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AKIMBO CAFE有那么点意思的咖啡

!Akimbo cafe是名副其实的网红店,我和朋友去的时候已经晚上八点多了,店内依然人头攒动。临街的高吧台上坐满了打卡的网红小姐姐,我和朋友只能遗憾地对着夜色拍照。!店内的装修风格有点儿像九十年代礼堂和电影院的风格,裸露的墙体,硬朗帅气,悬挂在天花板上的一排射灯增添了几分时尚感。!机器是我喜欢的la marzocco,他们是定制版,机体没有完全被金属外层覆盖,可以清楚地看到咖啡机内的铜锅炉和缠绕的电路线,很蒸汽朋克啊!!冰滴壶出乎我意料的好看,不过就是加了一个金属架子,却营造出蒸汽朋克风格,完全对我胃口。!喝的时候是挺纠结的,最后喝了小姐姐推荐的氮气咖啡,朋友喝的是创意咖啡。!氮气咖啡的味道有点像豆浆的口感,果然如她所说,绵密的泡泡在口舌之间流动,倒是奶油这个形容有点过,毕竟这款咖啡不腻,相反,还很清爽。咖啡味倒是没有多少,但作为创意咖啡是有趣的。!朋友的是鲜橙味咖啡,好喝。说一句有用的话:其实你可以把你喜欢的果汁放进咖啡里,你会发现,他俩的搭配简直妙极了!!网红的代价是贵、贵、贵!价格请自行看菜单。




没有这个单词,根据您的拼写来看,考虑应是:akimboakimbo英 [ə"kɪmbəʊ]  美 [ə"kɪmbo] adv. 两手叉腰adj. 两手叉腰的[例句]She stood with arms akimbo.她双手叉腰站着。


throw,bowl发音不一样。因为throw的音标是 [θrəʊ],而 bowl的音标是[bəʊl] ,所以throw和bowl的发音是不一样的。

think about和think的区别

think about表示“考虑”、“对…有某种看法”例句:You know what I think about?你知道我在想甚么? 拓展:think,think of,think about,think over的区别和用法 1、think单独使用时表示“思考”,接that宾语从句时意为“认为、觉得”。如: He is thinking how to work out the problem.他在思考如何解这道题。 I think I"ll take it.我想我会买。 当think后面的宾语从句含有否定意义时,通常形式上否定 think,但意义上却是否定宾语从句。如: I don"t think it will rain.我认为不会下雨。 2、think of意为“考虑到、想到”,后常接代词、名词或动词-ing形式;意为“认为”时,一般用于疑问句中,与what连用。如: It"s good to think of the future.考虑到未来是对的。 He thought of a good plan.他想到一项好计划。 What do you think of the play?(=How do you find /like /enjoy the play?)你觉得这部戏剧怎么样? 3、think about可接名词、动词-ing形式或由疑问词引导的不定式或宾语从句,表示“考虑…”。如: He"s thinking about a problem.He has thought about it for a long time.他正在考虑一个问题,他已经考虑了很长时间了。 Please think about how to tell her the bad news.请考虑一下,如何把这个不幸的消息告诉她。 He carefully thought about what I said.他仔细考虑了一下我所说的话。 4、think over意为“仔细考虑”,后接名词或代词作宾语。当后接代词时,应把代词放在over之前。如: Let me think it over.让我好好想一想。 Please think over what I have said.请仔细考虑我说的话。 注:think about和think of这两个短语表示“考虑”、“对…有某种看法”时,可以互换。例如: Don"t think of(about)me any more.不要再考虑我。 They"re thinking about(of)buying a new car.他们正在考虑买一辆新车。 What do you think of(about)the film?你认为那部影片怎么样? think of表示下列意义时,一般不和think about换用: ① 要;打算。例如: Helen,are you thinking of marrying Tom?海伦,你打算和汤姆结婚吗? ② 出;想到。例如: Who thought of the idea?谁想出的这个主意? ③ 心;想着。例如: Lei Feng was always thinking of others.雷锋总是为别人着想。 ④想起;记得。例如: I can"t think of his name.我想不起他的名字。 think about表示“回想过去的事情”、“考虑某计划是否切实可行”时,一般不和think of换用。例如: I often thought about what you said.我常常想到你说过的话。 I"ll think about your suggestion,and give you an answer tomorrow.我要考虑一下你的建议,明天给你答复。 think over意为“仔细考虑”。例如: Think over,and you"ll find a way.仔细考虑一下,你就会有办法的。 We need several days to think this matter over.我们需要几天的时间把这件事情仔细考虑一下。

think out与think of ,think about的区别

think up,think out,think over,think of. think up,think out侧重于思考的结果,即是否想出了办法、计划等; think up主要表示“设想、构思”之意;think out主要表示“仔细思考并研究出(计划等),或者想透问题”等,两个短语均为动副结构;think over也为动副结构,侧重于思考,不涉及结果,表达“深思熟虑,仔细思考”之意;think of主要表示“考虑,关心,想起,对……有某种看法”之意,为动介(动词十介词)结构。表示看法、评价之时,常用一些副词来修饰,如think much/a lot/a great deal/highly/well/ill of…(对……评价高/好/不好);若问评价如何,觉得怎样,常用what…think of…;若表示“以为,认为”时,则用think of…as。e.g. ①I can"t think of his name.我想不起他的名字。 ②You mustn"t think of him as being irresponsible.你不要以为他是一个不负责任的人。 ③She gained confidence in herself as she thought the matter over.她好好想了想这件事,对自己有了信心。 ④He put his whole heart into thinking up ways to improve the quality of heir Products.他把全部心思都用来想办法提高产品质量。 ⑤His theory is so complicated that nobody can think it out.他的理论是那样复杂,没有一个人能把它搞清楚

