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Now we use this method to measure the distance precisely because we can measure the time more accurately than the length of the measurement..Actually,Rice is is defined as a light in the distance walked away at a Pt atomic clocks to measure O.000000003335640952 seconds (take


My best friendMy best friend is Kate. Were in the sameclass. She is 12 years old. She is a very beautiful girl, and alwayssmiles. She has big eyes, a small mouth and long black hair. She alwayswears T-shirt and jeans. She is good at all subjects.She is good at all subjects. She likes English and Maths very much. Herfavourite sports are basketball and running. She does well inbasketball. She likes listening to the song<< Yeaterday oncemore>>. She likes singing and watch animated cartoon, too,forexample,<<white snow princess>>. She was awarded as “Student Star ” in our school last term.Why are we best friends? Because we can play games and see the film inthe cinema together. She often teaches me on rope skipping.We feel very happy when we are together.【翻译】我最好的朋友凯特是我最好的朋友。在同一个班。她12岁了。她是个非常漂亮的女孩,总是微笑。她有一双大眼睛,小嘴巴和长长的黑头发。她总是穿着T恤和牛仔裤。她擅长所有的科目。她擅长所有的科目。她喜欢英语和数学很。她最喜欢的运动是篮球和跑步。她没有在篮球。她喜欢听的歌<昨日重现> 。她喜欢唱歌和看动画片,例如,<白雪公主>。她被评为“我们学校上学期学生之星。为什么我们是最好的朋友?因为我们可以玩游戏,一起看电影。她经常教我跳绳。我们感到非常高兴,当我们在一起的时候。


一个小男孩对小女孩说:“我是你的BF。”女孩扬起童真的脸,问:“什么是BF?”男孩嘻嘻笑道:“是Best Friend?的意思。”(最好的朋友)后来,他们恋爱了。小伙子对姑娘说:“我是你的BF。”姑娘小鸟依人,害羞问道:“什么是BF呀?”小伙子捧起姑娘的脸,深情道:“是BoyFriend的意思。”(男朋友)很幸运几年后,他们结婚了,有了可爱的孩子。丈夫微笑着对妻子说:“我是你的BF。”妻子解下围裙,温柔地问道:“BF是什么呀?”丈夫看了看宝贝,满脸幸福地答道:“是Baby"s Father。” (宝宝的爸爸)后来他们老了,老得走不动路了,老两口躺在藤椅上,悠闲地晒着傍晚的太阳。老公公对老婆婆说:“老婆子,我是你的BF。"老婆婆笑起一堆皱纹,问道:“老头子,什么是BF啊?”老公公望着夕阳染红的天空,思绪联翩,苍老的嗓音,却显得悠远坚定而神秘:“BeForever!”(要永远这样呀)


bestfriends不是情侣的意思,而是表示最好的朋友 ; 挚友 ; 好友 ; 亲密朋友。best最好的,最,最好,智过,胜过,最优秀的;friends是friend的复数,friend表示朋友 ; 赞助者 ; 支持者 ; 友人 ; 把(某人)加为好友 ; 与…为友 ; 帮助。当然,此处的朋友不仅仅只是指人还可以是动物或其他东西,比如书籍是我的好朋友 ; 书是我最好的朋友。表示情侣的意思:sweethearts lovers courtingcouple/pair couple pair荧屏情侣:screen lovers私奔的情侣:runaway lovers一对般配的恋人:a well-matched pair of lovers


