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passoffas的意思是:被看作;被当作;充作。passoffas的意思是:被看作;被当作;充作。passoffas的例句是Thisepisodemayserveasaparadigm.这一插曲可以充作典型例子。一、网络释义点此查看passoffas的详细内容 充作充作(passoffas),此释义来源于网络辞典。 被看作...passby经过passoffas充作,被看作,被当作passon传递... 在夏威夷许多人种混居在一起passoffas在夏威夷许多人种混居在一起...二、例句Thisepisodemayserveasaparadigm.这一插曲可以充作典型例子。ThisenablessomeoftheselightBlackstopassaswhites.这使那些肤色浅淡的黑人可以充作白人。Hewasputdownasanuneducatedman.他被看作是没受过教育的人。Heiscountedasoneofourgoodfriends.他被看作走我们的好朋友之一。Ihatebeingtreatedasasecond-classcitizen.我痛恨被当作二等公民对待。Thepropertywaspledgedassecurityforloans.这地产被当作贷款的抵押。三、词汇搭配passoffas充作passoffas的相关临近词pass、Passeur点此查看更多关于passoffas的详细信息

pass的用法及搭配 是什么意思

1、pass可用作动词时,有通过,经过,度过等含义。可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作名词时,基本意思与动词相同。 2、pass用作动词:pass的基本含义是“过”,如“走过”“通过”“经过”“度过”等,指逐渐地、平稳地转入另一种状况。可用于时间、季节、状态,也可用于其他抽象事物,如“考试”“审查”等,甚至可以表示生命转入死亡。 3、pass作“通过,经过,穿过”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时常和副词搭配使用;用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。 4、passoff发生,停止passfor被当作passby经过;v.走过passover忽视,放过passaway逝世,消磨(时间)。 5、passon传递,传授passalong沿...而过,传递。


  1、pass可用作动词时,有通过,经过,度过等含义。可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作名词时,基本意思与动词相同。   2、pass用作动词:pass的基本含义是“过”,如“走过”“通过”“经过”“度过”等,指逐渐地、平稳地转入另一种状况。可用于时间、季节、状态,也可用于其他抽象事物,如“考试”“审查”等,甚至可以表示生命转入死亡。   3、pass作“通过,经过,穿过”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时常和副词搭配使用;用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。   4、passoff发生,停止passfor被当作passby经过;v.走过passover忽视,放过passaway逝世,消磨(时间)。   5、passon传递,传授passalong沿...而过,传递。






passoffas的意思是:被看作;被当作;充作。passoffas的意思是:被看作;被当作;充作。passoffas的例句是Thisepisodemayserveasaparadigm.这一插曲可以充作典型例子。一、网络释义点此查看passoffas的详细内容 充作充作(passoffas),此释义来源于网络辞典。 被看作...passby经过passoffas充作,被看作,被当作passon传递... 在夏威夷许多人种混居在一起passoffas在夏威夷许多人种混居在一起...二、例句Thisepisodemayserveasaparadigm.这一插曲可以充作典型例子。ThisenablessomeoftheselightBlackstopassaswhites.这使那些肤色浅淡的黑人可以充作白人。Hewasputdownasanuneducatedman.他被看作是没受过教育的人。Heiscountedasoneofourgoodfriends.他被看作走我们的好朋友之一。Ihatebeingtreatedasasecond-classcitizen.我痛恨被当作二等公民对待。Thepropertywaspledgedassecurityforloans.这地产被当作贷款的抵押。三、词汇搭配passoffas充作passoffas的相关临近词pass、Passeur点此查看更多关于passoffas的详细信息






根据查询高三网显示,gopast和passby用法:1.pass by是指经过人或物的面前或旁边而不停顿,基本上意思是“过”,指逐渐地、平稳地转入另一种状况;2.go past是指在人或物的面前或旁边经过,侧重于经过的动作,作名词时的基本意思与动词相同,是可数名词。3.go past侧重点多数指客观存在。例句:You go past a village。你经过了一个小村庄。4.go past作“通过,经过,穿过”解时,可用作不及物动词,常和副词搭配使用;也可用作及物动词,此时后面接名词或代词作宾语。

what could you do as a volunteer 英语作文80词左右

I wanted to do when I grow up volunteers to protect animals.Now, there is animal life and dismissive.Often say that a dog is man"s best friend, but often those who like small animals were shouted at her cute appearance to.No one is really goSo to humans a better day, I want to be a to treat small animals around.People around me love animals, make the world better!

Nas的《America》 歌词

歌曲名:America歌手:Nas专辑:NasNas - AmericaIf all I saw was gangstersComing up as a youngsterPussy and money the only language I clung taClaim ta, unrolled myself up to become oneAin"t ya happy I chose rapI"m amongst thaStreets deceivingCan"t believe my achievementsCultural strataPersona"s that of a non-neederBecause I don"t need nada except for Prada beaverFor cold winters, tattoos got my summer"s sleevelessTo my g"s on the flee from the coppersStiff bodies on freeze in funeral parlorsFrom the slums I come up a phoenixCaked up, tryna take what I"m eatingCame up a dismissive kidYou lucky if you allowed to witness thisSavvy mouthWild, hardlyA man"s manWho woulda knew the beach houses and wild partiesJezebel"s and Stella McCartney"sFor years, all thatHow could I not be deadThis old GermanSaid I was a thug with a notty headLooked at my Benz and called that a Nazi sledWith a face like he wonder where I got my breadProbably all these stones he seeFrom my shows overseasFrom crime to rhymeMy stories is I"m from the home of the thievesBlessedThe lord is a g, he gotta beWho"s the God of suckers and snitchesThe economyLipstick from Marilyn MonroeBlew a death kiss to Fidel CastroHe"d want me to spit thisOnly the strong surviveNas bear witnessThe hypocrisy is all I can seeWhite cop acquitted for murderBlack cop cop a pleaThat type of shit make me stop and thinkWe in chronic need of a second look of the law booksAnd the whole race dichotomyToo many rappers, athletes, and actorsBut not enough niggas in NASAWho give you the latest dances, trends, and fashionBut when it comes to residuals, they look past usWoven into the fabric, they can"t stand usEven in white tee"s, blue jeans, and red bandanasAssassinationsDiplomatic relationsKilled indigenous peopleBuilt a new nationInvoluntary laborTook a knife split a woman navalTook her premature babyLet her man see you rape herIf I could travel to the 1700"sI"d push a wheelbarrow full of dynamiteThrough your covenantLove to sit in on the SenateAnd tell the whole governmentY"all don"t treat women fairShe read about herself in the bibleBelieving she the reason sin is hereYou played her, with an apronLike bring me my dinner, dearShe the nigger hereAin"t we in the free worldDeath penalty in Texas kill young boys and girlsBarbarity, I"m in the double-R casuallyBugging how I made it out the hood, dazzle meHow far we really from third world savageryWhen the empire fall, imagine how crazy that"ll be

Bureau Veritas 是什么意思?

Veritas真理;真实;真相Bureau局, 办事处, 分社



他昨天把走廊里的玻璃打碎了。 He broke the glass of the hallway ----- -------yesterday.


don撇t, bel ate for class again的意思是什么?

don撇t, bel ate for class again的意思是什么? Don"t be late for class again. 别再上课迟到了 in class的意思是什么 在教室里 don"t和hallway的意思是什么? don"t 英 [du0259u028ant] 美 [dont] 不要,禁忌;莫;别;甭 hallway 英 [u02c8hu0254:lweu026a] 美 [u02c8hu0254lu02ccwe] 门厅;走廊,过道;玄关 撇的意思是什么 撇 古代术语,多指实战中的一、二路扳。如图中黑1“撇”,阻止白子过渡。现已不用。 ◎ 撇 第一大类 读: piē (1) (形声。从手,敝声。本义:抛弃,弃置不顾) 我弟兄两个,便去镇上撇呵卖药,教使枪棒。——《水浒传》 又如:撇骨池(寺院中专供抛撒骨灰的池塘); 撇脱些(方言。行动干净利索,不留痕迹); 撇闪(丢开); 撇赖(丢开); 撇吊(丢开); 撇却(抛弃;丢开); (2) 从液面上轻轻地舀,以去掉泡沫或浮渣 。如:撇油;撇沫儿 (3) 同“瞥”。眼光掠过;匆匆一看 怪檀郎转眼偷相撇。——明· 汤显祖《紫钗记》 (4) 碰触;击 [strike] 时有一书生,又能低头以所葛巾角撇棋也。——《世说新语·巧艺》刘注引《博物志》 又如:撇波(击波破浪) (5) 拂拭,掠过 历倒景而绝飞梁兮,浮蠛蠓而撇天。——《文选·扬雄·甘泉赋》 第二大类:读piě (1) 平著扔出去 [cast;throw]。如:撇手榴弹 (2) 装;摆出 [put on]。 如:撇虚(装假);撇假(装假);撇欠(撇嵌。弄虚作假,虚情假意);撇京腔;撇呵(表演;卖艺);撇清(装清白);撇末(装扮角色,演戏) (3) 用嘴表示鄙夷、不以为然或激动的一种表情 [curl]。如:撇酥儿(方言。咧嘴笑) (4)汉字的笔画,向左斜下(写法是“丿”) 方言 四川方言:表示很糟糕,失败。如:这次考得太撇喽! l Don"t Like her的意思是什么 我不喜欢她 Don TCry的意思是什么? 不要哭 Don"t cry I don"t want to talk it with you的意思是什么? i don"t want to talk it with you 我不想和你谈论这个问题 lie,lied,lied,don"t be a liar的意思是什么? 说谎 lie lied lied 分别是过去式和过去分词 don"t be a liar 不要当骗子 liar是lie的名词形式 表示撒谎的人 骗子的意思 希望能够帮到楼主 Please don"t be in love with someone else 的意思是什么 请别爱上别人。

quarter past和quarter to的区别

a quarter past:(几点)过一刻/十五分quarter to:(几点)差一刻/十五分例如:a quarter past four:四点一刻,四点十五分a quarter to four:四点差一刻,三点四十五分






corridor 是指在房屋内部的走廊,用于连接各个房间;其用法及意义和hallway差不多. From the main entrance you go through the corridor,and you can reach the elevator passage 一般指普通的通道,普通的走廊,一般较长.


