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德语中:Sobald, Solange, Sofern,这三个词的用法含义有什么区别啊?谢谢。

sobald.... 一... 就。 最快,比如我一有空就来。Ich komme, SOBALD ich Zeit habe.我一到家就给你电话。 Ich rufe dich an, SOBALD ich zuhause bin.以你最快的速度 sobald du kannst.Solange.... 只要Solange du brav bist, kannst du bei mir bleiben. 只要你乖乖的,你就可以待在我身边。solang du glücklich bist。 只要你开心solange der Vorrat reicht. 只要有货Sofern 如果, 只要,sofern es nicht regnet, fahre ich mit dem Fahrrad 如果/只要不下雨,我就骑自行车sofern nicht anders vereinbart. 如果没有其他协定的话


要练听力的话,掏宝搜“德语资料 德国之声”可以找到一款网络广播软件叫“全能网络广播”现在官网升级到2.0版,只要25元,而且还可以免费升级,非常好用,可以收听德国之声德语广播,比较推荐,我买了一个把德语当背景音乐听,德语听力进步了很多,听新闻都不累咯.骗子很多,有人拿免费的软件来冒充,要看清有没有软件公司的授权书,我是上学长专卖买的百度搜“淘宝名店吧”可以找到一个可以免费在线看德语电影的网站

雷达成像中standoff range指的是什么?

发射机识别(安全)隔离距离(Standoff range)远距离成像(Standoff imaging)望采纳!!



look back in anger这出戏剧是讲什么的?

中文名称:愤怒中回顾英文名称:Look Back in Anger别名:少妇怨,愤怒的回顾剧情介绍:英国剧作家约翰u2027奥斯朋的(John Osborne)1956年的名作《愤怒中回顾》(Look Back in Anger),剧中女主角爱莉森帮丈夫吉米烫成丘的衣服,整日听著丈夫倾吐战后的知识份子不得志,爱莉森逆来顺受,清扫一地的苦闷秽物。1956年的今日,约翰·奥斯本的处女剧《愤怒的回顾》在伦敦的皇家宫廷剧院上演。演出公告称26岁的奥斯本为“愤怒青年”,随着演出的巨大成功,这个短语成为二战后30岁以下清醒激进的一代人的代名词。《每日快讯》认为该剧“激烈,愤怒,狂热,任性。太疯狂了!但是它年轻,年轻,年轻!”批评家克利夫·巴恩斯盛赞《愤怒的回顾》的公演之夜为“现代英国戏剧的生日”,称奥斯本开一代风气之先。


1.Null Hypothesis: F-Statistic Probability 结论△LNREER does not Granger Cause △LNEX 6.06305 0.00366 拒绝△LNEX does not Granger Cause △LNREER 0.57844 0.56332 接受这个没错。2.LNREERt=#+#LNREERt-1+#LNREERt-2 (没有加入LNEX,因为△LNEX does not Granger Cause △LNREER,也就是说LNEX是LNREER的外生变量)这个错了,要加入LNEX滞后项。这意味着无论granger的检验结果如何,都是要把所有变量都包含进去作为内生变量构建VAR模型。3.那granger检验对于VAR 又能有什么意义呢?granger检验确认先后变化关系,其实granger检验的回归方程与VAR 模型的回归方程是一样的。4.正如你所说,VAR(向量自回归)方程的优势是事先无需对进入方程的变量进行内生或外生的划分,所以不明白你说这话是什么意思:“用eviews计算,输入内生变量和外生变量时怎么输?????????”我的理解是不用区分。5.如果你想要VAR方程,可以选中两变量,右键openvar,选择滞后阶数,可得方程。不知道能不能帮到你,第一次回答问题啊哈哈

he stamped his feet in anger/he stamped his feet with anger有何区别?




college board上的score range含义!!!


Shaggy的《Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:Angel歌手:Shaggy专辑:AngelShooby dooby dooby doo woiShooby dooOhShooby doo dooby doo boi oiYeah, ahGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyLife is one big party when you"re still youngBut who"s gonna have your back when it"s all doneIt"s all good when you"re little, you have pure funCan"t be a fool, son, what about the long runLooking back Shorty always mentionSaid me not giving her much attentionShe was there through my incarcerationI wanna show the nation my appreciationGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyYou"re a queen and so you should be treatedThough you never get the lovin" that you neededCould have left, but I called and you heededTakin" a beatin", mission completedMama said that I and I dissed the programNot the type to mess around with her emotionBut the feeling that I have for you is so strongBeen together so long and this could never be wrongGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyUh, uhGirl, in spite of my behavior, said I"m your savior(You must be sent from up above)And you appear to me so tender, say girl I surrender(Thanks for giving me your love)Girl, in spite of my behavior, well, you are my savior(You must be sent from up above)And you appear to me so tender, well, girl I surrender(Said thanks for giving me your love)Now life is one big party when you"re still youngAnd who"s gonna have your back when it"s all doneIt"s all good when you"re little, you have pure funCan"t be a fool, son, what about the long runLooking back Shorty always mentionSaid me not giving her much attentionShe was there through my incarcerationI wanna show the nation my appreciationGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, lady

Shaggy的《Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:Angel歌手:Shaggy专辑:热门单曲-AngelShooby dooby dooby doo woiShooby dooOhShooby doo dooby doo boi oiYeah, ahGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyLife is one big party when you"re still youngBut who"s gonna have your back when it"s all doneIt"s all good when you"re little, you have pure funCan"t be a fool, son, what about the long runLooking back Shorty always mentionSaid me not giving her much attentionShe was there through my incarcerationI wanna show the nation my appreciationGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyYou"re a queen and so you should be treatedThough you never get the lovin" that you neededCould have left, but I called and you heededTakin" a beatin", mission completedMama said that I and I dissed the programNot the type to mess around with her emotionBut the feeling that I have for you is so strongBeen together so long and this could never be wrongGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyUh, uhGirl, in spite of my behavior, said I"m your savior(You must be sent from up above)And you appear to me so tender, say girl I surrender(Thanks for giving me your love)Girl, in spite of my behavior, well, you are my savior(You must be sent from up above)And you appear to me so tender, well, girl I surrender(Said thanks for giving me your love)Now life is one big party when you"re still youngAnd who"s gonna have your back when it"s all doneIt"s all good when you"re little, you have pure funCan"t be a fool, son, what about the long runLooking back Shorty always mentionSaid me not giving her much attentionShe was there through my incarcerationI wanna show the nation my appreciationGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, lady

Shaggy的《Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:Angel歌手:Shaggy专辑:Hot ShotShooby dooby dooby doo woiShooby dooOhShooby doo dooby doo boi oiYeah, ahGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyLife is one big party when you"re still youngBut who"s gonna have your back when it"s all doneIt"s all good when you"re little, you have pure funCan"t be a fool, son, what about the long runLooking back Shorty always mentionSaid me not giving her much attentionShe was there through my incarcerationI wanna show the nation my appreciationGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyYou"re a queen and so you should be treatedThough you never get the lovin" that you neededCould have left, but I called and you heededTakin" a beatin", mission completedMama said that I and I dissed the programNot the type to mess around with her emotionBut the feeling that I have for you is so strongBeen together so long and this could never be wrongGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyUh, uhGirl, in spite of my behavior, said I"m your savior(You must be sent from up above)And you appear to me so tender, say girl I surrender(Thanks for giving me your love)Girl, in spite of my behavior, well, you are my savior(You must be sent from up above)And you appear to me so tender, well, girl I surrender(Said thanks for giving me your love)Now life is one big party when you"re still youngAnd who"s gonna have your back when it"s all doneIt"s all good when you"re little, you have pure funCan"t be a fool, son, what about the long runLooking back Shorty always mentionSaid me not giving her much attentionShe was there through my incarcerationI wanna show the nation my appreciationGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, lady


你好,很高兴为你解答 sweet orange spice 意思是:甜橙香料 希望能帮到你

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apple applesbanana bananaspear pearsorange orangespeach peaches变化规则一般直接加s以y结尾 改y为i 再加es以ch结尾加es

