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what are you doing about 什么意思


wonder at.wonder about有什么区别

当wonder表示“感到惊异/惊讶”,“感到疑惑”,常见的用法如下: (1)与at连用。 e.g.①I wonder at your allowing her to do such a thing. 我对你允许她做那件事感到惊讶。 ②I don"t wonder at his words. 我对他所说的话并不感到惊讶。 (2)后接about短语,表示“对……感到疑惑”。 e.g.①I wonder about my future. 我对我的未来感到困惑。 ②I was wondering about that. 我对那事感到新奇。

how about you ?作文

have you ever done something and then regretted it? tell about something you wishyou had done differently,and why。

what do you think about 缺不缺成分?

这个地方用what才是正确的,表面上看后面不缺成分,但其实是缺的。 call sb/sth sth这是典型的双宾语句型。Londoners call Chinatown这里显然少了一个宾语,而这个就是"this area", 即Londoners call "this area" Chinatown. 这样用what,即可引导表语从句,又可指代this area. 而that引导表语从句时无指代作用,仅仅引出一个完整成分的陈述句。

what do you think about sth的翻译

这是可以的.但通常不这样说,因为别人是要问你的观点,直接表达就行, 而且what do you think of sth 是问你觉得某物怎么样, 可是你的回答I think of doing sth is...变成了"你对做某件事的看法了",这就没有切中问题内容了. I think (that)do sth is...也是一样的.而且 其中do sth 是用作从句的主语.你应该用doing sth表达才合适. 最后强调一下,what do you think of 你认为……怎么样? How do you like 你喜欢……吗? 其实,这两句的汉语是差不多的,


首先我们来看下what do you think about和what do you think of的大致意思:what do you think about:词性为短语,用于询问对某个主题、话题或事物的看法、观点或意见。what do you think of:词性为短语,用于询问对某个主题、话题或事物的看法、观点或意见。通过下面的表格我们了解下what do you think about和what do you think of的含义、发音和用法接下来让我们看下what do you think about和what do you think of的用法区别:1.语法结构:在句子中的不同位置例子:- What do you think about this book?(你对这本书有什么看法?)- What do you think of this book?(你认为这本书怎么样?)2.使用对象:对人或事物的看法例子:- What do you think about his suggestion?(你对他的建议有何看法?)- What do you think of this city?(你对这个城市印象如何?)3.语气:稍微正式和非正式的语气差异例子:- What do you think about the solution to this problem?(你认为这个问题应该如何解决?)- What do you think of this dish?(你觉得这个菜怎么样?)4.使用频率:在不同语境中的常见程度例子:- What do you think about this policy?(你对这个政策有何看法?)- What do you think of this movie?(你觉得这个电影怎么样?)

What do you think about it是什么意思

    What do you think about it   你觉得怎么样

What do you think about是什么意思


what do you think 和what do you think about 区别

What do you think? 你的看法是什么?、你有什么想法?你有什么意见?What do you think about (it)?这个问题你怎么看?区别在于第2句后面跟着宾语,翻译的时候要说出来。

英语中what do you think of 和what do you think about 的区别是什么

(1)think of与think about这两个短语表示下列意义时,可以互换. ①考虑 eg: Don"t think of/about me any more.不要再考虑我. ②对……有某种看法 eg: What do you think of/ about the film 你认为那部影片怎么样 (2)think of表示下列意义时,一般不和think about换用. ①想要;打算 eg: For a moment I thought of playing truant.我一时起了逃学的念头. ②想出;想到 eg: Who thought of the idea 谁想出的那个主意 ③关心;想看 eg: Lei Feng always thought of how he could do more for the people. 雷锋总是想着怎样多为人民做些事情. ④想起;说得 eg: I can"t think of his name.我想不起他的名字. (3)think about表示下列意义时一般不和think of换用. ①"回想"过去的事情. eg: We mustn"t think about this matter any more.我们不许再想此事. ②"考虑"某事,某计划是否切实可行. eg: I"ll think about your suggestion and give you an answer tomorrow. 我要考虑一下你的建议,明天给你答复.

how do you think about 和what do you think about 有什么区别?


worry和worry about的区别

worry是形容人的心情;worry about是指担心什么事情。worry about这里worry是不及物动词,强调过程;worry也可以做及物动词,worry sb表示令某人担心,be worried about则表示一种状态。 worry的用法总结 一、worry的意思 n. 烦恼,忧虑,担心,撕咬 vi. 担心,焦虑,为…发愁,撕咬 vt. 使烦恼,烦扰,撕咬 变形:过去式: worried;现在分词:worrying;过去分词:worried。 二、worry用法 1、worry可以用作动词 worry的基本意思是“(使)困扰,(使)烦恼”,指不停地非难、刺激以致破坏某人平静的心境或使其感到绝望或受挫,强调企图或效果。worry也可表示“担心,为…发愁”。 worry可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that/wh-从句作宾语,还可接以动词不定式或形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。worry可用于被动结构。 worry用作动词的用法例句: The dog was worrying a rat.那条狗撕咬著一只老鼠。 Don"t worry her; she is busy.别去烦她,她很忙。 The noise doesn"t seem to worry them.这种嘈声好像并不影响他们。 Don"t worry if you can"t finish it.你做不完也不必担心。 Your parents are worrying about you: do write to them.你父母正担心你呢,快给他们写封信吧。 There"s nothing to worry about.没什么可担心的。 2、worry可以用作名词 worry用作名词的基本意思是“烦恼,忧愁,忧虑”,指因遭遇困难或不如意的事而苦闷,是不可数名词。worry作一件件具体的“令人忧伤的人或事”解时是可数名词。 worry用作名词的用法例句: Worry and illness had made him prematurely old.他心事重重、 疾病缠身,落得个未老先衰。 The mother of the kidnapped child was crazy with worry.那个被绑架的孩子的母亲担心得几乎发狂了。 He"s been a source of discord and worry.他成为不和和烦恼的根源。

how do you think about 和what do you think about 有什么区别

  一个是你是怎么想的。  一个是你对这个有什么想法。

what about 和 how about 和 what if 的区别

what about=how about ....怎么样例如:What/How about going shopping?购物怎样?what if如果...怎么办例如; What if I cannot pass the exam?假如我考试不过的话 怎么办?希望能够帮到楼主

