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Superfast Jellyfish 歌词

2023-06-01 07:57:56
TAG: up rf er as is per
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歌曲名:Superfast Jellyfish
专辑:Plastic Beach

Gorillaz - Superfast Jellyfish
This morning you"ve got time for a hot, home-cooked breakfast
Delicious and piping hot in only 3 microwave minutes.
Are you kidding?
Yo, pretty packages of frosted delights
Look, it comes with a toy hehe, I like that.
I wanna number 4, a number 6, and throw in a plastic doughnut
Just enjoy the gritty crunch, it tastes just like chicken.
Wrappers of many bit sizes
Man, are you freakin blind? That"s a rock.
All mixed in the pot for momma"s homemade from scratch, well, not quite.
Toasted over flames, they be tasting quite right.
All hail king Neptune and his water breathers
No snail thing to quick for his water feeders
Don"t waste time with your net, our net worth is Set Ready, go.
Many know others, but
we be the colors of the mad and the wicked
we be bad, we be brickit with the 24 hour sign
shower my habits while you dine like rabbits
with the crunchy, crunchy carrots (that"s chicken)
Gotta have it Superfast!
(A whole lot of breakfast you got time for!)
Superfast Superfast, I come in last, but just in time for breakfast
Keep it through, Keep it through, forever blue
Tonight"s the night for ??
Aluminum I crush your f.u.n aluminum
The sea is radioactive
The sea is radioactive
All hail king Neptune and his water breathers
No snail thing to quick for his water feeders
Don"t waste time with your net, our net worth is Set, Ready, go.
Many know others, but
we be the colors of the mad and the wicked
we be bad, we be brickit with the 24 hour sign
shower my habits while you dine like rabbits
with the crunchy, crunchy carrots (that"s chicken)
Gotta have it Superfast!
Superfast Superfast, I come in last, but just in time for breakfast
Keep it through, Keep it through, forever blue
Tonight"s the night for ??
Aluminum I crush your f.u.n aluminum
The sea is radioactive
The sea is radioactive
Superfast Jellyfish (Repeat)




crunchy的意思是:发嘎吱嘎吱声的,易碎的。一、基本词性crunchy,发嘎吱嘎吱声的,易碎的;发嘎吱声; 嘎吱作响的;咔咔脆的。发音:英:[ˈkrʌntʃi],美:[ˈkrʌntʃi]。比较级:crunchier,最高级:crunchiest。同义词:crisp,firm。二、相关短语1、crunchy green salad脆绿色沙拉2、crunchy chinese vegetable脆的中国蔬菜3、crunchy candy酥糖4、Crunchy Peanuts南乳花生5、Crunchy Mutfruit变异水果酥三、例句1、Humans are mostly water, with a crunchy bony center.人类就像是水,只有一些很容易碎的骨头。2、The crunchy kibbles help gently scrub away plaque and prevent tartar build up on the outside.酥脆的颗粒可帮助去除牙斑。
2023-05-31 21:41:191


crunchy是什么意思:嘎吱嘎吱的1、I like toast best when it"s really crunchy. 我最喜欢烤得松脆的面包片。2、Bake for approximately 30 minutes or until the crumble is golden brown and crunchy. 烘烤30分钟左右,或者直到苹果上的面点变成松脆的金黄色。3、Bake the mixture for 30 minutes until the top is golden and crunchy. 将混合物烘烤30分钟,直到顶部变脆呈金黄色。4、The Changes of Oil among the Crunchy Rice candy in Storage 米花糖油脂在贮藏过程中的变化5、A Study on the Quality Index of Oil in the Crunchy Rice Candy in the Course of Preservation 米花糖中的油脂在储藏过程中质量指标的研究6、The changes of quality of oil in the crunchy rice candy storing under natural conditions were studied. 本文研究了江津油酥米花糖在自然储藏条件下油脂酸败的变化。
2023-05-31 21:41:451


crunchy 英["krʌntʃɪ] 美[ˈkrʌntʃi] adj. 发嘎吱嘎吱声的,易碎的 最高级:crunchiest;比较级:crunchier ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步!
2023-05-31 21:42:012


crunchy 英["krʌntʃɪ] 美[ˈkrʌntʃi] adj.发嘎吱嘎吱声的,易碎的 最高级:crunchiest;比较级:crunchier [例句]And a fresco crunchy taco has 150 calories ,7 grams of fat and 7 grams of protein. 而一个弗莱斯科松脆玉米饼则有150卡路里热量、7克脂肪及7克蛋白质.
2023-05-31 21:42:081


"Crunchy" 和 "crispy" 两个词在英语中都表示食物的口感。但它们的区别在于:Crunchy: 形容硬脆的口感,通常是因为食物中含有大颗粒或者纤维质,比如坚果、饼干或者胡萝卜。Crispy: 形容脆的口感,但相对于 "crunchy" 更多的是形容食物的外表和质地,通常是因为油炸或烤制的过程中,表面形成了一层酥脆的金黄色外皮,比如炸鸡、薯片或者面包。总的来说,"crunchy" 更强调硬脆的口感,而 "crispy" 更强调外皮的质地。
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crunchy和crispy的区别: crunchy是指:咀嚼时发出的嘎吱嘎吱声 或 脆的,易碎的 crispy:除了脆的,易碎的之外还有卷曲的 起皱的 有波纹的(头发等) 活跃的,有生气的 指(蔬菜,水果等)脆生的 扩展资料   例句:   A Study on the Quality Index of Oil in the Crunchy Rice Candy in the Course of Preservation   米花糖中的油脂在储藏过程中质量指标的研究   The changes of quality of oil in the crunchy rice candy storing under natural conditions were studied.   本文研究了江津油酥米花糖在自然储藏条件下油脂酸败的"变化。   例句:   What? want to have something crispy instead, bite a finger!   嗯?想换换口味,吃一点清脆的?来一跟手指嚼嚼!   Study on the processing techniques of potato crispy chips by micro-wave drying;   总结了金黄甘薯脯、甘薯虾片和油制低脂甘薯片的加工技术研究结果。
2023-05-31 21:42:531


  “脆的英文”是一个奇怪的短语,但它很好地描述了某些英文单词的口感和质地。与这些单词相匹配的是它们的意义,这些单词通常描述了一些脆弱、易碎、易变的事物。这些单词包括“脆弱”、“易碎”、“易变”等。例如,我们可以说:“这个芝士蛋糕非常脆,一碰就碎。”  英文中有很多这样的单词,它们的质地和意义相对应,这使得英语成为一种非常具有表现力的语言。但是,这也使得学习英语变得很难,特别是对于那些母语不是英语的人来说。他们需要花费很长时间来学习这些单词的意义和用法,并且需要不断地练习他们的发音和拼写。  对于那些想要学习英语的人来说,最好的方法是不断地练习和使用这些单词。他们可以通过阅读英文材料、观看英文电影和电视节目来提高他们的英语水平。此外,他们还可以参加英语课程,与其他学习者交流,共同学习和进步。  总之,“脆的英文”是一种非常有趣和有用的语言现象,它使英语成为了一种非常具有表现力和丰富的语言。对于那些想要学习和掌握英语的人来说,不断地练习和使用这些单词是非常重要的。只有这样,他们才能真正地理解和掌握这种语言,并在日常生活中自如地使用它。
2023-05-31 21:42:591


