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Breaking(霹雳舞),是一种以个人风格为主的技巧性街舞舞种,也是街舞中最早的舞种,起源与美国70年代的布朗克斯区。比较值得注意的是,该舞蹈巧妙地将武术、体操和舞蹈动作融合在了一起。现在Breaking已经风靡全世界,而在中国,甚至连许多上了年纪的人都知道街舞的存在。 为什么叫它Breaking呢?因为嘻哈文化70年代初刚诞生时DJ播放音乐时,会有一段时间只播放鼓点部分,而这一部分相对于音乐的主体部分来说被称作为drum breaks最初DJ是通过不断重复播放一首歌中的一段break的方法来加长break的时间,然后舞者就在这段时间里开始跳舞,于是乎,breaking的名字就这样产生了Breaking是一种难度较高的舞步,大体上可以分为两种类型:用手、头、身体在地上旋转,称为大地板;用肢体在地上踩出复杂变化的脚步动作,加上刁钻的倒立,称为小地板。当然,跳舞的同时也可以随意去搭配你所想表现的动作。想了解更多关于街舞的信息,可以搜索星城街舞官网。

Hip hop 和Breaking得区别是什么

  Breaking:技巧型街舞,要求舞者具有较高的力量、柔韧性和协调性,属于技巧性较高的体育舞蹈,所以最先为国内青少年所喜爱。跳这种类型舞蹈的青少年叫做B-Boy/B-Girl。   20世纪80年代,被称为“Hip-Hop之父”的DJ Kool Herc创造了B-Boy的概念,也就是Breaking Boy。每年,全世界的许多国家都有一些为B-Boy们举办的比赛,较有名的是每年一度的BOTY(B-Boy of The Year)和在英国举办的B-BoyChampion,超过10个国家的百名参赛选手会参加这样的盛事。比赛的优胜者很快就会声名远播,成为青少年的明星。   Hip-Hop:舞蹈型街舞,有Poping、Locking、Electric、Turbo、House等多种风格。它们都不如Breaking那样需要较高的技巧,但更要求舞者的动作协调性和舞感,以及肢体灵活性和控制力。好的Hip-Hop舞者同样需要艰苦的练习。由于Hip-Hop Dance不如Breaking那样技巧性强,也缺乏竞赛性,以前没有受到街舞爱好者足够的重视,现在随着舞蹈观念的增强,这种情况得到了改变,甚至B-Boy也开始练习并出现了许多全能型的街舞好手。   Hip-Hop是人们最常接触的一种舞蹈,它有着幅度大而简单的舞步,能够表现出复杂的舞感。因为容易学习,跳起来也相当好看,所以很受大众喜爱   poping机械舞,运用身体各部位的肌肉和关节,随着音乐的节拍,加上自己丰富的想像力,创造出令人惊讶的舞步。属于难度较高的街舞类型   breaking霹雳舞,也是一种难度较高的舞步,大体上可以分为两种类型:用手、头、身体在地上旋转,称为大地板;用肢体在地上踩出复杂变化的脚步动作,加上刁钻的倒立,称为小地板。当然,跳舞的同时也可以随意去搭配你所想表现的动作   freestyle这是一种出神入化的舞步,它将各种类型的舞蹈混合在一起,随心所欲地表现,没有舞蹈风格的限定,脱离一般舞蹈的规范,可以说是一种个性化的街舞

学街舞breaking有什么好处? 坏处呢?

  优缺点:身体灵活度会大大提高,但由于breaking需要的力量较大,练的时候很辛苦且有一定的危险性。  这些动作大多需要很强的上肢力量,感觉,以及灵活性。它们惯性很大,经常在旋转动作中甩动腿,扭转躯体。手臂,特别是肱三头肌和肩膀,经常需要在特别的位置承受全身的重量当腹肌和lower back muscle要移动腿部转圈时。胸肌和手臂后部的肌肉也需要承受巨大压力。  地板霹雳舞(Breaking、Breakdance、b-boying),是一种难度较高的街舞舞步,比较重视舞步技巧性。1970年代起源于美国纽约市的布朗克斯区。Breaking的中文翻译是地板,地板动作或霹雳舞。 比较值得注意的是,早期跳霹雳舞的舞者多为西班牙语裔美国人,而非裔美国人,然而他们当初偏好的音乐风格却大大影响至今嘻哈音乐。  Bre地板霹雳舞其他具个人特色的动作为主。对跳地板舞的人称呼为B-boy或B-girl (beat boy)、(breaking boy)。




最基本的就是top rock,也就是舞步。然后是foot walk,就是地板动作(如六步、三部等)。稍微难点的就是freeze,就是定格,如三、五点撑,Baby撑,头顶,肘立,单、双手倒立的动做,切,head back(头顶开肩),Holo back(头不顶着的开肩)(具体我就不说了,因为实在太多,说不完)。最常见的高难度动作叫power move,如常见的、地球人都知道的“托马斯”和头转,当然了,power move还有很多,最简单的就是跳转、飞机、跳飞机,再难点的就是风车、头转、托马斯、1990手转(就是单手转的)、2000手转(双手的)、肘转、肩转、切转,最难的就是Air flare(抛),肘flare(肘抛),单手flare。这是我知道的所有东西,或许现在还会有新招出来。 最难的 不同的人都会有自己觉得难的动作..并不能说哪个动作最难!满意请采纳


女孩跳breaking的条件   导语:跳街舞对身体素质要求比较高,因此女孩在练习街舞时一定要注意,下面是女孩跳breaking的条件,欢迎参考!   女孩跳breaking什么条件   1、女孩跳breaking什么条件   1.1、女生在选择学习breaking前要慎重一些,breaking要求的力量大,也容易受伤。要有心理准备,最好是找一些有学breaking经验的女生聊聊,她会给你很大的帮助。   1.2、开始学习breaking了就要坚持,不要懈气,要有良好的态度与决心。女生学breaking比男生要大一些,所以更需要坚强的毅力。   1.3、要重视街舞基础的练习,尤其是力量的练习。有了力量才可以学习更好的学习。因为breaking对舞者的力量和韧性要求很高。   1.4、要注意保护好自己,练习breaking是很容易让自己受伤的,所以要了解必要的保护措施,比如:练习前要热好身,要有必要的器材等。   1.5、学习breaking要循序渐进,不能操之过急。别再一味的去练大动作,练不出来就休息几天。   2、breaking是什么   是一种以个人风格为主的技巧性街舞舞种,也是街舞中最早的舞种,起源与美国70年代的布朗克斯区。早期跳BREAKING的舞者多为西班牙语裔美国人,而非裔美国人,然而他们当初偏好的音乐风格却大大影响至今嘻哈音乐。   3、breaking的舞蹈关系   随着嘻哈音乐的发展,20世纪80年代纽约出现了新的舞蹈风格,人们称之为嘻哈(Hip-Hop),与以前出现的霹雳舞相区别。在美国西海岸加州地区(主要是在洛杉矶),在灵歌(Soul)和疯克(Funk)音乐的基础上有自己的舞蹈风格,人们称之为疯克风格舞蹈(Funk Style Dance)。因为嘻哈的舞蹈分成了这两大派系,所以许多舞者或媒体就不再统称Hip-Hop Dance,他们称纽约的舞蹈为新派(New School),或者干脆就叫嘻哈;而称洛杉矶的舞蹈为Street Dance,中文直译为街舞。   教你学跳breaking   1、了解清楚自己身体的情况以后,可以练习一些简单的动作了。推荐:nike.3脚顶、头顶、肘撑、踢腿翻、nike由于只需放手压脚,难度最小,也为之后的各种倒立动作打基础,所以推荐,3脚顶是为之后的各种支撑打基础。   2、如果身体素质基本功和街舞基本功打得好的话,学习那些简单的动作是很轻松的,所以把简单的动作练稳,动作要做得干净利落。   3、然后可以跟音乐跳舞步,6步接你已经练稳的nike之类的简单动作了。   4、这时可以更进一步了,可以由你开始练的简单动作进化一级,可以练飞机撑倒吊腰和支撑旋转类的。   5、以上的步骤如果你能全部完成得不错了。那么,你的素质应该也很不错了的。然后,就可以开始练习一下。power的"动作也就是俗称的[大招]。但也不要一下就想TMS和回环那类要求较高的,先从风车和头转开始练,因为已经有了飞机撑和头顶的基础了,勤加练习,不难成功的,这时需要体会的,只是甩脚和腰的运用了。   学跳breaking前需要练好力量   1、手臂力量:不用说了俯卧撑,俯卧撑夹臂型(平时做的都是手肘向外,夹臂型的就是把手肘贴身,身体跟腋窝夹起来)的俯卧撑这样才能全部练到手臂力量,而不是体育课老师教的普通俯卧撑,个数的话,最开始可以每次一口气30个以你最快的速度完成,每天做几组,如果你每天做三组的话,没两天就可以加五个。   2、腰部力量:前期的时候仰卧起坐,不要压着腿做的仰卧起坐,躺在地上靠自身的力量起来,不要找东西或是别人压住你的腿,这样就没有效果了。个数可以跟俯卧撑一样,实际上你会发现,仰卧起坐比俯卧撑简单的很多。数量上希望你翻倍来做,提升的话,可以做两头起,意思就是说手脚一起起来,并在起来之后接触。开始可能会有些人做几个都有点困难,掌握好感觉之后就没有问题了!还有连breaking之前,务必把身体素质提升到一个高度,很高很高的高度,这样你学动作就会很快并且很轻松。 ;


~对这舞蹈有一点小小的心得!请大家小听一会!1:要练Breaking要有好的环境,有资料搜索!不具备前两者的条件,只有用厚脸皮的方法,找人飙舞!(能进步!对于初学者!)2:将你会的所有动作连在一起,跳出来。再接一个轻松的起身动作!感觉会不错!(对于已经入们的朋友!)3:别再一味的去练大动作!练不出来就休息几天。在这段时间里练一点foodwork,lababy,tuprock,uprock等。小型的连接成套动作!这能练习对于Breaking的腔调和身体感觉!你能掌握这种腔调的话决不是简单的事!你能掌握后对于Breaking会有更深一步的了解!你能做到这步就是高手了!(但是只局限于中国!)4:最后,你想成为高手当然不难。因为高手不一定要求会做每一个prowe move,只要你能将你所认为的好看的breaking动作一连窜的成功的做出来!你的周围将是一片掌声!!!我相信在座的有很多高手,有可能你们的想法和我不一样。同样希望你们能拿出你们的宝贵意见!帮助初学和好学的朋友一把!凡是上海的朋友可以找我比划共同探讨!外地的朋友如有难题我也会力所能及的帮助你们!但有点遗憾,本人对于breaking的英文名称一窍不通,因为我是看录像学的!看一个学一个,看一窜学一窜!动作会的多!但是名字???想知道做法的朋友请打动作的中文名称!好吗?谢谢!


breaking属于比较剧烈的运动!所以....从小开始练习breaking相对会影响身高的生长,跟从小踢足球一样!再练习过程中,..扭伤,挫伤.甚至骨折.这是很正常的!后遗症嘛...看个人伤的程度...如果练习得当,保护措施做好...其实也还好!最多就是,,,风湿和外伤,,,我 摔骨裂过...天气有点反应! 建议多游泳,能拉伸身体及四肢肌肉与筋骨,有助身高发育. 还有带有跳与跑步的运动也很不错滴. 平时多摄取钙,铁,锌,锡,维生素~~ ^ ^ 多晒太阳人体会自动生成维生素D,能促进钙质的吸收. 不要挑食哦!平时要均衡饮食,少吃零食,应多吃蛋白质,尤其是含有中"胺基酸"的食物,如:面粉、小麦胚芽、豆类、虾、螃蟹、贝类、海藻、牛肉、鸡肉、肝脏、猪腿肉、蛋、牛奶、乳酪及深色蔬菜等.以上的食物都是有助长高的营养出处噢!!


