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以 My dream about study abroad 为题的二百字英语作文

I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I don"t have to worry about the old age during which I even can"t take care of myself. I know that my dream will not come true. However, I think it is lucky that I am young now. So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well.

What about a bag 什么意思


about Walt Desney

About Walt Disney2006-12-02 17:22Walt Disney: He Built A Better Mouse Hollywood feared new technology -- but Disney used it to create an iconic brand "Never forget that it all started with a mouse," Walt Disney was fond of saying, and in a sense that was true: The company that today bears his name rose to prominence with Mickey Mouse, a character the onetime commercial artist first sketched on a 1928 train trip from New York to Los Angeles. Soon, Mickey Mouse would become a celluloid superstar. His third film, Steamboat Willie, for which Walt provided the rodent"s high-pitched voice, was the first cartoon to synchronize sound and motion. Three years later, Disney added color to his growing menagerie, which included Minnie, Goofy, and Donald Duck. And in 1937, he made Hollywood"s first full-length animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, a $1 million production that nearly bankrupted the company he and his older brother Roy had established in 1923.In an industry that feared new technology like TV, because it might keep moviegoers home, Disney loved it. In the process, he invented the world"s first media conglomerate, turning his collection of characters into toys, parading them through theme parks, and featuring them on records, radio, and in comics. "He created a brand that stood for clean, wholesome family entertainment, using synergy before there was even a word for it," says Stanford University Graduate School of Business marketing professor Peter Sealey, an ex-Columbia Pictures executive.The man whose name is an American icon was born in Chicago in 1901, a farmer"s son. Disney"s first business, making satirical cartoons in Kansas City, went bust, so with $500 from an uncle, he and Roy headed for Hollywood, where they started a small studio. When Universal Studios Inc. hired away staff and with them Walt"s popular character Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, the two vowed to stop working for others.Walt Disney Studio was fueled by Walt"s imagination, honed on Mark Twain and on memories of French castles he saw during his World War I tour as an ambulance driver. Business-minded Roy found ways to finance Walt"s creations. One method changed business history: Roy"s team struck Hollywood"s earliest licensing deal, selling the rights to put Mickey"s image on a writing table for $300. Soon, Ingersoll-Waterbury Co. was selling millions of Mickey Mouse watches.Disney forever altered entertainment with his bet on Disneyland, built in 1955 on a 182-acre citrus grove in Anaheim, Calif. To help finance the $17 million park, the Disneys sold a 34.5% stake to the fledgling ABC TV (DIS ) network and agreed to produce a weekly show with the park as its backdrop. Not long after, The Mickey Mouse Club was born, and the driving force of the company became cross-promotion. Disneyland"s Frontierland gave rise to the Davy Crockett TV series that in turn created a national craze for coonskin caps -- licensed by Disney.Expansion continued after Walt"s death in 1966 at age 64. The 28,000 Florida acres Disney purchased for $5 million opened as Walt Disney World"s Magic Kingdom six years later. The company has suffered bumps -- a failed 1984 takeover attempt and shareholder revolt over current CEO Michael D. Eisner. But its early embrace of new technologies helps it endure. Kids flock to Disney parks from Paris to Tokyo -- and today buy Mickey DVDs on their way out the gates.

—— I’d like_____information about the management of your hotel, please.—— Well, you cou

A information 在此为不可数名词,故可排除 B、D 两个选项;have a word with sb. 为固定短语,意思是“跟……说句话”。

A English poem about peace

Guns, bombs, mines and tortures   Form its massive sound   But, within its power, within its might   And within its fearful threats   Peace is not to be found   If we kill people, with whom will we live?   The enemy is not a person; it lies within each of us   Perhaps, just perhaps, it takes only one more person   To shake the temple bell of compassion   To light a candle of love, and to hold up their hand   In courageous refusal   to the enemies lurking within each of us   To finally break the grip of violence over our world   Then, truly then, peace will be found.   枪支、炸弹、地雷与酷刑   惊天动地   但,在其力量中,在其威力中   在其骇人的威胁中   我们无法觅得和平   如果我们杀人,我们身边还将有谁?   我们的敌人不是某个人,它就在我们各自心中   或许,只是或许,只需再多一个人   去敲响怜悯的寺钟   去点燃友爱的蜡烛,去举起他们的双手   勇敢地制服   潜伏在我们各自心中的敌人   去最终消弭暴力对你我共有的世界的控制   那时,真的要到那时,我们方能找到和平

The most important thing about cotton in history is_part that it played in_Industrial Revolution


ignorant of 和ignorant about的区别

Ignorant of 是无知的Ignorant about是愚昧的反正一个中性一个贬义

Who can tell me something about Baidu in English?

there is in this place what you want

用get away 、get about、get in、get back这四个短语造句!冰洁句子的中文意思也要。

首先:get away 是逃脱的意思 例句:don"t think you can get away with telling lies.不要以为你撒了谎就可以这样逃脱掉。get about 是(病人)走动;旅行的意思 例句:No,a taxi will get you about the city faster.不,乘出租车游览这个城市会更快。get in 是到达The plane got in on time. 飞机准时到达。 2.收获The farmers are getting the crops in. 农人在收割农作物。 3.请...来We must get the doctor in. 我们得请医生来。 get back 是返回 取回的意思when did you get back from paris?你什么时候从巴黎回来?

Please stop joking about my brother


The doctors are ______ about the guidelines under which they can carry out euthanasia.

