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ask for more

ask for 是固定短语,意思是要求,请求 因此ask for more可以翻译为要多一点.

I never ask for more than you 翻译成中文


和F4拍摄ASK FOR MORE 中那个女的是谁

春(3-5月)观百花竞开,松枝吐翠,山鸟飞歌; 夏(6-8月)观松、云雾及避暑休闲; 秋(9-11月)观青松、苍石、红枫、黄菊等自然景色; 冬(12-2月)观冰雪之花及雾松。在黄山晴赏奇松怪石,阴观云海变换,雨觅流泉飞瀑,雪看玉树琼枝,风听空谷松涛。

some students ask for more food than they can eat


how could i ask for more什么意思


Ask for more help.

1.熬夜对我们的健康有害. Staying up is bad for our health. Staying up 是动名词短语作主语,动词不能直接作主语。通常作主语的只有名词、代词、动名词以及动词不定式。

ask for more 是谁的广告词



郭富城是众多歌迷所公认的偶像,但他不仅仅是偶像型歌手,郭富城歌唱能力和舞姿是毫不逊色于他人的。近几年郭富城也在通过不同的形式来拓宽自己的歌路,他一直在尝试改变自己,继上一张专辑《一变倾城》中音乐风格的变化,这一次郭富城在新专辑中更是大胆出击,在视觉上给人以强烈的冲击感,专辑收录了不同曲风的歌曲,《只有你(倾诉篇)》 和《我走了》是两首由吉他为主衬托出来的情歌,是郭富城标准情歌的真实再现,从中我们可以回想起若干年前那个英俊忧郁的大男孩。而中一首《只有你弦乐版》中,郭富城请到了交响乐团为他做伴奏,这个不妨可以看作是他为 拓宽自己的歌路所做的一种有益的尝试。此次郭富城的新专辑的同名主打歌《渴望无限Ask For More》,是百事可乐广告的主题曲,百事最终挑选健康俊朗的郭富城担任其亚洲地区的产品代言人, 足可以证明郭富城的实力。这首歌拍摄的MTV耗资巨大,力邀国际著名女歌手珍妮·杰克逊加盟与郭富城一起拍摄这首歌MTV,并合唱了该曲,珍妮对郭富城的表演也非常欣赏。这首歌中文版的MTV亦带来很多新意,画面中的郭富城上身赤裸, 披着黑纱,下身着一条黑色长裤,与一名同以透明黑纱包着头部的性感女舞蹈员共舞,两人摆出种种优美动作,充分表现出郭富城的舞蹈天赋和肌肉线条感。

渴望无限Ask For More 歌词

歌曲名:渴望无限Ask For More歌手:郭富城专辑:城意三部曲郭富城 -- 渴望无限Ask For More曲:Janet Jackson 词:小美感觉 感受 感动无法形容渴望 渴求 喝彩心情悸动请打开紧闭的心房勇敢爱一回在我宽阔温柔胸膛爱是永不止息喜欢爱 需要爱不要害怕爱多一些感觉爱 感受爱渴望无限爱多一些拥有爱 只有爱感觉精彩Da La Li La……心灵花朵需要用心灌溉想爱就爱不必站在门外不言不语也感觉爱当我们会掌握天空海阔悬系着爱舍不得离开你值得爱 拥有爱多么精彩爱不会少也不嫌多 Ask For More心中有爱就拥有我(爱更多)Just Ask For More

ask for mole是什么意思


Ask For More (Demo) 歌词

【歌名】Ask For More【演唱】郭富城【专辑】渴望无限曲:Janet Jackson 词:小美感觉 感受 感动无法形容渴望 渴求 喝彩心情悸动请打开紧闭的心房勇敢爱一回在我宽阔温柔胸膛爱是永不止息喜欢爱 需要爱不要害怕爱多一些感觉爱 感受爱渴望无限爱多一些拥有爱 只有爱感觉精彩Da La Li LaDa La Li La心灵花朵需要用心灌溉想爱就爱不必 站在门外不言不语也感觉爱当我们会掌握天空海阔悬系着爱舍不得离开喜欢爱 需要爱不要害怕爱多一些感觉爱 感受爱渴望无限爱多一些拥有爱 只有爱感觉精彩Da La Li La~Da La Li La~喜欢爱 需要爱不要害怕爱多一些感觉爱 感受爱渴望无限爱多一些你值得爱 拥有爱多么精彩爱不会少也不嫌多 Ask For More心中有爱就拥有我(爱更多)爱不会少也不嫌多 Ask For More心中有爱就拥有我(爱更多)Just Ask For MoreDa La Li La~Da La Li La~

ask foe more是什么意思


ask for more 是什么意思?


Ask for more 什么意思



ask for 是固定短语,意思是要求,请求 因此ask for more可以翻译为要多一点.

ask for more什么意思

  ask for more的中文翻译  ask for more  渴望无限; 百事可乐; 也不嫌多; 百事流行鞋; 要求更多  双语例句  1  The US commander there says if he needs more he will ask for more.  那儿的美军司令官说如果需要的话他将请求更多的部队。  2  I cannot ask for more from my parents, her family or from her.  我再不能向我的家人,她的家人和她,开口要什么了.