think和think about的区别

think 意思是想,思考。think about为考虑。1. 表达为「思念」或「对某人、某事的看法」,think of和think about可以通用,例如:(1) What do you think of / about his proposal? (你对他的建议有甚么意见?)(2) He often thinks of / about his parents (他经常想念父母)。 但是,说「考虑」,一般用think about,例如:I will think about the plan, and see if it is feasible (我会考虑这个计划,看看可不可行)。 2. 表达为「记起」、「有意(做某事)」和「想像」,则用think of,例如:(1) I just can"t think of her name (我就是记不起她的名字)。(2) We are thinking of selling our home (我们有意把房子出售)。

bamboo shoot什么意思

bamboo shoot竹笋,笋更多释义>>[网络短语]Bamboo shoot 笋,竹笋,自娱自乐bamboo-shoot 竹笋,雷竹笋bamboo-shoot cutworm 竹笋夜蛾


RoHS是由欧盟立法制定的一项强制性标准,它的全称是《关于限制在电子电气设备中使用某些有害成分的指令》(Restriction of Hazardous Substances),就是对电视零部件中的有害物质的含量的规范和限制,可以知道那些有害物质超标。


bowl mouth down brown的音标

第一个:əu、əu、əu、au 第二个:au、əu、au、au 第三个:i:、e、i:、i: 第四个:ai、i、i、i 第五个:ei、ei、ɑ:、ei

brown boat mouth bee flower的发音哪一个不同?

bee的发音不同,其他单词中音标中都有双元音,bee的发音中只有长元音 i:brown /braun/boat /bəut/mouth /mauθ/bee /bi:/flower /flauə/



know ow的音标,now ow的音标,hair air的音标,shirt ir的音标,books s的音标,dogs s的音标

know ow [əʊ]now ow [au]hair air [ɛə]shirt ir [ə:]books [s]dogs [z]thank th [θ]those th [ð]breakfast ea [e]great ea [ei]student u [ju:]umbrella u [ʌ]soup ou [u:]

macbookpro mlh32 好不好

还可以全新 MacBook Pro(无 Touch Bar 版)的模具型号为 A1708,电池容量为 54.5Wh,比去年的版本降低了 27%,只使用三颗螺丝固定。Touch Bar 版13寸 MacBook Pro 的电池为 49.2Wh。苹果宣称全新 MacBook Pro 的续航可以达到10个小时。10月27日,苹果发布了三款全新 MacBook Pro,其中两款配备了 Touch Bar 触控条,Touch Bar 位于键盘上方,取代了之前的功能键,并提供更多实用的功能。另外一款没有 Touch Bar 触控条。15寸 Touch Bar 版 MacBook Pro 的价格为 2399美元起,比去年的15寸 MacBook Pro 价格上涨了20%。13寸 Touch Bar 版 MacBook Pro 的价格为 1799美元起,比 去年的13寸 MacBook Pro 上涨了20%。事实上,苹果之前就大幅提升过 MacBook Pro 的价格。中国地区 2016款 MacBook Pro 已经开始接受订购。13寸无 Touch Bar 版 MacBook Pro 的预计发货时间为“一个工作日”。13寸和15寸 Touch Bar 版 MacBook Pro 的预计发货时间为 2-3周。国外知名拆解网站 iFixit 拿到了13寸无 Touch Bar 版 MacBook Pro,并对设备进行了拆解。虽然大家可能更期待 Touch Bar 版 MacBook Pro 拆解,但我们可以提前了解下 2016款 MacBook Pro 的内部设计和亮点。首先我们看一下 MacBook Pro 的配置:?13.3英寸 LED 背光 IPS Retina 显示屏,分辨率 2560 x 1600(227 dpi),支持 P3 广色域?2.0GHz Skylake 双核英特尔酷睿 i5,可睿频至 3.1GHz,集成英特尔 Iris 540 显卡?8GB 1866 MHz LPDDR3 板载内存?256GB、512GB 或 1TB PCIe SSD 固态硬盘?两个 Thunderbolt 3(USB-C)接口,支持充电、DisplayPort、Thunderbolt、USB 3.1 Gen 2?可选银色或深空灰两个 Thunderbolt 3(USB-C) 接口位于设备左侧。USB-C 接口意味着插入的线缆不需要分反正,缺点是目前还没有普及,现在的设备需要转换器。此外,iPhone 7 的 Lightning EarPods 也无法在全新 MacBook Pro 上使用。全新 MacBook Pro(无 Touch Bar 版)的模具型号为 A1708 无 Touch Bar 版的 MacBook Pro 依然采用实体的 F1-F12 按钮。

jupyter notebook中的shutdown是什么意思

shutdown英 ["ʃʌtdaʊn]美 ["ʃʌtdaʊn]n. 关机;停工;关门;停播





everybody hurts是什么意思

everybodypron. 每人,人人; 大伙儿; 各位hurtvi. 疼痛; 感到疼痛; 受痛苦; 有坏处,有害根据语境翻译吧。

Everybody hurts 什么意思啊,


everybody hurts什么意思

everybody hurts每个人都会受伤网络释义百科释义1. 每个人都会受伤例句:1.Don"t let yourself go, everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes. 不要放弃你自己,因为有时候每个人都会受伤,每个人都会泪流。2.Because it hurts everybody, and because time marches on. 因为旧事重提会伤害到每一个人,而且时代和生活一直在前进.