breaking就是倒立,别的不说,把这练好了再说 先靠墙倒立,能坚持到差不多10分钟时就可以逐渐离墙了,需要一点点的来,不能急 等平衡找差不多了就可以在平地上练了 breaking注重的是技巧,所以你每天要做的就是加强手臂的力量,然后倒立 多上网看看视频学学技巧,有个mp4的话会提高很快的 先从俯撑练起,练力量,然后在练倒立,先靠墙倒,刚开始都有点恐惧的心理,要豁出去,倒起来,很简单的 然后以后慢慢不扶墙,找感觉 在就是飞机撑~先练双手在练单手 先把体质跟上,多跑步,多运动,营养也要跟上 然后学倒立,练习俯卧撑,倒立要学好。基本上技术活都在倒立基础上 再来就是翻跟斗,也很重要的。翻跟斗倒立, 后来才是一些花样的动作,和配合 齐舞就比较简单,练习一下节奏和肢体的配合。多听点节奏好的音乐 练多了就好。齐舞简单的 看一些团体的街舞的VCR,很有帮助哦。呵呵还有一些韩国、美国的教程 学一些技巧也是比较重要的 基础训练--包括 力量训练 平衡练习 协调[包括控制力-平衡力和耐力训练 热身训练 热身跑150米 俯卧撑7个 压肩-转肩-甩腰 -弹腰-前压腿 -后压腿-侧压腿-时间20分钟 1 手臂力量训练 俯卧撑-仰面撑-倒立俯卧撑 一天4---8组 每组20--70个 时间间隔不要超过3分钟 2 腰部和腹部力量练习 仰卧起坐 一天2---5组 每组 20--40之间 1.要有一颗热爱街舞的心.这是学舞的最基本的前提.为了钱.为了泡妞而练舞.那种动机是不好d. 2.培养乐感.节奏感.多听舞曲.然后在脑子里幻想一下舞步和动作.为以后的实践打好基础.不用太着急.先学会跟拍.打拍子. 3.练习好形体.以免跳起舞来太猥琐或者太生硬. 4.打好身体素质基本功.练习力量.柔韧.协调.而且这个是之后都一直不能放弃的.基本功好.练动作会很快的。力量:做俯卧撑.或者杠铃;柔韧:压腿.开肩.压腰.协调. 5.在练身体素质基本功的同时.也要培养舞感.找镜子听音乐对着镜子跳舞步.让自己的动作尽可能的好看.而且尽量跟音乐节奏. 6.在身体素质基本功小有所成的时候.可以练习一些简单的街舞基本功了.双手倒立,6步.支撑类.手翻. 7.了解清楚自己身体的情况以后.可以练习一些简单的动作了.推荐:nike.3脚顶.头顶.肘撑.踢腿翻. nike由于只需放手压脚.难度最小.也为之后的各种倒立动作打基础.所以推荐.3脚顶是为之后的各种支撑打基础.头顶是为了头转刷头之类的打最基本的基础. 8.如果身体素质基本功和街舞基本功打得好的话.学习那些简单的动作是很轻松的.所以把简单的动作练稳.动作要做得干净利落.视觉效果才 好的.所以一定要练稳. 9.然后可以跟音乐跳舞步.6步接你已经练稳的nike之类的简单动作了.练到流畅自然. 10.这时可以更进一步了.可以由你开始练的简单动作进化一级.可以练飞机撑.倒7.吊腰和支撑旋转类的. 11.以上的步骤如果你能全部完成得不错了.那么.你的素质应该也很不错了的.然后.就可以开始练习一下 power的动作了.也就是俗称的[大招].但也不要一下就想TMS和回环那类要求较高的.先从风车和头转开始练.因为已经有了飞机撑和头顶的基础了.勤加练习.不难成功的.这时需要体会的.只是甩脚和腰的运用了. 12.呵呵.power是没那么容易练成的.而且很枯燥.所以在这个时期.也可以练些其他的动作.既实用又蛮好看的动作.比如椅子[1点支撑].hong10.如果手的力量充足的.还可以练一下TMS的起步吧.也不奢望学会.先练好那感觉. 13.接下来这就是一个漫长的过度期了.很郁闷的.power练不出.style又练得差不多了.那么趁这个时候.可以把自己全面化一下.把已经学会的动作练稳.没学会.但和已经学会的动作大同小异的练出来. 这时候你的水平也已经脱离新手上路啦.power练不练出那也是次要的了. 14.会的动作多了.就可以开始练习动作的连接了.把你会的各种动作练习连接在一起.也是要干净利落.练习过了一段时间.你会发现你的力量和身体协调性大大提高.等到你能把你的大部分动作连起来了.那么.也就意味着你已经进入下一个阶段了.离成功不远了哈! 15.如果这时候连风车都还没练出.那真得努力攻一下power先了.在此时的情况.以你的力量和协调. 绝对不是一件难事了.但要注意.不能练出风车就算了.要充分掌握甩脚和提腰的方法.这对之后的power练习都是很重要的. 16.掌握了风车的方法.甩脚和提腰应该掌握得不错了的.头转的时候运用到甩脚的话.那就会有惯性.要练出头转也不难了的.练出以后就可以头转接风车了.嘿嘿.同时.TMS的起步也练了一段时间了.又会甩脚又会提腰.而且练了那么久的基本功的了.耐心的去练.多练多想道理.不要放弃.TMS也会在一段不长的时间内练出了的.之后.也可以练下手转类了.身体的原理和头转一样.不同的是只是用手转.记得用手掌转.同时也练下UFO. 17.动作都练得差不多了咯.power也是要连起来才牛D.所以.也可以开始练power的连接了哈.原理是由高到低.这样比较容易.象头转接风车.TMS接风车.练好以后体会好连接时候的感觉.然后练到能由低到高.风车起TMS起头转.最后.达成TMS接风车接头转能循环.那就已经算是一个中上的高手了. 18.就差回环一个难关了.TMS练到后面能腾起来.那么也不是很困难了的.勤练是最要紧的.都练那么久了.power是怎么回事也该了解了.回环的时候注意抛腰和身子成10字.持之以恒.成功就在不远了的. 19.把power都连接起来.TMS.风车.回环.头转.90.2000之类能循环连接. 20.最后.冲撞自己的极限吧.单手回环.肘回环.陀螺风车.倾斜手转之类的.努力吧.! 最后再罗嗦一句.千万不要放弃基本功.而且注意.想成功必须要勤奋的. 即使是天才.在街舞领域里.都还是要汗水.血.泪才能成功的! 1,首先学双手飞机撑〈参考练成时间:2天〉 跪下,前腿盘去后面然后把大腿分*滑开越大越好,然后把手〈可以左或右,一旦练习惯了,以后的风车和托马斯都用这只手练,个人感觉会比较好,当然,你足够强的话可以双手都练了〉撑在肚持左或右〈左手左边右手右边〉,把手掌转向你的外侧方向然后就撑下去,你的另外一只手就也撑在地上,但重心保持在撑肚的那只手掌上,然后就慢慢把身往前倾,记住头要往前望,双手撑,定住,可以多久就多久,头最好可以望到天花板,使头身腿从前边看成一直线。此过程腿要曲不用那么直可以快一点掌握平衡。还有双手的距离不远也不近 2,好了,练好了双手飞机撑,就可以开始练单手了〈2天〉 基本上与双手飞机撑一样,先做了双手飞机撑然后把你的重心提到头,腿伸直,用脚趾点地,双手可以尽量拉开一点来,撑起来后把重心移到身体中央即你的手撑的位置,身体保持水平,不撑肚的那一只手尝试放开,脚一直点地,找感觉,直到你不撑地的那只手完全放开可以支持1~2秒。那就差不多了 最后还有一个就是单手落单手飞机撑 就是不用另一只手借力。直接用撑肚子那只手直接落地起飞机撑,这个比较难,如果你练好了前面两个练这个大概要3~12天不等


BREAKING 的中文意思是 霹雳舞。 英文也有技巧的意思。所以BREAKING在很打程度上要比 其他舞蹈难度高很 多。 年轻人都很喜欢。 有--排腿、前后侧空/手翻、跳转、蛙转、风车、直升机、霹雳摔、鞍马、头转…以及各式组合。以旋转为主,翻身 为辅

breaking是什么舞种 breaking介绍

1、Breaking(又译Breakdance,Breaking舞者统称为B-BOY、B-GIRL),是一种以个人风格为主的技巧性街舞舞种,也是北美街舞中最早的舞种。Breaking起源于美国70年代的布朗克斯区。比较值得注意的是,早期跳Breaking的舞者多为西班牙语裔美国人,非裔美国人,然而他们当初偏好的音乐风格却大大影响的嘻哈和节奏蓝调音乐。 2、Breaking在大量吸收来源于Capoeira(巴西战舞)、体操、中国武术(来自香港邵氏电影)等不同体育及艺术形式的元素和动作后形成了如今的Breaking,分为TopRock(摇滚步)、Footwork(腿部动作)、Freeze(空中定格)、Power Move(整体移动)四大内容,大量手撑地的快速脚步移动、各种倒立定格动作,以及在地板上或者空中匪夷所思的高难度旋转使这种舞蹈充满了视觉冲击力。


breaking是街舞的一种,中文名也叫地板舞、霹雳舞。Breaking(又译Breakdance),Breaking舞者统称为B-BOY、B-GIRL。它是一种以个人风格为主的技巧性街舞舞种,也是北美街舞中最早的舞种。Breaking起源于美国70年代的布朗克斯区。比较值得注意的是,早期跳Breaking的舞者多为西班牙语裔美国人,非裔美国人,然而他们当初偏好的音乐风格却大大影响的嘻哈和节奏蓝调音乐。Breaking在大量吸收来源于Capoeira(巴西战舞)、体操、中国武术(来自香港邵氏电影)等不同体育及艺术形式的元素和动作后形成了如今的Breaking,分为TopRock(摇滚步)、Footwork(腿部动作)、Freeze(空中定格)、Power Move(整体移动)四大内容,大量手撑地的快速脚步移动、各种倒立定格动作,以及在地板上或者空中匪夷所思的高难度旋转使这种舞蹈充满了视觉冲击力。成为奥运会项目2020年12月,国际奥委会执委会召开会议,同意2024年巴黎奥运会增设霹雳舞项目。 根据布宜诺斯艾利斯青奥会的办赛经验,霹雳舞赛事由世界体育舞蹈联合会(WDSF)在国际奥委会监管下负责,将通过男单、女单等项目进行角逐。2028年洛杉矶奥运会邀请候选霹雳舞为特有正式比赛项目。


