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NIOS编程 在线运行RUN可以达到效果,但是flash 下载进去,运行到部分就停止。请问是什么原因?


如何在Nios II中烧写文件到flash中

可以按ctrl+7快捷键进入nios flash program,然后new一个program setting file 加入你需要烧写的sof和elf文件。



QSYS建nios的时候显示error:Avalon_slave_0:interface must have an associated reset



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职业定位1、职业定位:即清晰的明确一个人在职业上的发展方向,它是人在整个生涯发展历程中的战略性问题也是根本性问题。职业定位是职业规划及职业发展的第一步,也是最基础的工作、最重要的一步。定位错误或是偏差较大,那必然意味着接下来职业生涯的挫折和失败。2、目标设定:在准确地对自己和环境做出了评估之后,可以确定适合自己、有实现可能的职业发展目标。在确定职业发展的目标时要注意自己性格、兴趣、特长与选定职业的比配,更重要的是考察自己所处的内外环境与职业目标是否相适应。3、通道设计:在确定了职业生涯的终极目标并选定职业发展的路线后,行动便成了关键的环节。这里所指的行动,是指落实目标的具体措施,主要包括工作、培训、教育、轮岗等方面的措施。相关介绍:职业规划就是对职业生涯乃至人生进行持续的系统的计划的过程。一个完整的职业规划由职业定位、目标设定和通道设计三个要素构成。职业生涯规划(career planning)也叫“职业规划”。在学术界人们也喜欢叫“生涯规划”,在有些地区,也有一些人喜欢用“人生规划”来称呼,其实表达的都是同样的内容。又叫职业生涯设计,是指个人与组织相结合,在对一个人职业生涯的主客观条件进行测定、分析、总结的基础上,对自己的兴趣、爱好、能力、特点进行综合分析与权衡,结合时代特点,根据自己的职业倾向,确定其最佳的职业奋斗目标,并为实现这一目标做出行之有效的安排。




flash 硬件连接有问题吧。看看管脚分配、焊接有没有问题。





【高分】求外研社新编大学英语3,12345678单元课后after-class reading的2篇课文的翻译


adidas neo是什么意思


"Physics is to math what sex is to masturbation."这话怎么理解?


Pleasure Fucker 歌词

歌曲名:Pleasure Fucker歌手:Maroon 5专辑:曾经的歌系列35Maroon 5 - Pleasure FuckerHotter than the hesitationWas the way you looked around thenActing like some older women you moved inPinned me to the ground I couldn"t stop youuuMaking my imagination jealous ofA picture perfect situation OhhhhShe has got me locked up tighter than I thoughtShe"s a quick licking pleasure suckerHotter than a motherfuc!kerAnd she knows who she isAnd she gives me whatever I wantI, retire to my roomThink of her as my vacation from myselfAs she goes off with someone elseI sit (here) alone in desperationContemplating masturbationI lean back serious slacka, heart attackShe has got me locked up hotter than I thoughtShe"s a quick licking pleasure suckerHotter than a motherfuc!kerShe has got me locked up hotter than I thoughtShe"s a quick licking pleasure suckerHotter than a motherfuc!kerOhhhh she has got me locked up tighter than I thoughtShe"s a quick licking pleasure suckerHotter than a motherfuc!kerAnd she knows who she isAnd she gives me whatever I wantShe has got me locked up tighter than I thoughtShe"s a quick licking pleasure suckerHotter than a motherfuc!kerAnd she knows who she isAnd she gives me whatever I want

mutual masturbation中文翻译

Mutual masturbation . play with a friend 互相 *** -可以跟朋友玩 Mutual masturbation is when partners simultaneously stimulate each other " s genitals with their hands 互相 *** 就是双方同时用手 *** 对方的生殖器官。 Specifically , tobi s long friendship with his teammate achim turns into more than just an infatuation , what with mutual masturbations and rough - and - tumble wrestpng actions 如果一打飞机,肉帛摔角重唔系有? ? ,弯都可以拗番直。

china masturbation

china masturbation中国自渎china英 [u02c8tu0283au026anu0259] 美 [u02c8tu0283au026anu0259] n.瓷器;瓷餐具;杯、盘、碟等的总称;陶器China英 ["tu0283au026anu0259] 美 [u02c8tu0283au026anu0259];[电影]中国1971词典[地名] [墨西哥] 奇纳;[地名] [俄罗斯] 奇纳河;[地名] [美国] 柴纳

