barriers / 阅读 / 详情

改为同义句: 1、 He has no time for concerts. 2、 I am carefree.I worry about.

2023-05-19 17:04:20

2、I am carefree. I don"t worry about anything.


he doesn"t have spare time to go to concerts

I don"t care

I"m concerned about


He has not any time for concerts.




carefree意思是无忧无虑的。carefree,读音:ˈkeəfriː,释义:adj、无忧无虑的;不负责的。例句1、Students all seemed carefree after school.放学后孩子们看起来都很无忧无虑。2、I had a carefree childhood in the countryside.我小时候在农村度过了一段无忧无虑的童年。3、He is a carefree person and I"m tired of working on the project with him.他是一个不负责任的人,我受够了和他一同进行项目。4、I remember my carefree student days.我还记得我那无忧无虑的学生时代。5、She loved him,but she could never marry a person with such a carefree manner.她爱他,但是她不能用这种不加考虑的方式结婚。
2023-01-03 16:02:371


carefree无忧无虑的;乐天派;卡芙芮;无忧无虑The boy sat there, playing his toy leisurely and carefree. 那男孩坐在那里,自由自在地玩着玩具。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-01-03 16:02:466


carefree的反义词:anxious 和 concernedcarefree中文意思:1. 无忧无虑的;轻松愉快的2. 不需负责任的与 carefree 相关的例句:A gay, carefree time.一段快乐,轻松的时光Carefree and gay; jaunty.欢快的无忧无虑的;洋洋得意的Carefree and nonchalant; jaunty.无忧无虑的无忧无虑的和不关心的;快活的Heedless of consequences; carefree.随心所欲的不顾及后果的;无拘无束的Taking things easily; carefree.逍遥自在的;无忧无虑的A carefree or spirited adventure.嬉戏指随便或活跃的冒险She is carefree with money.她对于钱毫不在意。the carefree joys of childhood; carefree millionaires, untroubled financially.孩童时期无忧无虑的快乐;无忧无虑的百万富翁,没有财政上的烦恼。
2023-01-03 16:03:081


carefree和careless的区别:中文含义不同、用法不同。carefree作为形容词,中文含义为无忧无虑的,不负责任的,无牵挂的。careless作为形容词,中文含义为不小心的,粗心的,疏忽引起的,不担忧的。carefree的基本含义及用法介绍carefree作为形容词时,意为无忧无虑的,无牵挂的,不负责任的。例句:He looked happy and carefree。他看起来轻松愉快。My mother lives a carefree life in the country。我的母亲在乡村过着无忧无虑的生活。She had made their childhood so joyous and carefree。她使他们的童年充满欢乐,无忧无虑。Thumbing a lift had once a carefree,easy-going image。伸手搭便车曾经给人以轻松随意的形象。Robert remembered the carefree summers at the beach。罗伯特记起了在海滩上度过的无忧无虑的夏日时光。He turned his face to look up at the sky in a carefree manner。他仰首望着天,做出一副满不在乎的神气。Learning Chinese in daily life is carefree and easy。生活之中学汉语,让你轻松又好记。careless的基本含义及用法介绍careless作为形容词,意为不小心的,不仔细的,粗心的,粗心造成的,疏忽引起的,不担忧的,无忧无虑的。例句:It was careless of me to leave the door open。怪我粗心忘了关门。He seemed careless of his own safety。他仿佛已把自己的安危置之度外。She gave a careless shrug。她漠然地耸了耸肩。I"m sorry,How careless of me。对不起,我太不小心了。With a careless flip of his wrists,he sent the ball quickly on its way。他手腕轻轻一抖,球就飞出去了。Careless drivers hazard passengers lives as well as their own。粗心大意的驾驶者拿乘客和自己的生命冒险。
2023-01-03 16:03:161


