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为什么bruno mars这么火?谁能解释一下


说说如何评价火星哥Bruno Mars的唱功?


bruno mars火星哥,如今在欧美乐坛的地位如何?

作者:y ing链接:来源:知乎著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。个人认为,MJ之所以这么巨星,音乐当然最重要,舞蹈次之,但除此以外,他还是绝好的营销者,他知道怎么宣传自己,总而言之,他善于把自己的一切元素符号化,手套、鞋、衣服、指套、脚尖站立、moonwalk……,一些很平常的东西和种种动作都指向MJ,这种符号化和他的音乐舞蹈相辅相成,最终把他推向了顶峰。MJ被称为king of pop,他的顶峰远远不是现在所谓的巨星、天王、天后所能比拟,他的一切都是一种符号,他本身就是流行乐的符号。火星哥音乐舞蹈营销这三方面都跟MJ有差距,个人感觉不可能。看到下图里的动作和物品,除了MJ,你还会想到其他人?最后附赠我最喜欢的图:(难得的能表现他真正性格(害羞)的图,其他图大多是表象舞台上的王者霸气,或者生活中的无助孤单)

bruno mars的完整资料

美国流行/R&B歌手Bruno Mars原名Peter Hernandez,聚蚁译名:布鲁诺·玛斯,因为最近与亚特兰大嘻哈新人王B.o.B合作的一首冠军单曲“Nothin" On You”而成名,而迈阿密说唱巨星Flo Rida那首著名的“Right Round”中有一部分歌词也是由他完成的。 Bruno Mars在美国夏威夷出生,他的父母拥有菲律宾和波多黎各血统,拥有六个兄弟姐妹的他自小喜爱音乐,接触了雷鬼,摇滚,嘻哈和R&B等乐种。小时候喜爱模仿Michael Jackson和Elvis Presley等人的表演,在4岁时他就因为模仿猫王登上过《MidWeek》杂志。17岁高中毕业后他搬去了洛杉矶开始追逐音乐生涯。在为Flo Rida, Maroon 5和Brandy等知名艺人写歌之后他终于开始了个人的歌唱事业。他和B.o.B合作的一首“Nothin" On You(比不上你)”一路攀升至告示牌单曲榜冠军,Bruno Mars也即将推出自己的处子EP《It"s Better If You Don"t Understand(如果你不懂那最好)》,之后便将全力制作自己的处子正式专辑。 文/ 聚蚁网

如何评价火星哥Bruno Mars的唱功?

世界T1(第一序列),唯一一个唱女歌手Key的男歌手,MJ之后编曲上最有想法的男歌手。 火星哥是欧美顶级歌手之中,唯一一个Live从不翻车的歌手。可能是翻车的视频都不准发,哈哈!但这是实话,火星哥的现场演唱水准就是世界顶级的天花板存在,不论是演唱会、不插电电台、小型歌迷聚会,一切颁奖典礼,火星哥的现场的稳得令人恐怖,而且很好听。不像婕西姐、贾斯汀比伯、霉霉那样的充满着大量不够悦耳的即兴音符和降调。火星哥的即兴一般是升调。 那为啥,火星哥的Live就这么好听呢?这个男人一开口就有着一种只属于他的韵味,有人说是一股子“骚气”,但不得不承认,他的特质让他一开口就是主角,你会不由自主的被矮个子男人吸引。这实际上是只属于火星哥的乐感和音乐认知,和他从事编曲、音乐制作经历有关。可以很好的把控情歌的 情感 。这种乐律感属于天赋的一种。 从音域角度讲,火星哥是一个唱职业女声Key的男歌手。这一点很重要,直接让火星哥稳居世界T1而且不可动摇的地位。 因为人类对于音乐音高的认知是有规律的,人类最喜欢听的音区是A4-D5,其中C5也就是High C,是人类听觉之中最期待的高音听觉。而这个音区是属于女歌手的舒适音区,对于男歌手而言比较难,所以一般男歌手将C5视作杀招,很少唱、很少用,而女歌手将C5视作普通可用音。这也是为什么人们喜欢女歌手的数量多于男歌手的一部分原因,因为声韧带的生理构造上,女歌手就比男歌手更具有优势。 但火星哥不同,他一开口就是G4、A4,每一首歌必定有Bb4的音高,有C5的和音或者副歌高音。这意味着什么,意味着火星哥给自己的演唱定调,直接就是女歌手的定调。比较有名的场景是,阿黛尔唱火星哥写给她的歌,和火星哥唱的是一个调。这就很搞了,因为女歌手在火星哥面前没有音区优势了。 那为什么火星哥可以唱女声原Key?因为人家为此努力了二十多年啊,发音科学,共鸣拉满,胸声支撑真声参与度直接是顶级。一般男歌手F4就开始卡壳,而火星哥的高要求,让他的能力提升到了B4卡壳。换句话说,火星哥为什么强,是因为高标准,他很早就走出了一般男歌手的舒适区F4,而是将女歌手的B4作为自己的及格线,在这个基础上他不断的训练,将强混能力练到极致,取代真声音区。如今火星哥唱的有多好,他小时候就有多努力。 火星哥不同于周深,周深是声带压缩的取巧,改变音色可以唱女声B4调。火星哥是没有改变音色就是男生音色唱女生调,直接把常用音区提升了半个八度,这种机能的锻炼是二十多年的努力获得的。这才是火星哥最强的地方。以此辐射,编曲、乐感、作曲、制作的能力,可想而知。 以下简单以音色、音域、腔体三个方面来阐述; 1:音色; 从音色角度考虑,火星哥不同于所有的男歌手。因为这是一个将强混当做舒适区演唱的狠角色。从音色角度考虑,火星哥具有大满圆的能力,而长期使用以强混为主,弱混为辅。胸声点缀和甲杓肌参与强度堪称顶级。 而一般R&B男歌手多用的声带边缘化,在火星哥身上并没有太多的刻意体现。区别于普通男歌手的弱化真声的旋律感声带边缘化,火星哥不使用声带边缘化,可能是为了避免降低真声参与度。所以,火星哥的音色技巧主要有三种:强混、弱化、头声哼鸣。 1:强混。 强混的概念说过很多次,就是超出声韧带换声点之后的音区,音色是以腔体共鸣为主,而腔体共鸣由真声和假声两部分构成。强混的意识是混音之中真声的程度大于假声。这个技巧对于华语歌手而言还是有一定难度的。 火星哥的强混质量应该是最高的那一档,基本上和李健的弱混质量可以处于同一档次。不要以为李健很弱,李健的弱混结合了民族唱法,而火星哥的强混胸腔参与度的味道,也有类似于我国民族唱腔的意思,可能在欧美那边是偏向于美声。 凡是质量最好的单音,基本上都会在美声和民族唱法之中找到立足点。火星哥明显就属于这种,这种完美的胸声参与度的好处是:真声力量感、 情感 性爆棚。实际上,欧美唱腔的先进行很大程度就在于对于力量感的诠释。比如阿黛尔、比如碧昂斯他们的声线都是极具力量感和情绪,这是经久不衰的关键之一。而男歌手之中,具有力量感实际上很少,一部分是想骚当那样的R&B假声羸弱感唱法,一部分是贾斯汀比伯那种声带摩擦式唱法,这两者都是类新唱法难以具有较大的气场。黑人唱法是具有力量感的,但是不太科学,容易伤嗓。所以力量感唱法最好的类型,实际上就是火星哥这种,基于美声的护嗓意识之下的科学性强混。 这种比较完美的强混质量,是火星哥唱功的基石,也是为什么火星哥的情歌总是充满 情感 性,纵使能打动人的最大原因。而强混在音域上就是属于G4-D5的高音音区。所以不得不说火星哥很鸡贼,他们知道商业最佳音域,又知道Live最佳音色技巧和声压表达方式。在这个音区之中,将自身优势发挥道极致,基本上就是独树一帜的黄金效果。 2:弱混。 这个用的较少,基本上多用于比较柔和的情歌之中。比如《Just Way you Are》的副歌哼鸣。属于点缀加花,仅做修饰效果。 3:头声。和弱混一样,用的很少,大部分都是和音哼鸣。 2:音域; 火星哥理论音域:C3-B4-G5; 火星哥质量音域:C3-C5,D5-G5和音; 在音域上,火星哥依旧遵守着较高的商业准则,首先是音区集中于C3-C6的黄金三八度,而核心集中在换声点之后的G4-D5之间,这符合顶级高音舒适度。 在C5之后的D5,实际上火星哥的强混闭合质量就有一定的下降,相反是弱混的质量更适合。总体上将,火星哥的强势点依旧在于C5以下的音区,C5以上的音区毕竟实在是对于男歌手而言已经超乎了生理极限,以弱混为主。 但因为弱混的总体路线并不适合火星哥的风格,所以火星哥的歌曲大部分的集中于C5和D5的表达。这个音域总体上对于流行音乐而言,已经是比较完美的存在,但如果非要说有啥遗憾的,那还是有的——咽音。 实际上E5-G5的音域是可以通过咽音来完成提升的,但是咽音对于火星哥而言同样不是很适合,乃至于说真个欧美体系之中除了摇滚之外,商业流行唱法之中,很少有职业歌手想华语歌手的孙楠那样使用咽音作为演唱音色。因为咽音是割裂音色,乐器化音色,不具备变化度和细节处理的可能。而对于追求 情感 表达的欧美音乐而言,咽音并不适合。 可以看出,火星哥的音域并不是非常广,常用的也就两个八度,但是人家的单音质量高,而且每一个音的利用率和听觉美感都达到了极致。这也是对于国内喜欢飙高音的歌手是一个很好的警示:音域并不是越宽也好,凡是一切不考虑单音质量的音域都是虚假的。张杰、华晨宇两个新旧天娱一哥,最应该学一学火星哥。 3:腔体能力; 腔体能力其实火星哥并没有太多可讲的,因为达到了顶级。 首先是腹腔支撑和胸腔支撑的程度已经很高了,腹腔支撑的作用是声线的空间感和舒适度,同时也是基本旋律感的保证。而胸腔支撑和点缀是单音力量感和低音共鸣扩音的核心之一。这两个是对于Live表达之中最重要的基本能力。也是火星哥二十多年职业生涯不断巩固的技能。 除此之外,像是声带闭合、发音点、面罩共鸣、喉位对抗这些在华语音乐十分难得的能力对于欧美音乐而言,凡是T2级别的歌手都能有专门的声乐老师进行指导,所以这并不是很西汉的事情。重要的是歌手的完成度和职业心。没办法,这就是环境的差异。只要你足够具有上进心足够坚持不懈,就可以完成声乐性上的突破。 实际上,火星哥最初也不是歌手,而是音乐制作人闻名。慢慢的唱的越来越好,而音乐制作的工作让他深切了解到音乐核心的细节。对于表达方面,很有帮助。 总体上,火星哥还是很强的。但即使上最强的并不是唱功,而是编曲思路的突破性。 牛逼吧,超牛逼吧,嘿嘿 最接近Micheal jackson的巨星。 第一次听updown funk,我还以为是mj生前没发布的曲目。 作曲,编曲,编舞,视频都是细节满满,效果做到了极致。 treasure的MV刻意采用低像素展现上世纪老旧录像带的效果 现场效果也是超一流的,都知道火星哥个子不高,相貌平平但其音乐天赋就能成为全场关注的重点,比如:2016维密秀巴黎站,尽管满屏幕都是超模的大长腿,但火星哥依然能成为全场焦点,还能适时和模特(这些小姐姐真心优秀)互动,点燃全场! versace on the floor有一个现场版,镜头比较近,飙高音时脖子粗壮青筋暴露让我以为火星哥练过蛤蟆功(我有个学生,据他的说法是武术世家,蛤蟆功是真实存在的,还给我展示过) 音阶,音色这些专业知识就不敢献丑了,凑个热闹,发发唠叨[呲牙] 哈哈哈哈哈哈不错 水平不行很难评价唱功,但是有一点可以肯定,他的歌难度非常高,一首Marry you就远超我等普通人的能力范围。uptown funk就不用说了,翻唱的人几乎都唱的很尴尬,比如周笔畅。因为确实太难了。

