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请问bathing suit和swimsuit的区别

1. clothes 衣服,服装 服装 3. garments 外衣 4. suit 套装 5. dress 女服 6. layette 婴儿的全套服装 7. uniform 制服 8. overcoat 男式大衣 9. coat 外套 10. dust coat 风衣 11. jacket 短外衣,夹克 12. hood 头巾 13. scarf, muffler 围巾 14. bathrobe 浴衣 15. pyjamas 睡衣裤 (美作:pajamas) 16. pocket 衣袋 17. sleeve 袖子 18. cuff 袖口 19. buttonhole 钮扣孔 20. shirt 衬衫 21. blouse 女衫 22. T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,T恤衫 23. vest 汗衫 (美作:undershirt) 24. sweater 运动衫 羊毛衫 25. suit, outfit, ensemble 套服 26. kimono 和服 27. trousers 裤子 28. jeans 牛仔裤 29. belt 裤带 30. skirt 裙子 31. underskirt 内衣 32. briefs 短内裤,三角裤 33. brassiere, bra 乳罩 34. waistcoat 背心 35. slip, petticoat 衬裙 36. girdle 腰带 37. socks 短袜 38. handkerchief 手帕 39. bathing trunks 游泳裤 40. bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣 41. apron 围裙 42. pinafore (带护胸)围裙 43. shoe 鞋 44. sole 鞋底 45. heel 鞋后跟 46. lace 鞋带 47. boot 靴子 48. slippers 便鞋 49. sandal 凉鞋 50. glove 手套 51. tie 领带 (美作:necktie) 52. cravat 领巾 53. cap 便帽 54. hat 带沿的帽子 55. headdress 头饰 56. hood 头巾 57. c tton 棉 丝 59.wool 毛料 60.nylon 尼龙 61.worsted 呢料 在掌阅看小说时,可看到很多单词,以上回答可作为参考谢谢

衣服前面标志a bathing ape和by bathing ape有什么不同 就是aape和b

a bathing ape是日本原产得;by bathing ape是中国广东产的。两个吊牌产地,衣服制作和面料都全部是一样的



How can i skate with a bathing suit?这是什么意思

How can i skate with a bathing suit?我怎么能穿着泳衣去滑冰呢?

enjoy sunbathing的过去式怎么写?

enjoyedd sun bathing

翻译.I am a bathing ape.

a new bathing suit什么意思


少儿英语故事翻译:洗澡的男孩The Bathing Boy

One day, Tom is bathing in a river. He doesn"t swim well and will be drown. He calls out loud for help. A man is just passing by. He doesn"t help the boy, but stands by and says to him. “How imprudent you are! It is dangerous to bath in the river.” “Oh, yes sir,” cries the boy, “ Please help me out and scold me afterward.”   Counsel without help is useless.   有一天,汤姆在河里洗澡。他不太会游泳。眼看就要被淹死,他大声呼喊救命。有个人正好从旁边经过,他没有帮助小男孩,却是站在旁边对小孩子说道:“ 你怎么这么草率!在河里洗澡很危险。”“哦,先生,”小男孩喊叫:“ 请你还是先把我救起来后再责备我吧。”   只有忠告而不给予帮助是无济于事的。



be bathed in 还是be bathing in

be bathed in。be bathed in为固定搭配,意思是沐浴于,被笼罩。Inside of the Great Central Sun, Earth shall be bathed in light day and night.在大中枢太阳内部,地球将日夜沐浴在光中。

he is bathing now.同义句转换?

he is bathing now.同义句是He is bathing at the moment.此刻他正在冲凉。

请问bathing suit和swimsuit的区别 .

bathing suit 泛指游泳衣(无性别),swimsuit 尤指女式游泳衣bathing suitn.游泳衣;泳装You need a bathing suit and a pair of shorts. 你可以穿游泳衣和短裤。swimsuit英 [ˈswɪmsu:t] 美 [ˈswɪmˌsut] n.(女式)游泳衣Wearing a swimsuit shows how beautiful we are. 泳装展示了我们的美丽。

bath bathe bathing的区别是什么?

bath是名词,洗澡,take a bath;bathe是动词洗澡.bathing是动名词.三者有明显不同,建议你问一下你们老师获得详细解答吧.



