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Some aspects of a pilot’s job _______ be boring,and pilots often _______ work at inconvenient h..


请问“polish myself in all aspects”是什么意思?谢谢!


cognitive aspects中文翻译

Cognitive aspect : over - alertness hypersensitivity , confusion , difficulty in objective thinking and in concentrating 思想方面:过度警觉和敏感思想混乱不能保持客观难以集中精神。 In addition , the author elaborates that effective lexical use and prehension involve not only pnguistic but , more importantly , pragmatic and cognitive aspects 词语的使用与理解不仅仅是一个语言问题,更是一个语用与认知的问题。 Covers sensory reception , reflex arcs , spinal cord organization , pattern generators , muscle function , lootion , eye movement , and cognitive aspects of motor control 涵盖了感觉传入,反射弧,脊髓机子,运动模式产生,肌肉功能,运动,眼球运动,运动控制的认知。

Financial Aspects of Hospitality, Travel & Tourism

威廉正考虑着是否在2007年1月1日开一家餐馆。该地方可容纳100个座位。他原计划只在周一至周六内供应早餐及午餐。但在合同中,要求餐厅每天都须供应早餐。所在地的平均营业额和食物消费的数据估算如下: 营业额(次)平均利率 早餐(星期一至星期六。 ) 2.50 3.80美元 午餐(星期一至星期六。 ) 2.25 6.25美元 早餐(周日) 2.75 7.50美元 饮料销售收入约为早餐食品收入的15%和午餐食品收入的30%。 除了餐厅,威廉还打算在餐厅旁边设立一个宴会厅。每月从此处赚取的食品总收入将在8000美元左右。 其中,饮料销售收入预期将占到食品收入的35%。 食品销售成本是食品总收入的40%,饮料销售成本约为饮料总收入的30 %。 其它相关资料: -年薪水约为20万美元, -其他所有雇员的工资预计为餐厅总收入的15% -雇员福利将占到总工资的10% -其他业务费用估计为年度总销售收入的12% , -固定费用每年约7 0,000美元 要求: 请为食品部和饮料部编写一份截至07年12月31日的年度亏损预算表。

I am ___ her in many aspects. A. inferior to B. inferior than C. more inferior to D. more inferior

答案是【A】通常用比较级我们都会用【than】,但是对于【superior】和【inferior】却不是,他们都是用介词【to】,记得就好,没有什么语法含量。翻译; 我在很多方面都不如她。已为你写好,请查收,若有疑问及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

