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upset心烦的 苦恼的disappointed失望的 沮丧的

单词造句1.semester2.true3.disappointing4.lucky5.copy6.own7. get over 8. poor 9.village

this semester i got full mark.这学期我得了满分。that thing happened yesterday was true.昨天发生的事是真的。the concert is very disappointing.演唱会真令人失望。you are lucky to get the ticket.拿到票你真幸运。this homework is a copy.这份作业是抄的。this is my own bike.这是我自己的自行车。come on,get over the touble!加油,从困境中振作起来!when i was young,my family is very poor。我小时候家里很穷。i live in a small village.我住在一个小村子里


disappointed adj. 失望的,沮丧的;受挫折的; 例句: He was feeling a shade disappointed. 他略感失望。 The players were jeered by disappointed fans. 球员受到大失所望的球迷奚落。 扩展资料   I was disappointed by the quality of the wine.   这酒的质量令我失望。   She tried not to show how disappointed she was.   她极力掩饰她是多么失望。   He was so disappointed that he drove off in a huff.   他失望至极,愤然开车离去。


Disappoint是一个英语单词,主要用作动词,意为“辜负、破灭、使失望”等。其中:“dis-”是个很常见的前缀,它原是副词性的拉丁语前缀,意为1.“缺乏,不是”; 2.“与之相反,相反”; 3.“分开,远离”等。 当它作为原生前缀与拉丁词根结合时,主要出现在c,p,r,s,t等字母前面 ;而后面的appoint来源于法语à point,主要表示“相关、任命”。“dis-”与“appoint”结合形成了disappoint。短语搭配You disappoint 你使失望disappoint completely 完全失望disappoint repeatedly 反复地失望disappoint hope 使希望不能实现disappoint utterly 完全失望




disappoint 英[u02ccdu026asu0259"pu0254u026ant] 美[u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026ant] vt.使失望;使破灭,使落空 vi.使失望 第三人称单数:disappoints;过去分词:disappointed;现在分词:disapp... [例句]The trend is likely to disappoint analysts. 该趋势可能会令分析师感到失望.


fail (动词) 失败disappoint (动词) 失望失败导致失望,一个是因,一个是果其区别可以从下面例句看到:I failed. Of course I am disappointed.My failure disappoints me.I am disappointed that I have failed.My failure is a big disappointment to me.


disappointed 失望


  意思是失望的  满意请采纳,谢谢

disappointed 中文意思是?一次搞懂「失望、沮丧」的英文说法!

disappoint中文意思是指「失望、沮丧」的意思,后面介系词通常接in。 下面列举出几个关于disappoint跟disappointed 的英文例句,赶快学起来,下次就会罗! 1.disappoint 失望、沮丧 例:I"m sorry to disappoint you. 我很抱歉让你失望。 例:You didn"t disappoint me. 你没有让我失望。 2.disappointed 感到沮丧、感到失望 例:I"m very disappointed in you. 我非常对你感到失望。 例:I was disappointed in her. 我对她感到失望 例:I hope you"re not disappointed. 我希望你不会感到沮丧。 例:I"m as disappointed as you are. 我跟你一样感到沮丧。 disappoint, disappoint 中文, disappoint 意思, disappoint 翻译, disappoint 英文例句, disappointed, disappointed 中文, disappointed 中文意思, disappointed 意思, disappointed 翻译, disappointed 英文例句, 失望 英文, 失望英文, 感到失望 英文, 感到沮丧 英文, 沮丧 英文, 沮丧英文