英文:crispy形容词比较级:crispier,crispiest例句:把油酥糕点烤至金黄酥脆。Bake until the pastry is golden and crisp.熏肉很酥脆。The bacon is crisp.我们把一张漂亮的桌子摆好,做一个酥脆的沙拉和一些蒜蓉面包。We set a nice table, have a crispy salad and some garlic bread.短语:1.椰丝酥脆饼干 Coconut macaroons2.酥脆的 crispy;crunchy3.惊喜酥脆蜘蛛 Crunchy Spider Surprise4.一种酥脆饼干 dinner biscuit5.酥脆类 crispy type6.中国南海酥脆掘海绵 Dysidea fragilis7.指食物的酥脆 crisp8.甜酥脆咸酸甜苦 sweet crispy salty sour bitter。
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2023-05-31 21:43:381


butteryKK: []DJ: []a.1. 像奶油的2. 谄媚的n.1. 食品室;酒贮藏室crunchyKK: []DJ: []a.1. 发嘎吱嘎吱声的;易碎的juicyKK: []DJ: []a.1. 多汁的juicy oranges多汁的橙子2. 【口】利润多的,报酬丰厚的a juicy contract极有利可图的合同3. 【口】生动有趣的;富于刺激性的juicy details刺激性的细节oilyKK: []DJ: []a.1. (含)油的;多油的2. 浸透油的;油腻的oily food油腻的食品3. 油嘴滑舌的,谄媚的,讨好的怎么会问这些词啊...
2023-05-31 21:43:563


同类词chunchy adj.脆的 = crispy (脆的)
2023-05-31 21:44:044

ccy crunchy什么牌子

ccy crunchy是丹慕希品牌女装。丹慕希女装隶属于杭州慕希服饰有限公司旗下女装品牌,给消费者一种时尚大方的感觉,但不另类,不夸张,不街头,白领中带一丝休闲。颜色主要以亮丽为主,但又不怀旧,给人一种清爽干净之感慕希女装隶属于杭州慕希服饰有限公司旗下女装品牌。ccy crunchy丹慕希品牌介绍丹幕希起源于香港,以突出时尚,有女人味,精致,优雅,有每年的流行元素.我们在款式上要求线条简洁流畅,同时要有细节的点缀。现代都会女性在事业与生活之间需要一种轻松自然及又能体现个性的衣着氛围来协调,这是都会女性美好心态的体现,她们个性成熟却没有世井味,她们既事业有成又懂得生活。DMUCCY正是体现这类人的生活态度,意在表现都会时尚女性充满青春与活力的女性魅力形象。这个品牌设计师在设计时装时保留了土耳其的传统服饰特色,又和欧洲传统时装风格相结合,无论是各类型的服装都有不错的视觉效果。
2023-05-31 21:44:241

这句英语,为什么用better而不是more? Maybe they taste better crunchy?

你提的问题不错。怎么说呢,从语法上来说,more 也可以,没有问题。你说more crunchy 也可以。但是,英文还有一个习惯用法的问题。better crunchy 一般是西方英文写作上的习惯用法。
2023-05-31 21:44:412


