonderland Vol.1London Bridge is falling down,Falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down,My fair lady!London Bridge is falling down,Falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down,My fair lady!London Bridge is falling down,Falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down,My fair lady!

London bridge is falling down这首童谣有什么深意?

跟囚犯无关,因为这里说的是伦敦桥,不是伦敦塔这首歌最早的书面记载是1744年,在一本名为Tommy Thumb"s Pretty Song Book 的书出现。1823年The Gentlemen"s Magazine 的一名男性读者的回信也提到孩提时曾经听过一名妇女唱到:London Bridge is broken down(注意:歌词有变,后来的版本是“falling down”,也就是“正在倒下来”,在这里是“已经倒踏”,有趣的是:后世的版本反而是“正在倒下来”。)With a Gay lady.这首歌的寓意因为年代久远已经没有人说的清了。而且这首歌在欧洲几个国家都有相应的版本。所以各地的寓意应该都有不同。基本上很明显有述说当年筑桥艰辛,以及该桥命途坎坷的含义。现在所见的伦敦桥已经是第三个改建版本,1973年落成,其实只是在同一位置用同一个名字而已。第一条伦敦桥是木质构造,两千年前(50AD)的罗马时期就有了。不过这条桥很短命,五年后就毁于战乱。第二条桥是砖建的,1014年被侵略英国的维京王Olaf拆毁。目的是将英国一分为二,阻断两地的交通。这首歌据说就是当时开始流传开来的。至于里面的fair lady有两种说法1。古代建桥基于迷信,落成后会将一名处女杀死奉献给上天,然后尸体埋在地基里。2。指的是该桥过桥税的获益人,也就是英国皇后。(这是古代的安排,过桥费是皇后的个人收入)以下是1950年的版本London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥正在倒下来Falling down, falling down.正在倒下,正在倒下London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥正在倒下My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土在把它盖好Wood and clay, wood and clay,木和粘土,用木和粘土Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走Wash away, wash away,冲走,冲走Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,砖和灰泥,砖和灰泥Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久Will not stay, will not stay,用不久,用不久Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好Iron and steel, iron and steel,铁和钢,铁和钢Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲Bend and bow, bend and bow,弯又曲,弯又曲Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好Silver and gold, silver and gold,银和金,银和金Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走Stolen away, stolen away,被偷走,被偷走Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候Watch all night, watch all night,整夜看候,整夜看候Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Suppose the man should fall asleep,如果那人打瞌睡怎么办Fall asleep, fall asleep,打瞌睡,打瞌睡Suppose the man should fall asleep?如果那人打瞌睡怎么办?My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽Smoke all night, smoke all night,整夜抽,整夜抽Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽My fair lady.[1]我美丽的女孩你的版本颇有不同,但是儿歌自古都是根据当其时的生活而改变,也不必太认真London Bridge is falling down, 伦敦桥正在倒下来Falling down , falling down, 正倒下来,正倒下来London Bridge is falling down, 伦敦桥正在倒下来My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩Take a key and lock her up,拿根钥匙把她锁起来Lock her up, lock her up,把她锁起来,把她锁起来Take a key and lock her up,拿根钥匙把她锁起来My fair lady.我美丽的女孩 How will we build it up, 我们如何把桥盖起来Build it up, build it up? 把桥盖起来,把桥盖起来How will we build it up, 我们如何把桥盖起来My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Build it up with silver and gold,用金和银把它盖起来 Silver and gold , silver and gold, 金和银,金和银Build it up with silver and gold,用金和银把它盖起来 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩Gold and silver I have none,金和银我没有I have none, I have none,我没有,我没有Gold and silver I have none,金和银我没有My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩Build it up with needles and pins ,用针和大头针把它盖好Needles and pins , needles and pins, 针和大头针,针和大头针Build it up with needles and pins, 用针和大头针把它盖好My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩Pins and needles bend and break, 针和大头针会弯又折Bend and break, bend and break, 弯又折,弯又折Pins and needles bend and break, 针和大头针会弯又折My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土在把它盖好Wood and clay, wood and clay,木和粘土,用木和粘土Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走Wash away, wash away,冲走,冲走Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with stone so strong,用石头盖最稳当Stone so strong, stone so strong,石头盖最稳当,石头盖最稳当Build it up with stone so strong,用石头盖最稳当My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩Stone so strong will last so long,石头盖的用的久Last so long, last so long,用的久,用的久Stone so strong will last so long,石头盖的用的久My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 40