corridor 是指在房屋内部的走廊,用于连接各个房间;其用法及意义和hallway差不多. From the main entrance you go through the corridor,and you can reach the elevator passage 一般指普通的通道,普通的走廊,一般较长.



I Ll See You Again (From Bitter Sweet ) (1994 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:I Ll See You Again (From Bitter Sweet ) (1994 Digital Remaster)歌手:Anne Ziegler & Webster Booth专辑:Love S Old Sweet Song: The Best OfWestlife - I"ll See You AgainAlways you will be part of meAnd I will forever feel your strengthWhen I need it mostYou"re gone now, gone but not forgottenI can"t say this to your faceBut I know you hearI"ll see you againYou never really leftI feel you walk beside meI know I"ll see you againWhen I"m lostwhen I"m missing you like crazyI tell myself I"m so blessedTo have had you in my life, my lifeI"ll see you againYou never really leftI feel you walk beside meI know I"ll see you againWhen I had the time to tell youNever thought I"d live to see the dayWhen the words I should have saidWould come to haunt meIn my darkest hour I tell myselfI"ll see you againI"ll see you againYou never really leftI feel you walk beside meI know I"ll see you againI"ll see you againYou never really leftI feel you walk beside meI know I"ll see you againI will see you againI"ll see you againI miss you like crazyYou"re gone but not forgottenI"ll never forget youSomeday I"ll see you againI feel you walk beside meNever leave you, yeahGone but not forgottenI feel you by my sideNo this is not goodbyeNo this is not goodbyeNo this is not goodbye

以my shool life was bitter and sweet写一篇英语作文

  A Bitter Sweet Experience The results of the college entrance examinatiun came. I tore open the envelope. As soon as I saw the score, tears streamed down my face. I fell into my bed and did not get up the whole day. All was over. What is the meaning to live on earth? For the first time I thought of death, of being a vagrant and of being single all my life. I was only seventeen. Wasn"t it cruel to me? My father was hurt and he could not stand it, that his son was a disgrace. He was angry beyond words. My mother kept silent, and often I saw her in tears. Horror filled the house. Encouraged by my parems I took the exam again. Again I failed. It seemed that my fate would go against my will. Hearing the news, my mother lost ten pounds in just a few days. I remember even now the sad looks in her eyes. My father locked all my books irrelevant to the exam. I was broken down. I was left with no choice but to fight my way out. I can never forget the day when I left for my study area. On September 2nd, 1986 I bid farewell to my mother and stepped on my way. My father sent me by ear. I sank down in the back seat, weak and discouraged, like a prisoner going on exile. In the following year, I exerted myself in study trying hard to keep myself in control. I worked and worked. At last, success showed me her late coming smiling face. I entered Anhui University. Friends and relatives poured in for congratulations. I received lots of gifts, among them there were pens. Maybe those who have experienced bitter failure know deeply the sweet taste of success.(英语作文)

求伏赫译文 The Bittersweet Taste of Victory,还有其他的伏赫文










has sth in place什么意思,请给一个例句

have sth in place, 一般指将某物放置在特定位置,有时用作“实施”,类似于actualize。eg: Having inclusive leave policies in place will help normalize caregiving in the workplace.中文:实施包容性休假政策将有助于实现职场育儿常态化。例句来源:The motherhood penalty: we"re losing talent to caregiving,《英语世界》2022·05期 ,p12

lass.girl.lady.shawty 啥区别

lass:小女孩, 少女; 女朋友girl:女孩, 少女 ,女儿 lady:女士, 夫人, 小姐,举止文雅的女子, 淑女shawty:已婚女子

ascus 中文意思是啥?

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:....你单词打错了accusev. 指控; 指责,谴责;

英语作文:The abacus was invented.....(算盘的发明)

Abacus was invented by Chinese----Confucius. It has a long history. Now, let me tell you about how abacus was invented.   Confucius was a citizen of LU. One day, the king wanted him to take care of the finance of Lu. Confucius was not good at this point. For this reason mistakes took place repeatedly. Afterwards, his wife taught him a way to solve this matter by making knots on a cord. That is to say when money comes in you tie a knot, when money goes out you undo a knot. After that, Confucius developed it into balls on poles with a frame around and the ancient abacus came into being at that moment.   From then on, the whole world started using it for calculation. And it is used by many people even now. There are also some people who collect old abacus because abacus has a long history and is very famous in the world.

急 求 v2=2as 的含义

这代表初速度为零的匀速直线运动,V为末速度.此式由S=1/2at2,t=V/a,2S=a(V/a)2=V2/a ,所以2aS=V2

用avast杀软扫描电脑,发现一个这样的网络问题DNS hijack found,如下图。 我用的是Win7


求分析结构They are worried that the plane will crash or that someone may hijack it

连词 引导两个并列的宾语从句 (or的前边和后边)

求分析结构They are worried that the plane will crash or that someone may hijack it


Robin Hood (Live -Sahara Casino) (24-Bit Remastering) (2005 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Robin Hood (Live -Sahara Casino) (24-Bit Remastering) (2005 Digital Remaster)歌手:Louis Prima And Keely Smith专辑:Live From Las VegasAmaral - Robin HoodCuando tocaba en los bares un borracho me decía"En las cenizas del fracaso está la sabiduría".La piedra filosofal que yo busqué cada díaY aún no he podido encontrar,Tal vez porque ya no exista.Cuando dormía en los parquesUn arcángel venía a protegerme de noche,A espantar a la policía.No sé lo que pasó,Si estaba escrito o no,Si fue su culpa o la mía.Pero mi ángel cayó,Igual que yo caí en cada vicio que me descubría.La diferencia entre él y yo,Es que yo aún sigo con vida.Siempre tenía un plan,Hablaba de escapar robando un barco del puerto.Si le hubiera dejado hubiera reventadoLa caja fuerte de un bancoCreyendo en delirios de Robin Hood.Delirios de Robin Hood…


(mapclass owl:Thing)



protege中使用mysql时出现Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes










sluttery ashole 意思

sluttery ashole的意思是:口齿不清有关的造句如下:1、Oil has comeashore on a ten mile stretch to the east of Anchorage.(连绵10英里的浮油已经到达安克雷齐东面的海岸上。)2、We rowedashore, then explored the island on foot for the rest of the day.(我们将船靠岸,然后在这天余下的时间里徒步上岛探险。)3、Offshore platforms may also lose oil, creating oil slicks that driftashore and foul the beaches, harming the environment.(近海勘探平台也可能会泄露石油,这样会导致油膜的形成,这些油膜漂流到海岸上而且会污染海滩,从而破坏了环境。)4、Captain sent himashore to take the headrope.(船长把他送上岸去取头绳。)

Silly Boy (She Doesn T Love You) (1991 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Silly Boy (She Doesn T Love You) (1991 Digital Remaster)歌手:The Lettermen专辑:Capitol Collectors Series「SILLY」作词∶清春作曲∶清春歌∶sadsMy nerve is freezingShe"s beneath, beneath my kneesMy love deceivingShe"s beneath me, begging pleaseMy nerve is teasingI"ll be dealing, dealing needFuck off and leave meLeave me to my evil peaceFuck it! Shame!Vice in your eyes, my teddy junkieLike a dirty sprite, my slutty ponyGet ready, saddle up!Let"s go let it outunder the moonlight, silly sillyLet"s bone in our clothesunder the moonlight, filly fillyHey girl, follow me,feeling the moonlight, silly sillyHey bitch, hurry up,riding the moonlight, filly fillyFuck it! Shame!Honey, lick it faster, you funny bunnyYou chase my D.N.A, wailing, howlingGet ready, saddle up!Let"s go let it outunder the moonlight, silly sillyLet"s bone in our clothesunder the moonlight, filly fillyHey girl, follow me,feeling the moonlight, silly sillyHey bitch, hurry up,riding the moonlight, filly fillyFuck it! Shame!【 おわり 】

trailer trash是什么意思?


