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book(变首字母成为一个动词) write(改一个字母,成为一个颜色名词) too(同音词) small(反义词)girl对

cook white to big boy

同音词 1.T____ 2.write____ 3.bored_____4.where____ 5.he"s____ 6.rowed___7.knew_____


Book | Pride and Prejudice

and I have no objection to hearing it." "I see no occasion for that. 没有理由/机会 to assure him of my hearty consent to his marrying whichever he chooses of the girls; though I must throw in a good word for my little Lizzy." "They have none of them much to recommend them," 他们的优点还不足以为人称道 You take delight in vexing me. You have no compassion for my poor nerves." 你就喜欢惹恼我 Her mind was less difficult to develop . She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper. 她的头脑比较简单 "Kitty has no discretion in her coughs," said her father; "she times them ill ." 她把握咳嗽的时机不对 "I honour your circumspection. 我敬佩你的细致周到 a young lady of deep reflection 一位善于思考的女性 we cannot escape the acquaintance now. "I do not know how you will ever make him amends for his kindness; 补偿某人 and, to crown the whole, 最重要的是 If I can but see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield," said Mrs. Bennet to her husband, "and all the others equally well married, I shall have nothing to wish for . 若…我就没有其他的愿望了。 Mr. Bingley was obliged to be in town the following day, and, consequently, unable to accept the honour of their invitation. 无法应约 he had a pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected manners. The gentlemen pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man, the ladies declared he was much handsomer than Mr. Bingley, and he was looked at with great admiration 他人的看法 till his manners gave a disgust which turned the tide of his popularity . Amongst the most violent against him was Mrs. Bennet, whose dislike of his general behaviour was sharpened into particular resentment by his having slighted one of her daughters. 看不起 Elizabeth Bennet had been obliged, by the scarcity of gentlemen, to sit down for two dances; 由于男伴太少,她坐过两支舞蹈。 With a book he was regardless of time. 一看书他就忘记了时间 Lizzy does not lose much by not suiting his fancy . 不是他的理想型 I wish you had been there, my dear, to have given him one of your set-downs. 责骂 I give you leave to like him. 我准许你喜欢他 I would not wish to be hasty in censuring anyone . 不轻易批评别人 Affectation of candour is common enough—one meets with it everywhere. But to be candid without ostentation or design —to take the good of everybody"s character and make it still better, and say nothing of the bad—belongs to you alone. 假装坦诚 They were in fact very fine ladies; not deficient in good humour when they were pleased, nor in the power of making themselves agreeable when they chose it, but proud and conceited. 他们并不是没有能力,而是 Bingley was endeared to Darcy by the easiness, openness, and ductility of his temper. 宾利先生性格 his manners, though well-bred, were not inviting . Darcy was continually giving offense. 达西性格 For, though elated by his rank, it did not render him supercilious ; on the contrary, he was all attention to everybody . 地位提高,而不骄纵 everybody says that he is eat up with pride and had come to the ball in a hack chaise 租赁的马车 ma"am, I may safely promise you never to dance with him. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us. Mary对pride和vanity的理解,古板但也是有道理的 Jane united, with great strength of feeling, a composure of temper and a uniform cheerfulness of manner which would guard her from the suspicions of the impertinent. 不会被人说没礼貌 but he may never do more than like her, if she does not help him on. 鼓励男方 and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life. 夏洛特关于婚姻中的言论,结婚前了解对方越少越好 Mary had neither genius nor taste; and though vanity had given her application , it had given her likewise a pedantic air and conceited manner , which would have injured a higher degree of excellence than she had reached. 对于Mary的评价。虚弱让她努力提高自己,但是也让她太死板,太自负,限制了她所能够达到的境界。 Mr. Darcy stood near them in silent indignation at such a mode of passing the evening, to the exclusion of all conversation, and was too much engrossed by his thoughts to perceive that Sir William Lucas was his neighbour, sir, I have not the least intention of dancing. I entreat you not to suppose that I moved this way in order to beg for a partner. 我一点也不想做某事…… 请不要认为… Elizabeth looked archly adv. 狡猾地;顽皮地 insipidity 枯燥无味 an estate of two thousand a year, which, unfortunately for his daughters, was entailed, in default of heirs male , on a distant relation; 因缺少,因没有男性继承人 be entailed on 被…继承遗产 pay their duty to their aunt and to a milliner"s shop pay(或 send)one"s duty to someone 向某人表示敬意,向某人请安 milliner 女帽制造商 make haste 赶紧! We must make haste. contrivance. 诡计 这里大概是妈妈让Jane骑马去Netherfield "I find myself very unwell this morning, which, I suppose, is to be imputed to my getting wet through yesterday. 归咎于 the two youngest repaired to the lodgings of one of the officers" wives 到…去(特指成群地去或经常去) they held her in contempt for it. 她们因此(lizzie 走泥路来看Jane)而看不起她 Jane, who had only been withheld by the fear of giving alarm or inconvenience from expressing in her note how much she longed for such a visit 因为怕家里人担心而没有表达这样的愿望 and promised her some draughts . The advice was followed readily. To the civil inquiries which then poured in, and amongst which she had the pleasure of distinguishing the much superior solicitude of Mr. Bingley"s, she could not make a very favourable answer. 对于这些询问,她无法给出令人满意的回复 indolent 懒惰的 She has nothing, in short, to recommend her, but being an excellent walker. 她除了…并没有什么优点 I could hardly keep my countenance. 镇定自若 Why must she be scampering about the country, (轻快地) 奔跑; 疾走 Her dirty petticoat 衬裙 quite escaped my notice. 没注意到 you would not wish to see your sister make such an exhibition. 出洋相 To this speech Bingley made no answer; but his sisters gave it their hearty assent, and indulged their mirth for some time at the expense of their dear friend"s vulgar relations. she found the whole party at loo, I wish my collection were larger for your benefit and my own credit. 宾利先生说希望自己藏书更多,可以给lizzie看,也可以增加自己的好名声。 Her performance on the pianoforte is exquisite. I am sure I never heard a young lady spoken of for the first time, without being informed that she was very accomplished." 当人们提起一位年轻的女士的时候,一定会说她是多才多艺的 The word is applied to many a woman who deserves it no otherwise than by netting a purse or covering a screen. 只是会…就博得这样的好名声 I cannot boast of knowing more than half-a-dozen, in the whole range of my acquaintance , that are really accomplished. greatly surpass what is usually met with 远超过寻常水平 or the word will be but half-deserved. they knew many women who answered this description 符合这个描述 We must trespass a little longer on your kindness. 要多叨扰您一段时间了 Miss Bennet will receive every possible attention while she remains with us. 当她在我们这儿时 I fancy she was wanted about the mince-pies. 肉馅饼 but you must own she is very plain. I wonder who first discovered the efficacy of poetry in driving away love! the youngest should tax Mr. Bingley with having promised on his first coming into the country to give a ball at Netherfield. Mr. Darcy; the latter of whom, however, could not be prevailed on to join in their censure of her , in spite of all Miss Bingley"s witticisms on fine eyes. 说服,劝说;诱使 一起说坏话 repeatedly calling off his attention by messages to his sister. precipitance 果断;仓促 what is there so very laudable in a precipitance which must leave very necessary business undone, and can be of no real advantage to yourself or anyone else?" I"ll be gone with such celerity. "To yield readily—easily—to the persuasion of a friend is no merit with you. " 轻易听从朋友的劝告 在你看来,不是美德 " Will it not be advisable , before we proceed on this subject, to arrange with rather more precision the degree of importance which is to appertain to this request, as well as the degree of intimacy subsisting between the parties?" "You dislike an argument, and want to silence this." She could only imagine, however, at last that she drew his notice because there was something more wrong and reprehensible, according to his ideas of right, than in any other person present. Lizzie误会Darcy为什么一直在盯着她 The supposition did not pain her. She liked him too little to care for his approbation. shrubbery n. 灌木 are charmingly grouped, and appear to uncommon advantage. The picturesque would be spoilt by admitting a fourth. 你们几个一起走美如画,加上我这个第四个就毁了这个画面啦。 Jane was already so much recovered as to intend leaving her room for a couple of hours 复原地很好了 At length, quite exhausted by the attempt to be amused with her own book 装逼看书装不下去了 Mr. Darcy may hug himself. 暗自得意 "Yes, vanity is a weakness indeed. But pride—where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will be always under good regulation. " 适度的傲慢 a failing tired of a conversation in which she had no share. 她无法参与的谈话 He wisely resolved to be particularly careful that no sign of admiration should now escape him, nothing that could elevate her with the hope of influencing his felicity. some new observations of threadbare morality 老话题 flog 鞭打 anyone with whom it had always pleased him to be at variance.—"There, I flatter myself that my present overtures are highly commendable, my being next in the entail of Longbourn estate shall probably trespass on your hospitality till the Saturday se"ennight following, "Though it is difficult," said Jane, "to guess in what way he can mean to make us the atonement he thinks our due, the wish is certainly to his credit." he had heard much of their beauty, but that in this instance fame had fallen short of the truth; and her seeing them all in due time disposed of in marriage. his commendation of everything would have touched Mrs. Bennet"s heart, but for the mortifying supposition of his viewing it all as his own future property. She is unfortunately of a sickly constitution, which has prevented her from making that progress in many accomplishments which she could not have otherwise failed of, superintended her education, Mr. Collins readily assented, importune Mr. Collins, after assuring them that he bore his young cousin no ill-will, and should never resent her behaviour as any affront, Mr. Collins was not a sensible man, and the deficiency of nature had been but little assisted by education or society. 教育及社会经历并没有弥补他的性格缺陷 she felt it incumbent on her to hint. 有责任履行的 and the man whom she could not bear to speak of the day before was now high in her good graces. *






