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president与board of director是否有关联

关联应该不强,board of director专指企业的懂事长一职,而president更多的与行政职务有关,常见的是总统,大学校长。具体的解释如下:president:总统;国家主席 2. (大学)校长;会长; (机构、俱乐部、学院等的)负责人;院长;议长 3. 银行行长;总经理;董事长;总裁 4. (法院)庭长;(会议的)主席; 5. 首席官员;(政府机关等的)主管长官;(美国早期的)总督;州长;(墨西哥的)市长;镇长


Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romantic Only.万宝路香烟。

用英语回答:What is the difference between allegory and symbolism?

Allegory communicates its message by symbolic representation. Allegory is treated as a figure of rhetoric, but an allegory doesn"t have to be expressed in language, and is often found in painting, sculpture or representative art.A symbol is something such as an object, picture, written word, sound, or particular mark that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention.allegory starts by examining abstract ideas in a context that has a fixed one-to-one correspondence between the symbols and something in reality. It"s usually more than that, though. An allegory isn"t just a correspondence of subjects—​it"s a correspondence of the way those subjects interact, a complete system of congruities. Allegory retells the story of real things in a new context, exploring the implications of what they are. 比较长,但是都是我有的资料,你试着理解以下就OK了~


Symbol 象征sth. that represents sth. elsea person, object, or event that suggests more that its literal meaningnot hiddencannot be restricted to a single meaningsuggestive rather than definitiveliterary symbolstraditional, conventional, or public meanings,may be established internally by the total context of the work in which it appearscan be a setting,character,action,object,name,or anything else in a work that maintains its literal significance while suggesting other meaningsConventional symbols: symbols that are widely recognized by a society or culture. They"re used to reinforce meanings by writers.How to do with symbols?Keeping track of the total context of the story → decide whether the reading is reasonable and consistent with the other factsbe sensitive to the meanings that the author associates with people,places,objects & actions → a close reading of the story will allow us to see how & why the author constructs the symbolic meaning that way.Allegory 寓言a character, object, or incident which indicates a single, fixed meaningthe primary focus is on the abstract idea called forth by the concrete objectdefinitive rather than suggestiveMost modern writers prefer the exploratory nature of symbols to the reductive nature of pure allegory.



英语好的滑雪高手请进!Skiing 和snowboarding的区别是什么?中文中他们分别叫什么?



snowboard: 滑雪板


区别:bosom和breast均指人或动物的胸部,也指妇女的乳房;而chest则指颈部和腹部之间的部分,包括心、肺等,所指范围比bosom和breast大。chest一般不用于比喻;bosom和breast都可用作文学用词,前者指“胸怀”“心胸”,后者指“心”“心头”。词义:bosom:n.1) 胸,胸部,胸膛.2)胸怀,胸襟,内心,心胸.3)乳房breast:n.1)胸部,胸脯,胸膛,胸口,胸.2)胸怀.3)乳房.chest:n. 胸,胸部,胸腔,胸膛.扩展资料:bosom:1)n.(名词):内部,当中,中间,里面广阔表面,宽阔的表面亲密关系怀抱,怀衬衫胸部,女衣胸部2)adj.(形容词) :知心的,亲密的,知己的怀有(感情)的内心深处的3)v.(动词)怀抱,拥抱,搂抱把…藏在心中,把...藏起来抱有(希望),怀有隐匿,隐藏breast:1)n.(名词) :正面.伸出部分.营养的来源.心情,思想.腹.下侧,侧面.窗腰,窗下墙.炉胸.【矿】工作面.【船】中央系索.2) v.(动词) :挺胸面对,挺胸承担,慨然担起,坚定地面对.用胸推,以胸对着,挺胸从…中挤过,以胸部触(线),用胸部护(小鸟).抵抗,与…搏斗,毅然对抗,对付.挺进,逆...而进,冒着...前进,(奋勇)前进,冲过去.吮吸(奶头).登,爬,挤,登上...的顶部.chest:n.胸,胸部,胸腔,胸膛.箱子,盒子,柜,匣,容器.金库,银箱.公款,资金,基金.<美>五斗柜,衣柜.

breast chest bosom的区别是什么?

一、词性不同1、breast:名词:乳房,胸部;胸怀;心情。动词:以胸对着;与…搏斗。2、bosom:名词:胸;胸怀;中间;胸襟;内心;乳房;内部。动词:怀抱;把…藏在心中。形容词:知心的;亲密的。3、chest:名词:胸,胸部;衣柜;箱子;金库。二、侧重点不同1、breast:breast侧重于实指的人的胸部。2、bosom:bosom侧重于虚指的人的心胸。3、chest:chest侧重于指物体的中间部分。三、用法不同1、breast:作主语,被引用。The cock"s breast is tinged with chestnut.这只公鸡的胸脯带点栗色。2、bosom:作形容词,修饰宾语。They were bosom buddies. 他们曾是知心的伙伴。3、chest:作名词,被修饰。At the very middle of the chest were his carving tools.在储物箱的中部有他的雕刻工具。


chest是指整个胸部的范围, breast是特指胸部和胸部前面, 例如乳房, bosom是breast的文学法, 而bust是偏口语一点的说法。女性的乳房通常是:breast,比如母乳是:breast milk,男的一般不用这个词。chest 是胸膛和胸腔的意思 男女通用。其实口语里面用boops更多, 还有nipple和tits是奶头, 非常口语化, 有点不礼貌。拓展资料这些名词均含“胸,胸部”之意。breast指人或动物的胸部或胸部的前面,也指男人或女人的乳房。bosom文学用词,与breast同义,特指女性的乳房,也可用作比喻。chest指胸膛,即肋骨所包围的部分。

breast bosom chest区别是什么?

breast、bosom、chest区别为:词性不同、侧重点不同、用法不同。一、词性不同1、breast:名词:乳房,胸部;胸怀;心情。动词:以胸对着;与…搏斗。2、bosom:名词:胸;胸怀;中间;胸襟;内心;乳房;内部。动词:怀抱;把…藏在心中。形容词:知心的;亲密的。3、chest:名词:胸,胸部;衣柜;箱子;金库。二、侧重点不同1、breast:breast侧重于实指的人的胸部。2、bosom:bosom侧重于虚指的人的心胸。3、chest:chest侧重于指物体的中间部分。三、用法不同1、breast:作主语,被引用。The cock"s breast is tinged with chestnut.这只公鸡的胸脯带点栗色。2、bosom:作形容词,修饰宾语。They were bosom buddies. 他们曾是知心的伙伴。3、chest:作名词,被修饰。At the very middle of the chest were his carving tools.在储物箱的中部有他的雕刻工具。


chest是指整个胸部的范围, breast是特指胸部和胸部前面, 例如乳房, bosom是breast的文学法, 而bust是偏口语一点的说法。女性的乳房通常是:breast,比如母乳是:breast milk,男的一般不用这个词。chest 是胸膛和胸腔的意思 男女通用。其实口语里面用boops更多, 还有nipple和tits是奶头, 非常口语化, 有点不礼貌。

cvFindChessboardCorners 与 findChessboardCorners的区别

find chess board corners 全部释义和例句>>找棋盘角corner 英[ˈkɔ:nə(r)]美[ˈkɔ:rnə(r)]n. 拐角; 角落,角; 困境; [商] 囤积;vi. 驾车转弯; 聚于角落;vt. 垄断; 逼入困境;[例句]The man with the umbrella turned the corner again.拿伞的人又拐进了拐角处。[其他] 第三人称单数:corners 复数:corners 现在分词:cornering 过去式:cornered 过去分词:cornered 形近词: cornel sorner cornea




cv开头的函数都是C版本的,所以不会有vector之类C++ STL库里才有的东西。CvPoint2D32f* 确实是你要找角点的指针,不过要事先分配好空间,否则会出现内存非法访问:CvPoint2D32f* pCorners = new CvPoint2D32f[n];如果用C语言的话,需要用malloc函数 还可以使用cvFindChessBoradCornerGuesses函数


chessboard造句:He hit my nose with the chess board.他用棋盘打我的鼻子。32 dominoes can cover the whole chess board.32张骨牌能盖住整个棋盘。These are the two metals I used for the squares on the chess board.这是我为两个金属棋盘上使用的平方。Enter another novelty: the battlefield looks similar to a chess board.

c++ 中findchessboardcorners怎么用

代码修改一下就可以实现你需要的功能了。1.main函数中str的声明修改为 void str(string i, string j , string k);2.main函数中cout<<"按字母大小顺序排列为:"<< str(a,b,c) << endl;修改为cout<<"按字母大小顺序排列为:";3.str函数的实现修改一下返回类型为void函数体中的 return NULL; 去掉就可以了朋友,请【采纳答案】,您的采纳是我答题的动力,如果没有明白,请追问。谢谢。



bootstrap中的 form表单属性role="form"有什么作用?

