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编写一个程序void rearrange(int *p,int m,int n),能够将p所指向的数组中下标m到n

nt find(int *p,int n,int x);请问一下,你这是函数声明吗?如果是!就错在这了,声明函 数应该在main函数外!在main函数外声明好啦, 在主函数里调用就可以啦! 还有先调用后使用调用函数的返回值! 在调用之前先传参! 改如下! # include<stdio.h> int find(int *p,int n,int x); void main() { int *p,i,m,n,x,a[10]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0}; n=10; p=a; //find函数的调用! int find(int *p,int n,int x) { int m=0; //循环终止条件,把<=m改为<n....... 也可以把i的初始值改为1,i<=n;这样也可以啦! 否则i=0;i<=n会造成 数组下标越界。。。。 for(int i=0;i<n;i++,p++) { if(x==*p) { m=1; break; } } return(m); } printf("输入x: "); scanf("%d",&x); //把调用并传参给find函数后再把返回值赋给m; m=find(a,10,x); if(m==1) printf("x在数组中 "); else printf("x不在数组中 "); }

Status Quo的《Rearrange》 歌词

歌曲名:Rearrange歌手:Status Quo专辑:Whatever You WantMiles Kane - RearrangeI wanna make your smoke and kissesBlack and white.Measure all your spinning whispersIn the loose moonlight.Magic from your fingers tingles down my spineColor in between the linesLet it out, let it out, let it all outLet it out, let it out, let it all outYou rearrange my mindYou rearrange my mindAn uneasy feeling churns inside of me.I"ll draw it on a wall for you,All to see.Trying to find a diamond in an avalancheBut you just haven"t had the chance.Let it out, let it out, let it all outLet it out, let it out, let it all outYou rearrange my mindYou rearrange my mindLet it out, let it out, let it all outLet it out, let it out, let it all outYou rearrange my mindYou rearrange my mind





一个英语题目___like that are a danger to society.A. violent criminals .c. fierce criminals



野村 佑香 プロフィール 出生年日 1984年3月20日 现年齢 24歳 出身地 日本u30fb神奈川県横浜市 血液型 O型 身长 / 体重 158 cm / ― kg 三围 80 - 58 - 84 cm 作品ブルースワット(1994年1月u301c1995年1月、テレビ朝日) ハートにS「爱ちゃんの忧郁」(1995年5月、フジテレビ) パパu30fbサヴァイバル - 佐伯みなみ役(1995年7月u301c9月、TBSテレビ) 木曜の怪谈 怪奇倶楽部u301c小学生编 - 绀野エリカ役(1995年10月u301c1996年3月、フジテレビ) 木曜の怪谈 怪奇倶楽部u301c中学生编 - 绀野エリカ役(1996年4月u301c9月、フジテレビ) 新u30fb木曜の怪谈 怪奇倶楽部u301c学校の七不思议编 - 绀野エリカ役(1996年10月u301c11月、フジテレビ) いいひと。 - 城山未知役 (1997年4月u301c6月、フジテレビ【関西テレビ制作】) 木曜の怪谈"97 妖怪新闻 - スミカ役(1997年5月u301c9月、フジテレビ) 三姉妹探侦団 - 佐々本珠美役(1998年1月u301c3月、日本テレビ) 入道云は白 夏の空は青 - 片桐ひなた役(1998年8月、日本テレビ) 麻意ちゃん、やさしさをありがとう(1998年9月、TBSテレビ) チェンジ! - 神崎さおり役(1998年10月u301c12月、テレビ朝日) けろりの道顿 - お安役 (1999年1月、フジテレビ【関西テレビ制作】) らせん - 西岛久美子役(1999年7月u301c9月、フジテレビ) the last 10monthsu301c10ヶ月u301c - 元仓美奈役(2000年10月、日本テレビ) 史上最悪のデート - 第1话ゲストu30fb佑子役 (2000年12月、日本テレビ) 山田风太郎 からくり事件帖-警视庁草纸より- - お缝役(2001年9月u301c11月、NHK総合テレビ) 女と男と物语- 第6话ゲストu30fbくるみ役 (2003年2月、ABCテレビ) 麻婆豆腐の女房 - 第4、5话ゲスト (2003年6月、NHK総合テレビ) 珍山荘ホテル- 第9话ゲストu30fb桜田桃子役 (2003年6月、ABCテレビ) 阳炎の辻u301c居眠り磐音 江戸双纸u301c - 第5话ゲストu30fb野依役(2007年8月、NHK総合テレビ) 初恋net.comu301c忘れられない恋のうたu301c - 绿子役(2007年11月u301c12月、ABCテレビ) SMAP×SMAP特别编ザッツu30fbジャパニーズu30fbエンターテインメント苏る日本映画黄金期(2008年5月5日、フジテレビ)

