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his efforts were reward with success

答案:C 翻译:他的努力得到了成功的回报. 1.enjoy“喜欢/享受”,句意不通,排除B; receive意思是“收到/接待”,句意同样不通,排除D. 2.award做动词时,意思是“奖励/授予”,而reward准确意思是“酬谢/奖赏/报答”. 此题答案以C reward最佳. 3.两者还有一个区别如下: award sb sth = award sth to sb; reward sth to sb for (doing) sth = reward sb with sth for (doing) sth

Tissue scaffold 在医学上是什么意思,主要治疗什么? 越详细越好

组织支架。tissue engineering是组织工程,应用于修补或替代完整组织的某一部分,如骨头、血管、皮肤等。scaffold是为了使细胞能在三个维度(方向)上生长的支持结构。


make a noble effort意思是做一个高尚的努力。词汇解释:make 英[meu026ak] 美[mek] vt. 做,制造; 生产,制定; 使成为; 使产生; vi. 开始; 尝试; 行进; 增大; n. 制造; 生产量; 性格; 形状,样式; [例句]I"d just like to make a comment.我只想稍加评论。noble 英[u02c8nu0259u028abl] 美[u02c8nou028abl] adj. 高尚的; 贵族的; 外表庄严和庄重的; 表现出崇高的; n. 尊贵的人; 旧时在英国使用的金币; [例句]He was an upright and noble man who was always willing to help in any way he could.他是一个正直高尚的人,总是愿意尽其所能帮助他人。effort 英[u02c8efu0259t] 美[u02c8efu0259rt] n. 工作; 努力,尝试; 成就; 杰作; [例句]He made no effort to hide his disappointment.他毫不掩饰失望之情。

laminated traffolyte是什么意思


i afford give you afford or strive是什么意思?

i afford give you afford or strive是什么意思?i afford give you afford or strive.我负担得起给你还是要努力奋斗

pebble chiffon啥意思

pebble chiffon卵石雪纺

关于诗歌 The Daffodils 中的一句话,高手进!

你最好下个中英翻译词典看 下下! 也许对你的问题有帮助。。

minimum level of effort 什么意思


when he was working there he caught a serious illness from___efforts he still suffers.


java 搞不明白的 NoClassDefFoundError 问题


If our efforts and returns are not proportional



"afford" 是一个英文动词,表示"负担得起"或"有能力做某事"。根据英语的发音规则,"afford" 可以被读作 /u0259u02c8fu0254u02d0rd/。其中,/u0259/ 表示弱元音,/u02c8fu0254u02d0rd/ 表示"福德"的音。所以,"afford" 可以读作类似于英文单词 "uh-ford" 的发音。"afford" 在日常用语中有广泛的应用。它常用于描述一个人是否有足够的资金、时间、能力或机会去支付或做某事。例如,"I can"t afford to buy a new car right now."(我现在买不起一辆新车。)或者 "She can afford to take a vacation this year."(她今年有能力去度假。)此外,"afford" 还可以与不同的宾语搭配使用,表示不同的含义。例如,"afford an opportunity"(提供机会)、"afford a view"(提供景色)或者 "afford a smile"(露出微笑)。这些搭配的具体意义需要根据上下文来理解。需要注意的是,"afford" 还可以用于否定句和疑问句中,形成否定或疑问的意义。例如,"I can"t afford to go on vacation this year."(我今年没法去度假。)或者 "Can you afford to buy a new house?"(你有能力买一栋新房子吗?)




这里的 scaffolding 指的是Theory of Scaffolding.Theory of Scaffolding 鹰架理论,指学生在学习一项新的概念或技能时,通过提供足够的支援来提升学生学习能力的教学准备。这些支援包括: * 资源 * 一项激发兴趣(compelling)的任务 * 模版及指导 * 认知及社交技巧方面的指导当学生发展了自主学习策略,提升了认知、情感和动作技能学习技能与知识时,这些支援会逐渐取走。





make every effort to do是什么意思

make every effort to do尽力做(某事)双语对照例句:1.He will make every effort to get him to use his valuable resources in its pursuit of wellness. 他会尽他所能的让他的客户在追求身心健康的同时用到所有有用的资源。2.Responsible leaders must nonetheless make every effort to rebalance trade in a less disruptive way. 然而,负责任的领导人必须倾尽全力,通过一种破坏性更小的方式,来实现贸易再平衡

put a lot of efforts into moulding production change over team什么意思

你好。put a lot of efforts into moulding production change over team翻译成中文是:在团队中投入大量的努力塑造产生变化。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

all our efforts are in vain.

effort既是可数名词也是不可数名词,在这句是一种习惯用法,用复数,all our efforts就已经表达清楚了不必再用all of our efforts,虽然没有什么区别。

all efforts are in vain.how can i save myself.是什么意思


翻译Their efforts can be seen in the awakening in much of industry



链接:提取码:n5fb单挑荒野 第一季是由艾德·尼尔森执导,由Ed Stafford担任主要嘉宾的真人秀。共9期,节目于2013年3月10日首播,节目介绍了在每集节目中,艾德将受困于一个偏远地点长达十天,包括婆罗洲、泰国、澳洲、波札那、委内瑞拉和罗马尼亚等地。他将只身抵御地球上最恶劣的环境,除了录影设备身上再无其他工具,身心备受考验。没有粮食和食水,甚至连一把小刀都没有。

jo stafford 别无他爱 中文歌词

歌曲名:Jolly Jo歌手:Jo Stafford专辑:The Capitol Rarities 1943 - 1950『Jolly Jolly』词:chihiRo曲:Jin Nakamura编曲:中村仁 / JiLL-Decoy association歌:JiLL-Decoy associationANB系アニメ「RED GARDEN」Opening Theme基本はノリの悪い私が<基本上我是冷场的人>参加する<我也参加了>久々のドライブで皆ハイテンション<久违的兜风大家都情绪高涨>彼も来るの!<他也来了!>脉が今は无くとも<尽管如今已没有脉搏>绝対行きますとも!<绝对也是要参加去了!>「すっごいすっごいポーカーフェイスだとしたら…<「他打趣的说想过>アルよ」なんて<为什麼绷著一张扑克脸」>「海は日焼けするから<「去海边的话会晒黑>山にしよう」って<就去山上吧」>コートの季节なのに<明明是穿大衣的季节>勘违いしてる<却误会了>どうしてなの?<究竟是为什麼呢?>こんな嬉しくて<这一段>ちぎれそうな程<破碎的旅程中>笑っているのに<高兴的欢笑著>彼の背中<看著他的背影>见ては胸つまる<心中充满感动>绝えない笑颜の<漩涡中>涡の中で<不止尽的笑容>无駄に保守的なとこ<虽然想要打破那些>打破したいんだけど<保守的东西>スカートは结局履かずじまいなの<没有鞋或裙子飞舞的结局>次回こそは<下次才是>「定员オーバーしてます<「超过了规定的人数>窓昙ってるし」<窗户外天正阴」>彼がそう笑いながら<他这样笑著>半袖になってる<卷起袖子>窓を开けて<打开窗户>声を放り投げた<大声喊叫>こんな楽しい事<没有比这>他にはないのに<更令人愉快的事情了>彼の笑颜<看著他的笑脸>见ては胸つまる<心中充满感动>うかれた女の<沉浸於旋涡裏>涡の中で<心醉神迷的女人>寒いよって文句言いながら<一边抱怨著好冷啊>腕组んで飞び出した<一边抱著胳膊跑出去>冷たい星<抬头看见>砕いて散りばめた空<寒冷的天空中>见上げたら<散布的繁星>どうしてなの?<究竟是为什麼呢?>私の隣に<他突然出现在>突然彼がいて<我的身边>思わず黙る<我禁不住沈默了>「キレイ」って言う<「好漂亮啊」>彼の优しい声<他笑著说道>ぶれて裏返って<声音是>本当に笑えた<如此温柔>予想外の<虽然>寒さだったけれど<出乎意料的寒冷>久々に会えて<不过>企画者エライエライ<遇见久违的计画者>はしゃぎすぎた<天气太乾燥了>私达ぐったり<我们都精疲力尽>この日を永远に<这一天>覚えてたい<我们要永远记住>

