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电放提单和Sea waybill到底有什么区别? 请专业的来回答,不懂的不要来了。



船东提单海运提单(Marine Bill of Lading or Ocean Bill of Lading),或简称为提单(Bill of Lading, B/L),是国际结算中的一种最重要的单据。是承运人收到货物后出具的货物收据,也是承运人所签署的运输契约的证明,提单还代表所载货物的所有权,是一种具有物权特性的凭证。提单有正本和副本之分。正本提单一般签发一式两份或三份,这是为了防止提单流通过程中万一遗失时,可以应用另一份正本。各份正本具有同等效力,但其中一份提货后,其余各份均告失效。副本提单承运人不签署,份数根据托运人和船方的实际需要而定。副本提单只用于日常业务,不具备法律效力。海运单,(SEA WAYBILL)是指证明海上货物运输合同和承运人接收货物或者已将货物装船的不可转让的单证。海运单的正面内容与提单的基本一致,但是印有“不可转让”的字样。有的海运单在背面订有货方定义条款、承运人责任、义务与免责条款、装货、卸货与交货条款、运费及其他费用条款、留置权条款、共同海损条款、双方有责碰撞条款、首要条款、法律适用条款等内容。有的海运单没有背面条款,仅在海运单的正面或者背面载明参照何运输条件或者某种提单或其他文件中的规定。 海运单不能背书转让,收货人无需凭海运单,只需出示适当的身份证明,就可以提取货物。 因此海运单迟延到达、灭失、失窃等均不影响收货人提货,这样可以有效地防止海运欺诈、错误交货的发生。



提单号waybill no

Dear Mr. This is the missing waybill some days ago,lading bill number is.,another waybill will be provided later.

电放提单和Sea waybill有哪些区别?

电放提单还属于提单范畴,是物权凭证,可以背书转让,收货人就只要拿着传真件去提货就好了sea waybill海运单,是指证明海上货物运输合同和承运人接收货物或者已将货物装船的不可转让的单证。海运单的正面内容与提单的基本一致,但是印有“不可转让”的字样。有的海运单在背面订有货方定义条款、承运人责任、义务与免责条款、装货、卸货与交货条款、运费及其他费用条款、留置权条款、共同海损条款、双方有责碰撞条款、首要条款、法律适用条款等内容。有的海运单没有背面条款,仅在海运单的正面或者背面载明参照何运输条件或者某种提单或其他文件中的规定。 海运单不能背书转让,收货人无需凭海运单,只需出示适当的身份证明,就可以提取货物。 因此海运单迟延到达、灭失、失窃等均不影响收货人提货,这样可以有效地防止海运欺诈、错误交货的发生。海运单在无转卖货物意图的贸易运输中焕发了勃勃生机。1990年在国际海事委员会第34届大会上通过了《国际海事委员会海运单统一规则》,供当事人选择适用。 有关海运单的法律问题主要有: 1、海运单的法律适用。海运单是海上货物运输合同的证明,因而调整海上货物运输合同的汉堡规则和有关国内法适用于海运单。然而,调整提单法律问题的海牙规则、海牙-维斯比规则能否适用于海运单,目前观点不一。 2、收货人的法律地位。海运单规则规定了代理原则,规定托运人不仅为其自身利益,同时也作为收货人的代理人,为收货人的利益订立运输合同。因而收货人被视为海运单所证明的运输合同的当事人,可以依据海运单向承运人主张权利并承担义务。 3、货物支配权。在使用海运单的情况下,托运人有权在承运人向收货人交付货物之前的任何时候书面变更收货人,实现对货物的支配。补充:Waybill (Sea waybill) 运单(海运单)。1992年英国海上货物运输法(the U.K. Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992)(U.K. 1992 c. 50)第1(3)条将海运单定义为:“海运单是指任何不是提单但是是:1、包含或证明了海上货物运输合同的货物收据;以及2、确定了承运人根据该海上货物运输合同应对其交付货物的人,的一份单据。”运单是承运人收到货物后出具的不可流通的收据。它明确地批注着“不可流通”。它通常于正常的集装箱贸易的航运中在托运人同意不坚持要求签发可流通的提单时使用。它不是一份权利凭证(document of title),因此托运货物的交付,不是通过单据的提示,而是由运单上指定的收货人自己确定的,收货人可以是运单上记名的人,也可以是根据运单条款由托运人指明的人,运单还可以规定改变收货人身份的条款。通常只给托运人签发一份正本运单。尽管它不是一份权利凭证,但它是一份运输合同。海牙规则或海牙/维斯比规则可以因为运单的条款而得以适用于运单,而也可能因为当运单用于普通的商业运输时,海牙规则或海牙/维斯比规则第6条并不将运单排除于规则适用范围之外。在货物通常比单据更早到达的快速航运中,使用运单就十分有利。而当托运人和收货人进行关联交易或者其中一方是另一方的分支机构以及无需严格的银行单据的出示时,使用运单也很有用。在大型长期的交易中,当航运仅是托运人和收货人间主要长期和可靠的协议的一部分时,也会使用运单。总的来说,只要在单据交换时无需提供融资(例如开放式帐户交易,open account sale),就可使用运单。

shipment waybill是什么意思


B/L 和 waybill 有什么不同?


B/L 和 waybill 有什么不同?

B/L是传统的运输提单,是一种物权证书,B/L上的CONSIGNEE必须提交其正本才可以得到货物(除电放之外)。 WAYBILL是新式的单据形式,在提供证明的基础上,它可以自动地将货交给CONSIGNEE,所以它并不一定必须要发到目的港,作为收货人必须提供的证明,才可以提到货物。


  1、电放是指托运人(发货人)将货物装船后将承运人(或其代理人)所签发的全套正本提单交回承运人(或其代理人),同时指定收货人(非记名提单的情况下);承运人授权(通常是以电传、电报等通讯方式通知)其在卸货港的代理人,在收货人不出具正本提单(已收回)的情况下交付货物。  2、电放单表示不用全套正本提单清关。你只需要扫描或传真给客人电放提单的COPY件就可以了。这种方式一般是提单寄送来不及的情况。一般近洋航线,例如:韩国,日本等船期短的情况。还有就是合作非常久,互相很信任的基础上。  3、Seaway Bill是海运单,是证明海上运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船,以及承运人保证交付货物给单证所载明的收货人的一种不可流通的单证,它不是物权凭证,故而不可转让.收货人不凭此提货而是凭到货通知提货,因此海运单收货人应填写实际的收货人的名称地址。  .4、现在比较流行 WAYBILL,它是介于正本提单和电放提单之间的。即有正本的作用,又享有电放的快捷。同时,有一部分船公司,做电放是收费的,但是,申请WAYBILL是没费用的,最保险的就是收到钱后做WAYBILL。  

B/L 和 waybill 有什么不同?

分类: 商业/理财 >> 贸易 解析: B/L是传统的运输提单,是一种物权证书,B/L上的C/必须提交其正本才可以得到货物(除电放之外)。 WAYBILL是新式的单据形式,在提供证明的基础上,它可以自动地将货交给C/,所以它并不一定必须要发到目的港,作为收货人必须提供的证明,才可以提到货物。




不是。waybill是提货单,跟正本提单、电放提单具有同样的提货效用。具体介绍:1、waybill是承运人签发的用以证明海上运输合同的以及货物已由承运人接管装载的凭据,是一种不可转让的运输单证。目的是简化提货手续,近距离运输往往货物早于提单到达目的港,SEA WAY BILL可避免因单据未到而影响提货,及增加费用。属于简式提单,不可银行押汇,不具流通性,仅是收据及运输证明。2、正本提单是指可凭以押汇货款和向目的港船公司或其代理提货的提单。正本提单上有时注明有“Original”字样,提单上有承运人正式签字盖章并注明的签发日期。3、正本提单可以流通转让,waybill不可以流通转让。4、正本提单抬头有多种写法,不一定要表明收货人;waybill必须表明收货人,但收货人并不凭海运单提货。


电放是指托运人(发货人)将货物装船后将承运人(或其代理人)所签发的全套正本提单交回承运人(或其代理人),同时指定收货人(非记名提单的情况下);承运人授权(通常是以电传、电报等通讯方式通知)其在卸货港的代理人,在收货人不出具正本提单(已收回)的情况下交付货物。现在比较流行 WAYBILL,它是介于正本提单和电放提单之间的。即有正本的作用,又享有电放的快捷。同时,有一部分船公司,做电放是收费的,但是,申请WAYBILL是没费用的,最保险的就是收到钱后做WAYBILL。扩展资料:电放:当货物到达卸货港时, 外国货代提单的持有人凭货代提单向货代或其在卸货港的代理人换取船东提单后, 凭船东提单向船东或其代理提货; 或先由货代或其代理人凭船东提单提货后, 货代提单持有人再凭货代提单向货代或其代理人提货。WAYBILL:指客户交寄邮件时使用的填报凭证参考资料:百度百科-电放


waybill乘客名单;运货单。You may enter up to10 air waybill numbers at any one time.您一次最多可以输入10个运单号码。Write Saturday Delivery in the Special Instructions box on your UPS Waybill.在UPS运单上的〃特殊指示〃框中写下〃星期六递送〃。Solution on problems of Composite Application System of Waybill Information.货票信息综合应用系统几个问题的解决方案。Research and Application of Development Solution on Client of Waybill Information. Integrated Application System货票信息综合应用系统前台开发研究与应用。The most commonly used tracking method is air waybill tracking.最常用的追踪方法,就是空运提单追踪。



Express waybill是什么意思

Express waybill 快递运单例句:1、One more thing, because of the terrible Chinese tariff policy, when you fill the express waybill please describe the earphones as “ gift ” or “ reworked earphones ” and give them a lower declared value.大意是请将物品描述写成礼物或者返修耳塞,并且给一个低的声明价值。2、 is an express parcel for you.please show me your passport and sign your name on the back of the waybill.太好了,有您一个快递包裹。请您出示您的护照并在包裹单的背面签上姓名。

sea waybill和正本提单有什么区别


SEAWAY BILL 和 WAYBII 一样吗?之前的货有安排WAYBILL的效果和电放效果差不多,但是SEAWAY BILL 又是什么

sea waybill跟air waybill的性质和作用是一样的,只不过一个叫海运单,适用于海运,一个叫空运单,适用于空运。两者都是运输单据,收货人可以直接提货。

货代里SW BILL是什么

写全了是SEA WAYBILL ,海运单. 一般提单分为正本提单,电放提单,还有SEA WAYBILL. 你百度上搜索SEA WAYBILL就有很详细的解释,我就不给你粘贴了.

sea waybill 和B/L有什么区别?


sea weybill和正本提单有什么区别

SEA WAYBILL是空运单,是空运货物的收据,与正本提单相比,不代表物权,不能转让,不能做抵押品.