2023-05-31 21:44:501


你好,动词有 Have, eat名词是eating。望采纳
2023-05-31 21:44:582


  沙拉源自于西方,是夏日很受人们喜欢的一类健康食品,减肥的人们还喜好各种减肥沙拉,那么你知道沙拉用英语怎么说吗?下面和我一起来学习一下沙拉的英语说法吧。   沙拉的英语说法   salad   沙拉的相关 短语   鸡蛋沙拉 egg salad ; Egg salad   大虾沙拉 prawn salad ; Prawn salad   甜菜沙拉 beetroot salad   菠萝沙拉 Pineapple salad   桔子沙拉 orange salad   番茄沙拉 tomato salad   沙拉的英语例句   1. A Couple of drumsticks and one coleslaw, please.   请给我两双鸡腿,一份生菜沙拉.   2. While herbalists make dandelion into tincture, the leaves can be eaten raw in salad or steamed with the flowers and eaten like vegetables.   草药专家把蒲公英制成药剂, 而它的叶子可以拌入生菜沙拉中生吃或与花一起煮了当蔬菜吃.   3. You should change your diet, and eat more salads, fruit, and vegetables.   你应该改变你的食谱, 吃更多沙拉, 水果和蔬菜.   4. How much oil do you need for the salad?   做沙拉你需要多少油?   5. What do we need for the fruIt"salad?   做水果沙拉你需要 什么 ?   6. I"ll make some fruIt"salad.   我要做一些水果沙拉.   7. I"ll have the chef"s salad , please.   我要主厨沙拉.   8. I"d love the crab salad.   我要蟹肉沙拉.   9. May I bring you a salad?   要不要来点沙拉 呢 ?   10. Well, the crab salad"s always a big hit.   嗯, 蟹肉沙拉一向是广受欢迎的.   11. Susan, would you like the crab salad?   Susan, 要不要蟹肉沙拉?   12. I am not fond of salad.   我不喜欢吃沙拉.   13. I bought some green peppers for the salad.   我买了些青辣椒做沙拉.   14. Where"s the bag with the chicken salad sandwiches?   放鸡肉沙拉三明治的袋子在哪?   15. I"m going to need some lemon juice too to put on the salad.   我需要一些柠檬汁放到沙拉里.   关于沙拉的英文阅读:夏日清爽沙拉大搜罗   us: waldorf salad   美式华尔道夫沙拉   though hardly the kind of salad to aid weight loss, the waldorf salad offers mouthfuls of crunchy indulgence. created at new york"s waldorf-astoria hotel in 1896, not by a chef but by the dining room manager oscar tschirky, the waldorf salad has been a favorite in the us ever since.   虽然减肥无益,但华尔道夫沙拉却能凭借松脆的口感满足你的口腹之欲。这道沙拉于1896年诞生于纽约市华尔道夫-阿斯多里亚酒店的厨房里,发明它的并非什么大厨,而是该酒店的餐厅经理奥斯卡•奇尔基。一直以来,华尔道夫沙拉都深受美国人的喜爱。   this classic salad is simplicity at its best. peel two raw apples and cut them into small pieces taking care to remove any seeds from the bowl. chop some celery, add a few walnuts and mix everything with the apples. dress the salad with mayonnaise and a dash of lemon juice and you"re done.   这道经典沙拉最大的好处就是简单。将两个苹果削皮并切成小块,切记要倒掉碗中的果核。将西芹剁碎,加入少许核桃仁,将所有材料同苹果混合起来。最后点缀上蛋黄酱,再加入几滴柠檬汁,就大功告成了!   grapes can be added for extra flavor and in restaurants the salad is often served on a bed of lettuce.   如果想要别具风味,可以添加一些葡萄;在餐厅中,这道沙拉的下面会铺上一层生菜。   uk: ploughman"s salad   英式农夫沙拉   while the guardian describes the uk as “a country where in cafes and casual restaurants it is deemed acceptable to serve a bit of tomato, onion and grated carrot on undressed iceberg lettuce and call it a salad”, a more traditional salad in britain is the ploughman"s salad.   英国《卫报》将英国形容成这样一个国度——“一些咖啡馆和休闲餐厅将西红柿、洋葱和胡萝卜丝盛放在一层不加料的卷心生菜上并称之为沙拉,而人们竟也欣然接受”,在英国,较为传统的沙拉便是农夫沙拉。   this salad combines chunks of cheese, fresh green leaves, pickled vegetables, bread and chutney. it is derived from the ploughman"s lunch, an old-fashioned pub meal that was nominated as a cultural icon of britain and is traditionally accompanied by a glass of beer.   农夫沙拉混合了大块的奶酪,新鲜的绿叶菜、泡菜、面包以及酸辣酱。它源自于农夫午餐——这是一种古老的酒吧餐品,曾被提名为“英伦 文化 符号”,传统吃法是配上一杯啤酒。   italy: caprese salad   意式卡布里沙拉   originating in the southwest island of capri in italy and reflecting the colors of the italian flag (red, white and green), the caprese is probably the most well known italian salad. while very simple to put together it bursts with fresh italian flavors.   卡布里沙拉源自于意大利西南部的卡布里岛,色彩上辉映了意大利国旗的红白绿三色。卡布里沙拉或许是意式沙拉中名声最大的一个了。尽管做法十分简单,但却充分体现了清新的意式风情。   this traditional italian salad consists of tomatoes, sliced mozzarella cheese and basil leaves, drizzled with olive oil. though the salad is delightfully easy to make, it requires the best ingredients. the tomatoes, for instance, must be ripe and juicy.   这道传统的意式沙拉中有西红柿、莫泽雷勒干酪片、罗勒叶,再淋上橄榄油。做法虽然看似容易,但需要上等的食材。例如,必须选用成熟而多汁的西红柿。   greece: horiatiki salata   希腊乡村沙拉   on the menu in almost every greek restaurant, there is the horiatiki salata (“village salad”). but in the non-greek world, it is known simply as the “greek salad”.   在希腊,几乎每家餐厅的菜单上都会有这道“乡村沙拉”。而在世界其他地方,这道菜被简称为“希腊沙拉”。   a typical greek salad consists mainly of quartered tomatoes, thick slices of cucumber and sliced red onions. sometimes green peppers and olives are added, but it should never include lettuce. feta cheese is either diced and mixed in with the salad, or placed on top as a whole piece. in the latter case, greeks break the feta into chunks with a fork and mix it in with the rest of the salad at the table.   一道典型的希腊沙拉主要原料有:西红柿(一分为四)、厚黄瓜片以及红洋葱片。尽管有时还会加入青椒和橄榄,但却将生菜“拒之门外”。菲达干酪切丁同沙拉拌在一起,或者干脆一整块原封不动地摆放在最上面。如果是第二种做法的话,希腊人就餐时通常会用叉子将这一整块奶酪分成大块,同盘中的沙拉混合在一起。 猜你喜欢: 1. 沙拉的英语单词 2. 吃沙拉的礼仪和好处 3. 豆芽用英语怎么说 4. 土豆泥英语怎么说 5. 采草莓用英语怎么说
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汤姆说吃油炸的虾不利于健康,丹尼尔却说他特别爱吃油炸的。两个小家伙似乎又要策划什么特别活动了。 一起来看看吧!Tom:The fried shrimp is crunchy! But my mom will never cook shrimp this way. She always says that fried food is not healthy.Daniel: How does she cook the shrimp?Tom:She often cooks it in a large pan of boiling water.Daniel: I don"t like that. I like fried food, fried potatoes, fried chicken, fried sausage…I can"t see why fried food is not healthy.Tom: My mom says it has a lot of fat. I also suggest you do not eat so many fried things.Daniel: It"s all right! I often fry sausages when my mom is not at home.Tom: Really? I really want to have a try!Daniel: Come to my house this Sunday. My mom will not be at home then. We can cook some wonderful fried food by ourselves!Tom: That sounds like a good idea! But I"m afraid my mom will be angry about it.Daniel: If we don"t tell her, nobody will know. I would never miss a good chance like that.Tom: That sounds good, but……Daniel: Oh, come on…Tom: Well, you win.听看学汤姆:炸虾好脆耶!可我妈妈从来不这么煮虾。她老是说吃油炸的东西不利于健康。丹尼尔:那她是怎么煮虾的?汤姆:她经常把虾放在一大盆沸水里煮。丹尼尔:我可不喜欢。我喜欢吃炸的东西,炸土豆,炸鸡,炸香肠什么的。我可不觉得那有什么不健康的。汤姆:我妈说它含有很多脂肪。我劝你也少吃点油炸食品。丹尼尔:没事!我经常趁我妈妈不在的时候炸香肠吃。汤姆:真的?我真想试一下耶!丹尼尔:那这个星期天来我家。我妈妈那时不在。我们可以自己炸点好吃的!汤姆:好主意!但我怕我妈妈知道了会生气。丹尼尔:如果我们不告诉她,没人会知道。来吧,我要是你就决不会错过这种好机会。汤姆:好是好,可是……丹尼尔:哎,来吧……汤姆:好吧,你赢了。经典背诵 RecitationTom:My mom believes in healthy diet. She often cooks food in a large pan of boiling water, and never allows me to eat any fried foods, saying that they have a lot of fat which is bad for my healthy. But I would try some in the future, just for a change.生词小结crunchy adj. 脆的,易碎的healthy adj. 健康的pan n. 平底锅boil vt. 沸腾,煮沸chance n. 机会chicken n. 小鸡Functional structure功能性句型扩展建议劝告句型请朗读以下句型,家长和孩子交替进行1.提出建议I suggest that…我建议……I suggest you do not (do)…我建议你不要……Would you mind if I make a suggestion? 能给您提个建议吗?I would"t suggest that…我不建议那样做……If I were you, I would …如果我是你,我会……2.接受建议That sounds like a good idea. 好主意!That sounds great/wonderful! 听上去很好!That"s certainly good! 那当然好啦!3.拒绝建议I"d rather not. 我可不要。That"s a good idea, but I"d rather not. 好是好,不过我可不要。Thank you, but I"m afraid I can"t do that. 谢谢,但是恐怕我不能那么做。I don"t think it"s a good idea. 我觉得这主意不好。I"d like to, but I"m afraid…我是想,但是恐怕……
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狮子王2:辛巴的荣耀的狮子王2 对话