Jo Stafford的《Promise》 歌词

歌曲名:Promise歌手:Jo Stafford专辑:The Capitol Rarities 1943 - 1950PromisePlus OneI know that latelyThings have been so hardand looking outThrough your broken heartAll you can see is darkAnd lonely days aheadBut remember Jesus saidHe knows every star in the skyEvery single tear that you cryHis love is here faithful and aliveI know that this world can be coldIn his arms you′re never aloneThat′s his promise to you and IWhen hope had disappearedAnd you heart achesYou might not recognizeThe touch of graceBut on the other sideOf every dying dreamHis love is waiting patientlyHe knows every star in the skyEvery single tear that you cryHis love is here faithful and aliveI know that this world can be coldIn his arms you′re never aloneThat′s his promise to you and IWith every angel there′s a loveThat never leaves your sideHis love is deeper than the oceanOr a mountain highYou′ve got to knowThere′s hope in your heartAnd if you listen with your heartI know you′ll hear him sayYou are my child and I am with youEach and everydayHe is the one who knows your soulHe knows every star in the skyEvery single tear that you cryHis love is here faithful and aliveI know that this world can be coldIn his arms you′re never aloneThat′s his promise to you and IHe knows every star in the skyEvery single tear that you cryHis love is here faithful and aliveI know that this world can be coldIn his arms you′re never aloneThat′s his promise to you and IThat′s the promise for you and Ihttp://music.baidu.com/song/2832434

Jo Stafford的《Jolly Jo》 歌词

歌曲名:Jolly Jo歌手:Jo Stafford专辑:The Capitol Rarities 1943 - 1950『Jolly Jolly』词:chihiRo曲:Jin Nakamura编曲:中村仁 / JiLL-Decoy association歌:JiLL-Decoy associationANB系アニメ「RED GARDEN」Opening Theme基本はノリの悪い私が<基本上我是冷场的人>参加する<我也参加了>久々のドライブで皆ハイテンション<久违的兜风大家都情绪高涨>彼も来るの!<他也来了!>脉が今は无くとも<尽管如今已没有脉搏>绝対行きますとも!<绝对也是要参加去了!>「すっごいすっごいポーカーフェイスだとしたら…<「他打趣的说想过>アルよ」なんて<为什麼绷著一张扑克脸」>「海は日焼けするから<「去海边的话会晒黑>山にしよう」って<就去山上吧」>コートの季节なのに<明明是穿大衣的季节>勘违いしてる<却误会了>どうしてなの?<究竟是为什麼呢?>こんな嬉しくて<这一段>ちぎれそうな程<破碎的旅程中>笑っているのに<高兴的欢笑著>彼の背中<看著他的背影>见ては胸つまる<心中充满感动>绝えない笑颜の<漩涡中>涡の中で<不止尽的笑容>无駄に保守的なとこ<虽然想要打破那些>打破したいんだけど<保守的东西>スカートは结局履かずじまいなの<没有鞋或裙子飞舞的结局>次回こそは<下次才是>「定员オーバーしてます<「超过了规定的人数>窓昙ってるし」<窗户外天正阴」>彼がそう笑いながら<他这样笑著>半袖になってる<卷起袖子>窓を开けて<打开窗户>声を放り投げた<大声喊叫>こんな楽しい事<没有比这>他にはないのに<更令人愉快的事情了>彼の笑颜<看著他的笑脸>见ては胸つまる<心中充满感动>うかれた女の<沉浸於旋涡裏>涡の中で<心醉神迷的女人>寒いよって文句言いながら<一边抱怨著好冷啊>腕组んで飞び出した<一边抱著胳膊跑出去>冷たい星<抬头看见>砕いて散りばめた空<寒冷的天空中>见上げたら<散布的繁星>どうしてなの?<究竟是为什麼呢?>私の隣に<他突然出现在>突然彼がいて<我的身边>思わず黙る<我禁不住沈默了>「キレイ」って言う<「好漂亮啊」>彼の优しい声<他笑著说道>ぶれて裏返って<声音是>本当に笑えた<如此温柔>予想外の<虽然>寒さだったけれど<出乎意料的寒冷>久々に会えて<不过>企画者エライエライ<遇见久违的计画者>はしゃぎすぎた<天气太乾燥了>私达ぐったり<我们都精疲力尽>この日を永远に<这一天>覚えてたい<我们要永远记住>http://music.baidu.com/song/2832394

Jo Stafford的《Symphony》 歌词

歌曲名:Symphony歌手:Jo Stafford专辑:Original Hits - Wartime曾几何时 跟我说过的情歌无论何时 都会永远记住就此相信 牵著手的力量苿莉花的香气轻柔的摇晃著闪耀的光辉 因为有你才显得耀眼这个无可取代的东西必定填满胸口的深处あふれて璀璨的宝石般的指尖上想传达到遥远的地方澄净的空气既是笑脸也就这样保持著即使是季节更替还是被互相吸引难过的心情 像小猫一样缩起了肩膀因为想被黄昏的夕阳包围著くるまれていたいから如果一珠眼泪与海洋的颜色混合在一起就是演奏著喜悦的七彩交响曲若能乘著风到高远的夜空那边就好了届くといいな去收集分散的星星闪耀的光辉 因为有你才显得耀眼这个无可取代的东西就在这怀里马上就是早晨虽然今天和明天也是持续著平凡的每一天但还是觉得要珍惜著请一直拥抱著我在晴朗的日子中The Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2800450

用英语讲述一下Ed Stafford的故事,,多谢大佬

Ed Stafforduff1aAlong the way, danger accompanies all the time. He tactfully avoided crocodiles, leopards, viper and eel attacks, and tropical storm through the pain of torture, all with extremely strong body and mind. Ed is often warned by the locals that he will continue to walk and face death. He even accused of murder, was waving a machete native kill, imprisoned. However, the purpose of Ed"s expedition is clear: hope to arouse people"s awareness of environmental protection. Ed contacted the local people in an unprecedented way and witnessed the disastrous effects of forest degradation. In his story, the disappearing tribes and extinct species will attract our attention. In short, the conquest of the Amazon, the first expedition in the world, will lead readers to the world"s greatest rivers and the world"s most colorful kingdom of biology. This is a journey of the bravest.Hope to be helpful to you



Victor, Fly Me To Stafford(Rem 歌词

歌手:my little airport歌名:Victor,Fly Me To StaffordThis is the last song I write for youThis is the last night I think of youYour name is Victor ChingHow do you doI phoned you this morning you couldn"t hear meI sent you letter you couldn"t receiveIt"s my favorite game but I have changedIt"s too late to sayI miss you Victor ChingAnd you are on your way to Stafford in UKI know it"s too late to say I"m fond of youYou"ve got a girl from SingaporeWho you didn"t like beforeI love you when you no longer love meI need you when you no longer need meYou wanted me, but you have changed alreadyIt"s too late to say I miss you Victor ChingAnd you are on your way to Stafford in UKI know it"s too late to say I"m fond of youYou"ve got a girl from SingaporeWho you didn"t like beforehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2108792





a winner is one with a great effort of wii什么意思了?

a winner is one with a great effort of wii的意思为‘胜利者是wii的不懈努力"


effortlessly 英["efu0259tlu0259slu026a] 美["efu0259tlu0259slu026a] adv. 不作努力地,不费力地; [例句]Schumacher adapted effortlessly to his new surroundings.舒马赫非常轻松地适应了新环境。


动词。putinmoreeffort的词性是动词,动词加s是跟着句子人称变化,第一人称不加s。动词是表示动作或者状态的词,动词按照词义和在句子中所起的功能和作用可分为四类: 实义动词、系动词、助动词和情态动词。