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No Angels的《Disappear》 歌词

歌曲名:Disappear歌手:No Angels专辑:DisappearOn and onI"ve tried to move on alone(It won"t stop)Tried to find the strength to turn it around(It won"t stop)Everything"s been offSince you went awayAnd time just broke the promise to ease the painCause I need you hereAnd it"s just not fairThat it won"t get betterWhy did you disappear?And we got nowhereBut it won"t stop thereThough you"re gone foreverI can"t make you disappearCarshing, breaking memories in my mind(it won"t stop)Never ever close to getting it right(It won"t stop)Best time of my lifeNow it"s washed awayStill the stars the know how to spell your nameCause I need you hereAnd it"s just not fairThat it won"t get betterWhy did you disappear?And we got nowhereBut it won"t stop thereThough you"re gone foreverI can"t make you disappearCause you got into my heart of stoneAnd I don"t do well here on my ownNow the silence keeps me up at nightAnd I get used to being all aloneCause I need you hereAnd it"s just not fairThat it won"t get betterWhy did you disappear?And we got nowhereBut it won"t stop thereThough you"re gone foreverI can"t make you disappear

voluntary arrangement是什么意思

voluntary arrangement词典结果voluntary arrangement自愿安排双语对照

orange 和jacket的发音相同吗



小さな肩に背负い込んだ仆らの未来はchiisa na kata ni seoi kon da bokura no mirai ha窄小的肩膀上 背负著我们的未来ちょうど今日の夕日のように揺れてたのかなぁ。choudo kyou no yuuhi noyouni yure tetanokanaa .正好就如同今日的夕阳般摇晃著イタズラな天気雨がバスを追い越してitazura na tenkiame ga basu wo oikoshi te恶作剧般的雨追赶过巴士オレンジの粒が街に辉いているorenji no tsubu ga machi ni kagayai teiru街道上闪耀著橙色的雨滴远回りにした自転车の帰り道toomawari nishita jitensha no kaerimichi踩著脚踏车绕远路的归途背中にあたたかな鼓动を感じてたsenaka niatatakana kodou wo kanji teta感受到背後温暖的鼓动『さよなら。』と言えば君の伤も少しは愈えるだろう?( sayonara ) to ie ba kimi no itamo sukoshi ha ie rudarou ?若说『再见。』的话 你的伤口会多少愈合一些吗 『あいたいよ…。』と泣いた声が今も胸に响いている ( aitaiyo ....) to nai ta koe ga ima mo mune ni hibii teiru哭泣说著 『好想见你...。』 的那声音至今还回响在胸中不器用すぎる二人も季节を越えればbukiyou sugiru futari mo kisetsu wo koe reba笨拙的两人如果也能跨过这个季节的话 まだ见ぬ幸せな日に巡り合うかなぁ。mada minu shiawase na nichi ni meguri au kanaa .还能在那未预见的 幸福之日 中再邂逅吧なんとなく距离を保てずにはにかんではnantonaku kyori wo tamote zunihanikandeha不知不觉地因未保持距离而靦腆 歯がゆい旅路の途中で寝転んだね(木村)ha gayui tabiji no tochuu de ne koron dane在焦躁不安的旅途中随意躺下(木村每次唱到这里的那种唱法都让我起鸡皮,太有味道了orz)『さよなら。』と言えば君の伤も少しは愈えるだろう?( sayonara ) to ie ba kimi no itamo sukoshi ha ie rudarou ?若说『再见。』的话 你的伤口会多少愈和一些吗 『あいたいよ…。』と泣いた声が今も胸に响いている ( aitaiyo ....) to nai ta koe ga ima mo mune ni hibii teiru哭泣说著『好想见你...。』 的那声音至今还回响在胸中人波の中でいつかの日が偶然にhitonami no naka deitsukano nichi ga guuzen ni在人群中哪一天将偶然地出会えることがあるのならその日まで…deae rukotogaarunonarasono nichi made ...直到那一天相遇的话...『さよなら。』仆を今日まで支え続けてくれたひと( sayonara .) boku wo kyou made sasae tsuduke tekuretahito『再见。』一直支持我至此的人『さよなら。』今でも谁よりたいせつだと想えるひと( sayonara .) ima demo dare yoritaisetsudato omoe ruhito『再见。』即使现在也比谁都重要的人そしてsoshite然後 何より二人がここで共に过ごしたこの日々をnani yori futari gakokode tomoni sugo shitakono hibi wo两人一起在此渡过的这每一天となりに居てくれたことを仆は忘れはしないだろうtonarini ite kuretakotowo bokuha wasure hashinaidarou陪伴在身旁的人 我不会忘却的『さよなら。』( sayonara .)『再见。』消えないように…kie naiyouni ...不会消失般的...ずっと色褪せぬように…zutto iroase nuyouni ...永远不会褪色般的...『ありがとう。』( arigatou . ) 『谢谢 。 』【不得不说这首歌很美!!】


小さな肩に背负い込んだ仆らの未来はchiisa na kata ni seoi kon da bokura no mirai ha窄小的肩膀上 背负著我们的未来ちょうど今日の夕日のように揺れてたのかなぁ。choudo kyou no yuuhi noyouni yure tetanokanaa .正好就如同今日的夕阳般摇晃著イタズラな天気雨がバスを追い越してitazura na tenkiame ga basu wo oikoshi te恶作剧般的雨追赶过巴士オレンジの粒が街に辉いているorenji no tsubu ga machi ni kagayai teiru街道上闪耀著橙色的雨滴远回りにした自転车の帰り道toomawari nishita jitensha no kaerimichi踩著脚踏车绕远路的归途背中にあたたかな鼓动を感じてたsenaka niatatakana kodou wo kanji teta感受到背後温暖的鼓动『さよなら。』と言えば君の伤も少しは愈えるだろう?( sayonara ) to ie ba kimi no itamo sukoshi ha ie rudarou ?若说『再见。』的话 你的伤口会多少愈合一些吗 『あいたいよ…。』と泣いた声が今も胸に响いている ( aitaiyo ....) to nai ta koe ga ima mo mune ni hibii teiru哭泣说著 『好想见你...。』 的那声音至今还回响在胸中不器用すぎる二人も季节を越えればbukiyou sugiru futari mo kisetsu wo koe reba笨拙的两人如果也能跨过这个季节的话 まだ见ぬ幸せな日に巡り合うかなぁ。mada minu shiawase na nichi ni meguri au kanaa .还能在那未预见的 幸福之日 中再邂逅吧なんとなく距离を保てずにはにかんではnantonaku kyori wo tamote zunihanikandeha不知不觉地因未保持距离而靦腆 歯がゆい旅路の途中で寝転んだね(木村)ha gayui tabiji no tochuu de ne koron dane在焦躁不安的旅途中随意躺下(木村每次唱到这里的那种唱法都让我起鸡皮,太有味道了orz)『さよなら。』と言えば君の伤も少しは愈えるだろう?( sayonara ) to ie ba kimi no itamo sukoshi ha ie rudarou ?若说『再见。』的话 你的伤口会多少愈和一些吗 『あいたいよ…。』と泣いた声が今も胸に响いている ( aitaiyo ....) to nai ta koe ga ima mo mune ni hibii teiru哭泣说著『好想见你...。』 的那声音至今还回响在胸中人波の中でいつかの日が偶然にhitonami no naka deitsukano nichi ga guuzen ni在人群中哪一天将偶然地出会えることがあるのならその日まで…deae rukotogaarunonarasono nichi made ...直到那一天相遇的话...『さよなら。』仆を今日まで支え続けてくれたひと( sayonara .) boku wo kyou made sasae tsuduke tekuretahito『再见。』一直支持我至此的人『さよなら。』今でも谁よりたいせつだと想えるひと( sayonara .) ima demo dare yoritaisetsudato omoe ruhito『再见。』即使现在也比谁都重要的人そしてsoshite然後 何より二人がここで共に过ごしたこの日々をnani yori futari gakokode tomoni sugo shitakono hibi wo两人一起在此渡过的这每一天となりに居てくれたことを仆は忘れはしないだろうtonarini ite kuretakotowo bokuha wasure hashinaidarou陪伴在身旁的人 我不会忘却的『さよなら。』( sayonara .)『再见。』消えないように…kie naiyouni ...不会消失般的...ずっと色褪せぬように…zutto iroase nuyouni ...永远不会褪色般的...『ありがとう。』( arigatou . ) 『谢谢 。 』【不得不说这首歌很美!!】

in the range of是什么意思


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sonny angel 有哪些系列

产品系列.在所有系列中,最当红的就是Sonny Angel mini figure -动物系列和T-shirt系列。动物系列共有八种造型-兔子、青蛙、猴子、老虎、大象、公鸡、无尾熊与熊猫,由相当于手指高度、具体而微的迷你Sonny Angel,头戴这不同的动物造型帽出现。而T-Shirt系列则有黄、绿、蓝、粉红等 12种不同颜色的T-shirt、上面有着不同的讯息,像是Hug me、Thanx、Sorry Mom、Yummy等。第一代 Sonny Angel日本大人气的 Sonny Angel ,光溜溜的身体和圆滚滚的眼珠,以丘比特的造型亮相,让许多的小女生非常喜爱,Sonny Angel 的背后还有一双白色的小翅膀喔!超级可爱的,圆滚滚的脸颊微笑着,只要心情不好一看到他就会开心起来喔!手脚会灵活运动,还有淡淡的婴儿香味,色香味具全的娃娃喔!这一系列的商品也成为男性爱买的商品,因为要讨女性的欢心,不找一些可爱的东西还真不行耶!第二代可爱 Sonny Angel 娃娃动物惊喜盒这一款是第一款式的迷你版,缩小版的 Sonny Angel 戴着可爱的动物帽,很像是当时很流行的维尼熊扭蛋,有着各种动物的装扮,共有九种喔!而且是采用惊喜盒的方式,让人很想要试试看自己的手气,是不是可以买到自己喜欢的那一款式呢?有兔子、青蛙、猴子、狮子、大象、公鸡、无尾熊和熊猫多种造型喔!第三代可爱 Sonny Angel 娃娃 t-shirt 惊喜盒让喜爱 Sonny Angel 的朋友们久等的 t-shirt 款终于登场啦!这次 Sonny Angel 穿着不同颜色的t-shirt登场,每一件 t-shirt 上面都写着不同的字样喔!总共有 12 种和一个 lucky 款,可爱到不行,如果你有收集将他们一字排开在桌上,可爱至极!