Ingonyama nenw" enambala. 一头狮子和一头豹子来到这片开阔地。Ingonyama nenw" enambala. 一头狮子和一头豹子来到这片开阔地。Ingonyama nenw" enambala. 一头狮子和一头豹子来到这片开阔地。Ingonyama nenw" enambala. 一头狮子和一头豹子来到这片开阔地。Night. 夜晚。And the spirit of life. 和生命之神。Calling. 再呼唤着。Oh, oh, iyo. 哦,哦,咿哟。Mamela. 听。Oh, oh, iyo.哦,哦,咿哟。Uku khosi bo khokho We ndo dodana ye sizwe sonke.(Rafiki) 祖先的王位啊,荣誉石的王子。(拉飞奇)Wait. 等一等。There"s no mountian too great. 没有征服不了的高山。Hear the words and have faith. 仔细倾听那些话语,相信自己的信仰。Oh, oh iyo.哦,哦,咿哟。Oh, oh. 哦,哦。Oh, oh, iyo. 哦,哦,咿哟。Have faith. 怀着信仰。Hela, hey mamela. 嘿,听。Hela, hey mamela hela, hey mamela, hela, hey mamela. 嘿,听,嘿,听,嘿,听。He lives in you. 他与你同在。Hela, hey mamela. 嘿,听。He lives in me. 她与我同在。Hela, hey mamela. 嘿,听。He waches over. 在注视着。Hela, hey mamela. 嘿,听。Everything we see. 我们所见的万物。Hela, hey mamela. 嘿,听。Into the water. 他在水里。Hela, hey mamela. 嘿,听。Into the truth. 他在真理中。Hela, hey mamela. 嘿,听。In your reflection. 他就在你的倒影里。Hela, hey mamela. 嘿,听。He lives in you. 他与你同在。Ingonyama nenw" enambala. 一头狮子和一头豹子来到这片开阔地。Ingonyama nenw" enambala. 一头狮子和一头豹子来到这片开阔地。He lives in you. 他与你同在。Hey, oh, yeah. 嘿,哦,耶。He lives in you. 他与你同在。Hela, hey mamela. 嘿,听。He lives in me. 他与我同在。Hela, hey mamela. 嘿,听。He waches over. 他注视着。Eveything we see. 我们所见的万物。Hela, hey mamela. 嘿,听。Into the water. 他在水中。Hela, hey mamela. 嘿,听。Into the trees. 他在树中。Hela, hey mamela. 嘿,听。In you reflection. 他就在你的倒影里。He lives in you. 他与你同在。Ingonyama nenw" enambala. 一头狮子和一头豹子来到这片开阔地。Ingonyama nenw" enambala. 一头狮子和一头豹子来到这片开阔地。He lives in you. 他与你同在。Ah, pumpaa, look at that little guy.(Timon) 啊,彭彭,看看这个小家伙。(丁满)A chik off the old block!(Timon) 真是他老爸的翻版!And ya gotta know who"s gonna raise him.(Timon) 你也知道谁灰来抚养他。(丁满)His parents?(Pumpaa) 他的父母?Oh, sure, get thechnical.(Timon) 对了,当然,现实一点吧。(丁满)But who"s gonna teach him the really important stuff?(Timon) 谁来教他真正重要的东西?Like how th belch.(Timon) 像怎样打嗝?(丁满)And dig for grubs.(Timon) 和怎样觅食?(丁满)I"m tellin"ya, buddy, it"s gonna be like old times...(Timon) 老伙伴,我跟你说,这就跟以前一样。(丁满)You, me, and the little guy.(Timon) 你,我和这小子。(丁满)It is a girl.(Rafiki) 是个女孩。Girl.(Timon/Pumpaa) 女孩。(丁满/彭彭)Girl? Oy/Oh.(Timon/Pumpaa) 女孩,噢/哦。(丁满/彭彭)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whoa.(Simba) 哇。(辛巴)Where do you think you"re going is such a hurry?(Simba) 你这么冲忙是要去哪里啊?(辛巴)Daddy! Let go.(Kiara) 爸,放开我啦。(琪拉雅)Well, I just want you to be careful.(Simba) 我只是希望你小心一点。(辛巴)Kiara, are you listening? Accidents can happen.(simba) 琪拉雅,你听进去了没有?意外随时会发生。You could esily get hurt...(Simba) 你很容易会受伤...(辛巴)Hurt, or steped on, or even get lost.(Kiara) 受伤或跌到,甚至会迷路。(琪拉雅)And remeber...(Simba) 还有,记住...(辛巴)I want you to stay in sight of Pride Roke at all times.(Simba) 我要你代在荣誉石范围里,片刻不离。(辛巴) all times.(Kiara) 片刻不离。(琪拉雅)I know, ”And if i see any strangers, don"t talk to them.(Kiara) 我知道,“如果我看见任何陌生人,不要和他们说话。(琪拉雅)Come straight home.” Okay, okay, can I go now?(Kiara) 马上回家来。”好,好,我可以走了吗?Please?(Kiara) 拜托。(琪拉雅)Mm-hmm.(Simba) 恩哼。(辛巴)Very funny.(Sinba) 真爱耍宝。(辛巴)Mind you father, Kiara.(Nala) 要听爸爸的话,琪拉雅。(娜娜)Yes, Mom.(Kiara) 好的,妈妈。(琪拉雅)And stay away for the outlands.(Sinba) 离蛮荒之地远一点。(辛巴)Nothing there but a bunch of backstabbing, murderous outsiders.(Zazu) 那儿只有一群会暗箭伤人的荒原人。(沙祖)Zazu"s right. You can"t turn your back on them.(Sinba) 沙祖说的对,你绝对不能背对着他们。(辛巴)Really? How come?(Kiara) 真的?为什么?(琪拉雅)Never mind, just turn along now.(Simba) 好了,只管玩去吧。(辛巴)But, Dad, I...(Kiara) 但是,爸爸,我...(琪拉雅)You understand someday. Go on(Simba) 你将来就会了解的,去吧。(辛巴)Dad!(Kiara) 爸爸!(琪拉雅)And stay on the path I"ve marked for you.(Simba) 待在我替你做过记号的路上。(辛巴)Simba. Who does she remind of you, hmmm?(Nala) 辛巴,她让你想起了谁,恩?(娜娜)Huh? what? who?(Simba) 呃?什么?谁?(辛巴)She"s just like you were when you were young.(Nala) 他就跟你年轻的时候一模一样。(娜娜)Exactly! Do you realize the dangers we put ourselves in?(Simba) 没有错,你知道这会给我们带来什么危险吗?(辛巴)Uh!(Simba)呃!(辛巴)You mean the dangers you put us in.(Nala) 你是说想你以前一样吗?(娜娜)Hmm.(Nala) 恩。(娜娜)She"ll be fine.(Nala) 她会没事的。(娜娜)Hey, Timon! Pumpaa! Come here.(Simba) 嘿,丁满!彭彭!过来。(辛巴)Good morning, mon capitane!(Timon) 早安,我的老大。(丁满)I want you to keep a close watch on Kiara.(Simba) 我要你们多盯着琪拉雅一点。(辛巴)You know she"s bound to run off.(Simba) 你知道她很会乱跑。(辛巴)Don"t worry, Simba, we"er on her like stink on a warthog.(Timon) 放心,辛巴,我们会像犹猪的臭气一样紧跟着她。(丁满)Hey!(Pumpaa) 嘿!(彭彭)It"s a hard truth, Pumpaa. live with it.(Timon) 这是事实嘛,彭彭,接受吧。(丁满)Guys, I counting on you.(Simba) 两位,我就靠你们了。(辛巴)Danger could be lurking behind every rock.(Simba)每个石头后面都有可能潜伏着危机。(辛巴)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey! Wait! Come back.(Kiara) 嘿!等等!回来。(琪拉雅)I just want to play.(Kiara) 我只是想玩。(琪拉雅)The mighty hunter...(Kiara) 伟大的猎人...(琪拉雅)has cornered her prey.(Kiara) 已经困住她的猎物了。(琪拉雅)Huh?(Kiara) 呃(琪拉雅)Whoal!Cool.(Kiara) 哇!酷。(琪拉雅)The outlands.(Kiara) 蛮荒之地。(琪拉雅)I wonder what"s out there.(Kiara) 我想知道那儿有什么。(琪拉雅)Oh, don"t worry, Kiara. Uncle Pumpaa"s comin".