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draw up中文是什么意思

draw up 英[dru0254: u028cp] 美[dru0254 u028cp] 草拟; 折叠; (使) 停下; 排好队伍; [例句]They agreed to draw up a formal agreement他们同意起草一份正式协议。




当动词做不及物动词时,一般都有副词,介词等一起做词组,所以不能省。比如 I draw up a blueprint.我画设计图。draw upHou much money are you going to draw from the bank?你准备从银行取多少钱?draw from(从容器、覆盖物等中)拿出,取出 [T]draw away与…拉开距离,把…甩到后面;离开,撤离draw back . ~ (of/to sth) / ~ (of/to doing sth) 缺点;不利条件write 也是一样的用法。


draw upuff0cdraw some pictures

draw upon是什么意思

draw upon是借鉴的意思

draw up to 还是with?

Draw up to, 例子: Draw your chair up to the table. 把你的椅子拉到桌子上


回答和翻译如下 :I like to draw the picture .我喜欢画画 。( 中英语造句如上 。)

make out 和draw up都有起草的意思,区别在哪里

make out一般是指指定出什么方案,计划,而draw up一般是起草什么法案等等。ps:这些个区别对于走出校园后与外国人实际交谈不搭噶。

You should ____ your own knowledge to solve these problems. A.draw out B.draw in C.draw on

C 试题分析:考查动词短语:A. draw out拉长,掏出,鼓励,(使)离开B. draw in拉入, 抽入(某物) 2 吸引 3 (火车或汽车)到站, 徐徐停下 4 移到路C. draw on利用;吸收;戴上;临近,D. draw up草拟,句意:要解决这个问题,你应该利用自己的知识。选C。点评:解答这类题目,首先要理解题干的意思,其次要知道各选项词组的意思,然后像数学中的代入法一样,依次把各个选项意思放入句子中进行比较,不难选出正确答案。关键还是在平时学习的过程中,多积累多总结多记忆。以动词或者名词作为中心词进行记忆,是个不错的方法。

请为我们社区拟定一个回收利用的政策的英语翻译(用draw up)

回收利用的单词应该是recycle draw up是起草,拟定的意思. To draw up a policy about recycling for our community,please.

draw up 有几种含义,在信用证里经常性出现



 一、draw in   该短语有两个主要意思,即:(火车等)进站、到达;吸引。如:   进站:The train drew in and all the passengers got off. (列车缓缓驶进了车站,所有的乘客都下了车。)   吸引:It"s stupid trying to draw in customers with prizes and gifts! (想用奖品和礼品引来顾客是愚蠢的事!)   二、draw back   该短语主要表示“撤回、收回;退却”。如:   收回:He will not draw back from what he has promised. (他允诺过的事是不会收回去的。)   退却:The dog drew back in terror when it saw the snake. (那狗看到这条蛇时,害怕得缩了回去。)    三、draw up   该短语有两个主要意思,即“起草;停住”。如:   起草:We"ll notify her to draw up a contract. (我们将通知她起草一份合同。)   停住:A taxi draw up in front of the house. (一辆出租汽车在房子前面停了下来。)    四、draw off   该短语主要表示“脱去;转移、离开”。如:   脱去:Please help me to draw off these muddy boots. (请帮我脱掉这满是泥浆的靴子。)   离开:The enemy"s heavy losses forced them to draw off. (敌军伤亡惨重,*撤退。)    五、更多常用短语   除了以上短语以外,以下有关draw的短语也是较为常用常考的。   (一)draw on   该短语主要表示“利用;吸收”。相当于draw upon。如:   利用:He did not know the true story, so he draw on his imagination. (他不知道事情的*,于是乎就凭空捏造了。)   吸收:In making plans we must draw on workers" suggestions. ( 在定计划时,要吸收工人的意见。)   (二)draw out   该短语表示“取出;拉长”。如:   取出:Do you have any tools to draw out the cork? (你有工具把软木塞拔开吗?)   拉长:The days are drawing out now that it"s spring. (春天到来,白昼越来越长了。)   (三)draw from   该短语表示“得到;提取”。如:   得到:What inferences can we draw from these facts? (从这些事实中我们可以推出什么结论?)   提取:Hou much money are you going to draw from the bank? (你准备从银行取多少钱?)   (四)draw near   该短语表示“靠近;临近”。如:   He sat down upon a table and motioned me to draw near. (他却又坐在一个餐桌前面作手势要我过去。)   Nell at length took courage, and ventured to draw near him. (耐儿最后只好鼓起勇气,大胆地向他那边走了过去。)

draw up a plan的意思是什么


词组翻译 draw in draw up draw back

draw in 1.吸引 2.变短 3.到达 draw up 1.起草;制订 2.使靠近 3.停住 draw back 退缩;收回

draw up 翻译是什么..?

草拟, 停住, 逼近, 追上, 整队

draw out , draw up , draw off是什么意思?

draw out 拖延 拉长draw up 起草 拟定 ;(车辆)到达某处 停下来 被动语态是 表示排队draw off 排掉 放干要根据情境不同来分析具体意思



draw up是什么意思?

折叠; 草拟; (使)停下; 排好队伍

We shall go to Shanghai on business before you__back next week . Awill come B came Cwould come


Hawk Nelson的《Late Show》 歌词

歌曲名:Late Show歌手:Hawk Nelson专辑:Letters To The PresidentLate-Show“最游记RELOAD -burial- Opening”作词/编曲/歌:GARDEN作词:Kazuya Minekura(峰仓かずや)ほら夜の闇が 暇を溃してるんだ群云溶けて照らすからがむしゃらに来たんだ ぬかるんだ道を‘忆えてるか"と嗫く月掌の中の 爪痕でまた三日月の赤 渗んでく误魔化してきた 痛み许せば强がる仆に气付いたんだ白みだした空 君の背を焦がすよに明日の强い太阳そこにある气がして…月が看ていた仆のLate-show(Late-show)朝待ち颜で纺ぐLate-show(Late-show)どめどない雨 あてどない旅いつか途切れるそんな日に止まらず走って 伤ついた足を君は愚かと笑うかな摇るがない闇 深い场所睨んでさ烟草の火种メジルシに行こうか夜の静寂に响くLate-show(Late-show)君の手を取って走るLate-show(Late-show)月が看ていた仆のLate-show(Late-show)君の手を取って走るLate-show(Late-show)夜の静寂に响くLate-show(Late-show)ただ朝を待って…纺ぐLate-show(Late-show)(终り)

but only love can say.try again or walk away 这什么歌?

歌曲:only love 歌手:trademark乐队 专辑:only love [ti:only love][ar:trademark乐队][al:only love][by:洪湖渔夫]only love唯一的爱演唱:trademark乐队(真情马克)two a.m. and the rain is falling (凌晨2点的凄风苦雨中)here we are at the cross roads once again (我们再次来到这分手的十字路口)you"re telling me you"re so confused (你告诉我你是那么的彷徨)you can"t make up your mind (你无法做出决定)is this meant to be you"re asking me (那是不是意味着你在回绝我)but only love can say (可是只有爱可以回答)try again or walk away (从新开始或是远远离开)but i believe for you and me (然而我坚信,对于你我来说)the sun will shine one day (阳光会再一次照彻大地)so i"ll just play me part (因此我只是扮演我的角色)and pray you"ll have a change of heart (祈祷你的心情会从此改变)but i can"t make you see it through (但我无法让你明白)that"s something only love can do (有些事只有爱可以决定)in your arm as the dawn is breaking (晨熹在你的臂膀间升起)face to face and a thousand mines apart (面对面心却相距千里)i"ve tried my best to make you see (我努力地想让你明白)there"s hope beyond the pain (痛楚过后还有希望)if we give enough if we learn to trust (如果我们真心付出,如果我们学着去信任)but only love can say (可是只有爱可以回答)try again or walk away (从新开始或是远远离开)but i believe for you and me (然而我坚信,对于你我来说)the sun will shine one day (阳光会再一次照彻大地)so i"ll just play me part (因此我只是扮演我的角色)and pray you"ll have a change of heart (祈祷你的心情会从此改变)but i can"t make you see it through (但我无法让你明白)that"s something only love can do (有些事只有爱可以决定)i know if i could find the words (我知道如果能够找些话)to touch you deep inside (从内心深深触动你)you"d give our dream just one more chance (你会给我们的梦想再一次机会)don"t let this be our goodbye (不会让这次成为我们的永别)but only love can say (可是只有爱可以回答)try again or walk away (从新开始或是远远离开)but i believe for you and me (然而我坚信,对于你我来说)the sun will shine one day (阳光会再一次照彻大地)so i"ll just play me part (因此我只是扮演我的角色)and pray you"ll have a change of heart (祈祷你的心情会从此改变)but i can"t make you see it through (但我无法让你明白)that"s something only love can do (有些事只有爱可以决定)that"s something only love can do (有些事只有爱可以决定)( achim remling mirko baumer 和 sadeghian 三位喜欢音乐的好友原来都在餐厅担任服务生,在一次驻唱乐团无故缺席的情形下三人一时技痒上台客串,精彩的演出不仅博得了满堂彩更为他们的演艺之路开启了富有传奇色彩的首页)