  身为一个B-Boy,你不可不知道的一些B-Boy的专有名词大释疑.赶快放马过来膜拜圣经吧,收录B-Boy动作及 其它 相关名词独家中文解释.这个记号(★)将标示出动作的困难度。五个(★)是最高难度的,一个(★)则是最简单的。(其实★只是个人看法,也可以说是观众的观点角度)下面是我整理的一些关于 街舞 breaking基本动作有哪些基础教学的资料,供你参考。    街舞breaking基本动作一:   B-Boy   Breaking boy,boogie boy,跳breaking的男孩都叫B-Boy、女孩为B-Girl。   CREW (B-boy的团体)。   BATTLE   个人或b-boy团体间的挑战(俗称尬舞或斗舞)。   BURNED   专门用来指称在尬舞时被打败的团体或个人。   ROUTINES   由几个舞者一起连结或执行舞蹈动作。   PERFECTIONS   指的是一个b-boy最好的动作。   WACKED or WACK   当一个人做动作失败或不好看。   SLIDES   拉着自己滑过地板。Slide这个名字就告诉b-boy该做"滑"的动作。   BITE   从别人那里偷学动作。    街舞breaking基本动作二:招式术语   三角撑   最基础的招式   1990s(★★★)   即单手倒立快速旋转,俗称单手转,bboy cico 多次打破90s世界纪录   2000s(★★★)   双手倒立旋转,比90s看起来速度会更快,世界纪录27圈。   AIRPLANES(★★★★)   风车加上双手向两旁尽量伸展高到你可以抓住它们。   AIRSWIPES(★)   即360,双手交替使身体旋转,俗称小回环,和大回环不同之处是一只脚是碰地的。   APPLEJACKS(★★)   一个最基本的动作向其它b-boy挑战尬舞。双脚蹲下,背向后仰双手支撑,然后一只脚向空中踢,踢的越高越好。然后双脚向后跳跃,重复。最近几年不再使用此动作。   BACKSPIN(★)   背转,用背部上方,双脚蜷缩进行快速旋转。   BACK SWIPE(★★)   和airswipe是相同的即转到一半定住又转回去。   BARRELS(★★★★)   风车,双手环抱在前。即环抱风车   BLLYMILL(★★★★)   用肚皮转的风车,bboy omar ,ronnie经常使用   BHUDDA(★★★★)   和UFO类似,除了膝盖是在伸直的双手中,然后双脚是离开地面的。ronnie在红牛街舞大赛2006第一场使用过   BOOMERANG(★★★★★)   开始时坐在地上,双脚在身前形成V字形。然后手撑在双脚间,接下来撑起身体,只有手能碰地。然后转圈。   BRONCO(★★)   先从脚开始,然后是只有一只手向下,脚往后踢然后脚又再次放下,重复所有的动作。   BUNNY HOP(★★★★★)   类似像flare,不同的是双脚在身前伸直向上,然后转圈上下跳动。   CANNOABALL(★★★★)   在cannonball的动作中双手环抱着膝盖。   CRAZY LEGS(★★★★)   就像air swipes,但不只做一个。作air swipes一次又一次且动作中间不停顿。   CRICKETS(★★★★)   飞机跳,双手飞机撑连续旋转跳跃。   JACK HAMMAR(★★★★★)   即用单手飞机跳   DOUBLE 99(★★★★)   就像作一个2000(One hand 99),但是当你要放下一只手换成另一只手时,踢脚以得到速度然后续作2000(One hand 99)的动作,每一只手持续的作不停下来。即2000 90s 连接   DOWNROCK(★)   用手的中心支撑着整个舞者的重量然后腿和脚持续的作有节奏的圆形的舞动,腿和脚的动作又是绕着手的动作做。通常会结合freezes和hesitations动作,并且是在其它动作之后紧接着做。   ELBOW GLIDE(★★★★)   肘转,世界纪录20圈,肘转第一人金小根physicx   FLARE(★★★★)   托马斯,是基础powermove之一。对腰力要求较高。   HAND GLIDE(★★★★)   和Bboy在做float的动作相似,不同的是只有一只手支撑身体,另一只手帮忙去推着旋转。(我们称为"直升机")   HEADSLIDE(★★)   当一个head slide动作完成后反转,用头停住。   HEADSPIN(★★★★)   用你的头转。要用手和脚去开始旋转。(就是头转)   FIST GLIDE(★★★★)   动作和位置类似像手转,不一样的是用拳头转。   FLOAT(★)   飞机撑   HALO(★★★★)   风车的动作,但是却不是由肩膀转到肩膀而是用头去转(俗称刷头风车),也有不刷头的风车,但是每一圈都需要卡一下Freeze。   GENIES(★★★★)   用手作风车并且横跨过整个胸部。   GO DOWN   当b-boy在尬舞时,当他很有可能会输掉时所做的动作。   HELICOPTER(★)   一只脚在身体下另一只脚向外伸展,另一支伸展的脚则是做horozontal plane画圆动作时仍然持续伸直,然后越过另一只脚底下在绕道前面去。   Hesititations(FREEZE)(★★)   停止或暂停,在做down rock圆圈动作时。定格动作,包括NIke,baby freeze,chair,air chiar,high chair,airbaby,l-nike,troble,hllow back,head hollow back,等   KIP-UP(★★)   背部平躺撑起,脚在后面转动然后把脚踢向空中,上半身跟着起来再用脚着地。   MUNCHMILLS(baby windmill)(★★★★)   类似像风车一样,不同的是脚都是交叉弯曲的。baby风车。   KNEE SPIN(★★★)   所有的重量都平衡在碰到地板的那一只膝盖上。另一只脚则伸起在高处。旋转的要诀就是利用双手去推。速度的增加是在一连串动作做完后靠着在后面的脚拉向自己的身体以产生速度。膝转。   SUMOS(★★★★)   抓着膝盖作风车。   SUPERMANS(★★★★)   用胸部作风车而手伸向前。类似肚皮风车。   SWIRLS(★★★)   和handglide类似,不同的是用前臂旋转而不是手。   TOMBSTONES(★★★★)   双脚合拢,身体成L形。不用手。   TOPROCK(★)   基本的直立的舞步.可能有很多不同的影响而且每一个人做的也不一样.通常备用来作为一段舞蹈开市的前导,或是downrocking舞蹈中一组舞蹈和一组舞蹈中间的衔接,或是在激烈的舞蹈动作之后给自己一个休息的时间。   NECKMOVE(★★★)   只转一下的风车。   NUTCRACKERS(★★★★)   用手盖住胯下的部分作风车。通常说的无手风车,又叫护鸟风车。   RUBBER BAND(★★★★)   Bboy作kip-ups的动作然后背部下降再重复做一次kip-up。   SPIDER(★★★)   这被认为是一个很需要弹性的动作。大腿放在背后,膝盖放在肩膀上靠近耳朵的位置,小腿在前面,重量平衡在手或是脚或是两者。   SUICIDE(★★★)   B-boy做一个front flip的动作,然后背部平躺在地上,做这样的动作而没有伤到自己。   UPROCK(★)   基本和TOPROCK类似是在斗舞时候用来进行向对方挑战的舞步。   还有很多很多没有名字或是原创的招式,其实BREAKING中没有正规的一个动作,只要是做得到,做得美,或者做得高难度那个就是你的动作。还有的就是,无论你在斗舞中,只做一个多难的动作,也斗不过一套完整的套路,所以无论以上招式有多少颗★,如果没有一套完整的套路,也是没有用的。






Breaking 分为style move powermove oldschool 嗯。。。newschool也算是吧!


打破地板霹雳舞(Breaking、Breakdance、b-boying),是一种难度较高的街舞舞步,比较重视舞步技巧性。1970年代起源于美国纽约市的布朗克斯区。Breaking。Breaking的中文翻译是地板,地板动作或霹雳舞。 比较值得注意的是,早期跳霹雳舞的舞者多为西班牙语裔美国人,而非非裔美国人,然而他们当初偏好的音乐风格却大大影响至今嘻哈音乐。Breaking分成大地板(power move)和小地板(style move)。大地板以连续且可互相连结的旋转动作为主,小地板以连续动作后突然静止或其他具个人特色的动作为主。对跳地板舞的人称呼为B-boy或B-girl (beat boy)、(breaking boy)。


  breaking是一种以个人风格为主的技巧性街舞舞种,也叫做霹雳舞。breaking起源于70年代的美国布朗克斯区,其主要由Toprock、Footwork、Powermove、Freeze、Flip等几类不同的舞蹈元素组成。   breaking是什么舞种   很多人第一看到Breaking时都会不由自主地惊叹,其步伐非常快速,还有各种高难度地倒立姿势。其实,Breaking属于街舞, 并且是一种以个人风格为主地技巧性街舞舞种。同时,Breaking也是北美街舞中最早地舞种。   Breaking起源于70年代地美国布朗克斯区,当时早期地Breaking舞者多为西班牙语裔美国人。如今地Breaking大量吸收来源于巴西战舞、体操、中国武术等不同体育以及艺术形式地元素和动作而形成。    breaking舞蹈地内容   breaking主要分为摇滚步、腿部动作、空中定格、整体移动四大内容,其动作中有大量手撑地地快速脚步移动、各种倒立定格动作,还有再地板上或者空中匪夷所思的高难度旋转,让breaking舞蹈充满了视觉冲击力。


breaking是以个人风格为主的技巧性街舞舞种。Breaking(地板舞)是一种以个人风格为主的技巧性街舞舞种,通俗来讲,就是大家印象中在地板上打滚的舞种。包括大家耳熟能详的拖马斯、单手倒立等等。在地板上或者空中匪夷所思的高难度旋转使这种舞蹈充满了视觉冲击力。breaking的难度系数会比较高,大多是男生跳这个舞,因此被统称叫做b-boy,breaking被分成四大内容toprock,footwork,freeze和powermove,这些动作大都是用手支撑地板,脚再快速的移动,还有各式各样的定格动作,然后在地板上做倒立再做高难度的旋转动作。breaking起源1970年代起源于美国纽约市的布朗克斯区,是一种难度较高的街舞舞种,比较重视舞步和技巧的结合,主要由TopRock、UpRock、Footwork、Powermoves、Freeze等几类不同的舞蹈方式所组成。那时候的美国,许多DJ带着唱盘机和喇叭在街头广泛举行各种音乐派对并形成风潮,逐渐越来越多的人开始习惯于在派对音乐中没有歌词的间奏部分中跳舞。于是众多DJ中一个名为Kool Herc的佼佼者发明了将两张唱盘的间奏部分拼接起来以获得更长的跳舞时间的方式,并由此产生了Break Beat这种音乐形式。而在这种间奏时间里跳舞的人就被称之为间奏男孩Break Boy,即B Boy(breaker),而B Boy所跳的舞蹈便被称之为B Boying,并在之后的商业化宣传中被称为Breaking并通行至今。



Bruce Springsteen的《The Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:The Angel歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J.Lord, oh my LordWhy this place, magic placeThe mist is everywhereThe light is in the airI hear in the skyThe whisper of the timeI need an answerA reason to my prayerbyThe Angel以下段送于my love zyjYou"re the angelWhite as the winterYou"re the angelForeverYou"re the angelWhite as the winterYou"re the angelForeverSo far awayThrough the lightThrough the skyTil the end of timeYou"re the angelWhite as the winterYou"re the angelWhite as the winterWhite as the wings of life

请帮忙翻译bruno mars 的Long distance 的歌词


bruno mars lost的歌词


求Bruno Mars《Who Is》的歌词。

Oh, I was perfectFor the circusIf she did me, I do itLove makes you stupidI gave it up, But I guess it was not enoughCause she never seemed satisfied(Oohh)I Know I"m not perfectBut at the end of the dayWho is?(Oohh)SHe wanted someone that"s perfectWell OkayBut can you tell me Who is?(Oohh) [x2]She set the barJust above the starsA rocket could"nt reach itBut I still kept on reachingShe watched me tryAt least a thousand timesIf she loved me, She"d stop me But noo(Oohh)I Know I"m not perfectBut at the end of the dayWho is?(Oohh)She wanted someone that"s perfectWell OkayBut can you tell me Who is?I saw something worth my futureSo wrong So wrongIn my mind I was...But I guess I wasn"t wrong(Oohh)I Know I"m not perfectBut at the end of the dayWho is?(Oohh)She wanted someone that"s perfectWell OkayBut can you tell me Who is?(Oohh) [x2]

求Bruno Mars的 rest歌词

Everyday I wake up next to an angel, more beautiful than words could say. They said it wouldn"t work but what do they know, cuz here"s the past and we"re still here today. Never in my dreams did I think that this would happen to me. As I stand here before a woman, I can"t fight back the tears in my eyes. Oh how could I be so lucky, I must have done something right. And I promised to love her, for the rest of my life... Seems like yesterday when she first said hello. Funny how time flies when you"re in love. It took us a lifetime to find eachother. It was worth the wait cuz I finally found the one. Never in my dreams did I think that this would happen to me. As I stand here before a woman, I can"t fight back the tears in my eyes. Oh how could I have been so lucky, I must have done something right. And I promised to love her for the rest of my life.

bruno mars marry you的歌词翻译

两个一样的问题???????哈哈。。火星哥的粉丝哦?it"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to do 夜色如此美丽让我们做些可爱的蠢事吧hey baby i think i wanna marry you 我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice是因为你的眼神迷离或是因为你的舞跳的太蹁跹who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你结婚well i know this little chapel on the boulevard 我知道林荫小道上有一座小教堂we can go 我们可以去no one will know没有人会察觉oh come on girl 来吧姑娘who cares if we"re trashed 没人在乎我们是否烂醉如泥got a pocket full of cash we can blow我们带着满满的现金shots of patrol 把最贵的鸡尾酒挥霍殆尽and it"s on girl 这就来了姑娘don"t say no no no no no 别说不不不..just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 快说好好好..and we"ll go go go go go 我们这就走走走..if you"re ready, like i"m ready 只要你和我一样迫不及待cos it"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to do 夜色如此美丽 让我们做些可爱的蠢事hey baby i think i wanna marry you 我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice 是因为你的眼神迷离或是因为你的舞跳的太蹁跹who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you 这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你结婚oh ~哇哦~just say i do 告诉我 你愿意tell me right now baby 告诉我 宝贝tell me right now baby, baby 现在就告诉我 宝贝just say i do 告诉我 你愿意tell me right now baby 告诉我 宝贝tell me right now baby, baby 现在就告诉我 宝贝oh ~哇哦~it"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to do夜色如此美丽 让我们做些可爱的蠢事hey baby i think i wanna marry you 我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice 是因为你的眼神迷离或是因为你的舞跳的太蹁跹who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你结婚

Bruno Mars的《Marry you》的中文翻译!

