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i potato you什么意思?

i potato you翻译中文:我土豆你。I potato you作为一个俚语句子,我们可以查阅urban dictionary(这部词典收录了很多地道俚语表达),英文解释是I potato you is between I like you and I love you,it represents the stage between a crush and love.也就是说,I potato you指的是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间,代表现在正处于对你和有好感和爱你的状态中间。这里的potato,我们是作为动词使用的,表示喜欢和爱之间,姑且可以理解为很喜欢,超喜欢(但还没有达到爱的程度)。为啥用土豆potato来表达这样的感觉?因为土豆在土壤里慢慢生长,像极了从喜欢生长成爱情呢!英语例句:1、 Oh,Mary,I potato you!喔,玛丽,我超级喜欢你啊!2、 Adam is so handsome and I potato him so much.亚当真是太帅气了,我超级超级喜欢他啊。


1、Ipotatoyou指的是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间,代表现在正处于对你和有好感和爱你的状态中间。这里的potato,是作为动词使用的,表示喜欢和爱之间,可以理解为很喜欢,超喜欢(但还没有达到爱的程度)。 2、例句: AdamissohandsomeandIpotatohimsomuch.亚当真是太帅气了,我超级超级喜欢他啊。


potato you指的是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间,代表现在正处于对你和有好感和爱你的状态中间。因为土豆在土壤里慢慢生长,像极了从喜欢生长成爱情呢!所以I potato you这句话就发展成这一中间说法了。I potato you是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间的一种情感。如果很喜欢一个人,但是还没到达爱的程度,就可以说I potato you。之所以用potato来形容,是因为这种感情正在从like慢慢发展成love,就好像是土豆从小长到大的生长过程。重点词汇:potato 英[pu0259'teu026atu0259u028a]释义:n.[作物]土豆,[作物]马铃薯[复数:potatoes]短语:mashed potato马铃薯泥;土豆泥;薯泥;土豆蓉扩展资料:词语使用变化:1、potatopotato的意思是“马铃薯,土豆”,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。用于比喻可作“微不足道的人或物”解。2、youpron.(代词)1、you是第二人称代词,意为“你,您,你们”,用作主语或宾语或用于介词之后,也可单独使用。2、you也可与名词或形容词连用,用于生气地称呼某人时,作“你这个,你们这些”解。

英语I phtato you怎么翻译?

您好,在英语中phtato不构成一个单词,请您再仔细确认一下。另外,我考虑到您可能把“potato”误写成“phtato”。如果是“I potato you"的话,意思是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间。如果我们很喜欢一个人,但是还没有达到爱的程度,我们可以说“I potato you"。

i potato you什么意思?

i potato you翻译中文:我土豆你。I potato you作为一个俚语句子,我们可以查阅urban dictionary(这部词典收录了很多地道俚语表达),英文解释是I potato you is between I like you and I love you,it represents the stage between a crush and love.也就是说,I potato you指的是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间,代表现在正处于对你和有好感和爱你的状态中间。这里的potato,我们是作为动词使用的,表示喜欢和爱之间,姑且可以理解为很喜欢,超喜欢(但还没有达到爱的程度)。为啥用土豆potato来表达这样的感觉?因为土豆在土壤里慢慢生长,像极了从喜欢生长成爱情呢!英语例句:1、 Oh,Mary,I potato you!喔,玛丽,我超级喜欢你啊!2、 Adam is so handsome and I potato him so much.亚当真是太帅气了,我超级超级喜欢他啊。

i potato you是什么意思呢?

i potato you翻译中文:我土豆你。I potato you作为一个俚语句子,我们可以查阅urban dictionary(这部词典收录了很多地道俚语表达),英文解释是I potato you is between I like you and I love you,it represents the stage between a crush and love.也就是说,I potato you指的是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间,代表现在正处于对你和有好感和爱你的状态中间。这里的potato,我们是作为动词使用的,表示喜欢和爱之间,姑且可以理解为很喜欢,超喜欢(但还没有达到爱的程度)。为啥用土豆potato来表达这样的感觉?因为土豆在土壤里慢慢生长,像极了从喜欢生长成爱情呢!英语例句:1、 Oh,Mary,I potato you!喔,玛丽,我超级喜欢你啊!2、 Adam is so handsome and I potato him so much.亚当真是太帅气了,我超级超级喜欢他啊。

i potato you什么意思?

i potato you翻译中文:我土豆你。I potato you作为一个俚语句子,我们可以查阅urban dictionary(这部词典收录了很多地道俚语表达),英文解释是I potato you is between I like you and I love you,it represents the stage between a crush and love.也就是说,I potato you指的是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间,代表现在正处于对你和有好感和爱你的状态中间。这里的potato,我们是作为动词使用的,表示喜欢和爱之间,姑且可以理解为很喜欢,超喜欢(但还没有达到爱的程度)。为啥用土豆potato来表达这样的感觉?因为土豆在土壤里慢慢生长,像极了从喜欢生长成爱情呢!英语例句:1、 Oh,Mary,I potato you!喔,玛丽,我超级喜欢你啊!2、 Adam is so handsome and I potato him so much.亚当真是太帅气了,我超级超级喜欢他啊。

i potato you的含义来源

i potato you的含义来源如下:我喜欢你I potato you是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间的一种情感。如果很喜欢一个人,但是还没到达爱的程度,就可以说I potato you。之所以用potato来形容,是因为这种感情正在从like慢慢发展成love,就好像是土豆从小长到大的生长过程。重点词汇:potato英[pu0259'teu026atu0259u028a]释义:n.[作物]土豆,[作物]马铃薯[复数:potatoes]短语:mashed potato马铃薯泥;土豆泥;薯泥;土豆蓉扩展资料:词语使用变化:1、potatopotato的意思是“马铃薯,土豆”,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。用于比喻可作“微不足道的人或物”解。2、youpron.(代词)1、you是第二人称代词,意为“你,您,你们”,用作主语或宾语或用于介词之后,也可单独使用。2、you也可与名词或形容词连用,用于生气地称呼某人时,作“你这个,你们这些”解。

i potato you什么意思?