什么歌的歌词里面有loving you .try again walk away.。是个男的唱的。。上次在公交上听的。。跪求

歌曲:only love 歌手:trademark乐队 专辑:only love [ti:only love][ar:trademark乐队][al:only love][by:洪湖渔夫]only love唯一的爱演唱:trademark乐队(真情马克)two a.m. and the rain is falling (凌晨2点的凄风苦雨中)here we are at the cross roads once again (我们再次来到这分手的十字路口)you"re telling me you"re so confused (你告诉我你是那么的彷徨)you can"t make up your mind (你无法做出决定)is this meant to be you"re asking me (那是不是意味着你在回绝我)but only love can say (可是只有爱可以回答)try again or walk away (从新开始或是远远离开)but i believe for you and me (然而我坚信,对于你我来说)the sun will shine one day (阳光会再一次照彻大地)so i"ll just play me part (因此我只是扮演我的角色)and pray you"ll have a change of heart (祈祷你的心情会从此改变)but i can"t make you see it through (但我无法让你明白)that"s something only love can do (有些事只有爱可以决定)in your arm as the dawn is breaking (晨熹在你的臂膀间升起)face to face and a thousand mines apart (面对面心却相距千里)i"ve tried my best to make you see (我努力地想让你明白)there"s hope beyond the pain (痛楚过后还有希望)if we give enough if we learn to trust (如果我们真心付出,如果我们学着去信任)but only love can say (可是只有爱可以回答)try again or walk away (从新开始或是远远离开)but i believe for you and me (然而我坚信,对于你我来说)the sun will shine one day (阳光会再一次照彻大地)so i"ll just play me part (因此我只是扮演我的角色)and pray you"ll have a change of heart (祈祷你的心情会从此改变)but i can"t make you see it through (但我无法让你明白)that"s something only love can do (有些事只有爱可以决定)i know if i could find the words (我知道如果能够找些话)to touch you deep inside (从内心深深触动你)you"d give our dream just one more chance (你会给我们的梦想再一次机会)don"t let this be our goodbye (不会让这次成为我们的永别)but only love can say (可是只有爱可以回答)try again or walk away (从新开始或是远远离开)but i believe for you and me (然而我坚信,对于你我来说)the sun will shine one day (阳光会再一次照彻大地)so i"ll just play me part (因此我只是扮演我的角色)and pray you"ll have a change of heart (祈祷你的心情会从此改变)but i can"t make you see it through (但我无法让你明白)that"s something only love can do (有些事只有爱可以决定)that"s something only love can do (有些事只有爱可以决定)( achim remling mirko baumer 和 sadeghian 三位喜欢音乐的好友原来都在餐厅担任服务生,在一次驻唱乐团无故缺席的情形下三人一时技痒上台客串,精彩的演出不仅博得了满堂彩更为他们的演艺之路开启了富有传奇色彩的首页)

leave for和leave away的区别

leave for 表示:动身去...,前往某地。没有leave away这个结构。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:)

____ deep down in the earth, the dead forests rotted away and became coal.


_____ deep down in the earth, the dead forests rotted away and became coal. A.Buried   B.Bu

A 考查非谓语动词。句意:被深深地埋葬地下,死亡的林木渐渐腐烂,最后变成了煤。过去分词表示主语被动的发生过的动作,结合语境可知选A。

一首英文歌,歌词中有“he is my hero,take away my sorrow"

hero --by mariah carey

the taxi driver什么the car away?

可以填写:drives, is driving:the taxi driver drives / is driving the car away.出租车司机把车开走了。

问大家一个关于英语语法的问题..老师写了一个句子(I saw an old man knocked

如果要加was,那saw后面应该加上that。that引导saw的宾语从句,在此从句中,theoldman是主语see sth.done是固定搭配

smackdown 和raw的区别是什么?