朋友,这是你下载的“游戏软件”和电脑中的“内存”有冲突了!(答案原创,引用请说明作者:力王历史)我给你10套方案调试!1.去网上下载一个“read修复工具”修复一下,游戏就可以玩了(注意,查杀一下病毒与木马,网上有的“read工具”,有病毒与木马)!2.电脑里有木马或病毒干扰,下载“360安全卫士”和“360杀毒双引擎版”,建议“全盘扫描”病毒和木马,修补电脑上的漏洞!3.你下载的“播放器”,或“聊天软件”,或“IE浏览器”,或“游戏”的程序不稳定,或者“版本太旧”!建议卸掉,下载新的,或将其升级为“最新版本”!4.就是你安装了两款或两款以上的同类软件(如:两款播放器,两款qq,或多款浏览器,多款杀毒软件,多款网游等等)!它们在一起不“兼容”,卸掉“多余”的那一款!5.卸载方法:你在电脑左下角“开始”菜单里找到“强力卸载电脑上的软件”,找到多余的那款卸掉! 卸完了再“强力清扫”!或者“360安全卫士”,“软件管家”,点开,第4项:“软件卸载”,点开,找到“多余”和“类似”的软件卸载!如:“播放器”,点开,留下“暴风”,卸载“快播”!如:“下载”:点开,留下“迅雷”,卸载“快车”!(看准了再卸,别把有用的卸了)!6.如果以上方法不行,打开“360安全卫士”,“查杀木马”里的:“360系统急救箱”!急救系统,删除“可疑启动项”与木马,立即重启!再来到“文件恢复区”,彻底删除文件!“系统修复”,全选,立即修复!“网络修复”,开始修复,重启电脑!7.再不行,开始菜单,运行 ,输入cmd, 回车,在命令提示符下输入(复制即可) :for %1 in (%windir%system32*.ocx) do regsvr32 /s %1 粘贴,回车,再输入:for %1 in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1回车!直到屏幕滚动停止为止,重启电脑!8.下载:驱动人生,更新“显卡驱动”!9.下载合适的游戏补丁,不行,只能更换游戏版本!10.实在不行,重装游戏,或还原系统!或重装系统!