Ⅴ.The use of the geological compass

The geologic compass,along with the rock hammer and hand len S,is one of the traditional geological tool S.The compass is used to determine direction,measure topographical slopes and to determine strike and dip of beds,structures and other geological features.There are many kinds of compasses,but most have essentially the same design and usage.Chinese geologists generally use an octagonal brunton-style compass.Following is an introduction for the usage of the DQY-1 geological compass,produced by the Harbin optical instrument factory,(Fig.2-5).Fig.2-5 DQY-1 Geological Compass1.The structure of the oompas SFig.2-6 Chart for DQY-1 geological compass1—short arm;2—cover; 3—ellipticalmirrorhole; 4—hinge connection; 5—compass shell; 6—long arm; 7—mirror and sub-line ; 8—magnetic needle ; 9—level bubble; 10—dial; 11—inclinometer level bubbl ; 12—inolinometer dial ; 13—brake screw ; 14—dial screws correctionThe compass is composed of housing,hinge connection,mirrors,folding arms,magnetic needle,dial,inclinometer scale,inclinometer plate,needle damper and screw dial for correotion of the declination(Fig.2-6).The hinge connects the compass with its cover and the mirror with a graduation line is loaded in the cover.The magnetic needle points to the magnetic North and South Pole-the white end of the needle points north and the blaok end south.The south needle is wrapped in a copper wire because China is in the northern hemisphere.The dial is divided into 360 degrees with the 1 80-degree mark at the hinge.The short and long arms are hinged to the body of the compass.The tips of the arms are aligned with the dial on the face of the oompass.The arms,magnetic needle,and dial can be used to determine the direction of a feature.A bubble level is used to keep the compass level and the second bubble in the inclinometer,can be rotated from the back of the compass to measure dip angles.The needle damper clamps the compass needle when the compass is closed in order to reduce wear and tear.The dial screw on the side is used to set the looal magnetic declination.2.Calibration of the compa SsThe magnetic needle points to the magnetio North and South poles,which are noti n the same location as the geographic poles.Thus,the compass needle must be adjusted so that it aligns with the geographic poles.The difference between the two is called the magnetic declination and it varies from place to place on the globe and changes with time.It is crucial that the needle should be adjusted before the compass is used or all of the measured data will be incorreot.Fig.2-7 Setting the magnetic declination of the compass(a)magnetic declination with 5°to the west;(b)magnetic declination with 5°to the east;(c)an example of magnetic declination in the Beidaihe area,Hebei ProvinceThe angle and direction of the magnetic declination for specific areas are generally given on topographic maps of the region.The declination on a map is for the date at which the map was published,so the declination needs to be calculated for the current date.In most parts of China magnetic north is located to the west of the meridian,and thus one must make a western declination.The procedure for calibration of the magnetic declination is shown in Fig.2-7.If the magnetic declination is to the west,use the screw on the side to rotate the surface plate in a counter-clockwise direction to the proper position(Fig.2-7(a).If the magnetic declination is to the east,make a clockwise rotation(Fig.2-7(b).It is always advisable to check your setting after the adjustment by aligning the compass with some feature whose geographic coordinates are known,e.g.a road running N-S or E-W.If the compass is set properly,it will line up with this feature.3.Use of the compas S for fieldworkIn field work,the compass is used to measure the direction of various features,the dip angle of hill slopes and the strike,dip direction and dip angle of various structural elements.(1)Azimuth measurementTo determine one"s location on a topographic map iti s useful to measure the azimuth to some fixed point of reference,e.g.,a hill top,stream junction or other feature shown on the map(Fig.2-8).By measuring the azimuth of two or more fixed points,one can draw lines from those points and where the lines intersect is the point at which you are located.Fig.2-8 Azimuth measurementsBefore taking a measurement make sure that the needle can move freely.Place the compass at a convenient height(waist or chest level)and align the long arm with the feature to be measured by using the mirror.Make sure that the compass is level by centering the round level bubble.When the needle stops swinging,you can read directly the azimuth of the feature.An azimuth reading can be either north or south,so one needs to know the direction of the reference point in relation to your position.Thus,in Fig.2-8,point A lies to the south of the feature at point B and one must draw a line southward(at the correct angle)from point B to determine the location of point A.The correct angle can be read from the south end of the magnetic needle.When the feature to be measured is low,the l Ong arm should point t O the Observer and the mirr Or should be adjusted until one can see the feature and the compass face with the level bubble.Keep the c Ompass level until the needle st Ops swinging and then press the brake to h Old the needle in p Ositi On.HOlding the brake d Own,turn the c Ompass until you can read the dial and record the angle as before.(2)Measurement of hill slopesHill slopes form an angle between the inclined plane oft he slope and the h Oriz Ontal.The meth Od for measuring this angle is shown in(Fig.2-9).One person stands at the top of the slope and the other One at the b Ott Om makes the measurement.Turn the c Ompass On its side,align the l Ong arm and sh Ort arm with the head of the person at the t Op and r Otate the inclinometer until the bubble is level.Then read the angle.The slope can also be measured from top to bottom,even without a second person if necessary.Fig.2-9 M easurement of a hills lope(3)Measurements for planar features such as bedding orf oliationFor planar feature S,one must measure the strike,dip direction and dip angle.The strike is the direction of an imaginary line formed by the intersection of the plane with the horizontal and the dip direction is perpendicular to the strike(Fig.2-10).The dip is the downward angle between the plane and the horizontal,measured perpendicular to the strike(Fig.2-10).To measure the strike,open the compass and place the long edge against the plane and then rotate the compass until the level bubble is centered.Now read the angle of the compass needle from north.The angle measured by the north and south end of the needle i S the same but,by convention,strike is usually referred to the north direction(e.g.N30°E)or recorded as an azimuth(e.g.120°),which is the same.With practice you will be able to measure the strike without having to place the compass on the rock.This is important because some rocks are magnetic and thi S can cause an incorrect reading.To measure the dip direction,place the compass as shown in Fig.2-10 with the hinge along the line of strike,centering the level bubble and read the angle between the needle and north.Fig.2-10 Diagram showing how to measure the strike and dip of a planar featureTo measure the dip angle,align the edge of the compass with the dipping plane parallel to the dip direction(Fig.2-10),rotate the inclinometer until the bubble is centered and then read the angle.Actually,only the dip direction and dip angle need to be measured,because the strike can be calculated by adding or subtracting 90°from the dip direction.It is important to first measure the dip direction and then the dip angle,not vice versa.If the rock surface is uneven,one can place the field book on the surface and make the measurement on the book.Alternatively,one can estimate the slope and make the measurements without placing the compass on the rock.If the outcrop is incomplete,the dip angle and direction can be measured by the 3-point method.Find two points on the layer at the same level(this is the strike)and one point up or down on the surface perpendicular to the strike.Align the field book with these three points to make a plane and to make the measurements as described above.The section above describes the way to measure any plane and it can be used for rock layers,foliation,cleavage,schistosity,joints or faults.The measured data are usually recorded as follows.For a plane with a dip direction of 30°,and dip angle of 50°,the information would be recorded as 30°∠50°.This shows that the measurement refers to a planar feature.In North America,it would be recorded as Strike N60°W and Dip 50°NE.