分胜负的方式 把对方双背压制在擂台上坚持3秒 英文叫 PIN FALL 对方在比赛中投降 把对方打成无法比赛的状态 对方使用犯规动作,裁判给5秒警告没有停止犯规动作的时候,裁判可以终止比赛。 对方被打出擂台或者离开擂台,裁判给10秒时间回擂台,没有回来的时候,裁判可以终止比赛。 比赛铃响起以后没有开始比赛的时候,裁判可以警告或者终止比赛。 反抗裁判的命令的时候裁判根据情况可以给予警告或者结束比赛。 单人比赛中和其他选手联合攻击的时候裁判可以警告或者终止比赛。 比赛中使用武器裁判需要马上结束比赛。 5秒犯规动作: 用脚跟或膝盖攻击对方的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告 抓耳朵抓头发抓脸部的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告 用手指刺眼睛的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告 上擂台角柱攻击对方的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告 用拳头或者用脚攻击对方的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告 咬对方选手的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告 攻击脖子部位攻击人体要害的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告 抓住绳子不可以做任何攻击裁判可以给予5秒警告 裁判可以给予5秒警告以后没有停止犯规动作的时候裁判可以终止比赛。 其实摔角是个非常正规的体育娱乐项目 并没有那么乱七八糟 很多规则目前已经没有人遵守了 不过摔跤中是不允许拳打脚踢的 离擂台10秒判负称为Count Out 使用武器,或有其他选手乱入干扰比赛,判负称为DQ 如果某位未参加比赛的选手轻度干扰比赛,可以逐出比赛场地,裁判一般的语言是"you,get out here",然后手臂向场外挥去。 另外,判断Pin Fall的时候是要双肩同时着地,无论是躺着,还是仅仅只有双肩着地了,都要开始读秒 在压制时,任何一位选手的身体触及绳圈或绳圈之外的时候,也要停止读秒 故意刺眼睛被裁判发现会被警告再次出现直接出局 摔角名词解释 Angle——就是发生在摔角手之间的事件,是剧情的一部分。比如说今年7月Kane攻击Linda McMahon这件事就是一个Angle,这令在Unforgiven上演Shane McMahon VS Kane的比赛。 Babyface/Face/Baby——简单来说,就是“好人”、正派或者受观众欢迎的人物。 Blading/Blade/Blade Job/Gig/Geek/juice/juicing——就是为了使比赛更加逼真,暴力和刺激,摔角手用刀片割伤自己留血。刀片可以是摔角手自己藏着,也可能是从经理人,甚至裁判身上取得。 Blown up/Blow up——当比赛双方在体力疲惫时,就会采取某些方法使双方得到短时间的休息,这些方法是:双方一起出招,然后一起倒下,躺在擂台上休息。又或者用面部锁等一些关节技锁着对方。例如在Bret Hart VS Shawn Michaels的铁人比赛,你可以看到这种Blown up/Blow up情况。 Booker——就是在某个摔角组织决定用哪些摔角手,如何用摔角手的人。他们可以决定比赛是由哪一方胜利。大的摔角联盟不止一个Booker。譬如ECW就是Paul Heyman和Tommy Dreamer为主要的Booker。 Boys/The Boys——在某个摔角组织,为了区分一些地位较高的摔角手与其他地位不同的人,把有地位的摔角手称为Boys/The Boys。 Broadway/Going Broadway——一场比赛在指定的时间里打成平手。 Bump——撞击,就是摔角手从高处掉下来。比如Mick Foley在Hell in a Cell比赛从笼顶掉下来,就是一个很大的Bump。 Bury——被埋没,一些摔角手由于在名望、势力或地位上比不上对手,而被安排输掉比赛,不能上位。就象在RAW,HHH的对手很多对手是被Bury的。Rob Van Dam长期不能成为顶级明星也是被Bury。 Canned Heat/Heat Machine——就是在赛场里播出预先录制好的观众欢呼声,使现场更活跃和有气氛。例如在以前WCW的Worldwide的电视节目中,你会听到很强烈的观众欢呼声,但在画面上你看到的是观众很安静地坐在座位上。而以前Goldberg的欢呼声也是这样制造出来的。 Card——指一场表演,包括电视节目和PPV,的比赛对阵形势。比如说final No Mercy card,意思是No Mercy最终确定的全部比赛。 Clean Finish——比赛是在合法的情形下结束的,就是没有被其他人干扰,没有其他作弊行为。 Dark Match——就是在摔角电视节目或者PPV前举行的比赛。这些比赛的作用是:让观众进入状态、让一些新摔角手在众多观众前试打比赛、而且还可以测试摄影和广播器材。这些比赛一般不被播出。很多摔角手在正式进入RAW和Smackdown之前都要打Dark Match。 Dusty Finish——比赛中原来的裁判被打昏,这时另一裁判跑上来并数了三下,宣布一方获胜,比赛结束。但当原来被打昏的裁判醒来的时候,他又推翻了赛果。这种结束模式虽然叫Dusty Finish,但不是Dusty Rhodes(Goldust的爸爸)发明的,只不过当Dusty Rhodes是WCW的Booker的时候,他经常安排这种比赛结果,所以就以他命名。 Feud——就是摔角手之间的不和、争执,包括事件和比赛。通常Feud是有一些angle开始的,最后以比赛或者另一angle的开始而结束。 Gas/on the Gas/Gassed up——是用来描述摔角手使用类固醇令自己更强壮和有更多肌肉。例子有:Hulk Hogan, Scott Steiner和Triple H。 Gimmick/Gimmicked——gimmick可以是指摔角手的角色,也可以指比赛中使用的的武器和物件。Gimmicked是形容在比赛前做过手脚的物件,比如说一张Gimmicked的桌子就是特制的,在比赛中容易摔成两半的桌子。 Go Home——指在比赛中摔角手从对手或者裁判身上得到好处,而赢得了比赛。 Green——是用来形容一些经验不足和在比赛中犯了错误的摔角手,他们都需要改进。最近La Resistance就显得Green,因为他们在比赛中失误,摔Spike时没把他摔中桌子,使他的头部撞到桌子边缘,相当危险。 Gusher——指比赛中用刀片割得很深,并流很多血。这有时是出于失误,有时却是故意的。 Hardway——是指并非由于自己用刀片割伤而流血,是比赛中的自然流血,有时这是意外。但很多时候不能避免,比如是一些hardcore的比赛。 Heat——它有两种意思:一是指观众的反应,一般是指喝倒彩。二是指在现实中,摔角手或者其他后台人员之间的不和。 Heel——与face正好相反,它是指坏人和不受观众欢迎的人。heel可以令face更加得到观众的喜爱。 Highspot——是指比较危险的动作和摔角招式。多用来形容高空动作,例如Moonsaults和450 splashes等。 Hope Spot/False Comeback——当face摔角手挨打的时候,他出现短暂的反攻情况,但一会儿后又继续被对方控制着比赛。这是用来增强观众的情绪。 Hot Tag——形容在双打比赛中,face摔角手在被heel对手一连串的攻击后,终于能与自己的拍档接力。这通常也能调动观众的情绪。 House Show——没有被录影的巡回比赛。所以不会出现在电视节目或者PPV。 Hulking up——这是以Hulk Hogan命名的,因为他经常在挨了对手一系列进攻后,突然发狂,不怕对手的攻击,然后再发起反击。指的就是这种情况。 Job/doing a job/put over——是形容输掉了比赛。一些摔角手被安排输掉比赛,他们就是在"doing the job"或者是"putting over"他们的对手。 Jobber/Jabroni/Enhancement Talent/Ham and Egger——就是在比赛中经常输的摔角手,跟小丑差不多。就象是RAW的Steven Richards和Smackdown的Funaki就是典型的Jobber。 Mark——指深信摔角的、盲目跟随的、容易受骗的fans。比如说Steve Austin的超级fans可以称为Steve Austin mark。 No Sell——指对手的一连串攻击对一个摔角手毫无作用,一点也不能伤害他,看上去好象是无敌一样。比如说Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, the Undertaker和Goldberg就经常有这种情况。 Paper——指向观众派发免费门券,使到场的观众增多。 Plant——指一个摔角手装扮成观众在观众席观看比赛,但他是扮演一个角色,在适当的时候有所行动。比如8月时RAW节目,Rob Conway假扮军人在观众席看比赛,但后来却偷袭了Dudley Boyz。 Pop——指观众的欢呼声。与heat相反。 Potato/Stiff——指攻击对手时真的给对手造成了一定的伤害。 Promo/Cutting a Promo——是指在现场大屏幕播出的摔角手访问。 Push——指摔角手被安排到较高级别的比赛,地位提高,也就是被捧。 Ref Bump——指裁判被打昏。这时heel摔角手就可以使出不正当的攻击,或者有场外因素干扰。 Rest Hold/Rest Spot——这个跟Blown up/Blow up差不多,比赛双方在一轮快节奏的攻击后,利用面部锁和双方同时倒下使双方取得短暂休息。 Rat/Ring Rat——指到比赛现场的目的是为了与摔角手见面甚至睡觉的女人,相信是疯狂的fans。 Road Agent——指那些从事后台工作和帮助booker工作的人。现在WWE的Road Agent有这么一些人:Dean Malenko, Pat Patterson, Fit Finlay, Arn Anderson, Tim White, Jerry Brisco, Tony Garea, Michael Hayes, Johnny Ace, Bruce Pritchard和William Regal。 Screw Job——一场比赛的结果令到观众很不满意。比赛一般是由于干扰,或其他不正当手段而结束,可以说是一场骗局。最著名的Screw Job要数1997年Survior Series的比赛Bret Hart VS Shawn Michaels,这件事给Screw Job更深刻的定义,就是不仅观众被骗了,连在擂台上的摔角也被欺骗。 Sell/Selling——就是摔角手被攻击后,表现出来的痛苦,大部分是扮出来的,但也有的真的是痛苦。 Shoot/Shooting——就是摔角手之间发生的事情不是剧情之内,就是说那是真实的。比如一些脾气暴躁的摔角手在比赛中可能会变成真打,但这情况在WWE很少见。 Shooter——这是形容一个摔角手拥有真实打斗的能力,象Ken Shawrock. Showing Light——就是给观众看到一个摔角手的进攻并没有碰到对手,也就是被观众看出了假打的破绽,但出招的摔角手并不是故意的。 Smart/ Smart Mark/ Smark——形容一个摔角迷,他知道很多摔角内幕。那么,你是一个Smart吗? Sports Entertainment——WWF将名字改为WWE后使这个名词更加流行——体育娱乐。它是用来区分真正的竞技摔角。 Spot——指擂台上发生的一个或一系列的场景或动作。例如当摔角手失误了,他就要来一个“修补性质”的Spot。 Squash——指一个摔角手完全占据了优势,对方成为他的“沙包”,毫无反击能力。 Stretch/Stretched——只比赛双方在身体或者实力是有很大差距,令弱的一方在比赛后要被医护人员带离场。 Swerve——这有几个意思,其中一个意思是一场比赛的过程或结果使观众,甚至是内部人士都感到震惊。 Turn——指摔角手由正派转为反派,或者由反派转为正派,也就是角色的转变。 Tweener——指一个摔角手既不是正派,也不是反派,他的角色比较特别。比如Stone Cold Steve Austin刚在WWF红起来的时候就是一个Tweener。 Work——形容摔角事业中的假,对于摔角手来说,上擂台按原计划比赛只是他们的工作。 Work Rate——指摔角手在擂台比赛的频密程度。例如Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero和Chris Jericho都是经常在擂台上比赛,可以说他们有比较高的Work Rate。


《So Far Away》原唱是杰米·斯科特和罗米·戴雅。《So Far Away》是由荷兰DJ、音乐制作人马丁·盖瑞斯(Martin Garrix)和法国DJ、电子音乐制作人大卫·库塔(David Guetta)合作制作的一首浩室舞曲,由英国歌手杰米·斯科特(Jamie Scott)和荷兰女歌手罗米·戴雅(Romy Dya)共同演唱,单曲于2017年12月1日发行。2017年7月30日,马丁·盖瑞斯邀请David Guetta在Tomorrowland上首次演出。这个这首歌原本以英国歌手Ellie Goulding和James Arthur为主唱。2017年8月21日,Garrix再次带领Guetta在伊比沙岛演奏这首歌。《So Far Away》歌词欣赏Light "em up, light "em up点燃一根烟 思绪飘飞Tell me where you are, tell me where you are告诉我你身在何处 身在何处The summer nights, the bright lights仲夏夜晚 烛光摇曳And the shooting stars, they break my heart流星划过夜空 也伤透了我的心I"m calling you now, but you"re not picking up现在我拨通你的电话 但你不会再接Your shadows so close if you are still in love你的身影触手可及 如果这还不够Then light a match, light a match划亮一根火柴 照亮黑夜Baby, in the dark, show me where you are宝贝告诉我 黑夜之中你在哪里Oh, love噢 挚爱

在phoenix-award workstation bios cmos setup utility 下如何设置自动开机?

开机时按下F2键进入BIOS;选择Power; 将Resume On Time设置为On,然后在Resume Time中设置需要定时开机的时间即可; 保存设置后退出BIOS设置界面,进入操作系统后再次关机生效。工作站一般是7X24小时开机,除非是春节放长假。

稿件状态是Awaiting ME Recommendation,是啥意思啊?