html 里面的 role 本质上是增强语义性,当现有的HTML标签不能充分表达语义性的时候,就可以借助role来说明。通常这种情况出现在一些自定义的组件上,这样可增强组件的可访问性、可用性和可交互性。role的作用是描述一个非标准的tag的实际作用。比如用div做button,那么设置div 的 role=“button”,辅助工具就可以认出这实际上是个button比如,辅助工具就会知道,这个div实际上是个checkbox的角色,为选中状态。


01 到底有多 “草率” 呢—— 2015年, 高中女生 吉星月兴冲冲的对同学范丽娜道: “ 你不是想换手机吗? 这个选秀可以 白给 ,要不要?” 范丽娜非常感兴趣。 兴致勃勃的两个人,又一起说服了 同桌 王小蝶,还拉上了 前桌 和 后桌 …… 就这样,一个 “草率”的女团 成立了…… 中二、傻气。 阳光、朝气。 那会的她们,万万没想到,一个为了 “白拿”手机 而成立的女团, 真的会走远 。 而后面的她们更是经历了 一夜爆红、被P图、被群嘲、合约纠纷、拆团重组 等重重波折…… 现实版“逐梦演艺圈” 正在上演。 这个 另类女团 的 娱乐 圈沉浮,究竟是 “励志” ,还是 “丢人现眼” ? 02 2015年,安徽亳州举办了一个 女团选秀活动 。 主办方声明:拿了冠军的女团,每人可获得大 牌手机一个 。 就奔着这么个奖励,高中生吉星月“号召”了其他4个女生,组了个女团组合。 至于团名,有人说未来规划要 对标“TFboys” ,组合名就叫 “TFgirls” 。 还有人提议公主风一些,取名 “梦光紫水晶” 。 最后还是队长吉星月小手一挥,拍了板: “阳光一些,就叫 Sunshine 吧!” 五个人还给自己取了 “洋名” :Abby(吉星月) 、Cindy(范丽娜) 、Dora(王小蝶)、Nancy、Cheryl。 搞笑 的是,一开始范丽娜给自己取名叫“Candy”, 因为影楼打错成“Cindy” ,后来干脆将错就错…… 然而,兴冲冲来到比赛现场,却发现,地点是个 酒吧 。 感谢镌刻在中学生内心深处的 “好孩子不喝酒” 原则, Abby从内心认定这地方 不靠谱 ,便 打消了比赛的念头 。 但组合已经成立,Abby也不准备解散。 于是她们干脆“筹集了1000多块“巨款”, 在网上买了个歌曲《甜蜜具现式》 。 通过简易的录音棚录制完成后,上传到某音乐平台。 接着又找了家婚纱摄影店,给5个成员拍了 宣传照 。 没有粉丝?不要紧,自己买。 没有官微?更简单,自己建。 没有宣传?没关系,自己私信大V。 原本就是孩子的胡闹之举, Abby曾抱着侥幸心理 私信了一位大V ,希望得到宣传,但当时大V并没回复Abby。 可后来大V发现了这个“宝藏”女团,还试听了她们的“新曲”。 抱着 “不能我一个人瞎” 的心态,大V把sunshine的 宣传照 发到了网上。 原是想嘲讽一下,结果怎么都想不到,这条“辣眼睛”的微博竟然 火了 ! 短短一个星期之内, 相关话题阅读量超过一个亿 ,无数网友留言评价,原本无人问津的sunshine 官微暴涨粉丝20万 。 可遗憾的是,网友们几乎无一例外都在“ 骂 ”这5个女孩: “丑人多作怪”、“史上最丑女团”、“洗眼睛”、“凤姐第二” …… 还有很多网友加入P图大军,用夸张的手法把几个女孩修成“网红”…… 原本热度已经够高的了, 亳州农业频道 却还嫌不够。 借助“位置之便”,亳州农业频道的记者采访到了5个 “不知天高地厚” 的女孩—— 灯光昏暗的小房间里 ,几个女孩对着镜头一一做了介绍。 没有化妆,也没有做发型 ,灯光映衬的她们 皮肤暗黄 ,再加上 紧张的、不标准的普通话 ,别说观众了,恐怕连记者都忍不住想 嗤笑 她们。 而这期节目播出后,sunshine也被称为 “第一个在农业频道出道的女团” 。 03 即便已经火了一把,但没人觉得这个组合是 认真的 。 偏偏有人觑见了其中的 商机 ,认为这个组合 “奇货可居” —— 2016年,一个自称捧红过庞麦郎的经纪人 杰斌 找上门。 还称要签约sunshine组合。 突如其来的合约摆在队长Abby面前,让她有些 不知所措 。 没等Abby反应过来,杰斌却已 “半强迫” 的接管了sunshine的工作—— 他以加V为理由,问Abby 要来了官微的密码 ,并且将身份认证改成自己的。 在还没签约的情况下,杰斌已经开始对外宣称,sunshine的所有商务活动 必须经由他手 。 为了打消Abby等人的犹豫,杰斌告诉女孩们和她们的家长,会带她们到大城市, 学习专业的声乐、舞蹈,并花重金对她们进行包装。 最后,五个女孩中,只有Abby 、Cindy 以及Dora三人吃了这个 “饼” ,跟着杰斌来到北京。 到了北京以后三个女孩才发现,杰斌口中的“大公司”其实 什么都没有 。 连地都是 刚租下来的 。 杰斌承诺的 “韩国练习生般魔鬼练习” ,没有实现。 所谓的“舞蹈老师”,就是 杰斌的女朋友 。 大多数时间,女孩们都 躺在宿舍 等待录歌。 她们的 行动也受到限制 ,下楼买个饼也得报备。 更让3个女孩难以理解的是,杰斌的公司 晚上会变成酒吧 ,有时候还会让她们帮着 推销酒水 …… 虽然在北京的一年,三人也接了十几场商业活动,有直播、代言、电影主题曲等。 但最终到她们手中的收入, 只有一万多元 。 公司从不帮助三个女孩清理网上的恶评,圆脸的Cindy,被骂的最惨。 最终,矛盾爆发。 女孩要求解约,闹上法庭。 一场官司下来, 三个女孩自由了 。 但组合中没来北京的Nancy、Cheryl, 却站在了杰斌的阵营 。 杰斌又在网上 招募了三个女孩 ,填补了这个空缺, 组成新sunshine 。 说来讽刺,“sunshine”的组合名,还是 Abby定下来的 。 可如今,她却被 踢出组合 。 不服气的三人签约了新经济公司,并起了 “3unshine” 这个的名字,再出发。 04 这是 “新sunshine”组合 对Abby 、Cindy 、Dora三人的嘲讽。 而网友们呢? 骂的更难听了。 “这颜值要能火,明天我喊隔壁大娘组团出道。” “‘国内最丑女团",目的是要荼毒我的视网膜吗?” “出丑、卖丑、炒作,这样的女团能火,我直播吃翔。” 网上骂声一片,有人却瞅中了她们的话题与热度。 2018年, 鹅厂《创造101》 节目邀请3unshine成员参加。 据说鹅厂前后邀请了她们 7次 ,都被3unshine拒绝了。 直到有人承诺她们说,不但可以见到偶像蔡依林,而且还会 保证她们多留几轮 ,给够出镜机会,3unshine才决定参加。 果然,当3人站在一群身材容貌俱佳、各公司精心选送的美少女当中时,立刻 引爆话题 。 当然,依旧是 恶评如潮 。 而鹅厂着实是把“流量密码”玩的明明白白,3unshine第一次正式登场,被安排的是 素颜 。 表演的节目从 精心准备一个月的《朵蜜》 ,临时变更为《小青龙》。 舞台效果大打折扣。 原本承诺会让3unshine多留几轮,实际却在 第二期 就将Cindy和Dora两位成员淘汰。 留下的Abby觉得毫无意义,也选择了退赛。 节目收割了流量,3unshine收割了骂名。 一切仿佛是那么的 理所当然 。 没有人在乎她们的去留,但又会发泄般的对她们嘲讽。 而嘲讽的“核心”,有两个—— 颜值 不在主流审美之内、实力糟糕辣眼睛。 Cindy,阔鼻、小眼、大饼脸。 Dora,干瘦、长脸、小眯眼。 实力 更糟糕的是,成员之一的Dora还 五音不全 …… 很多人也感到奇怪: 这个组合颜值不高、成团草率, 折腾了这么多年,怎么还没垮? 05 出乎所有人意料的是: 3unshine不但没垮,反而“起”来了! 2017年的时候,3unshine推出的组合单曲 《朵蜜》 ,就掀起不小的水花。 《朵蜜》名字出自 《舞法天女》 ,是“朵蜜天女”的咒语。 电视台词 “让我来朵蜜你吧” ,也被网友们恶搞成 “让我来辣眼睛吧”。 3unshine的制作人特意选择这个名字,就是要 迎难而上 ,用 自我嘲讽 的方式,彰显三个女孩的内心力量。 而这首歌本身的编曲也很出众,制作方面很明显是下了心思的。 在 妆造方面 ,3unshine也开始让人感到惊喜。 公司针对三个人的 特点 进行打造。 Abby最简单,她本身条件不算很差,只要妆发做好,就很亮眼。 而且她气质清冷,很适合暗黑朋克风。 Cindy是在颜值上被嘲笑就严重的,但她本身带着一种自信与强大气场。 公司将她的 “大饼脸” 打造成特点,而她也凭借这独特的气质,被称为 “C皇” 。 Dora综合实力最差,但身材高挑、面容消瘦,颇有些 超模 的味道。 尤其神奇的是,Dora五音不全,声音却有着奇特的 电音效果 。 她也被戏称为 “电音歌姬lady d” 。 学习声乐、疯狂练舞。 很快,Cindy用单曲 《不正确的审美》 ,正式回应所有对她容貌上的抨击。 《拜托!别黑我!》 ,喊出三个人共同的心声。 《你姐》 颇有些蔡依林神曲《我play》的 xi脑 意味。 除了作品不断,三人还举办了 线下演唱会 。 出乎意料的是,演唱会门票卖得不错。 还有很多 “真爱粉” 到场支持,现场气氛非常火爆。 以前总觉得她们是一群小孩在胡闹。 现在觉得,3unshine勇敢追梦、努力提升的样子,真的很棒。 06 其实在很长一段时间,3unshine组合被大家 妖魔化 了。 这三个姑娘有什么罪? 要承受全网发泄般的嘲讽? 说白了,很多人是 将现实生活中的不如意,转嫁到无辜的女孩身上 。 更有甚至, 自己没有勇气追求梦想,偏偏要嘲笑敢于寻梦的人 。 至于3unshine的歌曲。 有人说好听,有人却觉得 “听之欲吐” 。 但我想说的是: 每个人都有自己的品味和喜爱。 对于3unshine的歌曲,你可以觉得好听而反复听,也可以觉得难听不去听。 但,真的没必要用辱骂嘲笑的方式, 质疑别人的品味 。 这样并不会显得自己很高级。 至于3unshine这个“另类女团”的存在,你可以选择 喜欢并支持 ,更可以选择 讨厌与无视 。 但请少一些 恶意 的嘲讽,多一些 善意 的包容。 因为这三个普通的女孩。 有我们许多人没有的 勇敢与执行力。 就凭这一点,她们值得尊重!