关于Bruno Mars的详细介绍

  基本资料     【原名】Peter Gene Hernandez     【艺名】Bruno Mars Bruno Mars第53届格莱美获奖  【出生日期】1985.10.8     【星座】天枰座      【出生地】夏威夷檀香山      【现居住地】美国洛杉矶      【身高】1.65m      【眼睛颜色】黑色     【发色】深棕色      【职业】歌手,词曲作者,音乐制作人      【乐器】吉他、钢琴、爵士鼓      【唱片公司】Elektra Records      【音乐风格】 流行,嘻哈,灵魂,摇滚,节奏布鲁斯      【家人】爸爸Peter Hernandez,妈妈Bernadette Hernandez,哥哥 Eric Hernandez(他乐队的鼓手),姐妹共四个(分别是Jaime,Tiara,Tahiti,Presley)和舅舅Johnny Valentine   生活和事业 Peter Hernandez Jr.于1985年生于美国夏威夷,他的艺名Bruno Mars为人们熟知。  个人简历  Bruno Mars嗓音独特,凭借与B.o.B合作的出道单曲《Nothin" On You》挤下了连续5个星期排名第一的蕾哈娜,在美国Billboard顺利拿下冠军。其他还有与Travis McCoy合作的Billionaire等。   Bruno Mars在美国夏威夷的威基基(Waikiki)岛上出生并长大,是父母的六个孩子中的一个,而父母分别是波多黎各和菲律宾人。他出生在一个音乐家庭,给了他多元化的Reggae,摇滚,嘻哈和R&B等多种风格。在很小的时候,Bruno Mars就开始模仿和表演例如猫王、迈克尔杰克逊等很具影响力的艺术家的歌曲。1990年他四岁的时候被MidWeek杂志精选为“小猫王”,之后在1992年于拉斯维加斯的蜜月影片中扮演小猫王。在他14岁的时候,他就在the Legends in Concert中模仿流行天王Michael Jackson。2003年,17岁的他于President Theodore Roosevelt高中毕业,之后听从叔叔的建议搬到洛杉矶追求他自己的音乐事业。 在几个月的失望与沮丧后,他遇到了音乐人Philip Lawrence,他说服Mars去试着为其他歌手写歌。他们自称为The Smeezingtons,Long Distance——就是Brandy在2008年录的那首。在那之后,他们邀约不断,第一次获得第一名是在2009年,也就是那首红透天的Right Round。到了2010年,Bruno Mars几乎无人不晓了。不要以为他只有几首代表作:Billonaire暂且放着,Right Round就不说了,Nothin" On You也不提了,但是获得了第53届格莱美Best Urban/Alternative Performance的Cee-Lo Green的F*** You居然也有他份儿。果然是everywhere(无处不在)啊![1]   在成为一个成功的歌手之前,Bruno Mars已是一位知名的音乐制作人,在做了一连串的幕后工作(包括为Brandy写歌,为Sugababes唱和声和模仿猫王)后,作为歌曲制作人的他参与了Flo Rida在2009年红翻天的《Right Round》以及2010年世界杯主题曲《Wavin" Flag》的写谱,还为 Maroon 5和Sean Kingston等歌手写歌或监制。在《Nothin" On You》成功不久后,他就借着这股冲劲开始了自己的音乐之路,很快就成为了这近20年内唯一一位首发四张单曲都进入了Billboard前十名的男歌手。在2010年5月11日他推出自己的细碟《It"s Better If You Don"t Understand》,而个人首张专辑《Doo-Wops & Hooligans 》易于2010年10月5日发行。同时来自新专辑的首支单曲《Just The Way You Are》已经在2010年7月19日发行,此曲MV也在同年9月8日发行,在美国Billboard Hot 100单曲榜上榜9周后终于不负重望夺得了冠军,并蝉联了4周冠军宝座。新专辑的二单《Liquor Store Blues》也在9月21日在iTunes Store开放下载。   2010年10月9日,Bruno Mars在美国Saturday Night Live节目中演唱了"Just the Way You Are" "Nothin" on You" 和 "Grenade"。

以"On Giving Birth Abroad"写一篇120词的英语作文.要求:为什么中国父母

以"On Giving Birth Abroad"写一篇120词的英语作文.要求:为什么中国父母 相关范文: 关于青少年是否应该出国的问题讨论,之前我们作文地带也提供过几篇类似的范文,观点大多都是主流观点,毕竟考试需要以正面的思想来对待,方能写出正面的作文,小J希望大家在今后的写作当中,一定要抛弃个人思想于作文题外,这样方可保证您的作文得到一个比较中层的分数。 Teenagers" Studying Abroad 1. 现在有很多青少年出国留学 2. 有些人认为这种做法是有益的 3. 我认为这种观点是不对的 【范文】 Recently it seems that among the students who choose to study abroad, there are more and more-teenagers who study in high schools or even elementary schools. Many people, especially the parents, think it will certainly do good to their chidren because the independent life will make them learn confidence and perseverance. Moreover, the quality of overseas education is often higher, thus the child stands a better chance 本文来自作文地带 :joozone./ 谢谢您的支援! of entering a better university and getting a better job in the future. After careful consideration, I have to say the above view is more than biased. On the one hand, early independent life is not necessarily good, if the child cannot receive proper guidance and tender care from both teachers and parents. On the other hand, the educational quality is also a question—too many foreign schools aim at earning money. When the children e back, who can guarantee that they can adapt to the fierce petition here? We can see clearly that although teenagers" studying abroad may bring 本文来自作文地带 :joozone./ 谢谢您的支援! favorable results, there are still a lot to worry about. It seems necessary for young students to make a careful investigation before going abroad. 【点评】 第一段指出当前某种普遍的做法,之后分两点阐述人们支援这种做法的原因;第二段首句鲜明地指出自己反驳的意见,然后分两点来阐述理由;最后一段进行总结,并请当事人在做出决定前多加斟酌。 范文首句点题,指出青少年留学这一现象,并给出支持者的理由,即独立的生活会教会他们自信和坚持不懈,而且国外的教学水平会让学生进入更好的大学、找到更好的工作。第二段给出反对理由。首先,早期独立不一定是件好事。另外,太多的国外学校的目标是挣钱,所以它们的教学质量是令人质疑的。 本文来自作文地带 :joozone./ 谢谢您的支援! 末段总结说青少年留学可能会带来好处,但令人担忧的问题也很多。 第一段第三句中的stand a better chance of表示“有更好的机会做某事”。第二段首句中的biased表示“偏激的,存有偏见的”;第三句中的aim at表示“目的在于”;第四句中的guarantee表示“保证”,adapt to表示“适应”,fierce表示“激烈的”,修饰petition(竞争)。 以"on giving birth abroad"写一篇120词的英语作文.要求:为什么中国父母, On giving birth abroad 英语作文 When a baby disparities, greater disparity when raising children, the country has given subsidies in many countries do not look converted into yuan a lot, but if calculated as if the absolute purchasing power is to maintain the basic food and clothing, and some even are not enough, if only the State subsidy case in most countries in the respective countries, then maintain low levels, so so to see if the pressure is raising children in a foreign country is quite big. This pressure also resulted in foreign declining birth rate, the state in order to encourage additional people avoid aging society will give so many preferential policies. China"s per capita level of development and social welfare is far behind those countries, but China is not now, not enough people but too many people on this issue so inferior to Western countries preferential policies 以"my view on cell phone"为题写一篇120字英语作文,要求:在中国玩手机变 Nowadays,mobile phones have bee as indispensable tool in people"s lives.A proposed this idea,many people will ignore him,also some people will argue that the benefits of the mobile phone a lot,it can facilitate people"s contact,is beneficial to people"s life,there are many function can help people living there are o sides to anything,change an Angle to think will be better.But I think mobile phones there are drawbacks,affect people"s health: A,cell phone harm the eyes With cell phone too close to the distance,a long time looking at *** all font is easier to make the eye fatigue,headache,dry eyes,blurred vision Second,the mobile phone make you sick Aording to a study published in applied microbiology,found that about 20% to 30% of the virus in glass similar to *** art phone screen surface will be transferred to your fingertips,which can then be transferred to your mouth,eyes,etc. Three,the mobile phone to destroy focus ability Mobile phone seems to have a magic,people are like opium,continually check the menu screen,news,email,application,even if seldom see new and interesting information,continue to look at it.Mobile phones increase the people damage to its dependencies and the people work a centralized capacity. Four,mobile phone Bought a mobile phone,you don"t have time to relax.Mobile phone with you 24 hours a day,a text message,email,there is no way don"t you look at it . 以"face the exam"写一篇英语作文 individualistic pursuit of happiness there can be a plete reality shift. We often find that it is much easier to be happy when we are motivated in an effort to make the world better in tangible ways, by ing to the rescue of those who are suffering. Considering the many benefits of this kind of gesture, it is surprising that more of us don"t devote our lives, or at least some portion of our time, to serving people in need. We don"t have to wait for a tragedy to e together, as a munity or a nation, and offer ourselves to the 以"my mother"写一篇英语作文 My mother My mother is an educated woman, who has many good qualities. Like all other mothers, she is responsible and devotes most of her efforts to our family. She treats my father kindly and cares for her children whole?-heartedly. When my mother has spare time, she reads books and newspapers, so she knows many stories. After supper, I often sit in our living room, listening to her telling stories. She has a gift for telling interesting stories. My mother is a learned woman, so I often consult her whenever I have any difficulty in my lessons. Her explanations are very helpful, so she is not only my mother but also my teacher. Although she inspires me to study hard, she never allows me to study late at night. What"s more, she often takes me out to play on Sundays. When I am playing, she will remind me not to waste so much time or I will fall behind my class. Mother loves me very much but does not allow me to do anything wrong, such as *** oking, drinking, or gambling. Of course, she doesn"t do such things herself. She sets me a good example. She is the most wonderful mother in the world. 以"before and now"为题,写一篇英语作文 I have a dream. It is a dream that is deeply rooted in human nature. I dream that one day people of all origins can live in harmony and peace without being discriminated against or persecuted. The bounty of the earth can be shared by every single human being. Mutual respect will guarantee the existence and continuation of the diversity of customs and cultures. Love, sympa 以"Animals our friends"写一篇英语作文 Animal our friends I have a pet ,which is a cat.I call him Mimi.He is my favourite animal.He has white wools and o charming eyes.I like him so much.My father gave me the cat as a birthday gift last month.Now Mimi is three years old. He likes eating fish.Everyday I feed him with fish.Mimi doesn"t like going everywhere.He always lies on the corner of my bedroom,watching me doing my homework. 以"tips on healthy life"为题,写一篇英语作文 Health: 1. Drink plenty of water. 2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar. 3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants. 4. Live with the 3 E"s -- Energy, Enthusia *** , and Empathy. 5. Make time for prayer. 6. Play more games. 7. Read more books than you did in 2008. 8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. 9. Sleep for 7 hours. 10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day. And while you walk, *** ile. Personality: 11. Don"t pare your life to others". You have no idea what their journey is all about. 12. Don"t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment. 13. Don"t over do. Keep your limits. 14. Don"t take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 15. Don"t waste your precious energy on gossip. 16. Dream more while you are awake. 17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. 18. Fet issues of the past. Don"t remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness. 19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don"t hate others. 20. Make peace with your past so it won"t spoil the present. 21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you. 22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime. 23. Smile and laugh more. 24. You don"t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. Society: 25. Call your family often. 26. Each day give something good to others. 27. Five everyone for everything. 28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6. 29. Try to make at least three people *** ile each day. 30. What other people think of you is none of your business. 31. Your job won"t take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch. Life: 32. Do the right thing! 33. Always speak the truth even if it leads to your death. 34. GOD heals everything. 35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. 36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. 37. The best is yet to e. 38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it. 39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy. 以"Using mobile phone is good or bad?"写一篇英语作文! There are advantages and disadvantages for using mobile phone. firstly, it is good. Using mobile phone can enhance your munication with others. It is a good way to keep in touch with your friends , parents, clas *** ents,etc, and when in emergency, you can call your friends or 110 for help. on the other hand, it is not good. Phones have radiation. Too much radiation is bad for people"s healthy. Besides, people usually download games to the phone, it may cause them addict to the games. All in all, we should use phone properly , not too much.