Superfast Jellyfish 歌词

歌曲名:Superfast Jellyfish歌手:Gorillaz专辑:Plastic BeachGorillaz - Superfast JellyfishThis morning you"ve got time for a hot, home-cooked breakfastDelicious and piping hot in only 3 microwave minutes.Are you kidding?Yo, pretty packages of frosted delightsLook, it comes with a toy hehe, I like that.I wanna number 4, a number 6, and throw in a plastic doughnutJust enjoy the gritty crunch, it tastes just like chicken.Wrappers of many bit sizesMan, are you freakin blind? That"s a rock.All mixed in the pot for momma"s homemade from scratch, well, not quite.Toasted over flames, they be tasting quite right.All hail king Neptune and his water breathersNo snail thing to quick for his water feedersDon"t waste time with your net, our net worth is Set Ready, go.Many know others, butwe be the colors of the mad and the wickedwe be bad, we be brickit with the 24 hour signshower my habits while you dine like rabbitswith the crunchy, crunchy carrots (that"s chicken)Gotta have it Superfast!(A whole lot of breakfast you got time for!)Superfast Superfast, I come in last, but just in time for breakfastKeep it through, Keep it through, forever blueTonight"s the night for ??Aluminum I crush your f.u.n aluminumThe sea is radioactiveThe sea is radioactiveAll hail king Neptune and his water breathersNo snail thing to quick for his water feedersDon"t waste time with your net, our net worth is Set, Ready, go.Many know others, butwe be the colors of the mad and the wickedwe be bad, we be brickit with the 24 hour signshower my habits while you dine like rabbitswith the crunchy, crunchy carrots (that"s chicken)Gotta have it Superfast!Superfast Superfast, I come in last, but just in time for breakfastKeep it through, Keep it through, forever blueTonight"s the night for ??Aluminum I crush your f.u.n aluminumThe sea is radioactiveThe sea is radioactiveSuperfast Jellyfish (Repeat)

这句英语,为什么用better而不是more? Maybe they taste better crunchy?

你提的问题不错。怎么说呢,从语法上来说,more 也可以,没有问题。你说more crunchy 也可以。但是,英文还有一个习惯用法的问题。better crunchy 一般是西方英文写作上的习惯用法。

who do you think will () since the president has resigned?

选atake up 和 take in 是带进和带入take off是脱掉只有take over是取代 代替的意思

resigned as

professor有两种意思,一种是表示头衔,职务的“教授”,一种是表示职业的“大学的讲师”或“教员”.而在用在头衔的名词前是不用加冠词的,例如He is head of the factory.他是工厂的厂长.

英语作文my embrassing experience100词左右急!

i would feel embarrassed, because this article was written by other"s hand, no my origin work. if you saw this one, it truly means that i am a plagiarist, so that is my embarrassing experience. What a shame to be a cheater, once be a cheater, the title of cheater will be accompany you forever. Cheater

谁知道 金贤重 Please的 歌词 和中文读法

这是中文发音金贤重-Please中文谐音歌词】LL你要的哈~~ 就我的为最佳了哈!Hey Yeah苏逻辑哟所 Icried 么立即押噶唢呐路HE带罗 普利购机积木罗 图若嘎登酷我挪了狗狗 苏密码Kia了搜一口马机构 易购马就够 库鲁蓝鼓起阿米嫩 你噶若木密我搜伊苏给嫩够 怒目搜ki够 囧新那噶撒狼球搜罗一艘难么唧哝拉口 用我你弄拉口狗**狸奴木立柱球安家不漏 弄不漏Just don"t get it get it Why don"t you get it get it 且败落 哭撒狼盟渺无际吗且败落 哭撒狼姨妈秋季吗Cuz you"re the cheater a liar and a killer 努力给了秒 Baby哈吉逗你噶给铁屋怒够噶他 李素够你屋里撒朗尼 尼亚你饿搜都满卡机NO他给 物价故意苏烈一样捏劣搜 么都系给搜仪表灯噶KI哟兜里 萨拉寄给哈吉西 婆哦顿搜ki罗头 梦多俗都裂牙喷诺姆勒内leo噶 球把及嫩当配 用ki龙一揉 诺利利他气给黑道哈亚垦利卡都无给谁哟将 怒璐盟觅求Ho girl hey hey ho 他系内给鲁瓦离去卡搜力求 弄满呢撒狼黑哪路么里安切某些虎爷哈拉比楼 难鄙陋Just don"t get it get it Why don"t you get it get it 且败落哭撒狼耨没哈急吗 ( 骷髅级吗)且败落哭撒朗萨狼哈吉吗 (诺巴拉巴)Cuz you"re the cheater a liar and a killerObaby i need youyou took ma love and killer it girl you took ma loveyou took ma love and killer it girl ( 一楼急吗)you took ma love and killer it girl why my heart cries ( oh girl )it;s like you killer me you took ma love and killer it girl baby you killer it这是罗马音00:00:03]hey~~~[00:00:12]so lee ji ya sa I carid[00:00:17]no yi ji baa bei se na lu yi na lia~ guu o ga ji[00:00:20]ji gu lu~ tu da ka nu kuu waa na l duu wo gou [00:00:25]sou yi maa ka ao sao[00:00:27](moo men ma chei gou ei me ma chi gou )[00:00:30]ku du na gu chan mi da a~ ni ga na me mi wo soo~[00:00:33](*************)[00:00:36]chong xin na ga saa la tee loe sao yee sao[00:00:40]na moo ji nou la kou~ you mo li nou na kou [00:00:43]zao jiao bao lee no li moo juu joren nia be lou~ na gui lou[00:00:48]I just don"t get it get it[00:00:50]why don"t you get it get it[00:00:52]ji bei lou be sa la moo miu ji maa [00:00:54]ji bei lou bi sa la mi maa qin ji maa[00:00:58]cuz you"re the cheater cheater[00:01:00]A liar And a killer[00:01:04]moo en gai ne yaa baby [00:01:07]ia ji doo mi ga dei de en ne gou ga ctha~ yi soo gaa dee[00:01:12]en sa la hei mei a mai sou zoun ma ga ji mo ta gei [00:01:16]puu ta gou ei se lae[00:01:17](********************)[00:01:21]hei biao le gou kee ya gou de sa la ji gei ha gou xi poo[00:01:25]yea~[00:01:27]lei ya pu no mou lu liu dai yao gaa~ choo[00:01:31]na moo ji nou la kou you mo li nou na kou [00:01:35]zao jiao bao lee no li moo juu joren nia be lou~ na gui lou[00:01:40]I just don"t get it get it[00:01:41]why don"t you get it get it[00:01:43]ji bei lou be sa la moo miu ji maa [00:01:46]ji bei lou bi sa la mi maa qin ji maa[00:01:49]cuz you"re the cheater cheater[00:01:52]A liar And a killer[00:01:55]haa ji de dang bei yo yi saa yi sa loo[00:01:59]no loo lu ta qin gai hei dou [00:02:01]hair kan be ga doo kei gan sai ya chaa [00:02:07]meg li moo en chou [00:02:12]oh girl hey~~ oh~~~[00:02:20]xi na gei lulo waa[00:02:25]ni je gou soo nio chou no maa yi sa la hei[00:02:29]ma li gou lu gee mo zee hu en na be loo~ na be loo[00:02:34]I just don"t get it~ get it[00:02:36]why don"t you get it~ get it[00:02:37]ji bei lou be sa la moo mie ji maa [00:02:41]ji bei lou bi sa la ka la ga ji maa[00:02:44]cuz you"re the cheater~ cheater[00:02:46]A liar~ And a killer[00:02:49]oh baby i need you[00:02:50]you took my love and kilde it girl~~~~[00:03:06]you took my love and kilde it girl~~~~[00:03:15]chee bee ou be ga ji maa~[00:03:19]~love花虎!!这是韩语歌词Hey~Yeah~술에 취해서 I cried 너의 집 앞에서 너를 기다려 불이 꺼진 집으로 들어가는 그와 너를 보고 숨이 막혔어 눈을 맞추고 입을 맞추고 그를 안고 잠이 들 네가 너무 미워서 입술 깨물고 눈물 삼키고 정신 나간 사람처럼 서있어 난 오직 너라고 영원히 너라고 터져버린 눈물에 주저앉아 불러 널 불러 I just don"t get it, get it Why don"t you get it, get it 제발 너 그사람 보며 웃지 마 제발 너 그사람 입 맞추지 마 Cuz you"re the cheatera liar and a killer 눈을 감으면 Baby 아직도 네가 곁에 있는 것 같아 네 숨결이 네 사랑이내 안에서 도망가지 못하게 붙잡고 있을래 비가 내려서 모두 씻겨서이별한 그 기억들을 사라지게 하고 싶어 어둠 속으로 더 먼 곳으로 내 아픈 눈물들을 데려가 줘 난 오직 너라고 영원히 너라고 터져버린 눈물에 주저앉아 불러 널 불러 I just don"t get it, get itWhy don"t you get it, get it제발 너 그사람 보며 웃지마 제발 너 그사람 입 맞추지마 Cuz you"re the cheater (cheater) a liar (liar) and a killer you"re the killer퍼지는 담배 연기 사이로 너를 흩어지게 해도 하얗게 네가 더욱 깊게 새겨져 너를 못 잊어 Oh Girl~ hey hey~ oh~다시 내게로 와 미칠듯 소리쳐 너만을 사랑해 너를 보낸 잘못에 후회하며 빌어 난 빌어 I just don"t get it, get it Why don"t you get it, get it제발 너 그사람 품에 안지마 (그러지마) 제발 너 그사람 사랑하지마 (날 봐라봐)Cuz you"re the cheater (cheater)a liar (liar) and a killer Oh Baby I need you You took my love and killed it, girl~You took my love You took my love and killed it, girl~이러지마You took my love and killed it, girl~all my heart criesYou took my love and killed it, girl (oh girl)You took my love and killed it, girl~ like you killed meYou took my love and killed it girl~Baby you killed itYou took my love and killed it girl~제발 날 떠나가지 마因为是COPY版,所以没有三个都放在一起,不过连在一起貌似更麻烦啊

