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leonard casely的意思

莱奥纳德 凯瑟丽- -

First Class International Bank based in the place of issue or any Schedule Bank from UAE


Pamela (Unreleased Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Pamela (Unreleased Lp Version)歌手:The Bobby Fuller Four专辑:Never To Be Forgotten - The Mustang YearsPAMELAArtist:MATT LANDAlbum:Super Eurobeat Vol.136In the nightWhen I"m walking into the darkI"m thinking of youYou"re my lightYou"re the screen that reflects just my heartThere"s something with youCome to me my baby to the world of creationTake me high away if you want my devotionShow your love to meHoney can"t you seeTake my hands and never let me downNo!Pamela...whoa...You"re like a dream inside my heart.PamelawhoaInto the sky we shall just come togetherPamelawhoaYour love"s an angel in the darkohhhPamelawhoaDon"t want to leave you babyNow and never.In the blueWhen I think that you will understandThe power of loveAnd for youI will do all the things that I canTo get in your soulCome to me my baby to the world of creationTake me high away if you want my devotionShow your love to meHoney can"t you seeTake my hands and never let me downNo!Pamela...whoa...You"re like a dream inside my heart.PamelawhoaInto the sky we shall just come togetherPamelawhoaYour love"s an angel in the darkohhhPamelawhoaDon"t want to leave you babyNow and never.Come to me my babyCome to me my baby....Come to me my baby to the world of creationCome to me my babyCome to me my baby....Show your love to mePamela...whoa...Your love"s an angel in the darkohhhPamelawhoaDon"t want to leave you babyNow and never.




你好!怀疑精神scepticism 英[u02c8skeptu026asu026azu0259m] 美[u02c8sku025bptu026au02ccsu026azu0259m] n. 怀疑态度; 怀疑论,怀疑主义; 怀疑宗教(教条); =skepticism; [例句]There was considerable scepticism about the Chancellor"s forecast of a booming economy有相当多的人对财政大臣作出的经济会迅猛发展的预测表示怀疑。

请问这两种翻译都对的吗? 迅速提高的收入 the prompt-increase income.

不对,应该是:the prompt-increased income. the promptly increasing income.

whisky please

选c whisky指一杯威士忌酒时是可数的 eg.I ordered two whiskeys (我叫了两杯威士忌酒.) 在点单的时候说two coffees 是没有错的 省略掉cup of,coffee 被当做可数名词用. 但是这个有环境限制:只用于餐馆,咖啡店等等. .

关于case的英文词组辨析~请英语高手进来 case that+ cl.(从句) 以防XXXXXXeg. i did it in case that you might need to know.我做那件事是以防你想要知道 case of + n.和从句相类似`不过加的是名词或动名词eg. i did it in case of your sudden need.我做那件事是以防你的突然需求 the case of + sth 至于…, 就…来说 eg.In the case of your need,you need to learn more.就你的需要来说,你需要学更多.4.如此类推.that+从句.和2相近



怎么在Cubase8里打开iZotope Ozone 6(臭氧6)啊,求大神知道迷津啊!!!!


Cubase 5 Izotope Ozone安装问题 更新插件总是找不到

iZotope Ozone 5的那个时期很混乱,有3个小组在同一时期发布,当然安装方法也大不一样,据我所知的版本就有:iZotope.Ozone.5.Advanced.v5.02.x86.x64-ASSiGNIZotope.Ozone.Advanced.v5.0.VST.RTAS-DYNAMiCSiZotope.Ozone.5.Advanced.v5.04-R2R如果你的版本完整的话,看一下nfo(小组发布是的信息文件,与压缩包一起发布的)怎么说。



git 执行git pull –rebase报错误

报错信息: 原因:如果有未提交的更改 解决: 先执行git stash,提交后 再执行git pull –rebase



Dior的Radiant Base能当隔离霜在护肤后直接用吗?

BASE在英文里的意思就是隔离霜~~~有很多家拍的隔离霜都和粉底液很像的,但是比粉底液要稀薄~~~anna su 和joe&paul家的就很稀~~~想粉底液一样~~,这款我没用过,不过应该是一样的道理,是直接用在护肤之后的



按适当形式填空 1.Could you please__some drinks to me?(bring)

cleanmovingto washworryParksecondrightendtwenty


这次给大家带来怎样使用AngularJS实现base64编码与解码,使用AngularJS实现base64编码与解码的注意事项有哪些,下面就是实战案例,一起来看一下。<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>base64加密</title> <script src=""></script> <script> function Base64() { // private property _keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; // public method for encoding this.encode = function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = _utf8_encode(input); while (i < input.length) { chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++); enc1 = chr1 >> 2; enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4); enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6); enc4 = chr3 & 63; if (isNaN(chr2)) { enc3 = enc4 = 64; } else if (isNaN(chr3)) { enc4 = 64; } output = output + _keyStr.charAt(enc1) + _keyStr.charAt(enc2) + _keyStr.charAt(enc3) + _keyStr.charAt(enc4); } return output; } // public method for decoding this.decode = function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3; var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+/=]/g, ""); while (i < input.length) { enc1 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); } } output = _utf8_decode(output); return output; } // private method for UTF-8 encoding _utf8_encode = function (string) { string = string.replace(/ /g, " "); var utftext = ""; for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) { var c = string.charCodeAt(n); if (c < 128) { utftext += String.fromCharCode(c); } else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } else { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224); utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } } return utftext; } // private method for UTF-8 decoding _utf8_decode = function (utftext) { var string = ""; var i = 0; var c = c1 = c2 = 0; while (i < utftext.length) { c = utftext.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 128) { string += String.fromCharCode(c); i++; } else if ((c > 191) && (c < 224)) { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); i += 2; } else { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1); c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 2); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63)); i += 3; } } return string; } } </script></head><body><p id="p1">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</p><script> var b = new Base64(); str = document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML; //解密 str = b.decode(str); document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML = str;</script></body></html>相信看了本文案例你已经掌握了方法,更多精彩请关注Gxl网其它相关文章!推荐阅读:在不使用select的情况下vue怎么实现下拉框功能webpack-dev-server配置与使用步奏详解

HP LaserJet 1005打印机面板上英文菜单的中文翻译是什么?