The sun began to rise in the sky, ________ the mountain in golden light. A.bathed B.bathing.

B 句意:太阳开始从东方升起,整个山都沐浴在霞光中。太阳开始从东方升起,伴随的动作是整个山都沐浴在霞光中,动词bathe的逻辑主语就是前面的the sun began to rise in the sky,构成逻辑上的主谓关系,用现在分词,在这里表伴随,也可说表结果。做非谓语动词有关的试题时,一定要找到这个动词的逻辑主语,看该动词和其逻辑主语构成逻辑上的什么关系,就好做了,可以这样记忆:不定式to do表目的,表结果,表动词的全过程;现在分词或动名词doing表动词正在进行,表逻辑上的主谓关系,表一种状态;过去分词done表被动,表完成。【考点定位】考查非谓语动词中的现在分词。

请问bathing suit和swimsuit的区别

bathing suit 泛指游泳衣(无性别),swimsuit 尤指女式游泳衣bathing suitn.游泳衣;泳装You need a bathing suit and a pair of shorts. 你可以穿游泳衣和短裤。swimsuit英 [ˈswɪmsu:t] 美 [ˈswɪmˌsut] n.(女式)游泳衣Wearing a swimsuit shows how beautiful we are. 泳装展示了我们的美丽。

bathing suit是什么意思

bathing suitn.游泳衣; 复数:bathing suits例句:1.Why did I wear this bathing suit? 为什么我要穿这件泳衣?2.This was precisely the only rule you couldn"t break: wearing a bathing suit. 而这恰好是唯一不能打破的规则:穿泳衣。

bathing suit是什么意思




The sun began to rise in the sky, ________ the mountain in golden light. A.bathed B.bathing.

B 试题分析:考查非谓语动词中的现在分词。现在分词表主动和伴随。sun和bath是主谓关系,用主动形式,即现在分词来表示伴随状况。故选B。

bathing suit是什么意思

bathing suitn.游泳衣; 复数:bathing suits例句:1.Why did I wear this bathing suit? 为什么我要穿这件泳衣?2.This was precisely the only rule you couldn"t break: wearing a bathing suit. 而这恰好是唯一不能打破的规则:穿泳衣。

bathing suit是什么意思


bathing the mountain

B 考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为:太阳开始在天空升起,金黄色的阳光沐浴着大山。主语the sun和动词bathe“沐浴”是主动关系,所以用现在分词短语作伴随状语。

He has a bathing对么

have a bath是一个固定短语have a bath沐浴正确表达应为:He"s having a bath .他在洗澡。重点词汇having所有,持有; 有( have的现在分词 ); 接受; 拿; 买到bath沐浴; 洗澡; 浴缸,澡盆; 浸,泡,洗澡水希望对你有帮助~


bath 罢丝bathing楼上说得对 bei zing

bath bathe bathing的区别是什么?


bath 与 bathing 区别



bathing是洗澡的意思,不可数。Let us have a bath.让我们冲个澡。



bath bathe bathing 这三者有何区别


阅读理解,Baths and bathing have long been considered

Baths and bathing have long been considered of medical importance to man. In Greece there are the ruins of a bathtub and water system built over 3,000 years ago. The Romans had warm public baths. In some as many as 3,000 persons could bathe at the same time. Treating disease by bathing has been popular for centuries. Modern medical bathing or hydrotherapy, first became popular in Europe and by the late 1700"s also become popular in the United States. For many years frequent bathing was believed to be bad for one"s health. Ordinary bathing just to be clean was avoided and perfume(香水)was often used to cover up body smells!By the 1770"s doctors began to say that soap and water were good for health. They believed that it was good for people to be cleaned. Slowly, people began to bathe more frequently. During the Victorian Age of the late 19th century, taking a bath on Saturday night became common.In the United States ordinary bathing was slow to become popular. During the 18th and early 19th centuries, many Americans were known as “The Great Unwashed!” In one American city, for example, a person could only take a bath every thirty days! That was a law!Frequency of bathing today is partly a matter of habit. People know that bathing for cleanness is important to health. Doctors know that dirty bodies increase the chance of diseases. Consequently, in the United States, people generally bathe often. Some people bathe once a day at least. They consider a daily bath essential to good health.1.In Greece . A.there were some public baths large enough to hold 3,000 persons. B.people used to treat disease by bathing C.people began to bathe thousands of years ago D.people didn"t like frequent bathing2.The Americans used to be known as “The Great Unwashed” because . A.the modern medical bathing first became popular in the U.S. B.they didn"t bath frequently C.the Americans were very clean. D.soap was first produced in the U.S.3.Apparently the word “hydrotherapy” in the second paragraph means . A.medical bathing B.a water system C.bathing frequency D.terrible body smell4.During the Victorian Age . A.the Americans ever took a bath every thirty days B.frequent bathing was avoided C.people used perfume to cover up body smells after bathing D.the British people generally took a both once a week.CBAD