金贤重的please, be nice to me歌词中文翻译,谢谢



金贤重 - Please 中文歌词+韩文歌词+中文音译Yeah喝醉了酒 我叫喊着 cried在你家门口等待你回到关了灯的家中看到他和你 我就透不过气来胸口紧贴着 嘴唇亲吻着讨厌看到抱着他入睡的你紧咬着嘴唇 强忍着闭上眼像失了魂一样站在那里我仍然爱着你 永远都是你强忍的眼泪终于爆发 不停地呼唤你I just dou"t get itGet itWhy dou"t you get itGet it拜托你看到那个人 千万不要微笑拜托你千万不要亲吻她的唇Cuz you"re cheaterCheaterA liarAnd a killer闭上双眼 Baby感觉好像仍旧在你身旁你的呼吸 你的爱意在我体内无法逃走想要紧紧抓住你大雨滂沱 把一切冲洗干净想把那些离别的记忆全部抹去从黑暗中走向更远的地方把我悲伤的眼泪都带走吧我仍然爱着你 永远都是你强忍的眼泪终于爆发 不停地呼唤你I just dou"t get itGet itWhy dou"t you get itGet it拜托你看到那个人 千万不要微笑拜托你千万不要亲吻她的唇Cuz you"re cheaterCheaterA liarAnd a killer在蔓延的烟雾中想让你的身影消散但欲仍旧挥之不去无法忘记你Oh girlHey HeyOh再次回到我身边吧疯狂的喊着我只爱你把你送你是我的错 一边后悔一边祈求我祈求I just dou"t get itGet itWhy dou"t you get itGet it拜托你千万不要拥入他的怀中 不要这样拜托你千万不要爱上他 只看着我Cuz you"re cheaterCheaterA liarAnd a killerBabyI need youYou took wy loveAnd killer it girlYouTook my loveYou took wy loveAnd killer it girl不要这样You took wy loveAnd killer it girlAllMy heart criesYou took wy loveAnd killer it girlOh girlYou took wy loveAnd killer it girlAllMy heart criesYou took wy loveAnd killer it girlOh girlYou took wy loveAnd killer it girlLike youKilled meYou took wy loveAnd killed it girlBaby youYou killed itYou took wy loveAnd killed it girl求你不要离开


HeyYeah  因为醉了Icried  在你家门前等待着  我屏住呼吸  看着你和他向着关着灯走来  你看着他吻着他  抱着他入睡  我真的好怨恨  我咬紧嘴唇忍住泪水  像个疯子一样站在那里  我只希望是你  永远都是你  狂泻的眼泪呼唤着  呼唤着你  Ijustdon"tgetit,getit  Whydon"tyougetit,getit  拜托你不要亲吻他  拜托你不要望着他笑  Cuzyou"rethecheateraliarandakiller  闭上眼睛Baby  仿佛看到你仍然在我身边  我的呼吸我的爱我的内心深处  无法逃开已经被困住  雨下着希望能把所有  离别的回忆都清除  把我痛苦的眼泪  带到更远的黑暗里去  我只希望是你  永远都是你  狂泻的眼泪  呼唤着  呼唤着你  Ijustdon"tgetit,getit  Whydon"tyougetit,getit  拜托你不要亲吻他  拜托你不要望着他笑  Cuzyou"rethecheateraliarandakiller  为了驱散让迷蒙的香烟烟雾弥漫着  你雪白的身影  却更加深刻  无法忘记你  OhGirl  再回到我的身边  我疯狂呐喊着我只爱你  却无法传递给你  我后悔的祈祷着  祈祷着  Ijustdon"tgetit,getit  Whydon"tyougetit,getit  拜托你不要拥抱他  拜托你不要爱上他  Cuzyou"rethecheateraliarandakiller  OhBaby,Ineedyou  Youtookmyloveandkilleditgirl  Youtookmylove  Youtookmyloveandkilleditgirl  Youtookmyloveandkilleditgirl  不要这样  Youtookmyloveandkilleditgirl  Whymyheartcries  OhGirl,(it"s)likeyoukilledme  Youtookmyloveandkilleditgirl  Babyyoukilledit  拜托不要离开我



救命,求助,语文题 ,help me do a survey!use copy and paste also can la.拜托大家啦!

1、性别男女2、年龄0-1415-1818-2223以上3、第一次玩电脑游戏是在什么时候从来没有不记得具体时间了7岁以下小学中学18岁以后4、每周玩几次电脑游戏5小时以下5-15小时15-25小时25小时以上5、你玩什么类型的游戏,举个例子出来角色扮演战略游戏网络游戏体育游戏6、你玩电脑游戏的对手一般是电脑家人朋友不透露7、玩电脑游戏的原因娱乐消磨时间喻教于乐8、你在哪儿玩电脑游戏家中网吧学校朋友家9、你认为电脑游戏影响了你的生活吗?是的 好的影响 列举原因是的 坏的影响 列举原因不是10、在你看来,玩电脑游戏给你带来的好处比坏处要多是的不是11、在你看来,一个人被说成太过沉迷于电脑游戏可能是因为哪个原因?把他的所有空余时间全部花在玩游戏上玩游戏玩得耽误了很多生活中的重要事情整天把自己关在房里玩电脑游戏其他什么都不管12、你玩过电脑游戏后的感觉是焦虑的疲劳的不满足的头昏眼花的饿13、你玩电脑游戏输了之后是什么感觉愤怒困惑不满找机会报仇14、当你在做其他事情的时候有人向你挑战,你的反应是不理睬他接受挑战让他推迟一下再来一决高低15、你玩电脑游戏的时间多于做户外活动是的不是16、你喜欢做什么来让自己放松玩电脑游戏聊天户外活动听歌


do it yourselfas soon as possibleat the same time

i fall asleep last nyt


GTA4原版。NIKO手机的短信:有一辆Patriot在Castle Gardens的两个连在一起的塔附近。找不到啊!


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asics 亚瑟士 gel-galaxy 8 t525n-4393,属于入门级别跑步鞋!是一款适合日常穿着的ASICS 33系列时尚跑鞋。大底采用轴心引导线设计,引导赤足跑步时最自然的跑步姿势。流畅舒适的无缝合网面构造使其具有舒适的穿着感。SOLYTE中底的使用使鞋身更加轻量,后跟GEL系统能很好的减轻地面对脚步的冲击力适合外翻及正常足慢跑,适合低强度的跑步训练。


我靠!官方有说明书··现在科技这么发达,你不会利用一下在线翻译?distortion一般是指失真,失真。相信玩过电吉他效果器的人自然会懂,过载/失真类的效果器很常用。第一个AMP很明确是一个放大器,一般是吉他等电声乐器使用的.不清楚没用过出现tube,很确定是一个电子管的失真效果器distortion,就是失真,无非就是选择一些失真效果的类别,grungelizer,你加载后会听到一个随机的底噪,字面翻译,是低劣的,其实就是制造一种复古?破烂?污染的音色。megneto,我可以很明确告诉你,这个也是一个模拟硬件的染色效果器,晶体管?磁带?这个不清楚softclipper。soft=软的··柔和的。clipper=一般翻译是点,击点。比如节拍器的声音,这个效果器在失真的分组类别中,很明显是柔和的击点“噪音”“失真”下面的两个又出现了Amp,然后Rack=机架,其实我经常用。第一个是电吉他的虚拟效果器的机架,包含了箱体、话筒、单块等效果器的模拟,最后的bass amp很明显,就是电贝司的放大器··同上。年轻人啊··我多说一句,你知道我那个年代是怎么学习电脑音乐制作的吗?非常有限的书籍、非常有限的网络资源,仅仅只有英文的说明书,靠着一句一句,一字一字的去翻译才能明白其意思。