如果是的话,意思就是在等待编辑的处理。还没有送外审。 如果是的话,意思就是在等待编辑的处理。还没有送外审。 现在的状态意思是等待编辑评价。 过了这关之后应该就是送审了。 如果这关没过,稿件会在几天之内被返回,并且说一些简单总体的理由。visitor958(站内联系TA)现在是主编做最后决定。不过多久了?中间没有Under Review的话,很可能不是好消息。不过快就好,修改后投其它更合适的杂志,不会耽误时间。 很快了的,我的一篇,AE推荐,提前发信给我修改,两天后,主编说接收bdud(站内联系TA)审稿中涉及到的人: EIC-Editor in Chief 主编, 此人很重要,有稿件最终决定权。 ADM- (可能是)Administrator 应该是协助主编日常工作的。 AE-Associated Editor 副编辑(就是文章发表后在首页第一栏下方的contributing editor)。此人非常重要 ,他会在审稿人意见的基础上对文章作个综合评价后,给主编一个recommendation。一般主编都会按照AE的意见写最终的decision letter。 Reviewer--审稿人。(Article要求两个审稿人+AE,总共三个人审。communication只有一个人审,这个人或者是编辑部指定的审稿人,或者是AE) Article submitted后 1。awaiting admin. procession一般3-4天后就会安排主编。 3。awaiting reviewer scores 等待审稿人审稿意见。美陶要求审稿人三周内给审稿意见。但是审稿人觉得时间时间不够,可以写信给主编要求延长审稿期限。这个时间长短要取决于审稿人是否有空看你的文章,还要看他是否守时。一般三周左右。(个人感觉美陶的审稿人还是很负责的,守时。) 4。awaiting AE assignment 等待AE的指派。编辑部在选择/联系AE。一般1-3天左右。 5。awaiting AE recommendation 等待AE的推荐。 美陶要求AE三周内给结果。一般AE比较守时。但基本都是期限的最后一两天才给结果。 6。awaiting EIC decision -激动人心的时刻。 等待主编的决定。一般3-4天。 如果communication的话,就没有第4和第5步。bdud(站内联系TA)AE-Associated Editor 副编辑

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这是一种不正确的语法,因为它将三个单词作为一个词组使用。如果你想询问某物或某人距离你有多远,可以使用"How far away is ____?"这个句子结构。例如,你可以问:"How far away is the nearest gas station?" 或者 "How far away are you from the city center?" 这样的问题是正确的语法和常用的表达方式。

How away 与 How far 的用法区别

How far it is the store away from your school? How far is the school(from here)? how away是要具体点的(离哪里跟近了 这样的) HOW FAR 则相反

how far 和 how far away 的用法是什么?

how far是用在问多远里的吧.例:How far is it from here?how far away 是用在问明确的指从一个地方到另一个地方的多远,例:How far away from ...



How far is it away from here?等于How far is it from here?

How far away is it from here?=How far is it from here?

how far 和 how far away 的用法是什么?



The launcher and vehicle are then transported to the firing pad by a crawler . 发射器和飞行器由一个爬行轨道送到点火台。 Then the launcher and vehicle are transported to the firing pad by a crawler . 然后,发射器和飞行器由一个爬行轨道送到点火台。 The launcher and vehicle are then transported to the firing pad by a crawler and secured in place for final check-outs . 然后,发射器和飞行器由一个爬行轮道运送到点火站,并在此处固定起来以便作最后调整。 Crawler excavators with electric power . basic parameter 履带式电动挖掘机基本参数 Crawler bulldozer . bolts for drive sprocket segment 履带式推土机.驱动轮齿块用螺栓 Crawler excavators with electric power . specification 履带式电动挖掘机技术条件 Implementation of a load moment pmiter for crawler crane 履带式起重机力矩限制器的实现 Crawler bulldozer . nuts for track shoe and sprocket segment 履带式推土机.履带和齿块用螺母 Crawler bulldozer . sprocket segment for drive 履带式推土机.驱动轮齿块 Apppcation of an improved pagerank in web crawler 信息搜集中的应用 Test method for the crawler crane structures 履带起重机结构试验方法 Why does ask use a website crawler 为什么确实问使用一个网站爬虫? Q : why does ask use website crawlers 为什么确实问使用网站爬虫? Adopting double - crawler traction with wide field of apppcation 采用双履带式牵引方式适用范围广 Safety requirements for agricultural wheeled and crawler tractors 农业轮式和履带拖拉机安全要求 Dy model crawler plastic traction engine Dy型履带式塑料型牵引机 Our tools are also known as a deck crawler or rust hog 我们的工具也以甲板刮刀器或铁銹扫帚著称。 An improvement on design of a rubber crawler , whole - feeding bine harvester 开发设计出一种新的 Virtual prototyping for rigid - flexible - couppng crawler crane 柔耦合的履带起重机虚拟样机建模技术 Crawler bulldozer . steering brake bands 履带式推土机.转向制动带 Cdac course crawler crane operation course 履带起重机操作课程 Improvement scheme for the tran *** cssion of dfh crawler tractor 东方红履带拖拉机变速箱改进方案探讨 Why does ask use website crawlers 为什么确实问使用网站爬虫? To operate a crawler crane 课程教导学员如何安全操作起重机。 Monitoring and control methods in the crawlers hemiberlesia pitysophila 松突圆蚧监测方法与防治技术 Introduction and orientation to crawler crane 履带起重机简介 Boom - type roadheader - the design guidepnes for crawler mechani *** 悬臂式掘进机履带行走机构设计导则 Crawler tractor - dozer . carrier rollers 履带式推土机.托链轮 Open - pit crawler type downhole drills 履带式露天潜孔鉆车 Determination of main parameters for crawler system of roadheader 悬臂式掘进机履带行走机构主要参数的确定 Crawler tractor - dozer . track idler 履带式推土机.引导轮 Using hyperpnk information to improve crawler " s searching strategy 利用超链接信息改进网页爬行器的搜索策略 The crawler goes to a web address ( url ) and downloads the html page 爬虫去一个网地址( url )并且下载html页。 The development of splash gear made of modified nylon in crawler tractor 履带拖拉机可靠性与维修性的统计分析 Can i control the crawler request rate from ask spider to my site 我能控制爬虫请求率从问蜘蛛到我的地点吗? General requirement of agricultural wheeled tractors and crawler tractors 农业轮式和履带拖拉机通用技术条件 Crawler - mounted mobile crane pcence 塔式起重机执照 Crawler bulldozer . track rollers 履带式推土机.支重轮 Development and apppcation of overall desing sofare for crawler cranes 履带起重机总体设计软件的开发与应用 Crawler type bulldozer . wet type steering clutch technical specifications 履带式推土机湿式转向离合器.技术条件 Boom - type roadheader - general technical condition of crawler mechani *** 悬臂式掘进机.履带行走机构.通用技术条件 Crawler type bulldozer . dry type steering clutch technical specifications 履带式推土机干式转向离合器.技术条件 Q : what is a website crawler 一个网站爬虫是什么? Air operated crawler type loader 风动履带式装车机 Dy model crawler traction engine Dy型履带式牵引机 Safety rules for crawler crane 履带起重机安全规程 Crawler crane operation course 履带起重机操作课程 Crawler crane operation course 履带起重机操作课程 What is a website crawler 一个网站爬虫是什么? Model tc308 high pressure crawler type down hole drill rig for open use 中高风压潜孔鉆机在中深孔凿巖中的试验应用

kanazawa bunko造句 kanazawa bunkoの例文

The Kanazawa Bunko was originally a pbrary, which it still is today primarily, but its collection also includes Japanese and Chinese art objects. He is said to have had a love of learning, pke his father, and to have contributed to the estabpshment of the Kanazawa Bunko . The centerpiece of the ceremony was a reppca of a pfe-sized cypress wood statue of the seated abbess, on loan from the Kanagawa Prefectural Kanazawa Bunko Museum, along with scrolls, documents and imperial court objects sent by various Japanese collections. This group consists chiefly of books pubpshed during the Song dynasty, Korean books that were formerly in the possession of the Kanazawa Bunko pbrary, books presented by the Hayashi family as gifts, and fair copies of books piled by the Tokugawa government. Certainly the exhibition"s curators _ Maribeth Graybill of Swarthmore College; Manabe Shunsho of the Kanagawa Prefectural Kanazawa Bunko Museum in Japan, and Sadako Ohki of the Institute for Medieval Japanese Studies at Columbia _ have, with the slenderest of means, brought her vital spirit to pfe here. Dr . Peter Haskel ( First Zen Institute of America ) chanted The Heart Sutra, and words and poetry were offered by Prof . Barbara Ruch ( Institute for Medieval Japanese Studies Director ); Dr . George Rupp ( Columbia University President ); Ambassador Seiichiro Otsuka ( Consul General of Japan in New York ); Rev . T . Kenjitsu Nakagaki ( Buddhist Council of New York ); The Very Rev . James Parks Morton ( Interfaith Center of New York ); and High Priest Shunsho Manabe ( Kanazawa Bunko ). It"s difficult to find kanazawa bunko in a sentence. 用 kanazawa bunko 造句挺难的