求twoji《Unbreakable Love 》的韩文歌词翻译

uc78aud600uc9d0uc774 uc26cuc6b4uc904 uc54cuc558uc5b4 ub4a4ucc99uc784uc774 ub098uc544uc9c8uc904 uc54cuc558uc5b4 ubbf8ucc98 ub108ub97c uc9c0uc6b0uc9c0 ubabbud588uc5b4 uc9c0uccd0 ud798uc774 ub0a8uc544 uc788uc9c0 uc54auc558uc5b4 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub294 ub9d0uacfc ud5e4uc5b4uc9c0uc790ub294 ub9d0 uc6b0ub9ac uc2dcuc791uacfc ub05duc744 ud568uaed8 ud588uc5c8ub358 ub9d0 uadf8 ub9d0uc744 ub4a4ub85c ud55cucc44 ub110 ub3ccuc5b4uc130ub358 ub09c uc774ub807uac8c uc6b8uace0 uc788uc5b4 uc6b0ub9ac ucd94uc5b5 uc55euc5d0uc11c unbrekable love ubd80uc154uc9c8 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uc0acub791 uadfcub370 uc65cuc774ub9ac love ub0a0 ud798ub4e4uac8cub9cc ud560uae4c ub110 uc7a1uc73cub824 ud55cubc1cuc9dd ub2e4uac00uc11cuba74 ub10c ubc18uc9dduac70ub9acub294 ud558ub298uc758 ubcc4ucc98ub7fc uc790uafb8ub9cc ub3c4ub9dduac00 uc7a1ud790ub4efub9d0ub4ef uc2a4uccd0uac00ub294 ucd94uc5b5ub4e4 ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc18duc5d0 ubc18ub4efud558uac8c uc0c8uaca8uc9c4 uc774ub984 ub2e4uc2dcub294 uc18cub9acub0b4uc5b4 ubd88ub7ec ubcfc uc218 uc5c6ub294 uc774ub984 ub098 uc790uc2e0uc744 ud6c4ud68cud558uace0 uc788uc5b4 uc774ub807uac8c ub2e4uc2dc ub110 ub5a0ub098uba74 ud589ubcf5ud560uac70ub77cuace0 uadf8 uc5b4ub5a4 uc2acud514ub3c4 uc774uc81cub294 uc5c6ub2e4uace0 uadf8ub807uac8c ucc28uac11uac8c ub0a0 ub450uace0 uac14ub358 ub110 uc0acub791ud558uc9c0 uc54auae38 uae30ub3c4ud588uc5b4 uc774uc820 "uc774ub807uac8c uc7a0ub4e4uba74 uc78aud600uc9c8uae4c uc774ubaa8ub4e0uac8c uafc8uc740 uc544ub2d0uae4c" uae30ub300ud558uc9c0ub9c8 uae30ub2e4ub9acuc9c0ub3c4ub9c8 ub110 uadf8ub9cc ub193uc544uc8fcub77cub294 uce5cuad6cub140uc11duc758 ub9d0 ub0b4uac90 ub4e4ub9c2uc54auc544 uadf8uc800 uc2a4uccd0uc9c0ub098uac04 uc778uc5f0uc774 uc544ub2c8ub780uac78 ub09c uc54cuace0 uc788uc9c0ub9cc ub110 uc7a1uc9c0 ubabbud558uace0 ubcf4ub0b4ubc84ub9b0 ubc14ubcf4uc600uc5b4 uc774uc820 ubc97uc5b4ub0a0 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 ub108ub77cub294 uac10uc625uc5d0uc11c ub0a0 ub5a0ub098uba74 ud589ubcf5ud560uac70ub77cuace0 uadf8uc5b4ub5a4 uc2acud514ub3c4 uc774uc81cub294 uc5c6ub2e4uace0 uadf8ub807uac8c ucc28uac11uac8c ub0a0 ub450uace0 uac14ub358ub110 uc0acub791ud558uc9c0 uc54auae38 uae30ub3c4ud588uc5b4 uc774uc820

Do not bring bad mood home

Do not bring bad mood home不要把不好的心情带回家


(中文译名:不散的和弦)01. Intro02. Everything But Mine03. Inconsolable04. Something That I Already Know05. Helpless When She Smiles06. Any Other Way07. One In A Million08. Panic09. You Can Let Go10. Trouble Is11. Treat Me Right12. Love Will Keep You Up All Night13. Unmistakable14. Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon15. Downpour16. In Pieces



Justin Garner的Unbreakable歌词


Unbreakable (Moonlight Sonata) 歌词

歌曲名:Unbreakable (Moonlight Sonata)歌手:Jade Valerie专辑:Bittersweet SymphonyJade Valerie - Unbreakable (Moonlight Sonata)静态脉冲 Q:21281770I watch, wait, wishsilently you could feelfinally how long, how deepI"m waiting for youI pound, pound and I poundat you, run run and runbut its too lateyou don"t see me waiting for youyou you...Caught in your spellDo you think you"re unstopableCaught in your spellDon"t you know who I amCaught in your spellDo you think you"re unbreakableCaught in your spellDon"t you know who I amMy pride, pride, pride ???I fall down ???Hopeless, restlessI keep fightingCuz your small world"snot enoughYou"re still weak of that my loveOne day, you"ll say that I am stronger than you youCaught in your spellDo you think you"re unstopableCaught in your spellDon"t you know who I amCaught in your spellDo you think you"re unbreakableCaught in your spellDon"t you know who I amDo ya ya,do yaCuz your small world"s not enoughYou"re still weak of that my loveOne day, you"ll say that I am stronger than you youCaught in your spellDo you think you"re unstopableCaught in your spellDon"t you know who I amCaught in your spellDo you think you"re unbreakableCaught in your spellDon"t you know who I am

Unbreakable 歌词

歌曲名:Unbreakable歌手:Stratovarius专辑:Nemesis武汉大学测绘学院:谭导(主撰)、小雄、阿波、TY倾情撰写Reckless wheel of timeWe follow how it flies byWe still keep believing In wide and comforting liesWhen it"s our turnTogether we stay strongerWe lay still and silent and watch how hour burns for eternityYou carry me awayTomorrow we"re unbreakableI hold my breath and waitThis moment is unbreakableI can feel it deep within my heart and my soul - you make me wholeI want to live this second forever, always together, forevermoreI hold my breath and waitReckless wheel of lifeWe see how years keep flying byI never really cared until I opened my eyesThe final day awaitsAnd the firestorms getting closerUnder falling stars we will seal our fate for eternityYou carry me awayTomorrow we"re unbreakableI hold my breath and waitThis moment is unbreakableI can feel it deep within my heart and my soul - you make me wholeI want to live this second forever, always together, forevermoreI hold my breath and wait till the end until my role we"re unbreakableYou carry me awayTomorrow we"re unbreakableI hold my breath and waitThis moment is unbreakableAnd I can feel it deep within my heart and my soul - you make me wholeI want to live this second forever, always together, forevermoreWe are stronger than ever, always together, forevermoreWe are stronger than ever, always together, forevermoreI hold my breath and wait till the end until my role we"re unbreakable珞珈山梦境联盟


UNBREAKABLE歌:水树奈々作词:藤林圣子作曲:俊龙编曲:陶山 隼谁の背中にもきっと So Pleasure Wings 翼があった记忆を覚えている? Comfy Journey 空の入口を探すように胸を裂くような稲妻が光っても 恐れさえ强さに彼方の未来まで飞べこの愿いUNBREAKABLE 运命が始まる 必ず叶えたい梦を见たら心はUNBREAKABLE 止まれないと高く 鼓动が仆らを旅人にする见えない翼で その上の空へ 届くまでUNBREAKABLE梦见ることも忘れて No Enjoy Life 时を过ごしていれば忘れてしまう We Were Soldiers 大切な人を守るための疑うたびに 可能性削られ 远い梦 现実 遥かにかけ离れても今誓うUNBREAKABLE 何処までも広がる 世界は仆たちを试しているそれでもUNBREAKABLE 终われないと叫ぶ 愿いが仆らを旅人にする力尽き立ち止まる 真夜中に星が言う 梦の梦はこんな场所には无いと胸を裂くような稲妻が光っても 恐れさえ强さに彼方の未来まで飞べこの愿いUNBREAKABLE 运命が始まる 必ず叶えたい梦を见たら心はUNBREAKABLE 止まれないと高く 鼓动が仆らを旅人にする见えない翼で その上の空へ 届くまでUNBREAKABLE壊れない梦を翼に WE GONNA FLY...

Unbreakable 歌词

歌曲名:Unbreakable歌手:Katrina Elam专辑:Katrina ElamJade Valerie - Unbreakable (Moonlight Sonata)静态脉冲 Q:21281770I watch, wait, wishsilently you could feelfinally how long, how deepI"m waiting for youI pound, pound and I poundat you, run run and runbut its too lateyou don"t see me waiting for youyou you...Caught in your spellDo you think you"re unstopableCaught in your spellDon"t you know who I amCaught in your spellDo you think you"re unbreakableCaught in your spellDon"t you know who I amMy pride, pride, pride ???I fall down ???Hopeless, restlessI keep fightingCuz your small world"snot enoughYou"re still weak of that my loveOne day, you"ll say that I am stronger than you youCaught in your spellDo you think you"re unstopableCaught in your spellDon"t you know who I amCaught in your spellDo you think you"re unbreakableCaught in your spellDon"t you know who I amDo ya ya,do yaCuz your small world"s not enoughYou"re still weak of that my loveOne day, you"ll say that I am stronger than you youCaught in your spellDo you think you"re unstopableCaught in your spellDon"t you know who I amCaught in your spellDo you think you"re unbreakableCaught in your spellDon"t you know who I am


Unbreakable - Westlife真爱无敌 - 西域男孩took my hand 执起我手 touched my heart 牵动我心 held me close 紧紧拥抱我 You were always there 你总是守侯着我 by my side 在我身旁 Night and day 日日夜夜 through it all 自始至终 Baby come what may 亲爱的不管发生什么 Swept away on a wave of emotion 抛开情绪的起伏 Oh,we"re caught 哦,我们陷入了 in the eye of the storm 情感的风暴中 And whenever you smile 每当你微笑 I can hardly believe 我几乎不敢相信 that you"re mine 你属于我 Chorus<1>合(1) This love is unbreakable 此爱无坚不摧 It"s unmistakable 此爱完美无缺 And each time I look in your eyes 每当我凝视你的双眸 I know why 我就明白为何 this love is untouchable 此爱超脱凡俗 A feeling my heart jist can"t deny 我的心无法抗拒这种感觉 Each time I look in your eyes 每次我凝视你的双眸 oh baby,I know why 哦宝贝,我就明白为何 this love is unbreakable 此爱无坚不摧 Shared the laughter 分享欢笑 Shared the tears 分享泪水 We both know 我们都心知肚明 We"ll go on from here 你我将从此白头偕老 "Cause together we"re strong 因为在一起我们变得坚强 In my arms 我的臂弯 that"s where you belong 是你最终的归属 I"ve been touched by 我曾经被 the hands of an angel 天使的双手抚摩 I"ve been blessed by 我已被 the power of love 爱的力量所祝福 And whenever you smile 每当你微笑 I can hardly believe 我几乎不敢相信 that you"re mine 你属于我 Chorus<2> 合(2) Through fire and flame 这份无坚不摧的爱经得起烈焰的考验 When all this is over 当一切沉埃落定 Our love still remains 我们的爱仍将继续 Each time I look in your eyes 每次我凝视你的双眸 oh,baby.I know why 哦,宝贝,我就明白为何 this love is unbreakable 此爱无坚不摧