Introduction to Statistical Mechanics, Phase Transitions, and the Ising Model

In statistical physics, we are interested in multi-particle and many-state systems particularly where the interactions between particles play an essntial role, which can exhibit a phenomenon known as a phase transition. This phenomenon can be observed universally in nature such as the appearance of ferromagnetism in materials such as iron. The transition like this require the concept of temperature, which is quite significant in condensed matter physics. In this article I will give a brief introduction to Ising model and try to use it to investigate several properties of solid like Magnetization, Energy per spin, Specific heat per spin and susceptibility of particles. To do all of these works, I will use Mean Field Theory which is widely used in the study of statistical mechanics to symplify the calculation and use the Monte Carco Method which is useful when solving some numerical problems to simulate the process of thermalequibulum in real world. What"s more, phase transitions will also be investigated in this article so that one could have a deeper understanding about the equilibrium state under various tempreture and appreciate the tremendous beauty of the real world. All of my codes are uploaded here Magnetism is an inherently quantum phenomena which cannot be exhibited classically. To decribe the behavior of a magnetic material, we should introduce the electron"s spin and the associated magnetic moment in quantum mechanics. The Ising model is a mathematical model of ferromagnetism in statistical mechanics. In Ising Model, the spins are arranged in a graph, usually a lattice, allowing each spin to interact with its neighbors. Ferromagnetism arises when a collection of such spins conspire so that all of their magnetic moments point in the same direction, yielding a total moment that is macroscopic in size. Each spin is able to point at two directions and thus can be denoted by two numbers. After we introduce the concept of spin, the energy of the system is given by these neighbouring interactions and the interaction between the spins and an external magnetic field: For simplicity, we assume that: . for neighberhood spins. Less energy is prefered by a system, thus it can be derived that for a ferromagnetic material all spin are aligned. Assuming that our spin system is in equilibrium with a heat bath at temperature T, so that we can use the conclusion of statistical mechanics directly. The probability of finding the system in any particular state is proportional to the Boltzmann factor And then we get the measured magnetization of the system: where Mean field theory is a useful approach for calculating the properties of a spin system. The magnetization is related to the average spin alignment. For an infinitely large system, the spins will all have the same average alignment.Hence all spins must have the same average properties. The total magnetization at temprature T for a system of N spins will then be Thus we can derive M if we can calculate <si>. An exact computation of <si> would require the probabilities of all possible microstates. We cannot do this completely constricted by our ability to calculate. The only thing we can do is to consider an approximate alternative known as mean field theory. Using the result of statistical mechanics, the thermal average of si can be calculated as This is the exact result for the behavior of a single spin in a magnetic field. Now consider an approximate method: The interaction of a spin with its neighbering spins is equivalent to an effective magnetic field acting on si.So the thing we need to do first is to calculate the effective field Heff. The energy function can be rewritten in this form: which shows that the term involving J has the form of a magnetic field with Then we have the following relationship and The mean field theory we mensioned before is not always valid. A critical example is the values of the critical exponent. A more powerful approach is the Monte Carlo Method. To simulate how a spin system interacts with its environment, we will consider the particular case of a collection of Ising spins. The Monte Carlo method uses a stochastic approach to simulate the exchange of energy between the spin system and the heat bath. A spin is chosen and the energy required to make it flip is calculated. If Eflip is negative, the spin is flipped and the system moves into a different microstate. If Eflip is positive, a decision must be made. The core of the Monte Carlo method is to use the computer to generate some randon numbers which satisfy the Boltzmann distribution. The approach to realize this is to compare the numbergenerated with the function derived from the Boltzmann factos which we mensioned before. I use more than 10 progrem to finish this article and I will describe some of them so that readers could have a deeper understanding about the theory I mensioned before. All of my codes are uploaded here All of my codes are uploaded here Here I zoomed the curve so that readers could read more clearly: The method takes only about 3 steps to reach the result. Thus this is an effective method when calculate the solution. To investigate the property of average spin near transition point T=4, I calculated the equation when T=3.9. Here is the result: Further more, I tried to reset the initial condition when T=1 and look whether it converges: I plotted the curves of magnetization versus time(Loop) under different temperature: Here you can see that it satisfies our expectation! Note that the curve has a slope near the temperature 2.25. It stands for the phase transition. Notice that the curve is not so stable near its maximium. It may because it varies too fast near it. Here I show you a more mussy one: Then it can be easily seen that the points near the transition point T=2.25 is very mussy actually because of the large slope. Here I plot the curve: At the end, I will show you the states of lattice under various temperature. These picture will give you a direct image:

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I was enchanted to meet you 这句话啥意思


final fantasy VII 英文人物介绍

Cloud Strife: 中文名字:克劳德 Cloud和Strife都是英语单词。 Cloud的名字暗示着他神秘,不清楚的过去以及他那不可预知的将来:他的记忆是乌云密布(Clouded)的,他的将来就象在雾里前进,没有人知道他的下一步该怎么走。在自然界里,天上的云(Cloud)从来不会自己移动,它们都是受到风的控制。同样,Cloud的发展都是别人的影响大于他自己的决定,刚开始的时候,Sephiroth/Jenova控制着他;而到了后来,又是Tifa帮他才找回了自我。 而他的姓(Strife:斗争,冲突,竞争)则说明了他好斗的本性。他心灵深处的斗争可是游戏的主要剧情啊,在最后Cloud和Sephiroth之间的决斗,才算结束。 Tifa Lockheart: 中文名字:蒂法 Tifa的名字来源于一个古希伯来单词“Tiferet”,而Lockheart则是英语单词lock和heart的结合。 Tiferet是生命之树的一个Sephiroth(见Sephiroth部分),代表的是漂亮,而古代的昔伯来人认为Tiferet同时也象征自我牺牲。从游戏里可以看出,这两点都符合Tifa的情况。在塔罗牌里,Tiferet的图案是红心(想想Tifa的姓吧),而有时则是天使(Tifa的酒吧是“Seventh Heaven”,而她的4级Limit技则是“Final Heaven”),她的姓,Lockheart,则体现出她的天生羞涩,难以向自己喜爱的人示爱,以及意味着Cloud的过去被锁(Lock)在了她的心里(Heart)。 Aeris Gainsborough: 中文名字:爱丽斯 在拉丁语里“aeris”被翻译为“air; atmosphere; cloud; ether”。“Air”和“atmosphere”,都有大气,空气的意思,这说明了Aeris跟大自然的紧密联系以及她对星球的重要性,因为如果没有空气和大气,星球上是不会有生命的。而且Aeris的第一个Limit技的名字还是Healing Wind。而“Cloud”这个意思则暗示着它与Cloud Strife有着神秘的联系,就象Cait Sith说的那样,他们“很适合对方” Sephiroth: 中文名:萨非罗斯 这个名字起源于犹太神话,是一个严格意义上的宗教名词。在造物时,神向虚无中送出了一股能量,而这股能量不久就出现了分歧,最后分成了10个截然不同的性质,分别是善良,智慧,理解,伟大,力量,美丽,胜利,杰出,基础和天国,它们就是我们所知的Sephiroth。但现在Sephiroth已经开始有了形态,称之为生命之树,它的形体也是由神创造的,每个人死后,灵魂都会回到生命之树,重新成为其所对应的Sephiroth。(怎么听起来象FF9的Iifa之树啊?)其中这10个方面又分为22个分支,每个分支都对应一个希伯来字母。Sephiroth有阳性的,也有阴性的,但生命之树却没有任何偏向。在一场强烈的火焰中生命之树会得到新生,并且带来一个崭新的世界。 在FF7中Sephiroth企图通过吸收生命之河的能量来使自己成为神,因此他就得到了这个名字。因为在希伯来人认为,成为神的一个办法就是成为生命之树的主宰,而显然这里的生命之树跟FF7里的生命之河是一个概念。

per astr ad astra是什么意思?

