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billing address一定要填吗


美国亚马逊billing address

billing address 是指的你信用卡注册的时候的地址也就说应该是国内的你的住址,至于要邮寄到哪里的应该叫做shipping address,在亚马逊上默认的应该是跟billing address一致,但是你在进行到最后一步看到那个订单内容的时候地下应该有一个“The shipping address is the same with the billing address“把这个前面的勾去掉然后就可以填写你现在在美国的住址了。如果还有问题可以追问!祝购物愉快!

什么是Billing address信用卡账单地址和Shipping a...

提醒一下:最近amazon因为一个人开N多帐号,去享受一些有限制的优惠,造成了amazon对有些人会要求通过传真方式来核对billing address,为了避免这些麻烦,还是建议大家使用自己真实的信用卡账单地址。如果真的因为billing address而封帐户,也可以通过传真信用卡账单来解决。具体的步骤如下:1、打电话到你的信用卡发卡机构,核实你的账单地址,核对后,把你的billing address用卡账单地址翻译成英文,可以用Google 翻译,或者以拼音的方式译成英文。2、写邮件给亚马逊。内容如下:第一说明你是一个新用户,不太清楚信用卡账单的填写要求,以致于错误填写了地址,然后说明你办理信用卡的时候没有选择邮寄纸质账单,而是电子账单,所以没法发Fax(传真)。第二说明通过和发卡行核实到你的信用卡账单地址,询问他可不可以通过电子邮件的方式来验证。3、提供给亚马逊如下的信息:你的姓名,你注册用的邮箱号码,你的订单号,你的正确的信用卡账单地址,你在发卡行预留的电话(手机和座机),你的信用卡后面提供的境外联系的电话号码。格式如下:MY billing address is **x .My name is **x.My phone number is **x.The phone number on file with the card issuer is **x.MY e-mail address is **x.My order No. Is **x .最后发送到

什么是Billing address信用卡账单地址?

解释:Billing address,即信用卡账单地址,要求提供Billing Address往往是为了验证信用卡使用者是否为持有者本人,所以通常Billing Address信用卡账单地址应该和Shipping address寄送地址是一致的。但也有部分购物网站接受不同的Shipping Address,也就是说付款人账单地址和收货人及寄送地址不一样,比如:Amazon、Drugstore、Vitacost等网站,因为支付时验证不这么严格,所以大家可以将商品直接寄到转运公司,这样付款就意味着可以你自己付款,然后把东西寄到其它一个地方。假如因为billing address而封帐户,也可以通过传真信用卡账单来解决。具体的步骤如下:打电话到你的信用卡发卡机构,核实你的账单地址,核对后,把你的billing address用卡账单地址翻译成英文,可以用Google 翻译,或者以拼音的方式译成英文。写邮件给亚马逊。内容如下:第一说明你是一个新用户,不太清楚信用卡账单的填写要求,以致于错误填写了地址,然后说明你办理信用卡的时候没有选择邮寄纸质账单,而是电子账单,所以没法发Fax(传真)。第二说明通过和发卡行核实到你的信用卡账单地址,询问他可不可以通过电子邮件的方式来验证。提供给亚马逊如下的信息:你的姓名,你注册用的邮箱号码,你的订单号,你的正确的信用卡账单地址,你在发卡行预留的电话(手机和座机),你的信用卡后面提供的境外联系的电话号码。

什么是Billing address信用卡账单地址

提醒一下:最近amazon因为一个人开N多帐号,去享受一些有限制的优惠,造成了amazon对有些人会要求通过传真方式来核对billing address,为了避免这些麻烦,还是建议大家使用自己真实的信用卡账单地址。如果真的因为billing address而封帐户,也可以通过传真信用卡账单来解决。 具体的步骤如下: 1、打电话到你的信用卡发卡机构,核实你的账单地址,核对后,把你的billing address用卡账单地址翻译成英文,可以用Google 翻译,或者以拼音的方式译成英文。 2、写邮件给亚马逊。内容如下: 第一说明你是一个新用户,不太清楚信用卡账单的填写要求,以致于错误填写了地址,然后说明你办理信用卡的时候没有选择邮寄纸质账单,而是电子账单,所以没法发Fax(传真)。 第二说明通过和发卡行核实到你的信用卡账单地址,询问他可不可以通过电子邮件的方式来验证。 3、提供给亚马逊如下的信息:你的姓名,你注册用的邮箱号码,你的订单号,你的正确的信用卡账单地址,你在发卡行预留的电话(手机和座机),你的信用卡后面提供的境外联系的电话号码。 格式如下:MY billing address is **x . My name is **x. My phone number is **x. The phone number on file with the card issuer is **x. MY e-mail address is **x. My order No. Is **x . 最后发送到 只要你的信息正确,一般2个小时就可以开通了,如果你有纸质账单也可以通过传真方式把最近一期信用卡账单扫描好,然后在淘宝上找代发国际传真的店帮你传真过去(隐去重要的付款信息),为避免麻烦建议大家还是填写真实的信用卡账单地址。

什么是Billing address信用卡账单地址

提醒一下:最近amazon因为一个人开N多帐号,去享受一些有限制的优惠,造成了amazon对有些人会要求通过传真方式来核对billing address,为了避免这些麻烦,还是建议大家使用自己真实的信用卡账单地址。如果真的因为billing address而封帐户,也可以通过传真信用卡账单来解决。具体的步骤如下:1、打电话到你的信用卡发卡机构,核实你的账单地址,核对后,把你的billing address用卡账单地址翻译成英文,可以用Google 翻译,或者以拼音的方式译成英文。2、写邮件给亚马逊。内容如下:第一说明你是一个新用户,不太清楚信用卡账单的填写要求,以致于错误填写了地址,然后说明你办理信用卡的时候没有选择邮寄纸质账单,而是电子账单,所以没法发Fax(传真)。第二说明通过和发卡行核实到你的信用卡账单地址,询问他可不可以通过电子邮件的方式来验证。3、提供给亚马逊如下的信息:你的姓名,你注册用的邮箱号码,你的订单号,你的正确的信用卡账单地址,你在发卡行预留的电话(手机和座机),你的信用卡后面提供的境外联系的电话号码。格式如下:MY billing address is **x .My name is **x.My phone number is **x.The phone number on file with the card issuer is **x.MY e-mail address is **x.My order No. Is **x .最后发送到

PAYPAL可以用中国信用卡吗?注册时billing address怎么填?


下单的时候,billing address是填写国内自己的真实地址吗

billing address是指账单地址,建议使用自己能收到纸面账单的地址,没什么的。

亚马逊买游戏billing address和信用卡地址不一样行吗

亚马逊的billing address是用来验证账户信息的,一般来说应该填写你真实的信用卡账单地址。如果填写其他地址,碰到需要回答验证账户问题,而且又正好是问账单地址的时候,你能回答正确通过验证的话,也是可以的。希望对你有帮助。

关于Amazon的billing address

Amazon的billing address填美国地址好些,国内地址多数不接受。实际上Amazon是不寄账单的。 可收藏快捷页面。

用美国visa在orbitz买机票时填写的billing address什么

billing address填写你办卡时候留的地址 这个一般是验证信用卡信息才会用到 是信用卡的账单地址现在是电子客票时代一般不需要拿到实体票的

我人在中国想在加拿大亚马逊的朋友买东西,最后拿MasterCard付款时,有一个billing address是要如何填写


billing address是什么。。填错了不要紧吧。。


关於信用卡的Billing Address.

