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外贸中的engine 和generator有什么区别

engine是引擎,generator 是发电机。

royce potatochip chocolate什么意思

royce potatochip chocolate罗伊斯马铃薯片巧克力chocolate英 [u02c8tu0283u0252klu0259t] 美 [u02c8tu0283ɑ:klu0259t] n.巧克力;巧克力色;巧克力糖adj.巧克力色的;(含有)巧克力的复数: chocolates 形近词: chocolaty

急!xampp启动后无法获取数据,显示 You are not running with administrator rights.


python在使用pip安装wx模块时提示错误 安装语句 C:UsersAdministrator> pip install wx 错误提示如下

wx, pip安装不好使吧,下载一个编译好的win版本就可以了

mantis administrator登录不上

解决方案: 在config_inc.php文件中加两行: $g_send_reset_password = OFF; #是否通过EMIAL发送密码 $g_allow_blank_email = ON; #是否允许不填写EMAIL解决方法二登录到mysql数据库中,执行以下sql语句:delete from mantis_user_table where username = "administrator";INSERT INTO mantis_user_table VALUES (1, "administrator", "", "root@localhost", "63a9f0ea7bb98050796b649e85481845", "2003-02-16 02:03:48", "2004-07-08 23:59:22", 1, 1, 90, 3, 0, 0, CONCAT(MD5(RAND()),MD5(NOW())));


sea 海potato 土豆

npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported ??

这个警告是提醒你har-validator 这个包现在已经没有人为它做维护了, 如果这个包内部出了问题, 没有人来修复的, 只要不出 bug 你继续用是可以的, 一旦出了 bug, 你只能自行去改它的源码了

counselor educators应该怎么翻译,是一个什么样的角色?



potato英 [pu0259u02c8teu026atu0259u028a] 美 [pu0259u02c8teu026atou028a]n.马铃薯, 土豆,洋芋; 土豆块茎===========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力





hot qotato是什么意思?

hot potato热土豆望采纳谢谢


i potato you这里的potato,是作为动词使用的,表示喜欢和爱之间的关系,姑且可以理解为很喜欢,超喜欢(但还没有达到爱的程度)。另外,用土豆potato来表达这样的感觉,是因为土豆在土壤里慢慢生长,像极了从喜欢生长成爱情的过程。




1、点击设置,然后点击恢复聊天记录2、找专业人员来哦_otato删除聊天记录选双方删除 对方的删了吗?_绻屑锹佳≡窨梢运缴境幕埃敲茨闵境螅苑揭彩巧境耍簿褪撬担换岜4婺愕牧奶旒锹嫉模?_哉猓?1还是比较不错的,在国外的聊天,软件来说的话,视频多人除了微信之外的首选,_耘九咀叩幕胺浅5姆浅5姆奖悖曰故怯玫谋冉隙嗌倌甑姆绞降幕盎故呛芏嗟模哉饪畹氖焙蛉巧烁校?_圆挥玫P恼飧鑫侍猓颐且话愣际怯酶鲂』鸺宓摹?


Chat不会是骗人的,不然怎么会有这么多人用,这是个正规的品牌呢,Potato Chat是目前东南亚地区广泛使用的加密即时通讯软件,在...











Do not take the hot potato lightly


hot potato唱的告白空间可用连接


俚语 potato head是什么意思

clean potato 最好(或最正确、最适当)的事物(或人);行为端正的人 quite the (clean) potato 1. 正派的人;好人 2. 最好(或正对路)的东西 not (quite) the clean potato 1. 不体面的行为 2. 不正派的人;形迹可疑的人 drop (something) like a hot potato 急忙地抛掉(或抛弃)某物;尽快地断绝关系 a hot potato 棘手的问题; 难对付的人 potato masher 马 铃薯捣烂器; 木柄手榴弹; [美俚] 鼓槌; 煮熟的鸡 [鸭] 腿; 干扰雷达的天线 Mind your own potato ! 别管闲事! We pigged out on potato chips and cookies until our bellies ached. 我们大吃薯条和曲奇,吃到肚子撑到痛为止 属类:【口语表达】-〖美国俚语〗

英语中hot potato类似的词语还有哪些?

hot dog

谚语a lemon、hot potato、bad apple翻译的意思是?