sonny angel真假辨别 sonny angel娃娃怎么辨真假

sonny angel是日本最火的公仔玩偶,之前在上海的展览上更是一下子就抢空,是女生停不下来的抽娃,不过你知道正品的sonny angel公仔娃娃是怎么样的吗?sonny angel真假辨别 重点是 拥有300种以上造型的Sonny Angel也是有假货的! 一不小心就会买到祖国版…… 来来,我给你们对比一下正版和祖国版 这里专门说一句:正版也是made in China!!!!! 我拍了一些对比图,可以明显看出正版盗版の差异~ 为了看到更清楚,没有修图/加滤镜什么的。 ↑ 正版的偏哑光,盗版的有点发亮,而且颜色偏黄一些;↑ 盗版的粗糙程度在胳肢窝辣里非常的明显,有点关联感~↑ 盗版的背后的小翅膀基本都很糙↑ 虽然讲真,正版SA现在做工也马马虎虎,但是盗版的细节图真的不忍直视! 所以买的时候仔细看看细节图,基本上不难辨别。更何况现在有官网咯sonny angel正品和祖国版区别 前段时间看到贴吧里也有sonny angel的真假对比图,写的很详细,对外包装等细节写了两者的区别,还有头部也扭下来做了比较,在这里买了一个仿版,也就是传说中的祖国版,和正版的同款动物4系列的小猫鼬,在同光线角度下拍了微距照片,希望能让大家进一步的了解,在这里不得不说,从身高、三围等比例方面,祖国版仿的还是不算太差,最大的区别就是皮肤不一样,皮肤祖国版油亮油亮的,正版是有点磨砂感,虽然很多人反映,现在正版的做工也有不细致的地方,但是放一起比较的话,祖国版的粗糙?感就明显了,上面这张图明显看出,小猫鼬帽子的鼻子的地方涂色不均而眼睛、嘴,这些很细的线条处,画线较粗糙。这侧面图可以看出,背后的翅膀祖国版粘的不贴身,翅膀显得有厚和笨重,手部和脚部的做工不细致,身体侧面中间看有一个拼接的缝隙线。这张背面图看起来区别不是很大,祖国版帽子处有一条不明显的拼接线,其次就是腿部不圆滑,做工不细会有一点点毛刺脚底的印记,祖国版的没有正版的清晰 关于价格:(动物版盲盒不包邮) 祖国版的批发价在5.1元,某宝盲盒最低卖价为9元 正版的日本官网上盲盒?39元,中国官网盲盒44元,选款的话,跟据动物不同40-200不等。

Did you remember to buy oranges?我们老师让我们助动词用did,这句话为什么是过去式啊?

如果这是一个单独的句子、那么可以肯定的是:既可以用do也可以用did、 如果这不是单独的句子、前面或者后面还有句子的话、要根据前后的时态或者语境来、若前面或者后面有用过去时、那么就用did、如果你是从完型填空里拆下来的句子、那肯定要根据前后文来、 加油!

Relieved丶Angel 是什么意思

Relieved Angel放心的天使relieved 英[ru026au02c8li:vd] 美[ru026au02c8livd] adj. 宽慰的; 放心的; v. 减轻; 解除(relieve的过去分词); 使得到解脱; 使宽慰; [例句]We are all relieved to be back home.回到家里我们都感到安心了。[其他] 形近词: believed relievos reliever

VBA range excel循环实现

for i=1 to 4Range("B(4*i-2):B(4*i)").Select Selection.Copy Range("F(i+1)").Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=True Range("D(4*i-1):D(4*i)").Select Selection.Copy Range("I(i+1)").Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=Truenext

how my moods change英语作文

People have changed a lot in their appearance,personality and hobby.I have changed a lot in my life.When I was a child,I used to flying the kites with my parents,I thought it was very interesting.But now ,I am growing up,I like looking at the insects.I think the small insects are very lovely.And I have changed a lot in my hobby.I used to run slowly,but now I do a lot of exercise,so I run quickly.Although Iu2019m 15 years old,I am still terrified of the dark,and I always go to sleep with my bedroom light on,I remember a bad thing.I used not to like l tests,so I always got bad grades in tests.My mother was very frustrated.But now,I likes studying,and last term I got good grades,my mother was very impressed.I hope my life and my family will be more and more happy!



半野喜弘的《Angelus》 歌词

歌曲名:Angelus歌手:半野喜弘专辑:Angelus ~ANGELUS -アンジェラス-~NTV系アニメ「犬夜叉」OP歌: 岛谷ひとみ作词: BOUNCEBACK 作曲: BULGE编曲: 前嶋康明谁かのため流すナミダ祈りのように頬につたうそれを「弱さ」と隠さないで「やさしさ」と受け入れて呼吸さえも忘れさせる瞳の中にみつけた空太阳だけが辉いてる何を探しつづける?镜をみつめ 誓ったあの日あなたにはきっと见えてた自分の背中にも 翼があるとあなたが変わり 世界が変わる梦に届け 爱の炎ゆらゆら蜃気楼 越えて空にはヒカリ 大地に水をその心に 强さを未来へたどりつく ANGELUS望みがもし叶うのなら风になること选ぶでしょう迷いを舍てたあなたの羽根私の风をつかむ高鸣る胸と 恐れる気持ち痛みが混ざりあう过去を振り切れたらそこに 原色の虹一秒ごとに 世界を変える刻みだした 爱の鼓动ジリジリ燃え上がる 愿い海より深い 见果てぬ梦を追い求める 强さが闇を照らしてゆく ANGELUS「走りつづけるなら、飞び立てるはず...」あなたが変わり 世界が変わる梦に届け 爱の炎ゆらゆら蜃気楼 越えて空にはヒカリ 大地に水をその心に 强さを未来へたどりつく ANGELUS情热の破片(かけら)を手にして爱网音乐 music提供本站歌词来自互联网

死神 change 歌词 【中文、罗马拼音】

BLEACH op12 chAngE歌手:miwachAngECHANGE! なびかない流されないよ今感じることに素直でいたいのCHANGE! 何度でも生まれかわるの悲しみも抱きしめて走り出すよ悲しい 裏切りに あって囚われないあたしがここにいるの足りない 尽きない なんだってもっと歪ませてよ haパターン化したこんな世界じゃ自分が谁なのかわからなくなる枠にハマりたくないわ决めつけないでよ道なき道を行くの そこにいたって待っていたって 何も始まらないCHANGE! なびかない流されないよ今感じることに素直でいたいの谁かの想いどうりにはさせないわCHANGE! 何度でも生まれかわるの悲しみも抱きしめて 走り出すよ贵方の元にはもう帰れないわあたしはあたしらしくI wanna changechAngE 中文歌词(一)改变、不能随波逐流直率的表达现在的感受改变、无论多少次都要重生拥抱悲伤迈步向前即便有悲伤的背叛我也不会被其所动摇还不够、永无止境的扭曲变形吧在这种模式化的世界中会逐渐搞不清自己究竟是谁不想为自己设置框架不要替我决定绝地逢生、任务独行原地踏步、盲目等待、根本无所适从改变、不能随波逐流直率的表达现在的感受不要重复任何人的道路改变、无论多少次都要重生、拥抱悲伤、迈步向前我已经无法回到你的怀抱我要进行适合自己的改变I wanna changechAngE 中文歌词(二)CHANGE!不再屈意顺从感情用事与闪烁其词的自己毅然道一声永别CHANGE!不断脱胎换骨洗心革面怀揣我心悲伤向明天迈出坚定步伐惨遭背叛后义无反顾冲出悲伤牢笼一切似是意犹未尽般享受余味无穷更添一抹扭曲一抹错杂斑斓于其上孤影立于如此一成不变的黑白世界灵魂甚至要被洗一片空白迷失自我心牵记那蔚蓝的自由别再责备求全我要披荆斩棘开辟独属于自己的路一味观望一味等待也无法改变现状CHANGE!不再屈意顺从感情用事与闪烁其词的自己毅然道一声永别不会让自己人生的路线心随谁人愿CHANGE!不断脱胎换骨洗心革面怀揣我心悲伤向明天迈出坚定步伐你的怀抱已无法成为我歇憩的港湾做回我自己 I wanna chAngE!chAngE 罗马音Change ! Na bi ka na yi na ga sa le na yi yoYi ma gan ji lu ko to ni su na o de yi ta yi noChange! Na n do de mo wu ma le ka wa lu noNa shi mi mo na ki shi mei teHa shi li de shioKa na shi i i wu ba ki li ni a a teKo la wa le na yi a ta shi go ko ko ni yi lu noTa li na yi cu ki na yi na n da a temo o to su me se te yo haBa ta -n ka shi ta ko n na se ka yi jiaZi bun ga da le na no ka wa ka la na ku na luWa ka ni ha ma li ta ku na yi waKi me cu ke na yi de yoMi qi na ki mi qi o yi ku no so ko ni yi ta tteMa a te yi ta a te na ni mo ha ji ma la na yiChange ! Na bi ka na yi na ga sa le na yi yoYima gan ji lu ko to ni su na o de yi ta yi noDa le ka no o mo yi do u li ni wa sa se na yi waChange! Na n do de mo wu ma le ka wa lu noNa shi mi mo na ki shi mei te Ha shi li de shioA na ta no mo do ni wa mo wu ka e le na yi waA ta shi wa a ta shi la shi kuI wanna change

