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blind常见释义失明的英: [blaɪnd]美: [blaɪnd]adj.失明的; 盲目的,轻率的; 供盲人用的; 隐蔽的;vt.弄瞎,使失明; 蒙蔽,欺瞒; 使变暗; 使昏聩;例句:boys and girls who are blind and who want to be able to read and write by touch.想通过触觉读写的失明的男孩和女孩复数:blinds
















韩剧《Blind》还没有大结局,播出时间是2022年9月16日,11月5日大结局。 韩剧《Blind》于2022年9月16日起在韩国tvN电视台首播,韩国播出时间:每周周五、周六晚上10:40各播放一集,中字更新时间:每周六、日上午更新。11月5日大结局。 《Blind》剧情简介 这部剧讲述的是以刑警、法官、法学院学生和9名陪审员为中心展开的《Blind》委屈的受害者和闭嘴的加害者的悬疑惊悚剧。开头听到几个小孩口哨声与猎狗的追逐逃亡声,女孩被残忍杀害,并割烂了嘴,凶手作案残忍至极。为调查真凶,玉泽饰演的刑警参与了这起案件。故事节奏快,剧情烧脑。 从海报中可以看出,演员一只手挡住眼睛,而该剧的剧名《Blind》中文意思为“盲”,讲述因怀有冤屈的受害者们,与对于不实的真相睁一只眼闭一只眼的施害者们的故事,围绕刑警、法官、法学院学生和陪审团为中心的疑推理剧。 该剧由一起武英市女大学被害案引发,被缉拿归案的犯人申请陪审团共同审讯,之后9名陪审员一一遇害,到底是谁接连杀害他们?真相又是什么呢?三位主角因为连续杀人案相遇,并为了找出幕后黑手而努力追查,紧张刺激的剧情引发了观众的期待! 而且该剧是由擅长悬疑剧的申勇辉担任导演,他之前的作品《隧道》有不错的口碑,编剧是权基英之前代表作有2017年播出的《奇怪的搭档》,她写悬疑线很吸引人但爱情戏份有些观众反应一般。 剧里哥哥成勋亲眼目睹弟弟成俊暴力殴打同学,这就让他产生了一定的先入为主的代入感。父母明显更偏爱哥哥,家庭聚餐时对于弟弟说话刻薄,而成俊自己也知道父母并不待见他,家庭聚餐日他会推脱跟不乐于参与,家庭矛盾又给观众埋下了伏笔,希望能知道哥俩的成长经历。


同义词 sightless、visionless、unsighted、screen、stupid、unseeing、eyeless、window shade、canopy、visor、venetian blind、roller blind、shade、darken、curtain、dazzle、aimless、shutter、cloud、abstracted、without thought、glare、judgment、thought、without、subterfuge、unreasoning、dim 反义词 sighted shaorunjia2001真心为您解答~ 【如果我做错了欢迎大家指出我的错误,毕竟我不是万能的】 祝共同进步!

Embrace的《Blind》 歌词

歌曲名:Blind歌手:Embrace专辑:Fireworks EpJason Derülo - Blind (盲目的爱情)Never thought that I"d say wish I didn"t love you ever从未想过我会说出希望自己从未爱上你这样的话Since the first date when you got close my heart自在第一次约会你深深打动我的心开始Would just stop thought me and you together would end up on top我就一刻不停的想着我们会爱到天荒地老You changed me for better for worse I know我也知道你是决定我一切的唯一I was caught up always put you first I never once thought你在我心目中永远是第一位You would be triflin but o I was blinded...你只是在玩弄着爱情游戏,但爱情使我盲目...I was like oh oh oh never wanna let you go go go我只想你永远在我身旁Cause I was open before I was open before but因为遇见你以后我痛改前非再不花心Now I know... That love made me blind现在我终于知道...是爱情使我盲目So I could"nt see all the lies you told were right in front of me所以你一切显而易见的谎言也变得密不透风Since love made me blind you made a fool of me自爱情让我盲目,你让我像个傻瓜一样You made it look so perfect when it wasn"t meant to be你的把戏让我们的爱变得完美,即使我们不是天作之合Your love made me blind你的爱让我变得盲目I gave all of my trust didn"t think being faithful was asking对你完全信任,这是我主动愿意的To much but I"m good glad that I know now I was fooled but现在的我很好,很高兴现在终于明白我当时是多么的愚蠢Fate let me see how they say every tear has it"s reasons命运的安排让我学会了每一滴眼泪都有它流下的理由Every smile has it"s own season never once thought每个微笑都是稍纵即逝的道理Youd be this triflin but o I was blinded...你只是在玩弄着爱情游戏,但爱情使我盲目...I was like oh oh oh never wanna let you go go go我只想你永远在我身旁Cause I was open before I was open before but因为遇见你以后我痛改前非再不花心Now I know... That love made me blind现在我终于知道...是爱情使我盲目So I could"nt see all the lies you told were right in front of me所以你一切显而易见的谎言也变得密不透风Since love made me blind you made a fool of me自爱情让我盲目,你让我像个傻瓜一样You made it look so perfect when it wasn"t meant to be你的把戏让我们的爱变得完美,即使我们不是天作之合Your love made me blind你的爱让我变得盲目Cause I felt your lips pressed against mine因为当我品味你我唇舌交缠时Thought the sweet smell of your perfume was all mine想象着你的甜馨芳香都为我专属Baby You know you area beautiful liar宝贝你可真是个情场高手啊Coz love made me blind只因爱情使我盲目Love made me blind爱情使我盲目So I could"nt see all the lies you told were right in front of me所以你一切显而易见的谎言也变得密不透风Since love made me blind you made a fool of me自爱情让我盲目,你让我像个傻瓜一样You made it look so perfect when it wasn"t meant to be你的把戏让我们的爱变得完美,即使我们不是天作之合Your love made me blind你的爱让我变得盲目Jason Derülo - Blind (盲目的爱情)E-n-D






blind这个英语单词具有形容词,副词,名词和及物动词四种词性用法,blind的不同含义如下: 1、blind作为形容词使用时,blind的含义是盲目的,瞎的。 2、blind被用作副词时,blind的词义为盲目地,看不见地。 3、blind作为名词使用时,blind的单词意思是掩饰,借口,百叶窗。 扩展资料   4、blind的"及物动词含义为使失明,使失去理智。   时态变化:   blind的过去式形式是blinded,过去分词形式是blinded,现在分词形式是blinding,第三人称单数形式是blinds。   词组举例:   blind in 封堵   blind spot 视野盲点   turn a blind eye 对…故意视而不见,对…假装不见   color blind 色盲   blind side 没有防范的一面,弱点   go blind 失明,瞎眼   例句:   1、He has blind faith in doctors" ability to find a cure.   他盲目相信医生有妙手回春的能力。   2、He"s proud of his children and blind to their faults.   他为孩子们感到自豪,对他们的缺点视而不见。   3、Doctors think he will go blind.   医生们认为他会失明。


I just wanna to be with you till the end

blind的意思 ?

a.1. 瞎的,盲的[Z][R]He is blind in one eye.他一只眼睛失明。2. 盲人的,为了盲人的[B]3. 视而不见的,不愿承认的[F][(+to)]We must not be blind to the suffering of others.我们不能对他人的痛苦视而不见。4. 盲目的,未加思考的;无目的的He made a blind guess.他胡猜一通。5. 人力不能控制的6. (飞机等)单凭仪表驾驶的The pilot made a blind landing in the fog.飞行员在雾天盲目着了陆。7. 【俚】极少的[B]8. 隐蔽的,难以察觉的Watch out for blind intersections.留神不易看清的道路交叉口。9. (信件)地址未写清楚的10. (路等)走不通的ad.1. 看不见地2. 盲目地;轻率地The old man is always blind obstinate.那个老汉总是盲目地固执。3. 单凭仪表驾驶地The pilot had to fly blind in this weather.在这种天气飞行员只好盲目飞行。vt.1. 使看不见,使失明2. 使失去理智(或判断力)His anger blinded his reason.愤怒使他失去了理智。n.[C]1. 百叶窗;窗帘[P1]2. 掩饰,借口3. 【美】埋伏处When he hunts ducks, he hides behind a blind of twigs and leaves.他打野鸭时,总是藏身在用树枝和树叶做成的隐蔽处。4. 单凭仪表的驾驶5. 遮眼物




盲孔 [词典] [化] blind hole; [医] foramina caecum; [例句]曲轴箱中气缸盖紧固螺钉的盲孔中不得有油或冷却液。 There must be no oil or coolant in the blind holes for the cylinder-head fastening screws in the crankcase.