开机总显示Warning! CPU has been changed……

cpu拔下 重来


apple(苹果〕、brush (刷子)、pen (笔〕、novel(小说)、chocolate (巧克力)、undergarments (内衣裤)、magazine(杂志〕、necklace(项链〕、spectacle (眼镜〕、table lamp (桌灯)、schoolbag (书包)、birthday card (生日卡片)、safe (保险箱)、stool (凳子)、Handkerchief (手帕)、softtoys (布偶)、poster (海报)、comb (梳子)、television (电视机)、cell phone (手记)、Refrigerator (冰箱)、chess (棋)、computer (电脑)、buttons (钮扣)、shoes(鞋子)、dolls(娃娃)、handcrafts (手工艺品)、piano (琴)、basketball(篮球)、camera (相机)、race car(跑车〕、gem(宝石)、watch (手表)、telescope(望远镜)、pets (宠物)、pillow (枕头)、stamps (邮票)、air-conditioner (冷气机)、action figures (玩偶)、sweets(糖果)、tarot cards (塔罗牌)、belt (腰带)、glass (杯子)、badges (牌)、spoon (汤匙)、ceramics (瓷器)、photoframes (相框)、battery (电池)、a bouquet flowers (一束花)、knife (刀) 、sunblock (防晒油)、lantern (灯笼)、curtains (窗帘)、radio (收音机)、clock (时钟)、paint (油漆)、antique (古物)、socket (插头)、torchlight (手电筒)、glue (浆糊)、mouse (滑鼠)、earrings (耳环)、ring (戒指〕、calculator (计算机)、juice (果汁)给你65个吧,这比我想像中地累!!!!!

在Windows server 2012上安装exchange server 2013先决条件失败,详细教程解决??

你是卸载重装的吗?由于架构已经全部写入AD活动目录,需要完全卸载Exchange 2013,另外退出域重新添加一次,顺便看下权限是否足够

在Windows server 2012上安装exchange server 2013先决条件失败,详细教程解决?

我升级exchange 2010到2013过程中失败,卸载exchange 2013不完全,重装Exchange 2013时也出现这样问题,后来按以下方法清除残留信息成功。利用ADSIEdit从AD和本机完全删除Exchange 2013(2010等)信息一、利用ADSIEdit删除信息必须小心。需要手工删除有以下原因:1、安装不完整或卸载不彻底,导致AD中残留信息。2、Exchange服务器手工移除。3、安装不完整或卸载不彻底,需要删除信息。使用方法:打开ADSIEdit,连接到,计算:默认域服务器,连接点:配置导航到: CN=Configuration,DC=你的域名,DC=你的机构性质 CN=Services删除以下二个分支: CN=Microsoft Exchange CN=Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover在ADSIEdit中添加连接到,计算:默认域服务器,连接点:默认命名上下文导航到:DC=你的域名,DC=你的机构性质删除以下二个分支: CN=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups CN=Microsoft Exchange Security Objects二、删除AD域中其他信息打开Active Directory用户和计算机删除Users容器中,残留Exchange信息: DiscoverySearch Mailbox{GUID} Exchange Online-ApplicationAccount FederatedEmail.GUID Migration.GUID *SystemMailbox{GUID} *HealthMailboxGUID三、删除Exchange服务器本机残留信息: 删除C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange Server文件夹 删除IIS中相关Exchange站点(如Exchange Back End) 删除注册表中以下信息: HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftExchangeServer HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSExchange* 所有MSExchange开头