a lemon:没有价值的商品 a hot potato:棘手的问题; 难对付的人 bad apple美国俚语 害群之马的意思

hot potato游戏英文怎么说?

hot potato游戏英语介绍一、写作思路1、写作前可以仔细了解hot potato游戏的游戏规则。2、将了解到的hot potato游戏的游戏规则有条理的用英语表达出来。二、范例Hot potato is a party game that involves players gathering in a circle and tossing a small object such as a beanbag or tennis ball to each other while music plays. The player who is holding the "hot potato" when the music stops is out. Play continues until only one player is left. The game is designed to be fast-paced and high-pressure and is often played by children. The game can also be played without music where there is a designated leader who shouts out "hot!" and the player holding the object is eliminated.  hot potato和我国的传手绢的游戏差不多。需要一群人围成一个圈子,拿一个小物件当成是“hot potato”,随着音乐的响起,小物件将会在人群中以顺时针或者逆时针的方向快速传递。等到音乐停止的时候,最后一个拿住小物件的人离场。这样循环直到只剩下最后一个。这个游戏是为了加快游戏者的传递动作和享受游戏中的高压。这个游戏也可以不用音乐的,不过会是有一个场外的裁判来喊”hot“,一旦喊出来了。那么效果和音乐停止是一样的。





Potatoes 译文

土豆可以被用于很多方面.一些人喜欢烤土豆,一些人喜欢土豆泥,一些人喜欢薯片,薯条,或美国人称做炸薯条。 “校长认为把学校搬迁到一个新的地方是一个烫手山芋 ”在这里“烫手山芋”是指一个问题的很有争议和难以解决。 “他们是大人物. 我们是小人物”在这里“小土豆”是指没有的重要性的人,我们可以把这个次用于另一个句子, “老师认为这个事情几乎一文不值因为他认为这是个小问题。

Hot Potato should be left to the kids如何翻译?

a subject or problem that no one wants to deal with, because it is difficult and any decision might make people angry n.困境, 烤马铃薯孩子应该接受困境的磨练

求初中的带有引申义的英语 像lucky dog幸运儿hot potato棘手这样的词,3个就够

多了. 黑人俚语行吗?给你几个: ice 作名词 = 钻石等贵金属 ice 作动词 = 杀了他 ice cold = 冷静且无麻烦.



a hot potato的中文意思是什么

a hot potato 一个烫手山芋



hot potato习语?

hot potato,烫手山芋(喻指棘手的问题);(英)烤土豆

hot potato中文翻译

"hot potato"这个词组的字面意思是热土豆,但在英语中它的含义是指一个敏感或棘手的问题。 如果你说某个问题是一个"hot potato",那就意味着这个问题很难解决或者会引起争议。这个词组通常用于形容政治或社会问题,因为这些问题往往很复杂,充满争议,并且难以找到解决方案。例如,气候变化、移民、种族歧视、贫富差距等问题都可以被形容为"hot potato"。"hot potato"也可以用来形容一个问题或责任在人们之间不停地传递。如果一个问题被视为一个"hot potato",那么人们可能会把责任推给别人,而不是承担责任并采取行动来解决问题。例如,如果一个公司面临某种争议,公司高管可能会把责任推给下属,下属可能会把责任推给其他部门,这样问题就像一个"hot potato",不断地在人们之间传递,但是没有人愿意承担责任来解决问题。总之,"hot potato"是一个常用的英语词组,用于形容难以解决或有争议的问题,或者描述一个问题或责任在人们之间不停地传递。