ArtGarfunkel breakaway


Blind的《Break Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Break Away歌手:Blind专辑:BlindI never thought I feel like thisNow that you are out of sideStill trying to get over youWhy can"t I just let you goWhy can"t I close the doorLooking for a reasonTo stay this wayI wish that I couldBut I can"tLooks can be deceivingAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayHow could I be such a foolTo end up hereHow many times must I fallRead the things you didn"t doAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayNo I won"t fall backJust let me walkJust let me walk awayNo I won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it allJust let me breakaway

艾薇儿break away中文翻译

Break away - Avril Lavigne 远走他乡 - 艾薇儿拉维妮Grew up in a small town 在一个小镇成长And when the rain would fall down 每当大雨迷茫I just stared out my window 我只是向窗外凝望Dreaming of a could-be 梦想着我的梦想And if I"d end up happy 如果我能快乐死亡I would pray (I would pray) 我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷)Trying not to reach out 尝试着不想外面的世界But when I"d try to speak out 但我总是想要倾诉Felt like no one could hear me 却感到茫茫无助Wanted to belong here 想要归属这儿But something felt so wrong here 但又总是充满了疑惑So I pray (I would pray) 所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷)I could breakaway 我将要远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Wanna feel the warm breeze 想要吹着暖风Sleep under a palm tree 睡在棕榈树下Feel the rush of the ocean 感受海浪拍击Get onboard a fast train 搭上一辆快车Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将)And breakaway 远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Buildings with a hundred floors 种满百花的大楼Swinging around wild indoors 绚丽多彩香溢四方Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but 可能我并不知道为何我深受吸引,但Gotta keep moving on, moving on 我必须继续前进,努力奋斗Fly away, breakaway 展翅高飞,远走他乡I"ll spread my wings 我将展开翅膀And I"ll learn how to fly 我将学习飞翔Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye 虽然多么难以向你说声再见I gotta take a risk 但我必须冒险Take chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget the place I come from 但我不会忘记我来自何方I gotta take a risk 但我必须冒险Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway 远走他乡……

Blind的《Break Away》 歌词

歌名:breakaway歌手:kelly clarksonGrew up in a small townAnd when the rain would fall downI just stared out my windowDreaming of a could-beAnd if I"d end up happyI would pray (I would pray)Trying not to reach outBut when I"d try to speak outFelt like no one could hear meWanted to belong hereBut something felt so wrong hereSo I pray (I would pray)I could breakawayI"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to flyI"ll do what it takes til" I touch the skyI"ll make a wishTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget all the ones that I lovedI"ll take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayWanna feel the warm breezeSleep under a palm treeFeel the rush of the oceanGet onboard a fast trainTravel on a jet plane, far away (I will)And breakawayI"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to flyI"ll do what it takes til" I touch the skyI"ll make a wishTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget all the ones that I lovedI"ll take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayBuildings with a hundred floorsSwinging around wild indoorsMaybe I don"t know where they"ll take me butGotta keep moving on, moving onFly away, breakawayI"ll spread my wingsAnd I"ll learn how to flyThough it"s not easy to tell you goodbyeI gotta take a riskTake chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget the place I come fromI gotta take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakaway, breakaway, breakaway

Tommy James And The Shondells的《Breakaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakaway歌手:Tommy James And The Shondells专辑:Crystal Blue Symphonies: The Psychedelic YearsI never thought I feel like thisNow that you are out of sideStill trying to get over youWhy can"t I just let you goWhy can"t I close the doorLooking for a reasonTo stay this wayI wish that I couldBut I can"tLooks can be deceivingAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayHow could I be such a foolTo end up hereHow many times must I fallRead the things you didn"t doAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayNo I won"t fall backJust let me walkJust let me walk awayNo I won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it allJust let me breakaway


Grew up in a small town And when the rain would fall down I just stared out my window Dreaming of what could be And if I"d end up happy I would pray (I would pray) Trying not to reach out But when I"d try to speak out Felt like no one could hear me Wanted to belong here But something felt so wrong here So I pray (I would pray) I could breakaway [Chorus:] I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky And I"ll make a wish Take a chance Make a change And breakaway Out of the darkness and into the sun But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved I"ll take a risk Take a chance Make a change And breakaway Wanna feel the warm breeze Sleep under a palm tree Feel the rush of the ocean Get onboard a fast train Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) And breakaway 没有这句吧。。。。


Grew up in a small town在一个小镇成长And when the rain would fall down每当大雨迷茫I"d just stared out my window我只是向窗外凝望Dreaming of what could-be梦想着我的梦想And if I"d end up happy如果我能快乐死亡I would pray (I would pray)我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷)Trying hard to reach out尝试着接触外面的世界But when I"d try to speak out但当我想要倾诉Felt like no one could hear me却感到茫然无助Wanted to belong here想要归属这儿But something felt so wrong here但又总是充满了疑惑So I pray (I would pray)所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷)I could breakaway我将要远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish我将许下心愿Take a chance尝试一下Make a change奋斗一回And breakaway远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk我将独自冒险Take a chance尝试一下Make a change奋斗一回And breakaway远走他乡Want to feel the warm breeze想要吹着暖风Sleep under a palm tree睡在棕榈树下Feel the rush of the ocean感受海浪拍击Get on board a fast train搭上一辆快车Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will)登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将)And breakaway远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish我将许下心愿Take a chance尝试一下Make a change奋斗一回And breakaway远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk我将独自冒险Take a chance尝试一下Make a change奋斗一回And breakaway远走他乡Buildings with a hundred floors种满百花的大楼Swinging around revolving doors随着旋转门摇摆Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but我并不知道将去往何方,但Gotta keep moving on, moving on我必须一直向前,努力奋斗Fly away, breakaway展翅高飞,远走他乡I"ll spread my wings我展开翅膀And I"ll learn how to fly学习飞翔Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye虽然多么难以向你说声再见I gotta take a risk但我必须冒险Take chance尝试一下Make a change奋斗一回And breakaway远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget the place I come from但我不会忘记我来自何方I gotta take a risk但我必须冒险Take a chance尝试一下Make a change奋斗一回And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway远走他乡……


Grew up in a small town 在一个小镇成长And when the rain would fall down 每当大雨迷茫I just stared out my window 我只是向窗外凝望Dreaming of a could-be 梦想着我的梦想And if I"d end up happy 如果我能最后能快快乐乐的I would pray (I would pray) 我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷)Trying not to reach out 尝试着不想外面的世界But when I"d try to speak out 但我总是想要倾诉Felt like no one could hear me 却感到茫茫无助Wanted to belong here 想要归属这儿But something felt so wrong here 但又总是充满了疑惑So I pray (I would pray) 所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷)I could breakaway 我将要远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Wanna feel the warm breeze 想要吹着暖风Sleep under a palm tree 睡在棕榈树下Feel the rush of the ocean 感受海浪拍击Get onboard a fast train 搭上一辆快车Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将)And breakaway 远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Buildings with a hundred flours百层高的大厦Swinging around wild indoors 在屋内随风摇摆Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but 可能我并不知道为何我深受吸引,但Gotta keep moving on, moving on 我必须继续前进,努力奋斗Fly away, breakaway 展翅高飞,远走他乡I"ll spread my wings 我将展开翅膀And I"ll learn how to fly 我将学习飞翔Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye 虽然多么难以向你说声再见I gotta take a risk 但我必须冒险Take chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget the place I come from 但我不会忘记我来自何方I gotta take a risk 但我必须冒险Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway 远走他乡……给分

Dj Mehdi的《Breakaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakaway歌手:Dj Mehdi专辑:BreakawayI never thought I feel like thisNow that you are out of sideStill trying to get over youWhy can"t I just let you goWhy can"t I close the doorLooking for a reasonTo stay this wayI wish that I couldBut I can"tLooks can be deceivingAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayHow could I be such a foolTo end up hereHow many times must I fallRead the things you didn"t doAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayNo I won"t fall backJust let me walkJust let me walk awayNo I won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it allJust let me breakaway

Derek Martin的《Breakaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakaway歌手:Derek Martin专辑:Take Me Like I Am - The Roulette RecordingsI never thought I feel like thisNow that you are out of sideStill trying to get over youWhy can"t I just let you goWhy can"t I close the doorLooking for a reasonTo stay this wayI wish that I couldBut I can"tLooks can be deceivingAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayHow could I be such a foolTo end up hereHow many times must I fallRead the things you didn"t doAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayNo I won"t fall backJust let me walkJust let me walk awayNo I won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it allJust let me breakaway