黑执事里木偶人拉的手风琴的london bridge is falling down,最好能有动画里所有的

 《london bridge is falling down》  “伦敦桥要塌了,要塌了,要塌了……”一首充满悲剧色彩的民谣唱说着伦敦桥的沧桑历史。 伦敦桥是泰晤士河上资格最老的桥,公元965年建成。它原是一座木桥,两个世纪后改为石桥,是当年沟通泰晤士河南北两岸的唯一通道。岁月沧桑,伦敦桥难逃苍老的命运,逐渐显露了颓败的迹象,对日益繁重的交通,已不胜重荷,于是,便流传了这样一首充满悲剧色彩的民谣。但老谋深算的英国人,并没有眼睁睁地看着伦敦桥倒塌,而是把它变为无价宝。他们大力宣传伦敦桥的历史华彩,把废桥作为古董,卖给了美国亚利桑那州的哈瓦苏湖城地产商。商人把古桥的构件逐一编号拆卸,用巨轮运至美国,再按原样在哈瓦苏湖上把它重新砌筑起来,周围点缀以英式房舍,成为一个别开生面的旅游点——“小伦敦”。美国地产商让英国人赚了钱,自己也并不吃亏,由于“古董桥”的吸引,游客不绝,该城的地产随之而大大升值,全城百姓都在不同程度上受惠于“古董桥”而富裕起来。 伦敦桥就这样上演了一出“悲喜剧”。  编辑本段歌词  英文:  London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady . Build it up with iron bars, iron bars, iron bars. Build it up with iron bars, my fair lady. Iron bars will bend and break , bend and break, bend and break. Iron bars will bend and break, my fair lady. Build it up with gold and silver, gold and silver, gold and silver. Build it up with gold and silver, my fair lady. gold and silver I"ve not got, I"ve not got,I"ve not got. gold and silver I"ve not got, my fair lady.  中文:  伦敦桥要塌下来, 塌下来,塌下来。 伦敦桥要塌下来, 我美丽的淑女。 用铁栏来建筑, 铁栏杆,铁栏杆。 用铁栏来建筑, 我美丽的淑女。 铁栏会变弯曲, 变弯曲,变弯曲, 铁栏会变弯曲, 我美丽的淑女。 用金银来建筑, 金和银,金和银, 用金和银来建筑, 我美丽的淑女 。 金和银我还没得到, 没得到,没得到 金和银我还没得到, 我美丽的淑女 。  日文(音):  London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, My Fair Lady. Tetsu to hagane de tsukure, tsukure, tsukure. Tetsu to hagane de tsukure, My Fair Lady. Tetsu to hagane ja magaru, magaru, magaru. Tetsu to hagane ja magaru, My Fair Lady. Kin to gin de tsukure, tsukure, tsukure. Kin to gin de tsukure, My Fair Lady. Kin to gin ja nusumareru, nusumareru, nusumareru. Kin to gin ja nusumareru, My Fair Lady. Rou to ishi de tsukure, tsukure, tsukure. Rou to ishi de tsukure, My Fair Lady. Rou to ishi de kuchihateru, kuchihateru, kuchihateru. Rou to ishi de kuchihateru, My Fair Lady. London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, My Fair Lady.  1950年版本  London Bridge is falling down, 伦敦桥正在倒下来 Falling down, falling down. 正在倒下,正在倒下 London Bridge is falling down, 伦敦桥正在倒下 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Build it up with wood and clay, 用木和粘土在把它盖好 Wood and clay, wood and clay, 木和粘土,用木和粘土 Build it up with wood and clay, 用木和粘土 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Wood and clay will wash away, 木和粘土会被冲走 Wash away, wash away, 冲走,冲走 Wood and clay will wash away, 木和粘土会被冲走 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Build it up with bricks and mortar, 用砖和灰泥在把它盖好 Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar, 砖和灰泥,砖和灰泥 Build it up with bricks and mortar, 用砖和灰泥在把它盖好 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Bricks and mortar will not stay, 砖和灰泥用不久 Will not stay, will not stay, 用不久,用不久 Bricks and mortar will not stay, 砖和灰泥用不久 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Build it up with iron and steel, 用铁和钢把它盖好 Iron and steel, iron and steel, 铁和钢,铁和钢 Build it up with iron and steel, 用铁和钢把它盖好 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Iron and steel will bend and bow, 铁和钢会弯又曲 Bend and bow, bend and bow, 弯又曲,弯又曲 Iron and steel will bend and bow, 铁和钢会弯又曲 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Build it up with silver and gold, 用银和金把它盖好 Silver and gold, silver and gold, 银和金,银和金 Build it up with silver and gold, 用银和金把它盖好 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Silver and gold will be stolen away, 银和金会被偷走 Stolen away, stolen away, 被偷走,被偷走 Silver and gold will be stolen away, 银和金会被偷走 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Set a man to watch all night, 找个人整夜看候 Watch all night, watch all night, 整夜看候,整夜看候 Set a man to watch all night, 找个人整夜看候 My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Suppose the man should fall asleep, 如果那人打瞌睡怎么办 Fall asleep, fall asleep, 打瞌睡,打瞌睡 Suppose the man should fall asleep? 如果那人打瞌睡怎么办? My fair lady. 我美丽的女孩 Give him a pipe to smoke all night, 给他烟斗整夜抽 Smoke all night, smoke all night, 整夜抽,整夜抽 Give him a pipe to smoke all night, 给他烟斗整夜抽 My fair lady.[1] 我美丽的女孩  编辑本段动画  在日本动画《黑执事》第6话 那个执事 送葬 「その执事、葬送」 第11话 那个执事 如何 「その执事、如何様」第12话 那个执事 寂寥 「その执事、寂寥」 中出现, 多罗塞尔·凯因斯(动画原创) 原先是曼德雷家的管家,5年前他的灵魂被死神格雷尔回收,5年后由于不明原因而重生,只不过5年后他就成了一个用稻草做的木偶。有着紫色的瞳孔与小丑一般的夸张花饰,面容精致。经营木偶店,木偶店中的地板上有跟夏尔被绑架时被烙在小腹的烙印一样的花纹,有位不曾露面的主人,随身携带一个播放《London Bridge Is Falling Down》的手摇音乐盒。头可以旋转180°。后来被赛巴斯酱杀死。而它的主人于12集末尾初露端倪,确定为安洁拉(其实就是虐杀天使,也是女王的执事亚修)。 伦敦桥据说是守护伦敦的圣地,一旦被污秽侵袭,便需要被制定的少女祭品(也就是歌词中唱的My fair lady)来巩固被施加在伦敦桥上的圣咒。关于这一点,在伯爵与妖精中,王子死去的单行本中有过交代 不知对不对

London Bridge is falling down 是一首歌,它是什么意思?


黑执事中人偶唱的歌曲《London bridge is falling down》


london bridge is falling down 歌词

London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady . Build it up with iron bars, iron bars, iron bars. Build it up with iron bars, my fair lady. Iron bars will bend and break , bend and break, bend and break. Iron bars will bend and break, my fair lady. Build it up with silver and gold, silver and gold, silver and gold. Build it up with silver and gold, my fair lady. 歌词:(中文)伦敦桥要塌下来, 塌下来,塌下来。 伦敦桥要塌下来, 我美丽的淑女。 用铁栏把它建筑起来, 铁栏杆,铁栏杆。 用铁栏把它建筑起来, 我美丽的淑女。 铁栏会弯曲和折断, 弯曲和折断,弯曲和折断, 铁栏会弯曲和折断, 我美丽的淑女。 用银和金把它建筑起来, 银和金,银和金, 用银和金把它建筑起来, 我美丽的淑女

london bridge is falling down的歌词

《London bridge is falling down》类别:童谣词曲:伏名歌词:London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要倒了Falling down, falling down.要倒了,要倒了London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要倒了My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土在把它盖好Wood and clay, wood and clay,木和粘土,用木和粘土Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走Wash away, wash away,冲走,冲走Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,砖和灰泥,砖和灰泥Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久Will not stay, will not stay,用不久,用不久Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好Iron and steel, iron and steel,铁和钢,铁和钢Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲Bend and bow, bend and bow,弯又曲,弯又曲Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好Silver and gold, silver and gold,银和金,银和金Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走Stolen away, stolen away,被偷走,被偷走Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候Watch all night, watch all night,整夜看候,整夜看候Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Suppose the man should fall asleep,如果那人打瞌睡怎么办Fall asleep, fall asleep,打瞌睡,打瞌睡Suppose the man should fall asleep?如果那人打瞌睡怎么办?My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽Smoke all night, smoke all night,整夜抽,整夜抽Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽My fair lady.我美丽的淑女London bridge is falling down伦敦桥要塌下来falling down falling down塌下来 塌下来London bridge is falling down伦敦桥要塌下来my fair lady我美丽的淑女take a key and lock her up拿把钥匙锁起来lock her up lock her up锁起来 锁起来take a key and lock her up拿把钥匙锁起来my fair lady我美丽的淑女扩展资料:《London bridge is falling down》伦敦桥要倒了 ,反映的是社会背景及人文风貌残酷。《London bridge is falling down》中文版《伦敦大桥垮下来》由大马知名创作人彭学斌写词,郑楠作曲,S.H.E演唱的歌曲,于2007年5月11日收录于S.H.E的专辑《PLAY》中。

谁知的london bridge is falling down 这首歌歌词的中文翻译?