masturbation取自The Happening和Fap两个词,即The Happening Fap,将Fap这个词也写成了现在分词的形式,而fap是masturbation的俚语,masturbation一词的意思是自X的意思。Fap的起源这个词最早出现在网络漫画中性感的失败者,这是1999年在互联网上发表的。【英语俚语】1.Intercourse:这是最正式的用法,偏去医院看病的场景,例如医生问你上次intercourse是啥时候这样。2.fuck:法克是英语世界里知名度最高粗口之一,尽量避免使用3.screw:本身也有fuck的意思,例如Screw you,也有搞砸了的意思,例如You"re screwed4.ram:动词,fuck的意思5.pork:除了猪肉之外俚语里有fuck的意思,例如So we went back to my place to pork.6.bang:除了吵闹的意思,也有to have sex with someone的意思7.nail:动词,fuck的意思8.stick it in:fuck的意思9.BJ: Blow job的简称10.Strip club:脱衣舞俱乐部,美剧老友记里出现过11.ripper bar:在加拿大,ripper就是stripper的意思


masturbation取自The Happening和Fap两个词,即The Happening Fap,将Fap这个词也写成了现在分词的形式,而fap是masturbation的俚语,masturbation一词的意思是自X的意思。Fap的起源这个词最早出现在网络漫画中性感的失败者,这是1999年在互联网上发表的。【英语俚语】1.Intercourse:这是最正式的用法,偏去医院看病的场景,例如医生问你上次intercourse是啥时候这样。2.fuck:法克是英语世界里知名度最高粗口之一,尽量避免使用3.screw:本身也有fuck的意思,例如Screw you,也有搞砸了的意思,例如You"re screwed4.ram:动词,fuck的意思5.pork:除了猪肉之外俚语里有fuck的意思,例如So we went back to my place to pork.6.bang:除了吵闹的意思,也有to have sex with someone的意思7.nail:动词,fuck的意思8.stick it in:fuck的意思9.BJ: Blow job的简称10.Strip club:脱衣舞俱乐部,美剧老友记里出现过11.ripper bar:在加拿大,ripper就是stripper的意思


masturbation取自The Happening和Fap两个词,即The Happening Fap,将Fap这个词也写成了现在分词的形式,而fap是masturbation的俚语,masturbation一词的意思是自X的意思。Fap的起源这个词最早出现在网络漫画中性感的失败者,这是1999年在互联网上发表的。【英语俚语】1.Intercourse:这是最正式的用法,偏去医院看病的场景,例如医生问你上次intercourse是啥时候这样。2.fuck:法克是英语世界里知名度最高粗口之一,尽量避免使用3.screw:本身也有fuck的意思,例如Screw you,也有搞砸了的意思,例如You"re screwed4.ram:动词,fuck的意思5.pork:除了猪肉之外俚语里有fuck的意思,例如So we went back to my place to pork.6.bang:除了吵闹的意思,也有to have sex with someone的意思7.nail:动词,fuck的意思8.stick it in:fuck的意思9.BJ: Blow job的简称10.Strip club:脱衣舞俱乐部,美剧老友记里出现过11.ripper bar:在加拿大,ripper就是stripper的意思


masturbation取自The Happening和Fap两个词,即The Happening Fap,将Fap这个词也写成了现在分词的形式,而fap是masturbation的俚语,masturbation一词的意思是自X的意思。Fap的起源这个词最早出现在网络漫画中性感的失败者,这是1999年在互联网上发表的。【英语俚语】1.Intercourse:这是最正式的用法,偏去医院看病的场景,例如医生问你上次intercourse是啥时候这样。2.fuck:法克是英语世界里知名度最高粗口之一,尽量避免使用3.screw:本身也有fuck的意思,例如Screw you,也有搞砸了的意思,例如You"re screwed4.ram:动词,fuck的意思5.pork:除了猪肉之外俚语里有fuck的意思,例如So we went back to my place to pork.6.bang:除了吵闹的意思,也有to have sex with someone的意思7.nail:动词,fuck的意思8.stick it in:fuck的意思9.BJ: Blow job的简称10.Strip club:脱衣舞俱乐部,美剧老友记里出现过11.ripper bar:在加拿大,ripper就是stripper的意思



masturbation cup是什么东西

你好最常用的是Aircraft Cup Masturbation Cup但是打飞机用另一个词jeck off ~ 这个是欧美男人口的打飞机




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netease是网易的标志,一般安装了网易的游戏会有这玩意,不是系统文件,可以删除。如果你装了网易的什么东西,觉得没用,删掉吧。网易公司(NASDAQ: NTES)是中国的互联网公司,利用互联网技术,加强人与人之间信息的交流和共享,实现“网聚人的力量”。创始人兼CEO是丁磊。在开发互联网应用、服务及其它技术方面,网易在推出了包括中文全文检索、全中文大容量免费邮件系统、无限容量免费网络相册、免费电子贺卡站、网上虚拟社区、网上拍卖平台、24小时客户服务中心在内的业内领先产品或服务,还通过自主研发推出了国产网络游戏。网易公司推出了门户网站、在线游戏、电子邮箱、在线教育、电子商务、在线音乐、网易bobo等多种服务。2011年,网易杭州研究院启用。除了一部分游戏和邮箱业务在广州、网易传媒等业务在北京。网易的大部分明星项目搬到了杭州,或在杭州诞生,上线了网易考拉海购、网易云音乐等项目。2016年净收入为381.79亿元人民币(54.99亿美元),在线游戏净收入为279.80亿元人民币(40.30亿美元),广告服务净收入为21.52亿元人民币(3.10亿美元),邮箱、电商及其他业务的净收入为80.46亿元人民币(11.59亿美元)。