A Bathing APE who know?


跪求 Pure bathing culture 的 Dream the dare 歌词!

Tell me golden ocean love为我讲述金色的海洋之爱吧Hopeless but adored多么绝望而令人向往Sea-slick symboled wants for more光滑平整的大海一望无际He draws the Raven"s card他抽取着乌鸦塔罗牌Give me forward motion love给我前方遥不可及的爱Seas of white unfold白色海面渐渐铺展开来Sky"s black servant divinate天空的黑暗使者留下预言Show us what you hold向我们展示你拥有的一切Window watcher I want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you mine亲爱的 你会属于我吗Those feathered lashes you"re hiding behind你把缀满羽毛的鞭梢藏在身后Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Don"t you know I think about it all of the time?你可知道这些问题一直盘绕在我心间Diamond islands in your eyes你眼眸里的钻石岛屿Blackest in the sun太阳最漆黑的一面Ancient watcher divinate古老的守望者留下预言You"re the only one告诉我你就是唯一Window watcher i want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you mine亲爱的 你会属于我吗Those feathered lashes you"re hiding behind你把缀满羽毛的鞭梢藏在身后Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Don"t you know I think about it all of the time?你可知道这些问题一直盘绕在我心间Window watcher I want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you kind爱人啊 你是否和善Those withered words that ring in your mind这些苍白的话语浮现在你脑海中Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Window watcher I want ya窗台上的守望者啊 我需要你To feel water来带我感受水的柔情To feel fire火的热烈To feel water水的柔情Window watcher I want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you mine亲爱的 你会属于我吗Those feathered lashes you"re hiding behind你把缀满羽毛的鞭梢藏在身后Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Window watcher I want ya, come down and be mine窗台上的守望者啊我需要你 来吧来跟我在一起Little watcher come closer I need ya守望者啊过来吧 我需要你Oh love are you kind爱人啊 你是否和善Those withered words that ring in your mind这些苍白的话语浮现在你脑海中Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you see?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Is it all what you want it, want it to be这就是你想要的一切吗Come down storm crow, from your window暴风雨中的乌鸦 从窗台上下来吧Come down storm crow, find your way home下来吧 去找寻你回家的路



bape 与a bathing ape有什么关系

有多次合作,Bape和adidas关系很密切,他们每次联名都会成为最沸腾的话题。 2003年,A BATHING APE与adidas Originals推出了一套联名系列,分别使用了三叶草