B. at a loss

英语Negative thoughts bring about the oppositez怎么翻译


谁知道kelly sweet 的how about you中文歌词

Ribbons dancing in my hair 缎带在头发上飞舞 Watch them floating in the air 看着他们在飘扬 Giving out some sweet hellos 发出些许甜蜜的问候 no one"s a stranger in my world 我的世界没有一个陌生人 higher and higher 更高,更高 I"ll take you there 我将带你去那里 I believe in fate 我相信命运 I believe in dreams 我相信梦想 Make the most of all those little things 毫无牵挂的尽情享受 Everything you touch leaves a trace of love 每当你触碰爱的轨迹 In the end it comes back to you 最后终将回归于你 I"m letting go 我尽情释放 I"m flying free 我自由飞翔 How bout you? 你呢? You got a problem let it be 遇到问题?随他去 You"ll feel the music just like me 你将会感觉到像我一样的音乐 Can"t you see the sun shining down 你没看见耀眼的阳光? Even on a rainy day? 即使阴雨连绵 higher and higher 更高,更高 so easy to go there 去那里很简单 I believe in fate 我相信命运 I believe in dreams 我相信梦想 Make the most of all those little things 毫无牵挂的尽情享受 Everything you touch leaves a trace of love 每当你触碰爱的轨迹 In the end it comes back to you 最后终将回归于你 I believe in fate 我相信命运 I believe in dreams 我相信梦想 Make the most of all those little things 毫无牵挂的尽情享受 Everything you touch leaves a trace of love 每当你触碰爱的轨迹 In the end it comes back to you 最后终将回归于你 I"m letting go 我尽情释放 I"m flying free 我自由飞翔 How bout you? 你呢? I"m letting go 我尽情释放 I"m flying free 我自由飞翔 How bout you? 那么你呢? How bout you? 那么你呢? I"m letting go 我尽情释放 I"m flying free 我自由飞翔 How bout you? 那么你呢? How bout you? 那么你呢? I believe in fate 我相信命运 I believe in dreams 我相信梦想 Make the most of all those little things 毫无牵挂的尽情享受Everything you touch leaves a trace of love 每当你触碰爱的轨迹 In the end it comes back to you 最后终将回归于你 I believe in fate 我相信命运 I believe in dreams 我相信梦想 Make the most of all those little things 毫无牵挂的尽情享受Everything you touch leaves a trace of love 每当你触碰爱的轨迹 In the end it comes back to you 最后终将回归于你 I"m letting go 我尽情释放 I"m flying free 我自由飞翔 How bout you? 你呢? How bout you? 那么你呢? So free~So free~~So free~~~那么自由~ 那么自由~~那么自由~~~

What about you和How about you有什么区别

先举个例子:A:i like english ,chinese and math, what about you? B:me too. A:i take school bus go to school,how about you? B:bike.这2个疑问句在不同的语境下有不同的意思,要寓意。how about 则重在以什么样的方式。

be mad about…/be crazy about…/go bananas有什么区别?

Lee was mad about missing the train.小李为误了火车而生气.be crazy about 对...着迷的、狂热的James is crazy about football.詹姆斯是个狂热的球迷:be mad at 语气比较重,多用于气愤,表达不好的情绪;而be crazy at 则多强调为某事而疯狂 Your dad will go bananas if he finds you were smoking.你老爸要是发现你在抽烟的话,他会气疯了。意思是become crazy 俚语

please talk about the advantages and disadvantag


care for和care about分别是什么意思?

care about和care for在许多情况下意义是重叠的,都有“喜欢、关心的意思.但作“喜欢、关心”讲,care for比care about要普通. 如:(1) They do not care very greatly for(喜欢,或对……有兴趣)art; (2) She cares only for(关心)herself and her family; (3)The boss only cares about money.(老板只想赚钱.) care about更强调“考虑、关心.”经常用于否定意义.

care about与care for的区别

care about, care for和care to的区别 about和care for在表示“关心,担心,”等意思的时候,用法是一样的,基本可以通用。 如,Don"t care about/for me.别担心我。You needn"t care for/about his safety.你不必为他的安全担心。2. 在表示“介意,计较”等意思的时候,要用care about,后面一般接表示事物的词。 如,He doesn"t care about his clothes.他不讲究衣着。 I don"t much care about going.我不太想去。3.在表示“关怀,照顾”/“愿意...”等意思的时候,要用care for. 如,We must care for the younger generation.我们必须关怀年青的一代。 Would you care for a walk after supper?晚饭后去散散步好吗?4.在表示“喜欢,愿意,想望”等意思的时候,要用care to do . 即care后面接动词不定式。 如,I don"t care to go there.我不愿到那里去。

care about与care for的区别是什么?

1、Care forx0dx0a(1)like;=be fond of 喜爱 =be willing to do sth=wish to do sth= like to do sth(常用于否定句及疑问句,尤其与would连用更常见)x0dx0a1)She doesn"t care for that colour.她不喜欢那种颜色.x0dx0a2)She did not care for him.她不喜欢他.x0dx0a(2)take care of;look after 照顾x0dx0a(1)As an orphan,he is cared for by the local authorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾.x0dx0a(2)He spent years caring for his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲.x0dx0a(3)I do care for what my teacher says.我的确尊重老师说的话.x0dx0a(4)Would you care for a drink?x0dx0a(5)Would you care to go for a walk?x0dx0a2、care about v.担心 接近be worried,be concerned or interested 指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念x0dx0a例句:x0dx0aDo not you care about anybody?你难道谁也不关心吗?x0dx0aI really care about my work.我真的关心我的工作.x0dx0aDon"t you care about anybody?你难道谁也不关心吗?x0dx0aDon"t you care about our country"s future?x0dx0aAll she cares about is her social life.x0dx0aI don"t think he cares (about) what happens to her children.x0dx0aHe failed the exam but he didn"t seem to care.

care for 与 care about 的意义、用法区别

care about担心care for关怀, 照顾, 愿意, 计较

care for和care about的区别 用法区别介绍

1、care about和care for在表示“关心,担心,”等意思的时候,用法是一样的,基本可以通用。 如,Don"t care about/for me.别担心我.You needn"t care for/about his safety.你不必为他的安全担心。 2、在表示“介意,计较”等意思的时候,要用care about,后面一般接表示事物的词.如,He doesn"t care about his clothes.他不讲究衣着.I don"t much care about going.我不太想去。 3、在表示“关怀,照顾”/“愿意...”等意思的时候,要用care for.如,We must care for the younger generation.我们必须关怀年青的一代.Would you care for a walk after supper?晚饭后去散散步好吗? 4、在表示“喜欢,愿意,想望”等意思的时候,要用care to do .即care后面接不定式.如,I don"t care to go there.我不愿到那里去。