Erasure的《Fly Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Fly Away歌手:Erasure专辑:Light At The End Of The WorldRND - Fly AwayDecided last week i was gonna take a breakCos i really can"t take no moreFed up of my workFed up waking up at threeI never have time to breatheI heard about a place away from hereCalled easyjet and booked a low cost fareTold my boss we need to talk pull up a chairI"ve had enough of this so take careIs this for real that i"m goingI couldn"t take anymoreSeems i"ve been blessed without knowingPick up my bags shut the doorI"m gonna fly awayI"m gonna fly awayI"m gonna fly awayTerminal threeCheck in at fourLook at my watch i"m fineShopping spreeDuty freeI think i just heard my flightThinking back to all those lonely timesI"m about to leave them all behindIt"s taken me so long to realiseSo i"m telling you wake up and read the signsIs this for real that i"m goingI couldn"t take anymoreSeems i"ve been blessed without knowingPick up my bags shut the doorI"m gonna fly awayI"m gonna fly awayI"m gonna fly awaySo join me if you feel the same way too - (feel the same way too)I don"t wanna hear bout work or what you gotta do - (what you wanna do)Don"t be afraid of change its time to live your lifeListen to rnd and grab your bags and let"s just fly awayI"m gonna fly awayI"m gonna fly awayI"m gonna fly away


masturbation取自The Happening和Fap两个词,即The Happening Fap,将Fap这个词也写成了现在分词的形式,而fap是masturbation的俚语,masturbation一词的意思是自X的意思。Fap的起源这个词最早出现在网络漫画中性感的失败者,这是1999年在互联网上发表的。【英语俚语】1.Intercourse:这是最正式的用法,偏去医院看病的场景,例如医生问你上次intercourse是啥时候这样。2.fuck:法克是英语世界里知名度最高粗口之一,尽量避免使用3.screw:本身也有fuck的意思,例如Screw you,也有搞砸了的意思,例如You"re screwed4.ram:动词,fuck的意思5.pork:除了猪肉之外俚语里有fuck的意思,例如So we went back to my place to pork.6.bang:除了吵闹的意思,也有to have sex with someone的意思7.nail:动词,fuck的意思8.stick it in:fuck的意思9.BJ: Blow job的简称10.Strip club:脱衣舞俱乐部,美剧老友记里出现过11.ripper bar:在加拿大,ripper就是stripper的意思

integrated task是什么意思

Integrated Task 综合写作; 综合测试部分; [例句]Mik: Mylyn adds two things to the IDE: integrated task management and automatic context management.Mylyn给IDE增加了两样东西:集成的任务管理和自动内容管理。





nick jonas numb歌词翻译

This is so dumb, 这如此愚蠢 this is so bad 这如此糟糕 Had to be a numb 已经麻木 to miss you like that 这样的想念你 You lift me up, 你曾鼓励了我 let me to fall 却又让我跌至谷底 Fuck with my head like 脑海里满是 was nothing that I want 我并不想要的一切 Ruin my sight, ruin my all 你毁了我的视线 毁了我的一切 I was your best, 我是你最好的选择 and you were my first 你是我的第一次尝试 Breaking my heart one 伤了我的心 wish at a time 每次渴望 What left, freezing my mind 留下的回忆 冻结了我的心 You don"t know 你不会了解 what it is that you do to me 你究竟对我做了什么 Yeah, you steal my heart 是的 你偷走了我的心 And all I have is a hole 那曾安放心的地方 where it used to be 只剩一个洞 And my heart is fighting 我的心抗争着 Now you"ve got some 而此刻你有了某个人 substitute for me, 取代我的位置 But it"s not the one! 但这不是唯一 You don"t know 你不会了解 what it is that you do to me 你究竟对我做了什么 Yeah, 耶 you leave me numb numb 你让我失去知觉 变得麻木 Yeah, 耶 you leave me numb numb 你让我失去知觉 变得麻木 Losing my mind, 失去意识 losing control 失去控制 Swallow my pride, 吞噬我的骄傲 you swallow me up 你将我吞没 Smile in my face to cover my hurt, 我脸上的微笑掩饰着我的伤害 Spending so much time, 耗费了那么久的时间 but what was I worth? 但我的价值又是吗 I"m broken-heart, 碎了的心 I"m saving it up 我存留下 Flaws in my hand, 手里的裂痕 mistaken for love 误认为是爱情 Dancing my back, 在身后张牙舞爪着 they told me to think 他们告诉我想清楚 They ain"t yours, 他们并不属于你 they ain"t yours! 他们并不属于你 You don"t know 你不会了解 what it is that you do to me 你究竟对我做了什么 Yeah, you steal my heart 是的 你偷走了我的心 And all I have is a hole 那曾安放心的地方 where it used to be 只剩一个洞 And my heart is fighting 我的心抗争着 Now you"ve got some 而此刻你有了某个人 substitute for me, 取代我的位置 But it"s not the one! 但这不是唯一 You don"t know 你不会了解 what it is that you do to me, 你究竟对我做了什么, Yeah, 耶 you leave me numb numb 你让我失去知觉 变得麻木 Yeah, 耶 you leave me numb numb 你让我失去知觉 变得麻木 numb 变得麻木 Yeah, you leave me 是的 你让我 I got dropped off at block-bus 我被送到大巴停车区 from match marks in your rage 从你愤怒标记处离开 You say we are mildly players, 你们说我们是温和的玩家 who"s still act off the stage 我们仍然蠢蠢欲动着 I kept begging you to stay like 我一直在乞求你留下来 "Baby, please don"t leave me" 宝贝 请不要离开我 "Know you want me "我知道你也想我 like bubble wants one more" 像是再一个泡沫" And I dream on, 我幻想着 you getting your plot 你制作着 and your scheme on 你的计划 And I"ll be here 我会在这里 with my jeans on, 穿着我的牛仔裤 He loved me, 他爱过我 翻译:he loved me, 他爱过我 no he don"t! 不 他没有 "Cause you made me feel 因为你让我感觉 like night before Christmas 像圣诞前夜 Love is a crime, 爱是犯罪 and I"m stuck in your prison 我困在你的监狱 All that you want, 这一切都是你想要的 baby I"ll go 宝贝我会离去 This is. If you"re numb, 如果你也麻木 I"m numb 我还是没有感觉 Then what is we"re feeling? 然后我们的感觉会是什么 You don"t know 你不会了解 what it is that you do to me 你究竟对我做了什么 Yeah, you steal my heart 是的 你偷走了我的心 And all I have is a hole 那曾安放心的地方 where it used to be 只剩一个洞 And my heart is fighting 我的心抗争着 Now you"ve got some 而此刻你有了某个人 substitute for me, 取代我的位置 But it"s not the one! 但这不是唯一 You don"t know 你不会了解 what it is that you do to me, 你究竟对我做了什么 Yeah, 耶 you leave me numb numb 你让我失去知觉 变得麻木 Yeah, 耶 you leave me numb numb 你让我失去知觉 变得麻木 Yeah, 耶 you leave me numb 你让我失去知觉 望采纳!!