海运单(SEA WAYBILL)是一种证明海上货物运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船,以及承运人保证据以将货物交给单证所载明的收货人的不可流转的单证。海运单的特点就在于,它只能作为海上运输合同的证明和承运人收到单证所列明货物的证据,海运单不能作为所运载货物的物权凭证,也不能通过背书转让。由于海运单的这种特点,故收货人在卸港提取货物时不需持有并出示海运单,近而使得海运单既可以书面文件(同提单一样)形式出现,也可以电子交换信件形式出现,正好适应了现代海上集装箱运输高速度、航程时问短、作业快的特点,实现单证上的无纸化,也适应了国际贸易EDI化。 因此,“电放”的法律原理是:在承运人签发提单的情况下,当收回提单时即可交付货物(或签发提货单)。由于承运人收回提单的地点是在交付货物(卸货港)以外的地点(通常是在装货港),视其为特殊情况,所以收回全套正本提单。然而,目前有关的国际公约、各国的法律(如中国的海商法)和法规中均无“电放”的定义。

seaway bill与seaway bill有什么区别?

电放与seawaybill的区别如下:电放,在shipper没出具电放保函的时候货权还是SHIPPER的。seaway bill,只要SHIPPER同意这种形式,不需要出具保函,在出正本或者副本SEAWAY BILL的同时就已经把货权转移给CONSIGNEE。如果做了SEA WAY BILL,那么从你做完那一刻货权就已经是属于收货人了,而且收货人只用提单的COPY件就可以直接找船东要货。海运单(Sea—way Bill),是证明国际海上货物运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船,以及承运人保证将货物交给指定的收货人的一种不可流通的单证。其基本作用主要有三,一是承运人收到的货物收据.二是运输合约的证明,三是解决经济纠纷时作为货物担保的基础。对外贸易亦称“国外贸易” 或“进出口贸易”,简称“外贸”,是指一个国家(地区)与另一个国家(地区)之间的商品、劳务和技术的交换活动。这种贸易由进口和出口两个部分组成。对运进商品或劳务的国家(地区)来说,就是进口;对运出商品或劳务的国家(地区)来说,就是出口。这在奴隶社会和封建社会就开始产生和发展,到资本主义社会,发展更加迅速。其性质和作用由不同的社会制度所决定。


SEA WAYBILL我们叫海运单,和海运提单(OCEAN B/L)是有比较大的区别,首先SEAWAYBILL不是物权凭证,想当然的只要把SEA WAYBILL拿到船公司人家就会放货,那就错了。签发SEAWAYBILL的货物,在目的港多数国家可不用出示SEA WAYBILL 或只要出示WAYBILL单的COPY,在验证收货人身份后就可提货(部分国家或地区按照当地政策不能签SEA WAYBILL)。所以在实践中,有些客户只要WAYBILL的传真件就是这道理。SEA WAYBILL的收货人必须记名,TO ORDER或OT ORDER OF XXX是不可能形成SEAWAYBILL的。这是SEA WAYBILL是一个要求,这样目的港只要将前来提货的人的身份同WAYBILL单上的收货人进行核对,只要一致就可放货。现在很多人在船公司可签发SEA WAYBILL的情况下,已经把SEA WAYBILL等同于电放,从操作中来讲确实是很类似。还可以少交电放的费用。

船东单和货代单属于海运提单?或者叫海运单吗?Sea waybill中文又叫什么呢?





运单(WAYBILL),是由承运人签发的,证明货物运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船、车及空运,以及承运人保证将货物交给指定的收货人的一种不可流通的单证。电放(SURRENDERED BILL):也就是电报放货的简称。国外的承运人保留全套正本提单,并通知目的港的代理,收货人可凭加盖正本公章的提单复印件和保函换单提货。

电放提单和Sea waybill有哪些区别?

电放提单还属于提单范畴,是物权凭证,可以背书转让,收货人就只要拿着传真件去提货就好了x0dx0ax0dx0asea waybill海运单,是指证明海上货物运输合同和承运人接收货物或者已将货物装船的不可转让的单证。海运单的正面内容与提单的基本一致,但是印有“不可转让”的字样。有的海运单在背面订有货方定义条款、承运人责任、义务与免责条款、装货、卸货与交货条款、运费及其他费用条款、留置权条款、共同海损条款、双方有责碰撞条款、首要条款、法律适用条款等内容。有的海运单没有背面条款,仅在海运单的正面或者背面载明参照何运输条件或者某种提单或其他文件中的规定。 x0dx0ax0dx0a海运单不能背书转让,收货人无需凭海运单,只需出示适当的身份证明,就可以提取货物。 因此海运单迟延到达、灭失、失窃等均不影响收货人提货,这样可以有效地防止海运欺诈、错误交货的发生。海运单在无转卖货物意图的贸易运输中焕发了勃勃生机。1990年在国际海事委员会第34届大会上通过了《国际海事委员会海运单统一规则》,供当事人选择适用。 x0dx0ax0dx0a有关海运单的法律问题主要有: x0dx0ax0dx0a1、海运单的法律适用。海运单是海上货物运输合同的证明,因而调整海上货物运输合同的汉堡规则和有关国内法适用于海运单。然而,调整提单法律问题的海牙规则、海牙-维斯比规则能否适用于海运单,目前观点不一。 x0dx0ax0dx0a2、收货人的法律地位。海运单规则规定了代理原则,规定托运人不仅为其自身利益,同时也作为收货人的代理人,为收货人的利益订立运输合同。因而收货人被视为海运单所证明的运输合同的当事人,可以依据海运单向承运人主张权利并承担义务。 x0dx0ax0dx0a3、货物支配权。在使用海运单的情况下,托运人有权在承运人向收货人交付货物之前的任何时候书面变更收货人,实现对货物的支配。x0dx0ax0dx0a补充:x0dx0aWaybill (Sea waybill) 运单(海运单)。1992年英国海上货物运输法(the U.K. Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992)(U.K. 1992 c. 50)第1(3)条将海运单定义为:“海运单是指任何不是提单但是是:1、包含或证明了海上货物运输合同的货物收据;以及2、确定了承运人根据该海上货物运输合同应对其交付货物的人,的一份单据。”运单是承运人收到货物后出具的不可流通的收据。它明确地批注着“不可流通”。它通常于正常的集装箱贸易的航运中在托运人同意不坚持要求签发可流通的提单时使用。它不是一份权利凭证(document of title),因此托运货物的交付,不是通过单据的提示,而是由运单上指定的收货人自己确定的,收货人可以是运单上记名的人,也可以是根据运单条款由托运人指明的人,运单还可以规定改变收货人身份的条款。通常只给托运人签发一份正本运单。尽管它不是一份权利凭证,但它是一份运输合同。海牙规则或海牙/维斯比规则可以因为运单的条款而得以适用于运单,而也可能因为当运单用于普通的商业运输时,海牙规则或海牙/维斯比规则第6条并不将运单排除于规则适用范围之外。在货物通常比单据更早到达的快速航运中,使用运单就十分有利。而当托运人和收货人进行关联交易或者其中一方是另一方的分支机构以及无需严格的银行单据的出示时,使用运单也很有用。在大型长期的交易中,当航运仅是托运人和收货人间主要长期和可靠的协议的一部分时,也会使用运单。总的来说,只要在单据交换时无需提供融资(例如开放式帐户交易,open account sale),就可使用运单。






WAYBILL 通常称为海运单,收货人是限定抬头,,不代表货权而提单不一定是限定抬头,还可以是空白抬头,指示性抬头,代表货权



Billy Joel 什么意思


billy joel(注意不是西城男孩westlife)演唱的《uptown girl》的mtv中的女主角是谁

Christie Brinkley这首歌是billy joel在1983年推出的「The Innocent Man」专辑中的主打歌。而这首歌中的女主人公就是上面文章中的那个“如花似玉的超级名模特儿”,也就是billy joel当时迷恋的模特儿Christie Brinkley,「Uptown Girl」实际上也就是为Christie Brinkley谱写的情歌。 或许是这首歌曲打动了佳人的芳心,Christie Brinkley在1985年嫁给了billy joel,「Uptown Girl」也成为了这样一首有趣的名曲(之后的西城男孩也曾翻唱过)。

bill 和notes 的区别?什么时候用bill什么时候用notes




Billy Boy歌曲翻译

Billy Gilman 特邀司机 Tongue Tied-Faber Drive 结巴

关于BILL的头发~` 脏辫?