饥荒heap of foods全食谱制作方法及效果详解。不少玩家可能还不太清楚该模组的各个食谱如何制作,下面带来具体的介绍,供各位玩家们参考。heap of foods全食谱制作方法及效果详解作者将食谱分为不同的系列:@船难系列食谱1.咖啡需要3-4单位熟咖啡豆和1单位牛奶或甜味剂。不是生咖啡豆。健康:+3 |饥饿:+9.375 |理智:-5效果:行动加速。2.鲜贝浓汤需要3单位帽贝和1单位冰。健康:+60 |饥饿:+18.75 |理智:53.水母冻需要1单位鱼、1单位冰和1单位树枝。健康:+20 |饥饿:+12.5 |理智:0效果:冷却身体。4.鱼翅汤需要1单位鱼翅。健康:+40 |饥饿:+12.5 |理智:-10效果:增加顽皮。5.鱼子酱需要1单位鱼子和1单位蔬菜。不能有甜食和牛奶。健康:+3 |饥饿:+12.5 |理智:+156.热带鱼汤需要1单位鱼、1单位鳗鱼、1单位窝蜂和1单位藤壶。健康:+60 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+15效果:身体加速。@哈姆雷特系列食谱1.八宝饭需要3单位豆虫和1单位肉。健康:+20 |饥饿:+75 |理智:+152.软糖蛋糕需要1单位糖蛞蝓和1单位甜味剂。健康:-3 |饥饿:+150 |理智:-53.硬壳玉米饼需要2个甲虫壳和1个蔬菜。健康:+20 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+54.冰茶需要2个单位的橙色松鼠,1个单位的甜味剂和1个单位冰。健康:+25 |饥饿:+12.5 |理智:+33效果:冷却身体。5.茶需要2个单位的橙色松鼠和1个单位的甜味剂。不能有冰、肉、蛋或鱼。健康:+25 |饥饿:+12.5 |理智:+33效果:温暖身体。6.火荨麻卷需要1单位火荨麻。健康:+20 |饥饿+25 |理智-10效果:温暖身体。7.蛇骨汤需要2单位骨碎片和2单位肉。健康:+40 |饥饿:+80 |理智+108.蒸火腿三明治需要2单位肉、1单位蕨叶和1单位蔬菜。健康:+30 |饥饿:+62.5 |理智+15@暴食系列食谱1.面包需要3-4单位面粉。健康:+3 |饥饿:+12.5 |理智:0效果:烹饪时给予3单位。2.薯片需要3单位马铃薯和1单位斑点香料。不能有大蒜、肉或鱼。健康:+3 |饥饿:+25 |理智:+5效果:烹饪时给予3单位。3.素菜汤需要1单位胡萝卜、1单位洋葱、1单位玉米和1单位蕨叶。不能有土豆。健康:+8 |饥饿:+25 |理智:+104.果冻三明治需要1单位面包和1单位浆果。不能有不能吃的、素食、肉或鱼。健康:+3 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+155.炖鱼需要2单位鲑鱼、1单位芦笋和1单位斑点香料。不能有面包。健康:+20 |饥饿:+100 |理智:+56.萝卜糕需要3单位萝卜和1单位面粉。不能有牛奶。健康:+20 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+107.土豆煎饼需要3单位马铃薯和1单位面粉。不能有鸡蛋或鱼。健康:+3 |饥饿:+12.5 |理智:+338.土豆汤需要3单位马铃薯和1单位多肉植物。健康:+20 |饥饿:+25 |理智:+109.鱼丸串需要1单位鱼、1单位树枝和1单位斑点香料。健康:+25 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+2010.秘制培根串需要2单位培根、1单位树枝和1单位斑点香料。健康:+20 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+511.石头汤需要1单位圆石和1单位蔬菜。健康:-10 |饥饿:+25 |理智:+512.可乐饼需要2单位土豆、1单位鸡蛋和1单位面粉。不能有熟土豆。健康:+20 |饥饿:+12.5 |理智:+2013.烤蔬菜需要1单位熟洋葱、1单位熟芦笋、1单位煮大蒜和1单位熟胡萝卜。健康:+25 |饥饿:+40 |理智:+2014.肉饼需要2单位培根、1单位面粉和1单位蔬菜。不能有蕨叶。健康:+30 |饥饿:+25 |理智:+515.胡萝卜汤需要3单位胡萝卜和1单位斑点香料。健康:+10 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+1016.鲜鱼派需要1单位鲑鱼、1单位面粉和1单位蔬菜。不能有面包。健康:+40 |饥饿:+62.5 |理智:+517.炸鱼薯条需要1单位鱼、1单位面粉和2单位土豆。健康:+25 |饥饿:+100 |理智:018.肉馅饼需要1单位肉、2单位面粉和1单位蔬菜。不能有土豆、洋葱或培根。健康:+3 |饥饿:+50 |理智:+2519.小汉堡需要2单位培根、1单位面粉和1单位蕨叶。健康:+5|饥饿:+12.5|理智:+2520.果冻卷需要3单位浆果和1单位面粉。健康:+8 |饥饿:+25 |理智:+1521.胡萝卜蛋糕需要3单位胡萝卜和1单位面粉。健康:+15 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+522.蒜香土豆泥需要2单位大蒜、1单位土豆和1单位斑点香料。健康:+5 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+1523.蒜蓉面包需要1单位面包和2单位大蒜。不能有肉或鱼。健康:+30 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+524.番茄汤需要3单位番茄和1单位斑点香料。健康:+25 |饥饿:+50 |理智:+1525.肉肠需要3单位培根和1单位斑点香料。健康:+30 |饥饿:+37.5 |健康:+1026.蜜饯鱼需要1单位鲑鱼和1单位糖浆。健康:+5|饥饿:+25|理智:+6027.酿蘑菇需要2个单位的香菇和1.5个单位的蔬菜。不有蕨叶、多肉植物或乳制品。健康:+20|饥饿:+20|理智:+2028.意式烤面包需要1单位面包、1单位斑点香料和2单位番茄根。健康:+30 |饥饿:+50 |理智:+529.汉堡包需要1单位面包、1单位肉、1单位培根和1单位蕨叶。不能有鱼。健康:+5|饥饿:+80|理智:+530.鱼肉汉堡需要1单位面包、1单位鲑鱼和1单位蕨叶。健康:+20 |饥饿:+80 |理智:+531.蘑菇汉堡需要1单位面包、2单位香菇和1单位蕨叶。健康:+5|饥饿:+80|理智:+032.秘制鲑鱼排需要1单位熟鲑鱼、1单位蕨叶和1单位斑点香料。不能是生三文鱼。健康:+15 |饥饿:+150 |理智:+1533.咖喱需要1单位肉、1单位蔬菜和2单位斑点香料。健康:+10 |饥饿:+75 |理智:+1534.意大利肉丸面需要1单位肉、1单位面粉、1单位斑点香料和1单位番茄。健康:+8 |饥饿:+80 |理智:+2535.水煮鱼需要1单位鲑鱼、2单位蕨叶和1单位斑点香料。健康:+40 |饥饿:+25 |理智:+2536.牧羊人派需要1单位肉、1单位洋葱、1单位大蒜和1单位斑点香料。健康:+20 |饥饿:+150 |理智:+1037.焦糖糖果需要4单位糖浆。健康:0 |饥饿:+20 |理智:+33效果:加速双手。38.面包布丁需要1单位浆果、2单位面粉和1单位糖浆。健康:+15 |饥饿:+40 |理智:+4039.浆果馅饼需要2单位浆果、1单位面粉和1单位甜味剂。不能有糖浆。健康:+25 |饥饿:+20 |理智:+1540.通心粉需要2单位面粉和1单位奶。不能有鱼、肉、面包、水果或糖浆。健康:+20 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+5041.鱼百吉饼需要1单位面包、1单位奶、1单位鲑鱼和1单位斑点香料。健康:+50 |饥饿:+75 |理智:+5042.烤奶酪需要1单位奶或奶酪和1单位面包。不能有鱼、肉或斑点香料。健康:+60 |饥饿:+50 |理智:+4043.奶油蘑菇汤需要1单位奶、2单位香菇和1单位多肉植物。健康:+30 |饥饿:+50 |理智:+2544.意大利通心面需要1单位面粉、1单位奶、1单位斑点香料和1单位番茄。健康:+8 |饥饿:+50 |理智:+5045.奶油意大利宽面条需要1单位面粉、1单位大蒜、1单位多肉植物和1单位奶。健康:+20 |饥饿:+50 |理智:+4046.洋葱汤需要1单位面粉、1单位奶和2单位洋葱。健康:+25 |饥饿:+75 |理智-547.面包屑炸肉排需要2单位肉和2单位面粉。怪物肉不能超过1单位。健康:+30 |饥饿:+75 |理智:+1548.奶油鱼需要1单位奶、1单位蔬菜、1单位鲑鱼和1单位斑点香料。健康:+40 |饥饿:+75 |理智:+3049.烤肉需要2单位肉、1单位蔬菜和1单位斑点香料。不能有鱼。健康:+30 |饥饿:+150 |理智+550.蟹饼需要1单位蟹肉、1单位多肉植物、1单位面粉和1单位斑点香料。健康:+60 |饥饿:+62.5 |理智:+2051.牛排薯条需要2单位肉和2单位土豆。健康:+30 |饥饿:+100 |理智:052.射手三明治需要1单位肉、1单位面包和1单位斑点香料。不能有鱼。健康:+5|饥饿:+100|理智:+1553.培根包肉需要1单位肉和2单位培根。不能有不能吃的东西和面包。健康:+10 |饥饿:+50 |理智:054.蟹肉卷需要1单位蟹肉、1单位蕨叶、1单位香菇和1单位面粉。健康:+60 |饥饿:+75 |理智:+2555.意大利蟹肉饺子需要1单位蟹肉、1单位面粉、1单位奶和1单位蔬菜。健康:+60 |饥饿:+40 |理智:+5056.焦糖方块需要2单位糖浆和2单位奶。健康:-10 |饥饿:+20 |理智:+100效果:作者最喜欢的菜。57.英式司康需要1单位水果、2单位面粉和1单位奶。健康:+5 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+4058.奶酪蛋糕需要2单位浆果、1单位面粉和1单位奶。健康:+20 |饥饿:+75 |理智:+6059.糖浆需要3-4单位的糖树汁和1单位的牛奶或甜味剂。不能有怪物食品。健康:+3 |饥饿:+9.375 |理智:0效果:如果在长老的锅上烹饪,将获得3单位。说明:长老的锅需要用长老身边的锤子修复废墟获得。@杂七杂八系列食谱1.蔬菜沙拉需要2单位茴香和1单位红萝卜。健康:+20 |饥饿:+25 |理智:+102.莲藕热汤需要3单位莲花。健康:+8 |饥饿:+12.5 |理智:+503.夏威夷芋头羹需要3个单位的芋头。不能有不能吃的。健康:+30 |饥饿:+62.5 |理智:+104.黄瓜沙拉需要1单位海黄瓜和2单位蔬菜。不能有肉、不能吃的、鸡蛋、甜味剂、水果或芋头。健康:+10 |饥饿:+20 |理智:+15效果:防水祛湿。5.西洋菜汤需要2单位西洋菜,1单位多肉植物和1单位蔬菜。健康:+20 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+5效果:冷却身体。6.齿轮交响曲需要3单位齿轮。不能有冰。健康:+135 |饥饿:+150 |理智:+150效果:只有WX-78可以吃这种食物。7.致命盛宴需要1单位玩家肉。不能有不能吃的。健康:-100 |饥饿:+150 |理智:-300效果:伤身。8.福塔莱萨需要1单位粪肥、1单位鸟粪、1单位格罗姆的黏液和1单位盐。健康:0 |饥饿:0 |理智:09.小猫零食需要1单位鱼、1单位面粉和2单位斑点香料。健康:+20 |饥饿:+25 |理智:+1510.大猫零食需要1单位牛奶、1单位糖浆和2单位面粉。健康:+60 |饥饿:+15 |理智:+1511.爆米花碗需要3单位玉米和1单位盐。不能有熟玉米。健康:+5|饥饿:+75|理智:+3312.无花果汁需要1单位无花果和2单位冰。不能有肉、鱼或不能吃的。健康:0 |饥饿:+15 |理智:+50效果:冷却身体。13.椰子水需要1单位半个椰子、2单位冰和1单位树枝。健康:+20 |饥饿:0 |理智:0效果:防水祛湿14.眼球汤需要1个巨鹿眼球和1.5单位肉。不能有蔬菜或水果。健康:+150|饥饿:+150|理智:-150效果:召唤怪物。15.灵魂炖菜需要1单位瓶装灵魂和2单位骨碎片。健康:+10 |饥饿:+62.5 |理智:-10效果:只有小恶魔可以吃这种食物。16.幸运饼干需要1单位面粉、1单位甜味剂和1单位纸莎草。健康:+3 |饥饿:+20 |理智:+5效果:算命。17.聚宝盆需要1单位肉、1单位蔬菜、1单位水果和1个皮弗洛牛角。健康:+12 |饥饿:+75 |理智:+2518.奶盒需要2单位冰和2单位奶。健康:+25 |饥饿:0 |理智:+519.蜂蜜罐需要1单位蜂巢和3单位蜂蜜。健康:+30 |饥饿:+45 |理智:+520.一杯水需要2单位冰。冰的数量不能超过2单位。健康:+1 |饥饿:+1 |理智:+1效果:保持水分!21.洋蓟蟹需要2单位蟹肉、1单位海带或海藻或西洋菜以及1单位斑点香料。不能有熟海带、干海带、熟海藻和干海藻。健康:+40 |饥饿:+12.5 |理智:+6022.奶酪需要2单位奶和1单位斑点香料。不能有肉、大蒜和象奶。健康:+10 |饥饿:+25 |理智:+523.白奶酪需要2单位牛奶、1单位斑点香料和1单位大蒜。不能有肉。健康:+15 |饥饿:+25 |理智:+2024.考拉象奶酪需要2单位象奶和1单位斑点香料。不能有肉,大蒜,牛奶和奶。健康:+20 |饥饿:+25 |理智:+525.毒蛙腿三明治需要1单位毒蛙腿和1单位蔬菜。不能有蛙腿。健康:-20 |饥饿:+62.5 |理智:+10效果:发出蛙叫声。26.辣椒卷需要2单位辣椒、1单位面粉和1单位斑点香料。健康:+40 |饥饿:+32.5 |理智:-15效果:温暖身体。27.巧克力需要2单位坚果、1单位奶和1单位甜味剂。健康:-5 |饥饿:+12.5 |理智:+3328.白巧克力需要2单位坚果、1单位牛奶和1单位甜味剂。健康:-5 |饥饿:+33 |理智:+12.529.三色团子需要1单位奶、1单位面粉、1单位甜花和1单位树枝。健康:+30 |饥饿:+12.5 |理智:+530.炸薯条需要2单位马铃薯、1单位油和1单位盐。健康:+30 |饥饿:+32.5 |理智:+1031.扭曲龙舌兰需要1单位苔藓,1单位榴莲,1单位糖浆和1单位冰。健康:+8 |饥饿:+32.5 |理智:-60效果:扭曲时空。@冬季盛宴系列食谱1.快乐浆果酱需要2单位浆果和2单位甜味剂。健康:+10 |饥饿:+25 |理智:+152.比宾卡米糕需要2单位多肉植物,1单位蕨叶和1单位蔬菜。健康:+20|饥饿:+20|理智:03.白菜卷需要2单位西洋菜和1单位糖浆。不能有面粉。健康:+5 |饥饿:+32.5 |理智:+154.节日鱼料理需要1单位鱼和1单位肉。不能有甜味剂或龙虾。健康:+30 |饥饿:+62.5 |理智:+15.好肉汁需要1单位糖浆、1单位面粉和1单位肉类。健康:+5|饥饿:+62.5 |理智:+206.土豆饼需要2单位马铃薯和1单位奶。健康:+5|饥饿:+25|理智:+507.苏打鱼需要2单位鱼、1单位辣椒和1单位蕨叶。健康:+5|饥饿:+75|理智:+58.香料潘趣酒需要1单位糖浆、1单位甜味剂和1单位冰。不能有必忘我,肉,水果或地衣。健康:+30 |饥饿:+12.5 |理智:+339.托尼甜面包需要2单位面粉和2单位水果。健康:+20 |饥饿:+32.5 |理智:+1510.巴甫洛娃蛋糕需要1单位面粉、2单位水果和1单位甜味剂。健康:+40 |饥饿:+25 |理智:+511.腌鲱鱼需要1单位鱼和2单位斑点香料。不能有面粉。健康:+40 |饥饿:+62.5 |理智:012.波兰饼干需要1单位面粉、1单位奶和2单位甜味剂。健康:+50 |饥饿:+12.5 |理智:+513.南瓜派需要1单位南瓜、1单位面粉和1单位甜味剂。健康:+30 |饥饿:+75 |理智:+1514.烤火鸡需要1单位鸡腿、2单位斑点香料和1单位多肉植物。健康:+10 |饥饿:+150 |理智:+2015.烤火鸡面包馅需要1单位面粉、2单位蔬菜和1单位水果。健康:+10 |饥饿:+150 |理智:+2016.红薯焙盘需要1单位面粉和2单位红薯。不能有肉。健康:+20 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+5016.塔马利需要1单位面粉、2单位玉米和1单位奶。健康:+5|饥饿:+20|理智:+10017.饕餮馅饼需要1单位肉、1单位面粉、1单位培根和1单位土豆。健康:+40 |饥饿:+75 |理智:+15@沃利的独家食谱这些只能在沃利的便携锅上烹饪。1.法式贻贝浓汤需要3单位的贻贝和1单位的蔬菜。不能有熟贻贝。健康:+60 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+152.甘薯蛋奶酥需要2单位红薯和2单位蛋。不能有熟红薯。健康:+20 |饥饿:+50 |理智:+153.珍珠奶茶需要1单位松鼠、2单位甜味剂和1单位冰。健康:+20 |饥饿:+12.5 |理智:+33效果:远离睡眠。4.法式洋葱汤需要2单位洋葱、3单位蔬菜和1单位蕨叶。健康:+40 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+55.薄荷软糖需要1单位蜂王浆和3单位绿蘑菇。健康:+2 |饥饿:0 |理智+5效果:随着时间的推移恢复理智,烹饪时给予3单位。6.奶油软糖需要1单位蜂王浆、1单位黄油和1单位甜味剂。不能有不可食用或怪物食物。健康:+2|饥饿:+5|理智:0效果:随着时间的推移恢复饥饿值,烹饪时给予3单位。7.超级软糖需要2单位蜂王浆、1单位龙果和1单位石榴。健康:+2|饥饿:+2|理智:+2效果:随着时间的推移恢复三个值,烹饪后可获得3单位。8.特制炖肉需要3单位肉和1单位斑点香料。健康:+15 |饥饿:+200 |健康:+109.芝士汉堡需要1单位面包、1单位肉、1单位奶制品和1单位蕨叶。健康:+50 |饥饿:+100 |理智:+3010.披萨需要1单位肉、1单位面粉、1单位奶和1单位番茄。健康:+40 |饥饿:+150 |理智:+2011.惠灵顿牛排需要2单位肉、1单位面包和1单位蔬菜。健康:+20 |饥饿:+150 |理智:+1012.屈莱弗需要1单位水果、1单位面粉和2单位奶。健康:+15 |饥饿:+37.5 |理智:+6013.圣代冰淇凌需要1单位浆果、1单奶、1单位糖浆和1单位冰。健康:+20 |饥饿:+8 |理智:+60效果:冷却身体。说明:模组自带三种奶,可以通过制作木桶,在伏特羊、皮弗洛牛和考拉象睡着时取奶。分别对应食材中提到的奶、牛奶和象奶。