王力宏的《Last Night》 歌词

Last Night作词:王力宏 作曲:王力宏演唱:王力宏Last night I watched you sleep as you lay thereI dropped down to my knees and said a prayerI leaned over softly to kiss your beautiful faceBut I could not cross the ocean of your graceThe moonlight held you aloft a picture of peaceThe only sound was the soft breeze from the eastMy heart beat down in my chestto the rhythm of your gentle breathAnd the whole world calmed downor this moment of restNow I"m...I"m standing above youtrying so hard not to tell you I love youAnd all that I want in this world is youIf you"d only wake upyou"d know it was trueOh baby I love you can be so hard to sayEspecially when it"s meant in this strong a wayBut at this momentwhile you lie asleep I am suddenly freeAnd my trembling arms reach out for youAs if you could seeNow I"m...I"m standing above youtrying so hard not to tell you I love youAnd all that I want in this world is youIf you"d only wake upyou"d know it was trueIf you"d only wake upyou"d know it was true

Toast to the Dead 歌词

歌曲名:Toast to the Dead歌手:Immortal Technique专辑:The MartyrImmortal Technique - Toast to the DeadChorus:Rest in PeaceHere"s another warriors song, rep this life to the fullestMothafucka, say yo" prayers!For brothers who died from black-on-black violenceRest in PeaceYou ain"t payin" respect when you" "spose toRep this life to the fullestRest in PeaceThis ain"t for y"all, this" a toast to themRest in PeaceImmortal Technique - Verse 1Here"s a toast to the deadIf you don"t drink, smoke to the headFor the freedom fighters killed by the fedsFor those who died hard in the streets soaking in redAnd died slow asleep in a dream choking in bedHere"s a toast to the dead for my enemies that are goneI"m not a coward so, celebrating that would be wrongI pray to God that your soul will come back againSo I can see you in the next life and finish it thenA toast to the dead for criminals, burning in hellI wonder how many presidents are burning as wellEmperors, Popes, Senators, GeneralsAmputees feelin" unlucky until they see the vegetablesA toast to the dead for those who I"ve forgottenWritten out of the history by the corrupted and rottenBlack saints whitewashed during La ReconquistaThousands of Indios Spaniards used to conquer the IncasF-ck a moment of silence! I need a moment of violence!Like the nineteenth century Caribbean IslandsLong live those who came before, that paved the way for meThe warriors and scientists that came before slaveryAnd if that last lyric was predictableTake your clairvoyance and apply it to your life in the physicalPresumptuous half-hearted homunculusSelf-destruction is the power without knowing what the function isChorus:Rest in PeaceHere"s another warriors song, rep this life to the fullestRest in PeaceMothafucka, say yo" prayers!For brothers who died from black-on-black violenceRest in PeaceYou ain"t payin" respect when you" "spose toRep this life to the fullestRest in PeaceThis ain"t for y"all, this" a toast to themRest in PeaceImmortal Technique - Verse 2Here"s a toast to the dead, for all of my famI will never let an idea die with a manMy rhymes are like Nazca lines designed to give a view-of-thisJ.Dilla"s still alive as long as his music isA toast to the dead for rap legends and pioneersYour legacy won"t be forsaken as long as I am hereKnowledge of the past and, wisdom of the presentI"ll teach and leave in the hands of a worthy lieutenantA toast to the dead, for children with cancer and aidsA cure exists and you probably, could have been savedSad to see, medicine divorce moralityCorporate homewreckers, pimpin" up a salaryA toast to the dead, for those that"ve died todayThe victims and those exonerated by DNAThe only thing worse than giving freedom to the guiltyIs killing the innocent, and leavin" your soul filthyImmortal Technique, remember me when I"m goneI encrypted my lyrics to stay alive in a songSo you"ll always keep a piece, of my spirit insideWhen you struggle to complete what I started before I diedBut some of you, won"t survive the changes the earth makesSwallowed by tsunamis, hurricanes and earthquakesAnd that"s just the first stage of "you-can-not-reverse-ways"And realise that we are one, regardless of our birthplaceChorus:Here"s another warriors song, rep this life to the fullestRest in PeaceMothafucka, say yo" prayers!For brothers who died from black-on-black violenceRest in PeaceYou ain"t payin" respect when you" "spose toRep this life to the fullestRest in PeaceThis ain"t for y"all, this" a toast to themRest in PeaceEndImmortal Technique - Toast to the Dead

set aside与put aside ,lay aside 的区别

set aside 留出;驳回,撤销;不顾put asidev. 撇开;把...放在一边,暂不考虑;储存…备用lay aside搁置;储蓄;留存

toast和bread有什么区别? 好像都有面包的意思吧?

toast是烤的面包,就是我们在超市里看见什么什么吐司,上面可以有椰蓉,果酱,烤肠之类的. bread就是广义的面包.