英语ask for more怎么翻译?

ask for more译文:要更多。索要更多。

ask sb sth 与ask sb to do sth?什么区别

没有ask sb do sth,只有ask sb to do sth,表示请求某人做...(事情.)I have to ask David to wait in the vestibule我只好让大卫在前厅等著.

悲惨世界之castle on a cloud歌词翻译为中问是什么?

歌手:les miserables 专辑:les miserables (act 1a) [Young Cosette is working as a drudge in theThenardier"s inn at Montfermeil.]Young CosetteThere is a castle on a cloud,I like to go there in my sleep,Aren"t any floors for me to sweep,Not in my castle on a cloud.There is a room that"s full of toys,There are a hundred boys and girls,Nobody shouts or talks too loud,Not in my castle on a cloud.There is a lady all in white,Holds me and sings a lullabye,She"s nice to hear and she"s soft to touch,She says "Cosette, I love you very much."I know a place where no one"s lost,Les MiserablesI know a place where no one cries,Crying at all is not allowed,Not in my castle on a cloud.Oh help! I think I hear them now,and I"m nowhere near finished sweeping andscrubbing and polishing the floor.Oh, it"s her! It"s Madame!Mme. ThenardierNow look who"s hereThe little madam herself!Pretending once again she"s been `so awfully good",Better not let me catch you slackingBetter not catch my eye!Ten rotten francs your mother sends meWhat is that going to buy?Now take that pailMy little `Mademoiselle"And go and draw some water from the well!How stupid, the things that we do!Like mother like daughter, the scum of the street.Eponine, come my dear, Eponine, let me see youYou look very well in that new little blue hatThere"s some little girls who know how to behaveAnd they know what to wearAnd I"m saying thank heaven for that.Still there Cosette?Your tears will do you no good.I told you fetch some water from the well in the wood...Young CosettePlease do not send me out aloneNot in the darkness on my own!Mme. ThenardierEnough of that, or I"ll forget to be nice!You heard me ask for something,And I never ask twice![Young Eponine

step up to do or doing?please explain it




essential ,basic,fundamental,vital的区别?

这四个词语的区别在于它们强调的重点不同。"Essential"强调必须的、不可或缺的,是指某件事情不可缺少的一部分;"Basic"强调基础、最简单的,是指某件事情的最基本要素;"Fundamental"强调基础、根本的,是指某件事情的根本性质;"Vital"强调至关重要的,是指某件事情对整个过程或系统的重要作用。以下是更详细的对比:"Essential"通常指某些东西对于完成某个任务或目标是必要的,如水是生命的必需品。在语法上,"essential"通常作为形容词使用,修饰名词或名词词组,例如essential elements(基本要素)、essential skills(必备技能)等。同时,"essential"也可以作为名词使用,指必需品,例如travel essentials(旅行必需品)。"Basic"强调某件事情最基本的方面,如读写和算术是基本技能。在语法上,"basic"通常作为形容词使用,修饰名词或名词词组,例如basic principles(基本原则)、basic knowledge(基础知识)等。同时,"basic"也可以作为名词使用,指某个学科的基础知识,例如computer basics(计算机基础知识)。"Fundamental"强调某件事情的基础或根本性质,如民主的基本原则之一是言论自由。在语法上,"fundamental"通常作为形容词使用,修饰名词或名词词组,例如fundamental rights(基本权利)、fundamental principles(基本原则)等。同时,"fundamental"也可以作为名词使用,指基础原理或基本规则,例如the fundamentals of basketball(篮球基本原理)。"Vital"强调某件事情对整个过程或系统的重要作用,如氧气对于人类的生存至关重要。在语法上,"vital"通常作为形容词使用,修饰名词或名词词组,例如vital signs(生命体征)、vital organs(重要器官)等。同时,"vital"也可以作为名词使用,指某个事物的关键因素,例如vital factor(关键因素)。综上所述,这四个单词在语义和用法上都有所不同,虽然它们有一些相似之处,但在具体使用时需要根据语境和需要进行选择。以下是更多的例子:Essential: A good sense of humor is essential in making friends.(幽默感在交友中是必不可少的。)Basic: Learning to read is a basic skill that everyone should have.(学会阅读是每个人都应该具备的基本技能。)Fundamental: The fundamental principles of physics are the same everywhere in the universe.(物理学的基本原理在整个宇宙中都是相同的。)Vital: The ability to communicate effectively is vital in any business setting.(有效沟通能力在任何商业环境中都是至关重要的。)