※ありがとう谢谢君がいてくれて本当よかったよ有你在真好どんな时だっていつも无论什么时候笑っていられる都能令我微笑例えば、离れていても 何年経っても即使分离 即使经过许多年ずっと変わらないでしょ我们都不会改变私たちBest Friend一直是最好的朋友好きだよ、大好きだよ我爱你们 最爱你们※こんな遅い时间にゴメンね这么晚打扰你真是对不起一人じゃせっぱつまってきたの我一个人难受得不行君の声少し闻けたら想听听你的声音がんばれる这样我就能振作起来なんでも打ち明けられる我们无话不谈ママにも言えないことも全部即使是不能对妈妈说的事谁よりも分かってくれる比谁都了解对方嬉しい时は自分の事把对方的快乐当做自己的快乐みたい喜んでくれて由衷地高兴着ダメな时はちゃんと叱ってくれる存在低落的时候也互相鼓励※repeat※强がってもすぐにバレてる一旦逞强 你马上就能发现へこんでる时は难过的时候真っ先にメールくれる优しさに你总是最先发信息过来もう何度も救われて多少次温柔地拯救了我泣きたい时はおもいっきり泣けばいい说着「想哭的时候就尽情哭吧侧にいるからって我会一直陪在你身边」谁よりも强い味方比谁都坚强的伙伴そんな君に私は何かし我能为那样的你てあげられてるかな?做些什么呢?何かあったらすぐに如果有什么事的话飞んでくから、绝対我绝对会立刻飞去你那边※repeat※どんな时も祈っているよ我无时无刻不在祈祷世界で一番に幸せになってほしい希望你成为世界上最幸福的人




bestfriend最好的朋友best1.最好的2.最愉快的;最幸福的3.最合适的;最恰当的friend1.朋友,友人2.同胞;自己人,同盟者,同伙,同志3.资助者,捐助者,赞助者,支持者4.(议员间或律师间的一种称呼)朋友,阁下,同仁5.(新教)公谊会成员best friend挚友请点击输入图片描述good friengd好朋友just friend(只是)朋友friend朋友just 仅仅only只有every body 每个人my home 我的家of the same part相同的部分teachers 老师们college学院我的Best Friend 我捧着英语书,“best friend——最好的朋友。”每到这时,一副秀美的脸庞就会自然的"映在我的面前,那双弯弯的眉儿,工笔细描般的精致;那眼睛纯净如碧水,深邃如蓝天;深深的小酒窝,时常荡漾在脸上。这就是我的best friend——陈霞! 在我们相处的10几年里,发生过许多件事,每件事都使我们的友谊增进不少。 记得那时,像激雷炸塌了天河,瓢泼而下,滂沱而下,呼叫着,就像“银瓶乍破水浆迸,铁骑突出刀枪鸣。


1、best friend 什么意思2、bestfriends中文翻译3、bestfriend有情侣的含义吗best friend 什么意思best friend 英 [best frend]美 [b_st fr_nd][词典] 至好;至交;[网络] 最好的朋友; 西野加奈; 好朋友;[例句]She telephoned her best friend to vent her frustration.她给最要好的朋友打电话倾诉自己的沮丧。bestfriends中文翻译bestfriend最好的朋友best1.最好的2.最愉快的;最幸福的3.最合适的;最恰当的friend1.朋友,友人2.同胞;自己人,同盟者bestfriend,同伙bestfriend,同志3.资助者,捐助者bestfriend,赞助者,支持者4.(议员间或律师间的一种称呼)朋友,阁下,同仁5.(新教)公谊会成员best friend挚友请点击输入图片描述good friengd好朋友just friend(只是)朋友friend朋友just 仅仅only只有every body 每个人my home 我的家of the same part相同的部分teachers 老师们college学院我的Best Friend 我捧着英语书,“best friend——最好的朋友。”每到这时,一副秀美的脸庞就会自然的"映在我的面前,那双弯弯的眉儿,工笔细描般的精致;那眼睛纯净如碧水,深邃如蓝天;深深的小酒窝,时常荡漾在脸上。这就是我的best friend——陈霞! 在我们相处的10几年里,发生过许多件事,每件事都使我们的友谊增进不少。 记得那时,像激雷炸塌bestfriend了天河,瓢泼而下,滂沱而下,呼叫着,就像“银瓶乍破水浆迸,铁骑突出刀枪鸣。bestfriend有情侣的含义吗没有。bestfriend没有情侣的含义,字面意思为“最好的朋友”。男生之间互称bestfriend为死党的意思,女生之间互称bestfriend为闺蜜的意思。“Bestfriendforever”是一个很经典的表达,字面意思是永远的最好的朋友、一辈子的好朋友。朋友朋友,是人际关系圈中很重要的交际对象。朋友是指人际关系已经发展到没有血缘关系,但又十分友好的人。真正的朋友通常会对对方诚实、忠心、忠义,以及先为对方着想。他们的兴趣可能很相似,而且可能经常一起活动。他们可能互相帮助,例如聆听对方烦恼和给对方心理上的支持。对于大部分人而言,朋友是能够信任的伙伴,也是可以相互帮助的音乐天使。只有朋友,才会在困难时伸出援手来帮助你。人人都会有朋友,朋友是什么,朋友就是彼此有交情的人,彼此要好的人。以上内容参考 百度百科——朋友