Love You Blind 歌词

歌曲名:Love You Blind歌手:Céline Dion专辑:Celine DionLove is Color_Blind Sarah Connoryeah!what"s up?it"s TQ and Sarah againhaha, right back at ya (love is color blind)that"s rightthis time we got a serious situationand we"re tryna do our parts to helpbut we need your helpyou know what I"m saying? (love is color blind)so come on!it don"t matter if you"re black (yeah)white, or yellow, if you"re brown or red (it don"t matter)let"s get down to thatlove is color blind (that"s right, give it to em baby)I remember whenI was a child and couldn"t understandpeople having fundiscriminating all the different onesmama just used to saywhen you grow up you maybe find a wayto make these people seethat everything I do comes back to meyou gotta live your lifethrough all the single ones to blameyou gotta live that lifejust play the game and let love rainit don"t matter if you"re blackwhite, or yellow, if you"re brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color blindyou"re my brother, you"re my friendall that matters in the very end (yeah)it"s to understand (yeah) {come on TQ}love is color blind (that"s right)I remember as a young boyI watch my neighborhood go up in flamesI saw the whole thing of tears and painand the situation"s wack in my brainI wish I could fly away and never come back againwe need some love ya"llwe need some real dip, help from above ya"llI mean the kids is watchingand I just can"t see ya stopI don"t understandI mean we all bleed the same blood, man(you gotta live your life)better than a father"s deadlet"s make some love babyhave some kids(you gotta live that life)and I don"t care what color they areor you are or we are, it"s all love baby!it don"t matter if you"re blackwhite, or yellow, if you"re brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color blindyou"re my brother, you"re my friendall that matters in the very endit"s to understandlove is color blindyou could have been my motheryou could have been my brotherwhat if you are my sisterif you are my fatheryou could have been my felleryou could have been my teacherbut if you are my friendit would be so nice to meet yayou could have been my motheryou could have been my brotherwhat if you are my sisterif you are my fatherI could have been your felleryou could have been my teacherbut if you are my friendit would be so nice to meet yatake it out to the worldtell every boy and every little girlbe proud of yourselfcause you"re as good as anybody elseput away your prejudiceopen your mind don"t need to stick to thistry to make this upa better place without a racial curse(?)yeah time for some changes ya"ll(na na na na...)so come on!put your hands up!come on!put your hands up!come on!put your hands up!it don"t matter ya"ll(na na na na...)we stayin color blindit don"t matter ya"ll(na na na na...)we stayin color blind

GBLinGothic-Bold是什么字体急求呀 各位大神


janie lay on the floor ———,too ——to move A trembled scaring B trembling scared。选哪个,请细说

B trembling scared trembling 表主动,作状语表伴随行为 scared表示认得感受

blingbling dalshabet韩文歌词

ub2ecuc0e4ubcb3 - ube14ub9c1ube14ub9c1Just Disco Just Disco Bling Bling Bling Bling DiscoJust Disco Just Disco Bling Bling Bling Bling Disco Oh Let"s go Just Disco Uh Uh Oh Let"s go Just Disco Uh Uh ub118 uc608ubed0 uc608ubed0 ubcfc ud130uce58 uc544uc774uc250ub3c4uc6b0ub610 ub208uc5d0 ub744uac8c uba4buc9c4 uc2a4ud0c0uc77c ud310ud0c0uc2a4ud2f1uadf8 ub204uac00 ubd10ub3c4 uc644ubcbdud55c uac78 uadfcuc0acud574Oh Bling Bling uc624ub298 ub9ccuc740 uc288ud37cuc2a4ud0c0 ub208ubd80uc154 ucc0c ucc0cub9bfucc0cub9bfShining Star uc9dc uc9dcub9bfuc9dcub9bf ub0a0 ubd80ub974ub294 uc18cub9ac So Super Sonic ub728uac70uc6cc ub530 ub530ub048ub530ub048Twister ub610 ube44ud2c0ube44ud2c0 ubab8uc744 ub354 uc2e0ub098uac8c Oh Bling Bling Bling DiscoHey ma boy uc5ec uc5ecuae38 ubd10uc694 ub098 uc5b4ub54c ub208uce58ucf54uce58 ubcf4uc9c0 ub9d0uc544uc694Hey Mr. uc5b4 uc5b4ub51c uac00uc694 uc774ubd10uc694uc6b0ub9ac ub458uc774 ubc88uca4d ud558ub298ub85cubc88uca4d ubc88uca4d ud558ub298ub85c ud384uca4d ud384uca4d uc800 uc704ub85cOh Let"s go Just Disco ub2e4 ud754ub4e4uc5b4Oh Let"s go Just Disco uc544uac00uc528ub3c4Oh Let"s go Just Disco uc544uc800uc528ub3c4 Bust a move All nightBling Bling Bling Discouc557 ub728uac70 ub728uac70 ub0a0 uccd0ub2e4ubcf4ub294 Sweety boyuc624 ubbf8uccd0 ubbf8uccd0 uc228uc774 ub9c9ud600 Hey Dr.uc880 ud0a4uac00 uc791uc5b4ub3c4 No.1 ub098ud3f4ub808uc639 Hey Pretty boy ub108ub294 ub098uc758 uc288ud37cuc2a4ud0c0 uc774ub9acuc640 uc790 ub2e4uac00 uc640ubd10Sunshine ub610 ubc18uc9ddubc18uc9dd ub0a0 ube44ucd94ub294 ubd88ube5b Oh Limelight ub124 ubab8uc744 ub179 ub179uc5ecuba39ub294uc544uc774uc2a4ud06cub9bc uc624 uc0c8ucf64ub2ecucf64ub108ubb34ub098 uc9dcub9bfud574 Oh Bling Bling Bling Disco Hey ma boy uc5ec uc5ecuae38 ubd10uc694 ub098 uc5b4ub54c ub208uce58ucf54uce58 ubcf4uc9c0ub9d0uc544uc694Hey Mr. uc5b4 uc5b4ub51cuac00uc694 uc774ubd10uc694 uc6b0ub9ac ub450ub9ac ubc88uca4d ud558ub298ub85cubc88uca4d ubc88uca4d ud558ub298ub85c ud384uca4d ud384uca4d uc800 uc704ub85cOh Let"s go Just Disco ub2e4 ud754ub4e4uc5b4Oh Let"s go Just Disco uc544uac00uc528ub3c4Oh Let"s go Just Disco uc544uc800uc528ub3c4Bust a move All nightBling Bling Bling Discoub208uc5d0 ub744ub294 ubc14ub514ub77cuc778 yeahub531 ub9d8uc5d0 ub4dcub294 uc2a4ud0c0uc77c ub10cub0b4uac70uc57c Uh Uhud655 uaf42ud600 Uh Uhuba4buc7c1uc774 uc798ub09c ucc99ud574ub3c4ucf67ubc29uadc0 ub0a0ub824ubc84ub9acuc9c0ub2e8uc9c0 ub108uc640 ucda4ucd94uace0 uc2f6uc5b4Bling Bling Bling DiscoBling Bling Bling DiscoHey ma boy uc5ec uc5ecuae38ubd10uc694 ub098 uc5b4ub54cub208uce58ucf54uce58 ubcf4uc9c0 ub9d0uc544uc694Hey Mr. uc5b4 uc5b4ub51c uac00uc694 uc774ubd10uc694uc6b0ub9ac ub450ub9ac ubc88uca4d ud558ub298ub85cubc88uca4d ubc88uca4d ud558ub298ub85c ud384uca4d ud384uca4d uc800 uc704ub85cDisco Just DiscoBling Bling Bling Bling DiscoJust Disco Just DiscoBling Bling Bling Bling DiscoOh Let"s go Just Disco Uh UhOh Let"s go Just Disco Uh UhBling Bling Bling Disco