standard英-["stændəd]美-["stændɚd]释义n. 标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准adj. 标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的n. (Standard)人名;(英)斯坦达德;(德)施坦达德board英-[bɔːd]美-[bɔrd]释义n. 董事会;木板;甲板;膳食vt. 上(飞机、车、船等);用板盖上;给提供膳宿vi. 寄宿n. (Board)人名;(英、西)博德

帮我翻译英语,几个而已 he brouhgt a new book with him


secure boot made 设为standard 和custom是什么意思?

笔记本机械硬盘经测试在standard模式下从按按钮到见到桌面42秒,在custom模式下16秒,一般选择custom模式。简单释义:1、standard    英 [ˈstandəd]美 [ˈstændərd]n.标准,水平;标准,尺度;榜样;被保持垂直或挺立的物体;(尤指爵士乐,布鲁斯音乐)流行曲调(或歌曲)adj.标准的;(树,灌木)长于直立茎干上的2、custom     英 [ˈkʌstəm]美 [ˈkəstəm]n.风俗;习俗;〈主英〉(顾客经常性的)光顾,惠顾adj.定做的,定制的

meet 中文 词性 同音词 question 中文 词性 反义词 boy 中文 词性 反义词 答

hi last girl too answer he(his) telephone white these me 括号为不确定

这句话中文意思是什么啊A boson friend afar bring a distant land near.