您好,感谢您选择惠普产品。 建议您参考下列信息:x0dx0a 请参考下面信息:x0dx0ax0dx0aM1005mfpMain menu( 主菜单 )x0dx0ax0dx0aCopy setup( 影印设定 )x0dx0ax0dx0aDefault Quality( 默认品质 )x0dx0ax0dx0aText( 文本 )x0dx0ax0dx0aDraft( 草稿 )x0dx0ax0dx0aMixed( 混合 )x0dx0ax0dx0aFilm photo( 胶片)x0dx0ax0dx0aPicture( 图画 )x0dx0ax0dx0aDef. light/dark ( 默认 淡/浓设定)x0dx0ax0dx0aDef. # of/copies ( 默认影印份数 )x0dx0ax0dx0aDef. Reduce/Enlrg ( 默认缩小/放大比例 )x0dx0ax0dx0aOriginal(原始大小=100%)x0dx0ax0dx0aA4 > Ltr=94%x0dx0ax0dx0aLtr > A4=97%x0dx0ax0dx0aFull pages=91% ( 完整叶面 =91%)x0dx0ax0dx0a2 pages/sheet (2 叶 / 张 )x0dx0ax0dx0aPortrait ( 纵向 )x0dx0ax0dx0aLandscape ( 横向 )x0dx0ax0dx0a4 pages/sheet (4叶 / 张)x0dx0ax0dx0aPortrait (纵向)x0dx0ax0dx0aLandscape (横向)x0dx0ax0dx0aCustom: 25-400% ( 自定义: 25-400%)x0dx0ax0dx0aReports( 报告 )x0dx0ax0dx0aDemo page( 样张叶 )x0dx0ax0dx0aMenu structure( 菜单结构图 )x0dx0ax0dx0aConfig report( 主态叶 )x0dx0ax0dx0aSystem setup( 系统设定)x0dx0ax0dx0aLanguage( 语言 )x0dx0ax0dx0aEnglish( 英语 )x0dx0ax0dx0aFrancais( 法语 )x0dx0ax0dx0aItaliano( 意大利语 )x0dx0ax0dx0aEspanol( 西班牙语 )x0dx0ax0dx0aNederlands( 荷兰语 )x0dx0ax0dx0aSvenska( 瑞典语)x0dx0ax0dx0aDansk( 丹麦语)x0dx0ax0dx0aNorsk( 挪威语 )x0dx0ax0dx0aSuomi( 芬兰语 )x0dx0ax0dx0aHungarian( 匈牙利语 )x0dx0ax0dx0aPOLSKI( 波兰语 )x0dx0ax0dx0aDeutsch( 德语)x0dx0ax0dx0aPortugues( 葡萄牙语 )x0dx0ax0dx0aCzech( 捷克语 )x0dx0ax0dx0aTurkish( 土耳其语 )x0dx0ax0dx0aRussian( 俄语 )x0dx0ax0dx0aPager setup( 纸张设置 )x0dx0ax0dx0aDef. paper size ( 默认纸张尺寸 )x0dx0ax0dx0aLetter 纸x0dx0ax0dx0aA4 纸x0dx0ax0dx0aLegal 纸x0dx0ax0dx0aDef. paper type( 默认纸张类型 )x0dx0ax0dx0aPlain ( 普通纸 )x0dx0ax0dx0aPreprinted( 预打印纸 )x0dx0ax0dx0aLetterhead( 信头纸 )x0dx0ax0dx0aTransparency( 投影胶片 )x0dx0ax0dx0aPrepunched( 预先打孔纸 )x0dx0ax0dx0aLabels( 标签 )x0dx0ax0dx0aBond( 证券纸 )x0dx0ax0dx0aRecycled( 再生纸 )x0dx0ax0dx0aColor( 彩纸 )x0dx0ax0dx0aLight( 轻磅纸 )x0dx0ax0dx0aHeavy( 重磅纸 )x0dx0ax0dx0aCardstock( 卡片纸 )x0dx0ax0dx0aEnvelope( 信封 )x0dx0ax0dx0aRough( 粗糙纸 )x0dx0ax0dx0aPrint Density( 打印浓度 )x0dx0ax0dx0aService( 服务 )x0dx0ax0dx0aRestore defaults( 恢复默认值 )x0dx0ax0dx0aCleaning Mode( 清洁模式 )x0dx0ax0dx0aLess paper curl( 较少纸张卷曲 )x0dx0ax0dx0aArchive print( 存档打印 )x0dx0a希望以上回复能够对您有所帮助。

HP LaserJet 1005打印机面板上英文菜单的中文翻译是什么?