上面说的都是狗屁这个毒是因为你开了系统还原,你每次杀的毒都是备份的镜像,你怎么杀的完?先关备份在杀毒。也可以直接删除备份,个人认为系统自己带的备份文件没什么用首先打开系统隐藏文件 "工具-> 文件夹选项->查看->隐藏受保护的操作系统文件"同时打开"显示所有文件和文件夹选项"到各个分区查找"System Volume Information"文件夹,其目录下有一个以"_restore"开头的文件夹.里面有RP1…12 的文件,选中所有文件夹,试着删除,发现有一个change.log删除不掉.其实,change.log是一份日志,该日志的是 开启系统还原 才生成的.要删除掉其实也很简单.我的电脑- 属性-系统还原- 在所有驱动器上关闭系统还原 前面的的勾上,回车确定就可以了.其实,这个功能也没必要开启,一来windows的备份太占空间,二来现在大家都是Ghost来Ghost去,没必要用这个功能,开着它只有占空间和资源.据说还开机减速.所以建议把此功能去掉.

。try to do ,mange to do ,succeed in doing 三者的区别与联系,以及try to do与try doing 的区别

1. manage to do sth.manage to do sth. 意为“设法完成或做到某事”,含有成功之意=succeed in doing sth. eg.He managed to organize a live concert. = He succeeded in organizing a live concert. 他设法组织了一次现场直播的音乐会。 eg.The day before yesterday, I managed to get in contact with the lady, who"s in charge of this project in the company.前天,我成功地同那家公司负责这个项目的女士取得了联系。2. try to do sth.意为“尽力/努力做某事”,是否成功,并不肯定。 eg. He tried to work it out, but he failed.他努力想把它算出来,但没成功。eg. He didn”t try to do it. 他不肯努力去干 3. try doing sth.意思是尝试做某事。往往隐含着做某事把握不是很大,还有些犹豫,可能会失败,还要重试的意思。eg. why didn"t you try riding a bike to go to school? 为什么不试着骑车去学校呢? eg. She tried washing her hair with a new shampoo. 她试着用一种新的香波洗头发。    

dangerous 和peril区别

dangerous adj.危险的a dangerous journey 危险的旅行It is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake. 在湖中薄冰上行走是 很危险的。 现代英汉词典dangerous adj.危险的,不安全的This lake is dangerous for swimmers. 在这个湖里游泳危险。 简明英汉词典dangerous adj.危险的peril n.危险; 冒险危险的事物at sb."s peril 由某人自担风险习惯用语All is not lost that"s in peril [谚]危险不等于完蛋。All is not lost that"s in danger [谚]危险不等于完蛋。at the peril of 冒...的危险in peril 冒着危险in peril of 有...的危险; 使...发生危险Keep off at your peril! 走开点, 否则危险自负。参考词汇danger 现代英汉词典peril n.危险危险物 简明英汉词典peril n.危险

change our way of life为什么胃和life是单数?


邮件头里 X-MS-Exchange-Organization字段代表什么意思

权限组名称 关联的安全主体 (SID) 授予的权限 匿名 匿名用户帐户 Ms-Exch-SMTP-Submit Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Sender Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Authoritative-Domain-Sender Ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Routing ExchangeUsers 通过身份验证的用户帐户 Ms-Exch-SMTP-Submit Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient Ms-Exch-Bypass-Anti-Spam Ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Routing ExchangeServers 集线器传输服务器 边缘传输服务器 Exchange 服务器(仅限集线器传输服务器) 外部安全服务器 Ms-Exch-SMTP-Submit Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Sender Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient Ms-Exch-Accept-Authoritative-Domain-Sender Ms-Exch-Bypass-Anti-Spam Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Authentication-Flag Ms-Exch-Bypass-Message-Size-Limit Ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Routing Ms-Exch-Accept-Exch50 Ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Organization(注意:未对外部安全服务器授予此权限。) Ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Forest(注意:未对外部安全服务器授予此权限。) ExchangeLegacyServers Exchange 旧版 Interop 安全组 Ms-Exch-SMTP-Submit Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Sender Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient Ms-Exch-Accept-Authoritative-Domain-Sender Ms-Exch-Bypass-Anti-Spam Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Authentication-Flag Ms-Exch-Bypass-Message-Size-Limit Ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Routing Ms-Exch-Accept-Exch50 合作伙伴 合作伙伴服务器帐户 Ms-Exch-SMTP-Submit Ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Routing