  脏辫起源  起源  国内称其为“脏辫儿”。最早的脏辫形式的发型的雏形出现在炎热的非洲,为了不让跳蚤,虱子等虫子在人的头上肆意横行一些聪明的黑人便把自己的头发紧紧的缠在一起,这样不仅防止了虫子在头上的肆意生长而且在夏天的时候还要比一头乱蓬蓬的卷发要凉快不少,又因为这样的发型要比满头的麻花辫省事省力的多所以渐渐的被多数黑人所喜爱。后来到了大航海时代,船只上的水手(当然也包括海盗)总要在海上度过漫长的时间,少则几个月多则1、2年不归。远离了陆地也就意味着远离了淡水。当时那种情况下淡水和橙子几乎和水手们的生命一样重要,所以谁也不会奢侈到用淡水去洗头。众所周知海水碱性非常的大但我们人类的皮肤和毛发属于弱酸性,长时间用海水洗头不仅会让头发失去光泽更严重的是会使头皮受到很大的伤害,轻则头皮奇痒难忍且更容易生虫,重则毛囊坏死头发永久不再生长。为了解决这个问题水手们同样把头发紧紧的缠在了一起使虫子大大减少了生存的空间。经过长时间的修改和技术的革新 脏辫 不仅成为了一种非常适合水手生活的发型而且更被好多水手看作是一种个性的象征,也就是因为这样 脏辫 从海上慢慢的来到了陆地,并且成为了一种文化。  文化  脏辫 也是牙买加的拉斯特法里(RASTAFARI)教派文化当中的发型,RASTAFARI教徒必须留脏辫并且要留胡子。同样也是雷鬼(REGGAE)、嘻哈(HIP-HOT)文化的代表发型,上个世纪60-70年代随着雷鬼(REGGAE)音乐的流行程度提高,又出现了一批象BOB MARLEY这样的艺术家更是掀起了一股 脏辫 的热潮,从上个世纪开始 脏辫 便和摇滚乐结下了不解之缘,我们中国认识 脏辫 基本也是通过大量的摇滚乐队、嘻哈艺人,Korn P.O.D.等等。我国Rasta文化起步较晚,但近年来也被越来越多想宣扬自己个性的朋友所青睐。 "RASTA"(国内朋友更习惯于叫它"脏辫")  [编辑本段]历史和发展:  历史  最早的RASTA形式的发型的雏形出现在炎热的非洲,为了不让跳蚤,虱子等虫子在人的头上肆意横行一些聪明的黑人便把自己的头发紧紧的缠在一起,这样不仅防止了虫子在头上的肆意生长而且在夏天的时候还要比一头乱蓬蓬的卷发要凉快不少,又因为这样的发型要比满头的麻花辫省事省力的多所以渐渐的被多数黑人所喜爱.后来到了大航海时代,船只上的水手(当然也包括海盗)总要在海上度过漫长的时间,少则几个月多则1,2年不归.远离了陆地也就意味着远离了淡水,当时那种情况下淡水和橙子几乎和水手们的生命一样重要,所以谁也不会奢侈到用淡水去洗头.众所周知海水碱性非常的大但我们人类的皮肤和毛发属于弱酸性,长时间用海水洗头不仅会让头发失去光泽更严重的是会使头皮受到很大的伤害,轻则头皮奇痒难忍且更容易生虫,重则毛囊坏死头发永久不再生长.为了解决这个问题聪明的水手把头发紧紧的缠在了一起使虫子大大减少了生存的空间.  发展  经过长时间的修改和技术的革新RASTA不仅成为了一种非常适合水手生活的发型而且更被好多水手看作是一种个性的象征,也就是因为这样RASTA从海上慢慢的来到了陆地,并且成为了一种文化.到了上个世纪又出现了一批象BOB MARLEY这样的艺术家更是掀起了一股RASTA的热潮.从上个世纪开始RASTA便和摇滚乐结下了不解之缘.我们中国认识RASTA基本  [编辑本段]我国脏辫的发展  发展  我国脏辫的发展也是通过大量的摇滚乐队.选择了它就是选择了一种生活方式,选择了一种处世态度.我国RASTA文化起步较晚,但近年来也被越来越多想宣扬自己个性的朋友所青睐.  种类和工艺  RASTA分好多种.差别主要是从制作的工艺和外型上可以区分.制作原材料:蜂蜜,泥土(这种手法因为比较难受所以【脏辫贴吧】工作室不提倡大家使用这种手法来做),真发或者假发(由无毒纤维制成),天然棉花,纯棉布条,毛线.制作工具:专门的钩针和套针.  如何分辨RASTA的好与坏:  1首先要看辫子作的是否均匀(单根辫子除了有特殊要求和发尾,不能时粗时细).2看辫子的纹路是否清晰(痕迹越清楚的越不好),3看辫子是否歪歪斜斜.4如果头发超过10厘米接长的话3个月之内掉发超过百分之十视为制作失败.5短发接长,自身头发长于5厘米短于10厘米接发不能有明显痕迹(除颜色不统一外).6分区是否明确(除有特殊要求外,过多或者过少都不理想).  A. 15岁到40岁都能体验脏辫  脏辫,英文名为Dreadlock,是牙买加的传统发式。杨小鹏,北京脏辫艺人。在网上,你可以找到他经营的脏辫网店,在北京,他有3家脏辫直营连锁店,而在西安、大连、上海、新加坡、马来西亚等地还有6家他授权的脏辫连锁店。用他的话说,就是“正常天气每天忙活”,一天下来做四五头脏辫不在话下。  “在国外,任何年纪都会有人尝试做脏辫,体验脏辫造型的快乐。”杨小鹏说。在他看来,国内的情况也大致相同,到他店里做脏辫的顾客,年龄在15岁到40岁之间不等,他们所从事的职业也多是模特、歌手、画家、摄影师、时尚达人、杂志编辑等追求个性与时尚的职业,不过也有不少学生和个体老板。在百度的脏辫贴吧里,记者就看到有几个90后女生也做了脏辫发型。  B. 一头脏辫,起步价600元  “脏辫其实分为很多种发式,在中国、北美洲和非洲比较盛行接假发脏辫,而且一般人的头发也不能长到这么长这么密。”杨小鹏介绍,他们的假发脏辫都是用高级纤维发丝做的,一根就要20元起价。“当然,觉得贵又非常喜欢脏辫的朋友,我也会教他们用自己的头发养脏辫。”  “脏辫在非洲几乎人人都会做,可是在欧美地区,脏辫却是一项很昂贵的手工艺。”杨小鹏说。虽然相比国外,中国的手工费要便宜许多,不过由于制作脏辫是一个耗时又费力的累活,加上假发的费用,做一头脏辫仍然价格不菲。“价格按照工时和用料计算,一般的就要600元上下,高端设计的价格更高,最贵的要4000元左右。”  C. 5厘米短发可变一头长发  “做一整头的脏辫基本需要2个半小时,而且搓脏辫是一项很繁杂的工作,它是一行纯粹的手工艺,手上会搓出各种老茧和伤口。”由于做脏辫大部分时候要接假发,所以碰上一个超短发的脏辫爱好者,就很考验脏辫艺人的钩织功底。不过,制作脏辫对头发要求的门槛还是挺低的,“只要头发超过5厘米就可以接驳或者制作脏辫。”  在中国,不少人担心脏辫太过张扬。“这只不过是一个允许后悔的黑人发型。”杨小鹏说。如果你对脏辫造型不满意,可以随时拆卸复原直发,不过这个后悔药的价格也不便宜,一般需要200元。  D. 养脏辫就像养宠物  脏辫的乐趣在于造型完成后那个养的过程。“养脏辫就像养宠物,需要主人的呵护。”杨小鹏说,“有不少养脏辫的朋友都喜欢给脏辫过‘生日"。”无聊时想起来去搓搓自己的辫子,会让辫子更有型,人和脏辫的感情也就在这个过程中加深。  留一头脏辫一般隔多长时间清洗一次?杨小鹏回答:“天气好些的城市一两年洗一次就OK,杭州就可以。不过每天洗也没问题。”  做完脏辫之后是不会影响头发的清洁的。“清洗的办法是,先在手里将洗发液打成泡沫,再抹在头皮上揉搓,最后用温水冲洗干净。”不过,杨小鹏补充,如果刚做好脏辫,建议一个星期内先不要洗,要适应一下突然变化的头皮压力。“只有待到头发长出来一些的时候,才需要对新生的头发做些打理,把粘连在一起的脏辫分开。”  满意请给分哈·~~ 谢谢·~楼主·~!!~

Billing Account Number是什么意思

您好:计费账号双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 帐单编帐号码----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