Per Aspera Ad Astra是一句拉丁语格言,循此苦旅,以达天际。也可以理解为“尽吾之力,以达天际”,大意为:通过苦难,你可以摘到星星。 《Per Aspera Ad Astra》是Haggard所创作的歌曲。歌词如下:Per Aspera Ad Astra  [On Rough Course To The Stars]循此苦旅,以达天际[Music: A. Nasseri / Lyrics: A. Nasseri]词/曲:A. Nasseri(Adesso sono qui...) [now here I am...]吾在此An old dungeon hidden from all the light密不透光的古老地牢Thirteen candles enlighten the dark十三支蜡烛划破黑暗Shadows are playing their games on the wall墙上影影幢幢And a shimmering glow fills the arch烛光透出牢门Now, as night steps aside, and a new dawn will break此刻,夜幕退去,破晓将临Silently a new age of science awakes科学的新纪元沉静中醒来Old theory that has been wrong古老的教条是错误Power of the universe宇宙之力量Will take me to the place where I belong将带我去应许之地Through the clouds of lies and fear突破谎言与恐惧的阴云In silent moments it comes near:静默间它正逼近In my deepest hour of darkness在我最黑暗困苦的年代They will shine...(feel my scorn) endlessly...splenderanno.他们将闪耀……(感受我所受的侮辱)无穷无尽地……闪耀光辉(The sword that killed the unicorn)(强权之利剑杀死了真理的独角兽)Callisto, Europa卡利斯托,欧罗巴(Adesso sono qui...) [now here I am...]吾在此Now, as night steps aside, and a new dawn will break此刻,夜幕退去,破晓将临Silently a new age of science awakes科学的新纪元沉静中醒来Splenderanno... per aspera ad astra [they will shine... through adversity and space]光辉闪耀……循此苦旅,以达天际His theories and knowledge(它们将闪耀……穿越困厄与太空)Mean danger in these times他的理论和资料And those accused of heresy这时代意味着威胁Will not longer be alive对"异端邪教"的控诉  未来永不复焉Hide, hide your secrets well藏好你的秘密For in your darkest hour you should dwell为度过这黑暗年代你应隐匿(Adesso sono qui...) [now here I am...]吾在此An old table covered with parchments and rolls旧书桌上铺着羊皮纸和书卷The great one has children of four伟人有四个孩子Callisto, Europa, Ganymed e Io卡利斯托,欧罗巴,加尼米德,伊奥The bright universe to adore崇拜这璀璨的宇宙Old theory that has been wrong古老的教条是错误Power of the universe宇宙之力量Will take me to the place where I belong将带我去应许之地Through the clouds of lies and fear突破谎言与恐惧的阴云In silent moments it comes near:静默间它正逼近In my deepest hour of darkness在我最黑暗困苦的年代They will shine...(feel my scorn) endlessly...splenderanno.他们将闪耀……(感受我所受的侮辱)无穷无尽地……闪耀光辉(The sword that killed the unicorn)(强权之利剑杀死了真理的独角兽)Callisto, Europa卡利斯托,欧罗巴扩展资料:卡利斯托,欧罗巴,加尼米德,伊奥分别是木卫四,木卫二,木卫三,木卫一。1610年伽利略通过自制望远镜观测发现了木星的这四颗卫星。这首歌出自Haggard2004年的专辑《Eppur Si Muove》,伽利略被教会所迫而承认地心说时,小声地咕哝了一句“Eppur Si Muove”,翻成英语是it (Planet Earth) does move,“它确实在动啊”。很明显,这部专辑讲的是讲的是伽利略的宇宙学说,中世纪自然科学的真理和封建迷信的谬误抗争的故事。伽利略因为他的的宇宙天体运动理论而受到了教会严重的迫害,他被判终身监禁,生命的最后五年也是在失明中度过。实际上伽利略并无丝毫反对宗教之意,他是虔诚的天主教徒。他认为自然科学真理与天主教义并无矛盾,科学的任务是探索自然规律,而教会的职能则是管理人们的灵魂,不应互相侵犯。参考资料来源:百度百科——Per Aspera Ad Astra百度百科——伽利略百度百科——木星卫星




先看一个标准的hbase作为数据读取源和输出目标的样例:Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();Job job = new Job(conf, "job name ");job.setJarByClass(test.class);Scan scan = new Scan();TableMapReduceUtil.initTableMapperJob(inputTable, scan, mapper.class, Writable.class, Writable.class, job);TableMapReduceUtil.initTableReducerJob(outputTable, reducer.class, job);job.waitForCompletion(true);和普通的mr程序不同的是,不再用job.setMapperClass()和job.setReducerClass()来设置mapper和reducer,而用TableMapReduceUtil的initTableMapperJob和initTableReducerJob方法来实现。此处的TableMapReduceUtil是hadoop.hbase.mapreduce包中的,而不是hadoop.hbase.mapred包中的。数据输入源是hbase的inputTable表,执行mapper.class进行map过程,输出的key/value类型是 ImmutableBytesWritable和Put类型,最后一个参数是作业对象。需要指出的是需要声明一个扫描读入对象scan,进行表扫描读取数据用,其中scan可以配置参数。数据输出目标是hbase的outputTable表,输出执行的reduce过程是reducer.class类,操作的作业目标是job。与map比缺少输出类型的标注,因为他们不是必要的,看过源代码就知道mapreduce的TableRecordWriter中write(key,value) 方法中,key值是没有用到的,value只能是Put或者Delete两种类型,write方法会自行判断并不用用户指明。mapper类从hbase读取数据,所以输入的public class mapper extends TableMapper<KEYOUT, VALUEOUT> {public void map(Writable key, Writable value, Context context)throws IOException, InterruptedException {//mapper逻辑context.write(key, value);}}mapper继承的是TableMapper类,后边跟的两个泛型参数指定mapper输出的数据类型,该类型必须继承自Writable类,例如可能用到的put和delete就可以。需要注意的是要和initTableMapperJob 方法指定的数据类型一致。该过程会自动从指定hbase表内一行一行读取数据进行处理。reducer类将数据写入hbase,所以输出的public class reducer extends TableReducer<KEYIN, VALUEIN, KEYOUT> {public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<VALUEIN> values, Context context)throws IOException, InterruptedException {//reducer逻辑context.write(null, put or delete);}}reducer继承的是TableReducer类,后边指定三个泛型参数,前两个必须对应map过程的输出key/value类型,第三个是 The type of the output key,write的时候可以把key写成IntWritable什么的都行,它是不必要的。这样reducer输出的数据会自动插入outputTable指定的表内。TableMapper和TableReducer的本质就是为了简化一下书写代码,因为传入的4个泛型参数里都会有固定的参数类型,所以是Mapper和Reducer的简化版本,本质他们没有任何区别。源码如下:public abstract class TableMapper<KEYOUT, VALUEOUT>extends Mapper<ImmutableBytesWritable, Result, KEYOUT, VALUEOUT> {}public abstract class TableReducer<KEYIN, VALUEIN, KEYOUT>extends Reducer<KEYIN, VALUEIN, KEYOUT, Writable> {}封装了一层确实方便多了,但也多了很多局限性,就不能在map里写hbase吗?我他么试了一下午,约5个小时,就想在map里读hdfs写hbase,莫名其妙的各种问题,逻辑上应该没有错,跟着别人的文章做的。最后还是通过IdentityTableReducer这个类实现了,what"s a fucking afternoon!官方对IdentityTableReducer的说明是:Convenience class that simply writes all values (which must be Put or Delete instances) passed to it out to the configured HBase table.这是一个工具类,将map输出的value(只能是Put或Delete)pass给HBase。看例子:import;import java.util.StringTokenizer;import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;import;import;import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper;import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat;import org.apache.hadoop.util.GenericOptionsParser;import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.TableMapReduceUtil;import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.IdentityTableReducer;public class WordCount{public static class TokenizerMapperextends Mapper<Object, Text, Text, Put>{private Text word = new Text();public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)throws IOException, InterruptedException{StringTokenizer itr = new StringTokenizer(value.toString());while (itr.hasMoreTokens()){word.set(itr.nextToken());Put putrow = new Put(word.toString().getBytes());putrow.add("info".getBytes(), "name".getBytes(),"iamvalue".getBytes());context.write(word, putrow);}}}public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();String[] otherArgs = new GenericOptionsParser(conf, args).getRemainingArgs();Job job = new Job(conf, "hdfs to hbase");job.setJarByClass(WordCount.class);job.setMapperClass(TokenizerMapper.class);job.setMapOutputKeyClass(Text.class);job.setMapOutputValueClass(Put.class);//importantFileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(otherArgs[0]));TableMapReduceUtil.initTableReducerJob("test", IdentityTableReducer.class, job);job.setNumReduceTasks(0);System.exit(job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1);}}无论是什么方法吧,总算可以运行了!MapReduce和HBase结合,似乎是这样一种框架:map读HBase,reduce写HBase。使用IdentityTableReducer就是处于这样一种框架之内。运行操作HBase的MapReduce程序的第2种方式:HADOOP_CLASSPATH的设置在我《HBase操作》一文中提到了运行操作HBase的MapReduce程序的两种方式,现在说明下另一种方式。打开hadoop/etc/hadoop/,在设置HADOOP_CLASSPATH的后面添加下面的语句,即将hbase的jar包导入:for f in /home/laxe/apple/hbase/lib/*.jar; doif [ "$HADOOP_CLASSPATH" ]; thenexport HADOOP_CLASSPATH=$HADOOP_CLASSPATH:$felseexport HADOOP_CLASSPATH=$ffidone然后就可以用最初的运行MapReduce的方式来运行了。





hadoop mapreduce的整个map/reduce过程里面map和reduce分别是在master上还是在slaver上执行?