hot potato的俗语意思

“hot potato”是一个英语俗语,意为“棘手问题”或“摆脱不掉的麻烦事”。通常用来指代需要紧急处理且容易招致争议或引起矛盾的问题。扩展资料:Hot potato一词最早可追溯至17世纪,当时的人们用“hot potato”来形容一个极端危险而复杂的游戏:将一个热薯通过几个人的手传递,最后一个人在收到薯时必须要快速地扔掉它,以避免被烫伤。随着时间的推移,这个词的含义不断演变,逐渐成为了一种常用的英语俚语。现今,hot potato广泛应用于各种场合和领域,如政治、商业、法律等。在政治领域中,hot potato通常被用来形容容易引起关注和争议的话题,如环保、教育等。在商业领域中,hot potato则指的是需要快速做出决策而涉及风险较大的问题,如公司合并、产品突发问题等。而在法律领域中,hot potato则描述了那些难以判断和解决的诉讼案件或刑事案件。以下是一些实际场景的examples:在商业领域中,公司经常需要处理hot potato问题。例如,当一个大客户出现资金流动性问题,且有可能影响到公司收入时,公司高层需要迅速制定应对策略,以避免造成不良影响。此时,该问题就成为了公司需要快速解决的hot potato。在政治领域中,热点议题往往也会变成hot potato问题。比如,国家公布的一些敏感数据或者某个政治院签署了具有争议的文件,这些都可能引起社会的高度关注和争议。此时,处理这些问题就需要更高层面的政治思考和决策。总的来说,hot potato一词是一种火爆的俚语,通常用于形容危险且棘手的问题。只有通过迅速做出应对决策,才能“把烫手的山芋传给别人”,化解问题并获得深受大众赞誉的效果。

hot potato是什么意思

hot potato中文翻译 n. 困境, 烤马铃薯hot potato。hot的意思是热或烫。 Potato就是土豆。热的土豆固然好吃,但是它会烫你的手,你会想法马上甩掉的。 Hot potato作为俗语,它的意思就是一个争论很激烈的问题,没有一个人愿意为它承担责任。例如: 例句-3: The question of whether to raise taxes to cut the budget deficit is a real hot potato for a lot of politicians. 这个人说:“是否用增加税收的方法来减少预算赤字的问题对于许多政客来说是一个棘手的问题。”希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油

hot potato什么意思

hot potato的意思是:棘手的问题(或情况等);烫手山芋。读法:英 [u02cchu0252t pu0259u02c8teu026atu0259u028a] 美 [u02cchɑu02d0t pu0259u02c8teu026atou028a]例句:It seems that we have to resort to force to handle this hot potato.看来我们不得不诉诸武力来解决这个“烫手山芋”了。hot potato中potato 的用法:potato读法:英 [pu0259"teu026atu0259u028a] 美 [pu0259"teto]意思:n. [作物] 土豆,[作物] 马铃薯短语:small potato 小人物potato chips 薯片 ; 土豆片 ; 炸洋芋片 ; 薯条hot potato 烫手山芋 ; 使人厌恶的事 ; 户外特工Irish potato 马玲薯 ; 白马铃薯 ; 爱尔兰马铃薯Spanish potato 山芋 ; 西班牙土豆

hot potato是什么意思

hot potato烫手山芋双语对照词典结果:hot potato[英][hu0254t pu0259u02c8teitu0259u][美][hɑt pu0259u02c8teto]n.棘手的人[问题]; 烫手的山芋; 复数:hot potatoes以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.While securitized products aren"t necessarily evil, they have proven to be quite a hot potato. 虽然证券化产品并不一定坏,但它们已证明是烫手山芋。

hot potato是什么意思

hot potato[英][hu0254t pu0259u02c8teitu0259u][美][hɑt pu0259u02c8teto]n.烫手的山芋; 棘手的人[问题]; 复数:hot potatoes形近词:Hot Potato双语例句 1A political hot potato such as abortion类似堕胎这样政治上的烫手山芋2The racial discrimination issue is a political hot potato.种族歧视问题是政治上的棘手问题.

Hot potato 是什么意思?






Atomic的《Boom Boom》 歌词

歌曲名:Boom Boom歌手:Atomic专辑:The Bikini Tapes CD1ohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohVengaboys are back in townohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohIf you alone and you need a friendSomeone to make forget your problemsJust come along, baby take my handI need a lover tonightohohoh ohohohThis is what I wanna doohohoh ohohohLets have some funohohoh ohohohOne on one, just me and youohohoh ohohohBoom Boom Boom Boom!!I want you in my roomLets spend the night togetherFrom now until foreverBoom Boom Boom Boom!!I wanna double roomLet"s spend the night togetherTogether in my roomohohoh ohohohEverybody get on downohohoh ohohohVengaboys are back in townohohoh ohohohThis is what I wanna doohohoh ohohohLets have some funohohoh ohohohone on one, just me and youohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohoh


