
阅读 / 问答 / 标签

what about the() it"s swinging in the tree填空?


knowing about china 为什么用knowing而不直接用know呢?


knowing about china 中的knowing 是动名词用法吗?后面能接宾语?怎么还有介词?

know about China 了解中国 knowing about China就变成 动名词结构了。

knowing about china 为什么用knowing而不直接用know呢?

整句 做 句子成分 Know 就需要加ing 这要看 具体 的上下句 ,或者这句的完整版本

上网的时候,我们对自己的个人信息要谨慎用be cautious about翻译

In Internet,we should be cautious about our own personal information.

the scientists are about

答案是cautious;本题考查语境中选用适当的词;caution n.小心,谨慎;cautious adj.小心的,谨慎的;be cautious about 对…小心的,故答案是cautious.

cause与bring about的区别?


write at least 100 words about an event caused翻译:写下至少100字的事件。本句为陈述句中的肯定句,连接词是about。 一、write1、含义:v. 写;书写;填写;作曲。2、用法 write的基本意思是“写”,指用笔大方、庄重地记录一些东西。引申可表示“写信”,是日常用语。 write可用于现在完成时,也可用于现在完成进行时,用于前者时必须接宾语,用于后者时可不接宾语。 I"ve been writing for three hours.我已经写了三个小时了。Nature inspired him to write such beautiful poems.自然赋予他灵感,使他写出如此优美的诗句。二、least1、含义:adj. 最小的;最少的。adv. 最小地;最少地;最轻微地。n. 最小;最少。2、用法least是形容词little的最高级形式,基本意思是“最小的,最少的”,指某物在数量或体积上处于最小的状态。有时含有“即使最小的,哪怕最少的”的意思。 least在句中主要用作定语,偶尔也可用作表语。 The least noise would startle the timid child.最小的响声也会吓着这个胆小的孩子的。The greatest talkers are always the least doers.大言不惭的总是做得最少的人。三、words1、含义:n. (某人所说的)话;【计】一连串字节。word的复数. 。2、用法word的基本意思是“单词”,指语言中能独立存在的最小表意单位,也可指“(说的)话,话语,言语,谈话”等,是可数名词。 His lips could hardly frame the words.他几乎说不出话来。She pondered over her next words.她仔细考虑接下去要讲的话。四、about1、含义:prep. 关于;大约;在 ... 周围。adv. 大约;附近;到处;在周围。adj. 即将的;正要的;在流行中的。2、用法在指“不久就要……”时,后通常接不定式,如about to start。也有接动名词,如about starting。但是不可再加表示时间的词,如不可说about starting at once。Tell me all about it.告诉我关于这件事的一切。It is about six o"clock now.现在是六点钟左右。五、event1、含义:n. 大事;事件;项目。2、用法event的基本意思是“事件”,可指历史上的、国际的、国家的或社会的重大事件,也可指日常的小事件。event是可数名词,其复数形式有时还可指“事态的发展”“时局”。 It was quite an event when a woman first became prime minister.首次由女人任首相倒是件大事。The new book was the cultural event of the year.这本新书的出版是今年文化界的大事。

he advise students about common problems. 请做句子成


advises students about common problems

advises students about common problems建议学生有关共同的问题

we should stop_____(throw)about in public. 翻译一下在解释


caring about和throwing about分别什么意思?怎么用?

caring about 在乎什么东西throwing about 抛什么东西.

throwing things about

1.A 2.consider doing 3.b 4.C misunderstood 5.B method information 6.D those7.A That 8.有问题9.A have cleaned 10.B to be published 11.D that12.B haven"t done

advice for,advice about和advice on的区别?



NO THROWING ABOUT的中文翻译NO THROWING ABOUT 不乱扔throwing 英["θrəʊɪŋ] 美["θroʊɪŋ] n. 投掷运动; v. 扔; 抛; 掷; 投( throw的现在分词 ); [例句]Stop throwing those stones!不要再扔那些石头了![其他] 形近词: strowing

用英语说说对广告的理解 What do you understand about advertisements?

