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求初中的带有引申义的英语 像lucky dog幸运儿hot potato棘手这样的词,3个就够

2023-07-29 01:28:57



ice 作名词 = 钻石等贵金属

ice 作动词 = 杀了他

ice cold = 冷静且无麻烦.


Hot potato 是什么意思?

2023-07-27 15:38:176

hot potato是什么意思

hot potato[英][hu0254t pu0259u02c8teitu0259u][美][hɑt pu0259u02c8teto]n.烫手的山芋; 棘手的人[问题]; 复数:hot potatoes形近词:Hot Potato双语例句 1A political hot potato such as abortion类似堕胎这样政治上的烫手山芋2The racial discrimination issue is a political hot potato.种族歧视问题是政治上的棘手问题.
2023-07-27 15:38:411

hot potato是什么意思

hot potato烫手山芋双语对照词典结果:hot potato[英][hu0254t pu0259u02c8teitu0259u][美][hɑt pu0259u02c8teto]n.棘手的人[问题]; 烫手的山芋; 复数:hot potatoes以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.While securitized products aren"t necessarily evil, they have proven to be quite a hot potato. 虽然证券化产品并不一定坏,但它们已证明是烫手山芋。
2023-07-27 15:38:501

hot pototo是什么意思

hot potato热土豆
2023-07-27 15:39:013

hot potato什么意思

hot potato的意思是:棘手的问题(或情况等);烫手山芋。读法:英 [u02cchu0252t pu0259u02c8teu026atu0259u028a] 美 [u02cchɑu02d0t pu0259u02c8teu026atou028a]例句:It seems that we have to resort to force to handle this hot potato.看来我们不得不诉诸武力来解决这个“烫手山芋”了。hot potato中potato 的用法:potato读法:英 [pu0259"teu026atu0259u028a] 美 [pu0259"teto]意思:n. [作物] 土豆,[作物] 马铃薯短语:small potato 小人物potato chips 薯片 ; 土豆片 ; 炸洋芋片 ; 薯条hot potato 烫手山芋 ; 使人厌恶的事 ; 户外特工Irish potato 马玲薯 ; 白马铃薯 ; 爱尔兰马铃薯Spanish potato 山芋 ; 西班牙土豆
2023-07-27 15:39:081

hot potato是什么意思

hot potato中文翻译 n. 困境, 烤马铃薯hot potato。hot的意思是热或烫。 Potato就是土豆。热的土豆固然好吃,但是它会烫你的手,你会想法马上甩掉的。 Hot potato作为俗语,它的意思就是一个争论很激烈的问题,没有一个人愿意为它承担责任。例如: 例句-3: The question of whether to raise taxes to cut the budget deficit is a real hot potato for a lot of politicians. 这个人说:“是否用增加税收的方法来减少预算赤字的问题对于许多政客来说是一个棘手的问题。”希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油
2023-07-27 15:39:253

hot potato的俗语意思

“hot potato”是一个英语俗语,意为“棘手问题”或“摆脱不掉的麻烦事”。通常用来指代需要紧急处理且容易招致争议或引起矛盾的问题。扩展资料:Hot potato一词最早可追溯至17世纪,当时的人们用“hot potato”来形容一个极端危险而复杂的游戏:将一个热薯通过几个人的手传递,最后一个人在收到薯时必须要快速地扔掉它,以避免被烫伤。随着时间的推移,这个词的含义不断演变,逐渐成为了一种常用的英语俚语。现今,hot potato广泛应用于各种场合和领域,如政治、商业、法律等。在政治领域中,hot potato通常被用来形容容易引起关注和争议的话题,如环保、教育等。在商业领域中,hot potato则指的是需要快速做出决策而涉及风险较大的问题,如公司合并、产品突发问题等。而在法律领域中,hot potato则描述了那些难以判断和解决的诉讼案件或刑事案件。以下是一些实际场景的examples:在商业领域中,公司经常需要处理hot potato问题。例如,当一个大客户出现资金流动性问题,且有可能影响到公司收入时,公司高层需要迅速制定应对策略,以避免造成不良影响。此时,该问题就成为了公司需要快速解决的hot potato。在政治领域中,热点议题往往也会变成hot potato问题。比如,国家公布的一些敏感数据或者某个政治院签署了具有争议的文件,这些都可能引起社会的高度关注和争议。此时,处理这些问题就需要更高层面的政治思考和决策。总的来说,hot potato一词是一种火爆的俚语,通常用于形容危险且棘手的问题。只有通过迅速做出应对决策,才能“把烫手的山芋传给别人”,化解问题并获得深受大众赞誉的效果。
2023-07-27 15:39:461

hot potato中文翻译

"hot potato"这个词组的字面意思是热土豆,但在英语中它的含义是指一个敏感或棘手的问题。 如果你说某个问题是一个"hot potato",那就意味着这个问题很难解决或者会引起争议。这个词组通常用于形容政治或社会问题,因为这些问题往往很复杂,充满争议,并且难以找到解决方案。例如,气候变化、移民、种族歧视、贫富差距等问题都可以被形容为"hot potato"。"hot potato"也可以用来形容一个问题或责任在人们之间不停地传递。如果一个问题被视为一个"hot potato",那么人们可能会把责任推给别人,而不是承担责任并采取行动来解决问题。例如,如果一个公司面临某种争议,公司高管可能会把责任推给下属,下属可能会把责任推给其他部门,这样问题就像一个"hot potato",不断地在人们之间传递,但是没有人愿意承担责任来解决问题。总之,"hot potato"是一个常用的英语词组,用于形容难以解决或有争议的问题,或者描述一个问题或责任在人们之间不停地传递。
2023-07-27 15:40:171


2023-07-27 15:41:083

hot potato习语?

hot potato,烫手山芋(喻指棘手的问题);(英)烤土豆
2023-07-27 15:41:181


2023-07-27 15:41:294


2023-07-27 15:41:411

a hot potato的中文意思是什么

a hot potato 一个烫手山芋
2023-07-27 15:42:132


烫手山芋,读音tàng shǒu shān yù,汉语词语,基本意思为指棘手的问题答。详细解释:山芋煮熟后肉质比较松软,之所以说山芋烫手,就是指棘手的问题,热山芋不但烫手而且因为肉质像泥巴一样粘人会把人烫伤。故有此说法。比喻要解决的事情很棘手,但是解决之后又得到好处,多指要凭真才实学才能胜任时刻要冒风险的工作,或达到一个目的,不达目的誓不罢休。扩展资料:最早出现“歇后”这一名称是在唐代。《旧唐书·郑綮列传》中就已经提到过所谓“郑五歇后体”(一种“歇后”体诗)。但它作为一种语言形式和语言现象,却远在先秦时期就已经出现了。如《战国策·楚策四》:“亡羊补牢,未为迟也。”意思就是说,丢失了羊再去修补羊圈,还不算太晚。这就是我们今天所看到的歇后语。《辞海》:歇后语是熟语的一种。多为群众熟识的诙谐而形象的语句,运用时可以隐去后文,以前文示意,如只说“围棋盘里下象棋”,以示不对路子;也可以前后文并列,如“芝麻开花--节节高”。
2023-07-27 15:42:382