区别是:legal指的是:法律的;合法的;法定的;法律(上)的;法定权利;依法必须登报的声明。regulatory指的是:调整的;具有监管权的,监管的。比较如下:legal1、He vowed to take legal action. 他誓言要采取法律行动。2、What I did was perfectly legal. 我所做的绝对合法。3、I sought legal advice on this. 我就此进行了法律咨询。regulatory1、This is due to regulatory and technological developments. 这是由于监管和技术的发展。2、Rules made by regulatory agencies have the force and effect of legislation. 制定规章的机构制定的规章有法律的效力和影响。3、Regulatory approvals and legislative requirements report. 监管批准和法律要求报告。


C:UsersAdministratorDesktop意思是位置为C盘中当前用户为Administrator里的桌面文件夹。桌面文件夹一般位于相应的用户文件夹中,假设为Windows 7系统,并且安装在C盘,当前用户为Administrator,则Administrator的桌面文件夹位置为“C:UsersAdministratorDesktop”。另外,在默认状态下,用户名为Administrator的桌面还会继承“ALL USERS”和"DEFAULT USERS"两个文件夹中内容。C:UsersAdministratorDesktop打不开是因为当前用户不是Administrator。工具/材料:以win10系统为例。1、首先在桌面上,点击“此电脑”图标。2、然后在该界面中,点击左侧的“桌面”选项。3、最后在该界面中,顶部地址栏中显示桌面文件位置。扩展资料:习惯上用户都会把比较常用的重要的文档放在桌面便于操作,但这样也造成了不便,在不清楚状况的时候被重装了系统,特别是用克隆(ghost)就极可能造成数据丢失了,在这种情况下,用户就有必要对桌面文件夹的位置进行一下移动了。如果只是剪切桌面的目录,直接粘贴到其他的分区,并不能真正移动桌面文件夹所在位置。因为桌面所在文件夹还受到注册表中多个注册表项影响。强制移动桌面所在文件夹位置可能会造成无法登录Windows、不能创建宽带连接等错误。


意思就是保存在桌面上的文件,C:UsersAdministratorDesktop是该文件所在位置。所有在桌面上的文件都用的同一个存储位置,便是C:UsersAdministratorDesktop(桌面)通过错误提示,可以肯定的是,桌面上有链接已经失效(快捷方式),在双击的时候无法访问到相应的资源而报错的。解决方案:直接在快捷方式上右击,选择“属性”,之后看看引用位置,到相应的路径下看看相应的资源是否存在,如果不存在的话,直接删除快捷方式即可。如果存在,也删除桌面的快捷方式,之后重新在桌面引用此快捷方式即可(这种情况有,但是很少出现)。备注:建议出现这种问题后,可以通过重启电脑,或者切换登录用户的形式进行尝试, 防止误操作 导致不必要的损失。







Atozzio - How Love Goes 这首歌求歌词

How Love Goes - AtozzioIs this how love goes, is this how love goesIs this how love goes, is this how love goes, goes, goesWe seem perfect, sneaking on a fall late night seem worthyAll I wanna do all day, is sit around and talk to my babyAnd the way I feel is brand new, I was stunt to my heart just like a tattooThings started changing me the wayGoing back to that old cliche, … sayIt was my first ever feeling in loveThinking I have something special with youAnd I never saw us breaking upNow I"m sitting here, trying to figure outWhat love is all aboutYou giving, you take, he give you butterfliesHe take your breath away, he"s always on your mindThink about him all the timeYou hoping that this is how love goesAnd when it goes bad, you fuss and you fightYou are always wrong, you ain"t never rightDon"t know what to do, feeling so confusedWondering if this is how love goesIs this how love goes, I wanna knowIs this how love goes, I gotta knowIs this how love goes, can somebody tell me?Is this how love goes, goes, goesMy mama tried to warn me, but I won"t listenTo nothing that she say I know you was differentCause my eyes showed me and my heart taught meYou were my true loveNow I"m finding out the hard way, seeing is believingHis actions were a … than the words he was speakingCause I thought it was gonne be the one for meIt was my first ever feeling in loveThinking I have something special with youAnd I never saw us breaking upNow I"m sitting here, trying to figure outWhat love is all aboutYou giving, you take, he give you butterfliesHe take your breath away, he"s always on your mindThink about him all the timeYou hoping that this is how love goesAnd when it goes bad, you fuss and you fightYou are always wrong, you ain"t never rightDon"t know what to do, feeling so confusedWondering if this is how love goesIs this how love goes, I wanna knowIs this how love goes, I gotta knowIs this how love goes, can somebody tell me?Is this how love goes, goes, goes X 2

