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think,think of,think about,think over的区别和用法

think of意为“考虑到、想到”,后常接代词、名词或动词-ing形式;意为“认为”时,一般用于疑问句中,与what连用.如:It"s good to think of the future.考虑到未来是对的.He thought of a good plan.他想到一项好计划.What do you think of the play?(=How do you find /like /enjoy the play?)你觉得这部戏剧怎么样?think about可接名词、动词-ing形式或由疑问词引导的不定式或宾语从句,表示“考虑……”.如:He"s thinking about a problem.He has thought about it for a long time.他正在考虑一个问题,他已经考虑了很长时间了.Please think about how to tell her the bad news.请考虑一下,如何把这个不幸的消息告诉她.He carefully thought about what I said.他仔细考虑了一下我所说的话.think over意为“仔细考虑”,后接名词或代词作宾语.当后接代词时,应把代词放在over之前.如:Let me think it over.让我好好想一想.Please think over what I have said.请仔细考虑我说的话.

think of和think about之间的区别,请具体些

think of 1.=consider; give attention to考虑;关心*I have many things to think of at the moment.目前,我有许多事情要考虑。*When I said that, I wasnot thinking of her feelings.我讲那话时,并没有考虑到她的感情。*The departmentleadership is thinking of adding another recording room to the phonetics lab.系领导正在考虑给语音实验室增加一个录音室。*There are many thingswhich have to be thought of before we finally make up our minds to emigrate.在下决心移居国外之前,我们有很多事情不得不考虑。2.=imagine想象*Can you think of whyshe should do such a thing?你能想象得出她为什么干这样一件事吗?3.=have an opinion about;form or have an idea of思索;认为;对某事持某种看法*You said nothing at themeeting.What were you thinkingof then?你在会上一言不发,当时在想些什么?*What do you think of mynew shoes?你认为我的新鞋子如何?*They don"t think muchof his work.他们认为他的工作不怎么样。4.=take into account; have in one"s mind为…着想;关心*He always thinks ofother people first, never of himself.他总是先想到别人,从不想到自己。5.=remember记得;想起*I know his face, but I can"t think of where I"ve met him. 我看他面熟,可想不起在哪儿见过他了。*Will you think of mesometimes?你有时会想起我吗?6.=consider as a possibility; anticipate认为有一种可能;预料*I"d never think ofasking someone to lend me so much money!我从未想过要向别人借这么多钱!*We just wouldn"t thinkof going without you.我们决不会想到把你丢下就走。think about = consider; recall考虑;回想*It"s certainly an offerwell worth thinking about.这当然是很值得考虑的报价。*She is thinking abouther childhood days.她在回想童年时代的生活。

think ,thinkof , think about , think over是什么意思,有什么区别,怎么用。

think :v. 想,认为,考虑,记起n. 想think of: 多用来指“想起,认为”。Last night,before I went to bed,I thought of my parents.昨晚我睡觉前,想起了我的父母。What do you think of that book?你认为那本书怎么样?think about: 多用来指“考虑某事情或对某事进行思考”。Think about what you have done!想想你所做的这一切吧!think over: 意思是“仔细考虑,认真思考”。Before you answer this question,please think it over.在回答这个问题之前,请认真考虑一下。


thinkof和thinkabout之间的区别 (1)表达相关不同意思时,不可替代 1. 意思作为想要,关心,想起时,只能用thinkof。 2. 意思作为回想和考虑时,只能用think about。 (2)在以下情况时,两者的意思是相同的: 1. 考虑,如: Don"t think of/about me any more. 不要再考虑我。 3 .对……有某种看法, 如: What do you think of/ about Jam. 你认为詹姆怎么样。 扩展资料 think of 中文释义:想起;考虑;有…想法;对…有意见 英文释义: 1. keep in mind for attention or consideration 2. look on as or consider 3. take into consideration, have in view 4. choose in one"s mind 5. intend to refer to 6. devise or invent 双语例句 1. Hewasherdistantrelative,aswaseveryoneelseontheisland,cometothinkofit 想起来了,他和岛上的其他人一样,都是她的"远亲。 2. It"stheonlyexplanationIcanthinkof. 这是我能够想到的唯一理由。 think about 中文释义:考虑…;捉摸…;对…有(某种观点);回想起 英文释义: 1. take into consideration, have in view 2. have on one"s mind, think about actively 双语例句: 1. ItoldhimI"dhavetothinkaboutthatone. 我告诉他那个问题我必须考虑一下。 2. Ithinkweneedtogoawayandthinkaboutthis. 我认为我们有必要走开一下去考虑这件事。 4. Youdon"thavetothinkaboutmeandHugh. 你不必挂念我和休。