I potato you指的是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间,代表现在正处于对你和有好感和爱你的状态中间。这里的potato,是作为动词使用的,表示喜欢和爱之间,可以理解为很喜欢,超喜欢(但还没有达到爱的程度)。例句Adam is so handsome and I potato him so much.亚当真是太帅气了,我超级超级喜欢他啊。potato词组1、hot potato烫手山芋或特别棘手的问题2、big potato大人物3、small potato小人物4、Mouse potato电脑迷或网虫

I am only a small potato.什么意思



potato 英 [pəˈteɪtəʊ]美 [pəˈteɪtoʊ]n.马铃薯;土豆;洋芋变形名词复数:potatoes例句The potatoes are planted by machine.这些土豆是用机器种植的。The delivery of potatoes was several kilos light.送货送来的土豆少了好几公斤。Will you peel the potatoes for me?你给我削土豆皮好不好?

I love potatos.这句话哪里错了?


I like potatos 这句有什么错误吗


谁能告诉我 you are my big potato 的引申意是什么?


平常拿你当兄弟的人突然说i potato you你该怎么办该怎么回答?


当男朋友发I potato you的时候是什么意思?


potato可以做动词吗,我看到了I potato you.是个动词短语。potato不是名词吗?


potato可以做动词吗,我看到了I potato you.是个动词短语。potato不是名词吗?


i potato you出自哪部电影

i potato you出自哪部电影:I Potato you(我土豆你) is between i like you and i love you (是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间)

i potato you怎么回复?


男朋友对你说i potato you怎么回复?


ipotato you什么意思?


i potato you怎么回复?

what 7 you say?

i potato you翻译 potato的本来意思是什么

1、“I potato you”的意思是“我超喜欢你”,它是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间,适用于喜欢一个人,但没有达到爱的程度。比如: You are so pretty, I potato you.(你很漂亮,我很喜欢你。) 2、potato本意:马铃薯、土豆、洋芋。

i potato you翻译什么意思 potato什么梗(指我很喜欢你)

最近一句英文是在网上火了起来,这句话就是“i potato you”了,“potato”是“土豆”的意思,于是很多人便将i potato you翻译成为“我土豆你”,其实这样翻译是错误的哦!“potato”在这句英文中的所指的也并不是“土豆”,其实还有着更深层次的意思,下面我就来给你科普一下! i potato you翻译什么意思 我想只要是懂点英语的人都知道“potato”通常是指“土豆”的意思,所以当i potato you这句话流行起来时,很多人便将其翻译成“我土豆你”,其实这种翻译是并不准确的哦!它的真实意思应该是代表了“我很喜欢你!”,“potato”在这里是指“很喜欢”的意思,现在大家知道了吧?如果有人对你用这个英文的话,这其实是在向你表白哦! 看到这里很多人就会为了“我喜欢你”的因为说法不是“i like you”吗?为什么会是“i potato you”呢?其实这段英文是主要用于“我喜欢你”和“我爱你”之间的一种情感,表示你很喜欢一个人或者超级喜欢,但是还并没有达到“爱”的程度,但去高于“like”之上,所以就可以用“potato”来形容你对她的情感,是一个形容词! 之所以用“potato”来形容这种情感,这就和土豆的生长有关了,因为两人之间的感情就好比土豆发芽的过程一样,从发芽在到生长最后到成熟的一个过程。所以便用它来形容两人的感情正在从“like”向着“love”在正常发展! 所以看完上面的介绍你应该是彻底明白了这个英文的意思了吧?不要在误以为是“土豆你”了,而是在向你表白,如果你也“potato”他的话,那么不妨就在一起相爱吧!

英文“I potato you!”指的是什么意思?

英文“I potato you!”指的是什么意思? A.我超讨厌你 B.我超喜欢你 正确答案:B 有人就问了,土豆跟喜欢是怎么扯上关系的? A.这来自于英语俚语的解释: I potato you is between I like you and I love you, it represents the stage between a crush and love 因为英文中缺少一个能表达在“我喜欢你”和“我爱你”之间这一程度的词,代表现在正处于对某人有好感和爱某人的状态中间。 这里的potato是作为动词使用的,可以理解成:很喜欢,超喜欢。所以 I potato you 这句话就发展成这一中间说法了。 而为啥用 potato 来表达这样的感觉呢?因为土豆在土壤里慢慢生长,这个从小长到大的过程,真是像极了从喜欢生长成爱情。

i potato you是什么意思 i potato you翻译

Potato这个单词学过英语的人都知道是土豆的意思,那么这句I potato you翻译过来不就是“我土豆你”的意思吗?为什么网上还有那么多人用它表白呢?其实这只是我们的直译,看完以下我的分析,你就会知道这句话其实是大有深意的。下面我们就一起来分析一下这句话中所包含的深刻含义都有哪些吧! 一、英语俚语中的特殊含义 I potato you作为一个俚语句子,我们可以查阅urban dictionary(这部词典收录了很多地道俚语表达),英文解释是I potato you is between I like you and I love you,it represents the stage between a crush and love. 也就是说,I potato you指的是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间,代表现在正处于对你和有好感和爱你的状态中间。 这里的potato,我们是作为动词使用的,表示喜欢和爱之间,姑且可以理解为很喜欢,超喜欢(但还没有达到爱的程度)。 为啥用土豆potato来表达这样的感觉?因为土豆在土壤里慢慢生长,像极了从喜欢生长成爱情呢! ① Oh,Mary,I potato you! 喔,玛丽,我超级喜欢你啊! ② Adam is so handsome and I potato him so much. 亚当真是太帅气了,我超级超级喜欢他啊。 二、英语中的代指 关于potato——土豆我们分享过好多词组了,比如说hot potato表示烫手山芋或特别棘手的问题,big potato表示大人物,small potato表示小人物。 Couch potato和mouse potato中的potato类似于big potato和small potato,都是指代人。 Couch potato字面意思是“沙发土豆”,主要指的是那些躺在沙发上,花大量时间看电视又不怎么运动的人,电视迷。 Mouse potato字面意思是“鼠标人”(这里的mouse不是老鼠哦),主要指的是那些花很多时间使用电脑或上网的人,一直点击鼠标,坐在计算机前的人,也可称为“电脑迷或网虫”。 ① Donu2019t be a couch potato!Move your ass and letu2019s go running. 别老窝在沙发上看电视了!起来跟我一起去跑步。 ② This new computer is for school work,do you understand? I don"t want you to be a mouse potato. 这个新电脑是为你的功课用的,你明白吗?我不想你成为一个网虫。 不止是我们的汉语文化博大精深,英语中的很多词也是有很多的引申含义的。所以如果你对英语了解的不够透彻的话,凭借你的直译是很难理解到其中的含义的,甚至你还会因为这个闹出很多的笑话来。看完以上我对I potato you翻译的解释,大家知道I potato you是什么意思了吗?