2023-01-03 16:03:241


carefree a. 1. 无忧无虑的;轻松愉快的 We all felt carefree after the exams. 考试後我们大家都感到轻松愉快。 时代英英-英汉双解辞典 adj. 1. without cares or worries 无忧无虑的;快乐的 careless a. 1. 粗心的,疏忽的;草率的 He made a careless mistake. 他犯了一个粗枝大叶的错误。 2. 随便的;自然的 He sat into a chair with careless ease. 他随便往椅子里舒舒服服一坐。 3. 漫不经心的;淡漠的[(+of/about)] She"s careless about her clothes. 她对穿著一点都不讲究。 4. 无忧无虑的 careless days 无忧无虑的日子 时代英英-英汉双解辞典 adj. 1. neglectful; heedless 轻率的;不注意的 He is careless of his health. 他对自己的健康漠不关心。 2. free from trouble or responsibility 无忧无虑的 3. unstudied; easy 自然的;轻松自在的 4. done without care 草率做成的 5. unconcerned about; uncomplainingly accepting 不在乎的;不抱怨地接受的 -----------不一样哦^ ^!
2023-01-03 16:03:353


carefree a.1.无忧无虑的;轻松愉快的 We all felt carefree after the exams.考试後我们大家都感到轻松愉快.时代英英-英汉双解辞典 adj.1.without cares or worries 无忧无虑的;快乐的 careless a.1.粗心的,疏忽的;草率的 He made a careless mistake.他犯了一个粗枝大叶的错误.2.随便的;自然的 He sat into a chair with careless ease.他随便往椅子里舒舒服服一坐.3.漫不经心的;淡漠的[(+of/about)] She"s careless about her clothes.她对穿著一点都不讲究.4.无忧无虑的 careless days 无忧无虑的日子 时代英英-英汉双解辞典 adj.1.neglectful; heedless 轻率的;不注意的 He is careless of his health.他对自己的健康漠不关心 from trouble or responsibility 无忧无虑的 3.unstudied; easy 自然的;轻松自在的 4.done without care 草率做成的 5.unconcerned about; uncomplainingly accepting 不在乎的;不抱怨地接受的
2023-01-03 16:03:552


1、含义不同1)carefree adj.无忧无虑的;无牵挂的;不负责任的例句:Chantal remembered carefree past summers at the beach. 钱特尔记起了从前在海滩上度过的无忧无虑的夏日时光。2)careless adj.不小心的;不仔细的;粗心的;粗心造成的;疏忽引起的;不担忧的;无忧无虑的例句:Some mothers were a bit careless with money. 有些当妈妈的花钱有点随意。2、读音不同1)carefree 英 [ˈkeəfriː]   美 [ˈkerfriː]例句:he boy sat there, playing his toy leisurely and carefree. 那男孩坐在那里,自由自在地玩着玩具。2)careless 英 [ˈkeələs]   美 [ˈkerləs]例句:Mr Clarke had pleaded guilty to causing death by careless driving. 克拉克先生疏忽驾驶,致人死亡,已经认罪。3、用法不同1)carefree adj. 无忧无虑的;指没有任何担忧或烦恼之事的。例句:My mother lives a carefree life in the country.我的母亲在乡村过着无忧无虑的生活。2)careless adj. 粗心的,疏忽的;指在做某事时精力不集中的,因而造成错误、损失等。例句:A careless driver is a killer.一个粗心大意的司机就是一个杀手。扩展资料:carefree的同义词1、casual 英 [ˈkæʒuəl]   美 [ˈkæʒuəl]  adj.不经意的;无忧无虑的;漫不经心的;不在乎的;马虎的;疏忽的;非正式;随便的n.便装;便鞋;临时工复数: casuals 比较级: more casual 最高级: most casual派生词: casually adv.  casualness n.例句:It"s difficult for me to be casual about anything. 要我轻松处事很难。2、easy 英 [ˈiːzi]   美 [ˈiːzi]  adj.容易的;轻易的;不费力的;舒适的;安逸的;安心的;易受攻击的;无自卫能力的;容易吃亏的adv.小心;慢些;轻点比较级: easier 最高级: easiest派生词: easiness n.例句:The shower is easy to install. 这种淋浴器安装起来很简单。
2023-01-03 16:04:071