care about,care for和care to的区别

  1、Care for  (1)like;=be fond of 喜爱 =be willing to do sth=wish to do sth= like to do sth(常用于否定句及疑问句,尤其与would连用更常见)  1)She doesn"t care for that colour.她不喜欢那种颜色。  2)She did not care for him.她不喜欢他。  (2)take care of;look after 照顾  (1)As an orphan,he is cared for by the local authorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾。  (2)He spent years caring for his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲。  (3)I do care for what my teacher says.我的确尊重老师说的话。  (4)Would you care for a drink?  (5)Would you care to go for a walk?  2、care about v. 担心 接近be worried, be concerned or interested 指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念  例句:  Do not you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗?  I really care about my work. 我真的关心我的工作。  Don"t you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗?  Don"t you care about our country"s future?  All she cares about is her social life.  I don"t think he cares (about) what happens to her children.  He failed the exam but he didn"t seem to care. about和care for在表示“关心,担心,”等意思的时候,用法是一样的,基本可以通用。  如,Don"t care about/for me.别担心我。You needn"t care for/about his safety.你不必为他的安全担心。  4. 在表示“介意,计较”等意思的时候,要用care about,后面一般接表示事物的词。  如,He doesn"t care about his clothes.他不讲究衣着。  I don"t much care about going.我不太想去。  5.在表示“关怀,照顾”/“愿意...”等意思的时候,要用care for.  如,We must care for the younger generation.我们必须关怀年青的一代。  Would you care for a walk after supper?晚饭后去散散步好吗?  6.在表示“喜欢,愿意,想望”等意思的时候,要用care to do . 即care后面接动词不定式。  如,I don"t care to go there.我不愿到那里去。

care for和care about的区别是什么?

1、Care forx0dx0a(1)like;=be fond of 喜爱 =be willing to do sth=wish to do sth= like to do sth(常用于否定句及疑问句,尤其与would连用更常见)x0dx0a1)She doesn"t care for that colour.她不喜欢那种颜色.x0dx0a2)She did not care for him.她不喜欢他.x0dx0a(2)take care of;look after 照顾x0dx0a(1)As an orphan,he is cared for by the local authorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾.x0dx0a(2)He spent years caring for his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲.x0dx0a(3)I do care for what my teacher says.我的确尊重老师说的话.x0dx0a(4)Would you care for a drink?x0dx0a(5)Would you care to go for a walk?x0dx0a2、care about v.担心 接近be worried,be concerned or interested 指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念x0dx0a例句:x0dx0aDo not you care about anybody?你难道谁也不关心吗?x0dx0aI really care about my work.我真的关心我的工作.x0dx0aDon"t you care about anybody?你难道谁也不关心吗?x0dx0aDon"t you care about our country"s future?x0dx0aAll she cares about is her social life.x0dx0aI don"t think he cares (about) what happens to her children.x0dx0aHe failed the exam but he didn"t seem to care.

care for 与care about的区别

care for 与care about的区别如下:1、词意不同:“care for”的意思是:照顾,照料;“care about”的意思是:关心,介意。care for还有喜爱,想要的意思;相当于like/be fond of/be willing to do。2、用法不同:“care for”for是并列连词,引导的是并列从句,表示原因的语气很弱,一般是对结果作出推断性的补充说明或解释,不表示直接原因,for前多加逗号。“care about”一般用于否定句,表对某物非常在意。3、侧重点不同:“care for”强调个人对某物的行为,“care about”强调个人对某物的责任感。Care的用法:一、作动词的用法:1、care用作及物动词作“在乎”“介意”“关心”解时,后面常跟that/wh-或if/whether引导的从句;作“愿意”解时,后面常跟动词不定式,一般多用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,也可用于含有怀疑或不确定意味的半否定句中,但不用于意思十分确切的肯定句中。2、care作“在乎,介意,关心”解时还可用作不及物动词,后面常跟介词about或for引导的短语。3、care只有在答句中、含有情态动词时、 if从句中或定语从句中才可用于肯定句。二、作名词的用法:1、care用作名词时意思是“照顾”“护理,也可指“小心”“注意”,还可指“忧虑”“挂念”"均用作不可数名词。2、care可作“烦人的事”解,为可数名词,多用其复数形式。

care for、care of、care about、care with四者的区别!!

care of/care with中,care为名词,前面需接动词/介词:take care of sb 照顾某人care with 关心担心(带负面)care for/care about中,care为动词:care for sb 照顾/关照某人care about sth 在乎/在意某事

care for和care about的区别

1、词意不同:“care for”的意思是:照顾,照料;“care about”的意思是:关心,介意。2、用法不同:“care for”一般用于疑问句与否定句,表补充说明或解释;“care about”一般用于否定句,表对某物非常在意。3、侧重点不同:“care for”强调个人对某物的行为,“care about”强调个人对某物的责任感。词意不同1、care for根据不同的使用场合以及所指的对象,它的含义有所不同:意思是“照顾”或“照料”,与take care of/look after的意思相同;care for还有喜爱,想要的意思;相当于like/be fond of/be willing to do。2、care about表示关心、在意的意思,是大家最熟悉也是最常用的,I don"t care about you. 我才不在乎你。用法不同1、care about:在指“不久就要……”时,后通常接不定式,如about to start。也有接动名词,如about starting。但是不可再加表示时间的词,如不可说about starting at once;2、care for:for是并列连词,引导的是并列从句,表示原因的语气很弱,一般是对结果作出推断性的补充说明或解释,不表示直接原因, for前多加逗号。侧重点不同1、care about:主要表达“关心,在乎,关怀”的意思,强调出于责任感。2、care for:主要表达“照顾、照料”的意思。还有一个意思是“喜欢”。

care about,care for和care to的区别

1、Carefor(1)like;=befond of 喜爱 =be willing to do sth=wish to do sth= like to dosth(常用于否定句及疑问句,尤其与would连用更常见)1)She doesn"t care for thatcolour.她不喜欢那种颜色。2)She did not care forhim.她不喜欢他。 (2)take careof;look after 照顾 (1)Asan orphan,he is cared for by the localauthorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾。 (2)He spentyears caring for his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲。 (3)I do care forwhat my teachersays.我的确尊重老师说的话。 (4)Wouldyou care for a drink? (5)Wouldyou care to go for a walk? 2、careabout v. 担心 接近be worried, be concerned or interested指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念例句:Do not you care about anybody?你难道谁也不关心吗?I really care about my work.我真的关心我的工作。Don"t you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗?Don"t you care about ourcountry"s future?All she cares about is her sociallife.I don"t think he cares (about)what happens to her children.He failed the exam but he didn"tseem to about和care for在表示“关心,担心,”等意思的时候,用法是一样的,基本可以通用。 如,Don"tcare about/for me.别担心我。You needn"t care for/about hissafety.你不必为他的安全担心。4. 在表示“介意,计较”等意思的时候,要用care about,后面一般接表示事物的词。如,He doesn"t care about his clothes.他不讲究衣着。I don"t much care about going.我不太想去。5.在表示“关怀,照顾”/“愿意...”等意思的时候,要用care for.如,We must care for the younger generation.我们必须关怀年青的一代。Would you care for a walk after supper?晚饭后去散散步好吗?6.在表示“喜欢,愿意,想望”等意思的时候,要用care to do . 即care后面接动词不定式。如,I don"t care to go there.我不愿到那里去。