M1005mfpMain menu( 主菜单 )Copy setup( 影印设定 )Default Quality( 默认品质 )Text( 文本 )Draft( 草稿 )Mixed( 混合 )Film photo( 胶片)Picture( 图画 )Def. light/dark ( 默认 淡/浓设定)Def. # of/copies ( 默认影印份数 )Def. Reduce/Enlrg ( 默认缩小/放大比例 )Original(原始大小=100%)A4 > Ltr=94%Ltr > A4=97%Full pages=91% ( 完整叶面 =91%)2 pages/sheet (2 叶 / 张 )Portrait ( 纵向 )Landscape ( 横向 )4 pages/sheet (4叶 / 张)Portrait (纵向)Landscape (横向)Custom: 25-400% ( 自定义: 25-400%)Reports( 报告 )Demo page( 样张叶 )Menu structure( 菜单结构图 )Config report( 主态叶 )System setup( 系统设定)Language( 语言 )English( 英语 )Francais( 法语 )Italiano( 意大利语 )Espanol( 西班牙语 )Nederlands( 荷兰语 )Svenska( 瑞典语)Dansk( 丹麦语)Norsk( 挪威语 )Suomi( 芬兰语 )Hungarian( 匈牙利语 )POLSKI( 波兰语 )Deutsch( 德语)Portugues( 葡萄牙语 )Czech( 捷克语 )Turkish( 土耳其语 )Russian( 俄语 )Pager setup( 纸张设置 )Def. paper size ( 默认纸张尺寸 )Letter 纸A4 纸Legal 纸Def. paper type( 默认纸张类型 )Plain ( 普通纸 )Preprinted( 预打印纸 )Letterhead( 信头纸 )Transparency( 投影胶片 )Prepunched( 预先打孔纸 )Labels( 标签 )Bond( 证券纸 )

The lawyer will undertakethis case.中的名词成分

请注意该句中的the lawyer为主语,will undertake为谓语(一般将来时),而this case为宾语。该句的意思为:这名律师将承接这桩案子。希望能够帮到您!

The lawyer will undertakethis case.中的名词成分?

the lawyer主语;this case 宾语,这二个都是名词性成分。

深圳地铁”请先上后上”的英文原文是什么?每天坐地铁听到的,Welcome to xx, please remember...后面??

"Welcome to Shenzhen University, please remember disembarking precedes embarking."

Background of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase

locus应该是指在染色体上的位置 有统一的编号系统EC是Enzyme Commission Number是该酶的编号。 Reference1.In the fields of genetics and evolutionary computation, a locus (plural loci) is a fixed position on a chromosome such as the position of a biomarker that may be occupied by one or more genes. A variant of the DNA sequence at a given locus is called an allele. The ordered list of loci known for a particular genome is called a genetic map. Gene mapping is the process of determining the locus for a particular biological trait.Diploid and polyploid cells whose chromosomes have the same allele of a given gene at some locus are called homozygous with respect to that gene, while those that have different alleles of a given gene at a locus, heterozygous with respect to that gene.[edit] NomenclatureThe chromosomal locus of a gene might be written "6p21.3".Component Explanation6 The chromosome number.p The position is on the chromosome"s short arm (p for petit in French); q indicates the long arm.21.3 The numbers that follow the letter represent the position on the arm: band 21, sub-band 3. The bands are visible under a microscope when the chromosome is suitably stained. Each of the bands is numbered, beginning with 1 for the band nearest the centromere. Sub-bands and sub-sub-bands are visible at higher resolution.A range of locations is specified in a similar way. For example, the locus of gene OCA1 may be written "11q1.4-q2.1", meaning it is on the long arm of chromosome 11, somewhere in the range of sub-band 4 of band 1, and sub-band 1 of band 2.The ends of a chromosome are labeled "ptel" and "qtel", and so "2qtel" refers to the telomere of the long arm of chromosome 2.Locus is the particular position on homologous chromosomes of a gene.2. EC编号或EC号是酶学委员会(Enzyme Commission)为酶所制作的一套编号分类法,是以每种酶所催化的化学反应为分类基础。这套分类法亦同时会为各种酶给予一个建议的名称,所以亦称为酶学委员会命名法。每一个酶的编号都以字母“EC”起头,接着以四个号码来表示,这些号码代表逐步更细致的为酶作出分类。就如三肽胺基 蛋白酶的编号为EC3.4.11.4,当中的“EC3”是指水解酶(即以水来将分子分解的酶);“EC3.4”是那些与肽键产生作用的水解酶;“EC3.4.11”是单指那些从多胜肽中分开胺基末端的水解酶;“EC3.4.11.4”则是从三肽中分开胺基末端的水解酶。严格来说,EC编号并非指定不同种类的酶,而是指定催化作用。如不同的酶(在不同的生物中)催化同一的各应,它们均会编有同一的编号。于1955年在布鲁塞尔举行的国际生物化学大会,设立了酶学委员会,这个酶命名法才开始发展,初版于1961年发行。于1992年在国际生物化学与分子生物学大会中发行的第六版中,已包含有3196种不同的酶。