2023-07-27 15:43:141


美国人很喜欢吃土豆,而且还有多种吃法,其中比较受美国人欢迎的吃法是炸薯条(friedpotato)和炸薯片(potato crisp),这在美国各地城市大街上比比皆是的快餐店中,如麦当劳(McDonald"s),肯德基(Kentucky)里等可以说是一种老少皆宜的休闲食品。美国人还将整个土豆烤着吃(baked potato),对于刚刚烤出的热气腾腾的土豆(hot potato),拿起来烫手,使人很想立即将其扔掉,于是源自于日常生活的这一妙语——"hot potato"便引申用于指那些棘手的问题或难以处理的局面。此外,"potato"一词还可用于指人,生活中我们有"couch potato"一语,指的是那些整日沉溺于电视的人,他们坐在沙发上,吃着土豆条(片),眼睛一眨不眨地盯着电视屏幕,所以此语用来指电视迷,多么形象的描述!在社交场合,美国人与别人交谈时,他们常说:"I"m a small potato.",含义是“我只是个小人物,没什么了不起”,表达一个人的谦虚和涵养。但在公司里,如果听到老板对员工说:"You are really potato-headed.",这可就糟了,这是一句批评人的话,含义是“你真是个傻瓜(笨蛋)。"不仅如此,口语中美国人还将"potato"一词用于既可指人也可指物的场合中,如"the clean potato"一语,指的是最好的人(物);与之意思接近的一语是"quite the potato"(妙不可言的人,非常好的东西)。沙发土豆(Couch potato),指的是那些拿着摇控器,蜷在沙发上,跟着电视节目转的人,什么事都不干,只会在沙发上看电视,描述了电视对人们生活方式的影响,这个词最早诞生在美国。指将大部分业余时间用来躺在床上睡觉、或者抱着电视机守上十来个小时的人。换句话说就是,一个人长时间坐在沙发上,就如土豆一样一动不动,时间长了,人就像土豆一样胖胖圆圆的。久而久之便可能导致胆结石甚至心理孤独等疾病,是一种不健康的生活方式。“沙发土豆”这一译法,是1976年美国人罗伯特•阿姆斯特朗的一位朋友创造出来的,因为它简洁而且形象,生动,便广为传播。20世纪80年代早期,阿姆斯特朗还为“沙发土豆”一词做了商标注册。1993年,这个词被收入《牛津英语词典》。现在“沙发土豆”已经常见诸报章和网络。不仅进入美国人的词汇,也逐渐被汉语世界和国内读者接纳。“土豆”一词有双重含义,一是指终日在沙发上看电视的人就像“种在沙发前的土豆”一样不动,一是指这类人一般总是在看电视的同时不停地吃炸土豆片。说某人是“沙发土豆”,通常是批评这种不健康的方式。“沙发土豆”的生活方式早在20世纪六十年代就开始流行美国,后来又传遍西方各国,并进入日渐西化的日本及喜欢跟潮流的中国,成为极其重要的“致胖因素”,对人们的形象和健康带来严重的不利影响。我认为“土豆一代”,很可能是指“沙发土豆”这一代青少年。
2023-07-27 15:43:552

真麻烦 怎么翻译 英语

It is a trouble
2023-07-27 15:44:516

Hot Potato should be left to the kids如何翻译?

a subject or problem that no one wants to deal with, because it is difficult and any decision might make people angry n.困境, 烤马铃薯孩子应该接受困境的磨练
2023-07-27 15:45:322

Potatoes 译文

土豆可以被用于很多方面.一些人喜欢烤土豆,一些人喜欢土豆泥,一些人喜欢薯片,薯条,或美国人称做炸薯条。 “校长认为把学校搬迁到一个新的地方是一个烫手山芋 ”在这里“烫手山芋”是指一个问题的很有争议和难以解决。 “他们是大人物. 我们是小人物”在这里“小土豆”是指没有的重要性的人,我们可以把这个次用于另一个句子, “老师认为这个事情几乎一文不值因为他认为这是个小问题。
2023-07-27 15:45:432