歌名:London Bridge Is Falling Down歌手:Various Artists音乐风格:童谣所属专辑:Songs Of Whimsey And Rhyme Vol. 4London Bridge is falling down伦敦大桥要倒了Falling down要倒了Falling down要倒了London Bridge is falling down伦敦大桥要倒了My fair lady我美丽的淑女London Bridge is falling down伦敦大桥要倒了Falling down要倒了Falling down要倒了London Bridge is falling down伦敦大桥要倒了My fair lady我美丽的淑女London Bridge is falling down伦敦大桥要倒了Falling down要倒了Falling down要倒了London Bridge is falling down伦敦大桥要倒了My fair lady我美丽的淑女扩展资料:《London bridge is falling down》伦敦桥要倒了 ,是一首非常知名的传统童谣,来自"鹅妈妈童谣"。社会影响1、在1966年,Lucille Ball 主演的黄金时段电视特别节目 Lucy in London 里,Dave Clark Five 出现的时候唱了伦敦桥要倒了。2、BBC电视系列剧 A Ghost Story for Christmas 的 A Warning to the Curious 一集里提到该童谣表达关于献祭处女的坟墓的意思3、电视节目 Dark Shadows(1966 - 1971)以一个幽灵女孩莎拉u2027柯林斯(Sarah Collins)为特色,她的招牌演出是唱伦敦桥要倒了。

london bridge is falling down是什么歌?

《London bridge is falling down》类别:童谣词曲:伏名歌词:London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要倒了Falling down, falling down.要倒了,要倒了London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要倒了My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土在把它盖好Wood and clay, wood and clay,木和粘土,用木和粘土Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走Wash away, wash away,冲走,冲走Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,砖和灰泥,砖和灰泥Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久Will not stay, will not stay,用不久,用不久Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好Iron and steel, iron and steel,铁和钢,铁和钢Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲Bend and bow, bend and bow,弯又曲,弯又曲Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好Silver and gold, silver and gold,银和金,银和金Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走Stolen away, stolen away,被偷走,被偷走Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候Watch all night, watch all night,整夜看候,整夜看候Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Suppose the man should fall asleep,如果那人打瞌睡怎么办Fall asleep, fall asleep,打瞌睡,打瞌睡Suppose the man should fall asleep?如果那人打瞌睡怎么办?My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽Smoke all night, smoke all night,整夜抽,整夜抽Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽My fair lady.我美丽的淑女London bridge is falling down伦敦桥要塌下来falling down falling down塌下来 塌下来London bridge is falling down伦敦桥要塌下来my fair lady我美丽的淑女take a key and lock her up拿把钥匙锁起来lock her up lock her up锁起来 锁起来take a key and lock her up拿把钥匙锁起来my fair lady我美丽的淑女扩展资料:《London bridge is falling down》伦敦桥要倒了 ,反映的是社会背景及人文风貌残酷。《London bridge is falling down》中文版《伦敦大桥垮下来》由大马知名创作人彭学斌写词,郑楠作曲,S.H.E演唱的歌曲,于2007年5月11日收录于S.H.E的专辑《PLAY》中。

谁知的london bridge is falling down 这首歌歌词的中文翻译?


London bridge is falling down是什么歌曲?

《London bridge is falling down》类别:童谣词曲:伏名歌词:London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要倒了Falling down, falling down.要倒了,要倒了London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要倒了My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土在把它盖好Wood and clay, wood and clay,木和粘土,用木和粘土Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走Wash away, wash away,冲走,冲走Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,砖和灰泥,砖和灰泥Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久Will not stay, will not stay,用不久,用不久Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好Iron and steel, iron and steel,铁和钢,铁和钢Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲Bend and bow, bend and bow,弯又曲,弯又曲Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好Silver and gold, silver and gold,银和金,银和金Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走Stolen away, stolen away,被偷走,被偷走Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候Watch all night, watch all night,整夜看候,整夜看候Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Suppose the man should fall asleep,如果那人打瞌睡怎么办Fall asleep, fall asleep,打瞌睡,打瞌睡Suppose the man should fall asleep?如果那人打瞌睡怎么办?My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽Smoke all night, smoke all night,整夜抽,整夜抽Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽My fair lady.我美丽的淑女London bridge is falling down伦敦桥要塌下来falling down falling down塌下来 塌下来London bridge is falling down伦敦桥要塌下来my fair lady我美丽的淑女take a key and lock her up拿把钥匙锁起来lock her up lock her up锁起来 锁起来take a key and lock her up拿把钥匙锁起来my fair lady我美丽的淑女扩展资料:《London bridge is falling down》伦敦桥要倒了 ,反映的是社会背景及人文风貌残酷。《London bridge is falling down》中文版《伦敦大桥垮下来》由大马知名创作人彭学斌写词,郑楠作曲,S.H.E演唱的歌曲,于2007年5月11日收录于S.H.E的专辑《PLAY》中。

London Bridge is falling down这首歌涉及到了什么时态变化?


London Bridge的英文歌词,中文翻译,一句一句来。

London bridge is falling down,falling down,falling down,my fair lady,是一首儿歌,意思很简单,伦敦桥就要掉下来了,就要掉下来了。。。我的金发女郎。

london bridge is falling down

有一首中文歌与london bridge is falling down

求黑执事里玩偶师那集的童谣..London bridge is falling down


黑执事london bridge is falling down日文版!