小鸟音箱zipp classic 上市时间

2018年,这款小鸟音响是前几年小鸟比较经典的款式(LIBRATONE ZIPP CLASSIC 无线音响),不过现在官方已经下架了。


コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ IN 词.曲 黒石ひとみ 歌:Hitomiココロに键をかけたまま 冷たい态度で 仮面を身につける だれが仆の素颜 知っているだろう? 君のほかには 自分の弱さも强さも さらけ出したいなんて 一度も思わずに 涙かくしてきた 本当の颜を见せられる人 探し続けてた 君を失えない You"re My Destiny 信じてみたい 永远の意味はまだわからないけど You"re My Destiny あしたのユメを 缀ればそれが运命に変わる Say you"ll share with me one love この手につかみとるために 平気で伤つけて ここまで生きてきた だけど孤独だけが この仆の手に残されたもの 何も望まない 君がそばにいれば You"re My Destiny ココロを开けて 打ち明けたいゆずれない想いを You"re My Destiny 感じるキズナ 二人の出会い运命なんだと Say you"ll share with me one love You"re My Destiny 信じてみたい… You"re My Destiny あしたのユメを… You"re My Destiny ココロを开けて 打ち明けたいゆずれない想いを You"re My Destiny 感じるキズナ 二人の出会い运命なんだと Say you"ll share with me one love 心灵之锁打开之时 冷淡的态度 戴上了假面具 我真正的面目 除了你之外,有谁知道? 自己的软弱与坚强 不想被显露出来 一次都不想 眼泪却悄悄地落下 真正的样貌无法窥见的人啊 不断地追寻 不想失去你 你是我的命定之人 我一直相信着 即便永远的意义还没有明白 你是我的命定之人 明日的 梦想 如果能够实现 那么命运将会改变 请告诉我,你将给我一份爱 为了抓住那双手 平静地接受伤害,就这样活下去 我手中残留的东西 即便是孤独也好 什么也不奢望,只要你在我的身边 你是我的命定之人 打开心胸 想说自己不想放弃 你是我的命定之人 感受到的羁绊 两人的相遇也许就是命运 请答应我,你将给我一份爱 罗马音 kokoro ni kagi wo kaketamama tsumetai taido de kamen wo minitsukeru darega boku no sugao shitteiru darou? kimi no hoka niwa jibun no rowasamo tsuyoimo sarake dashitainante yichido mo omowazuni namida kakushitekita hontou no kao wo miserareru hito sagashitsuzuketeta kimi wo ushinaenai You"re My Destiny shinjitemitai eien no imi wa mada wakaranai kedo You"re My Destiny ashita no yume wo tsuzureba sore ga unme ni kawaru Say you"ll share with me one love kono te ni tsukamitoru tameni heiki de kizu tsukete kokomade ikitekita dakedo kodoku dakega kono bokuno teni nokosareta mono nani mo nozomanai kimi ga sobani ireba You"re My Destiny kokoro wo akete uchiaketai yuzurenai omoiwo You"re My Destiny kanjiru kizuna futari no deai unmeinandato Say you"ll share with me one love You"re My Destin kanjitemitai… You"re My Destiny ashita no yume wo… You"re My Destiny kokoro wo akete uchiaketai yuzurenai omoiwo You"re My Destiny kanjiru kizuna Say you"ll share with me one love futari no deai unmeinandato----------------------「コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ OST」 歌:Hitomi あなたは私のストーリーズ 読んだことのない物语 あなたは私のストーリーズ 読んだことのない物语 その瞳をみつめると 见知らぬ国が见えた 扉が开いたストーリーズ 二度とは闭じない物语 扉が开いたストーリーズ 二度とは闭じない物语 运命は変えられない 见知らぬ国へ行こう あなたを守りたい ただその思いだけで 漆黒のこの世界に 光あふれる时まで あなたを守りたい ただその思いだけで 漆黒のこの世界に 光あふれる时までanatawawatasuno STORIES yondakotononaumoro anatawawatasuno STORIES yondakotononaumoro sonohitomiwomitumeruto mesiramekunigamieta tobiragaaita STORIES nidotowaajinaimono tobiragaaita STORIES nidotowaajinaimono unmeiwakawaerawanai mesinamekunieikou anatawomamoritai tadasonoomoodakede shikkokunokonosegaini hikariafunerutokimade anatawomamoritai tadasonoomoodakede shikkokunokonosegaini hikariafunerutokimade

Actually the generation gap has been around for a long time.中aroud什么意思

around和about都有“在周围,到处”的意思. be around的确有“存在”的意思. 本句的意思是: 实际上代沟已存在很久了.

ask sb do sth和ask sb to do sth这两个短语有什么区别

没有ask sb do sth,只有ask sb to do sth,表示请求某人做...(事情.)I have to ask David to wait in the vestibule我只好让大卫在前厅等著.