区别一:性质不一样1、exchange是处于服务器端的软件。2、Outlook只是一款主打邮件传输与协作客户端软件。区别二:应用范围不一样1、outlook基于internet标准,支持目前最重要的电子邮件,新闻和目录标准。包括:LDAP、NNTP、MIME,并且完全支持HTML邮件。2、Exchange除了是一套电子邮件服务组件,是一个消息与协作系统。可以被用来构架应用于学校、企业的邮件系统。还是一个协作平台,在此基础上可以开发工作流,知识管理系统,web系统或者是其他消息系统。扩展资料每一代的 Microsoft Office 都有一个以上的版本,每个版本都根据使用者的实际需要,选择了不同的组件。Microsoft Office Outlook包括一个电子邮件客户端,日历,任务管理者,和地址本,它可比 Outlook Express 的功能多得多了。它的电子邮件程序的主要竞争者是 Mozilla Thunderbird (Mozilla)和 Eudora。它的个人信息管理程序主要竞争者是 Mozilla 和 Lotus Organizer。xchange是收费邮箱,但是国内微软并不直接出售Exchange邮箱,而是将Exchange、Lync、Sharepoint三款产品包装成Office365出售。Exchange server还是一个协作平台。在此基础上可以开发工作流,知识管理系统,Web系统或者是其他消息系统。用于 Microsoft Operations Manager 的 Exchange 管理包可自动监视整个 Exchange 环境,从而使用户能够对 Exchange 问题预先采取管理措施并快速予以解决。参考资料来源:百度百科—Exchange参考资料来源:百度百科—Outlook


Exchange是收费邮箱,但是国内微软并不直接出售Exchange邮箱,而是将Exchange、Lync、Sharepoint三款产品包装成Office365出售。单词的话:n. 交换; 交易所; 交易;(率)兑换;vt.兑换;交换,互换;交换,调换; vi.交换,替换; 进行易货贸易,作物物交换; [金融业] (货币)交换,兑换


是微软公司的一套电子邮件服务组件,是个消息与协作系统。 简单而言,Exchange server可以被用来构架应用于企业、学校的邮件系统。Exchange是收费邮箱,但是国内微软并不直接出售Exchange邮箱,而是将Exchange、Lync、Sharepoint三款产品包装成Office365出售。Exchange server还是一个协作平台。



***@***.com 这是常用的格式 ‘@"前的可以自己任意写,"@"后的 是你的域名好比说

邮箱 Exchange 帐号是什么意思?