Strangers,Friends,Bestfriends,Lovers,Strangers. 求


求50cent Bestfriend的歌词

50 CENT---"Best Friend"[Intro]Yeah! It"s my tape man, listen to my tapeWOO!!![Chorus]If I was your best friend, I want you "round all the time (I want you "round me all the time)Can I be your best friend, if you promise you"ll be mine (Girl promise you"ll be mine)Please say he"s just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let"s not pretend (Come on)Either he is or he ain"t your man (Ha Ha!) please say he"s just a friendIf I was your best friend, I want you "round all the time (I want you "round me all the time)Can I be your best friend, if you promise you"ll be mine (Girl promise you"ll be mine)Please say he"s just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let"s not pretend (Come on)Either he is or he ain"t your man (Ha Ha!) please say he"s just a friendIf I was your best friend[Verse 1]First we get the talkin, then we get the touchinIf we get pass the phone games we"ll be fuckinI kiss like the french therefore my tongue in your earDo it like the dogs do it girl and pull on your hairFor me a different scenery just mean a different positionIn the tub or on the sink I improvise now listenIn the chopper or on the jet join the mile high clubI"m no fool I know money can"t buy me loveBut I"m a different type of nigga that make sure that you knowInstead of a rose, there"s a hundred dozen of thoseSee I see somethin special when I look in your eyesWith your legs way back I see this pussy is mineIf you ain"t sure when I"m talkin I don"t tell you no liesBut there"s things that you say that have me wonderin whyWhen I don"t say what I"m thinkin it don"t mean that I"m shyGot on that shit you picked out for me that"s why I"m so fly[Chorus]If I was your best friend, I want you "round all the time (I want you "round me all the time)Can I be your best friend, if you promise you"ll be mine (Girl promise you"ll be mine)Please say he"s just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let"s not pretend (Come on)Either he is or he ain"t your man (Ha Ha!) please say he"s just a friendIf I was your best friend, I want you "round all the time (I want you "round me all the time)Can I be your best friend, if you promise you"ll be mine (Girl promise you"ll be mine)Please say he"s just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let"s not pretend (Come on)Either he is or he ain"t your man (Ha Ha!) please say he"s just a friendIf I was your best friend[Verse 2]While you in your bubble bath I"ll come wash on your backWhen you puttin on your lotion I can help you with thatI sit and think of things to say that may make you smileOr give you gifts from my heart to reflect my styleOr slang I use when we build may change how you talkAnd if I"m focused while I"m strokin I could change how you walkThere"s a swagger that you calm but when you come from New YorkI"m a hustler I just hustle in the things that I boughtSeparate me from the rest, I feel like I"m the bestIf there"s a price to pay for feelin you I pay that twiceI"m as ghetto as it gets girl you know that"s rightI ain"t got nothin to hide baby I tell you my secrets"Fore you end up bein "round long enough to peep shitI get closer to you, I mean closer than closeI get into you, after I take off my clothesGirl I been into you, mentally long before[Chorus]If I was your best friend, I want you "round all the time (I want you "round me all the time)Can I be your best friend, if you promise you"ll be mine (Girl promise you"ll be mine)Please say he"s just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let"s not pretend (Come on)Either he is or he ain"t your man (Ha Ha!) please say he"s just a friendIf I was your best friend, I want you "round all the time (I want you "round me all the time)Can I be your best friend, if you promise you"ll be mine (Girl promise you"ll be mine)Please say he"s just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let"s not pretend (Come on)Either he is or he ain"t your man (Ha Ha!) please say he"s just a friendIf I was your best friend