(Pumpaa) 哦,别担心,琪拉雅。彭彭伯伯来了。(彭彭)Oh, no! Oh! Uh, uh...(Timon) 哦,不!哦!呃,呃...(丁满)Let"s see. Gee, Simba, the good news is we found your daughter.(Timon) 我看看。“嗨,辛巴,好消息是我们发现了你的女儿。(丁满)The bad news is we dropped a warthog on her(Timon) 坏消息是我们让犹猪压住了她。”(丁满)Is there a problem with that?(Timon) 对这个有什么问题吗?(丁满)Kiara? Kiara?(Pumpaa) 琪拉雅?琪拉雅?(彭彭)Pumpaa! Let me define baby-sitting.(Timon) 彭彭!让我解说,“照顾小孩”。(丁满)Sorry.(Pumpaa) 对不起。(彭彭)Now,princess Kiara, as Simba"s daughter, you know better than to go off all alone.(Pumpaa) 现在,琪拉雅公主,作为辛巴的女儿,你知道较好一个人跑走。(彭彭)You could have been hurt.(Pumpaa) 你可能会受伤。(彭彭)Bu-But...(Kiara) 但-但是...(琪拉雅)Hurt? Oh, Simba would be kill us!(Timon) 受伤?哦,辛巴会杀了我们!(丁满)You didn"t slip a disk, did you?(Timon) 你的背没伤到吧?(丁满)Bu-But...(Kiara) 但-但是...(琪拉雅)Catch a fever? Get a handnail?(Timon) 感染发烧?指甲被刺?(丁满)Aah! Timon...(Kiara) 啊!丁满...(琪拉雅)I had one once.(Timon) 我以前有一次。(丁满)Very painful.(Pumpaa) 非常痛。(彭彭)Excruciating,(Timon) 极痛苦的。(丁满)Darling, with your complexion, you should stay out of sun.(Timon) 亲爱的,为了你的皮肤,你应该离开太阳。(丁满)What? Do you wanna wrinkle?(Timon) 什么?你想要皱纹?(丁满)Will somebady please just listen to me?(Kiara) 求求某人只是听我说?(琪拉雅)I"m sorry, I wasn"t listening. Did you say something, Princess?(Timon) 我对不起,我没有听。你说了哪些,公主?(丁满)I"m not just princess, you know. That only half of who I am.(Kiara) 我不只是公主,你知道。那只是我的一半。(琪拉雅)Oh, uh, who"s the other half?(Pumpaa) 哦,呃,那另一半呢?(彭彭)Well, I, uh, um...(Kiara) 哦,这个,我,呃,恩...(琪拉雅)Well, while you"re figuring it out, let"s eat(Timon) 当你在考虑的时候,来吃东西。(丁满)Here we are! Grubs.(Timon) 在这儿!幼虫。(丁满)The other white meat!(Pumpaa) 另一种白肉。(彭彭)And so high in protein.(Timon) 而且很多蛋白质。(丁满)Eww! Gross!(Kiara) 呃!恶心!(琪拉雅)No? "bout you, Big boy?(Timon) 不?那你呢,大家伙?(丁满)Ah! Love grubs.(Pumpaa) 啊!爱虫子。(彭彭)Not like.(Timon) 不是“喜欢”。(丁满)Love!(Timon/Pumpaa) 爱!(丁满/彭彭)Oh! You always do that.(Timon) 哦!你总是那样做。(丁满)You take a bite out of every one, and then put it back. It drives me crazy.(Timon) 你每个拿来咬下,然后放回去。快使我疯了。(丁满)But you can"s tell from the outside which are the real slimy ones.(Pumpaa) 但是你从外表无法知道哪一个真的是粘粘的。(彭彭)Slimy? Pumpaa, my corpulent compadre, it"s the crunchy ones that make the meal.(Timon) 粘粘的?彭彭,我的胖朋友,脆脆的一个做才的叫餐。(丁满)Slimy.(Pumpaa) 粘的。(彭彭)Crunchy.(Timon) 脆的。(丁满)Slimy.(Pumpaa) 粘的。(彭彭)Crunchy.(Timon) 脆的。(丁满)Slimy.(Pumpaa) 粘的。(彭彭)Crunchy.(Timon) 脆的。(丁满)Slimy.(Pumpaa) 粘的。(彭彭)Crunchy.(Timon) 脆的。(丁满)Slimy.(Pumpaa) 粘的。(彭彭)Crunchy.(Timon) 脆的。(丁满)Slimy.(Pumpaa) 粘的。(彭彭)Crunchy.(Timon) 脆的。(丁满)Less filling.(Pumpaa) 较少馅。(彭彭)Tastes good.(Timon) 味道好。(丁满)Less filling.(Pumpaa) 较少馅。(彭彭)Tastes good.(Timon) 味道好。(丁满)Less filling.(Pumpaa) 较少馅。(彭彭)Tastes good.(Timon) 味道好。(丁满)Less filling.(Pumpaa) 较少馅。(彭彭)Tastes good.(Timon) 味道好。(丁满)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who are you? Pride lander?(Kovu) 你是谁?荣誉石的人?(高孚)What are you doing?(Kovu) 你在干什么?(高孚)My father says to never turn your back on an outsider.(Kiara) 我爸爸说永远不要把背对着荒原人。(琪拉雅)You always do what Daddy says?(Kovu)你总是做你爸爸告诉你的?(高孚)No!(Kiara) 没有!(琪拉雅)But you do! But you"re Daddy"s little girl.(Kovu) 但是你做了!但是你是爸爸的小女孩。(高孚)An ousider doesn"t need anybady.(Kovu) 一个荒原人不需要任何人。(高孚)I take care of myself.(Kovu) 我照顾我自己(高孚)Really?(Kiara) 真的?(琪拉雅)Cool!(Kiara) 酷!(琪拉雅)Run!(Kovu) 跑!(高孚)This way!(Kiara) 这个方向。(琪拉雅)That was a close one.(Kovu) 那个真是好险(高孚)Yeah.(Kiara) 是啊。(琪拉雅)Scoot!(Kovu) 快溜。(高孚)Whoa!(Kovu) 喔!(高孚)Hey, wh-what about me?(Kiara) 嘿,我-我怎么办?(琪拉雅)I-I"ll distract him! Run! Whoops!(Kovu) 我会转移他! 跑!喔哦!(高孚)Whoop...oh!(Kovu) 喔哦!(高孚)Look out!(Kiara) 留神!(琪拉雅)Move it!(Kiara) 移开。(琪拉雅)Whoa!(Kiara) 哇呜!(琪拉雅)I did it! I did it!(Kiara) 我做到了!我做到了!(琪拉雅)Ha!(Kovu) 哈!(高孚)ho, man, did you see side of those teeth?(Kiara) 哦,兄弟,你看到那些牙齿了吗。(琪拉雅)They were going,Rr, rr, rr, rr.(Kiara) 他们“喏,喏,喏,喏”。(琪拉雅)
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It"s delicious.It"s tasty.It"s yummy.
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具体如下:1.What can you smell and taste? 你能闻到和尝到什么?2.I have a glass of watermelon juice, a glass of cherry juice and a glass of grape juice. 我有一杯西瓜汁,一杯樱桃汁和一杯葡萄汁。3.Is it a peach or an apple? It"s an apple, I tink.它是一个桃子还是一个苹果?我想它是一个苹果。4.Taste it. What is it? 尝尝它。它是什么?5.How about the green one?绿色的那个怎么样。6. It"s nice too, and it"s very crunchy.它也很好,而且它非常脆。7.They are purple and round.他们又紫又圆。8.What nice grapes!=How nice the grapes are! 多好的葡萄呀!9.They are not sweet at all.它们一点也不甜。10.I don"t like the horse at all. 我一点也不喜欢这匹马。11.In summer we often sit around and enjoy a fruit. 在夏天我们经常围坐一圈并吃水果。12.It"s red and sweet inside. 它的里面又红又甜。13.He often rides it in his yard with his sister Sue. 他经常在他的后院和他的姐姐一起骑它。14.He also rides it around the park on sunny day afternoon.他也在阳光灿烂的下午在公园里附近骑它。15. But Mark never rides his car when he goes to school.但是马克从来不在上学的时候骑他的小车。
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crunchy-chewy-salty-sweet bite英语翻译