matchbox twenty的Disease中文歌词

Feels like you made a mistake感觉好像你错了You made somebody"s heart break你让别人的心碎了Now I have to let you go我必须让你离去I have to let you go我让你离去You left a stain你留下了污渍On everyone of my good days在我的每一天I am stronger than you know我比你更强壮I have to let you go我让你离去No one"s ever turned you over没有人让你失望No one"s tried to ever let you down没有人拒绝过你Beautiful girl美丽的女孩Bless your heart祝福你的心灵I"ve got a disease deep inside me我的内心滋长了一种疾病makes me feel uneasy让我感觉致命I can"t live without you我不能没有你Tell me what am I supposed to do about it?告诉我该怎么办?Keep your distance from me远离我们间的距离Don"t pay no attention to meI got a disease我染上了一种恶疾Feels like you"re making a mess你留下了一堆混乱You"re wearing heels and a black dress你踏着鞋跟穿着黑裙You drove me to the fire你让我着火And left me there to burn并熄灭Every little thing you do is tragic你的一切所谓都是悲剧All my life, all was magic而我的人生则是魔力四射Beautiful girl美丽的 女孩I can"t breathe让我窒息I got a disease deep inside meMakes me feel uneasyI can"t live without youTell me what am I supposed to do about it?Keep your distance from meDon"t pay no attention to meI got a diseaseYeah well I think that I"m sickBelieve me my world is coming down on meYou taste like honey, honeyTell me can I be your honey?Be, be strongKeep telling myself that it won"t take long toSet me free of my disease让我从疾病中解脱Set me free of my diseaseSet me free of my disease让我从疾病中解脱X2I got a disease deep inside meMakes me feel uneasyI can"t live without youTell me what am I supposed to do about it?Keep your distance from meDon"t pay no attention to meI got a diseaseYeah well I think that I"m sickBelieve me my world is coming down on meYou taste like honey, honeyTell me can I be your honey?Be, be strongKeep telling myself that it won"t take long toSet me free of my disease让我从疾病中解脱Set me free of my diseaseSet me free of my disease让我从疾病中解脱x2

请你在旁边等一下,英语:Please waiting for at aside?

请你在旁边等一下,建议翻译成: Please wait a moment aside.


请点菜.Anyone wants to order? please?

My family has witnessed a sharp increase in the debt. 这句话什么意思呢?withness什么意思呢?



美国Need Based奖学金申请流程。  1.申请表格中表明申请奖学金的意向,点Yes;  2.学生提供父母的收入证明。注意年收入证明不能开的太大;  3.下载和填写PDF申请表格:除个别学校有自己学校专门表格外,一般都用 CollegeBoardInternationalStudentFinancialAidApplicationForm;不建议用 collegeboard提供的onlineapplication(填写的内容极其繁杂,而且需要付申请费);  4.在截止日期前寄给学校指定办公室,通常是OfficeofFinancialAid.(注:奖学金申请截止日期要比申请截止日期晚)。  Need-Blind Admissions Policy(实际也是属于Need Based Financial Aid)  一小部分美国大学执行资金需求无关的录取政策,一般多为资金实力雄厚的私立大学。他们在录取学生的时候,不考虑学生是否需要学校提供资助,也就是说你申请美国大学本科奖学金与否对你的申请没有任何影响。一旦他们认为你符合录取标准,他们会根据学生的家庭情况做出判断。  美国留学奖学金申请截止日期一般在2-3月份,需要填写美国大学本科奖学金申请表格,提供父母收入证明,并且邮寄给奖学金办公室。然而州立大学不 给NeedBased奖学金,通常都是实力雄厚的综合性私立大学以及文理学院会有可能给国际学生NeedBased奖学金;不要花时间研究 FAFSA(Free Application for Federal Student Aid),CSS(College Scholarship Service)Profile,那些只适合于美国公民。



Please verify your birth date to continue.啥意思


please enter your birthdate是什么意思


请把它们拿走的英语 Please_____them_____


英语please mind gap怎么翻译?

英语please mind gap怎么翻译?请介意的差距

Erase and Rewind歌词翻译

是这个嘛。?hey, what did you hear me sayyou know the difference it makeswhat did you hear me sayyes, i said it"s fine beforebut i don"t think so no morei said it"s fine beforei"ve changed my mind i take it backcardigans, theerase and rewind"cause i"ve been changing my mindi"ve changed my mindso where did you see me goit"s not the right way, you knowwhere did you see me gono, it"s not that i don"t knowi just don"t want it to growit"s not that i don"t knowerase and rewind"cause i"ve been changing my minderase and rewind"cause i"ve been changing my minderase and rewind"cause i"ve been changing my minderase and rewind"cause i"ve been changing my mindi"ve changed my mind嘿你听见什么我发言权你知道差异它制造什么是做你听见我赞同i假定它"s罚款以前但是i 做不思考那样没有更多i假定它 "s罚款以前我富人改变我的介意i发生作用它后退卡迪根式茄克衫被擦掉和再绕原因我富人是改变我的介意我富人改变我的介意那样什么地方做你注意到我加油"s不权利方式你知道什么地方做你注意到我去没有它"s不那个i做不知道i仅仅做不想要它向成长它"s不那个i做不知道被擦掉和再绕"原因我富人是改变我的介意被擦掉和再绕"原因我富人是改变我的介意被擦掉和再绕"原因我富人是改变我的介意被擦掉和再绕"原因我富人是改变我的介意我富人改变我的介意

The birth date is not valid. Please verify that you have entered the correct date.


Please enter a valid date of birth中文意思是什么 急


Please enter a valid date什么意思?

请输入一个有效的出生日期 或 请输入一个有效的起始数据



The newspaper will have to close down if it cannot increase its ________ considerably.


chronic disease是什么意思

chronic disease 报错 跟读 口语练习慢性病网络释义 专业释义 慢性病 慢性疾病 顽疾 慢性短语Chronic renal disease 慢性肾脏病 ; 慢性肾病chronic Keshan disease 慢型克山病 ; 中国地方病chronic radiation disease 慢性放射病 更多网络短语双语例句 原声例句 权威例句1.The question remains, of course, whether someone with a chronic disease in thedeveloping world would have access to these therapies. 跟读当然一个长久以来存在的问题是,发展中国家的慢性疾病患者是否能够获得这些治疗呢?www.scidev.net2.Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does notproduce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin itproduces. 跟读糖尿病是一种慢性疾病,当胰腺产生不了足够的胰岛素或者人体无法有效地利用所产生的胰岛素时,就会出现糖尿病。