care of、care about、care for、care with的区别

★care既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,意为“在乎”“在意”,通常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。如: ① vi. They might fail, but they didn"t care. 他们可能会失败,但他们不在乎。 I don"t care if I never see him again. 即便我永远再也见不到他,我也不在乎。② vt. I"ll go. I don"t care what happens. 不管发生什么,我都要去。 I don"t care whom you will go together with. 我并不介意你要和谁一起去。★care与for或about连用,意为“关心”“爱护”。care for作“照顾”解时,可用于被动语态。如: ① We should care for/about each other. 我们应该互相关心。② The children are well cared for in the nursery. 孩子们在托儿所受到很好的照顾。★care后接动词不定式或介词for/about,意为“喜欢”“愿意”“对……感兴趣”,用于否定句和疑问句中,不可用于被动语态。如: ① He might not care to go. 他也许不想去。② She didn"t care to be disturbed. 她不愿意被打扰。③ Rose doesn"t care about money. 罗斯对钱不感兴趣。④ I don"t care for the place. 我不喜欢这个地方。★care作名词用时,除了作“关心”“照顾”“忧虑”等解以外,还有“小心”“谨慎”“保护”“管理”“责任”“可忧虑的事(原因)”等。如: ① I retired last year. Now I am a man free from care duty. 我去年退休了。现在我是个无工作之忧的人了。② Mr James is old, but can not be free from the care of his big family. 詹姆士先生已经老了,但是仍摆脱不了养活一大家子的负担。③ Our house is under the care of my uncle"s, when we all go abroad. 在我们全家出国期间,我们的房子交由叔叔家照管。④ This is very fragile. Please handle with care! 这是易碎品。请小心轻放!⑤ Care has made him look at least six years older than his age. 忧虑使他看上去比实际年龄至少老六岁。★take care of(=look after)意为“照料”。如: The baby must be taken good care of. 这婴儿一定要很好地照料。★take care of还要作“对付”“应付”解。如:Don"t worry; I can take care of it. 别担心,我能对付它。【注】与care相关的词组及复合词: care of转交往往被缩写为c/o,多用于信封上。 care-taker守门者;管理员 care-worn (因担心、劳苦而)消瘦憔悴的★care加后缀-ful和-less分别构成形容词careful和careless。careful的意思是“细心的”“谨慎的”;careless的意思主要有“粗心的”“不在乎的”等。如: ① On the whole, he is a careful person. 总的来说,他是个细心的人。② Be careful with your health. 注意你们的身体健康。③ That is our careful selection. 那是我们谨慎的选择。④ No such careless mistake is allowed once more. 如此粗心的错误绝不允许再次发生。⑤ Being young men, we should be careless of hardship. 作为年轻人,我们不应该怕吃

care for和care about的区别

care for和care about的区别在于词意、用法、侧重点。一、词意不同1、care for根据不同的使用场合以及所指的对象,它的含义有所不同:意思是“照顾”或“照料”,与take care of/look after的意思相同;care for还有喜爱,想要的意思;相当于like/be fond of/be willing to do。2、care about表示关心、在意的意思,是大家最熟悉也是最常用的,I don"t care about you. 我才不在乎你。二、用法不同1、care about:在指“不久就要……”时,后通常接不定式,如about to start。也有接动名词,如about starting。但是不可再加表示时间的词,如不可说about starting at once。2、care for:for是并列连词,引导的是并列从句,表示原因的语气很弱,一般是对结果作出推断性的补充说明或解释,不表示直接原因, for前多加逗号。三、侧重点不同1、care about:主要表达“关心,在乎,关怀”的意思,强调出于责任感。2、care for:主要表达“照顾、照料”的意思。还有一个意思是“喜欢”。care for和care about的例句:1、Can you care for my cat wile I am away?我不在的时候你能照顾我的猫吗?2、She spends all her waking hours caring for her mother.她睡觉之外的时间都花在照顾母亲上了。3、It was the only thing I cared about.这是我唯一关心的事。4、He"s the sort of person who only cares about money.他是那种只在乎钱的人。5、The boy cared about popular music than anything else.这个男孩最关心流行音乐。

care about,care for和care to的区别

  1、Care for  (1)like;=be fond of 喜爱 =be willing to do sth=wish to do sth= like to do sth(常用于否定句及疑问句,尤其与would连用更常见)  1)She doesn"t care for that colour.她不喜欢那种颜色。  2)She did not care for him.她不喜欢他。  (2)take care of;look after 照顾  (1)As an orphan,he is cared for by the local authorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾。  (2)He spent years caring for his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲。  (3)I do care for what my teacher says.我的确尊重老师说的话。  (4)Would you care for a drink?  (5)Would you care to go for a walk?  2、care about v. 担心 接近be worried, be concerned or interested 指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念  例句:  Do not you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗?  I really care about my work. 我真的关心我的工作。  Don"t you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗?  Don"t you care about our country"s future?  All she cares about is her social life.  I don"t think he cares (about) what happens to her children.  He failed the exam but he didn"t seem to care. about和care for在表示“关心,担心,”等意思的时候,用法是一样的,基本可以通用。  如,Don"t care about/for me.别担心我。You needn"t care for/about his safety.你不必为他的安全担心。  4. 在表示“介意,计较”等意思的时候,要用care about,后面一般接表示事物的词。  如,He doesn"t care about his clothes.他不讲究衣着。  I don"t much care about going.我不太想去。  5.在表示“关怀,照顾”/“愿意...”等意思的时候,要用care for.  如,We must care for the younger generation.我们必须关怀年青的一代。  Would you care for a walk after supper?晚饭后去散散步好吗?  6.在表示“喜欢,愿意,想望”等意思的时候,要用care to do . 即care后面接动词不定式。  如,I don"t care to go there.我不愿到那里去。

care about,care for和care to的区别 about和care for在表示“关心,担心,”等意思的时候,用法是一样的,基本可以通用。如:Don"t care about/for me.别担心我。You needn"t care for/about his safety.你不必为他的安全担心。2. 在表示“介意,计较”等意思的时候,要用care about,后面一般接表示事物的词。如:He doesn"t care about his clothes.他不讲究衣着。 I don"t much care about going.我不太想去。3.在表示“关怀,照顾”/“愿意...”等意思的时候,要用care for. 如:We must care for the younger generation.我们必须关怀年青的一代。Would you care for a walk after supper?晚饭后去散散步好吗?4.在表示“喜欢,愿意,想望”等意思的时候,要用care to do . 即care后面接动词不定式。如:I don"t care to go there.我不愿到那里去。5. a : take care of sth. 处理sth. (sth.=一个问题)b: take care of sb. 照顾sb. 如:I have to take care of this problem at work before I can go home. 我需要解决这个工作上的问题才能回家。I have to take care of my mother because she is sick. 我需要照顾我母亲因为她病了。