介绍下日本潮流品牌a bathing ape

A BATHING APE (正式名称应该为: A BATHING APE IN LUKEWATER,以下简称为APE)成立于1993年。当时在东京服装文化学院认识的NIGO 与UNDERCOVER设计师高桥盾在东京原宿一起开服装店NOWHERE。卖UNDERCOVER和NIGO从海外采购的服装。半年后APE诞生了。 NIGO的本名叫长尾智明, 很多人以为这个品牌的名字是来自于 ‘PLANET OF THE APES" 《猿人星球》这部电影。虽然NIGO公开宣布这部电影的影迷,APE的T恤上也经常出现电影中的台词APE SHALL NEVER KILL APE“猿人不打猿人”,但A BATHING APE这个品牌名称其实并非是NIGO想出来的,而是SKATETHING。SKATETHING这个神秘人物本名叫中村晋一朗,一直都很少在公众场合抛头露面,在APE负责GRAPHIC DESIGN,日本街头文化发展中的重要人物之一。1966年在东京出生,经过在原宿SKATESHOP的店员经历,从90年代开始独立做GRAPHIC DESIGN,除了APE之外,「GOODENOUGH」「UNDERCOVER」「SUBWARE」等很多品牌都采用了他的GRAPHIC作品。 APE这个品牌已经有十多年的历史了,这几年NIGO受到了HIP HOP的影响,APE的设计也走向多元化路线,不单关注日本本土的流行文化,更把设计的思路扩大,在整个世界范围内寻找更多的流行元素加入其设计中。APE的经营范围也开始不断扩张,把触角伸向了流行的各个领域。在东京代官山以及在京都开设了鞋店“Foot Soldier”,创立女装品牌“BAPY”,再有乐园般的“BABY MILO STORE”、展览馆“BAPE GALLERY”、美发沙龙“BAPE CUTS”、咖啡厅“BAPE CAFE?!”,至今仍然受年轻人的欢迎。但笔者认为APE一直走红的原因并不仅仅因为这些流行元素或多元化路线,或者说这些只是表面的东西,而真正的原因是他们从开始就一直没有改变的高品质BASIC理念、与其他品牌及艺术家的合作、产品限量发行这三大特点。 APE的产品的确够BASIC, 十年来都没有什么大的变化,这就是BASIC。其实APE的主要单品并不多,T恤,绒衣,衬衫,牛仔裤,棒球帽,复古鞋。这些单品在日常生活中非常普遍,APE通过对这些简单的产品中加入些特别但不繁琐的设计,便赋予了它们新的含义。并且这些最普通的款式,却是最实用的,最容易搭配的。而且APE也很注意产品的品质,保证了穿着的舒适。正因如此APE今天也得到了许多年轻人狂热的追捧。 APE从创立之初就不断与各类品牌及不同风格的艺术家合作,早期与日本本土的品牌PORTER、 NEIGHBORHOOD、UNDERCOVER等合作,又与当时的街牌一哥SUPREME合作推出了那款著名的BOX TEE,随后ADIDAS这样的大牌也开始与APE合作推出了几款限量版球鞋,与APE合作过的艺术家更是数不胜数:FUTURA、STASH、KAWS....几乎所有在流行界有影响力的艺术家都曾与APE合作过。NIGO最近还曾透露近期有可能会与MARC JACOBS以LV的名义合作推出一款太阳眼睛。现今品牌之间的合作已经变的很平常,但很少有一个牌子能像APE这样在不断推出的合作产品中加人自身品牌的特点,并能完美的融合其合作品牌的风格,创造出一个又一个吸引人们眼球的“混血儿”。 另一个特点是[限量发行]limited edition。1998年到99年,APE创办了“Busy Work Shop”直销,自从2000年迁移到青山之后,开始推出数款限定贩卖款式。“他利用[限量发行],令品牌及商品更具价值,寿命更长”,有人这么批评他。但NIGO不是为了这些目的采用[限量发行],而他一开始便已经以这个原则去生产,这是他对自己产品品质的保证。 唯有经历著最沈的痛楚 才能换取最美好的事物 上述多为转载 下面是我个人观点 如果说它对中国的影响 或者是在中国的发展 应该是在葛民辉在台湾建立APE海外第一个店之后 NIGO的迷彩已经对世界潮流发展影响深远 在中国 实话实说 我看到的APE的贡献是养活了无数个造假厂 假APE实在太多 这是NIGO为什么不在内地设专卖的重要原因之一 如果你真的想了解 建议你多看看它的正货 但假货也能证明这个世界品牌的强大力 原宿代表之一 它的东西以TEE居多 NIGO在现在这个以"联名"为上的时代也同其他品牌共同出了很多联名单品 中国虽然没有专卖 但真货也好找 上海的潮流气息想必你也能感受到 想知道更多请联系我 打完这句话我就没字能打了

衣服前面标志a bathing ape和by bathing ape有什么不同 就是aape和b

a bathing ape是日本原产得;by bathing ape是中国广东产的。两个吊牌产地,衣服制作和面料都全部是一样的

he"s having a bath 可以写成he"s having a bathing 吗

不可以的。have a bath是固定搭配意思就是:洗澡而且bath本身就是一个名词


A bathing APE in the luke water卢水里的一个沐浴猿A bathing APE in the luke water卢水里的一个沐浴猿

日本品牌A BATHING APE为什么这么贵?就是bape


forest bathing 什么意思

forest bathing  n.森林浴(在森林中放松休闲)希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油



Bathing in California Sunshine 这句子啥意思啊,求解


急,在线等!!!!!!!!!bathing suit是复合词吗

suit通常用作可数名词,基本意思是“一套衣服”,通常指用同一料子做成的男子的短上衣和裤子或女子的短上衣和裙子。也可指为进行某活动而准备的“套装”,此时常用于构成复合词如太空服(a spacesuit)。

请问bathing suit和swimsuit的区别 .