死神change 罗马音歌词

chAngE歌手:miwa作词:miwa作曲:miwa日文歌词:chAngE なびかない 流されないよ今感じることに 素直でいたいのchAngE 何度でも 生まれ変わるの悲しみも抱きしめて 走り出すよ タノシイ裏切りにあって とらわれない私がここにいるの足りない 尽きない なんだって もっと 歪ませてよパターン化したこんな世界じゃ 自分が谁なのか分からなくなる枠にはまりたくないわ 决めつけないでよ道なき道を行くのそこにいたって 待っていたって 何も始まらないchAngE なびかない 流されないよ今感じることに 素直でいたいの谁かの思い通りにはさせないわchAngE 何度でも 生まれ変わるの悲しみも抱きしめて 走り出すよあなたのもとには もう帰れないわ私は私らしく I wanna chAngEなんでそんなためらって 満たされないあなたはどこにいるの?消えない 锖びない ふりきって もっとハウらせてよ変わったから気づく世界は 今の私を映してくれるでしょあなたの思う未来は 何が写っているの?爱なき明日へ行くの引きとめないで 恋しくたって 私は进みたいchAngE 止まらない 振り向かないよいつだって真実求めていたいの涙も爱おしく思える気がするchAngE 忘れない 失くしたくない喜びも抱きしめて 走り出すよあなたのもとから 离れてしまっても私は私らしく I wanna chAngE私が変わった先にあなたがいるならあなたが変わった先に私がいるならchAngE chAngE 走り出すよchAngE なびかない 流されないよ今感じることに 素直でいたいの谁かの思い通りにはさせないわchAngE 何度でも 生まれ変わるの悲しみも抱きしめて 走り出すよ二人で同じ景色が见れるならあなたのもとに いつか帰りたいわ私は私らしく I wanna chAngE--------我是分割线---------罗马音:miwa-changechange nabikanai nagasarenaiyo imakanjirukotoni sunaodeitaino change nandodemo umarekawaruno kanashimimodakishimete hashiridasu yo tanoshii uragiriniatute torawarenaiwatashigakokoniiruno tarinai tsukinai nandatte mottohizumaseteyo patankashitakonnasekaija jibungatarenanokawakaranakunaru wakunihamaritakunaiwakimetsukenaideyo michinakimichiwoikuno sokoniitatte matteitatte nanimohajimaranai change nabikanai nagasarenaiyo imakanjirukotoni sunaodeitaino tarekanoomoidohrinihasasenaiwa change nandodemo umare kawaru no kanashimimodakishimete hashiridasu yo anatanomotoniha moukaerenaiwa watashihawatashirashiku I wanna change nandesonnatameratute mitasarenaianatahadokoniiruno kienai sabinai furikitte mottohariraseteyo kawatutakarakizukusekaiha imanowatashiwoutsushitekurerudesho anatanoomoumiraihanangautsututeiruno ainakiasuheikuno hikitomenaide koishikutatute watashihasusumitai change tomara nai furimuka nai yo itsudatteshinjitsumotometeiitaino namidamoaioshikuomoerukigasuru change wasure nai shitsu kushi taku nai yorokobimodakishimete hashiridasuyo anatanomotokara hanareteshimatutemo watashihawatashirashiku I wanna change watashigakawatutasennianatagairunara anatagakawatutasenniwatashigairunara change change hashiridasu yo change nabika nainagasa re nai yo ima kanjiru koto ni sunao de itai no tarekanoomoidohrinihasasenaiwa change nandodemo umare kawaru no kanashimimodakishimete hashiridasu yo ninindeonajikeshikigamirerunara anatanomotoniitsukakaeritaiwa watashihawatashirashiku I wanna change


1. 以“on change”为题,写一篇作文 范文两篇:How I Change My life has changed a lot in the past three years.When I was in Grade 7,I was a short and shy girl with long hair.I often listen to music at home.But now I like to make friends and take part in all kinds of activities.I prefer running with my clas *** ates.So I"m being much healthier than before.Not only my parents but also my teachers are satisfied with me. How I Change My life has changed a lot in the past three years.I was fat and short when I came to the middle school.At that time I was interested in puter games and I spent most of time on it.My parents were worried about me. Now,I like sports and I often play football with my clas *** ates after school.So I bee taller and stronger than before.I like reading,too.I usually go to the library to read some interesting books.Good habits help me to study better and keep healthier. 2. my life change为题写作文 Change in my life With the development of the economy.lots of things changed in my life . For example,the way go to school.We went to school by bus ereryday before,but now we always go to school by subway.It easier and faster .For this ,we don"t have to get up so early .And there are so many different subjects can choose.We can also join the physical activities.Such as Taekwondo ,Karate,and so on. There are so many changes in my life . Do you see it? 3. 用How I Change写英语作文 How can i change myself? Today i made a mistake.Because this is my first time to deal with the shipping document after my back,and meet some problem,so i didn"t check it with my leader,and then i made it.But sometimes i confused,somebody who has already deal with it for one year,he should know how to deal with the case like that,he didn"t mention,just said don"t know.Really strange.So now the trouble work here is they just do the work without thinking ,just like what our boss told us.And this is still his headache point.How can lead the other people thinking well before they do the work?I have no idea either.Just say good luck,Eliza,and try to do if you can do. 4. 用changes to me 写一篇文章 How time flies! It has been o years since I came to XXX Middle school. In the o years, many things have happened. I also meet a lot of friends here. Two years is not too long for man"s life. But the o years I lived on campus has changed me a lot. For example, from the day I was born to the day I went to school, I had never left home alone for a long time and do housework by myself. How to deal with my roommates and clas *** ates? These questions were all difficult for me to work out at that time. Today I get on well with them and do everything in life calmly. But all these changes were not easy for me. Sometimes I feel lonely, angry and also homesick. But fortunately I meet a lot of good friends. They helped me spend these sad days. I find words cannot express my sincere thanks to them. When they need help, I will do everything I can to help those who helped me before. 5. 作文《My change》 Now,I am a junior 3 student,and I have changed a lot.My biggest change is that I don"t have enough time anymore.When I was in grade 7,I used to have a little homework to do and I could have a lot of time to chat with friends.But now,even though I do homework or exercises all the time ,I can"t find much free time.In the evening,I used to play the piano and watch TV after I go back home,but now I have to study and read books till very late.Although I am very busy now,I like the busy junior 3 school life.Another change is that I used to be very crazy and wild,but now I"m quiet and friendly,so although I am busy getting ready for next year"s entrance exam to high school,I am happy and feel good about my progress.现在,我是一名初中三学生,我已经发生了很大的变化.我国最大的变化是,我没有足够的时间了.当我在7年级,我曾经有一点功课要做,我可以有很多时间来与朋友聊天.但现在,即使我做功课或演习的时间,我找不到多少空闲时间.晚上,我用弹钢琴和收看电视节目后,我回家,但现在我必须学习和读书到很晚.虽然我现在很忙,我喜欢忙碌的初中3学校生活.另一个变化是,我曾经非常疯狂和野生,但是现在我安静的,友好的,所以虽然我忙着准备明年的高考到高中,我很高兴和感觉很好,我的进步.。 6. 以Changes写一篇英语作文,不少于50词 How time flies ! One years passed by . I"m 12 years old . I think i change a lot in these years . For example , i begin to like studying math . And my hair was long and blank . What is the most , i put on weight . Sometimes , i think i look like a panda . In all , i begin to understand my parents why they always ask me to do more homework . In fact , they hope me have a good future.。 7. 《My change》英语作文 Change has been the one constant in my life. While staring out at the bleak Wisconsin winter, I think back to my beginnings on a warm tropical island. The biggest change was probably the first — moving from that buzzing Spanish-speaking isle to the sleepy sea-side town that was Tampa in 1978. It took me some time to realize that the other pre-schoolers could not understand my native tongue. Before long, I too was speaking their language.Five years later I, an excited eight-year-old girl, boarded a school bus in New Jersey. The excitement quickly turned to fear as I heard rampant swearing in the back of the bus. I was truly shocked when the bus driver did nothing to stop the vulgarity. In my schools in Florida such behavior would have met with a bar of soap and a visit to the principal"s office. A year later, I had a "Jersey" accent, and had started swearing too.After nine years my family then moved to a place called "a whole "nother country": Texas. I discovered that everything is bigger in Texas, from the size of a glass of ice tea to the distances on the road. My mother added barbecued brisket to the regular menu of turkey and Idaho potatoes on Monday and arroz con pollo on Tuesday. The incredibly friendly Texans, wearing cowboy boots and going to high school football games on Friday nights, seemed a totally different breed from my friends in New Jersey. A slight drawl entered my speech.In o years time, I found myself in the mountains of rural Bolivian. As part of a team of doctors and students researching hypertension on a group of African- Bolivian villagers, I quickly learned a new vocabulary that included medical and anthropological terms. The greatest test of my linguistic abilities came when a villager accused me of drinking blood samples in some kind of vampire-like witchcraft ritual. I had to bridge a vast cultural gulf to explain a DNA isolation and *** ysis protocol in Spanish to someone who had never heard of a gene much less a double helix.A year later I stood in a line at a McDonalds outside Buenos Aires asking for a sorbeto with a Puerto Rican accent and receiving a blank stare in return. I did not realize that in Argentina the word for straw was papote. Working at the U.S. embassy, I could clearly see the obvious differences beeen the U.S. and Argentina, but being out among the people and actually experiencing the culture helped me begin to understand and appreciate the subtle differences which, when taken together, make up a people.Each place I have lived has its differences, from the obvious distinctions of Wisconsin and Texas weather, to the regional variations of the Spanish language. I bring with me wherever I go a part of those places and the impact they have had on my life, most evident to others by the variations in my speech. Beneath all the accents, however, lies something more significant, for I believe who you are is immeasurable more important than where you were. When I was younger, I could not clearly discern beeen situations where I should or should not adopt the ways of those around me. With maturity however I have e to understand the crucial difference beeen adaptation and assimilation. I have chosen to reject the vulgarity of the New Jersey school bus; I have also adopted the Texans" warm and friendly manner. Having experienced frequent moves to very different surroundings, I can adapt without promising what is important to me while learning from each new setting.A sign hung in my garage for many years that said, "Home is where you can scratch where it itches." To me this means that home is wherever you are fortable and secure with yourself and your surroundings. I will be at home and prepared to meet new challenges wherever I am. Starting over so many times has taught me not to fear failure, but rather to embrace opportunities for change。 8. 用“We Have Changed”怎么写作文 One"s life will change, just like a butterfly and silkworm, a second transformation we grew up, we bee more sensible every day, bee more abundant. New knowledge every day long, but each is progress. From *** all to large, I have many dreams. When I don"t want to grow up, and friends can play, but I"m still a strength to grow. Now, I"m not six or seven years old baby, but every day looking forward to grow up. Because my ideal: growing up as a writer, as an architect, when the chairman of the board, or when a politician。. my ideal, be the most changeful. Now, I want to fight for the politicians goal! Grow up to serve the people, be a good servant of the people. In order to achieve the ideal, I"m not enrich, improve their. Now of I, study harder and harder, getting good grades. When calculating the time, never from and start, and now the brain with the "robot" brains similar, to the subject are hard to do well and quickly. I used the independence of the very poor. Now, I can one homework, read a book and thinking. Now I understand, not to buy toys, put the money in the bank, grew up reading use. I used to have a lot of hobbies, paper-cut, chess, painting, swimming。 Now. My hobby is still many, but also have a new hobby - playing the clari. The original active again and again I quiet lost themselves in the beautiful music. Yes, each person"s life have a lot of change, dreams change, changing tastes, personality changes, learning change。.. The long road of life, every change to let others see -- I really grown up!!