Care for和care about用法和例句

care for音标:[keu0259 fu0259]中文释义1、照顾,照料2、(一般用于否定句和疑问句)喜欢,想要,愿意要3、关心同义词组当care for做“照顾,照料”的意思讲时,它与以下词组为同义词:1、look after2、take care of常用句型care for sb./sth.意为:1、照顾,照料某人2、喜欢,想要某物(一般用于否定句和疑问句);be fond of 喜爱示例:She doesn"t care for that colour.她不喜欢那种颜色。示例:She did not care for him.她不喜欢他。2.take care of;look after 照顾示例:As an orphan,he is cared for by the local authorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾。示例:He spent years caring for his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲。3.have regard for;trouble about尊重;重视示例:I do care for what my teacher says.我的确尊重老师说的话。care aboutv. 担心,关心[网络短语] care about 关心,担心,在乎care much about 关注care more about her 更多关于她的照顾,对她照顾更多,她照顾更多约示例:What do you care about it?你怎么关心这个?示例:Do not you care about anybody?你难道谁也不关心吗?示例:I really care about my work; I don"t care.我真的关心我的工作;我不关心。示鲍:Didn"t care twopence about politics.对政治一点了不关心示例:Don"t you care about anybody?你难道谁也不关心吗?

care for和care about的区别

care for 1.喜爱*She doesn"t care forthat colour.她不喜欢那种颜色。*She did not care forhim.她不喜欢他。2. 照顾*As an orphan,he is cared for by the local authorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾。*He spent years caringfor his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲。3.尊重;重视*I do care for what myteacher says.我的确尊重老师说的话。*He cares only forhimself.他只考虑自己。care about 1. 对…感兴趣;关心*I don"t care about youropinion.我对你的观点不感兴趣。*She thinks only ofherself;she doesn"t care ahoutother people.她只顾自己,不顾别人。2.对…担心;介意*Don"t you care aboutlosing your job?你难道不担心失去工作吗?*I care nothing aboutthe matter.我对这事毫不介意。

care about,care for和care with的区别

care about 对...关心care for 关照,照顾care with 对...小心这些词组的区别从下面例句可以看到:I care about you a lot 我很关心你I will take time off work to care for my mother 我会请假去照顾妈妈Use great care with this dangerous substance 小心处理这个危险的物质

care for与care about区别?

在表示“介意”、“计较”意思时,要用care about.例句:He doesn"t care about his clothes.他不讲究衣着。在表示“关怀”、“照顾”、“愿意...”的意思时,要用care for.例句:We must care for the younger generation.我们们必须关怀年轻的一代。

care for和care about分别是什么意思

1、Care for(1)like;=be fond of 喜爱 =be willing to do sth=wish to do sth= like to do sth(常用于否定句及疑问句,尤其与would连用更常见)1)She doesn"t care for that colour.她不喜欢那种颜色。2)She did not care for him.她不喜欢他。(2)take care of;look after 照顾 (1)As an orphan,he is cared for by the local authorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾。 (2)He spent years caring for his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲。 (3)I do care for what my teacher says.我的确尊重老师说的话。 (4)Would you care for a drink? (5)Would you care to go for a walk? 2、care about v. 担心 接近be worried, be concerned or interested 指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念例句:Do not you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗?I really care about my work. 我真的关心我的工作。Don"t you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗?Don"t you care about our country"s future?All she cares about is her social life.I don"t think he cares (about) what happens to her children.He failed the exam but he didn"t seem to care.

care for和care about的区别

1、Care for =be fond of 爱 =be willing to do sth=wish to do sth= like to do sth(常用于否定句及疑问句,尤其与would连用更常见) 1)She doesn"t care forthat colour.她不喜欢那种颜色。 2)She did not care forhim.她不喜欢他。 2、care about v. 担心 接近be worried, be concerned or interested 指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念 例句: Do not you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关吗? I really care about my work. 我真的关心我的工作。 Don"t you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗?

care for和care about的区别 用法区别介绍

1、care about和care for在表示“关心,担心,”等意思的时候,用法是一样的,基本可以通用。 如,Don"t care about/for me.别担心我.You needn"t care for/about his safety.你不必为他的安全担心。 2、在表示“介意,计较”等意思的时候,要用care about,后面一般接表示事物的词.如,He doesn"t care about his clothes.他不讲究衣着.I don"t much care about going.我不太想去。 3、在表示“关怀,照顾”/“愿意...”等意思的时候,要用care for.如,We must care for the younger generation.我们必须关怀年青的一代.Would you care for a walk after supper?晚饭后去散散步好吗? 4、在表示“喜欢,愿意,想望”等意思的时候,要用care to do .即care后面接不定式.如,I don"t care to go there.我不愿到那里去。

care for,care about,take care of, be careful,look after的意思及运用

care for 强调目的与care about 强调关心。take care of sb.关心某人,照顾某人。be careful:注意,小心,做副词用,eg:Be careful, there is a car coming. look after 为照顾,与take care of 用法接近。

care for和care about分别是什么意思?

care for;be fond of 喜爱 She doesn"t care for that colour.她不喜欢那种颜色。 She did not care for him.她不喜欢他。 2.take care of;look after 照顾 As an orphan,he is cared for by the local authorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾。 He spent years caring for his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲。 3.have regard for;trouble about尊重;重视 I do care for what my teacher says.我的确尊重老师说的话。 care about v. 担心 例句 What do you care about it? 你怎么关心这个? Do not you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗? I really care about my work; I don"t care. 我真的关心我的工作;我不关心。 Didn"t care twopence about politics. 对政治一点了不关心 Don"t you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗?(望楼主采纳0.0)

care of care about care for 有什么区别?