关于potato单词的用法,I potato you,怎么理解?


I potato you是什么梗 I potato you是什么意思

Ipotatoyou是表示一种超过我喜欢你又低于我爱你之间的一种感情。众所周知potato是土豆的意思,并且无论把土豆放在什么地方,土豆都是极其容易发芽的,而从like到love的过程,就像小土豆慢慢从土里面发芽,然后慢慢长大,就像到最后无法自拔的爱上你是必然的。  Ipotatoyou作为一个俚语句子,我们可以查阅urbandictionary(这部词典收录了很多地道俚语表达),英文解释是IpotatoyouisbetweenIlikeyouandIloveyou,itrepresentsthestagebetweenacrushandlove.  这里的potato,我们是作为动词使用的,表示喜欢和爱之间,姑且可以理解为很喜欢,超喜欢(但还没有达到爱的程度)。  Ipotatoyou的英语例句:1、Oh,Mary,Ipotatoyou!喔,玛丽,我超级喜欢你啊!2、AdamissohandsomeandIpotatohimsomuch.亚当真是太帅气了,我超级超级喜欢他啊。

i potato you什么意思?

译文:我喜欢你I potato you是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间的一种情感。如果很喜欢一个人,但是还没到达爱的程度,就可以说I potato you。之所以用potato来形容,是因为这种感情正在从like慢慢发展成love,就好像是土豆从小长到大的生长过程。重点词汇:potato英[pu0259'teu026atu0259u028a]释义:n.[作物]土豆,[作物]马铃薯[复数:potatoes]短语:mashed potato马铃薯泥;土豆泥;薯泥;土豆蓉扩展资料:词语使用变化:1、potatopotato的意思是“马铃薯,土豆”,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。用于比喻可作“微不足道的人或物”解。2、youpron.(代词)1、you是第二人称代词,意为“你,您,你们”,用作主语或宾语或用于介词之后,也可单独使用。2、you也可与名词或形容词连用,用于生气地称呼某人时,作“你这个,你们这些”解。

i potato you翻译中文

i potato you翻译中文:我土豆你。I potato you作为一个俚语句子,我们可以查阅urban dictionary(这部词典收录了很多地道俚语表达),英文解释是I potato you is between I like you and I love you,it represents the stage between a crush and love.也就是说,I potato you指的是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间,代表现在正处于对你和有好感和爱你的状态中间。这里的potato,我们是作为动词使用的,表示喜欢和爱之间,姑且可以理解为很喜欢,超喜欢(但还没有达到爱的程度)。为啥用土豆potato来表达这样的感觉?因为土豆在土壤里慢慢生长,像极了从喜欢生长成爱情呢!英语例句:1、 Oh,Mary,I potato you!喔,玛丽,我超级喜欢你啊!2、 Adam is so handsome and I potato him so much.亚当真是太帅气了,我超级超级喜欢他啊。

i potato you什么意思


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mandatory 这个词,作为形容词的时候,它通常指因为有法律或条款规定,是“必须履行的,是法定的,是有约束力的”。请听例句。Examples:Wearing helmets is mandatory for all cyclists.所有骑自行车的人都必须戴头盔。It"s mandatory to submit your income details with your mortgage application.在申请房贷时,收入信息是必须填写的。Helen:另外,mandatory 还有许多与法律有关的固定表达,比如:mandatory test 强制性测试,mandatory sentence 法定判决,mandatory retirement age 法定退休年龄等等。请听例句。Examples:Athletes must undergo mandatory drug tests for the Olympics.要参加奥运会,运动员必须做药检。The mandatory retirement age for a man is 65 years old.男士的法定退休年龄是65岁。Helen:最后 Lynn 还提到了 compulsive 这个词。这需要单独列出,因为它和法律或者条款都没有关系。它的意思是“强迫性的,极为着迷的,上瘾的”,可以形容难以抑制的冲动。请听例句。Examples:This new TV series is compulsive viewing.这部新电视剧真是一部令人上瘾的剧。He is a compulsive liar. You can"t believe a word he says.他说谎成性。你根本不能相信他说的话。She"s going through a phase of compulsive overeating.她现在处于强迫性暴食的阶段。

obligatory , mandatory , compulsory ,compulsive , imperative 这几个的区别呢?哪个和哪个是近义词啊?

obligatory 义不容辞的,理所应当的mandatory 强制的,托管的compulsory 必修的compulsive 强迫的imperative 势在必行的近义词:compulsory和Obligatory


释义上三者没有区别。 在习惯用法和搭配上略有不同。mandatory最常用,compulsory 其次,obligatory最不常用且最正式。搭配方面, 前两者常见的组合有:mandatory testing, mandatory sentencing and mandatory retirement.compulsory military service and compulsory education另外obligatory还有另一层意思,形容某件事太频繁以至于完全在意料之中,例如:This action movie includes the obligatory chase scene.这部动作电影加入了无一例外的汽车追逐场景。


compulsory指的是依据法律法规必须得做的。例如,我们所说的义务教育,服兵役等。这些针对国民每一个人来说,都是有责任有义务必须履行的。mandatory则是指获得某种授权(后)必须得做的。比如党政领导干部,必须遵纪守法,不得擅自做主更改政策等。例句辨析:mandatory1、It"s mandatory for citizens to pay taxes. 公民有征缴税款的义务。2、This independent review of domestic financial systems should be mandatory and public. 这一对国内金融体系的独立审查应该是强制性的和公开的。3、In2003 the company has passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification and accreditation mandatory CCC. 公司已于2003年通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证和CCC强制性认证。compulsory1、In Germany learning Russian was not compulsory. 在德国,俄语不是必修课。2、Many young men are trying to get away from compulsory military conscription.很多年轻人试图逃避强制征兵的政策。3、English, Maths, ICT and science are compulsory subjects. 英语、数学、信息与通信技术和科学是必修科目。