change in shade是什么意思

change in shade 变化的影子




shift着重过程 change着重结果



change of 与 change in有什么区别?

首先我们来看下change of和change in的大致意思:change of:词性为短语,change作为名词,表示一种变化或转变,of在这里表示“关于;属于;关于…方面”。change in:词性为短语,change作为名词,表示一种变化或转变,in在这里表示“在…中;在…方面”。通过下面的表格我们了解下change of和change in的含义、发音和用法接下来让我们看下change of和change in的用法区别:1.词汇搭配:change of通常与名词搭配使用,表示某个事物或状态的改变;change in通常与领域或范围搭配使用,表示某个领域或范围内的变化。例子:- My attitude towards this country has undergone a change of.(我对这个国家的态度发生了变化。)- The change in the economic situation will affect the company"s operation.(经济形势的变化会影响公司的经营。)2.语法结构:change of常用于表示抽象概念的改变,常与名词搭配使用;change in多用于表示具体领域、范围的改变,常与名词短语搭配使用。例子:- There has been a change of definition for success.(对于成功的定义发生了变化。)- The company made a series of changes in management.(公司在管理方面进行了一系列的改变。)3.语义差异:change of更强调发生的变化本身,指明变化前后的不同;change in更强调变化发生的领域或范围。例子:- There has been a great change of appearance in him.(他的外貌发生了巨大的变化。)- The change in government led to a change in society.(这个国家政府的变革导致了社会的变化。)

英语Don’t ever change怎么翻译?



"Change" 中文意思为改变,在英语中有多种读音,取决于其在句子中的具体位置和语境。下面将介绍 "change" 的两种常见读音以及其在不同语境下的用法。首先是 "change" 的第一种读音,音标为 /tu0283eu026andu0292/。这种读音中,"ch" 发音为 /tu0283/,类似于中文的 "ch",而 "a" 的发音为 /eu026a/,类似于中文的 "ei"。这种读音通常用于动词的情况,表示改变或转变。"Change" 作为动词时,意味着改变或转变某物的状态、形状、性质或位置。例如,你可以说 "I want to change my hairstyle"(我想改变我的发型)或者 "She changed her mind about going to the party"(她改变了去派对的主意)。此外,"change" 还可以表示交换或替换某物。例如,你可以说 "Can I change seats with you?"(我能和你换座位吗?)或者 "I need to change my clothes"(我需要换衣服)。"Change" 的第二种读音,音标为 /tu0283eu026andu0292/,与第一种读音相似,只是最后的 "e" 读音更短,类似于中文的 "en"。这种读音通常用于名词和形容词的情况。作为名词,"change" 意味着变化或改变的过程。例如,你可以说 "The weather is undergoing a change"(天气正在发生变化)或者 "I have seen a change in her behavior"(我注意到她的行为发生了变化)。"Change" 也可以用作形容词,表示某物具有变化或可变性。例如,你可以说 "She is a changeable person"(她是一个善变的人)或者 "The weather is very changeable today"(今天的天气非常多变)。除了以上的基本用法,"change" 还有其他一些常见的搭配和短语,如 "change of clothes"(换洗的衣服)、"loose change"(零钱)和 "climate change"(气候变化)等等。总结来说,"change" 是一个非常常用且多功能的词汇,在不同的语境中有不同的读音和用法。


change英文的意思是改变,使不同。1、做动词时,change的基本意思是“改变,变化”,作此解时是可数名词,复数形式为:changes。change作“找回的钱”解时,其前不加冠词,是不可数名词;作“零钱”解其前加定冠词the,是不可数名词。2、change用作动词的基本意思是使事物变得与以往不同,指事物发生了本质的变化或指一事物取代了另一事物,即“改变、替换”,此外还可以翻译为“使不同,变换,兑换零钱”。第三人称单数:changes;现在分词:changing;过去式:changed;过去分词:changed。change双语例句1、They do not like change.他们不喜欢改变。2、For her change once.就为她改变一次。3、Whenever we change it, I have an outcry.每当我们改变它,我都要强烈抗议。4、There was a sudden change in the weather..天气突然变了。5、 The main dangers in life are the people who want to change everything.生活中的主要危险是那些想要改变一切的人。change的用法总结:1、名词change后可有of短语或动词不定式作定语来修饰,表示“……的变化”如:change of cars换车;change of seasons季节的转换。2、change可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。3、短语:change for将…兑换成…,注意动词宾语和介词宾语都为物,如:change for the better变好,好转。4、change into/to表示“将…变成…”,动词宾语和介词宾语可为人、物或事,如:change into sb"s clothes换上某人的衣服;change to Bus 14换乘十四路公共汽车。5、change with表示“与某人交换…”,动词宾语为物(表示物的名词需用复数),介词宾语为人,如:change old with new以新换旧。

写一篇Changes in Green Village的英语作文

没看到用smooth,重新写一遍Green Village is about 60 kilometers from the Sunshine City, there are more than 8,000 people.In the past, there are no factories and schools, the villagers"s lives are very difficult, traffic is also underdeveloped. Since 1998, there has been great changes. The village builted new roads ,smoothand flat. Now has had three factories and two schools The villagers moved into new houses, their lives getting better and better now.自己写的 ,不知道行不行 ,


部署Exchange Server 2010,如果需要公网客户端可以访问,需要注意如下方面:1、需要一个固定的公网的IP地址。如果虚拟机是内网DHCP分配的IP地址,请固定,并使防火墙或路由器进行映射。2、映射端口为:443(Webmail)25(SMTP)110(POP3不建议使用)3、公网域名解析需要做如下几条解析(例如公网IP地址: 1) A 2) A 3) MX 10 4) v=spf1 mx ~all4、内部域控制器上也要设置autodiscover的A记录5、如果你的虚拟机性能足够,是可以部署FTP服务器的(不推荐,不建议)。

全新安装的exchange2013 SP1 无法进入管理中心

此问题是由于不正确的身份验证方法设置为"owa"和"ECP"虚拟目录。新建 OWAVirtualDirectory或新建 ECPVirtualdirectorycmdlet"owa"或"ECP"虚拟目录创建运行时,该 cmdlet 不当使窗体身份验证和基本身份验证,而不是 Windows 身份验证。解决办法,重置ECP跟OWA服务:打开EMS,输入:set-Owavirtualdirectory -identity "E15MBXowa (Exchange Back End)" -WindowsAuthentication $True -Basicauthentication $false -Formsauthentication $false然后重置IIS服务:iisreset /noforce更多详情,参考:



Microsoft Exchange Server 2010的新功能

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010的新功能 功能 描述 多浏览器支持 OWA (Outlook Web Access) 支持IE7、IE8、Firefox 3和Safari 3 回复/转发状态 服务器记录回复/转发状态,显示所有客户 MailTips 对大容量附件、收件人不在办公室等提出警告 会话视图 邮件线程处理、降低邮箱杂乱 日历共享 日历共享扩展到OWA与企业联邦用户 联系人共享 超出企业和桌面扩展共享联系人 语音邮件共享 基于文本预览自动识别的语音邮件 自动应答规则 与电子邮件一样管理来电 OWA权限管理 在OWA及Outlook中阅读和创建受IRM保护的邮件 邮件联邦 与合作人组织中可信赖的Exchange服务器共享日历 页面补丁 自动修复损坏的数据库页面 I/O优化 减少I/O突发,允许使用SATA(桌面)磁盘驱动器 JBOD支持 复制邮箱数据库允许使用JBOD磁盘阵列 数据库可用性群组 充足的邮箱复制能力,自动恢复功能 数据库容错 删除集群需要,提高整体运行时间 在线移动邮箱 可以在正常工作时间用户在线的情况下移动邮箱 传输保护规则 允许管理员在邮件发出后自动应用IRM保护 邮件调节 将邮件再直接发送给经理或值得信赖的负责人进行审查,作为传输规则 Outlook保护规则 在邮件发出之前自动触发Outlook应用RMS模板 基于角色的访问控制 具体部门分配具体权限,简化管理 Exchange控制面板(ECP) 提供用户自助服务,有些任务不再需要管理员 邮件追踪 用户可追踪邮件传递,不需打服务台电话 通讯组管理 用户可创建、管理和调整通讯组 移动设备拦截/允许列表 管理员可以选择哪些设备可以同步数据 语音邮件保护 防止语音邮件被转发到公司以外 个人档案 移动PST文件至二级Exchange邮箱,保证性能和遵从 Multimailbox搜索 跨邮箱搜索的用户界面,不需要管理员


更新汇总安装方式:1. Windows update通过自动更新服务安装Exchange更新汇总补丁。但Exchange DAG成员服务器是无法从Update更新服务中安装该补丁。2. 离线补丁包通过访问微软下载中心,下载该汇总更新补丁,再手动在各Exchange服务器上安装补丁。适合所有Exchange2010服务器。安装补丁注意事项:1. Exchange服务器无法访问Internet时的补丁安装无法连接到 Internet 的计算机上安装该更新汇总时,您会收到以下消息:".Net程序集创建本机映像"。 该操作会占用很长时间。这是由于在程序集创建本机映像时,需要通过Internet查找证书吊销列表网站(;若无法访问Internet或无法访问该页面,这安装程序会一直等到该操作超时,才会做下一步的安装。若要解决此问题,请在要升级的服务器上禁用发行商的证书吊销检查。1) 打开Internet Explorer,选择工具-Internet 选项。然后单击将高级选项卡。2) 在安全部分,取消“检查发行商的证书是否吊销”复选框,单击确定。2. 对OWA页面做过自定义的Exchange CAS补丁安装若要安装更新汇总的CAS服务器上对OWA的页面做过自定义,则安装了改补丁后可能会覆盖这些自定义的文件,是界面初始化。因此对这些CAS安装更新前,要先备份OWA自定义文件,更新补丁后重新替换更改。3. CAS-CAS代理若组织内的多台CAS做了CAS-CAS代理配置,请先更新面向Internet的CAS服务器。4. 重启要求补丁安装过程中会自动停止Exchange服务,安装完成后会自动重启服务。因此,对于使用Update安装补丁的用户,不要选择自动安装的设置,选择在工作时段操作!如何给DAG成员服务器安装更新汇总?1) 挂起需要安装更新汇总的DAG成员的数据库副本激活。Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server <Server> | Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy -ActivationOnly -Confirm:$False -SuspendComment "Install update rollup for Exchange 2010"2) 将需要安装更新汇总的DAG成员上主动数据库副本切换到其他成员服务器。3) 安装更新汇总。4) 恢复安装完更新汇总的DAG成员的数据库副本激活。Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server <Server> | Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy5) 将主动数据库副本按情况重新切换到该成员服务器6) 同样的方法为其他DAG成员服务器安装更新汇总


你说的应该是“Outbox”,确实在OWA标准版中没有。这是设计使然。由于你在outlook中看该文件夹是空的,推测你应该使用的是缓存模式,你可以尝试关闭缓存模式,使用在线模式看看是否该文件夹有内容;同时,也可以使用OWA简易模式看看outbox中是否有内容,如下:1.在登陆OWA时选择下面的选项:2. 登入邮箱后,点击右侧的“click to view all folders”:3. 然后就可以从下拉菜单中找到outbox文件夹进行查看:

如何查看Exchange 服务器的版本号


如何查找Exchange 服务器名称

这个你可以通过outlook来查看Exchange服务器,当然你所看到的不一定事对外发布的地址。若贵公司有添加OWA,那么OWA地址(即你通过网页登陆信箱的地址)即是你可以输入手机的Exchange服务器名称。 最简单的方法,你可以咨询你们公司的IT,请他们提供给你对外发布的地址!这个地址应该会对公司员工公布哦!


nmap扫描域内端口,一般提供邮件服务的默认是25号端口,可以快速定位exchange服务器地址 setspn -T -F -Q */* | findstr exchange 利用工具 1.Autodiscover接口 Exchange Autodiscover服务提供了一个简洁的方式使用户只需要输入邮箱地址和密码即可完成认证过程。 Autodiscover三个阶段: 1.生成自动发现服务器列表。 2.尝试对列表的每个服务器进行请求,直到获取成功的响应。 3.最后一次尝试其他替代方法,例如DNS Query。 访问/Autodiscover/autodiscover,出现如下图片情况证明autodiscover接口存在。 2.PasswordSpray爆破,涉及接口OWA、EWS、ActiveSync接口 **工具地址: ** Import-Module .MailSniper.ps1 Invoke -PasswordSprayEWS -Exchhostname SRV-MAIL.DOMAIN.COM -UserList .1.txt -Password ***************** -ExchangeVersion Exchange2013_SP1 ` 3.OWA表单提交 通过msf模块auxiliary/scanner/http/owa_ews_login可以穷举密码。 检查密码策略。 4.EWS接口 EWS(Exchange web service)服务是Exchange服务器提供的一些API接口,提供给客户端到服务器端通信的功能。burp抓EWS接口数据包跟Autodiscover相似,认证过程也相同。 5.Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync接口 未找到可用实例 在获取一个域成员账号的情况下,可以通过信息收集扩大攻击面。 利用MailSniper的Get-GlobalAddressList命令向Exchange服务器请求检索全局邮箱地址。






一般要先安装一个 web 服务器


不过通过自己的研究发现, exchange可以搞定了。 方法一:OWA ---用evolution exchange的邮箱服务器一般可以在网页上收发邮件,使用OWA的功能。 evolution支持者个这个插件。 使用方法, 在添加帐户时选在类型为microsoft exchange OWA的地址选择 你上网的时候可以浏览网页查邮件的地址。具体可以问问管理员。我以前就使用这种方法,不好使,老死,特慢。抛弃。 方法2:imap --evolution或其它邮件客户端如kmail, 或者thunderbird. 之前我一致认为exchange使用不同于pop3, imap的其他的邮件协议。 后来发现,原来exchange用得就是imap协议。 下面在windows里打开你的outlook 在Tools-Email Accouts...选view or change exisiting email accounts-选中exchange的server再点change, 在下一个对话框里就会出现服务器的地址,记下来。 使用linux, 在evolution或其它邮件客户端如kmail, 或者thunderbird创建邮件帐户,使用imap协议 服务器地址就是上面的抄下来的地址,用户名和密码就是你outlook或者域的帐号密码 试试吧,我是成功了。

exchange 2016 owa 证书怎样安装

Office2016激活方法 最新版本的Microsoft Office2016预览版已正式发布了,对于已安装有Office2016办公软件的用户,需要手动激活此版本的软件,以使用Office2016的全部功能。下面小编就与大家分享一下激活Office2016的具体方法。 方法一:利用微软官方给出的“序列号”进行激活。运行Office2016任意组件,如“Word2016”程序,并在其“激活Office”界面中,点击“输入产品密钥”按钮。 接着在弹出的“输入您的产品密钥”窗口中,输入以下微软官方给出的密钥:n9jfj-44vw2-x3j33-bxx9k-p3429NKGG6-WBPCC-HXWMY-6DQGJ-CPQVG点击“安装”按钮进行激活操作。 此外,我们也可以通过点击“Office按钮”,从打开的扩展菜单中选择“Accout”菜单项,同时点击“Convert to Full”按钮。

Exchange 2010将某用户邮箱禁用又重新启用后,进入OWA提示“您的账户已禁用”,怎么解决?