think of和think about之间的区别,请具体些

think of 1.=consider; give attention to考虑;关心*I have many things to think of at the moment.目前,我有许多事情要考虑。*When I said that, I wasnot thinking of her feelings.我讲那话时,并没有考虑到她的感情。*The departmentleadership is thinking of adding another recording room to the phonetics lab.系领导正在考虑给语音实验室增加一个录音室。*There are many thingswhich have to be thought of before we finally make up our minds to emigrate.在下决心移居国外之前,我们有很多事情不得不考虑。2.=imagine想象*Can you think of whyshe should do such a thing?你能想象得出她为什么干这样一件事吗?3.=have an opinion about;form or have an idea of思索;认为;对某事持某种看法*You said nothing at themeeting.What were you thinkingof then?你在会上一言不发,当时在想些什么?*What do you think of mynew shoes?你认为我的新鞋子如何?*They don"t think muchof his work.他们认为他的工作不怎么样。4.=take into account; have in one"s mind为…着想;关心*He always thinks ofother people first, never of himself.他总是先想到别人,从不想到自己。5.=remember记得;想起*I know his face, but I can"t think of where I"ve met him. 我看他面熟,可想不起在哪儿见过他了。*Will you think of mesometimes?你有时会想起我吗?6.=consider as a possibility; anticipate认为有一种可能;预料*I"d never think ofasking someone to lend me so much money!我从未想过要向别人借这么多钱!*We just wouldn"t thinkof going without you.我们决不会想到把你丢下就走。think about =consider; recall考虑;回想*It"s certainly an offerwell worth thinking about.这当然是很值得考虑的报价。*She is thinking abouther childhood days.她在回想童年时代的生活。

think of和think about的区别是什么?

think of和think about的区别如下:一、意思不同1、think of:想起,记起来。2、think about:探讨;为…费心思;想像。二、用法不同1、think of:think的基本意思是“想,思索”,指使一件事情在头脑中不断地浮现或使这件事保持这种浮现的状态,可以表示“想”的动作,也可以表示“想”的状态。2、think about:think还有“想象”“想起”“打算”等意思。作“料想,想象”解时,通常用于否定句,不用于被动结构,且常与can〔could〕连用。三、侧重点不同1、think of:意思作为想要,关心,想起时,只能用think of。2、think about:意思作为回想和考虑时,只能用think about。另外作“思念”或“对某人、某事的看法”时,think of 和think about可以通用。

think of think about与think over的区别

think of 想起think about 考虑think over 仔细考虑

think about,think of与think over的用法

thinkof与think about区别

think of与think about区别如下:think of意思是想,思考。think about为考虑。1. 表达为「思念」或「对某人、某事的看法」,think of和think about可以通用,例如:(1) What do you think of / about his proposal? (你对他的建议有甚么意见?)(2) He often thinks of / about his parents (他经常想念父母)。 但是,说「考虑」,一般用think about,例如:I will think about the plan, and see if it is feasible (我会考虑这个计划,看看可不可行)。 2. 表达为「记起」、「有意(做某事)」和「想像」,则用think of,例如:(1) I just can"t think of her name (我就是记不起她的名字)。(2) We are thinking of selling our home (我们有意把房子出售)

think of 和think about 的区别

think of, think about,think over,think for的区别



what do you think of the movie.不能换成about



discuss about sth正确吗?应该是什麽?

一般不用discuss作动词有“讨论,谈论,商量,论述”等意思。常用的句型:discuss something with somebody 与某人讨论;discuss (sb/sth) doing sth 商量做某事。discuss做及物动词的时候多,一般不加about,如果做不及物动词,也可以用about,通常是这样用:discuss with sb about sth 和某人讨论某事。1、discuss属于及物动词,后可直接加宾语,其后无须加about。只有在名词discussion后才需加上about去表示讨论的内容。

over long distances。为什么用over,what about over the short distances,怎么也用这个over呢,什么意思


How about 7:oo at the school gate? that( )me fine. A.meets B.suits C.fits D.satisfies


Modern experts ______healthy eating suggest we eat more vegetable . A、with B、of C、on D、about


求详细解答:How about _____ bask


which statement about bacteria is true什么意思中文

不是不是 bases 是 碱的意思啦~ 你可以说Bases can neutralize acids. 这里acids指的是酸~ 意思就是 酸碱中和~ 这是,哪国的初中化学?话说我在学12年级的化学~有不懂可以问我哦~

Which statement about bases is true? 初中化学。

base 碱。

Their resolutions are about physical health 改为同义句

They have resolutions about physical health.

what are some of your resolutions?write about them.

I have many resolutions. First, I want to live a healthy lifestyle. I will sleep early and get up early. I will eat more fruits and vegetables. I will exercise regularly. Second, I want to become better everyday. I will improve my English by practicing speaking, listening and writing everyday. I will expand my knowledge by reading more books. Thirdly, I will become a nicer person. I will at least help a person a day. I will hold my temper and do not get angry easily. I will give encouraging words and comforts to my family and friends. The resolutions may not sound revolutionary, but a small step can make a huge difference. I believe if I can keep up with these resolutions, I will achieve great things.