【吸血鬼日记第六季第六集片尾插曲试听 】    吸血鬼日记第六季第6集片尾插曲unbreakable歌词:    演唱:Jamie Scott   要下载的朋友可以去虾米,一定要搜: unbreakable Jamie Scott    she finds it hard to trust someone   she"s heard the words cos they"ve all been sung   she"s the girl in the corner   she"s the girl nobody loved   but I can"t I can"t   can"t stop thinking about you everyday   you can"t you can"t   you can"t listen to what people say   they don"t know you baby   don"t know that you"are amazing   but I"m here to stay   when you lose your way   and the fight is gone   your heart starts to break   and you need someone around now   just close your eyes a while   I"ll put my arms above you   and make you unbreakable   she stands in the rain   just to hide it all   If you ever turn around   I wont let you fall down now   I swear I"ll find your smile   then put my arms above you   and make you unbreakable   I"ll make you unbreakable   cos she"s the girl that I never had   she"s the heart that I wanted bad   the song I heard on the radio   that made me stop and think of her   and I can"t I can"t   I can"t concentrate anymore   I need I need   need to show her what her heart is for   It"s been mistreated badly   now her world is sadly falling apart   falling apart   when you lose your way   and the fight is gone   your heart starts to break   and you need someone around now   just close your eyes a while   I"ll put my arms above you   and make you unbreakable   she stands in the rain   just to hide it all   If you ever turn around   I wont let you fall down now   I swear I"ll find your smile   then put my arms above you   and make you unbreakable   I"ll make you unbreakable   you need to know that somebody"s there   all the time   I"d wait in line   and I hope it shows   I cant walk away till your heart knows   It"s beautiful   oh I hope it knows   It"s beautiful   when you lose your way   and the fight is gone   your heart starts to break   and you need someone around now   just close your eyes a while   I"ll put my arms above you   and make you unbreakable   she stands in the rain   just to hide it all   If you ever turn around   I wont let you fall down now   I swear I"ll find your smile   then put my arms above you   and make you unbreakable   I"ll make you unbreakable   unbreakable

吸血鬼日记第六季第6集片尾曲叫什么 unbreakable歌词介绍

《unbreakable》。吸血鬼日记第六季第6集片尾插曲unbreakable歌词:演唱:Jamie Scottshe finds it hard to trust someoneshe"s heard the words cos they"ve all been sungshe"s the girl in the cornershe"s the girl nobody lovedbut I can"t I can"tcan"t stop thinking about you everydayyou can"t you can"tyou can"t listen to what people saythey don"t know you babydon"t know that you"are amazingbut I"m here to staywhen you lose your wayand the fight is goneyour heart starts to breakand you need someone around nowjust close your eyes a whileI"ll put my arms above youand make you unbreakableshe stands in the rainjust to hide it allIf you ever turn aroundI wont let you fall down nowI swear I"ll find your smilethen put my arms above youand make you unbreakableI"ll make you unbreakablecos she"s the girl that I never hadshe"s the heart that I wanted badthe song I heard on the radiothat made me stop and think of herand I can"t I can"tI can"t concentrate anymoreI need I needneed to show her what her heart is forIt"s been mistreated badlynow her world is sadly falling apartfalling apartwhen you lose your wayand the fight is goneyour heart starts to breakand you need someone around nowjust close your eyes a whileI"ll put my arms above youand make you unbreakableshe stands in the rainjust to hide it allIf you ever turn aroundI wont let you fall down nowI swear I"ll find your smilethen put my arms above youand make you unbreakableI"ll make you unbreakableyou need to know that somebody"s thereall the timeI"d wait in lineand I hope it showsI cant walk away till your heart knowsIt"s beautifuloh I hope it knowsIt"s beautifulwhen you lose your wayand the fight is goneyour heart starts to breakand you need someone around nowjust close your eyes a whileI"ll put my arms above youand make you unbreakableshe stands in the rainjust to hide it allIf you ever turn aroundI wont let you fall down nowI swear I"ll find your smilethen put my arms above youand make you unbreakableI"ll make you unbreakableunbreakable


《不死劫》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看链接: 提取码: 8wa4导演: M·奈特·沙马兰编剧: M·奈特·沙马兰主演: 布鲁斯·威利斯 / 塞缪尔·杰克逊 / 罗宾·怀特 / 斯宾塞·崔特·克拉克 / 查莱宁·伍德拉德 / 伊默恩·沃克 / 莱斯利·史蒂芬森 / Elizabeth Lawrence / 劳拉·里根 / 蔡斯·凯利 / 迈克尔·凯利 / 法尔德斯·巴姆 / 詹姆斯·汉迪 / 理查德·肯索尔 / 达米安·杨 / M·奈特·沙马兰 / Sasha Neulinger / 尤基·华盛顿 / Todd Berry / 茱莉娅·约克斯 / 约翰·帕特里克·阿梅多利 / 安东尼博斯克 / Chrismandu / 詹妮弗·黑尔 / 娜塔莉·霍尔特曼 / Greg Korin / 布莱斯·列侬 / John Martineau / 乔伊佩里洛 / Mark Poulton / 大卫罗姆 / Jonathan Sachar类型: 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 犯罪制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2000-11-22(美国)片长: 106分钟又名: 惊心动魄(台) / 生死劫该剧讲述了一场火车对撞的惨剧夺去131名乘客的性命,大卫u2022杜恩(Bruce Willis 布鲁斯u2022威利斯 饰)奇迹般地成为这场灾难过后的唯一幸存者,且浑身上下毫发无伤。在他参加遇难者追悼会之后,他在车窗上发现一张神秘便条,写道:“你这一生生过几次病?”不久,一个名叫伊利亚u2022普莱斯(Samuel L. Jackson 塞缪尔u2022杰克逊 饰)的黑人出现在大卫面前。和大卫不同的是,伊利亚天生手脚残废,脆弱不堪。喜爱漫画的伊利亚认定大卫就是书中那种具有超自然能力的超人。懵懂的大卫开始在伊利亚的引导下认识自身的能力……该片讲述了一个人在一次毁灭性的事故后,对自己有了一些非同寻常的了解的故事。

unbreakable 吉他谱

你试试这个。和弦: Verse x 2 Touched my hand... By my side... Shared the laughter... "Cos together... e I-------3-----------3-----------3-----------3-------------------------I B I-----3---3-------3---3-------3---3-------3---3-----------------------I G I---0-------0---0-------0---0-------0---0-------0---------------------I D I---------------------------------------------------------------------I A I---------------------------------------------------------------------I E I-3-----------3-----------0-----------0-------------------------------I Held me close... Through it all... We both know... In my arms... e I-------3-----------3-----------3-----------2-------------------------I B I-----3---3-------3---3-------3---3-------3---3-----------------------I G I---0-------0---0-------0---0-------0---2-------2---------------------I D I-------------------------------------0-------------------------------I A I-3-----------3-----------0-------------------------------------------I E I---------------------------------------------------------------------I Pre-chorus x 2 Swept away on a wave... I"ve been touched by the hands... e I-------3-----------3-----------3-----------3-------------------------I B I-----3---3-------3---3-------3---3-------3---3-----------------------I G I---0-------0---0-------0---0-------0---0-------0---------------------I D I---------------------------------------------------------------------I A I-3-----------2-----------3-----------2-------------------------------I E I---------------------------------------------------------------------I And whenever you smile... And whenever you smile... e I-------3-----------3-----------3-----------3-----------3-----2-------I B I-----3---3-------3---3-------3---3-------3---3-------3---3-----------I G I---0-------0---0-------0---0-------0---0-------0---2-------2---------I D I-------------------------------------------------0-------------------I A I-3-----------2-----------3-----------3-------------------------------I E I---------------------------------------------------------------------I Chorus x 2 This love is unbreakable... e I-------3-----------3-----------3-----------3-------------------------I B I-----3---3-------3---3-------3---3-------3---3-----------------------I G I---0-------0---0-------0---0-------0---0-------0---------------------I D I---------------------------------------------------------------------I A I---------------------------------------------------------------------I E I-3-----------3-----------0-----------0-------------------------------I And each time I look... e I-------3-----------3-----------3-----------2-------------------------I B I-----3---3-------3---3-------3---3-------3---3-----------------------I G I---0-------0---0-------0---0-------0---2-------2---------------------I D I-------------------------------------0-------------------------------I A I-3-----------3-----------0-------------------------------------------I E I---------------------------------------------------------------------I This love is untouchable... e I-------3-----------3-----------3-----------3-------------------------I B I-----3---3-------3---3-------3---3-------3---3-----------------------I G I---0-------0---0-------0---0-------0---0-------0---------------------I D I---------------------------------------------------------------------I A I---------------------------------------------------------------------I E I-3-----------3-----------0-----------0-------------------------------I And each time I look... e I-------3-----------3-----------3-----------3-----------0-------------I B I-----3---3-------3---3-------3---3-------3---3-------0---0-----------I G I---0-------0---0-------0---0-------0---0-----------0-------0---------I D I-------------------------------------0-------------------------------I A I-3-----------2-----------0-------------------------------------------I E I------------------------------------------------0-------------0------I (end of 2nd chorus is different leading into middle 8) And each time you whisper... e I-------3-----------3-----------3-----------3-------------------------I B I-----3---3-------3---3-------3---3-------3---3-----------------------I G I---0-------0---0-------0---0-------0---2-------2---------------------I D I-------------------------------------0-------------------------------I A I-3-----------2-----------0-------------------------------------------I E I---------------------------------------------------------------------I Middle 8 This love is unbreakable... e I-------1-----------1-----------0-----------0-------------------------I B I-----1---1-------1---1-------1---1-------1---1-----------------------I G I---2-------2---2-------2---0-------0---0-------0---------------------I D I---------------------------------------------------------------------I A I-------------------------3-----------3-------------------------------I E I-1-----------1-------------------------------------------------------I When all this is over... e I-------0-----------0-----------3-----2-------------------------------I B I-----1---1-------1---1-------3---3-----------------------------------I G I---2-------2---2-------2---2-------2---------------------------------I D I-------------------------0-------------------------------------------I A I-0-----------0-------------------------------------------------------I E I---------------------------------------------------------------------I Key change for ending This love is unbreakable... e I-------0-----------0-----------2-----------2-------------------------I B I-----2---2-------2---2-------2---2-------2---2-----------------------I G I---2-------2---2-------2---2-------2---2-------2---------------------I D I---------------------------------------------------------------------I A I-0-----------0-------------------------------------------------------I E I-------------------------2-----------2-------------------------------I And each time I look... e I-------2-----------2-----------0-----------0-------------------------I B I-----3---3-------3---3-------0---0-------0---0-----------------------I G I---2-------2---2-------2---1-------1---1-------1---------------------I D I-0-----------0-------------------------------------------------------I A I---------------------------------------------------------------------I E I-------------------------0-----------0-------------------------------I This love is untouchable... e I-------0-----------0-----------2-----------2-------------------------I B I-----2---2-------2---2-------2---2-------2---2-----------------------I G I---2-------2---2-------2---2-------2---2-------2---------------------I D I---------------------------------------------------------------------I A I-0-----------0-------------------------------------------------------I E I-------------------------2-----------2-------------------------------I And each time you whisper... e I-------2-----------5-----------0-----------0-------------------------I B I-----3---3-------5---5-------0---0-------0---0-----------------------I G I---2-------2---6-------6---1-------1---1-------1---------------------I D I-0-------------------------------------------------------------------I A I-------------4-------------------------------------------------------I E I-------------------------0-----------0-------------------------------I (play this just before leading into finale) And each time I look in your... e I-------2-----------5-----------0-------------------------------------I B I-----3---3-------5---5-------0---0-----------------------------------I G I---2-------2---6-------6---1-------1---------------------------------I D I-0-------------------------------------------------------------------I A I-------------4-------------------------------------------------------I E I-------------------------0-----------0-------------------------------I Finale This love is unbreakable... e I-------5---------------0--0------------------------------------------I B I-----5---5-------3--------3------------------------------------------I G I---5-------5---2-----2----3------------------------------------------I D I--------------------------3------------------------------------------I A I-3-----------2------------0------------------------------------------I E I-------------------0-------------------------------------------------I