英语中有没有be disappointing at这个词组

没有be disappointing at这个词组。


disappointment的读法是:[u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt]。双语例句:1、To her disappointment, there was no chance to talk privately with Luke.让她失望的是,没有机会和卢克私下谈谈。2、 stifled]she gave a stifled cry of disappointment.她失望得发出一声压抑的喊叫。3、Her sharp disappointment was tinged with embarrassment.她极其失望中又略带尴尬。4、Tears of disappointment were pricking her eyelids.失望的眼泪刺痛了她的眼皮。5、I was a big disappointment to her.我是个很让她失望的人。6、book early to avoid disappointment.提前预约,以免失望。7、The job proved a disappointment这个工作被证实是令人失望的。8、As Camby continued, it was hard for him to hide his playoff disappointment.他显然不能掩盖他对这些年掘金季后赛表现的失望。9、It is not always the silly waiting, disappointment, and expect, then down.却还一直傻傻的期待,到失望,再期待,再失望。10、There will be times when you are met with disappointment instead of success.有时你会遭受挫折而非成功。disappointment的用法:great disappointment.再生论;大遗憾。bitter disappointment.极度的失望;大失所望。express disappointment.流露出失望;表达失落。experience disappointment.经历失望。prevent disappointment.避免失望。cause disappointment.造成失落。box-office disappointment.票房落空;票房危机。get disappointment.失望。词根:disappoint.disappointed.adj. 失望的,沮丧的;受挫折的。disappointedly.adv. 失望地。disappointingly.adv. 令人失望地。disappoint.vt. 使失望。disappointing.adj. 令人失望的;令人扫兴的v. 令人失望。(disappoint的ing形式);辜负…的期望。绝望;沮丧。disappointment。多指愿望或期望的落空。despai。普通用词,指因灾难等因素而丧失希望和信心,陷入沮丧,绝望的境地。desperation。语气强烈,指因绝望而使人采取无所顾忌的疯狂行动。depression。侧重指因遭受重大失利或挫折而产生的低落情绪。

He is a disappointing child


municipal ;disappointing ; seedling 这英语怎么读?



disappoint失望双语对照词典结果:disappoint[英][u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026ant][美][u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026ant]vt.使失望; 使破灭,使落空; vi.使失望; 第三人称单数:disappoints过去分词:disappointed现在进行时:disappointing过去式:disappointed以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The trend is likely to disappoint analysts. 该趋势可能会令分析师感到失望。


是 失望 地意思

disappointing tears

答案B 第一空可用disappointing“令人失望的”或unexpected“出乎意料的”.但在第二空只能用burst out crying,或是burst into tears,故选B项.


使某人失望:disappoint sb (在这里disappoint做动词)例句:Am I disappointed you? 我令你失望了吗?失望的:disappointed (adj)例句:I"m so disappointed that you are failed. 你的失败令我失望。令人失望的:disappointing (adj)例句:This news is so disappointing. 这真是一个令人失望的消息。感动有许多的词可以用,简单的有touch,多用于口语。I"m touch. 我很感动。还有Moving (adj),多用于指故事或电影。How moving this story is!


使某人失望:disappoint sb (在这里disappoint做动词)例句:Am I disappointed you? 我令你失望了吗?失望的:disappointed (adj)例句:I"m so disappointed that you are failed. 你的失败令我失望。令人失望的:disappointing (adj)例句:This news is so disappointing. 这真是一个令人失望的消息。感动有许多的词可以用,简单的有touch,多用于口语。I"m touch. 我很感动。还有Moving (adj),多用于指故事或电影。How moving this story is!




I"m disappointed我很失望


  (1) disappointing 表示“令人失望的”的意思,一般用于事物给人的感觉。  例句:Lunch tended to be an even more disappointing affair.  午餐往往是一件更令人失望的事情。  That may be disappointing to bankers and some investors, but it would be a sign of progress.  这可能会使银行家们和一些投资人感到失望,但这的确是一个上升的信号。  注意事项:如果用于“人”,则表示该人令别人失望。  The girl was very disappointing. 这女孩很令人失望。  (2) disappointed 表示“失望的”、“感到失望的”的含义,一般用以说明“人”自己的感觉。  例句:The last job rejection disappointed me badly.  最后求职遭拒绝令我很失望。  Have me and Mom ever extremely disappointed you?  我和妈妈有没有让你特别失望过?  注意事项:如果用于修饰 voice, look, expression, appearance, manner等名词,则表示与之相关名词的逻辑主语感到失望。  We noticed a disappointing look on his face. 我们注意到他脸上一种令人失望的表情。  例句解析:“他”并不失望,但见了他表情的人会失望。  We noticed a disappointed look on his face. 我们注意到他脸上有一种失望的表情。  例句解析:感到失望的是“他”,不是别人。