2023-05-31 21:46:331


1.fresh 新鲜的 2.past its sell-by date 过期的 3.raw 生的 4.ripe 成熟的 5.rotten 腐烂的 6.tough 硬的 7.undercooked 未煮熟的 8.overcooked 煮过头的煮食的动词 1.bake 烘烤 2.boil 水煮 3.cook 煮 4.fry 煎炒 5.grill 明火烧烤 6.heat 加热 7.microwave 微波炉 8.poach 水煮 9.roast 烤 10.steam 蒸 11.stew 炖 形容食物的量词 1.liter 公升 2.loaf 条(形容一条面包) 3.lump 块 4.piece 一片,件 5.pint 品托 6.portion 部分 7.slice 薄片 8.spoonful 一匙 形容食物的味道 1.bitter 苦 2.bland 味道温和的,刺激性少的 3.creamy 黏稠 4.crisp 脆 5.crunchy 咔咔脆的 热 7.mild 温 8.salty 咸 9.savory 使人开胃的 10.sickly 令人作呕的 11.sour 酸 12.spicy 辣 13.stodgy 不易消化的 14.sweet 甜 15.tasteless 淡而无味 食物的种类 1.barbecue 烧烤 2.buffet 自助餐 3.four-course meal picnic 野餐 4.snack 小吃,茶点 吃的动词 5.bite 咬 6.chew 嚼 7.swallow 吞 8.sip 吸,小口地喝准备饮料的动词 1.add 添加 2.fill 加满 3.mix 混合 4.pour 倒 5.shake 摇匀 6.stir 搅 7.其他相关词 8.crumbs 面包碎 food 快餐 10.fattening 发福的 11.pastry 面饼皮 12.slimming 使人变苗条的 13.sticky 粘乎乎的● 使某人处于吃亏的地位 put sb. at a disadvantage   ● 他吃亏吃在太自私上。 It is to his disadvantage that he is too selfish.   ● 吃力 entail strenuous effort; be a strain   ● 吃力地前进 labor one"s way with difficulty   ● 吃力地爬山 labor up a hill   ● 吃力地踏着雪走 labor through the snow   ● 吃力地穿过草丛 wade through the weeds   ● 吃力地穿过森林 work through the forest   ● 吃力地干一件事 labor at a task; have a hard job doing a thing   ● 吃力地啃一本书 toil through a book   ● 吃力地读完一份长报告 wade through a long report   ● 吃力地把某物运上山 sweat sth. up the hill   ● 毫不吃力地做某事 make light work of sth. [of doing sth.]   ● 吃力不讨好 do a hard but thankless job; carry owls to Athens   ● 工作吃力 feel the strain of work; find a job difficult   ● 学习吃力 have difficulty with one"s lessons   ● 呼吸吃力 breathe with difficulty; labor for breath   ● 说话吃力 speak with effort   ● 谈话很吃力 labor under great difficulties in conversation   ● 总干吃力不讨好的事 be a fool to oneself; be a fool for one"s pains   ● 真是件吃力的事 be a real strain   ● 登山是很吃力的。 Climbing a mountain takes efforts.   ● 车轮在沙里吃力地转动。 The wheels labored in the sand.   ● 船在滚滚波涛中吃力地行驶。 The ship labored through the heavy seas.   ● 这事吃力不讨好。 The effort, though with good intentions, does not work well.   ● 他不会干这种吃力的活儿。 He will not take the sweat.   ● 吃零食 take snacks between meals; nibble between meals   ● 睡前吃零食 eat a snack before going to bed   ● 他老在吃零食。 He is forever snacking.   ● 吃奶 suck the breast   ● 吃奶的婴儿 an infant at the breast   ● 吃着奶的孩子 a child at suck   ● 给婴儿吃奶 give suck to a baby   ● 用尽吃奶的力气 strain every muscle   ● 婴儿吃奶。 The baby took [sucked] the breast.
2023-05-31 21:46:411


I enjoy cooking very much, especially I can chop up the vegetable on board into different shapes with crisp sounds when I cook.
2023-05-31 21:46:493

scrunchy faced 是什么意思

crunchy英 [ˈkrʌntʃi] 美 [ˈkrʌntʃi] adj.松脆的;硬脆的;爽脆的比较级: crunchier 最高级: crunchiest
2023-05-31 21:46:562


  中型犬每天至少要吃掉一罐狗粮。下面我为大家带来狗粮的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   狗粮的英语意思   dog food   狗粮的英语例句   她只好又回家去把自己的狗抱来。他们把狗粮卖给了她。   She went home and brought in her dog, and they sold her dog food.   假如你看我瞄我一下,发现了我正在吃我的“狗粮”,在此同时,我的网站已经用上了新版本的16列网格布局。   As you can see, I"m eating my own dog food, as the future version of my site will use a 16column grid.   华盛顿需要和北京坦率地讨论它不可靠的出口产品,如有毒的牙膏、狗粮和玩具,以及它盗版美国生产的软件、电影和其他商品。   Washington needs to have a frank discussion with Beijing about its irresponsible export ofpoisonous toothpaste, dog food and toys and its piracy of American-produced software, moviesand other goods.   然而动物保护志愿者的增援部队还是源源不断地赶来,带着水,狗粮,甚至还有专职兽医,对峙持续了15个小时。   Dozens of police officers were called in. Animal activists, however, kept arriving with reinforcements, carrying water, dog food, even trained veterinarians for a siege that lasted 15hours.   是生面团里常有的物质,能用来给食品添加肉味,特别是作为狗粮的添加剂。   As well as being found in dough it can be used to give food a meat-like flavour, especially indog food.   警方告诉法新社,这些黑熊被喂以狗粮,并被用来恐吓盗窃毒品的小偷。   Police told AFP the bears were fed dog food to keep them nearby to deter drug thieves.   德国马克斯普朗克研究所的比较心理学家迈克尔托马塞洛对狗做了一系列的测试,让它们判断,哪个封着的盒子里装着美味的狗粮。   A comparative psychologist at the Max Plank Institute in Germany,named Michael Tomasello ran a series of tests on dogs,in which they had to find which sealed container had yummy dogfood in it.   过了很久,同室的同学才恨铁不成钢地对姜浩说:“你买的是狗粮。”   After a long time, his roommate told him that what he bought was dog food.   有些数据值得关注:按照推荐份额,中型犬每日消耗300克压缩狗粮,其中包含90克肉类和156克谷物。   The Values noted that a medium dog consumes 90 grams of meat and 156 grams of cerealsdaily in its recommended 300-gram portion of dried dog food.   故事由某人敲入对某种信息的查询开始,比如说最安全的狗粮,D.M.V什么时候停业,或者中国的优惠利率是多少.   It all starts with somebody typing in a request for information about the safest dog food, whattime the D.M.V. closes, or what the prime rate is in China.   哪怕冰箱是空的也别吃狗粮。永远不要骗人,这么做不值得。   If nothing is in the refrigerator, don"t eat dog food.   然而动物保护志愿者的增援部队还是源源不断地赶来,带着水,狗粮,甚至还有专职兽医,对峙持续了15个小时。   Animal activists, however, kept arriving with reinforcements, carrying water, dog food, eventrained veterinarians for a siege that lasted 15 hours.   狗粮的双语例句   1. A medium-sized dog will devour at least one can of food per day.   中型犬每天至少要吃掉一罐狗粮。   2. Each box contains the equivalent of 6 standard cans of dog food.   每个箱子都盛有相当于六个标准罐头容量的狗粮.   3. It was inevitable that they should go short on dog food.   他们不可避免地会缺狗粮.   4. It is usually wise to effect a change gradually.   通常来说缓慢地转换狗粮是明智的.   5. I bought some dog food for this miserable little dog.   我给这只可怜的小狗买了些狗粮.   6. His favourite food is Canine Crunchy Crunch.   它最喜欢的食物是狗粮(这个词不知道).   7. Won"t changing foods make my dog picky?   更换狗粮会让我的狗挑食 吗 ?   8. How often should I rotate foods?   我该多久换一次狗粮?   9. Are there any other benefits to changing foods?   更换狗粮有什么其他好处 吗 ?   10. Do I need to change the food gradually?   我需要逐渐地转换狗粮 吗 ?   11. Her favourite food is Canine Crunchy Crunch.   她最喜欢的食物是狗粮.   12. Where"s the dog food?   狗粮在哪儿?   13. What about just mixing foods together?   把狗粮混在一块儿 怎么样 ?   14. How many different foods do I need? Can I use a food again?   我该需要多少种狗粮 呢 ?可以重复使用同一种 吗 ?   15. Be sure to choose a reputable brand of dog food . Check with your veterinarian for recommendations.   按照兽医的建议, 选择比较著名的品牌的狗粮.
2023-05-31 21:47:031