Radiohead的《Separator》 歌词

歌曲名:Separator歌手:Radiohead专辑:The King Of Limbs Live From The BasementTitle:Separatoralbum: The king of limbsartist: Radioheadlrc JinnShackIt"s like I"m falling out of bedFrom a long, weary dreamThe sweetest flowers and fruits hang from the treesFalling off the giant bird that"s been carrying meIt"s like I"m falling out of bed from a long and vivid dreamJust exactly as I rememberEvery wordEvery gestureI"m a heart in cold groundLike I"m falling out of bedFrom a long and weary dreamFinally I"m free of all the weight I"ve been carryingEvery woman blows her coverIn the eye of the beholderI"m a fish now out of waterFalling off a giant bird that"s been carrying meI fell openI laid underAt the tip outI was just a numberI wanna slip it overAnd get back underAnd if you think this is overThen you"re wrongIf you think this is overThen you"re wrong(Wake me up, wake me up)If you think this is overThen you"re wrongIf you think this is overThen you"re wrong(Wake me up, wake me up)Like I"m falling out of bed from a long and weary dreamFinally I"m free of all the weight I"ve been carryingWhen I ask you againWhen I ask you againWake me up, wake me upWake me up, wake me upWake me up, wake me upWake me up, wake me up(End)


mediator: 英 ["miu02d0dieu026atu0259(r)]; 美 ["miu02d0dieu026atu0259r] . n.调解人;介质

浏览器出现:A server error occurred. Please contact the administrator.

1.常出现错误是redis没有启动,重启linux后会自动关闭的情况再检查是不是其他服务器没有开启的原因 2.在admin后台管理进行保存信息的时候,出现标题的错误,通过python shell进行上传文件后发现,from fdfs_client.client import Fdfs_client 需要安装以下三个模块包 安装模块 : pip install django-tinymce pip install mutagen pip install requests

how poe characterrizes Montresor and Fortunato as contrasts简要回答 谢谢 Edgar Allan Poe

Poe characterizes Mortresor and Fortunado as seemingly contrasting characters chiefly by presenting their identical habit in wine and their different manners towards each other, but actually he intends to show some similarly defective aspects in their nature. The similarity in their nature is also suggested by their names as synonyms in Italian: Mortresor means “fortune” while Fortunado “treasure”. Their defective nature is highlighted when the revenger Mortresor, who is fully prepared on psychological and operating levels, throws the hardly prepared but totally deceived wrong-doer Fortunado into the deep and damp catacomb and blocks up its entrance with huge rocks.

four points by sheraton是什么意思

four points by sheraton四点喜来登

Stratovarius的《Papillon》 歌词

歌曲名:Papillon歌手:Stratovarius专辑:Elements, Pt. 1Flying to the dayOne day to playWith eyes open wideI am PapillonI watch the worldCuriouslyWorld is my homeI am PapillonPapillonMusic and words: TolkkiI have no GodLife is in meI am in lifeI am PapillonBrightest of daysHolds me in embraceI am freeI am PapillonIn my dreamsIn my lifeIn my soulIn my eyesIn my heartI am realAh, I am Papillon Made by kingwu1984In my dreamsIn my lifeIn my soulIn my eyesIn my heartI am realAh, I am PapillonI watch the worldCuriouslyWorld is my homeI am Papillon

The generator was doused, and the light went out.

【答案】:Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity so the light also went out.