1、Care for(1)like;=be fond of 喜爱 =be willing to do sth=wish to do sth= like to do sth(常用于否定句及疑问句,尤其与would连用更常见)1)She doesn"t care for that colour.她不喜欢那种颜色。2)She did not care for him.她不喜欢他。 (2)take care of;look after 照顾 (1)As an orphan,he is cared for by the local authorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾。 (2)He spent years caring for his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲。 (3)I do care for what my teacher says.我的确尊重老师说的话。 (4)Would you care for a drink? (5)Would you care to go for a walk? 2、care about v. 担心 接近be worried, be concerned or interested 指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念例句:Do not you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗?I really care about my work. 我真的关心我的工作。Don"t you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗?Don"t you care about our country"s future?All she cares about is her social life.I don"t think he cares (about) what happens to her children.He failed the exam but he didn"t seem to about和care for在表示“关心,担心,”等意思的时候,用法是一样的,基本可以通用。 如,Don"t care about/for me.别担心我。You needn"t care for/about his safety.你不必为他的安全担心。4. 在表示“介意,计较”等意思的时候,要用care about,后面一般接表示事物的词。 如,He doesn"t care about his clothes.他不讲究衣着。 I don"t much care about going.我不太想去。5.在表示“关怀,照顾”/“愿意...”等意思的时候,要用care for. 如,We must care for the younger generation.我们必须关怀年青的一代。 Would you care for a walk after supper?晚饭后去散散步好吗?6.在表示“喜欢,愿意,想望”等意思的时候,要用care to do . 即care后面接动词不定式。 如,I don"t care to go there.我不愿到那里去。

be care of 和be care for 和be care about有什么区别

care for是喜欢 care of照管,爱护 care about关心 担心

care about与care for的区别?

care about与care for的区别为:一、指代不同1、care about:在意。2、care for:照顾。二、侧重点不同1、care about:主要表达“关心,在乎,关怀”的意思,强调出于责任感。2、care for:主要表达“照顾、照料”的意思。还有一个意思是“喜欢”。三、引证用法不同1、care about:在指“不久就要……”时,后通常接不定式,如about to start。也有接动名词,如about starting。但是不可再加表示时间的词,如不可说about starting at once;2、care for:for是并列连词,引导的是并列从句,表示原因的语气很弱,一般是对结果作出推断性的补充说明或解释,不表示直接原因, for前多加逗号。

I was a dog, a dog that no one cares about cheap 是什么意思?


Children are likely to get _____ if no one cares about their upbringing.

答案A get(or be) out of hand是习语,意为“无法控制,不受约束":This situation appears to be completely out of hand.(看来形势已完全失去控制。)out of order有毛病,失灵;out of place不得其所的,不适当的;out of work失业。本题译文:如果不关心孩子的教育,他们很可能会无法控制。

翻译. No one cares about me、 意思


翻译.No one cares about me、 意思


I am a big loser and no one cares about me. 翻译成德语谢谢!


no one cares about (what is )the cause of the tr


no one cares about me

要加的 who修饰的no one,你可以先把who忽略掉,这里no one是单数,所以care用第三人称单数形式 你可以回忆一个你比较确定的句型,比如no one is here,然后类比代入

Songs About Me 歌词

歌曲名:Songs About Me歌手:Trace Adkins专辑:The Definitive Greatest Hits: "Til the Last Shot"s FiredTrace Adkins - Songs About MeBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulI met a guy on the red eyeHe spotted my guitarAnd said what do you do?I said, I sing for a living,Country music mixed withA little rock and a little bluesHe said I"m sorryBut I"ve never been crazy"bout that twang and trains and hillbilly thingWhat ever made you want to sing stuff like that?I just looked at him and laughed and saidCause it"s songs about meAnd who I amSongs about loving and livingAnd good hearted women and family and GodYeah they"re all justSongs about meSongs about meSo I offered him ticketsI said you"ll see what I meanIf you show up tonightHe said I doubt you"ll change my opinionI"ll be kind of busy, but hey man, I"ll tryThen later on when we finished our songsAbout scars and cars and broken heartsI saw him, he was standing thereRight next to the stageAnd he shoutedMan you were rightIt was like you sang thoseSongs about meAnd who I amSongs about loving and livingAnd good hearted women and family and GodYeah they"re all justSongs about meSongs about meSo I"ll just keep on singing"til I hear the whole world singing thoseSongs about meAnd who I amSongs about loving and livingAnd good hearted women and family and GodYeah they"re all justSongs about meSongs about me

歌词,在路边听的,只听到其中几句,记得清楚的是 why cant i breath when i think about you,why cant i spe

里斯 菲尔的歌,是nba的一首主题曲why can"t i

谁能用“ Talk about your favourite festivals.”写篇作文,几句就行!

Talk about your favourite festivals 是不是标题?如果是的话,那你可以这样写,只是一个例子,我给的例子是春节的。 My favourite festival is Chinese New Year. Chinese New year is our traditional festival, every time before the Chinese New Year come, I will be helping my parents to clean the house as house cleaning is part of the customs. It symbolizes getting rid of all the bad luck in the previous year and hope everything in the coming year will goes well. During Chinese New Year, we also have a chance to play with the firecrackers and enjoy the fireworks displays. 不知这样,你满不满意

i feel conflicted about everything,i 怎么了?


can you teii me about chinese festivals


me you festivals about chinese can more连词成句?