美式读音:ˈsuːpɚˌmɑːrkɪt英式读音:"suːpəmɑːkɪt; "sjuː-复数:supermarkets例句:1、Community supermarkets provide home delivery service for elderly people.社区超市为年迈老人提供送货上门服务。2、The supermarket chain is being inspected by the relevant authorities.这家连锁超市正在接受相关部门的检查。3、She works at the local supermarket.她在当地的超市里工作。4、I know you like crunchy peanut butter, but the supermarket only had smooth.我知道你喜欢脆的花生酱,但是超市里只有顺滑花生酱。
2023-05-31 21:47:351


泡的是喜瑞尔,英文名:Cereals。Cereals就是谷物,包括大米、小麦、玉米以及其他杂谷,如荞麦、燕麦、薏仁米、高粱等等,品种繁多。而英国售卖的Cereals谷物,基本都 是直接倒出来,泡在牛奶里,即可食用。谷物早餐真是超方便的,而且营养均衡,价格也很便宜,在英国可谓是相当常见的家庭早饭了。称叫 Breakfast Cereals是因为英国人的Cereals多数都是早餐吃,所以大家都直接叫Breakfast Cereals。扩展资料在各大超市小杂货店都可以买到。Cereals的味道就是“没什么味道”,尤其是纯小麦的,仅仅有一股健康的味道,比较适合口味较淡或者是对饮食健康比较讲究的人。最常见的牌子包括:Nestle Shredded Wheat、Weetabix crunchy bran、Jordans natural wheatgerm、Waitrose LOVE life you count red fruit toasted rice & wheat flakes??
2023-05-31 21:47:481

从英国回来的舅舅送我的巧克力上的英文 给我翻译下

绿与黑有机(牌子G & B"s)巧克力微型块装系列12块牛奶/黑巧克力微型块状系列,让您品味我们一系列巧克力的浓郁味道:从独特的富含可可以及松脆奶油硬糖或烤杏仁的牛奶巧克力、到苦中带甜的含有酸樱桃或姜糖的黑巧克力。
2023-05-31 21:48:023

r usa g可以组成什么单词?

r usa g可以组成单词sugar,中文意思是“糖”。
2023-05-31 21:48:104


2023-05-31 21:48:191


These pale-looking, spaghetti-like thin strips are shreds from a potato, may I assure you. I first encountered them when visiting Qxingdao in China, a city far away from Sichuan where this dish was originated. Then, I keep seeing this hot and sour potato shreds (written as 醋溜土豆丝 in Chinese and pronounced as Cu Liu Tu Dou Si in Mandarin) from Chinese cook books and Chinese food blogs. There are variations though, they all tend to include peppercorns and dried red chilies as the key ingredients .To me, potato is not at all any alien food, but still I found it hard to associate these shreds with the potato family in my very first bite. I excused myself for too getting used to eat deep fried and baked potatoes, which are either crispy or fluffy. To describe these funny thin strips, I would say, they are more or less like cuts from a jicama, something crunchy indeed.I rarely serve this dish with rice (my staple food) considered they are both high in carbohydrates. But I have been happy to enjoy it as an appetizer as soon as I get used to its crunchiness. Method1) Shredding potato : Peel, rinse, pat dry the potato. Cut a thin slice from one side to form a flatten bottom. Doing so will help better hold the potato in place while slicing it. Then, cut the potato into about 1mm slices. It doesn"t harm much even the thickness of each slice is not the same. Mine differs as well. You may then choose to shred each slice one by one. But I like doing it with all slices stacked halfway. That is, lay flat each slice one on top another. Instead of aligning them edge to edge , I distance their edges on one side, from which the shreds are cut .2) Soaking potato shreds : Soak potato shreds in salt water for about 15 minutes. This will help minimize the potato from turning rusty while at the same time washing away a certain amount of starch from the shreds. Rinse the shreds in a colander under running water and drain away excess water.3) Stir-frying potato shreds : Over moderate heat, heat one table spoon of oil in wok. When heated, add in peppercorns, sauté till fragrant, about a minute. Discard peppercorns, but leave oil in wok (it is now a peppercorn-flavored oil). Toss in garlic and dried red chilies; sauté briefly. Add in potato shreds, stir-fry constantly for 2 to 3 minutes, or until done. Dish up. On the other hand, mix well all ingredients for the sauce for dipping, or, simply mingle them with the cooked shreds (which will then be colored in light brown) and, garnish with spring onion. Serve hot, or chilled which is particularly good for summer.
2023-05-31 21:48:251


01、Nate the Great02、Nate the Great Goes Undercover03、Nate the Great and the Monster Mess04、Nate the Great and the Halloween Hunt05、Nate the Great and the Phony Clue06、Nate the Great and the Crunchy Christmas07、Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail08、Nate the Great and the Missing Key09、Nate the Great and the Lost List10、Nate the Great and the Hungry Book Club11、Nate the Great and the Sticky Case12、Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine13、Nate the Great and the Stolen Base14、Nate the Great and the Boring Beach Bag15、Nate the Great and the Fishy Prize16、Nate the Great Talks Turkey17、Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective18、Nate the Great and the Big Sniff19、Nate the Great and the Tardy Tortoise20、Nate the Great and the Pillowcase21、Nate the Great and the Musical Note22、Nate the Great Goes Down in the Dumps23、Nate the Great Stalks Stupidweed24、Nate the Great on the Owl Express25、Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden26、Nate the Great and Me the Case of the Fleeing Fang27、Nate the Great, Where Are You?1、Nate The Great And The Fishy Prize大侦探内特:奖品鱼大侦探内特将携带他的爱犬Sludge参加宠物智能比赛,可是赛场的奖品却不翼而飞了。无奈之下,举办方不得不准备放弃举办这场比赛。不过内特和Sludge可不想放弃这场华丽而有意义的比赛。2、Nate The Great And The Halloween Hunt大侦探内特:万圣节大追捕万圣节前夜,所有的小朋友们都穿上了滑稽可怕的服装,他们装糖果的袋子也变得越来越重。内特的好朋友罗莎蒙德却一直愁眉不展,她的小猫Hex在万圣节前夜失踪了。这只小猫很讨厌过万圣节,也许是躲藏到什么地方散心去了,可是罗莎蒙德的直觉却觉得它是真的失踪不见了。3、Nate the Great and the Lost List大侦探内特:丢失的购物单内特和Sludge正在享受身心舒适的度假,可是又有新案子发生了,他们不得不返程参与调查。内特的朋友克劳德商店里丢失了一张购物单,内特得知后,在午饭前就迅速展开了调查。
2023-05-31 21:48:321

mr ea c能组成什么单词?