H:LOVE~OH BABY MY GIRL~ 你是我的全部 甚至让我觉得你是我的幸福 神给我的礼物 透过时光机就算 回到上个世纪看幸福结局 不管你是穿着旗袍还是长裙 只要一个眼神确定 心不再怀疑 茫茫人海相遇 贤:我想不惜一切告诉你 千言万语不敌我爱你 Would U Marry Me? 向着流星 默默许愿 默契永恒不变 庚:每当你微笑进入梦乡 多想让你靠在肩膀 Would U Marry Me? 希望你能成全 我所有心愿 源:把你烙在心底 I DO 时时刻刻爱你I DO 就算狂风暴雨 不让你受委屈 I DO 爱你的心不离 MY LOVE 海:美丽的你穿着白色婚纱 我穿着礼服光着脚丫 我们就这样看着彼此发呆 星星月亮做伴I SWEAR 不需要语言 用心体验 再不离开我的公主 STAY WITH ME H:哪怕有一天我们变老 也要努力微笑并肩跑 周:Would U Marry Me? 不知是否愿意 来牵手同行 旭:不管爱情多艰辛I DO 相信命中注定I DO 我珍惜每个和你的日子里I DO 把你放在心底 MY LOVE 贤:我早已经为你 预定了幸福结局 我正为你许下誓言 别怀疑 推开你爱情的心门 让我们记住最美时分 Would U Marry Me~ 海:把你烙在心底 I DO (旭:I WANT TO DO ) 时时刻刻爱你I DO (旭:I WANNA MARRY U) 旭:就算狂风暴雨 不让你受委屈 I DO 爱你的心不离I DO 合:不管爱情多艰辛I DO(贤:我会永远保护你) 相信命中注定I DO 我珍惜每个和你的日子里I DO 把你放在心底 MY LOVE (Rap) 海:现在能给你的是我一生一世无尽的爱 虽然钻石闪耀它无法比较 也许微不足道 但是请相信我 我会付出全力照顾你陪伴着你 这是我们守护的约定 我对你爱不离 我们彼此信任相信爱 仅此而已… 庚:我们相爱到永远I DO


Oh her eyes, her eyes哦,她的眼睛Make the stars look like they"re not shining让星星看起来失去光泽Her hair, her hair她的头发,她的头发Falls perfectly without her trying不须整理完美般的垂落She"s so beautiful她是如此美丽And I tell her every day我每天都告诉她Yeah I know I know是的,我知道我知道When I compliment her当我赞美她She won"t believe me她不会相信我And its so, its so即使如此Sad to think she don"t see what I see她也会因为没有看到我所看到所感到遗憾But every time she asks me do I look okay但每一次她问我我漂亮么I say我都会说When I see your face当我看到你的脸There"s not a thing that I would change你的一切都是如此完美,无可改变Cause you"re amazing你是如此的美丽Just the way you are皆应是你And when you smile,当你微笑The whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都会为你停止和凝视了Cause girl you"re amazing因为你是如此美丽Just the way you are皆应是你Her lips, her lips她的指甲,她的指甲I could kiss them all day if she"d let me如果她愿意让我,我可以亲吻他们整天Her laugh, her laugh她的微笑She hates but I think it"s so sexy她不喜欢但我觉得它是如此性感She"s so beautiful她是如此美丽And I tell her every day我每天告诉她Oh you know, you know, you know哦,你知道I"d never ask you to change我从来没有要求你改变If perfect is what you"re searching for如果完美是你要追寻的,Then just stay the same那就什么也不要改变So don"t even bother asking你甚至不用屡次来问我If you look okay如果你觉得okYou know I say 那就ok咯 When I see your face当我看到你的脸There"s not a thing that I would change你的一切都是如此完美,无可改变Cause you"re amazing你是如此的美丽Just the way you are皆应是你And when you smile,当你微笑The whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都会为你停止和凝视了Cause girl you"re amazing因为你是如此美丽Just t he way you are皆应是你(重复)When I see your face当我看到你的脸There"s not a thing that I would change你的一切都是如此完美,无可改变Cause you"re amazing你是如此的美丽Just the way you are皆应是你And when you smile,当你微笑The whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都会为你停止和凝视了Cause girl you"re amazing因为你是如此美丽Just the way you are皆应是你

Bruno Mars 第53届格莱美 演唱 的歌曲~ 是复古黑白画面中演唱的那个歌曲叫什麼名字!

唉,我也一直在找,没想到是改掉的。。= =。。。不过总觉得改掉的调调更好听。。。

求Bruno Mars的《Rest of My Life》歌词。

Rest Of My Life LyricsEveryday I Wake Up Next To A AngelMore Beautiful Than Words Could SayThey Said It wouldn"t Work But What Did They KnowCause Years Passed And We"re Still Here TodayNever In My Dreams Did I Think That This Would Happen To MeAs I Stand Here Before My WomanI can"t Fight Back The Tears In My EyesOh How Could I Be So LuckyI Mustve Done Something RightAnd I Promise To Love Her For The Rest Of My LifeSeems Like Yesterday When She First Said HelloFunny How Time Flys By When You"re In LoveIt Took Us A Lifetime To Find Each OtherIt Was Worth The Wait Cause I Finally Found The OneNever In My Dreams Did I Think That This Would Happen To MeAs I Stand Here Before My WomanI can"t Fight Back The Tears In My EyesOh How Could I Be So LuckyI Mustve Done Something RightAnd I Promise To Love Her For The Rest Of My Life

Broun Mars音乐属于什么风格


Bruno Mars的《just the way you are》的歌词

Oh her eyes, her eyes哦,她的眼睛 Make the stars look like they"re not shining让星星看起来失去光泽   Her hair, her hair她的头发,她的头发   Falls perfectly without her trying不须整理完美般的垂落   She"s so beautiful她是如此美丽   And I tell her every day我每天都告诉她   Yeah I know I know是的,我知道我知道   When I compliment her当我赞美她   She won"t believe me她不会相信我   And its so, its so即使如此   Sad to think she don"t see what I see她也会因为没有看到我所看到所感到遗憾   But every time she asks me do I look okay但每一次她问我我漂亮么   I say我都会说   When I see your face当我看到你的脸   There"s not a thing that I would change你的一切都是如此完美,无可改变   Cause you"re amazing你是如此的美丽   Just the way you are皆应是你   And when you smile,当你微笑   The whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都会为你停止和凝视了   Cause girl you"re amazing因为你是如此美丽   Just the way you are皆应是你   Her lips, her lips她的双唇,她的双唇   I could kiss them all day if she"d let me如果她愿意让我,我可以亲吻他们整天   Her laugh, her laugh她的微笑   She hates but I think it"s so sexy她不喜欢但我觉得它是如此性感   She"s so beautiful她是如此美丽   And I tell her every day我每天告诉她   Oh you know, you know, you know哦,你知道   I"d never ask you to change我从来没有要求你改变   If perfect is what you"re searching for如果完美是你要追寻的,   Then just stay the same那就什么也不要改变   So don"t even bother asking你甚至不用屡次来问我   If you look okay如果你觉得   (ok)You know I say 那就ok咯   When I see your face当我看到你的脸   There"s not a thing that I would change你的一切都是如此完美,无可改变   Cause you"re amazing你是如此的美丽   Just the way you are皆应是你   And when you smile,当你微笑   The whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都会为你停止和凝视了   Cause girl you"re amazing因为你是如此美丽   Just the way you are皆应是你(重复)   When I see your face当我看到你的脸   There"s not a thing that I would change你的一切都是如此完美,无可改变   Cause you"re amazing你是如此的美丽   Just the way you are皆应是你   And when you smile,当你微笑   The whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都会为你停止和凝视了   Cause girl you"re amazing因为你是如此美丽   Just the way you are皆应是你yeah~

求bruno mars 《just the way you are 》歌词和中文翻译 优美一点啦

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are 就是你现在的样子 中英文歌词 Oh her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they"re not shining喔~ 她的双眼,她的双眼比星星还闪烁Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying她的秀发,她的秀发百分百自然的垂坠She"s so beautiful, and I tell her every day她是如此的美,而我每天都这样告诉她Yeah I know, I know when I compliment her, she won"t believe me是啊,我知道,我知道在我赞美她时,她不会相信And its so, its so sad to think that she don"t see what I see实在很,实在很难过她和我所见不同But every time she asks me do I look okay, I say 但每回她问起我"我看起来好吗?",我会说When I see your face, there"s not a thing that I would change在看你的脸时,我一点也不想改变它Cause you"re amazing, just the way you are因为你好棒--就是你现在的样子And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while而当你微笑时,整个世界都暂时停了下来凝视你Cause girl you"re amazing, just the way you are因为女孩你好棒--就是你现在的样子Yeah, her lips, her lips I could kiss them all day if she"d let me啊,她的双唇,她的双唇,如果她同意我想亲上一整天Her laugh, her laugh she hates but I think its so sexy她的笑声,她的笑声,虽然她不喜欢,但我觉得很性感She"s so beautiful, and I tell her every day她是如此的美,而我每天都这样告诉她Oh you know, you know, you know I"d never ask you to change喔,你知道,你知道,你知道,我从来不要求你改变If perfect is what you"re searching for, then just stay the same如果你追求完美,那麼就维持原状吧So, don"t even bother asking if you look okay, you know I"ll say所以,别问你看起来可好,你知道我一定会说When I see your face, there"s not a thing that I would change在看你的脸时,我一点也不想改变它Cause you"re amazing, just the way you are因为你好棒--就是你现在的样子And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while而当你微笑时,整个世界都暂时停了下来凝视你Cause girl you"re amazing, just the way you are因为女孩你好棒--就是你现在的样子The way you are, the way you are你现在的样子,你现在的样子Girl you"re amazing, just the way you are女孩你好棒--就是你现在的样子When I see your face, there"s not a thing that I would change在看你的脸时,我一点也不想改变它Cause you"re amazing, just the way you are因为你好棒--就是你现在的样子And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while而当你微笑时,整个世界都暂时停了下来凝视你Cause girl you"re amazing, just the way you are因为女孩你好棒--就是你现在的样子

Bruno Mars的《24K Magic》mp3音源百度云,谢谢!


bruno mars怎么读

布鲁诺 马尔斯 mars是火星的意思 所以他也叫火星哥

Bruno Mars的 Gorilla 中文歌词

00:00.50]Bruno Mars – Rest Of My Life[00:11.21][00:13.82]Everyday I Wake Up Next To A Angel 每天,我都睡在一位天使的身旁[00:20.52]More Beautiful Than Words Could Say 她美丽得不能言喻[00:27.63]They Said It Wouldn"t Work But What Did They now 每人都说我们不相配,但他们又知道什么?[00:34.42]Cause Years Passed And We"re Still Here Today 日子流逝,我们仍旧相依[00:42.00]Never In My Dreams Did I Think That This Would Happen To Me 那是我永远、做梦也不曾想到的事[00:54.50][00:55.20]As I Stand Here Before My Woman 当我站在她的面前[01:02.68]I Cant Fight Back The Tears In My Eyes 勇气就会涌现,令我吞回泪水[01:09.83]Oh How Could I Be So Lucky 噢!我怎能这般幸运?[01:16.79]I Must"ve Done Something Right 居然可以与她相伴[01:23.31]And I Promise To Love Her For The Rest Of My Life 在此,我承诺用会尽余生去爱她[01:37.47][01:38.42]Seems Like Yesterday When She First Said Hello 日月如梭,我们却新鲜如昨天首次见面[01:44.97]Funny How Time Flies By When You"re In Love 令我不禁好奇:“我们何时相爱?”[01:52.53]It Took Us A Lifetime To Find Each Other 我们用了一生的时间寻找对方[01:59.17]It Was Worth The Wait Cause I Finally Found The One 但也值得,因为我终于找到我的天使[02:06.51]Never In My Dreams Did I Think That This Would Happen To Me 那是我永远、做梦也不曾想到的事[02:19.00][02:19.96]As I Stand Here Before My Woman 当我站在她的面前[02:27.18]I Cant Fight Back The Tears In My Eyes 勇气就会涌现,令我吞回泪水[02:34.02]Oh How Could I Be So Lucky 噢!我怎能这般幸运?[02:41.34]I Must"ve Done Something Right 居然可以与她相伴[02:47.86]And I Promise To Love Her For The Rest Of My Life 在此,我承诺用会尽余生去爱她

Our First Time - Bruno Mars求中文歌词 帮个忙把

Bruno Mars - Our First TimeDon"t it feel good, babe?宝贝?感觉舒服吗?Don"t it feel good, baby?宝贝?感觉舒服吗?Cause it"s so brand new, babe这是如此新鲜的事,It"s so brand new, baby宝贝,我们没有经历过Don"t it feel good, babe?Don"t it feel good, baby?Cause it"s so brand new, babeIt"s so brand new, babyGirl, here we are宝贝,我们在这里In this big old empty room在这个又旧又空的大房间里Starin" at each other看着彼此Who"s gonna make the first move看谁先控制不住释放欲望Been doin" our thing for a minute度过我们的良宵之夜And now both our hearts are in it我们的心也沉浸在这个夜里The only place to go is all the way我们只是要一直这样下去Is that alright? Is that okay?这样可以吗?Girl, no need to be nervous宝贝,不用紧张Cause I got you all night整晚你都属于我Don"t you worry about a thing, no, no, no别担心Just go with it, go with it, go with it就这样开始吧And I will go real slow with it, slow with it我会慢慢来It"s our first time, go with it, go with it, go with it这是我们的第一次And I will go real slow with it, slow with it我会慢慢来It"s our first time这是我们的第一次Clothes are not required把衣服都脱掉吧For what we got planned我们可是计划好发生点什么Oh girl, you"re my desire宝贝,我有欲望Your wish is my command你的愿望也是我的需求Treat you like a princess我会对你像个公主Ooh girl, you"re so delicious宝贝,你让我眼都热了,你很美味Like ice cream on a sunny day就像太阳天的冰激凌Gonna eat you before you melt away, yeah想在你融化前把你吃掉Is that alright? Is that okay?Girl, no need to be nervousCause I got you all nightDon"t you worry about a thing, no, no, noJust go with it, go with it, go with itAnd I will go real slow with it, slow with itIt"s our first time, go with it, go with it, go with itAnd I will go real slow with it, slow with itIt"s our first timeDon"t it feel good, babe?宝贝?感觉舒服吗?Don"t it feel good, baby?宝贝?感觉舒服吗?Cause it"s so brand new, babe这是如此新鲜的事,It"s so brand new, baby宝贝,我们没有经历过Don"t it feel good, babe?Don"t it feel good, baby?Cause it"s so brand new, babeIt"s so brand new, babyJust go with it, go with it, go with itAnd I will go real slow with it, slow with itIt"s our first time, go with it, go with it, go with itAnd I will go real slow with it, slow with itIt"s our first time 大致翻译了一下。