《僵尸道长I》《僵尸道长II》《等着你回来》(《情定阴阳界》)《僵尸道长Ⅲ》,都是我看过的。他所参予的最后一部电视剧是与徐锦江、刘松仁共同拍摄的《一枝花和尚》(《新水浒传》),在剧中他饰演威风凛凛的白英奇元帅下面为搜索来的:僵尸道长 II Vampire Expert II (1996) .....毛小方僵尸道长 I Vampire Expert I (1995) .....毛小方青蜂侠 The green hornet (1994) .....UncleQing feng xiaGreen Hornet钟馗嫁妹 Zhong kui jia mei (1994) .....Tao Priest MasterThe Chinese Ghostbuster画皮之阴阳法王 Painted Skin (1993) .....Purple Taoist阴阳法王Hua pi zhi yinyang fawangHuman Night in Painted Skin倚天屠龙记之魔教教主 Yi tian tu long ji zhi mo jiao jiao zhu (1993) .....Cameo appearanceKung Fu MasterLord of the Wu Tang少林英雄之方世玉洪熙官 Feng Shi-Yu yu Hong Zhi-Guan (1993) .....洪熙官Shaolin Avengers驱魔道长 Qu mo dao zhang (1993) .....Master ChiouExorcist Master哗鬼旅行团 Hua gui lu xing tuan (1992)猛鬼旅游团Forced Nightmare金装鬼打鬼 Skinned Ghost (1992) .....林大师甩皮鬼 / 艳鬼Shuai pi guiSkin-Stripper誓不忘情 Shi bu wang qing (1992) .....Deaf-mute hitman虎胆神鹰Lover"s Tear4 Days of Condor神枪手与咖喱鸡 Shen Qiang Shou yu Ga Li Ji (1992) .....Shooter YinHot Hot and Pom PomPom Pom & Hot Hot义侠黄飞鸿 Yi Xia Huang Fei Hong (1992)鬼打鬼之黄金道士 Huang jin dao shi (1992) .....YingMad Mad Ghost新僵尸先生 Xin jiang shi xian sheng (1992) .....Master LamMr. Vampire 1992Mr. Vampire 5黄飞鸿系列之一代师 Huang Fei-hong xi lie zhi yi dai shi (1992) .....Tao MasterMartial Arts Master Wong Fei HungWong Fei Hong "92笑傲侠义黄大仙 Xiao ao xia yi Huang Da Xian (1992) .....Hwang Po Chi黄大仙Legend of Wong Tai SinXiao ao xia yi Huang Da Xian妖怪都市 Yao guai du shi (1992) .....Taoist priestWizard"s CurseYiu gwaai diy shut精灵变 Jing ling bian (1992) .....ChenBanana Spirit密宗威龙 Mi zong cheng long (1991) .....Mud-YuetThe Tantana非洲和尚 Fei zhou he shang (1991) .....Master HiSing (Cantonese version), Wise One (English version)Crazy SafariThe Gods Must Be Crazy III洪福齐天 Hong fu qi tian (1991) .....Exorcist鬼赌鬼Gambling GhostThe gambling ghost黐线枕边人 Chi xian zhen bian ren (1991) .....OwlSlickers vs. Killers僵尸至尊 Jiang shi zhi zun (1991) .....Master GauUltimate VampireThe ultimate vampire天地玄门 Tian di xuan men (1991)An Eternal Combat鬼干部 Gui gan bu (1991) .....Lin ChiangRed and BlackRed & black赢钱专家 Ying qian zhuan jia (1991)Money Maker人鬼神 Ren gui shen (1991) .....Tien LungSpiritual Trinity鬼咬鬼 Gui yao gui (1990) .....Master JiaoClose Encounters of the Spooky Kind 2Encounters of the Spooky Kind II太阳之子 Tai yang zhi zi (1990) .....KhenlunPrince of the Sun玩命双雄 Wan ming shuang xiong (1990) .....Frank特技人小传Goodbye HeroHu ying te qin zu笑傲江湖 The Swordsman (1990) .....KukSwordsmanXiao ao jiang hu音乐僵尸 Yin yue jiang shi (1990) .....Uncle MasterThe Musical Vampire驱魔警察 Qu mo jing cha (1990) .....Uncle FengMagic CopMr. Vampire 5舞台姐妹 Wu tai jie mei (1990)Stage Door Johnny一眉道人 Yi men dao ren (1989) .....One-Eyebrow PriestNew Mr. Vampire 2One-Eyebrow Priest群龙戏凤 Pedicab Driver (1989) .....ShengQun long xi feng九月初九之重见天日 Shy Spirit (1988) .....Taoist Priest怕羞鬼 / 羞羞鬼Pa xiu guiShyly Spirit中国最后一个太监 China"s Last Eunuch (1988) .....Chiang FuZhong Guo zui hou yi ge tai jianLai Shi, China"s Last Eunuch血玫瑰 Her Vengeance (1988) .....雄Xue mei gui铁甲无敌玛利亚 I Love Maria (1988) .....首领B12铁甲无敌Tie jia wu di Ma Li ARoboforce学校风云 School on Fire (1988) .....HoiXue xiao feng yun七小福 Painted Faces (1988) .....于华元Qi qiao fu鬼掹脚 Spooky, Spooky, Spooky (1988)电灯着鬼掹脚 / 鬼抓人Gui meng jiaoSpooky表哥到 Biao ge dao (1987)My Cousin, the Ghost灵幻先生 Mr. Vampire 3 (1987) .....道士Ling huan xian sheng富贵列车 Foo gwai lit che (1986) .....Security officerNobles" ExpressFu gui lie che霹雳大喇叭 Spirit and Me (1986)Pi li da la baWhere"s Officer Tuba?东方秃鹰 Eastern Bald Eagles (1986) .....LieutenantDung fong tuk yingEastern Condors英雄无泪 Heroes Shed No Tears (1986) .....毒枭黄昏战士Ying xiong wei leiHuang hun zhan shi僵尸先生续集之僵尸家族 Mr. Vampire Part 2 (1986) .....Master Lin僵尸先生续集 / 僵尸家族Mr. VampireJiang shi xian sheng xu ji僵尸先生 Mr. Stiff Corpse (1985) .....Master GauGeung si sin sangMr. Vampire夏日福星 My Lucky Stars 2: Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars (1985) .....Renegade CopXia ri fu xingThe Target时来运转 Shi lai yun dao (1985) .....德父亲From the Great BeyondThose Merry Souls福星高照 My Lucky Stars (1985) .....(as Ching Ying Lam)Fuk sing go jiuFu xing gao zhao龙的心 The First Mission (1985) .....SWAT Team Commander (as Lam Ching Ying)Long de xinHeart of Dragon双龙出海 Seung lung chut hoi (1984) .....Lo Kin/Flying Spider神勇双响炮第二集:双龙出海The Return of Pom PomShuang long chu hai人吓鬼 Ren xia gui (1984) .....Master ShengHocus PocusHogus Pogus神勇双响炮 Pom Pom (1984) .....Police OfficerShen yong shuang xiang pao奇谋妙计五福星 5 Lucky Stars (1983) .....Tar"s Butler五福星Wu fu xingWinners and Sinners人吓人 The Dead and the Deadly (1982) .....Uncle YeeRen xia ren败家仔 Prodigal Son (1981) .....Leung Yee Tai英雄出少年Bai ga jaiPull No Punches钱作怪 From Riches to Rags (1980) .....杀手Qian zuo guaiMoney Talk鬼打鬼 Gui da gui (1980) .....The InspectorClose Encounters of the Spooky KindEncounters of the Spooky Kind身不由己 Shen bu you ji (1980) .....Jo-Wing cohortLightning Kung FuThe Victim咸鱼翻生 Xian yu fan sheng (1980) .....Gang LeaderBy Hook or by Crook杂家小子 Knockabout (1979) .....Casino henchmanZa jia xiao ziThe fearless master林世荣 Lin shi rong (1979) .....Killer with Fan仁者无敌Magnificent ButcherRen zhe wu di醒目仔蛊惑招 Xing mu zi gu huo zhao (1979)肥龙功夫精The Incredible Kung Fu MasterThey Call Me Phat Dragon无名小卒 Wu ming xiao zu (1979)His Name Is Nobody搏命单刀夺鸣枪 Odd Couple (1979) .....Hsia搏命单刀夺命枪Bo ming chan dao duo ming chuangEternal Conflict蝙蝠传奇 Bian fu chuan qi (1978)楚留香之二蝙蝠传奇Legend of the BatClans of Intrigue 2肥龙过江 Fay Lung kwo gong (1978) .....Action Movie FighterEnter the Fat DragonFei Long guo jiang绣花大盗 Xiu hua da dao (1978)陆小凤传奇之一绣花大盗Clan of the AmazonsLu Xiao Feng chuan qi zhi xiu hua da dao赞先生与找钱华 Zan xian sheng yu zhao qian hua (1978) .....SwordsmanWarriors TwoMr. Tsang and Cashier Hua死亡游戏 Game of the Death (1978) .....Macau fighterGame of DeathBruce Lee"s Game of Death盲拳怪招神经刀 Kung Fu Means Fists,Strikes and Sword (1978)Strike and Sword老虎田鸡 Dirty Tiger (1978) .....Casino Fighter #2大鳄斗虾蟆Lao hu tian jiDirty Tiger and Crazy Frog四大门派 Si da men pai (1977)Shaolin Plot决杀令 Judgement of an Assassin (1977)武林风暴Jue sha lingWu lin feng bao阿姆斯特丹杀机 The Amsterdam Kill (1977)荷京喋血He jing die xie洪熙官 Hung Hsi-Kuan (1977) .....Chan, Billy (I)洪熙官与洪文定 / 洪熙官父子报血仇Executioners From Shao LinExecutioners of Death三德和尚与舂米六 San de huo shang yu chong mi liu (1977) .....Shu-Liu WorkerThe Iron-Fisted MonkThree virtue with monk and spring rice six多情剑客无情剑 The Sentimental Swordsman (1977)To ching chien ko wu ching chienDuo qing jian ke wu qing jian发钱寒 Fa qian han (1977)Money CrazyThe Pilferer"s Progress破戒 Po jie (1977)Broken Oath功夫小子 Gong fu xiao zi (1977)He Has Nothing But Kung Fu老虎煞星 Lao hu sha xing (1976) .....Street merchant / boss chang"s henchman猛虎斗肥龙End of the Wicked TigersLo fu sat sing陆阿采与黄飞鸿 Huang Fei-hong yu liu a cai (1976)Challenge of the MastersLiu A Cai yu Huang Fei Hong大麻烦 Hot Potato (1976) .....(uncredited)功夫大煞星 Kung Fu Stars (1975)直捣黄龙 The Man from Hong Kong (1975) .....(uncredited)Zhi dao huang longThe Dragon Flies珠江大风暴 Tornado of Pearl River (1974)Tornado of Chu ChiangZhu Jiang da feng baoDynamite Brothers (1974) .....Tuen"s HenchmanDynamite BrownEast Meet Watts黄飞鸿少林拳 Huang Fei-hong xiao lin quan (1974)The Skyhawk黄面老虎 Slaughter in San Francisco (1974) .....Chinese gang memberChuck Norris Vs. the Karate CopHuang mian lao hu小英雄大闹唐人街 Xiao ying xiong da nao Tang Ren jie (1974) .....Gangster 2Back Alley Princess in ChinatownChinatown Coppers海员七号 Hai yuan chi hao (1973)Seaman No. 7冷面虎 Leng mian hu (1973)A Man Called Tiger马路小英雄 Ma lu xiao ying xiong (1973) .....ThugBack Alley Princess龙争虎斗 Enter the Dragon (1973) .....(unconfirmed)Long zheng hu douThe Deadly Three跆拳震九州 Tai quan zhen jiu zhou (1973)KickmasterSting of the Dragon Masters合气道 Hapkido (1972) .....Marketplace fighterLady Kung Fu猛龙过江 Way of the Dragon (1972) .....Thug (uncredited)Meng long guojiangReturn of the Dragon精武门 Jing wu men (1972) .....Japanese fighterThe Chinese ConnectionLaugh Track: Chinese ConnectionTreasure Castle (1972)霹雳拳 Pi li quan (1972)The Thunderbolt Fist鬼怒川 Gui nu chuan (1971)The Angry River唐山大兄 China Mountain Big Brother (1971) .....Ah Yen (Cheng"s cousin)Tang shan da xiongThe Big Boss侠女 Touch of Zen (1971)一缕禅机Hsia nuA Touch of Zen金印仇 Jin yin chou (1971)Gam yan chauGolden Seal六刺客 Leu ci ke (1971)Six Assassins血符门 Xie fu men (1971)The Crimson Charm刀不留人 Dao bu liu ren (1971)The Blade Spares None凤飞飞 Feng fei fei (1971)Lady with a Sword
2023-07-27 15:45:521