一,全集与子集的区别:1、bathing suit(全集) 泛指游泳衣(无性别),可以包括swimsuit。bathing suitn.游泳衣;泳装You need a bathing suit and a pair of shorts.你可以穿游泳衣和短裤。2、swimsuit(子集) 尤指女式游泳衣swimsuit英 [ˈswɪmsu:t] 美 [ˈswɪmˌsut]n.(女式)游泳衣Wearing a swimsuit shows how beautiful we are.泳装展示了我们的美丽。扩展资料:bathing suit和swimsuit的近义词:bathing suit=swimsuit=swimwear=Bikini=swimming suit1、swimwear  英[ˈswɪmweə(r)]    美[ˈswɪmwer]    n.  游泳衣; 泳装;    [例句]Track suits, ski suits and swimwear, knitted or crocheted.针织或钩编的运动服、滑雪服及游泳服。2、swimming suit 英[ˈswɪmɪŋ suːt]    美[ˈswɪmɪŋ suːt]    n.  泳衣; 泳装;    [例句]Swimming suit, hat, sunglasses and sunscreen for both falls.游泳衣,帽子,太阳眼睛和防晒霜。

书上的是he"s having a bath 。为什么不是这样he"s bathing



是,需要注意区分。by bathing ape并不是日本潮牌“A BATHING APE”,这点是需要注意,基本上整个衣服的风格和款式都是在模仿的,因为bape是日本的,一般都会有日文内标,注明产地,这个牌子是完全没有。By bathing ape 而并非A bathing ape ,首先牌子的名字就是有很大的区别的,这点大家是要分清楚的哈。其次区别就是这个猿大头的图标。扩展资料购物方式无非就是两种,线上和线下。线下的话Bape作为顶级潮牌,实体店不多的,线上买还是很方便的,如果该品牌有在淘宝开设天猫旗舰店,可以选择这个潮牌的天猫店铺进行购买。没有天猫店铺的话可以选择加入全球购的代购店铺进行购买,这样也是比较安全和放心的,除了淘宝外,像京东,有货App,毒App,Nice App,小红书App,Farfetch App等电商平台,也是可以买到这些品牌。

He has a bathing对么

have a bath是一个固定短语have a bath沐浴正确表达应为:He"s having a bath .他在洗澡。重点词汇having所有,持有; 有( have的现在分词 ); 接受; 拿; 买到bath沐浴; 洗澡; 浴缸,澡盆; 浸,泡,洗澡水希望对你有帮助~

阅读理解,Baths and bathing have long been considered

Baths and bathing have long been considered of medical importance to man. In Greece there are the ruins of a bathtub and water system built over 3,000 years ago. The Romans had warm public baths. In some as many as 3,000 persons could bathe at the same time. Treating disease by bathing has been popular for centuries. Modern medical bathing or hydrotherapy, first became popular in Europe and by the late 1700"s also become popular in the United States. For many years frequent bathing was believed to be bad for one"s health. Ordinary bathing just to be clean was avoided and perfume(香水)was often used to cover up body smells!By the 1770"s doctors began to say that soap and water were good for health. They believed that it was good for people to be cleaned. Slowly, people began to bathe more frequently. During the Victorian Age of the late 19th century, taking a bath on Saturday night became common.In the United States ordinary bathing was slow to become popular. During the 18th and early 19th centuries, many Americans were known as “The Great Unwashed!” In one American city, for example, a person could only take a bath every thirty days! That was a law!Frequency of bathing today is partly a matter of habit. People know that bathing for cleanness is important to health. Doctors know that dirty bodies increase the chance of diseases. Consequently, in the United States, people generally bathe often. Some people bathe once a day at least. They consider a daily bath essential to good health.1.In Greece . A.there were some public baths large enough to hold 3,000 persons. B.people used to treat disease by bathing C.people began to bathe thousands of years ago D.people didn"t like frequent bathing2.The Americans used to be known as “The Great Unwashed” because . A.the modern medical bathing first became popular in the U.S. B.they didn"t bath frequently C.the Americans were very clean. D.soap was first produced in the U.S.3.Apparently the word “hydrotherapy” in the second paragraph means . A.medical bathing B.a water system C.bathing frequency D.terrible body smell4.During the Victorian Age . A.the Americans ever took a bath every thirty days B.frequent bathing was avoided C.people used perfume to cover up body smells after bathing D.the British people generally took a both once a week.CBAD