都是努力做某事的意思,近意词,不过make an effort 用起来更高级一些。是高中词汇。 精锐巨峰 陶老师

he will come to understand your efforts sooner or later. it is just a matter of time

慢慢的, 终究会明白

Every effort will pay off. Sooner or later。 是什么意思呢??跪求 谢谢!!!!


put more effort in和put more effort on区别

put more effort in 和 put more effort on 都是表示“在...更加努力“在...上下功夫”,举例:1. put more effort inWhen we put effort in these four practices, we will develop wisdom. 在这四项下功夫,这就是智慧。People put more effort in action to obtain objects associated with angry faces. 人们把更多的努力用在了那些与愤怒面孔相关的物体上。2. put more effort on Chinese nationalism put more effort on the political level and the request to abrogate unequal treaties replaced the discussion on merits and demerits of foreign debt on railway. 中国民族主义的目标更加集中于政治层面,废除不平等条约的要求取代了关于铁路外债利弊的讨论。Parents should put greater effort on doing more activities together with their childas a way of building a closer bond. 和孩子相处的时候,尽可能地和孩子共同做一些事。两者的用法基本一样,只是put more effort in 的用法更为广泛。

Chinese sacred lily ,Narcissus和daffodil有什么不同

Narcissus 是水仙的学名,拉丁文派生的这个单词来自古希腊的美少年Narcissus 他长的非常非常美貌 由于迷恋自己在水中的影子 所以被淹死 然后化身为水仙花

Lee Triffon的《Who Am I》 歌词

歌曲名:Who Am I歌手:Lee Triffon专辑:Who Am I EPWho am I----Casting CrownsFrom GrammyMade by Rock.XuWho am I, that the Lord of all the earthWould care to know my nameWould care to feel my hurtWho am I, that the Bright and Morning StarWould choose to light the wayFor my ever wandering heartNot because of who I amBut because of what You"ve doneNot because of what I"ve doneBut because of who You areI am a flower quickly fadingHere today and gone tomorrowA wave tossed in the oceanA vapor in the windStill You hear me when I"m callingLord, You catch me when I"m fallingAnd You"ve told me who I amI am Yours, I am YoursWho am I, that the eyes that see my sinWould look on me with love and watch me rise againWho am I, that the voice that calmed the seaWould call out through the rainAnd calm the storm in meNot because of who I amBut because of what You"ve doneNot because of what I"ve doneBut because of who You areI am a flower quickly fadingHere today and gone tomorrowA wave tossed in the oceanA vapor in the windStill You hear me when I"m callingLord, You catch me when I"m fallingAnd You"ve told me who I amI am YoursNot because of who I amBut because of what You"ve doneNot because of what I"ve doneBut because of who You areI am a flower quickly fadingHere today and gone tomorrowA wave tossed in the oceanA vapor in the windStill You hear me when I"m callingLord, You catch me when I"m fallingtold me who I amI am YoursI am YoursWhom shall I fearWhom shall I fear"Cause I am YoursI am Yourshttp://music.baidu.com/song/14986604

He put forth a great effort to concentrate. 这句话中的put forth 的用法?