老友记第5季中有一句台词Big Lima bean , billing up 是什么意思

Big Lima bean , billing up大莱豆,帐单上

Billy Squier的《Lonely One》 歌词

歌曲名:Lonely One歌手:Billy Squier专辑:Enough Is EnoughLonelyNanajamie制作 q:588557 希望你能喜欢,因为e文不好所以可能有错误。^_^I am lonely lonely lonely 我孤单,我好孤单I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生活如此寂寞I am lonely lonely lonely 我孤单,我好孤单God help me help me to survive! 上帝啊帮我活下去吧Remember first time we met day one 记得我们初次相遇的那一天Kids in the garden" playin" games 孩子们在花园里弹唱heaven" fun Excitin" and amazin" havin" 如同在天堂中嬉戏a real friend of mine 我的挚友懂得我的心声Feel my heartbeat and for real friend of mine 拥有真正的朋友多么开心Face to face and eye to eye Usin" our hands to buy and supply 执子之手,心心相映Chillin" is cool from january to june 在寒冷的一月到六月可我有你,和你如胶似漆And know the rules 相信和你天荒地老Forever you and i and believe it was clear 我们知道游戏的规则,如此的清楚明了If i ever should fall i could count on you with no fear 有你在,我将无所畏惧Runnin" out of time i see who"s fake Alone without protection 时间漂逝我看到欺骗from all them snakes 在这险恶的世界里All for one one for all i was told 人人为我,我为人人Black white yellow no matter 有人如此告诉我if your young or old 不管肤色如何,不在乎年轻或老去Nana"s in the house to let you know | nana,在这里让你知道What i see is how i fell and damn 我看到的就是我的感觉,我只拥有我自己I am lonely lonely lonely 我孤单,我孤单啊I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生活如此寂寞I am lonely lonely lonely 我孤单,我孤单啊God help me help me to survive! 上帝啊,帮助我吧给我运气Everybody"s tripppin" on me 所有的人把我欺压Oh lord come help me please 噢,神啊救救我吧I did some bad things in my life 生活中我一定犯了错Why can"t you rescue me 为什么你不拯救我啊cause you"ve got all i need 我知道我要付出代价I know i got to pay the price 这就是我孤独的原因Taht"s why i"m lonely lonely lonelyI"m so lonely lonelyTaht"s why i"m lonely lonely lonelyCheppin" thru the streets at night after a fuss and fight 穿过午夜寂静的大街身上伤痕累累Tears in my eyes i"m a man 泪盈满眶lookin" for the light 我向往光明Dark is the path 前方一片黑暗之路i know he will rescue me 我知道谁将拯救我The lord is my shepard 上帝是我的牧羊人i"m cool despite emergency 虽然急迫但我内心冷静Whom shall i fear exept the god 他是我唯一的惧怕Thank you for the blessin" 感谢上帝保佑and the skils on the mic 赐予我美妙的歌喉Five years we know there"s no diggity 五年了,活的没有尊严Free at last see the light in me 我终将获得灵魂的自由What goes up must come down 生生死死无人可避免I"ll be around while you heading towards deathtown 我会陪你走向死亡之巅Allways look forward hardly never look back 向前看不在回头So many tears and the snakes on my jock 留过多少泪啊,受过多少磨难Now i"m riding in my big fat ride 我已踏上寻找光明的旅途Your ass is late so look for the line 你来晚了就要排队Nana in the house to let you know nana,在这里让你知道What i see is how 我看到的就是我的感觉i feel so leave me alone 所以不要打扰我I am lonely lonely lonely 我孤单,我好孤单I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生活如此寂寞I am lonely lonely lonely 我孤单,我好孤单 )God help me help me to survive! 上帝啊帮我活下去吧!Everybody"s tripppin" on meOh lord come help me pleaseI did some bad things in my lifeWhy can"t you rescue me "cause you"ve got all i needI know i got to pay the priceKnock on my door whom you lookin" for 有人在敲我的门,你在找谁?!A dream or reality enemies at my door 是美丽的梦想还是残酷的现实?Eyes i realize 我知道这是幻想it"s fantasize i must be high 我一定是激动难忍So let me live before i die 在我死前让我好好活一次吧Once again grab the bottle twist the cap 抓过酒瓶,卷起帽子to survive Your life is yours my life is mine 你有你的生活,我有我的No emotions in this world full of lies 这个充满谎言的世界没有感情可言Step by step and be versatile 一步一步走好自己的路that"s what is"s all about 这就是全部Love peace and cash 热爱和平和或者毁灭Alone by yourself than you 你所依靠的只有自己,lack there"s no doubt about 毫无疑问I"m always into something 我总是专注于事,making moves to improve 努力改进What would you do if you were in my shoes 如果你是我,你将如何?Boom a letter oops another suicide 让情绪低落,然后解决自己Meet me for a ride at the boulevard 我将和你一起寻求解脱Nana"s in the house to let you know | nana,在这里让你知道What i see is how i feel and damn 所看既是所觉,我只拥有我自己I am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Everybody"s tripppin" on meOh lord come help me pleaseI did some bad things in my lifeWhy can"t you rescue me "cause you"ve got all i needI know i got to pay the priceI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!I am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Taht"s why i"m lonely lonely lonelyI"m so lonely lonelyI"m so lonely lonely lonely in my life

谁能给我发下滚石最伟大的100首英文歌曲 还有Billboard Hot100的排行榜

滚石推荐历史最伟大的100首经典英文歌曲:1. The Beatles-yesterday2. Rolling Stones-Satisfaction3. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit4. Madonna - Like A Virgin5. Michael Jackson - Billie Jean6. Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Hand7. Aretha Franklin-Respect8. U2-With or Without You9. Jackson 5 - I Want You Back10. Backstreet boys-I Want It That Way11. The Eagles-Hotel California12. The Supremes-Where Did Our Love Go13. Guns N" Roses-Sweet Child O" Mine14. The Rolling Stones-Brown Sugar 15. John Lennon-Imagine 16. Sinead O′Connor-Nothing Compares to You 17. Stevie Wonder-Superstition18. R.E.M.-Losing My Religion19. Madonna-Vogue20. Bob Dylan-Like A Rolling Stone 21. Van Morrison-Brown Eyed Girl 22. Michael Jackson-Beat It 23. Roy Orbison-Oh, Pretty Woman 24. Marvin Gaye - What′s Going On 25. Brittany Spears - Baby One More Time26. Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way 27. Prince-When Doves Cry28. Hanson-MMMBop29. Queen-Bohemian Rhapsody 30. Elton John-Your Song31. Santana f Rob Thomas-Smooth 32. Otis Redding-(Sittin′ On) The Dock of the Bay33. The Who-My Generation 34. Alanis Morissette-Ironic 35. Bruce Springstein - Born to run 36. TLC-Waterfalls 37. O.P.P. - Naughty By Nature 38. David Bowie - Changes 39. Goo Goo Dolls-Iris 40. Whitney Houston-I Will Always Love You 41. Creedance Clearwater Revival - Proud Mary 42. The Police-Every Breath You Take 43. Rolling Stones - Miss You44. ABBA-Dancing Queen 45. Eric Clapton-Tears in Heaven 46. Smokey Robinson - The Tracks Of My Tears47. Van Halen-Jump 48. Pearl Jam - Jeremy49. Bob Dylan - Tangled Up In Blue50. Prince-Little Red Corvette51. The Temptations - Just My Imagination 52. Paul McCartney - Maybe I′m Amazed 53. George Micheal - Faith54. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge55. N′Sync - Bye Bye Bye56. Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive57. The Go Go′s - Our Lips Are Sealed 58. The Wallflowers - One Headlight59. Stevie Wonder - You Are the Sunshine of My Life60. Billy Joel - Just The Way You Are61. REM - The One I Love62. Madonna - Papa Don′t Preach63. Beatles - In My Life 64. Elton John - Bennie And The Jets65. The Cars - Just What I Needed66. Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time67. Eminem - My Name Is 68. Garbage - Only Happy When It Rains69. Depeche Mode - Just Can′t Get Enough70. Beach Boys - Good Vibrations71. Romones - I Wanna Be Sedated72. Tom Petty - Free Fallin′73. Culture Club - Do You Really Want to Hurt Me 74. Elton John - Tiny Dancer 75. Sly and Family Stone - Hot Fun In The Summer time 76. Radiohead - Creep 77. Al Green - Lets Stay Together 78. Green Day - Longview 79. Janet Jackson - Nasty 80. LL Cool J - I Need Love 81. No Doubt - Don′t Speak 82. Michael Jackson - Rock With You 83. Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is 84. Oasis - Wonderwall85. Cheap Trick - Surrender 86. Human League - Don′t You Want Me 87. Pretenders - Brass In Pocket 88. Wyclef Jean - Gone Till November(acoustic)89. Wham - Careless Whispers 90. Brandy and Monica - That Boy Is Mine 91. Backstreet Boys - No Diggity(Featuring Dr. Dre) 92. ACDC - You Shook Me All Night Long93. Bee Gees - Stayin′ Alive94. Blink 182 - All The Small Things 95. Chic - Good Times [Longer Disco Version]96. Def Leopard - Photograph97.B-52"s-Love Shack 98.Fine Young Cannibals-She Drives Me Crazy 99.Biz Markie-Just A Friend 100. Soft Cell - Tainted Love

Black-faced Spoonbill(小鸟)英文介绍

Introduction Black-faced Spoonbill : 黑脸琵鹭 Black-faced Spoonbill is a globally endangered species and its known world population is less than 1000. It is endemic to the coastal fringe of East Asia from Korean Peninsula to Vietnam. In last decade international efforts have been made to save this species from the risk of extinction and these have also aroused awareness to this endangered species. Little is still known about its ecology despite a few studies had been made in migration breeding and wintering ecology. In order to safeguard this endangered species systematic monitoring of its number is important. International Census The International Black-faced Spoonbill Census is an important element of the conservation of this species. It shows changes of numbers of the spoonbill and possibly the health of the population. The Census had been initiated by Mr. Tom Dahmer of the Ecosystem Ltd. Hong Kong. From winter 2002 the BirdLife International affiliate Hong Kong Bird Watching Society has accepted the responsibility to start the coordination of the International Census. We take this opportunity to convey our thanks to Tom. The process of counting still requires the participation of all international parties in the area. 参考: bws/waterbird/bfs The Black-faced Spoonbill is a large white wading bird with a distinctively shaped beak - looking like a spoon or a pi pa. The facial skin is bare and black in colour - hence its name. It is about 76 cm long and weighs about 1 kg. The Black-faced Spoonbill is a "endangered" species - this me that it is "in danger of extinction". It is estimated that the world population is about 1 000 birds. The Black-faced Spoonbill occurs only in East Asia. 参考: fotop/xmms/bfs


In order to learn the _______ of the family business, Bill took a job as messenger boy in one o...