2010金唱片提名 投票地址。是海外人气大奖的
2023-07-27 15:46:134


英语启蒙课程1-10岁链接: 提取码: a8mg据研究发现人类感知语音语感的神经中枢在9-10岁之间达到活跃巅峰,所以孩子越早学语言越好。希望英语早教资源能帮到你和你的孩子
2023-07-27 15:46:244

是不是所有介词后面都不可以作主语吖 为什么All we have to do is to wait All we have to do 可以作主语

2023-07-27 15:47:183


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2023-07-27 15:48:001

hot potato游戏英文怎么说?

hot potato游戏英语介绍一、写作思路1、写作前可以仔细了解hot potato游戏的游戏规则。2、将了解到的hot potato游戏的游戏规则有条理的用英语表达出来。二、范例Hot potato is a party game that involves players gathering in a circle and tossing a small object such as a beanbag or tennis ball to each other while music plays. The player who is holding the "hot potato" when the music stops is out. Play continues until only one player is left. The game is designed to be fast-paced and high-pressure and is often played by children. The game can also be played without music where there is a designated leader who shouts out "hot!" and the player holding the object is eliminated.  hot potato和我国的传手绢的游戏差不多。需要一群人围成一个圈子,拿一个小物件当成是“hot potato”,随着音乐的响起,小物件将会在人群中以顺时针或者逆时针的方向快速传递。等到音乐停止的时候,最后一个拿住小物件的人离场。这样循环直到只剩下最后一个。这个游戏是为了加快游戏者的传递动作和享受游戏中的高压。这个游戏也可以不用音乐的,不过会是有一个场外的裁判来喊”hot“,一旦喊出来了。那么效果和音乐停止是一样的。
2023-07-27 15:48:071

谚语a lemon、hot potato、bad apple翻译的意思是?

a lemon:没有价值的商品 a hot potato:棘手的问题; 难对付的人 bad apple美国俚语 害群之马的意思
2023-07-27 15:48:231

top banana. a lemon. hot potato. bad apple.的中文意思.(再多写几个这样的句子.