What if 和What about、Why not的区别



Forthemostpartyouareprobablyonlyexposedtot 小题1:D小题2:B小题3:C小题4:A任何事情都要通过现象看本质,音乐也是如此,人们要通过了解音乐来了解音乐的历史。 小题1:主旨大意题。通读全文可知是要人们了解音乐及其历史。 小题2:细节题。根据第二段第三行the blues began as a form of musical expression for African Americans during slavery(奴隶制度)小题3:细节题。 根据最后一段第二行You can learn so much about culture and history just by paying attention to different types of music and what is being expressed in the songs.小题4:猜测词义题。根据上文所说:世界上有很多种音乐让我们去了解,接下来应该就说:我们应该努力的去了解他们。【myfavoritemusic的英语作文带翻译】 There are many kinds of music ,such as country music,R&B ,rock music,classical music and so on.My favorite music is pop music.On the one hand,it is easy to learn,and this knid of music is often about our life,for example,A whole new world,Memory,Country Road and so on.On the other hand,They are very popular among people and they are very interesting and easy to learn.It is also a good way to learn English.Since I was 12 years old,when I played puter ,I always opened the music player to listen pop music.When I listening these pop music .I will feel very realx .So that"s way I love pop music best.。 英语阅读理解Good morning. The program today is about music. 我也是一名初中英语教师 。 我本人就非常反感粗制滥造的英语题,有些模棱两可,有的甚至根本就没有正确答案。遇到这样的题 我就让我的学生别做,或者我按照出题者的意图将原题改动为正确的形式。 本题问第一段主要说的是关于什么。 我们来看,从这段开始到中间讲的应该是 music 这个词怎么来的 以及 谁发明的音乐, 后半部分讲的是不同年龄段的孩子对音乐的不同感受和爱好。 我们再看选项 A 音乐风格 B 音乐的历史 C 音乐品味 如果这是中考题 我会选C 因为你不可能去找出题人去商榷。 后半部分确实在说孩子对音乐不同时期的品味 A 音乐风格 肯定不对 B 音乐的历史 也没讲 只能凑合着选C 了 个人观点,仅供参考

People who care about you care about是什么意思


why not 与 what about 有什么区别呢?要准确回答

whynot [词组]:(回答问句)好的,当然. (回答否定语句)为什么呢?;何不,或...不好吗?例句:Whynotgonow?现在就去好不好?"Let"sgotothecinema.""Whynot?"“咱们去看电影吧。”“好啊。”Whatabout[词组]: (提出建议、询问消息或征求意见时使用) 怎样?,你认为…如何?例句: Whataboutgoingforawalk?去散散步怎么样?Whatabouthisqualificationfortheposition?他担任这职务够资格吗?

翻译 1我们的老师抱怨我们上课迟到(complain about)

1.Our teacher complains about we were late for class.2.She turns to her teacher for she doesn"t know how to deal with this math problem.3.Don"t stand with your hand in pocket.

anyone______life frequently. a.complaining about b.complains about 选什么?为什么选这个?

complains about因 只有它是谓语形式。本句缺谓语。what因这是一主语从句,即 what matters most in learning a foreign language在学习外语上最重发的事。从句中缺主语所以用代词。而why, 和where是副词不做主语。which虽是代词但表示疑问意义即哪一个或哪一些。所以不符合题意思。

Many a customer ________ about the poor quality of the washing machines.


complain about和complain有什么区别?

后面加具体对象时用about啊。例,He doesn"t like the new job .he often complains about the new job.He often complains aboua

complain about sb?

complain about sb./sth 抱怨某人/某物

will do,be about to do,be to do 的区别


Thinking About You 歌词

歌曲名:Thinking About You歌手:Whitney Houston专辑:Whitney Houston (The Deluxe Anniversary Edition)Ah,ah-ohAh,oh,ah-ohFriends say,I"m awayBecause I"m down with you every dayThey say,break awayI"m missing out on the fun and gamesBut you smile and the wordsthey tell me quickly disappearYou speak and there"s is no othervoice that I can hearI spend my days(oh,oh)with you(I spend my days)I spend my nights(my nights)thinkin" about you(thinking about you babe)I spend my days(all day,all night)with you(with you)I spend my nights(my nights)thinkin" about youYou stay on my mindAnd I think about you all the timeDay and nightFeels so rightAnd for us there is no end in sight,woo-ohEach day that I spend around youPasses by too fastEach night that I spend without youIs longer than the lastI spend my days(I spend my days)with you(thinking about you babe)I spend my nights(my nights)thinkin" about you(all day,all night)I spend my days(my days)with you(thinking about you)I spend my nights(my nights)thinkin" about you(thinking about you babe)Woo,you know I can"t get enough of you(can"t get enough yeah)Uh-uh,you know that 24 hours won"t everever do(never)I spend my dayswith you(with you with you)I spend my nights(my nights)thinkin" about youI spend my days(I spend my days)with you(with you babe)I spend my nights(all day,all night)thinkin" about youI spend my dayswith you(thinking about you babe)I spend my nightsthinkin" about youI spend my dayswith you(thinking about you)I spend my nightsthinkin" about you(thinking about you babe)I spend my dayswith youI spend my nightsthinkin" about youI spend my dayswith you

hou do you like 与how about的有什么区别?

How do you like是询问你认为...怎么样?eg.How do youlike this book?你认为这本书怎么样?How about是询问.……怎么样呢?eg.How about going shopping?去购物怎么样呢?

He was nourse about this?什么意思


be excited with 和be excited about的区别

"be excited with" 和 "be excited about" 都表示对某事物感到兴奋或激动,但它们在使用和表达上存在一些区别。语法结构: "be excited with" 中的 "with" 是一个介词,后面通常接名词或代词,表示引起兴奋的原因。而 "be excited about" 中的 "about" 是一个介词,后面也通常接名词或代词,但更加侧重表达对某事物的兴奋和期待。例如:我对即将到来的旅行感到非常兴奋。(I am excited about the upcoming trip.)他对这个好消息感到兴奋不已。(He is excited with the good news.)语境和重点: "be excited with" 通常用于描述对某物的直接反应,比如对某种物质的兴奋、对某人外表的兴奋等。而 "be excited about" 则更常用于描述对未来或预期事件的兴奋,比如对即将到来的旅行、节日或工作面试等。例如:我们对这次的新产品发布感到非常兴奋。(We are excited about the new product launch.)看到他的表现,我感到兴奋。(I am excited with his performance.)总的来说,"be excited with" 和 "be excited about" 都可以表示对某事物的兴奋,但具体使用和表达要根据语境和重点进行选择。

how they come about

1.答案:B. 不过貌似楼主你在题目中第二空后多打了个that. 2.翻译:他们在多年敌对后却变成了朋友,这是怎么回事呢/这是怎么发生的呢? 3. 1)此题考查come about的固定句型“How does/did come about that从句?”,意思是“...是怎么发生的/是怎么回事?”. come about意思是“发生/产生”,类似于happen或take place. 2)这是一个特殊疑问句. it是句子的形式主语,而come about是不及物动词短语,做句子谓语. that从句是该句的真正主语. 3)该句变成陈述句为: It comes about that they have become friends after treating each other as enemies for so many years + 方式状语(即how的提问部分).

how about和how区别

how about - when you are giving a suggestion. e.g. If you feel tired, how about try drinking - when you ask a question or just a comment, usually looking for a reason or a cause. e.g. How can you be so cold! OR, Police is investigating how this accident happened.

But I know little about Chinese food是什么意思?

But I know little about Chinese food.可是关于中国食物我几乎不懂。

求一篇英语范文,题目:My Opinion about Chinese food?