请问有谁知道"A bosom friend afar, Brings a distant land near "出自哪里?


A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near这句话是什么意思?


eps软件打开图出现symbolscriptb is"t existent!怎么回事?



bring [brɪŋ]v. 带来, 促使, 产生borrow [bor·row || "bɒrəʊ]v. 借, 借入; 借用; 擅自取走; 采用; 借draw [drɔː]n. 平局, 平手; 吸引人的事物; 抽签; 精彩节目v. 划, 绘制, 画; 拉长, 拖长; 拉, 拖; 拔; 划线; 渐渐移动; 画图; 行驶

lent 和 borrow 有什么区别?

lend和borrow的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.lend意思:v. 借给; 借出; (向?)贷(款); 给?增加,增添(特色);2.borrow意思:v. 借; 借用; 借入(款项); (向?)借贷; 引用,借用(思想、言语等);二、用法不同1.lend用法:表示动作或状态。例句:Would you please lend me your pencil?请把铅笔借给我用用好吗?2.borrow用法:常用作谓语。例句:He uses his house as security to borrow the money.他用房子作借钱的抵押。三、侧重点不同1.lend侧重点:lend的借东西或者借钱指的是借出这个含义,失去东西。2.borrow侧重点:borrow的借东西或者借钱指的是借入这个含义,收获东西。


lend借给, 贷(款)如:Can you lend me that book for a few days?你能把那本书借给我几天吗?



borrow 和 lend 都是借 但二者有啥区别那?谢谢!





有些单字明明有相似的意思,例如look、see、watch,但使用时机与方式却大有不同! Engvid讲师Rebecca提出了五组意义相似,但使用时机不同的英文单字,当你的阅读量增加,逐渐有了英文语感之后,这些小问题就再也难不倒你罗! 1. Learn / teach Learn = get knowledge or skills 学习 Teach = give knowledge or skills 教导 e.g. Mrs. Cole teaches us English. Cole老师教我们英文。 2. Bring / take Bring = move towards speaker 拿给某人 Take = move away from speaker 从某人身上拿走 e.g. Please bring me some water. 请拿点水给我。 e.g. Please take my plate away. 请将我的盘子收走。 3. Borrow / lend Borrow = take temporarily 借入 Lend = give temporarily 借出 e.g. Could I borrow your pen, please? 可以请你借我笔吗? e.g. Could you lend me your pen please? 可以请你借我笔吗? 4. Win / beat Win = You win a game, prize, award. 获胜 Beat = You defeat another person or team. 打败 e.g. Team A won the game. A组赢得了比赛。 e.g. Team A beat Team B. A组赢了B组。 5. Do / make 做 e.g. I made a mistake. 我犯了个错。 e.g. They did their homework. 他们做了作业。 beat, borrow, borrow lend, borrow lend 区别, borrow lend 差别, borrow lend 差异, bring, bring take, bring take 区别, bring take 差别, bring take 差异, do, learn, learn teach, learn teach 区别, learn teach 差别, learn teach 差异, lend, make, take, teach, win, win beat, win beat 区别, win beat 差别, win beat 差异, 英文 相似字





borrow和keep的区别? 表示"借"这个意思时

borrow是动词解释为向某人借,借用 keep作动词时解释为保留,继续做谋事 解释为名词是生活费等



「借」的英文怎么说?借用应该要用 lend 还是 borrow ?

Lend跟Borrow意思一样,但是用法却差很多。一个是借别人东西,一个是跟别人借东西。你知道要如何分辨吗?Lucy在《English with Lucy》中要告诉你利用音节(syllable),来区别lend跟borrow! 1. 定义 Lend:To give something to somebody for a limited amount time. 三态:Lend, Lent, Lent Borrow:To receive something for a limited amount of time. 三态:Borrow, Borrowed, Borrowed 2. 分法 Syllable音节 Lend (一个音节) = Give (一个音节) Borrow(两个音节)=Receive (两个音节) Katie, can you lend me 10 pound? 也可以说 Can I borrow 10 pounds? Katie,可以跟你借10英镑吗? 但是不能说Caty, can you borrow me 10 pound? I can lend you 10 pounds. 也可以说 You can borrow 10 pounds. 我可以借你10英镑 但一样不能说I can borrow you 10 pounds. 所以从第三者角度,可说 John has borrowed 10 pounds from Katie. John从Katie那借了10英镑 Katie has lent 10 pounds to John. Katie已经借了10英镑给John Could you lend me your Ferrari? 你能借我你的法拉利吗? No way, last time you borrowed my Ferrari, you crashed it. 不行,上次我借你时你把它撞坏了 I borrowed this T-shirt from Felicity. 我从Felicity借来了T-shirt Did you lend him your PS4? 你有没有借它PS4? You shouldn"t lend money. 你不应该借别人钱   参考图片:bernswaelz borrow, borrow from, borrow 中文, borrow 意思, borrow 翻译, lend, lend to, lend 中文, lend 意思, lend 翻译, 借 英文, 借入 英文, 借出 英文, 借用 英文


lend借给,贷(款) 如: Can you lend me that book for a few days? 你能把那本书借给我几天吗?


borrow 与use不一起用。, 汉语有“借用”,但英语里是用borrow表示:我能借用一下你的自行车?Can I borrow your bike?