怎么解决 blind sql injection

怎么解决 blind sql injection–运行这条语句的数据库用户需要拥有FILE权限,否则不能执行INTO OUTFILE命令。–在MySQL服务运行的主机中必须存在一个可写的Web目录,否则你不能访问你刚刚上传的Webshell。你可以将代码写入到总是可写的目录像/ttmp,但是你没有权限访问它。

请问 谁有The Humbling River 的歌词啊?puscifer唱的~~~谢谢

  亲,歌词如下哟~  Nature, nurture, heaven, and home,  Sum of all, and by them, driven.  To conquer every mountain shown,  But I"ve never crossed the river.  Braved the forests, braved the stone,  Braved the icy winds and fire.  Braved and beat them on my own,  Yet I"m helpless by the river.  Angel, angel, what have I done?  I"ve face the quakes, the wind, the fire.  I"ve conquered country, crown, and throne.  Why can"t I cross this river?  Angel, angel, what have I done?  I"ve face the quakes, the wind, the fire.  I"ve conquered country, crown, and throne.  Why can"t I cross this river?  Pay no mind to the battles you"ve won,  It"ll take a lot more than rage and muscle.  Open your heart and hands, my son,  Or you"ll never make it over this river.  It"ll take a lot more than words and guns,  A whole lot more than riches and muscle.  The hands of the many must join as one,  And Together we"ll cross the river.  It"ll take a lot more than words and guns,  A whole lot more than riches and muscle.  The hands of the many must join as one,  And together we"ll cross the river.  Nature, nurture, heaven, and home,  (It"ll take a lot more than words and guns)  Sum of it all, and by them, driven.  (A whole lot more than riches and muscle)  To conquer every mountain shown,  (The hands of the many must join as one)  And together we"ll cross the river.  Braved the forest, braved the stone.  (It"ll take a lot more than words and guns)  Braved the icy winds and fire.  (A whole lot more than riches and muscle)  Braved and beat them on my own,  (The hands of the many must join as one)  And together we"ll cross the river.  And Together we"ll cross the river...  And Together we"ll cross the river...  (Nature, nurture, heaven, and home)  And Together we"ll cross the river  And Together we"ll cross the river  (Nature, nuture, heaven, and home)  And Together we"ll cross the river....  And Together we"ll cross the river....  木有问题的话希望尽快采纳哟,谢谢配合~:)  livi_lian


stumbling 英["stu0259mblu026au014b] 美["stu0259mblu026au014b] adj. 摇摇晃晃或跌跌撞撞的; v. 绊脚; (不顺畅地) 说( stumble的现在分词 ); 跌跌撞撞地走; (说话、演奏等) 出错; [例句]His stumbling attempts at colloquial Russian amused her.他结结巴巴地学说俄语,把她逗乐了。

js代码 this.parentNode.nextSibling.focus 火狐中报错



function SelectInputClick(el){var ulEl=el.nextSibling.nextSibling;alert(ulEl);}


TreeNode * RightSibling(TreeNode *T, TreeNode *e){ TreeNode *ret = NULL; if (T == NULL) //子树为空,返回空表示未找到 return ret; if (T->left == e) //若左结点为e,则返回右结点 return T->right; ret = RightSibling(T->left, e); //在左子树中找,若找到返回 if (ret != NULL) return ret; return RightSibling(T->right, e); //返回右子树中的查找结果}

what are the advantages of having a sibling

The advantages that having a sibling gave to the beginning students were such things as:*Children with a sibling were better able to make and maintain friendships. This is a crucial skill in life, not just in kindergarten. But being able to make friends early in the school year is a criteria for success.*Children with siblings got along with people who were different than themselves. Once again, this is a vital skill for any path in life. *A child with a sibling tended to comfort and help other children more than an only child.

QT中QModelIndex 中 sibling, 和child怎么理解。还有Model怎么理解







sibling和cousin的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.sibling意思:n. 兄弟姐妹2.cousin意思:n.兄弟(姐妹),远亲,亲戚二、用法不同1.sibling用法:接代词或介词,在句中做宾语。例句:Ihavetwobrothersandasister:threesiblingsinall.我有两个哥哥和一个妹妹:共有三个兄妹。2.cousin用法:接介词of强调身份,跟to强调亲戚关系。例句:Ihearfrommycousineverytwoweeks.我每两星期就会收到我表哥的来信。三、侧重点不同1.sibling侧重点:指同胞家族成员人或动物,兄弟或姊妹。2.cousin侧重点:指表兄弟(姐妹)。




Your siblings are your brothers and sisters.兄弟或姊妹Your cousin is the child of your uncle or aunt.堂(或表)兄弟,堂(或表)姊妹


slblings的中文翻译为:n. 兄; 弟; 姐; 妹 音标为:英[u02c8su026ablu026au014b] 美[u02c8su026ablu026au014b]


siblings的意思是兄弟姐妹; 同科;同胞。读音为英[u02c8su026ablu026au014bz],美[u02c8su026ablu026au014bz]。siblings是sibling的复数。相关例句:1.Kids may spend more time overseen by older siblings than adults.孩子更多时候是他们的兄弟姐妹在照看,而不是大人。2.All children will tend to suffer from separation from their parents and siblings.所有的孩子和他们的父母及兄弟姐妹分开后往往都会难过。3.His siblings are mostly in their early twenties.他的兄弟姐妹大多二十出头。


previousSibling 属性可返回某节点之前紧跟的节点(处于同一树层级)如果没有此节点,那么该属性返回 null。语法:nodeObject.previousSibling

do you have siblings 怎么回答

do you have siblings 怎么回答你有兄弟姐妹吗?你可以回答:I don"t have any brother or sister.或是Yes, I have a brother又或是Yes, I have a brother and a sister.都可以。很希望会对你有帮助。

sibling和cousin有什么区别? 是不是前者表示亲的,后者表示表的或堂的

Your siblings are your brothers and sisters.兄弟或姊妹 Your cousin is the child of your uncle or aunt.堂(或表)兄弟,堂(或表)姊妹


sibling和cousin的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.sibling意思:n. 兄弟姐妹2.cousin意思:n.兄弟(姐妹),远亲,亲戚二、用法不同1.sibling用法:接代词或介词,在句中做宾语。例句:Ihavetwobrothersandasister:threesiblingsinall.我有两个哥哥和一个妹妹:共有三个兄妹。2.cousin用法:接介词of强调身份,跟to强调亲戚关系。例句:Ihearfrommycousineverytwoweeks.我每两星期就会收到我表哥的来信。三、侧重点不同1.sibling侧重点:指同胞家族成员人或动物,兄弟或姊妹。2.cousin侧重点:指表兄弟(姐妹)。

英语My siblings怎么翻译?



Sibling n. 兄弟姊妹;民族成员Brother n. 兄弟;同事;战友sibling 所指对象为自己的兄弟姐妹,可以是男性也可以是女性,通常是对自己有血缘关系的兄弟姐妹的称呼。Brother 所指对象为自己的哥哥或者弟弟,只能为男性。且Brother在表达上不单单指代自己的兄弟,在口语表达中通常也可以是对和自己关系亲密而无血缘关系的人的称呼。


sibling 英[u02c8su026ablu026au014b] 美[u02c8su026ablu026au014b] n. 兄弟,姐妹; [生] 同科,同属; [人] 氏族成员; [例句]His siblings are mostly in their early twenties他的兄弟姐妹大多二十出头。[其他] 复数:siblings

A Blind Man Helped Me See the Beautiful World课文中文翻译

A blind man helped me see the beautiful world一个盲人帮我看见这个美丽的世界希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可继续追问

求Blink182的boxing day的 gtp谱子

GTP乐队谱 请查收 记得采纳 谢谢

英语Enabling the Future of Machine Learning怎么翻译?