Bruno Mars的中文歌词

手工翻译。Killa On Tha Run Lyricsi don"t recognize my reflection 我无法辨识我的倒影all i see is a product of your deception 我看到的只有你对我的欺骗gave you all of me without question 我毫无保留的给了你一切but you had to take advantage of a blessing 你却一次次的以此利用我i warned you, i told you it would end this way 我告诫过你,我也告诉过你结局会是如此if you kept on playing all those childish games 如果你持续的跟我玩那些幼稚的小把戏but just like every other man you"re all the same 然而,你和其他的人一样,毫无分别revenge is sweet i love the taste it"s giving me 我如此喜爱这种报复的滋味i"m a killer on the run 我是一个在逃窜的杀手you broke my heart and now you"re staring at my gun 你伤透了我的心,然而现在的你正却在凝视著我的枪口click clack now watch me pull this trigger just for fun 咔嚓一声,你看著我扣动扳机was once a good girl now a killer on the run 原本是一个好好的女孩,现在是一个在逃窜的杀手k-k-killer, k-k-killer, k-k-killer 杀手、杀手、杀手k-k-killer on the run 一个在逃窜的杀手killer on the run 一个在逃窜的杀手k-k-killer on the run 一个在逃窜的杀手wipe those tears from your eyes it"s too late 现在後悔已晚,擦乾你眼睛里的泪水with that rag in your mouth can"t tell what you say 塞在你嘴里的破布,我听不明白你在叫喊著什麽tied to the train tracks begging me for mercy 被绑在火车铁轨上的你,乞求我的仁慈this is gonna hurt you more than it hurts me 这将会比你伤害我,还要痛很多i warned you, i told you it would end this way 我告诫过你,我也告诉过你结局会是如此if you kept on playing all those childish games 如果你持续的跟我玩那些幼稚的小把戏but just like every other man you"re all the same 然而,你和其他的人一样,毫无分别revenge is sweet i love the taste it"s giving me 我如此喜爱这种报复的滋味i"m a killer on the run 我是一个在逃窜的杀手you broke my heart and now you"re staring at my gun 你伤透了我的心,然而现在的你正却在凝视著我的枪口click clack now watch me pull this trigger just for fun 咔嚓一声,你看著我扣动扳机was once a good girl now a killer on the run 原本是一个好好的女孩,现在是一个在逃窜的杀手k-k-killer, k-k-killer, k-k-killer 杀手、杀手、杀手k-k-killer on the run 一个在逃窜的杀手killer on the run 一个在逃窜的杀手k-k-killer on the run 一个在逃窜的杀手

我需要Marry you 歌词中文意思(Bruno Mars 的)

it"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to do 夜色如此美丽让我们做些可爱的蠢事吧hey baby i think i wanna marry you 我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice是因为你的眼神迷离或是因为你的舞跳的太蹁跹who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你结婚well i know this little chapel on the boulevard 我知道林荫小道上有一座小教堂we can go 我们可以去no one will know没有人会察觉oh come on girl 来吧姑娘who cares if we"re trashed 没人在乎我们是否烂醉如泥got a pocket full of cash we can blow我们带着满满的现金shots of patrol 把最贵的鸡尾酒挥霍殆尽and it"s on girl 这就来了姑娘don"t say no no no no no 别说不不不..just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 快说好好好..and we"ll go go go go go 我们这就走走走..if you"re ready, like i"m ready 只要你和我一样迫不及待cos it"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to do 夜色如此美丽 让我们做些可爱的蠢事hey baby i think i wanna marry you 我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice 是因为你的眼神迷离或是因为你的舞跳的太蹁跹who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you 这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你结婚oh ~哇哦~just say i do 告诉我 你愿意tell me right now baby 告诉我 宝贝tell me right now baby, baby 现在就告诉我 宝贝just say i do 告诉我 你愿意tell me right now baby 告诉我 宝贝tell me right now baby, baby 现在就告诉我 宝贝oh ~哇哦~it"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to do夜色如此美丽 让我们做些可爱的蠢事hey baby i think i wanna marry you 我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice 是因为你的眼神迷离或是因为你的舞跳的太蹁跹who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你结婚

Bruno Mars-火星哥,能不能逐渐超越已故天王,Michael Jackson呢




Bruno Mars的《Grenade》 歌词

歌曲名:Grenade歌手:Bruno Mars专辑:The Singer, The SongGrenadeBruno MarsEasy come Easy goThat"s just how you live ohTake take take it allBut you never give,Should of known you were troubleFrom the first kiss had your eyes wide open,Why were they open?Gave you all I hadAnd you tossed it in the trash,You tossed it in the trash, you did.To give me all your love is all I ever asked cause What you don"t understand, Is id catch a grenade for ya.Throw my hand on the blade for ya,Id jump in front of a train for ya.You know I"d do anything for ya.OhI would go through all this pain,Take a bullet straight through my brain.Yes I would die for ya baby, But you won"t do the same.NoBlack, black, black and blue Beat me till I"m am numb tell the devil I said hey when you get back to where you"re from.Bad women bad womenThat"s just what you are yeahYou smile in my face than rip the breaks out my car.Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash, You tossed it in the trash yes you did. To give me all your fucking love is all I ever asked but What you don"t understand is id catch a grenade for ya.Throw my hand on the blade for ya,Id jump in front of a train for ya. You know I"d do anything for ya. Ohhh I would go through all this pain Take a bullet straight through my brain.Yes I would die for ya baby.But you won"t do the same. If my body was on fire Ooh you would watch me burn down in flames. You said you loved me you"re a liar cause you never ever ever did baby...But u do nothing for care for ya,Throw my hand on the blade for ya,Id jump in front of a train for ya. You know I"d do anything for ya. Ohhh I would go through all this pain Take a bullet straight through my brain.Yes I would die for ya baby.But you won"t do the same. No you won"t do the same.You won"t do the same.Ohh you never do the same.No...

Bruno Mars算亚裔歌手吗?还有欧美亚裔成功的歌手怎么这么少?存在亚裔歧视吗?


《bruno mars-when I was your man》中文是什么?

Same bed but it feels just同样一张床,却感觉A little bit bigger now现在有些空当当的Our song on the radio电台里放着我们的歌But it dont sound the same可听起来却不似从前的感觉When our friends talk about you当我的朋友提起你All it does is just tear me down总是让我不禁泪下Cause my heart breaks a little因为我总会有些心碎When I hear your name当我听到你的名字It all just sounds like那听起来就像Mmm too young too dumb to realize太年轻太愚蠢的现实That i因为我Should "ve bought you flowers应该送你一束花And held you hands然后牵起你的手Should "ve gave you all my hours应该给你我生命中的每一个小时When I had the chance当我还有机会去爱你Take you to every party带你去所有的聚会Cause all you wanted to do was dance因为你唯一想做的就是跳舞Now my baby is dancing现在亲爱的你在翩翩起舞But she"s dancing with another man可却是和另外一个他My pride my ego my needs and my selfish ways我的骄傲,自负,需求和自私的方式Cause the good strong woman like you to walk out my life使像你一样坚强的好女孩走出了我的生活Now I never never get to clean up the mess I made现在我再也无法清理那些我制造的混乱Ooh and it haunts me every time I close my eyes而且在我每一次闭上眼睛都在伤害着我It all just sounds like那听起来就像Mmm too young too dumb to realize太年轻太愚蠢的现实That i因为我Should "ve bought you flowers应该送你一束花And held you hands然后牵起你的手Should "ve gave you all my hours应该给你我生命中的每一个小时When I had the chance当我还有机会去爱你Take you to every party带你去所有的聚会Cause all you wanted to do was dance因为你唯一想做的就是跳舞Now my baby is dancing现在亲爱的你在翩翩起舞But shes dancing with another man可却是和另外一个他Although it hurts虽然这会再次让我心碎I"ll be the first to say但我终于还是说出来That I was wrooooong我曾经是那样错误Oooh I know im probably much too late我知道这或许已经太晚了To try and apologize for my mistakes去试图为我的错误道歉But I just want you to know但我只是想让你知道I hope he buys you flowers我希望他会送你一束花I hope he hold you hands我希望他牵起你的手Give you all his hours给你他生命中的每一个小时When he has the chance当他还有机会去爱你Take you to every party带你去所有的聚会Cause I remember how much因为我记得你有多么You loved to dance有多么喜欢跳舞Do all the things I should"ve done做所有那些我应该为你做的事情When I was your man当我还是你最爱的男人Do all the things I should"ve done做所有那些我应该为你做的事情When I was your man当我还是你最爱的男人望采纳,对照的。

求bruno mars - grenade的中英对照歌词。

《Grenade》歌手:Bruno Mars 作词:Bruno Mars / Philip Lawrence / Ari Levine作曲:Bruno Mars / Philip La 所属专辑:《Grenade》发行时间:2010年歌词对照:Easy come easy go 想来就来 想走就走 That"s just how you live oh 你就是这种人, Oh Take take take it all 拿走,拿走,拿走我的全部 But you never give 但你从不会付出 Should"ve known you was trouble 我早就应该知道你是一个麻烦, From the first kiss 从我们第一个吻开始 Had your eyes wide open 亲吻时你睁大了眼睛 , Why were they open 为什么要这么做? Gave you all I had 我给了你我的一切  And you tossed it in the trash 你却把它丢进垃圾桶 You tossed it in the trash you did 没错 你把它全部丢进垃圾桶 To give me all your love 只是你所有的爱 Is all I ever asked 我所要的 Cause what you don"t understand 因为你不会明白 Is 是 I"d catch a grenade for you (yeah yeah yeah) 我会为你接住引燃的手榴弹(耶耶耶耶) Throw my hand on a blade for you (yeah yeah yeah) 我会为你空手挡下刀刃(耶耶耶耶) I"d jump in front of a train for you (yeah yeah yeah) 我会为你挡在火车前面(耶耶耶耶) You know I"d do anything for you (yeah yeah yeah) 你知道我会为你做任何事(耶耶耶耶) I would go through all this pain 我会为你忍受所有苦痛 Take a bullet straight through my brain 为了你让子弹穿过我的头颅 Yes I would die for you baby 没错 我可以为你而死 宝贝 But you won"t do the same 但你不会为我这样做 No no no no 不,不,不,不 Black black black and blue 倍受打击 遍体鳞伤 Beat me "til I"m numb 直到我变得麻木 Tell the devil I said Hey when you get back to where you"re from 等你回到属于你的那个地方时,记得帮我向魔鬼打声招呼 Mad woman bad woman 疯女人 坏女人 That"s just what you are 你就是这样的人 Yeah you smile in my face then rip the brakes out my car 你会对着我微笑 然后背着我毁了我的刹车 Gave you all I had 给了你我的一切, And you tossed it in the trash 你却把它扔进垃圾桶 You tossed it in the trash yes you did 没错 你把它全部扔进垃圾桶 To give me all your love 只是你所有的爱 Is all I ever asked 我所要的 Cause what you don"t understand 因为你不会明白 Is 是 I"d catch a grenade for you (yeah yeah yeah) 我会为你接住引燃的手榴弹(耶耶耶耶) Throw my hand on the blade for you (yeah yeah yeah) 我会为你空手挡下刀刃(耶耶耶耶) I"d jump in front of a train for you (yeah yeah yeah) 我会为你挡在火车前面(耶耶耶耶) You know I"d do anything for you (yeah yeah yeah) 你知道我会为你做任何事(耶耶耶耶) I would go through all this pain 我会为你忍受所有苦痛 Take a bullet straight through my brain 为了你让子弹穿过我的头颅 Yes I would die for you baby 没错 我可以为你而死 宝贝 But you won"t do the same 但你不会为我这样做 Bridge 桥 If my body was on fire 如果我身上着火 You would watch me burn down in flames 你会眼睁睁看着我烧成灰烬 You said you loved me you"re a liar 你说过你爱我,你这个骗子 Cause you never ever ever did baby 因为你从来 从来 从来就没爱过我 宝贝 But darling I"d still catch a grenade for you (yeah yeah yeah) 我会为你接住引燃的手榴弹(耶耶耶耶) Throw my hand on the blade for you (yeah yeah yeah) 我会为你空手挡下刀刃(耶耶耶耶) I"d jump in front of a train for you (yeah yeah yeah) 我会为你挡在火车前面(耶耶耶耶) You know I"d do anything for you (yeah yeah yeah) 你知道我会为你做任何事(耶耶耶耶) I would go through all this pain 我会为你忍受所有苦痛 Take a bullet straight through my brain 为了你让子弹穿过我的头颅 Yes I would die for you baby 没错 我可以为你而死 宝贝 But you won"t do the same 但你不会为我这样做 No you won"t do the same 不 你却不会这样做 You wouldn"t do the same 你不会为了我这么做 Ooh you"d never do the same 噢,你从来不会像我对你一样对我 Oh no no no 不,不,不,不...