compulsory指的是依据法律法规必须得做的。例如,我们所说的义务教育,服兵役等。这些针对国民每一个人来说,都是有责任有义务必须履行的。mandatory则是指获得某种授权(后)必须得做的。比如党政领导干部,必须遵纪守法,不得擅自做主更改政策等。例句辨析:mandatory1、It"s mandatory for citizens to pay taxes. 公民有征缴税款的义务。2、This independent review of domestic financial systems should be mandatory and public. 这一对国内金融体系的独立审查应该是强制性的和公开的。3、In2003 the company has passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification and accreditation mandatory CCC. 公司已于2003年通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证和CCC强制性认证。compulsory1、In Germany learning Russian was not compulsory. 在德国,俄语不是必修课。2、Many young men are trying to get away from compulsory military conscription.很多年轻人试图逃避强制征兵的政策。3、English, Maths, ICT and science are compulsory subjects. 英语、数学、信息与通信技术和科学是必修科目。



Lib Ref Footprint Desingnator Part Type是什么意思

Lib Ref 在元件库中的型号Footprint 元件的封装Desingnator 元件的标号Part Type 元器件的型号

在元件属性中,Lib Ref、Footprint、Designator、PartType分别代表什么含意?

lib ref 指元件名称或类型名称footprint指元件封装类型designator指元件符号,如ic用U?,二极管有D?等part type指元件属性,一般指参数值等信息

in what important ways was Aristotle different from Plato

在哪些重要途径,是亚里士多德不同于柏拉图The philosophies of Plato and Aristotle differ on many issues. One of the most important things to examine are their differing views on ethical theory. One can find many points of conflict between the ethical theories of Plato and Aristotle. However, one of the most important points are their differing views on the human function (ergon) and its role in ethics. We will examine two different arguments regarding the human function and compare the different goals of each. One of the most interesting contrasts between the ethical beliefs of Plato and Aristotle rests in their arguments on the human function. Towards the end of Book One of The Republic, Socrates is trying to prove to Thrasymachus that it is better to be just than unjust. He begins by establishing that everything has its own specific function, and that that function is “that which one can do only with it or best with it (Republic I 352e).” For example, the function of eyes is to see, and since a pruning knife is better suited to pruning than a butcher"s knife, its function is to prune. Having established this, Socrates goes on to argue that everything also has a virtue that relates to the performance of its function. The virtue of eyes would be sight and the virtue of the pruning knife would be its sharpness. An object that is deficient in its virtue is said to be incapable of performing its function well (a dull knife would not be able to cut properly). Having shown this, Socrates turns his attention to the human soul and its function. “Is there some function of a soul that you couldn"t perform with anything else, for example, taking care of things, ruling, deliberating, and the like? Is there anything other than a soul to which you could rightly assign these, and say that they are its peculiar function? ...What of living? Isn"t that a function of the soul? (Republic I 353d)” Thrasymachus agrees to Socrates" definition of the soul"s function and they go on to examine what the virtue of the soul is, that allows it to perform its function. From his previous argument regarding the importance of virtue in the performance of one"s function, Socrates extrapolates that a non-virtuous soul would do a poor job of ruling, deliberating, living…etc, while a virtuous one would do all of these things admirably. Socrates then references a previous point in the discussion, when he and Thrasymachus had established that justice was the virtue of the soul, and injustice its vice. This allows Socrates to conclude that a just soul and a just man will live well and be happy, while an unjust man will not live well and be unhappy. The argument that Plato has put forth has one major flaw that is important to examine. When Socrates references his previous conclusion that justice is the virtue of the soul, it is unclear when such a conclusion was soundly argued for. Irwin comments on this problem “It is less clear, however, that Socrates is entitled to assume that justice is the human virtue. Although he has refuted Thrasymachus" claim that injustice is a virtue, he has not thereby proved that justice is a virtue. (Irwin P.179)” The refutation that Irwin is speaking of are two different arguments that Socrates presented to show that injustice is not the virtue of the soul. The first was when Thrasymachus stated that an unjust person would always be overreaching and trying to best his peers. Socrates responded by showing that this overreaching is not actually a good thing and would be a foolish way to live. The second argument is when Socrates demonstrates that injustice causes internal tension and strife that would be detrimental to the person. Thrasymachus believes that an unjust person would always choose injustice over justice. To this, Socrates responds by asking “Do you think that a city, an army, a band of robbers or thieves, or any other tribe with a common unjust purpose would be able to achieve it if they were unjust to each other? (Republic I 351c)” Thrasymachus agrees that injustice creates conditions under which it is impossible for people to work together. Socrates then applies this conclusion to the soul, stating that injustice prevents the different areas of the soul from working together and thus prevents them from working toward a common goal. Although these two arguments soundly refute Thrasymachus" claim that injustice is the human virtue, they do not prove that justice is the soul"s virtue. In the opening chapters of the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle examines various types of good ends and concludes that happiness is the ultimate good to pursue. In chapter seven of Book I, Aristotle tackles the role of the human function in the pursuit of happiness/goodness. He first establishes that the good for anything that has a function rests in the performance of that function. Next, Aristotle tries to figure out whether there is a specific function for all human beings, or if a person"s function is only related to his role in society. “Then do the carpenter and the leatherworker have their functions and actions, while a human being has none, and is by nature idle, without any function? Or, just as eye, hand, foot and, in general, every part apparently has its functions, may we likewise ascribe to a human being some function besides all theirs? (Nicomachean Ethics Book I Chapter 7 29-33)” Believing that there is some function that is applicable only to humans, Aristotle attempts to figure out what this function is. First, he excludes the process of growth and nutrition, as neither are applicable only to humans. He also excludes what he calls the life of sense-perception, as this is also not solely a human trait. He finally concludes that the human function is to utilize the part of the soul that exhibits reason. Following this, he puts forth a set of arguments that connect the human function of utilizing reason, to the concept of the ultimate good end. Aristotle establishes that the function of any F is the same as the function of an exceptional F. The only difference is that the exceptional F is expected to do its job well. Combining this point with his idea that the human function is that which expresses reason, Aristotle shows that the excellent man"s function is to express reason in an excellent manner. Aristotle"s next step is to proclaim that all functions will be completed well when they are done in a way that displays the corresponding virtue (ex. The harpists function is said to be completed well when the playing of the harp expresses excellence). He then takes his last three points and reaches his conclusion. “Therefore, by d, e and f, the human good turns out to be the soul"s activity that expresses virtue. (Nicomachean Ethics Book I Chapter 7 1098a 10-17)” For Aristotle, the “human good” seems to be synonymous with the attainment of happiness. Thus, in order for a human being to be happy, he or she must live a life that successfully expresses reason. The major differences that can be seen between these two arguments are seen when we examine the goals of both Plato and Aristotle. Plato has two main goals behind his argument, the first is to refute the position that injustice is better than justice. Secondly, his human function argument helps to set up the idea of his model cities, in which each person has a function and the city is virtuous when everyone performs their own function. Aristotle is examining happiness as the ultimate end and is searching for ways to get to that end. Thus, by proving that this good is found in the expression of reason, Aristotle is able to prescribe a path to happiness. If one fulfills one"s function, expression of reason, and does so in an excellent manner, one will necessarily attain happiness. Another way in which the two arguments differ is on their actual conceptualization of what the human function is. For Plato, the human function is defined as deliberation, ruling, living and taking care of things. This differs greatly from Aristotle idea of the human function which is, to perform activities that express reason. Not only are these two definitions very different, but they illustrate the chasm between the ways that each philosopher is thinking of the concept of a human function. Plato thinks of it in terms of the person"s place in society. His ideas of ruling, deliberating…etc pertain to the community in which one lives, and one"s relation to it. Aristotle approaches the problem from a much more individualistic point of view. Expressing reason in one"s action does not have anything to do with a relationship with other people or a community, but relates only to the individual. In conclusion, the biggest difference between Plato"s argument and Aristotle"s is their conceptualization of the concept of the human function. Also, their goals are vastly different. Plato uses his argument to refute those who would argue that injustice is beneficial and to set up his model city, in which virtue for the city is derived from each person fulfilling their function. Aristotle, on the other hand, uses his argument to directly set up a method for achieving the ultimate good.