A few months ago the very first person approached me wanting to advertise a certain affiliate program on my blog.I didn"t realize it at the time,but the program in question would go on to become probably the most advertised program I have ever seen in the make money online niche,the banners for it are EVERYWHERE. I"m not going to mention the specific program in this post,but as I write this there are at least three advertisers promoting the program on my blog so you should be able to figure out it.I personally have not investigated the program so I"m hardly in a position to offer an informed opinion about it,but that"s not the topic of this article anyway. In the past two months I"ve had at least 20 people contact me to promote this particular program on my two blogs and I"ve turned most of them back.I"ve had to refund at least $1500 because many people sent me money without realizing there are already several people already promoting the program on my blogs.It"s come to the point now where I"ve had to put a notice on my advertise page explaining I will no longer take on any advertisements for this program. I"m not looking to judge the quality of the program,but I do want to point out the psychology that it is creating.Like many affiliate programs,this system is multi-tiered and I expect the pyramid like growth you can experience if you get out there and recruit as fast as you can is one of the biggest selling points.It"s worked so well,people are throwing money at promoting it without understanding anything about online advertising. Promote Fast or You May Miss Out! Many of the people who sent me money to buy a text link,followed up with a query that goes “so what do I do next” or sent through long lines of capitalized letters screaming “GET RICH QUICK SCHEME”.I"m all for people experimenting with different advertisements to see how things work,but when you don"t know what a text link is,there are hundreds of other people promoting the same program and you are advertising how to make “thousands weekly” when you don"t make that money yourself or the only way to generate revenue is to sell more people into the same program,then something is wrong. Programs like this appeal to the newbie Internet marketer and it"s almost like a right of passage to go through an experience like this so you can learn how foolish it is to expect to make money promoting programs about how to make money when you don"t make any money yourself.It"s like MLM in the offline business world - so many people try it,learn that is just doesn"t work for them,then move forward with a new found sense of maturity and a more realistic approach to business (well,hopefully anyway!). My advice to anyone considering promoting a program online - and that"s any affiliate opportunity - learn how to effectively market online before spending money. If you can"t answer these questions before you spend money on a promotion,don"t do it - Do you understand how the advertisement works?Is it pay per click or pay per impression or pay per month? Are you focusing on the best methods for the type of product you are promoting? How about the target audience - are you sure it"s the right market for what you offer? How is the traffic acquired? Can you and are you tracking your results? What is your break even point for acquiring a new lead (this tells you how much you can spend on traffic)? How about conversion rates? Given a type of media (text,banners,audio,video) do you know how to construct an ad that sells? Have you researched anything or are you just throwing money at something hoping it will work? There"s a big difference between conducting careful controlled market research to see what advertising works versus blindly spending money as fast as you can because you are feeling the rush of greed.If anything doesn"t feel right or you can"t put all the pieces together in your head to understand how the big picture works,then chances are you won"t make any money. Know what you are doing before you spend money and if you don"t know,spend money or time or both finding out.That"s a much smarter investment in the long term. Yaro Starak Patient Marketer

求助about advertisement英语作文

are you tired of the advertisements during the time you are wachting your favourit tvs ?yes ,i am .i hate it .but it seems that it"s an age that it"s full of advertisements in our daily life . you can get them from every where ,like newspapers,tvs,magazines,raido and even from the bottles of the drinks or the pakages of the snacks. but it"s really very useful if you really want to buy something while you don"t know which one to choose ,and how is the quality of the goods,so you will need the help of the ads. "impossible is nothing"is the advertising slogan of a signal of it"s brand ,it make their brand remenbered by the consumers ,what"s more. it also make us to remenber the deep meaning of it .that is nothing is impossible if you put your heart in it . so when you can"t bear the ads during your tv time ,you can try to learn something from some of the excellent adverting slogans and by the way ,thinking about buying some of them someday .

Cats are creatures of habit. They like to go to sleep about the same time every day and for a c...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:D小题4:B小题5:C 试题分析:本文叙述了打盹的好处。猫打盹能增加他们有规律的睡眠。打盹经常持续15-30分钟。一些专家认为打盹能改善人的情绪,让人变得更快乐。有一些名人经常在白天模仿猫打盹后,他们精力更充沛,工作效率更高。小题1:细节理解题。根据第一段的Cats increase their regular sleep with occasional cat naps.(打盹). 可知猫打盹能增加他们有规律的睡眠。故选C。小题2:细节理解题。根据第二段的The naps would usually last from 15 to 30 minutes.可知打盹经常持续15-30分钟,因此是少于30分钟。故选B。小题3:细节理解题。根据第一段的Since cats have the same moods as humans,可知A项否和文章意思。细节理解题。根据第二段的A number of famous people have copied cats by taking cat naps during the day.可知B项否和文章意思。根据第二段的These famous men were known for their energy. 可知C项否和文章意思,故排除ABC三项。根据第二段的Napping was their secret.可知打盹只是一些名人的秘密,并不是要建议人们都秘密的打盹。所以D项与文章意思不符。故选D。小题4:细节理解题。根据第二段的Winston Churchill took cat naps. So did President Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson可知文章提到了温斯顿·丘吉尔,哈里·杜鲁门,约翰·肯尼迪和林顿·约翰逊这四位名人,故选B。小题5:细节理解题。根据第二段的some experts believe that people can improve their moods. People might become happier.可知打盹能使人变得更快乐。故选C。

I am writing about the job advertised in the Nanj


I am calling to enquire about the position____in yesterday"s China Dairly.

position职务,被“刊登”(advertise),要用被动形式。“position advertised”相当于position that is advertised。

I"m calling to enquire about the position ( ) in yesterday"s China Daily .为什么填advertised ~具体