1, 你将此用户删掉, 重建试试看?

exchange 2007 outlook能收发,owa方式访问提示440 login timeout,如何处理,急!!!






exchange 2010 owa登陆页面自定义修改


exchange 如何不输入域名也能够登录OWA

所有 MicrosoftExchange 服务器包括前端和后端服务器上要启用 OutlookWebAccess 来接受用户登录没有域名称, 请按照下列步骤: 1. 启动 Exchange 系统管理器。 2. 展开 AdministrativeGroups 、 Administrative_Group_Name然后展开 服务器 。 3. 展开 Your _ Server _ Name展开 协议 , 和 HTTP 。 4. 展开 Exchange 虚拟服务器 , 右键单击 Exchange , 并单击 属性 。 5. 单击 访问 选项卡, 然后单击 身份验证 。 6. 单击以选中 基本验证 复选框 (以明文发送密码)。 7. 单击以清除所有其他复选框。 8. 在 默认域 中, 键入反斜杠以替换域名称框中已经输入。 9. 单击 确定 两次。 10. 右击 公用 , 然后单击 属性 。 11. 单击 访问 选项卡, 然后单击 身份验证 。 12. 单击以选中 基本验证 复选框 (以明文发送密码)。 13. 单击以清除所有其他复选框。 14. 在 默认域 中, 键入反斜杠以替换域名称框中已经输入。 15. 单击 确定 两次。 16. 退出 Exchange 系统管理器。



英语hanger sword什么意思?

hanger sword有些类似cutlass的弯刀剑。A cutlass is a short, broad sabre or slashing sword, with a straight or slightly curved blade sharpened on the cutting edge, and a hilt often featuring a solid cupped or basket-shaped guard. It was a common naval weapon during the Age of Sail.短剑是一种短的、宽的刀剑或削尖的剑,刀刃上有一个直的或稍微弯曲的刀刃,刀柄通常有一个实心的杯状或篮子状的防护装置。它是帆船时代的一种常见的海军武器。U0001f923U0001f923U0001f923U0001f923U0001f923

求Stealing Angel 的 a paper heart的歌词

I wish somebody told me I would light upAnd in a second I would turn to ashI wish somebody told me I would tear upAlways be out there lookin" for my other halfThat I had a paper heartThat I had a paper heartI wish somebody told me I would roll upInto a little ball that you could throw awayIf I woulda known I woulda folded upInto a 747 airplaneCause I"ve got a paper heartShoulda paid attention to the state of my conditionBefore I kissed you that way, I shoulda listenedThought I was a rockin" stone, standin" my ground all on my ownBut I was blown awayCause I"ve got a paper heartOh, I woulda never looked at you if I only if I knewNever woulda kissed you that way, I shoulda listenedThought that I was strong enough, knew all there was to know about loveBut I was blown awayCause I"ve got a paper heartI wish somebody told me I would light upAnd in a second I would turn to ashI"ve got a paper heartI"ve got a paper heartThat I had a paper heartI"ve got a paper heartI wish somebody told me, someone shoulda told meI"ve got a paper heartThat I had a paper heartI wish somebody told me, someone shoulda told meI"ve got a paper heart




Spend all your time waiting for that second chanceFor the break that will make it OKThereu2018s always some reason to feel not good enoughAnd it"s hard at the end of the dayI need some distraction or a beautiful releaseMemories seep from my veinsLet me be empty or weightless and maybel"ll find some peace tonightIn the arms of the angel far away from hereFrom this dark cold hotel room and the endlessness that you feelYou are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverieYou are in the arms of the angel, may you find some comfort hereSo tired of the straight line and everywhere you turnThere"s vultures and thieves at your backThe storm keeps on twisting, you keep on building the liesThat make up for all that you lackIt don"t make no difference, escape one last timeIt"s easier to believeIn this sweet madness oh this glorious sadnessThat brings me to my kneesIn the arms of the angel far away from hereFrom this dark, cold hotel room and the endlessness that you feelYou are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverieIn the arms of the angel ,may you find some comfort hereIn the arms of the angel, may you find some comfort here

双儿 英文怎么翻译(不是Shuanger)

Shuang 就可以了吧 类似于昵称或较亲切随意的称呼

Marginal changes是什么意思



不能这样替换。 副词短语 seemingly interchangeably 作方式状语,修饰的是动词 used。若非要用形容词短语 seemingly interchangeable,那只能前面再加 ,which are,作为定语从句修饰前面两个可替换使用的词。

The Frozen Tears of Angels 歌词

歌曲名:The Frozen Tears of Angels歌手:rhapsody of fire专辑:Frozen Tears of AngelsThe Frozen Tears Of AngelsFrom 狂想曲武汉大学测绘学院:谭导(TD)、Lye倾情撰写Beware my friendsFor you face the demonknight"s prophecyYou see now the fearsome Har-Kuun is not a myth3,000 year ago in the age of the red moonThe lords of the Darklands defeated the army of the Nordic PlainsTaking Erian"s book from Ainor"s hall, where they had hidden itThose disciples of the Black OrderIt"s known only now...Covered by the dust of timeIt lies deep in Har-KuunBeware my friendsThe demonknight"s prophecy unfoldsFrozen...!Trapped in dimensions of cryptic grey spacePhantoms of dying worldsArise in my tormentMy broken torn wounded heartSlave of a fate carved in hateOnce baptize in these dark watersI"m dead and frozenMy feelings, veiled fearSegrete memorieScolpite nel tempoSospire e lacrimeFrammenti d"animaUn destino ormai segnatoVivo e piangoIn una grigia notaDi torbida speranzaNel decadente verso mortaleD"un respiro senza eta"ICELANDREVEALING DARKNESSCOLD WORLDSETERNAL SORROWA DEAD MOON LIGHTINGTHE FROZEN TEARS OF SAD IMMORTAL ANGELSWHITE MYSTIC ICELANDREVEALING DARKNESSCOLD WORLDSETERNAL SORROWA DEAD MOON LIGHTINGTHE FROZEN TEARS OF SAD IMMORTAL ANGELSWHITE MYSTIC LAND我们是狂想曲的战士!From his black chaliceI drank bleeding painVampire lustful and true horror made fleshWho am I, Where do I go?Now the dark gate is so closeI"ll be led by the angelsTo fight what I"ve been onceCondemned now to face himCelate paroleD"oscura naturaSospire e lacrimeFrammenti d"animaUn destino ormai segnatoVivo e piangoIn una grigia notaDi torbida speranzaNel decadente verso mortaleD"un respiro senza eta"ICELANDREVEALING DARKNESSCOLD WORLDSETERNAL SORROWA DEAD MOON LIGHTINGTHE FROZEN TEARS OF SAD IMMORTAL ANGELSWHITE MYSTIC ICELANDREVEALING DARKNESSCOLD WORLDSETERNAL SORROWA DEAD MOON LIGHTINGTHE FROZEN TEARS OF SAD IMMORTAL ANGELSWHITE MYSTIC LAND狂想曲交流群:66032164ICELANDREVEALING DARKNESSCOLD WORLDSETERNAL SORROWA DEAD MOON LIGHTINGTHE FROZEN TEARS OF SAD IMMORTAL ANGELSWHITE MYSTIC ICELANDREVEALING DARKNESSCOLD WORLDSETERNAL SORROWA DEAD MOON LIGHTINGTHE FROZEN TEARS OF SAD IMMORTAL ANGELSWHITE MYSTIC LANDFrozen...!珞珈山梦境联盟

Subsidiary Risk Labels of Dangerous Goods是什么意思




MORBID ANGEL(病态天使)谁了解这个乐队?


MORBID ANGEL(病态天使)谁了解这个乐队?

MORBID ANGEL(病态天使) 传统死亡金属 、 这是一只死亡金属界的大牌乐队,专集屡上各大音乐排行榜,但音乐决不商业,乐队早期和现在的转变不大,只是没有早期敲击味那么浓了。 还有值得一提的是乐队的音乐非常黑暗隐晦,对早期黑暗金属的影响也是有的!

Input 控件的Onchange 与onBlur 事件区别?