用Lend是之于被借者而言。看比赛用 Watch恰当




borrow是指从别人那借入;lend是指借出去给别人。borrow sth from sb   从某人那借来某物例子::I borrowed $50 from my friend yesterday.lend sb sth=lend sth to sb  把某物借给某人例子:My friend lent me $50 yesterday.

lent 和 borrow 有什么区别?

lend和borrow的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.lend意思:v. 借给; 借出; (向…)贷(款); 给…增加,增添(特色);2.borrow意思:v. 借; 借用; 借入(款项); (向…)借贷; 引用,借用(思想、言语等);二、用法不同1.lend用法:表示动作或状态。例句:Would you please lend me your pencil?请把铅笔借给我用用好吗?2.borrow用法:常用作谓语。例句:He uses his house as security to borrow the money.他用房子作借钱的抵押。三、侧重点不同1.lend侧重点:lend的借东西或者借钱指的是借出这个含义,失去东西。2.borrow侧重点:borrow的借东西或者借钱指的是借入这个含义,收获东西。



borrow是什么意思 borrow有啥含义

1、是借阅的意思,借阅读音为jiè yuè,汉语词语,意思是读者借来阅览。borrow作动词有借、借入的意思。2、borrow也有向...借贷的意思,如:We could always borrow some money from the bank.我们总是能从银行贷出钱来。3、与borrow相反的单词lend表示借出、把...借给的意思,如:Has he returned that book you lent him?你借给他的那本书还你了吗?


含义不同: borrow:v. 借;借鉴;抄袭。 lend:v. 借给;贷款;借(出)。 扩展资料   用法不同:   1、borrow   borrow的基本意思是“借”,指向某人或从某处借走某物(借用不能带走的东西一般用use)。引申可表示“将别人的东西当作自己的来使用,抄袭某事物”“某语言借用另一种语言的词语”。   borrow可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。   He uses his house as security to borrow the money.   他用房子作借钱的"抵押。   2、lend   lend的基本意思是“借出”,引申也可表示“提供”“帮助”“增添”等。可用作及物动词或不及物动词,用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。   lend后可接反身代词,再接介词to,反身代词指人时,表示“欣然同意做某事或参与、合谋做某事”;反身代词指物时,表示“适合某种用途、活动等”。   Would you please lend me your pencil?   请把铅笔借给我用用好吗?   侧重点不同:   1、borrow:borrow是“借进”,表示“向某人借”,跟from〔of〕连用。   含“借”之意,borrow指从某人或某处借来某物,也可用作比喻。   2、lend:lend是“借出”,表示“借给某人”,跟to连用。   含“借”之意,lend指将自己的东西借出给别人,也可用于借喻意义。

borrow和lend的区别和用法 borrow和lend的不同点

1、borrow和lend的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。 2、含义不同。borrow。v. 借;借鉴;抄袭。lend。v. 借给;贷款;借(出)。 3、用法不同:borrow的基本意思是“借”,指向某人或从某处借走某物(借用不能带走的东西一般用use)。引申可表示“将别人的东西当作自己的来使用,抄袭某事物”“某语言借用另一种语言的词语”。borrow可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 4、lend的基本意思是“借出”,引申也可表示“提供”“帮助”“增添”等。可用作及物动词或不及物动词,用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。lend后可接反身代词,再接介词to,反身代词指人时,表示“欣然同意做某事或参与、合谋做某事”;反身代词指物时,表示“适合某种用途、活动等”。 5、侧重点不同。borrow是“借进”,表示“向某人借”,跟from〔of〕连用。含“借”之意,borrow指从某人或某处借来某物,也可用作比喻。lend是“借出”,表示“借给某人”,跟to连用。含“借”之意,lend指将自己的东西借出给别人,也可用于借喻意义。




两者都可表示“借”,但是 borrow 指“借入”,而 lend 则指“借出”,两者其实是一对反义词,而不是同义词。如:Can I borrow your bike? 我可以借用你的自行车吗?He lent his dictionary to me. 他把字典借给我。 扩展资料   lend和borrow的区别   一、意思不同   1.lend意思:v. 借给dao; 借出; (向…zhuan)贷(款); 给…增加,增添(特色);   2.borrow意思:v. 借; 借用; 借入(款项); (向…)借贷; 引用,借用(思想、言语等);   二、用法不同   1.lend用法:表示动作或状态。   例句:   Would you please lend me your pencil?   请把铅笔借给我用用好吗?   2.borrow用法:常用作谓语。   例句:   He uses his house as security to borrow the money.   他用房子作借钱的"抵押。   三、侧重点不同   1.lend侧重点:lend的借东西或者借钱指的是借出这个含义,失去东西。   2.borrow侧重点:borrow的借东西或者借钱指的是借入这个含义,收获东西。


一、意思不同1、lend意思:v. (动词)增添,添加,给...增加,增加(特色)、借(给),把...借给,出借,借出;以…的名字命名;出租2、borrow意思v. 借;借鉴;抄袭二、用法不同1、lend用法:表示动作或状态。例句:I can"t possibly lend you so much money.我没有可能借给你这么多钱。2、borrow用法:常用作谓语。例句:Do you often go to the library to borrow books?你常到图书馆借书吗?三、侧重点不同1、lend侧重点lend指将自己的东西借出给别人,也可用于借喻意义。lend后可接反身代词,再接介词to,反身代词指人时,表示“欣然同意做某事或参与、合谋做某事”;反身代词指物时,表示“适合某种用途、活动等”。2、borrow侧重点borrow指从某人或某处借来某物,也可用作比喻。borrow是非延续性动词,表示“借”这一行为时不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,但在表示借来以后使用的时间时却可以和表示一段时间的状语连用。