孩纸,,那是英文吧= =,,没日文的

求一首很老的外国歌开头一个诡异的童声在唱儿歌LondonBridgeisfalling down

你好,这就是外国一首经典的童谣,名字就叫做London bridge is falling down

黑执事里面那段插曲,伦敦大桥塌下来(London Bridge Is Falling Down)

已发 查收吧

london bridge is falling down的歌词

最常用的第一诗句(这首歌有相当大变化的歌词押韵):London Bridge is falling down,  Falling down, Falling down.  London Bridge is falling down,  My fair lady.最早期的印刷记录版本1744年(Tommy Thumb"s Pretty Song Book)  London BridgeIs Broken down,  Dance over my Lady Lee.  London Bridge  Is Broken down  With a gay Lady.  How shall we build  It up again,  Dance over my Lady Lee, &c.  Build it up with  Gravel, and Stone,  Dance over my Lady Lee, &c.  Gravel, and Stone,  Will wash away,  Dance over my Lady Lee, &c.  Build it up with  Iron, and Steel,  Dance over my Lady Lee, &c.  Iron, and Steel,  Will bend, and Bow,  Dance over my Lady Lee, &c.  Build it up with  Silver, and Gold,  Dance over my Lady Lee, &c.  Silver, and Gold  Will be stolen away,  Dance over my Lady Lee, &c.  Then we"l set  A man to Watch,  Dance over my Lady Lee.  Then we"l set  A man to Watch,  With a gay Lady.现存最古老的版本1823年绅士杂志(在查尔斯二世1660至1685年统治时期的口述):London Bridge is broken down,  Dance over the Lady Lea;  London Bridge is broken down,  With a gay lady (la-dee).  The subsequent verses began with the lines, with lines in italics above repeated between them(随后的诗句开始,上面用斜体重复):  Then we must build it up again.  What shall we build it up withal?  Build it up with iron and steel,  Iron and steel will bend and break.  Build it up with wood and stone,  Wood and stone will fall away.  Then we must set a man to watch,  Suppose the man should fall asleep?  Then we must put a pipe in his mouth,  Suppose the pipe should fall and break?  Then we must set a dog to watch,  Suppose the dog should run away?  Then we must chain him to a post.1951年版本(引述Iona和Peter Opie的歌词)London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要倒了Falling down, falling down.要倒了,要倒了London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要倒了My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土在把它盖好Wood and clay, wood and clay,木和粘土,用木和粘土Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走Wash away, wash away,冲走,冲走Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,砖和灰泥,砖和灰泥Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久Will not stay, will not stay,用不久,用不久Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好Iron and steel, iron and steel,铁和钢,铁和钢Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲Bend and bow, bend and bow,弯又曲,弯又曲Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好Silver and gold, silver and gold,银和金,银和金Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走Stolen away, stolen away,被偷走,被偷走Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候Watch all night, watch all night,整夜看候,整夜看候Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Suppose the man should fall asleep,如果那人打瞌睡怎么办Fall asleep, fall asleep,打瞌睡,打瞌睡Suppose the man should fall asleep?如果那人打瞌睡怎么办?My fair lady.我美丽的淑女Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽Smoke all night, smoke all night,整夜抽,整夜抽Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽My fair lady.我美丽的淑女London bridge is falling down伦敦桥要塌下来falling down falling down塌下来 塌下来London bridge is falling down伦敦桥要塌下来my fair lady我美丽的淑女take a key and lock her up拿把钥匙锁起来lock her up lock her up锁起来 锁起来take a key and lock her up拿把钥匙锁起来my fair lady我美丽的淑女现常见版本London bridge is falling down,falling down, falling down.London bridge is falling down,my fair lady .Build it up with iron bars,iron bars, iron bars.Build it up with iron bars,my fair lady.Iron bars will bend and break ,bend and break, bend and break.Iron bars will bend and break,my fair lady.Build it up with gold and silver,gold and silver, gold and silver.Build it up with gold and silver,my fair and silver I"ve not got,I"ve not got,I"ve not and silver I"ve not got,my fair lady.中文伦敦桥要倒了,要倒了,要倒了。伦敦桥要倒了,我美丽的淑女。用铁栏来建筑,铁栏杆,铁栏杆。用铁栏来建筑,我美丽的淑女。铁栏会变弯曲,变弯曲,变弯曲,铁栏会变弯曲,我美丽的淑女。用金银来建筑,金和银,金和银,用金和银来建筑,我美丽的淑女 。金和银我还没得到,没得到,没得到金和银我还没得到,我美丽的淑女 。粤语版本(发源于香港,这是由于香港在18世纪中叶后沦为英国的殖民地制定教育制度,成为学校音乐课堂的教材,曲名改为为《有只雀仔跌落水》意思是:有一只小鸟跌落水中。)有只雀仔跌落水跌落水 跌落水有只雀仔跌落水被水冲去日文(音)London Bridge is falling down,falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down,My Fair Lady.Tetsu to hagane de tsukure,tsukure, tsukure.Tetsu to hagane de tsukure,My Fair Lady.Tetsu to hagane ja magaru,magaru, magaru.Tetsu to hagane ja magaru,My Fair Lady.Kin to gin de tsukure,tsukure, tsukure.Kin to gin de tsukure,My Fair Lady.Kin to gin ja nusumareru,nusumareru, nusumareru.Kin to gin ja nusumareru,My Fair Lady.Rou to ishi de tsukure,tsukure, tsukure.Rou to ishi de tsukure,My Fair Lady.Rou to ishi de kuchihateru,kuchihateru, kuchihateru.Rou to ishi de kuchihateru,My Fair Lady.London Bridge is falling down,falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down,My Fair Lady.

london bridge是什么儿歌

《London bridge》儿歌歌词London bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要塌下来,falling down, falling down.塌下来,塌下来。London bridge is falling down,伦敦桥要塌下来,my fair lady.我美丽的淑女。“伦敦桥要塌了,要塌了,要塌了……”一首充满悲剧色彩的民谣唱说着伦敦桥的沧桑历史。伦敦桥是泰晤士河上资格最老的桥,公元965年建成。它原是一座木桥,两个世纪后改为石桥,是当年沟通泰晤士河南北两岸的唯一通道。岁月沧桑,伦敦桥难逃苍老的命运,逐渐显露了颓败的迹象,对日益繁重的交通,已不胜重荷,于是,便流传了这样一首充满悲剧色彩的民谣。但老谋深算的英国人,并没有眼睁睁地看着伦敦桥倒塌,而是把它变为无价宝。他们大力宣传伦敦桥的历史华彩,把废桥作为古董,卖给了美国亚利桑那州的哈瓦苏湖城地产商。商人把古桥的构件逐一编号拆卸,用巨轮运至美国,再按原样在哈瓦苏湖上把它重新砌筑起来,周围点缀以英式房舍,成为一个别开生面的旅游点——“小伦敦”。美国地产商让英国人赚了钱,自己也并不吃亏,由于“古董桥”的吸引,游客不绝,该城的地产随之而大大升值,全城百姓都在不同程度上受惠于“古董桥”而富裕起来。伦敦桥就这样上演了一出“悲喜剧”。