top banana (美俚)1 主要喜剧演员2 老大; 头头a lemon (俚)无用之人[物];a.有缺陷之人[物],窝囊废; 无价值之物b. 令人讨厌之物[人](英俚)没有吸引力的人[女人]; 傻瓜,糊涂虫hot potato 可数名词1 (英口语)烤洋芋2 (口语)棘手的问题,难题,烫手山芋 bad apple (俚)坏人; 坏蛋
2023-07-27 15:49:011

英语中hot potato类似的词语还有哪些?

hot dog
2023-07-27 15:49:091

俚语 potato head是什么意思

clean potato 最好(或最正确、最适当)的事物(或人);行为端正的人 quite the (clean) potato 1. 正派的人;好人 2. 最好(或正对路)的东西 not (quite) the clean potato 1. 不体面的行为 2. 不正派的人;形迹可疑的人 drop (something) like a hot potato 急忙地抛掉(或抛弃)某物;尽快地断绝关系 a hot potato 棘手的问题; 难对付的人 potato masher 马 铃薯捣烂器; 木柄手榴弹; [美俚] 鼓槌; 煮熟的鸡 [鸭] 腿; 干扰雷达的天线 Mind your own potato ! 别管闲事! We pigged out on potato chips and cookies until our bellies ached. 我们大吃薯条和曲奇,吃到肚子撑到痛为止 属类:【口语表达】-〖美国俚语〗
2023-07-27 15:49:161

2 Chainz的《Yuck!》 歌词

歌曲名:Yuck!歌手:2 Chainz专辑:Based On A T.R.U. Story"Yuck!"(feat. Lil Wayne)Yuck Daddy! Yuck!Yuck Daddy! Yuck!Uh, cut the top off, call it Amber RoseJust bought a big body, time to paint the toesKnown to act a donkey on the camel-toeThen take the camel-toe and turn it into casserole2 Chainz talkin" on the flake"s phonePoof! Just like that the whole check goneFormer posturepedic I was slept onSo many chains on it look like my neck goneMy girl came through and brought an extra bodyNow that"s an after party for the after partyTwo-gun game, all black FerrariHis and her Armani, put it in a tonicAnd yeah, the bread good if the head goodBefore benihana"s it was canned goodsBefore canned goods it was similacI"m from where they send sharks then we send ‘em backA half a million dollars worth of crack moneyWrap your parents up, now you got a black mommyYeah I did it, true to my religionTwo guns on me, both with extensionsIf you on the pole, play your positionI got enough dough to pay your tuitionCorduroy trues, with the skull capI just woke up, tell me where the drugs atAnd after the drugs, where the girls atAnd after the guns, where the love atAnd if it ain"t no love, I"m like fuck thatNigga I"m so dope, you could catch a fuckin" contactGood weed, bad bitchGot these hoes on my dick like Brad PittWoah, I seen it all beforeThe bitch got a man, but she schemin" on the lowHow it go? It go, fuck them other niggas cause I"m down for my niggasMy homies got the blickers, automatics no clickersHuh? Codeine, no liquorMan, life is a bitch, mine is a gold diggerI"m fucked, let"s fuckShe said she on her period, I said, “Yuck”I called another bopper, I beat it like a copperTwo big chain, one big chopper, bitchI got the chopper for the correspondenceThe codeine got me standin" horizontalI had enough of the broken promisesSo I"m in a room full of Pocahontas-esAnd this shit is of the meat rackWeed sack, big car, layin" with my seat backWe next, weed never left, holla, we backAll this ice on my and my niggas playing freeze tagLord forgive me, this my fourth foreignIf you baby daddy lame, you should forewarn himI come through with the yapper onTurn that nigga into hot bolognaI"m the type of nigga cop a Rollie, cop a benz, cop a twoThen wear it all to Church, nigga Hallelu"Uh, I"m from the trap where the block"ll pay youMe and my nigga pass your ho like a hot potatoI be like you could get her, he be like you could get herI be like you could have her, he be like you could have herHe be like, it don"t matter, I be like, me neitherUh, my old school got twenty-sixes on itAnd I got you girl kissin" on meYuck Daddy! Yuck!Yuck Daddy! Yuck!Yuck-yuck-yuck Daddy!Two big chain, one big chopperTwo big chain, one big chopperTwo big chain, one big chopperTwo big chain, one big chopper, bitch
2023-07-27 15:49:421


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2023-07-27 15:49:582

动名词做主语与to do不定式作主语有什么区别

Ⅰ.动名词和不定式做主语的相同点1.不定式短语和动名词做主语时,常常为了保持句子的平衡,用it来做形式主语,如:It is not easy to learn English well.It is no use asking him for help.2.如果主语用了不定式,表语和宾语也要用不定式;主语用了动名词,表语和宾语也要用动名词,这在英语中称为对称性,如:To see is to believe. = Seeing is believing. (眼见为实)(85)It is better to stay home than _A__ out.A. to go B. going C. go D. goneⅡ.动名词和不定式做主语的不同点1.不定式做主语常表示具体的某一动作;表示泛指或一般的抽象的概念时,多用动名词,如:(92)_B_ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.A. The walk B. Walking C. To walk D. Walk2.在”There/It +be+ no use(good/help/need)”之后常用动名词做主语,而少用不定式,如:It /There is no use crying over the split milk.It /There is no help taking this medicine.★但是如果该句型中用了for引出不定式的逻辑主语,就只能用不定式,如:(93) There is no good for us to do that exercise.3.不定式可以和when, where, how, what, whether等连用,在句子中做主语,宾语和表语,而动名词则不能,如:How to solve the problem is a hot potato.Where to put the box seems hard to decide.Whether to do it hasn"t been decided.What to do next is up to you.
2023-07-27 15:50:071