A generation gap has become a serious problem关于这的英语完形填空

A generation gap has become a serious problem. I read a report about it in the newspaper.Some children have killed themselves after quarrels with parents,I think this is because they don"t often have a talk with each other.Parents now spend more time in the office,so they don"t have much time to stay with their children.As time passes,they both feel that they don"t have the same topics to talk about.I want to tell parents to be more with your children,get to know them and understand them.And for children,show your feelings to your parents.They are the people who love you.So tell them your thought.In this way,you can have a better understanding of each other.

after all和at least的区别?

after all毕竟和at least至少

he was moved to tears after all, i had to smile

he was moved to tears after all, i had to smile他离开后到我的所有眼泪,微笑am happy memor我快乐的记忆

javascript问题,总是报错:null is not null or an object

首先:function newin(){和下面的window.onload=newinit;newinit不一致。其次:看看你的页面里面空间的ID是不是有anchor1,anchor2,anchor3少一个都会报错。 下面是我测试的代码,你试一下。<script>function newinit(){alert();for (var i=1;i<=3;i++){ var anchor = document.getElementById("anchor"+i); point(anchor,i); } } function point(anchor,i){ anchor.onclick=function(){ alert("my "+i); } }window.onload=newinit;</script><body onload="newinit()"><input type="button" id = "anchor1"></input><input id = "anchor2"></input><input id = "anchor3"></input></body>

Glass and glazing measured separately?

Glass and glazing are measured separately. 查字典大致上可知 “Glass”和”glazing”都与玻璃有关,查美国Website,这两个字还真是常连用 – 之前我也不知。 are measured separately:(这两件事)是会被分别评估(衡量)。 查Longman Glass: trparent material [uncountable] a trparent solid substance used for making windows bottles etc a glass bowl a piece of broken glass pane/sheet of glass (=a flat piece of glass with straight edges) the cathedral"s stained glass windows been used to fill windows Glazing: glass that has been used to fill windows. 至于glass与glazing有何不同(应有些不同)?太专业了!(我有稍微查一下美国website,但没查到)

wash dark colours separately啥意思

wash dark colours separately将黑颜色的衣服分开洗

wash separately是什么意思

wash separately 分开洗涤

collective cancer invasion 怎么理解

cell invasion网络细胞侵袭双语例句1TIMP-1 Secreted by Fibroblasts Inhibits Tumor Cell Invasion and Metastasis in Mouse Melanoma 成纤维细胞分泌TIMP-1抑制小鼠黑色素瘤细胞浸润和转移2Bergan and his team have previously demonstrated in prostate cancer cell cultures that genistein inhibits detachment of cancer cells from a primary prostate tumor and represses cell invasion. Bergan及其研究小组以前就证实过在前列腺癌细胞培养中高金雀花碱可抑制癌细胞从原始前列腺肿瘤中分离和抑制肿瘤细胞侵袭。

辐射3Xuanlong Chinese Assult Rifle: 炫龙中国突击步枪

辐射3用代码的确不丢人,记得同时把难度调高点不过LS代码不正确 应该是000C800E

parasitic radiation

又称parasitic emission: In a communications system in which one or more electromagnetic sources are used, electromagnetic radiation--such as lightwaves, radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, or gamma rays from one or more of the sources--that is not harmonically related, i.e., is not coherent, with the transmitted carrier. Note: Parasitic emissions are usually caused by undesired oscillations or energy-level transitions in the sources


otaku;动漫狂热爱好者百合:女同性恋,也就是GL拉KUSO:日语的直译是可恶,也是一类关于动漫爱好的词语御姐:身高160以上,胸围36D的都是御姐STAFF:参加动画制作的人员CAST:声优,也有写做cv的BGM:BackGroud Music就是背景音乐吐槽:就是囧~~揭人老底~~

laser radiation是什么意思


圣斗士星矢冥王神话 The Lost Canvas OVA 的开头曲叫什么名字?