There are 6 kinds of resolutions talk about.这句话有错


but do you know about headache

1-5 BACCC 6-10 CDDCD

the residents of the area are ( )about the noise from the building site(happiness)


we are just acquaintances and i knew a thing or two about it. 啥意思



翻译如下:哥伦比亚:Where I"m from we"re pretty relaxed about time.If you tell a friens you"re going to their house for dinner,it"s okay if you arrive a bit late.Spending time with family and friends is very important to us.翻译:无论我来自(哥伦比亚的)任何地方,我们对时间是非常随意的。如果你告诉一位朋友你回去他们家吃饭,你稍晚一点到也没关系。对我们来说,和家人、朋友一起度过时光是非常重要的。We often just drop by our friends" homes.We don"t usually have to make plans to meet our friends.Often we just walk around the town center,seeing as many of our feiends as we can!我们经常顺便走访一下朋友家。我们不需要为见面准备什么。我们经常就是在城镇中心走走,尽可能多的看看我们的朋友们!瑞士:In Switzerland,it"s very important to be on time . We"re the land of watches,after all ! If someone invites you to meet them at 4:00, you have to be there at 4:00. If you"re even fifteen minutes late,your friend may get angry.翻译:在瑞士,守时是非常重要的。毕竟我们是手表王国!如果有人纸你在4点钟见面,你必须在4点钟到那里。如果你甚至晚了15分钟,你的朋友就要生气了。Also,we never visit a friesd"s house without calling first.We usually make plans to see friends.We usually plan to do something interesting,or go somewhere together.翻译:我们也不会不事先打电话就拜访朋友家。我们经常计划去见朋友。我们(和朋友)经常计划去做一些有趣的事,或者是一起走走。一、from1、含义:prep. 出自;来自;从( ... 起)。2、用法:直接源自古英语的fram,意为从。from表示运动的起点,不指明具体方向。From what author does this quotation come?这一引文出自哪位作者?二、about 1、含义:prep. 关于;大约;在 ... 周围。adv. 大约;附近;到处;在周围。adj. 即将的;正要的;在流行中的。2、用法:在指“不久就要……”时,后通常接不定式,如about to start。也有接动名词,如about starting。但是不可再加表示时间的词,如不可说about starting at once;指“大约”的意思时,表达方式有about ten,about half等。Tell me all about it.告诉我关于这件事的一切。三、dinner1、含义:n. 晚餐;晚宴;主餐。2、用法:dinner基本意思是“正餐”,指一日间的主餐,有时在中午进餐,有时在晚间进餐。dinner引申可作“宴会”解,通常指大型宴会,也可指“小型家宴”,即请几个朋友到家中聚餐,之后搞些活动,共度夜晚时光。作为表示餐名的名词, dinner可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。It is now his turn to set me up to a nice dinner.现在轮到他请我吃一顿丰盛的晚餐了。四、important1、含义:adj. 重要的;重大的;(指人)有很大影响或权威的。2、用法:important形容事物时表示“重大,重要,紧急”; 形容人时表示“有权力〔地位〕”“自以为了不起”,在句中一般用作定语、表语。important是表示状态的形容词,可用于以it作形式主语替代后面动词不定式(不是动名词)的句式中,这个动词不定式要用主动语态。History chronicles important events of the past.历史记载历代重要的事件。五、land1、含义:n. 陆地;国土;土地。v. 靠岸;着陆;跌落地面;得到;使靠岸;使着陆。2、用法:land的基本意思是“陆地,地域”“土地”,与sea, water相对,是不可数名词,引申还可表示“地产”“田产”。当表示“在陆地上生活”或“在田地里干活”时用介词on,说“一片地”用a piece of land。land表示“国家,国土”时,是可数名词,还可有感情色彩,有单复数形式,其前常用介词in。We are glad to be on land again.我们很高兴又踏上陆地了。

Turn on the blender () about tuo minutes.正确的填法

Turn on the blender for about two minutes.把搅拌器打开(搅拌)两分钟。这句子是一般现在时。用介词for如果只能在in和within中间选,就选inTurn on the blender in about two minutes. 两分钟左右打开搅拌器。可以用,但是语境不太对。推荐用for。*** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】


补充 povide sb of sth

inform sb about和inform sb of sth 是什么意思

inform of 通知;报告 inform about 告发;通知;告诉例句:1、Next, inform wrappers of this new configuration addition.下一步,通知wrappers此项新的配置添加项。2、Can inform me of your electron mailbox and MSN?可以告诉我你的电子邮箱和MSN吗?3、After introducing the general content of inform, I also introduces in detail the content of inform about surgery, anesthesia, blood transfusion, injection, drug use and experimental clinical medical.在介绍了一般性的告知内容后,笔者还就手术、麻醉、输血、注射、用药、临床实验性医疗等具体医疗行为的告知内容作了详细介绍。

inform sb about sth对吗


inform sb about和inform sb of sth 是什么意思

inform sb of sth 通知某人某事精锐为你加油

inform sb about sth与inform sb of sth区别

动词的专用词典也只能查到只有:inform sb of sth很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^