A ins and outs 意为“细节”,dos and don"ts 意为“注意事项”,heads or tails 为掷钱币打赌时用语,意为“你赌正面还是赌反面”,p"s and q"s主要用于 mind one"s p"s and q"s,意为“留意自己的言行”。结合句意,选A最合适。

billy joel唱的Vienna中文意思。别糊弄我哦~!

Vienna— Billy Joel(翻译的可能太直白了哈) Slow down you crazy child 慢下你的脚步,疯狂的小孩 You"re so ambitious for a juvenile 你总是雄心勃勃 But then if you"re so smart tell me why 但是如果你够聪明请告诉我 Are you still so afraid? 为什么你依旧害怕你的生活 Where"s the fire, what"s the hurry about? 哪里有熊熊大火?你到底在紧张什么 You better cool it off before you burn it out 你最好能在它燃烧之前就把他扑灭 You got so much to do and only 在你每天的生活里 So many hours in a day 你真的有太多事情要做 But you know that when the truth is told 你得知道曾经真理说过 That you can get what you want 你可以得到你想要的 Or you can just get old 或者就这样变老 You"re gonna kick off before you even get halfway through 你已经开始了当你发觉你在路上 When will you realize...Vienna waits for you 你总会明白,维也纳会等着你 Slow down you"re doing fine 慢下来你能做得很好 You can"t be everything you want to be 要知道在有限的时间里 Before your time 你不能得到你想要的所有事情 Although it"s so romantic on the borderline tonight (tonight) 虽然今晚站在边境看上去很浪漫 Too bad but it"s the life you lead 但是你的生活并不总是好的 You"re so ahead of yourself 你走的太急 That you forgot what you need 你忘记了你所需要的东西 Though you can see when you"re wrong 当你错的时候你能看见 You know you can"t always see when you"re right(you"re right) 但是你并一定总能看见你对的时候 You got your passion you got your pride 带着激情,带着骄傲 But don"t you know that only fools are satisfied? 但是你不知道有时候愚蠢也能让人满意 Dream on but don"t imagine they"ll all come true 做梦吧,但是不要期待他们都会实现 When will you realize 你总会明白 Vienna waits for you 维也纳会等待着你 Slow down you crazy child 满下脚步,疯狂的小孩 Take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while 关掉电话消失一段时间 It"s alright you can afford to lose a day or two 或者只是走失一两天 When will you realize... 你总会明白 Vienna waits for you. 维也纳会等着你 And you know that when the truth is told That you can get what you want Or you can just get old You"re gonna kick off before you even get halfway through Why don"t you realize...Vienna waits for you When will you realize...Vienna waits for you


baby one more time3hold it against me


颜呈勋(Bill Yen),台湾人美国哈佛大学设计学院毕业(建筑系学硕士),上海穆哈地设计咨询 (MRT design) ,总监、建筑师颜呈勋在上海有一家自己的建筑设计公司MRT和一个家居品牌mrkt。

8 Ways Billionaires & Elite Athletes Perform At The Highest Level

By Benjamin Hardy Average is over. The middle-ground has all but dissolved, leaving you in one of two positions: among the leading few or mediocre many. Your relationship with technology will either facilitate unthinkable opportunity and growth or keep you on the wrong side of average. As Cal Newport has said in his recent book, ***Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World:**** Success has never been so attainable, thus making many of us spoiled and lazy. But the following eight strategies are intended to shake up your approach, challenging you to work and live at a higher and more conscious level. Here we go: 1. Don"t Be Afraid Of Making An “Ugly” Move Until recent history, certain chess strategies were unquestioned dogma among the world"s elite. They were written in books and taught to all rising padawan learners. But the validity of these strategies have come into question as computers have been programmed to consistently beat top players. While analyzing the computer"s strategy, players have been shocked and amused by the computer"s use of certain “ugly” movesu200a—u200awhich no trained chess player would ever dou200a—u200athat utterly clash with conventional wisdom. Rather than finesse and aesthetics guiding their strategy, the computer"s brute calculations allow it to examine every position concretely. In response to the surprising insights learned from computers, chess players have been forced to question their long-held assumptions. As Magnus Carlsen , the World Chess Champion, explained in an interview with Business Insider: “ You cannot rely on what has been taught in booksu200a—u200athat this is good, this is badu200a—u200athere are always exceptions and every situation is different. Even if something looks bad, it doesn"t look right, you calculate it, it works and… there you go! It"s just forcing us to look a bit further, to look away from what the books used to teach us. It"s forcing us to break the rules.” No matter what field you are in, there are rigid norms guiding your thinkingu200a—u200athe rules considered “best practice.” However, life (and chess) is messy and complex, and every situation calls for a more contextual analysis. What is right in your situation may not be right in mine. For example, it makes little sense to most people why I"m getting a PhD. Many would consider it an “ugly” move. And perhaps, to most people pursuing my aims, it is an ugly move. But given my situation and personal calculations, it"s a strong strategic decision. The ugly zig while most are zagging. There are always exceptions. And rather than obsessing how your decisions are perceived, make the best possible decisions you canu200a—u200awhether standard or anomaly. Your calculations are solid, and like the computers in chess, you"ll be able to “connect the dots looking backwards.” What may look ugly to others in the moment will be your victory in the end. 2. Realize That You"re Not “Way” Behind In sports and all other forms of competition, people perform best when the game is close. Which is why big magic happens at the end of games, like on-sides kicks retrieved followed by 30 second touchdown drives. But when the contest is decidedly in one opponent"s favor, neither side acts with the same effort. When you"re winning big, it"s easy to get lax and overconfident. When you"re losing big, it"s easy to give up. Sadly, you probably perceive those at the top of your field “in a different league” altogether. But when you do this, you perform with less intensity than you would if you perceived the “game” to be closer. When you elevate your thinkingu200a—u200aand see yourself on the same level as those at “the top”u200a—u200ayou quickly become disillusioned by the fallibility of those you once perceived as immortal. They are just people. Most importantly, you will begin playing with an urgency that often surpasses even them. The game is close. The game is close. 3. Do More With Less We have all become addicted to input. As a culture, we"ve developed cognitive dependencies in order to sustain even lackluster performance. For example, although people think they perform better on caffeine, the truth is, they really don"t. We use it to merely get back to our status-quo. When we"re off it, we underperform and become incapable. A current Kickstarter campaignu200a—u200aa rug alarm-clock that literally makes you get out of bed and stand on it to disarm itu200a—u200ais another example. Although clever and funny, I personally would not want to depend on a rug to get me out of bed. We can move beyond the dependencies of constant training, spiritual assurances, and external reinforcements. We can learn to be agents that act rather than objects that are acted upon. We shouldn"t need the best software to start a business, or the best guitar to play guitar. As Jason Fried and DHH have said in Rework: “Guitar gurus say, “Tone is in your fingers.” You can buy the same guitar, effects pedals, and amplifier that Eddie Van Halen uses. But when you play that rig, it"s still going to sound like you. Likewise, Eddie could plug into a crappy Strat/Pignose setup at a pawn shop, and you"d still be able to recognize that it"s Eddie Van Halen playing. Fancy gear can help, but the truth is your tone comes from you. Many amateur golfers think they need expensive clubs. But it"s the swing that matters, not the club. Give Tiger Woods a set of cheap clubs and he"ll still destroy you.” Detach yourself from your dependencies. Try going running without all the running gear. Try waking up without a Ruggie. Try living a day without caffeine. Try outputting without having to “inspire” yourself. Do more with less. 4. Increase Your Responsibility Uncle Ben once told Peter Parker, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Unfortunately, he had it backwards. The constraints of responsibility force you to think more creatively. Responsibility qualifies you to show up at a higher level. I never thought parenting three foster children would increase my productivity, but it has. Failure on my part doesn"t impact only me anymore. Similarly, chess players are at their toughest when it matters most, when everything is on the line. If you *must *perform to provide for your family, you"ll get it done. If it"s a matter of life or death, you"ll do whatever it takes. If your vision is compelling enough, you"ll avoid distractions. Taking on the right forms of responsibility can put life on easy-mode. It"s like injecting yourself with motivation steroidsu200a—u200aurgency and desperation. When you"re desperate to be healthy, you eat right and exercise. No excuses. When you"re desperate to be successful, honing your craft is far more appealing than mindlessly surfing Facebook. 5. Every Billionaires Secret: ** Build A Team Around You Sooner Than You Feel Comfortable** “The bigger your dream, the more important your team.”u200a—u200aRobin Sharma According to Alex Charfen, CEO of Charfen consulting services and founder of the Entrepreneurial Personality Typeu2122 (EPT), the one thing billionaires have in common is that they are comfortable. And by comfortable, he doesn"t mean they wear comfy slippersu200a—u200ahe means they barely lift a finger except when they"re doing what they do best. In order to do so, they build a team around them to take care of the rest. When most people hear this, they initially think, “Of course, they are billionaires.” However, the truth is that this is why they are billionaires. When Charfen was in his 20"s, he was at a friend"s (a billionaire) and was surprised to see a staff of two people working at his house, and a team of 30 people, including a driver. Charfen couldn"t help but ask his friend: “Is it ever embarrassing to have so much help and so much fuss as you go through the day and get around? I mean at least 10 people have helped us so far and it"s only 11 A.M.” His friend responded: “It would be irresponsible for me to do anything that you observed any member of my team doing today. They are there for me and I am there for them. We have grown together and we built everything together. If I had done anything that one of my team members had done today they would"ve been uncomfortable and worried. Each one of them is here for a reason and many of them played a role in training and hiring each other. They know that the more they help me get accomplished, the more secure we all are and the more we can grow our foundation.” High performers build a team around them much sooner than they are comfortable with. They are willing to think big, take on greater responsibility, and focus in on their superpower. The sooner you can remove all of the personal pressure and noise the faster your income will skyrocket. Thus, increasing your responsibility is not about *doing *more. It"s about leading more. 6. How Much Are You Willing To Put On The Line? Elon Musk is considered eccentric in many ways. One of which is how uncomfortably long-term his thinking is. The man is trying to change the world and populate Mars. He"s willing to make any sacrificeu200a—u200ano matter how difficultu200a—u200atoday, to manifest his worldview in the long-awaited future. Musk sunk all of his own money into his companies. Most of his decisions make little sense to other people. He"d rather wait to have his company go public if going public means stalling or misdirecting his mission to populate Mars. But he"s calculating. He"s willing to make ugly moves because he is not flinching on his long-term vision. Dramatic risks accompany everything Musk does. His propensity for risk does not come from insanity. But rather, from a level of conviction so intense as to be off-putting to some. When asked , “How much are you willing to put on the line?” he responded: “Everything that other people hold dear. I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact. Ideally, I"d like to go for a visit, come back, and then go there when I"m like 70 or something and just stay there. If things go well, that would be the case. If my wife and I have a bunch of kids, she would probably stay with them on Earth.” 7. Short-Term & Low Cost Experiments Tim Ferriss doesn"t do what he thinks will make him happy. He does what excites him. Although his overarching vision remains consistent, Ferriss doesn"t have long-term plans . Instead, he does 3–6 month “experiments,” which he puts all of his energy into. He has no clue what doors may open as a result of these experiments, so why make long-term plans? He"d rather respond to the brilliant and best opportunities that arise, taking him in now unforeseen directions. I"ve recently adopted Ferriss" concept of doing short-term experiments. This has changed my approach to my work. For example, a few months ago I stumbled upon a personal development article that had over 1,000,000 social shares. I decided to perform an experiment to attempt creating an article that would also get 1,000,000 shares. The result was this article. Although the article wasn"t shared a million times, the results were profound and unexpected. An editor at *TIME *asked if they could syndicate the article. Additionally, the article brought several thousand new readers (including some of my favorite authors & researchers) and subscribers to my blog. Lastly, it brought on several new coaching clients. That was just one short experiment that took a week to perform. Experiments are a fun way to pursue goals because they allow you to get innovative and bold. Experiments are short-termu200a—u200aand thus relatively low risku200a—u200athus, they should be “moon shots.” Why play small? What"s the worst that could happen, you waste a few months and learn a lot while doing it? 8. Stay In The Zone As Long As You Can We have an addiction to input. If given a few spare moments, we hastily resort to our devices. Half of Americans couldn"t make it 24 hours without their smartphones. According to research , most men and a large portion of women would rather experience painful electric shocks than sit alone with their thoughts. However, the longer you can stay in *the zone, *the greater will be your reward and impact in the current economy. “The only way I"ve found to get over this is to sit with the discomfort. Like most creatives, I"m at my best when there"s a bit of fear and a lot of uncomfortableness thrown into the mix. Being alone with my own thoughts is truly frightening, but truly necessary.”u200a—u200a Paul Jarvis Connect Deeper If you resonated with these ideas, please subscribe to my blog . You will get a free copy of my eBook Slipstream Time Hacking, which blends ideas from astrophysics, psychology, and entrepreneurship and will teach you how to: Thanks for reading!