Input 控件的Onchange 与onBlur 事件区别?

onblur 事件会在对象失去焦点时发生。onchange 事件会在域的内容改变时发生。


一、onChange事件只有在值改变时才可触发,所以必须在每一次选择时(尤其第一次)保证选择的值是改变的!所以<select name=”inv_payee” id=”ECS_INVPAYEE” οnchange=”show_payee();” style=”border:1px solid #ccc;”><option value=”个人” selected >个人</option> //在这要选定一个默认的值 “selected”<option value=”单位”>单位</option></select>这样在选择第二个时,值就会变即可触发onChange;二、我们用Select的onchange事件时,常会遇到这样一个问题,那就是连续选相同一项时,不触发onchange事件.select的onchange事件就是这样子的.你得有Change(改变),才能触发该事件….<select name=sel οnchange=”bao(this.options[this.options.selectedIndex].value)”><option value=””>请选择<option value=”1″>Item 1<option value=”2″>Item 2<option value=”3″>Item 3</select><script>function bao(s){undefinedtxt.value =s;//选择后,让第一项被选中,这样,就有Change啦.document.all.sel.options[0].selected=true;}</script><textarea id=txt></textarea>三、js中onchange事件是在客户端改变输入控件的值,比如一个textbox,会出发的一个事件。但是如果在js代码中改变一个textbox的value,而不是通过键盘输入改变一个textbox值的话,是不会出发onchange事件的。那 么,如何在js代码模式通过代码触发textbox控件的onchange事件呢,经过查阅资料,发现js提供了一个方法,可以触发控件的应该是所有事 件。object.fireEvent()方法,使用方法如 object.fireEvent(‘onchange"),即可触发控件的onchange事件。同理,js中使用fireEvent方法还可以触发其他的空间事件。触发onchange事件的问题,并不是值一旦更改就会触发onchange事件。对于onBlur和onFocus可以直接调用object.Blur()和object.Focus(),但javascript中没有object.Change事件。 处理1document.getElementByIdx_x(‘hid_provider_id").attachEvent(“onpropertychange”,function(){alert(‘gggg");});2.object.fireEvent()可以触发事件,如触发onchange事件则是object.fireEvent(‘onchange"),以此类推。例:<SELECT id=select1 οnchange=”alert(this.value)”><OPTION value=”0″>0</OPTION><OPTION value=”1″>1</OPTION><OPTION value=”2″>2</OPTION></SELECT><INPUT type=”text” id=text1 name=text1><INPUT type=”button” value=”Button” οnclick=”select1.selectedIndex=text1.value”>手动改变select的值,会触发onchange脚本改变selectedIndex,不会触发onchange解决办法if (select1.fireEvent)select1.fireEvent(“onchange”)elseselect1.onchange()或<INPUT type=”button” value=”Button” οnclick=”select1.selectedIndex=text1.value;select1.fireEvent(‘onchange")”>程序,里因为程序里有多个action里并每个action有多个submit按钮事件,为了区别代码,同时页面隐藏按钮<select name=”select” οnchange=”document.getElementByIdx_x(‘seaoldsubmit").click();”><option value=”0″>查询条件</option>……</select><input type=”submit” name=”seaoldsubmit” value=”确定” style=”display:none”>if(submitcheck(‘seaoldsubmit"))四、最近项目中遇到一个问题,要用js去触发onchange事件。上网找了一些资料,IE上有onpropertychang事件,可以用js去触发这个事件,但是Firefox不支持这个事件,然后在firefox中去绑定一个input事件。但是这是无效的啊,仍然不会去触发onchange事件。最后只能用未解决方案了!用js修改值的时候,在js执行修改完之后去执行onchange事件,不过这样即使这个值不改变的话也会调用这个方法。function handle(){document.getElementByIdx_x(‘msg").innerHTML="输入的文字长度为:"+document.getElementByIdx_x(‘txt").value.length;}//firefox下检测状态改变只能用oninput,且需要用addEventListener来注册事件。if(/msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) //ie浏览器{document.getElementByIdx_x(‘txt").onpropertychange=handle}else{//非ie浏览器,比如Firefoxdocument.getElementByIdx_x(‘txt").addEventListener(“input”,handle,false);}</script></head><body id=”mybody”><div id=”msg”></div><input id="txt" value=”” />以上为测试代码。五.onfocus实现了任意点击,在数据库了也只查询一次六。onmousedown 单击一次就查询一次,所以每选择一次就查询一次,增加了数据库的负担。

js 鼠标事件中 Onchange 与onBlur 我感觉是一样的,有什么区别

onchange是在被改动的对象(如textbox)的值发生改变,并失去焦点的时候触发事件的,只比较对象的初始状态和改变后的状态(失去焦点后的状态) onBlur input框失去焦点时触发

changes in my life英语作文50词

  迈开轻快的步子,阳光洒在身上。下面是我收集的英语作文,供大家参考!    changes in my life英语作文【篇一】   Convenient network is like a spider web, it has changed me.   Previously, check information is a chore for me. Because the previous teaching resources is limited, so I often ask dad to accomplish tasks. But dad is not a "know-it-all", also, father sometimes also because memory is not clear and give me the wrong information. But in the 21st century, it gently, all kinds of information will appear in front of you. In addition, rich teaching resources can also expand your knowledge. How comprehensive network is!!!   Network in addition to bring us the comprehensive impression, he gave us happy. Previously, my happiness lies in the movement. Although "life is movement", but the entertainment is too boring! Since the computer, and it"s a far cry from before. In their spare time, I will surf the Internet with fellow chess player play chess, chat with friends, listen to the song, see movie. Network so much charming! It not only brings me joy, also let me do take rests, is my learning efficiency. The network is how happy!   The concept of network really is convenient. My father often on a business trip, used to listen to his voice only through the help of the telephone. But now, in addition to dad and chat on QQ, email in the mail, can also video face to face with my father. Network, on a business trip and I put up a bridge between father. Is he, really realize the convenience. The network is convenient!   Network is like this, a comprehensive, happy and convenient network. As long as we can make good use of network, the life will be better tomorrow!   网络就像一个四通八达的蜘蛛网一样,它改变了我。   以前,查资料对我来说是一件苦差事。因为以前的教学资源有限,于是我就常常通过问爸爸来完成任务。但是爸爸也不是“万事通”,还有,爸爸有时候也会因为记忆不清晰而把错误的信息传递给我。但是在21世纪,只需上网轻轻一点,各种资料都会呈现在你面前。除此之外,丰富的教学资源还可以拓展你的知识面。网络是多么全面呀!   网络除了给我们带来全面的印象,他还给我们带来了快乐。以前,我的快乐在于运动。虽然“生命在于运动”,但这种娱乐方式实在是太单调了!自从有了电脑,和以前真是天壤之别。在课余时间,我都会上网与棋友下下象棋,与朋友聊聊天,听听歌,看看电影。网络如此多娇!它不仅给我带来了欢乐,还让我做到劳逸结合,是我的学习效率提高了。网络是多么快乐啊!   网络真正的概念就是方便。我的爸爸经常出差,以前要听听他的声音只能通过电话的帮忙。但现在,除了可以和爸爸在QQ上聊聊天,在邮箱上发发邮件,还可以和爸爸面对面视频。网络,在我和出差的爸爸之间搭起了一座桥梁。是他,真正实现了方便。网络真方便啊!   网络就是这样,一个全面,快乐和方便的网络。我们只要能善用网络,明天的生活就会更美好!   我迈开轻快的步子,阳光洒在我的身上。    changes in my life英语作文【篇二】   People, always in constant change, I think I"m under a lot of changes. Now I"m not used to it has been shrinking in parents" arms, everything for my family of that child to my parents. Today, I learned to do many things, learn how to face the difficulty has grown up to an independent, not afraid of difficulties head-on girl.   Remember at level 67, I won"t do anything. Washing clothes, cooking, the dishes such as housework is usually mom"s. But now I"m home more than a little helper. In washing clothes, cooking cooking, can help my mother do. Mother kua I grew up.   Once upon a time I inarticulate, very impulse is a daring not afraid when talking or doing things, but now I grow up. I have become a bland, will speak to do? "Look before you leap".   Previously, I especially like singing, dancing, often speaking in front of a mirror in the home, when I was a child"s best friend is a mirror, every time I see in the mirror I I"m proud. But these years, I never change this, I know what is their heart, what I want is famous, I want to let the people around you, the Chinese people, even all the people in the world to admit the existence of I, my grades, I want to be with my woman and make me sweat after the death of all to remember me. Everyone efforts for their dreams, to up to now, my this change surprise mother, mother don"t think me as a middle school student should have the idea, but I know their goals.   Years make me grow up, I believe that my efforts won"t not in vain, the years witness my road to success.   人,总是在不断的变化,我认为我的变化很大。现在的我已经不是以前那一直畏缩在父母的怀抱里,什么事都要父母为我做主的那个小孩了。如今,我学会做很多事,学习怎样去面对困难已经长成能够独立自主,不怕困难勇往直前的女孩了。   记得在六七年级时,我什么事也不会做。洗衣服,做饭,刷碗等家务通常是妈妈做的。可现在我家里多了一格小帮手。在洗衣服,做饭炒菜,可都帮妈妈干。妈妈夸我长大了。   从前我不善言辞,说话做事很冲动是一个天不怕地不怕的人,可现在我长大了。我已经变成了一个态度温和,做事说话都会经过?“三思而后行”。   以前,我特别喜欢唱歌,跳舞,在家里常常对着镜子说话,我小时候最好的朋友就是镜子,每次看到镜子里的我我就自豪。可时隔多年,我这一点永远不变,我知道自己内心要的是什么,我要的是成名,我要让周围的人,中国人,甚至世界上的所有人承认我的存在,认可我的成绩,我要用我的女里和汗水让我死后的所有人记得我。每个人都为了自己的梦想而努力的,可到至今,我的这一变化让妈妈大吃一惊,妈妈认为我作为一个中学生不应该有这种思想,但我知道自己的目标。   岁月使我成长,我坚信我的努力不会不会白费,岁月会见证我的成功之路的。 changes in my life英语作文50词
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