英语歌《London Bridge is falling down》求译文。

London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥正在倒下来Falling down, falling down.正在倒下,正在倒下London Bridge is falling down,伦敦桥正在倒下My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土在把它盖好Wood and clay, wood and clay,木和粘土,用木和粘土Build it up with wood and clay,用木和粘土My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走Wash away, wash away,冲走,冲走Wood and clay will wash away,木和粘土会被冲走My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,砖和灰泥,砖和灰泥Build it up with bricks and mortar,用砖和灰泥在把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久Will not stay, will not stay,用不久,用不久Bricks and mortar will not stay,砖和灰泥用不久My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好Iron and steel, iron and steel,铁和钢,铁和钢Build it up with iron and steel,用铁和钢把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲Bend and bow, bend and bow,弯又曲,弯又曲Iron and steel will bend and bow,铁和钢会弯又曲My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好Silver and gold, silver and gold,银和金,银和金Build it up with silver and gold,用银和金把它盖好My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走Stolen away, stolen away,被偷走,被偷走Silver and gold will be stolen away,银和金会被偷走My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候Watch all night, watch all night,整夜看候,整夜看候Set a man to watch all night,找个人整夜看候My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Suppose the man should fall asleep,如果那人打瞌睡怎么办Fall asleep, fall asleep,打瞌睡,打瞌睡Suppose the man should fall asleep?如果那人打瞌睡怎么办?My fair lady.我美丽的女孩Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽Smoke all night, smoke all night,整夜抽,整夜抽Give him a pipe to smoke all night,给他烟斗整夜抽My fair lady.[1]我美丽的女孩

黑执事中两首童谣一首是《吹笛人的儿子汤姆》,另一首是《London Bridge Is Fall


求anjulie--- brand new bitch 歌词~


Embrace的《Fireworks》 歌词

歌曲名:Fireworks歌手:Embrace专辑:The Good Will OutTitle:FireworksArtist:EmbraceAlbum:The Good Will Outby Johnyellow I love BritpopI stretched over to reach youI tried to meet you, I"ve been wrongNow the fireworks in me are all goneIt"s time I realisedMy girl you make all the smart movesAnd sees through all my wrongsWhen the fireworks in me are all wrongWell then I realisedAnd I don"t need convincingI"ve seen enough to want to try and change thingsYou fell in love, I fell in lineI thought I found my placeBefore I knew how much it cost to play it safeHave I let you,I never let you down.I work all day and I won"t fightWhen it feels right and its wrongWhen the fireworks in me are all goneWell then I realisedAnd I won"t need convincingI"ve seen enough to want to try and change thingsYou fell in love, I fell in lineI thought I found my placeBefore I knew how much it cost to play it safeCould I leave you?I never let you down.


1. belended. new. world作文 A City of the World--New York Mot people imagine New York to be a city of skyscrapers. Perhaps too, they associate the city with the Wold Trade Center, the statue of Liberty, Fifth Avenue, Times Square, the United Nations, and Central Park and so on.Except for the Statue of Liberty all these places are in one part of the city, that is, Manhattan, which seems to be an island of skyscrapers. The city is also a place where the headquarters of the United Nations is located. People from all over the world live in the citysand work at the United Nations. The translator working at the UN must speak one of the five official languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese. The World Trade Center is a "United Nations of Commerce"along Hudson River. The towers of the World Trade Center are 405 meters high, and each has 110 floors. Together the o towers have 48 600 windows. Three of the 102 elevators in each tower can take you from the first to the ll0th floor in one minute. Besides, there are international banks,government offices, transportation panies, restaurants and import and export businesses inside the in towers. The lob by of a building is usually on the ground floor, but at the World Trade Center there are lobbies in the sky! 2. 以 the blended new world 为题写一篇英语作文150词 Over mountains payed with gold and through the valleys of the slainOur quest will lead us onwards to the journey of the braveWhen the time has e to stand for the power we believeWe will ring the sound of victory for one and all to seeSometimes in your darkest dreams you will feel the haunting painSilent tears of your hidden fears e to haunt you once againFight on for the memories of the everlasting dreamsTheir pain in the silent lands on wings of glory freeWe can go on forever with the darkness so far awayAnd the warriors who live forever fight on to the endAcross the highest mountains and through the endless seasOur journey ever onwards fight until we all be freeThrough the darkness shining the neverending lightOn through the days of glory rise towards the fightAnd one day we will find a way towards this distant golden ageThe cries of war will sound the dayWe stand before the dawn of a new worldOn through the raging thunder across the seven seasCold winter skies are falling on the battles we have seenWe can go on forever with the darkness so far awayAnd the warriors who live forever fight on to the endAcross the highest mountains and through the endless seasOur journey ever onwards fight until the endAcross the highest mountains and through the endless seasOur journey ever onwards fight until we all be freeThrough the darkness shining the neverending lightOn through the days of glory rise towards the fightAnd one day we will find a way towards this distant golden ageThe cries of war will sound the dayWe stand before the dawn of a new worldWe stand before the dawn of a new world---------------。 3. 写一篇英语作文 Global Economic Crisis From the year of 2008, there is a new global economic crisis breaking out through the whole world. It brings us harmful influences. Firstly, many panies and factories went bankrupt; A great deal of people lost their jobs and could not live on by themselves. Secondly, criminals rise obviously. More and more regions get crisis for resources contention, which really destroys our harmoniously peaceful world. Since the global economic crisis brings us such bad effects, how should we deal with it? As far as I am concerned, we need to face it bravely at first and then find out the relevant solutions. The global economic crisis is world-spreading; therefore, every country should unify and tackle the crisis together. Only by the whole world"s cooperation, can we defeat economic crisis successfully at last. 从百度找的 抱歉,我没仔细看。提点建议不知可以不 你可以先写成中文的,在用翻译工具 不过最好自己写,真情实感 4. 以my neihborhood为题写一篇作文 I have everything nearby, but the most important is the existence of love, a lot of people will I live near everyday, no time to stay. There are a lot of rugged road near my ideal, I dare not have a moment to. Near me again chromogenic color story, told me to live strong, every day the sun always near me shine on me, to encourage me to go. Near me with love and hate, love is the warmth of the munity, hate is I didn"t make a contribution, I nearby you taught me to be strong, I nearby you teach me brave to love, everything I nearby, because you gave me some of the ideal. 原创 5. 写一篇英语作文 We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several things. Firstly we should develop a good attlitude to life. We should be brave in front of difficulties.Secondly,we must study hard because knowledge is power.In order to study well,we need to do sports so that we can keep fit.If we do those things well ,we will be able to grow up happily and healthily.。 6. 写一篇 my Favourite book 的作文 I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one. The story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies. His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world. In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it. I think it"s the best book I"ve ever read. 我喜欢阅读各式各样的书籍,但是哈里波特是我最喜爱的一本。 这本书的故事很长但是我很有兴趣。哈利是一个如此勇敢和聪明的孩子,他敢于对抗那些强大的敌人。 他的Z字形状的伤疤和魔杖带领我进入了一个不可思议的世界。事实上,这本小说的意义是很深远的使我能从中学习到很多。 我想这是我阅读过的最好的书了。 7. 帮我用英文写篇作文吧,拜托了 A Hero in My Heart The other day the TV reported that a retired school math teacher, Beth Smith, has been volunteering for the past 20 years at a United Nation"s refugee camp in Thailand, helping kids who cannot afford to go to school learn math and English. I was deeply touched when watching the story, especially when the reporter asked Beth why she would spent all her time in a third world country volunteering, she replied, “By helping these kids, I feel I"m doing good for the society, therefore I feel happy.” Her answer made me think about the virtue of helping others, and I realize that she is a true hero in my heart.


breakfast 只是指早餐 meal 泛指餐食 在任何正规场合特定时间内,有大量食物被进食都算meal. 比如dinner可称为evening meal,lunch是midday meal. 但是一般人们口语只会用breakfast,brunch,lunch,supper,dinner等

我把Windows的bootmbr改名为aa了,怎么在grub for dos环境里引导原来的操作


the flowerpot is broken

knock over打翻 knock off 表示把东西从.击落

This flowerpot is broken.Who knocked it ___?