Bill Withers的《Lovely Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Lovely Day歌手:Bill Withers专辑:First DanceBill Withers - Lovely DayWhen I wake up in the morning, loveAnd the sunlight hurts my eyesAnd something without warning, loveBears heavy on my mindThen I look at youAnd the world"s alright with meJust one look at youAnd I know it"s gonna beA lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...A lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...When the day that lies ahead of meSeems impossible to faceWhen someone else instead of meAlways seems to know the wayThen I look at youAnd the world"s alright with meJust one look at youAnd I know it"s gonna beA lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...A lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...When the day that lies ahead of meSeems impossible to faceWhen someone else instead of meAlways seems to know the wayThen I look at youAnd the world"s alright with meJust one look at youAnd I know it"s gonna beA lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...A lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...A lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...A lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...

Bill Withers的《Lovely Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Lovely Day歌手:Bill Withers专辑:Lovely Day: The Best Of...Breathe Carolina - LovelyOh no, my heart is getting heavy,Was I was forward?I kinda had the feeling that it"s over,But know I know that I"m crazy(I think that I"m going nowhere)So scream loud and look at me way down,I know that you"re afraid,I"ll hold you close and never, ever let you goUp and DownYou spin me aroundYou got everybody watchin as you hit the groundSo take a step backYou know I"m thereOh God can you save me now?Enough Vallium to fill this roomIt"s kinda hard when I"m dead right?It"s kinda hard when I"m dead...Oh love you got me crazy feen"nLike it"s nothing that I could"ve wantedTake it slowly and maybe you"ll know I"m ready.We can get over itScenery is nothin more than poetryHotter than two lovers cumming next to meI knowUp and DownYou spin me aroundYou got everybody watchin as you hit the groundSo take a step backYou know I"m thereUp and DownYou spin me aroundYou got everybody watchin as you hit the groundSo take a step backYou know I"m thereWhy Are You LeavingPlease Don"t GoStay With MeCome On BreatheYou Gotta Find A WayYou and I got our whole lives ahead of us.We turned you- Can We turn you on?I hope heaven needs you more than I need you nowYou know I love you

Bill Withers的《Lovely Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Lovely Day歌手:Bill Withers专辑:Audio"s Audiophile, vol.10: Power of PopBill Withers - Lovely DayWhen I wake up in the morning, loveAnd the sunlight hurts my eyesAnd something without warning, loveBears heavy on my mindThen I look at youAnd the world"s alright with meJust one look at youAnd I know it"s gonna beA lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...A lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...When the day that lies ahead of meSeems impossible to faceWhen someone else instead of meAlways seems to know the wayThen I look at youAnd the world"s alright with meJust one look at youAnd I know it"s gonna beA lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...A lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...When the day that lies ahead of meSeems impossible to faceWhen someone else instead of meAlways seems to know the wayThen I look at youAnd the world"s alright with meJust one look at youAnd I know it"s gonna beA lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...A lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...A lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...A lovely day~Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day...

Bill Withers的《Lovely Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Lovely Day歌手:Bill Withers专辑:MenagerieBreathe Carolina - LovelyOh no, my heart is getting heavy,Was I was forward?I kinda had the feeling that it"s over,But know I know that I"m crazy(I think that I"m going nowhere)So scream loud and look at me way down,I know that you"re afraid,I"ll hold you close and never, ever let you goUp and DownYou spin me aroundYou got everybody watchin as you hit the groundSo take a step backYou know I"m thereOh God can you save me now?Enough Vallium to fill this roomIt"s kinda hard when I"m dead right?It"s kinda hard when I"m dead...Oh love you got me crazy feen"nLike it"s nothing that I could"ve wantedTake it slowly and maybe you"ll know I"m ready.We can get over itScenery is nothin more than poetryHotter than two lovers cumming next to meI knowUp and DownYou spin me aroundYou got everybody watchin as you hit the groundSo take a step backYou know I"m thereUp and DownYou spin me aroundYou got everybody watchin as you hit the groundSo take a step backYou know I"m thereWhy Are You LeavingPlease Don"t GoStay With MeCome On BreatheYou Gotta Find A WayYou and I got our whole lives ahead of us.We turned you- Can We turn you on?I hope heaven needs you more than I need you nowYou know I love you

Billy Squier的《I Need You》 歌词

《I NEED YOU》歌手:Daniel Doss Bandjust when i think that i"ve got it all togetherright when i"ve traced down the rest of my lifeback on the track of my dreams of granderyou let me, slave on the wrong and thereforeand i found what i"ve been missing is u"r sweet and gracei need you , every momenti need you, everydayi need you , in the good timeswhen i"m torn and rushed awayi need you,traveling lightly i lay on my worriesdown and torn feel dreck up oh easy ohwalk and live you i find lying my burdenwalking and staying i close to your sidejesus you temper me bring me your wayi need you , every momenti need you, everydayi need you, in the good timeswhen i"m torn and rushed awayi need yourunning and laughing i dream of foreverand how we must be just my saviour and meand thousand of others who made different journeyand dream through jesus the way truths lyeoh saint hallelujah, hallelujahi need you , every momentoh i need you, every momenti need you lord, everydayi need you, in the good timeswhen i"m torn and rushed awaywhen i"m torn and rushed awaywhen i"m torn and rushed awayi need you