Life is about exploring

    记得自己的硕士论文里就探讨过生活的多种可能性及其美好。探索和思索各种可能性,虽让人痛苦,却也是生活的意义之所在。 I once talked about the possibilities of life as well as the beauty of possibilities in my master"s thesis. Though it is painful during the process of exploring and pondering about possibilities, it"s where the life"s meaning lies.     不同的人、不同的思想与生活,构成了多彩的世界,如何成为一抹独特的色彩? Different people, thoughts and living modes constitute the colorful world. Then how can one become a special colour in it?     还是要多走、多听、多看、多交流。这样,才能开阔眼界,认识到世界的广阔以及自己作为独立个体的人类共通性,进而完善对人和事的看法。 The only way is through more travelling and communication. And only in this way can one man broaden his horizon and realize the vastness of the world and the similarity of individuality, and then perfect his thinking about people and things.     在美国呆了一周,除了想念中国的食物,其它尚好。治安没有之前担心的那么混乱,而且老美都礼貌守序,也懂得享受生活,不似国人这般有压力。 Last week I stayed in America and adapted everything except its food. In my opinion, public order in USA is not so chaotic as I thought before, and most people there are polite and lawful. Besides, they know how to enjoy life while most Chinese people burden heavier pressure especially in big cities.      与一位美国朋友交流下来:美国作为一个机遇之地,让个人变坏和变好的可能性都都达到极致。公平的环境,通过个人努力,很容易实现财富的积累。但是,宽松的环境加上缺乏自控力,也很容易导致个人的败落。这就要求人们的行为背后有一种强有力理念和信仰的支撑,大部分理念和信仰来自家庭,而老美的家庭观念却在日益淡化,他们对此也很担忧。 I exchanged ideas with one American friend: USA is a land full of opportunities, so the possibility for individual to get better or worse goes to the extreme. Fair environment plus personal efforts, it"s easier for one to accumulate wealth. While on the other hand, loose atmosphere plus lack of self-control, it"s easier for one to decline,too. Consequently, there must be a powerful support in the idea or belief to prop up people"s life and usually the support comes from family. But the reality is that family concept in USA is gradually weakening today, which also arouses my friend"s worries.      在美国的一周,从佛罗里达州的西海岸到东海岸,一直在路上,行程安排的满满。萨拉索塔的白沙滩、海上赏日落、皮划艇、奥兰多的冒险岛之旅、以及圣奥古斯汀—这座美国最古老的城市之旅,在这里见识到了灯塔文化、西班牙殖民地时海上防卫城堡、古老的博馆物和藏品以及老城中心的小店铺等,也碰到了很多热情友好的当地居民。果然,古老的城市都散发着独特的韵味,魅力十足。 Last week I had a tight travelling schedule from Florida western to eastern coast and I was always on the road. Sarasota"s white sand beach, sunset on the sea, kayaking, Island of Adventure in Orlando, as well as St. Augustine, the oldest city of the nation. In St. Augustine I got to know the light tower culture, defense castle on the sea in Spanish colonial period, ancient museum and its collections, as well as downtown shops. During the traveling I also met many nice and enthusiatic local people. Just as one expected, ancient city always gives off its unique charm.     这趟短暂的美国之旅不虚此行,激发了我更多探索的欲望。有些事情确实要亲自经历,才能体验得到。 This was indeed a rewarding American trip since it motivated my exploring lust. And indeed, for many things one must experience them in person to get the essence.     生活就是不断的探索,我将继续前行。 Life is about incessant exploring and I will keep moving forward on the road.

what do you think about the bargain house? there"s some real _____in the sales


翻译以下短语并完成句子。1. bargain with sb. about overfor sth. ____2. make a bargain with sb.____3

1. (和某人就某事)讨价还价2. 和某人达成协议3. 真便宜4. bargained with  5. made a bargain  6. a bargain

英语的bargain with sb. 的sb是什么,about sth.的sth. 是什么

bargain 是不及物动词,后面不能直接加宾语。bargain with sb/about sth.(与某人争吵/讨价还价/与某人就某事争吵/讨价还价)是英文里不及物动词与介词的固定搭配用法。sb.= somebodysth.=something

play jokes on sb 和make jokes about sb

play jokes on sb 和某人开玩笑make jokes about sb开某人的玩笑make fun of开某人的玩笑crack a joke开个玩笑

英语笑话 JokesAboutDeath

英语笑话 JokesAboutDeath    推荐一篇超级火爆的英语笑话,让你笑到腿抽筋。   OLD TEACHERS never die, they just lose their class   OLD TELEpHONES never die, they just stop ringing   OLD THERMODYNAMICISTS never die, they just achieve their state -- of maximum entropy   OLD TIRE TUBES never die, they just get punctured   OLD TRASH never dies, they just bury it   OLD TRIGONOMETRY TEACHERS never die, they just lose their identities   OLD TROMBONISTS never die - they just slide away...   OLD TRUCK DRIVERS never die; they just get a new peterbilt   OLD TV SHOWS never die, they just get rerun on Nickelodeon   OLD TV SOAp STARS never die, they become pathetic   OLD GOAL UMpIRES never die, they just get flagged down -- umpires as in Australian Rules Football   OLD USENETTERS never die, they just become unresponsive   OLD VACATIONERS never die, they just don‘t come back   OLD VIOLINISTS never die - they just become unstrung.   OLD VOICEMAIL SYSTEMS never die, they just stop answering ;

make jokes about 和 make jokes on 有什么区别


make jokes about 和 make jokes on 有什么区别

make jokes about sth.:说关于……的笑话 (一般在后面加 something 某件事)make jokes on sb.:开关于……的笑话 (一般在后面加 somebody 某人)


I have lots of comic about Munich.意思是我有很多关于慕尼黑的笑话。

分析这句话的成分,occupying about 是什么成分?