迈克尔杰克逊 They don"t really care about us歌词

上百度查,不是They don"t really care about us而是They don"t care about us

They Dont Care About Us中文注释歌词

skin head 人面兽心 dead head 行尸走肉 everybody 所有人 gone bad 变坏 situation 见风使舵 speculation 投机倒把 everybody 所有人 allegation 起诉 in the suite 在庭上 on the news 新闻里 everybody 所有人 dog food 一文不值 Bang bang 嗙嗙 shock dead 吓死 Everybody"s 所有人 gone mad 愤怒了 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 beat me 打击我 hate me 憎恨我 you can never 你永远无法 break me 击垮我 will me 利诱我 thrill me 威胁我 you can never 你永远无法 kill me 杀死我 jew me 我是犹太人 sue me 你就要告我 everybody 一个不剩 do me 都想整我 kick me 踢我 kike me 我是犹太人 don"t you black or white me 你颠倒是非黑白 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 tell me what has become of my life 告诉我我的生活变成了什么 i have a wife and two children who love me 我有个爱着我的妻子和两个孩子 i"m a victim of police brutality, now 我现在是个警察暴力的受害者了 i"m tired of bein" the victim of hate, 我已厌倦作为厌恶的受害者 your rapin" me of my pride 你在掠夺我的自豪 oh for god"s sake 噢 究竟为了什么 i look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy... 我这是想把人间变为天堂…… set me free 放过我 skin head 人面兽心 dead head 行尸走肉 everybody 所有人 gone bad 变坏了 trepidation 恐慌 speculation 投机 everybody 所有人 allegation 指控 in the suite 在庭上 on the news 新闻里 everybody 所有人 dog food 一文不值 black man 小人 black mail 告密 throw the brother 患难同胞 in jail 投入监狱 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 tell me what has become of my rights 告诉我什么是我的权力 am i invisible "cause you ignore me? 你对我视而不见我就不存在了吗? your proclamation promised me free liberty, now. 你曾向我承诺自由 i"m tired of bein" the victim of shame 我已厌倦成为阴谋的受害者 they"re throwin" me in a class with a bad name 他们把对我进行肆意的毁谤 i can"t believe this is the land from which i came 我无法相信这就是养育我的那片土地 you know i really do hate to say it 你知道我真的不想这么说 the government don"t wanna see 政府也不想看到这 but it Roosevelt was livin", he wouldn"t let this be, no no. 但罗斯福活着,他绝不会让这一切发生,不,不 skin head 人面兽心 dead head 行尸走肉 everybody 所有人 gone bad 变坏了 situation 见风使舵 speculation 投机倒把 everybody 所有人 litigation 互相告 beat me 打击我 bash me 怒殴我 you can never 你永远无法 trash me 击废我 hit me 袭击我 kick me 践踏我 you can never 你永远无法 get me 打垮我 some things in life they just don"t wanna see 生命中有些事是他们不想看到的 but if Martin Luther was livin" 但如果马丁路德金活着的话 he wouldn"t let this be 他绝不会允许它发生 skinhead 人面兽心 deadhead 行尸走肉 everybody 每一个人 gone bad 变坏 situation 见风使舵 segregation 种族隔离 allegation 告来告去 everybody 所有人 litigation 都来起诉 in the suite 在公堂上 on the news 在新闻里 everybody 所有人 dog food 分文不值 kick me 绊倒我 kike me 毁谤我 don"t you wrong or right me 你指手画脚 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 (注: 1. “Jew me、Kick me”:皆为“我是犹太人”之意;本曲最大的争议,几乎遭禁 2. “skin head”:本意--英国“光头党”,一群奉行白人至上主义的光头年轻人 3. “Deadhead”:本意--庸人、蠢人)

求 迈克杰克逊 THEY DON"T CARE ABOUT US 监狱版的英文歌词

Written and Composed by Michael Jackson MJJ Productions Inc. Skinhead, Deadhead, Everybody, Gone bad Situation, Aggravation, Everybody, Allegation In the suite, On the news Everybody Bang bang Shock dead, Everybody"s Gone mad All I wanna say is that they don"t really care about us All I wanna say is that they don"t really care about us Beat me, Hate me, You can never Break me Will me, thrill me, you can never kill me Jew me, sue me, everybody do me, kick me Don"t you Black or white me All I wanna say is that they don"t really care about us All I wanna say is that they don"t really care about us Tell me what has b.e of my life I have a wife and two children who love me I am the victim of police brutality, now I"m tired of bein" the victim of hate, Your rapin" me of my pride Oh for God"s sake I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy... Set me free Skinhead, Deadhead, Everybody, Gone bad Situation, Aggravation, Everybody, Allegation In the suite, On the news Everybody, Dog food Black man, black mail, throw the brother in jail All I wanna say is that they don"t really care about us All I wanna say is that they don"t really care about us Tell me what has b.e of my rights Am I invisible "cause you ignore me? Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now I"m tired of bein" the victim of shame They"re throwin" me in a class with a bad name I can"t believe this is the land from witch I came You know I really do hate to say it The government don"t wanna see But if roosevelt was livin", he wouldn"t let this be, no no Skinhead, Deadhead, Everybody, Gone bad Situation, speculation, Everybody, litigation Beat me, bash me, you can never trash me hit me, kick me , you can never get me All I wanna say is that they don"t really care about us All I wanna say is that they don"t really care about us Some things in life they just don"t wanna see But if Martin Luther was livin" He wouldn"t let this be Skinhead, Deadhead, Everybody, Gone bad Situation, Aggravation, Everybody, Allegation In the suite, On the news Everybody, Dog food Kick me, kike me, don"t you wrong or right me All I wanna say is that they don"t really care about us All I wanna say is that they don"t really care about us All I wanna say is that they don"t really care about us All I wanna say is that they don"t really care about us All I wanna say is that they don"t really care about us All I wanna say is that they don"t really care about us