A survey has been conducted by about wh


英语连词成句: worried about/ failure/ neither/ danger /

adventurous people/ are/ neither/afraid of / failure/nor /worried about/ danger /

about miracle,albee miller,a m.是什么意思

about miracle,albee miller,a m.关于奇迹,阿尔比米勒,M.

how about to do还是doing?

how about doing。没有how about to do,因为about本身属介词,介词后面要加名词或者动词ing形式。how about doing = what about doing,意译为“做某事怎么样”,表向对方提出的建议。重点词汇:about英[ə'baʊt]释义:adv.大约;将近;到处;(特定位置)四下;闲着;周围;掉头prep.关于;目的是;针对;忙于;因为;在……到处;在……四处;在……附近;在……(具有某种品质);围绕;为……感到adj.在场的,可得到的;就要……的;四处走动的;有证据的,在起作用的n.(About)(法、印、美)阿布(人名)短语:About Us关于我们;公司介绍;新闻中心词语辨析:almost,nearly,about,approximately,around,roughly这些副词均有“大约,差不多”之意。1、almost指在程度上相差很小,差不多。2、nearly与almost含义基本相同,侧重指数量、时间或空间上的接近。3、about常可分almost和nearly换用,但about用于表示时间、数量的“大约”时,实际数量可能多也可能少。4、approximately多用于书面语,指精确度接近某个标准以致误差可忽略不计。5、around多用于非正式场合,常见于美国英语。6、roughly指按粗略估计,常代替about。


About 最为通用,常可与almost和nearly换用,但about用于表示时间、数量的“大约”时,实际数量可能多也可能少。Roughly 指按精略估计,常代替about。常用的短语有:Roughly speaking(粗略地讲)。



remind sb about sth 与remind sb to do用法上有何区别?

remind sb about sth 使某人想起....remind sb to do 提醒某人要做某件事情直接看后面接法就可判断用法跟意思了The palace remind me about my childhood.这个地方让我想起了我的童年。Don"t forget to remind me to return the book .别忘了提醒我要还书。

remind sb about sth 与remind sb to do用法上有何区别?

remind sb about sth 提醒某人某事请,通常用remind sb of sth remind sb to do 提醒某人要做某事请

set off,set out,set about,set out的区别和用法

set off: 出发,侧重于去某个地方 例句与用法: If you want to catch that train we"d better set off for the station immediately. 你要是想赶上那班火车,咱们就最好马上动身去火车站。 They"ve set off on a journey round the world. 他们已经开始环游世界. set out: 出发,开始,侧重于开始做某事,还有规划,展现的意思 例句与用法: They succeeded in what they set out to do. 他们打算做的事已经做成了. set about: 开始,着手,与set out意思相近,但set out后加不定式,即set out to do sth,而set about后加 ing形式,即set about doing sth.例句与用法: 1. You must set about your work at once. 你必须立即开始工作。 2. Do you know how to set about going on this work? 你知道怎样着手进行这项工作吗?

set out,set up,set off,set about是什么意思?


set off 和set about的区别与意思

set off 是出发,引起,动身的意思 eg: set off on another diplomatic tripset about 是着手,开始做某事 eg: set about proving these theories

set off,set out,set about,set out的区别和用法


set out,set about,set off有什么区别?

set off: 出发,侧重于去某个地方 例句与用法: If you want to catch that train we"d better set off for the station immediately. 你要是想赶上那班火车,咱们就最好马上动身去火车站。 They"ve set off on a journey round the world. 他们已经开始环游世界. set out: 出发,开始,侧重于开始做某事,还有规划,展现的意思 例句与用法: They succeeded in what they set out to do. 他们打算做的事已经做成了. set about: 开始,着手,与set out意思相近,但set out后加不定式,即set out to do sth,而set about后加 ing形式,即set about doing sth. 例句与用法: 1. You must set about your work at once. 你必须立即开始工作。 2. Do you know how to set about going on this work? 你知道怎样着手进行这项工作吗?采纳哦

翻译: set off, set up ,set aside ,set about ,set out, set down


set out,set up,set off,set about是什么意思?


set out,set up,set off,set about是什么意思?

这几个短语的意思都挺多的,但是高中阶段常见的意思主要有 set out 出发动身 set out on a trip     开始着手 set out to do set up 建立,创立,设立 set off 出发动身 和set out 一样     使机器装置开动,启动 set about 开始着手 同set out但是注意用法,是set about set

set off,set out,set about,set out的区别和用法?

set off,set out,set about,set out的最大区别是意思不同:1、set off出发,侧重于去某个地方。用法:set off for a place.出发到某地。set off从...出发到、动身、使爆炸,引起。2、set about一般意为开始(做某事),与set out意思相近,但set out后加不定式。用法:set about doing sth=set out to do sth.开始,着手于做某事。3、set out出发,动身,着手 安排,侧重于开始做某事,还有规划,展现的意思。用法:They succeeded in what they set out to do.他们打算做的事已经做成了。

set off,set about, set out 的用法和区别?