occupying 形容some 22,000 birds remain today, about 是"大约"的意思,跟16% 配,跟occupying不是一个词组

about "put" word

put out扑灭put up放上stay put留在原处put uponTo impose on; overburden:强加于;使…负担过重:He was always being put upon by his friends.他总是受朋友的欺负put down rootsTo establish a permanent residence in a locale.扎根于:在某地建立永久的住所put it to (someone)【俚语】To overburden with tasks or work.担负过重的任务或工作To put blame on.责备To take unfair advantage of.不公平地利用…To lay out the facts of a situation to (another) in a forceful, candid manner.直率地摆明情况:以一种强有力的、直率的态度向(另外的人)摆出形势的实际情况put (one) in mindTo remind:想起:You put me in mind of your grandmother.你使我想起你的祖母put (one"s) finger onTo identify:认出,识别:I can"t put my finger on the person in that photograph.我认不出照片中的那个人put (one"s) foot downTo take a firm stand.采取坚定的立场put (one"s) foot in (one"s) mouthTo make a tactless remark.做不得体的评论put paid to【多用于英国】To finish off; put to rest:结束;使…休息:“We"ve given up saying we only kill to eat; Kraft dinner and freeze-dried food have put paid to that one”(Margaret Atwood)“我们已经放弃说我们只是尽力地吃;卡夫晚餐和冻干的食物已经使我们停止了”(玛格丽特·阿特伍德)put (someone) through (someone"s) pacesTo cause to demonstrate ability or skill; test:使…表现能力或技术;考验:The drama coach put her students through their paces before the first performance.这位戏剧老师要她的学生们表演前接受考查put (someone) up toTo cause to commit a funny, mischievous, or malicious act:作恶作剧:使(某人)做出滑稽的、恶作剧的或恶毒的行为:My older brother put me up to making a prank telephone call.我大哥让我打了一个恶作剧的电话put the arm on或put the bite on 或put the squeeze on 【俚语】To ask another for money.向别人要钱put the finger on【俚语】To inform on:告发:The witness put the finger on the killer.目击者告发了谋杀者put the make on【俚语】To make sexual advances to.取得性生活的进展put the screws to或put the screws on 【俚语】To pressure (another) in an extreme manner.强制性压力:以一种极端的态度对别人施加压力put the skids on【俚语】To bring to a halt:停止:“Sacrificing free speech to put the skids on prurient printed matter is not the correct path, the courts said”(Curtis J. Sitomer)“法庭认为,将自由言论牺牲来停止已印出的好色事件不是正确的道路”(柯蒂斯J.锡托莫)put to bed【非正式用语】To make final preparations for the printing of (a newspaper, for example).印刷前最后准备:为(例如报纸)的印刷而做最后的准备To make final preparations for completing (a project).最后准备:为完成(一个项目)而做最后的准备put to itTo cause extreme difficulty for:造成极大的困难:We were put to it to finish the book on time.我们很难按时读完这本书put two and two togetherTo draw the proper conclusions from existing evidence or indications.得出结论:从现存的证据或迹象中得出合适的结论put up or shut up【俚语】To have to endure (something unpleasant) without complaining or take the action necessary to remove the source of the unpleasantry.要就辩护要就闭嘴:不得不毫无怨言地忍受(不愉快的事情)或采取必要的行动来转移不愉快事件的根源put up withTo endure without complaint:忍受:毫无怨言地忍受:We had to put up with the inconvenience.我们不得不忍受不便之处


song by RKCBBaptize lyrics

what do the two passages talk about?

这两位乘客在谈论什么?passages美 n. 短文(passage的复数形式);通路;过客v. 通过;参加争论(passage的三单形式)网络释义专业释义英英释义 百世吉所以,我们建立了这个平台,只要有问题,只需要在下面留言,我们会将投诉的信息转交百世吉(PASSAGES),并跟踪解决过程,使得问题能够快 速解决。特别好的是,这都是免费的!基于266个网页-相关网页 短文理解 短文 一路走来短语Flying Passages 飞翔之路Water Passages 水之入口Short Passages 短文理解 ; 第三节 ; 短文 ; 短期通道

An essay about Walt Whitman it by yourself!!

大学英语作文 题目 :Is globalization a bliss or bane? 要求about 200 words


求:托福 TPO口语第10套Question1参考答案 Question: Talk about a time when you accomplished somet

1、答题要领: (1) Specifically tell the examiner what you accomplished such as pass an exam or made your successful debut (2) clearly explain the reason why you could not do it before. 2、观点提示: (1) learning how to drive 1) I successfully obtained my driving license last week. 2) learning to drive has been really hard because ... 3) I did not spend enough amount of time on practicing my driving skills. (2) passing an exam 1) certain subject has never been my strong suit. Give some details like what your weak subject is 2)I didn"t spend enough amount of time and energy on that subject. 3) but later on, it turned out that the exam was not as hard as I had previously expected. 3、模板: (1) I obtained… and I didn"t expect any positive results before. (2) There are a couple of reasons for this. (3) First, … (4) Second, ...

英语作文 Write in your journal about something you accomplished

When a space shuttle has accomplished its _____, it can be ready for another trip in about two ...

 B   本题译文:当航天飞机完成了它的使命,它能在大约两周内做好准备再次航行。mission通常指一种特殊的、特定的且有一定难度的使命或工作,常与accomplish, complete等词搭配,如:accomplish a historic mission完成一项历史使命。Venture冒险;常指商业上的冒险投机。例如:He declined the business venture. Commission委任;代理;佣金。He often goes beyond his commission.(他时常越权。)responsibility责任。

什么是boutique bank?