伤害 感到 悲伤 感到 坐 无聊的

Do you know... i care about you still...please rescue me 什么意思

你是否知道… 我依然那么的在乎你…请你解救我为你沉溺的心这是我通过自己对句子的基本意思来翻译的,不然的话,直接翻译很难看~





catbox duty 是什么意思

笼子一样的责任 。

hurry aboard 中文意思

催促...前往, 赶往

什么是Book Report?怎么写book report。


急急急!!!求英文读书报告(BOOK REPORT)的书写格式

1. Introductory Paragraph The first sentence should state for which instructor and class the book-report is being written.The second sentence should state the title of the book and the author"s name. The third sentence should tell how many pages the book has and the name of the publisher. The fourth sentence can state basic bibliographic information about the book. Bibliographic information means not only the author and title but also what company published the book, what year it was published in and any other relevant information such as the edition and if the book has been translated, simplified or abridged. (see copyright page and the back of the title page.) The next sentence should state the reason(s) you decided to read this book. Why did you choose this particular book? Typical reasons might be:o You like the author. o You like this type of book (i.e. mystery, western, adventure or romance, etc.). o Someone recommended the book to you. o It was on a required reading list. o You liked the cover. These reasons do not have to be complex. Most people choose the books they read because they like the author or somebody recommended it to them. If you chose the book because you like the author, then state why you like that author. An optional sentence can be used if the cover (back cover) of the book gives you any additional information then add a sentence with that information.o Was the book a best seller? o Are there X million copies in print? o Did it win any major awards? 2. Main Character(s) Paragraph The first sentence of this paragraph should state who the main character or characters of the book are, and why they are important. Refer to this person or these persons as the Main Character or Main Characters. You will need at least a complex sentence for this, and probably more than one sentence. 3. Other Characters Paragraph You should compose at least one sentence for each of the other prominent or important characters in the book. State the name of each of the other important characters, and the key role that each one plays in the book Most books have five or six prominent characters besides the main character, so simply listing each one and stating their role in the book will give you a good sized paragraph. 4. Plot Summary Paragraph This is perhaps the hardest paragraph to write in five sentences or so. If you have to write a bit more don"t worry. Here are the main points to cover: o State the type of book (Mystery, Western, etc.). o What place or country was the book set in? o What time period was the book set in? (19th century, the present, ancient Rome, the 23rd century). o Other physical locations which are important, like: ships, airplanes, houses, or buildings. o Other notable attributes of the book. (Was it violent, scary, fast paced, etc.). o What is the main character trying to do? o What is the outcome of the book? o etc. Make sure you cover all of the major parts of the plot. You might have to go back through the book, chapter by chapter, and make a few notes. 5. Personal Impressions and Conclusion Paragraph Simply talk about what you liked or did not like about the book. Use this paragraph as your conclusion. It should summarize your overall impressions of the book and bring the report to a close. o Start with a sentence that states that you are now writing a conclusion. (For example: "My final thoughts on "A Fine Balance" are that it is a fascinating book but I am not entirely sure if I completely understood the thematic message of the book." o Restate your reasons why you liked and/or disliked the book using different words. o Write two sentences that talk about the books good points and weak points. o Write a sentence or two about what you learned from the book. o Close with a sentence that states whether you would recommend the book to others. Don"t be afraid to give your own honest impressions of the book. After all, if you"ve read the book thoroughly, you are entitled to your own interpretation of it. Typically, your book report should not exceed two double-spaced pages, and it should be somewhere between 600 and 800 words in length. Research AssistanceThis site, which claims to be the best single research source online, maintains an inventory of more than 25,000 research reports on thousands of subjects; many of which are book summaries. Most are available for immediate download. If your subject isn"t already in their archives, they will do custom research and writing for you. You can download existing papers and/or order custom research papers 24 Hours a Day!

求book report书写格式

第1小节: 介绍一下书本... 例如作者吖... 别人对书的看法吖.. 它对别人带来的影响, etc.第2小节: 开始概括书所讲的故事: 按照 setting - rising action - climax - falling action - resolution 的发式写. 就是说是 "基本资料(时间地点人物背景)" - "为故事高潮做准备的部分, 就是说是发生了什么事情而引起了这个故事的高潮" - "高潮" - "高潮的结尾, 就是说这个高潮里面所表现的问题或争执(conflict, 中文都不知道该怎么解释了... - - ||||)到底是怎么收场的" - "结局(- - 就类似于王子公主从此幸福在一起的东东, 囧)"第3小节: 你对人物的作风性格, 作者的文笔的一些看法.... 或者是有什么不解的也可以提出来第4小节: 你从中而学到的东西, 你的一些感概... 心里面的心情, etc. 总之就是这个故事所引起你什么内心波动想法就对了 - - 我是加拿大的学生噢~ 一直以来写book report都是用这种格式的~ 有时候在第4段后还会加上自己新学到的词汇吖什么的 0 0 但那些词汇如果在中国的话我就不知道用不用了~ 哈哈~ 希望帮得到忙吧~ 写得好辛苦的说



He h___the blackboard with a stick.


the boy is thirsty and he must have some water是什么意思


learn about的意思是什么

1.获得, 学得 I like reading historical stories because I can learn about the lives that people led long ago.我喜欢看历史故事, 因为这样可以知道过去人们的生活。It"s no use learning facts about a subject if you don"t understand it.只了解某一学科的知识而并不理解, 那是毫无用处的。2.得知有关…的消息 How did you learn about the meeting?有关会议的情况你是怎么知道的?We only learned about your intended visit yesterday.我们昨天才听说你们准备来访。

Despite the fact that the bottle is tinted a delicate shade of green为什么tint不用with?

with 强调的是伴随的状态,譬如和什么什么在一起,是一种外界环境的陈述。而tint 做名词翻译为“色泽",做动词翻译为”染色“。该句子中提到了green ,想表达出”瓶子呈淡绿色“,用tint更为贴切与妥帖,更接近精细英语的意境。

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MacBook Air的简体中文输入源怎么调出来?