carefree的反义词是worry,具体释义如下:表达意思:担心,发愁;使担忧,使发愁,使焦虑;烦扰,使不安宁;(狗)追赶,撕咬(其他动物);令人担忧的事,令人发愁的问题;担心,忧虑。词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。固定搭配:worry over为……担心,为……担忧。例句:I worry about her constantly.我一直在为她担心。worry的用法worry可用作及物动词和不及物动词。做及物动词时,意为"使烦恼",后接宾语,表示人的代词或名词。做不及物动词时,常与about、that等词连用。worry用作动词的基本意思是“(使)困扰,(使)烦恼”,指不停地非难、刺激以致破坏某人平静的心境或使其感到绝望或受挫,强调企图或效果。worry也可表示“担心,为…发愁”。
2023-01-03 16:04:151


2023-01-03 16:04:271


carefree英 ["keəfriː]美 ["kɛrfri]adj. 无忧无虑的;不负责的
2023-01-03 16:04:362


2023-01-03 16:04:442


Native plans are coming back, and the fox once again bounds about carefree.后面这个分句的主语是the fox,事实上到"bounds about(到处乱跳)"这里就结束了。个人认为carefree作为形容词,在这里起到的是补充说明主语特征的作用,因此在某些语法书上被称作“主语补足语”或“表语”。翻译的时候往往当做状语翻译。判断carefree是不是主语补足语,只需将其在主语之间用be动词连接即可,看构成表语后是否能解释通顺:The fox is carefree.  carefree是fox的状态或特点,说明它是主语补足语成分。类似的句子还有:He used to be very rich, but he died poor.他曾经非常富有,但死的时候一贫如洗。这里的poor通过“He was poor”判断为主语补足语成分。He died a hero.他英勇地死去。die不能及物,因此它后面的成分不能充当宾语,在这里只能判断为主语补足语,并在译成中文时当做状语。可以解释为:He died as a hero.但如果说He died his father. 【×】    在这种情况下“he”和“his father”为两个不同的陈述对象,意义上解释不通;再者,“die”也不能带宾语,故这是一个错误的句子。下面两组句子很有代表性:He acts foolish.foolish是he的主语补足语(通过"He is foolish."这个表语结构判断),说明人的特点,故,句子意思是:他装傻。He acts foolishly.foolishly是副词,这里修饰acts,说明行为的特点,因此句子的意思应理解为:他真傻。
2023-01-03 16:04:531

carefree in 7 days什么意思

carefree in 7 days的意思是七天无理由退货。carefree英 [ˈkeəfriː]   美 [ˈkerfriː]  adj.无忧无虑的;无牵挂的;不负责任的。简介七天无理由退货指商品到货日起7日内无理由退货,2014年3月15日正式实施新消费者权益保护法规定,除特殊商品外,网购商品在到货之日起7日内无理由退货。2014年2月13日,工商总局公布了《网络交易管理办法》,消费者的网购“后悔权”将在法律和部门规章层面都获得支持。2017年11月7日,北京市工商局、市食药监局等8家单位,对京东、天猫、亚马逊等13家网络交易平台进行了行政指导,强调不得采用格式条款设置订金不退、预售商品不适用七日无理由退货等不合理规定。
2023-01-03 16:04:581


carefree  carefree   a.   1. 无忧无虑的;轻松愉快的   2. 不需负责任的   3. 无责任感的   与 carefree 相关的例句:   A gay, carefree time.   一段快乐,轻松的时光   Carefree and gay; jaunty.   欢快的无忧无虑的;洋洋得意的   Carefree and nonchalant; jaunty.   无忧无虑的无忧无虑的和不关心的;快活的   Heedless of consequences; carefree.   随心所欲的不顾及后果的;无拘无束的   Taking things easily; carefree.   逍遥自在的;无忧无虑的   A carefree or spirited adventure.   嬉戏指随便或活跃的冒险   carefree and happy and lighthearted.   无忧无虑、幸福、快乐。   She is carefree with money.   她对于钱毫不在。   the carefree joys of childhood; carefree millionaires, untroubled financially.   孩童时期无忧无虑的快乐;无忧无虑的百万富翁,没有财政上的烦恼。   Having no commitments or restrictions; carefree.   随心所欲的无义务或约束的;无忧无虑的   娇爽   b.carefree一词在香港电影制作中特指跑龙套。即 K哩啡!! 是英语!!!!
2023-01-03 16:05:107

用广东话讲“ke le fe、的意思系··?