gojo satoru怎么读

/gouzl satolu/。五条悟的意思。东京都立咒术高等专门学校一年级的班主任。身高超过190cm,为了动脑经常吃甜食而随之成为甜食党,是个什么都会的人,所以就基本什么都不做,本人谓之“培养新人”。四大特级咒术师之一,当代最强的咒术师。出生于咒术界御三家之一的五条家,为日本古代四大怨灵之一的菅原道真的后代。其天生拥有六眼,可使用无下限术式。觉醒反转术式后可以保持着术式无时无刻地发动。其将夏油杰视作自己唯一的挚友。涉谷战中独自对付多只特级咒灵,在将花御击杀后,因罥索利用夏油杰的身体在自己的眼前现身而受到迷惑,陷入圈套,被其用狱门疆封印。背景:该作单行本由集英社出版,其繁体中文版由东立出版社出版,中国香港由文化传信集团有限公司出版。简体中文电子版于哔哩哔哩漫画独家发布。作品亦被改编成同名电视动画片。漫画曾获“下一部漫画大赏”2018年第6名、“全国书店店员推荐漫画2019年第1名”的成绩。截至2021年9月28日,本作含电子版在内的系列累计销量已突破6000万册。


在牛津英汉字典中satoru是悟的意思,根据我看过的一些书籍,自己理解了一下 ,悟一般多用于佛教与道教,指体会、 理解、 明了的意思,悟性好的人可以在很多事情上一点就透。要说名字的话悟空、悟净、悟能。。。



Gato Barbieri的《Evil Eyes》 歌词

歌曲名:Evil Eyes歌手:Gato Barbieri专辑:TropicoArt: ASHTit:EVIL EYEBY:FantasticdesireShe"s giving me the evil eyeA poison smileAsking if I will stayA whileI made a promise to the nightIn bloodI signedThe lineGiving me the evil eyeI can"t denyOh that girl, she"s so damn fineDivine, so fineBound through all space and timeShivers running down my spineGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mineSinister parasiteShe occupiesEvery little space insideMy mindCorrupt thoughts here enshrinedSo clandestineSublimeGiving me the evil eyeI can"t denyOh that girl, she"s so damn fineDivine, so fineBound through all space and timeShivers running down my spineGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mineLove is pain and love is blindYou don"t know when you cross that linePretty soon you"re intertwinedWith this girlThunder rolls and lightning strikesBut you don"t know what it"s likeTo be all torn up insideIn this worldGiving me the evil eyeI can"t denyOh that girl, she"s so damn fineDivine, so fineBound through all space and timeShivers running down my spineGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mine; all minePromised to a valentineForever when the twelve bells chimeGiving me the evil eyeShe"s mine(Music fades)

因应 Intel Atom C2000 重大缺陷 ~ Synology 相关型号延长保固一年

日前处理器大厂Intel遭爆出其产品AtomC2000系列被发现存在时钟元件缺陷 症状是当该处理器被使用达18个月后,其故障率会大幅度增加(无法开机) 根本就是传说中的过保即坏的自毁装置XDDD AtomC2000系列CPU型号有 C2308、C2338、C2350、C2358、C2508、C2518、C2530、C2538、C2550、C2558、C2718、C2730、C2738、C2750、C2758 多数被使用于 网路设备、储存系统、微型伺服器 等装备 主要出货的厂商有 Cisco、Dell、Synology、Asrock、Aaeon、HP、Infortrend、Lanner、NEC、Newisys、Netgate、Netgear、Quanta、Supermicro、ZNYXNeorks、ASRockRack、iXsystems、Seagate、Sophos 上面所列表的厂商中,目前Synology已然发表公告 针对其旗下有使用到此系列CPU的产品 延长保固一年 所波及的型号有 DS415+,DS1515+DS1815+,DS2415+,RS815(RP)+,andRS2416(RP)+ ASUSG11CB电竞主机搭载最新NVIDIAGTX10708GB显示卡简单助您纵横游戏沙场的效能品牌套装主机 1+1双镜头5000mAh潮爽电量ASUSZenfone3Zoom在台上市 简易好用的文书机ASUSK31AD套装电脑拆机简测By港都狼仔 [免费]Asuswrt-Merlin简单无痛刷机ASUSRT-AC66U+B1/AC68U实作教学与简单测试 便利我的一个人小旅行~万国通路EminentH268H20吋软硬结合拉杆箱 想更快追踪到更多的更新请加入傻瓜狐狸的粉丝团