可以只用一行代码来运行MapReduce作业:JobClient.runJon(conf),Job作业运行时参与的四个实体:     1.JobClient 写代码,配置作业,提交作业。     2.JobTracker:初始化作业,分配作业,协调作业运行。这是一个java程序,主类是JobTracker。     3.TaskTracker:运行作业划分后的任务,即分配数据分配上执行Map或Reduce任务。     4.HDFS:保存作业数据、配置信息等,保存作业结果。Map/Reduce 作业总体执行流程:     代码编写 ----> 作业配置  ---->  作业提交 ----> Map任务分配和执行 ----> 处理中间结果 ---->  Reduce任务分配与执行 ---->  输出结果而对于每个作业的执行,又包含:     输入准备 ----> 任务执行 ----> 输出结果作业提交JobClient:     JobClient的runJob方法产生一个Jobclient实例并调用其submitJob方法,然后runJob开始循环吗,并在循环中调用getTaskCompetionEvents方法,获得TaskCompletionEvent实例,每秒轮询作业进度(后面有介绍进度和状态更新),把进度写到控制台,作业完成后显示作业计数器,若失败,则把错误记录到控制台。     submitJob方法作业提交的过程:     1.向JobTracker请求一个新的JobId。     2.检查作业相关路径,如果路径不正确就会返回错误。     3.计算作业输入分片及其划分信息。     4.将作业运行需要的资源(jar文件、配置文件等)复制到Shared HDFS,并复制多个副本(参数控制,默认值为10)供tasktracker访问,也会将计算的分片复制到HDFS。     5.调用JobTracker对象的submitJob()方法来真正提交作业,告诉JobTracker作业准备执行。作业的初始化JobTracker:     JobTracker收到submitJob方法调用后,会把调用放入到一个内部队列,由作业调度器(Job scheduler)进行调度并对其初始化。Job初始化即创建一个作业对象。     当作业被调度后,JobTracker会创建一个代表这个作业的JobInProgress对象,并将任务和记录信息封装在这个对象中,以便跟踪任务状态和进程。     初始化过程就是JobInProgress对象的initTasks方法进行初始化的。     初始化步骤:          1.从HDFS中读取作业对应的job.split信息,为后面的初始化做好准备。          2.创建并初始化map和reduce任务。根据数据分片信息中的个数确定map task的个数,然后为每个map task生成一个TaskInProgress对象来处理数据分片,先将其放入nonRunningMapCache,以便JobTracker分配任务的时候使用。接下来根据JobConf中的mapred.reduce.tasks属性利用setNumReduceTasks()方法设置reduce task的数量,然后同map task创建方式。          3.最后就是创建两个初始化task,进行map和reduce的初始化。任务的分配JobTracker:    消息传递HeartBeat: tasktracker运行一个简单循环定期发送心跳(heartbeat)给JobTracker。由心跳告知JobTracker自己是否存活,同时作为消息通道传递其它信息(请求新task)。作为心跳的一部分,tasktracker会指明自己是否已准备好运行新的任务,如果是,jobtracker会分配它一个任务。    分配任务所属于的作业:在Jobtracker分配任务前需先确定任务所在的作业。后面会介绍到各种作业调度算法,默认是一个FIFO的作业调度。    分配Map和Reduce任务:tasktracker有固定数量的任务槽,一个tasktracker可以同时运行多个Map和Reduce任务,但其准确的数量由tasktracker的核的数量和内存大小决定。默认调度器会先填满Map任务槽,再填Reduce任务槽。jobtracker会选择距离离分片文件最近的tasktracker,最理想情况下,任务是数据本地化(data-local)的,当然也可以是机架本地化(rack-local),如果不是本地化的,那么他们就需要从其他机架上检索数据。Reduce任务分配很简单,jobtracker会简单的从待运行的reduce任务列表中选取下一个来执行,不用考虑数据本地化。任务的执行TaskTracker:     TaskTracker收到新任务后,就要在本地运行任务了,运行任务的第一步就是通过localizedJob将任务本地化所需要的注入配置、数据、程序等信息进行本地化。     1.本地化数据:从共享文件系统将job.split 、job.jar (在分布式缓存中)复制本地,将job配置信息写入job.xml。     2.新建本地工作目录:tasktracker会加压job.jar文件到本工作目录。     3.调用launchTaskForJob方法发布任务(其中会新建TaskRunner实例运行任务),如果是Map任务就启用MapTaskRunner,对于Reduce就是ReduceTaskRunner。     在这之后,TaskRunner会启用一个新的JVM来运行每个Map/Reduce任务,防止程序原因而导致tasktracker崩溃,但不同任务间重用JVM还是可以的,后续会讲到任务JVM重用。     对于单个Map,任务执行的简单流程是:     1.分配任务执行参数     2.在Child临时文件中添加map任务信息(Child是运行Map和Reduce任务的主进程)     3.配置log文件夹,配置map任务的通信和输出参数     4.读取input split,生成RecordReader读取数据     5.为Map生成MapRunnable,依次从RecordReader中接收数据,并调用Map函数进行处理。     6.最后将map函数的输出调用collect收集到MapOutputBuffer(参数控制其大小)中。Streaming和Pipes:     Streaming和Pipes都运行特殊的Map和Reduce任务,目的是运行用户提供的可执行程序并与之通信。     Streaming:使用标准输入输出Streaming与进程进行通信。     Pipes:用来监听套接字,会发送一个端口号给C++程序,两者便可建立链接。     进度和状态更新:     一个作业和它的任务都有状态(status),其中包括:运行成功失败状态、Map/Reduce进度、作业计数器值、状态消息。     状态消息与客户端的通信:     1.对于Map任务Progress的追踪:progress是已经处理完的输入所占的比例。     2.对于Reduce:稍复杂,reduce任务分三个阶段(每个阶段占1/3),复制、排序和Reduce处理,若reduce已执行一半的输入的话,那么任务进度便是1/3+1/3+1/6=5/6。     3.任务计数器:任务有一组计数器,负责对任务运行各个事件进行计数。     4.任务进度报告:如果任务报告了进度,便会设置一个标记以表明状态将被发送到tasktracker。有一个独立线程每隔三秒检查一次此标记,如果已设置,则告知tasktracker当前状态。     5.tasktracker进度报告:tasktracker会每隔5秒(这个心跳是由集群大小决定,集群越大时间会越长)发送heartbeat到jobtracker,并且tasktracker运行的所有状态都会在调用中被发送到jobtracker。     6.jobtracker合并各任务报告:产生一个表明所有运行作业机器所含任务状态的全局视图。     前面提到的JobClient就是通过每秒查询JobTracker来接收最新状态,而且客户端JobClient的getJob方法可以得到一个RunningJob的实例,其包含了作业的所以状态信息。     作业的完成:     当jobtracker收到作业最后一个任务已完成的通知后,便把作业状态设置成成功。JobClient查询状态时,便知道任务已成功完成,于是JobClient打印一条消息告知用户,然后从runJob方法返回。     如果jobtracker有相应设置,也会发送一个Http作业通知给客户端,希望收到回调指令的客户端可以通过job.end.notification.url属性来进行设置。     jobtracker情况作业的工作状态,指示tasktracker也清空作业的工作状态,如删除中间输出。     失败     实际情况下,用户的代码存在软件错误进程会崩溃,机器也会产生故障,但Hadoop能很好的应对这些故障并完成作业。     1.任务失败         子任务异常:如Map/Reduce任务中的用户代码抛出异常,子任务JVM进程会在退出前向父进程tasktracker发送错误报告,错误被记录用户日志。tasktracker会将此次task attempt标记为tailed,并释放这个任务槽运行另外一个任务。     子进程JVM突然退出:可能由于JVM bug导致用户代码造成的某些特殊原因导致JVM退出,这种情况下,tasktracker会注意到进程已经退出,并将此次尝试标记为failed。     任务挂起:一旦tasktracker注意一段时间没有收到进度更新,便会将任务标记为failed,JVM子进程将被自动杀死。任务失败间隔时间通常为10分钟,可以以作业或者集群为基础设置过期时间,参数为mapred.task.timeout。注意:如果参数值设置为0,则挂起的任务永远不会释放掉它的任务槽,随着时间的推移会降低整个集群的效率。     任务失败尝试次数:jobtracker得知一个tasktracker失败后,它会重新调度该任务执行,当然,jobtracker会尝试避免重新调度失败过的tasktracker任务。如果一个任务尝试次数超过4次,它将不再被重试。这个值是可以设置的,对于Map任务,参数是,对于reduce任务,则由mapred.reduce.max.attempts属性控制。如果次数超过限制,整个作业都会失败。当然,有时我们不希望少数几个任务失败就终止运行的整个作业,因为即使有些任务失败,作业的一些结果可能还是有用的,这种情况下,可以为作业设置在不触发作业失败情况下的允许任务失败的最大百分比,Map任务和Reduce任务可以独立控制,参数为 和mapred.max.reduce.failures.percent。     任务尝试中止(kill):任务终止和任务失败不同,task attempt可以中止是因为他是一个推测副本或因为它所处的tasktracker失败,导致jobtracker将它上面的所有task attempt标记为killed。被终止的task attempt不会被计入任务运行尝试次数,因为尝试中止并不是任务的错。     2.tasktracker失败     tasktracker由于崩溃或者运行过慢而失败,他将停止向jobtracker发送心跳(或很少发送心跳)。