they Don"t Care About Us 他们不在乎我们skin head 人面兽心dead head 行尸走肉everybody 所有人gone bad 变坏situation 见风使舵speculation 投机倒把everybody 所有人allegation 起诉in the suite 在庭上on the news 新闻里everybody 所有人dog food 一文不值Bang bang 嗙嗙shock dead 吓死Everybody"s 所有人gone mad 愤怒了all i wanna say is that 我只是想说they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们all i wanna say is that 我只是想说they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们beat me 打击我hate me 憎恨我you can never 你永远无法break me 击垮我will me 利诱我thrill me 威胁我you can never 你永远无法kill me 杀死我jew me 我是犹太人sue me 你就要告我everybody 一个不剩do me 都想整我kick me 踢我kike me 我是犹太人don"t you black or white me 你颠倒是非黑白all i wanna say is that 我只是想说they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们all i wanna say is that 我只是想说they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们tell me what has become of my life 告诉我我的生活变成了什么i have a wife and two children who love me 我有个爱着我的妻子和两个孩子i"m a victim of police brutality, now 我现在是个警察暴力的受害者了i"m tired of bein" the victim of hate, 我已厌倦作为厌恶的受害者your rapin" me of my pride 你在掠夺我的自豪oh for god"s sake 噢 究竟为了什么i look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy... 我这是想把人间变为天堂……set me free 放过我skin head 人面兽心dead head 行尸走肉everybody 所有人gone bad 变坏了trepidation 恐慌speculation 投机everybody 所有人allegation 指控in the suite 在庭上on the news 新闻里everybody 所有人dog food 一文不值black man 小人black mail 告密throw the brother 患难同胞in jail 投入监狱all i wanna say is that 我只是想说they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们all i wanna say is that 我只是想说they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们tell me what has become of my rights 告诉我什么是我的权力am i invisible "cause you ignore me? 你对我视而不见我就不存在了吗?your proclamation promised me free liberty, now. 你曾向我承诺自由i"m tired of bein" the victim of shame 我已厌倦成为阴谋的受害者they"re throwin" me in a class with a bad name 他们把对我进行肆意的毁谤i can"t believe this is the land from which i came我无法相信这就是养育我的那片土地you know i really do hate to say it 你知道我真的不想这么说the government don"t wanna see 政府也不想看到这but it Roosevelt was livin", he wouldn"t let this be, no no.但罗斯福活着,他绝不会让这一切发生,不,不skin head 人面兽心dead head 行尸走肉everybody 所有人gone bad 变坏了situation 见风使舵speculation 投机倒把everybody 所有人litigation 互相告beat me 打击我bash me 怒殴我you can never 你永远无法trash me 击废我hit me 袭击我kick me 践踏我you can never 你永远无法get me 打垮我some things in life they just don"t wanna see 生命中有些事是他们不想看到的but if Martin Luther was livin" 但如果马丁路德金活着的话he wouldn"t let this be 他绝不会允许它发生skinhead 人面兽心deadhead 行尸走肉everybody 每一个人gone bad 变坏situation 见风使舵segregation 种族隔离allegation 告来告去everybody 所有人litigation 都来起诉in the suite 在公堂上on the news 在新闻里everybody 所有人dog food 分文不值kick me 绊倒我kike me 毁谤我don"t you wrong or right me 你指手画脚all i wanna say is that 我只是想说they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们all i wanna say is that 我只是想说they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们all i wanna say is that 我只是想说they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们all i wanna say is that 我只是想说they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们(注: 1. “Jew me、Kick me”:皆为“我是犹太人”之意;本曲最大的争议,几乎遭禁2. “skin head”:本意--英国“光头党”,一群奉行白人至上主义的光头年轻人3. “Deadhead”:本意--庸人、蠢人)

有首歌词是they dont really care about us的英文歌是什么

MJ的they don"t care about us

迈克.杰克逊They Don´t Care About Us的歌词

Skin head, dead head Everybody gone bad Situation, aggravation Everybody allegation In the suite, on the news Everybody dog food Bang bang, shock dead Everybody´s gone mad All I wanna say is that They don´t really care about us All I wanna say is that They don´t really care about us Beat me, hate me You can never break me Will me, thrill me You can never kill me Do me, Sue me Everybody do me Kick me, strike me Don´t you black or white me All I wanna say is that They don´t really care about us All I wanna say is that They don´t really care about us Tell me what has become of my life I have a wife and two children who love me I am the victim of police brutality, now I´m tired of bein´ the victim of hate You´re rapin´ me of my pride Oh, for God´s sake I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy... Set me free Skin head, dead head Everybody gone bad trepidation, speculation Everybody allegation In the suite, on the news Everybody dog food black man, black mail Throw your brother in jail All I wanna say is that They don´t really care about us All I wanna say is that They don´t really care about us Tell me what has become of my rights Am I invisible because you ignore me? Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now I´m tired of bein´ the victim of shame They´re throwing me in a class with a bad name I can´t believe this is the land from which I came You know I do really hate to say it The government don´t wanna see But if Roosevelt was livin´ He wouldn´t let this be, no, no Skin head, dead head Everybody gone bad Situation, speculation Everybody litigation Beat me, bash me You can never trash me Hit me, kick me You can never get me All I wanna say is that They don´t really care about us All I wanna say is that They don´t really care about us Some things in life they just don´t wanna see But if Martin Luther was livin´ He wouldn´t let this be Skin head, dead head Everybody gone bad Situation, segregation Everybody allegation In the suite, on the news Everybody dog food Kick me, strike me Don´t you wrong or right me All I wanna say is that They don´t really care about us All I wanna say is that They don´t really care about us All I wanna say is that They don´t really care about us All I wanna say is that They don´t really care about us All I wanna say is that They don´t really care about us All I wanna say is that They don´t really care about us



迈克尔杰克逊They Dont Care About Us中文歌词


They don"t care about us——迈克尔·杰克逊歌词求翻译

  skin head 人面兽心  dead head 行尸走肉  everybody 所有人  gone bad 变坏  situation 见风使舵  speculation 投机倒把  everybody 所有人  allegation 起诉  in the suite 在庭上  on the news 新闻里  everybody 所有人  dog food 一文不值  Bang bang 嗙嗙  shock dead 吓死  Everybody"s 所有人  gone mad 愤怒了  all i wanna say is that 我只是想说  they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们  all i wanna say is that 我只是想说  they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们  beat me 打击我  hate me 憎恨我  you can never 你永远无法  break me 击垮我  will me 利诱我  thrill me 威胁我  you can never 你永远无法  kill me 杀死我  jew me 歧视我(直译说我犹太人)  sue me 污蔑我(直译告我)  everybody 所有人  do me 都想整我  kick me 踢我  kike me 歧视我(说我犹太人)  don"t you black or white me 你颠倒是非黑白  all i wanna say is that 我只是想说  they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们  all i wanna say is that 我只是想说  they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们  and tell me what has become of my life 告诉我我的生活变成了什么  i have a wife and two children who love me 原本我有个爱着我的妻子和两个孩子  i"m a victim of police brutality, now 而现在我是个警察暴力的受害者了  i"m tired of bein" the victim of hate, 我已厌倦作为厌恶的受害者  your rapin" me of my pride 你在掠夺我的自豪  oh for god"s sake 噢 究竟为了什么  i look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy... 我这是想把人间变为天堂……  set me free 放过我  skin head 人面兽心  dead head 行尸走肉  everybody 所有人  gone bad 变坏了  trepidation 恐慌  speculation 投机  everybody 所有人  allegation 指控  in the suite 在庭上  on the news 新闻里  everybody 所有人  dog food 一文不值  black man 小人  black mail 告密  throw the brother 将兄弟  in jail 投入监狱  all i wanna say is that 我只是想说  they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们  all i wanna say is that 我只是想说  they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们  and tell me what has become of my rights 告诉我什么是我的权力  am i invisible "cause you ignore me? 你对我视而不见我就不存在了吗?  your proclamation promised me free liberty, now. 你曾向我承诺自由  i"m tired of bein" the victim of shame 我已厌倦成为阴谋的受害者  they"re throwin" me in a class with a bad name 他们把对我进行肆意的毁谤  i can"t believe this is the land from witch i came  我无法相信这就是养育我的那片土地  you know i really do hate to say it 你知道我真的不想这么说  the government don"t wanna see 政府也不想看到这  but if Roosevelt was livin", he wouldn"t let this be, no no.  但如果罗斯福活着,他绝不会让这一切发生,不,不  skin head 人面兽心  dead head 行尸走肉  everybody 所有人  gone bad 变坏了  situation 见风使舵  speculation 投机倒把  everybody 所有人  litigation 互相诉讼(直译互相告)  beat me 打击我  bash me 痛殴我  you can never 你永远无法  trash me 击废我  hit me 袭击我  kick me 践踏我  you can never 你永远无法  get me 打垮我  all i wanna say is that 我只是想说  they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们  all i wanna say is that 我只是想说  they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们  some things in life they just don"t wanna see 生命中有些事是他们不想看到的  but if Martin Luther was livin" 但如果马丁路德活着的话  he wouldn"t let this be, no no. 他绝不会允许它发生,不,不  skinhead 人面兽心  deadhead 行尸走肉  everybody 每一个人  gone bad 变坏  situation 见风使舵  segregation 种族隔离  everybody 所有人  allegation 告来告去  in the suite 在公堂上  on the news 在新闻里  everybody 所有人  dog food 分文不值  kick me 绊倒我  kike me 毁谤我  don"t you wrong or right me 别对我指手画脚  all i wanna say is that 我只是想说  they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们  all i wanna say is that 我只是想说  they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们  all i wanna say is that 我只是想说  they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们  all i wanna say is that 我只是想说  they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们  all i wanna say is that 我只是想说  they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们  all i wanna say is that 我只是想说  they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们