01 02 12 OMI, Cheerleader02 01 18 Wiz Khalifa Featuring Charlie Puth, See You Again03 06 05 The Weeknd, Can"t Feel My Face04 04 11 Taylor Swift Featuring Kendrick Lamar, Bad Blood05 03 20 Silento, Watch Me06 05 25 Fetty Wap, Trap Queen07 07 35 WALK THE MOON, Shut Up And Dance08 10 13 Rachel Platten, Fight Song09 08 19 Skrillex & Diplo Featuring Justin Bieber, Where Are U Now10 09 16 David Guetta Featuring Nicki Minaj & Afrojack, Hey Mama11 11 20 Andy Grammer, Honey, I"m Good.12 19 07 The Weeknd, The Hills13 12 35 Mark Ronson Featuring Bruno Mars, Uptown Funk!14 14 21 Fifth Harmony Featuring Kid Ink, Worth It15 17 03 Selena Gomez Featuring A$AP Rocky, Good For You16 13 18 Jason Derulo, Want To Want Me17 18 14 Major Lazer X DJ Snake Featuring M0, Lean On18 16 29 The Weeknd, Earned It (Fifty Shades Of Grey)19 34 02 Fetty Wap Featuring Remy Boyz, 67920 21 26 Maroon 5, Sugar21 20 27 Omarion Featuring Chris Brown & Jhene Aiko, Post To Be22 15 16 Rihanna, B**** Better Have My Money23 22 24 Tove Lo, Talking Body24 25 09 Ed Sheeran, Photograph25 23 16 DJ Snake & AlunaGeorge, You Know You Like It26 24 40 Ed Sheeran, Thinking Out Loud27 31 21 Little Big Town, Girl Crush28 36 02 Demi Lovato, Cool For The Summer29 32 03 Meek Mill Featuring Chris Brown & Nicki Minaj, All Eyes On You30 26 10 Jidenna Featuring Roman GianArthur, Classic Man31 29 12 Rich Homie Quan, Flex (Ooh Ooh Ooh)32 27 09 Maroon 5, This Summer"s Gonna Hurt...33 28 27 Ellie Goulding, Love Me Like You Do34 38 08 Luke Bryan, Kick The Dust Up35 33 27 Sia, Elastic Heart36 30 13 T-Wayne, Nasty Freestyle37 37 28 Sam Hunt, Take Your Time38 35 22 Trey Songz, Slow Motion39 42 14 Fall Out Boy, Uma Thurman40 39 13 Blake Shelton, Sangria41 45 06 Sam Hunt, House Party42 40 09 Pitbull Featuring Chris Brown, Fun43 57 02 Meek Mill Featuring Drake, R.I.C.O.44 41 10 Nicki Minaj, The Night Is Still Young45 43 13 Kid Ink Featuring DeJ Loaf, Be Real46 51 16 Canaan Smith, Love You Like That47 47 35 Flo Rida Featuring Sage The Gemini & Lookas, G.D.F.R.48 48 31 Taylor Swift, Style49 44 25 Natalie La Rose Featuring Jeremih, Somebody50 46 47 Taylor Swift, Shake It Off51 53 09 Thomas Rhett, Crash And Burn52 54 16 Eric Church, Like A Wrecking Ball53 52 12 Jason Aldean, Tonight Looks Good On You54 58 07 Chris Janson, Buy Me A Boat55 62 07 Shawn Mendes, Stitches56 63 03 Flo Rida Featuring Robin Thicke & Verdine White, I Don"t Like It, I Love It57 60 11 Brantley Gilbert, One Hell Of An Amen58 61 07 Zac Brown Band, Loving You Easy59 69 13 X Ambassadors, Renegades60 59 17 Echosmith, Bright61 72 04 Charlie Puth Featuring Meghan Trainor, Marvin Gaye62 55 15 Kelsea Ballerini, Love Me Like You Mean It63 56 14 Easton Corbin, Baby Be My Love Song64 67 07 Jeremih Featuring J. Cole, Planes65 73 05 Keith Urban, John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:1666 66 07 Michael Ray, Kiss You In The Morning67 64 15 Future, Commas68 70 11 Brad Paisley, Crushin" It69 68 14 J. Cole, Wet Dreamz70 78 05 Rae Sremmurd, This Could Be Us71 71 15 Wale Featuring Usher, The Matrimony72 75 06 Dustin Lynch, Hell Of A Night73 65 17 Carrie Underwood, Little Toy Guns74 81 05 Brett Eldredge, Lose My Mind75 NE 01 Steven Tyler, Love Is Your Name76 76 07 Frankie Ballard, Young & Crazy77 86 02 Pia Mia Featuring Chris Brown & Tyga, Do It Again78 96 02 Meek Mill Featuring Nicki Minaj, Bad For You79 88 03 Jake Owen, Real Life80 85 04 Adam Lambert, Ghost Town81 80 09 DJ Khaled Featuring Chris Brown, Lil Wayne & Big Sean, How Many Times82 79 03 Janelle Monae & Jidenna, Yoga83 74 17 Tim McGraw With Catherine Dunn, Diamond Rings And Old Barstools84 91 04 Sage The Gemini Featuring Nick Jonas, Good Thing85 77 18 Florida Georgia Line, Sippin" On Fire86 82 03 Kendrick Lamar, Alright87 83 19 Billy Currington, Don"t It88 NE 01 Meek Mill, Lord Knows89 87 16 Nicky Jam & Enrique Iglesias, El Perdon90 97 05 Zedd Featuring Jon Bellion, Beautiful Now91 NE 01 Meek Mill Featuring Future, Jump Out The Face92 90 19 Carly Rae Jepsen, I Really Like You93 93 06 Tech N9Ne Featuring 2 Chainz & B.o.B, Hood Go Crazy94 92 20 A Thousand Horses, Smoke95 NE 01 Meghan Trainor Featuring John Legend, Like I"m Gonna Lose You96 NE 01 Elle King, Ex"s & Oh"s97 99 06 twenty one pilots, Tear In My Heart98 100 02 NEEDTOBREATHE Featuring Gavin DeGraw, Brother99 NE 01 Old Dominion, Break Up With Him100 RE 02 Chris Young, I"m Comin" Over

中文翻译Yet for all his scientific gifts, he was no Steve Jobs or Bill Gates.


Bill Frisell的《Let Me In》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Me In歌手:Bill Frisell专辑:Where In The World?Young Buck (Feat. 50 Cent) - Let Me InYeah,It"s 50 cent, Young BuckG-g-g-g-g-G-UNIT!We get the club jumpin" from beginning to the endGo shawty, we back up in this bitch againWe party, harder than you can imagineYou can run wit losers, or run wit winners and winI feel attention when I walk in the clubG-unit to the socks, bitches all on a thugGimme a henny on the rocks, and a bottle of bubI dont need security, this Gorilla enoughI came to ball wit ya"ll, pop the bar and allSo bitches call ya hoes, n niggaz call ya dogsIf you love ya wife keep her at home tonightShe might neva come home again nigga, aight!Teeth, neck, wrists all lights my lifes likeRidin" in Ca$hville runnin all stop lightsHomie is that real, I pray I keep livinMy momma jus hadda dream of seein me in prisonMy daddys a dope fein, n i dont really miss himAint seen him in 10 years n a nigga still livinTha same ol" 2 step we move to a rhythm50 holla get em" Buck, you know im gunna get em"Raaaaa!I know you gonna let me shine n get mineI know you gonna let me in wit this nineI know you gonna let me smoke on my weedI know you gonna let me drink wit no I.DI know im sinnin but im winnin at tha same timeTake a couple shots from a nigga tryin ta take mineI"m back on tha block, wit a choppa n a tech nineNiggaz shootin cops n the hood runnin stop signsG-UNIT, The Game! Bitches doin wat tha thugs doG"s, D"s, Vice, Lords, Crips n the Blooz tooMove lemme come throughAint a pair of handcuffs, can hold meI"m ridin" in the ol" school listenin to some oldiesMy goals keep shinin, Them hoes keep cryinThe handle of my 45 outlined in diamondsJust left Ca$hville, bout to fly to MiamiHopin Yayo watchin Eminem, preform at the GrammysThe reason niggaz like Eric Benet, prolly cant stand meI know money will make Halle Berry come outa them pantiesBitch!Ya"ll niggaz in trouble they shoulda neva let me in (in)Bet ya I can make them bounce backTeach em" how to stunt, teach em" how to counts stacks (yeah)Now where ya hood at? BuckIf you want to, we 50 deep up in here watchu gonna doWho want beif, I aint come for no name callinDont be mad cuz we is n you aint ballin"Gettin" money is my motto for you broke folksCan"t spend ya whole life payin on ya car notesIt"s alright if you still on the block boySee ima cold young thug, not a hot boyYou know I do this for the streets, n my peeps thas behind barsAs soon as they come home, I"ll go n buy them all carsYoung Buck!We get the club jumpin" from beginning to the endGo shawty, we back up in this bitch againWe party, harder than you can imagineYou can run wit losers, or run wit winners that winAHH!

Mrs.Smith had a small son.His name was Billy开头的文章



2008年之后一周的美国唱片市场上,总的唱片销量共计约为1702万张,比2007年最后一周下降了17%。2008年全年美国唱片市场的总销量共计约为四亿两千八百四十万张,比2007年下降了近15个百分点(-14.4%),去年的总销量超过了五亿张。饶舌歌手李尔·韦恩的专辑《Tha Carter III》是2008年销量最大的专辑,总销量达到288万张。总的榜单好像还没出,不过冠军是李尔·韦恩

求2008 billboard 年终榜单这里有

谁会翻译杰克逊《镜子中的男人》和《Beat It》还有《Billie Jean》


求The Urban Misfits的Bills, Bills, Bills歌词,只要英文的

At first we started out real cool"(cool) Taking me places i ain"tnever been But now your getting comfortable Ain"t doing those things that you did no more Your slowly makin me pay for things Your money should be handling And now you ask to use my car (car) Drive it all day and don"t fill up the tank And you have the audacity To even come and step to me And ask to hold some money from me Until you get your check next week You triflin""good for nothing type of brother Silly me"why haven"t I found another insted of" a scrub like you who don"t know what a man"s about you pay my bills can you pay my telephone bills can you pay my automo"bills then maybe we can chill I don"t think you do so you and me are through give me bad credit"buying gifts with my own ends haven"t paid the first bill but you steady heading to the mall going on shopping sprees peprpetrating to your friends that you be ballin" and then you use my cell phone(phone) callin who ever that you think at home and when the bill comes all of a sudden you be acting dumb don"t know where none of these calls come from when your mamma"s numbers here more than once You triflin""good for nothing type of brother Silly me"why haven"t I found another A baller" when times get hard he"s the one to help me out insted of" a scrub like you who don"t know what a man"s about you pay my bills can you pay my telephone bills can you pay my automo"bills then maybe we can chill I don"t think you do so you and me are through You triflin""good for nothing type of brother Silly me"why haven"t I found another You triflin""good for nothing type of brother Silly me"why haven"t I found another you pay my bills can you pay my telephone bills can you pay my automo"bills then maybe we can chill I don"t think you do so you and me are through you pay my bills can you pay my telephone bills can you pay my automo"bills then maybe we can chill I don"t think you do so you and me are through