翻译.I am a bathing ape.

the boy bathing 语法错误吗?

the boy is bathing



bathing in the sunshine对吗

对的,意思时沐浴在阳光下。sunshine英 ["sʌnʃaɪn]     美 ["sʌnʃaɪn]    n. 阳光;晴天。I saw her basking in the sunshine.我看到她在阳光下晒太阳。近义词:sun英 [sʌn]     美 [sʌn]    n. 太阳;阳光;中心人物;v. 晒太阳。Do you like to sun yourself on the beach?你想去海滩晒太阳吗?


sun-bathing[英]["sʌnb"ɑ:θɪŋ][美]["sʌnb"ɑ:θɪŋ][医]日光浴; 名词

bathing suit是什么意思


bathing beauty是什么意思




请问bathing suit和swimsuit的区别

bathing suit 泛指游泳衣(无性别),swimsuit 尤指女式游泳衣bathing suitn.游泳衣;泳装You need a bathing suit and a pair of shorts. 你可以穿游泳衣和短裤。swimsuit英 [ˈswɪmsu:t] 美 [ˈswɪmˌsut] n.(女式)游泳衣Wearing a swimsuit shows how beautiful we are. 泳装展示了我们的美丽。

bathing suit是什么意思

bathing suitn.游泳衣; 复数:bathing suits例句:1.Why did I wear this bathing suit? 为什么我要穿这件泳衣?2.This was precisely the only rule you couldn"t break: wearing a bathing suit. 而这恰好是唯一不能打破的规则:穿泳衣。

bathing suit是什么意思

bathing suitn.游泳衣; 复数:bathing suits例句:1.Why did I wear this bathing suit? 为什么我要穿这件泳衣?2.This was precisely the only rule you couldn"t break: wearing a bathing suit. 而这恰好是唯一不能打破的规则:穿泳衣。

请问bathing suit和swimsuit的区别

1. clothes 衣服,服装 服装 3. garments 外衣 4. suit 套装 5. dress 女服 6. layette 婴儿的全套服装 7. uniform 制服 8. overcoat 男式大衣 9. coat 外套 10. dust coat 风衣 11. jacket 短外衣,夹克 12. hood 头巾 13. scarf, muffler 围巾 14. bathrobe 浴衣 15. pyjamas 睡衣裤 (美作:pajamas) 16. pocket 衣袋 17. sleeve 袖子 18. cuff 袖口 19. buttonhole 钮扣孔 20. shirt 衬衫 21. blouse 女衫 22. T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,T恤衫 23. vest 汗衫 (美作:undershirt) 24. sweater 运动衫 羊毛衫 25. suit, outfit, ensemble 套服 26. kimono 和服 27. trousers 裤子 28. jeans 牛仔裤 29. belt 裤带 30. skirt 裙子 31. underskirt 内衣 32. briefs 短内裤,三角裤 33. brassiere, bra 乳罩 34. waistcoat 背心 35. slip, petticoat 衬裙 36. girdle 腰带 37. socks 短袜 38. handkerchief 手帕 39. bathing trunks 游泳裤 40. bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣 41. apron 围裙 42. pinafore (带护胸)围裙 43. shoe 鞋 44. sole 鞋底 45. heel 鞋后跟 46. lace 鞋带 47. boot 靴子 48. slippers 便鞋 49. sandal 凉鞋 50. glove 手套 51. tie 领带 (美作:necktie) 52. cravat 领巾 53. cap 便帽 54. hat 带沿的帽子 55. headdress 头饰 56. hood 头巾 57. c tton 棉 丝 59.wool 毛料 60.nylon 尼龙 61.worsted 呢料 在掌阅看小说时,可看到很多单词,以上回答可作为参考谢谢