求Bruno Mars 的《It Will Rain》中文歌词

If you ever leave me, baby  如果你要离开我,宝贝  Leave some morphine at my door  请在门后留些吗啡  "Cause it would take a whole lot of medication  因为它会代替所有药物  To realize what we used to have  回首我们的过去  We don"t have it anymore  再也不需要它了  There"s no religion that could save me  没有什么宗教信仰能够拯救我  No matter how long my leaves are on the floor  无论我跪在地上多久  So keep in mind all the sacrifices I"m makin"  请记住我做过的牺牲  Will keep you by my side  让你在我身边  Will keep you from walkin" out the door  并让你走出门外  Cause there"ll be no more sunlight, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有阳光  There"ll be no clear skies, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有明朗的天空  Just let the clouds, I, I will do the same  我会像云一样的飘过  If you walk away, Everyday, It Will Rain  如果你走了,那么每天都会下雨  I"ll never be your mother"s favorite  我从不会是你妈妈的最爱  Your daddy can"t even look me in the eye  你爸爸甚至不会看我的双眼  Oooh if I was in their shoes  如果我和他们是同样的处境  I"d be doing the same thing  我也会做一样的事情  Sayin there goes my little girl  说那是我的小女孩  Walkin" with that troublesome guy  走开,讨厌鬼  But they"re just afraid of something they can"t understand  但他们只是害怕一些他们不明白  Oooh well little darlin" watch me change their minds  哦,哦亲爱看我改变主意  Yea for you I"ll try I"ll try I"ll try  但是为你,我会努力,努力,努力去做  I"ll pick up these broken pieces "til I"m bleeding  直到流血我也要拾起这些碎片  That"ll make you mine  将他们拼合完整  Cause there"ll be no more sunlight, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有阳光  There"ll be no clear skies, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有明朗的天空  Just let the clouds, I, I will do the same  我会像云一样的飘过  If you walk away, Everyday, It Will Rain  如果你走了,那么每天都会下雨  I"ll do the same  我会做同样的  Goodbye, don"t just say, goodbye  再见,不要只是说,再见  I"ll pick up these broken pieces "til I"m bleeding  直到流血我也要拾起这些碎片  That"ll make it right  将使它正确  Cause there"ll be no more sunlight, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有阳光  There"ll be no clear skies, If I lose you, baby  因为失去你,我再也没有明朗的天空  Just let the clouds, I, I will do the same  我会像云一样的飘过  If you walk away, Everyday, It Will Rain  如果你走了,那么每天都会下雨

Bruno Mars的《Grenade》 歌词

歌曲名:Grenade歌手:Bruno Mars专辑:2012 Grammy NomineesGrenadeBruno MarsEasy come Easy goThat"s just how you live ohTake take take it allBut you never give,Should of known you were troubleFrom the first kiss had your eyes wide open,Why were they open?Gave you all I hadAnd you tossed it in the trash,You tossed it in the trash, you did.To give me all your love is all I ever asked cause What you don"t understand, Is id catch a grenade for ya.Throw my hand on the blade for ya,Id jump in front of a train for ya.You know I"d do anything for ya.OhI would go through all this pain,Take a bullet straight through my brain.Yes I would die for ya baby, But you won"t do the same.NoBlack, black, black and blue Beat me till I"m am numb tell the devil I said hey when you get back to where you"re from.Bad women bad womenThat"s just what you are yeahYou smile in my face than rip the breaks out my car.Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash, You tossed it in the trash yes you did. To give me all your fucking love is all I ever asked but What you don"t understand is id catch a grenade for ya.Throw my hand on the blade for ya,Id jump in front of a train for ya. You know I"d do anything for ya. Ohhh I would go through all this pain Take a bullet straight through my brain.Yes I would die for ya baby.But you won"t do the same. If my body was on fire Ooh you would watch me burn down in flames. You said you loved me you"re a liar cause you never ever ever did baby...But u do nothing for care for ya,Throw my hand on the blade for ya,Id jump in front of a train for ya. You know I"d do anything for ya. Ohhh I would go through all this pain Take a bullet straight through my brain.Yes I would die for ya baby.But you won"t do the same. No you won"t do the same.You won"t do the same.Ohh you never do the same.No...

Bruno Mars的《Grenade》 歌词

歌曲名:Grenade歌手:Bruno Mars专辑:Now That"s What I Call ChillBruno Mars - GrenadeEasy come Easy goThat"s just how you live ohTake take take it allBut you never give,Should of known you were troubleFrom the first kiss had your eyes wide open,Why were they open?Gave you all I hadAnd you tossed it in the trash,You tossed it in the trash, you did.To give me all your love is all I ever asked causeWhat you don"t understand,Is id catch a grenade for ya.Throw my hand on the blade for ya,Id jump in front of a train for ya.You know I"d do anything for ya.OhhhI would go through all this pain,Take a bullet straight through my brain.Yes I would die for ya baby,But you won"t do the same.NoooooBlack, black, black and blueBeat me till I"m am numb tell the devil I said hey when you get back to where you"re from.Bad women bad womenThat"s just what you are yeahYou smile in my face than rip the breaks out my car.Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash,You tossed it in the trash yes you did.To give me all your fucking love is all I ever asked butWhat you don"t understand is id catch a grenade for ya.Throw my hand on the blade for ya,Id jump in front of a train for ya.You know I"d do anything for ya.Ohhh I would go through all this painTake a bullet straight through my brain.Yes I would die for ya baby.But you won"t do the same.If my body was on fireOoh you would watch me burn down in flames.You said you loved me you"re a liar cause you never ever ever did baby...But u do nothing for care for ya,Throw my hand on the blade for ya,Id jump in front of a train for ya.You know I"d do anything for ya.Ohhh I would go through all this painTake a bullet straight through my brain.Yes I would die for ya baby.But you won"t do the same.No you won"t do the same.You won"t do the same.Ohh you never do the same.Nooooo...

grenade bruno mars歌词

Easy come, Easy go That"s just how you live, ohTake, take, take it all,but you never give Should"ve known you was trouble from the first kiss had your eyes wide open, Why were they open? Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trashYou tossed it in the trash, you did To give me all your love is all I ever askedCause what you don"t understand is I"d catch a grenade for ya.Throw my hand on the blade for ya,I"d jump in front of a train for ya. You know I"d do anything for ya. I would go through all this pain,Take a bullet straight through my brain.Yes, I would die for you ya baby,But you won"t do the same. No, No, No, No Black, black, black and blue,beat me till I"m numb Tell the devil I said "hey" when you get back to where you"re from.mad women bad women, That"s just what you areYeah,You"ll smile in my face than rip the brakes out my carGave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash,    You tossed it in the trash, yes, you did.   To give me all your fucking love is all I ever asked   But what you don"t understand is... I"d catch a grenade for ya.   Throw my hand on the blade for ya,  I‘d jump in front of a train for ya.You know I"d do anything for ya. Oh, OhI would go through all this pain,Take a bullet straight through my brain.   Yes, I would die for you baby,   But you won"t do the same.   If my body was on fire   Oh you"d would watch me burn down in flames.   You said you loved me, you"re a liar   Cause you never, ever, ever did, baby   But darling I"ll still catch a grenade for ya.   Throw my hand on the blade for ya,   I"d jump in front of a train for ya.  You know I"d do anything for ya.   Oh, Oh, I would go through all this pain,   Take a bullet straight through my brain.   Yes, I would die for you baby,   But you won"t do the same.   You wouldn"t do the same.   Oh, you never do the same.  No, No, No, No...

Bruno Mars的《Grenade》 歌词

歌曲名:Grenade歌手:Bruno Mars专辑:Absolute Summer HitsBruno Mars - GrenadeEasy come Easy goThat"s just how you live ohTake take take it allBut you never give,Should of known you were troubleFrom the first kiss had your eyes wide open,Why were they open?Gave you all I hadAnd you tossed it in the trash,You tossed it in the trash, you did.To give me all your love is all I ever asked causeWhat you don"t understand,Is id catch a grenade for ya.Throw my hand on the blade for ya,Id jump in front of a train for ya.You know I"d do anything for ya.OhhhI would go through all this pain,Take a bullet straight through my brain.Yes I would die for ya baby,But you won"t do the same.NoooooBlack, black, black and blueBeat me till I"m am numb tell the devil I said hey when you get back to where you"re from.Bad women bad womenThat"s just what you are yeahYou smile in my face than rip the breaks out my car.Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash,You tossed it in the trash yes you did.To give me all your fucking love is all I ever asked butWhat you don"t understand is id catch a grenade for ya.Throw my hand on the blade for ya,Id jump in front of a train for ya.You know I"d do anything for ya.Ohhh I would go through all this painTake a bullet straight through my brain.Yes I would die for ya baby.But you won"t do the same.If my body was on fireOoh you would watch me burn down in flames.You said you loved me you"re a liar cause you never ever ever did baby...But u do nothing for care for ya,Throw my hand on the blade for ya,Id jump in front of a train for ya.You know I"d do anything for ya.Ohhh I would go through all this painTake a bullet straight through my brain.Yes I would die for ya baby.But you won"t do the same.No you won"t do the same.You won"t do the same.Ohh you never do the same.Nooooo...

bruno mars的rest中文歌词

Everyday I wake up next to an angel, more beautiful than words could say. They said it wouldn"t work but what do they know, cuz here"s the past and we"re still here today. Never in my dreams did I think that this would happen to me. As I stand here before a woman, I can"t fight back the tears in my eyes. Oh how could I be so lucky, I must have done something right. And I promised to love her, for the rest of my life... Seems like yesterday when she first said hello. Funny how time flies when you"re in love. It took us a lifetime to find eachother. It was worth the wait cuz I finally found the one. Never in my dreams did I think that this would happen to me. As I stand here before a woman, I can"t fight back the tears in my eyes. Oh how could I have been so lucky, I must have done something right. And I promised to love her for the rest of my life.

Bruno Mars的《Marry You》 歌词

歌曲名:Marry You歌手:Bruno Mars专辑:Essential R&B 2012Marry YouBruno Marsit"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to dohey baby i think i wanna marry youis it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juicewho cares baby, i think i wanna marry youwell i know this little chapel on the boulevardwe can go whoa whoano one will no whoaoh come on girlwho cares if we"re trashedgot a pocket full of cash we can blow whoa whoashots of patrol whoa whoaand guitar girldon"t say no no no no nojust say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahand we"ll go go go go goif you"re ready, like i"m readycos it"s a beautiful nigt we"re looking for something dumb to dohey baby i think i wanna marry youis it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juicewho cares baby, i think i wanna marry youohi"ll go get the ringlet the choir bell sing like ooh ooh oohso what you wanna do ooh oohlets just run girlif we wake up and you want to break upthat"s cool ooh oohno i won"t blame you ooh oohit was fun girldon"t say no no no no nojust say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahand we"ll go go go go goif you"re ready, like i"m readycos it"s a beautiful nigt we"re looking for something dumb to dohey baby i think i wanna marry youis it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juicewho cares baby, i think i wanna marry youjust say i do ooh ooh oohtell me right now babytell me right now baby, babyjust say i do ooh ooh oohtell me right now babytell me right now baby, babyohit"s a beautiful nigt we"re looking for something dumb to dohey baby i think i wanna marry youis it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juicewho cares baby, i think i wanna marry you

Bruno Mars的《Marry You》 歌词

歌曲名:Marry You歌手:Bruno Mars专辑:Doo-Wops & HooligansMarry YouBruno Marsit"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to dohey baby i think i wanna marry youis it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juicewho cares baby, i think i wanna marry youwell i know this little chapel on the boulevardwe can go whoa whoano one will no whoaoh come on girlwho cares if we"re trashedgot a pocket full of cash we can blow whoa whoashots of patrol whoa whoaand guitar girldon"t say no no no no nojust say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahand we"ll go go go go goif you"re ready, like i"m readycos it"s a beautiful nigt we"re looking for something dumb to dohey baby i think i wanna marry youis it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juicewho cares baby, i think i wanna marry youohi"ll go get the ringlet the choir bell sing like ooh ooh oohso what you wanna do ooh oohlets just run girlif we wake up and you want to break upthat"s cool ooh oohno i won"t blame you ooh oohit was fun girldon"t say no no no no nojust say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahand we"ll go go go go goif you"re ready, like i"m readycos it"s a beautiful nigt we"re looking for something dumb to dohey baby i think i wanna marry youis it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juicewho cares baby, i think i wanna marry youjust say i do ooh ooh oohtell me right now babytell me right now baby, babyjust say i do ooh ooh oohtell me right now babytell me right now baby, babyohit"s a beautiful nigt we"re looking for something dumb to dohey baby i think i wanna marry youis it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juicewho cares baby, i think i wanna marry you