Intermediate Algebra谁知道这本书主讲哪些知识点?希望在美国读过的来解答一下

在West Texas A&M University网站上有关于Intermediate Algebra的相关内容,以下是目录,这应该能回答你的问题了:Tutorial 1: How to Succeed in a Math ClassTutorial 2: Algebraic ExpressionsTutorial 3: Sets of NumbersTutorial 4: Operations on Real NumbersTutorial 5: Properties of Real NumbersTutorial 6: Practice Test on Tutorials 2 - 5Tutorial 7: Linear Equations in One VariableTutorial 8: An Introduction to Problem SolvingTutorial 9: Formulas and Problem SolvingTutorial 10: Linear InequalitiesTutorial 11: Practice Test on Tutorials 7 - 10Tutorial 12: Graphing EquationsTutorial 13: Introduction to FunctionsTutorial 14: Graphing Linear EquationsTutorial 15: The Slope of a LineTutorial 16: Equations of LinesTutorial 17: Graphing Linear InequalitiesTutorial 18: Practice Test on Tutorials 12 - 17Tutorial 19: Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Two VariablesTutorial 20: Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Three VariablesTutorial 21: Systems of Linear Equations and Problem SolvingTutorial 22: Practice Test on Tutorials 19 - 21Tutorial 23: Exponents and Scientific Notation, Part ITutorial 24: Exponents and Scientific Notation, Part IITutorial 25: Polynomials and Polynomial FunctionsTutorial 26: Multiplying PolynomialsTutorial 27: The Greatest Common Factor and Factoring by GroupingTutorial 28: Factoring TrinomialsTutorial 29: Factoring by Special ProductsTutorial 30: Solving by FactoringTutorial 31: Practice Test on Tutorials 23 - 30Tutorial 32: Multiplying and Dividing Rational ExpressionsTutorial 33: Adding and Subtracting Rational ExpressionsTutorial 34: Complex FractionsTutorial 35: Dividing PolynomialsTutorial 36: Practice Test on Tutorials 32 - 35Tutorial 37: RadicalsTutorial 38: Rational ExponentsTutorial 39: Simplifying Radical ExpressionsTutorial 40: Adding, Subtracting and Multiplying RadicalsTutorial 41: Rationalizing Denominators and Numerators of Radical ExpressionsTutorial 42: Practice Test on Tutorials 37 - 41英文就不翻译了吧,应该能看懂的。

谁知道It all begins with love 的歌词,Declan Galbraith的!一个12岁的小男孩唱的

Rain has to fall if the flower is to growAnd the night has to come,if the moonlight is to glow.And although my eyes my cry a thousand tearsIn the end i"m sure they"ll fill with laughterAnd if by chance I live a million yearsI beleive one thing will still be true.In love I"ll find the answer,To the question,That is written in my heart.Have faith and it will guide me,On my journey,If I remember from the start,It all begins with love.It all begins with love.The river has to bend on it"s journey to the sea,Then the tide has to turn,if the ocean is to breath.Maybe I will search this world a hundred times,Or maybe I"ll find my dream tommrow.But somewhere deep within this heart of mineI believe one thing will never change.In love I"ll find the answer,To the question,That is written in my heart.Have faith and it will guide me,On my journey,If I remember from the start,It all begins with love.It all begins with love, with love, with love.In love I"ll find the answer,To the question,That is written in my heart.Have faith and it will guide me,On my journey,If I remember from the start,It all begins with love.It all begins with love.It all begins with love.It all begins with love

the bridge,measured

C measure在说明一个物体的长度的时候是一个联系动词,不能用在被动,所以在做the bridge的定语时要用现在分词形式measuring

line,difficult,library 中的i发什么音?

line ,library 中的i读字母表中的读音[ai]difficult 中的i读[i]It"s very difficult to find the library.