翻译 It is worth looking at one or two aspects of the way a mother behaves toward


Why So Many Failures?Socio-Economic Aspects of Water Conservation

Dieter Prinz and A.H.MalikInstitute of Water Resources Management,Hydraulicand Rural Engineering,Dept.of Rural Engineering,University of Karlsruhe,D-76128 Karlsruhe,Germany1 IntroductionDue to an ever increasing world population,improving standard of living,irregularities caused by global climate change and growing water pollution,the world water problems aggravating day by day.Especially the drier parts of the tropics and subtropics,but also countries in temperate climates,experience severe water supply problems-and agriculture will be hit hard-est.Agriculture utilizes globally about 70%of all the water managed by man,and about 80% of the water used in the developing world(Prinz 2000).At the same time,the competition be-tween the various sectors-agriculture,communities,industry,nature,becomes stiffer and agriculture will be the loser in the run for scarce water resources,as the output per unit water is of significantly lower value than in the other economic sectors.On the other hand,the need for more food asks also for more irrigation water,therefore we have to find ways of growing more food with less water(Agarwal 2001).But it is not only a problem of water quantity,but of quality due to increasing pollution,too.2 General overviewWhat is Water Conservation in general?Water conservation is the physical control,protection,management,and use of water resources in such a way as to maintain crop,grazing,and forest lands,vegetative cover,wildlife,and wildlife habitat for maximum sustained benefits for people,agriculture,industry,commerce,and other segments of the national economy.Water conservation in agriculture may be defined as the application of measures designed,to improve the availability of water for agricultural purposes(“Supply Management”),to re-duce the present size of water demand(“Demand Management”),and,to keep water re-sources from being polluted or wasted(Prinz & Malik 2001).The solutions found must be sustainable and possible negative effects e.g.on nature have to be avoided.Water conservation must be an integral part of“Integrated Water Resources Management”,a long-term integrated strategy which seeks to make best use of the available water resources(Fig.1).Major features are:Surface water management:By diverting(more)water from rivers, construction of hydraulic structures in rivers considerable quantities of water can be saved and used for agriculture,especially during the rainy season and under flood conditions.More reservoirs of high water holding efficiency are needed in future to cope with future water demands.Groundwater management:Groundwater tables are falling in most parts of the world and sustainable groundwater management deserves artificial groundwater recharge.Surface-and groundwater have to be used in a conjunctive way.Fig.1 “Integrated Water Resources Management”systemThe multiple use of water(“using every drop of water four times before draining it”)is essential to cope with future water demand.Rainwater management:Rainwater management can be either“in-situ moisture conservation”or“Water Harvesting”.Water Harvesting is defined as“the collection and concentration of rainfall(and overland flow)and its use for the irrigation of crops,pastures and trees for domestic and livestock consumption”.The water storage can be done in the soil matrix or in a reservoir(Oweis et al.,2001).Rain and surface runoff management serves also the purposes of soil conservation,-a prerequisite for water conservation-,and flood control.The use of waste water,drainage water and other marginal water sources becomes more and more imperative to cover the demand.It is one of those measures which need very close supervision to avoid damage to soils and plants-at least on a long term.Wherever the natural conditions allow it,the use of fog and dew should be promoted to cover agricultural water demand.Besides these supply side measures we have a wide variety of water demand management measures,which can be grouped into:(1)Measures to reduce losses,and(2)Measures to increase the efficiency of water applied.As these demand side measures are regarded as the core measures of water conservation,water conservation is often defined as“measures designed to promote efficient use of water and to eliminate waste of water”.3 Socio.economic FactorsImportant socio-economic factors(Fig.2)of water conservation are:Fig.2 Main factors on the success of a water conservation project(1)Population stabilization reduces also pressure on water resources.(2)Community involvement is essential for effective water conservation.(3)Access to water can be viewed as a human right,therefore a fair distribution should be aimed for.(4)Water conservation should benefit from a multidisciplinary team.(5)Preference should be given to the application of nonstructural solutions,for example pricing of water.(6)To develop water conservation institutions,public education and awareness are essential.(7)Selection of appropriate low cost technology is a prerequisite for widespread implementation.(8)Planners should consider both traditional and modern technologies.(9)The price of water determines largely the investments justified to avaid water losses.Criteria to select water conservation measures are according to Emerson(1998):(1)program costs, (8)cost-effectiveness,(2)ease of implementation, (9)budgetary considerations,(3)staff resources and capability, (10)environmental impacts,(4)rate payer impacts, (11)environmental and social justice,(5)water rights and permits, (12)legal issues or constraints,(6)regulatory approvals, (13)public acceptance,(7)timeliness of savings,and (14)consistency with other programs.Lessons learnt from various projects are that the adoption of a new irrigation system depends on farmer"s capacity to finance and operate it,as well as on the type of crop being produced.A modernised surface irrigation might be a better water saving technique than drip or sprinkler irrigation in certain locations;the latter ones are often not affordable.A modernised“old”system is also more easily adopted by farmers since it is closer to traditional practices.To achieve optimum water conservation&improved water use efficiency,a water conservation enabling environment is needed that includes(Fig.3,4):①education and training,improvement of systems and public incentives:these measures might allow in increase in further 20%~30%;②irrigation management transfer to users,management of supply infrastructure and an optimised resource policy to arrive at 60% to 80% of the potential;③further research of the public and the private sector to utilise fully the whole available potential.Fig.3 Ways of making better use of production potential in industrialized countries Source:Wolff&Stein 1998(redrawn),based on Cape 1995(Original data based on Australian conditions)Fig.4 Ways of making better use of production potential in developing countriesReferences[1]Agarwal A.Increasing water harvesting and water conservation is the only way to ensure food security.Down to.Earth,Vol 10,No.3,June 30,2001.[2]Cape J.Irrigation Research:Past,present and future.Irrigation Australia,1995,Vol.10,30~32.[3]Chritchley W.,Reij C.and Turner S.D.Soil and water conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa:to-wards sustainable production by the rural poor.IFAD,Rome and CDCS,Amsterdam.1992.[4]Emerson H.Conservation,it"s the future of water.On Tap,1998,Vol.7,Isse 4.[5]Oweis T.,Prinz D.and Hachum A.Water harvesting,indigenous knowledge for the future of the drier environments,ICARDA,Aleppo,Syria,2001,36pp.[6]Prinz D.Global and European water challenges in the 21st century.Keynote Speech,3rd Inter-Regional Conference on Environment-Water,“Water Resources Management in the 21st Century”,1-3 June 2000,Budapest/Hungary.Proceedings,2000,p.247~254.[7]Prinz D.and Malik A.H.Water Conservation in Agriculture,FAO Training Course,Draft Version on CD ROM,FAO,Rom.2001.[8]Wolff P.and Stein T.M:Water efficiency and conservation in agriculture-opportunities and limitations. Agriculture+Rural Development,1998,vol 5;no 2;pp 17~20.

What follows are a few aspects concerning my lett

是的 应该那样改

what are the aspects that affect our health

1. stay overnight - your study or play too late in the ninght and don"t wash.2. eat or sleep irregularly- some tries to keep slim and eat very little or not eat at all. Someone doesn;t sleep very well for work or palying games.3. pressure- When you"re facing with big problems or choices, you tend to be nervous.4. other factors that is not healthy.

什么叫 in certain aspects


drug metabolism chemical and enzymatic aspects有没有中文版

drug metabolism chemical and enzymatic aspects 药物代谢的化学和酶学方面重点词汇释义drug metabolism药物代谢enzymatic酶的; 酶促; 酶催化aspects方面( aspect的名词复数 ); 面貌; 方位; 样子

in other aspects

句子本身写错了的,应该是用does 才对. and 前后并列必须形式一致

The negative aspects are also apparent.什么意思?