求歌词:bruno mars granade

Bruno Mars---Grenade中英文歌词Easy come Easy go 说来就来 说走就走That"s just how you live oh 这就是你的作风 OHTake take take it all 拿走, 拿走,拿走所有But you never give, 但你从不给予Should of known you were trouble 早该知道你是个麻烦From the first kiss had your eyes wide open, 从第一次接吻时你大睁的双眼开始Why were they open? 它们为什么开着?Gave you all I had 给你我的全部And you tossed it in the trash, 你却弃之不理You tossed it in the trash, you did. 你却弃之不理,的确是To give me all your love is all I ever asked cause 给我你全部的爱是我仅有的要求,因为What you don"t understand, 你不明白Is id catch a grenade for ya. 我会为你接下手雷Throw my hand on the blade for ya, 我会为你上刀山Id jump in front of a train for ya. 我会为你跳到火车前You know I"d do anything for ya. 你知道我会为你做任何事OhhhI would go through all this pain, 我愿为你经历这所有的苦痛Take a bullet straight through my brain. 甚至让子弹穿过我的脑袋Yes I would die for ya baby,是的,我愿为你而死,BABYBut you won"t do the same.但你绝不会如我一样NoooooBlack, black, black and blue 青,青,青一块紫一块Beat me till I"m am numb tell the devil I said hey when you get back to where you"re from.把我打到麻木,当你变回原样时,我跟魔鬼说了声嘿mad women bad women 疯女人 坏女人That"s just what you are yeah 你本来就是这样You smile in my face than rip the brakes out my car. 一边冲我笑着,一边扯掉我车内的刹车Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash, 给你我的全部,你却弃之不理You tossed it in the trash yes you did. 你却弃之不理,的确是To give me all your fucking love is all I ever asked but 给我你全部的爱是我仅有的要求What you don"t understand is 但你却不明白,id catch a grenade for ya. 我会为你接下手雷Throw my hand on the blade for ya, 我会为你上刀山Id jump in front of a train for ya.我会为你跳到火车前You know I"d do anything for ya. 你知道我会为你做任何事Ohhh I would go through all this pain OH,我愿为你经历这所有的苦痛Take a bullet straight through my brain. 甚至让子弹穿过我的脑袋Yes I would die for ya baby. 是的,我愿为你而死 BABYBut you won"t do the same. 但你绝不会如我一样If my body was on fire 如果我身上着火了Ooh you would watch me burn down in flames. OH 你会看着我被火焰吞噬You said you loved me you"re a liar cause you never ever ever did baby...你说你爱过我。你是个骗子,因为你从未,从未,从未爱过我,BABYBut darling, i"d catch a grenade for ya. 但亲爱的,我会为你接下手雷Throw my hand on the blade for ya, 我会为你上刀山Id jump in front of a train for ya.我会为你跳到火车前You know I"d do anything for ya. 你知道我会为你做任何事Ohhh I would go through all this pain OH 我愿为你经历这所有的苦痛Take a bullet straight through my brain. 甚至让子弹穿过我的脑袋Yes I would die for ya baby. 是的,我愿为你而死,BABYBut you won"t do the same. 但你绝不会如我一样No you won"t do the same. 不,你绝不会如我一样You won"t do the same. 你绝不会如我一样Ohh you never do the same. OH,你从未如我一样Nooooo...

Bruno Mars 身高

布鲁诺·马尔斯身高:165cm布鲁诺·马尔斯(Bruno Mars),1985年10月8日出生于美国夏威夷檀香山,美国创作型男歌手。

求Bruno Mars的《treasure》中英对照歌词 (ps:注意是一行英文,一行中文!)

歌名:Treasure演唱:Bruno Mars Give me all 把你献给我 Give me all 献给我 Give me all your attention baby 献给我 注意 宝贝 I got to tell you a little something 我得告诉你 About yourself 一些关于你的事 You"re wonderful flawless 你是个绝佳极品 完美无瑕 Ooh you"re a sexy lady 喔 你是个性感辣妹 But you walk around here 你是个绝佳极品 完美无瑕 Like you wanna be someone else 却透露了你想要成为他人 I know that you don"t know it 我知道你还没有自觉到 But you"re fine so fine 但你真的很棒如此完美无瑕 Oh girl I"m gonna show you 喔 女孩,我会让你明白的 When you"re mine 只要你成为我的女孩 Oh mine 我最爱的女孩 That means what you are 人间极品 那就是你 Honey you"re my golden star 蜜糖 你是那颗照亮我的星 I know you can make my wish come true 你有这本事 让我梦想成真 If you let me treasure you 如果你愿意让我好好呵护你 If you let me treasure you 如果你愿意让我好好呵护你 Pretty girl 漂亮美眉 Pretty girl 漂亮美眉 Pretty girl you should be smiling 漂亮美眉 你应该常保笑容 A girl like you should never live so blue 像你这样的美眉 不该眉头深锁 You"re everything 你是 I see in my dreams 我的梦中情人 I woulda say that to you 假如这一切不是真的 If it wasn"t true 我不会这样对你说 I know that you don"t know it 我知道你还没有自觉到 But you"re fine 但你真的很棒 So fine 如此完美无瑕 Oh girl I"m gonna show you 喔 女孩,我会让你明白的 When you"re mine 只要你成为我的女孩 Oh mine 我最爱的女孩 That means what you are 人间极品 那就是你 Honey you"re my golden star 蜜糖 你是那颗照亮我的星 I know you can make my wish come true 你有这本事 让我梦想成真 If you let me treasure you 如果你愿意让我好好呵护你 If you let me treasure you 如果你愿意让我好好呵护你 You are my treasure 你是人间极品 You are my treasure 人间极品 You are my treasure 我珍贵的宝藏 Yeah you you you you are 是的 你 你 你 就是你 You are my treasure 你是人间极品 You are my treasure 人间极品 You are my treasure 我珍贵的宝藏 Yeah you you you you are 是的 你 你 你 就是你 Treasure 人间极品 That means what you are 那就是你 Honey you"re my golden star 蜜糖 你是那颗照亮我的星 I know you can make my wish come true 你有这本事 让我梦想成真 If you let me treasure you 如果你愿意让我好好呵护你 If you let me treasure you 如果你愿意让我好好呵护你

求bruno mars的一首歌。


count on me bruno mars 的中英歌词

Count On Me If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, I"ll sail the world to find you If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can"t see, I"ll be the light to guide youFind out what we"re made of When we are called to help our friends in needYou can count on me like 1 2 3 I"ll be there And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2 And you"ll be there Cause that"s what friends are supposed to do, oh yeahWooooh, Wooooh yeah YeahIf you toss and you turn and you just can"t fall asleep I"ll sing a song beside you And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me Everyday I will remind youOhh Find out what we"re made of When we are called to help our friends in needYou can count on me like 1 2 3 I"ll be there And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2 You"ll be there Cause that"s what friends are supposed to do, oh yeahWooooh, Wooooh Yeah YeahYou"ll always have my shoulder when you cry I"ll never let go Never say goodbyeYou can count on me like 1 2 3 I"ll be there And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2 You"ll be there Cause that"s what friends are supposed to do, oh yeahWooooh, Wooooh you can count on me cos" I can count on you

我想知道关于(火星哥)bruno mars的一切消息

布鲁诺·马尔斯(Bruno Mars),原名彼得·基恩·埃尔南德斯(Peter Gene Hernandez),是美国的创作型歌手、音乐制作人。他的音乐风格多种多样,舞台表演内容丰富,个人独特的复古表演极具吸引力。他拥有18项格莱美奖提名并赢得其中的两座,全球60白金专辑销量,全球单曲销量超过1.3亿,是继“猫王”之后,拿下五首Billboard Hot 100单曲榜冠军单曲速度最快的男歌手。入选2011年《时代》杂志全球“最具影响力的100人”,获2013年《人物》杂志“全球最性感男人”第五名,拿下2013年《Billboard》杂志年度艺人,领衔2014年《福布斯》“音乐领域30位30岁以下俊杰”名单,在2014年第48届超级碗中场秀领衔演出,是当今世界流行乐坛的超级巨星。他2010年发行的首张录音室专辑《Doo-Wops & Hooligans》在Billboard 200专辑榜上的最好成绩达到第三位[2] ,专辑以收获全世界范围内的冠军单曲 《Just the Way You Are》和《Grenade》,还有单曲《The Lazy Song》打底。这张专辑为马尔斯赢得了7个格莱美奖提名,并凭借《Just the Way You Are》折桂最佳流行男歌手奖。[3] 他2012年发行的第二张专辑《Unorthodox Jukebox》拿下包括英美在内的全球多国冠军专辑,并斩获格莱美最佳流行专辑奖。这张专辑孕育了风靡全球的单曲《Locked Out of Heaven》、《When I Was Your Man》和《Treasure》。四年的演唱生涯中,马尔斯获得了两座格莱美奖,全球销出专辑超过一千二百多万张,单曲销量超过一亿三千万份,四首单曲被算作史上畅销单曲。自2010年初次登顶Billboard Hot 100单曲榜后,马尔斯成为继“猫王”埃尔维斯·普雷斯利之后,最快拿下该榜五首冠军单曲的男歌手[4] ,现已被视为全球最成功的独唱艺人之一。2011年,马尔斯入选《时代》杂志全球“最具影响力的100人”。2014年,他终于领衔《福布斯》“音乐领域30位30岁以下俊杰”名单。

bruno mars的简介

  【唱片公司】Elektra Records  【音乐风格】Pop、另类嘻哈、灵魂乐、R&B  Bruno Mars嗓音独特,凭借与B.o.B合作的出道单曲《Nothin" On You》挤下了连续5个星期排名第一的蕾哈娜,在美国Billboard顺利拿下冠军。其他还有与Travis McCoy合作的Billionaire等。 在成为一个成功的歌手之前,Bruno Mars已是一位知名的音乐制作人,在做了一连串的幕后工作(包括为Brandy写歌,为Sugababes唱和声和模仿猫王)后,作为歌曲制作人的他参与了Flo Rida在2009年红翻天的《Right Round》以及2010年世界杯主题曲《Wavin" Flag》的写谱,还为 Maroon 5和Sean Kingston等歌手写歌或监制。在《Nothin" On You》成功不久后,他就借着这股冲劲开始了自己的音乐之路,很快就成为了这近20年内唯一一位首发四张单曲都进入了Billboard前十名的男歌手。  2010年5月11日他推出自己的细碟《It"s Better If You Don"t Understand》,而个人首张专辑《Doo-Wops & Hooligans 》易于2010年10月5日发行。  可以说,bruno mars 的成名作便是just the way you are ,在美国Billboard Hot 100单曲榜上榜9周后终于不负重望夺得了冠军。  以冠军单曲“Just the Way You Are”和“Grenade”打底的这张专辑迅速攀上公告牌二百强专辑榜季军位置。在第53届格莱美奖(53rd Grammy Awards)上,他共获得七项提名,并因“Just the Way You Are”获得最佳男性流行乐声乐表演奖(Best Male Pop Vocal Performance)

需Bruno Mars 的《marry you》的英文歌词!~谢~~

演唱者 Bruno Mars 所属专辑 Doo - Wops & Hooligans 《marry you》It"s a beautiful night,We"re looking for something dumb to do.Hey baby,I think I wanna marry you.Is it the look in your eyes,Or is it this dancing juice?Who cares baby,I think I wanna marry you.Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go,No one will know,Come on girl.Who cares if we"re trashed got a pocket full of cash we can blow,Shots of patron,And it"s on girl.Don"t say no, no, no, no-no;Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah;And we"ll go, go, go, go-go.If you"re ready, like I"m ready.Cause it"s a beautiful night,We"re looking for something dumb to do.Hey baby,I think I wanna marry you.Is it the look in your eyes,Or is it this dancing juice?Who cares baby,I think I wanna marry you.I"ll go get a ring let the choir bells sing like oooh,So whatcha wanna do?Let"s just run girl.If we wake up and you wanna break up that"s cool.No, I won"t blame you;It was fun girl.Don"t say no, no, no, no-no;Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah;And we"ll go, go, go, go-go.If you"re ready, like I"m ready.Cause it"s a beautiful night,We"re looking for something dumb to do.Hey baby,I think I wanna marry you.Is it the look in your eyes,Or is it this dancing juice?Who cares baby,I think I wanna marry you.Just say I do,Tell me right now baby,Tell me right now baby. x2Cause it"s a beautiful night,We"re looking for something dumb to do.Hey baby,I think I wanna marry you.Is it the look in your eyes,Or is it this dancing juice?Who cares baby,I think I wanna marry you.O(∩_∩)O~ LL、百度和Q音乐上都有、可能是时间问题、你现在查应该就有了、

bruno mars好听的歌,不要复制的。

grenade , nothin" on you , lighters , when i was your man , locked out of heaven , it will rain , talking to the moon , young,wild& free , mirror , just the way you are , click clack away , the lazy song。。。 他的歌都很棒以上是我认为比较好的。