:My Opinion about Chinese food Chinese are famous for their long history of food..Especially in south China,they would say they"d eat everything that has four legs besides the dinner table,everything that has two wings besides a plane.Many of the dishes served in China may really surprise newers.And many of these dishes are so called medicinal dishes believed to have extraordinary nutritional value,including Shark Fin,Swallow Nest.There is no doubt that it is far more better than the fast food in some western countries . Chinese food enjoys a high reputation in the world not only for its exquisite,delicious taste and charming appearance but also for its sheer abundance.It is due to the diversity of the climate,products and customs that there are widely different food styles and tastes in local regions of China.Throughout the long history of China,cuisine has played an important role and now is considered an integral part of the nation"s traditional culture.There is an old but still-being-quoted saying ---"Food is the first necessity for people." Delicious and nutritious food has been regarded the basics of Chinese ordinary life.,6,求一篇英语范文,题目:My Opinion about Chinese food 300字左右

something about earthquake

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 帮我找找有关地震的资料(英语的~ Thanks~ 解析: Naturally occurring earthquakes Most naturally occuring earthquakes are related to the tectonic nature of the Earth. Such earthquakes are called tectonic earthquakes. The Earth"s lithosphere is a patch work of plates in slow but constant motion caused by the heat in the Earth"s mantle and core. Plate boundaries glide past each other, creating frictional stress. When the frictional stress exceeds a critical value, called local strength, a sudden failure occurs. The boundary of tectonic plates along which failure occurs is called the fault plane. When the failure at the fault plane results in a violent displacement of the Earth"s crust, the elastic strain energy is released and elastic waves are radiated, thus causing an earthquake. It is estimated that only 10 percent or less of an earthquake"s total energy is ultimately radiated as sei *** ic energy, while most of the earthquake"s energy is used to power the earthquake fracture growth and is eventually converted into heat. Therefore, earthquakes lower the Earth"s available potential energy and thermal energy, though these losses are negligible. To describe the physical process of occurrence of an earthquake, sei *** ologists use the Elastic-rebound theory.The majority of tectonic earthquakes originate at depths not exceeding a few tens of kilometers. Earthquakes occurring at boundaries of tectonic plates are called interplate earthquakes, while the less frequent events that occur in the interior of the lithospheric plates are called intraplate earthquakes. Where the crust is thicker and colder, earthquakes occur at greater depths of hundreds of kilometers along subduction zones where plates descend into the Earth"s mantle. These types of earthquakes are called deep focus earthquakes. They are possibly generated when subducted lithospheric material catastrophically undergoes a phase transition (e.g., olivine to spinel), releasing stored energy—such as elastic strain, chemical energy or gravitational energy—that cannot be supported at the pressures and temperatures present at such depths. Earthquakes may also occur in volcanic regions and are caused by the movement of magma in volcanoes. Such quakes can be an early warning of volcanic eruptions. A recently proposed theory suggests that some earthquakes may occur in a sort of earthquake storm, where one earthquake will trigger a series of earthquakes each triggered by the previous shifts on the fault lines, similar to aftershocks, but occurring years later, and with some of the later earthquakes as damaging as the early ones. Such a pattern was observed in the sequence of about a dozen earthquakes that struck the Anatolian Fault in Turkey in the 20th Century, the half dozen large earthquakes in New Madrid in 1811-1812, and has been inferred for older anomalous clusters of large earthquakes in the Middle East and in the Mojave Desert.

英语情景对话 talk about your favorite belonging

hi.jimhello.maryI haven‘t met you for so too.uhh!what is your favourite belonging?let me think.编不下去不是很理解这个题目

求一下get over、get about和get around的意思,要与旁边的例句相符,意思要

get over:克服get about/around 到处游历;四处走走


Jogging can also make you feel better about yourself.慢跑还有助于提升你自己的自信心(让你自我感觉良)。

好像有一首英文歌 是一个女声唱得 里面还反复唱大概是you must konw about me什么的 希望知道名字

only you?

关于造船方面的 求翻译 PURPOSE To develop specifications for and to construct two (2) about 15m Rap


come out与come about的区别

come about的英译是happen(发生), come up的英译是arise,occur(出现,发生).主要的是come about后面还可以接从句. 意思不一样啊!具体解释如下: come about 发生 例句与用法 1. How did this come about? 这是怎么发生的? 2 Expected or required but not yet having come about. 期待发生的被期望或要求但仍未发生的 3. How did it come about that he knew where we were? 他是怎么知道我们在什麽地方的呢? come out 1. 出来;出现:例句: The stars came out as soon as it was dark. 天一黑星星就出来了。 2. 开花;发芽:例句: Some flowers have begun to come out. 有些花现在已经开始开花了。 3. 出版;发表:例句: That magazine comes out every Monday. 那份杂志每星期一出版。 4. 透露,传出;公之于世;(真相)大白:例句: The truth has come out at last. 真相终于大白。 5. 显出,显露,露出 6. 初次进入社交界;初次登台;初露锋芒7. 结果是,结局:例句: How did the movie finally come out? 这部电影最后的结局如何? 7. 考试结果…,考第…名:例句: She came out first in the examination. 这次考试她考第一名。 8. (照片)照得(好坏),洗出(清晰等):例句: Everyone came out well in the wedding photograph except the bridegroom. 在结婚照片中除了新郎以外人人照得都不错。 9. (算术题)被算出,被解出:例句: Will you help me with this sum? It won"t come out. 你能帮助我算这道算术题吗?这道题算不出来。 10. 洗掉;褪色:例句: Ink stains don"t usually come out. 墨水的斑点一般都洗不掉。 11. 罢工:例句: The workers are coming out for more pay. 工人们为了增加工资正在罢工。 12. [俚语]公开搞同性恋爱,公开同性恋身份,公开宣称自己为同性恋者: 例句: Why do gays have to come out at all? Why can"t they just live their lives discreetly? 为什么同性恋者要公开身份呢?为什么他们不能默默地过自己的生活呢? 13. 表明态度,提出主张:例句: Did he come out for the new regulations? 他对新规章表态了吗有点长和啰嗦,希望对你有帮助!

come out, come about都有发生的意思,就这一点应该怎样区分呢?

come about的英译是happen(发生),come up的英译是arise,occur(出现,上升 ).主要是. 意思不一样啊

英文歌,第一句是this is a story about love this is a story about hate

Io Vivo Con Te

for about ten years什么句型?

For about ten years.这里面呢说不上是用,现在完成时还是用一般过去式,因为这两个后面都可以跟一段时间,所以正确具体的问题要具体解决,你最好是把一个完整的句子给出来。

TATU的《all about us》的中文翻译!

《all about us》的中文翻译么??太久没有了答案 爱不停带走回忆 等你回来去猜 我猜你不一定会明白 只怕你不够勇敢 等命运安排 让感情不会停熄 让爱不会轻言放弃 和你说过的话 在我心里挥不去 it"s all about me it"s all about you 在一瞬间明白 爱多么简单 只要你作伴 it"s all about me it"s all about you 在爱身上找到的记号 it"s all about us it"s all about us 和梦玩个游戏 躲藏在你的心底 结束时该不该 再用爱回应你的存在 才让你真的看开 一切的答案 这世界有多少的好与坏 it"s all about you 这爱情有多少的悲与喜 it"s all about you 我们会在一起的日子里 it"s all about you 世界会找到你要的问号化成了句号

3what is the change your want to make about yourself?why ?英语口语 谢谢提供!