Billing Address翻译为账单地址

注册apple id 的BILLING ADDRESS怎么填


信用卡的billing address填错了要不要紧


国外购物的Billing Address 是什么?有什么用处?


信用卡的Billing Address是什么意思

Billing Address 是信用卡账单地址。如果是海淘的话,账单地址就写持卡人接收账单的地址,需要转运的话,邮寄地址写转运公司提供的地址。



billing address怎么填

Billing address:账单地址 First Name:伟 Last Name:王 Company (optional) Address1:江苏省江阴市塘前路41号 Address2 (optional) City:江阴市 Postal/ZIP Code:214400 Country:中国 state/Province:江苏省 Phone:电话 仅供参考!汉语

信用卡的Billing Address是什么意思

Billing Address即信用卡的账单地址。也就是申请信用卡时预留给银行的账单地址,虽然大部分银行现在(默认)为电子邮件账单,但依旧保留了“账单地址”,以便与日后核对信息、邮寄新卡片、邮寄纸质账单之用。

信用卡的Billing Address是什么意思


信用卡的Billing Address是什么意思

billing address[英][u02c8biliu014b u0259u02c8dres][美][u02c8bu026alu026au014b u0259u02c8dru025bs]账单地址;寄付帐单地址;送订单的地址; 数据合作方:金山词霸双语例句1Invalid Billing Address. Please confirm the City, State and Zip Code.帐单地址无效。请确认省/市/自治区和邮政编码。

什么是Billing address信用卡账单地址

Billing address,即信用卡账单地址,要求提供Billing Address往往是为了验证信用卡使用者是否为持有者本人,所以通常Billing Address信用卡账单地址应该和Shipping address寄送地址是一致的,但也有部分购物网站接受不同的Shipping Address,也就是说付款人账单地址和收货人及寄送地址不一样。比如:Amazon、Drugstore、Vitacost等网站,因为支付时验证不这么严格,所以大家可以将商品直接寄到转运公司,这样付款就意味着可以自己付款,然后把东西寄到其它一个地方。扩展资料:信用卡是由商业银行或信用卡公司对信用合格的消费者发行的信用证明。持有信用卡的消费者可以到特约商业服务部门购物或消费,再由银行同商户和持卡人进行结算,持卡人可以在规定额度内透支。信用卡相比普通银行储蓄卡来说,最方便的使用方式就是可以在卡里没有现金的情况下进行普通消费,在很多情况下只要按期归还消费的金额就可以了。申请人申领信用卡成功后,发卡行将为持卡人在发卡银行开立单独的信用卡账户,以供购物、消费和取现后进行结算。参考资料:百度百科_信用卡

什么是Billing address信用卡账单地址?

Billing address,即信用卡账单地址。信用卡账单地址就是留在银行信用卡中心,寄送账单明细的地址,每个月的账单日银行都会以邮件形式寄送账单的。农业银行帐单日为每月10号,不可以更改。招商银行每月5、7、10、12、15、17、20、22、25日为账单日。 每半年改一次。交通银行每月帐单日是随系统生成的,在卡有效期内可以更改一次,一般账单日在6号到24号。中信银行原账单日的前八后八内修改,不能超过20日。光大银行账单日为每月1,5,18,不可以更改。建设银行每月2、5、7、10、12、13、15、17、19、22、23、24、25、26、27日为可供选择的账单日, 每自然年修改一次。扩展资料:销卡一年后竟然收到最新账单第一次遇上销卡“怪事”的杭州市民王女士介绍道,“收到邮件的时候,我觉得很奇怪,没过多久,又收到了短信和APP上发来的提醒账单消息。当时的第一反应是,会不会有人冒充我的名义去办理了信用卡,但是看了账单,又没有什么欠费的情况。”她说,自己的这张某国有银行的信用卡,是多年前考驾照的时候一起办的,一直没有开通使用过。去年想着手头的卡太多,就主动把这张未曾使用的信用卡注销了。据她回忆,“当时客服明确表示已经销户了,我就把那张卡剪掉扔了,没想到一年后竟然会发来账单。”所以这次莫名收到信用卡账单的时候,她发懵了,并第一时间致电了客服热线。客服告诉她,销户一年后都会收到最后一次账单,之后就不会发送了,并且肯定了销户是成功的。记者据此咨询了上述国有银行信用卡中心,其客服也给出了同样的回复,“一般销户后会发送最后账单 。”不过,并非所有银行的信用卡中心都有如此规定。“只要不收钱就行,邮件发了就发了。”了解到事情原委后,王女士释然了,“其实最怕的就是盗刷、冒用之类的,弄清楚没问题就行,也算是涨知识了。”参考资料来源:百度百科-信用卡帐单日

billing address是什么意思

解释:Billing address,即信用卡账单地址,要求提供Billing Address往往是为了验证信用卡使用者是否为持有者本人,所以通常Billing Address信用卡账单地址应该和Shipping address寄送地址是一致的。但也有部分购物网站接受不同的Shipping Address,也就是说付款人账单地址和收货人及寄送地址不一样,比如:Amazon、Drugstore、Vitacost等网站,因为支付时验证不这么严格,所以大家可以将商品直接寄到转运公司,这样付款就意味着可以你自己付款,然后把东西寄到其它一个地方。假如因为billing address而封帐户,也可以通过传真信用卡账单来解决。具体的步骤如下:打电话到你的信用卡发卡机构,核实你的账单地址,核对后,把你的billing address用卡账单地址翻译成英文,可以用Google 翻译,或者以拼音的方式译成英文。写邮件给亚马逊。内容如下:第一说明你是一个新用户,不太清楚信用卡账单的填写要求,以致于错误填写了地址,然后说明你办理信用卡的时候没有选择邮寄纸质账单,而是电子账单,所以没法发Fax(传真)。第二说明通过和发卡行核实到你的信用卡账单地址,询问他可不可以通过电子邮件的方式来验证。提供给亚马逊如下的信息:你的姓名,你注册用的邮箱号码,你的订单号,你的正确的信用卡账单地址,你在发卡行预留的电话(手机和座机),你的信用卡后面提供的境外联系的电话号码。