《The Realm of Athena》 歌:EUROX 作词:King Reguyth / 作曲:EUROX 试听:歌词——[ar:EUROX][ti:The Realm of Athena][al:][by:][ti:The Realm of Athena 【雅典娜的神国】][ar:EUROX][al:OVA 「圣斗士星矢 THE LOST CANVAS 冥王神话」OP][00:00.00]The Realm of Athena 【雅典娜的神国】[00:03.97]OVA 「圣斗士星矢 THE LOST CANVAS 冥王神话」OP[00:06.08]作词:King Reguyth / 作曲:EUROX /演唱:EUROX[00:09.33]歌:EUROX[00:21.33]I just wanna know what my life is for 【我想知道活着究竟有何目的】[00:25.11]Winning every match l have to play 【在无奈的战斗中一次又一次胜利】[00:28.70]I haven"t felt like this before 【我从来未有过此时此刻的心情】[00:31.76]The truth is gonna be revealed today 【预感我今天即将揭开真相的外衣】[00:35.19][00:35.80]I really don"t have anyone to slay 【其实我不想至任何人于死地】[00:38.97]No need to live this way 【其实我不必再这样生存下去】[00:42.32]Love will fill the world and it will reign supreme 【这个世界即将彻底被爱占据】[00:48.48][00:49.02]We just wanna know what our lives are for 【我们不懂生命究竟有何意义】[00:52.30]Beating every hostile who stands in the way? 【击倒每一个阻拦在我前方的强敌?】[00:56.20]Have you ever felt like this before? 【你可曾有过此时此刻的心情?】[00:59.17]A secret"sgonna be unfolded today 【一个秘密今天将在我们眼前开启】[01:01.97][01:03.17]We really don"t have any foes to slay 【我们真的不想杀死任何强敌】[01:06.46]No more need to live this way 【我们真的不必这样生存下去】[01:09.71]Love will fill the world and it will reign 【这个世界即将彻底被爱占据】[01:13.79]Supreme forever! 【永无止境!】[01:15.57][01:16.12]Saint seiya 【圣斗士星矢】[01:17.19]We"re calling out for you 【我们在呼唤着你】[01:23.04]Saint seiya 【圣斗士星矢】[01:24.14]Help us to come through 【请帮助我们走出困境】[01:26.91][01:29.60]The nebulae of confusion 【走出名为混乱的星云】[01:32.71]The clusters of trepidation 【走出名为怯懦的繁星】[01:36.35]The whirloopls of indecision 【走出优柔寡断的漩涡】[01:39.59]Lend us to the Realm of Athena 【带领我们去往雅典娜的神国】[01:50.68][01:57.36]Fights for peace and fights for love 【我们为和平而战 为真爱而战】[02:01.14]The inconsistence is ironed out 【消除世间的所有矛盾】[02:04.87]Now we see the black clouds above breaking up 【笼罩头顶的乌云如今正在散去】[02:08.10]Halt all the bouts【让我们制止所有纷争】[02:11.37][02:11.91]We really don"t have any foes to slay 【我们真的不想杀死任何强敌】[02:15.25]No more need to live this way 【我们真的不必这样生存下去】[02:18.67]Love will fill the world and it will reign 【这个世界即将彻底被爱占据】[02:22.61]Supreme forever! 【永无止境!】[02:24.45][02:24.85]Saint seiya 【圣斗士星矢】[02:25.77]We"re calling out for you 【我们在呼唤着你】[02:28.95][02:31.61]Saint seiya 【圣斗士星矢】[02:32.65]Help us to come through 【请帮助我们走出困境】[02:35.56][02:38.14]The nebulae of confusion 【走出名为混乱的星云】[02:41.65]The clusters of trepidation 【走出名为怯懦的繁星】[02:44.83]The whirloopls of indecision 【走出优柔寡断的漩涡】[02:48.20]Lend us to the Realm of Athena 【带领我们去往雅典娜的神国】[02:59.06][03:22.99]Saint seiya 【圣斗士星矢】[03:24.00]We"re calling out for you 【我们在呼唤着你】[03:26.83][03:30.01]Saint seiya 【圣斗士星矢】[03:30.83]Help us to come through 【请帮助我们走出困境】[03:34.38][03:36.69]Saint seiya 【圣斗士星矢】[03:37.97]We"re calling out for you 【我们在呼唤着你】[03:40.66][03:43.61]Saint seiya 【圣斗士星矢】[03:44.70]Help us to come through 【请帮助我们走出困境】[03:49.30][03:50.17]The nebulae of confusion 【走出名为混乱的星云】[03:53.38]The clusters of trepidation 【走出名为怯懦的繁星】[03:56.76]The whirloopls of indecision 【走出优柔寡断的漩涡】[04:00.28]Lend us to the Realm of Athena 【带领我们去往雅典娜的神国】[04:10.96][04:39.06]THE ENDPS:LZ也可留下邮箱地址,我把歌曲发过去~~~以后有圣斗士歌曲或配乐问题欢迎到这里留言:

Various Artists的《Treasure》 歌词

歌曲名:Treasure歌手:Various Artists专辑:Pirates Of The Caribbean: Swashbuckling Sea Songs迷いながらトキメイタ 记忆は儚くて消えないでフワリフワリ空から あなたにだけ教えたいよ优しい风に乗せた想いをずっとずっと闻きたいあなたにだけ伝えたい言叶は运命の赠り物夕闇の色永远に 忘れられない风景 映し続けた迷いながらトキメイタ记忆は儚くて消えないようにと祈っていたココロの中の宝物 いつか褪せてゆくねぇ、気付いて 运命? それとも忘れていいの昨日の空に闭じ込めた涙Treasure歌:碧阳学院生徒会 作词/作曲/编曲:桥本由香利TVアニメ「生徒会の一存」オープニングテーマトクントクン鼓动は 気持よりも正直だよ醒めた言叶とは裏腹にこれ以上は行けない键をかけたはずなのに视线が热く重なった朝焼けの色一瞬で 忘れていた秘密を 思い出させた切なすぎて痛くなる记忆を缓やかに解いていくような微笑みが优しい过ぎると辛いから 気付かないふりをしたねぇ ホントは 怖いよ、いつか壊れてしまうの?昨日の梦に溢れていく涙追いかけても届かない 虹の向こう侧暗くなるまで走って行こう记忆の中の宝物 きっと守るからねぇ 迷ったときには ふり返ってもいいんだよ迷いながらトキメイタ记忆は儚くて 消えないようにと祈っていたココロの中の宝物 いつか褪せてゆくねぇ 気付いて 运命? それとも忘れていいの昨日の空に闭じ込めた涙终わり