borrow和lend的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、含义不同borrowv. 借;借鉴;抄袭lendv. 借给;贷款;借(出)二、用法不同borrowborrow的基本意思是“借”,指向某人或从某处借走某物(借用不能带走的东西一般用use)。引申可表示“将别人的东西当作自己的来使用,抄袭某事物”“某语言借用另一种语言的词语”。borrow可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。Do you often go to the library to borrow books?你常到图书馆借书吗?lendlend的基本意思是“借出”,引申也可表示“提供”“帮助”“增添”等。可用作及物动词或不及物动词,用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。lend后可接反身代词,再接介词to,反身代词指人时,表示“欣然同意做某事或参与、合谋做某事”;反身代词指物时,表示“适合某种用途、活动等”。Would you please lend me your pencil?请把铅笔借给我用用好吗?三、侧重点不同borrowborrow是“借进”,表示“向某人借”,跟from〔of〕连用。作动词含“借”之意,borrow指从某人或某处借来某物,也可用作比喻。lendlend是“借出”,表示“借给某人”,跟to连用。作动词含“借”之意,lend指将自己的东西借出给别人,也可用于借喻意义。


borrow[英][ˈbɒrəʊ] [美][ˈbɑ:roʊ] 简明释义 vt.& vi.借入;借钱,借用;[数]由上位借;抄袭 n.借,借用;担保物,抵押;[英史]什一税

borrow是什么意思 borrow有啥含义

1、是借阅的意思,借阅读音为jiè yuè,汉语词语,意思是读者借来阅览。borrow作动词有借、借入的意思。 2、borrow也有向...借贷的意思,如:We could always borrow some money from the bank.我们总是能从银行贷出钱来。 3、与borrow相反的单词lend表示借出、把...借给的意思,如:Has he returned that book you lent him?你借给他的那本书还你了吗?


borrow 英[ˈbɒrəʊ] 美[ˈbɑ:roʊ] vt. 借入; 借钱,借用; [数] 由上位借; 抄袭; n. 借,借用; 担保物,抵押; [英史] 什一税; [例句]Can I borrow a pen please?我可以借支笔吗?[其他] 第三人称单数:borrows 现在分词:borrowing 过去式:borrowed过去分词:borrowed




borrow的意思是借 读音:英 [ˈbɒrəʊ]、美 [ˈbɔːroʊ] 词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。固定搭配:borrow from 向……借;borrow money 借钱例句:1.He have taken advantage of her kindness to borrow money from her frequently.他利用她的善良,三番五次向她借钱。2.Thevalueofthe peso hadbeen declining precipitously, undermining Mexico"s ability to borrow money or to repay existing debts.比索急剧贬值,损害了墨西哥的借贷或偿还现有债务的能力。3.He said the government could borrow enough money to pay each man a dollar and a half a day.他说政府可以筹集足够的资金来支付这些修路的工人每天每人1.5美元。4.Was saying was saying, two young Xiong heads lowered have gotten down . . . "elder brother you to be able to borrow me to play? "说着说着,两只小熊的头都低了下来…“哥哥你能借我玩吗?”5.Though poor, his parents were sensible enough to keep him in school and they had to borrow money from relatives and friends.虽然穷,父母都是足够明智把他留在学校,他们不得不借钱亲戚和朋友。


  borrow的中文意思   英 [br]、美 [bɑ:ro]   第三人称单数:borrows现在分词:borrowing过去分词:borrowed过去式:borrowed   borrow基本解释   及物/不及物动词:借入;借钱,借用;[数]由上位借;抄袭   名词:借,借用;担保物,抵押;[英史]什一税   例句:   1、Some of his ideas were borrowed from other sources.   他的某些见解是从别处借用来的。   2、These words were borrowed from French.   这几个字是从法语引进的。   3、English has borrowed (words) from many languages.   英语借用了许多语言的词。   4、How much have you borrowed from him?   你向他借了多少钱?   borrow的单语例句   1、He was so cash strapped that he had to borrow money to buy oxygen for his welding equipment.   2、People would borrow money from banks to buy larger items like houses and wait for further price rises to make profits.   3、Hong Kong investors often borrow money from brokers and banks to buy into hot IPOs.   4、Prime Minister George Papandreou said on Thursday Greece is being victimized by rumors in financial markets and he denied seeking to borrow from European partners.   5、The Stability and Growth Pact has been relaxed in order to increase governments"capacity to borrow to recapitalize their banks.   6、Automakers have sought to borrow from the Federal Reserve as well as receive capital injections from the Treasury Department under the ongoing corporate rescue program.   7、It is permitted to borrow from the bank a sum equal to as much as half of its registered capital.   8、The actual negative dollar interest rate adopted by the US administration has also driven some financial institutions to borrow to invest in China"s property market.   9、To borrow from the national intelligence lexicon - and yes, that is uncomfortable - you are listening for dangerous chatter.   borrow的词典解释   1、借;借用   If you borrow something that belongs to someone else, you take it or use it for a period of time, usually with their permission.   e.g.Can I borrow a pen please? ...   我可以借支笔吗?   e.g.He wouldn"t let me borrow his clothes.   他不愿我借他的衣服。   2、借(钱);贷(款)   If you borrow money from someone or from a bank, they give it to you and you agree to pay it back at some time in the future.   e.g.Morgan borrowed 5,000 from his father to form the company 20 years ago...   20年前摩根从他父亲那里借了5,000英镑,成立了这家公司。   e.g.It"s so expensive to borrow from finance companies...   从信贷公司借钱利息非常高。   3、借(书)   If you borrow a book from a library, you take it away for a fixed period of time.   e.g.I couldn"t afford to buy any, so I borrowed them from the library.   我一本书也买不起,只好从图书馆借。   4、采用,借用(词语、想法等)   If you borrow something such as a word or an idea from another language or from another person"s work, you use it in your own language or work.   e.g.I borrowed his words for my book"s title...   我借用他的话作为我这本书的标题。