歌曲:《Will Be Your Shelter》演唱: Rebecca Blaylock专辑:TV Magic II中英文歌词: I Will Be Your Shelter 我要成为你的保护神How you feel the need to be the strong one when the time aster 当时光流逝,你是否觉得应该学会坚强I`ll find the way that to the fortress when i bring just burn 我终会找到通往城堡的大道,尽管我被烈日灼伤break away and let me be the soldier tonight放手过去,让我今夜守护你break away and let me hear your pain忘掉烦恼,让我分担你的痛楚let it rain and I`ll be your shelter in light不管风雨,我天天夜夜保护着你break away~~,break away 挣脱束缚,敞开心扉I can see your heart is aching and your will is gone我能看见你心在滴血,灰心丧气you can lay upon the pillow in the kerion 你麻木地躺在枕头上break away and let me be the soldier tonight放手过去,让我今夜守护你break away and let me hear your pain忘掉烦恼,让我分担你的痛楚let it rain and I`ll be your shelter in light不管风雨,我天天夜夜保护着你break away~~,break away 挣脱束缚,敞开心扉here`s the smell,here`s various things,here was the nothing芳香萦绕,万物竞发,尽收眼底else we are as one no need to run我们相依,不再奔波I`ll be your shelter as the day is long我会永远庇护着你break away and let me be the soldier tonight放手过去,让我今夜守护你break away and let me hear your pain忘掉烦恼,让我分担你的痛楚let it rain and I`ll be your shelter in light不管风雨,我天天夜夜保护着你break away,break away挣脱束缚,敞开心扉

Kelly Clarkson的《Breakaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakaway歌手:Kelly Clarkson专辑:Breakaway脱离breakawaykelly clarksonGrew up in a small townAnd when the rain would fall downI just stared out my windowDreaming of a could-beAnd if I"d end up happyI would pray I would prayTrying not to reach outBut when I"d try to speak outFelt like no one could hear meWanted to belong hereBut something felt so wrong hereSo I pray I would prayI could breakawayI"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to flyI"ll do what it takes til" I touch the skyI"ll make a wishTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget all the ones that I lovedI"ll take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayWanna feel the warm breezeSleep under a palm treeFeel the rush of the oceanGet onboard a fast trainTravel on a jet plane, far away (I will)And breakawayI"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to flyI"ll do what it takes it" I touch the skyI"ll make a wishTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget all the ones that I lovedI"ll take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayBuildings with a hundred floorsSwinging around wild indoorsMaybe I don"t know where they"ll take me butGotta keep moving on, moving onFly away, breakawayI"ll spread my wingsAnd I"ll learn how to flyThough it"s not easy to tell you goodbyeI gotta take a riskTake chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget the place I come fromI gotta take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakaway, breakaway, breakaway

bizarre inc的《Breakaway》 歌词

歌名:Breakaway (Napster Live) - 远走他乡歌手:kelly clarkson - 凯利克拉克森Grew up in a small town 在一个小镇成长And when the rain would fall down 每当大雨迷茫I just stared out my window 我只是向窗外凝望Dreaming of a could-be 梦想着我的梦想And if I"d end up happy 如果我能快乐死亡I would pray (I would pray) 我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷)Trying not to reach out 尝试着不想外面的世界But when I"d try to speak out 但我总是想要倾诉Felt like no one could hear me 却感到茫茫无助Wanted to belong here 想要归属这儿But something felt so wrong here 但又总是充满了疑惑So I pray (I would pray) 所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷)I could breakaway 我将要远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Wanna feel the warm breeze 想要吹着暖风Sleep under a palm tree 睡在棕榈树下Feel the rush of the ocean 感受海浪拍击Get onboard a fast train 搭上一辆快车Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将)I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Buildings with a hundred floors 种满百花的大楼Swinging around wild indoors 绚丽多彩香溢四方Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but 可能我并不知道为何我深受吸引,但Gotta keep moving on, moving on 我必须继续前进,努力奋斗Fly away, breakaway 展翅高飞,远走他乡I"ll spread my wings 我将展开翅膀And I"ll learn how to fly 我将学习飞翔Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye 虽然多么难以向你说声再见But I won"t forget the place I come from 但我不会忘记我来自何方And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway 远走他乡……

Boney M.的《Breakaway》 歌词

歌名:Breakaway (Napster Live) - 远走他乡歌手:kelly clarkson - 凯利克拉克森Grew up in a small town 在一个小镇成长And when the rain would fall down 每当大雨迷茫I just stared out my window 我只是向窗外凝望Dreaming of a could-be 梦想着我的梦想And if I"d end up happy 如果我能快乐死亡I would pray (I would pray) 我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷)Trying not to reach out 尝试着不想外面的世界But when I"d try to speak out 但我总是想要倾诉Felt like no one could hear me 却感到茫茫无助Wanted to belong here 想要归属这儿But something felt so wrong here 但又总是充满了疑惑So I pray (I would pray) 所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷)I could breakaway 我将要远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Wanna feel the warm breeze 想要吹着暖风Sleep under a palm tree 睡在棕榈树下Feel the rush of the ocean 感受海浪拍击Get onboard a fast train 搭上一辆快车Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将)I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Buildings with a hundred floors 种满百花的大楼Swinging around wild indoors 绚丽多彩香溢四方Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but 可能我并不知道为何我深受吸引,但Gotta keep moving on, moving on 我必须继续前进,努力奋斗Fly away, breakaway 展翅高飞,远走他乡I"ll spread my wings 我将展开翅膀And I"ll learn how to fly 我将学习飞翔Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye 虽然多么难以向你说声再见But I won"t forget the place I come from 但我不会忘记我来自何方And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway 远走他乡……

Break away要中文歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 是Kelly Clarkson唱的,一句一句,清清楚楚地,不要挤在一起的 解析: Breakaway 歌手:Kelly Clarkson 专辑:Breakaway 歌名:breakaway - 远走他乡 歌手:kelly clarkson - 凯利克拉克森 专辑:breakaway - 远走他乡 Grew up in a *** all town 在一个小镇成长 And when the rain would fall down 每当大雨迷茫 I just stared out my window 我只是向窗外凝望 Dreaming of a could-be 梦想着我的梦想 And if I"d end up happy 如果我能快乐死亡 I would pray (I would pray) 我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷) Trying not to reach out 尝试着不想外面的世界 But when I"d try to speak out 但我总是想要倾诉 Felt like no one could hear me 却感到茫茫无助 Wanted to belong here 想要归属这儿 But something felt so wrong here 但又总是充满了疑惑 So I pray (I would pray) 所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷) I could breakaway 我将要远走他乡 I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔 I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯 I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿 Take a chance 尝试一下 Make a change 奋斗一回 And breakaway 远走他乡 Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明 But I won"t fet all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物 I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险 Take a chance 尝试一下 Make a change 奋斗一回 And breakaway 远走他乡 Wanna feel the warm breeze 想要吹着暖风 Sleep under a palm tree 睡在棕榈树下 Feel the rush of the ocean 感受海浪拍击 Get onboard a fast train 搭上一辆快车 Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将) And breakaway 远走他乡 I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔 I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯 I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿 Take a chance 尝试一下 Make a change 奋斗一回 And breakaway 远走他乡 Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明 But I won"t fet all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物 I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险 Take a chance 尝试一下 Make a change 奋斗一回 And breakaway 远走他乡 Buildings with a hundred floors 种满百花的大楼 Swinging around wild indoors 绚丽多彩香溢四方 Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but 可能我并不知道为何我深受吸引,但 Gotta keep moving on, moving on 我必须继续前进,努力奋斗 Fly away, breakaway 展翅高飞,远走他乡 I"ll spread my wings 我将展开翅膀 And I"ll learn how to fly 我将学习飞翔 Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye 虽然多么难以向你说声再见 I gotta take a risk 但我必须冒险 Take chance 尝试一下 Make a change 奋斗一回 And breakaway 远走他乡 Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明 But I won"t fet the place I e from 但我不会忘记我来自何方 I gotta take a risk 但我必须冒险 Take a chance 尝试一下 Make a change 奋斗一回 And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway 远走他乡……

break away from什么意思

break away from脱离双语对照词典结果:break away from[英][breik u0259u02c8wei fru0254m][美][brek u0259u02c8we fru028cm]脱离(政党等),打破; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Mr salmond, however, is in no rush to leverage his popularity into a bid to break away from britain. 然而,salmond并不急于利用他的欢迎度来努力争取摆脱英格兰。

Sb is on a breakaway 这句话在冰球里是什么意思?


