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  你知道广泛的英文怎么说吗?一起来学习一下吧!    广泛的英文: extensive英 [ɪkˈstensɪv]美 [ɪkˈstɛnsɪv]    广泛的英文: widespread英 [ˈwaɪdspred]美 [ˈwaɪdˈsprɛd]   广泛的英文例句:   1. He has received extensive corrective surgery to his skull.   他的头骨做过大面积的矫形手术。   2. It"s a fair guess to say that the damage will be extensive.   说损失会很严重想必猜得不错。   3. The blast caused extensive damage, shattering the ground-floor windows.   爆炸造成了巨大的破坏,震碎了一楼的窗户。   4. The resort is surrounded by extensive national and regional parklands.   那个度假胜地被广阔的国家和地区绿地所环绕。   5. They began to lay in extensive stores of food supplies.   他们开始储备大量食物。   6. The £85m programme will involve an extensive rebranding of the airline.   这个8,500万英镑的项目将包括全面重塑该航空公司的形象。   7. Mr Marr makes extensive use of exclusively Scottish words.   马尔先生使用了大量苏格兰特有的词汇。   8. The palace has extensive gardens, a maze, and tennis courts.   这座宫殿有几座大花园、一处迷宫和几个网球场。   9. The longer this situation obtains, the more extensive the problems become.   这种局面持续的时间越长,问题波及的范围就越广。   10. Experts believe that the coming drought will be extensive.   专家们认为即将发生的旱灾将侵袭大片地区。   11. Investigations had revealed extensive rot in the beams under the ground floor.   调查发现一层地下的横梁大面积腐烂。   12. Developments in South Africa receive extensive coverage in The Sunday Telegraph.   《星期日电讯报》全面报道了南非的发展。   13. The shop stocks an extensive range of beach wear.   这家商店备有各式各样的沙滩服装。   14. How such extensive damage could have been sustained so quickly remains unexplained.   如何这么快就造成这么大的破坏依然不得而知。   15. The company announced an extensive stock buy-back program.   公司宣布了一个大量回购股权的方案。   1. There are reports of widespread dis-content in the capital.   有报道称首都弥漫着不满的情绪。   2. There was widespread support for him among the rank and file.   那些普通职员们都普遍支持他。   3. The deaths occurred when police acted to stop widespread looting and vandalism.   警方采取行动制止猖狂的打砸抢行为时有多人丧生。   4. He is a veteran parliamentarian whose views enjoy widespread respect.   他是个资深议员,其观点受到广泛尊重。   5. A recent open meeting of College members revealed widespread dissatisfaction.   最近的一次学会成员公开会上,大家普遍流露出不满情绪。   6. There was widespread picketing of mines where work was continuing.   凡是在继续开采的矿区,都设置了纠察队。   7. Widespread protests have placed the President under serious pressure.   铺天盖地的抗议让总统倍感压力。   8. The pound"s weakness compounded the widespread gloom in the City.   英镑的疲软加重了笼罩在伦敦金融区上空的惨淡愁云。   9. The bombing has been far more widespread than the military will admit.   轰炸的范围远远大于军方愿意承认的范围。   10. Widespread political and economic disarray threatens to make the constitution meaningless.   四处蔓延的政治和经济混乱可能会使宪法变得可有可无。   11. Ganley said he"d seen no evidence of widespread fraud.   甘利说他没有看见诈骗泛滥的证据。   12. There is widespread support for the new proposals.   新提议获得了广泛的支持。   13. The proposed modifications met with widespread approval.   修改提议得到了广泛的赞同。   14. Food shortages are widespread.   食物短缺的情况很普遍。   15. There is widespread apathy among the electorate.   选民普遍态度冷淡。