指的是无足轻重的人- -!
2023-01-03 16:05:402

carefree abandon 什么意思?

carefree 无忧无虑的,快乐舒畅的abandon vt. 离弃, 丢弃;遗弃, 抛弃;放弃 n. 放任; 纵情
2023-01-03 16:05:494


dislike;dishonest;disadvantage;disagreeably这些词的前缀就是dis meaningless;useless;selfless;hopeless这些词的后缀就是less
2023-01-03 16:06:031


根据「香港中文大学中国语言及文学系」的「现代标准汉语与粤语对照资料库」,「茄喱啡」是一个外来词。音译英语词「Carefree」;又称「咖哩啡」。是一种称谓:解作「临时人员 / 临时演员 / 戏份不多的小演员」(2)。而「Carefree」这个字解作「无忧无虑的;轻松愉快的」(3)。作为名词解作「好逸闲适、不重要的人」。後来在电影行里的临时演员亦被称之为「Carefree」,我们便遂把这名词音译成现今的「茄喱啡」,一般指第3个吧 现在的人都把「茄喱啡」引申为不重要的人
2023-01-03 16:06:092


直接以free结尾的单词很少,如果是有free为后缀的,基本都是表示没有某种物质例如:Fat-free无脂肪的,Tax-free 免税的Trouble-free 无忧无虑的后缀是一种重要的构词法,通过后缀常常可以判断出一个词的词性;是一种后置于其他词素后的词缀。一个英语单词可以分为前缀(prefix),词根(stem)及后缀(suffix)三个部分。后缀可使一个词变为动词、形容词等。语言学家把专门研究词形变化现象和规则的学问称为词形学(Morphology),通常简称为构词法(Word Formation)。主要有包含合成法、转化法、派生法、混成法、截短法和词首字母缩略法。在现代英语中,很多混成词已经牢固确定,而且已成为新构词很有构词力的样板。例如:从 cheeseburger (夹干酪肉三明治)到beefburger(夹牛肉三明治),shrimpburger 夹虾肉三明治);逆成法逆成法与下面一节中的缀合法恰好相反,缀合法借用此缀构成新词,而逆成法则去掉被误认的后缀构成新词。例如:televise由television删去-ion逆生而成。利用这种构词手段创造的新词叫做逆生词。逆生词多半属动词,形成逆成词的原形词最多的是名词和形容词。
2023-01-03 16:06:172

Carefree的《Anak》 歌词

歌曲名:Anak歌手:Carefree专辑:Anakanakfreddie aguilarnong isilang ka sa mundong itolaking tuwa ng magulang moat ang kamay nila ang iyong ilawat ang nanay at tatay moydi malaman ang gagawinminasdan pati pag -tulog moat sagabi napupuyat ang iyong nanaysa pag-timpla ng gatas moat sa umaga namay kalong ka nang iyong amatuwang -tuwa sa yongayon ngay malaki ka naat nais may maging malayadi man sila payag walang magagawaikaw ngay biglang nagbagonaging matigas ang iyong uloat ang payo nilay sinuway modi mo man lang inisipna ang kanilang ginagaway para sa yopagkat ang nais moy masunod ang layaw modi mo sila pinapansinnagdaan pa ang mga arawat ang landas moy naligawikaw ay nalulung sa masamang bisyoat ang una mong nilapitanang yong i nang lumuluhaat ang tanong anakbat ka nagkaganyanat ang iyong mga mataybiglang lumuha nang di mo napapansinpagsisisi ang sa isip moynalaman mong ikay nagkamalipagsisisi ang sa isip moynalaman mong ikay nagkamalipagsisisi ang sa isip moynalaman mong ikay nagkamal
2023-01-03 16:06:322