迈克尔杰克逊的 They don"t care about us 歌词

skinhead, deadhead, everybody, gone badsituation, aggravation, everybody, allegationin the suite, on the news everybody bang bangshock dead, everybody"s gone madall i wanna say is that they don"t really care about usall i wanna say is that they don"t really care about usbeat me, hate me, you can never break mewill me, thrill me, you can never kill mejew me, sue me, everybody do me, kick medon"t you black or white meall i wanna say is that they don"t really care about usall i wanna say is that they don"t really care about ustell me what has become of my lifei have a wife and two children who love mei am the victim of police brutality, nowi"m tired of bein" the victim of hate,your rapin" me of my prideoh for god"s sakei look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...set me freeskinhead, deadhead, everybody, gone badsituation, aggravation, everybody, allegationin the suite, on the news everybody, dog foodblack man, black mail, throw the brother in jailall i wanna say is that they don"t really care about usall i wanna say is that they don"t really care about ustell me what has become of my rightsam i invisible "cause you ignore me?your proclamation promised me free liberty, nowi"m tired of bein" the victim of shamethey"re throwin" me in a class with a bad namei can"t believe this is the land from witch i cameyou know i really do hate to say itthe government don"t wanna seebut if roosevelt was livin", he wouldn"t let this be, no noskinhead, deadhead, everybody, gone badsituation, speculation, everybody, litigationbeat me, bash me, you can never trash mehit me, kick me , you can never get meall i wanna say is that they don"t really care about usall i wanna say is that they don"t really care about ussome things in life they just don"t wanna seebut if martin luther was livin"he wouldn"t let this beskinhead, deadhead, everybody, gone badsituation, aggravation, everybody, allegationin the suite, on the news everybody, dog foodkick me, kike me, don"t you wrong or right meall i wanna say is that they don"t really care about usall i wanna say is that they don"t really care about usall i wanna say is that they don"t really care about usall i wanna say is that they don"t really care about usall i wanna say is that they don"t really care about usall i wanna say is that they don"t really care about us

迈克尔杰克逊那首《They donnt care about us》的歌词

"Album: History Continues""Lyric edited by: Philip Huang"Skinhead Dead headEverybody Gone badSituation AggravationEverybody AllegationIn the suite On the newsEverybody Dog foodBang bang Shock deadEverybody"s Gone madAll I wanna say is thatThey don"t really care about usAll I wanna say is thatThey don"t really care about usBeat me Hate meYou can never Break meWill me Thrill meYou can never Kill meJew/Chew/Sue me Sue meEverybody Do meKick me Kike/hate/kick meDon"t you Black or white meAll I wanna say is thatThey don"t really care about usAll I wanna say is thatThey don"t really care about usTell me what has become of my lifeI have a wife and two children who love meI am the victim of police brutality" nowI"m tired of bein" the victim of hateYour rapin" me of my pride Oh for God"s sakeI look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...Set me freeSkinhead Dead headEverybody Gone badTrepidation SpeculationEverybody AllegationIn the suite On the newsEverybody Dog foodBlack man Black mailThrow the brother In jailAll I wanna say is thatThey don"t really care about usAll I wanna say is thatThey don"t really care about usTell me what has become of my rightsAm I invisible "cause you ignore me?Your proclamation promised me free liberty" now.I"m tired of bein" the victim of shameThey"re throwin" me in a class with a bad nameI can"t believe this is the land from which I cameYou know I really do hate to say itThe government don"t wanna seeBut if Roosevelt was livin"he wouldn"t let this be" no no.Skinhead Dead headEverybody Gone badTrepidation SpeculationSituation SpeculationEverybody LilligationBeat me Bash meYou can never Trash meHick me Kick meYou can never Get meAll I wanna say is thatThey don"t really care about usAll I wanna say is thatThey don"t really care about usGuitar solo...Some things in life they just don"t wanna seeBut if Martin Luther was livin"He wouldn"t let this be" no no...Skinhead Dead headEverybody Gone badSituation SegregationEverybody AllegationIn the suite On the newsEverybody Dog foodKick me Kike/hate/kick meDon"t you Wrong or right meAll I wanna say is thatThey don"t really care about us(With deep in the fire)All I wanna say is thatThey don"t really care about us(Until you remind new)All I wanna say is thatThey don"t really care about us(Don"t you slip back"that fucks" stupid it)All I wanna say is thatThey don"t really care about usAll I wanna say is thatThey don"t really care about usAll I wanna say is thatThey don"t really care about usending....