disappointing[英][u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antu026au014b][美][u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antu026au014b]adj.令人失望的; 令人扫兴的; v.令人失望(disappoint的ing形式); 辜负…的期望; 例句:Indeed, early returns from the credit markets have been disappointing. 实际上,信贷市场给出的初期反应是让人失望的。

make sb disappointing还是disappointed

make sb disappointed

初中英语,I am 后面disappoint要加ing吗


how disappointing i was这句话对吗

how disappointing i was这句话对吗?,这要看你想说什么了。其实,某一句话并没有什么对错之分,而是要看是否能恰当表达说话人自己的意思。如:你若想表达“我曾是多么令人失望!”的意思,则“How disappointing I was!”这句话就不算错。但如你想表达“我是多么地失望!”上述表达则不对。正确表述应为:“How disappointed I was”。显然“disappointed”与“ disappointing”意思不同。“disappointed”(失望的;沮丧的)“ disappointing”(令人失望的)。下面举一个典型例句,帮你助记:How disappointed I was when I heard the disappointing news!当我听到那令人失望的消息时,是多么地沮丧!

disappointing 反义词是什么 有没有可能稍微把这个词变一变,就是他的反义词

disappointing是“使失望的” satisfied


dissappointing的正确拼写是:disappointing英 [u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antu026au014b] 美 [u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antu026au014b]adj. 令人失望的;令人扫兴的v. 令人失望(disappoint的ing形式);辜负…的期望

英语:空里面为什么填are disappointing

一般现在时 说的是每次的内个时候你都使你的孩子失望

disappointing boy

我知道你为什么你弄不清楚,是不是老师给你们说过,修饰人用过去分词,修饰物是现在分词?所以你觉得修饰的是人,要用B. 其实这只是一个大概的记法,你会经常遇到特殊的情况,考试的时候经常这样考.所以我给你介绍个好一点的方法.就是你看题目的意思.如果是..的意思就用过去分词,如果是令人、让人.的意思就用现在分词,而题目的意思是他的失败让他的爸爸觉得他是一个让(令)人失望的人.是让人、令人失望,所以用现在分词,而不是过去分词.希望对你有所帮助




disappointed是说人感到很失望 disappointing是说东西和事情让人感到失望


disappoint: [ .dis05"p00int ] v. 使...失望 [ 过去式disappointed 过去分词disappointed 现在分词disappointing 第三人称单数disappoints ] 例句与用法1. The result disappointed him. 结果使他失望。 2. I"m sorry to disappoint your plans. 我很抱歉妨碍了你的计划。


disappointing是什么意思:令人失望的;令人沮丧的;令人扫兴的1、The disappointing sales figures foreshadow more redundancies 令人失望的销售额预示着会有更多人被裁员。2、Confronted by a setback such as a disappointing test grade, students with a growth mind-set said they would study harder or try a different strategy. 在面对挫折,如一次令人失望的考试成绩时,有成长思维模式的学生说,他们会更努力学习或尝试不同的学习方法。3、The next day, we got a disappoint message that another buyer had offered a much higher price. 第二天,我们收到一个令人失望的消息,另一个买主提出了更高的价格。4、This disappointing situation may finally have reached a turning point. 这种令人失望的状况最终可能达到一个转折点。5、Last week saw more disappointing figures on jobs and manufacturing. 上上周发布了更多令人失望的就业与制造业数据6、His comments followed disappointing business sentiment data in the US and Europe. 他发表此番言论之前,美国和欧洲相继公布了令人失望的商业景气数据。7、His failure to help us was disappointing. 很令人失望的是他未能帮助我们。8、The CEO resigned last week after a disappointing set of annual results. 由于令人失望的年度财务状况,首席执行官上星期辞职了。