Inertia Constant - H (Generator and Turbine)

Inertia Constant - H (Generator and Turbine)惯性常数-H(发电机和涡轮机)定义。(1)发电机机转子在额定转矩作用下转速由0提升到额定转速所需要的时间。(2)发电机转子在额定转速下贮存在转子中的动能。这两种定义是等价的,按定义可得一个取值换算式。需要微分方程求解。比较麻烦。结论是H与Gd^2和转子转速n平方成正比,与额定转矩M成反比。大致可以写成H=kGD^2*n^2/M,k是一个比例常数。



Sabaton的《Poltava》 歌词

歌曲名:Poltava歌手:Sabaton专辑:Carolus Rex群66032164:木偶、MMJTime has worn the soldiers downMarched for many milesIn the eastern lands so cursedTime to make a standTsar has scorched his nation"s landNothing to be foundHunger grasp the soliders heart20 000 strongListen, excuse for a kingTrust me, this fight you can"t winPoltavaRode to certain death and painPoltavaSwedish soldiers met their banePoltavaSacrificed their lives in vainPoltavaIn the shade of morning mistAdvancing on their foeBullets break the silent airWasted battleplanSwedish forces stand aloneKing has left commandRule is left to lesser menWaiting for their chanceListen, obey my commandHear me, or die by my handPoltavaRode to certain death and painPoltavaSwedish soldiers met their banePoltavaSacrificed their lives in vainPoltavaRussian armies blocked their way20 000 lost that dayThey bled the groundPeace they foundThere"s no sign of victoryKing Carolus had to fleeAnd leave the landLeave commandMadness, curse your feeble hordeFear me, you"ll die by my swordPoltavaRode to certain death and painPoltavaSwedish soldiers met their banePoltavaSacrificed their lives in vainPoltavaPoltavaRode to certain death and painPoltavaSwedish soldiers met their banePoltavaSacrificed their lives in vainPoltava珞珈山梦境联盟

atomic kitten-If You Come To Me歌词翻译

So long ago 很久以前 I didn"t have a care about me 我对自己不关心 I didn"t know my right from wrong 我甚至分不清对与错 But now I know 但现在我知道 That you left got love around me 你的爱在我周围 You know it makes me feel so strong 你知道它使我有力量 Baby if you turn around 宝贝,如果你出现 And prove to me its real 证明那是真的 Maybe we can work it out 可能我会不再烦恼 Cos this is how I feel 因为那也是我的感觉 Do you know where you go when you give it all away 你知道吗?当你给予我爱的时候,无论你去哪里 I"ll be there for you, care for you 我都会在那里等你关心你 Love you everyday oh baby 无时无刻地爱你 噢,我的宝贝 And do you feel the same for me? 你与我有同样的感应吗? Everyday you"re away 每一天当你离开的时候 And I feel a little low 我都会有一点失落 I would cry for you, die for you 我会为你哭为你死 Just to let you know oh baby 只是为了让你知道 噢我的宝贝 And if you come to me you know I"ll make it right 如果你此时出现的话我会任何事都难不倒我 Through out all my life 我的整个一生 I never thought I"d have somebody 我从没有想过会有某个人 Someone to call my own 这个人会是属于我的 And now I"ve found 但是现在我发现 A little bit of heaven baby 一种欣慰 我的宝贝 A place to call my own 一个属于我的地方 So long ago 很久以前 I didn"t have a care about me 我对自己不关心 I didn"t know my right from wrong 我甚至分不清对与错 But now I know 但现在我知道 That you left got love around me 你的爱在我周围 You know it makes me feel so strong 你知道它使我有力量 Baby if you turn around 宝贝,如果你出现 And prove to me its real 证明那是真的 Maybe we can work it out 可能我会不再烦恼 Cos this is how I feel 因为那也是我的感觉 Do you know where you go when you give it all away 你知道吗?当你给予我爱的时候,无论你去哪里 I"ll be there for you, care for you 我都会在那里等你关心你 Love you everyday oh baby 无时无刻地爱你 噢,我的宝贝 And do you feel the same for me? 你与我有同样的感应吗? Everyday you"re away 每一天当你离开的时候 And I feel a little low 我都会有一点失落 I would cry for you, die for you 我会为你哭为你死 Just to let you know oh baby 只是为了让你知道 噢我的宝贝 And if you come to me you know I"ll make it right 如果你此时出现的话我会任何事都难不倒我 Through out all my life 我的整个一生 I never thought I"d have somebody 我从没有想过会有某个人 Someone to call my own 这个人会是属于我的 And now I"ve found 但是现在我发现 A little bit of heaven baby 一种欣慰 我的宝贝 A place to call my own 一个属于我的地方

Amicus Plato,sed magis amica veritas.是什么意思


请问番茄酱/西红柿酱(passata di pomodoro(意大利文))和Tomato juic

Tomato juice是西红柿汁, 只有汁没有添加任何调料。都是汁所有比较水和酸。Ketchup是番茄酱,常用于薯条汉堡的。ketchup是甜的,有加过调料。




ketchup,这个英文是来源于马来语,kicap,是从这个单词演变过来的,所以就不是tomato sauce。

ilike red tomatoes这句话对不对?