需Bruno Mars 的《marry you》的英文歌词!~谢~~

Marry URAP:Love oh baby my girl uadf8ub304 ub098uc758 uc804ubd80Love oh baby my girl ke dai na ye chao buub208ubd80uc2dcuac8c uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 ub098uc758 uc2e0ubd80 uc2e0uc774 uc8fcuc2e0 uc120ubb3c Nuen bu xi gai a lenm da won na ye xin bu xin ni chu xin sao mu-erud589ubcf5ud55cuac00uc694 uadf8ub300uc758 uae4cub9cc ub208uc5d0uc11c ub208ubb3cuc774 ud750ub974uc8e0Han bu ka ga you ke dai ye ka man nu nai sao muen mu li he lao jiuuae4cub9cc uba38ub9ac ud30cubfccub9ac ub420 ub54cuae4cuc9c0ub3c4 Ka man mao li pa bu li tuai dai ga ji duub098uc758 uc0acub791 ub098uc758 uadf8ub300 uc0acub791ud560 uac83uc744Na ye sa sang na ye ke dai sa lang ha gao sierub098 ub9f9uc138ud560uac8cuc694 Na ming sai ha gai youVOCAL:uadf8ub300ub97c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub294 ub9d0 (uc0acub791ud574)Ke dai ler na lang han da nen ma (sa lang hai)ud3c9uc0dd ub9e4uc77c ud574uc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc5b4 Piang sai mai yi lai ju gu xi paoWould you marry me ub110 uc0acub791ud558uace0 uc544ub07cuba70 Would you marry me nao-er sa lang ha gu a ki miaouc0b4uc544uac00uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 Sa la ka gu xi paouadf8ub300uac00 uc7a0uc774 ub4e4 ub54cub9c8ub2e4 (uc0acub791ud574)Ke dai ga qiang mi der dai ma da (sa lang hai)ub0b4 ud314uc5d0 uc7acuc6ccuc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc5b4 Nai pa lai qiai wo ju gu xi paoWould you marry me uc774ub7f0 ub098uc758 ub9c8uc74c ud5c8ub77dud574uc904ub798Would you marry me yi laon na ye ma em hao lao kai ju-er lai ud3c9uc0dd uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc744uac8c (I do) (uc0acub791ud574)Piang sai giao tai yi sier gai (I do) (sa lang hai)ub110 uc0acub791ud558ub294 uac78 (I do) (uc5f4uc138uba85)Nao-er sa lang ha nen gao-er (I do) (yao-er sai miang)ub208uacfc ube44uac00 uc640ub3c4 uc544uaef4uc8fcuba74uc11c (I do) Nuen gua pi ga wa du a giao ju miao sao (I do) ub108ub97c uc9c0ucf1cuc904uac8c (My love) Nao ler qi kiao ju gai (my love)RAP:ud558uc580 ub4dcub808uc2a4ub97c uc785uc740 uadf8ub300 Ha yang de lai si ler yi ben ke daiud131uc2dcub3c4ub97c uc785uc740 ub098uc758 ubaa8uc2b5 Tao xi tu ler yi ben na ye mo si-bubc1cuac78uc74cuc744 ub9deucd94uba70 uac77ub294 uc6b0ub9ac Pa-er gao lin mer ma chu miao gao nen wu liuc800 ub2ecub2d8uacfc ubcc4uc5d0 I swear Chao ta lin ga piao lai I swearuac70uc9d3ub9d0 uc2ebuc5b4 uc758uc2ecuc2ebuc5b4 Kao ji ma xi lao e xin mi xi laouc0acub791ud558ub294 ub098uc758 uacf5uc8fc Stay with me Sa lang ha nen na ye gong zhu Stay with meVOCAL:uc6b0ub9acuac00 ub098uc774ub97c uba39uc5b4ub3c4 (uc0acub791ud574)Wu li ga na yi ler mao gao du (sa lang hai)uc6c3uc73cuba70 uc0b4uc544uac00uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 Wu si miao sa la ga gu xi pao Would you marry me ub098uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 ub0a0uc744 ud568uaed8 ud574uc904ub798Would you marry me na ye mo fu na ler han gai hai ju lai ud798ub4e4uace0 uc5b4ub824uc6ccub3c4 (I do) (uc0acub791ud574)Hinm der du ao liao wo du (I do) (sa lang hai)ub298 ub0b4uac00 uc788uc744uac8c (I do) (uc5f4uc138uba85)Ner nai ga yi sier gai (I do) (yao-er sai miang)uc6b0ub9ac ud568uaed8ud558ub294 ub9ceuc740 ub0a0 ub3d9uc548 (I do) Wu li hanm gai ha nen ma nen na-er dong an (I do) ub9e4uc77c uac10uc0acud560uac8c (My love) Mai yi-er kang sa ha gai (My love)uc624ub798 uc804ubd80ud130 ub108ub97c uc704ud574 uc900ube44ud55c Wu lai jiao pu tao nao ler wei hai chun bi hanub0b4 uc190uc5d0 ube5bub098ub294 ubc18uc9c0ub97c ubc1buc544uc918 Nai sun ai pi na nen pan ji ler pa da jiuuc624ub298uacfc uac19uc740 ub9d8uc73cub85c Wu ner gua ka ten ma mer luuc9c0uae08uc758 uc57duc18d uae30uc5b5ud560uac8c Qi gen mi ya su ki yao ka gai Would you marry meWould you marru meud3c9uc0dd uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc744uac8c (I do) (uc0acub791ud574)Hinm der du ao liao wo du (I do) (sa lang hai)ub110 uc0acub791ud558ub294 uac78 (I do) (uc5f4uc138uba85)Ner nai ga yi sier gai (I do) (yao-er sai miang) ub208uacfc ube44uac00 uc640ub3c4 uc544uaef4uc8fcuba74uc11c (I do) Hinm der du ao liao wo du (I do) ub108ub97c uc9c0ucf1cuc904uac8c (My love) Nao ler qi kiao ju gai (my love)ud798ub4e4uace0 uc5b4ub824uc6ccub3c4 (I do) Hinm der du ao liao wo du (I do) ub298 ub0b4uac00 uc788uc744uac8c (I do) Ner nai ga yi sier gai (I do) uc6b0ub9ac ud568uaed8ud558ub294 ub9ceuc740 ub0a0 ub3d9uc548 (I do) Wu li hanm gai ha nen ma nen na-er dong an (I do) ub9e4uc77c uac10uc0acud560uac8c (My love) Mai yi-er kang sa ha gai (My love)RAP:ub0b4uac00 uadf8ub300uc5d0uac8c ub4dcub9b4 uac83uc740 uc0acub791ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6uc8e0 Na ga ke dai ai gai te lin gao sier sa lang ba kai ao-b jiuuadf8uc800 uadf8ubfd0uc778uac78 ubcf4uc798uac83uc5c6uc8e0 Ke jiao ke bu nin gao bu qia gao ao-b jiuuc11cud234ub7ecubcf4uc774uace0 ub9ceuc774 ubd80uc871ud574ub3c4 Sao yu lao bu yi gu ma ni bu ju hai duub098uc758 uc0acub791 ub098uc758 uadf8ub300 uc9c0ucf1cuc904uac8cuc694 Na ye sa lang na ye ke dai qi kiao ju gai youud55cuac00uc9c0ub9cc uc57duc18dud574uc904ub798 Han ga ji man ya su kai ju lai ubb34uc2a8uc77c uc788uc5b4ub3c4 uc6b0ub9ac Mu sun yi li sao du wu liuc11cub85c uc0acub791ud558uae30ub85c uadf8ubfd0uc774uc57c Sao lu sa lang ha ki lu ke bu ni-aub098uc640 uacb0ud63cud574uc904ub798 I doNa wa kiao long hai ju lai I do 中文音译版【恩赫RAP】 Love~ oh baby my girl~ 库dei那也/抢不/动不 惜给/啊录/(大屋)(那也)/心不 惜你就心/桑木 【希澈RAP】 很博看嘎/有库(dei也)嘎/满 努内搜nun/木里呼里/出 嘎/满莫/里怕不里/tei dei/嘎几兜 那也撒郎/那也库dei/撒郎哈够/苏 那/门sei/哈(给有) 【晟敏】 库dei路/撒郎按/大/嫩买 piong /森没/一累就够/惜泼 【丽旭】 Would you marry me? no/撒郎啊(够啊)/gi缪/撒拉嘎够/惜泼 【强仁】 库dei嘎/恰米读给/麻大 内怕累/切哇就/够/惜泼 【韩庚】 Would you marry me? 一咯(那也)嘛舞/后拉K就类 【圭贤】 piong森/Q dei一苏给 I do no/撒郎哈嫩够 I do nun 挂皮嘎/哇兜/啊giu就/缪搜 I do no路起Q/就给my love 【小海RAP】 哈呀/读类苏努/里盆库dei 投惜/豆/一盆/那也某苏 怕够录木/嘛出有/口努努里 求/塔林挂/piu类 I swear 够几嘛/惜楼 Wi(惜木)/惜楼 撒郎哈nun/那也/共就stay/ with me 【始源】 屋里嘎/那一录/莫够豆 舞素缪/撒拉嘎/够惜破 【李特】 Would you marry me? 那也/摸等那路 很给/嘿就类 【丽旭】 (hi木)dei/够啊/留我豆(I do) 努/内嘎一素给(I do) 【艺声】 屋里/喊给哈nun/嘛nun/那动按(I do) 没一/刚撒哈给(my love) 【圭贤】 欧/类窘不投 no路/wi嘿/君比按 内/搜内比/那nun办/及路/怕大就 【艺声】 偶努挂/卡图嘛木楼 起古没雅/搜gi/有嘎类 Would you marry me? 【晟敏】 piong森/giu tei一苏给 I do no/撒郎/哈嫩够 I do nun 挂/皮嘎哇兜/啊giu /就缪搜 I do no路/几Q就给(I do) 【恩赫Rap 】 内/卡/ 库dei也给/ 读里够孙/ 撒郎怕给/(哦不)就 库求/库盆您够/博恰/嘎投就 搜/涂楼/博一够 嘛/你不/就K豆 那也撒郎/那也库dei/几Q/就给有 【神童Rap】 喊嘎及慢/有苏给/就类 木苏/你一/搜豆 屋里/撒楼撒郎/哈gi楼…. 库普(你雅) 【与RAP同步】 (hi木)读/够啊留我豆(I do) 努/内嘎一素给(I do) 屋里喊给哈nun/嘛nun/那动按(I do) 没一/刚撒哈给(my love) 【丽旭】 那哇/Q楼内就类 I do~~~