求一首英文歌baby i wanna be with you about the day hold my breath hope

1,如果是男生唱的,应该是claude kelly 的《yes or no》。克劳德·凯利(Claude Kelly),一位出色的R&B歌手,同时也是很有名的音乐制作人,其从小就显露出天才般的音乐天赋,2岁半时开始弹钢琴,中学就已精通长笛,高中毕业到Berklee College of Music学习,因其是牙买加移民的后裔,所以从小就开始接触雷鬼音乐。后又深受R&B和Hip-Hop影响。使其形成了自己所独有的演唱和创作风格。他也经常为很多大牌歌手进行创作,例如Akon、迈克尔·杰克逊、丽安娜·刘易斯(Leona Lewis)、惠特妮·休斯顿(Whitney Houston),是目前当红的音乐制作人。2,如果是对唱,应该是泰国电影想爱就爱的插曲,叫对视

bigbang mad about you 英文歌词翻译

是的你知道的女孩只是神奇的我需要你36524拜托了!女孩你飞向我(女孩,女孩你是如此飞哦,我的)我需要你在我身边(我说我需要你女孩我需要你在我身边)你是你总在我的脑海里(你永远在我的心里)和你是我的生命(现在让我告诉你我所感觉到的感觉)我一见到你就喜欢!一切都是那样beauti-damn-ful你知道我得到你的数字哟411你喜欢的东西不喜欢有一种感觉你是一个我的梦中情人得到feelin "在我的心这叫爱这是你我住我的生命是我爱慕的人要爱你的生活宝贝,这是肯定的我爱你,我爱你,不是我爱你,我爱你,不是我想你我需要你回到我的身边拜托女孩你飞哦,我的(女孩你是如此飞哦)我需要你在我身边(我说我需要你女孩我需要你在我身边)你是你总在我的脑海里(你永远在我的心里)和你是我的生命(现在让我告诉你什么我感觉的感觉)(上)Mind Blowin"女孩你是如此献给我的女孩,真棒每个人都想知道这也所以我bouta打击他们与一个supafly流哟我的宝贝得到它布莱恩的生活她不会做错事我告诉你她不是正确的送我的。你知道它是正确的(英格兰sheez)你知道那是对的你明白我的意思吗(钩)(重复)(歌词)每天早晨有一个唤醒的微笑所以,事实上在爱的天堂,真的我爱她直到永远因为她总是能带来真正的爱,我需要嘿(seung-ri)没有什么我不会做你可以随时打电话给我(大成)哦,女孩你是我的一切这一切都是没有谎言(seung-ri)你是那个人我想和每一个时间(大成)是我们很高兴直到结束(钩)(重复)

bigbang Mad About You 的lrc歌词



  什么是Map/Reduce,看下面的各种解释:  (1)MapReduce是hadoop的核心组件之一,hadoop要分布式包括两部分,一是分布式文件系统hdfs,一部是分布式计算框,就是mapreduce,缺一不可,也就是说,可以通过mapreduce很容易在hadoop平台上进行分布式的计算编程。  (2)Mapreduce是一种编程模型,是一种编程方法,抽象理论。  (3)下面是一个关于一个程序员是如何个妻子讲解什么是MapReduce?文章很长请耐心的看。  我问妻子:“你真的想要弄懂什么是MapReduce?” 她很坚定的回答说“是的”。 因此我问道:  我: 你是如何准备洋葱辣椒酱的?(以下并非准确食谱,请勿在家尝试)  妻子: 我会取一个洋葱,把它切碎,然后拌入盐和水,最后放进混合研磨机里研磨。这样就能得到洋葱辣椒酱了。  妻子: 但这和MapReduce有什么关系?  我: 你等一下。让我来编一个完整的情节,这样你肯定可以在15分钟内弄懂MapReduce.  妻子: 好吧。  我:现在,假设你想用薄荷、洋葱、番茄、辣椒、大蒜弄一瓶混合辣椒酱。你会怎么做呢?  妻子: 我会取薄荷叶一撮,洋葱一个,番茄一个,辣椒一根,大蒜一根,切碎后加入适量的盐和水,再放入混合研磨机里研磨,这样你就可以得到一瓶混合辣椒酱了。  我: 没错,让我们把MapReduce的概念应用到食谱上。Map和Reduce其实是两种操作,我来给你详细讲解下。  Map(映射): 把洋葱、番茄、辣椒和大蒜切碎,是各自作用在这些物体上的一个Map操作。所以你给Map一个洋葱,Map就会把洋葱切碎。 同样的,你把辣椒,大蒜和番茄一一地拿给Map,你也会得到各种碎块。 所以,当你在切像洋葱这样的蔬菜时,你执行就是一个Map操作。 Map操作适用于每一种蔬菜,它会相应地生产出一种或多种碎块,在我们的例子中生产的是蔬菜块。在Map操作中可能会出现有个洋葱坏掉了的情况,你只要把坏洋葱丢了就行了。所以,如果出现坏洋葱了,Map操作就会过滤掉坏洋葱而不会生产出任何的坏洋葱块。  Reduce(化简):在这一阶段,你将各种蔬菜碎都放入研磨机里进行研磨,你就可以得到一瓶辣椒酱了。这意味要制成一瓶辣椒酱,你得研磨所有的原料。因此,研磨机通常将map操作的蔬菜碎聚集在了一起。  妻子: 所以,这就是MapReduce?  我: 你可以说是,也可以说不是。 其实这只是MapReduce的一部分,MapReduce的强大在于分布式计算。  妻子: 分布式计算? 那是什么?请给我解释下吧。  我: 没问题。  我: 假设你参加了一个辣椒酱比赛并且你的食谱赢得了最佳辣椒酱奖。得奖之后,辣椒酱食谱大受欢迎,于是你想要开始出售自制品牌的辣椒酱。假设你每天需要生产10000瓶辣椒酱,你会怎么办呢?  妻子: 我会找一个能为我大量提供原料的供应商。  我:是的..就是那样的。那你能否独自完成制作呢?也就是说,独自将原料都切碎? 仅仅一部研磨机又是否能满足需要?而且现在,我们还需要供应不同种类的辣椒酱,像洋葱辣椒酱、青椒辣椒酱、番茄辣椒酱等等。  妻子: 当然不能了,我会雇佣更多的工人来切蔬菜。我还需要更多的研磨机,这样我就可以更快地生产辣椒酱了。  我:没错,所以现在你就不得不分配工作了,你将需要几个人一起切蔬菜。每个人都要处理满满一袋的蔬菜,而每一个人都相当于在执行一个简单的Map操作。每一个人都将不断的从袋子里拿出蔬菜来,并且每次只对一种蔬菜进行处理,也就是将它们切碎,直到袋子空了为止。  这样,当所有的工人都切完以后,工作台(每个人工作的地方)上就有了洋葱块、番茄块、和蒜蓉等等。  妻子:但是我怎么会制造出不同种类的番茄酱呢?  我:现在你会看到MapReduce遗漏的阶段—搅拌阶段。MapReduce将所有输出的蔬菜碎都搅拌在了一起,这些蔬菜碎都是在以key为基础的 map操作下产生的。搅拌将自动完成,你可以假设key是一种原料的名字,就像洋葱一样。 所以全部的洋葱keys都会搅拌在一起,并转移到研磨洋葱的研磨器里。这样,你就能得到洋葱辣椒酱了。同样地,所有的番茄也会被转移到标记着番茄的研磨器里,并制造出番茄辣椒酱。  (4)上面都是从理论上来说明什么是MapReduce,那么咱们在MapReduce产生的过程和代码的角度来理解这个问题。  如果想统计下过去10年计算机论文出现最多的几个单词,看看大家都在研究些什么,那收集好论文后,该怎么办呢?  方法一:  我可以写一个小程序,把所有论文按顺序遍历一遍,统计每一个遇到的单词的出现次数,最后就可以知道哪几个单词最热门了。 这种方法在数据集比较小时,是非常有效的,而且实现最简单,用来解决这个问题很合适。  方法二:  写一个多线程程序,并发遍历论文。  这个问题理论上是可以高度并发的,因为统计一个文件时不会影响统计另一个文件。当我们的机器是多核或者多处理器,方法二肯定比方法一高效。但是写一个多线程程序要比方法一困难多了,我们必须自己同步共享数据,比如要防止两个线程重复统计文件。  方法三:  把作业交给多个计算机去完成。  我们可以使用方法一的程序,部署到N台机器上去,然后把论文集分成N份,一台机器跑一个作业。这个方法跑得足够快,但是部署起来很麻烦,我们要人工把程序copy到别的机器,要人工把论文集分开,最痛苦的是还要把N个运行结果进行整合(当然我们也可以再写一个程序)。  方法四:  让MapReduce来帮帮我们吧!  MapReduce本质上就是方法三,但是如何拆分文件集,如何copy程序,如何整合结果这些都是框架定义好的。我们只要定义好这个任务(用户程序),其它都交给MapReduce。  map函数和reduce函数  map函数和reduce函数是交给用户实现的,这两个函数定义了任务本身。  map函数:接受一个键值对(key-value pair),产生一组中间键值对。MapReduce框架会将map函数产生的中间键值对里键相同的值传递给一个reduce函数。  reduce函数:接受一个键,以及相关的一组值,将这组值进行合并产生一组规模更小的值(通常只有一个或零个值)。  统计词频的MapReduce函数的核心代码非常简短,主要就是实现这两个函数。  map(String key, String value):  // key: document name  // value: document contents  for each word w in value:  EmitIntermediate(w, "1");  reduce(String key, Iterator values):  // key: a word  // values: a list of counts  int result = 0;  for each v in values:  result += ParseInt(v);  Emit(AsString(result));  在统计词频的例子里,map函数接受的键是文件名,值是文件的内容,map逐个遍历单词,每遇到一个单词w,就产生一个中间键值对<w, "1">,这表示单词w咱又找到了一个;MapReduce将键相同(都是单词w)的键值对传给reduce函数,这样reduce函数接受的键就是单词w,值是一串"1"(最基本的实现是这样,但可以优化),个数等于键为w的键值对的个数,然后将这些“1”累加就得到单词w的出现次数。最后这些单词的出现次数会被写到用户定义的位置,存储在底层的分布式存储系统(GFS或HDFS)。转载