〖名称〗茄喱啡〖拼音〗ke le fe〖相关典故〗英语“carefree”的音译。“carefree”的意思是“无拘无束”“无关紧要”。1978年香港电影《咖喱啡》(此处为创建者打错字,标准的写法应该是“茄喱啡”),就是讲述一个临时演员艰苦奋斗的故事;而周星驰的《喜剧之王》更是他从事演艺行业的真实写照:从当临时演员开始,受尽折磨与奚落,但始终没有放弃成为主角的梦想,最终得到赏识成为了主角。可以这么说:香港影视圈里头的不少明星名角(比如周星驰、梁朝伟等),都是从当“茄喱啡”开始的。〖同、近义词〗跑龙套、临时演员〖引申义〗无关紧要的人,无关大局的事物
2023-01-03 16:06:411


2023-01-03 16:06:491

用广东话讲“ke le fe、的意思系··?

應該是「茄喱啡」吧····· 嶺南大學中國語文教學與測試中心高級語文導師 田小琳教授 的語言學論文《現代漢語詞彙和香港社會之研究》中提及「茄喱啡」是一個音譯詞,解作「配角」 (1)。根據「香港中文大學中國語言及文學系」的「現代標準漢語與粵語對照資料庫」,「茄喱啡」是一個外來詞。音譯英語詞「Carefree」;又稱「咖哩啡」。是一種稱謂:解作「臨時人員 / 臨時演員 / 戲份不多的小演員」 (2)。而「Carefree」這個字解作「無憂無慮的;輕鬆愉快的」 (3)。作為名詞解作「好逸閒適、不重要的人」。後來在電影行裡的臨時演員亦被稱之為「Carefree」,我們便遂把這名詞音譯成現今的「茄喱啡」 你要的應該是第3個吧 現在的人都把「茄喱啡」引申為不重要的人
2023-01-03 16:06:541


2023-01-03 16:07:011


icefree 不冻水域 无冰 未被冰盖覆的海面不冻水域 无冰 未被冰盖覆的海面
2023-01-03 16:07:062

大神单词举例多来几个 “名词+形容词”构成复合形容词 比如carefree,snow-white

death-white, sky-blue, pitch-dark(漆黑的), crystal-clear(清晰易懂的)
2023-01-03 16:07:143


carefree的反义词:anxious 和 concernedcarefree中文意思:无忧无虑的;轻松愉快的请点击输入图片描述2. 不需负责任的与 carefree 相关的例句:A gay, carefree time.一段快乐,轻松的时光Carefree and gay; jaunty.欢快的无忧无虑的;洋洋得意的Carefree and nonchalant; jaunty.无忧无虑的无忧无虑的和不关心的;快活的Heedless of consequences; carefree.随心所欲的不顾及后果的;无拘无束的Taking things easily; carefree.逍遥自在的;无忧无虑的A carefree or spirited adventure.嬉戏指随便或活跃的冒险She is carefree with money.她对于钱毫不在意。the carefree joys of childhood; carefree millionaires, untroubled financially.孩童时期无忧无虑的快乐;无忧无虑的百万富翁,没有财政上的烦恼。
2023-01-03 16:08:211


2023-01-03 16:08:306


carefree a.1.无忧无虑的;轻松愉快的 We all felt carefree after the exams.考试後我们大家都感到轻松愉快.时代英英-英汉双解辞典 adj.1.without cares or worries 无忧无虑的;快乐的 careless a.1.粗心的,疏忽的;草率的 He made a careless mistake.他犯了一个粗枝大叶的错误.2.随便的;自然的 He sat into a chair with careless ease.他随便往椅子里舒舒服服一坐.3.漫不经心的;淡漠的[(+of/about)] She"s careless about her clothes.她对穿著一点都不讲究.4.无忧无虑的 careless days 无忧无虑的日子 时代英英-英汉双解辞典 adj.1.neglectful; heedless 轻率的;不注意的 He is careless of his health.他对自己的健康漠不关心 from trouble or responsibility 无忧无虑的 3.unstudied; easy 自然的;轻松自在的 4.done without care 草率做成的 5.unconcerned about; uncomplainingly accepting 不在乎的;不抱怨地接受的
2023-01-03 16:09:101


2023-01-03 16:09:161


dislike;dishonest;disadvantage;disagreeably这些词的前缀就是dis meaningless;useless;selfless;hopeless这些词的后缀就是less
2023-01-03 16:09:221

用广东话讲“ke le fe、的意思系··?