Which satement about Franklin is not true?


white about your day,是什么意思?


about dogs 帮忙将下文中的“?” 按顺序填出来 最好是原文

Americans use many expressions with the word dog. People in the United States love their dogs and treat them well. They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside and give them good food and medical care. However, dogs without owners to care for them lead a different kind of life. The expression, to lead a dog"s life, describes a person who has an unhappy uff08existenceuff09.Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world. That means many people are competing for the same things, like good jobs. They say that to be successful, a person has to work like a dog. This means they have to work very, very hard. Such hard work can make people dog-tired. And, the situation would be even worse if they became sick as a dog.Still, people say every dog has its day. This means that every person enjoys a successfuluff08 period uff09during his or her life. To be successful, people often have to learn new skills. Yet, some people say that you can never teach an old dog new tricks. They believe that older people do not like to learn new things and will not change the way they do things.Some people are compared to dogs in bad ways. People who are unkind or uncaring can be described uff08as meaner than a junkyard uff09dog.uff08 Junkyard uff09dogs live in places where people throw away things they do not want.uff08 Meanuff09 dogs are often used to guard this property. They bark or attack people who try to enter theuff08 propertyuff09. However, sometimes a person who appears to be mean and threatening is really not so bad. We say his bark is worse than his bite.A junkyard is not a fun place for a dog. Many dogs in the United States sleep in safe little houses near their owners" home. These doghouses provide shelter. Yet they can be cold and lonely in the winter.Husbands and wives use this doghouse term when they are angry at each other. For example, a woman might get angry at her husband for coming home late or forgetting their wedding anniversary. She might tell him that he is in the doghouse. She may not treat him nicely until he apologizes. However, the husband may decide that it is best to leave things alone and not create more problems. He might decide to let sleeping dogs lie.Dog expressions also are used to describe the weather. The dog days of summer are the hottest days of the year. A rainstorm may cool the weather. But we do not want it to rain too hard. We do not want it to rain cats and dogs.

调查某人某事怎么说? investigate sb for sth 还是make a survey on sb. about sth.还是别的?

make a survey on sb. about sth

they don’t care about us的歌词翻译

they Don"t Care About Us 他们不在乎我们 skin head 人面兽心 dead head 行尸走肉 everybody 所有人 gone bad 变坏 situation 见风使舵 speculation 投机倒把 everybody 所有人 allegation 起诉 in the suite 在庭上 on the news 新闻里 everybody 所有人 dog food 一文不值 Bang bang 嗙嗙 shock dead 吓死 Everybody"s 所有人 gone mad 愤怒了 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 beat me 打击我 hate me 憎恨我 you can never 你永远无法 break me 击垮我 will me 利诱我 thrill me 威胁我 you can never 你永远无法 kill me 杀死我 jew me 我是犹太人 sue me 你就要告我 everybody 一个不剩 do me 都想整我 kick me 踢我 kike me 我是犹太人 don"t you black or white me 你颠倒是非黑白 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 tell me what has become of my life 告诉我我的生活变成了什么 i have a wife and two children who love me 我有个爱着我的妻子和两个孩子 i"m a victim of police brutality, now 我现在是个警察暴力的受害者了 i"m tired of bein" the victim of hate, 我已厌倦作为厌恶的受害者 your rapin" me of my pride 你在掠夺我的自豪 oh for god"s sake 噢 究竟为了什么 i look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy... 我这是想把人间变为天堂…… set me free 放过我 skin head 人面兽心 dead head 行尸走肉 everybody 所有人 gone bad 变坏了 trepidation 恐慌 speculation 投机 everybody 所有人 allegation 指控 in the suite 在庭上 on the news 新闻里 everybody 所有人 dog food 一文不值 black man 小人 black mail 告密 throw the brother 患难同胞 in jail 投入监狱 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 tell me what has become of my rights 告诉我什么是我的权力 am i invisible "cause you ignore me? 你对我视而不见我就不存在了吗? your proclamation promised me free liberty, now. 你曾向我承诺自由 i"m tired of bein" the victim of shame 我已厌倦成为阴谋的受害者 they"re throwin" me in a class with a bad name 他们把对我进行肆意的毁谤 i can"t believe this is the land from which i came 我无法相信这就是养育我的那片土地 you know i really do hate to say it 你知道我真的不想这么说 the government don"t wanna see 政府也不想看到这 but it Roosevelt was livin", he wouldn"t let this be, no no. 但罗斯福活着,他绝不会让这一切发生,不,不 skin head 人面兽心 dead head 行尸走肉 everybody 所有人 gone bad 变坏了 situation 见风使舵 speculation 投机倒把 everybody 所有人 litigation 互相告 beat me 打击我 bash me 怒殴我 you can never 你永远无法 trash me 击废我 hit me 袭击我 kick me 践踏我 you can never 你永远无法 get me 打垮我 some things in life they just don"t wanna see 生命中有些事是他们不想看到的 but if Martin Luther was livin" 但如果马丁路德金活着的话 he wouldn"t let this be 他绝不会允许它发生 skinhead 人面兽心 deadhead 行尸走肉 everybody 每一个人 gone bad 变坏 situation 见风使舵 segregation 种族隔离 allegation 告来告去 everybody 所有人 litigation 都来起诉 in the suite 在公堂上 on the news 在新闻里 everybody 所有人 dog food 分文不值 kick me 绊倒我 kike me 毁谤我 don"t you wrong or right me 你指手画脚 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 (注: 1. “Jew me、Kick me”:皆为“我是犹太人”之意;本曲最大的争议,几乎遭禁 2. “skin head”:本意--英国“光头党”,一群奉行白人至上主义的光头年轻人 3. “Deadhead”:本意--庸人、蠢人)分享给你的朋友吧:i贴吧 新浪微博腾讯微博QQ空间人人网豆瓣MSN对我有帮助856

I just said that -------? A、about funs B、for fun C 、with a fun D、of run 选哪项?


the story of和the story about的区别


what is the story about是什么意思

what is the story about这个故事是关于什么的例句:What is the story about and how will the story progress from point a to point b? 这是一个什么样的故事,剧情又如何由a推进到b?

一篇英语作文TaLk about your famliy.&friend,字数200以上

如果是找人代写代答,网络上有许多笔手或写手是需要付费的,复制的和原创的价格是不一样的,原创的是需要支付稿酬的,看来你是想空手套白狼吗?如果是请别人帮助的话,应该有句礼貌的语言,这么旁若无人般的对着电脑大要(英语主题)作文合适吗? 再说了大家都素不相识的,这里又不是你个人的秘书处,别人凭什么要按照你的要求为你写作,你又凭什么这样无偿的占有别人的劳动果实并连一句礼貌的语言都没有呢?

为什么是how is the story而不是how about the story呢?