“tutak yalax rasim”是什么意思?

tutak yalax rasim


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知道TAL 全美租箱公司(美国) Transmerca Leasing Inc. 的网址吗


as long as it is a comedy,i’d rather cry during the process.什么意思

As long as it is a comedy,i"d rather cry during the process只要是个喜剧结局,过程你让我怎么哭都行。

PHP mysql select语句优化 $sql = "SELECT b.brand_id, b.brand_name, COUNT(*) AS goods_num ".

为了强制优化器让一个SELECT语句按照表命名顺序的联接次序,语句应以STRAIGHT_JOIN而不只是SELECT开头。EXPLAIN为用于SELECT语句中的每个表返回一行信息。表以它们在处理查询过程中将被MySQL读入的顺序被列出。MySQL用一遍扫描多次联接(single-sweep multi-join)的方式解决所有联接。这意味着MySQL从第一个表中读一行,然后找到在第二个表中的一个匹配行,然后在第3个表中等等。当所有的表处理完后,它输出选中的列并且返回表清单直到找到一个有更多的匹配行的表。从该表读入下一行并继续处理下一个表。

I completed Vice City and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt !是什么意思?


侠盗飞车:罪恶都市 Please insert your GTA Vice City CD or press ESC to cancel 怎么解决?


表示“及时”时,“in time”、“in good time”、“seasonable”、“timely”之间有啥区别?可以互换吗


英语作文关于Education has become more and more customized(越来越个性化),只求一些能用的观点。

Standards can be used as tools for standardization or customization. To accelerate learning for all students, standards must reject the dominant standardization (sorting) approach to education. Standards should represent attainment levels, be divorced from timetables and age levels, apply also to nonacademic areas, allow choice within limits, and be learning-focused, certified, and aligned with positive incentives and appropriate measures.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Schools Use Digital Tools to Customize Education By Michelle R. DavisIn today"s digital marketplace, students of all ages can create experiences tailored just for them. When a teenager searches for movies to watch, an online film site can provide suggestions based on past viewing history. Music lovers can create personalized playlists for everything from a workout in the gym to a study session. And when children play video games, they can choose a variety paths—based on their interests and skill levels—toward slaying a dragon or defeating an enemy.Then many of these same students walk into their classrooms and sit at their desks to absorb one-size-fits-all lessons or, if they"re lucky, instruction aimed at the high-, mid-, or low-level learner. And in many cases, there is little, if any, technology integrated into those lessons.In some pockets around the country, though, educators and schools are turning to technology and different teaching and learning approaches to give students a personalized learning experience that mirrors the customized experiences they take for granted in their lives outside of school.What Works?Researchers Evaluate Tech.-Oriented, Personalized LearningTeachers & TechnologyState, Local Policies Seen to Slow Personalized Learning Teachers are using “intelligent” assessments that allow students to skip concepts they already know to focus on those they struggle with; teachers are also collecting student data to craft lesson plans based on student interests and educational needs; other educators are letting students fulfill curriculum requirements by doing everything from writing a traditional essay to creating a video or a website; and online-course providers are allowing students to go as fast or slow as they need to grasp material.“In regular, face-to-face classrooms, it"s very difficult to create an individual experience for each student unless you can make the learning independent but also interactive,” says Jeff Snyder, a former classroom social studies teacher who is now an assistant principal with the Jefferson County, Ky., public schools" eSchool, an online school with more than 6,000 students. “Technology allows students to go in their own direction, which is really difficult to do in a classroom with 30 different kids at 30 different levels in 50 minutes.”Personalized PathsAs the move toward personalization unfolds, those in the forefront say it can raise students" interest in learning, help them follow their passions, and ultimately boost achievement. Anecdotal evidence of the success of this approach is building, though research on using technology to personalize instruction is still struggling to catch up with practice.Experts caution that personalization doesn"t always mean catering to each and every student"s individual whims.“The kind of personalization that is valuable in education is not complete and total personalization, which would be pandering,” says Vikram Savkar, a senior vice president and publishing director at the New York City-based Nature Publishing Group, which has created an online science-based social-networking site called Scitable. The site allows students to discuss scientific topics and connect with researchers.“In education,” says Savkar, “it"s not about giving students what they want, it"s about a recommended learning path just for them.”Many teachers have been trying to personalize education in one way or another for decades. But they"ve been hampered by the hours needed to prepare such lessons, class-time limits, and the number of students they serve.Until new technologies arrived on the scene, true educational personalization “has been a manual, tedious, laborious process,” says Julie Young, the president and chief executive officer of the 97,000-student Florida Virtual School, based in Orlando.A host of new devices and programs, such as 1-to-1 laptop initiatives, online courses, digital lessons, interactive tools, and smart assessments, have shown learning can take place at all hours of the day or night and at different levels—or even subjects—within the same classroom. The new technology takes the old model of personalization and makes it more scalable, Young suggests.But that doesn"t mean students should be totally in charge of their own learning, Young says. “This does not mean a teacherless environment,” she says. “On the contrary, it means you need an even more talented teacher who can think creatively and guide students.”Definition EvolvingA growing number of schools and programs across the country are trying to make it work. New York City"s School of One program uses technology and teachers to tailor lessons each day based on students" individual strengths and weaknesses. The Florida Virtual School"s online courses often give students a choice of how they want to progress through a course, which topics they want to tackle first, and whether they want to use text, video, audio, or simulations to absorb the material. The North Carolina initiative Project K-Nect uses smartphones to provide students with opportunities to help each other solve math problems at their own pace through social-networking sites created specifically for math.But an understanding of just what personalization through technology means, and definitive research into which strategies and tactics work best, are still evolving, says Yong Zhao, the director of the Center for Advanced Technology in Education based at the University of Oregon in Eugene. “Personalized learning is very hard to measure,” he says. “The objectives are so diverse and varied.”In the end, the goal should be fostering students who are lifelong learners—not just students who have learned the formula for getting good grades in school, says Savkar of the Nature Publishing Group. “We want to inspire intellectual curiosity and those mental skills that students will carry with them their whole lives,” he says. “That"s the most important thing.”