jobtracker注意已停止发送心跳的tasktracker(过期时间由参数mapred.tasktracker.expiry.interval设置,单位毫秒),并将它从等待调度的tasktracker池中移除。如果是未完成的作业,jobtracker会安排次tasktracker上已经运行成功的Map任务重新运行,因为此时reduce任务已无法访问(中间输出存放在失败的tasktracker的本地文件系统上)。     即使tasktracker没有失败,也有可能被jobtracker列入黑名单。如果tasktracker上面的失败任务数量远远高于集群的平均失败任务次数,他就会被列入黑名单,被列入黑名单的tasktracker可以通过重启从jobtracker黑名单中移除。     3.jobtracker失败     老版本的JobTracker失败属于单点故障,这种情况下作业注定失败。作业调度:     早期作业调度FIFO:按作业提交顺序先进先出。可以设置优先级,通过设置mapred.job.priority属性或者JobClient的setJobPriority()方法制定优先级(优先级别:VERY_HIGH,HIGH,NORMAL,LOW,VERY_LOW)。注意FIFO调度算法不支持抢占(preemption),所以高优先级作业仍然会被那些已经开始的长时间运行的低优先级作业所阻塞。     Fair Scheduler:目标是让每个用户公平地共享集群能力。当集群存在很多作业时,空闲的任务槽会以”让每个用户共享集群“的方式进行分配。默认每个用户都有自己的作业池。FairScheduler支持抢占,所以,如果一个池在特定的一段时间未得到公平地资源共享,它会终止池中得到过多的资源任务,以便把任务槽让给资源不足的池。FairScheduler是一个后续模块,使用它需要将其jar文件放在Hadoop的类路径下。可以通过参数属性配置(值为org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FairScheduler)     Capacity Scheduler:     集群由很多队列组成,每个队列都有一个分配能力,这一点与FairScheduler类似,只不过在每个队列内部,作业根据FIFO方式进行调度。本质上说,Capacity Scheduler允许用户或组织为每个用户模拟一个独立使用FIFO的集群。shuffle和排序:     MapReduce确保每个Reducer的输入都是按键排序的。系统执行排序的过程-将map输出作为输入传给reducer的过程称为shuffle。shuffle属于不断被优化和改进的代码库的一部分,从许多方面来看,shuffle是MapReduce的心脏。     整个shuffle的流程应该是这样:     map结果划分partition  排序sort 分割spill   合并同一划分   合并同一划分  合并结果排序 reduce处理 输出     Map端:     写入缓冲区:Map函数的输出,是由collector处理的,它并不是简单的将结果写到磁盘。它利用缓冲的方式写到内存,并处于效率的考虑进行预排序。每个map都有一个环形的内存缓冲区,用于任务输出,默认缓冲区大小为100MB(由参数io.sort.mb调整),一旦缓冲区内容达到阈值(默认0.8),后台进程边开始把内容写到磁盘(spill),在写磁盘过程中,map输出继续被写到缓冲区,但如果缓冲区被填满,map会阻塞知道写磁盘过程完成。写磁盘将按照轮询方式写到mapred.local.dir属性制定的作业特定子目录中。     写出缓冲区:collect将缓冲区的内容写出时,会调用sortAndSpill函数,这个函数作用主要是创建spill文件,按照key值对数据进行排序,按照划分将数据写入文件,如果配置了combiner类,会先调用combineAndSpill函数再写文件。sortAndSpill每被调用一次,就会写一个spill文件。     合并所有Map的spill文件:TaskTracker会在每个map任务结束后对所有map产生的spill文件进行merge,merge规则是根据分区将各个spill文件中数据同一分区中的数据合并在一起,并写入到一个已分区且排序的map输出文件中。待唯一的已分区且已排序的map输出文件写入最后一条记录后,map端的shuffle阶段就结束了。     在写磁盘前,线程首先根据数据最终要传递到的reducer把数据划分成响应的分区(partition),在每个分区中,后台线程按键进行内排序,如果有一个combiner,它会在排序后的输出上运行。     内存达到溢出写的阈值时,就会新建一个溢出写文件,因为map任务完成其最后一个输出记录之后,会有几个溢出写文件。在任务完成前,溢出写文件会被合并成一个已分区且已排序的输出文件。配置属性io.sort.facor控制一次最多能合并多少流,默认值是10。     如果已经指定combiner,并且写次数至少为3(通过min.mum.spills.for.combine设置)时,则combiner就会在输出文件写到磁盘之前运行。运行combiner的意义在于使map输出更紧凑,舍得写到本地磁盘和传给reducer的数据更少。     写磁盘时压缩:写磁盘时压缩会让写的速度更快,节约磁盘空间,并且减少传给reducer的数据量。默认情况下,输出是不压缩的,但可以通过设置值为true,就可以启用压缩。使用的压缩库是由制定。     reducer获得文件分区的工作线程:reducer通过http方式得到输出文件的分区,用于文件分区的工作线程数量由tracker.http.threads属性指定,此设置针对的是每个tasktracker,而不是每个map任务槽。默认值为40,在大型集群上此值可以根据需要而增加。     Reduce端:     复制阶段:reduce会定期向JobTracker获取map的输出位置,一旦拿到输出位置,reduce就会从对应的TaskTracker上复制map输出到本地(如果map输出很小,则会被复制到TaskTracker节点的内存中,否则会被让如磁盘),而不会等到所有map任务结束(当然这个也有参数控制)。     合并阶段:从各个TaskTracker上复制的map输出文件(无论在磁盘还是内存)进行整合,并维持数据原来的顺序。     Reduce阶段:从合并的文件中顺序拿出一条数据进行reduce函数处理,然后将结果输出到本地HDFS。     Map的输出文件位于运行map任务的tasktracker的本地磁盘,现在,tasktracker要为分区文件运行reduce任务。每个任务完成时间可能不同,但是只要有一个任务完成,reduce任务就开始复制其输出,这就是reduce任务的复制阶段(copy phase)。reduce任务有少量复制线程,因此能够并行取得map输出。默认值是5个线程,可以通过mapred.reduce.parallel.copies属性设置。     Reducer如何得知从哪个tasktracker获得map输出:map任务完成后会通知其父tasktracker状态已更新,tasktracker进而通知(通过heart beat)jobtracker。因此,JobTracker就知道map输出和tasktracker之间的映射关系,reducer中的一个线程定期询问jobtracker以便获知map输出位置。由于reducer有可能失败,因此tasktracker并没有在第一个reducer检索到map输出时就立即从磁盘上删除它们,相反他会等待jobtracker告示它可以删除map输出时才删除,这是作业完成后最后执行的。     如果map输出很小,则会被直接复制到reduce tasktracker的内存缓冲区(大小由mapred.job.shuffle.input.buffer.percent控制,占堆空间的百分比),否则,map输出被复制到磁盘。一旦内存缓冲区达到阈值大小(由mapred.iob.shuffle.merge.percent)或达到map输出阈值大小(mapred.inmem.threadhold),则合并后溢出写到磁盘中。     随着磁盘上副本增多,后台线程会将他们合并为更大的、排好序的文件。注意:为了合并,压缩的map输出必须在内存中被解压缩。     排序阶段:复制阶段完成后,reduce任务会进入排序阶段,更确切的说是合并阶段,这个阶段将合并map输出,维持其顺序排列。合并是循环进行的,由合并因子决定每次合并的输出文件数量。但让有可能会产生中间文件。     reduce阶段:在最后reduce阶段,会直接把排序好的文件输入reduce函数,不会对中间文件进行再合并,最后的合并即可来自内存,也可来自磁盘。此阶段的输出会直接写到文件系统,一般为hdfs。     细节:这里合并是并非平均合并,比如有40个文件,合并因子为10,我们并不是每趟合并10个,合并四趟。而是第一趟合并4个,后三趟合并10,在最后一趟中4个已合并的文件和余下6个未合并会直接并入reduce。


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hadoop mapper,reducer的value设置为job.setOutputValueClass(ArrayWritable.class); 时运行卡住

ArrayWritable不能直接作为mapreduce的输入输出类型。程序不是卡住了,而是报错了。估计是这个错误java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:<init>()这个错误是ArrayWritable初始化异常,要自己实现一个ArrayWritable的派生类如果是text类型的数组 For example: public class TextArrayWritable extends ArrayWritable { public TextArrayWritable() { super(Text.class); } }即可,在maprecude中用TextArrayWritable 替换掉ArrayWritable A Writable for arrays containing instances of a class. The elements of this writable must all be instances of the same class. If this writable will be the input for a Reducer, you will need to create a subclass that sets the value to be of the proper type. For example: public class IntArrayWritable extends ArrayWritable { public IntArrayWritable() { super(IntWritable.class); } }==========================参考:


please draw a picture about what the ostrich does. 请画一张图画关于鸵鸟在干什么的。


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