我在美国网上购物,"Billing Address"是什么意思


Hung Up (Bill Hamel Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Hung Up (Bill Hamel Remix)歌手:Madonna专辑:Hung Up [Dj Version]M @ d o n n @Time goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Every little thing that you say or doI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your callBaby night and dayI"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on youTime goes by so slowly for those who waitNo time to hesitateThose who run seem to have all the funI"m caught upI don"t know what to doTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyI don"t know what to doEvery little thing that you say or doI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your callBaby night and dayI"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on youEvery little thing that you say or doI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your callBaby night and dayI"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on youRing ring ring goes the telephoneThe lights are on but there"s no-one homeTick tick tock it"s a quarter to twoAnd I"m doneI"m hanging up on youI can"t keep on waiting for youI know that you"re still hesitatingDon"t cry for me"cause I"ll find my wayyou"ll wake up one daybut it"ll be too lateEvery little thing that you say or doI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your callBaby night and dayI"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on youEvery little thing that you say or doI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your callBaby night and dayI"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on youEvery little thing~~~ (Every little thing~)I"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your call~~ (Waiting for your call~)I"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyTime goes by so slowlyso slowly............I don"t know what to doEvery little thing that you say or doI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your callBaby night and dayI"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on youEvery little thing that you say or doI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your callBaby night and dayI"m fed upI"m tired of waiting on youEvery little thing ~~~ Every little thingI"m hung upI"m hung up on youWaiting for your call~~ Waiting for your callI"m fed up......................

paypal里的billing address line 是填的谁的地址



which city were Jim and Bill born?

谁能把2000年至今的billboard上面 每一个星期的冠军单曲 发给我啊 感激涕零!

2000 Billboard #1 Hits!!2000-01-15 02 Christina Aguilera -- What a Girl Wants 2000-01-29 03 Savage Garden -- I Knew I Loved You 2000-02-19 01 Mariah Carey featuring Joe and 98 Degrees -- Thank God I Found You 2000-02-26 01 Savage Garden -- I Knew I Loved You 2000-03-04 02 Lonestar -- Amazed 2000-03-18 03 Destiny"s Child -- Say My Name 2000-04-08 10 Santana featuring The Product G&B -- Maria Maria 2000-06-17 01 Aaliyah -- Try Again 2000-06-24 03 Enrique Iglesias -- Be with You 2000-07-15 01 Vertical Horizon -- Everything You Want 2000-07-22 01 Matchbox Twenty -- Bent 2000-07-29 02 "N Sync -- It"s Gonna Be Me 2000-08-12 02 Sisqó -- Incomplete 2000-08-26 03 Janet Jackson -- Doesn"t Really Matter 2000-09-16 04 Madonna -- Music 2000-10-14 04 Christina Aguilera -- Come on Over Baby (All I Want Is You) 2000-11-11 01 Creed -- With Arms Wide Open 2000-11-18 11 Destiny"s Child -- Independent Women Part I2001 Billboard #1 Hits!!2001-02-03 02 Shaggy featuring Ricardo "RikRok" Ducent -- It Wasn"t Me 2001-02-17 01 OutKast -- Ms. Jackson 2001-02-24 04 Joe featuring Mystikal -- Stutter 2001-03-24 01 Crazy Town -- Butterfly 2001 Billboard #1 Hits!!2001-03-31 01 Shaggy featuring Rayvon -- Angel 2001-04-07 01 Crazy Town -- Butterfly 2001-04-14 07 Janet Jackson -- All for You 2001-06-02 05 Christina Aguilera, Lil" Kim, Mya and Pink -- Lady Marmalade 2001-07-07 04 Usher -- U Remind Me 2001-08-04 02 Destiny"s Child -- Bootylicious 2001-08-18 03 Alicia Keys -- Fallin" 2001-09-08 03 Jennifer Lopez featuring Ja Rule -- I"m Real (Murder Remix) 2001-09-29 03 Alicia Keys -- Fallin" 2001-10-20 02 Jennifer Lopez featuring Ja Rule -- I"m Real (Murder Remix) 2001-11-03 06 Mary J. Blige -- Family Affair 2001-12-15 01 Usher -- U Got It Bad 2001-12-22 04 Nickelback -- How You Remind MeAnd The Year Chart No.1 Is:Lifehouse -- Hanging By A Moment (With No Hot 100 #1)2002-01-19 05 Usher -- U Got It Bad 2002-02-23 02 Ja Rule featuring Ashanti -- Always on Time 2002-03-09 06 Jennifer Lopez featuring Ja Rule -- Ain"t It Funny (Murder Remix) 2002-04-20 10 Ashanti -- Foolish 2002-06-29 07 Nelly -- Hot in Herre 2002-08-17 07 Nelly featuring Kelly Rowland -- Dilemma 2002-10-05 02 Kelly Clarkson -- A Moment like This 2002-10-19 03 Nelly featuring Kelly Rowland -- Dilemma 2002-11-09 12 Eminem -- Lose Yourself2003 Billboard #1 Hits!!2003-02-01 01 B2K featuring P. Diddy -- Bump, Bump, Bump 2003-02-08 04 Jennifer Lopez featuring LL Cool J -- All I Have 2003-03-08 09 50 Cent -- In Da Club 2003-05-10 03 Sean Paul -- Get Busy 2003-05-31 04 50 Cent featuring Nate Dogg -- 21 Questions 2003-06-28 02 Clay Aiken -- This Is the Night 2003-07-12 08 Beyoncé featuring Jay-Z -- Crazy in Love 2003-09-06 04 Nelly, P. Diddy and Murphy Lee -- Shake Ya Tailfeather 2003-10-04 09 Beyoncé featuring Sean Paul -- Baby Boy 2003-12-06 01 Ludacris featuring Shawnna -- Stand Up 2003-12-13 09 OutKast -- Hey Ya!2004 Billboard #1 Hits!!2004-02-14 01 OutKast featuring Sleepy Brown -- The Way You Move 2004-02-21 01 Twista featuring Kanye West and Jamie Foxx -- Slow Jamz 2004-02-28 12 Usher featuring Lil Jon and Ludacris -- Yeah! 2004-05-22 07 Usher -- Burn 2004-07-10 01 Fantasia -- I Believe 2004-07-17 01 Usher -- Burn 2004-07-24 02 Usher -- Confessions Part II 2004-08-07 02 Juvenile featuring Soulja Slim -- Slow Motion 2004-08-21 03 The Terror Squad -- Lean Back 2004-09-11 07 Ciara featuring Petey Pablo -- Goodies 2004-10-30 06 Usher and Alicia Keys -- My Boo 2004-12-11 03 Snoop Dogg featuring Pharrell -- Drop It Like It"s Hot2005 Billboard #1 Hits!!2005-01-01 09 Mario -- Let Me Love You 2005-03-05 09 50 Cent featuring Olivia -- Candy Shop 2005-05-07 04 Gwen Stefani -- Hollaback Girl 2005-06-04 04 Mariah Carey -- We Belong Together 2005-07-02 01 Carrie Underwood -- Inside Your Heaven 2005-07-09 10 Mariah Carey -- We Belong Together 2005-09-17 10 Kanye West featuring Jamie Foxx -- Gold Digger 2005-11-26 05 Chris Brown -- Run It! 2005-12-31 02 Mariah Carey -- Don"t Forget About Us2006 Billboard #1 Hits!!2006-01-14 01 D4L -- Laffy Taffy 2006-01-21 02 Nelly featuring Paul Wall, Ali and Gipp -- Grillz 2006-02-04 05 Beyoncé featuring Slim Thug -- Check on It 2006-03-11 01 James Blunt -- You"re Beautiful 2006-03-18 02 Ne-Yo -- So Sick 2006-04-01 01 Sean Paul -- Temperature 2006-04-08 05 Daniel Powter -- Bad Day 2006-05-13 03 Rihanna -- SOS 2006-06-03 02 Chamillionaire featuring Krayzie Bone -- Ridin" 2006-06-17 02 Shakira featuring Wyclef Jean -- Hips Don"t Lie 2006-07-01 01 Taylor Hicks -- Do I Make You Proud 2006-07-08 06 Nelly Furtado featuring Timbaland -- Promiscuous 2006-08-19 03 Fergie -- London Bridge 2006-09-09 07 Justin Timberlake -- SexyBack 2006-10-28 02 Ludacris featuring Pharrell -- Money Maker 2006-11-11 03 Justin Timberlake featuring T.I. -- My Love 2006-12-02 02 Akon featuring Snoop Dogg -- I Wanna Love You 2006-12-16 10 Beyoncé -- Irreplaceable2007 Billboard #1 Hits!!2007-02-24 01 Nelly Furtado -- Say It Right 2007-03-03 01 Justin Timberlake -- What Goes Around... Comes Around2007-03-10 02 MIMS -- This Is Why I"m Hot2007-03-24 02 Fergie featuring Ludacris -- Glamorous2007-04-07 02 Akon -- Don"t Matter2007-04-21 02 Timbaland featuring Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake -- Give It to Me2007-05-05 01 Avril Lavigne -- Girlfriend2007-05-12 02 Maroon 5 -- Makes Me Wonder2007-05-26 01 T-Pain featuring Yung Joc -- Buy U a Drank (Shawty Snappin")2007-06-02 01 Maroon 5 -- Makes Me Wonder2007-06-09 07 Rihanna featuring Jay-Z -- Umbrella2007-07-28 02 Plain White T"s -- Hey There Delilah2007-08-11 04 Sean Kingston -- Beautiful Girls2007-09-08 01 Fergie -- Big Girls Don"t Cry2007-09-15 02 Soulja Boy -- Crank That (Soulja Boy)2007-09-29 01 Kanye West -- Stronger2007-10-06 05 Soulja Boy -- Crank That (Soulja Boy)2007-11-10 03 Chris Brown featuring T-Pain -- Kiss Kiss2007-12-01 05 Alicia Keys - No One2008 Billboard #1 Hits!!2008-01-05 10 Flo-Rida Featuring T-Pain -- Low2008-03-15 03 Usher Featuring Young Jeezy -- Love In This Club2008-04-05 01 Leona Lewis -- Bleeding Love2008-04-12 02 Mariah Carey -- Touch My body2008-04-26 01 Leona Lewis -- Bleeding Love2008-05-03 01 Lil" Wayne Featuring Static Major -- Lollipop2008-05-10 02 Leona Lewis -- Bleeding Love2008-05-24 01 Rihanna -- Take A Bow2008-05-31 04 Lil" Wayne Featuring Static Major -- Lollipop2008-06-28 01 Coldplay -- Viva La Vida 2008-07-05 07 Katy Perry -- I Kissed A Girl2008-08-23 02 Rihanna -- Disturbia2008-09-06 03 T.I. -- Whatever You Like2008-09-27 01 Pink -- So What 2008-10-04 02 T.I. -- Whatever You Like2008-10-18 01 T.I. Featuring Rihanna -- Live Your Life2008-10-25 01 Britney Spears -- Womanizer 2008-11-01 02 T.I. -- Whatever You Like2008-11-15 04 T.I. Featuring Rihanna -- Live Your Life2008-12-13 01 Beyonce -- Single Ladies2008-12-20 01 T.I. Featuring Rihanna -- Live Your Life 2008-12-27 03 Beyonce -- Single Ladies2009 Billboard #1 Hits!!2009-01-17 03 Lady Gaga Featuring Colby O"Donis -- Just Dance2009-02-07 02 Kelly Clarkson -- My Life Would Suck Without You2009-02-21 01 Eminem -- Crack A Bottle2009-02-28 06 Flo Rida -- Right Round2009-04-11 01 Lady Gaga -- Poker Face2009-04-18 12 Black Eyed Peas -- Boom Boom Pow2009-07-11 14 Black Eyed Peas -- I Gotta Feeling2009-10-17 01 Jay Sean Featuring Lil Wayne -- Down2009-10-24 01 Britney Spears -- 32009-10-31 01 Jay Sean Featuring Lil Wayne -- Down2009-11-07 01 Owl City -- Fireflies2009-11-14 01 Jason DeRulo -- Whatcha Say2009-11-21 01 Owl City -- Fireflies2009-11-28 05 Jay-Z Featuring Alicia Keys -- Empire State Of Mind