蔬菜英语单词大全100个如下:leek: 韭菜。caraway/coriander: 香菜。spinach :菠菜。cabbage :卷心菜。chinese cabbage :白菜。celery :芹菜。cress :水芹。cauliflower: 菜花。lettuce :生菜/莴笋。mustard leaf: 芥菜/芥末。romaine :生菜。shepherd"s purse: 荠菜。water shield: 莼菜。kale :甘蓝菜。rape/cole: 油菜。mater convolvulus: 空心菜。dried lily flower: 金针菜。tarragon: 蒿菜。agar-agar :紫菜。greens :青菜。day-lily buds :黄花菜。turnip :白萝卜。carrot :胡萝卜。summer radish: 水萝卜。potato: 土豆。tomato: 番茄。cucumber :黄瓜。loofah :丝瓜。pumpkin :南瓜。bitter gourd :苦瓜。white gourd :冬瓜。string bean :四季豆。pea :豌豆。lentil/ hycacinth bean: 扁豆。soy :大豆。marrow bean :菜豆。mung bean: 绿豆。soybean: 黄豆。kidney bean :芸豆。green soy bean :毛豆。soybean sprout :黄豆芽。mung bean sprout :绿豆芽。bean sprout: 豆芽。lotus root :莲藕。garlic :蒜。garlic sprout: 蒜苗/苔。green pepper :青椒。hot pepper: 辣椒。marrow :西葫芦。onion: 洋葱。scallion :葱。chive :香葱。sweet pepper :甜椒。toon: 香椿。water chestnut: 荸荠。yam: 山药。lily: 百合。water caltrop :菱角。lotus seed :莲子。taro: 芋头。cabbage mustard: 芥兰。cane shoots :茭白。ginger :姜。dried ginger :干姜。asparagus :芦笋。bamboo sprout: 竹笋。winter bamboo shoots: 冬笋。mushroom: 蘑菇。edible fungus/agaric :木耳。tremella :银耳。black mushroom :冬菇。champignon :香菇。buton mushroom: 草菇。needle mushroom: 金针菇。asparagus :芦荟。eggplant: 茄子。tender leaves of chinese toon :香椿。fennel :茴香。chinese chives :韭黄。corn :玉米。
2023-07-27 15:50:151

to do 和doing的区别做主语

to do主要用来表示一次性具体性将要发生性的行为。其逻辑主语暗中有所指。doing主要用来表示经常性、习惯性、抽象性发生的行为。其逻辑主语暗中无所指。 动名词和不定式做主语的不同点 1.不定式做主语常表示具体的某一动作;表示泛指或一般的抽象的概念时,多用动名词,如: Walking is a good form of exercise for both young and old. 2.在”There/It +be+ no use(good/help/need)”之后常用动名词做主语,而少用不定式,如: It/There is no use crying over the split milk. It/There is no help taking this medicine. 但是如果该句型中用了for引出不定式的逻辑主语,就只能用不定式,如: There is no good for us to do that exercise. 3.不定式可以和when, where, how, what, whether等连用,在句子中做主语,宾语和表语,而动名词则不能,如:How to solve the problem is a hot potato. to do,一次性的动作。doing经常的行为。 不定式做主语一般指具体的某一动作,而动名词做主语多是泛指。如:Learning is necessary for all of us in this society。
2023-07-27 15:50:371


bitter gourd 苦瓜、white gourd 冬瓜、loofah 丝瓜、sweet potato 地瓜、long crooked squash 菜瓜、string bean 四季豆、pea 扩展资料 bitter gourd 苦瓜、white gourd 冬瓜、loofah 丝瓜、sweet potato 地瓜、long crooked squash 菜瓜、string bean 四季豆、pea 豌豆、marrow bean 菜豆、soybean 黄豆、kidney bean 芸豆、green soy bean 毛豆、soybean sprout 黄豆芽、bean sprout 豆芽、lotus root 莲藕、water caltrop 菱角、lotus seed 莲子、garlic 蒜、garlic sprout 蒜苗/蒜苔、green pepper 青椒、hot pepper/chili 辣椒、marrow 西葫芦、onion 洋葱、ginger 生姜、garlic 大蒜、garlic bulb 蒜头、scallion 青葱、wheat gluten 面筋、chive 香葱、sweet pepper 甜椒、water chestnut 荸荠、yam 山药、lily 百合、taro 芋头、cabbage mustard 芥兰、cane shoots 茭白、ginger 姜、dried ginger 干姜、asparagus 芦笋、bamboo sprout 竹笋、winter bamboo shoots 冬笋、button mushroom 草菇、mushroom 蘑菇、dried mushroom / black mushroom 冬菇、champignon 香菇、needle mushroom 金针菇、asparagus 芦笋、dried bamboo shoot 笋干、fennel 茴香、corn 玉米、aloe 芦荟、white fungus 白木耳、snow pea 荷兰豆、
2023-07-27 15:50:441


形容食物的英文单词语: 酸:sour; 甜:sweet; 苦:bitter; 辣:hot/spicy; 麻辣 :Spicy; 咸:salty; 软:soft/tender; 硬:hard; 脆:crispy; 美味的:yummy 扩展资料   但四川菜以麻辣为特色,我在鱼乡肉丝里加了些辣椒和花椒。 I have put pepper and Chinese prickly ash in it.   我真的`很有兴趣吃麻辣火锅。I am really in the mood for a spicy hotpot.   在那一天美国人一定会吃香脆可口的火鸡。而如今吃火鸡已经成为感恩节庆祝的一部份。  Americans will have crispy and yummy turkey on that day, which is now a part of the celebration.   我们常常吃了开胃的菜,接着就吃甜的菜。We often follow the savoury course with a sweet course.   你想再吃点甜食吗? Would you like some more sweet?
2023-07-27 15:51:041

"hot off" 点解

HOT OFF= 新鲜滚热辣,刚出炉 HOT OFF THE OVEN= 新鲜滚热辣,刚出炉 Chicken Enchilada – Hot off the oven with melted cheddar and Monterey jack cheese and fiesta toppings. Beef Enchilada – Hot off the oven with melted cheddar and Monterey jack cheese and fiesta toppings. Cheese & Potato Enchilada – Hot ... hannibals.catertrax/ shopdisplayproducts?prodid=140 - 42k - Hot off the press!意思是在新闻刚刚发生后,报纸就被印刷出来了。 根据出版的时间及频率,还有报导的新闻种类,报章杂志有不同的名字。 一份tabloid 或者rag 是一种主要印刷关于八卦或 ... 这个片语用来报导具震撼性的说头条新闻。类似的表达方式有Hot off the press!意思是在新闻刚刚发生后,报纸就被印刷出来了。 ... english/modules/sections/ index?op=viewarticle&artid=305 - 35k - HOT= 热辣 OFF=离开 THE PRESS=印刷机 (出版社) 试想像报纸书刊刚印出来,离开印刷机,纸温是很热,到达读者手时仍是暖的意思。这些问从事印刷的人便知。当然这是比喻,意思是指那些新闻是刚发生的。 确是说得清楚明白,好! 热新闻.............. 参考: 2.worldlingo/zh_/products_services/puter_trlation
2023-07-27 15:51:221