周杰伦和Bruno Mars谁厉害


Bruno Mars 在欧美乐坛的地位有多高

歌曲:Runaway Baby歌手:Bruno Mars歌曲介绍作为2010年美国乐坛的新人王,绰号“火星”的 Bruno Mars带来了一缕自由春风。在高科技越战越勇的欧美乐坛,他仅用一把吉他闯荡江湖,实在勇气可嘉。冲向风车的唐吉诃德,用肉嗓挑战Auto-Tune(人工修音)的BrunoMars,都是真正的猛士,不同的是小“火星”赢了。《RunawayBaby》是真正的自由之歌,自由不一定要轰轰烈烈,但一定要神清气爽,“火星”曾言,只写简单的流行乐,他说到做到,

火星哥Bruno Mars是否有可能成为像MJ那样的巨星


求bruno mars - treasure这首歌是什么风格?

september所属专辑Dance Trax的分类是disco funk

Bruno Mars的《Natalie》 歌词

歌曲名:Natalie歌手:Bruno Mars专辑:Unorthodox JukeboxNatalieBruno MarsOh I never done this beforeNever wanna do this againLong turn on a dusty roadI did it too much so I cant pretendWell I learned just a little too lateGood God I must"ve been blindCause she got me for everything, everything, everything, alrightLike my daddy im a gambling manNever been afraid to roll the diceBut when I put my bet on herLittle miss snake eyes ruined my lifeShe better sleep with one eye openBetter make sure to lock her doorCause once I get my hands on her, imma ooohhNatalie, she ran away with all my moneyAnd she did it funNatalie, she"s probably out there thinking it"s funnyTelling everyonethat i"m taking my tension from this golden complexionWatch out she"s quickLook out for pretty little blankNatalie, if you see her tell her im comingShe better runThe good lord better bless your soulCause I dont know already cursed your nameDont matter which way you goPayback"s gonna come your wayYou"ll be begging me, please please pleaseAnd now I look at you, and laugh, laugh, laughWhy is it that cry for me, cry for me, cry for me all nightI spend your lifetime in jail (yeah that"s what I do)I"ll be smiling in my cell (yeah thinking bout you)Cant nobody save you nowSo there aint no use in tryOnce again my hands on you, imma ooohNatalie, she ran away with all my moneyAnd she did it funNatalie, she"s probably out there thinking it"s funnyTelling everyone that i"m taking my tension from this golden complexionWatch out she"s quickLook out for pretty little blankNatalie, if you see her tell her im comingShe better runI should"ve known betterCause when we were togetherShe never said foreverIm a fool that played her gameNatalie, she ran away with all my moneyAnd she did it funNatalie, she"s probably out there thinking it"s funnyTelling everyone that i"m taking my tension from this golden complexionWatch out she"s quickLook out for pretty little blankNatalie, if you see her tell her im comingShe better run

《Voices In My Head》—Bruno Mars歌词

歌手:leary denis 专辑:no cure for cancer (Denis Leary/Chris Phillips)I want you to get a gunAnd head on down to WashingtonI want you to climb up highHigh in the sky and shoot them allTh-th-they don"t deserve to liveWhat did they every give to you? Na na na na naYou know what I want you to do? I want you to go upstairs to thatapartment where that guy keeps playing that Barry Manilow record"Copacabana" over and over and over again. I want you to ring thedoorbell, and when he answers the door, I want you to stab him in the neckwith a Number 2 pencil over and over and over again because he must pay!Chop him up and put him in the freezer and as you leave the apartment,light the place on fire!Leary DenisCHORUSVoices in my headThese are the voices in my headVoices in my headThese are the voices in my headYou should dress up like a clownBark bark howlHi you never called me back. I got the pictures back from Thanksgiving. Idon"t know why you wear that earring. If your father was alive I don"tknow what he"d say. I was talking to Mrs. Corelli yesterday. You knowBobby Corelli who was in your grade? He got promoted again in his lawfirm. He"s making $175,000 a year now. Are you on drugs? Why don"t youever call me back? When are you gonna get married son? Isn"t it about timeyou settled down and got yourself a wife and got yourself a house and gota kid, and got a car, and got a dog and got a lawnmowerk, and got a nicepicket fence...CHORUSThe voice in my head-Why, why is it every timeI gotta wait on fuckin" line?Why is it every time I turn on my television set I gotta see SallyStruthers and those starving kids? Why can"t somebody just send her acheck and shut her and those god damn kids up? Jesus fucking Christ!Where"s Rob Reiner when you need him?Why, why don"t they drop the bombRight on top of everyone? Na na na na na

Justin Bieber和Bruno Mars哪个更有实力

Justin Bieber

Bruno Mars有什么好听的歌?

火星的现场唱功很好,一般现场很有震撼力。抒情歌,慢歌:count on me ,it will rain(暮光之城),grenade(很心碎···)just the way you are,mirror(和Lil Wayne)合作,MV很好)新专里面young girls.when i was your man (现场震撼)比较欢乐的歌,节奏快的:locked out of heaven (BB榜目前3周冠),旧歌marry you,run away baby,很经典新专里面的moonshine,show me(show me 有个现场版,火星那骚劲儿,啧啧)节奏也不快,一般人唱不了·····希望采纳

Broun Mars音乐属于什么风格

Bruno Mars的音乐作品被认为展现了多变的风格,含有多种音乐流派的元素,如Pop、另类嘻哈、灵魂乐、R&B等。

Bruno Mars 是同性恋么


求bruno mars英文介绍翻译

Journey to mars火星之旅; [例句]It would be some achievement if a person could make the journey to Marsand back.如果一个人能到火星去旅行并安全返回,那可真是了不起的成就。

求Bruno Mars的When i was your man 歌词的中文翻译 楼主看

Bruno Mars吸毒??!!

中新网1月31日电 歌手Bruno Mars去年9月在拉斯维加斯吸毒被捕。近日,据法庭消息指,他愿主动认罪换取轻判,代价是获得一年缓刑、罚款2000美元、200小时社会服务令和强迫戒毒。据香港“明报”报道,Bruno Mars受吸毒丑闻缠绕,但这也没影响他的人气。Bruno Mars的新歌Grenade日前第3度登上美国Billboard单曲榜冠军,顺势把Britney Spears复出之作Hold It Against Me推落至第6位。

求bruno mars的英文介绍

Bruno MarsFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaPeter Gene Hernandez (born October 8, 1985), better known by his stage name Bruno Mars, is an American singer-songwriter and record producer. Raised in Honolulu, Hawaii by a family of musicians, Mars began making music at a young age. After performing in various musical venues in his hometown throughout his childhood, he decided to pursue a musical career and moved to Los Angeles after graduating from high school. Mars began producing songs for other artists, joining production team The Smeezingtons.After an unsuccessful stint with Motown Records, Mars signed with Atlantic Records in 2009. He became recognized as a solo artist after lending his vocals and co-writing the hooks for the songs "Nothin" on You" by B.o.B, and "Billionaire" by Travie McCoy. He also co-wrote the hits "Right Round" by Flo Rida featuring Kesha, "Wavin" Flag" by K"naan, and "Fuck You!" by Cee Lo Green. In October 2010, he released his debut album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans. Anchored by the worldwide number one singles "Just the Way You Are" and "Grenade", the album peaked at number three on the Billboard 200.He was nominated for seven Grammys at the 53rd Grammy Awards, winning Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for "Just the Way You Are".Mars" music is noted for displaying a wide variety of styles and influences, and contains elements of many different musical genres. He has worked with an assortment of artists from different genres; Mars acknowledges the influences that his collaborations have had on his own music. As a child, he was highly influenced by artists such as Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson and would often impersonate these artists from a young age. Mars also incorporates reggae and Motown inspired sounds into his work. Jon Caramanica of The New York Times referred to Mars as "one of the most versatile and accessible singers in pop."

急求Bruno Mars的英文介绍

Is known. Bruno Mars unique voice, with the cooperation with the BoB"s debut single "Nothin "On You" squeeze 5 weeks in a row under the top-ranked Rihanna, won the championship in the U.S. Billboard smoothly. Others include collaboration with Travis McCoy Billionaire and so on. Bruno Mars in Hawaii Waikiki (Waikiki) was born and raised on the island, are the parents of six children in one, and parents are Puerto Rico and the Philippines. He was born in a musical family gave him a wide range of Reggae, rock, hip hop and R & B and other styles. In the very young, Bruno Mars began to imitate and performances such as Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson and so is the influential artist"s songs. In 1990 he was four years old when they were MidWeek magazine selected as the "king cat" in 1992, after a honeymoon in Las Vegas to play video cat king. In his 14 years of age, he was in the Legends in Concert in imitation of the King of Pop Michael Jackson. 2003, 17 years old, he was President Theodore Roosevelt High School, after follow the recommendations of his uncle moved to Los Angeles to pursue his own musical career. Disappointment and frustration in a few months later, he met musician Philip Lawrence, he persuaded Mars to try to write songs for other singers. They call themselves The Smeezingtons, Long Distance - Brandy is recording in 2008 that first. After that, they offer continually, for the first time in 2009 won the first prize, which is that the first red Detached the Right Round. By 2010, Bruno Mars was almost known to everybody. Do not think he was only a few first masterpiece: Billonaire for the time being placed, Right Round not say, Nothin "On You do not mention, but won 53 Grammy Best Urban / Alternative Performance for the F Cee-Lo Green *** You actually have him out of it. Really is everywhere (everywhere) ah! [1] before becoming a successful singer, Bruno Mars is a well-known music producer, a series of behind the scenes doing the work (including the Brandy writing songs for the Sugababes to sing harmony and imitating Elvis Presley), the as music producer, Flo Rida, he participated in the storied 2009"s "Right Round" and the 2010 World Cup theme song "Wavin "Flag" of the writing spectrum, but also for Sean Kingston Maroon 5 and writing songs or the producer of such artists. In the "Nothin "On You" soon after the success, he shares through this momentum began his music on the road, which soon became the only starter the past 20 years, four singles into the Billboard top ten Name the male singer. In the May 11, 2010 he released his singles "It"s Better If You Don"t Understand", the debut album "Doo-Wops & Hooligans" easy-to-October 5, 2010 issue. At the same time from the new album"s first single "Just The Way You Are" has been in the July 19, 2010 issue, MV song also released the same year on September 8, in the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 singles chart chart 9 weeks later, he does not live up to win the championship, and reelected the top spot for 4 weeks. Second, the new album single "Liquor Store Blues" are September 21 for download at the iTunes Store. October 9, 2010, Bruno Mars Saturday Night Live in the United States show sang "Just the Way You Are" "Nothin "on You" and "Grenade".聆听以拼音方式阅读

BRUNO MARS在国外是不是跟凤凰传奇一样?

不是,我最喜欢的一个歌手Bruno Mars,大家觉得他在欧美歌坛地位如何 由 ABC不得不说 发表在虎扑篮球·音乐区布鲁诺·马尔斯(Bruno Mars),原名彼得·基恩·埃尔南德斯(Peter Gene Hernandez),是美国的创作型歌手、音乐制作人。他的音乐风格多种多样,舞台表演内容丰富,个人独特的复古表演极具吸引力。他拥有18项格莱美奖提名并赢得其中的两座,全球60白金专辑销量,全球单曲销量超过1.3亿,是继“猫王”之后,拿下五首Billboard Hot 100单曲榜冠军单曲速度最快的男歌手。入选2011年《时代》杂志全球“最具影响力的100人”,获2013年《人物》杂志“全球最性感男人”第五名,拿下2013年《Billboard》杂志年度艺人,领衔2014年《福布斯》“音乐领域30位30岁以下俊杰”名单,在2014年第48届超级碗中场秀领衔演出,是当今世界流行乐坛的超级巨星。

Bruno Mars的《Treasure》 歌词

歌曲名:Treasure歌手:Bruno Mars专辑:Unorthodox JukeboxTreasureBruno MarsGive me all, give me all, give me all your attention babyI got to tell you a little something about yourselfYou"re wonderful, flawless, ooh you"re a sexy ladyBut you walk around here like you wanna be something elseI know that you dont know it, but you"re fine, so fineOh girl im gonna show you when you"re mine, oh mineTreasure, that means what you areHoney you"re my golden starI know you can make my wish come trueIf you let me treasure youIf you let me treasure youPretty girl, pretty girl, pretty girl you should be smilingA girl like you should never live so blueYou"re everything I see in my dreamsI woulda say that to you if it wasnt trueI know that you dont know it, but you"re fine, so fineOh girl im gonna show you when you"re mine, oh mineTreasure, that means what you areHoney you"re my golden starI know you can make my wish come trueIf you let me treasure youIf you let me treasure youYou are my treasure, you are my treasureYou are my treasure, yeah, you you you, you areYou are my treasure, you are my treasureYou are my treasure, yeah, you you you, you areTreasure, that means what you areHoney you"re my golden starI know you can make my wish come trueIf you let me treasure youIf you let me treasure you
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