指的是无足轻重的人- -!
2023-01-03 16:09:282


carefree 音译, 粤语意思是: 跑龙套,小角色,无关紧要的人.
2023-01-03 16:09:372


一说:这不是广东话也不是香港话,但它是香港人创造出来的,而且还是电影圈里的人创造出来的!只因一部《茄喱啡》而流行于社会。“茄喱啡”是片中一个小角色,香港人通称“临记”(也称活动布景板)的临时演员。许多人认为这是洋货,但它是地地道道的香港货。 一说:岭南大学中国语文教学与测试中心高级语文导师 田小琳教授 的语言学论文《现代汉语词汇和香港社会之研究》中提及「茄喱啡」是一个音译词,解作「配角」(1)。根据「香港中文大学中国语言及文学系」的「现代标准汉语与粤语对照资料库」,「茄喱啡」是一个外来词。音译英语词「Carefree」;又称「咖哩啡」。是一种称谓:解作「临时人员 / 临时演员 / 戏份不多的小演员」(2)。而「Carefree」这个字解作「无忧无虑的;轻松愉快的」(3)。作为名词解作「好逸闲适、不重要的人」。後来在电影行里的临时演员亦被称之为「Carefree」,我们便遂把这名词音译成现今的「茄喱啡」,一般指第3个吧 现在的人都把「茄喱啡」引申为不重要的人
2023-01-03 16:09:461


2023-01-03 16:09:532


2023-01-03 16:10:124

A care free time什么意思

2023-01-03 16:10:352


是 carefree 又称“咖哩啡”.是一种称谓:解作临时人员,临时演员
2023-01-03 16:10:431


1.relaxed and happy; carefree and feel way above par3.refreshment
2023-01-03 16:10:483

what is a simple carefree是什么意思

2023-01-03 16:10:592


  导语:广东是一个较早通商和开放的省份,接触英语的场合和机会很多,因而,广东话里也有一些是从英语中音译过来的。随着时间的推移,这些“粤语”已经家喻户晓,约定俗成。这些有广东特色的词汇还挺进中原,走向全国呐,如“的.士”、“贴士”、“士多”等等。下面列举几十个这样的词汇,供大家参考和加深对粤语方言的理解。   baby 啤啤:婴儿。   ball 波:①球;②特指足球;③女性胸部。   ball boot 波砵:球鞋。   book 卜位:①登记;②预定。   boss 波士:老板。   bus 巴士:公共汽车   carefree 骑呢啡:源自拍电影,指小角色、跑龙套的。   case 畸士:案件,事件。   chance 餐士:(桌球用语)机会。   cheese 芝士:干酪、乳酪。   chocolate 朱古力:巧克力。   class 卡士:①档次;②阶级、班级。   cookie 曲奇:小甜饼。   coolie 咕哩:①苦力;②搬运工人。   cream 忌廉:奶油。   cut 咳:中断。   dada 爹哋:爸爸   darling 打令:亲爱的、心爱的。   deuce 叨时:(网球)评分、平手。
2023-01-03 16:11:071