borrow是什么意思 翻译borrow的意思

英音 ["bɔrəʊ] ;,美音 ["bɔrəʊ] ;, 动词: 1.借,借进 2.借入(款项);(向…)借贷 3.引用,借用(思想、言语等),名称 borrower,时态 borrowed,borrowing,borrows,这些动词均含“借”之意。 lend指将自己的东西借出给别人,也可用于借喻意义。 borrow指从某人或某处借来某物,也可用作比喻。 loan指通过正式的手续,借数目较大的贷款。在美国也可指借出东西。,get temporarily,take up and practice as one"s own,output borrow 输出借位 ,resolution to borrow 借款决定 ,borrow trouble 自寻烦恼,自找麻烦 ,borrow money 借款 ,borrow money on 押借 ,ability to borrow 借款能力,借债能力 ,borrow sth on ... 以…作抵押借某物 ,borrow area 取土面积,采料场 ,borrow cut 借土挖方 ,borrow digit 借位数 ,borrow v.[I,T]1.借,借进2.借入(款项);(向…)借贷3.引用,借用(思想、言语等),Borrow 博罗(姓氏)

borrow什么意思 borrow中文意思是什么

1、“borrow”的意思是:借;借用;从其他语言中引入。 2、读音:英[br]、美[bro];3、词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。 4、固定搭配:borrowfrom向??借 borrowmoney借钱;5、例句:Ive arranged that we can borrow their car。我已经跟他们说好了,可以借用他们的车。


1、“borrow”的意思是:借;借用;从其他语言中引入。 2、读音:英[br]、美[bro];3、词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。 4、固定搭配:borrowfrom向??借 borrowmoney借钱;5、例句:Ive arranged that we can borrow their car。我已经跟他们说好了,可以借用他们的车。

borrow什么意思 borrow中文意思是什么

1、“borrow”的意思是:借;借用;从其他语言中引入。 2、读音:英[br]、美[bro]; 3、词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。 4、固定搭配:borrowfrom向……借 borrowmoney借钱; 5、例句:Ive arranged that we can borrow their car。我已经跟他们说好了,可以借用他们的车。


作及物动词时意为“借;借用”。作不及物动词时意为“借;借用;从其他语言中引入”。作名词时意为“人名;(英)博罗”。1、读音:英[ˈbɒrəʊ]美[ˈbɔːroʊ] 。2、例句:He uses his house as security to borrow the money.他用房子作借钱的抵押。May I borrow your roller skates?我可以借你的旱冰鞋吗?3、用法:borrow的基本意思是“借”,指向某人或从某处借走某物(借用不能带走的东西一般用use)。引申可表示“将别人的东西当作自己的来使用,抄袭某事物”“某语言借用另一种语言的词语”。borrow可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。borrow不用于borrow sb sth结构,被借对象一般用from或of引出,后者更正式; 与on连用时,表示“以?抵押来借款”。borrow是非延续性动词,表示“借”这一行为时不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,但在表示借来以后使用的时间时却可以和表示一段时间的状语连用。扩展资料:近义词: lend1、意思:v.(动词)增添,添加,给...增加,增加(特色)借(给),把...借给,出借,借出n.(名词)贷款2、读音:英 [lend],美 [lend] 3、例句:Would you please lend me your pencil?请把铅笔借给我用用好吗?4、用法:lend的基本意思是“借出”,引申也可表示“提供”“帮助”“增添”等。可用作及物动词或不及物动词,用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。lend后可接反身代词,再接介词to,反身代词指人时,表示“欣然同意做某事或参与、合谋做某事”;反身代词指物时,表示“适合某种用途、活动等”。lend可用于被动结构。




“borrow”的意思是:借;借用;从其他语言中引入1、读音:英 [ˈbɒrəʊ]、美 [ˈbɔːroʊ] 2、词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。3、固定搭配:borrow from 向……借;borrow money 借钱4、例句:I"ve arranged that we can borrow their car。我已经跟他们说好了,可以借用他们的车。扩展资料:“borrow”的近义词介绍:loan1、读音:英 [ləʊn]、美 [loʊn] 2、表达意思:贷款;借款;借出3、固定搭配:on loan 借用;student loan 助学贷款4、例句:He was offered a $10,000 interest-free loan。他获得了一笔1万美元的无息贷款。



lend buy borrow每个各是什么意思




borrow和lend的区别 送给正在学英语的你

1、解释 2、固定搭配 3、固定搭配 4、用法 5、词组

borrow 啥意思 on borrow 又是啥意思

borrow[英][ˈbɒrəʊ][美][ˈbɑ:roʊ]vt.& vi.借入; 借钱,借用; [数]由上位借; 抄袭; n.借,借用; 担保物,抵押; [英史]什一税; on borrow对借