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POOR RICHARD16 偏好设置里有 你也可以自己更改自己喜欢的安体!

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苹果笔记本上有macbook air这个标志是什么意思


macbook air 中文是什么

mac Macintosh 麦金托什 麦金塔book 本子 笔记本air 空气macbook air 像空气一样轻薄的麦金塔笔记本电脑没中文名称 就称macbook air

macbook air中文叫什么


macbook air中文叫什么


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苹果笔记本上有MacBook Air这个标志是什么意思?


MacBook Air的中文反映是什么?

问题      MacBook Air的中文反映是什么?主回答官方是有给过Mac(Macintosh)的中文名的,叫做麦金塔。那你也可以叫它“便携式麦金塔电脑Air系列”。

造梦西游3邀请好友 如果boss是别人打死的,我能抓宠物吗?

您好,造梦西游3新增了宠物系统,可爱的宠物蕴藏着强大的威力,可以辅助你作战哦!宠物的获得方式是靠捕捉,只要有法宝宣花葫芦,就可以到隐藏副本蟠桃园、御马监去捕捉哦!通过击杀天兵天将,就有概率会出现宠物哦~所以一定要准备好“宣花葫芦”哦,一旦宠物出现就把握好时机按H键,就可以进行宠物捕捉。(图中红圈即为宠物被抓时的样子)友情提醒:宠物捕捉一次会消耗100灵魂和20魔法哦。希望我的回答能解决您的疑问,您的支持是我们前进的动力~ 4399有您更精彩。造梦西游3宠物怎么抓最强宠物捕捉攻略造梦西游3宠物怎么抓?在捕捉宠物之前请准备好宣花葫芦,宣花葫芦是由宣花锤、宣花坠、宣花袍合成的,成功率是百分之百,所以还是很好得的,只是在收集宣花锤、宣花坠、宣花袍的时候耐心点,刷不到就多刷几遍。蟠桃园、御马监是宠物经常出没的地点,去之前带上你的宣花葫芦,进入关卡之后杀天兵天将,宠物就有一定几率出现。当宠物出现的时候就对准宠物按【H键】,没有成功可以多试@vurtne511几次,要注意的是不要在打天兵天将的时候把宠物打死了,不然就白刷了,又得重新开始。

macbook air怎么切换中文模式?系统偏好设置在哪


苹果电脑macbook air怎么设置中文

改成中文的方法是:打开Dock中的Settings(齿轮图标),顶部有Text & Languages设定,在里面有三个标签,选择Language标签,把简体中文拽到第一个就行了,然后退出设定就可以保存,之后所有东西都显示为中文。正在运行的软件要重启才能显示为中文,否则还是英文。扩展资料:MacBook Air,是2008年2月19日苹果公司推出的笔记本。MacBook Air笔记本具有11.6寸和13.3寸两个尺寸,最低起售价格6288元。 [1] MacBook Air有金色、银色和深空灰色三种外观,配备加入了原彩显示技术的视网膜显示屏;机身由 100% 再生铝金属打造 [2] 。MacBook Air为其视网膜显示屏加入了原彩显示技术 [3] ,显示屏延伸至机身边缘 [2] 。2020年3月18日,苹果发布新款13英寸Macbook Air。

box chamber是什么意思

box chamber是箱厅




这一类问题最好以后别问,自己记住就行了, BOOTH变复数不是BEETH是英语发展的结果,就像世界上的人类一样 ,只有男人和女人.问为什么世界上有男人和女人,也是生物进化的结果.


这一类问题最好以后别问,自己记住就行了, BOOTH变复数不是BEETH是英语发展的结果,就像世界上的人类一样 ,只有男人和女人.问为什么世界上有男人和女人,也是生物进化的结果.

what"s是什么2,ha haha ha哈哈3,whoopswhoops哎呦4,whatwhat什么5,boyb

whoops 英[w?ps]美[hw?ps, w?ps, hwups, wups]int. <口>哎哟(犯明显错误时的道歉)n. 大叫( whoop的名词复数 );呐喊;喘息声;哮喘声v. 叫喊( whoop的第三人称单数 );高声说;唤起[例句]Whoops ! Mind you don "t spill your juice.哎哟!留意不要把你汁洒出来。

歌词RAP里有here we go here we go every body get out这句的歌

【Here we go】 You got style high class from clothes to smile but i ain"t here on trial US5 I"ll make it worth your while No crime to state what"s Here on your mind See I ain"t got the time To play these games all night We Pre-Chorus 1 I like the way you move Can"t get enough of you Go you put me in the mood Chorus Here we go every guy grab a hottie (whey yo) Songtexte Coz we gonna get rowdy (Uh oh) Raise your glass everybody Songtext sip it up and taste it here we go and if you know that you want it Lyrics go ahead and put your hands on it Won"t know how it feels till U done it Lyric sip it up and taste it here we go I am not the kind of guy Liedertexte who"s just standing by I"m in it for the ride Liedertext No use in tryin to play it cool when all you wanna do Alle is be with me tonight Pre-Chorus 2 I like the way you move US5 Can"t take my eyes off you I know what we could do Here Chorus Here we go every guy grab a hottie (whey yo) We Coz we gonna get rowdy (Uh oh) Raise your glass everybody Go sip it up and taste it here we go and if you know that you want it Songtexte go ahead and put your hands on it Won"t know how it feels till U done it Songtext sip it up and taste it here we go I"ll make U bounce Lyrics keep you up all night let"s get a little out of line Lyric Keep it poppin till we out of time (Here we go lets roll) Liedertexte I"ll make U bounce keep you up all night let"s get a little out of line Liedertext Keep it poppin till we out of time ( Let"s roll) Alle