disappointing 英[u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antu026au014b] 美[u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu0254u026antu026au014b] adj. 令人失望的;令人扫兴的 v. 令人失望(disappoint的ing形式);辜负…的期望 [例句]But disappointing economic numbers have altered the political terrain. 但令人失望的经济增长数字改变了政治风向。


adj. 令人失望的;令人扫兴的



dock appointment 是什么意思i、

是doctor appointment吗?和医生预约的时间。美国人一般都是先和医生预约时间然后再去看医生的。

"By no means"declared the captain,"_give way to disappointment."

“无论怎样,”船长(队长)宣布,“我们都不能(输给)失望。”这个题目是考察倒装句型。。By no means 位于句首句子要倒装,根据句意应该用shall we

ifelt somewhat disappointed

A项的意思是直到,前后两件事不是同时发生.而且前面的事情必须是持续一段时间,直到后面的事情发生后,前面的事情才发生. B项是正当的意思,前后两件事情同时发生. 所以区分AB的关键就是从意思上判断前后两件事的顺序. 本句意思是,我感到有点失望并且正要离开,就在此时发生的一件事情吸引了我的注意力. 所以得选择B项啊~~ 楼主理解了吗,望采纳啊~~

being ignored, he looked somewhat disappointed

对的,非谓语短语being ignored作原因状语,说明后面“失望"的原因,相当于原因状语从句Because he was ignored, he looked somewhat disppointed.Being ignored, he looked somewhat disappointed=Because he was ignored, he looked somewhat disppointed.

MISS may, I am calling to( )my appointment with 1know2see3congirm4hear 该选哪个?

3 congirmcongirm应该是confirm(确认)。翻译:May小姐,我打电话来是确认我与李先生的约会。

MISS may,I am calling to( )my appointment with 该选哪个?

选4 打电话让他接听

Once again he was disappointed in love . 什么意思?


appoint 和quote区别。

appoint 有任命 安排的意思, 没有引用的意思1.任命, 委派 He was appointed secretary.他被任命为秘书。2.确定, 指定; 约定 We must appoint a day to meet again.我们要约定好下次会面的日期。He appointed the schoolhouse as the place for the meeting.他指定校舍为开会地点。The head of the workshop appointed that the work should be finished in two days.车间主任下令这项工作必须在两天之内完成。3.安排,确定(时间、地点)但quote 有引用的意思, 指摘录, 摘抄的意思及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.引用, 援引 The author frequently quoted Shakespeare.作者不断地引用莎士比亚的话。Don"t quote me on this, but I think the company is in serious difficulties.不要向公司重复我所说的, 可我认为公司面临着严重的困难。She quoted from the report to support her point.她援引报告中的话来支持自己的论点。及物动词 vt.1.提到…以支持某论点 Can you quote me an example of what you mean?你能否给我举个例子来说明你的意思?He is quoted as saying he disagrees with the decision.用他的话说, 他不同意这一决定。2.报(价); 开(价) The company"s shares are currently being quoted at 62 pence a share.该公司股票的现在报价是每股62便士。They quoted 756 dollars for the single New York—London fare.他们对纽约到伦敦的单程机票开价是756美元。This is the best price I can quote you.这是我给你开出的最有利的价钱了。3.举例说明4.为(股票、黄金或外汇)报价5.为(企业的股份)上市,挂牌6.引述;复述不及物动词 vi.1.引述;引证2.报价望采纳!!