learn about和learn from和learn to do 怎么用

learn about 有“了解”的意思learn from 向....学learn to do 学做....

talk to 和 talk about 有什么区别?

talk to是跟某人说,talk about是谈论什么内容

talk about是什么意思

谈论 讨论



about gerund & to+infinitive

更新1: thanks you. if use english to wer the main is much better . 英语世界:不定式动词(infinitive)和动名词(gerund) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wenweipo [2008-01-22] Lina Chu 中国香港浸会大学语文中心  一些动词后面可以跟带to不定式动词(to infinitive)或动名词(gerund),一些时候意思一样,但一些时候则意思不同。  跟在一个动词后面的带to不定式动词(to infinitive),通常是用于表达意向、动向、目标等等,就是想要、准备、开始或正在做某些事情。举例说明:  He started to talk but no one was listening.  他开始发表言论,但没有人在听。  She continued to dance even when the music had stopped.  虽然音乐已经停下,她继续起舞。 to infinitives涉将要或在进行的行动  总而言之,to infinitives涉及一个将要或正在进行的行动。  动词 “start” 和 “continue”后面有时可改用另一个形式表达,就是以动名词 (gerund -ing form)代替to + infinitive。例如:  He started talking but no one was listening.  She continued dancing even when the music had stopped.  在以上两组例子中,以to + infinitives构成的句子,与以-ing forms构成的句子在意义上并无大分别。两者都表示当事人将要或正在进行的行动。  然而并非所有动词都一样。例如:  He stopped to *** oke.  He stopped *** oking.  前一句的意思是:他停下来吸烟。  后一句的意思是:他停止吸烟。 stop + infinitive与stop + ing form 意思相反  使用stop + infinitive与stop + ing form的意思完全相反!  当我们用stop + to infinitive,意思是停下某一个行动,而进行另一个行动。例如:  She was practising yoga when the telephone rang. She stopped to wer the phone.  她正在练习瑜伽时,电话响起。她停下来,去接听电话。 停止行动 用stop + ing form  很明显是两个行动,停了前一个,进行后一个。如果想说某人停止一个行动,只能用stop + ing form。例如:  The little girl stopped crying when her mother gave her a lollipop.  妈妈给她一支棒棒糖后,那个小女孩便不再哭了。  不要说她stopped to cry,除非你想说她停下来,哭起来。  to infinitive与 gerund/- ing form的意思完全相反! 参考: 文汇首页 > > 教育 wenweipo [2008-01-22] (1-2) remember 跟 gerund 的时候有回想起之前的事的意思--例子1 remember 跟 to-infinitive 的时候则是不要忘记做某事的意思--例子2 (3-4) regret 跟 gerund 有后悔做某事的意思(而那件事已经发生)--例子3 regret 跟 to-infinitive 则是一个比较礼貌的说法去通知别人一些不愉快的事--例子4 例如 I regret to say 或者 I regret to inform you (5-6) stop doing something 的意思是某事一直在进行而你想停止做那件事--例子5 stop to do something 的意思则是某事没有进行或者你在做其他事 但你想停上现在进行的动作继而做 to-infinitive 之后的事 你的例子6 : 我想停下然后去买礼物 如果你说 I wanted to stop buying presents 即是我想停止不再买礼物 (7-8) start 之后跟 gerund 通常会是维持长时间的 例如甚么时候开始学弹琴就是 start playing piano 一般情况下都会用 to-infintive 如果 start 之后跟的 verb 是 know/understand/realize 通常都会用 to-infinitive 参考: me

the kids were [ ] about opening their Christmas presents.A excite B exciting C excited D to excite

答案: 【C excited 】excited 修饰的是人exciting修饰的是物此题主语是人the kids [孩子们 ] ,所以用excited.【Me YC真诚为你解答此题,若有疑问请及时追问,满意望及时选为满意回答】