They Don"t Care About Us的曲目歌词

(由AtamanCossack于2009年依据巴西版mtv原文翻译)Skin head, dead head光头党,骷髅党 (译者:dead head是口头语,死人脑袋,代指欧美一些以骷髅为图腾的种族主义组织)Everybody gone bad没有一个好东西Situation, aggravation见风使舵,投机取巧Everybody allegation个个都在无端指控In the suit, on the news诉讼中,新闻里Everybody dog food充斥着无耻滥言 (译者:dog food直译狗食,意指谎话、瞎话、废话)Bang bang, shot dead乒乒乓乓,枪击身亡Everybody gone mad人们尽皆陷入疯狂All I wanna say is that我要说的就是 (译者:wanna译为“要”,而不是“想”。“要”不仅有心里的想法,而且即将去付诸实施;而“想”只是心理活动,却不一定去实施。两者含义天差地别。)They don"t really care about us没人真正在乎我们All I wanna say is that我要说的就是They don"t really care about us没人真正在乎我们Beat me, hate me打击我,仇视我You can never break me你永远别想打垮我Will me, thrill me利诱我,恐吓我You can never kill me你永远别想除掉我Jew me, Sue me诽谤我,诬告我 (译者:Jew犹太人。这里意为像对待犹太人那样对待我,如诽谤、侮辱等)Everybody do me个个都想来整我kick me,kike me践踏我,侮辱我 (译者:kike对犹太人的蔑称。意为像侮辱犹太人那样侮辱我。)Don"t you black or white me你也休想颠倒我的是非All I wanna say is that我要说的就是They don"t really care about us没人真正在乎我们All I wanna say is that我要说的就是They don"t really care about us没人真正在乎我们Tell me what has become of my life告诉我,我的生活是怎么了I have a wife and two children who love me我有爱我的妻子和2个孩子I am the victim of police brutality, now现 在却是警察滥权的受害者I"m tired of bein" the victim of hate我受够了当仇恨的牺牲品You"re rapin" me of my pride你要毁掉我的自尊Oh, for God"s sake噢,看在上帝的份上I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...我企求上天实现神对人的承诺Set me free给我自由Skin head, dead head光头党,骷髅党Everybody gone bad没有一个好东西trepidation, speculation惶恐不安,炒作渲染Everybody allegation个个都在无端指控In the suit, on the news诉讼中,新闻里Everybody dog food充斥着无耻滥言black man, black mail告密者,勒索信 (译者:black man 不是“黑人”,而是暗箭伤人的专门词。black mail不是“黑邮件”,而是敲诈的专门词)Throw the brother in jail把我的兄弟,投进监狱All I wanna say is that我要说的就是They don"t really care about us没人真正在乎我们All I wanna say is that我要说的就是They don"t really care about us没人真正在乎我们Tell me what has become of my rights告诉我,我的权利是怎么了Am I invisible because you ignore me?你故意忽视我,我就不存在了吗?Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now你公开许诺过现 在就给我解放和自由I"m tired of bein" the victim of shame我受够了成为丑闻中的牺牲品.They"re throwing me in a class with a bad name他们给我扣上臭名昭著的帽子 (译者:这句话其它译本均译得很不理想,如“扔进坏名字的阶级”。既没体会原意,也没有翻译出来中文美感)I can"t believe this is the land from which I came我不敢相信,这就是那生我养我的地方You know I do really hate to say it你知道,我真的讨厌说这些话The government don"t wanna see政府是不想看到这些But if Roosevelt was livin"但要是罗斯福还活着He wouldn"t let this be, no, no他不会容忍这一切。绝不!绝不!Skin head, dead head光头党,骷髅党Everybody gone bad没有一个好东西Situation, speculation见风使舵,投机取巧Everybody litigation个个都要诉讼控告Beat me, bash me打击我,攻击我You can never trash me你永远别想吓倒我 (译者:trash按歌的意境译为吓倒)Hit me, kick me迫害我,践踏我You can never get me你永远别想碰到我All I wanna say is that我要说的就是They don"t really care about us没人真正在乎我们All I wanna say is that我要说的就是They don"t really care about us没人真正在乎我们Some things in life they just don"t wanna see现实中的一些事,他们是不想看到But if Martin Luther was livin"但要是马丁路德金还活着He wouldn"t let this be, no, no他不会容忍这一切,绝不!绝不!Skin head, dead head光头党,骷髅党Everybody gone bad没有一个好东西trepidation, segregation见风使舵,种族隔离Everybody allegation个个都在无端指控In the suit, on the news诉讼中,新闻里Everybody dog food充斥着无耻滥言Kick me, kike me践踏我,侮辱我Don"t you wrong or right me你休想评价我的对错All I wanna say is that我要说的就是They don"t really care about us没人真正在乎我们(with deeply in fire)(水深火热)(译者:在巴西版mtv中,这句话由迈克尔杰克逊在歌的中间喊出。keep me on fire,“放在火上烤”意为折磨。with deeply in fire出现在歌曲与监狱版本中。)All I wanna say is that我要说的就是They don"t really care about us没人真正在乎我们(I"m here to remind you)(我到这来就是为了提醒你们)All I wanna say is that我要说的就是They don"t really care about us没人真正在乎我们All I wanna say is that我要说的就是They don"t really care about us没人真正在乎我们All I really wanna say is that我唯一要说的就是They don"t really care about us没人真正在乎我们All I really wanna say is that我唯一要说的就是They don"t really care about us没人真正在乎我们(注:根据美国生活经验翻译,基本准确。MJ并不是种族主义者,反对种族歧视并不是目的,看监狱版MV也知道,他是为人权在呐喊,揭露社会弊病希望引起社会关注)迈克尔杰克逊关于这首歌对公众的回应,The idea that these lyrics could be deemed objectionable is extremely hurtful to me, and misleading. The song in fact is about the pain of prejudice and hate and is a way to draw attention to social and political problems. I am the voice of the accused and the attacked. I am the voice of everyone. I am the skinhead, I am the Jew, I am the black man, I am the white man. I am not the one who was attacking. It is about the injustices to young people and how the system can wrongfully accuse them. I am angry and outraged that I could be so misinterpreted——————————————————————————————————————————————以下,是其他人在本译文基础上修改过的版本,可以对照比较:skinhead 光头党 (传统上是指racist ,即种族主义者)deadhead 骷髅党everybody 所有人gone bad 变得一肚子坏心眼situation 我眼下的状况aggravation 一天不如一天everybody 所有人allegation 把我告来告去in the suite 屋子里on the news 新闻里everybody 所有人dog food 都在吸毒!(注:dog food 借指毒品heroine 海洛因,因为毒品最初的样子看起来和狗屎很像)Bang bang 想给我两枪shock dead 毙了我Everybody"s 所有人gone mad 都疯了!all i wanna say is that 我想说they don"t really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们all i wanna say is that 我想说they don"t really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们beat me 殴打我 (注:指警方调查MJ并对他进行了殴打)hate me 憎恨我you can never 你永远别想break me 毁掉我!will me 把意愿强加于我thrill me 威胁我you can never 你永远无法kill me 杀死我!jew me 诋毁我像犹太人一样恶心(注:暗指主流意识形态所宣扬的,黑人就像犹太人一样下等,过去一般认为犹太人狡诈,贪婪,爱算计,是邪恶的)sue me 诬告我everybody 所有人do me (都想)整死我kick me 殴打我kike me 歧视我(直译说我犹太人)(注:暗指主流意识形态所宣扬的,黑人就像犹太人一样下等)don"t you black or white me 别想拿我的种族说事儿!all i wanna say is that 我想说they don"t really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们all i wanna say is that 我想说they don"t really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们And tell me what has become of my life 谁来告诉我我的生活成了什么样!i have a wife and two children who love me 原本我有爱我的妻子和两个孩子 (注:96年MJ和妻子离婚)i"m a victim of police brutality, now而现 在我只是个让警察施暴的受害者!i"m tired of bein" the victim of hate我真受不了自己成了被你们仇视的眼中钉your rapin" me of my pride 你们糟蹋了我所自豪的东西!(注:指MJ为他的歌曲自豪,“他们”禁播MV。MJ为他的童心自豪,“他们”指控他娈童罪。MJ为他是黑人自豪,“他们”搞种族歧视。)oh for god"s sake 看在上帝的份儿上i look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy... 我只是想把这(有指Neverland)变成天堂……(注:洛杉矶警方对MJ存在歧视,曾经借娈童案对Neverland进行大清扫,对他的东西又毁又砸还没收)set me free 放过我!skinhead 光头党deadhead 骷髅党everybody 所有人gone bad 变得邪恶起来trepidation 让我恐慌(注:有指媒体诽谤MJ爱在自己身上动手脚)speculation (把我的私生活)胡乱猜测 (注:指媒体捏造事实称MJ曾经娈童)everybody 所有人allegation 把我告来告去in the suite 屋子里on the news 新闻里everybody 所有人dog food 都在吸毒(dog food 借指毒品海洛因)black man 你们敲诈我black mail 你们勒索我(注:指有人策划娈童案对MJ进行了勒索)throw the brother 将兄弟们(天下一家(即所谓四海皆兄弟))in jail 丢进大牢!all i wanna say is that 我想说they don"t really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们all i wanna say is that 我想说they don"t really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们and tell me what has become of my rights 谁来告诉我我的权利在哪儿am i invisible "cause you ignore me? 你们对我视而不见,全当我不存在吗!your proclamation promised me free liberty, now. 听着,你们曾空口白话的宣称,承诺我会拥有人权自由i"m tired of bein" the victim of shame 我受不了自己成了一个被羞辱的对象they"re throwin" me in a class with a bad name 把我和声名狼藉这种词语放在一起i can"t believe this is the land from which i came 我实在是无法相信我是从这么一个地方出生的!you know i really do hate to say it 你知道我不想这么说the government don"t wanna see 政府也更不想看到(我这么说)(注:隐指白人的政府不愿意看到一些优秀的黑人比白人更有作为,这对白人阶层是一种巨大的威胁。)but if Roosevelt was livin", he wouldn"t let this be, no no.但罗斯福要是活着,不会由着你们如此胡作非为,绝对不会!skinhead 光头党(指种族主义者)deadhead 骷髅党everybody 所有人gone bad 变得一肚子坏心眼situation 我眼下的状况speculation (他们把我的隐私)胡乱猜测 (注:指媒体捏造事实称MJ曾经娈童)everybody 所有人litigation 把我告来告去beat me 殴打我bash me 痛打我you can never 你永远无法trash me 废了我!hit me 打击我kick me 打压我you can never 你永远别想get me 收买我!all i wanna say is that 我想说they don"t really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们all i wanna say is that 我想说they don"t really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们some things in life they just don"t wanna see 生命中总有些事是他们不想看到的(注:指白人不愿看到黑人MJ能娶白人猫王的女儿为妻。白人不愿看到黑人MJ的事业也能取得巨大的辉煌。白人不愿看到黑人MJ的举止也能如此绅士。白人更不愿意承认黑人可以比白人强。)but if Martin Luther was livin" 但马丁·路德·金要是活着的话he wouldn"t let this be, no no. 不会由着你们如此胡作非为,绝对不会!skinhead 光头党 (指种族主义者)deadhead 骷髅党everybody 所有人gone bad 变得邪恶起来situation 我眼下的状况segregation 和公正隔离(注:指作为黑人的MJ被隔离在公正之外)everybody 所有人allegation 把我告来告去in the suite 屋子里on the news 新闻里everybody 所有人dog food 都吸了毒!kick me 打压我kike me 歧视我(直译说我犹太人)(注:暗指主流意识形态所宣扬的,黑人就像犹太人一样下等)don"t you wrong or right me 你休想对我颠倒是非!all i wanna say is that 我想说they don"t really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们all i wanna say is that 我想说they don"t really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们all i wanna say is that 我想说they don"t really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们all i wanna say is that 我想说they don"t really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们all i wanna say is that 我想说they don"t really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们all i wanna say is that 我想说they don"t really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们注:“Jew me、Kike me”:本曲最大的争议,几乎遭禁,实际上这两句的意思为:以对待犹太人的(恶毒)方式对待我,并无反犹太主义的色彩。“skinhead”:本意--英国“光头党”,一群奉行白人至上主义的种族主义者,racist。“deadhead”:本意--庸人、蠢人 。又翻译“骷髅党”,即为美国最神秘、最具权威的“社团组织”。罗斯福:罗斯福一直被视为美国历史上最伟大的总统之一,是20世纪美国最受民众期望和受爱戴的总统,也是美国历史上唯一连任4届总统的人,任职长达12年。马丁·路德·金:1960年代的黑人民权改良主义运动的政治领袖。