The negative aspects are also apparent.消极方面也很明显。重点词汇解释:1、negativeadj. 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的n. 否定;负数;底片vt. 否定;拒绝2、aspectn. 方面;方向;形势;外貌3、apparentadj. 显然的;表面上的扩展资料:aspect的用法:aspect表示事物等的方面时,专指由意外情况或特殊原因造成的表面变化。aspect 表示外貌;外表时,多用于文学作品中。用于人时指某人所特有的外貌。用于(事)物时指某(事)物给人造成的特殊印象。暗示人或物的外貌,外观由于观察者角度或看法的改变而产生了剧变。aspect表示朝向;方位时,一般指窗户或建筑物的正立面所朝的方向。

pay attention to the following aspects 这句英语的中文意思

翻译:(请)注意以下(几个)方面 pay attention to 注意; following 以下的 aspect 方面

用from every aspects造句

He introduced his school to me from every aspect.(应该是aspect吧?every后应加单数,是不是抄错了?)

"The negative aspects are also apparent."什么意思?


on many aspects

B 解析: 这题考查介词的用法:第一空填over,词组:have advantages over“比…有优势”,第二空填in,词组in many aspects“在很多方面”。选B

在某些方面是in some aspects, 还是 at some aspects

in some aspects

用aspect多是和of连用,但英语书上有一句there are many aspects to


it have both good and bad aspects还是it has both good and aspects 还是it both have good and bad ?

如果你想表达“事情都有两面性的意思”,可用这个地道“A coin has two sides.”

contextual aspects是什么意思



在Maven中Spring的基础配置Spring是高度模块化的,可以单独使用Spring的某个库而不需要依赖Spring的其他库。比如,使用Spring Context库不需要依赖Spring Persistence或者Spring MVC库。让我们先从最简单开始,在Maven中配置spring-context依赖:<properties><org.springframework.version>3.2.8.RELEASE</org.springframework.version><!-- <org.springframework.version>4.0.2.RELEASE</org.springframework.version> --></properties><dependency><groupId>org.springframework</groupId><artifactId>spring-context</artifactId><version>${org.springframework.version}</version><scope>runtime</scope></dependency>上例定义的对spring-context的依赖,spring-context实现了Spring注入容器并且依赖:spring-core,spring-expression,spring-aop以及spring-beans。这些依赖包使容器可以支持Spring的一些核心技术:Spring核心组件,Spring EL表达式 (SpEL), 面向切面编程,JavaBean机制。注意,在runtime范围定义这个依赖,因此需求确定在编译期间不需要依赖相关Spring特定的API。在一些高级应用场景下,一些Spring依赖项可以不用配置runtime范围,但是在目前比较简单的项目场景下,不需要针对Spring编译项目去获得整个框架的全部功能。同样要注意的是,从Spring 3.2开始不需要定义CGLIB依赖(目前的版本是CGLIB 3.0)。现在使用内嵌在spring-core JAR(更多详细信息可以查看相关[JIRA]"JIRA")中的cglib包(net.sf.cglib现在使用org.springframework.cglib替代)。在Maven配置Spring持久化框架现在来看看Spring持久化框架的配置(主要是spring-orm)

aspects of meaning词汇学什么意思


in what aspects作什么成分


material aspects 是什么意思


急急急!!!请问affect someone in 3 aspects 还是 on three aspects还是别的介词?谢谢!

在三个方面影响某人用介词in ,at 都可以

various aspects是什么意思




various aspects是什么意思



Spring3.0不再一起发布依赖包了。而是使用Maven的pom进行管理,aspectjweaver是作为可选依赖项引入: org.aspectj aspectjweaver true

cultural aspects是什么意思

文化差异例句:1.Shaman culture, along with buddhist culture and taoist culture, is among one of themost important cultural aspects in chinese culture. 巫教文化,亦可简称为巫文化,并列于佛教文化及道教文化等的宗教文化,成为中国文化现象中一个重要的方面。2.The disparity in economic, social and cultural aspects between poverty-strickenareas and other regions, especially the coastal advanced areas in the east, graduallywidened. 贫困地区与其他地区,特别是与东部沿海发达地区在经济、社会、文化等方面的差距逐步扩大。



aspects of life 和aspect in life 的区别

aspects of life 生活的方方面面aspect in life 在生活方面

it has negative aspects that become clear. 分析句子结构?

定语从句。先行词是aspects.that become cleat是系表结构的定语从句,其中引导词that在定语从句中做主语。

Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 这句话怎么翻译都不顺 哪个帮帮忙

在某些方面是in some aspects,还是 at some aspects

在某些方面in some respects; in some ways 例句:1、尽管她在某些方面很老练,但她在感情方面还不成熟,肯定不能马上结婚。Though old beyond her years in some respects, she was emotionally immature and certainly not ready for marriage.2、而且,在某些方面,家族企业依然保持着强劲的发展势头。These businesses are still thriving, in some ways.

aspects of 是什么意思?