About Loneliness

Loneliness itself is a messy and difficult concept. And in the 4th industrial revolution age, in this 21st century, loneliness becomes the epidemic topic for human beings. There are enormous people in the world feel painfully lonely. 孤独本身是一个沉重而又难以回答的概念。很多哲学家们用尽一生的时间去体会并试着解读孤独。我们现在生活在第四次工业革命的时代,孤独反而成了人类的一个史诗性难题,因为我们比以往都感到更加孤独。 We put the intimate romantic love on the special pedestal and undervalue companionship. Our intuition told us that we can only truly get rid of loneliness when we found romantic love. However, Alain de Botton said that it"s only when we value companionship at that level that we can choose a person for their merits instead of simply considering being in a relationship is going to cure us of some loneliness. But the fact is romantic relationship is not the pill of cure. We can be just as lonely in an intimate relationship. And we can be just as happy and fulfilled with a companion with someone that we share those amazing connected moments of life with as we can in an intimate relationship. 我们常常认为爱情是最特别又必要的存在,而其他形式的陪伴都比不上爱情的力量。我们的直觉告诉我们,我们只有找到真爱才能摆脱令人困扰的孤独。这样的场面似乎就是电影电视以及现在的文学作品想要传达的:爱是一切痛苦的解药。但Alain de Botton (英国哲学家)说这种幸福婚姻的概念大概只能回溯到18世纪中期。在此之前的人类社会,婚姻只是为乐繁衍后代而产生的人类行为。18世纪的思想家发明了浪漫主义思想,而我们,也都将这浪漫主义当作人类的最本质,最崇高的追求。但现实是,真爱不一定会让我们感到幸福,也不一定会让我们摆脱孤独。只有当我们选择一个人,看见他/她内心和思想上的闪光点,我们能在这样的陪伴关系中暂时摆脱孤独,而不是盲目地追求那肤浅的亲密关系。在有质量的陪伴关系中,我们能和一些人产生碰撞的瞬间,灵魂相遇的时刻。在我们生命中的这些时刻帮助我们暂时摆脱了孤独的困苦。 If we think we are lonely, then we subjectively are. 当我们认为我们孤单时,那我们真的便孤单了 There is a certain type of loneliness is not feeling being understood, or being accepted. It doesn"t always have to come from a friend or a companion. So to explore the world is not about new and interesting things, it is about the exploration of being understood. The exploration is about we are not alone and there will always have some group of people who think and feel just like us. We explore the world in certain ways for meeting understanding and being accepted. We go to certain events or just search online, reading and watching certain things about what resonates us. Just like recently I read Schopenhauer, I feel less lonely, and I also feel being recognized that someone who"s brain behave just like me, then I can escape from a cerebral starvation. 有一种孤单是不被理解的孤单。这种孤单存在于我们的内心深处,令我们感到有时候即使有爱人和朋友的陪伴,我们依然孤独和寂寞着。所以我们拼命地探索世界,不停下脚步地去追求新鲜和刺激感。这些追求和寻找从本质上来说,只是为了寻找那种被理解和认同的感觉,去探索我们在这个世界上活着并不孤独,去寻找那些和我们一样的大脑,去接触和我们有相同感受的人们。我们探索这个世界是按照我们的意愿在进行,其实并不是随机事件。我们在网络上看到的文章和视频,都是按照我们的意愿在发生,而这个意愿本身是为了消除那让人空洞的寂寞。就像我最近又重读叔本华的哲学,我感到一股暖流淌进我的大脑,我感到了被这个世界认同和接受,因为还有这样的哲学家和我拥有相同的大脑。而我也从思想的贫瘠中被解放了出来。 But also, there is a painful feeling like we don"t belong, it feels like there is a great party in life and in this world going on and I am not invited, and that creates the fear of missing out. This is what cultural influence does. People don"t want to be missed out. But, there is some life going on that we don"t have access to, we looking at the major things happened online and we feel lonely because we know we are not going to have that kind of life. This is a suffering of mercy from this highly developed world. But, most of us overvalue the party and what is going on outside of us. Just like we overvalue the benefits of an intimate relationship, or overvalue something that we can only see through from superficial facts. However, we can also go to any situation in our life, because our life is just like others. When we look at others, others are looking at us. The only thing we can do about this is to change the way we thought. We can wake up and saying that “where"s the party?”. Or, we can also wake up and saying that: “I am the party.” 还有一种孤独是不属于哪里。就像这个世界上所有人都参加了一场盛大的派对,而唯独只有我们没有拿到邀请卡。这种孤独来自于被剩下的恐惧。社会主流文化带给我们的也就是这种被剩下的恐惧。好像每一个女生都应该像小红书里面的网红那样精致,每一个男生都应该像电视里的那样成功,每一个人都应该热爱旅游,每一个人都应该有一个宠物。女生都应该去做瑜伽,男生都应该去练体育。当我们翻开instagram或Facebook,我们情不自禁地去羡慕那些在沙滩上晒太阳,在派对上狂欢,在雪山顶爬山的人们,还有相爱着热情拥吻的人们,那样的生活是我们所不能企及的,我们好像感到全世界只有我们被剩下了。但,生命本身就是一场苦难,一场带着怜悯的苦难。我们大部分人都期望着别人能给我们带来快乐,而从没想过自己才能让自己快乐。叔本华说,自己让自己快乐是一件很难的事,但要别人让自己快乐那就是不可能。我们太过于低估了自己,而又太高估了那些虚浮的幻境。摆脱这样的孤独,我们能够做的唯一一件事,就是换个角度来看世界。比如明天早上醒来,与其问:“派对在哪里?”,不如对自己说:“我在哪里派对就在哪里。” We are so easy to overvalue someone else"s influence in our life. Such as this party is going to be great because someone is coming…..We completely overvalue what others bring to the table and we undervalue what we can bring to the table if we took our personal responsibility for having a good time. But it is hard, it starts with personal responsibility and an understanding that we"re enough on our own. We don"t need someone else to be the party, that we are enough on our own and our actions matter. Somehow, loneliness is synonymous with worthlessness. 我们总是高估了他人对我们生命中留下的痕迹。但要让自己快乐真的很难,因为首先,我们要成为一个独立的人,拥有完整的人格和信念,足够了解自己,能够为自己的情绪负责。我们其实根本不需要去那些其他人的派对,我们只需要自己便已足够。在这个层面上,孤独是价值感诞生的起点。 OUR ACTIONS MATTER! And that could change someone"s day. The most modest things that you do that you believe you have no lasting impact on the world can fundamentally impact on someone else, and it will go on to affect all impact to all sorts of other people that you even couldn"t imagine your actions would have an effect on. 因为孤独,我们的行为便尤为重要。因为孤独,我们的思想可能会改变一个人一时的情绪,可能会改变一些人一生的想法。因为我们在孤独中思考,在思考中前行,在前行时影响了他人。我们有时候并没有觉得自己做了什么了不起的事,但有可能因为一场对话,一个对思想领域的探索,便改变了很多人对孤独的看法。 We practice forgetting and losing connection every single day. Our strives are the mercy of suffering, and such suffering has neither points and ends. But our action and thoughts matter. We do belong, not the grand party that we look from a far distance, but our own party. The life journey is a process of finding a sense of worthiness that no one can take away. 每时每刻,我们都在遭受遗忘和被遗忘的痛苦,我们都在为过去生命中出现的人和事儿感到伤怀。我们感到孤独,感到不被理解,感到被剩下,感觉遗憾与失落,为失去的和逝去的默哀。但生命是一场痛苦的旅行,在这样孤独的痛苦中,我们找到了自己的价值。