歌词中有everybody,here we go是什么歌曲女生唱的 是什么歌曲

Whistle 原唱是Flo Rida,这位黑人大叔。最广为流传的女声翻唱版本的歌手叫做叫Jérémie Bellomo,来自加拿大魁北克。她把歌词中的GIRL都改成了BOY歌词Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle babyLet me knowGirl I"m gonna show you how to do itAnd we start real slow You just put your lips together  And you come real close  Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby  Here we go  (Look) I"m betting you like people  And I"m betting you love freak mode  And I"m betting you like girls that give love to girls  And stroke your little ego  I bet you I"m guilty your honor  That"s just how we live in my genre  Who in the hell done paved the road wider?  There"s only one flo, and one rida  I"m a damn shame  Order more champagne, pull a damn hamstring  Tryna put it on ya  Bet your lips spin back around corner  Slow it down baby take a little longer  Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby  Let me know  Girl I"m gonna show you how to do it  And we start real slow  You just put your lips together  And you come real close  Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby  Here we go  Whistle baby, whistle baby,  Whistle baby, whistle baby  Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby  Whistle baby, whistle baby  Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby  It"s like everywhere I go  My whistle ready to blow  Shawty don"t leave a note  She can get any by the low  Told me she"s not a pro  It"s okay, it"s under control  Show me soprano, "cause girl you can handle  Baby we start snagging, you come up in part clothes  Girl I"m losing wing, my Bugatti the same road  Show me your perfect pitch, you got it my banjo  Talented with your lips, like you blew out a candle  So amusing, now you can make a whistle with the music  Hope you ain"t got no issue, you can do it  Give me the perfect pitch, ya never lose it  Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby  Let me know  Girl I"m gonna show you how to do it  And we start real slow  You just put your lips together  And you come real close  Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby  Here we go  Whistle baby, whistle baby,  Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby  Whistle baby, whistle baby,  Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby  Go girl you can twerk it  Let me see you whistle while you work it  I"mma lay it back, don"t stop it  "Cause I love it how you drop it, drop it, drop it on me  Now, shawty let that whistle blow-oh, oh oh  Yeah, baby let that whistle blow-oh oh!  Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby  Let me know  Girl I"m gonna show you how to do it  And we start real slow  You just put your lips together  And you come real close  Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby  Here we go  Whistle baby, whistle baby,  Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby,  Whistle baby, whistle baby,  Whistle baby, whistle baby


Blimp n.软式小型飞船, 肥胖的人Kirov 基洛夫[苏联东欧平原东北部城市](旧称维亚特卡)Bomb n.炸弹 vt.投弹于, 轰炸Airship n.飞艇, 飞船小型飞船被基洛夫的飞船轰炸。



bought 【buy过去式】 taught【teach过去式]thought【think过去式造句

I bought a new radioI taught them EnglishI thought shame to be so careless

请问macbook Airport无线上网怎么用


kitty wants to know about her future 怎么读

kitty wants to know about her future 凯特想知道她的未来kitty 英[ˈkɪti] 美[ˈkɪti] n. 赌注; 共同的资金; <口>小猫; [例句]You haven"t put any money in the kitty for three weeks.你有3个星期没往里凑钱了。[其他] 复数:kitties

boyhood 与childhood的分别?

都是指童年 可能方言不同吧








teacher"s book教师用书

neighbourhood 和childhood都有词尾hood 这两个词有什么联系

hood 的意思是:头巾;覆盖;兜帽 --hood 是个很常见的后缀,构成名词 1.--的状态(或性质) 2.(某类人)的集体



Avril的 Everbody Hurts 中英文对照歌词

  Everybodyhurts——Avril  伤痛在所难免  Don"tknow  我不知道  Don"tknow,ifIcandothisonmyown  不知道,我是否可以一个人独处  Whydo,youhavetoleaveme?  为什么你要离我而去?  Itseems,thatI"mlosingsomethingdeepinsideofme  似乎,我心底的某些部分已经不知所踪  Holdon,ontome  紧紧抱着我  NowIsee,nowIsee  我现在有所了解我明白  Everybodyhurtssomedays  将来某天所有人都会受伤  It"sokaytobeafraid  即使你有所畏惧也没有关系  Everybodyhurts  所有人都会受伤  Everybodyscreams  所有人都会因痛而嘶声呐喊  Everybodyfeelsthisway  所有人都会有所感受  Andthat"sokay  没有关系  Lalalalala,it"sokay  这没什么  Itfeels,likenothingreallymattersanymore  这感觉就像是什么事都没了  Whenyou"regone,Ican"tbreathe  当你远去,使我几乎无法呼吸  AndIknow,younevermeanttomakemefeelthisway  我深知,你绝不会使我有这样的感觉  Thiscan"t,behappening  这不可能发生  NowIsee,nowIsee  我现在有所了解我明白  Everybodyhurtssomedays  将来某天所有人都会受伤  It"sokaytobeafraid  即使你有所畏惧也没有关系  Everybodyhurts所有人都会受伤  Everybodyscreams  所有人都会因痛而嘶声呐喊  Everybodyfeelsthisway  所有人都会有所感受  Andthat"sokay  没有关系  Lalalalala,it"sokay  这没什么  LalalalaSomanyquestions  如此多解不开的疑问  Somuchonmymind  在我的脑海里纠缠不清  SomanyanswersIcan"tfind  如此多的答案我无处找寻  IwishIcouldturnbackthetime  我希望我可以使时间调转回头  Iwonderwhy  我想知道为什么  Everybodyhurtssomedays(somedays)  将来某天所有人都会受伤  EverybodyhurtsSomedays(somedays)  将来某天所有人都会受伤  Everybodyhurtssomedays(somedays)  将来某天所有人都会受伤  It"sokaytobeafraid(afraid)  没有关系Everybodyhurts  所有人都会受伤  Everybodyscreams  所有人都会因痛而嘶声呐喊  Everybodyfeelsthisway  所有人都会有所感受  Andthat"sokay没有关系  Lalalalala,it"sokay  这没什么  Lalalala,that"sokay  这真的没什么  Everybodyhurtssomedays  将来某天所有人都会受伤  It"sokaytobeafraid  即使你有所畏惧也没有关系  Everybodyhurtssomedays  将来某天所有人都会受伤  Andwe"llallbeokay  我们都会好起来的  Everybodyfeelsthisway  所有人都会有所感受  Butit"llbeokay  但一切都会相安无事  It"sabouttotakemeawaytoabetterplace.  这将会把我带去一个更美好的地方  Everybodyfeelsthisway  所有人都会有所感受  It"sokayIt"sokay  这没什么这真的没什么