急求家庭教师reborn 中所有歌的歌名 那位好心人帮帮忙啊

片头曲 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP1-Drawing days/SPLAY》(1~26) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP2-BOYS & GIRLS/LM.C》(27~51) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP3-DIVE TO WORLD/CHERRYBLOSSOM》(52~73) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP4-88/LM.C》(74~101) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP5-last cross/光冈昌美》(102~126) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP6-EASY GO/加藤和树》(127~153) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP7-Funny Sunny Day/SxOxU》(154~177) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP8-LISTEN TO THE STEREO!!/GOING UNDER GROUND》(178~203)片尾曲 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED1-道标/橘庆太》(1~12) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED2-ONE NIGHT STAR/the ARROWS》(13~29) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED3-Echo again/SPLAY》(30~38) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED4-friend/アイドリング!!!》(39~51) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED5-Sakura addiction/云雀恭弥VS六道骸》(52~62) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED6-friend/笹川京子VS三浦ハル》(63) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED7-STAND UP!/Lead》(64~76) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED8-アメあと/w-inds.》(77~89) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED9-CYCLE/CHERRYBLOSSOM》(90~101) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED10-すべり台/森翼》(102~114) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED11-桜ロック/CHERRYBLOSSOM》(115~126) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED12-Smile for.../上户彩》(127~139) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED13-青い梦/森翼》(140~153) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED14-梦のマニュアル/CHERRYBLOSSOM》(154~165) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED15-gr8 story/SuG》(166~177) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED16-ファミリア/D-51》(178~190) 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED17-キャンバス/+Plus》(191~203)插曲 OST专辑: 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! オリジナル サウンドトラック~标的1~》 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! オリジナル サウンドトラック~标的2~》 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! オリジナル サウンドトラック~标的3~》 《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! オリジナル サウンドトラック~标的4~》(已发售)







我买的CHERRY/樱桃 MX-BOARD 6.0 F1F12锁上了,怎么解锁


求BOA的《I Kiss》罗马歌词!

Boa - I Kiss Maebeon nan jinaewotdeon geu shigandeul soke nal gadoogo isseotjiEereohge nooneul ddeo barabomyeon ijen boyeoyoDan hanaboonin sarameulWhat you gonna do? Eonjengan kkoomkkwo wotdeon jeoMirae-e uh, uh ddo han georeumJogeumman deo nareul wonseonghan neukkimdaero ramyeon(So now) Galsoo isseul geoya, ohI kiss geu bicheun gadeuk neomchinikkaEoneusae na-ee geu kkoome angina saekkkal-ee harooAjikkkajin kkeuti aniya, you"re mine foreverEemi algo itdeon na-ee haedabbboonin, he is my answer nowEemi nan algo itneun geol neomoo oraen godokeModeun ge byeonhaebeoryeoNeomoo bballi jinabeorin seworeul geonneoIjeya uh, uh neol mannatjiAmoogeotdo anin ilmajeo neowa hamkkeramyeon(So fine) modoo teuk byeolhangeol, ohI kiss geu bicheun gadeuk neomchinikkaEoneusae na-ee geu kkoome angina saekkkal-ee harooAjikkkajin kkeuti aniya, you"re mine foreverEemi algo itdeon na-ee haedabbboonin, he is my answer nowEojapi dashi manage dwel georamyeon seoro-ee gireul dallyeogaTeojildeut godongchineun maekbak geu neukkim aneseoNeo-ee wero-oome ib matchoomyeon nan alke dwelkka?I kiss neo-ee sonjitdaero wosseunikkaEoneusaenga wonhadeon naega dwaesseunikkaGamchooryeogo hajima ige na-ingeolNa algo itdeon yoo-ilhan geu daedabeul haejwoI kiss geu bicheun gadeuk neomchinikkaEoneusae na-ee geu kkoome angina saekkkal-ee harooAjikkkajin kkeuti aniya, you"re mine foreverEemi algo itdeon na-ee haedabbboonin, he is my answer now

perfect boundary condition这是什么意思?哪位大神能具体解释一下.

如过在40%以下.还是有得9的. 很多人说..什么升一级才减0.01.放P啦..误倒群众. COF和等级没关系的 原理是.进一张图.然后返回城镇这样就少0

be sensitive to 和 be sensitive about区别

to 敏感的


2019年美国电视剧《切尔诺贝利》上映后,豆瓣评分高达9.6分。这段被掩盖的灾难呈现在观众面前的时候,每一个人都是感到触目惊心的。该剧作也被称为史上最震撼的剧情片,这个被称为历史上最惨重的人为灾难,无疑引起了很多人深深的思考。 该剧以1986年的乌克兰为背景,讲述了切尔诺贝利事故事件的起因,还有那些勇敢牺牲自己而拯救欧洲人们的故事。这部电视剧并不是真正意义上的纪录片。因为它的一些剧情还有人物发展都有一定的后期创作的因素,相对比剧情片而言,它确实是十分的优秀的。在剧中出现很多关于真实切尔诺贝利事件的介绍,让人们更加直面的了解了那场灾难的无情。 在该剧中不同人物的地位以及内心,都有着分明的刻画。演员艾米丽·沃森所饰演的乌拉娜·霍缪克,她的角色是十分重要的。其身份不仅仅是核能源研究所研究人员她也是推动着整个事件探寻真相的关键人物。乌拉娜·霍缪克对于这场灾难始终站在真理的角度,所以即使困难重重她也要依靠一个人的力量去探寻整个事件的真相。或许她背后所信仰的是真挚的科学,还有人民,所以才有如此的勇敢。说到角色鲍里斯·谢尔比纳,他背后则代表的则是高高在上的政府,对于他来说,探究这场灾难背后,他内心的煎熬更多的是关于舆论的压力和真相的博弈,作为国家核能局重要人员,这场事故不仅让一个国家深陷深渊之中,与这场灾难有关的每一个人都如临大敌。剧中不同角色所倾向的真相,都引起了人们深深的思考,有人选择直面真理,而有人则选择逃避。切尔诺贝利核事故的开端或许是人类的无知和贪婪,而这起背后所引发的问题却引起了人们的深思。电视剧《切尔诺贝利》它的故事节奏是十分的平缓的,它就像在向人们揭示一场灾难的真相,这场灾难之所以让人类付出了极为昂贵惨痛的代价,很大程度上是因为当时的政府对于此事件并没有真正的重视。 在剧中,很多出现的人物角色都与历史上的人物较为一致,他们大部分人随后都死于癌症,急性放射性病。据真实的数据记载,此次事件几乎将该地成为一座鬼城,空无一人,但凡进去的人最后都受辐射而死,其真实死亡人数高达9.3万人,癌症人数多达27万,经济损失高达180亿卢比。这些震撼的数字让很多人沉默,或许正如剧中演绎的那样,政府的坐以待毙,人类的侥幸,官员之间的互相隐瞒,让这个事件成为了很多心中的伤痛。电视剧《切尔诺贝利》它将真实的灾难事件用后期故事的形式演绎开来,它还原了这场震惊世界的事故。这个故事被誉为真实的恐怖片,它告诉人们的就是谎言的代价是十分的惨痛的。这场关于死亡的赛跑,有所牺牲有所逃避,一场地狱般的洗礼默默席卷整个城市。对于很多人而言,电视剧《切尔诺贝利》是一部关于历史审判的总结,虽然它是一部优秀的剧情剧作,但是却比真实的纪录片还要震撼人心。从中我们看到导演对于真实的历史事件一定有所查阅,他们严谨的态度和信仰,将这部作品以严肃的形式呈现给观众。该剧的热播足以证明它非凡的影响力,在无法弥补的错误面前,人类却是最大的罪人。这部剧作的讽刺韵味像极了曾经狼来了的故事,我们听了太多的谎言,时间久了就很难再分辨真相和谎言的区别了。《切尔诺贝利》不仅是成人世界的黑暗童话,它更像是一个时代的警钟,警醒着我们每一个人。

歌曲《la is la bonita》的原唱是法国当红女歌手Alizee还是麦当娜?