有一首歌,女生唱的,billboard冠单,前几年的了,有句说唱歌词是 what a fucking day,求歌名

what a fucking lovely day?这儿有10-13年的billboard榜单




express BL,surrendered BL,original BL和seaway Bill 具体是什么意思,有什么区别??

express BL,surrendered BL都是电放提单,不是出具正本提单,凭装运地承运人代理电讯指示收货地代理放货给指名收货人。没有正本的出现,不是特权凭证,收货人凭身份证明提货。original BL是正本提单,一般是做也指示性的,可转让,是物权凭证,须凭正本提货。seaway Bill是海运单,有正本,但是记名的,不是凭正本提货,无物权凭证作用。

谁能帮忙列出2000到2008 billboard年终前10名的单曲和专辑阿 只要前十名的

由于top 100 billboard都是不给专辑名字的,所以要整理,先给你歌手和歌曲的榜。歌手 - 歌曲199001 Wilson Phillips - Hold On02 Roxette - It Must Have Been Love03 Sinead O"Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U04 Bell Biv DeVoe - Poison05 Madonna - Vogue06 Mariah Carey - Vision Of Love07 Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise08 En Vogue - Hold On09 Billy Idol - Cradle Of Love10 Jon Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory199101 Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do) I Do It For You02 Color Me Badd - I Wanna Sex You Up03 C & C Music Factory - Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)04 Paula Abdul - Rush Rush05 Timmy T - One More Try06 EMF - Unbelievable07 Extreme - More Than Words08 Hi-Five - I Like The Way -The Kissing Game09 Surface - The First Time10 Amy Grant - Baby Baby199201 Boyz II Men - End Of The Road02 Sir Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back03 Kriss Kross - Jump04 Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last05 TLC - Baby Baby Baby.mp3 5.99 MiB06 Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven07 EnVogue - My Lovin" -You"re Never Gonna Get It08 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge09 Color Me Badd - All 4 Love10 Jon Secada - Just Another Day199301 Tag Team - Whoomp! -There It Is02 Ace Of Base - All That She Wants03 Mariah Carey - Dreamlover04 Mariah Carey - Hero05 UB40 - Can"t Help Falling In Love06 Jade - Don"t Walk Away07 Janet Jackson - That"s The Way Love Goes08 Snap - Rhythm Is A Dancer09 SWV - Weak10 Snow - Informer199401 Ace Of Base - The Sign02 All 4 One - I Swear03 Toni Braxton - Breathe Again04 Celine Dion - Power Of Love05 Lisa Loeb - Stay06 Ace Of Base - Don"t Turn Around07 Toni Braxton - You Mean The World To Me08 R. Kelly - Bump And Grind09 Madonna - I"ll Remember10 Jon Secada - If You Go19951. Coolio - Gangsta Paradise2. TLC - Waterfalls3. TLC - Creep4. Seal - Kiss From A Rose5. Boyz II Men - On Bended Knee6. Real Mccoy - Another Night7. Mariah Carey - Fantasy8. Madonna - Take A Bow9. Monica - Don"t Take It Personal10. Montell Jordan - This Is How We Do It 199601 Los Del Rio - Macarena(Bayside Boys Mix)-RCA02 Mariah Carey - One Sweet Day03 Celine Dion - Because You Loved Me04 The Tony Rich Project - Nobody Knows05 Mariah Carey - Always Be My Baby06 Tracy Chapman - Give Me One Reason07 Bone Thugs N Harmony - Crossroads08 Donna Lewis - I Love You Always Forever09 Toni Braxton - You"re Making Me High10 Keith Sweat - Twisted199701 Elton John - Candle In The Wind -Diana02 Jewel - You Were Meant For Me03 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans Featuring 112 - I"ll Be Missing You04 Toni Braxton - Unbreak My Heart05 Puff Daddy And Mace - Can"t Nobody Hold Me Down06 R Kelly - I Believe I Can Fly07 EnVogue - Don"t Let Go (Love08 Mark Morrison - Return Of The Mack09 LeAnn Rimes - How Do I Live10 Spice Girls - Wannabe199801 Next - Too Close02 Brandy & Monica - The Boy Is Mine03 Shania Twain - You"re Still The One04 Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply05 Leann Rimes - How Do I Live06 Janet Jackson - Together Again07 K-Ci & Jojo - All My Life08 Elton John - Candle In The Wind (Diana)09 Usher - Nice And Slow10 Paula Cole - I Dont Want To Wait199901 Cher - Believe02 TLC - No Scrubs03 Monica - Angel Of Mine04 Whitney Houston Featuring Faith Evans & Kelly Price - Heartbreak Hotel05 Britney Spears - Baby One More Time06 Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me07 Christina Aguilera - Genie In A Bottle08 Sugar Ray - Every Morning09 Deborah Cox - Nobody"s Supposed To Be Here10 Ricky Martin - Livin" La Vida Loca200001 Faith Hill - Breathe02 Santana - Smooth03 Santana - Maria Maria04 Joe - I Wanna Know05 Vertical Horizon - Everything You Want06 Destiny"s Child - Say My Name07 Savage Garden - I Knew I Loved You08 Lonestar - Amazed09 Matchbox 20 - Bent10 Toni Braxton - He Wasn"t Man Enough200101 Lifehouse - Hanging By A Moment02 Alicia Keys - Fallin03 Janet Jackson - All For You04 Train - Drops Of Jupiter05 Jennifer Lopez - I"m Real06 Matchbox 20 - If You"re Gone07 Eve Featuring Gwen Stefani - Let Me Blow Ya Mind08 Dido - Thank You09 Lenny Kravitz - Again10 Destiny"s Child - Independent Woman (Part 1)200201 NickelBack - How You Remind Me02 Ashanti - Foolish03 Nelly - Hot In Herre04 Nelly Featuring Kelly Rowland - Dilemma05 The Calling - Wherever You Will Go06 Vanessa Carlton - A Thousand Miles07 Linkin Park - In The End08 Fat Joe Featuring Ashanti - What"s Luv09 Usher - U Got It Bad10 Puddle Of Mudd - Blurry200301 50 Cent - In Da Club02 R Kelly - Ignition03 Sean Paul - Get Busy04 Beyonce Feat. Jay-Z - Crazy In Love05 3 Doors Down - When Im Gone06 Matchbox Twenty - Unwell07 Chingy - Right Thurr08 Aaliyah - Miss You09 Kid Rock Feat. Sheryl Crow - Picture10 Evanescence - Bring Me To Life200401 Usher feat. Lil Jon & Ludacris - Yeah!02 Usher - Burn03 Alicia Keys - If I Ain"t Got You04 Maroon5 - This Love05 Outkast feat. Sleepy Brown - The Way You Move06 Hoobastank - The Reason07 Mario Winans feat. Enya & P. Diddy - I Don"t Wanna Know08 Outkast - Hey Ya!09 Ciara feat. Petey Pablo - Goodies10 Terror Squad - Lean Back20051 We Belong Together - Mariah Carey Island2 Hollaback Girl - Gwen Stefani Interscope3 Let Me Love You - Mario4 Since U Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson5 1, 2 Step - Ciara Featuring Missy Elliott6 Gold Digger - Kanye West Featuring Jamie Foxx7 Boulevard Of Broken Dreams - Green Day8 Candy Shop - 50 Cent Featuring Olivia9 Don"t Cha - The Pussycat Dolls Featuring Busta Rhymes 10 Behind These Hazel Eyes - Kelly Clarkson200601 - Daniel Powter - Bad Day02 - Sean Paul - Temperature03 - Nelly Furtado ft. Timbaland - Promiscuous04 - James Blunt - You"re Beautiful05 - Shakira ft. Wyclef Jean - Hips Don"t Lie06 - Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten07 - Gnarls Barkley - Crazy08 - Chamillionaire ft. Krayzie Bone - Ridin"09 - Justin Timberlake - SexyBack10 - Beyonce ft. Slim Thug - Check On It200701 Irreplaceable - Beyonce02 Umbrella - Rihanna Featuring Jay-Z03 The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani Featuring Akon04 Big Girls Don"t Cry - Fergie05 Buy U a Drink (Shawty Snappin") - T-Pain Featuring Yung Joc06 Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood07 Hey There Delilah - Plain White T"s08 I Wanna Love You - Akon Featuring Snoop Dogg09 Say It Right - Nelly Furtado10 Glamorous - Fergie Featuring Ludacris 200801 Low - Flo Rida Featuring T-Pain02 Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis03 No One - Alicia Keys04 Lollipop - Lil Wayne Featuring Static Major05 Apologize - Timbaland Featuring OneRepublic06 No Air - Jordin Sparks Duet With Chris Brown07 Love Song - Sara Bareilles08 Love In This Club - Usher Featuring Young Jeezy09 With You - Chris Brown10 Forever - Chris Brown

请问receipt, invoice, tax invoice 和bill的区别



Billboard 200(公告牌专辑排行榜)是由美国音乐杂志《Billboard》制作的一份销量专辑排行榜。是美国最具权威性的一份专辑排行榜单。公告牌百强单曲榜(Billboard Hot 100)是由美国的音乐杂志《公告牌》所制作的一份单曲排行榜,该榜单也被认为是美国最具权威的一份单曲排行榜。排行榜的排名,是由美国境内的唱片销量和单曲在广播中广播的次数之总和决定,销量的计算期间是每周一到周日,广播播放次数统计期间则是每周三到隔周二。每一期的新榜单在周四发表,不过排行榜日期标注为下一周的周六。



outstanding bill是什么意思

outstanding bill优秀的账单网络释义1. 未偿付票据2. 未兑现票据例句:1.With an outstanding bill, chernogorneft was forced into what norex claims was aginned-up bankruptcy. 由于这笔未偿付的债务,Chernogorneft公司被迫进入了Norex公司所称的“破产陷阱”。

dancingalone billion女团资料


bill of loading 是什么?