谁能解释下Brown Eyed Girls -- CLeansing Cream的剧情啊


no j3dcore-ogl in java.library.path


briteney spears 的piece of me 中英文歌词

Piece Of Me 破碎的我I"m Miss American Dream since I was 17我从17岁起就是个美国梦女郎Don"t matter if I step on the scene我正跨步前进着,但这不并重要Or sneak away to the Phillipines或者就像悄悄的逃到菲律宾去一样They still got pictures of my derriere in the magazine他们把我的美臀放到了杂志里You want a piece of me? You want a piece of me?你想知道我的点点滴滴吗?你想知道吗?I"m Miss bad media karma我是媒体们命运安排的女孩Another day another drama各一天各一场戏Guess I can"t see no harm你们的猜想不会让我受到丁点伤害In working and being a mama新的一天,新的诽闻,And with a kid on my arm我怎么看不出努力工作和做妈妈有什么不对I"m still an exception我依然是个意外And you want a piece of me?那你还想知道我的点点滴滴吗?I"m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous我是名利生活的代表(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney"s Shameless哦,上帝! 我就是那个被人们称为无耻的女孩!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Exta! Extra! this just in我是负面新闻女王!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. she"s too big now she"s too thin我就是那个一会胖一会瘦的布兰妮!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. "You want a piece of me?" Tryin" and pissin" me off试着让我大发雷霆Well get in line with the paparazzi这就是狗仔队们想得到的结果Who"s flippin" me off该死的是谁Hopin" I"ll resort to startin" havoc和平一些吧 我并不想大搞破坏And end up settlin" in court而上法庭跟你们见面Now are you sure you want a piece of me?现在你还想知道我的点点滴滴吗I"m Mrs. "Most likely to get on TV for strippin" on the streets"最有可能就是在TV上看到我在街头的全身When getting the groceries, no, for real..当事情变得越来越糟的手,不!这是真的...Are you kidding me?你是在对我开玩笑吗?Causing panic in the industry导致恐慌在涌上心头I"m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous我是名利生活的代表(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney"s Shameless哦,上帝! 我就是那个被人们称为无耻的女孩!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Exta! Extra! this just in我是负面新闻女王!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. she"s too big now she"s too thin我就是那个一会胖一会瘦的布兰妮!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Miss American Dream since I was 17我从17岁起就是个美国梦女郎Don"t matter if I step on the scene我正跨步前进着,但这不并重要Or sneak away to the Philippines或者就像悄悄的逃到菲律宾去一样They still got pictures of my derri╮e in the magazine他们把我的美臀放到了杂志里You want a piece of me?You want a piece of me...你想知道我的点点滴滴吗?你想知道吗?I"m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous我是名利生活的代表(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney"s Shameless哦,上帝! 我就是那个被人们称为无耻的女孩!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Exta! Extra! this just in我是负面新闻女王!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. she"s too big now she"s too thin我就是那个一会胖一会瘦的布兰妮!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous我是名利生活的代表(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney"s Shameless哦,上帝! 我就是那个被人们称为无耻的女孩!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Exta! Extra! this just in我是负面新闻女王!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. she"s too big now she"s too thin我就是那个一会胖一会瘦的布兰妮!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)



brave shine英文版歌词

总习惯用沉默处理我的伤感也知道这世界没有太多圆满但爱到曲终人散难免还是遗憾散了吧 认了吧 算了吧 放了吧要原谅 要潇洒 别回想 别留下可惜连我的心都不听话可怜受伤的爱还想挣扎痛不怕 心不假 缘好短 人好傻是不是有时候爱需要纠缠会不会有时候爱就不该心软要够坚持才代表爱得够勇敢我如果能尽情将感觉呐喊含泪问少了你今后我怎么办那现在身边会不会还有你作伴散了吧 认了吧 算了吧 放了吧要原谅 要潇洒 别回想 别留下

shine a bright light on 作为词组什么意思?

shine a (bright) light on--------()揭露;()曝光

GD的heartbreaker,小白脸,小黑脸,shine a light hb是GD带翅膀,有苹果的,shine a light是DVD

小白脸就是权志龙的第一张solo专辑,因为它的封面就是权志龙脸的模型 ,而且又是白色的,所以我们就习惯性的叫它小白脸,小黑脸就是他的shine a light 的个人演唱会的DVD,和小白脸的封面一样,不过颜色换成了黑色,大家也就习惯性的叫它小黑脸,而你说的GD带翅膀,有苹果的,这个是小白脸的再版,也就是第二个版本。现在如果你要去YG shop买的话事实上是很不划算的,因为国际运费很贵,你可以去淘宝上面买,而小白脸的一版现在基本已经绝版,有的卖的话,也是很贵的,YG shop也没有卖的了,所以你可以买再版的。
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