请教什么是shrinkage estimator

shrinkage estimator [释义] [计] 收缩估算量; shrinkage 英[u02c8u0283ru026au014bku026adu0292] 美[u02c8u0283ru026au014bku026adu0292] n. 收缩,皱缩,缩水; 跌价; 抽缩; [例句]Low shrinkage, high impact strength, good gloss.收缩率小,冲击强度高,光泽度好。双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义estimator 英["estu026ameu026atu0259] 美["estu0259u02ccmeu026atu0259] n. 评价者,评估特有者; 估测者; [网络] 推定量; 设计员; 佑计; [例句]We are discussing whether OLS estimator satisfy asymptotic normality.我们讨论是否OLS估计量满足渐近正态性。[其他] 形近词: estimated estimates 双语例句 英英释义 百度百科

请教什么是shrinkage estimator



I think, an estimator refers to e.g., Y-cap, and an estimate is the value obtained from running a regression.


一啦斯催特儿 哈哈




英[u02c8u026alu0259streu026atu0259(r)] 美[u02c8u026alu0259streu026atu0259r] 中文读法:伊勒斯催特



illustrator 怎么读

英 [u02c8u026alu0259streu026atu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8u026alu0259streu026atu0259r] n. 插图画家 网 络 设计; 汇稿员; 说明者; 插图画家 复数:illustrators 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 英汉双向大词典 1. N-COUNT 可数名词插图画家 An illustrator is an artist who draws pictures and diagrams for books and magazines. 英英释义 网络释义 Noun 1. an artist who makes illustrations (for books or magazines or advertisements etc.)双语例句 1. He is well-known as an illustrator of children"s books. 他是个著名的儿童书籍插图画家。 来自《简明英汉词典》2. She models for an illustrator. 她为一位插图画家当模特儿。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》3. Sometimes I sketch on paper and others I start sketching in Illustrator. 有时候我在纸上画手绘草稿,有时候在Illustrator里做草图。 来自互联网4. I made mine in Illustrator and added some effects with the mesh tool there. 我将自己的一些小东西放在Illustrator中,并用网格工具添加了一些效果。



Elevators (Me & You) 歌词

歌曲名:Elevators (Me & You)歌手:Outkast专辑:Original Album ClassicsPussycat Dolls - Elevatorif we could stop fightin" each otherlong enough for us to see that, see that, see thatthat we are stronger together, than separatebabe you gotta believe that, "lieve that, "lieve thatbut you love me today, don"t want me round tomorroweverytime you change your mind, i followcaught up, fall up in your maze and im so dizzy babecan"t keep goin" back and forth on these wavesi"m gettin" sea sick, sea sick, sea sicklike the way we were beforeAnd I wanna know if we can goBack to the days when we was closeCuz sometimes I think I"m soloThink you don"t want me no moreAnd I gotta get up off this seesawWe"re like an elevatorWe go up and we go down, down, downLike an elevatorWe touch the sky and touch the ground, ground, groundLike an elevatorYou stuck on 1, while I"m pressin 3Then we get up on the 4th floor, but then we disagreeAnd you keep on blamin" meBut I wish that you would seeThat I"m just tryna elevate ya like an elevatorTake you higher, t-t-take you higherThat I"m just tryna elevate ya like an elevatorTake you higher, t-t-take you higherThat I"m just tryna elevate ya like an elevatorAnd I feel, like we speakin" two different languagesIt"s hard to read ya, read ya, read yaBut I know, if you at least try to make it half wayI swear that I"ll meet ya, meet ya, meet yaBut we can"t have a conversation without beefin"Yellin" back and forth for no good reasonI won"t let you leave and you keep askin" me to stayOne of us better figure out what we wantCuz I"m gettin" a headache, headache, headacheLike the way we were beforeAnd I wanna know if we can goBack to the days when we was closeCuz sometimes I think I"m soloThink you don"t want me no moreAnd I gotta get up off this seesawWe"re like an elevatorWe go up and we go down, down, downLike an elevatorWe touch the sky and touch the ground, ground, groundLike an elevatorYou stuck on 1, while I"m pressin 3Then we get up on the 4th floor, but then we disagreeAnd you keep on blamin" meBut I wish that you would seeThat I"m just tryna elevate ya like an elevatorOh if there"s any man who understand what I"m sayin"Won"t you help me say yeah (yeah), yeah (yeah), yeah (yeah)Oh there gotta be some women who feelin" the way I"m feelin"Say yeah (yeah), yeah (yeah), yeahI"ll take the blame if it"ll make this go stopI"ll hope for you if we can make it to the topBut we gotta find a way to break down these walls babyI"m waitin" on you, stop waitin" on me, damn this elevatorWe go up and we go down, down, downLike an elevatorWe touch the sky and touch the ground, ground, groundLike an elevatorYou stuck on 1, while I"m pressin 3Then we get up on the 4th floor, but then we disagreeAnd you keep on blamin" meBut I wish that you would seeThat I"m just tryna elevate ya like an elevatorTake you higher, t-t-take you higherThat I"m just tryna elevate ya like an elevatorTake you higher, t-t-take you higherThat I"m just tryna elevate ya like an elevator