Bill Charlap的《Who Cares》 歌词

歌曲名:Who Cares歌手:Bill Charlap专辑:Plays George Gershwin: The American SoulWho Cares?Staring at the sky,There"s angels in the snow.Wishing she could fly high,Above the world below.All that she wanted,Is to be wanted.She"s sitting on the stairs,With ribbons in her hair,Waiting for someone who cares,Who cares.Pouring over magazines,She soaks up every page.Each picture like a daydream,She never wants to fade.All that she wanted,Is to be wanted.She"s looking in the mirror,Wondering what to wear,Hoping she"ll meet someone who cares,At the window sill, she"s looking out on,Strawberry daffodils,Butterflies and broken roller skates,The colours bleed like finger paint.Yesterday...All that she wanted,Is to be wanted.She"s rocking in a chair,Silver in her hair, still waiting for someone...All that she wanted,Is to be wanted.She"s sitting on the stairs,Ribbons in her hair,Waiting for someone who cares,Who cares.

usb billboard device是什么意思

usb billboard deviceUSB的广告牌装置device[英][du026au02c8vau026as][美][du026au02c8vau026as]n.装置,设备; 方法; 策略; 手段; 复数:devices例句:1.He didn"t say the company would sell the device. 他并没有说该公司将销售这款设备。

I had a brand -new $20bill

I had a brand -new $20bill 前面有a brand明显是单数,而且是指一张支票,bill是支票单

seaway bill,HBL,MBL 电放提单


seaway bill,HBL,MBL 电放提单


船东提单(MBL)出sea way bill后还要出货代提单(HBL)才能提货吗?急!

sea way bill的流程如下,所以,你说的可能是船代给收货人的提货单。(1)船公司签发海运单给托运人;(2)船公司在船舶到卸货港前向收货人发出到货通知;(3)收货人签署完这个到货通知并退还给船代;(4)船代据以签发提货单给收货人;(5)船抵港后,收货人凭提货单提货,船方查明收货人已将运费付清,办理结关手续,船方就可放货.



Billing address和Shipping address有什么不同

1、具体含义不同Billing address,的意思是账单地址,与收发文件的账户有关。Shipping address的意思是收货地址,与网购收货地址有关。2、使用场合不同Billing address比较少用,一般用于物流公司的内部账单中,属于财务类专有名词。Shipping address被广泛使用,特别是在需要快递、邮寄的语境中。例句:It holds credit-card numbers and other personal informationsuch as a shipping address.它保存信用卡号码和其它个人信息,如送货地址。Please email us your name, shipping address and contact number as well.请邮件我们您的名子,地址和联络号码。扩展资料词汇解析:1、Billing address英文发音: [u02c8bu026alu026au014b u0259u02c8dres]中文释义:账单地址;信用卡账单地址;开票地址例句:This class models the billing address for a person or an organization.该类建模一名个人或一个组织的账单邮寄地址。2、Shipping address英文发音: [u02c8u0283u026apu026au014b u0259u02c8dres]中文释义:收货地址;运输地址;配送地址;送货地址例句:For example an internet mailing company might have an XML document with a billing address and delivery addressassociated with a customer"s order.例如,一个因特网邮件服务公司可能有一个XML文档,内容是与客户订单挂钩的记帐地址与投递地址。

bill 和 debit note 的区别?

Bill指的是帐单和开帐单一类的debit note 借条 和 收款条




Rockability是一种最早期的rock"n"rock形式之一,在1950年代十分盛行。Rockability该词是rock和hillbilly两个词的合成词,hillbilly是指country music,country music对这个流派的形成和发展有著很大的影响。在1960、70年代,一批在50年代听著country music和rockability长大的摇滚乐音人录制了许多带有country music特色的摇滚乐(例如Bob Dylan等),从而有了country rock, 顾名思义是country音乐和rock音乐的混合体,其本身由rockability所发展出来,是rockability发展之后的产物。

million,billion和thousand之间应该怎么转化 要举例的那种 谢谢

三亿是 three hundred million. 三百个一百万。 thirty million 是三千万 三十个一百万 million是一百万 10 million是一千万 意思是10个一百万 ten hundred million 100 million是一亿 意思是100个一百万 one hundred million billion是十亿

请教下UPS运单上bill term P/P是什么意思?谢谢


《女人出轨》 最后bill怎么了 寝为什么会被人阉了 被谁阉了啊

man爸啦 之前bill入门时 man爸就说 试用期一个月 如果敢耍她 就让他一辈子搞不到女人!!!在最后bill去找josephine的时候对这一段进行了再次回忆 !!!由此可见 bill是被man爸阉了!!!

澳洲读书用bpay交学费,要填biller nickname,这个信息填名字可以吗,听说好像不重要

Biller nickname 不重要,是自己标记用的,填你的大学名字就可以了,只要reference number和biller code填对了就可以了,每个学生的reference no. 不同,biller code就是你学校机构的专属代码,payment methods里都会提及的

billie eilish是谁


Ode To Billie Joe (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Ode To Billie Joe (Live)歌手:The Buddy Rich Big Band专辑:Mercy, MercyIt was the third of June, another sleepy, dusty Delta dayI was out choppin" cotton and my brother was balin" hayAnd at dinner time we stopped and walked back to the house to eatAnd Mama hollered out the back door "y"all remember to wipe your feet"And then she said "I got some news this mornin" from Choctaw Ridge""Today Billy Joe MacAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge"And Papa said to Mama as he passed around the blackeyed peas"Well, Billy Joe never had a lick of sense, pass the biscuits, please""There"s five more acres in the lower forty I"ve got to plow"And Mama said it was shame about Billy Joe, anyhowSeems like nothin" ever comes to no good up on Choctaw RidgeAnd now Billy Joe MacAllister"s jumped off the Tallahatchie BridgeAnd Brother said he recollected when he and Tom and Billie JoePut a frog down my back at the Carroll County picture showAnd wasn"t I talkin" to him after church last Sunday night?"I"ll have another piece of apple pie, you know it don"t seem right""I saw him at the sawmill yesterday on Choctaw Ridge""And now you tell me Billie Joe"s jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge"And Mama said to me "Child, what"s happened to your appetite?""I"ve been cookin" all morning and you haven"t touched a single bite""That nice young preacher, Brother Taylor, dropped by today""Said he"d be pleased to have dinner on Sunday, oh, by the way""He said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Choctaw Ridge""And she and Billy Joe was throwing somethin" off the Tallahatchie Bridge"A year has come "n" gone since we heard the news "bout Billy JoeAnd Brother married Becky Thompson, they bought a store in TupeloThere was a virus going "round, Papa caught it and he died last SpringAnd now Mama doesn"t seem to wanna do much of anythingAnd me, I spend a lot of time pickin" flowers up on Choctaw RidgeAnd drop them into the muddy water off the Tallahatchie Bridge