请问你可以翻译帮忙Audrey Assad的《You Speak》中文翻译 急!谢谢!

是这首吧?You Speak - Audrey Assad你的话You liberate me from my own noise and my own chaos你将我从纠缠与混沌中解放From the chains of a lesser law You set me free在松散法律下的枷锁中给我自由You liberate me from my own noise and my own chaos你将我从纠缠与混沌中解放From the chains of a lesser law You set me free在松散法律下的枷锁中给我自由In the silence of the heart You speak你的话语自你内心深处而发In the silence of the heart You speak你的话语自你内心深处而发and it is there that I will know You而这是我将要去了解你的地方and You will know me你也会了解我in the silence of the heart在寂静的心灵之中You speak, You speak.你的话语、你的轻语In the silence of the heart在寂静的心灵之中In the silence of the heart在寂静的心灵之中You satisfy me till i am quiet and confident你取悦我直到我心静似水、自信如初in the work of the Spirit I cannot see.在我看不见的、你的灵魂中You satisfy me till I am quiet and confident你取悦我直到我心静似水、自信如初in the work of the Spirit I cannot see.在我看不见的、你的灵魂中In the silence of the heart You speak.在自你内心深处而发的话语中In the silence of the heart You speak.在自你内心深处而发的话语中and it is there that I will know You而这是我将要去了解你的地方and You will know me你也会了解我in the silence of the heart在寂静的心灵之中You speak, You speak.你的话语、你的轻语in the silence of the heart在寂静的心灵之中You speak, You speak.你的话语、你的轻语in the silence of the heart在寂静的心灵之中silence silence of the heart心中极静至静的地方In the silence of the heart在寂静的心灵之中In the silence of the heart在寂静的心灵之中In the silence of the heart在寂静的心灵之中In the silence of the heart在寂静的心灵之中and it is there that I will know You而这是我将要去了解你的地方and You will know me你也会了解我In the silence of my heart You speak在自你内心深处而发的话语中In the silence of my heart You speak在自你内心深处而发的话语中In the silence of my heart You speak在自你内心深处而发的话语中silence silence of my heart心中极静至静的地方and it is there that I will know You God而这就是我将要去了解你的归宿啊!in the silence of my heart在我心里缄默You speak你的轻语

Wedding ceremonies in the United States vary as much as the people do. But many weddings, no matter


求助!Release Soul 能不能翻译成:解放灵魂?

free the soul

Hazardous Area classification/Gas Group:Zone 2/II A/II B 电机是防爆电机吗?

2区 用电机,防爆等级不低于II B,是防爆电机。

All can be done has been done. All is going well. 为什么谓语动词用单数






attend school/class/church为什么用零冠词




高分!急求Outcast(Cherine Nouri的)歌词!!