Blinded By The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Blinded By The Light歌手:Manfred Mann"s Earth Band专辑:Running With Scissors (Soundtrack)BLINDED BY THE LIGHTBruce SpringsteenMadman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomatIn the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hatWith a boulder on my shoulder, feelin" kinda older, I tripped the merry-go-roundWith this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing, the calliope crashed to the groundSome all-hot half-shot was headin" for the hot spot, snappin" his fingers, clappin" his handsAnd some fleshpot mascot was tied into a lover"s knot with a whatnot in her handAnd now young Scott with a slingshot finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sandAnd some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers, "Daddy"s within earshot, save the buckshot, turn up the band"And she was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightShe got down but she never got tight, but she"ll make it alrightSome brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the EastHe says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that"s where they expect it least"And some new-mown chaperone was standin" in the corner all alone, watchin" the young girls danceAnd some fresh-sown moonstone was messin" with his frozen zone to remind him of the feeling of romanceYeah, he was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightHe got down but he never got tight, but he"s gonna make it tonightSome silicone sister with her manager"s mister told me I got what it takesShe said, "I"ll turn you on, sonny, to something strong if you play that song with the funky break"And Go-Cart Mozart was checkin" out the weather chart to see if it was safe to go outsideAnd little Early-Pearly came by in her curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a rideOh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer, playin" backyard bombardierYes, and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent some dude with a calling card, he said, "Do what you like, but don"t do it here"Well, I jumped up, turned around, spit in the air, fell on the ground and asked him which was the way back homeHe said, "Take a right at the light, keep goin" straight until night, and then, boy, you"re on your own"And now in Zanzibar, a shootin" star was ridin" in a side car, hummin" a lunar tuneYes, and the avatar said, "Blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar, we"re gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon"And some kidnapped handicap was complainin" that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last nightWell, I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but figured he"d be all rightHe was just blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightMama always told me not to look into the sights of the sunOh, but Mama, that"s where the fun is

Blinded By The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Blinded By The Light歌手:Manfred Mann"s Earth Band专辑:Running With Scissors (Soundtrack)BLINDED BY THE LIGHTBruce SpringsteenMadman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomatIn the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hatWith a boulder on my shoulder, feelin" kinda older, I tripped the merry-go-roundWith this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing, the calliope crashed to the groundSome all-hot half-shot was headin" for the hot spot, snappin" his fingers, clappin" his handsAnd some fleshpot mascot was tied into a lover"s knot with a whatnot in her handAnd now young Scott with a slingshot finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sandAnd some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers, "Daddy"s within earshot, save the buckshot, turn up the band"And she was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightShe got down but she never got tight, but she"ll make it alrightSome brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the EastHe says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that"s where they expect it least"And some new-mown chaperone was standin" in the corner all alone, watchin" the young girls danceAnd some fresh-sown moonstone was messin" with his frozen zone to remind him of the feeling of romanceYeah, he was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightHe got down but he never got tight, but he"s gonna make it tonightSome silicone sister with her manager"s mister told me I got what it takesShe said, "I"ll turn you on, sonny, to something strong if you play that song with the funky break"And Go-Cart Mozart was checkin" out the weather chart to see if it was safe to go outsideAnd little Early-Pearly came by in her curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a rideOh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer, playin" backyard bombardierYes, and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent some dude with a calling card, he said, "Do what you like, but don"t do it here"Well, I jumped up, turned around, spit in the air, fell on the ground and asked him which was the way back homeHe said, "Take a right at the light, keep goin" straight until night, and then, boy, you"re on your own"And now in Zanzibar, a shootin" star was ridin" in a side car, hummin" a lunar tuneYes, and the avatar said, "Blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar, we"re gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon"And some kidnapped handicap was complainin" that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last nightWell, I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but figured he"d be all rightHe was just blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightMama always told me not to look into the sights of the sunOh, but Mama, that"s where the fun is

Blinded By The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Blinded By The Light歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:The Essential Bruce SpringsteenBLINDED BY THE LIGHTBruce SpringsteenMadman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomatIn the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hatWith a boulder on my shoulder, feelin" kinda older, I tripped the merry-go-roundWith this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing, the calliope crashed to the groundSome all-hot half-shot was headin" for the hot spot, snappin" his fingers, clappin" his handsAnd some fleshpot mascot was tied into a lover"s knot with a whatnot in her handAnd now young Scott with a slingshot finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sandAnd some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers, "Daddy"s within earshot, save the buckshot, turn up the band"And she was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightShe got down but she never got tight, but she"ll make it alrightSome brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the EastHe says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that"s where they expect it least"And some new-mown chaperone was standin" in the corner all alone, watchin" the young girls danceAnd some fresh-sown moonstone was messin" with his frozen zone to remind him of the feeling of romanceYeah, he was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightHe got down but he never got tight, but he"s gonna make it tonightSome silicone sister with her manager"s mister told me I got what it takesShe said, "I"ll turn you on, sonny, to something strong if you play that song with the funky break"And Go-Cart Mozart was checkin" out the weather chart to see if it was safe to go outsideAnd little Early-Pearly came by in her curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a rideOh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer, playin" backyard bombardierYes, and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent some dude with a calling card, he said, "Do what you like, but don"t do it here"Well, I jumped up, turned around, spit in the air, fell on the ground and asked him which was the way back homeHe said, "Take a right at the light, keep goin" straight until night, and then, boy, you"re on your own"And now in Zanzibar, a shootin" star was ridin" in a side car, hummin" a lunar tuneYes, and the avatar said, "Blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar, we"re gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon"And some kidnapped handicap was complainin" that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last nightWell, I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but figured he"d be all rightHe was just blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightMama always told me not to look into the sights of the sunOh, but Mama, that"s where the fun is

Blinded By The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Blinded By The Light歌手:Bruce Springsteen With The Sessions Band专辑:Live In DublinBLINDED BY THE LIGHTBruce SpringsteenMadman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomatIn the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hatWith a boulder on my shoulder, feelin" kinda older, I tripped the merry-go-roundWith this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing, the calliope crashed to the groundSome all-hot half-shot was headin" for the hot spot, snappin" his fingers, clappin" his handsAnd some fleshpot mascot was tied into a lover"s knot with a whatnot in her handAnd now young Scott with a slingshot finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sandAnd some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers, "Daddy"s within earshot, save the buckshot, turn up the band"And she was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightShe got down but she never got tight, but she"ll make it alrightSome brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the EastHe says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that"s where they expect it least"And some new-mown chaperone was standin" in the corner all alone, watchin" the young girls danceAnd some fresh-sown moonstone was messin" with his frozen zone to remind him of the feeling of romanceYeah, he was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightHe got down but he never got tight, but he"s gonna make it tonightSome silicone sister with her manager"s mister told me I got what it takesShe said, "I"ll turn you on, sonny, to something strong if you play that song with the funky break"And Go-Cart Mozart was checkin" out the weather chart to see if it was safe to go outsideAnd little Early-Pearly came by in her curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a rideOh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer, playin" backyard bombardierYes, and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent some dude with a calling card, he said, "Do what you like, but don"t do it here"Well, I jumped up, turned around, spit in the air, fell on the ground and asked him which was the way back homeHe said, "Take a right at the light, keep goin" straight until night, and then, boy, you"re on your own"And now in Zanzibar, a shootin" star was ridin" in a side car, hummin" a lunar tuneYes, and the avatar said, "Blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar, we"re gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon"And some kidnapped handicap was complainin" that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last nightWell, I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but figured he"d be all rightHe was just blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightMama always told me not to look into the sights of the sunOh, but Mama, that"s where the fun is

介绍几首好听的歌.风格和love is color blind差不多的,别拿丑的掉渣的歌忽悠我.OK?