1、set off出发,侧重于去某个地方比如【set off for a place出发到某地】【set off从...出发到】动身;使爆炸,引起;2、set about一般意为开始(做某事),与set out意思相近,但set out后加不定式set about doing sth=set out to do sth(开始,着手于做某事)3、set out出发,动身,着手 安排,侧重于开始做某事,还有规划,展现的意思例句与用法:They succeeded in what they set out to do.他们打算做的事已经做成了.

英语作文about cars

Nowadays more and more families own private cars. Private cars, as the product of modem civilization, have been playing a vital role in people"s daily activities. First, private cars are a convenient means of transportation. You can go wherever you like. Secondly, there is no doubt that private cars will have a great impact on the economic growth. The rapid car industry growth will contribute much to keeping the country"s economy growing at a higher rate in the near futrue. But every coin has two sides. The development of the private cars will bring about a series of problems. For example, the polluted air given off by cars will do great harm to our health, too many private cars will lead to traffic jams and a great deal of energy will be wasted and so on. So I think we should take advantages of private cars and make them serve us better. Meantime we hope that satisfactory solutions to these negative problems will be found soon.

argue about , argue on, argue over有什么区别


be argued with与be argued about的用法区别

argued with ,没有be 后面加 somebody argued about ,没有be 后面加 something

be argued with与be argued about的用法区别

argued with ,,没有be后面加 somebodyargued about ,,没有be后面加 something


about,for,of的区别和用法:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同aboutprep. 大约;在 ... 周围,adv. 大约;附近;到处;在周围,adj. 即将的;正要的;在流行中的。forprep. 为;因为;代表;往;支持;给,conj. 因为。ofprep. 关于;... 的(表所属);出身于;由于。二、用法不同about在指“不久就要……”时,后通常接不定式,如about to start。也有接动名词,如about starting。但是不可再加表示时间的词,如不可说about starting at once;指“大约”的意思时,表达方式有about ten,about half等。注意ten和half都是明确的数量,about不该用在“多少不定”的词前,如about more than ten,about less than half;与at搭配使用时,about是副词,没有at时,about 是介词。句中可有at,也可没有,意思相同。Tell me all about it.告诉我关于这件事的一切。It is about six o"clock now.现在是六点钟左右。forfor是并列连词,引导的是并列从句,表示原因的语气很弱,一般是对结果作出推断性的补充说明或解释,不表示直接原因, for前多加逗号。for用法较正式,很少用于口语,一般用于书面语。A party was held for them.设宴招待他们。They jumped for joy.他们高兴地跳了起来。of直接源自古英语的of;最初源自原始日耳曼语的af,意为离开,分开。I have heard of him.我听说过他。This is a photograph of my dog.这是一张我的狗的照片。三、侧重点不同aboutabout 基本含义是 “围绕着 ...”,表示方位意思是 “在 ... 附近。forfor 表示方位意思是 “向/到 ... 地方”,表示时间意思是 “持续 ... 时间”。ofof 主要用来表示所属关系,同位关系。

Her aunt knows little about the Carpenters,doesn"t she?

Her aunt knows little about the Carpenters, does she?little在句子中带有否定意义,因此后面的反义疑问句应该不加否定。

英语的bargain with sb. 的sb是什么,about sth.的sth. 是什么

1、bargain with sb 同某人讲价还价bargain for sth 为某东西讨价还价bargain with sb for sth 因为某东西同某人讨价还价bargain over the price 就价格问题磋商2、bargain for 确实有如下意思: 预料到;估计到;考虑到 We did not bargain for all this trouble. 我们没料到会有这些麻烦。 The effects of this policy were more than the government had bargained for... 这项政策带来的影响是政府始料未及的。3、打折可用discount 折扣,减价,特价sth is on discount 某东西正在打折出售get a 20 per cent discount 享受百分之二十的折扣,就是打八折。

英语的bargain with sb. 的sb是什么,about sth.的sth. 是什么

bargain 是不及物动词,后面不能直接加宾语。bargain with sb/about sth.(与某人争吵/讨价还价/与某人就某事争吵/讨价还价)是英文里不及物动词与介词的固定搭配用法。sb.= somebodysth.=something

翻译以下短语并完成句子。1. bargain with sb. about overfor sth. ____2. make a bargain with sb.____3

1. (和某人就某事)讨价还价2. 和某人达成协议3. 真便宜4. bargained with  5. made a bargain  6. a bargain

fight for和fight about区别和用法

Fighting 可以当名词也可以当动词。Fight 也可以当名词和动词。There"s too much fight in the film 是不行的。我个人的认为:Fight如果当名词来用的话是指一场战斗,而 Fighting如果当名词来用的话会指的是所有存在的斗争。There"s too much fight in the film 的意思是“在电影里有很多一场战争。”这句话听起来很不顺。There"s too much fight in the film 的意思是“在电影里有很多战争。”这只是我个人的想法,我能确定的是不能用There"s too much fight in the film。别的例子:正确:I really hate eating.(我很讨厌吃东西)错误:I really hate eat. (我很讨厌吃)在大部分情况下有ing的一般指所有的,而没有ing指的是一个。对不起我的中文叙述能力非常差~请多多指教!