airplanes bob eminem 歌词


airplanes bob eminem 歌词

Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机) In the night sky(在夜晚星空中) Are like shooting stars(就像那流星) I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在) Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机) In the night sky(在夜晚星空中) Are like shooting stars(就像那流星) I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在) Yeah(‘这你也懂") I could use a dream or a genie or a wish(我可以用一个梦,一个神怪或一个希望) To go back to a place much simpler than this(去回到一个比这更单纯的地方) Cause after all the partyin" and smashin" and crashin"(但是在所有的派对&欢笑&吵闹后) And all the glitz and the glam and the fashion(和所有的浮华&嘈杂&花样) And all the pandemonium and all the madness(还有所有的混乱&疯狂) There comes a time where you fade to the blackness(总有一次你会消失在那漆黑之中) And when you"re staring at that phone in your lap(当你凝视着你手中的手机) And you hoping but them people never call you back(盼望着回电可却没人回你电话时) But that"s just how the story unfolds(这也正是故事情节展开的时候) You get another hand soon after you fold(不久之后你换了只手拿手机) And when your plans unravel(当你想要闭合翻盖手机时) And they sayin" what would you wish for(他们却如你所愿回复了你的电话) If you had one chance(如果你遇到一次意外) So airplane airplane sorry I"m late(那么飞机会对给你造成的迟到表示抱歉) I"m on my way so don"t close that gate(我马上就到 请不要关上舱门) If I don"t make that then I"ll switch my flight(如果我赶上我的航班我将不会这么做) And I"ll be right back at it by the end of the night(我将肯定在深夜里回到这里) Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机) In the night sky(在夜晚星空中) Are like shooting stars(就像那流星) I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在) Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机) In the night sky(在夜晚星空中) Are like shooting stars(就像那流星) I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在) Somebody take me back to the days(有人把我带回了从前的时光) Before this was a job, before I got paid(在我拿到这份工作的工资之前) Before it ever mattered what I had in my bank(常常在我把钱存进银行前) Yeah back when I was tryin" to get into the subway(当我试着走出地下人行道) And back when I was rappin" for the hell of it(就TM在我走在人行道中时) But now a days we rappin" to stay relevant(===不会===) I"m guessin that if we can make some wishes outta airplanes(我猜想如果我们能够不在飞机上许些愿望) Then maybe yo maybe I"ll go back to the days(也许我将回到我的从前) Before the politics that we call the rap game(在这政论之前 我们称之为饶舌游戏) And back when ain"t nobody listened to my mix tape(在没人听我的录音带之前) And back before I tried to cover up my slang(在我试着掩盖自己的脏话之前) But this is for the Cada, what"s up Bobby Ray(但这是什么,什么Cada的光线) So can I get a wish to end the politics(所以我许下愿望结束这些政治) And get back to the music that started this sh-t(然后回到音乐当中开始骂人) So here I stand and then again I say(所以我就在这里站着然后我又说) I"m hopin" we can make some wishes outta airplanes(我期待我们能创造出希望的飞机) Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机) In the night sky(在夜晚星空中) Are like shooting stars(就像那流星) I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在) Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机) In the night sky(在夜晚星空中) Are like shooting stars(就像那流星) I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在)


楼主你好,以下是Airplanes中文歌词因为我用手机找的所以没排版 请见谅我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在 )我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在 )是啊 我可以使用一个梦想或精灵,或希望 要返回到一个地方比这个更简单 原因毕竟partyin和smashin和crashin 和所有的浮华和魅力和时尚 和所有的混乱和所有的疯狂 有这样的时刻,你消失在黑暗 当你盯着你的腿上,在手机 而你抱有希望,但他们从来没有人叫你回来 但是,这只是故事的展开 你另一只手折后不久,你 当你的计划解开 而且它们在说什么,你会想为 如果你有一个机会 因此,飞机飞机对不起,我迟到了 我对我的方式,所以不要关闭该门 如果我不作出这样的话,我会转向我的航班 而且我马上回来参加由晚上结束 我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在 )我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在 )有人带我回天 在此之前是一个工作之前,我拿工资 在此之前曾经要紧我在银行有 是啊,当我试着回"进入地铁 而当我还是说唱"为它的地狱 但现在是一个天,我们还有说唱"留有关 我guessin,如果我们希望能作出一些失控的 飞机然后或许溜溜也许我会回去的日子 之前我们称之为政治的说唱游戏 而背面是什么时候没人听我的混合磁带 和背部之前,我试图掩盖我的俚语 但是,这是为卡达,这是怎么回事博比雷 所以我可以得到一个愿望,结束政治 并取回的音乐,开始这个狗屎 所以我站在这里,然后我再一次说 我hopin",我们可以作出一些愿望失控飞机 ?我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在 )我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在 )我真的希望现在使用 我,我,我真的希望现在使用 像流星一样 我,我,我真的希望现在使用 阿想一想现在