Hot and Sour Rice Noodles: 1, onion, ginger, mince garlic, mustard, chopped peanuts, lettuce wash translated into 8 cm long segment reserve 2, boil a pot of water, add 3 grams of salt, into the sweet potato powder 3, boiled sweet potato flour and cook for about 5 minutes (sweet potato powder) at the same time, the heated wok, heat pan pour cooking oil and sesame oil, 3, 4 seconds after the onion ginger garlic stir fragrant, add mustard crushed stir evenly. 4, in the wok pour vinegar and chili sauce, face, and then poured into a bowl of water to boil, add sugar and 3 grams of residual salt 5, will be cooked sweet potato powder and choose good lettuce into the boiling broth and cook for about 30 seconds, to be sweet potato powder absorption soup dark colors 6 the ground powder, melon, lettuce and soup in a bowl, red sprinkle, sprinkle with chopped green onion, chopped peanuts can master the 5 tips you can easily make a hot and sour flavor, aroma assail the nostrils of the Hot and Sour Rice Noodles: a boiled flour with salt, salty First impressions are strongest. Salt in boiled sweet potato powder in the hot water, can make the sweet potato flour in the mature process to absorb the salty, eat up not feel not tasty. Two is to stir materials, full flavour release. Eat a lot of Hot and Sour Rice Noodles are directly the onions, ginger, garlic, mustard on the broth, but if these materials oil stir fry, aroma can be fully released, and then add water to boil soup, absolute aroma. The first three are vinegar water, fully integrated taste. Directly to the vinegar into the Hot and Sour Rice Noodles, will inevitably feel sour particularly blunt, but if the vinegar, soy sauce, pepper noodles into the stir fried the onion ginger garlic, then boil water, complete fusion such broth hot and sour salty. Four is back for a moment, let the full flavor powder. Will be cooked sweet potato powder back into the soup in the cooking for a while, can make the sweet potato flour to fully absorb the soup taste, do not appear to completely separate soup taste situation. Five is the pan add sugar, highlight the hot and sour taste. Hot and sour taste of the dishes when cooking, put a little sugar pot before, is absolutely fresh fish flavor Punchline provided.希望可以帮到你!
2023-07-27 15:51:391

hot potato唱的告白空间可用连接

2023-07-27 15:52:152

Do not take the hot potato lightly

2023-07-27 15:52:241


1、本质不同Hip-Hop,中文译为嘻哈,是一种文化形式;Rap是一个黑人俚语中的词语,相当于“谈话”(talking),中文意思为说唱,是一种歌曲形式。2.起源不同Hip-Hop一般的说法认为它诞生于美国纽约布朗克斯;Rap发源于纽约贫困黑人聚居区。3.表现的形式不同嘻哈的表现形式通过涂鸦、街舞、DJ等来具现,而Rap的歌曲表现都是通过说唱乐,形式有西海岸说唱乐、南部说唱乐,流行说唱乐。扩展资料Hip-Hop和Rap结合的说唱音乐:1.东海岸说唱乐东海岸说唱Hip-Hop 总的来说比其西海岸说唱保留了更多的老派风格。Public Enemy,Boogie Down Productions,Run-D.M.C. 和其他精华的东海岸艺术家直接引鉴他们的前辈的简朴与直接性,与西海岸的华丽风格形成对比。由此产生了更有棱角的节奏和严谨而又有力的韵律。随着东西海岸的融合,说唱成为两岸文化的合金,清晰明快的东海岸之声继续蓬勃发展,涌现了一批如Nas,Mobb Deep 和Juru the Damaj a 之流的年轻有为的创新艺人。2.喜剧说唱乐喜剧说唱是 Hip-Hop 的轻松一面,由 80 年代 Biz Markie 创始。远离硬核与黑帮说唱的攻击性和暴力性的形象,喜剧说唱者在现代城市音乐的低音和敲击中加入了风趣和幽默的独特感觉。尽管黑帮说唱不久成了 Hip-Hop 中较受欢迎的形式,DJ J azzy Jeff 和 Fresh Prince的“Parents Just Don"t Understand” 和Bobby Jimmy & the Critters 的“Somebody Farted”等曲子仍不时上榜。3.基督教说唱基督教说唱就是在 Hip-Hop 节奏上唱出颂赞歌词。起初,Hip-Hop 的都市生活和暴力的主题与现代基督教音乐的和平与轻松似乎无缘。然而,DC Talk,T-Bone 和 Transformation Crusade 发现这两者的混合体是有观众的。MC Hammer 是第一个以明确的基督主题获得成功的说唱乐者;在 20 世纪 90 年代早期,他创作的热门单曲“Pray”把至今仍在萌芽期的基督教说唱介绍给他的广大听众。说唱音乐发展至今已不仅仅是黑人的音乐,它已遍及全球,成为一种独具特色的主流象征。4.另类说唱乐大多数说唱乐手常拘泥于一些既有的式样,而另类说唱/Hip-Hop 艺术家则大胆走向新方向。Arrested Development,the Jungle Brothers 和 A Tribe Called Quest 从 funk,爵士,reggae,灵魂乐,民谣,流行及其他任何启发他们的事物中找寻声音的灵感。由 Prince Paul 监制的 De La Soul 的 1989年的处女作 Three Feet High And Rising,改变了艺术的规则,戏剧 性地扩大了音乐界的视野。大部分另类说唱在普通描述都市生活、不公正和谎言的基础上,在歌词上标新立异、哲学上探索社会主流……
2023-07-27 15:45:231


2023-07-27 15:45:241


2023-07-27 15:45:255

李孝利的HI MR BIG 的中文发音歌词?