2023-05-31 21:48:403


crunchy 英["krʌntʃɪ] 美[ˈkrʌntʃi] adj. 发嘎吱嘎吱声的,易碎的 最高级:crunchiest;比较级:crunchier [例句]And a fresco crunchy taco has 150 calories , 7 grams of fat and 7 grams of protein.而一个弗莱斯科松脆玉米饼则有150卡路里热量、7克脂肪及7克蛋白质。
2023-05-31 21:49:091


以下为搜索的答案, crunchy 1 咀嚼时发出的嘎吱嘎吱声 2 易碎的 脆的 同类词chunchy adj.脆的 = crispy (脆的)
2023-05-31 21:49:171


crunchy读音英音[ ˈkrʌntʃi ]美音[ ˈkrʌntʃi ]释义 adj. 硬脆的,松脆的,易碎的;<美,非正式> 政治上自由主义且注重环保的变形 crunchier   比较级     crunchiest    最高级同义词adj.易碎的;发嘎吱嘎吱声的delicate   fragile   brittle同根词词根crunchcrunch  n  咬碎,咬碎声;扎扎地踏crunch  vi  嘎吱作响地咀嚼;嘎吱嘎吱地踏过crunch  vt  压碎;嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼;扎扎地例句1·Another day and this one would be crunchy.再过一天这个就会变松脆。2·I love cornflakes, which are crunchy and delicious.我爱玉米片,又脆又好吃。3·The texture is crunchy, but smelt a little of cab food.口感很脆,但闻起来有点像出租车食品的味道。4·The texture is crunchy, but smelt a little of cat food.它的口感很脆,但闻起来有点像猫粮。
2023-05-31 21:49:231


2023-05-31 21:49:422


您好,crunchy 发嘎吱嘎吱声的;脆脆的;易碎的等等的意思.英语发音的音标为:英 ["krʌntʃɪ];美 [ˈkrʌntʃi] 汉字贴近一点的发音:【枯汪奇】 或念快一点像 【矿取】 比较级: crunchier 最高级: crunchiest 派生词:crunchily,crunchiness例句: They tasted crunchy and richly flavor of grass. 它们吃起来脆脆的,而且带浓浓的草香味.The burger tastes crunchy and great. 汉堡吃起有脆脆的口感及很棒的感觉.A new kind of chocolate truffles is white and crunchy. 一种新的松露巧克力是白色的,并且脆脆的.
2023-05-31 21:49:481


crunchy英语怎么读crunchy发嘎吱嘎吱声的;脆脆的;易碎的等等的意思。英语发音的音标为:英 ["krʌntʃɪ];美 [ˈkrʌntʃi]汉字贴近一点的发音:【枯汪奇】 或念快一点像 【矿取】 比较级: crunchier最高级: crunchiest派生词:crunchily,crunchinessAnd a fresco crunchy taco has 150 calories ,7 grams of fat and 7 grams of protein.而一个弗莱斯科松脆玉米饼则有150卡路里热量、7克脂肪及7克蛋白质.例句:They tasted crunchy and richly flavor of grass.  它们吃起来脆脆的,而且带浓浓的草香味。The burger tastes crunchy and great.汉堡吃起有脆脆的口感及很棒的感觉。A new kind of chocolate truffles is white and crunchy.一种新的松露巧克力是白色的,并且脆脆的。
2023-05-31 21:49:561


crunchy[英]["krʌntʃɪ] [美][ˈkrʌntʃi] 生词本简明释义adj.发嘎吱嘎吱声的,易碎的
2023-05-31 21:51:211

crunchy 和plum 中的u 发音相同吗?

crunchy 和plum中的u发音相同,都是发音[ʌ]。crunchy英[ˈkrʌntʃi]    美[ˈkrʌntʃi]    adj.    松脆的; 硬脆的; 爽脆的;    [例句]Bake the mixture for 30 minutes until the top is golden and crunchy.将混合物烘烤30分钟,直到顶部变脆呈金黄色。plum英[plʌm]    美[plʌm]    n.    葡萄干; 李子,李树; 李属植物; 紫红色;    adj.    紫红色的; 称心如意的(工作或职位);    [例句]Laura landed a plum job with a smart art gallery.劳拉在一家时尚画廊找到了份美差。
2023-05-31 21:51:281


crunchyadj. brittle; making a crackly sound (when chewed, stepped on, etc.) crispyadj. brittle, crumbly, crunchy
2023-05-31 21:51:423

the apples are crunchy特殊疑问句的两种用法?

The apples are crunchy.提问crunchy,形容词,用howHow are the apples?或What are the apples like?提问the applesWhat are crunchy?
2023-05-31 21:52:012

急!!! 形容食物口感o既英文字

1. Crispy 酥脆的;清脆的 2. juicy 多汁的 e.g.juicy oranges 多汁的柳橙 3. fresh 新鲜的;未经加工处理过的 e.g.They buy fresh meat. 他们买新鲜肉。 4. crunchy 发嘎吱嘎吱声的;易碎的 5. tender 嫩的;柔软的 6. *** ooth (液体,浆糊等)调匀的;(酒)温和的 This is a *** ooth wine. 这是一种醇和的葡萄酒。 7. al dente (意大利文,形容刚刚好口感的意粉) 8. hard 硬的,坚固的 The ice is as hard as rock. 冰像石头一样硬。 9. fluffy 松软的 a fluffy omelette 松软的煎蛋卷 10. sweet 甜的 The apples taste sweet. 这些苹果很甜。 11.salty 有盐分的;咸味浓的 12.spicy 辛辣的;痛快的 加有香料的;香的 The cookies were rich and spicy. 这些小甜饼油多味香。 13.tasty 美味的;可口的 14.delicious 美味的;香喷喷的 The fried chicken is delicious. 这炸鸡味道鲜美。,. Crispy 酥脆的;清脆的 2. juicy 多汁的 e.g.juicy oranges 多汁的柳橙 3. fresh 新鲜的;未经加工处理过的 e.g.They buy fresh meat. 他们买新鲜肉。 4. crunchy 发嘎吱嘎吱声的;易碎的 5. tender 嫩的;柔软的 6. *** ooth (液体,浆糊等)调匀的;(酒)温和的 This is a *** ooth wine. 这是一种醇和的葡萄酒。 7. al dente (意大利文,形容刚刚好口感的意粉) 8. hard 硬的,坚固的 The ice is as hard as rock. 冰像石头一样硬。 9. fluffy 松软的 a fluffy omelette 松软的煎蛋卷 10. sweet 甜的 The apples taste sweet. 这些苹果很甜。 11.salty 有盐分的;咸味浓的 12.spicy 辛辣的;痛快的 加有香料的;香的 The cookies were rich and spicy. 这些小甜饼油多味香。 13.tasty 美味的;可口的 14.delicious 美味的;香喷喷的 The fried chicken is delicious. 这炸鸡味道鲜美。 delicious .taste good/bad dainty unpalatable .distasteful .unsavory .tasteless .insipid 食物好淋 = very soft 食物好硬 = very hard 黏泣泣 = very gummy 松脆 = crispy 坚靱 = tough e.g. The steak was so tough I couldn"t eat it.,脆的,酥的,松脆的,鲜嫩的:crisp 香纯浓郁的:mellow 结实的,韧的:tough 清淡的:bland 嫩煎(或炒、煸):saute 新鲜的:fresh,chunchy(爽口),1.delicious 2.taste good/bad 3.dainty 4.unpalatable 5.distasteful 6.unsavory 7.tasteless 8.insipid 应该可以帮到你的,
2023-05-31 21:52:071


更新1: 可以用2至3个英文的形容词来形容薯片吗? 请帮帮我…… 请用句子作答。 Positive adjectives: crispy crunchy light tasty Negative adjectives: oily soggy heavy filling examples: These chips are crispy and light and I like to have them for lunch. I like salty chips as long as they are not oily. adj:-crispy crunchy pleasantly light tasty golden and crisp crisply fried; eg:- Potato chips are sold in bags and crisply fried and have many different flavors.. These chips are crispy light and crisply fried to be eaten. *** ing delicious These potato chips are thin crisp oily and salty. Yip special excitative delicious amazing
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