break away

该片紧随前一部故事的内容,刚刚从大学毕业的米娅公主被接到了风景秀丽、清爽宜人的欧洲小国吉诺维亚。还未下私人飞机,她就被丛林环绕的美丽城堡所吸引住了。从此,这位年仅21岁的年轻公主将在皇后的帮助和管教下肩负起治理她的王国的重任了。但此时,却在一次皇家听证会上传出了一点点小麻烦,大法官宣布:“依照王国的法律规定,要想成为拥有统治权利的王后,必须要在短短的30天之内订婚并结婚,组成家庭。否则她将不得不让出早有人翘首以盼的王位。” 于是,寻找未来夫婿的“行动”在有些紧张且搞笑的气氛中开始了。其实,在年轻公主的心目中早就幻想着自己能有一段浪漫美丽的爱情故事发生。然而,现实却是如此的残酷。时间在一天一天的过去,在皇后等人寻找的众多皇族候选人中,不是太过年老,就是非常的年轻,而这一天终于碰到了一位各方面条件都符合米娅公主要求的人选。尤其是他英俊的外表,第一眼看到就引出了年轻公主的欢呼。但从从未谋面到订婚成家可不是一件简单的过程,而皇室苛刻的法律则不会网开一面,时间在无情的继续。接下来则是两个人临时抱佛脚式的闪电般培养感情的过程了。这期间公主还在不停地进行着各种为了成为王国统治者而必须进行的“修身养性”,出入各种礼仪场合而必须修饰的高贵举止言谈当然是不在话下,而且还要学会各种高雅的运动以表现其高贵的王室身份。尤其是米娅在学习射箭的过程中简直是笑料百出,在其射程范围内的所有人和物几乎都成了她的目标。不过,最令所有人关注的,当然要属她与未来夫君的感情沟通了,不过年轻人在一起始终会有那么一些共同语言,而相互间的摩擦也是少不了的。 最终结局当然是皆大欢喜,而且这个来自自由开放国度的活泼少女最终将她的活泼与青春气息都带到了这座欧洲古堡中,使这里的古板沉静的气氛一扫而光 Grew up in a small town一个小镇长大 And when the rain would fall down当雨将下降 I"d just stare out my window我干脆呆呆地出我窗 Dreamin" of what could bedreamin"怎么 And if I"d end up happy如果我下场快乐 I would pray我祈祷 Trying hard to reach out努力伸出 But, when I tried to speak out但是,当我试着出声 Felt like no one could hear me感觉好像没有人可以听到我 Wanted to belong here想要属于这里 But something felt so wrong here但此间一些感觉不妥 So I"d pray所以我祈祷 I could break away我可以打破 I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly我把我的翅膀,我会永远学会飞 I"ll do what it takes till I touch the sky我干我所需要触摸到天空 And I"ll make a wish, take a chance, make a change我给一个愿望,心存侥幸,做出改变 And break away破除 Out of the darkness and into the sun走出黑暗,走向阳光 But, I won"t forget all the ones that I love不过,我不会忘记那个我爱 I"ll take a risk, take a chance, make a change我就带了风险,心存侥幸,做出改变 And break away破除 Wanna feel the warm breeze万感受到温暖微风 Sleep under a palm tree睡在棕榈树 Feel the rush of the ocean感受海洋匆匆 Get onboard a fast train船上得到快速列车 Travel on a jetplane, far away旅游-1982一,远 And break away破除 I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly我把我的翅膀,我会永远学会飞 I"ll do what it takes till I touch the sky我干我所需要触摸到天空 And I"ll make a wish, take a chance, make a change我给一个愿望,心存侥幸,做出改变 And break away破除 Out of the darkness and into the sun走出黑暗,走向阳光 I won"t forget all the ones that I love我不会忘记那个我爱 I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change我gotta冒险,心存侥幸,做出改变 And break away破除 [bridge][桥] Buildings with a hundred floors上百幢楼 Swinging round revolving doors摆轮旋转门 Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me也许我不知道他们会把我 But, gotta keep moving on, moving on但是,gotta不断前进、前进 Fly away, break away飞走,打破 [chorus 2][合唱2] I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly我把我的翅膀,我会永远学会飞 Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye, gotta虽然不容易告诉你再见gotta Take a risk, take a chance, make a change冒险,心存侥幸,做出改变 And break away破除 Out of the darkness and into the sun走出黑暗,走向阳光 But, I won"t forget the place I come from不过,我不会忘记我来自的地方 I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change我冒险,心存侥幸,做出改变And break away破除

breakaway force是什么意思

breakaway force 英[u02c8breu026aku0259u02ccweu026a fu0254:s] 美[u02c8breku0259u02ccwe fu0254rs] 起步阻力 [例句]The breakaway national democratic force has decided it is better to fight the election , however flawed.从民盟分离出去的“全国民主力量”(ndf)决定,不管选举如何有缺陷,最好还是参选。

Breaking Away - Anh Minh. 跪求这首歌曲歌词。。。万分感谢!!!

Breakaway"Grew up in a small townAnd when the rain would fall downI"d just stare out my windowDreaming of what could beAnd if I"d end up happyI would pray (I would pray)Trying hard to reach outBut when I tried to speak outFelt like no one could hear meWanted to belong hereBut something felt so wrong hereSo I prayed I could break away[Chorus:]I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to flyI"ll do what it takes "til I touch the skyAnd I"ll make a wishTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget all the ones that I loveI"ll take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayWanna feel the warm breezeSleep under a palm treeFeel the rush of the oceanGet on board a fast trainTravel on a jet plane far awayAnd breakaway[Chorus]Buildings with a hundred floorsSwinging "round revolving doorsMaybe I don"t know where they"ll take meBut gotta keep moving on, moving onFly away, breakawayI"ll spread my wingsAnd I"ll learn how to flyThough it"s not easy to tell you goodbyeI gotta take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakawayOut of the darkness and into the sunBut I won"t forget the place I come fromI gotta take a riskTake a chanceMake a changeAnd breakaway, breakaway, breakaway


逃离此地:get away from (here)用break away的话要搭配from,即 break away from

Breakaway (Version Bonus) 歌词

歌曲名:Breakaway (Version Bonus)歌手:Dj Mehdi专辑:The Story Of EspionI never thought I feel like thisNow that you are out of sideStill trying to get over youWhy can"t I just let you goWhy can"t I close the doorLooking for a reasonTo stay this wayI wish that I couldBut I can"tLooks can be deceivingAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayHow could I be such a foolTo end up hereHow many times must I fallRead the things you didn"t doAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayNo I won"t fall backJust let me walkJust let me walk awayNo I won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it allJust let me breakaway




席琳·迪翁(Celine Dion)生于加拿大,是欧美乐坛著名流行女歌手,国际乐坛天后,也被众多媒体誉为20世纪90年代的跨世纪天后级歌手之一。12岁时步入歌坛,15岁时推出首支法文单曲,其后以英语专辑《UNISON》进军全球市场。1996年为美国亚特兰大奥运会演唱了主题曲《The Power of The Dream》。1997年为电影《泰坦尼克号》献唱片尾曲《My Heart Will Go On》被全球观众熟知,并获得第70届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲奖。2008年5月22日,Celine在巴黎接受法国总统萨科齐亲自颁发的Legion d"Honneur骑士勋章。作为全球最畅销的女歌手,Celine专辑销量在全球已超过了2亿张。2013年,Celine受央视春晚邀请担任表演嘉宾,与宋祖英合唱中国民曲《茉莉花》;同年发行新专辑《Loved Me Back To Life》。


BREAKAWAY 美梦成真 Verse 1: Grew up in a small town And when the rain would fall down I just stared out my window Dreaming of what could be And if I"d end up happy I would pray (I would pray) 人生起始端的时光,都是在一个小镇上消磨掉的;   那个时候每当雨雾迷蒙,我都会坐在窗前,凝视着外面的世界;   细细思索:今后一切将如何运行,而我又可否取得幸福。 我便祈祷…… Trying not to reach out But when I"d try to speak out Felt like no one could hear me Wanted to belong here But something felt so wrong here So I pray (I would pray) I could breakaway   一直勉强自己与理想保持距离,在这里每当我尝试开口,才感觉到无论我如何大声地喊,都没有人能听见。 我愿把此地当成是我终生的归属,但这并不完美。 因此我祈祷,我能破茧而出。 Chorus: I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly I"ll do what it takes till I touch the sky And I"ll make a wish Take a chance Make a change And breakaway Out of the darkness and into the sun But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved I"ll take a risk Take a chance Make a change And breakaway   我展开双翅尝试去飞翔,无论这将会牺牲什么代价,我都将坚持下去,直到融入无际的蓝天。   我会许下心愿,寻找出路,不断追求蜕变,直到破茧而出。 穿越重重黑暗,接受阳光的洗礼; 但我不会忘记所有我曾爱过的人。 我将迎着风险,把握机遇,寻求突破,直到美梦成真。 Verse 2: Wanna feel the warm breeze Sleep under a palm tree Feel the rush of the ocean Get onboard a fast train Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) And breakaway   我总躺在大树厚实的掌心里沉睡,爱在梦中感受着扑面而来的海风带来的那份亲切和温暖,倾听着那股挣扎着的,碰撞着的洋流正悄然而至。   在梦境中看见自己乘火车,坐飞机,踏上奇妙的旅程四处漫游。 渐行渐远,离开那片哺育了我的土地。 我终究能美梦成真。 Repeat: Chorus Chorus: I"ll spread my wings And I"ll learn how to fly Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye I gotta take a risk Take a chance Make a change And breakaway Out of the darkness and into the sun But I won"t forget the place I come from I gotta take a risk Take a chance Make a change And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway   我展开双翅尝试去飞翔,尽管要跟你开口道别并不容易。我将迎着风险,把握机遇,寻求突破,直到美梦成真。 穿越重重黑暗,接受阳光的洗礼; 但我不会忘记我来自哪里。 我将迎着风险,把握机遇,寻求突破,直到美梦成真。