What About Me? 歌词

歌手:Toy-Box歌名:What AboutFirst time I baby when I saw your faceI knew for a fact that it was a love you caseI was drawn to you like bee-seeking honeyIt was all about the love, not all about the moneyYou were an easy riderI was a sneaky spiderCaught you in my net, ha, just like thatCause baby you know what, this is where it"s at.If I could tell you how much I really care for youIf I could show you how far I really goCause to you ...So what about the times when I hold you tightAnd what about the days, what about the nightsWhat about the truth, what about the liesAnd what about a kiss before a goodbyebefore a goodbyeHey, you looking this good just has to be a crimeSo sitting and waiting is a waste of timeThings are getting better, forget about the weatherThe only real thing is you and me togetherCome let us do the twist and shoutLove is what it"s all aboutSame old same old hunting chaseI"m coming right at you, in your faceIf I could tell you how much I really care for youIf I could show you how far I really goCause to you ...So what about the times when I hold you tightAnd what about the days, what about the nightsWhat about the truth, what about the liesAnd what about a kiss before a goodbyebefore a goodbyeSo what about the times when I hold you tightAnd what about the days, what about the nightsWhat about the truth, what about the liesAnd what about a kiss before a goodbyeSo what about the times when I hold you tightAnd what about the days, what about the nightsWhat about the truth, what about the liesAnd what about a kiss before a goodbyebefore a goodbye

求Toy Box - What About 中英歌词!

Best Friend 歌手:Toy Box Best Friend Toy-Box Hello,baby,can I see a smile I"m going to a party,and it"s gonna be wild Can I come,I"m sitting alone Friends are never alone Maybe some pretty girls are in you world Excuse me,I could also be your girl Lately,everyone is making fun Na na na na... He"s my best friend,best of all best friends Do you bave s best friend too? It tickles in my tummy,he"s so yummy yummy Hey,you should get a best friend too! My best friend! Aloha,baby,let"s go to ghe beach Yeah,girls in bikini are waiting for me But I was hoping for a summer-romance So why can"t you take a chance Maybe some pretty girls are in you world Excuse me,I could also be your girl Lately,everyone is making fun Na na na na... He"s my best friend,best of all best friends Do you bave s best friend too? It tickles in my tummy,he"s so yummy yummy Hey,you should get a best friend too! My best friend! Maybe some pretty girls are in you world Excuse me,I could also be your girl Lately,everyone is making fun Let"s get this party on Hit me with that lazer-gun! wo woo You should get a best friend too! 和一个儿子一起,我们记得过去的回忆 每个人都如此妒忌特殊友谊。 我认为在上午或在教室里,每天的停车由我 想念你们美丽的笑容说, haemaleun 你和照片jjikeotdeon勇于恶作剧信件jugobatdeon 我觉得看拉动jamgigon 。 结识新朋友的好你,你正在做的伟大 我讨厌有人伤害美国密歇根州。 除了我们的友谊,但现在相信byeonchianneun 后相当长的时间,再次看到你,我会欢迎你以微笑 i谎言在床上,在我的房间,仔细notdeon您的秘密。 这时候sujupdeon昨天。 结识新朋友的好你,你正在做的伟大 我讨厌有人伤害美国密歇根州。 除了现在,但我们的友谊不相信byeonchi 后相当长的时间,再次看到你,我会欢迎你以微笑 谢谢我的朋友。 给我的回忆将不会作出再次。 (你我最好的朋友) 更多的话,但我等待 nieolgul高兴到一天要记住 我的承诺,我将这样做。 不管如何,多年来heulreogado 我会成为您的朋友在 请记住,您是我最好的朋友

求Toy Box - What About 中英歌词!

WHAT ABOUTFirst time I baby when I saw your faceI knew for a fact that it was a love you caseI was strong to you like bee-seeking honeyIt was all about the love, not all about the moneyYou were an easy riderI was a sneaky spiderCaught you in my neck, ha, just like thatCause baby you know what, this is where it setIf I could tell you how much I really care for youIf I could show you how far I really goCause to you ...So what about the times when I hold you tightAnd what about the days, what about the nightsWhat about the truth, what about the liesAnd what about a kiss before a goodbyebefore a goodbyeHey, you looking this good just has to be a crimeSo sitting and waiting is a waste of timeThings are getting better, forget about the weatherThe only real thing is you and me togetherCome let us do the twist and shoutLove is what it"s all aboutSame old same old hunting chaseI"m coming right at you, in your face什么 我第一次婴儿当我看见你的脸 我知道一个事实,即它是一个爱你的情况 我强烈向你一样,养蜂寻求蜂蜜 这是所有关于爱情,并非所有关于钱 你是一件容易的骑士 我是一个狡猾的蜘蛛 被捕的,你在我的脖子,医管局,就像 造成婴儿你知道什么,这是它成立 如果我能告诉你有多少我真的很照顾你 如果我可以告诉您如何到目前为止,我真的 事业给你的... 那么,关于时候,我认为你紧张 和什么有关的日子,对于夜 什么真理,什么谎言 和什么有关一个吻前再见 前再见 喂,你看这个好,只要是一个犯罪 因此,会议,并等待是一种浪费时间的 事情变得更好,忘记天气 唯一真正的事是你和我一起 来让我们做的捻度和喊 爱是什么,它的所有约 同时旧旧狩猎大通 我未来的权利在你,在你的脸

求Toy Box - What About 中英歌词!


I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to


talk about our school in【】 【pair】用适当的词填空

pairs 两人一组谈论我们的学校do sth in pairs 成对做某事

Forget About You 歌词

歌曲名:Forget About You歌手:The Motors专辑:Airport - The Motors Greatest HitsGraham Colton-Forget About YouAlbum:Here Right Now鹰飞雁武 编辑It"s been one year to the daySince I watched you drive awaywith only street lights glowingHere we are now face to facefumbling all the words to sayHiding feelings that I don"t want showing nowI am useless youngand stupid for thinking I"ll get over youI"ll make excuses but the truth isIt"s the best that I can doI can"t forget about youWe"d spend every day and nightand never left each other"s sideBut I never asked you what you"re thinkingCuz it"s been one year to the dayHere we are now face to faceNow it feels like I am slowly sinking downEvery night I stayed upthinking my mind"s made upEvery memory I hold on toIf I could only have a minuteI know how I"d spend itsaying everything I feel for youI feel for youI am useless youngand stupid for thinking I"ll get over youThere"s no excuses cuz the truth isThere"s nothing left for me to doI can"t forget about youForget about youI can"t forget about youI won"t forget about youForget about youI can"t forget about you

Forget About You 歌词

歌曲名:Forget About You歌手:Dierks Bentley专辑:Dierks BentleyTitle: Forget About YouArtist: Cary BrothersWide awake, fall againScratchin at my woundsAlways in tuneLove came too soonAnd in the morning, I saw the waveWasn"t it somethingAnd you say you don"t need meAnd you say you love the sceneForget about youForget about youHad a feelin it would come to thisStitches always breakingEvery sound that you makeKeeps me awakeAnd in the morning, I saw the gazeIt wasn"t a comfortAnd you say you don"t need meAnd you say you want to breatheForget about youForget about youForget about all this life we haveWe were the unseenAnd I don"t regret the daysWasn"t it somethingForget about youForget about youForget aboutForget about


ask me about问我关于。。。

ask me about that是什么句型?