Calcium chloride anhydrous.无水氯化钙。(常常用于酸性干燥剂)。


你选择的下载链接是 迅雷专用链吧?好像只能用ie才能打开,然后调用迅雷。你可以选择 非迅雷专用链。

thd police found out about the deaths of the three men accidentally 啥意思


1. To learn about the stages in a scientific experiment.是什么意思?


英文作文,, Why do you think so many people want to know more about celebrities? 100字

Because people need more gossip to entertain themselves since the life is so boring.

怎么翻译:there is sponginess about plaster, absorbing love.


About “absorb”

If the air contains impurities, they may be absorbed by our bodies and make us ill. He pretends to be absorbed in listening.

about somehow

你断句不对 应该是find their way about, somehow somehow在这里作语气词,意思是以某种方式,about跟find连用就是说在周围找到他们的路

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单词造句,abandone abandinment ability able abound about above abroad absence absent absolute absor

头两个单词你是不是拼错了?英语里只有abandon和abandonment造句:1.We abandoned the idea of creating a website due to technical problems.He abandoned himself to depression. 这是一个非常文学性的用法。用到了词组abandon oneself to something 沉浸在某种情感中,无以自拔2.His abandonment of his family was fully paid back with his son"s imprisonment.You are really a savvy, smart thing that you"ve got their abandonment of punishment on you.3.The job was done to the best of his ability. 这里用到了词组to the best of one"s abilityAlbert Einstein must have some natural ability to understand physical phenomena.4.She is able to speak French and Russian.I would have liked to mop the floor before you came, yet I was never able to steal any time for it.5.The rhetorical devices of simile and metaphor abound in her writing.Wall Street abounds with stock brokers, financial journalists, and investment bankers.这里用到了词组abound with something6.She"s worried about her daughter too much.We have to do something about climate change, otherwise our planet may be too dangerous for us to live on.7.The noise from the room above disturbs my meditation and makes me feel annoyed.The salaries they get are well above what we get, and I don"t see the sense of it.8.She went abroad with a summer camp last year, spending 30,000 RMB during just 15 days.Candies imported from abroad are wildly popular amony hipsters in China.9.His job requires frequent absences from home.In the absence of reliable scientific evidence, we won"t believe in what that book tells people.10.He is the only instructor available whenever any of his colleagues is absent.He said "I love you" and she nodded, but her absent look on her face had thrown away the chance to enjoy the romantic moment.11.She"s an absolute genius, because she played the hardest melodies of Friedrich List"s compositions so perfectly last night!He"s an absolute liar.12.She has been sitting beside that table for hours, absorbed in Jane Austen"s fictions. In modern societies, workers are expected to absorb large amounts of information in no time.13.For young children, abstract terms are harder to understand than specific terms.Do show your love for me through practical doings, rather than say that you love me in the abstract. 这里用了名词短语in the abstract 泛泛地考虑某事

you"ve been reading articles about the tremendous damage done to life and pr

可以这样理解:you"ve been reading articles主干,后面about引导的成分来补充说明articles ,the tremendous damage 可以看成是主语,do可以看成是谓语,to life and property 可以看成是宾语,by earthquakes为宾语补足语,但是about引导的成分不是一个句子,故要用非谓语动词,把do变成done,用to是因为damage,表示受到damage的对象是life和property,其实如果改成about也可以,那样变成了damage的内容是life和property。所以这里的done to是分开的,不是什么固定搭配

illness是可数名词,那为什么linda,tell me more about your illness .不是illnesses


what do you like about Latern Fastival怎么回答?