我个人觉得lady gaga 的歌蛮好,还有把我喜欢的一些英文歌曲:1、Apologize 2、Because of you 3、Just one last dance 4、My love 还有就是迈克的歌和贾斯丁的歌都蛮好听的

谁翻译一下doctor blind这首歌

这是我很喜欢的一首歌,但是用平常的方法来翻译,感到难度很大,而且怎么也翻译不通。偶然想到老鹰乐队的成名曲《Hotel California》,写的是嗑药后的一段经历,里面一些光怪陆离的描述即嗑药后产生的幻觉。同样的方法用来翻译这首歌,结果意思就完全清楚了。Doctor Blind - Emily HainesThe lack of light, hollow sea被黑暗吞噬,空洞的大海Poison beaches, limousines浑浊的海滩,豪华轿车 (这些描述应该都是致幻剂产生的幻觉)Toothless dentists, cops that kill没牙齿的牙医,该死的警察My baby"s got the lonesome lows那是我宝贝的寂寞低点don"t quite go away overnight别急着离开,留下来过夜Doctor Blind, just prescribe the blue ones布莱德医生,就开给我蓝色的(代指麻醉剂之类的毒品,俚语中“blind squid”即氯胺酮成分的毒品。这里的“医生”也不是实际意义的医生,指供应毒品的人或只是一种虚指)If the dizzying highs don"t subside overnight如果眩晕的快感一整夜都无法消退Doctor Blind, just prescribe the red ones那么布莱德医生,就给我开红色的(大概指某种让人恢复清醒的药物)Da da-da, da-da da-dum, da da-daAh ah-ah, ah-ah da-dum, ah-da-da daHard to hold, cold to touch难以掌控,冰冷的触感Fall to pieces, treat the rush瓦解成碎片,体验高潮In hindsight, primetime talk在事后看来,真是一次不可言说的体验All your pain will end here你所有的痛楚将在这里终结Let the doctor soothe your brain, dear让大夫来缓解你的大脑,亲爱的My baby"s got the lonesome lows那是我宝贝的寂寞低点don"t quite go away overnight别急着离开,留下来过夜Doctor Blind, just prescribe the blue ones布莱德医生,就开给我蓝色的If the dizzying highs don"t subside overnight如果眩晕的快感一整夜都无法消退Docter Blind, just prescribe the red ones那么布莱德医生,就给我开红色的Da, da-da-da, da da da daDa-da-da-da-da-da da daDa-ah-ah-ahMmm-mmm-mmm mmm-mmm-mmm, ah ahDa-da-da-da-da-da da daDa-da-da-daMmm-mmm-mmm mmm-mmm-mmm, ah ah

justice is blind是什么意思


blink 182 一共发了几张专辑

Blink-182:Buddha (1994)   01.Carousel   02.TV   03.Strings   04.Fentoozler   05.Time   06.Romeo and Rebecca   07.21 Days   08.Sometimes   09.Point of View   10.My Pet Sally   11.Reebok Commercial   12.Toast and Bananas   13.The Girl Next Door   14.Don"t   Blink-182:Cheshire Cat (1994)   01.Carousel   02.M+M"s   03.Fentoozler   04.Touchdown Boy   05.Strings   06.Peggy Sue   07.Sometimes   08.Does My Breath Smell?   09.Cacophony   10.TV   11.Toast and Bananas   12.Wasting Time   13.Romeo and Rebecca   14.Ben Wah Balls   15.Just About Done   16.Depends   Blink-182:Dude Ranch (1997)   01.Pathetic   02.Voyeur   03.Dammit   04.Boring   05.Click Lips   06.Waggy   07.Enthused   08.Untitled   09.Apple Shampoo   10.Emo   11.Josie   12.A New Hope   13.Degenerate   14.Lemmings   15.I"m Sorry   Blink-182:Enema of the State (1999)   01.Dumpweed   02.Don"t Leave Me   03.Aliens Exist   04.Going Away to College   05.What"s My Age Again?   06.Dysentery Gary   07.Adam"s Song   08.All the Small Things   09.The Party Song   10.Mutt   11.Wendy Clear   12.Anthem   Blink-182:The Mark, Tom and Travis Show (2000)   01.Dumpweed   02.Don"t Leave Me   03.Aliens Exist   04.Family Reunion   05.Going Away to College   06.What"s My Age Again?   07.Rich Lips   08.Blow Job   09.Untitled   10.Voyeur   11.Pathetic   12.Adam"s Song   13.Peggy Sue   14.Wendy Clear   15.Carousel   16.All the Small Things   17.Mutt   18.The Country Song   19.Dammit   20.Man Overboard   Blink-182:Maximum Blink 182 (2001)   01.Introduction   02.Growing Up   03.School"s Out   04.The Good Life   05.Serious Stuff   06.The Land Down Under   07.Making Money   08.The Big Time   09.Enemies of the State   10.Riding the Wave   Blink-182:Take off Your Pants and Jacket (2001)   01.Anthem, Pt. 2   02.Online Songs   03.First Date   04.Happy Holidays, You Bastard   05.Story of a Lonely Guy   06.The Rock Show   07.Stay Together for the Kids   08.Roller Coaster   09.Reckless Abandon   10.Everytime I Look for You   11.Give Me One Good Reason   12.Shut Up   13.Please Take Me Home   Blink-182:blink-182 (2003)   01.Feeling This   02.Obvious   03.I Miss You   04.Violence   05.Stockholm Syndrome   06.Down   07.The Fallen Interlude   08.Go   09.Asthenia   10.Always   11.Easy Target   12.All Of This   13.Here`S Your Letter   14.I`M Lost Without You

blink 182的专辑曲目

Blink-182:Buddha (1994)01.Carousel02 .TV03.Strings04.Fentoozler05.Time06.Romeo and Rebecca07.21 Days08.Sometimes09.Point of View10 .My Pet Sally⒒Reebok Commercial⒓Toast and Bananas⒔The Girl Next Door⒕Don"tBlink-182:Cheshire Cat (1994)01.Carousel02.M+M"s03.Fentoozler04.Touchdown Boy05.Strings06.Peggy Sue07.Sometimes08.Does My Breath Smell?09.Cacophony10 .TV⒒Toast and Bananas⒓Wasting Time⒔Romeo and Rebecca⒕Ben Wah Balls⒖Just About Done⒗DependsBlink-182:Dude Ranch (1997)01.Pathetic02.Voyeur03.Dammit04.Boring05.Click Lips06.Waggy07.Enthused08.Untitled09.Apple Shampoo⒑Emo⒒Josie⒓A New Hope⒔Degenerate⒕Lemmings⒖I"m SorryBlink-182:Enema of the State (1999)01.Dumpweed02.Don"t Leave Me03.Aliens Exist04.Going Away to College05.What"s My Age Again?06.Dysentery Gary07.Adam"s Song08.All the Small Things09.The Party Song⒑Mutt⒒Wendy Clear⒓AnthemBlink-182:The Mark,Tom and Travis Show (2000)01.Dumpweed02.Don"t Leave Me03.Aliens Exist04.Family Reunion05.Going Away to College06.What"s My Age Again?07.Rich Lips08.Blow Job09.Untitled⒑Voyeur⒒Pathetic⒓Adam"s Song⒔Peggy Sue⒕Wendy Clear⒖Carousel⒗All the Small Things⒘Mutt⒙The Country Song⒚Dammit⒛Man OverboardBlink-182:Maximum Blink 182 (2001)01.Introduction02.Growing Up03.School"s Out04.The Good Life05.Serious Stuff06.The Land Down Under07.Making Money08.The Big Time09.Enemies of the State⒑Riding the WaveBlink-182:Take off Your Pants and Jacket (2001)01.Anthem,Pt. 202.Online Songs03.First Date04.Happy Holidays,You Bastard05.Story of a Lonely Guy06.The Rock Show07.Stay Together for the Kids08.Roller Coaster09.Reckless Abandon⒑Everytime I Look for You⒒Give Me One Good Reason⒓Shut Up⒔Please Take Me HomeBlink-182:blink-182 (2003)01.Feeling This02.Obvious03.I Miss You04.Violence05.Stockholm Syndrome06.Down07.The Fallen Interlude08.Go09.Asthenia⒑Always⒒Easy Target⒓All Of This⒔Here`S Your Letter⒕I`M Lost Without YouBlink-182:Neighborhoods (2011)01 - Ghost on the Dance Floor02 - Natives03 - Up All Night04 - After Midnight05 - Snake Charmer06 - Heart"s All Gone Interlude07 - Heart"s All Gone08 - Wishing Well09 - Kaleidoscope10 - This Is Home11 - MH 4.18.201112 - Love is Dangerous13 - Fighting The Gravity14 - Even if She Falls