只有termite这个字,意思是白蚁。白蚁(termite, white ant),亦称虫尉属节肢动物门,昆虫纲,等翅目,类似蚂蚁营社会性生活,其社会阶级为蚁后、蚁王、兵蚁、工蚁。白蚁与蚂蚁虽一般同称为蚁(见蚁总科),但白蚁社会体系在分类地位上,白蚁属于较低级的半变态昆虫,蚂蚁则属于较高级的全变态昆虫。根据化石判断,白蚁可能是由古直翅目昆虫发展而来,最早出现于 2 亿年前的二叠纪。人们会误认为白蚁就是蚂蚁的一种,实际上白蚁和蚂蚁是两种不同物种。白蚁体软而小,通常长而圆,白色、淡黄色,赤褐色直至黑褐色。头前口式或下口式,能自由活动。触角念珠状,腹基粗壮,前后翅等长;蚂蚁触角膝状,腹基瘦细,前翅大于后翅。中国古书所称蚁、螘、飞螘、蚍蜉、蠡、螱等,都与蚂蚁混同。宋代开始有白蚁之名,并确定为白蚁的别称。 白蚁分布于热带和亚热带地区 ,以木材或纤维素为食。白蚁是一种多形态、群居性而又有严格分工的昆虫,群体组织一旦遭到破坏,就很难继续生存。全世界已知2000多种。中国除澳白蚁科尚未发现外,其余4科均有,共达300余种。分布范围很广。白蚁是等翅目的昆虫,因而具有昆虫的基本特征。其体躯分头、胸、腹三部分。头部可以自由转动,生有触角、眼睛等重要的感觉器官,取食器官为典型的咀嚼式口器,前口式。胸部分前胸、中胸、后胸三个体节,每一胸节分别生一对足。有翅成虫的中、后胸各生一对狭长的膜质翅。前、后翅的形状、大小几乎相等,等翅目的名称就由此而来。腹部10节,雄虫生殖孔开口于第9与第10腹板间;雌虫第7腹板增大,生殖孔开口于下,第8和第9腹板则缩小,多数种类有一对简单的刺突,位于第9腹板中缘,第10腹板两侧生有一对尾须。白蚁体躯几丁质化的程度随着不同种类有不同变化,一般有翅成虫的体壁几丁质化高,且硬,工蚁体壁几丁质化较浅,而软。体躯的毛随种类而异,有多有少,有的近于裸露。体色由白色、淡黄色、赤褐色,直到黑色不等。但大多种类的体色较浅淡,近于乳白色。白蚁体长一般由几毫米到十几毫米,有翅成虫的长度约为10-30毫米,但多年生蚁后由于生殖腺的发达,腹部极度膨大,整个体长可达60-70毫米,有的种类的蚁后甚至可超过100毫米。其社会阶级为蚁后、蚁王、兵蚁、工蚁。生殖型又称繁殖蚁,指有性的雌蚁和雄蚁,它们的职责是保持旧群体和创立新群体,分原始繁殖蚁和补充繁殖蚁两类。体躯骨化,黄、褐或黑色,有两对发达的翅。每年4-6月是其分飞高峰期,特别是在春夏雨后闷热时,大量长翅繁殖蚁从蚁巢中飞出,在离巢不远处的建筑物附近低飞,飞行时间很短,这种现象称为婚飞或群飞(分群)。群蚁在低空飞舞,好像在开舞会,各自毫无拘束地自由选择对象。"情投意合者"飞落地面,各自脱掉翅膀,雌雄成双追逐,通常为雌前雄后,完成"婚配"大事。配对后的雌雄成虫经一段时间后,便开始寻找合适场所,建筑新巢"定居"。入穴后,雄虫常用口器舔舐雌虫的腹部,有时雌雄虫彼此舔舐,然后产卵,繁殖后代,另立新的群体。这对"新婚"的雌雄蚁,就是未来新群体的母蚁和父蚁,也就是新群体中的蚁后和蚁王。大多情况下,这对伴侣终身过着"一夫一妻制"的文明社会生活。但不是婚飞中的所有个体都能成双建立新群,当它们大量飞出时,常被各种鸟类、捕食性昆虫或其他动物吃掉,往往只有其中的少数能够幸存下来,但尽管是少数,也足以维持其种族繁衍,并造成对木质建筑物的危害的了,王后躺在王室中可是专门"生育"的,到一定时期又有成虫出飞建立新的群体。工蚁在蚁群中数量最多,占群体数量的绝大部分,形态与成虫相似,通常体色较暗,有雌、雄性别之分。工蚁头阔,复眼消失,有时仅存痕迹。工蚁往往还有大、小型之分,无生殖机能。担任巢内很多繁杂的工作,如建筑蚁冢,开掘隧道,修建蚁路,培养菌圃,采集食物,饲育幼蚁、兵蚁和蚁后,清洁卫生,看护蚁卵等。在无兵蚁的种类中,它们还要负责抵御外敌。兵蚁是群体的防卫者,虽有雌雄之分,但不能繁殖。兵蚁的头部长而高度骨化,上颚特别发达,但已失去了取食功能,而成为御敌的武器,还可用上颚堵塞洞口、蚁道或王宫入口。兵蚁大致可分上颚型和象鼻型2类,前者有强大的上颚,好似一把二齿的大叉子。后者有发达的额鼻,头延伸成象鼻状,当它与敌搏斗时,可喷出胶质分泌物,涂抹敌害。元音字母组合er在单字里发卷舌长元音/u025d/的音,发音时,舌端离开下齿,并尽量向上齿龈后部卷起来,舌中部隆起,舌位接近半高,是三个中元音中舌位最高的一个,牙床接近半合,双唇略扁平,向左右两边拉开些,呈微笑状,这个音出现在字首、字中和字尾位置,如:term 学期fern 蕨类herb 药草clerk 职员servant 仆人verb 动词herd 一群希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

nor in no case is there a fully system..请高手分析这是啥


in no case

In no case 是带有否定意义的介词短语,这种介词短语放于句首(无论是主句或者是从句的句首,都引起后面句子的部分倒装. 更多例子如: At no time is he allowed to smoke in the room . By no means can he slove the problem . 该句子译为:他坚决地申明在任何情况下他都不会向他人屈服. put 一词的用法很多,其中之一是:说明, let me put it this way ,让我用这种方式来解释(说明)这一点.