you can find articles about _with stress ,anxiety


flop about 这个词组什么意思,给例句

拍动;摇晃[Q]The fish were flopping about in the bottom of the boat.那些鱼在船底扑腾著。

the swimmer_you are asking about is over there A.whom B.which C.whose D.what

A whom 为定语从句you are asking about的宾语,意为“你在问的那个游泳者就在那里‘

caring about和throwing about分别什么意思?怎么用?

caring about 在乎什么东西throwing about 抛什么东西.

caring about yourself 英语作文、要通过一件事、是写关于“三生”教育的、100词左右。

Caring for yourself as you care for others. Very often though, we tend to focus on "body care" when we talk about taking care of ourselves or giving care to other people. Our first concern, of necessity, is to make sure we get enough food, water, and shelter. Our emotions and feelings are recognized as part of who we are, and we work on keeping emotional balance.In addition, we have a spiritual aspect of our lives that keeps us connected to nature, the things that we see, and also the things we are unable to see yet believe in. Most of us spend each day trying to balance the needs of our body, mind, and spirit. If you consider yourself an important part of someone else"s life, think of the possible effect of neglecting to take care of yourself as much as you think of caring for someone else.You are helping another person to meet the everyday needs that all human beings have.


bout的意思是拳击或摔跤比赛。bout造句1、I"ve met just about everyone.我几乎每个人都见到了。2、He"s mad about you.他对你疯迷。3、 Insinuations about her mental state, about her capacity for delusion, were beingmade.当时有对她的精神状态的影射——说她有妄想症的影射。4、He"s very intense about everything.他对一切都很热心。5、They talk about it endlessly.他们无休止地谈论这件事情。6、He"s completely clueless about computers.他对计算机一窍不通。7、It"s useless worrying about it.内这事担心无济于事。8、She"s somewhere about the office.她在办公室附近。9、Carol boasted about her costume.卡罗尔吹嘘着她的戏装。10、I worry about her constantly.我一直在为她担心。11、What"s he wittering on about?他在唠叨什么?12、Fretting about it won"t help.苦恼于事无补。13、He burbles on about freedom.他滔滔不绝地谈论着自由。

caring much about what others think of you 翻译

楼上的都分析了,what引导的时care的宾语从句,停止在乎,在乎什么?就是what引导的,别人怎么看待你,标准翻译:别在乎别人的眼光.但是地道一点的话,用中文来说就是 走自己的路让别人去说吧.希望对你有用

boast of 与 boast about 有无区别,请详细辨析

boast of主要 是夸自己的具有的,情商、智商之类的,如This is an age when we boast of our emotional intelligence and we claim to feel each other"s pain. 这是一个我们都在夸耀自己的情商,声称能感受彼此的伤痛的时代。boast about 主要是自己做的事情,炫耀自己做的事情,如If you are rich and a celebrity you can boast about getting high – and attract 2m Twitter followers. 如果你富有而又是位名人,你就可以炫耀自己正兴奋到飘飘然&并在Twitter上吸引200万追随者。高斋外刊双语精读再分享一个boast的用法本文由西外MTI研二学生编辑,Joy润色定稿。取自经济学人18的文章:后无来者——马云长难句分析原文: Last year it boasted sales of $25bn on Singles Day, China"s equivalent of Black Friday when Americans spent a measly $5bn.官方译文:去年“双十一”当天其平台的销售额高达250亿美元(美国人在“黑色星期五”当天オ花了50亿美元)。一、主句“s+v+o”主干部分解析 s:itv: boastedo:sales详解: (1)“Last year”、 “on singles Day”,作句子的时间状语,表明事件发生的时间。(2)“China"s equivalent of Black Friday when Americans spent a measly $5bn”作为“Singles Day”的同位语成分,用来对其进行补充说明。Singles Day, China"s equivalent of Black Friday:意思就是说双十一等同于美国的黑色星期五(3)翻译思维:一、翻译中小词的使用。这点高斋翻译学堂CATTI和MTI课程里面常讲。根据译文,如果我们将“高达”一词回译成中文的话,可能会翻译成“has”,也可以,但是boast一词表达褒义含义时,意为“拥有...而自豪”,词汇选用轻巧,且将原文的情感态度表现出来;二、增译方法的使用。“ Singles Day”为中国的购物狂欢节,可能许多外国人对此并不是特别熟悉,但在后面运用增译的方法,将其类比成“Black Friday”,则更有助于外国读者的理解。我们在平时做汉英翻译的过程中,也可以运用此种类比句型(sth, China"s equivalent of sth when/where定语从句),简洁,而且增强目的语读者对于特殊文化现象以及术语的理解。(4)boast sales of 销售额高达:有的人可以翻译为its sales reached $25bn on Singles Day ,汉语喜欢把数字放最后强调,比如高达……达到多少,但是,英语里面可以说sth reached...也可以是sb/国家/机构组织 has 数字+名词。二、Singles Day “双十一”三、equivalent of 相当于四、Black Friday “黑色星期五”五、measly 英 [ˈmi:zli] 美 [ˈmizli] adj. 少得可怜;微不足道的 高斋翻译Joy分享

She ______(true) cares about me.