一、详细释义: , n. , 任命,委派,指派 , 例句: ,The meeting lastly passed a series of appointment and disqualification lists.,会议最后通过了一系列任免名单。, 例句: ,The appointment of a new judge was reported in the newspaper.,报上报导了任命一位新法官的消息。, 职位,职务 , 例句: ,Her career culminated in her appointment as director.,她一生事业的顶峯是当上董事。, 例句: ,Mr Fay is to take up an appointment as a researcher with the Royal Society.,费伊先生将担任皇家学会研究员的职务。, 约会,约定 , 例句: ,Reggie said airily, “Jamet"s expecting me. We have an appointment.”,雷格旁若无人地大声说,“贾米特正在等我,我们有约会。”, 例句: ,Did you remember your other appointment for today?,还记得今天的另一个约会吗?, 例句: ,I have an [appointment] with my dentist this afternoon.,我已约好今天下午去看牙医。, 例句: ,I have an appointment with my dentist this afternoon.,我已约好今天下午去看牙医。, 例句: ,You have an appointment with me on Friday.,我们周五有约。, 二、词义辨析: , engagement,appointment,date ,这些名词均有“约会”之意。engagement普通用词,可与本组的另外两个词换用。泛指任何商定的地点和时间见面,专指针对某一目的约会。appointment通常指严格根据时间表上预约的时间进行的约见或约会,其目的主要是讨论公事或业务问题。date主要指朋友之间的随便约见或男女之间的约会。, 三、相关短语: ,power of appointment,财产处理权,财产指定权, 四、参考例句: ,Do you have an appointment?,您约好了吗?,Can we reschedule our appointment?,能不能更改我们约定时间?,She has an appointment with her accountant.,她和她的会计约好了见面。,Sandwich an appointment in beeen o meetings.,在两个会议中间安插一次约会。,The dinner appointment has to be canceled.,看来晚餐约会得取消了。,My last appointment is at three.,我最后一个约会在三点。,Please make an appointment with my secretary.,请跟我秘书定个见面时间。,His appointment was slotted for o p.m.,会见他的时间定在下午两点。,Appointment booking services are free of charge.,预约服务是免费的。,Her appointment as leader revitalized the party.,她担任领袖后, 该党获得了转机。

Disappointed 歌词

歌曲名:Disappointed歌手:Morrissey专辑:The Singles 88-91 Our unsleepable friendGets the message on an ill wind"all your friends and your foesWould rather die than have to touch you"To say the least: i"m truly disappointedTruly, truly, truly, oh...Drank too muchAnd i said too muchAnd there"s nowhere to go - but downYoung boy - i wanna help youSee these lines ? : truly disappointedTruly, truly, truly, oh...Don"t talk to me, noAbout people who are "nice""cause i have spent my whole lifeIn ruinsBecause of people who are "nice"Oh, this world may lack style, i knowEach bud must blossom and grow, oh...Young girl, one day you will be oldBut the thing is, i love you nowMmm ...This is the last song i will ever sing (yeah!)No: i"ve changed my mind again (aaw...)GoodnightAnd thankyou

.The directors appointed John manager中John manager怎么是主谓关系呢,





appoint,designate,assign,name,nominate 这些动词均有“任命,委派”之意。appoint:通常指不经过选择的官方委任。designate:书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。assign:常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。name:普通用词,着重任命的结果,而不是过程。nominate:通常指为某一公职选择候选人,并将其提交给有决定权的人作最后决定。

英国签证的appointment confirmation是直接打印那个邮件吗





arrangement 是名词,可以做主语、宾语、同位语等句子成分。appointment通常指严格根据时间表上预约的时间进行的约见或约会,其目的主要是讨论公事或业务问题。



make an appointment是什么意思


是on appointment 还是in,atappointment



a ppoint ment 三个音节

have an appointment是什么意思


make an appointment的意思


make a appointment 还是make an appointment

翻译如下是make an appointment预约例句He would make an appointment with him to straighten out a couple of things 他将和他约个时间把几件事情理清楚。

make an appointment是什么意思

预约; 期; 相约;


这两个词作“约会”理解时应该是可以相互替换的。但我听到的engagement一般都是指婚约,所以一般不要用,特别是用在异性身上时,比如你说,你和某人有一个engagement,这句话是有歧义的,我完全可以理解为:你和某人有一个婚约。appointment就无所谓,可以用于朋友,家人,同事等等。另:date 一般指男女朋友之间的约会。

在合同中"appointment" 应怎样翻?



appointment 和 date 都有约好时间见面的意思date 一般指男女之间约会appointment 没有男女约会这个意思例句:I have a doctor"s appointment at 9am tomorrow.I have a date with a cute guy tomorrow.