是heyHey! listen. Mr.Boy uc798ub09c ucc99 ud558ub294 uc785uc220ub85c【佯装清高的嘴唇】 zal nan cog ha nen yig sul lo uc774uc81cub294 uc18d uae4auc740 uc0acub791uc744 ub9d0ud574【现在诉说沉溺的爱】 yi jie nen sog gip ben sa lang en mal lie(he) Come on like a man uc790ub791ub9cc uac00ub4ddud55c ub9d0ub9c8ub2e4 ub530ubd84ud55c ubbf8ub798uac00 uc544ub4ddud55c uc18cub144ub4e4uc774uc5ec za lang man ka teg han mal ma da da bun han mi lie ga a teg han so niotel i yo 【充满骄傲 每天无聊 未来迷茫的少女们】 uac00uc2b4uc774 ub530ub73bud55c uc0dduac01uc774 ubc18ub4efud55c uc870uae08uc740 ucc28ubd84ud55c ub0a8uc790uac00 ub418uc918 ka sem mi dades han sieng ga gi ban tes han qio gen men ca bunhan nan ja ga dui zue 【心中温暖 思维正确 有些沉稳的男人们】 1ubd841ucd08 ubc14uc058uac8c uc2dcuacc4uce68uc778 uc228uac00uc058uaed8 ub3c4ub294ub370 uc65c ub298 uc81cuc790ub9ac Jump Jump ilbun ilco ba be gie si gie cin min sun gabe gie do nen die we nel zie za li 【一分一秒 忙碌的 时针呢 喘息着 又这样 为什么 总在原地 Jump Jump】 uc790uc874uc2ecuc740 NO uc790uc2e0uac10uc73cub85c ubb34uac70uc6b4 ud070 uc7ccucc98ub801,uc790ub77cub098uc918 za zon sin men NO za sin gan me lo mu go un ken zian co long,za la na zue 【自尊心呢 No 自信感 像沉睡的大山一样,长大吧】 Hey! listen. Mr.Boy uc798ub09c ucc99 ud558ub294 uc785uc220ub85c【佯装清高的嘴唇】 zal nan cog ha nen yig sul lo uc774uc81cub294 uc18d uae4auc740 uc0acub791uc744 ub9d0ud574【现在诉说深沉的爱】 yi jie nen sog gip ben sa lang en mal lie(he) Come on like a man Hey! get up Mr.Big ud6ccuca4d ub113uc5b4uc9c4 uc5b4uae68ub85c【一下子 用宽阔的肩膀】 hul zog nol bo zin o gie lo uc8fduc5b4ub3c4 uc9c0ucf1cuc904 uc5ecuc790ub97c uc548uae38【怀抱这死也要守护的女人】 zug go do ji kio zul yo jia lel an gil You Know real man Yeah, Hey Boy. Uh ub0a8uc790uc758 ub450 ub208uc774 uc138uc0c1uc744 uc0bcud0acub4ef ube5bub098uc5f0 ub108ubb34ub098 uba4buc9c0uac8c ubcf4uc5ec nan jia ye tu nun ni sie sang el san kilte bi na yon no mu na mo ji gie bo yo 【男人的两只眼睛 把世上包含着的 闪烁着的 非常帅气的展示】 ub0a8uc790uc758 uc2f8uc6c0uc740 ud798 uc544ub2cc ud76cub9dduc774 ucee4uc9c8ub54c uc5b8uc81cub098 uc2b9ub9acuac00 ubcf4uc5ec nan jia ye sa un men hin a nin hvi mang i ko zil die on jie na seng li ga bo yo 【男人的搏斗 不是力量 希望成长的时候 何时把胜利展示】 Hey Listen, Mr.Boy uac15ud55cucc99 ud558ub358 uc6a9uae30ub85c【佯装强大 用勇气】 kang han co h(k)a don yong gi lo uc6d0ud558ub294 uc18cuc6d0uc744 ud5a5ud574 ub110 ub358uc838【把希望的夙愿 向着那个方向投去】 won h(n)a nen so won nel hiang hie nol ton zio Burning Runing man Hey! get up Mr.Big uc138uc0c1uc744 uac00uc9c4 ub9d8uc73cub85c uc0c8ub86duac8c ud0dcuc5b4ub098【像是拥有全世界的崭新心情】 sie sang el kazin man me lo sie lo gie tie o na I"m waiting for U Let"s go Mr.Big Hey! Listen, Mr.Boy uc798ub09c ucc99 ud558ub294 uc785uc220ub85c【佯装清高的嘴唇】 zal nan cog ha nen yig sul lo uc774uc81cub294 uc18d uae4auc740 uc0acub791uc744 ub9d0ud574【现在诉说深沉的爱】 yi jie nen sog gip ben sa lang en mal lie(he) Come on like a man Hey! get up Mr.Big ud6ccuca4d ub113uc5b4uc9c4 uc5b4uae68ub85c【一下子 用宽阔的肩膀】 hul zog nol bo zin o gie lo uc8fduc5b4ub3c4 uc9c0ucf1cuc904 uc5ecuc790ub97c uc548uae38【怀抱着死也要守护的女人】 zug go do ji kio zul yo jia lel an gil You Know real man 找不到你要的那种,将就
2023-07-27 15:45:253


2023-07-27 15:45:171

Mr. Big的《The Chain》 歌词

歌曲名:The Chain歌手:Mr. Big专辑:畅销情歌精选Fleetwood Mac - The ChainWritten by Lindsey Buckingham, Stevie Nicks,Mick Fleetwood, Christine McVie, and John McVie.Listen to the wind blow, watch the sun riseRun in the shadowsDamn your love, damn your liesAnd if you don"t love me nowYou will never love me againI can still hear you saying you would never break the chainAnd if you don"t love me nowYou will never love me againI can still hear you saying you would never break the chainListen to the wind blow, down comes the nightRun in the shadowsDamn your love, damn your liesBreak the silenceDamn the dark, damn the lightAnd if you don"t love me nowYou will never love me againI can still hear you saying you would never break the chainAnd if you don"t love me nowYou will never love me againI can still hear you saying you would never break the chainAnd if you don"t love me nowYou will never love me againI can still hear you saying you would never break the chainChain...keeps us together(run into the shadows)Chain...keeps us together(run into the shadows)Chain...keeps us together(run into the shadows)
2023-07-27 15:45:171


二甘醇Diethylene glycol又名一缩二乙二醇,一缩乙二醇,二乙二醇分子式 C4H10O3 分子量 106.12结构式 HO-CH2-CH2-O-CH2-CH2-OH由环氧乙烷和乙二醇作用制得。也是环氧乙烷高温水合制乙二醇时的副产品。外观:无色透明或微带淡黄色有辛辣气味的粘稠液体。易燃,低毒。用途:主要用作气体脱水剂和芳烃抽提溶剂。
2023-07-27 15:45:111


SUV的全称是Sport Utility Vehicle,中文意思是运动型多用途汽车。SUV是指运动型多用途汽车,不同于可在崎岖地面使用的ORV越野车(Off-Road Vehicle的缩写);SUV全称是sport utility vehicle,或suburban utility vehicle,即城郊多用途汽车,是一种拥有旅行车般的空间机能,配以货卡车的越野能力的车型。SUV的特点:SUV的特点是强动力、越野性、宽敞舒适及良好的载物和载客功能,也有人说,SUV是豪华轿车的舒适精细加上越野车的本性。SUV是轿车与越野车的混血后裔,与其祖先相比,SUV有着更大的优势。越野车的最大特点是通过能力较强,同时也具有一定的载货能力,但运动性、舒适性并不突出;而把越野车的这些不足加强后,就可称之为SUV。既具备了越野车的功能,又能在城市中行驶,不失风范,通俗点就是能在城市中开的越野车。
2023-07-27 15:45:111