but in no case less than reasonable care


In no case 是什么意思?


in no case we give up怎么改错

这个 In no case是位于句首的话,它应该用倒装,就是那个give和we换一下位置。in no case 的意思是“在任何情形下都不”、“决不”、“无论如何都不”。若置于句首,句子要用倒装语序。大多为部分倒装。例如:At no time is he allowed to smoke in the room .By no means can he slove the problem .译为:他坚决地申明在任何情况下他都不会向他人屈服.

in no case可以引起倒装句吗?

需要倒装凡是否定词,以及含有否定意思的短语放在句首都要倒装,类似的还有never,by no means,under no circumstance倒装的时候要把助动词或者情态动词提前,比如说Never have I seen such a film.

No body no case是什么意思?是英文谚语吗?


当in no case 置于句首时 句子的结构是怎样的

句子要用部分倒装,把助动词提前.比如: In no case should you tell our teacher this secret.

in no case是什么意思


VB中,以下Case语句中错误的是______。 A.Case Is>10 And Is10 C.Case 0 To 10



case:英语单词,做名词、及物动词,相关短语有:in case 以防;免得in any case无论如何,总之等。1. 事实,实情He thought he had already solved the problem, but that was not the case.他以为他已经解决了这个问题,可是实际情况并非如此。2. 事例,实例Here is a case in point. 这里有一个很好的例子。3. 案件;诉讼The case was tried last Wednesday.上星期三审判了该案件。4. (诉讼或争执之一方所持的)事实和论点5. 【语】格(名词、代词的字形变化)6. 个案;病例,病症;患者及物动词 vt.1. 把...装入箱(或容器)中[(+up)]I cased my books for shipping.我把我的书装箱待运。2. 【俚】(盗窃前)事先察看(房屋等)关于case的词组in case 以防;免得in any case无论如何,总之in good case健康,生活富裕in no case决不(位于句首时,主句应使用倒装语序)as is often the case 这是常有的事in this case 既然是这样

case when用法

case有以下几种搭配:in any case表示无论如何;in no case表示绝不。when有以下几种用法:表示什么时候、何时;可以引导从句;俚语“入乡随俗”。Case具有两种格式:简单Case函数和Case搜索函数。 简单Case函数: CASE sex WHEN ‘1" THEN ‘男" WHEN ‘0" THEN ‘女" ELSE ‘其他" END Case搜索函数: CASE WHEN sex = ‘1" THEN ‘男" WHEN sex = ‘0" THEN ‘女" ELSE ‘其他" END 显然,简单Case函数胜在简洁,但是它只适用于这种单字段的单值比较,而Case搜索函数的优点在于适用于所有比较的情况。 还有一个需要注意的问题,Case函数在满足了某个符合条件后,剩下的条件将会被自动忽略,因此,即使满足多个条件,执行过程中也只认第一个条件。


in any case 无论如何,总之in case 以防,可能,倘若in case of 如果,万一

英文中 表示"决不"的短语 有那些? no case 还有哪些?

on no consideration on no condition in no case by no means in/under no circumstance at no time 这些都是我在背53英语高考核心词汇时总结的,也有老师补充的,

in case , in any case, in no case 的区别用法!!

in case 以防 万一in any case 无论在何种情况下in no case 绝不

in case ,in any case,in no case 的区别用法!

in case 1.假使 In case she comes back,let me know immediately. 假使她回来了,立刻告诉我. 2.免得 Take the raincoat in case it rains. 带着雨衣,以防下雨. in any case 1.无论如何 In any case,book the tickets first. 无论如何先把票订好. in no case 无论如何不,决不 In no case should the temperature of the store room be over 20℃. 储藏室的温度决不可高于20℃. In no case have I noticed that he left early. 我根本没有注意到他早退了

下面这句话中为什么“in rare cases”也能引导条件状语从句?不应该是用“in case”吗?

in case 的基本含义为:假使,免得,以防,也许。in rare cases 里的 rare 只是修饰 case的,表示极少数情况。他们都可以引导从句,表示万一发生某种情况下。例句:1. We put on thick jumpers, in case it was cold.2. In case you haven"t figured it out, let me explain.这就是一个稍微拓展的用法。