  borrow表示"借;借入;采用的意思,那么你知道borrow的 反义词 是什么吗?现在跟我一起学习关于borrow的英语知识吧。    borrow的反义词   lend 把…借给; 贷(款); 贡献,给予; 适于;    loan贷款; 借款; 借用;   borrow的词组习语   lend an ear   1. 倾听,洗耳恭听   撒马利坦热线电话倾听求助人们的声音。   the Samaritans lend their ears to those in crisis.   lend a hand (或 a helping hand)   lend one"s name to   1. 以名义支持   他以自己的名义和声望支持这项计划的组 织者。   he lent his name and prestige to the organizers of the project.   lend a helping hand   1. 有助于   on loan   1. (物)借来的,借出的   那幅画现在借给了泰特美术馆。   the painting is at present on loan to the Tate Gallery.   borrow的例句   1. Most people here cannot borrow from banks because they lack collateral.   由于拿不出东西作为抵押,这里大部分人无法从银行贷款。   2. Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property"s purchase price.   投资者可以获得与房产购买价格相等的借款额。   3. "Why don"t you borrow your sister"s car?" said Cassandra stiffly.   “你为什么不借用你姐姐的车呢?”卡桑德拉生硬地说道。   4. Can I borrow a pen please? .   我可以借支笔吗?   5. He wouldn"t let me borrow his clothes.   他不愿我借他的衣服。   6. Can I borrow your umbrella?   借你的伞用一下行吗?   7. Of course he would be ashamed to borrow often.   当然,常常向人借钱他自己也会惭愧的.   8. Is it okay with you if I borrow this book?   我借这本书你不在意吧?   9. You can borrow my exam notes, such as they are.   你可以借我的考试笔记去看, 虽然它们做得不是很好.   10. The axe go to the wood where it borrow its helve.   斧头伐木不畏缩,尽管斧柄木头做.   11. We can not borrow money during the present credIt"squeeze.   在银根紧的时候,我们借不出钱来.   12. She permitted me to borrow the book.   她允许我借那本书.   13. Can I borrow a pencil? — Yes, help yourself.   我能借用一支铅笔 吗 ?——可以, 自己拿吧.   14. She used to borrow money from her friends.   她常向她的朋友们借钱.   15. Can I borrow two books at a time?   我可以一次借两本书 吗 ?   borrow的英语 句子 带翻译   1. Will you lend me your jacket for a little while?   你能把上衣借给我穿一会儿吗?   2. Stipe attended yesterday"s news conference to lend his support.   斯蒂普出席了昨天的新闻发布会以示支持。   3. However you dress it up, a bank only exists to lend money.   无论你如何粉饰,银行就是为了放贷而生的。   4. I"d be glad to lend a hand.   我很乐意帮忙。   5. I"m skint! Lend us a tenner.   我一个子儿也没有了,借我们10英镑吧。   6. Can you lend me a fiver?   你能借我五英镑吗?   7. Can you lend me five quid?   你借给我五镑钱行吗?   8. The company will lend you money on very favourable terms.   这家公司将以非常优惠的条件借钱给你.   9. The company will lend you money on very unfavourable terms.   这家公司会以非常刻薄的条件借钱给你.   10. I know better than to lend him any money.   我知道不该把钱借给他.   11. If you lend him money, you can kiss it good - bye.   如果你借给他钱, 你就甭想他还你.   12. She took a vow never to lend money to anyone again.   她发誓绝不再借钱给别人.   13. Lend me a hand to shift this box, will you ?   来帮一下忙,把这箱子搬开, 好 吗 ?   14. I"m sorry, I can"t lend you anything — I don"t have a red cent.   很抱歉, 我不能借钱给你——我身无分文.   15. Her denials of this charge served merely to lend it credence.   她对这一指控的矢口否认,反倒更使人相信这一指控是真的.   borrow的例句带翻译   1. Now is the time to touch him for a loan.   现在是向他借笔钱的时候了。   2. The President is also expected to request a rescheduling of loan repayments.   预计总统还会要求延长借款偿还期限。   3. Frankly, Thomas, this question of your loan is beginning to worry me.   老实讲,托马斯,你贷款的问题开始让我担心了。   4. The survey claims loan companies prey on weak families already in debt.   这项调查声称信贷公司专对那些已经负债的弱势家庭下手。   5. He was declared bankrupt after failing to pay a £114m loan guarantee.   由于无力偿还1.14亿英镑的贷款担保,他被宣布破产。   6. He will sign a personal guarantee to additionally secure the loan.   他将签订一个个人担保,以此为贷款多加一层保障。   7. To the north are the hot springs of Banyas de Sant Loan.   北边是班亚斯德桑隆温泉。   8. He had offered the loan of his small villa at Cap Ferrat.   他愿意借出在费拉角的小别墅。   9. David Speedie, on loan from Southampton, scored his first goal for Birmingham.   从南安普敦转借来的戴维·斯皮迪为伯明翰进了他的第一球。   10. His image was tarnished by the savings and loan scandal.   他的形象因为那桩储蓄信贷丑闻而受损。   11. Someone with an income of $34,895 can afford this loan.   一个收入为34,895美元的人能负担得起这笔贷款。   12. The bank might think you"re worthy of a loan.   银行也许会认为你具备贷款的条件。   13. She"s on loan to us from the CIA.   她是从中央情报局借调给我们的。   14. A loan was arranged to refinance existing debt.   办理贷款以清偿现有债务。   15. Many loan application forms automatically add on insurance.   许多贷款申请表自动附加 保险 。 猜你喜欢: 1. close的反义词 2. cold的反义词 3. borrow的同义词和例句 4. borrow的反义词和例句 5. borrow的反义词 6. blunt的反义词


borrow 英[?b?r??] 美[?bɑ:ro?] vt. 借入; 借钱,借用; [数] 由上位借; 抄袭; n. 借,借用; 担保物,抵押; [英史] 什一税; [例句]Can I borrow a pen please? 我可以借支笔吗? [其他] 第三人称单数:borrows 现在分词:borrowing 过去式:borrowed过去分词:borrowed