毁约huǐ yuē(食言) break one"s promise(毁弃协议、条约) scrap a contract or treaty:毁约行为 breach of contract他对公司毁约了。 He broke his contract with the firm.


appointment 英[u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt] 美[u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt] n. 任命; 约会; 职务; 职位; [例句]His appointment to the Cabinet would please the right-wing.他被任命为内阁成员会让右翼党派很高兴。[其他] 复数:appointments

appointment 的及物动词是什么?

appoint英[u0259u02c8pu0254u026ant]美[u0259u02c8pu0254u026ant]vt.任命,委派; 约定,指定; 装设,布置网络任命; 指派; 安排第三人称单数:appoints现在分词:appointing过去式:appointed过去分词:appointed



【英语】【翻译】这句话的appointment和go to是什么意思?

appointments是名词,意思是委派,任命;go to sb有被给予某人之意,表示指向 。供参考

Appointment time是什么意思

Appointment time预约时间appointment[英][u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt][美][u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt]n.任命; 约会; 职务; 职位; 复数:appointments双语例句 What time is your appointment?你的预约时间是几点?








语法标注解释 appointment英音:[u0259"pu0254intmu0259nt]美音:[u0259"pu0254u026antmu0259nt] 名词 n. 1.(尤指正式的)约会[C][(+with)][+to-v]I have an appointment with them in the evening. 今晚我与他们有个约会。 2.(会面的)约定[U]3.任命,委派[U][(+as/of)]The appointment of a new judge was reported in the newspaper. 报上报导了任命一位新法官的消息。 4.职位,官职[C]I accepted the appointment as chairman. 我同意担任主席一职。 5.(旅馆,船舶等的)陈设,设备[P]6.注定,命定

appointment 什么意思


make an appointment后面加什么

加with,意思是点名约会对象。make an appointment with 与某人约会扩展资料;appointment意思:约会,任命,预约,委任,约定,职务,职位。近义词:assignmentn. 分配;任务;功课;委派;被指定的(课外)作业;(分派的)任务短语:1、make an appointment 约会,预约2、have an appointment 有约会4、appointment system 委任制5、by appointment 按照约定扩展资料appointment的原型:appoint短语:1、appoint a manager 任命经理2、appoint a meeting place 确定会晤的地点3、appoint people on their merit 任人唯贤4、appoint a place and time for the meeting 指定会议的时间和地点date, appointment, engagement这组词都有“约会”的意思,其区别是:1、date 主要指朋友之间的随便约见或男女之间的约会。2、appointment 通常指严格根据时间表上预约的时间进行的约见或约会,其目的主要是讨论公事或业务问题。3、engagement 它可以与本组的另外两个词换用。泛指任何商定的地点和时间见面,专指针对某一目的约会。

appointment 前面为什么加an,这是辅音音素啊 好奇怪 是个特例吗?

是的,appointment的a 发音是呃, 但因为是元音的字母, 所以其不定冠词是an.例如:1). Mr Wang is going to take up an appointment as a research. 2). She has an appointment with her friend.


1.前缀是appoint 词根:任命,委派的意思,2.后缀:ment就是一个名词后缀

appointment as contract full-time senior customs administrator 是什么意思啊?

full-time senior customs administrator专职高级客户主管contract在这句话中应该是动词,意思是:签订合同appointmentf的意思是:约会、委派只是一个短句,比较难翻译。可能有以下几种意思:1. 有一个约会,去和专职高级客户主管签订合同。2. 有一个约会,去签订(应聘)合同,自己将成为一名专职高级客户主管3. 被指派去和专职高级客户主管签订合同。
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