Atomic Kitten-see ya歌词翻译

自己译的啦,你要检查一下啦yeah,yeah,yeah,oohoh,babyyeah,yeah,yeahcheck it out now,ooh把它找出来baby,check it out now宝贝,把它找出来 i"ve been looking and been searching,oh baby噢,宝贝,我一直在找寻着for the one who"ll be true(oh,yeah,ooh)一个真挚的人and i thought that i had found him我想我找到他oh,boy,but now i know it"s not you(oh,yeah,ooh)噢,男孩,但现在我知道那个人不是你"cos you can see me running因为你看见我在跑的时候but you"re standing still你仍站在那里you don"t believe it"s coming你不相信它已经来了but you know that it will但你知道它会来so,baby,see ya因而,宝贝,再见all right(oh,yeh)好i wouldn"t wanna be ya tonight今晚我不想跟你在一起let me make it clear,all right让我说清楚一点,好吗you"re not the one for me,yeah你不是适合我的那个人yeah,yeah,yeahwe"ll there"s plenty more where you came from从你来的地方,我们会有更多so i think i"ll go fish(oh,yeah,ooh)因而我想我会去钓鱼"cos there"s a great big ocean out there因为那里有个很大的海洋and,boy,you"re not my favourite dish(oh,yeah,ooh)男孩,我的最爱不是你"cos you can see me sinking因为你看着我沉下去like i told you so像我跟你说的那样i need a new direction我需要一个新方向but you won"t let me go但你不会让我去找so,baby,see ya因而,宝贝,再见all right(oh,yeah)好i wouldn"t wanna be ya tonight今晚我不想跟你在一起let me make it clear,all right让我说清楚一点,好吗you"re not the one for me,yeah你不是适合我的那个人yeah,yeah,yeah(ooh)check it out now把它找出来"cos you can see me running因为你看见我在跑的时候but you"re standing still你仍站在那里you don"t believe it"s coming你不相信它已经来了but you know that it will但你知道它会来so,baby,see ya因而,宝贝,再见all right(oh,yeah)好i wouldn"t wanna be ya tonight今晚我不想跟你在一起let me make it clear,all right让我说清楚一点,好吗you"re not the one for me,yeah你不是适合我的那个人yeah,yeah,yeah(oh,baby)so baby,see ya因而,宝贝,再见all right(oh,yeah)好i wouldn"t wanna be ya(yeah,yeah,yeah)今晚我不想跟你在一起let me make it clear,all right让我说清楚一点,好吗you"re not the one for me,yeah你不是适合我的那个人yeah,yeah,yeah(ooh)

Atomic Kitten的《See Ya》 歌词

歌曲:See Ya歌手:Atomic Kittenyeah,yeah,yeah,oohoh,babyyeah,yeah,yeahcheck it out now,oohbaby,check it out nowi"ve been looking and been searching,oh babyfor the one who"ll be true(oh,yeah,ooh)and i thought that i had found himoh,boy,but now i know it"s not you(oh,yeah,ooh)"cos you can see me runningbut you"re standing stillyou don"t believe it"s comingbut you know that it willso,baby,see yaall right(oh,yeh)i wouldn"t wanna be ya tonightlet me make it clear,all rightyou"re not the one for me,yeahyeah,yeah,yeahwe"ll there"s plenty more where you came fromso i think i"ll go fish(oh,yeah,ooh)"cos there"s a great big ocean out thereand,boy,you"re not my favourite dish(oh,yeah,ooh)"cos you can see me sinkinglike i told you soi need a new directionbut you won"t let me goso,baby,see yaall right(oh,yeah)i wouldn"t wanna be ya tonightlet me make it clear,all rightyou"re not the one for me,yeahyeah,yeah,yeah(ooh)check it out now"cos you can see me runningbut you"re standing stillyou don"t believe it"s comingbut you know that it willso,baby,see yaall right(oh,yeah)i wouldn"t wanna be ya tonightlet me make it clear,all rightyou"re not the one for me,yeahyeah,yeah,yeah(oh,baby)so baby,see yaall right(oh,yeah)i wouldn"t wanna be ya(yeah,yeah,yeah)let me make it clear,all rightyou"re not the one for me,yeahyeah,yeah,yeah

[终结者2.审判日].Terminator.2.Judgment.Day(Skynet.Edition)1991.Bluray.1080p. 这个版本的音轨,

【终结者2】Terminator.2.Judgment.Day.2Title.Edition.1991.HDDVD.Bluray.1080p.DTS-ES.2Audio.x264-CHD 这是我电脑里的版本 1-3部都是在思路下的 你去那里找找吧

DS模拟器“No$gba Emulator”如何调整声音的大小?

1.NO$GBA不能调音量,但可以关闭声音调声音:按“F11”--“Emulation setup”(模拟器配置)--右边第一个“Sound Output Mode”括号中的字是指游戏的运行速度。None是指不模拟器声音,可以提升运行时的速度;Digital Mono是指模拟单声道输出,提升的速度比None要少。 2.如果遇到关声音就死机的NDS游戏,就要用最新模拟器了NO$GBA2.6a绿色中文版+NO$Zoomer2.3.0.2绿色中文版这个模拟器可以调音量减少游戏声音:“设置”--“音量”--“0%”

怎么操作NO $gba emulator

双击NO $ GBA游戏,游戏加载文件(必须是*。NDS)但不玩...选项>仿真设定,NDS游戏卡把他们设置为512K FLASH,其他设置自己看着做什么,没什么,控制拨乱反正召回的关键点选项>保存选项后,未来是否播放不会重新设置

counter calculator 请问 有区别吗?

楼主好,counter 有很多种意思: 如下n. 相反之事物; 回拳, 还击; 对立物; 主跟, 后帮#柜台; 筹码; 柜台式长桌; 伪造的硬币#计算者; 计算器, 计数器v. 反对; 反驳; 反击; 抵消; 反对; 反驳; 反击; 还击adv. 反方向地, 相反地而calculator相对而言就比较"专一" 意思如下:n. 计算者; 计算器; 计算表; 计算机操作者希望能帮到你^^