She ______(true) cares about me.truly

care for和care about的区别

careabout表示关心,后接名词或名词子句.carefor表示喜欢,想,只用于疑问句和否定句.carefor: 关心;照顾;喜欢;计较idon"tcareformotionpictures.我不喜欢看电影.whowillcareforthehousewhilethefamilyisaway?全家人都不在时,由谁照料这间房子呢?hedoesn"tcareforwhatheeats.他对吃的东西并不计较.careabout:在乎;关心;挂念idon"tcareaboutthematter.我对这事不在乎.hedoesn"tcaremuchaboutwhathappenstome.我不太关心我发生什么事.



改为同义句: 1、 He has no time for concerts. 2、 I am carefree.I worry about.

He has not any time for concerts.?第二个句子不对吧


Native plans are coming back, and the fox once again bounds about carefree.后面这个分句的主语是the fox,事实上到"bounds about(到处乱跳)"这里就结束了。个人认为carefree作为形容词,在这里起到的是补充说明主语特征的作用,因此在某些语法书上被称作“主语补足语”或“表语”。翻译的时候往往当做状语翻译。判断carefree是不是主语补足语,只需将其在主语之间用be动词连接即可,看构成表语后是否能解释通顺:The fox is carefree.  carefree是fox的状态或特点,说明它是主语补足语成分。类似的句子还有:He used to be very rich, but he died poor.他曾经非常富有,但死的时候一贫如洗。这里的poor通过“He was poor”判断为主语补足语成分。He died a hero.他英勇地死去。die不能及物,因此它后面的成分不能充当宾语,在这里只能判断为主语补足语,并在译成中文时当做状语。可以解释为:He died as a hero.但如果说He died his father. 【×】    在这种情况下“he”和“his father”为两个不同的陈述对象,意义上解释不通;再者,“die”也不能带宾语,故这是一个错误的句子。下面两组句子很有代表性:He acts foolish.foolish是he的主语补足语(通过"He is foolish."这个表语结构判断),说明人的特点,故,句子意思是:他装傻。He acts foolishly.foolishly是副词,这里修饰acts,说明行为的特点,因此句子的意思应理解为:他真傻。

care for与care about的区别是什么?

1、Care for(1)like;=be fond of 喜爱 =be willing to do sth=wish to do sth= like to do sth(常用于否定句及疑问句,尤其与would连用更常见)1)She doesn"t care for that colour.她不喜欢那种颜色.2)She did not care for him.她不喜欢他.(2)take care of;look after 照顾(1)As an orphan,he is cared for by the local authorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾.(2)He spent years caring for his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲.(3)I do care for what my teacher says.我的确尊重老师说的话.(4)Would you care for a drink?(5)Would you care to go for a walk?2、care about v.担心 接近be worried,be concerned or interested 指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念例句:Do not you care about anybody?你难道谁也不关心吗?I really care about my work.我真的关心我的工作.Don"t you care about anybody?你难道谁也不关心吗?Don"t you care about our country"s future?All she cares about is her social life.I don"t think he cares (about) what happens to her children.He failed the exam but he didn"t seem to care.

care for和care about的区别

careabout表示关心,后接名词或名词子句.carefor表示喜欢,想,只用于疑问句和否定句.carefor: 关心;照顾;喜欢;计较idon"tcareformotionpictures.我不喜欢看电影.whowillcareforthehousewhilethefamilyisaway?全家人都不在时,由谁照料这间房子呢?hedoesn"tcareforwhatheeats.他对吃的东西并不计较.careabout:在乎;关心;挂念idon"tcareaboutthematter.我对这事不在乎.hedoesn"tcaremuchaboutwhathappenstome.我不太关心我发生什么事.

care for和care about的区别

1、Care for(1)like;=be fond of 喜爱 =be willing to do sth=wish to do sth= like to do sth(常用于否定句及疑问句,尤其与would连用更常见)1)She doesn"t care for that colour.她不喜欢那种颜色.2)She did not care for him.她不喜欢他.(2)take care of;look after 照顾(1)As an orphan,he is cared for by the local authorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾.(2)He spent years caring for his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲.(3)I do care for what my teacher says.我的确尊重老师说的话.(4)Would you care for a drink?(5)Would you care to go for a walk?2、care about v.担心 接近be worried,be concerned or interested 指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念例句:Do not you care about anybody?你难道谁也不关心吗?I really care about my work.我真的关心我的工作.Don"t you care about anybody?你难道谁也不关心吗?Don"t you care about our country"s future?All she cares about is her social life.I don"t think he cares (about) what happens to her children.He failed the exam but he didn"t seem to care.

remind of 与 remind about 有何区别


翻译..about 金紫荆广场(Bauhinia Square)..