I like eating dumplings and watching lanterns.



You"d better see a doctor about that cough. 这英语里about cough是什么成分,在这里是什么意思?

名词,咳嗽。about that cough整个短语作状语

discuss about的用法及短语

discuss和talk about的区别

discuss讨论较为正式比如议会或者问题talk about比较口语化,可以指闲谈,也可以指讨论,但前者的意思较为广泛希望采纳哦!

discuss及discussion 的用法及句型 请问有discuss abouton吗

discuss是动词,是及物动词,可以加宾语从句如:We discuss the questionWe discuss how to get good grades.discussion是名词,是可数名词如:We have a discussion of the question.Let"s make a discussion....




可以加也可以不加,因为discuss这个词本身是动词,它既可作及物也可作不及物动词.例如:we will have to discuss about payment terms in the contract .中的discuss 用作不及物.而以上这句话也可以说we will have to discuss something about payment terms in the contract.这里discuss 显然是及物动词,而两句话的意思是一样的.

discussion 后是over还是on还是about怎么这三种情况都见到过

on 有关于的意思,谈论某事,就是谈论关于某事的意思over也有关于的意思,但更强调整个事情的全部about也有关于的意思一、discuss的用法1. 表示“讨论”,是及物动词,其后直接跟宾语,不要按汉语习惯在其后使用介词 on, about 等。如:他拒绝讨论这个问题。误:He refused to discuss about [on] the matter.正:He refused to discuss the matter.2. 其后接动词时,用动名词(不用不定式)。如:They discussed selling the house. 他们商量过卖房子的事。We"re here to discuss Ann"s joining the club. 我们这次碰头是为了谈谈安入会的事。注:其后虽不接不定式,但可接“疑问词+不定式”。比较:We discussed what to do. /We discussed what we should do. 我们讨论该做些什么。3. 其后可接 whether 引导的宾语从句,但一般不接 if引导的宾语从句。如:They discussed whether they should leave there. 他们讨论了是否应该离开那儿。一、discussion的用法1. 表示“讨论”,若指一次讨论活动或一次讨论会等具体意义,是可数的;若侧重指讨论的动作或状态等,通常为不可数的。比较:After several lengthy discussions they decided to leave. 经过多次长时间的讨论,他们决定离开。After much discussion they decided to sell it. 经过充分的讨论之后,他们决定把它卖了。2. 表示进行或开展讨论,通常与动词 have, hold, lead, cause等连用;表示讨论的内容,通常与介词 on, about, over 等连用。如:We had [held] a discussion with her about [over] it. 对此我们同她进行了讨论。3. 用于 under discussion(正在讨论中),其中不用限定词。如:The plan is under discussion. =The plan is beingdiscussed. 该计划正在讨论当中

discuss about sth正确吗?应该是什麽?

discuss做及物动词的时候多,一般不加about,如果做不及物动词,也可以用about.通常是这样用:discuss with sb about sth 和某人讨论某事

英语辨析 "discuss" "talk about" "talk to"有什么区别

discuss 是指讨论,也就是几个人针对一个议题,比如到某地去玩,几个人共同想去哪里,怎么去,去干什么,准备些什么等;talk about是谈论某人或者某事物,就是聊某人或某事物的情况,或者评论某人或某事物等;talk to 是对某人说话,和某人聊天交流. 例如:Let"s discuss how to solve the problem.咱们来讨论下如何解决这个问题.(共同想办法来解决这个问题) Let"s talk about the problem.咱们来谈谈这个问题.(谈一下这个问题的情况) Don"t talk to me.不要和我说话.

discuss about sth正确吗?应该是什麽?

一般不用discuss作动词有“讨论,谈论,商量,论述”等意思。常用的句型:discuss something with somebody 与某人讨论;discuss (sb/sth) doing sth 商量做某事。discuss做及物动词的时候多,一般不加about,如果做不及物动词,也可以用about,通常是这样用:discuss with sb about sth 和某人讨论某事。1、discuss属于及物动词,后可直接加宾语,其后无须加about。只有在名词discussion后才需加上about去表示讨论的内容。


可以加也可以不加,因为discuss这个词本身是动词,它既可作及物也可作不及物动词. 例如:we will have to discuss about payment terms in the contract .中的discuss 用作不及物. 而以上这句话也可以说we will have to discuss something about payment terms in the contract.这里discuss 显然是及物动词,而两句话的意思是一样的.

discuss有时候会加about 有时候不用

discuss做及物动词的时候多,一般不加about,如果做不及物动词,也可以用about。可以这样用:discuss with sb about sth 和某人讨论某事
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