Westlife - UnbreakableTook my hands, touched my heartHeld me close, you were always thereBy my side, night and dayThrough it all, baby come what maySwept away on a wave of emotionOh we"re caught in the eye of the stormAnd whenever you smileI can hardly believe that you"re mineBelieve that you"re mineThis love is unbreakableIt"s unmistakableAnd each time I look in your eyesI know whyThis love is untouchableA feeling my heart just can"t denyEach time I look in your eyes, oh babyI know whyThis love is unbreakableShare the laughter, share the tearsWe both know we"ll go on from hereCuz together, we are strongIn my arms, that"s where you belongI"ve been touched by the hands of an angelI"ve been blessed by the power of loveAnd whenever you smileI can hardly believe that you"re mineThis love is unbreakableIt"s unmistakableEach time I look in your eyesI know whyThis love is untouchableA feeling my heart just can"t denyEach time you whisper my name, oh babyI know whyThis love is unbreakableThrough fire and flameWhen all this is overOur love still remainsThis love is unbreakableIt"s unmistakableEach time I look in your eyesI know whyThis love is untouchableA feeling my heart just can"t denyEach time you whisper my name, oh babyI know whyCuz each time I look in your eyes, oh babyI know whyThis love is unbreakableEND本歌词由网友安澜提供西城-牢不可破牵我的手,感动我的心举行密切,你总是在我身边在我身边,黑夜和白天透过这一切,婴儿可能会来什么洪水冲走对浪潮的情感哦,我们被夹在眼风暴每当你的微笑我很难相信您排雷相信您排雷这爱情是牢不可破它的明确无误的和每一次我期待你的眼睛我知道为什么这爱情是碰不得的一种感觉我的心只是不能否认每一次,我期待你的眼睛,哦婴儿我知道为什么这爱情是牢不可破分享欢笑,分享的眼泪我们都知道,我们会继续下去从这里 cuz在一起,我们是强大的在我的武器,这也就是你属于我一直在感动之手,一位天使我一直在祝福爱的力量每当你的微笑我很难相信您排雷这爱情是牢不可破它的明确无误的每一次,我期待你的眼睛我知道为什么这爱情是碰不得的一种感觉我的心只是不能否认每一次你耳语我的名字,哦婴儿我知道为什么这爱情是牢不可破通过消防及火焰当所有这一切,超过我们的爱依然这爱情是牢不可破它的明确无误的每一次,我期待你的眼睛我知道为什么这爱情是碰不得的一种感觉我的心只是不能否认每一次你耳语我的名字,哦婴儿我知道为什么 cuz每一次我期待你的眼睛,哦婴儿我知道为什么这爱情是牢不可破末端本歌词由网友安澜提供




  Unbreakable  真爱无敌   歌手:Fireflight 专辑:《Unbreakable》    You took my hand  你执起我手  touched my heart  牵动我心  held me close  紧紧拥抱我  You were always there  你总是守侯着我  by my side  在我身旁  Night and day  日日夜夜  through it all  自始至终  Baby come what may  亲爱的,不管发生什么  Swept away on a wave of emotion  抛开情绪的波澜起伏  Oh,we"re caught  哦,我们陷入了  in the eye of the storm  情感的风暴中  And whenever you smile  每当你微笑  I can hardly believe  我几乎不敢相信  that you"re mine  你属于我  Chorus---  齐(1)  This love is unbreakable  此爱无坚不摧  It"s unmistakable  此爱完美无缺  And each time I look in your eyes  每当我凝视你的双眸  I know why  我就明白为何  this love is untouchable  此爱超脱凡俗  A feeling my heart jist can"t deny  我的心无法抗拒这种感觉  Each time I look in your eyes  每次我凝视你的双眸  oh baby,I know why  哦宝贝,我就明白为何  this love is unbreakable  此爱无坚不摧  Shared the laughter  分享欢笑  Shared the tears  分享泪水  We both know  我们都心知肚明  We"ll go on from here  你我将从此白头偕老  "Cause together we"re strong  因为在一起我们变得坚强  In my arms  我的臂弯  that"s where you belong  是你最终的归属  I"ve been touched by  我曾经被  the hands of an angel  天使的双手抚摩  I"ve been blessed by  我已被  the power of love  爱的力量所祝福  And whenever you smile  每当你微笑  I can hardly believe  我几乎不敢相信  that you"re mine  你属于我  Chorus---  齐(2)  Through fire and flame  这份无坚不摧的爱经得起熊熊烈焰的考验  When all this is over  当一切沉埃落定  Our love still remains  我们的爱仍将继续  Each time I look in your eyes  每次我凝视你的双眸  oh,baby.I know why  哦,宝贝,我就明白为何  this love is unbreakable  此爱无坚不摧 错过  FireFlight 飞火乐队  流派: 基督摇滚 另类金属 前卫金属 后车库摇滚  乐队1999年成军于佛罗里达州的尤斯提斯,签约厂牌Flicker唱片。飞火曾参加过Shoutfest(一个全国巡回表演的基督摇滚音乐盛会),也曾在Scars Remain巡回演唱会上与Disciple,Family Force 5和Decyfer Down同台演出。在忙着巡演的同时,乐队也在为他们的第二张专辑《Unbreakable》进行创作,并推出了新专辑的第一首单曲。  如果你喜欢Blindside和Evanescence风格的结合,那你一定会深深地爱上他们,一支三男两女组成的风格并不单一的NU METAL乐队,也许你听了他们的音乐后会觉得他们并不只是NU METAL,对了他们结合EMO,POR,METAL,PROGRESSIVE METAL于一身.在他们的这张处女专辑里你可以听到流畅的旋律,强硬的态度,还有让人着迷的女主唱.乐队在5年巡演中耐心地酝酿着这张专辑,从时间上来看就可以肯定是一专辑值得大家听下的音乐。  这里要说下乐队中女主唱和背景男声的完美结合,主音的噪音有Evanescence一样的无限张力,也有流线型的音线.在加上背景中男声的衬托可以说是完美.像NU METAL界这样一个力量的世界能有这样一个女主唱就是一个强力武器。

Karyn White---unbreakable中文歌词,求高手

亲爱的,你对我的态度使我迷惑这让我距地你并不想和我在一起你的表现让我觉得你的话毫无意义我感到很痛苦但我却哭不出来现在我孤独一人如果这只是为了……那爱情到底是什么对我眼睁睁的说谎我以为我再也无法承受我以为我的心坚不可摧他的话在我心中,我心中加在一起使一个崭新的开始经历过这一切,学着战胜痛苦一切都结束,我的心仍在坚不可摧坚不可摧我的心坚不可摧坚不可摧将你的收放在我的胸口便可读懂我的心,我的灵魂哦,我坚不可摧就这样你使我在我的朋友面前看起来像个笨蛋逃离事实,我仍然向往这你被你摔碎的我的心,却只是你的玩具这使你发狂坐下来向我微笑,并告诉我你爱我当你和朋友出去,你总是对我无视你对我眼睁睁的说谎我以为我再也无法承受我以为我的心坚不可摧他的话在我心中, oh yeah加在一起使一个崭新的开始经历过这一切,学着战胜痛苦一切都结束,我的心仍在坚不可摧坚不可摧我的心坚不可摧坚不可摧将你的收放在我的胸口便可读懂我的心,我的灵魂哦,我坚不可摧现在一切都结束了, 我的生活将继续,这让我想起你很坚强亲爱的,我不会流一滴眼泪我荒废了这么多年看吧,我克服了这些痛苦没人,没有任何一个女人可以像我这样对你这些起起落落还有这些往事徘徊我把我当傻瓜一个玩弄你也会得到相同的结果他的话在我心中,我心中加在一起使一个崭新的开始经历过这一切,学着战胜痛苦一切都结束,我的心仍在坚不可摧坚不可摧我的心坚不可摧坚不可摧by the way, these are the lamest lyrics i"ve ever seen.


unbreakable 无敌至尊[Michael Jackson]Now I"m just wondering why you think 我很纳闷你为什麽那麽有把握That you can get to me with anything 你能对我予取予求Seems like you"d know by now, when and how I get down 你似乎到现在才了解And with all that I"ve been through, I"m still around 我是怎麽忍气吞声风风雨雨走来,我依然屹立不摇Don"t you ever make no mistake 你都没出过差错吗?Baby I"ve got what it takes 宝贝,我可是吃尽苦头And there"s no way you"ll ever get to me 你决不可能跟我一样Why can"t you see that you"ll never ever hurt me 你为什麽还搞不懂你是伤不了我的"Cause I won"t let it be, I"m too much for you baby 因为我不会让你如愿,宝贝,你根本拿我没辙Chorus [Michael Jackson]:You can"t believe it, you can"t concieve it 你难以相信,你无法想象And you can"t touch me, "cause I"m untouchable 你动摇不了我,只因我屹立不摇And I know you hate it, and you can"t take it 我知道你怨恨,你也无法接受You"ll never break me, "cause I"m unbreakable 你永远都伤不了我,只因为我是无敌至尊[Michael Jackson]Now you can"t stop me even though you think 你再也挡不住我,即使你这样想That if you block me, you"ve done your thing 就算你想阻挡我,你的把戏也玩完了And when you bury me underneath all your pain 当你用伤痛埋葬了我I"m steady laughin", while surfacing 我泰然自若,力争上游Don"t you ever make no mistake 你都没出过差错吗?Baby I"ve got what it takes 宝贝,我可是吃尽苦头And there"s no way you"ll ever get to me 你决不可能跟我一样Why can"t you see that you"ll never ever hurt me 你是伤不了我的"Cause I won"t let it be, see I"m too much for you baby 因为我不会让你如愿,宝贝,你根本拿我没辙Chorus (2x)[Michael Jackson]You can try to stop me, but it won"t do a thing 你可以试着阻挡我,但那也是白搭No matter what you do, I"m still gonna be here 不管你出什麽招,我依然屹立不摇受Through all your lies and silly games 够了你的谎言与愚蠢的游戏I"ma still remain the same, I"m unbreakable 我依然保有本尊,我就是无敌至尊[Notorious B.I.G.]Uh, uh, what, uhI"m a lime to a lemon, my CeCe womenBringin in ten G minimums to condos with elevators in "emVehicles with televisions in "emWatch they entourage turn yours to just miragesDisappearing acts, strictly nines and macsKillers be serial, Copperfield materialMy dreams is vivid, work hard to live itAny place I visit, I got land thereHow can players stand there and say I sound like themHELLO?!Push wigs back and push six Coupes that"s yellowPlus clips that expand from hand to elbowSpray up your Day"s Inn, any "telle you inCrack braggin sick of braggin how my mink be dragginDesert ease street sweeper inside the beamer wagonI rely on Bed-Stuy to shut it down if I diePut that on my diamond bezel, you"re messin with the devilWHAT!!Chorus (3x w/ Ad Libs by Jackson)You can"t touch meYou can"t break meYou can"t stand with me"Cause I"m unbreakableOWW!GO ON!

鹿晗演唱会里 《lost star 》 和《unbreakable》的原唱是谁?


谁有水树奈奈的 UNBREAKABLE 这歌的日文歌词

UNBREAKABLE歌:水树奈々作词:藤林圣子作曲:俊龙编曲:陶山 隼谁の背中にもきっと So Pleasure Wings 翼があった记忆を覚えている? Comfy Journey 空の入口を探すように胸を裂くような稲妻が光っても 恐れさえ强さに彼方の未来まで飞べこの愿いUNBREAKABLE 运命が始まる 必ず叶えたい梦を见たら心はUNBREAKABLE 止まれないと高く 鼓动が仆らを旅人にする见えない翼で その上の空へ 届くまでUNBREAKABLE梦见ることも忘れて No Enjoy Life 时を过ごしていれば忘れてしまう We Were Soldiers 大切な人を守るための疑うたびに 可能性削られ 远い梦 现実 遥かにかけ离れても今誓うUNBREAKABLE 何処までも広がる 世界は仆たちを试しているそれでもUNBREAKABLE 终われないと叫ぶ 愿いが仆らを旅人にする力尽き立ち止まる 真夜中に星が言う 梦の梦はこんな场所には无いと胸を裂くような稲妻が光っても 恐れさえ强さに彼方の未来まで飞べこの愿いUNBREAKABLE 运命が始まる 必ず叶えたい梦を见たら心はUNBREAKABLE 止まれないと高く 鼓动が仆らを旅人にする见えない翼で その上の空へ 届くまでUNBREAKABLE壊れない梦を翼に WE GONNA FLY...

unbreakable 金贤重中文歌词


求WESTLIFE的歌 《unbreakable 》歌词的中文翻译



unbreakable是流行音乐之王迈克尔杰克逊的一首经典之作,被收录在《invincible》专辑当中,发行于2001年。这首歌是专辑的首支歌曲,也是专辑中时间最长的歌曲,用时6分26秒,New jack swing(一种R&amp;B和Hip-Hop融合的)曲风。这首歌暗指了杰克逊法律及个人方面的问题。is about over coming break-up, and moving on with your life特邀:Notorious B.I.G:合声及说唱部分。在一次采访中MJ说“那是Rodney Jerkins的想法。在歌曲中加入RAP,那是Biggie的强项。这是Biggie第二次与MJ合作,第一次是在〈HIStory〉专辑中的《This Time Around》R&amp;B/Pop明星Brandy担当专辑中的背景(合声)部分, 虽然她的声音不容易被听到。名称:无敌至尊/无坚不摧专辑:《invincible》发行时间 :2002录制时间:2000-2001流派:R&B, Dance Pop, Hip-hop长度:6:26标签:Epic唱片作词(S):Michael Jackson制作人:Michael Jackson Rodney Jerkins畅销单曲:Butterflies(2001)Unbreakable(2002) One More Chance(2003)(其他信息有待完善)



Breaking的Power Move 有什么简单又好看的动作?