名词 盲 blind 盲人 blind, blindman 瞎子 blind, blindman 百叶窗 shutter, blind 眯 blind 瞽 blind 挡 gear, fender, blind 眛 blind 形容词 瞎 blind, vain, empty, rash, blind in one eye, crooked 盲目的 blind, blindfold, eyeless, sightless 盲的 blind 瞍 blind 动词 蒙蔽 blind, hoodwink, becloud, eclipse, dust the eyes of 弄瞎 blind 黑暗 blind, overshadow 使...震惊 concuss, blind 压倒 overwhelm, overpower, blind

except when blindfold在句中是什么意思?

您好,很高兴回答您的问题。except when blindfold在句中的意思是:除非眼罩以上为个人意见,希望对您有帮助。

venetian blind和shutter有什么区别?

只是猜想。好像有些百叶窗不能拉上去的就是只能把叶片放平 让光透进来那些可以拉上拉下的就叫软百叶窗可能是这样吧只是猜想


百叶窗只是一种统称,具体还分为blinds和plantation shutter。区别如下:两者最大的区别就是blinds往往只固定在窗户上沿,而shutter是固定在整个窗框上。那种随风而动的百叶窗就是blinds了。



the rocky road to dublin的英文歌词

In the merry month of June from my home I startedleft the girls of Taum nearly brokenhearted saluted me father dear,kissed me darling mother drank a pint of beer,my grief and tears to smother then off to reap the corn,leave where I was born cut a stout blackthorn to banish ghosts and goblin,brand-new pair of brogues,rattling o"er the bogs frightening all the dogs on the rocky road to Dublin.In Mullingar last night, I rested limbs so weary started by daylight next morning brightand early took a drop of the pure to keep me heart from sinkingthat"s the daddy"s cure when he"s on the drinking see the lassies smile,laughing all the while at me darling style, would set your heart a-bubblin" asked me was I hired,wages I required "til I was almost tired of the rocky road to Dublin.Chorus:Hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road and all the way to Dublin, whack-fol-la-de-da!In Dublin next arrived, I thought it such a pity to be so soon deprived a view of that fine citydecided to take a stroll all among the quality bundle,it was stole in that neat locality something crossed my mind when I looked behindno bundle could I find upon me stick a-wobblin" crying for a rogue said meconnaught brogue wasn"t much in-vogue on the rocky road to Dublin.From there I got away, me spirits never failing landed on the quay just as the ship was sailing captain at me roared,said that no room had he then I jumped aboard a cabin found for Daddy down among the pigs,played some funny rigs, danced some hearty jigs,the water "round me bubblin" off to hollyhead wished myself was deador better far instead on the rocky road to Dublin.The boys in Liverpool, when we safely landed called myself a fool,I could no longer stand it blood began to boil,temper I was losing poor old Erin"s Isle they began abusing hooray me soul,says I, let the shellaillagh fly some galway boys were nigh,saw I was a-hobblin" with a loud array,they joined me in the fray and soon we cleared the way on the rocky road to Dublin.好辛苦啊,希望采纳!

An old woman suddenly became blind什么意思


迈克尔杰克逊 justbling

你说的应该是 billie jean ,望采纳

求一片英语文章 six blind men and an elephant

盲人摸象 The Blind Men and the Elephant The Blind Men and the ElephantA Hindoo Fable - by John Godfrey SaxeIIt was six men of IndostanTo learning much inclined,Who went to see the Elephant(Thought all of them were blind).That each by observationMight satisfy his mind.IIThe FIRST approached the ElephantAnd happening to fallAgainst his broad and sturdy sideAt once began to bawl:"God bless me, but the ElephantIs very like a wall!"IIIThe SECOND, feeling of the tusk,Cried "Ho! What have we hereSo very round and smooth and sharp?To me "tis mightly clearThis wonder of an ElephantIs very like a spear."IVThe THIRD approached the animal,And happening to takeThe squirming trunk within his hands,Thus boldly up and spake:"I see, "quoth he, "the ElephantIs very like a snake!"VThe FOURTH reached out his eager hand,And felt about the knee,"What most this wondrous beast is likeIs mightly plain, "quoth he:"Tis clear enough the ElephantIs very like a tree!"VIThe FIFTH, who chanced to touch the ear,Said: "E"en the blindest manCan tell what this resembles most,Deny the fact who can,This marvel of an ElephantIs very like a fan!"VIIThe SIXTH no sooner had begunAbout the beast to grope,Than, seizing on the swinging tailThat fell within his scope,"I see, "quoth he, "the ElephantIs very like a rope!"VIIIAnd so these men of IndostanDisputed loud and long,Each in his own opinionExceeding stiff and strong.Though each was partly in the rightAnd all were in the wrong.IXSo, oft in theologic warsThe disputants, I ween,Rail on in utter ignoranceOf what each other meanAnd prate about an ElephantNot one of them has seen!

四年级水平的英语作文The blind men and the elephant

= =是故事吧??the blind men and the elephantMany years ago ,there are four blind men.One day, they met an elephant when they were walking on the road.They were all surprised at the elephant. They wanted to know what is elephant.They touched it.One man said:"It feels like a carrot."One man said:"No!It is a wall."One man said:"I felt a tree."The last man said:"It feels like a string."For they touched different parts of the elephant,they thought it was a different thing.= =4年级。。。这题目有点难写吧。有不懂得再问我。

bling是什么意思 pink girl是什么意思

pink girl的意思是单纯、甜美的女孩子。一方面是由于色彩,pink与blue是相反的,所以有快乐的意思。biing就是韩国人总说的,就是闪闪的意思。希望能帮到你

Blind Rivet,是什么意思

blind rivet 盲孔铆钉;空心铆钉双语例句1.Blind rivets series: peel type blind rivet, color rivet, multi-grip rivet, semi- tubular rivet and other non-standard rivets. 抽芯铆钉系列、拉花铆钉、彩色铆钉、多鼓型铆钉、半空芯铆钉及相关的非标准件等。2.The invention relates to a blind rivet and a rivet pin that is connected or can be connected to the tool and is used to apply the blind rivet. 本发明提出一种盲铆钉和一种指定用于安插盲铆钉的与工具连接或可连接的铆钉销。

single-blind peer review 是什么意思

single-blind peer review单向匿名审查;单盲审稿单向匿名审查  单向匿名审查(single-blind peer review)是当审查者知道作者姓名和机构名称,而对作者隐匿审查者的资讯single-blind["siu014bɡl,blaind]adj.(被试者不知道试验或测验的内容和细节)单盲对照;单盲法peer review英 [piu0259 riu02c8vju:] 美 [pu026ar ru026au02c8vju]同行审查同行评议;同侪审查;同行审查;同级评审

single-blind peer review 是什么意思

single-blind peer review单向匿名审查;单盲审稿单向匿名审查(single-blind peer review)是当审查者知道作者姓名和机构名称,而对作者隐匿审查者的资讯single-blind["siu014bɡl,blaind]adj.(被试者不知道试验或测验的内容和细节)单盲对照;单盲法peer review英 [piu0259 riu02c8vju:] 美 [pu026ar ru026au02c8vju]同行审查同行评议;同侪审查;同行审查;同级评审