The Golden Bauhinia square is located the Hong Kong conference exhibition center new wing in the square has a glittering Chinese redbud therefore calls Golden Bauhinia the square. This Chinese redbud is the gold-plating statue gives Hong Kong by the central authorities the t which had been established as the special zone ernment other memorative value many passengers specially reach this point the tour. This Chinese redbud has bee the Hong Kong important terrestrial reference and one of tourist attractions. Northern side the square also and sets up a Hong Kong to return the motherland monument. Every day early morning eight o"clock squares all have hoist a flag the ceremony.

麻烦帮帮忙写两篇Talk about the history behind the Great Wall China的英语作文字数在一百字范围

The history of the Great Wall is said to start from the Spring and Autumn Periods when seven powerful states appeared at the same time. In order to defend themselves, they all built walls and stationed troops on the borders. At that time, the total length of the wall had already reached 3,107 miles, belonging to different states.In 221 BC, the Emperor Qin absorbed the other six states and set up the first unified kingdom in Chinese history. In order to strengthen his newly born authority and defend the Huns in the north, he ordered connecting the walls once built by the other states as well as adding some sections of his own. Thus was formed the long Qin"s Great Wall which started from the east of today"s Liaoning Province and ended at Lintao, Gansu Province.In the Western Han Dynasty, the Huns became more powerful. The Han court started to build more walls on a larger scale in order to consolidate the frontier. In the west, the wall along the Hexi corridor, Yumenguan Pass, and Yangguan Pass was built. In the north, Yanmenguan Pass and Niangziguan Pass in Shanxi were set up. Many more sections of the wall extended to Yinshan Mountain and half of the ancient Silk Road was along the Han"s wall.The Northern Wei, Northern Qi and Northern Zhou Dynasties all built their own sections but on a smaller scale than the walls in the Han Dynasty. The powerful Tang Dynasty saw peace between the northern tribes and central China most of the time, so few Great Wall sections were built in this period.The Ming Dynasty is the peak of wall building in Chinese history. The Ming suffered a lot by disturbances from minority tribes such as the Dadan, Tufan and Nuzhen. The Ming court from its first emperor to the last ceaselessly built walls in the north. The main line started from Jiuliancheng near the Yalu River in the east to the Jiayuguan Pass in the west and measured over 4,600 miles. Besides adding many more miles of its own, the Ming emperors ordered enlargement of the walls of previous dynasties into double-line or multi-line walls. For example, out of Yanmenguan Pass were added three big stone walls and 23 small stone walls. Eleven Garrisons were distributed along the main line of the wall. The countless walls, fortresses, and watch towers made the country strongly fortified. In the early Qing Dynasty, some sections of the walls were repaired and several sections were extended. This great engineering work stopped in the middle of the Qing Dynasty.Owing to its long history, natural disasters and human activities, many sections of the Great Wall are severely damaged and disappearing. Being a world-famous engineering project and witness to the rise and fall of Chinese history, the Great Wall, needs us to take immediate action to protect it!如果只是100个词语 你可以选择第一段

there is considerable debate about这句话中为什么不加冠词a

你的提问很好。我觉得这不是语法,而是习惯的问题,我网上可以查到不少文献有用 "a considerable debate" 的说法,比如: "...there has been a considerable debate in contemporary analytic metaphysics in connection with the notion of truthmaker as attempting to capture a basic insight into the way truths depend on reality. ""There have been three kinds of cases, which have generated considerable debates in recent years: indeterminacy, meta-metaphysics, and contextualism/relativism, particularly in connection with practically significant issues regarding gender, race, and sexuality."上面这两段来自同一篇论文。如果你谷歌搜索 concern , 你会同样找到has been considerable concernhas been a considerable concern的两个说法。对我来说(英语是我第一语言),对抽象不可数名词如 concern, anger, consternation, 等等,比如there has been considerable angerthere has been considerable consternation个人偏好是 不用 冠词 a ,但这仅是个人看法。

he made a number of rude remarks about the food

答案:C 根据句意可知,make remarks about为固定短语,意为对…发表评论,符合题意.arguments真论,quarrel为争吵,debate为辩论.

Think of 和think about区别?

think of,think about,think over的区别


think of 和 think about的区别?

think of与think about区别如下:think of意思是想,思考。think about为考虑

think of 和think about的意思与用法方面有什么区别

think of 考虑;关心;想起think about 考虑;思考think about和think of这两个短语表示“考虑”、“对……有某种看法”时,可以互换。例如: Don"t think of(about)me any more.不要再考虑我。 They"re thinking about(of)buying a new car.他们正在考虑买一辆新车。 What do you think of(about)the film?你认为那部影片怎么样? think of表示下列意义时,一般不和think about换用: ①想要;打算。例如:Helen,are you thinking of marrying Tom?海伦,你打算和汤姆结婚吗? ②想出;想到。例如:Who thought of the idea?谁想出的这个主意? ③关心;想着。例如:Lei Feng was always thinking of others.雷锋总是为别人着想。 ④想起;记得。例如:I can"t think of his name.我想不起他的名字。 think about表示“回想过去的事情”、“考虑某计划是否切实可行”时,一般不和think of换用。例如: I often thought about what you said.我常常想到你说过的话。 I"ll think about your suggestion,and give you an answer tomorrow.我要考虑一下你的建议,明天给你答复。

think of和think about的区别是什么?