请问bathing suit和swimsuit的区别 .

bathing suit 泛指游泳衣(无性别),swimsuit 尤指女式游泳衣bathing suitn.游泳衣;泳装You need a bathing suit and a pair of shorts. 你可以穿游泳衣和短裤。swimsuit英 [ˈswɪmsu:t] 美 [ˈswɪmˌsut] n.(女式)游泳衣Wearing a swimsuit shows how beautiful we are. 泳装展示了我们的美丽。

bathing suit是什么意思



bath 罢丝bathing楼上说得对 bei zing

bathing suit怎么读

会读音标吗 [ˈbeɪðɪŋ sju:t]

he"s having a bath 可以用bathing吗?

不能。。这儿bath 作名词用 如同shower




bathing 英[ˈbeɪðɪŋ]n. (在海里)等游泳,沐浴v. 给…洗澡,游泳( bathe的现在分词 );冲洗;浸;用水清洗(尤指身体部...[例句]You "re always bathing in the global soup.你总是沐浴在全局性的混汤里

be bathed in 还是be bathing in

be bathed in。be bathed in为固定搭配,意思是沐浴于,被笼罩。Inside of the Great Central Sun, Earth shall be bathed in light day and night.在大中枢太阳内部,地球将日夜沐浴在光中。

bathing the mountain

B 考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为:太阳开始在天空升起,金黄色的阳光沐浴着大山。主语the sun和动词bathe“沐浴”是主动关系,所以用现在分词短语作伴随状语。



bath bathe bathing 这三者有何区别



bath 意思更广泛而已

Bath也是及物动词,假如我正在洗澡可以用英文写成I"m bathing吗?

不可,及物动词需接宾语,或使用被动语态。 你可以说 I"m taking a shower 。 望采纳。

bath bathe bathing的区别是什么?


bath 与 bathing 区别


bath bathe bathing的区别是什么?

bath是名词,洗澡,take a bath;bathe是动词洗澡.bathing是动名词.三者有明显不同,建议你问一下你们老师获得详细解答吧.

bape 与a bathing ape有什么关系


跪求 Pure bathing culture 的 Dream the dare 歌词!

Tell me golden ocean love为我讲述金色的海洋之爱吧Hopeless but adored多么绝望而令人向往Sea-slick symboled wants for more光滑平整的大海一望无际He draws the Raven"s card他抽取着乌鸦塔罗牌Give me forward motion love给我前方遥不可及的爱Seas of white unfold白色海面渐渐铺展开来Sky"s black servant divinate天空的黑暗使者留下预言Show us what you hold向我们展示你拥有的一切Window watcher I want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you mine亲爱的 你会属于我吗Those feathered lashes you"re hiding behind你把缀满羽毛的鞭梢藏在身后Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Don"t you know I think about it all of the time?你可知道这些问题一直盘绕在我心间Diamond islands in your eyes你眼眸里的钻石岛屿Blackest in the sun太阳最漆黑的一面Ancient watcher divinate古老的守望者留下预言You"re the only one告诉我你就是唯一Window watcher i want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you mine亲爱的 你会属于我吗Those feathered lashes you"re hiding behind你把缀满羽毛的鞭梢藏在身后Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Don"t you know I think about it all of the time?你可知道这些问题一直盘绕在我心间Window watcher I want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you kind爱人啊 你是否和善Those withered words that ring in your mind这些苍白的话语浮现在你脑海中Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Window watcher I want ya窗台上的守望者啊 我需要你To feel water来带我感受水的柔情To feel fire火的热烈To feel water水的柔情Window watcher I want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you mine亲爱的 你会属于我吗Those feathered lashes you"re hiding behind你把缀满羽毛的鞭梢藏在身后Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Window watcher I want ya, come down and be mine窗台上的守望者啊我需要你 来吧来跟我在一起Little watcher come closer I need ya守望者啊过来吧 我需要你Oh love are you kind爱人啊 你是否和善Those withered words that ring in your mind这些苍白的话语浮现在你脑海中Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you see?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Is it all what you want it, want it to be这就是你想要的一切吗Come down storm crow, from your window暴风雨中的乌鸦 从窗台上下来吧Come down storm crow, find your way home下来吧 去找寻你回家的路