Alizee La lsla Bonita 歌词翻译

Alizee La lsla Bonita 中文歌词 昨夜我梦见圣彼得罗 就像我从未离去, 我熟悉这首歌。 姑娘眼中喜欢这荒凉, 一切并不遥远往事如昨。 岛上飘着热带微风, 自然景色热烈又郁葱。 多么美丽的海岛, 我梦中向往的地方。 听,桑巴乐又奏响, 天上艳阳高照, 耳边乐曲潺潺, 令我头晕目眩。 圣彼得罗我迷恋的地方, 暖风吹过海面, 他在把我召唤, 日月如梭, 祈望时光不再流逝。 岛上飘着热带微风, 自然景色热烈又郁葱。 多么美丽的海岛, 我梦中向往的地方, 听,桑巴乐又奏响, 天上艳阳高照, 耳边乐曲潺潺, 令我头晕目眩。 我要飞上阳光灿烂的天空 当人们都在休息的时侯, 看到情侣走过, 那是人们无心关注的场所 那是男女彼此相爱的地方 昨夜我梦见圣彼得罗, 一切并不遥远往事如昨 岛上飘着热带微风, 自然景色热烈又郁葱。 多么美丽的海岛, 我梦中向往的地方, 听,桑巴乐又奏响, 天上艳阳高照, 耳边乐曲潺潺, 令我头晕目眩。英文:Last night I dreamt of San Pedro Just like I"d never gone, I knew the song A young girl with eyes like the desert It all seems like yesterday, not far away Chorus Tropical the island breeze All of nature, wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes You Spanish lullaby I fell in love with San Pedro Warm wind carried on the sea, he called to me Te dijo te amo I prayed taht the days would last They went so fast Tropical the island breeze All of nature, wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes You Spanish lullaby I want to be where the sun warms the sky When it"s time for siesta you can watch them go by Beautiful faces, no cares in this world Where a girl loves a boy And a boy loves a girl Last night I dreamt of San Pedro It all seems like yesterday, not far away

La Isla Bonita Alizee 这首歌的 歌词大意是?

大意就是 美丽的小岛,

Steven is a boy of seven.His lucky num

Oh,so...What do you want to say?

harbored cherished区别


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turbo c 图形 问题

没有图像驱动,你在网上下起入turbo c目录中就行了

印度电影 Kollywood Tollwood bollyood 区别


Both 和neither的用法,区别, 详细,有例句




英语里的肠intestine 和bowel的区别

Intestine 指肠道,小肠大肠都是用这个表示,而bowel一般用于和排泄物相关bowel function 特指排便功能,move ones bowel 也是类似的 ,有时也可通用个人观点,希望能帮的上忙



What does a UFO look like? Do you believe there are aliens outside the earth? Maybe nobody can ...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:C 小题1:根据文章内容“Scientists even try to draw pictures about aliens and aliens" life according to their imagination.内容可知答案为B小题2:根据文章内容“On August 20 th ,2011, a UFO was seen at 21:00 by the pilot on the plane which took off from Pudong International Airport to Changchun."可知答案为C小题3:根据文章内容大意可知答案为C

my ideas about aliens 英语作文?

英语作文:When we think about aliens, we often picture a humanoid creature. I believes aliens exist and there"s no two ways about it. Furthermore, I wonders: “Will they be like you and me, made up of carbon and nitrogen? Maybe not. It"s possible they"re here right now and we simply can"t see them.”Such life would exist in a ‘shadow biosphere". By that, I don"t mean a ghost realm, but undiscovered creatures probably with a different biochemistry. This means we can"t study or even notice them because they are outside of our comprehension. Assuming it exists, such a shadow biosphere would probably be microscopic.


boost原义指从后面或下面推起或提高,现常用于指提高价格、振作精神等抽象概念. promote解释为“促进”时,一般都意为好的东西,不可用于不好的,如战争.如 International friendship promotes peace.


boost。因为boost还有增加的意思,增加知识更为合理。boost v. 使增长,推动;<美,非正式>偷窃;宣扬,推广。n. 推动,促进;广告,宣扬。promote v. 促进,提倡;升职,晋升;促销,推广;将(运动队)晋级;使(学生)升年级;负责筹办,主办(大型活动,如音乐会或体育比赛);促使(议会私法议案)通过;使(卒)升格为(尤指后等);<英>(先打大牌)使(小牌)赢得一墩;使(催化剂)更活泼。要根据语义选择恰当的词。


提示 同义词的辨析最好差英英词典 下面是给你的英英解释 因为英英的解释是辨析的最好方法1 boost- to increase or improve something and make it more successful: 提高或者促进某件事情 并且使这件事情成功2 improve-to make something better, or to become better使某事变得越来越好3 promote-to help something to develop or increase帮助某事来提高或者增长


promote “促进”、“增进”、“提升”, 指能对另一件事产生好的影响,能促进或促使发展、进展或成功。boost 指从后面或下面推起或提高,由此引申出“促进”“推动”的意思。 扩展资料   例句:   1)  I am confident that the academic exchanges of our two universities will promote our longstanding cooperation.   我相信我们两所大学的.学术交流将促进我们的长期合作。   2)A housing construction boom can in turn boost industrial growth as well as national economy as a whole.   住房建设热潮可以反过来促进工业增长以及整体国民经济发展


提示 同义词的辨析最好差英英词典 下面是给你的英英解释 因为英英的解释是辨析的最好方法1 boost- to increase or improve something and make it more successful:提高或者促进某件事情 并且使这件事情成功2 improve-to make something better,or to become better使某事变得越来越好3 promote-to help something to develop or increase帮助某事来提高或者增长


promote和boost的区别为:一、指代不同1、promote:促进。2、boost:增长,提高。二、侧重点不同1、promote:可以从无到有,到发展。2、boost: 指的是在现有的基础上提升。三、引证用法不同1、promote:promote作“提升为…”“使升入…”解时多指按常规次序递进。用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接“(to be+) n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语, promote常与介词to连用,此时通常用于被动结构。2、boost:boost用作动词的基本意思是“向上推起,提升”,指给某人或某物一个向上的力,使其在原有的水准上升高; 也可指使价格等上升,即“增加,提高”。

你好,请问电脑开机后出现boot failed on device是怎么回事?谢谢

电脑开机后出现boot failed on device提示你“没有可以引导启动的设备,请插入引导盘,并按任意键继续”。解决方式:1.进入BIOS看看系统引导设备设置有没有错误。如果你用的是硬盘引导的系统,看看第一引导设备是不是Hard Disk.不是的话,把它调成Hard Disk2.如果已经设置成硬盘启动的话,再考虑是不是操作系统的引导文件损坏或丢失。如果是这种情况,开机插入系统盘,重新安装系统。3.硬盘接触不良或损坏。

戴尔新电脑boot failure on device press any key to reboot,一开机就显示这个咋回

戴尔新电脑boot failure on device press any key to reboot,是与您关机前的不当操作有关系吧?比如:玩游戏、看视频、操作大的东西、使用电脑时间长造成的卡引起的吧?或下载了不合适的东西、或删除了系统文件、或断电关机等,故障不会无缘无故的发生吧?按电源键反复开关机试试,放一段时间试试,确实不可以就重装系统吧,如果自己重装不了,花30元到维修那里找维修的人帮助您。只要注意自己的电脑不卡机、蓝屏、突然关机,开机就不会这样了。有问题请您追问我。



stuff about 是什么意思?

没听说过!stuff into 把什么塞入什么stuff with加什么调味……

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Bottoms up! 跟cheers 的区别

说第一个必须得喝完了第二个可以随意喝一点 爱喝多少喝多少

Bottoms up 和 cheers 都是干杯的意思,有什么不同吗??

Cheers虽然译为“干杯“,但其实仅为祝酒辞,就像我们说干杯但不一定真要干bottoms up 就真的要喝干的!(因为要将杯子倒过来证明喝掉了)

routine laboratory studies at baseline什么意思

routine laboratory studies at baseline的中文翻译routine laboratory studies at baseline 基线常规实验室研究

write about you rown daily routine什么意思及答案?

你好write about you rown daily routine的意思是写你的日常生活

write about your own daily routine。这句话什么意思


write about your own daily routine什么意思

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