使用CASE WHEN进行字符串替换处理mysql> select * from sales;9 rows in set (0.01 sec)SELECT name AS Name, CASE category WHEN "Holiday" THEN "Seasonal" WHEN "Profession" THEN "Bi_annual" WHEN "Literary" THEN "Random" END AS "Pattern"FROM sales; 9 rows in set (0.00 sec)CREATE TABLE sales( num MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name CHAR(20), winter INT, spring INT, summer INT, fall INT, category CHAR(13), primary key(num)) ENGINE=MyISAM;insert into sales value(1, "Java", 1067 , 200, 150, 267,"Holiday");insert into sales value(2, "C",970,770,531,486,"Profession");insert into sales value(3, "JavaScript",53,13,21,856,"Literary");insert into sales value(4, "SQL",782,357,168,250,"Profession");insert into sales value(5, "Oracle",589,795,367,284,"Holiday");insert into sales value(6, "MySQL",953,582,336,489,"Literary");insert into sales value(7, "Cplus",752,657,259,478,"Literary");insert into sales value(8, "Python",67,23,83,543,"Holiday");insert into sales value(9, "PHP",673,48,625,52,"Profession");简单语句SELECT CASE WHEN 10*2=30 THEN "30 correct" WHEN 10*2=40 THEN "40 correct" ELSE "Should be 10*2=20"END AS `result`;多重表达式SELECT CASE 10*2 WHEN 20 THEN "20 correct" WHEN 30 THEN "30 correct" WHEN 40 THEN "40 correct" ELSE "No results"END AS `result`;在SELECT查询中使用CASE WHENCREATE TABLE DVDs ( ID SMALLINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL, NumDisks TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, RatingID VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL, StatID CHAR(3) NOT NULL) ENGINE=INNODB;INSERT INTO DVDs (Name, NumDisks, RatingID, StatID)VALUES ("Christmas", 1, "NR", "s1"), ("Doc", 1, "G", "s2"), ("Africa", 1, "PG", "s1"), ("Falcon", 1, "NR", "s2"), ("Amadeus", 1, "PG", "s2"), ("Show", 2, "NR", "s2"), ("View", 1, "NR", "s1"), ("Mash", 2, "R", "s2");SELECT Name, RatingID AS Rating, CASE RatingID WHEN "R" THEN "Under 17 requires an adult." WHEN "X" THEN "No one 17 and under." WHEN "NR" THEN "Use discretion when renting." ELSE "OK to rent to minors." END AS PolicyFROM DVDsORDER BY Name;8 rows in set (0.01 sec)


CASE1. =Council of Administrations of Special Education (美国)专业教育管理人员委员会2. =Committee on Academic Science and Engineering (美国)(联邦科学和技术委员会)理论科学及工程学委员会3. =Council for the Advancement of Secondary Education (美国)中等教育促进委员会4. =Computer Aided Software Engineering 计算机辅助软件工程5.=Compressed Air Energy Storage 压缩空气蓄能 1. 事实,实情[C]He thought he had already solved the problem, but that was not the case.他以为他已经解决了这个问题,可是实际情况并非如此。2. 事例,实例[C]Here is a case in point. 这里有一个很好的例子。3. 案件;诉讼[C]The case was tried last Wednesday.上星期三审判了该案件。4. (诉讼或争执之一方所持的)事实和论点[S1][(+for/against)]5. 【语】格(名词、代词的字形变化)[C][U]6. 个案;病例,病症;患者[C]case名词 n. [C]1. 箱,盒;套,壳;容器His new TV came in a big packing case.他新购的电视机是装在一只大的包装箱内运来的。2. 框,架 1. 把...装入箱(或容器)中[(+up)]I cased my books for shipping.我把我的书装箱待运。2. 【俚】(盗窃前)事先察看(房屋等) in case 以防;免得in any case无论如何,总之in good case健康,生活富裕in no case决不(位于句首时,主句应使用倒装语序)as is often the case 这是常有的事in this case 既然是这样


习惯用语a case in point 左证; 恰当的例子a case of conscience 良心问题a case of crabs [常与 come off, turn out, turn up 连用][美俚]失败a case of dog eat dog 残酷的竞争; 损人利已的角逐a gone case [美俚]无可救药的事[人]a hard case 无可救药或顽固不化的人; 难对付的人 处境困难或可怜的人 难办的事; 难治之症 古里古怪冒冒失失的家伙agreed case 【律】两起(对于诉讼事实)都无异议的案件as is often the case 这是常有的事as the case may be 看情况, 根据具体情况而定as the case might be 看情况, 根据具体情况而定as the case stands 在目前的情况下, 就现有的情况而论basket case 截去手脚的人 手脚瘫痪的人be the case with ...的情况是get down to cases [美、口]开始谈正经事Hard cases make bad law. [谚]难以处理的案件造成法律上的例外。have a case on [俚]迷上[爱上]某人in any case 无论如何, 总之in case 假使, 如果, 万一in case of 万一..., 如果发生 evil case 身体不好, 境况不佳in good case 健康, 生活富裕in nine cases out of ten 十之八九in no case 决不in that case如果是那样的话in the case of 就...来说, 关于in this case 假如这样的话It is not the case. 情况不是这样; 并非事实。This is not the case. 情况不是这样; 并非事实。That is not the case. 情况不是这样; 并非事实。just in case 以防(万一)leading case 【律】经常被援引的案件make out a case for 为...进行辩护make out one"s case 证明自已有理meet the case 恰当, 符合要求, 解决问题mentalcase [口]精神病患者open and shutcase 一目了然的案件, 显而易见out of case 不健康; 境况不好put the case for 为...辩护put the case (that) 假定, 推测stretcher case 重伤员such being the case 在这种情况下, 既然如此test case 【律】判例 [美]试诉vanity case 女人盛化妆品的小手提包[小脂粉盒]walking case 【医】门诊病人; 轻伤员