put forth some effort什么意思啊



attempt 贬义effort 褒义

英语写作 no pains,no gains,with every effort mad

我是一个高考的过来人,高考成绩129分,平时大考碰狗屎运也考过130+的分数。首先我想请阁下明白一个道理冰冻三尺非一日之寒,所以坚持很重要,英语是一门很看重积累的科目。 虽然我高考已经好多年了,而且今年即将大学毕业,踏入社会。但英语一直没有丢,英语一直是我的排头兵!我对英语的自信还有,我觉得学好英语不难,重要的是你要有恒心,急躁冒进,三天打渔两天晒网都是不行的。在这里我就毛遂自荐一下我的学习方法吧: 首先先你要端正心态,不要急躁,,你做你自己的事,这样才能静下心来学习。要成为英语高手就必须比别人走更多的路,做更多的事。你应该明白一个事实,英语是单词和语法的综合,所以单词和语法都要拿下。 其次,对于单词,有如下几种方法,第一个,是加强记忆的频度,也就是说,早上记了几个,隔几个小时又看一次,总之一天之内,记忆的间隔不要太长,否则你辛苦积累的记忆会随着时间的延长而淡化,第二个,是可以根据自己的理解编顺口溜,比如good morning 是狗摸你…(见笑了)…,第三个,最重要的是,记单词的时候,不要忘了阅读,一边记单词,一边看文章,这样可以把孤立的单词串联起来,记忆的效果会加倍,第四个。我建议你记单词要分门别类记忆,要形成一个意群,比如,重要性用magnitude magnificence ,表示非常,大大地有exceedingly,tremendously,extremely……这样做在你写作时,是十分有好处的,写作时不要尽写一些低级词汇,你要写高级词汇,比如重要性写magnitude,许多写a multitude of 或者handsome。再次,是语法。学习语法,首先要明白什么是主谓宾定状补,什么是系动词,什么是直接宾语,间接宾语,这些是学习语法的基础,语法是房子,主谓宾定状补等是沙石砖瓦。然后就要多做一些语法专项练习,并在此过程中不断总结,并时时回顾那些了解,那些依然不理解,需要注意的是,那些不理解的一定要花时间弄清楚,否则对自己的不负责将会导致英语语法一知半解的结局!这对于想成为英语高手的人来说,是十分不利的!(注:本人从开始时不知主谓宾,到熟练掌握语法,把语法书看了不下二十遍,书都翻烂了!莫笑本人愚笨……) 此外,对于完形填空以及阅读理解,那就只能靠平时的练习了,在这个过程中,你要时时总结,纵深对比,千万不要陷入题海战术只做题,不总结的误区当中。在做题的过程中,你把各种体型都总结了一遍,积累了丰富的经验,而且你还提升了自己的阅读速度,一举两得,所以做题是很重要的!其实,完形填空无非就是单项选择加语境分析,也就是说,做完形填空你的语法要好,而且你要积累比较多的固定搭配,短语,特殊用法等,完形填空的语法还是很重要的!对于阅读,我个人感觉是,纯粹是个人经验积累多少的问题,只有保证一定的练习量,你才能用质的提高!最后,我建议你,平时读报,或者做题的时候,发现有好的句子好的词汇,你要抄下来,长期下来,你的作文会有提高的,需要说明的是,这个提高过程可能很缓慢,但是最后能收到很好的效果,以前25分的作文我都能保证在21-23这个级别,靠的就是对语法的熟练掌握和积累了许多较高级的词汇,句型,句子。我个人的理解是,在你的语法达到基本不会出错的程度上,作文便应该以词汇取胜,因为在这个层次上,大家的语法都差不多,没什么变化,唯一有变化的就是你的词汇!给你打个比方吧,很多想到“许多”就用many,但是你别忘了many a ;handsome;massive,innumerable;很多人想到“专家”就写expert,但很少人会想到specialist,很多人在想到“擅长”这词,就写be good at ,却不知还有更高级的表达法:be expert at 或者excel in ……高手和庸才,就体现在这些细微的差别上 !!

请问william wordsworth 的简介及创作the daffodils 这首诗的背景,,如何对这首诗进行分析

Notes about this poem:1. Wordsworth made use of the description in his sister"s diary, as well as of his memory of the daffodils in Gowbarrow Park, by Ullswater. Cf. Dorothy Wordsworth"s Journal, April 15, 1802: "I never saw daffodils so beautiful. They grew among the mossy stones . . .; some rested their heads upon these stones, as on a pillow for weariness; and the rest tossed and reeled and danced, and seemed as if they verily laughed with the wind, that blew upon them over the lake; they looked so gay, ever glancing, ever changing."2. "They flash upon that inward eye... ": Wordsworth said that these were the two best lines in the poem and that they were composed by his wife.Biography and Assessment: Wordsworth was born in the Lake District of northern England[...]The natural scenery of the English lakes could terrify as well as nurture, as Wordsworth would later testify in the line "I grew up fostered alike by beauty and by fear," but its generally benign aspect gave the growing boy the confidence he articulated in one of his first important poems, "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey . . . ," namely, "that Nature never did betray the heart that loved her." [...] Wordsworth moved on in 1787 to St. John"s College, Cambridge. Repelled by the competitive pressures there, he elected to idle his way through the university, persuaded that he "was not for that hour, nor for that place." The most important thing he did in his college years was to devote his summer vacation in 1790 to a long walking tour through revolutionary France. There he was caught up in the passionate enthusiasm that followed the fall of the Bastille, and became an ardent republican sympathizer. [...] The three or four years that followed his return to England were the darkest of Wordsworth"s life. Unprepared for any profession, rootless, virtually penniless, bitterly hostile to his own country"s opposition to the French, he knocked about London in the company of radicals like William Godwin and learned to feel a profound sympathy for the abandoned mothers, beggars, children, vagrants, and victims of England"s wars who began to march through the sombre poems he began writing at this time. This dark period ended in 1795, when a friend"s legacy made possible Wordsworth"s reunion with his beloved sister Dorothy--the two were never again to live apart--and their move in 1797 to Alfoxden House, near Bristol. There Wordsworth became friends with a fellow poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and they formed a partnership that would change both poets" lives and alter the course of English poetry. [...] Through all these years Wordsworth was assailed by vicious and tireless critical attacks by contemptuous reviewers; no great poet has ever had to endure worse. But finally, with the publication of The River Duddon in 1820, the tide began to turn, and by the mid-1830s his reputation had been established with both critics and the reading public. Wordsworth"s last years were given over partly to "tinkering" his poems, as the family called his compulsive and persistent habit of revising his earlier poems through edition after edition. The Prelude, for instance, went through four distinct manuscript versions (1798-99, 1805-06, 1818-20, and 1832-39) and was published only after the poet"s death in 1850. Most readers find the earliest versions of The Prelude and other heavily revised poems to be the best, but flashes of brilliance can appear in revisions added when the poet was in his seventies. Wordsworth succeeded his friend Robert Southey as Britain"s poet laureate in 1843 and held that post until his own death in 1850. Thereafter his influence was felt throughout the rest of the 19th century, though he was honoured more for his smaller poems, as singled out by the Victorian critic Matthew Arnold, than for his masterpiece, The Prelude. In the 20th century his reputation was strengthened both by recognition of his importance in the Romantic movement and by an appreciation of the darker elements in his personality and verse. William Wordsworth was the central figure in the English Romantic revolution in poetry. His contribution to it was threefold. First, he formulated in his poems and his essays a new attitude toward nature. This was more than a matter of introducing nature imagery into his verse; it amounted to a fresh view of the organic relation between man and the natural world, and it culminated in metaphors of a wedding between nature and the human mind, and beyond that, in the sweeping metaphor of nature as emblematic of the mind of God, a mind that "feeds upon infinity" and "broods over the dark abyss." Second, Wordsworth probed deeply into his own sensibility as he traced, in his finest poem, The Prelude, the "growth of a poet"s mind." The Prelude was in fact the first long autobiographical poem. Writing it in a drawn-out process of self-exploration, Wordsworth worked his way toward a modern psychological understanding of his own nature, and thus more broadly of human nature. Third, Wordsworth placed poetry at the centre of human experience; in impassioned rhetoric he pronounced poetry to be nothing less than "the first and last of all knowledge--it is as immortal as the heart of man," and he then went on to create some of the greatest English poetry of his century. It is probably safe to say that by the late 20th century he stood in critical estimation where Coleridge and Arnold had originally placed him, next to John Milton--who stands, of course, next to William Shakespeare. Some comments:1.We often go through life as if we were unconscious of what is going onaround us - like clouds. We notice many things some of which are beautifuland some ordinary. But being distracted - not poets, who would naturallynotice and be gay at the sight - we fail to be lifted by the simple butawesome beauty that surrounds us. WW was not being a poet at the time andso he "little thought what wealth to him the show had wrought." He wasforced to try to re-experience it from memory - his inward eye - in order tofill his heart with the pleasure he missed when he actually saw the daffodils.To me, the poem serves as a reminder that our happiness is best served if welive our lives as poets and notice the simple beauty that nature gives usdaily. Where ordinary people see flowers, the poet sees stars, dancers,happy celebrations of nature"s miracles and is pleasured. Live as apoet!!!!!2.I always thoughtof the poem as a simple poem of yellow gay springtime. Having reallylooked at the poem something clicked and I have a profound understandingthat I had overlooked -The word "DANCE" is in every stanza - Dance the cosmic creative energythat transforms space into time, is the rhythm of the universe. Rounddancing, was a dance that imitated the sun"s course in the heavens andenclosed a sacred space. The round, yellow, golden cups of the daffodilcan easily symbolize the sun, the sacred sun of incorruptibile wisdom,superior and noble.Dancing as the Dance of Siva is the eternal movement of the universe the"play" of creatio, or the "fluttering" frenzy emotional chaos ofDionysian/Bacchic.The stars, messengers of the gods, the eyes of night, and hope, tosstheir "head," the seat of both our intelligence and folly, honor anddishonor.Lying on a couch in a vacant pensive mood could easily be a way todiscribe a meditative state where the forces of the universe and ourconnection with the ceaseless movement, the ebb and flow of life as awave dances could be pondered.That last line "And dances with the Daffodils." could it be the dance ofangels round the throne of God. If this is a poem of the cycle ofexistence and the circling of the sun/God of course what wealth andglee.3.A poem can stir all of the senses, and the subject matter of a poem can range from being funny to being sad.