How is the story?表示这个故事怎么样?How about the story 表示这个故事是关于什么的

after resding the book,we learnt__about amazing things.A quite more B much more C many D too many

大意: 读完了这本书,我们学到了很多神奇的事情这里修饰amazing things是复数可数名词,much more about 表示更多关于……的事情选择B

amazing things about tv作文


歌词we can on the night(??) dont worry about the

Don"t Worry - Madcon/Ray Dalton

how about I will catch up with you in the ice age

How about。。。怎么样catch up缠上追上ice age冰河时代How about I will catch you up with you in the ice age如果在冰河时代我缠上你怎样?

l was just about to leave when l had remembered m

去掉had。因为remember动作发生在leave 之后

About Your Personality 关于个性、性格

Key Sentences(重点句子)   269.What kind of personality do you think you have?   你认为你具有哪种性格?   270.I"m quite active and energetic.I approach things enthusiastically and I don"t like leaving things half done.   我积极而充满活力。我热诚对待每件事,不喜欢半途而废。   271.Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?   你认为你性格内向还是外向?   272.I am quite outgoing,I think.   我认为我很外向。   273.I wouldn"t call myself introverted though sometimes I"m reserved and enjoy staying all by myself, often and often I like sharing activities with others.   我不算内向,尽管有时我沉默寡言,喜欢独处,但我经常和大家在一起活动。   274.What kind of person do you think you are?   你认为你是哪类人?   275.What kind of people do you like to work with?   你最喜欢和哪类人合作?   276.What kind of people you find difficult to work with?   你觉得和哪类人合作最困难?   277.How do you get along with others?   你与别人相处关系如何?   278.I keep close contacts with my friends.   我和我的朋友经常联络。   279.We often get together and talk with each other?   我们经常聚在一起交谈。   280. Wherever I meet with difficulties, they are always ready to lend me a hand.   只要我遇到困难,他们总是愿意伸出援助之手。   281.I like to work with people who are honest, dedicate to their work and have integrity.   我喜欢和诚实、对工作投入、为人正直的人一起工作。   282. What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy?   你认为对你来说幸福最重要的是什么?   283.I maintain that the most important thing is having good friends.   我认为最重要的是有好朋友。   284.For me, this would be having good relationship with my family members.   对我来说,最重要的是保持家庭成员的良好关系。   285. What basic principles do you apply to your life?   你在生活中的基本原则是什么?   286.I try to keep to a regular schedule every day.   我每天努力遵守有规律的作息安排。   Dialogue A   (I= Interviewer主试人 A=Applicant受试人)   I:What kind of personality do you think you have?   A:I am quite active and energetic. I approach things enthusiastically and I don"t like leaving things half done.   I:Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?   A:I am quite outgoing, I think. I enjoy mixing and doing things with others.   I:What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy?   A:I maintain that the most important thing is having good friends.A person can"t live all by himself,I think.A friend in need is a friend indeed.So the more really close friends I have,the better.   I:Do you have any people you"d call really close friends?   A:Yes, I"d call several of my former classmates really close friends. We often get together and talk with each other.Whenever I meet with difficulties, they"re always ready to lend me a hand.   I:What kind of people do you like to work with?   A:People who are honest, dedicate to their work and have integrity.   I:What kind of people you find difficult to work with?   A:Slackers ad those who violate working procedures and ignoring deadlines.   Dialogue B   I:What kind of person do you think you are?   A:I am a curious person and I like learning new things.Besides, I think I am a good leader since I can easily motivated others to get things done.   I:How do you get along with others?   A:Very well.I keep close contacts with my classmates and former colleagues.   I:Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?   A:I wouldn"t call myself introverted though sometimes I"m reserved and enjoy staying all by myself, often and often I like sharing activities with others.   I:What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy?   A:For me, this would be having good relationship with my family members. My family has always been very closeknit,and we still spend a lot of time together.   I:Would you say you have a lot of friends, or just a few?   A:Not so many, but not really a few, either, I suppose.There are about seven people that I see quite a bit of now.They are all my good friends.   I:What basic principles do you apply to your life?   A:I try to keep to a regular schedule every day. When I don"t,my body isn"t in good shape, and neither is my mind, so I"ve been sticking to regular schedule for more than ten years.   Notes注释   1.A friend in need is a friend indeed.So the more really close friend I have, the better.   患难见真情,真正亲密的朋友越多越好。   2.Slackers and those who violate working procedures and ignoring deadlines.   疏于职守、违反工作程序和不注重工作期限的人。   3.I think I am a good leader since I can easily motivated others to get things done.   我认为我是一个很好的,因为我能轻易地劝别人完成工作。   4.My family has always been very closeknit,and we still spend a lot of time together.   我家的人际关系一直都很亲密,而且仍有很多时间团聚。   5.There are about seven people that I see quite a bit of now.   我现在经见面的大约有7位。   6.When I don"t, my body isn"t in good shape,and neither is my mind.   如果我不这样做的话,我的身体就不好,精神也不好。   Words and Expressions   personality n.个性,人格   approach v.对待,探讨   enthusiastically ad.热心地,热情地   introvert v.(使)内向,使……内省   extrovert v.(使)外向   outgoing a.外向的   reserved a.缄默的,有节制的   get along with 为某人相处   conact n.接触,联系,联络   lend sb. a hand 帮助某人   dedicate to v.献身,献给   integrity n.正直   maintain v.主张   motivate v.诱导,激发   ignore v.忽视,不睬

In 1620, about half the USA was covered by forests. Today the forests have almost gone. A lot o.

小题1:B小题1:D小题1:A小题1:D小题1:C 小题1:根据In 1620, about half the USA was covered by forests.可知选B小题1:根据Today the forests have almost gone. A lot of good land has gone with them, leaving only sand.可知选D小题1:根据The Great Green Wall is 7,000 kilometres long, 可知选A小题1:根据Trees must be grown all over the world.可知选D小题1:根据Great Green Walls will make the world better.可知选C

求一篇英语作文(谈谈快餐talk about“fast food”)八十词左右

the past 10 years or so witnessed the ever growing popularity and coverage of western fast food in China. Dinning out in McDonald"s or KFC has become a kind of fashion among young people.Thence it"s reasonable to believe that rare people will see through the yollowish flour or the brown icy coka, at the very begainning,customers have not been influenced so badly, but later,we have more and more problems for consumption of the food, pre-mature children, overweight youth, the bird flu and things alike have for time and again put all cosumers into risk.

a man who is worrying about something has difficult in swallowing anything dry是什么意思


talk to me about it .主谓宾补,有吗,各是?



A.about herself 自我感觉良好,自信

discussion后的介词用什么 on 还是 about还是别的

about,通常为make a discussion about sth.

have a discussion on 还是about



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