 B-BOY   Breaking boy,boogie boy,只要是跳break的都叫b-boy。   CREW   B-boy的团体。   BATTLE   个人或b-boy团体间的挑战(俗称尬舞)。   BURNED   专门用来指称在尬舞时被打败的团体或个人。   ROUTINES   由几个舞者一起连结或执行舞蹈动作。   PERFECTIONS   指的是一个b-boy最好的动作。   WACKED or WACK   当一个人做错了动作。   SLIDES   拉着自己滑过地板。Slide这个名字就告诉b-boy该做"滑"的动作。   BITE   从别人那里偷学动作。   1990(***)   B-boy倒立且旋转,然后随着身体重量的移转由一只手换到另一只手做动作,做到脚着地为止。(俗称手转)   2000(*****)   用一只手倒立,尽可能的旋转直到脚着地为止.(又称倒立手转)   AIRPLANES(****)   风车加上双手向两旁尽量伸展高到你可以抓住它们。   AIRSWIPES(*)   开始时,双手双脚都放在地上,脸朝上。一只手支撑住身体的重量脚往上踢然后旋转,在脚着地前另一只手先着地。如果做得正确的话应该整个身体都能旋转到。   APPLEJACKS(**)   一个最基本的动作向其它b-boy挑战尬舞。双脚蹲下,背向后仰双手支撑,然后一只脚向空中踢,踢的越高越好。然后双脚向后跳跃,重复。   BACKSPIN(***)   利用背部作旋转的表演。所有的重量平衡在背的上半部,脚缩起来尽量靠近身体。旋转的要诀就是双脚在空中做圆形的划动。(俗称背旋)   BACK SWIPE(***)   和airswipe是相同的,但是除了当你的脚在一半的时候加进来,你改变方向回到开始时的动作。   BARRELS(****)   风车,双手环抱在前。   BLLYMILL(****)   就像风车一样,不同的是他不是用手或用头去转,而是用胃(肚皮)。   BHUDDA(****)   和UFO类似,除了膝盖是在伸直的双手中,然后双脚是离开地面的。   BOOMERANG(*****)   开始时坐在地上,双脚在身前形成V字形。然后手撑在双脚间,接下来撑起身体,只有手能碰地。然后转圈。   BRONCO(**)   先从脚开始,然后是只有一只手向下,脚往后踢然后脚又再次放下,重复所有的动作。   BUNNY HOP(*****)   类似像flare,不同的是双脚在身前伸直向上,然后转圈上下跳动。   CANNOABALL(****)   在cannonball的动作中双手环抱着膝盖。   CRAZY LEGS(****)   就像air swipes,但不只做一个。作air swipes一次又一次且动作中间不停顿。   CRICKETS(****)   一个几乎和hand glide相同的旋转动作,除了当旋转的手离开地面旋转又重回地面时,会有偶而重量转变成为推挤手。如果做的好,看起来就像是连续的旋转动作。   DOUBLE 99(*****)   就像作一个2000(One hand 99),但是当你要放下一只手换成另一只手时,踢脚以得到速度然后续作2000(One hand 99)的动作,每一只手持续的作不停下来。   DOWNROCK(*)   用手的中心支撑着整个舞者的重量然后腿和脚持续的作有节奏的圆形的舞动,腿和脚的动作又是绕着手的动作做。通常会结合freezes和hesitations动作,并且是在其它动作之后紧接着做。   ELBOW GLIDE(****)   动作和位置类似像手转,不一样的是用手轴转而手释放在腹部的位置。   FLARE(****)   类似像风车,脚一样要在空中做很大的圆圈,但是不要动肩膀,而是将重量放在双手上。   FIST GLIDE(****)   动作和位置类似像手转,不一样的是用拳头转。   FLOAT(*)   用手让身体做水平的平衡,但是除了脚之外,脚要弯曲以帮助平衡。   GENIES(****)   用手作风车并且横跨过整个胸部。   GO DOWN   当b-boy在尬舞时,当他很有可能会输掉时所做的动作。   HALO(*****)   风车的动作,但是却不是由肩膀转到肩膀而是用头去转。(俗称刷头风车)   HAND GLIDE(****)   和Bboy在做float的动作相似,不同的是只有一只手支撑身体,另一只手帮忙去推着旋转。(我们称为"直升机")   HEADSLIDE(**)   当一个head slide动作完成后反转,用头停住。   HEADSPIN(****)   用你的头转。要用手和脚去开始旋转。(就是头转)   HELICOPTER(*)   一只脚在身体下另一只脚向外伸展,另一支伸展的脚则是做horozontal plane画圆动作时仍然持续伸直,然后越过另一只脚底下在绕道前面去。   Hesititations(FREEZE)(**)   停止或暂停,在做down rock圆圈动作时。   KIP-UP(**)   背部平躺撑起,脚在后面转动然后把脚踢向空中,上半身跟着起来再用脚着地。   MUNCHMILLS(****)   类似像风车一样,不同的是脚都是交叉弯曲的。   KNEE SPIN(***)   所有的重量都平衡在碰到地板的那一只膝盖上。另一只脚则伸起在高处。旋转的要诀就是利用双手去推。速度的增加是在一连串动作做完后靠着在后面的脚拉向自己的身体以产生速度。   NECKMOVE(***)   只转一下的风车。   NUTCRACKERS(****)   用手盖住胯下的部分作风车。   RUBBER BAND(****)   Bboy作kip-ups的动作然后背部下降再重复做一次kip-up。   SPIDER(***)   这被认为是一个很需要弹性的动作。大腿放在背后,膝盖放在肩膀上靠近耳朵的位置,小腿在前面,重量平衡在手或是脚或是两者。   SUICIDE(***)   B-boy做一个front flip的动作,然后背部平躺在地上,做这样的动作而没有伤到自己。   SUMOS(****)   抓着膝盖作风车。   SUPERMANS(****)   用胸部作风车而手伸向前。   SWIRLS(***)   和handglide类似,不同的是用前臂旋转而不是手。   THOMAS  双手支地踢脚进行旋转  TOMBSTONES(****)   双脚合拢,身体成L形。不用手。   TOPROCK(*)   基本的直立的舞步.可能有很多不同的影响而且每一个人做的也不一样.通常备用来作为一段舞蹈开市的前导,或是downrocking舞蹈中一组舞蹈和一组舞蹈中间的衔接,或是在激烈的舞蹈动作之后给自己一个休息的时间。



Brown Eyed Girls唱的Abracadabra 的歌词是什么?

BABY-G:这样下去我就会疯掉,那天真善良的我因为你我渐渐变得无常而 狠毒NARSHA:手握着你摸样的玩偶,下着诅咒请与她分手吧J.Aevery night I"ll be with you MIRYO:do you love her do you love her J.A:每天即使在梦中我也会陪伴着你BABY-G:do you love me do you love me J.A:bring bring 请把他带到我身边NARSHA:什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线J.A:为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeahBABY-G:我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。BABY-G:再也无法忍受了,这样下去我会失去自我到底为什么我心中会烙上你这个人NARSHA:拿着残缺的照片,我又下着诅咒请离开她吧。J.Aevery night I"ll be with you MIRYO:do you love her do you love her J.A每天即使在梦中我也会陪伴着你BABY-G:do you love me do you love me J.Abring bring 请把他带到我身边NARSHA:什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线J.A为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeahBABY-G:我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。MIRYO(RAP):I`m in the Voodoo lsland ,这是为了找回你的plan我每天在哭泣,这咒语参杂着对你的怨念,是我为你的最后的STEP再不愿想象你与她牵着手,接着吻的场面。BABY-G:LALALALALALALALLALALLALALALALALALALLALALALALALLA阿爸卡打不拉 这一切都如愿吧MIRYO(RAP):Let`s go uh uhuhuh! ha hahaha! YEAH我在对你念着咒文I`m like a supervisor 是统治你的 凯撒大帝 你无法逃脱J.Abring bring 请把他带到我身边NARSHA:什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线J.A为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeahBABY-G:我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。BABY-G:这样下去我会疯掉,那天真善良的我因为你我渐渐变得无常而 狠毒NARSHA:我都感到惊讶,一向处事坦然的我,完全变了个人,竟然现在在主动去找你

BROWN EYED GIRLS - Abracadabra 歌词是什么意思啊

BABY-G: 这样下去我就会疯掉,那天真善良的我 因为你我渐渐变得无常而 狠毒 NARSHA: 手握着你摸样的玩偶,下着诅咒 请与她分手吧 J.A every night I"ll be with you MIRYO: do you love her do you love her J.A: 每天即使在梦中我也会陪伴着你 BABY-G: do you love me do you love me J.A: bring bring 请把他带到我身边 NARSHA: 什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线 J.A: 为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeah BABY-G: 我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。 BABY-G: 再也无法忍受了,这样下去我会失去自我 到底为什么我心中会烙上你这个人 NARSHA: 拿着残缺的照片,我又下着诅咒 请离开她吧。 J.A every night I"ll be with you MIRYO: do you love her do you love her J.A 每天即使在梦中我也会陪伴着你 BABY-G: do you love me do you love me J.A bring bring 请把他带到我身边 NARSHA: 什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线 J.A 为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeah BABY-G: 我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。 MIRYO(RAP): I`m in the Voodoo lsland ,这是为了找回你的plan 我每天在哭泣,这咒语参杂着对你的怨念,是我为你的最后的STEP 再不愿想象你与她牵着手,接着吻的场面。 BABY-G: LALALALALALALALLALALLALA LALALALALALLALALALALALLA 阿爸卡打不拉 这一切都如愿吧 MIRYO(RAP): Let`s go uh uhuhuh! ha hahaha! YEAH 我在对你念着咒文 I`m like a supervisor 是统治你的 凯撒大帝 你无法逃脱 J.A bring bring 请把他带到我身边 NARSHA: 什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线 J.A 为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeah BABY-G: 我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。 BABY-G: 这样下去我会疯掉,那天真善良的我 因为你我渐渐变得无常而 狠毒 NARSHA: 我都感到惊讶,一向处事坦然的我, 完全变了个人,竟然现在在主动去找你

Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG)是什么组织


Brown Eyed Girl Abracadabra 中文歌词

这样下去我就会疯掉,那天真善良的我因为你我渐渐变得无常而 狠毒NARSHA:手握着你摸样的玩偶,下着诅咒请与她分手吧J.Aevery night I"ll be with youMIRYO:do you love her do you love herJ.A:每天即使在梦中我也会陪伴着你BABY-G:do you love me do you love meJ.A:bring bring 请把他带到我身边NARSHA:什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线J.A:为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeahBABY-G:我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。BABY-G:再也无法忍受了,这样下去我会失去自我到底为什么我心中会烙上你这个人NARSHA:拿着残缺的照片,我又下着诅咒请离开她吧。J.Aevery night I"ll be with youMIRYO:do you love her do you love herJ.A每天即使在梦中我也会陪伴着你BABY-G:do you love me do you love meJ.Abring bring 请把他带到我身边NARSHA:什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线J.A为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeahBABY-G:我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。MIRYO(RAP):I`m in the Voodoo lsland ,这是为了找回你的plan我每天在哭泣,这咒语参杂着对你的怨念,是我为你的最后的STEP再不愿想象你与她牵着手,接着吻的场面。BABY-G:LALALALALALALALLALALLALALALALALALALLALALALALALLA阿爸卡打不拉 这一切都如愿吧MIRYO(RAP):Let`s gouh uhuhuh! ha hahaha! YEAH我在对你念着咒文I`m like a supervisor是统治你的 凯撒大帝你无法逃脱J.Abring bring 请把他带到我身边NARSHA:什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线J.A为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeahBABY-G:我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。BABY-G:这样下去我会疯掉,那天真善良的我因为你我渐渐变得无常而 狠毒NARSHA:我都感到惊讶,一向处事坦然的我,完全变了个人,竟然现在在主动去找你------------------------------------------------------------------kugou出来的……^^

bred and butter is a wholesome food 并列主语为什么谓语用单数形式?