Gomez的《Blind》 歌词

歌曲名:Blind歌手:Gomez专辑:Five Men In A Hut (A S, B S And Rarities: 1998 - 2004)Jason Derülo - Blind (盲目的爱情)Never thought that I"d say wish I didn"t love you ever从未想过我会说出希望自己从未爱上你这样的话Since the first date when you got close my heart自在第一次约会你深深打动我的心开始Would just stop thought me and you together would end up on top我就一刻不停的想着我们会爱到天荒地老You changed me for better for worse I know我也知道你是决定我一切的唯一I was caught up always put you first I never once thought你在我心目中永远是第一位You would be triflin but o I was blinded...你只是在玩弄着爱情游戏,但爱情使我盲目...I was like oh oh oh never wanna let you go go go我只想你永远在我身旁Cause I was open before I was open before but因为遇见你以后我痛改前非再不花心Now I know... That love made me blind现在我终于知道...是爱情使我盲目So I could"nt see all the lies you told were right in front of me所以你一切显而易见的谎言也变得密不透风Since love made me blind you made a fool of me自爱情让我盲目,你让我像个傻瓜一样You made it look so perfect when it wasn"t meant to be你的把戏让我们的爱变得完美,即使我们不是天作之合Your love made me blind你的爱让我变得盲目I gave all of my trust didn"t think being faithful was asking对你完全信任,这是我主动愿意的To much but I"m good glad that I know now I was fooled but现在的我很好,很高兴现在终于明白我当时是多么的愚蠢Fate let me see how they say every tear has it"s reasons命运的安排让我学会了每一滴眼泪都有它流下的理由Every smile has it"s own season never once thought每个微笑都是稍纵即逝的道理Youd be this triflin but o I was blinded...你只是在玩弄着爱情游戏,但爱情使我盲目...I was like oh oh oh never wanna let you go go go我只想你永远在我身旁Cause I was open before I was open before but因为遇见你以后我痛改前非再不花心Now I know... That love made me blind现在我终于知道...是爱情使我盲目So I could"nt see all the lies you told were right in front of me所以你一切显而易见的谎言也变得密不透风Since love made me blind you made a fool of me自爱情让我盲目,你让我像个傻瓜一样You made it look so perfect when it wasn"t meant to be你的把戏让我们的爱变得完美,即使我们不是天作之合Your love made me blind你的爱让我变得盲目Cause I felt your lips pressed against mine因为当我品味你我唇舌交缠时Thought the sweet smell of your perfume was all mine想象着你的甜馨芳香都为我专属Baby You know you area beautiful liar宝贝你可真是个情场高手啊Coz love made me blind只因爱情使我盲目Love made me blind爱情使我盲目So I could"nt see all the lies you told were right in front of me所以你一切显而易见的谎言也变得密不透风Since love made me blind you made a fool of me自爱情让我盲目,你让我像个傻瓜一样You made it look so perfect when it wasn"t meant to be你的把戏让我们的爱变得完美,即使我们不是天作之合Your love made me blind你的爱让我变得盲目Jason Derülo - Blind (盲目的爱情)E-n-D

his (passionate) for her made him blind to everything else中间单词怎么换?什么意思??

变成 passion (“爱”;“激情”的意思)

Love Is Color Blind 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is Color Blind歌手:Sarah Connor专辑:Key To My SoulLove Is Color Blind Feat TqSarah Connoryeahwhat"s upit"s TQ and Sarah againhaha right back at ya(love is color blind)that"s rightthis time we got a serious situationand we"re tryna do our parts to helpBut we need your helpyou know what I"m sayinglove is color blindso come on It don"t matter if you"re blackwhite or yellow if you"re brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color blindI remember whrenI was a child and couldn"t understandpeople having fundiscriminating all the different onesmama just used to saywhen you grow up you"ll maybe find a wayto make these people seethat everything I do comes back to meYou gotta live your livewe"re all the same no one"s to blamethey gotta live their livesjust play the game and let love reignIt don"t matter if you"re blackwhite or yellow if your brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color-blindyou"re my brother, you"re my friendall that matters in the very endis to understandlove is color blindI remeber as a young boyI watched my neighbourhood go up in flamesI saw the whole thang thru tears of painand a situation"s rackin" my brainI wish I could fly away and never come back againwe need some lvoe y"allwe need some real deal help from above y"allI mean the kids watchin and I just can"t see it stoppin I don"t understandI mean we all bleed the same blood manYou gotta live your lifebetter than our fathers didlet"s make some love baby, have some kidsthey gotta live their livesand I don"t care what color they are or u are or we areit"s all love baby It don"t matter if you"re blackwhite or yellow if your brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color blindyou"re my brother you"re my friendall that matters in the very endis to understandlove is colorblindYou have been my motheryou could have been my brotherwhat if you were my sisterif you were my fatheryou could have been my fellayou could habe been my teacherwhat if you were my friendwould be so nice to meet You have been my motheryou could have been my brotherwhat if you were my sisterif you were my fatheryou could have been my fellayou could habe been my teacherwhat if you were my friendwould be so nice to meet take it out to the worldtell every boy and every little girlbe proud of yourselfcause you"re as good as anybody elseput away your prejudiceopen your mind don"t need a stick to thistry to make this eartha better place without a racial curseYeah it"s time for some changeslalalalalalalalalalalalalala lalalalalalala la lalalalalalala lalalalalalala lalalalalalala love is color blindIt don t matter if you re blackwhite or yellow if your brown or redlet s get down to thatlove is color blindyou re my brother you re my friendall that matters in the very endis to understandlove is color blindYou have been my motheryou could have been my brotherwhat if you were my sisterif you were my fatheryou could have been my fellayou could habe been my teacherwhat if you were my friendwould be so nice to meet You my brother You my fellayou re my brother you re my friendall that matters in the very endis to understandlove is color blindcolor blind Yeah

love is color blind的中文翻译(有什么意思)

爱是不分颜色的 would be so nice to meet ya 很高兴遇见你们啊 take it out to the world 大声对全世界说 tell every boy and every little girl 告诉每个男孩和每个小女孩 be proud of yourself 为你自己感到骄傲 cause you"re as good as anybody else因为你跟其他人一样棒 put away your prejudice 把你的偏见抛开 open your mind, don"t need a stick to this开阔你的思维,不需要死脑筋 try to make this earth试着将这个世界 a better place without a racial curse变成一个没有种族歧视的美好地方 Yeah, it"s time for some changes是的,该做一些改变了 Na...Na...Na...呐呐呐 It don"t matter if you"re black如果你是黑人,那没关系 white or yellow, if your brown or red或者是白人或者黄种人(都没关系),(你的头发)是棕是红(都没关系) let"s get down to that让我们看清楚吧(Get down to,意为 “重点突出”) love is color-blind爱是不分颜色的。 you"re my brother, you"re my friend你们都是我的兄弟,你们都是我的朋友 all that matters in the very end在最后,唯一重要的是 is to understand要知道 love is color-blind爱是不分颜色的