In case

高考英语词汇: case短语词汇

高考英语词汇:case短语词汇   1. in any case 不管怎样,无论如何。如:   In any case, you"ll have to be at the station by nine. 无论如何你九点钟得赶到车站。   It may rain tomorrow, but we are going home in any case. 明天可能下雨,但不管怎样我们都打算回家去。   2. in case   (1) 如果,万一(用作连词,表示条件)。如:   In case he comes, let me know. 如果他来,告诉我一声。   If case I forget, please remind me about it. 万一我忘记,请请醒我一下。   (2) 以防,免得(用作连词,表示目的)。如:   Take your umbrella (just) in case it rains. 带上雨伞,以防下雨。   Be quiet in case you should wake the baby. 安静些,免得把婴儿吵醒。   (3) 以防万一,免得(用作副词):   You had better carry some money in case. 你带些钱,以防万一(要用)。   It may not rain, but you had better take an umbrella incase. 可能不会下雨,但你还是带把雨伞,以防万一。   3. in case of 如果,万一,以防(用作介词,表示条件或目的)。如:   In case of fire, call 119. 万一失火,就打119电话。   Take an umbrella with you in case of rain. 带把雨伞,以防下雨。   4. in no case 绝不,在任何情况下都不。如:   You should in no case tell her about it. 你绝不能把此事告诉她。   注:若置于句首,句子用倒装。如:   In no case should you give up. 你绝不能放弃。   5. in that case 既然那样,假若是那样的话。如:   In that case come a little earlier. 既然那样,就早些来。   You don"t like your job? In that case why don"t you leave? 你不喜欢你的工作,那你为什么不辞掉呢?


下面是MSDN上的一个例子// example for CString::CompareNoCaseCString s1( "abc" );CString s2( "ABD" );ASSERT(s1.CompareNoCase( s2 ) == -1 ); // Compare with a CString.ASSERT( s1.Compare( _T("ABE" ) ) == -1 ); // Compare with LPTSTR string.



feel at ease;be relieved怎么读

feel at ease;be relieved 全部释义和例句>>放心;放心求采纳

the car is an economical purchase的用词错误

应该是the car is an economic purchaseeconomic表示经济的,有经济效益的economical表示节俭的,节约的economical显然不符合语境

Please give a introduction to English Renaissance and Humanism.

ok . 文艺复兴是指13世纪末在意大利各城市兴起,以后扩展到西欧各国,于16世纪在欧洲盛行的一场思想文化运动,带来一段科学与艺术革命时期,揭开了近代欧洲历史的序幕,被认为是中古时代和近代的分界。马克思主义史学家认为是封建主义时代和资本主义时代的分界。13世纪末期,在意大利商业发达的城市,新兴的资产阶级中的一些先进的知识分子借助研究古希腊、古罗马艺术文化,通过文艺创作,宣传人文精神。另有相关图书。



使命召唤8,无法进去,出现一个对话框: Could not load localizatian.txt.please make sure call of duty



在面向对象的编程中,基类(base class)指的是被其他类继承的类。也可以称为父类(parent class)、超类(superclass)或顶层类(top-level class)。一个基类可以定义一组公共属性和方法,这些属性和方法可以被其子类继承和使用,从而减少代码重复。子类(子类、派生类、derived class)则是继承自基类的类,可以使用基类中的公共属性和方法,并且还可以添加自己特有的属性和方法。子类可以继承多个基类,并且可以通过重载基类的方法来改变其行为。例如,假设有一个基类Animal,其中定义了name和age两个属性以及eat和sleep两个方法。现在我们可以创建一个子类Dog,继承自Animal,并添加自己的bark方法。这样,Dog就可以使用Animal中定义的属性和方法,同时还可以调用自己特有的bark方法。```public class Animal {public string name;public int age;public void eat() {// 吃东西}public void sleep() {// 睡觉}}public class Dog : Animal {public void bark() {// 汪汪叫}}```在上面的例子中,Animal为基类,Dog为子类。由于Dog继承自Animal,因此它可以使用Animal中定义的name、age、eat和sleep四个属性和方法。同时,Dog也可以添加自己特有的bark方法。

Java问题,泛型问题,通过实例对象获取T的类型如:public class Base{}

在父类的构造方法中,获取泛型的具体类型import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;import java.lang.reflect.Type;import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ModelDriven;/*** 工具类直接返回ModelDriven的对象*/public class ModelBaseAction<T> extends BaseAction implements ModelDriven<T> {protected T model;/*** 通过反射,获取泛型的具体类型并实例化这个类型*/public ModelBaseAction() {// 获取反射的类型java.lang.reflect.Type cls = super.getClass().getGenericSuperclass();if (cls instanceof ParameterizedType) {ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) cls;// 获取所有放到泛型里面的类型Type[] tps = pt.getActualTypeArguments();System.err.println(tps[0].getTypeName());try {// 实例化这个泛型所代表的类对象model = (T) Class.forName(tps[0].getTypeName()).newInstance();} catch (Exception e) {throw new RuntimeException("没有默认构造方法", e);}}}@Overridepublic final T getModel() {return model;}}

Zigzag Phase-Shifting Transformer 是什么?哪里由相关的中文介绍啊

这是个曲折变压器的模型 由3个单相变压器组合而成 原边是延边三角形的形式,由3个独立绕组组成,中点打开 可以实现Y接或者三角接,由自己在外部连接好 副边可以在参数框内选择星接或三角接 原边和副边移相的角度可以在参数框内指定 拖两个示波器 看看原副边线电压相位差就能明白了

Joomla错误:Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL,


Joomla无法安装,错误提示Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL


C# 使用bitmap绘图,base.Invalidate()重画,有残影怎么办


Shipping Release 是什么意思


on the merits of the case是什么意思

on the merits of: 根据 on the merits of the case是非曲直/在案情有利点(方面) 相关例句: 1.They asked me to pass on the merits of the case. 他们要求我评判这件事情的是非曲直。
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