2023-01-03 16:11:122


歌曲:more and more歌手:natasha thomas 专辑:save your kisses 歌曲:it s over now歌手:natasha thomas 专辑:save your kisses • 搜索"it s over now"LRC歌词• 搜索"it s over now"mp3 [ti:it s over now ][ar:natasha thomas][al:save your kisses]natasha thomas - it s over now (single mix)album: save your kisseseditor: flowerspider (qq 1878886 icq 151476238)what kind of love have you gotyou should be home but you"re noti don"t wanna believe that it"s over nowi could be wrong but i"m notand you still think you"re on hearti dont wanna believe that it"s over nowla la la la la, la la la la la la lacan you tell me a secretthen i"ll tell you mineshow me that you still love methen i will show real loveuh babyyou are walking the wirelooking for a loving betweenbut you don"t have desiredo you know what i meanit"s over nowwake up you loose my lovingwake up we"re used to thinkingthink twice about the thingsthat you have said and done[ti:more and more][ar:natasha thomas][al:save your kisses][by:anubis_维]more and more - natasha thomasanubis_维(qq48701547)more and more babymy emotion where on displayfrom i first saw youi really don"t know what i have to say, yai will be on the right wayi think i am walking on air tonightyou the love of my lifetimeand i know that my feeling"s righti know you"ll never live until you loveuh i hope it will be last foreveryou and i will stay togethermore and morelovin" youmore and morei can feel the glow of your kiss i don"t have the strength to resistmore and morebaby just more and moreinto your trap i will fall i will give all i have for a chance to love you moreyou took my hand and guide me to a placewhere our feelings just begin to growi think that all my wishes will come truejust be yourself in what you doi never thought that a rendezvous couldchange the way that i live my lifei know that my feelings righti know you"ll never live until you loveuh i hope it will be last foreveryou and i will stay togetherjust stay together babymore and morelovin" youmore and morei can feel the glow of your kiss i don"t have the strength to resistmore and morebaby just more and moreinto your trap i will fall i will give all i have for a chance to love you moreand it"s your smilewhen i get sadand it"s your kisswhen i just want it more and moreit"s getting more than itit"s just more than itit"s getting more than itit"s just more than itit"s getting more than itit"s just more than itit"s getting more than itit"s just more than iti"ll give you all i havecan"t resist your kissmore and morelovin" youmore and morei can feel the glow of your kiss i don"t have the strength to resistmore and morebaby just more and moreinto your trap i will fall i will give all i have for a chance to love you more 歌曲:save your kisses for me歌手:natasha thomas 专辑:save your kisses [ti:save your kisses for me][ar:natasha thomas][al:save your kisses]natasha thomas - save your kisses for mealbum: save your kisseseditor: flowerspider save your kisses for meshow me how you miss meoh, so easilymy loving"cause i don"t wanna bea summer love fadethe way i am touching"s always heavenlyi love the way that you were loving meyou rubbed me up in the colour of your loveyou must be an angel high from abovehow can i be sure that you won"t goand what will be…are you gonna be there when i need someonewill i be always just the only onei don"t wanna have just another heartbreakso tell me it"s sure love true are a fakeone kissone loveone wordone lieone dreamgonna save it save it for me(summer love fade)(kisses for me)(how you miss me)i don"t wanna be a summer love fade(so easily)歌曲:let me show you the way歌手:natasha thomas 专辑:save your kisses [ti:let me show you the way][ar:natasha thomas][t_time:(03:44)][by:http:]natasha thomaslet me show you the wayit"s a game that we playoh everyday so easylet me show you the wayoh just say what you sayso easilythe way of your touch is always heavenlyand i love the way that you are lovin" meyou wrapped me up in the colour of your loveyou must be an angel high from above in the game of the heartyou know i know that you are minelet me show you the wayit"s a game that we playoh everyday so easylet me show you the wayoh just say what you sayso easilyare you gonna be there when i need someoneand will i be always just the only onei don"t wanna have just another heartbreakso tell me is your