求《Love Is Color Blind Ft Tq》的中文歌词

分类: 音乐 问题描述: yltime/musicbak/love%20is%20color%20brown.mp3这里是试听地址,求这首歌的中文歌词,RAP部分也要,谢谢了 解析: It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 Verse 1: I remember when 我仍记得 I was a child and couldn"t understand 当我还是一个小孩子的时候 people having fundiscriminating all the different ones 无法理解那些人为什么要嘲笑和歧视那些与众不同的人 mama just used to say 妈妈曾经对我说 when you grow up you"ll maybe find a way 当你长大后你要 to make these people see 使人们意识到 that everything I do es back to me 我做的每样东西都是由我自己决定的 Bridge: You gotta live your live 你应当为自己而活 we"re all the same, no one"s to blame 我们都是一样的,没有人应当被责备 they gotta live their lives 他们应当为自己而活 just play the game and let love reign 这只是一个游戏,让爱来支配吧 Chorous: It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 TQ: I remeber as a young boy 我仍记得我还是小男孩的时候 I watched my neighbourhood go up in flames 我看见我的邻居的每一幕 I saw the whole thang thru tears of pain 我看到的只有他们的眼泪和伤痛 and a situation"s rackin" my brain 我的脑海里显现一个情景 I wish I could fly away and never e back again 我希望我能飞着离开这里永远不再回来 we need some lvoe y"all 我们大家都需要爱 we need some real deal help from above y"all 我们都需要来自你们真心的帮助 I mean the kids watchin" 我想说一个孩子看到 and I just can"t see it stoppin", I don"t understand 却不能阻止这一切,我不懂 I mean we all bleed the same blood, man! 我想说,人啊!我们身上都流淌着同样的血液啊 Bridge: You gotta live your life 你应该为自己而活 better than our fathers did 活得比你们的长辈更要好 let"s make some love, baby, have some kids 让我们给多点爱,让所有的孩子 they gotta live their lives 都为他们而活 and I don"t care what color they are, or u are, or we are it"s all love, baby! 我不管他们还是你们抑或是我们是什么肤色,都要相亲相爱 C-Part: You have been my mother 你可以是我的妈妈 you could have been my brother 你可以是我的兄弟 what if you were my sister 或者是我的姐妹 if you were my father? 或者是我的爸爸? you could have been my fella 你可以是我的伙伴 you could habe been my teacher 可以是我的老师 what if you were my friend? 也可以是我的朋友? would be so nice to meet ya 我都会很高兴遇到你

love is color blind歌词+翻译完整的.

It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 Verse 1: I remember when 我仍记得 I was a child and couldn"t understand 当我还是一个小孩子的时候 people having fundiscriminating all the different ones 无法理解那些人为什么要嘲笑和歧视那些与众不同的人 mama just used to say 妈妈曾经对我说 when you grow up you"ll maybe find a way 当你长大后你要 to make these people see 使人们意识到 that everything I do comes back to me 我做的每样东西都是由我自己决定的 Bridge: You gotta live your live 你应当为自己而活 we"re all the same, no one"s to blame 我们都是一样的,没有人应当被责备 they gotta live their lives 他们应当为自己而活 just play the game and let love reign 这只是一个游戏,让爱来支配吧 Chorous: It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 TQ: I remeber as a young boy 我仍记得我还是小男孩的时候 I watched my neighbourhood go up in flames 我看见我的邻居的每一幕 I saw the whole thang thru tears of pain 我看到的只有他们的眼泪和伤痛 and a situation"s rackin" my brain 我的脑海里显现一个情景 I wish I could fly away and never come back again 我希望我能飞着离开这里永远不再回来 we need some lvoe y"all 我们大家都需要爱 we need some real deal help from above y"all 我们都需要来自你们真心的帮助 I mean the kids watchin" 我想说一个孩子看到 and I just can"t see it stoppin", I don"t understand 却不能阻止这一切,我不懂 I mean we all bleed the same blood, man! 我想说,人啊!我们身上都流淌着同样的血液啊 Bridge: You gotta live your life 你应该为自己而活 better than our fathers did 活得比你们的长辈更要好 let"s make some love, baby, have some kids 让我们给多点爱,让所有的孩子 they gotta live their lives 都为他们而活 and I don"t care what color they are, or u are, or we are it"s all love, baby! 我不管他们还是你们抑或是我们是什么肤色,都要相亲相爱 C-Part: You have been my mother 你可以是我的妈妈 you could have been my brother 你可以是我的兄弟 what if you were my sister 或者是我的姐妹 if you were my father? 或者是我的爸爸? you could have been my fella 你可以是我的伙伴 you could habe been my teacher 可以是我的老师 what if you were my friend? 也可以是我的朋友? would be so nice to meet ya 我都会很高兴遇到你

求音乐:love is color blind

这是这首歌的歌词 希望对你有帮助It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 Verse 1: I remember when 我仍记得 I was a child and couldn"t understand 当我还是一个小孩子的时候 people having fundiscriminating all the different ones 无法理解那些人为什么要嘲笑和歧视那些与众不同的人 mama just used to say 妈妈曾经对我说 when you grow up you"ll maybe find a way 当你长大后你要 to make these people see 使人们意识到 that everything I do comes back to me 我做的每样东西都是由我自己决定的 Bridge: You gotta live your live 你应当为自己而活 we"re all the same, no one"s to blame 我们都是一样的,没有人应当被责备 they gotta live their lives 他们应当为自己而活 just play the game and let love reign 这只是一个游戏,让爱来支配吧 Chorous: It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 TQ: I remeber as a young boy 我仍记得我还是小男孩的时候 I watched my neighbourhood go up in flames 我看见我的邻居的每一幕 I saw the whole thang thru tears of pain 我看到的只有他们的眼泪和伤痛 and a situation"s rackin" my brain 我的脑海里显现一个情景 I wish I could fly away and never come back again 我希望我能飞着离开这里永远不再回来 we need some lvoe y"all 我们大家都需要爱 we need some real deal help from above y"all 我们都需要来自你们真心的帮助 I mean the kids watchin" 我想说一个孩子看到 and I just can"t see it stoppin", I don"t understand 却不能阻止这一切,我不懂 I mean we all bleed the same blood, man! 我想说,人啊!我们身上都流淌着同样的血液啊 Bridge: You gotta live your life 你应该为自己而活 better than our fathers did 活得比你们的长辈更要好 let"s make some love, baby, have some kids 让我们给多点爱,让所有的孩子 they gotta live their lives 都为他们而活 and I don"t care what color they are, or u are, or we are it"s all love, baby! 我不管他们还是你们抑或是我们是什么肤色,都要相亲相爱 C-Part: You have been my mother 你可以是我的妈妈 you could have been my brother 你可以是我的兄弟 what if you were my sister 或者是我的姐妹 if you were my father? 或者是我的爸爸? you could have been my fella 你可以是我的伙伴 you could habe been my teacher 可以是我的老师 what if you were my friend? 也可以是我的朋友? would be so nice to meet ya 我都会很高兴遇到你

找love is color blind歌词

It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 Verse 1: I remember when 我仍记得 I was a child and couldn"t understand 当我还是一个小孩子的时候 people having fundiscriminating all the different ones 无法理解那些人为什么要嘲笑和歧视那些与众不同的人 mama just used to say 妈妈曾经对我说 when you grow up you"ll maybe find a way 当你长大后你要 to make these people see 使人们意识到 that everything I do comes back to me 我做的每样东西都是由我自己决定的 Bridge: You gotta live your live 你应当为自己而活 we"re all the same, no one"s to blame 我们都是一样的,没有人应当被责备 they gotta live their lives 他们应当为自己而活 just play the game and let love reign 这只是一个游戏,让爱来支配吧 Chorous: It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 TQ: I remeber as a young boy 我仍记得我还是小男孩的时候 I watched my neighbourhood go up in flames 我看见我的邻居的每一幕 I saw the whole thang thru tears of pain 我看到的只有他们的眼泪和伤痛 and a situation"s rackin" my brain 我的脑海里显现一个情景 I wish I could fly away and never come back again 我希望我能飞着离开这里永远不再回来 we need some lvoe y"all 我们大家都需要爱 we need some real deal help from above y"all 我们都需要来自你们真心的帮助 I mean the kids watchin" 我想说一个孩子看到 and I just can"t see it stoppin", I don"t understand 却不能阻止这一切,我不懂 I mean we all bleed the same blood, man! 我想说,人啊!我们身上都流淌着同样的血液啊 Bridge: You gotta live your life 你应该为自己而活 better than our fathers did 活得比你们的长辈更要好 let"s make some love, baby, have some kids 让我们给多点爱,让所有的孩子 they gotta live their lives 都为他们而活 and I don"t care what color they are, or u are, or we are it"s all love, baby! 我不管他们还是你们抑或是我们是什么肤色,都要相亲相爱 C-Part: You have been my mother 你可以是我的妈妈 you could have been my brother 你可以是我的兄弟 what if you were my sister 或者是我的姐妹 if you were my father? 或者是我的爸爸? you could have been my fella 你可以是我的伙伴 you could habe been my teacher 可以是我的老师 what if you were my friend? 也可以是我的朋友? would be so nice to meet ya 我都会很高兴遇到你
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