Ode To Billie Joe 歌词

歌曲名:Ode To Billie Joe歌手:Sort Sol专辑:Everything That Rises Must ConvergeIt was the third of June, another sleepy, dusty Delta dayI was out choppin" cotton and my brother was balin" hayAnd at dinner time we stopped and walked back to the house to eatAnd Mama hollered out the back door "y"all remember to wipe your feet"And then she said "I got some news this mornin" from Choctaw Ridge""Today Billy Joe MacAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge"And Papa said to Mama as he passed around the blackeyed peas"Well, Billy Joe never had a lick of sense, pass the biscuits, please""There"s five more acres in the lower forty I"ve got to plow"And Mama said it was shame about Billy Joe, anyhowSeems like nothin" ever comes to no good up on Choctaw RidgeAnd now Billy Joe MacAllister"s jumped off the Tallahatchie BridgeAnd Brother said he recollected when he and Tom and Billie JoePut a frog down my back at the Carroll County picture showAnd wasn"t I talkin" to him after church last Sunday night?"I"ll have another piece of apple pie, you know it don"t seem right""I saw him at the sawmill yesterday on Choctaw Ridge""And now you tell me Billie Joe"s jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge"And Mama said to me "Child, what"s happened to your appetite?""I"ve been cookin" all morning and you haven"t touched a single bite""That nice young preacher, Brother Taylor, dropped by today""Said he"d be pleased to have dinner on Sunday, oh, by the way""He said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Choctaw Ridge""And she and Billy Joe was throwing somethin" off the Tallahatchie Bridge"A year has come "n" gone since we heard the news "bout Billy JoeAnd Brother married Becky Thompson, they bought a store in TupeloThere was a virus going "round, Papa caught it and he died last SpringAnd now Mama doesn"t seem to wanna do much of anythingAnd me, I spend a lot of time pickin" flowers up on Choctaw RidgeAnd drop them into the muddy water off the Tallahatchie Bridge


之所以被称为枚举类型,就是因为命名常量是作为数据类型定义的一部分而枚举或列出的,以下是枚举类型声明的示例: enum Roster {Tom, Sharon, Bill, Teresa, John}; 该语句将创建一个名为 Roster 的数据类型。因为单词 enum 是 C++ 关键字,所以它必须小写,值得注意的是,数据类型本身的名字是以大写字母开头的。虽然这并非必须,但是绝大多数程序员都会釆用首字母大写的形式。和 Roster 数据类型关联的命名整数常量被称为枚举量,Roster 数据类型的变量可能只是关联到这些枚举量的值之一,但它们的值是什么呢?默认情况下,编译器设置第一个枚举量为 0,下一个为 1,以此类推。在上述示例中,Tom 的值将是 0,Sharon 的值为 1,等等。最后一个枚举量 John 的值为 4。



Bill Gaither& Michael English& Mark Lowry& David Phelps& Larnelle Harris的《Give Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Give Up歌手:Bill Gaither& Michael English& Mark Lowry& David Phelps& Larnelle Harris专辑:Gaither Vocal Band - Reunion Volume TwoCSS - Give UpStop!OkYou can press itYou can push but it will always be the sameand I"ve been waiting so longAnyway... how does it feel to be free again?I want to fall in love againI want to feel the summer flameYou know I really want to stayI have to go it"s just getting lateCheck out!the doorI"m out!Alright.Give up on thisdon"t give up on youGive up on medon"t give up on usGive up on medon"t give up on youGive up on thisdon"t give up on usNight are so longFast run the daysChunky as a lifetimeWrapped inside a cageMagnificationTasting new sensationBody explorationTiny declarationsI wanna run to the milky wayHow many games do we have to play?It"s a new face but it looks the sameJust send me back to AmsterdamAnd if you see me cyringsee me beggingsee me lying,all right now!And if you see me drinkingsee me calling in the morningAll right nowAll right nowAll right nowGive up on thisdon"t give up on youGive up on medon"t give up on usGive up on medon"t give up on youGive up on thisdon"t give up on usJust waking upIt"s hard to sayI just feel I am not the sameBlending all the coffeeLaughting at a partyActing like it"s normalFeeling all the borredomThis time I wont make any mistakesWill you forget who I am?Everything changes in a dayMy heart reminds it"s you I crave!And if you see me cyringsee me beggingsee me lying,all right now!And if you see me drinkingsee me calling in the morningAll right nowAll right nowAll right nowLife is just too seriousIf won"t be mysteriousLife is just too seriousIf won"t be mysteriousLife is just too seriousIf won"t be mysteriousLife is just too shortYou know what it cost.Life is just too seriousIf won"t be mysteriousLife is just too seriousIf won"t be mysteriousLife is just too seriousIf won"t be mysteriousLife is just too shortYou know what it cost.


Story of my life Burn Wasting all these tears Breathe me Save me-Shayne ward You get me-Tinkabelle Without you-Atozzio Dance with my father-Luther Vandross 这首是经典歌曲 First day of my life -Melanie c This is me -Demi lovato The climb-Miley Cyrus

Bill Haley & His Comets的《Rip It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Rip It Up歌手:Bill Haley & His Comets专辑:True Rock N Roll 3Cd SetFamily Force 5 - Rip It UpI saw you strutInto the roomMy heart started pumpin"When you broke out them movesYour heels dug inStraight through the floorYou"re a machine, babySeek and destroyShe must be crazyShe"s got that feelingLook out now she"s a psycho killerThe dance floor is shredded to piecesThe way you rip it up has got my heart rate increasin"The dance floor is obliteratedThe way you tear it up has got my soul liberatedRip it upRip it upDon"t stop until it"s torn upTear it upTear it upIt"s just the fate of the dance floorRip it upRip it upDon"t stop until it"s torn upTear it upTear it upIt"s just the fate of the dance floorShe cuts a rugJust like a razorThen burns it downLike an incineratorShe"s a slayerAnd it don"t phase herShe"s from the futureShe"s a terminatorJust like a chainsawHer teeth cut inWatch out now here she goes againThe dance floor is shredded to piecesThe way you rip it up has got my heart rate increasin"The dance floor is obliteratedThe way you tear it up has got my soul liberatedRip it upRip it upDon"t stop until it"s torn upTear it upTear it upIt"s just the fate of the dance floorRip it upRip it upDon"t stop until it"s torn upTear it upTear it upIt"s just the fate of the dance floorRip it upRip it upDon"t stop until it"s torn upTear it upTear it upIt"s just the fate of the dance floorRip it upRip it upDon"t stop until it"s torn upTear it upTear it upIt"s just the fate of the dance floorRip it upRip it upDon"t stop until it"s torn upTear it upTear it upIt"s just the fate of the dance floorRip it upRip it upDon"t stop until it"s torn upTear it upTear it upIt"s just the fate of the dance floorRip it upRip it upDon"t stop until it"s torn upTear it upTear it upIt"s just the fate of the dance floorRip it upRip it upDon"t stop until it"s torn upTear it upTear it upIt"s just the fate of the dance floor