英语里面把面包和黄油看成是一体的,谓语动词用单数形式还比如knife and fork

so tired that i need a break

so tired that i need a break意思是:好累,我需要休息



【fabrication 中文】秒懂英文「fabrication」的意思!

fabrication 中文 意思是指「捏造,虚构;伪造」的意思,fabrication 的名词复数为fabrications。fabrication 的动词型态为fabricate,意思为「捏造,虚构;伪造」的意思。 下面列举出fabrication的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.fabrication 捏造,虚构;伪造 (名词) fabrication当成名词的时候,中文意思是指「捏造,虚构;伪造」的意思。 fabrication相关英文例句: 例:This story is total fabrication. 这故事完全是捏造的。 例:The evidence she gave in court was a plete fabrication. 她在法庭上提供的证据是完全捏造的。 fabrication, fabrication 中文, fabrication 中文意思, fabrication 中文的意思, fabrication 中文解释, fabrication 意思, fabrication 用法, fabrication 翻译, 英文 fabrication

fabricate manufature 区别



fabricate记忆:谐音记忆——法不容开脱—捏造事实、生产假货的人,法律不容他开脱罪名— 捏造、生产。英语是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部源弊辩落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语卜镇言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响力。自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些雹缺国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。英语的音系:英语音系学是指对英语音系(亦即声音系统)的研究。正如所有语言,无论考虑历史与否,英语口语的发音因不同方言而异。这种变异在英语特别明显,因其在广泛地区使用,是澳大利亚、加拿大、美国、新西兰、英国和加勒比海英语国家等国的主要语言,在世界上每一个州都有人以之为母语或第二语言。英语并没有决定性和国际承认的标准,所以不同国家的英语有时可能妨碍沟通。虽然如此,不同地区的英语口音仍能互相理解。


是贬义的fabricatevt.制造,建造,装配,伪造与 fabricate 相关的例句To fabricate,change,or otherwise manipulate(data) illegally.非法使用伪造、变更或以其它方式非法操作“数据”The reason he give for his absence is obviously fabricate.他提出的缺席理由显然是瞎编的.Blewett and others may fabricate lies to cheat some people for sometime,but not for a long time.凯特-布莱维特等人编造谎言,也许可以骗人于一时,但是不会长久的.


没有这个单词 你说的是这个单词吧 fabricate——制作

Brookfield sp.5,20rpm是什么意思

set point 520 RPM





美国Brookfield博力飞粘度计 相同液体用相同振子不同转速测出来的粘度为什么不同



两者原理不一样 数据无可比性···





brookfield粘度计 e4指的是什么


brookfield dv-c数显粘度计lv型转子扭矩总是低于10%,求教怎么回事


Brookfield 粘度计要求样品最少为多少?

要看型号的, 如果普通的,dv-ii dv-i等样品的量都要在100ml以上了, 如果配上锥板,那么样品量的比较好了几ml以内了,





brookfield 是美国的哪里

brookfield 是美国的布鲁克菲尔德市。布鲁克菲尔德市西北滨苏必利尔湖,东滨密歇根湖,东北界密歇根州,西邻明尼苏达州,西南与南两方面与爱荷华及伊利诺依两州接壤。北部是苏必利尔高地,南部是平原。有1万多个湖泊。第四纪时全境除西南部外,均遭冰川覆盖,故多数为冰蚀湖。温带大陆性气候,冬季严寒、夏季炎热,受大湖调节,滨湖地带气候较温和。年平均降水量760毫米,春夏较多。森林覆盖率45%,主要分布在北部。布鲁克菲尔德市有温暖的长夏与严寒的冬季。冬天一月的均温从北部的摄氏零下十二度二至东南部的摄氏零下五度六。夏天七月均温从北部的摄氏十九度至西南部的摄氏二十二度。

What are the reasons and the results of the Industrial Revolution in Britain



威斯康星州(Wisconsin) (简写WI) ,布鲁克菲尔德


一、brookfield布鲁克菲尔德。二、布鲁克菲尔德在美国的威斯康辛州。北纬:N43°03′38.04″西经:W88°6′23.32″三、威斯康星州(英语:State of Wisconsin)是美国中北部的一个州,紧临五大湖区。该州的西边为明尼苏达州,西南边为艾奥瓦州,南边为伊利诺伊州,东边为密歇根湖,东北边为密歇根上半岛,北边为苏必略湖。


"Umbrella"在英语中的读音为[u028cmu02c8bru025blu0259]。1.单词解析(Word Analysis)单词"umbrella"在英语中指的是一种用来遮挡雨水或阳光的伞。它起源于拉丁语中的"umbra",意为"影子"。在拓展知识部分,我们将探讨其在文化和表达中的一些常见用法。2.音节划分(Syllable Breakdown)"Umbrella"这个单词可被分为三个音节:um-brel-la。其中,重读音节位于第一个音节,即 "um"。3.音标解读(Phonetic Transcription)根据国际音标系统,我们可以将"umbrella"的音标分别解读为:/u028c/:表示短元音音素,类似于中文中的"啊"音。/m/:表示双唇鼻音。/u02c8bru025b/:表示元音"e"和辅音"r"组合的音素,类似于中文的"布瑞"音。/lu0259/:表示中央元音和辅音"l"组合的音素,类似于中文的"拉"音。拓展知识:Umbrella是许多英语国家常见的词汇,是指一种用来遮阳或遮雨的工具。在英国,伞几乎是每个人都会随身携带的物品,尤其在多变的天气下非常实用。"Umbrella"这个词也常用于比喻性的意义,例如在商业和法律领域,指代保护、支持或覆盖一系列事物的组织或机构。歌曲《Umbrella》是由蕾哈娜(Rihanna)演唱的一首流行歌曲,于2007年发布。这首歌曲在全球范围内取得了巨大的成功。"Umbrella"还可以在文学和艺术作品中被用作象征或隐喻的代表,传达各种含义,如保护、庇护、团结等。综上所述,“umbrella”在英语中的正确读音为[u028cmu02c8bru025blu0259],具有多种使用方式和含义,除了字面上的遮阳或遮雨的工具,还有比喻性的引申。

Bryan Ferry的《Tokyo Joe》 歌词

歌曲名:Tokyo Joe歌手:Bryan Ferry专辑:Bryan Ferry - The Ultimate CollectionI can"t stop now X 3TOKYO(LRC翻译:Laina 460420587)マバタキせず 空、睨んだ / 呆呆地 注视天空今、もし瞳を闭じれば / 此刻 若闭上眼睛认めたくはないモノが / 不想认同的事物零れ落ちるから / 如泪水洒落谦り、爱想笑い… / 虚伪、谄笑いつか仆らが嫌ってたオトナに / 总有一天我们会成长为なってく …梦、引き换え / 曾被我们讨厌的大人 …梦想、被替换“流されること”に惯れそうだよ / 好像习惯了“随波逐流”渋滞と喧騒を抜け、仆は走りだしてた / 穿过了塞车与喧嚣 我迈步向前此処、TOKYO / 此处 TOKYO梦追って きたことを Never regret / 为追寻梦想而来 Never regret眠らない 街で孤独 误魔化して I keep on dreaming / 在不眠的街道 我消遣着孤独もろ象徴 憧れと挫折とが交差する场所 / 各种象征 憧憬与挫折交错的地点负けないよ、自分に / 我不会 输给自己……此処、TOKYOに / …输给这里、TOKYO马鹿にされることを怖れ / 害怕被人当作傻瓜强がりも着饰った / 以“逞强”装饰自己ショーウインドウ映る仆…どこか不安気で / 橱窗中映照的自己…好像有点惶恐亲、讹り、海、地平线… / 父母、乡音、大海、地平线…疎ましかったすべてが恋しいけど / 好怀念曾经讨厌过的一切帰らない…帰れない / 不回去…也回不去了友达も知り合いも増えた / 结识了朋友、相知すれ违う日々の中、安心をくれるよ / 擦肩而过的每天 给了我安稳此処、TOKYO / 此处是 TOKYO梦追って きたことを Neve regret / 为追寻梦想而来 Never regret出逢うべき人に逢って、自分を知って I keep on dreaming / 与注定相遇的人邂逅、不断了解自己 I keep on dreamingもろ象徴 楽しさと寂しさが交差する场所 / 各种象征 欢乐与寂寞交汇的地方负けないよ、自分に / 我不会 输给自己I can"t stop now……此処、TOKYOに / …输给这里、TOKYOI can"t stop nowYou will find the way…梦一つ、今日谛めたよ / 一个梦想、在今天放弃了でも、まだだ 此処からも星だって见えるんだ / 但、我不会止步 因为从这里连星星也看得到此処、TOKYO / 此处是 TOKYO梦追って きたことを Neve regret / 为追寻梦想而来 Never regret入り组んだ路线図にも もう迷わない I keep on dreaming / 哪怕是错综复杂的路线图 我也不会再迷茫 I keep on dreamingもろ象徴 憧れと挫折とが交差する场所 / 各种象征 憧憬与挫折交错的地点负けないよ、自分に / 我不会 输给自己……此処、TOKYOに / …输给这里、TOKYO

Bryan Ferry的《Tokyo Joe》 歌词

歌曲名:Tokyo Joe歌手:Bryan Ferry专辑:This Is... 1977I can"t stop now X 3TOKYO(LRC翻译:Laina 460420587)マバタキせず 空、睨んだ / 呆呆地 注视天空今、もし瞳を闭じれば / 此刻 若闭上眼睛认めたくはないモノが / 不想认同的事物零れ落ちるから / 如泪水洒落谦り、爱想笑い… / 虚伪、谄笑いつか仆らが嫌ってたオトナに / 总有一天我们会成长为なってく …梦、引き换え / 曾被我们讨厌的大人 …梦想、被替换“流されること”に惯れそうだよ / 好像习惯了“随波逐流”渋滞と喧騒を抜け、仆は走りだしてた / 穿过了塞车与喧嚣 我迈步向前此処、TOKYO / 此处 TOKYO梦追って きたことを Never regret / 为追寻梦想而来 Never regret眠らない 街で孤独 误魔化して I keep on dreaming / 在不眠的街道 我消遣着孤独もろ象徴 憧れと挫折とが交差する场所 / 各种象征 憧憬与挫折交错的地点负けないよ、自分に / 我不会 输给自己……此処、TOKYOに / …输给这里、TOKYO马鹿にされることを怖れ / 害怕被人当作傻瓜强がりも着饰った / 以“逞强”装饰自己ショーウインドウ映る仆…どこか不安気で / 橱窗中映照的自己…好像有点惶恐亲、讹り、海、地平线… / 父母、乡音、大海、地平线…疎ましかったすべてが恋しいけど / 好怀念曾经讨厌过的一切帰らない…帰れない / 不回去…也回不去了友达も知り合いも増えた / 结识了朋友、相知すれ违う日々の中、安心をくれるよ / 擦肩而过的每天 给了我安稳此処、TOKYO / 此处是 TOKYO梦追って きたことを Neve regret / 为追寻梦想而来 Never regret出逢うべき人に逢って、自分を知って I keep on dreaming / 与注定相遇的人邂逅、不断了解自己 I keep on dreamingもろ象徴 楽しさと寂しさが交差する场所 / 各种象征 欢乐与寂寞交汇的地方负けないよ、自分に / 我不会 输给自己I can"t stop now……此処、TOKYOに / …输给这里、TOKYOI can"t stop nowYou will find the way…梦一つ、今日谛めたよ / 一个梦想、在今天放弃了でも、まだだ 此処からも星だって见えるんだ / 但、我不会止步 因为从这里连星星也看得到此処、TOKYO / 此处是 TOKYO梦追って きたことを Neve regret / 为追寻梦想而来 Never regret入り组んだ路线図にも もう迷わない I keep on dreaming / 哪怕是错综复杂的路线图 我也不会再迷茫 I keep on dreamingもろ象徴 憧れと挫折とが交差する场所 / 各种象征 憧憬与挫折交错的地点负けないよ、自分に / 我不会 输给自己……此処、TOKYOに / …输给这里、TOKYO

The twin brothers ar identical in appearance and no one but their parents can tell them apart.