netease是网易的标志,一般安装了网易的游戏会有这玩意,不是系统文件,可以删除。网易公司(NASDAQ: NTES)是中国的互联网公司,利用互联网技术,加强人与人之间信息的交流和共享,实现“网聚人的力量”。创始人兼CEO是丁磊。在开发互联网应用、服务及其它技术方面,网易在推出了包括中文全文检索、全中文大容量免费邮件系统、无限容量免费网络相册、免费电子贺卡站、网上虚拟社区、网上拍卖平台、24小时客户服务中心在内的业内领先产品或服务,还通过自主研发推出了国产网络游戏。网易公司推出了门户网站、在线游戏、电子邮箱、在线教育、电子商务、在线音乐、网易bobo等多种服务。2011年,网易杭州研究院启用。除了一部分游戏和邮箱业务在广州、网易传媒等业务在北京。网易的大部分明星项目搬到了杭州,或在杭州诞生,上线了网易考拉海购、网易云音乐等项目。网易简介网易公司推出了门户网站、在线游戏、电子邮箱、在线教育、电子商务、在线音乐、网易bobo等多种服务。网易在广州天河智慧城的总部项目计划2019年1月建成,网易游戏总部将入驻。2016年,游戏业务营业收入在网易总营收中占比73.3%,2011年,网易杭州研究院启用。网易传媒等业务在北京。网易在杭州上线了网易考拉海购、网易云音乐等项目。2019年,网易深入推进战略聚焦,坚守内容消费领域,积极布局游戏、教育、音乐、电商等核心赛道,取得重大突破。在保持稳健增长的同时,网易有道、创新及其他等业务板块爆发强大潜力,为未来的长期发展提供源源不断的动能。

yesterday last night tomorroe哪一个是完成时态?


i want a envelope,please改错

envelope (1楼拼错) 因为后面一句"我想要寄封信‘,所以需要信封envelope







求Eva Cassidy的Autumn Leaves的歌词及翻译

Autumn Leaves秋叶Eva CassidyThe falling leaves Drift by my window. The falling leaves of red and gold.几张落叶,披着金红色彩,飘落到我窗前 I see your lips, the summer kisses, the sunburned hands I used to hold.我仿佛看到了你的双唇,和那夏日的甜吻,还有被太阳晒得黝黑的双手——我曾紧握 Since you went away the days grow long And soon I"ll hear old winter song But i miss you most of all my darling When autumn leaves start to fall自从你远走他方,日子便越觉漫长,再迟些,我就能听到古老的冬之歌了但秋叶方始飘零时,亲爱的,我便开始深深的挂念你了 Since you went away the days grow long And soon I"ll hear old winter song But i miss you most of all my darling When autumn leaves start to fall I miss you most of all my darling When autumn leaves start to fall但秋叶方始飘零时,亲爱的,我便已深深的挂念你了(重复处免译了)全手译,希望你满意!谢谢,望采纳~

求Eva Cassidy的Autumn Leaves的歌词及翻译

歌曲:Autumn Leaves 秋叶歌手:Eva CassidyThe falling leavesDrift by the windowThe autumn leavesOf red and gold当那落叶飘过我的窗户金红色的树叶令我想起I see your lipsThe summer kissesThe sunburned handsI used to hold你的嘴唇和夏日的热吻还有我握过的滚烫的手Since you went awayThe days grow longAnd soon i"ll hearOld winter"s songBut i miss you most of allMy darlingWhen autumn leavesStart to fall因为你走了,日子变得如此漫长而我又将听到那古老的冬日的歌我是多么地思念着你,我亲爱的Since you went awayThe days grow longAnd soon i"ll hearOld winter"s songBut i miss you most of allMy darlingWhen autumn leavesStart to falli miss you most of allMy darlingWhen autumn leavesStart to fall我正思念着你那,亲爱的在这秋叶纷纷落下的季节

autumn leaves -Eva cassidy的歌词中文翻译

Autumn Leaves秋叶Eva CassidyThe falling leaves Drift by my window. The falling leaves of red and gold.几张落叶,披着金红色彩,飘落到我窗前 I see your lips, the summer kisses, the sunburned hands I used to hold.我仿佛看到了你的双唇,和那夏日的甜吻,还有被太阳晒得黝黑的双手——我曾紧握 Since you went away the days grow long And soon I"ll hear old winter song But i miss you most of all my darling When autumn leaves start to fall自从你远走他方,日子便越觉漫长,再迟些,我就能听到古老的冬之歌了但秋叶方始飘零时,亲爱的,我便开始深深的挂念你了 Since you went away the days grow long And soon I"ll hear old winter song But i miss you most of all my darling When autumn leaves start to fall I miss you most of all my darling When autumn leaves start to fall但秋叶方始飘零时,亲爱的,我便已深深的挂念你了(重复处免译了)全手译,希望你满意!谢谢,望采纳~

Inside the mind of a master procrastinator是什么意思

Inside the mind of a master procrastin...的中文翻译Inside the mind of a master procrastinator 在一个主拖拉的人心中

老师要求做一个presentation:Are you a procrastinator? 急需背景资料,英文的,谢~~~

presentation的题目是:“你这个人拖拉吗?”因为这个presentation是围绕着你做的,背景资料就是你自己。唯一能送的是procrastinator的definition:procrastinator: someone who postpones work (especially out of laziness or habitual carelessness)



Autumn Leaves (Japanese Version) (24-Bit Digitally Remastered 04) 歌词

歌曲名:Autumn Leaves (Japanese Version) (24-Bit Digitally Remastered 04)歌手:Nat King Cole专辑:The World Of Nat King Cole - His Very BestAutumn Leaves - Laura Fygi"千金百分百电视原声带"The falling leavesdrift by the windowThe autumn leavesof red and goldI see your lipsThe summer kissesThe sunburned handsI used to holdSince you went awayThe days grow longAnd soon I"ll hearold winter"s songBut I miss you most of all, my darlingWhen autumn leavesstart to fall



past progressive是什么意思

past progressive过去进行的

progressive assimilation是什么意思

progressive assimilation 英[pru0259u02c8ɡresiv u0259u02ccsu026amu0259u02c8leu026au0283u0259n] 美[pru0259u02c8ɡru025bsu026av u0259u02ccsu026amu0259u02c8leu0283u0259n] [释义] 顺同化; [例句]The author analyzes the direction of assimilation and its context, concludes thatassimilation of initials is progressive, while that of finals is regressive.作者分析了同化的方向和它出现的环境,得出以下结论:声母的同化为顺同化,而韵母的同化为逆同化。