airplanes , space bound 全英文歌词

第一首 AirplanesCan we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)YeahI could use a dream or a genie or a wishTo go back to a place much simpler than thisCause after all the partyin" and smashin" and crashin"And all the glitz and the glam and the fashionAnd all the pandemonium and all the madnessThere comes a time where you fade to the blacknessAnd when you"re staring at that phone in your lapAnd you hoping but them people never call you backBut that"s just how the story unfoldsYou get another hand soon after you foldAnd when your plans unravelAnd they sayin" what would you wish forIf you had one chanceSo airplane airplane sorry I"m lateI"m on my way so don"t close that gateIf I don"t make that then I"ll switch my flightAnd I"ll be right back at it by the end of the nightCan we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsB.o.b. Airplanes lyrics found on I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)Somebody take me back to the daysBefore this was a job, before I got paidBefore it ever mattered what I had in my bankYeah back when I was tryin" to get into the subwayAnd back when I was rappin" for the hell of itBut now a days we rappin" to stay relevantI"m guessin that if we can make some wishes outta airplanesThen maybe yo maybe I"ll go back to the daysBefore the politics that we call the rap gameAnd back when ain"t nobody listened to my mix tapeAnd back before I tried to cover up my slangBut this is for the Cada, what"s up Bobby RaySo can I get a wish to end the politicsAnd get back to the music that started this sh-tSo here I stand and then again I sayI"m hopin" we can make some wishes outta airplanesCan we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)第二首Space Bound[Verse 1]We touch I feel a rushWe clutch it isnt muchBut its enough to make me wonder whats in store for usIt"s lust its torcherousYou must be a socerous cause you justDid the impossibleGained my trust dont play games it"ll be dangerousIf you fuck me overCause if I get burnt imma show you what its like to hurtCause I been treated like dirt before yaAnd love is evilSpell it backwards i"ll show yaNobody knows me im coldWalk down this road all aloneIts no ones fault but my ownIt"s the path ive chosen to goFrozen as snow I show no emotion whatsoever soDon"t ask me why I have no love for these mufuckin hosBloodsuckin" suckubusses what the fuck is up with thisIve tried in this department but I aint had no luck with thisIts sucks but its exactly what I thought it would beLike tryin to start overI gotta hole in my heart im some kind of emotional roller-coasterSomethin I won"t go on til you toy with my emotion so its overIts like an explosion everytime I hold ya wasnt jokin when I told yaYa take my breathe awayYou"re a supernova.. and im a[Chorus]I"m a space bound rocket ship and your heart"s to the moonAnd I"m aiming right at youRight at you250, 000 miles on a clear night in JuneAnd I aim it right at youRight at youRight at you[Verse 2]I do whatever it takesWhen im with you I get the shakesMy body aches when I aintWith you I have zero strengthTheres no limit on how far I would goNo boundries no lengthsWhy do we say that until we get that person that we thinksGonna be that one and then once we get em its never the sameYou want them when they dont want youSoon as they do feelings changeIts not a contest and I aint on no conquest for no mateI wasnt lookin but I stumbled onto you mustve been fateBut so much is at stake what the fuck does it takeLets cut to the chaseBut a door shuts in your facePromise me if I cave in and break and leave myself openThat I wont be makin a mistake[Chorus]I"m a space bound rocket ship and your heart"s to the moonAnd I"m aiming right at youRight at you250, 000 miles on a clear night in JuneAnd I aim it right at youRight at youRight at you[Verse 3]So after a year and 6 months its no longer me that you wantBut I love you so much it hurtsNever mistreated you onceI poured my heart out to youLet down my guard swear to godI"ll blow my brains in your lapLay here and die in your armsUp to my knees and im bleedinI"m tryin to stop you from leavinYou wont even listen so fuck itI"m tryin to stop you from breathinI put both hands on your throatI sit on top of you squeezinTill I snap ya neck like a popsicle stickAint no possible reason I could think ofTo let you walk up out this house and let you liveTears streamed down both of my cheeksThen I let you just go and just giveAnd before I put that gun to my templeI told you this:And I would do anything for youTo show you how much I adored youBut its over nowIts too late to save our loveJust promise me youll think of me everytime you look up in the sky and see a star cause imma[Chorus]I"m a space bound rocket ship and your heart"s to the moonAnd I"m aiming right at youRight at you250 thousand miles on a clear night in JuneAnd im so lost without youSo lost without youWithout youWithout you第三首No Love Young moneyThrow dirt on me, and grow a wild flower,But it"s fuck the world, get a child out her,yeah my life a bitch, but u know nothing bout her,Been to hell and back, I can show you vouchers,I"m rollin" sweets, I"m smoking sour,Married to the game, but she broke her vows,Thats why my bars, are full of broken bottles,And my night stands are full of open bibles,Ugh I think about more then I forget,But I dont go around fire expectin" not to sweat,And these niggas know I lay em down make your bed,Bitches try to kick me, while im down I break your leg,Money out weighin" problems on the triple-beam,I"m sticking to the script, you niggas skipping scenes,Ugh be good or be good at it, fucking right I got my gun semi carter-matic.Yeah put they dick in they mouth, so I guess its fuck with they say,I"m high as a bitch, up up and away, man I come down in a couple of days,Okay you want me up in the cage, then I"ll come out in beast mode,I got this world stuck in a safe, cominbation is the G code,Its weezy motha fucka blood gang and im in bleed mode, all about my do" but I dont even check the peep hole,so you can keep knocking, but wont knock me down, no love lost, no love found.Its a little to late to say that your sorry now, you kicked me when I was down, but what you say just dont hurt me (Thats right, and I dont need you, dont wanan see you, bitch you get no love)You showed me nothing but hate, you ran me into the ground but what comes around goes around, and you don"t hurt me (that"s right, and I don"t need you, don"t wanna see you, bitch you get no love)Bitch you get no love. No love x 7I"m live again, more alive then I"ve been in my whole entire life,I can see these people ears perk up as I begin, a spaz with a pin I"m a little bit sicker then most,Shits gonna get thick again, they say the competition is stiff but I get a hard dick from this shit now stick it in,I aint ever given in again, caution to the win complete freedom look at these rappers how I treat them so why the fuck would I join them, when I beat them,They call me a freak cuz I like to spit on these pussy"s before I eat them, man get these whack cock suckers stage where the fuck is Kanye when you need him,Snatch the mic from them bitch ima let you finish in a minute yeah the rap was tight but ummm, Ruckus got the greatest verse of all time so you might wanna go back to the lab tonight,And um scribble out them rhymes you was gonna spit an start over from scratch and write new ones, but im afraid it aint gonna make no difference when i rip the shades and tear it in half tonight,Its an adrenaline rush you feel the bass thump all the way to the parking lot fellow, set fire to the mic and ignite the crowd you can see the sparks from hot metal,Cold hearted from the day I bogaurded the game I soul started, a rock fellow and I"m not even in my harshest you can see can get roasted, cuz marshal not mellow,So on top, fill it from the top, I"m not gonna stop em, standing on my monopoly board, that"s means I"m on top of my game, and it don"t stop, till my hip don"t hop anymore,When you so good, that you cant say it cuz it aint even cool for you to sound cocky anymore,People just get sick cuz you spit these fools drool & dribble a drop anymore, and you cant ever break my stride, you never slowed the momentum and at any minute im about to blow you never take my pride,im killing the flow slow and venom, pwn niggers, no mercy mark my words, and let enough relentless I smell blood, I don"t give a fuck keep given them hell, where was you when I fell and needed help up, you get no love,Its a little to late to say that your sorry now, you kicked me when I was down, but what you say just don"t hurt me (That"s right, and I don"t need you, don"t wanna see you, bitch you get no love)You showed me nothing but hate, you ran me into the ground but what comes around goes around, and you don"t hurt me (That"s right, and I don"t need you, don"t wanna see you, bitch you get no love)Bitch you get no love. No love x 7