chriatopfer chak

你是不是想问Christopher Chak(泽日生)?写陈奕迅《富士山下》曲的那个?他是香港一个新晋作曲人这里有一篇《在富士山下的红绿灯爱得太迟》,是Green Coffee网站对杨镇邦、Christopher Chak、张家诚三位年轻作曲人的访问我把Christopher Chak的部分贴出来吧 G=Green Coffee C=Christopher ChakG: 不如首先自我介绍一下背景和入行的经过?C: 我是真的好「新」,写歌的数量很少,暂时只有 10首左右。我的first degree是accounting,做过很短时间auditing。发觉自己不钟意后,就去了一些大专院校做admin。现在正在修读psychology 的Master,一路以来都是当兴趣而part time 做音乐。自己从小学学弹琴至中五的8级,当时在教会又做司琴。其实如果没有Green Coffee,自己未必会咁快pickup去作曲,因为之前停了好多年。开头是因为发现Green coffee的成立,於是将首歌摆上去。有日Vicky (冯颖琪)打俾我,找我做Show,当时我好surprise,即刻找些软件做Demo,又找人替我填词,令我觉得好似有人会听。其实都是这个platform让我有motivation去做音乐,亦要多谢Vicky的鼓励。后来,我亦有参加不同的比赛。06年,Alvin Leong 打电话给我。他是我参加过其中一个作曲比赛的评判,说有兴趣用我的一首歌 – 即是 「富士山下」。没想过会这样出到歌,都可以说是unexpected 的途径。G: 作为新人,歌曲能够获奖的感受如何? 音乐事业的下一步是什麼?C: 其实我没想过 (得奖),因为「富士山下」这首歌plug得好迟。年尾先plug,只得5个星期。所以初初谂会入唔到10大,反应比想像中好很多。我没有想过咁多人会接受到 Style比较oriental的歌,当然Eason亦唱得好好。其实都不是自己能控制的事,都要看运气和timing。我觉得是team work,要宣传、填词、编曲多方配合,好多人的努力才会得奖。自己都会开心,因为做好自己的本份。作曲其实好subjective,自己觉得首歌好好,人家可能觉得是垃圾。所以我觉得最紧要钟意自己首歌,有人钟意已经可以,不是一定要去到好top。暂时会当作曲是兴趣,但希望自己能定期有歌出。因为觉得自己的style比较适合台湾,所以和一间台湾签了约,有一些歌被hold了但未出。自己prefer国语歌,是因为国语歌的style一般比较poetic和文艺。我觉得词应该是一首诗,台湾的市场有这种感觉。不是说香港市场不好,只是一种preference。G: 当初又是在什麼情况下写好这些歌呢?C: 其实好多年前就有「富士山下」这个melody,最初的inspiration是听到一些台湾的歌。这首歌经过了很多版本,结果卖出的是首国语歌,Demo 由女仔唱,拍子有些地方好快,有些地方又好慢。原名叫「相思祭」,因为是由台湾的填词人帮我填,所以原本的词是很古诗的。最初的灵感和现在出来的感觉很不同。有朋友觉得「富士山下」的词有回应Demo的词的感觉,不过这纯粹个人揣测。首歌好唔commercial ,纯粹为兴趣。我好多谢Alvin拣了这首歌。在06年年头时,我参加一些电台节目时遇到Eason,当时我俾了一些Demo给他,但并没有这首歌,因为我没想过这首歌适合Eason唱。但Alvin 就好有sense俾Eason去试新的东西,同他合作好开心。我细个时好钟意王菲,而Alvin当时就是王菲的监制。所以他打电话给我时,我觉得很荣幸。G: 你觉得新人在香港乐坛抬头是整体的大趋势,还只是零星的现象?C: 整体的风气是鼓励不同的人出来,而且有不同的Style。就算是幕前,亦会有好像侧田这些较有实力的歌手,不像早10年、8年般只有偶像派。以前好多是改编歌,现在则会鼓励本地或华人community的artist。监制亦较open,肯试用新人。....C: 但同时间多了人为兴趣而做 part time labour,in a way亦有种蓬勃的感觉,令style亦变得多元化。有些人不打算全职做作曲,但可能很有talents,这样他们仍有机会发表作品,让公众认识。以前可能是监制一只碟自己写晒全部歌。G: 对於想入行的创作人,有什麼提议或advise?C: 我自己太新,未有资格讲advise。但可以分享一下,就是不可以太容易灰心。就算入了行都好,作品会不会被采用有很多subjective的因素。写得好不代表有人买。个人来说,觉得有兴趣去做,就不要对商业性的出版想太多。网上有很多机会和渠道发表歌曲,就算自己不能给自己recognition ,总有些人觉得你的作品好听。就算commercially publish不到,都会有价值和feedback。G: 最后想问三位,入行后有没有那些事情是你入行前最意想不到的?C: 网络的威力。「富士山下」未出版,网上已有free download。我从没有出过中文名字,但网上有人以讹传讹,将我以前用过的笔名当真名,甚至有人以为我是日本人。后记: Alan、Bryan和Christopher在访问之前并不相识。三人在分享经验时却相谈甚欢,完全没有「同行如敌国」那种心态。这种惺惺相惜、互相交流甚为可贵,因为好的音乐从来不会只是一个人的事。祝愿三位在来年,能为我们带来更多好歌,并触动更多创作人行出他们的音乐路!

Demi Lovato的《The Middle》 歌词

歌曲名:The Middle歌手:Demi Lovato专辑:Don"T ForgetDemi Lovato - The MiddleI knew where I was going when you left the roomYou"re the kinda guy that makes me want toFollow through to youI"ve been trying to leave you for the longest timeThe second that I saw you I just knew I found my right guyI like it x6I wanna crashI wanna fallI wanna be somewhere in the middle.Somewhere in the middleSomethingIt"s better than nothingI just need a littleI just need a little cuz IDon"t wanna be nowhereBut somethings makin" me go thereSomewhere in the middle with youI like it x6Losing my direction,That"s the way it should beFeeling a connectionWhen you"re standing next to meI wanna be rollingI just wanna be rolling with you.All of the things you sayI like itTaking me far awayI like itI wanna crashI wanna fallI wanna be somewhere in the middle.Somewhere in the middleSomethingIt"s better than nothingI just need a littleI just need a little cuz IDon"t wanna be nowhereBut somethings makin" me go thereSomewhere in the middle with youBaby you take meYou wanna take me from this crazy ??BabyyyyCuz I just need a littleI just need a littleSomewhere in the middle with youCRASHI wanna fallI wanna be somewhere in the middle.Somewhere in the middleSomethingIt"s better than nothingI just need a littleI just need a little cuz IDon"t wanna be nowhereBut somethings making me go thereSomewhere in the middle with youCRASHFALLI like it I like itSomewhere in the middle with you

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have you runnung Gravator in no time你很快就能运行Gravator了吗重点词汇have you你有没有…?in no time马上, 立刻




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给个 ATI atombios显卡驱动



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