Intel 也来抢辅助驾驶市场大饼,发表 Atom A3900 系列 ADAS 应用处理器

图片来源:PC.Watch 汽车市场辅助驾驶与自动驾驶议题火热,Intel自许要转型,怎会忽略这块重要市场;稍早Intel发表了包括先进辅助驾驶应用的AtomA3900,希望借此抢食目前在汽车电子领域最被看好的辅助驾驶供应链,同时也发表针对嵌入式应用的AtomE3900,两个产品线本质相同,只是针对不同的目标市场加以差异化。 AtomA3900与AtomE3900也就是先前代号ApolloLake的产品线,为采用新一代GoldmontCPU设计的14nm制程产品,以最多四核心搭配Intel第九代GPU构成。ADAS是AtomA3900其中一个目标市场,除了先进辅助驾驶同时也可用于包括数位仪表板,车用电子中控台等车载相关应用,而AtomE3900则是以嵌入式应用为主,包括机器人,IP摄影机与工业电脑等。 全新的架构也带来更高的效能,相较前一世代产品线AtomE3800系列,E3900与A3900在CPU提升了1.7倍,而GPU一口气提升达2.9倍,整体运算能力大幅提升。Intel声称AtomA3900的效能足以透过CPU与GPU共同运算,达到先进辅助驾驶ADAS所需的效能,这也是Intel首度宣称其产品线可用于包括自动驾驶与先进辅助驾驶领域。 AtomA3900预计在2017年第一季出货给合作伙伴,Intel表示将有达49家汽车制造商导入与达33家汽车相关供应链,其中包括Dalph与中国第一汽车,预期将有30款以上的车辆导入此平台,作业系统则可对应包括QNX、Android、Android等。 AV.Watch 你或许会喜欢 4.5G免钱爽用30天,电信业者无极限 电信业者推出月租498,一年短约4G限速上网吃到饱

he has been dead for twenty years和he has dead的区别

不存在“has dead” 这种讲法。he has been dead for twenty years. 他已经死了二十年了。这个牵涉到一个延续性动词与非延续动词的问题。 简单来说就是,英语中的动词,根据其发生时间的长短和状态可以分为延续性与非延续性。die, 死亡是非延续性动词,因为死亡是无法重复发生,发生过后立即结束的一种动作行为。一般来讲,延续性动词,learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等,会与“时间段”相搭配,即是问题中的“for twenty years”。而非延续性动词,会通常与时间点搭配。例如,he dies twenty years ago. 他死于二十年前。 而问题中,die作为非延续性动词,却与“for twenty years” 搭配的原因是,die 变为了形容词dead,死亡的。你的问题一开始就错了,我之前所谓的不存在“has dead”,是指dead作为形容词,须接在be动词之后,即am is are,但是这种情况下用原型,be。而be属于动词的一种,由于现在完成时的影响,变形为been。我意识到我的讲解应该对于你一时间过于复杂化了。。。我建议你追问,我可以一步一步告诉你,把知识点分解开来。否则,你应该是无法一时消化掉这些东西的,连理解恐怕都成问题。

He has lived in the house for twenty years.


The 60-year-old multi-millionaire from New York was sitting on board a Russian spaceship.

was sitting on a Russian spaceship就可以了,on board 与后面的Russian spaceship重复了。

The multi-millionaire has reached the point ___ money no longer makes much difference to him.




Jack is twenty years old. but he has only five bi


implementing class 这是什么错

从错误提示中找,你的错误提示是加载hibernate时,创建sessionFactory错误,初始化出错。 1、clean工程及容器并重新编译,尝试重启容器 2、查看hibernate相关jar是否真的存在冲突



public Object newInstance(String className, Object[] args)中Object[] args这个数组参数该怎么传?

Object[] args 随便传个数组进去就行了

请问一道英语选择题 as a teacher,he thinks his business is to stir up curiosity


the last twenty years.和the past twenty years的意思有什么区别

the last twenty years 是指过去了的20年,在现在角度来回过头来看,不包括现在.20 most important stories of the last 20 years.过去20年间最重要的20个故事.(不包括现在的重要故事)the past twenty years 是站在...

二十年已经过去了 网上翻译是Twenty years have passed.我们学的是Twenty years has passed. 到底哪个对呀


Last twenty years 是二十年前还是二十年后的意思?

the last twenty years.和the past twenty years的意思有什么区别

过去20年。 过去的20年


高兴第一个帮助你。There was no gym five years ago.五年前这儿没有健身房。Now there is a new one.现在有一家新的(健身房)。请采纳, 谢谢!!