“borrow”的现在分词为:borrowing读音:英 [ˈbɒrəʊɪŋ]、美 [ˈbɔːroʊɪŋ] 表达意思:借款;借用;借入;采用(borrow的ing形式)例句:We have allowed spending and borrowing to rise in this recession. 我们在这个经济衰退期允许增加支出和借款。“borrow”的过去式为:borrowed 读音:英 ["bɒrəʊd]、美 ["bɑro] 表达意思:借来的;虚构的;借;模仿;采用(borrow的过去分词)例句:I couldn"t afford to buy any, so I borrowed them from the library.我一本也买不起,所以从图书馆借了这些。扩展资料:“borrow”词语介绍:1、读音:英 [ˈbɒrəʊ]、美 [ˈbɔːroʊ] 2、表达意思:借;借用;从其他语言中引入;借;借用; (Borrow)人名;(英)博罗3、词性:通常在句中用作动词和名词。4、例句:It"s so expensive to borrow from finance companies.向金融公司借款费用真够高的。


borrow 借进来, borrow sth. from sb.lend 借出去, lend sth. to sb.

make buy borrow是什么意思中文翻译

make buy borrow 全部释义和例句>>作买借To make money, shortsellers borrow stocks then sell them, hoping to buy them back in the future at a cheaper price.为了获利,卖空者借入股票并卖出,寄望于在未来以更低的价格买回。


借 borrow ...from


borrow  和 lend 这两个词都有”借“的意思,但是又有很大的差别。  borrow :借进,借入,借入到说话者手里来。对于主语而言,把东西借到自己手里来。 lend :借出, 借的事物远离说话者而去。对于主语而言,东西是远离的


借,借进; 模仿,剽窃的意思。


borrow 表示的是从别人那里借来东西,即我们通常所说的“借进来”.We often borrow books from our school library.我们经常从学校图书馆借书.I borrowed this dictionary from my teacher.我从老师那儿借来了这本字典.borrow 是一个瞬间完成的动作,因此不能与时间段连用.keep 的意思也是“借”,但一般是指借来后的保存或使用阶段,是一段持续的时间,因此可以与时间段连用.You can keep my recorder for three days.我的录音机你可以借用三天.I have kept this book for only one week.这本书我才刚借了一星期.





lent borrow什么意思

lent是借出 borrow是借入borrow和lend均为及物动词,borrow指从某处借东西,lend则为把东西借给别人. 其词组搭配是: borrow…from…,lend…to… ①I borrowed a book from the library yesterday. ②I lent my bike to Tom.你放错位置了 这里是物理 不是英语



lend buy borrow每个各是什么意思



两者都可表示“借”,但是 borrow 指“借入”,而 lend 则指“借出”,两者其实是一对反义词,而不是同义词。如:Can I borrow your bike? 我可以借用你的自行车吗?He lent his dictionary to me. 他把字典借给我。 lend和borrow的区别 一、意思不同 1.lend意思:v. 借给dao; 借出; (向…zhuan)贷(款); 给…增加,增添(特色); 2.borrow意思:v. 借; 借用; 借入(款项); (向…)借贷; 引用,借用(思想、言语等); 二、用法不同 1.lend用法:表示动作或状态。 例句: Would you please lend me your pencil? 请把铅笔借给我用用好吗? 2.borrow用法:常用作谓语。 例句: He uses his house as security to borrow the money. 他用房子作借钱的抵押。 三、侧重点不同 1.lend侧重点:lend的借东西或者借钱指的是借出这个含义,失去东西。 2.borrow侧重点:borrow的借东西或者借钱指的是借入这个含义,收获东西。


borrow是借进,lend是借出borrow的含义是"借,借入"lend 的意思是"借出,把...借给"举个例子:I borrowed $50 from my friend yesterday.My friend lent me $50 yesterday.borrow是你从别人那里借来东西举个例子:Could you borrow me your computer? 能把你的电脑借我吗?lend是你把你自己所拥有的东西借给别人再举个例子:You lended your computer to me. 你把你的电脑借给了我.对你有帮助吗?I hope so!borrow是从别人那借东西,到自己手里。而lend是自己的东西借给别人。borrow是借入,lend是借出.borrow是指“借入” lend为“借出”e.g. He borrowed me RMB100 yesterday. I lent Jane RMB50lend是借给别人,borrow是向别人借。短语:lend sth. to sb. borrow sth from sb.

LEND 和 BORROW是什么意思呢?

borrow  和 lend 这两个词都有”借“的意思,但是又有很大的差别。  borrow :借进,借入,借入到说话者手里来。对于主语而言,把东西借到自己手里来。 lend :借出, 借的事物远离说话者而去。对于主语而言,东西是远离的


borrow  和 lend 这两个词都有”借“的意思,但是又有很大的差别。  borrow :借进,借入,借入到说话者手里来。对于主语而言,把东西借到自己手里来。 lend :借出, 借的事物远离说话者而去。对于主语而言,东西是远离的


  borrow英 [ˈbɒrəʊ] 美 [ˈbɑ:roʊ]  vt.借入; 借钱,借用; [数] 由上位借; 抄袭;  n.借,借用; 担保物,抵押; [英史] 什一税;  [网络]借; 借款; 借进;  [例句]Can I borrow a pen please?  我可以借支笔吗?  [其他]第三人称单数:borrows 现在分词:borrowing 过去式:borrowed 过去分词:borrowed 形近词: morrow sorrow burrow


borrow英 [ˈbɒrəʊ] 美 [ˈbɑ:roʊ] vt.& vi.借入;借钱,借用;[数]由上位借;抄袭n.借,借用;担保物,抵押;[英史]什一税词汇难度:高考 / CET4 / 考研第三人称单数: borrows 现在分词: borrowing 过去式: borrowed 过去分词: borrowed
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