love true or fake in the game of the heartyou know i know that you are minelet me show you the wayit"s a game that we playoh everyday so easylet me show you the wayoh just say what you sayso easilyone kissone loveone wordone mouth with nothin" moreone life one dreamyou save it save it for melet me show you the wayit"s a game that we playoh everyday so easylet me show you the wayoh just say what you sayso easily(show you the way)show you the waygame that we playeveryday so easylet me show you the wayoh just say what you sayso easilylet me show you the way歌曲:why歌手:natasha thomas 专辑:save your kisses natasha thomas - why (does your love hurt so much)album: save your kisseseditor: flowerspider di da di dawhy does your love hurts so muchwhydon"t know whyyou know i loved you babybut all the while you just retreat mein the one all the babeall the things that you said were:(babe tell me why)you said our love for secretsbut you left me alone to make ityou want to come back again somedaybut darling here"s what i"m said:(oh oh)歌曲:young and carefree歌手:natasha thomas 专辑:save your kisses [ti:young and carefree][ar:natasha thomas][al:save your kisses][by:anubis_维]young and carefree - natasha thomasanubis_维(48701547)la di da di da di da, da di da di da da dahla di da di da di dayoung and carefreei don"t wanna worry to much about my lifewe don"t wanna hurry, no rugh now, we"re alrightme and my friends, got plantie of timebefore we have to make up our mindsdon"t know what we wanna be, la di da di da da daheverybody sing with me, young and carefreeonly living for today, la di da di da da dahtomorrow seems so far away, young and carefreela di da di da di da, da di da di da da dahla di da di da di dayoung and carefreei don"t wanna worry to much, about my lifei just wanna sit here with you now, by my sidei don"t wanna talk or do anythinglet"s just kick back and enjoy what life bringsdon"t know what we wanna be, la di da di da da daheverybody sing with me, young and carefreeonly living for today, la di da di da da dahtomorrow seems so far away, we"re young and carefreela di da di da di da, da di da di da da dahla di da di da di dayoung and carefreela di da di da di da, da di da di da da dahla di da di da di dayoung and carefreewe don"t know what the future holds (for us)if it"s good or bad (it"s too much)so we"re just taking it one day at a time, so far it"s worked out finedon"t know what we wanna be, la di da di da da daheverybody sing with me, young and carefreeonly living for today, la di da di da da dahtomorrow seems so far away, young and carefreedon"t know what we wanna be, la di da di da da daheverybody sing with me, young and carefreeonly living for today, la di da di da da dahtomorrow seems so far away, young and carefreela di da di da di da, da di da di da da dahla di da di da di dayoung and carefreela di da di da di da, da di da di da da dahla di da di da di dayoung and carefree歌曲:it s over now歌手:natasha thomas 专辑:save your kisses [ti:it s over now ][ar:natasha thomas][al:save your kisses]natasha thomas - it s over now (single mix)album: save your kisseseditor: flowerspider what kind of love have you gotyou should be home but you"re noti don"t wanna believe that it"s over nowi could be wrong but i"m notand you still think you"re on hearti dont wanna believe that it"s over nowla la la la la, la la la la la la lacan you tell me a secretthen i"ll tell you mineshow me that you still love methen i will show real loveuh babyyou are walking the wirelooking for a loving betweenbut you don"t have desiredo you know what i meanit"s over nowwake up you loose my lovingwake up we"re used to thinkingthink twice about the thingsthat you have said and done(oh why)(tell me why)why ,whydoes your love hurts so muchyou say you come back again somedaybut darling here"s what i say
2023-01-03 16:11:231

粤语中 ke le fe 是形容什么人?

2023-01-03 16:11:292


careful, careless, healthcare
2023-01-03 16:11:372

“清闲的,悠闲的” 英文怎么说?要高级一点的词汇,free什么的不算.

清闲的,悠闲的 at leisure leisurely carefree easygoing idyllic 供参
2023-01-03 16:11:451


婴孩产品:约翰逊的婴儿吸湿粉,婴儿润肤油,婴孩香波,婴孩化妆水,并且婴孩肥皂;芽;cottonette;强生公司一次性尿布。 女性卫生学产品:Modess,无忧无虑,Stayfree,并且Feminex。 个人crea产品:Bandaids,强生公司牙线,伸手可及的距离牙刷;淋浴肥皂的阵雨,粉末,香波和调节剂。 非直售药产品:Tylenol片剂和胶囊,coTylenol片剂。
2023-01-03 16:11:544


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2023-01-03 16:12:301