不一样。last表示上一个,比如last sundy意思是上个星期天,next表示下一个,比如next sundy意思是下一个星期天。


  【Last的用法】  一、形容词last作“最后的”、“唯一剩下的”、“最近过去的”、“极端的”等解:  1. He is last in his class. 他在班内程度最低。  2. We have not seen him for the last two weeks. 最近我们已有两星期没见到他了。  3. I met her more than once last week. 上星期我碰见她不止一次了。  4. This is our last hope. 这是我们唯一剩下的希望。  5. This problem is of the last importance. 这个问题极为重要。  6. This word is in the last line but one. 这个词是在倒数第二行内。  二、形容词last的转义用法,应译为“最不……的”、“决不至于……”:  1. This is the last thing (that) one would expect. 那是人们最不可能预期到的东西。  2. He is the last person to do such a thing. 他决不会干这种事。  3. This is the last place where I expected to have met you. 真想不到会在这里碰到你。(直译为:这是我过去盼望见到你的最不可能的地方。)  4. I am the last man to like wine. 我对酒一点也不爱喝。  三、 名词last的用法:  1. I should be the last to do it. 我决不会做这件事。  2. He remained quite honest to the last. 他直到最后仍然是很诚实的。  3. It is a delusion from first to last. 那是彻头彻尾的妄想。  4. We tried several times and at last we succeeded. 我们试了几次,最后终于成功。  四、副词last的用法:  1. Last came Comrade Wang. 王同志是最后来的。  2. I shall speak last at the meeting. 我将会在会上最后发言。  五、不及物动词last作“持续”、“延续”、“维持”解:  1. The rain lasted two days. 连续下雨两天。  2. This shirt has lasted me three years. 这件衬衣我已穿了三年。  3. This color will last very long. 这种颜色可保长久不褪色。  注:由动词-ing形式转化为形动词lasting,作“持久的”解。例如:  There is a lasting friendship between the two countries. 两国之间存在着持久的友谊  【next的用法】  adj.  1.紧接在后的, 次于的,下一个的;紧接着的;接下来的  2.贴近的, 紧邻的,紧随其后的,下一个的  adv.  1.接下去; 然后,紧接着,随后  2.居后地, 次于,其次的;依次的;仅次于…的  3.(用于询问,表示吃惊或困惑)  n.  1.下一位;下一个;下一件 形容词 adj.  1.紧接在后的, 次于的,下一个的;紧接着的;接下来的  We may go out next Sunday, but that depends.  我们可能下星期天郊游, 但那要看情况而定。  2.贴近的, 紧邻的,紧随其后的,下一个的  He contrasted his son with the boy next door.  他将他的儿子与隔壁的男孩比较。  副词 adv.  1.接下去; 然后,紧接着,随后  What are you going to do next?  然后你要干什么?  2.居后地, 次于,其次的;依次的;仅次于…的  John arrived first and Jane came next.  约翰先到了, 然后是简。  3.(用于询问,表示吃惊或困惑)  名词 n.  1.下一位;下一个;下一件  常用词组   next in line  1.接班人,继承人  He is next in line tothe throne.  他是皇位的继承人。  the next world  1.(某些宗教信仰中的)阴间,地府  what next (或 whatever next)  1.[用以表示惊讶或惊奇]下一步怎么样;还会有何等的荒唐事  习惯用语  next to  1.毗连的,紧邻的  The car next to hers.  挨着她的车  2.在顺序或程度上接下去的  Next to skiing, she likes hiking.  除了滑雪,她最喜欢徒步旅行  3.几乎;实际上  Next to impossible.  几乎不可能同义词  形容词 adj.  紧邻的;接下去的 找了些资料…希望能帮到你吧…

We know instinctively, just as beekeepers with their bees, that misfortune m




我现在有了个ASS的字幕,但是字幕太小,我想变大,怎么变拜托各位了 3Q

[V4+ Styles]Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, EncodingStyle: Default,微软雅黑,23,&H00FFFFFF,&HF0000000,&H00238E23,&H00000000,-1,0,0,0,100,100,1,0,1,5,5,2,20,20,35,1这里的微软雅黑,23, 就表示整个字幕的字体和字号。直接在这里改就行了


右键- 打开方式- 记事本 ,找到要修改的字体大小“{fn楷体fs25”(多长随意用于替换时区别) - 复制 。文本编辑- 替换(Ctrl+H),复制的放入查找内容, 下面 {fn楷体fs35 --全部替换 - 保存(OK)


字体大小对应Fontsize这一项,现在是60,你把60改大一些,我记得貌似是72最大?你试试~ 你在event部分看看Start ---字幕开始时间---格式0:00:00.00最小单位0.01秒 End ---字幕结束时间---格式同上


SSA是[V4 Styles]而ASS是[V4+ Styles] V4+的代码是基于V4 但是高于V4的而且2个字幕文件内的格式差别比较大.....一般SSA做起来比较方便 ASS的功能更完善一点个人感觉现在SSA比较普遍一点下面是我自己弄的一个ASS 点阵图的一个代码[Script Info]Title: Image to ASS Draw commands v0.5 [by Diclonius Subs]ScriptType: v4.00+PlayResX: 640PlayResY: 480[V4+ Styles]Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, EncodingStyle: Default,Arial,20,&H00FFFFFF,&H0000FFFF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,0,0,7,0,0,0,0Style: Image,Arial,20,&H00FFFFFF,&H0000FFFF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,0,0,7,0,0,0,0[Events]Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, TextDialogue: 0,00:00:01.00,00:00:30.00,Image,,0000,0000,0000,,{fad(150,150)}{1a&H00&pos(0,0)c&H1B93F3&}{p1}m 0 0 l 0 1 1 1 1 0{p0}这个下面是SSA的一个带上方移动字幕的实例[Script Info] ScriptType: v4.00 Collisions: Normal PlayResY: 480 PlayResX: 640 PlayDepth: 0 Timer: 100.0000 [V4 Styles] Format: Name,Fontname,Fontsize,PrimaryColour,SecondaryColour,TertiaryColour,BackColour,Bold,Italic,BorderStyle,Outline,Shadow,Alignment,MarginL,MarginR,MarginV,AlphaLevel,Encoding Style: New Style,幼圆,30,16777215,4227327,8404992,16744448,0,0,1,1,2,2,30,30,12,0,134 [Events]Dialogue: Marked=0,0:00:01.30,0:01:28.90,Default,,0000,0000,0000,Banner;28;0;60,郑重声明:本作品之片源、字幕均来自互联网,版权归原电影公司所有。任何组织和个人不得公开传播或用于任何商业盈利用途,否则一切后果由该组织或个人承担!本站和制作者不承担任何法律及连带责任!请自觉于下载后24小时内删除。如果喜欢本片,请购买正版!{move(20, 20,20,20}

华硕电脑插优盘出现flash card reader


什么是T-Flash Card Reader,都有什么功能,怎么用

Trans-Flash Card为SD Card产品成员的一员,附有SD转接器,可兼容任何SD读卡器,TF卡可经SD卡转换器后,当SD卡使用。T-Flash卡是市面上最小的闪存卡,适用于多项多媒体应用。T-Flash Card Reader应该是TF卡的读卡器吧。一般这个可以读蛮多种卡的。
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