我喜欢红色的西红柿。I like red tomatoes.

yield;generate ;generator 这英语怎么读?



1、意思不一样tatoo,纹身,只有纹身这一意思。tattoo,名词词性:文身;(在皮肤上刺的)花纹;野外军事表演(包括齐步前进、军乐和军事演习);连续急促的敲击;(尤指军事上的)回营号,击鼓号。动词词性:将花纹刺在…上;给…文身。2、词性发展不一样tatoo,没有。tattoo:第三人称单数:tattoos ;复数:tattoos;现在分词:tattooing;过去式:tattooed;过去分词:tattooed。扩展资料:纹身的注意事项:1、文身完成三至四小时后,用温水将文身部位清洗干净,可用浴液,然后用卫生的毛巾擦干,保持干燥,每日清洗。只能淋浴不可泡澡。2、不要涂抹文身药膏以外的任何药膏,以免造成掉色,破坏整体美感。3、在文身的部位尚未痊愈之前,不可游泳、桑拿、晒太阳,下海。4、三至五天呈现结痂、脱皮、发痒均为正常现象,千万不可抠挠,等结痂自然脱落。此时可以适当使用润肤露。5、文身如果文在关节处或者易被抻拉的部位,结痂时要注意动作不宜过大,避免结痂裂开,影响以后的美观。6、文身后不想要了,不能马上洗。要等伤口愈合一年后才可以用激光洗。参考资料来源:百度百科-纹身百度翻译-Tatoo百度翻译-tattoo


读音和用法不同。Tattoo的谐音是“塔图”,tatoo的谐音是“塔吐”。两个单词都有纹身的意思,但是tatoo用的不多,通常用tattoo。Tattooing是tattoo的ing形式。 Tattoo的意思 可数名词: 纹身,(在皮肤上刺的)花纹 野外军事表演(包括齐步前进、军乐和管辖事演习) 连续急的敲击,(尤指军事上的)回营号,击鼓号 及物动词: 将花纹刺在...上,给...纹身 Tattoo的例句 This is what I do in her second work, or a modification of thetattoo. 这是我在她身上做的第二个作品,还是一个修改的刺青。 Bob, do you know tattoo? 鲍勃,你知道纹身吗? Until now they have never been used in tattoos because the body absorbs them too easily and the tattoo disappears, but scientists have come up with a solution. 这些颜料之所以迄今不曾应用于刺青上,是因为它们很容易被人体吸收而让刺青消失,但科学家已想到解决之道。




1、意思不一样tatoo,纹身,只有纹身这一意思。tattoo,名词词性:文身;(在皮肤上刺的)花纹;野外军事表演(包括齐步前进、军乐和军事演习);连续急促的敲击;(尤指军事上的)回营号,击鼓号。动词词性:将花纹刺在?上;给?文身。2、词性发展不一样tatoo,没有。tattoo:第三人称单数:tattoos ;复数:tattoos;现在分词:tattooing;过去式:tattooed;过去分词:tattooed。扩展资料:纹身的注意事项:1、文身完成三至四小时后,用温水将文身部位清洗干净,可用浴液,然后用卫生的毛巾擦干,保持干燥,每日清洗。只能淋浴不可泡澡。2、不要涂抹文身药膏以外的任何药膏,以免造成掉色,破坏整体美感。3、在文身的部位尚未痊愈之前,不可游泳、桑拿、晒太阳,下海。4、三至五天呈现结痂、脱皮、发痒均为正常现象,千万不可抠挠,等结痂自然脱落。此时可以适当使用润肤露。5、文身如果文在关节处或者易被抻拉的部位,结痂时要注意动作不宜过大,避免结痂裂开,影响以后的美观。6、文身后不想要了,不能马上洗。要等伤口愈合一年后才可以用激光洗。参考资料来源:百度百科-纹身百度翻译-Tatoo百度翻译-tattoo
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