求Britney 的《Do Something》的歌词?

Britney Spears《Do Something》[00:00.45]Britney《Do Somethin"》 [00:09.00]Do you feel this [00:12.62]I know you feel this [00:16.43]Are You ready? [00:20.19]I don"t think so [00:22.81]Somebody give me my truck [00:24.62]So I can ride on the clouds [00:26.47]So I can turn up the bass like... [00:30.16]Somebody pass my guitar [00:31.97]So I can look like a star [00:33.57]And spend this cash like... [00:39.25]Whatchu gonna do when the croud goes Ayo? [00:43.02]Why you standin" on the wall? [00:46.58]Music startin" everywhere [00:50.10]So why don"t you just move along? [00:52.56]I see you lookin at me [00:54.41]Like I"m some kind of freak [00:56.25]Care to buy me a seat [00:57.95]Why don"t you do somethin"? [00:59.77]I see you lookin" at me [01:01.68]Like I got what you need [01:03.80]Get on up and say [01:05.42]Why don"t you do somethin"? [01:14.81]Now you all in my grill [01:16.61]Cause I say what I feel [01:18.40]Only rocks on what"s real [01:20.53]Baby bump bump [01:22.00]But I can"t do that with you [01:23.69]Only here with my crew [01:25.78]I can roll if you can [01:27.54]Don"t be a punk punk [01:31.10]Whatchu gonna do when the croud goes Ayo? [01:34.67]Why you standin" on the wall? [01:38.35]Music startin" everywhere [01:41.66]So why don"t you just move along? [01:44.08]I see you looking at me [01:46.01]Like I"m some kind of freak [01:47.92]Care to buy me a seat [01:49.66]Why don"t you do somethin"? [01:51.39]I see you lookin" at me [01:53.43]Like I got what you need [01:55.35]Get on up and say [01:57.10]Why don"t you do somethin"? [01:58.82]I see you looking at me [02:00.85]Like I"m some kind of freak [02:02.72]Care to buy me a seat [02:04.50]Why don"t you do somethin"? [02:06.29]Na nananananana [02:13.76]Na nananananana [02:19.18]I see you lookin" over here [02:22.97]Can"t you tell I"m havin" fun [02:26.98]If you care like I know [02:28.71]You would stop [02:30.87]Starrin" at us [02:32.57]And get your own space [02:34.57]And do somethin" [02:43.20]I see you looking at me [02:45.18]Like I"m some kind of freak [02:47.07]Care to buy me a seat [02:48.80]Why don"t you do somethin"? [02:50.48]I see you lookin" at me [02:52.50]Like I got what you need [02:54.35]Get on up and say [02:56.16]Why don"t you do somethin"? [02:57.88]I see you looking at me [03:00.00]Like I"m some kind of freak [03:01.75]Care to buy me a seat [03:03.45]Why don"t you do somethin"? [03:08.92]Fuck! [03:11.70]Do Somethin" [03:17.05]Ow! [03:18.22]Why don"t you do somethin"?

Sarah Brendel的《Turn》 歌词

歌曲名:Turn歌手:Sarah Brendel专辑:Sarah BrendelFeeder - TurnSeeing things, going placesLiving out of suitcasesEvery day"s like a dreamI find myself talking to shadowsTaking the train of youth back home again"Cause I don"t want to be a heroBut I don"t want to be a zeroAnd I don"t want to sit here wasting timeI just want a place inside your mindI wish that I could turn the clocks right backIt"s easy to forget just what you"ve gotSeeing things, going placesMeeting all kinds of facesEvery day"s like a sceneI find myself going through phasesTrying to find somewhere that I can be me"Cause I don"t want to be your heroBut I don"t want to be a zeroAnd I don"t want to sit here wasting timeI just want a place inside your mindI wish that I could turn the clocks right backIt"s easy to forget just what you"ve gotAnd I"m not trying to find an easy wayPicking up the pieces of a pageI"m looking for a place inside your mind"Cause I don"t want to leave it all behindSo come on, give in, there"s no beauty in this painSo come on, connect, we"ve got to find ourselves again"Cause I don"t wanna be a heroAnd I don"t want to sit here wasting timeI just want a place inside your mindI wish that I could turn the clocks right backIt"s easy to forget just what you"ve gotI"m not trying to find an easy wayPicking up the pieces of a pageI"m looking for a place inside your mind"Cause I don"t want to leave it all behindAnd I don"t want to sit here wasting timeI just want a place inside your mindI wish that I could turn the clocks right backIt"s easy to forget just what you"ve gotI"m not trying to find an easy wayPicking up the pieces of a pageI"m looking for a place inside your mind"Cause I don"t want to leave it all behind

小天王Chris Brown的Turn Up The Music(2012) 和 罗志祥的 爱投罗网 (2013) 连MV都很像,这算不算是抄袭?


chris brown有什么好听的歌???

kiss kisssuperhumani can transform yaforever我很长时间都没关注他了。以前挺爱听他的歌的

英语语法 the British这句是做什么成分?

逗号前面是一个完整的句子,逗号后面的部分是独立主格结构,the British做了后句话中的逻辑主语~~

Sweet-meats are candy, while sweetbreads, which aren’t sweet, are meat.

sweet meat(果脯,蜜饯,糖果) 是一种糖果,而并不甜的sweetbread(牛或羊的胰脏,杂碎),是肉


铜管合奏 法国号(圆号)

Bruno Mars的《Lost》 歌词

歌曲名:Lost歌手:Bruno Mars专辑:Earth To MarsBruno Mars - LostIt"s getting hard to wait,I"m trying to make her see,That she don"t really knowsThat I"m trying to find a way,And tell her every day, that she just goes alongSo I…I don"t wanna be,The only one that knowsThat somebody could come along and justSay the love for me,I"m standing shaking ground,And I"m been thinking that I"m gonna lose it,Cause I"m losing my head,I"m losing my mind,I"m losing control of myself this time.She"s got me losing my head,I"m losing my mind,I"m losing my way,But I think she feels I"m already caught.I"m already caught.I wish that I could see,But it"s making youFeel this should be.My love is like gunshotAll it takes is a shot for me to blow it all away.I don"t wanna feel like I"m just wasting time,It"s gonna be with you and no one else.Until you notice me,I need to know right nowCause I"ve been think it that I"m gonna lose itCause I"m losing my head,I"m losing my mind,I"m losing control of myself this time.She"s got me losing my head,I"m losing my mind,I"m losing my way,But I think she feels I"m already caught.Give me a chance to…But girl you make me nervous,By now you should have noticed me.And what will it take itTo a heavenly…You"re driving me insane!Cause I"m losing my head,I"m losing my mind,I"m losing control of myself this time.She"s got me losing my head,I"m losing my mind,I"m losing my way,But I think she feels I"m already caught.Cause I"m losing my head,I"m losing my mind,I"m losing control of myself this time.She"s got me losing my head,I"m losing my mind,I"m losing my way,But I think she feels I"m already caught.Cause I"m losing my head,I"m losing my mind,I"m losing my headI"m losing my mind

uc5b4uca4cub2e4 (怎么办) -- Brown eyed girls的罗马拼音歌词

Brown Eyed Girls - (uc5b4uca4cub2e4) eojjeoda eojjeoda eojjeoda neol saranghage dwaenneunji naega wae ikkori dwaenneunji eojjeoda eojjeoda eojjeoda nae mam da tabeoryeonneunji naega ireon babo yeonneunji igeo cham ireoljureun mollasseo oneuldo nan jichyeo neoman gidarida neo ttaemune nunmul ssok ppaen yeojadeul geu junge hanaga doegineun sirheosseo neoreul baraboda acha sipeosseo dajabatdeon nae mam nochigo marasseo geureon nareul bureumyeon Oh My Honey ilbunilchomane ni ape inneun na neomu meotjin meotjin geudae neol barabomyeon eojireojilhae neomu nappeun nappeun geudae da moreuneun cheok utgoman inne Rap) amureochi anheun cheok haedo negeneun da boigetji, nan yumyeonghaesseo kkachil dodo..ireon naega byeonhae, neoro inhae. goro nareul doro dollyeonwajwo, nareul bwajwo "Red Alert" neowa isseumyeon wae ireolkka simjangi meojeo! kkeuchi ppeonhi boineun geimiya nareul modu mallyeo ni malman naomyeon geuraedo nan eojjeolsuga eobtjanha neoman saenggakhamyeon ipgaen misoman haru haru gomingomin haebwado neoui sogeul molla kkamkkamhan bamiya naman bogo malhaejwo Oh My Darling jigyeopjido annni geu manheun yeojadeul neomu meotjin meotjin geudae nal barabol ttaen ajjirajjil hae neomu bappeun bappeun geudae harurado deo bogo sipeunde Rap) (R.E.S.P.E.C.T ME~) naega neol deo johahajiman (Yon don`t be nasty) michigesseo naui maeumi keokeokeokeo keojyeogane, nan wowowowo wojjeokkaye~ oroji geudaeege banhaetjyo, saranghandago naege malhaejwo~~ eojjeoda eojjeoda eojjeoda geureoke neon taeeonanneunji nae mameul da ppaeseoganneunji eojjeoda eojjeoda eojjeoda nae nunape natananneunji saranghage mandeureonneunji eojjeoda~ 找不到分开的 抱歉


SAFE: The State Administration of Foreign Exchange 国家外汇管理局CBRC: The China Banking Regulatory Commission 中国银行业监督管理委员会PBOC: The People"s Bank of China 中国人民银行

Fabric composition是什么意思


Bobby Brown的《Get Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Get Away歌手:Bobby Brown专辑:Don"T Be Cruel / BobbyArtist: Bryan AdamsAlbum: On a Day Like TodayTitle: Getawaydrove all night form new york cityin your best friend"s carknocked on my door about five thirtynursing a broken heartstill got your keys in your back pocket - still got yourjacket onback door"s oben baby - I don"t lock itwe can leave anytime we wantI got my motor runnin" - fingers drummin"I never planned to staygetaway - ya know it"s now or nevergetaway - nobody lives foreverwe"re only waitin" just to make you getawayhey baby we were good togetherseemed like you"d always be my girlbut looking back now we were just too cleverthinking love could change the worldya know there"s no point in waitin" hesitatingwe gotta leave today


公交线路:2路,全程约18.1公里1、从常州机电职业技术学...步行约140米,到达机电学院站2、乘坐2路,经过26站, 到达常州客运中心东站3、步行约630米,到达常州站


Wall Street is a city street in lower Manhattan in New York City in the United States. It runs east from Broadway downhill to South Street on the East River, through the historical center of the Financial District. Wall Street was the first permanent home of the New York Stock Exchange, and over time Wall Street became the name of the surrounding geographic neighborhood.[1] Wall Street is also shorthand (or a metonym) for "influential financial interests" in the U.S.[2] as well as for the financial industry in the New York City area. (from Broadway Theatre is a legitimate Broadway theatre located at 1681 Broadway in midtown-Manhattan.Designed by architect Eugene DeRosa for Benjamin S. Moss, it opened as B.S. Moss"s Colony Theatre on Christmas Day 1924 as a venue for vaudeville shows and motion pictures. It was re-named Universal"s Colony Theatre, B.S. Moss" Broadway Theatre, and Earl Carroll"s Broadway Theatre before becoming a legitimate house simply called Broadway Theatre on December 8, 1930 . (In 1937, known as Ciné Roma, it showed Italian films). The Shuberts bought it in 1939. It was renovated extensively in 1956 and 1986. The large stage (nearly sixty feet deep) and seating capacity (1761) have made it a popular theatre for musicals throughout the years.
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