谓语:ask间接宾语:me直接宾语:about that望采纳

Details about和details of 有什么区别?

details about ... 指与某事相关的详情,details of ... 指某事本身的详情。前者是间接的,后者是直接的。

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bring on导致bring out 出版bring up 抚养bring about 导致;使发生

be almost give it up和be about to give it up区别

1、be almost give it up表示的是“几乎”,但是并不是太绝对的。语气方面比较委婉一些。比如写作业的你总说“我要写不下去了”,但实际你还可能会继续写。2、be about to give it up表示即将放弃,be about to 表示即将到来的将来,板上钉钉的事。比如:The train is about to start火车要开了,这就不能用be almost。如果能帮助你,别忘记采纳!

the three of us_____ around europe for about a month last summer

A,trevelled 是对的。只能用一般过时。句子的语境中没有明确一个表示过去的动作与travel动作相比较,即没有“表示过去的过去”这一语境,只是笼统的知道travel的动作在过去某一段时间发生。在这种语境下,只能用一般过去时,尽管句子有for+一段时间的时间状语。试比较:The three of us 【had travelled】 around Europe for about a month when / before Tom went to see us last summer.过去完成时had done的使用是有较为严格的时态要求的。单独的一个句子,通常不能使用过去完成时;而延续性动词的一般过去时,常常与for+一段时间的时间状语连用(for还可以省略);如:The fire lasted( for )two hours last night.(昨晚那场大火持续了2个小时。)祝你进步!

Never before in China __________ so carefully concerned about the food safety. A.people have..

B 考查倒装。Never,表否定意义,表否定意义的词放在句首时,句子要用部分倒装,排除A,D;根据时间状语before,可知不能用一般现在时态,排除D。所以选B。

do you know anything about food safety为什么是safety?


This is a book ( ) radio A.on B.about 应该选哪个?(注:答案上说应该选A,为什么?)

on与about 二者都是介词,意为“关于,论及”等,一般情况下,二者可以互相替换,但二者有点区别:on表关于时指关于某一个特定的主题。这里表示这本书是关于radio的专业书籍

怎样判断用Shall We 还是How About

两个都表示建议“你认为…怎样,…好吗”,只要语法不错都可以用,“shall we”后动词原形,“how about”加V-ing。eg.Shall we invite them back after the theatre?看完戏我们把他们邀回家去好吗?Supposing he is absent, what shall we do? 假使他不在, 我们将怎么办呢?How about going out for dinner?出去吃晚餐如何?How about if we go tomorrow instead?我们改成明天去怎么样?

dream about和dream of有什么区别

dream of可表示梦见,也可表示向往;dream about只能表示梦见……,无向往的意思 eg: I dreamed about you last night. 我昨夜里梦到你了。 当用来表示“想到”时,通常用of eg: I never dreamed of happiness like this. 我过去做梦也没想到象这样幸福。

dream of/about doing sth与dream to do sth有什么不同?举例回答。

dream to do 与dream of doing dream 同为名词时用法的区别答:你想要知道dream一词的用法,请查大一点的词典。dream可以作动词,也可以作名词。作动词可以是不及物动词,也可以是及物动词。你这里要求的是名词的用法。问:两个词组的区别。但首先要保证,确实有这样两个词组的表达。实际上只有后一种。前一种,作为词组是不成立的。有way to do sth. 和 way of doing sth. 表示‘做某事的方法",没有多大的差别。XX的梦想,是a dream of doing sth. 不是:a dream to do sth.1. It was his ~ to have a house of his own by the lake. 他的梦想是在那湖畔拥有一幢属于自己的房子2. She realized her ~ of becoming a singer. 她实现了当歌唱家的梦想 例句1中的dream to have a house 不是一个意群的。it是形式主语,to have a house ...是真正的主语。