Would you like to join the art club?Let us go fishing this afternoon.Does she buy any books in the bookstore?I can not find the shoolbag.He usually has an egg every day.I am playing the piano in my classroom.I use water to cook food.What is the weather like in Nanjing?I would like to drink some coffee.My mother goes to the supermaket on foot.What is your sister"s name?My cousin is shorter than me.Does your brother like to watch movies?My sister plays the piano very well.My father does not go to work on Sunday.Are you excited about your birthday party?What kind of movies do you like?Let me have a look at your camera.You can not make a noise in the library.What kind a person your sister is?How beautiful your dress is!

efforts and confidence combine to make a full man

efforts and confidence combine to make a full man.努力和信心相结合,使一个完整的人。

Do we appreciate our body nonstop efforts to function smoothly ?的意思



Staffordshire 是一个内陆县在英国米德兰平原。郡的首府是Stafford 。一部分的国家森林在其疆界之间。它毗邻彻斯特、Derbyshire 、Leicestershire 、Warwickshire 、西部米德兰平原和Shropshire 礼仪县。主要集合城市在Staffordshire 包括升火在Trent, Burton 在Trent, 新堡下面Lyme, Tamworth 和Stafford 。Staffordshire 被划分成一定数量的区。这些是Cannock 追逐、东部Staffordshire 、Lichfield, 新堡下面Lyme, 南Staffordshire, Stafford, Staffordshire Moorlands 和Tamworth 。升火在Trent 被执行作为分开的单一的权威。历史Staffordshire 的主要条款历史。历史性的县Staffordshire 包括的渥尔安普屯、Walsall, 和西部Bromwich, 1974 年这些被去除了对西部米德兰平原新县。Staffordshire 收效的行政区域有运行在西部米德兰平原西边到渥斯特夏疆界的狭窄的southwards 伸进。进一步, 升火在Trent 被去除在90 年代形成单一的权威, 但仍然被认为一部分的Staffordshire 为礼仪目的。历史上, Staffordshire 被划分了成五上百Cuttlestone 、Offlow 、Pirehill 、Seisdon 和Totmonslow 。地理在北部和在南部县是多小山的, 以狂放的moorlands 在北部。在midland 地区表面是降低和波浪起伏的。在整个县过程中有浩大和重要煤田。在南部的部份有还富有的铁矿储蓄。最大的河是Trent 。土壤首要是黏土并且农业不是高度发展的。镇和村庄方丈·Bromley, Admaston, Alrewas, Alton, Amington, Armitage Barlaston, 巴顿下面Needwood, Biddulph, Blythe 桥梁, Brewood, Burslem, Burston, Burton 在Trent Cannock, Cauldon, Cheadle, Cheddleton, Chorley, Codsall, Consall, Croxden Eccleshall, Edingale, Endon, Etruria Fazeley, Featherstone Gnosall, 大的Haywood Hanchurch, Handsacre, Hanley, Harriseahead, Haughton, Hednesford, Huddlesford, Huntington Ingestre Kettlebrook, Bromley, Kingstone, Kingswinford 国王 韭葱, Lichfield, 少许Haywood, Longton Madeley, Marchington, Marchington 森林地带, Marston, Brewood, Staffordshire, Marston 新堡下面Lyme, 没有人的荒地 Oakamoor, Oulton Penkridge Rolleston 在鸠, Rudyard, Rugeley, Rushton Spencer Sandon, Shallowford, Shenstone, Smallthorne, Stafford, 升火在Trent, 石头, Stowe 由Chartley, Stretton (Brewood), Stretton (Burton 在Trent), Swinfen Tamworth, Tutbury 上部Longdon, Uttoxeter 墙壁, Werrington, Weston, Weston 在之下蜥蜴, Whitmore, Whittington, Willoughbridge, Wordsley Yoxall 地方利益Lichfield 大教堂 Shugborough 霍尔 Blithfield 霍尔 Dovecliff 霍尔 福特绿色霍尔, Smallthorne Madeley 老霍尔 Moseley 老霍尔, Featherstone Sandon 霍尔 Whitmore 霍尔 Biddulph 农庄 Eccleshall 城堡 割警察城堡 Stafford 城堡 Tamworth 城堡 Tutbury 城堡 Croxden 修道院 宽广的观点风车, Stafford Cheddleton 火石磨房, watermill Watermill 住房Brindley 水博物馆, 韭葱 Izaak Walton 村庄博物馆 Weston 公园 Cannock 追逐 淡褐Slade 储备 RSPB Coombes 谷 全国纪念树木园 Trentham 庭院 Rudyard 湖 Tittesworth 水库 Chasewater 河Trent 河Blythe 河Churnet 伯明翰和Fazeley 运河 Caldon 运河 考文垂运河 Shropshire 联合运河 Trent 和Mersey 运河, Harecastle 隧道 遗产铁路: Chasewater 铁路, Foxfield 蒸汽铁路, 繁多谷铁路 长途小径: 英国方式, Staffordshire 方式的心脏 局部组西部Midland 鸟俱乐部 Lichfield 蟋蟀俱乐部

Staffordshire 属于英国的哪个城市?

斯坦福德基尔市,Staffordshire 是一个内陆县在英国米德兰平原。郡的首府是Stafford 。一部分的国家森林在其疆界之间。它毗邻彻斯特、Derbyshire 、Leicestershire 、Warwickshire 、西部米德兰平原和Shropshire 礼仪县。 Staffordshire 被划分成一定数量的区。这些是Cannock 追逐、东部Staffordshire 、Lichfield, 新堡下面Lyme, 南Staffordshire, Stafford, Staffordshire Moorlands 和Tamworth 。升火在Trent 被执行作为分开的单一的权威。位于英国西北面的斯塔福德郡(Staffordshire),虽然名气不及伦敦、爱丁堡、牛津等大城市,但它却是英国唯一一个定期举行马车跳舞活动的小镇。这个活动是该镇特有的历史遗产,源于中世纪,但起源的详细情形就没有正式记载,故当地人也未必知道它的由来。


Liverpool,在Stafford 西北



Staffordshire 属于英国的哪个城市?