airplanes bob歌词

B.o.B feat. Hayley Williams - Airplanes(Lyrics by MaxRNB)-->>>Maximal R&B - Your first R&B/Hip-Hop source<<<--Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)YeahI could use a dream or a genie or a wishTo go back to a place much simpler than thisCause after all the partyin and smashin and crashinAnd all the glitz and the glam and the fashionAnd all the pandemonium and all the madnessThere comes a time where you fade to the blacknessAnd when you"re staring at that phone in your lapAnd you hoping but them people never call you backBut that"s just how the story unfoldsYou get another hand soon after you foldAnd when your plans unravelAnd they sayin what would you wish forIf you had one chanceSo airplane airplane sorry I"m lateI"m on my way so don"t close that gateIf I don"t make that then I"ll switch my flightAnd I"ll be right back at it by the end of the nightCan we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)Somebody take me back to the daysBefore this was a job, before I got paidBefore it ever mattered what I had in my bankYeah back when I was tryin" to get into the subwayAnd back when I was rappin" for the hell of itBut now a days we rappin" to stay relevantI"m guessin that if we can make some wishes outta airplanesThen maybe yo maybe I"ll go back to the daysBefore the politics that we call the rap gameAnd back when ain"t nobody listened to my mix tapeAnd back before I tried to cover up my slangBut this is for the Cada, what"s up Bobby RaySo can I get a wish to end the politicsAnd get back to the music that started this shitSo here I stand and then again I sayI"m hopin" we can make some wishes outta airplanes?Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)I could really use a wish right now I-I-I could really use a wish right now Like Like shooting starsI-I-I could really use a wish right now A wish a wish right now



this可以修饰复数吗。如:This boys are my friends.

不可以,用These 望采纳

This is the body.改成复数形式

复数形式为There are bodies。 this的复数是these,is的复数是are,剩下的可数名词body复数为变y为i再加es后缀。 拓展可数名词复数的变化规则:A 、一般情况下,在单数名词的后面加﹣ s 构成。如: game - games , boy - boys 等。B 、以 s 、×、 sh 、 ch 结尾的单数名词变复数,在词尾加﹣ es 构成。如: box - boxes , bus - buses , peach - peaches , dish - dishes 。C 、以 o 结尾,表示有生命的事物的单数名词变复数加﹣ es ;表示没有生命的事物的单数名词变复数加﹣ s 。如: potato-potatoes , tomato - tomatoes , photo - photos , piano - pianos 等。D 、以辅音字母加 y 结尾的单数名词变复数,将 y 改成 i 后再加﹣ es 。如: factory - factories , story - stories , family - families 。E 、以或 fe 结尾的单数名词变复数,将或 fe 改成 v ,然后再加﹣ es 。如: leaf -leaves , life - lives , knife - knives 等。F 、名词单数变复数,除了有规则可循的变化之外,还有一部分的变化是不规则的,我们将这部分名词的变化叫做不规则变化。这些词有: goose - geese , foot -feet , tooth - teech , man - men , woman - women , mouse - mice , sheep - sheep , deer - deer , fish - fish , child - children , ox - oxen

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rainbow组合 chacha的mv中3分35秒的人是谁啊?谢谢

chachaMV多着呢 你指的是现场版的还是专辑里的
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