I"m seek in the traffic jamHands to my head as lights turning redI"m seek feels like coincideTimes running out gonna figure this outYeah it"s on wheel were threeAs my head my heart disagreedHead says no heart says yesI my own world"s enemyI"m forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youI"m forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youAnd I"m damned if I doShamed if I don"tYeah forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youWhen we it"s like a life timeWith you all I want we"ve been through it allI can"t no I can"t be a murdererHe"s given it allWhat more could I wantFell in love in a secondWe were lost now found once moreWhat feels right seems so wrongYet the truth will never lieI"m forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youI"m forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youAnd I"m damned if I doShamed if I don"tYeah forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youDamned if I doShamed if I don"tDon"t if I doBlamed if I don"tI"m forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youI"m forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youAnd I"m damned if I doShamed if I don"tYeah forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youI"m search in the traffic jam

hazardous waste是什么意思

hazardous waste 有害废弃物 危险废物;危险废弃物;有害废物例句筛选1.This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste.该物质及其容器须作为危险性废料处置。2.We have a number of pilot projects to dispose of hazardous waste.我们还有许多处理危险废物的试点项目。




24的因数: 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,248是24和40的最大公因数

community association organization有什么不同

associationn.协会, 联合, 结交, 联想1)协会According to the American Automobile Association, since 1964 all cars sold in the United States have been equipped with seat belts.根据美国汽车协会的资料,自从一九六四年以来在美国出售的所有汽车都装有保险带。2)联合;结交3)联想conferencen.组织, 机构, 团体n.1)会谈;会议;谈判;协商a doctor"s conference医生的会议Mr. Smith is in conference with his advisers.史密斯先生和他的顾问们协商。organizationn.组织, 机构, 团体n.1)组织;构成Only with organization can the wisdom of the collective be given full play."只有组织起来,才能充分地发挥集体的智慧。"2)团体;机构This country is a member of the United Nations Organization.这个国家是联合国组织的成员国。

NASA World Wind 最新版本是那个? 这就是官方最新版,1.4 更详细的版本号是1.4.1

nuclear run-on assay

what are they?

hey! say! jump的《Dash!!》 歌词

歌曲名:Dash!!歌手:hey! say! jump专辑:JUMP NO.1「Dash!!」作词∶中岛裕翔作曲∶原一博歌∶Hey! Say! JUMP仆の中の仆に闻いた どうしたいの?进んでいくのもストップも どっちだって自由さ无理してたら折れた翼 翔べないまま焦る仆を吸い込むように见下ろす空じっと立ち止まっていても始まらない君にはさ、见せたいよ 梦见てる 辉く世界强く强く もっと强く 胸に想いを抱いたらさあ行こうぜ 向かい风も受けて高く高く もっと高く あの空のもっと上に羽根を広げ いますぐ Just fly away !!失败なんておそれなくて いいんだよ期待だけをポケットに めいっぱい诘めて行くんだつらいほうが多い时もあるけれど君にはさ、见てほしい 梦の先 辉く世界热く热く もっと热く 胸の希望を燃やしてさあ行くんだ 追い风に乗って远く远く もっと远く 彼方まで翔べるはずさ光る羽根で いますぐ Just fly away !!强く强く もっと强く 胸に想いを抱いたらさあ行こうぜ 向かい风も受けて高く高く もっと高く あの空のもっと上に羽根を広げ いますぐ Just fly away !!【 おわり 】

win7、电脑登录时候提示incorrect password or username(如图),点击确定之后才能正常输入密码进入。



account name or password incorrect帐户名称或密码不正确双语对照例句:1.You can"t use a user name or any password you"ve tried in the past. 你不能使用任何以前用过的用户名或密码。2.If you treat your cat like your kid, chances are you"ve used his or her name asa password. 如果你爱你的猫像爱你的孩子一样,你的密码会有机会是她或他的名字。

Incorrect password or username是什么意思?


我书上的这道题的A选项为“All of them were convinced by astrology.”。

首先,B是明确正确的如果真要说A的错误之处,那就是:convinced 被说服 是建立在分析和理解的基础之上的举个例子,我要说服你一辆车值得买,我会详细介绍相关的许多信息,而你也就了解并理解了这些信息但你可以从文中读出作者的态度,就是相较于现代人对astrology感到难以置信(通过理解之后的convinced),古代人仅仅是全盘接受了astrology(believe)类似的,我要说服你一辆车值得买,我只是不停地说,这辆车好,好,就是好明白了吗请采纳哦~彼此彼此U0001f602


是has,因为each of them强调的他们中的每一个,所以是三单 是is,因为each of them强调的他们中的每一个个体,而不是整体them 当是All of them 后用have,强调的是整体,他们全部



incorrect password是什么意思

incorrect password不正确的密码

incorrect password是什么意思

incorrect password字面意思:不正确的/错误的密码一般翻译:密码错误祝你开心如意!

incorrect password是什么意思

incorrect password错误密码双语例句1The scheduled task did not run because an incorrect password or user name was entered.由于输入了错误的密码或用户名,计划的任务没有运行。2Note that if you use an incorrect password three times, the Windows Recovery Console quits.注意,如果您连续三次输入不正确的密码,Windows故障恢复控制台将退出。

It is the first time I have seen hern 和 It was the


incorrect password的意思是什么?

意思是:密码不正确重点词汇:password英['pɑ:swu025c:d]释义:n.密码;口令[复数:passwords]短语:Password Manager密码管理器;密码管理;密码经理;密码管理精灵近义词:watchword英['wu0252tu0283wu025c:d]释义:n.口号;标语;口令;暗号[复数:watchwords]短语:Pioneering will be our watchword开创将是我们的格言
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