斯坦福德 基尔市Staffordshire 是一个内陆县在英国米德兰平原。郡的首府是Stafford 。一部分的国家森林在其疆界之间。它毗邻彻斯特、Derbyshire 、Leicestershire 、Warwickshire 、西部米德兰平原和Shropshire 礼仪县。 主要集合城市在Staffordshire 包括升火在Trent, Burton 在Trent, 新堡下面Lyme, Tamworth 和Stafford 。 Staffordshire 被划分成一定数量的区。这些是Cannock 追逐、东部Staffordshire 、Lichfield, 新堡下面Lyme, 南Staffordshire, Stafford, Staffordshire Moorlands 和Tamworth 。升火在Trent 被执行作为分开的单一的权威。

efforts to earn money, serious life!翻译成汉语是什么意思?!

efforts to earn money, serious life!努力赚钱,认真生活!



continued efforts

您所述的问题,实质上是 continual与 continued二者含义的比较: continual 反复的,频繁的(强调一个动作在某个时期反复出现) continued和continuing可以互换,都表示“连续不断的”“继续不变的”. 如果表示持续不断地努力,用make continued efforts更为恰当一些,也可以换成continuing.但是continual真的不多见.

请大家帮分析, that 在里面起什么作用? ever 在里面是什么意思?做什么成分?afford、 purchases 这

afford是动词,purchases是purchase的复数形式,指购买的东西为名词。practice是练习,或者有什么特别语境里的意思。that 是作为同位语的引导词,表明the chances 和she will ever be able to afford such purchases是同一个意思的。这两句的意思大概如下:因为她不富有,她有能力付得起购买的东西的可能性是微小的;但她永远不可能有足够的意志来停止这个活动(活动指特别语境里的某种意思)。




英文内容搬运自: https://bioinformaticsworkbook.org/introduction/dataTerminology.html There are four common bases in DNA sequence, A denine, G uanine, C ytosine and T hymine. U racil is found in RNA in place of Thyamine Image taken from wikipedia where more information about nucleotides can also be found. A read is a string of bases represented by their one letter codes. Here is an example of a read that is 50 bases long. TTAACCTTGGTTTTGAACTTGAACACTTAGGGGATTGAAGATTCAACAACCCTAAAGCTTGGGGTAAAAC A contig is the consensus sequence generated by aligning reads to themselves. The last line is the consensus of the aligned reads. We call this consensus sequence a contig . A scaffold is a set of contigs that have been ordered and oriented based on mate pair or long distance information. contig NNNNNNNNNNNN gitnoc NNNNNNNN contig NNNNNNNN contig NNNN gitnoc In the line above 再搜文章一些补充,有图就更好了: Chromosomes are the largest DNA molecules in a cell. Scaffolds can be ordered and oriented using a genetic map or Hi-C data into linkage groups or chromosomes. The ultimate goal of a genome assembly project is to assemble reads into phased chromosomes that represent an actual individual. Most chromosomal assemblies produced today are not phased or may represent multiple individuals.



初中英语词汇:中考英语重点单词用法 afford

《中考英语重点单词用法 afford》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 afford 1.afford是动词,意为“买得起,担负得起”。通常与can,could,beableto连用,尤用于否定句或疑问句中。如: Theycouldnu2019tafford$50foraticket. 他们拿不出50美元买一张票。 Canweaffordanewcar? 我们能买得起一辆新车吗? 2.afford后面常跟带to的动词不定式。如: Wecanu2019taffordtogoabroadthissummer. 今年夏天我们没有足够的钱出国。 《中考英语重点单词用法 afford》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com

急求短语afford to do sth是什么意思?怎么用啊


afford +doing/sth;afford to+do,这样的句型对不对?


The face of our favorite people, to make the best choice, make the greatest efforts.是什么意思?


Efforts to live for today, tomorrow continue to w

你好!Efforts to live for today, tomorrow continue to work hard. Good night.努力活在当下,明天继续努力工作。晚安,各位。

Clifford T Ward

Clifford Thomas Ward,1944年出生于英国伍斯特郡,民谣歌手,唱作人,60年代初期短暂的组建了一支叫做Cliff Ward and The Cruisers的乐队,不久解散后就开始了他的个人事业,他的作品被许多知名艺人唱过,例如Cliff Richard, Jack Jones, Art Garfunkel, 和Judy Collins,1984年,Clifford Thomas Ward不幸患上了多发性硬化症,但他仍然坚持在自己的工作室录音,直至2001年去世专辑曲目: 01. Gaye 02. Wherewithal 03. The Dubious Circus Company 04. Nightingale 05. Where Would That Leave Me 06. The Traveller 07. Home Thoughts from Abroad 08. Where"s It Going to End 09. Time, The Magician 10. Give Me One More Chance 11. Cold Wind Blowing 12. The Open University 13. Crisis就知道这么多了,祝你好运!

The police searched the city in an effort to catch the man who ____ murder l


Clifford T Ward的《Wayward》 歌词

歌曲名:Wayward歌手:Clifford T Ward专辑:Mantlepieces (With Bonus Track)Vashti Bunyan - Wayward猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你didn"t want to be the onethe one who"s left behindwhile the other one goes out to lifeand comes back home to findme sitting pretty happilysurrounded by a housewith cups in all their saucersand not a bit of dustdays going by in clouds of flour and white washinglife getting lost in a world without endI wanted to be the onewith road dust on my bootsand a single silver ear-ringand a suitcase full of notesand a band of wayward childrenwith their fathers left behindall in their castles in their airand houses in their landlives getting lost in mending gaps in their fencingall I ever wanted was a road without end2009.04.25 9猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你http://music.baidu.com/song/2853934

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/validator/ValidatorResources


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/aopalliance/intercept/MethodInterceptor

你这个里面,ClassNotFound 是最先出现的问题么?你的 aop.jar (可能是这个名字)放在什么位置,它与 Spring.jar 是在一起的么?BeanFactory not initialized or already closed 可能是因为上一步初始化失败导致的。

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from internet:http://effortlessenglishclub.com/http://effortlessenglish.com/

如何用A.J.Hoge的Effortless English 课程学好英语口语


轻松学习英语课程effortless english 怎么样

cBirth is much, but breeding is more.


afford to do sth.负担得起做某事agree to do sth.同意做某事arrange to do sth.安排做某事ask to do sth.要求做某事beg to do sth.请求做某事care to do sth.想要做某事choose to do sth.决定做某事decide to do sth.决定做某事demand to do sth.要求做某事determine to do sth.决心做某事expect to do sth.期待做某事fear to do sth.害怕做某事help to do sth.帮助做某事hope to do sth.希望做某事learn to do sth.学习做某事manage to do sth.设法做某事offer to do sth.主动提出做某事plan to do sth.计划做某事prepare to do sth.准备做某事pretend to do sth.假装做某事promise to do sth.答应做某事refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事want to do sth.想要做某事wish to do sth.希望做某事注:有些不及物动词后习惯上也接不定式,不接动名词:aim to do sth.打算做某事fail to do sth.未能做某事long to do sth.渴望做某事happen to do sth.碰巧做某事hesitate to do sth.犹豫做某事struggle to do sth.努力做某事二、接不定式作宾补的36个常用动词advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事ask sb.to do sth.请(叫)某人做某事bear sb.to do sth.忍受某人做某事beg sb.to do sth.请求某人做某事cause sb.to do sth.导致某人做某事command sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事drive sb.to do sth .驱使某人做某事elect sb.to do sth.选举某人做某事encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事expect sb.to do sth.期望某人做某事forbid sb.to do sth.禁止某人做某事force sb.to do sth.强迫某人做某事get sb.to do sth.使(要)某人做某事hate sb.to do sth.讨厌某人做某事help sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事intend sb.to do sth.打算要某人做某事invite sb.to do sth.邀请某人做某事leave sb.to do sth.留下某人做某事like sb.to do sth.喜欢某人做某事mean sb.to do sth.打算要某人做某事need sb.to do sth.需要某人做某事oblige sb.to do sth.迫使某人做某事order sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事permit sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事persuade sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事prefer sb.to do sth.宁愿某人做某事request sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事teach sb.to do sth .教某人做某事tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人做某事train sb.to do sth.训练某人做某事trouble sb.to do sth.麻烦某人做某事want sb.to do sth.想要某人做某事warn sb.to do sth.警告某人做某事wish sb.to do sth.希望某人做某事

coordinate their efforts to

it is the high time that people of the world coordinate their efforts to harmonize the relationship between the human and nature has become a crucial problem for people.




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