走海运的bill of loading是指电放提单吗

海运提单(BILLOFLADING) 运输单据的种类很多,包括海运提单(Ocean Bill of Lading)、海运单(Sea Waybill)、航空运单(Air Waybill)、铁路运单(Rail Waybill)、货物承运收据(Cargo Receipt)和多式联运单据(MTD),正本提单(Original Ocean Bill of Loading),电放提单(Telex Release Ocean Bill of Loading)等。,


海运提单(Ocean Bill of Lading)提单是承运人或其代理人收到货物后,签发给托运人的一种单证。提单是承运人或其代理人签发的货物收据,是货物所有权的凭证,是运输契约或其证明。 海运单(Sea Waybill)海运单的形式与作用同海运提单相似,其主要特点在于收货人已明确指定。收货人并不需要提交正本单据,而仅需证明自己是海运单载明的收货人即可提取货物。因此,海运单实质上是不可以转让的,它的应用范围比较窄,主要用于跨国公司成员之间的货物运输。



电放提单改做SEA WAYBILL,有风险吗?


air wanybill NO什么意思



电放提单是目的港可以凭传真件提货的提单。由船公司或船代以电报(传)通知目的港代理,某票货物无须凭正本提单提货,收货人可凭盖收货人公司章的电放提单换取提货单以清关提货即可。 电放提单的收费问题也是根据船务公司和航线不同收取的费用不一样,当然,要是由正本提单改为电放提单是一定要收取费用的! SeaWaybill,又称海上运送单或海上货运单,它是"承运人向托运人或其代理人表明货物已收妥待装的单据,是一种不可转让的单据,即不须以在目的港揭示该单据作为收货条件,不须持单据寄到,船主或其代理人可凭收货人收到的货到通知或其身份证明而向其交货。

正本提单,货物收据,电放提单和SEA WAYBILL的区别



电放:telex release, 船公司通知目的港代理放货,而不需要正本提单。船公司方面想怎么通知都行,邮件啊,传真没什么特定形式,为省钱多数用邮件,赶时间的多数是传真。seaway bill:海运单其实最主要的区别应该是在物权的表现上正本提单一般来说有三个功能:收货凭证;运输合同;物权凭证 而seaway bill,只有两个功能:收货凭证;运输合同;也就是说一旦开出seaway bill,货物所有权立刻转移到cnee手上,而且一般开seawaybill都是事先约定好的,不需要shipper通知船公司就会直接开出。说回来电放 ,在电放之前shipper是拥有物权的,只有在shipper通知后船公司才会做电放,也就是说在shipper通知后物权才发生转移。但是两者有一个共同点就是都不会出正本,cnee不需要拿正本提货,只需要出具身份证明就可以了。如果客人不放心问船公司要凭证,那么只需要把通知目的港的电放信或者确认过的seawaybill的复印件给客人就可以了。

请教:什么是Seaway Bill ?? Seaway Bill与提单有什么区别??Seaway Bill与提单哪个使用多点??

1、海运提单(Ocean B/L),它是承运人或其代理人收到货物后,签发给托运人的一种单证。是承运人或其代理人签发的货物收据,是货物所有权的凭证,是运输契约或其证明。而海运单(Sea Waybill),它的形式与作用同海运提单相似,其主要特点在于收货人已明确指定。收货人并不需要提交正本单据,而仅需证明自己是海运单载明的收货人即可提取货物。操作过程中和提单电放差不多的。2、二者最主要的区别就是海运单不是物权凭证,而海运提单是。3、由于海运单实质上是不可以转让的,它的应用范围比较窄,主要用于跨国公司成员之间的货物运输。

master air waybill

Master Air Way Bill(MAWB)为航空公司出的Carrier空运单,称为“主运单”,相当于海运中的MB/L;House Air Way Bill(HAWB)为货代公司出的,相当于海运中的HB/L.

shipment waybill是什么意思

邮件详情单例句Go to the Shipment Log and click on the shipment"s air waybill number.此时请直接进入快件记录,点击快件的运单号码。

sea waybill和电放,正本提单有什么区别?


我想问下,我打去船公司问有没有电放信息时,他们会打Sae waybill是什么意思?到底是有还是没有啊?

海运中 SEA WAYBILL是提单的一种形式。如果是SEA WAYBILL 就是含了做电放。不用像船东单那样加盖电放章。广州货代可以联系:QQ2503139460


一楼回答了船东单和货代单,但没提到SEA WAYBILL,另外你对船东单和货代单的理解太过片面和简单,如果你是货代,能签发货代单,建议你多一些风险意识。倒签?假船证?忽悠老外?真的出问题的时候哭死你。转正题吧,SEA WAYBILL我们叫海运单,和海运提单(OCEAN B/L)是有比较大的区别,刚楼上已经有理论的解释了。那实际中的区别是什么?首先SEAWAYBILL不是物权凭证,想当然的只要把SEA WAYBILL拿到船公司人家就会放货,那就错了。签发SEAWAYBILL的货物,在目的港多数国家可不用出示SEA WAYBILL 或只要出示WAYBILL单的COPY,在验证收货人身份后就可提货(部分国家或地区按照当地政策不能签SEA WAYBILL)。所以在实践中,有些客户只要WAYBILL的传真件就是这道理。接上面,SEA WAYBILL的收货人必须记名,TO ORDER或OT ORDER OF XXX是不可能形成SEAWAYBILL的。这是SEA WAYBILL是一个要求,这样目的港只要将前来提货的人的身份同WAYBILL单上的收货人进行核对,只要一致就可放货。现在很多人在船公司可签发SEA WAYBILL的情况下,已经把SEA WAYBILL等同于电放,从操作中来讲确实是很类似。还可以少交电放的费用。:)

海运主单non-negotiable waybill 是什么意思

non-negotiable waybill非转让海运单双语对照例句:1.A non-negotiable sea waybill, however named, must appear to. 不可转让的海运单,无论名称如何,必须看似。2.If the non-negotiable sea waybill contains the indication. 如果此不可转让海运货单包含标明。
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