实用英语口语:Asking About Birthplace 问出生地

  [谈论出生地十大经典句型]   Where were you born?   你出生在什么地方?   Were you born in the city or in the country?   你出生在城市还是乡下?   Where was he born?   他出生在什么地方?   Was lifang born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   李芳出生在北京还是天津?   Where was Mary born?   玛丽出生在什么地方?   Where was your father born?   你父亲出生在什么地方?   Where was your mather born?   你的母亲出生在什么地方?   You were born in Kunming, werenu2019t you?   你出生在昆明,是不是?   Do you know where Jack was born?   你知道杰克出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where I was born? I was born in lijiang   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在丽江   [情景对话]   Where were you born?   I was born in Guangzhou   Were you born in the city or in the country?   I was born in the country. My hometown is very beautiful   Where was he born?   He was born in Miami   Was lifang born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   Iu2019m now sure. I guess she was born in Beijing. Sheu2019s be good at Beijing dialect   Where was Mary born?   She was born in New York. She speaks English with New York accent.   Where was your father born?   He born in Kunming   Where was your mother born?   She was born in lijiang   You were in lijiang.werenu2019t you?   No. I was born in Kunming. Senior The stone forest   Do you know where was Jack born?   He told me he was born in the States   Do you know where was Alice born? I was born in lijiang   Really. thatu2019s a lovely place. I really like lijiang   [语法精练]   Where were you born?   你出生在什么地方   Where were they born?   他们出生在什么地方   Where were you born?   你们出生在什么地方   Were you born in the city or in the country?   你出生在城市还是乡下   Was he born in the city or in the country?   他出生在城市还是乡下   Was she born in the city or in the country?   她出生在城市还是乡下?   Where was he born?   他出生在什么地方?   Where was she born?   她出生在什么地方?   Where was it born?   它出生在什么地方?   Was lifang born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   李芳出生在北京还是天津?   Was wanghai born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   王海出生在北京还是天津?   Was wubin born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   吴宾出生在北京还是天津?   Where was Mary born?   玛丽出生在什么地方?   Where was Nacy born?   南希出生在什么地方?   Where was Henry born?   亨利出生在什么地方?   Where was your father born?   你父亲出生在什么地方?   Where was your uncle born?   你叔叔出生在什么地方?   Where was your brother born?   你弟弟出生在什么地方?   Where was you mother born?   你的母亲出生在什么地方?   Where was your aunt born?   你阿姨出生在什么地方?   Where was you sister born?   你的妹妹出生在什么地方?   You were born in Kunming. Werenu2019t you?   你出生在昆明,是不是?   You were born in Beijing. Werenu2019t you?   你出生在北京,是不是?   You were born in haerbin. Werenu2019t you?   你出生在哈尔滨,是不是?   Do you know where Jack was born?   你知道杰克出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where Jimu2019s born?   你知道吉姆出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where Nacy was born?   你知道南希出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where I was born? I was born in lijiang   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在丽江   Do you know where I was born? I was born in Kunming   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在昆明   Do you know where I was born? I born in xinjiang   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在新疆   [问出生地提高篇]   Everyone is proud of his or her hometown. Especially his or her own birthplace. Wherever we go, we should not and we not forgot our birthplace. A place where great person was born . so when we talk with foreign friends, we are often talk about our birthplaces or our hometowns. We are very interested in each otheru2019s birthplaces, at least it is a good topic for our conversation. Whenever we hear foreign friends talk about their hometowns, especially their birthplaces, the whole conversation if full of pride and happiness   [谈论出生地十大经典句型]   What is your birthplace?   你的出生地是什么地方?   Where is your birthplace lacated?   你的出生地位于什么地方?   What is the climate like in your hometown?   你们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the average temperature in your hometown?   你们家乡的平均气温多少度?   What is the economic situation like in your hometown?   你们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What changes have take place in your hometown in recent years?   最近几年你的家乡有什么变化吗?   Have you built a lot of new houses these years?   近年来盖了很多新房吗?   Is it convenient to go to your hometown?   到你的家乡去很方便吗?   How long does it take to go from Kunming to your hometown?   从昆明到你的家乡要走多久?   What do you think of the future of your hometown?   你对你家乡的未来是怎么看的?   [情景对话]   What is your birthplace?   I was born in luliang.luliang is a very beautiful place   Where is your birthplace located?   This located in the northeast of Yunnan   What is the climate like in your hometown?   Itu2019s not very hot in summer and it is not very cold in winter   What is the average temperature in your hometown?   Its average temperature is about twenty degrees to thirty degrees   What is the economic situation like in your hometown?   My hometown is still under backwood   What changes have take place in your hometown in recent years?   I feel new hospitals and a lot of new factories have been setup in my hometown in recent years   Have you been a lot of new houses in these years?   Yes, a lot of new houses have been built these years   Is it convenient to go to your hometown?   Yes, it is. It is very convenient to go to my hometown. A new express way has been built between Kunming and my hometown   How long does it take to go from Kunming to your hometown?   It only takes about two hours to go from Kunming to my hometown by bus.   What do you think of the future of you hometown?   My hometown has developing and a very high speed. Although it is still backwook at the moment. I am sure my hometown will be more beautiful in the future.   [轻松演说]   I was born in luliang. Luliang is a very beautiful place. It is in the northeast in Yunnan. It is not very hot in summer and it is not very cold in winter. Itu2019s average tempetature is about twenty degrees to thirty degrees. My hometown is still backwood. I feel new hospitals and a lot of new factories have been built in my hometown in recent years. A lot of new houses have been built in these years. It is very convenient to my hometown. A new express way has been built between Kunming and my hometown. It only takes about two hours to go from Kunming to my hometown by bus. My hometown is developing and a very high speed. Although it is still backwood at the moment. I am sure my hometown will be more beautiful in the furture.   [语法精练]   What is your birthplace?   你的出生地是什么地方?   What is his birthplace?   他的出生地是什么地方?   What is her birthplace?   她的出生地是什么地方?   Where is your birthplace located?   你的出生地位于什么地方?   Where is his birthplace located?   他的出生地位于什么地方?   Where is her birthplace located?   她的出生地位于什么地方?   What is the climate like in your hometown?   你们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the climate like in his hometown?   他们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the climate like in her hometown?   她们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the average temperature in your hometown?   你们家乡的平均气温是多少度?   What is the average temperature in his hometown?   他们家乡的平均气温是多少度?   What is the average temperature in her hometown?   她们家乡的平均气温是多少度?   What is the economic situation like in your hometown?   你们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What is the economic situation like in his hometown?   他们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What is the economic situation like in her hometown?   她们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What changes have take place in your hometown in recent years?   最近几年你的家乡有什么变化?   What changes have take place in his hometown in recent years?   最近几年他的家乡有什么变化?   What changes have take place in her hometown in recent years?   最近几年她的家乡有什么变化?   Have you built a lot of new houses in these years?   今年来盖了很多新房吗?   Have you built a lot of hospitals in these years?   今年来盖了很多新医院吗?   Have you built a lot of new schools in these years?   今年来盖了很多新学校吗?   Is it convenient to go to your hometown?   到你的家乡很方便吗?   Is it convenient to go to his hometown?   到他的家乡很方便吗?   Is it convenient to go to her hometown?   到她的家乡很方便吗?   How long does it take to go from Kunming to your hometown?   从昆明到你的家乡要走多久?   How long does it take to go from Guangzhou to your hometown?   从广州到你的家乡要走多久?   How long does it take to go from naming to your hometown?   从南宁到你的家乡要走多久?   What do you think of the furture of your hometown?   你对你家乡的未来是怎么看的?   What does he think of the future of his hometown?   他对他家乡的未来是怎么看的?   What does she think of the future of her hometown?   她对她家乡的未来是怎么看的?

trouble about 与bother about

近义词辨析ue003 bother,disturb,trouble,worryue003 这组词均含有“不停地烦扰他人或搞得某人心神不宁”的意思.ue003 bother 和disturb常用于主动和被动两种形式中.用于被动时,bother指常受到时有时无的小事的烦扰.用于主动时,bother的意思比disturb强,带有故意打扰他人的意思.ue004 If you return me the book,I will stop bothering you.你归还我的书后,我就不打扰你了.ue003 disturb用于被动形式时,意思比bother强烈,有时甚至可指精神错乱.用在主动形式时,意思最弱,指某人无意中打扰他人,这种打扰行为并非存心冲着他人去的.ue004The man was mentally disturbed.这个人精神错乱了.ue003 trouble和worry主要用于被动,指被某事搞得心神不宁.ue004 trouble比worry稍正式些,指麻烦别人一件事而影响他人舒适、方便、效率、健康或心境的平静等.ue003 May I trouble you for the book?麻烦您把书递给我好吗?ue003 worry 主要指因对某事的结果没有把握而焦虑不安,还可指某人沉浸在软弱无助的情绪或思虑中.ue004 Worrying about your health can make you sick.经常担心你的健康,会使你生病的是trouble bother bother 常用于主动和被动两种形式中.用于被动时,bother指常受到时有时无的小事的烦扰.用于主动时,bother带有故意打扰他人的意思.trouble主要用于被动,指被某事搞得心神不宁.ue004 trouble比较正式,指麻烦别人一件事而影响他人舒适、方便、效率、健康或心境的平静等.ue003 May I trouble you for the book?麻烦您把书递给我好吗?

是 be puzzled at 还是be puzzled about?如果都可以,那它们的区别和各

以下答案来自百度作业帮“月之洛心儿_”的回答,希望帮到你:be puzzled by迷惑;被…所疑惑be puzzled at对…感到迷惑的be puzzled to do很困惑做be puzzled with迷惑be puzzled at对…感到迷惑的be/feel puzzled about对…感到困惑例句如:1.Our ancestors are sure to be puzzled by modern financial choice.我们的祖先肯定会被现代的许多财务选择搞得茫然失措.2.The poor would be puzzled to hear that the profit motive is in retreat.穷人听说谋利动机在用水上起的作用正在减小一定会觉得很迷惑.3.He professed to be puzzled about such base suspicions of Soviet motives.他对我们竟然对苏联的动机有这样不好的怀疑佯装迷惑不解.


I will describe my preferred season to you.

i will tell you____you want to know about this sto

B.what you want to know指你想知道的,all表全部
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