Billy Taylor的《Mambo Inn》 歌词

歌曲名:Mambo Inn歌手:Billy Taylor专辑:Prestige ProfilesMambo - Helena PaparizouGenre/Lang. : PopLove has got me caught up,Drives me to a door,Every little piece inside is knocking at your door.Tell me, tell me, tell meCan"t you see the signs?Written by a maniac, his love has made me blind.Can"t deny - the poison gets me high,Just a little tasteShook my life, it hit me like a drumHey, hey, heyI feel the mambo, aiyaA mambo, aiyaYou make my heart moveHey, hey, heyJust like a mambo, aiyaI let it outA mambo, a-heyaYou were my obsession,Stuck into my heart.Never let you hit or run,Never set apartDo it, do it, do itCome and stay tonightWake up a little fantasy,Take a little bite,Can"t you see?Your love addicted me.Just a little taste, shook my life,it hit me like a drum.Hey, hey, heyI feel the mambo, aiyaA mambo, aiyaYou make my heart moveHey, hey, heyJust like a mambo, aiyaI let it outA mambo, a-heyaPlay the game, and get me hypnotizedWanna feel the vibeSo hey now Mr. WhizGet the magic done,Let me sway up high,Baby, here I amHey, hey, heyI feel the mambo, aiyaA mambo, aiyaYou make my heart moveHey, hey, heyJust like a mambo, aiyaI let it outA mambo, a-heyaHey, hey, heyI feel the mambo, aiyaA mambo, aiyaYou make my heart moveHey, hey, heyJust like a mambo, aiyaI let it outA mambo, a-heya

bill ;money的区别

Bill 的意思一般是 名词 帐单;议案;钞票;海报 vt.开帐单Money的意思一般是 钱,货币,金钱


答:bill在这里指的就是“鸟喙”,而“ivory-billed woodpecker”也就是“象牙喙啄木鸟”。


  1、bill是法案,即:递交立法机构批准的法律草案A draft of a proposed law presented for approval to a legislative body.  2、motion才是议案,即:一种在议会程序下进行的向投票席做出的 正式议案A formal proposal put to the vote under parliamentary procedures.  3、意思是不是很不同。其实,一个motion是要在立法机构/议会成为bill后,才可以提交立法机构/议会批准的法律草案。













bill 与 list的区别


account 和bill有什么区别?

account = 帐号bill = 账单


可数名词 n.[C] 帐单piece of paper that shows how much money you must pay for something·x09I finished my meal,paid the bill and left the restaurant.我吃完饭,付了帐,然后离开饭馆..Do you want separate ...



英语句子 用bill造句

Bill: [ bil ] 比尔(男名) n. 帐单,钞票,票据,清单,议案,法案,广告,鸟嘴,喙 vt.开帐单,用海报宣传,把...列成表 1. I have a 5-dollar bill. 我有一张5美元的钞票. 2. I can"t pay now, please bill me later. 我现在不能付款,请以后开帐单给我. 3. Bill Gates is an American citizen. 比尔·盖茨是美国公民. 4. After a long debate the bill was passed. 经长时间的辩论,议案获得通过.


1. n. 帐单, 钞票, 票据, 清单, 议案, 法案, 广告 vt. 用海报宣传, 把...列成表, 给...开帐单2.n. (节目单或戏院大门上的)演员表, (演员表上的)演员次序 是billing吗


BILL WANG,上海最时尚的英语节目中,都可以看到这位充满时尚活力的小帅哥的身影。但是,你是否知道,这位年轻的小帅哥,曾经考过两次四级,一次56分,一次58分。“魅力小子”曾经很自卑BILL 现在是英语教学圈的小名人。一口地道的美式英语、时尚而休闲的教学方法,在英语教学圈中几乎没有人不知道他。“但是我曾经很自卑,我并不是那种从小到大都非常成功的优等生。我父母是知青,从小我在江西长大。94年的时候我回到上海,当时也并没有去考大学,而是读了几年中专。我根本没有读英语,高中英语我根本没有碰过。当段时间我基本属于混沌状态,人生没有目标,也不知道自己要做什么。”但是BILL很勤奋。他非常喜欢学习。所以95年到97年的时间,考大学就成了他的第一个人生目标。他完全靠着自学考进了大学,数理化的成绩非常优秀,最终于以非常优秀的成绩考进了同济大学,专业是机械自动化。“但是我的英语成绩还是很一般,150分的总分我只考了100出头。”“疯狂英语”开启英语大门99年的暑假,BILL遭受了一次失恋的打击。开明的父母答应的儿子的要求,花了六千元钱满足了BILL的心愿——参加了李阳英语学习班。“我非常感谢我的父母,因为我们的家境并不富裕。这笔钱在当时是非常不容易的。”而99年的暑假,是BILL 王的一个重大的人生转折点,从那以后,他找到了开启英语大门的方法,也找到了自己今后事业的方向。“我记得第一次接触疯狂英语,是在99年的七月,一个暑假的晚上,我骑着自行车经过卢湾体育馆,看到门口有张李阳疯狂英语的告示。当时我花了20块钱买了一张门票进去,那一次我就被李阳英语给折服了。”几天以后,在父母的支持下,BILL去了疯狂英语夏令营,为期20天。“那段时间是我人生非常重要的一个时期,因为我找到了学习英语的方法,并且再也没有自卑感。那时候我定下了人生的第二个目标:回来以后好好学英语,学的好可以做老师,学的不好继续做学生。”痛并快乐着——从英语助教到电视主持人99年回来以后,BILL王更加努力地学习英语。从2000年开始,他在宁波上了第一节公开课。中间BILL考了两次四级,一次58分,一次56分。“我觉得很沮丧,口语有进步,但是考试还是没有通过。”那段时间BILL还是迷失,但是还是在坚持学英语,不断地进行英语原始积累。“2000年7月,我做了疯狂英语的英语助教,接受了15天的洗礼,那时候我认识了各路英语高手,收获非常大。回来以后我就开始教书,从2000年七月到2002年起月,我教了许多疯狂英语的学生。记得我地一次教书的时候非常害怕,因为我自己也是学生。当时我去了教室,在教室门口停住,然后去操场跑了一圈,再回到讲台上,然后就开始讲了——效果居然非常不错!”从2000到2002,BILL教了上海、浙江、江西等地疯狂英语的许多学生。“但是我那时候读大学,十几门功课不几个,补考也没过,2003年的某一天,我打电话给一位台湾的心理咨询师,然后我做了一个决定,大学不读了。我说服了我的老师,也说服了我的父母。从此开始做全职老师,正式加入英语教学。”2003年开始,一个偶然的机会,BILL开始接触了新东方,同年,又开始全国巡回演讲。“那是我第一次坐飞机,我去了武汉、温州、宁波等许多地方。”03年9月,BILL开始加盟新东方,又开始接触了另一个圈子,认识了一大堆海龟派的英语朋友。“03年9月,有个学生介绍我给电视台写剧本,当时电视台的编剧对老外写的剧本不满意,所以我就给他们写了5个月的剧本。”“04年过年后,我和几个朋友一起到上海、安徽等地办学校,最终以失败而告终。然后我又回到了上海。”“04年初,偶然的一天,我接到了电视台的电话,他们告诉我有一个主持的名额,问我有没有意向。当时我就去试了试,04年4月左右,我就开始在东方电视台音乐频道的“魅力频道”中做起了主持人,这是一档融时尚、英语互动的节目,我们做过户外、户内等许多专辑,并且做了几个海外特别版节目。”从电视主持人到网站Bill 在做电视主持人的同时继续在新东方继续教课,在2005年年初,一个朋友介绍了他认识了一位做软件的朋友——就是SAYBOT的CEO潘鹏凯。“聊了以后觉得非常不错,我还去过SAYBOT当时世纪花园的小办公室,那时候只有六七个人。以前我曾经有个想法,就是想做一个很大的英语网站,看到了SAYBOT,我想有机会可以合作。”八九月份起,BILL就开始和SAYBOT合作,进行了出国英语的口语软件教程的开发。如果你有机会听到SAYBOT的出国宝课程,那么其中的智能机器人的幕后原声就是BILL.“我有一个梦想,就是30岁之前写一本怎样学英语的书。我曾经学了那么多的英语,教了那么多年的书,我想把各种学英语的方法都写出来,这是我的一大心愿!”

飞黄腾达 学徒BILL的简介

  飞黄腾达中学徒BILL的简介与风格具体如下:  1、从不直接批评队友,从不主动露出锋芒,使大家在互咬的时候都把他摘出去了。  2、工作做得并不是太优秀,但态度很好,认真,挑不出明显的毛病。在团队中,最出色并不好,而挑不出毛病才是最好的自我保护办法。  3、该表现的时候,BILL的表现都很阳光,没有明显的失误。  4、队友找他结盟的时候,他既不拒绝、也不表态,含含糊糊,让队友不至于咬他。  补充:  《飞黄腾达》是美 国全国广播公司出品的一档职场创业型真人秀节目。
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