1、侧重点不同think of:侧重点记起、有意做某事、想象。think about:侧重于思考、思索、考虑。2、对象不同think of:对象既可以指人也可以指事物。think about:对象一般指事物。3、用法不同think of:后常接代词、名词。think about:可接名词、动词ing形式或由疑问词引导的不定式或宾语从句。扩展资料词义辨析think,deliberate,meditate,muse,reason,reflect,speculate这些动词均有“思考、判断、思索”之意。think一般用词,指开动脑筋形成看法或得出结论的脑力活动。不着重结论是否正确,见解是否有用。deliberate指缓慢、按部就班地作仔细而认真的思考或判断。meditate语气较强,指认真地长时间集中精力进行思考。muse通常指漫无目的地猜想。reason指根据资料、证据或事实进行推断,作出结论或判断的逻辑思维活动。reflect指回想或回顾,侧重认真而冷静地反复地思考某个问题,尤指对已发生事情的思索。speculate指推论过程,隐含在证据不足的基础上作出推测或设想。

think over /think about /think of/think out用法的区别

think over仔细思考,反复思考的意思,比think about /think of更进一层 think about =think of,考虑,一般不区别。 think out想出(解决方法) 希望能帮到你。

think of和think about之间的区别,请具体些

think of 1.=consider; give attention to考虑;关心*I have many things to think of at the moment.目前,我有许多事情要考虑。*When I said that, I wasnot thinking of her feelings.我讲那话时,并没有考虑到她的感情。*The departmentleadership is thinking of adding another recording room to the phonetics lab.系领导正在考虑给语音实验室增加一个录音室。*There are many thingswhich have to be thought of before we finally make up our minds to emigrate.在下决心移居国外之前,我们有很多事情不得不考虑。2.=imagine想象*Can you think of whyshe should do such a thing?你能想象得出她为什么干这样一件事吗?3.=have an opinion about;form or have an idea of思索;认为;对某事持某种看法*You said nothing at themeeting.What were you thinkingof then?你在会上一言不发,当时在想些什么?*What do you think of mynew shoes?你认为我的新鞋子如何?*They don"t think muchof his work.他们认为他的工作不怎么样。4.=take into account; have in one"s mind为…着想;关心*He always thinks ofother people first, never of himself.他总是先想到别人,从不想到自己。5.=remember记得;想起*I know his face, but I can"t think of where I"ve met him. 我看他面熟,可想不起在哪儿见过他了。*Will you think of mesometimes?你有时会想起我吗?6.=consider as a possibility; anticipate认为有一种可能;预料*I"d never think ofasking someone to lend me so much money!我从未想过要向别人借这么多钱!*We just wouldn"t thinkof going without you.我们决不会想到把你丢下就走。think about =consider; recall考虑;回想*It"s certainly an offerwell worth thinking about.这当然是很值得考虑的报价。*She is thinking abouther childhood days.她在回想童年时代的生活。

think of, think about, think的区别

think,think of,think about,think over的区别和用法

1. think单独使用时表示“思考”,接that宾语从句时意为“认为、觉得”。如:He is thinking how to work out theproblem.他在思考如何解这道题。I think I"ll take it.我想我会买。 当think后面的宾语从句含有否定意义时,通常形式上否定think,但意义上却是否定宾语从句。如:I don"t think it will rain.我认为不会下雨。2. think about 和 think of 这两个短语表示“考虑”、“对……有某种看法”时,可以互换。例如:Don"t think of(about)me any more.不要再考虑我。They"re thinking about(of)buying a new car.他们正在考虑买一辆新车。What do you think of(about)the film?你认为那部影片怎么样?3. think of表示打算、想出、关心等意义,一般不与think about 互换。Helen,are you thinking of marrying Tom?海伦,你打算和汤姆结婚吗?Who thought of the idea?谁想出的这个主意?Lei Feng was always thinking of others.雷锋总是为别人着想。I can"t think of his name.我想不起他的名字。4. think about表示经常思考、研究的意思,一般不和think of换用。I often thought about what you said.我常常想到你说过的话。I"ll think about your suggestion,and give you an answer tomorrow.我要考虑一下你的建议,明天给你答复。5. think over 意为“仔细考虑”。Think over,and you"ll find a way.仔细考虑一下,你就会有办法的。We need several days to think this matter over.我们需要几天的时间把这件事情仔细考虑一下。

think of和think about有什么区别

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