长大在一个小镇并且当雨跌倒我凝望在我的窗口之外作梦 什么能是并且如果I"d 末端愉快我祝祷(我祝祷) 设法不到达外 面但当I"d 尝试讲话在毛毡之外象没人能听见我想属于这里但 某事感觉很错误这里如此我祝祷(我祝祷) 我能脱离[ 合唱 : ] I"ll 涂我的翼并且I"ll 学会怎么飞行I"ll 做什 么这花费til" 我接触天空I"ll 做愿望作为机会做变动和 脱离出于黑暗和入太阳但I won"t 忘记所有部分我爱I"ll 作为机会做一变动的风险作为并且脱离要感觉温暖的微风睡觉在海 洋仓促得到一次快车旅行在喷气机上的棕榈树感受之下, (我意志) 并且脱离[ 合唱] 大厦与一一百个地板摇摆在旋转的门附近我 don"t 可能知道的地方they"ll 采取我但得到继续行动, 搬走在飞行, 脱离I"ll 涂我的翼并且I"ll 学会怎么飞行 虽然it"s 不容易告诉你再见我得到利用风险作为机会做变动和 脱离出于黑暗和入太阳但I won"t 忘记我自我来得到采取风险 作为机会做变动和脱离的地方,

V的《Breakaway》 歌词

歌名:Breakaway (Napster Live) - 远走他乡歌手:kelly clarkson - 凯利克拉克森Grew up in a small town 在一个小镇成长And when the rain would fall down 每当大雨迷茫I just stared out my window 我只是向窗外凝望Dreaming of a could-be 梦想着我的梦想And if I"d end up happy 如果我能快乐死亡I would pray (I would pray) 我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷)Trying not to reach out 尝试着不想外面的世界But when I"d try to speak out 但我总是想要倾诉Felt like no one could hear me 却感到茫茫无助Wanted to belong here 想要归属这儿But something felt so wrong here 但又总是充满了疑惑So I pray (I would pray) 所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷)I could breakaway 我将要远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Wanna feel the warm breeze 想要吹着暖风Sleep under a palm tree 睡在棕榈树下Feel the rush of the ocean 感受海浪拍击Get onboard a fast train 搭上一辆快车Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将)I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Buildings with a hundred floors 种满百花的大楼Swinging around wild indoors 绚丽多彩香溢四方Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but 可能我并不知道为何我深受吸引,但Gotta keep moving on, moving on 我必须继续前进,努力奋斗Fly away, breakaway 展翅高飞,远走他乡I"ll spread my wings 我将展开翅膀And I"ll learn how to fly 我将学习飞翔Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye 虽然多么难以向你说声再见But I won"t forget the place I come from 但我不会忘记我来自何方And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway 远走他乡……

breakaway 这首歌是谁唱的?


ZZ Top的《Breakaway》 歌词

歌名:Breakaway (Napster Live) - 远走他乡歌手:kelly clarkson - 凯利克拉克森Grew up in a small town 在一个小镇成长And when the rain would fall down 每当大雨迷茫I just stared out my window 我只是向窗外凝望Dreaming of a could-be 梦想着我的梦想And if I"d end up happy 如果我能快乐死亡I would pray (I would pray) 我将会祈祷(我将会祈祷)Trying not to reach out 尝试着不想外面的世界But when I"d try to speak out 但我总是想要倾诉Felt like no one could hear me 却感到茫茫无助Wanted to belong here 想要归属这儿But something felt so wrong here 但又总是充满了疑惑So I pray (I would pray) 所以我祈祷(我将会祈祷)I could breakaway 我将要远走他乡I"ll spread my wings and I"ll learn how to fly 我将展开翅膀,我将学习飞翔I"ll do what it takes til" I touch the sky 我将努力直到我接触天涯I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Take a chance 尝试一下Make a change 奋斗一回And breakaway 远走他乡Out of the darkness and into the sun 脱离黑暗,冲向光明But I won"t forget all the ones that I loved 但我不会忘记我所深爱之物I"ll take a risk 我将独自冒险Wanna feel the warm breeze 想要吹着暖风Sleep under a palm tree 睡在棕榈树下Feel the rush of the ocean 感受海浪拍击Get onboard a fast train 搭上一辆快车Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 登上一架飞机,展翅高飞(我将)I"ll make a wish 我将许下心愿Buildings with a hundred floors 种满百花的大楼Swinging around wild indoors 绚丽多彩香溢四方Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but 可能我并不知道为何我深受吸引,但Gotta keep moving on, moving on 我必须继续前进,努力奋斗Fly away, breakaway 展翅高飞,远走他乡I"ll spread my wings 我将展开翅膀And I"ll learn how to fly 我将学习飞翔Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye 虽然多么难以向你说声再见But I won"t forget the place I come from 但我不会忘记我来自何方And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway 远走他乡……


break away 脱离;放弃;逃跑亲,如有帮助,请采纳!!!~(≧▽≦)/~您的采纳是我前进的动力,因为您的采纳,我们会更好、更多帮助其他人。祝您学习工作生活顺心如意!!!家庭和谐美满幸福!!!!

美国AW手工吉他产量25把的高端美国吉他品牌 ANDREW WHITE?




life is just like a joke it even looks such likes a dreamalthough it breaknobody can take away my h




违反法律用英文怎么说?可否用violence upon laws?

breach of law比较好


有志者事竟成 This statement means that if you are really determined to do something,however difficult it might be,you will eventually find a way of doing it.The point is you must have the will if you are to succeed. 这句话的意思就是如果你决定去做一件事,无论它有多难,你总会找到解决方法,重点是你必须有成功的意志 Ninety percent of the failures that occur are due to the fact that there is no strong will involved.Many people simply say that they want something,but do not make any attempt to achieve it.So,instead of getting it,they use the most feeble of excuses to explain the situation away.百分之九十九的失败都是因为没有坚毅的意志,一些人只是对于想要的东西只是说说,从没有努力尝试去得到它,因此,取而代之的是各种怨天尤人的借口 On many occasions,too,people tend to exaggerate every minute obstacle,making the objective impossible to attain.In reality,if one has the will to succeed,then the size of these obstacles will diminish,and one can achieve one"s goals 在很多情况下,人们总是夸大每次遇到的困难,而使自己很难达到目标,其实,如果一个人有强大的意志,那些困难就会自动消失,他一定能达到目标 If one wants to succeed,he should not allow obstacles or failures to deter him.He should learn to strengthen his will and to determine himself to achieve his ambitions. 如果一个人想要成功,他不会让障碍和失败去阻挡他,他应该强化自己的意志,让自己有决心去实现志向 One"s will should be strong enough to wash or sweep away the hurdles in one"s path to success.If one really has a strong will,then,somehow or other,one will find a way to get what one wants. 一个人的意志能够强大到清除他成功道路上的一切障碍,倘若一个人真的有强大的意志力,那么,无论什么什么情况,他都能成功! Many a famous man attained their status because they had the will to overcome apparently insuperable obstacles.They have managed to succeed because they possessed the will which helped them to achieve fame. 许多成功人士都有克服磨难的意志力,他们能够成功就是因为他们拥有得到名誉的意志 From this,we can see that the main thing which one needs is will.Weak-willed people never make it to the top.A strong-willed person,on the other hand,will stand up against all odds and will make it a point to succeed ultimately. 由此可知,一个人最需要的东西就是意志,意志薄弱的人是不可能到达成功的顶峰的,而意志强大的人,从另一方面说,会迎难而上,克服所有艰难险阻,最终成功!

He saw the girl dancing in the park yesterday

was seen dancing~~~
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