不知道罗马的可不可以呢??························HyunAh (4minute) - Change [Intro]yeah, this, I"m bring it bring it let let"s go[Hook]uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh changeuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh changeuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh changeuh uh uh uh uh uh change change change change change[1A]da ttokgateun geot malgo nareul wihan sloganda biseutan saenggakdeul malgo nareul wihan logowhat you want? (what you do)tell me baby what you doeonjena nunchi boji malgo step step swagger[1B](I can change) amuri eoryeodo(you can change) nuga mwora haedo(we can change) modu nae mamdaero pop pop pop ma collar(do it up) singyeong sseuji malgo(take it on) modu haneul wiro(jumping up) do it do it do it better[C](ch ch ch change)boy boy boy saenggakdaero change(ch ch ch change)girls girls girls nareul ttara change(modu da change) modu da change(modeun geol change) modeun geol change(ijeneun change) ijeneun changeI"m gonna change change change change change[1A]1, 2, 3 Ah~let"s get let"s get let"s movin"let"s get let"s get let"s get startedyou you you you ready?yeah~ we just burn it!jakkuman sigani ga gwaenhan geokjeongman neureoga wae nanireoke jinaenneunji ppeonhan maldeulman neureonwa all nightgomin gomin ije geumanhae wae iri wae iri pihagiman haedeoneun deoneun sogiji malgo show me what you got[2B](I can change) ajigeun mollado(you can change) nuga nal magado(we can change) modu nae meotdaero pop pop pop ma collar(do it up) nunchiboji malgo(take it on) modu soneul wiro(jumping up) do it do it do it better[C](ch ch ch change)boy boy boy saenggakdaero change(ch ch ch change)girls girls girls nareul ttara change(modu da change) modu da change(modeun geol change) modeun geol change(ijeneun change) ijeneun changeI"m gonna change change change change change[D]naneun dalla hana hana wonhaneun geol naega naega changejigeumbuteo I can changeijebuteo you can changemodeun geol da we can change change changeuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh changeuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh changeuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh changeuh uh uh uh uh uh[C](ch ch ch change)boy boy boy saenggakdaero change(ch ch ch change)girls girls girls nareul ttara change(modu da change) modu da change(modeun geol change) modeun geol change(ijeneun change) ijeneun changeI"m gonna change change


  HyunAh (4minute) - Change  [Intro]  yeah, this, I"m bring it bring it let let"s go  [Hook]  uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh change  uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh change  uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh change  uh uh uh uh uh uh change change change change change  [1A]  da ttokgateun geot malgo nareul wihan slogan  da biseutan saenggakdeul malgo nareul wihan logo  what you want? (what you do)  tell me baby what you do  eonjena nunchi boji malgo step step swagger  [1B]  (I can change) amuri eoryeodo  (you can change) nuga mwora haedo  (we can change) modu nae mamdaero pop pop pop ma collar  (do it up) singyeong sseuji malgo  (take it on) modu haneul wiro  (jumping up) do it do it do it better  [C]  (ch ch ch change)  boy boy boy saenggakdaero change  (ch ch ch change)  girls girls girls nareul ttara change  (modu da change) modu da change  (modeun geol change) modeun geol change  (ijeneun change) ijeneun change  I"m gonna change change change change change  [1A]  1, 2, 3 Ah~  let"s get let"s get let"s movin"  let"s get let"s get let"s get started  you you you you ready?  yeah~ we just burn it!  jakkuman sigani ga gwaenhan geokjeongman neureoga wae nan  ireoke jinaenneunji ppeonhan maldeulman neureonwa all night  gomin gomin ije geumanhae wae iri wae iri pihagiman hae  deoneun deoneun sogiji malgo show me what you got  [2B]  (I can change) ajigeun mollado  (you can change) nuga nal magado  (we can change) modu nae meotdaero pop pop pop ma collar  (do it up) nunchiboji malgo  (take it on) modu soneul wiro  (jumping up) do it do it do it better  [C]  (ch ch ch change)  boy boy boy saenggakdaero change  (ch ch ch change)  girls girls girls nareul ttara change  (modu da change) modu da change  (modeun geol change) modeun geol change  (ijeneun change) ijeneun change  I"m gonna change change change change change  [D]  naneun dalla hana hana wonhaneun geol naega naega change  jigeumbuteo I can change  ijebuteo you can change  modeun geol da we can change change change  uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh change  uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh change  uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh change  uh uh uh uh uh uh  [C]  (ch ch ch change)  boy boy boy saenggakdaero change  (ch ch ch change)  girls girls girls nareul ttara change  (modu da change) modu da change  (modeun geol change) modeun geol change  (ijeneun change) ijeneun change  I"m gonna change change change change change  最好还是罗马的`因为中文音译的大部分都不准


yeah, this, i"m bring it bring it let let"s gouh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh changeuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh changeuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh changeuh uh uh uh uh uhchange change change change changeda-do-ga-teun -geo-mal-go- na-reul-wi-han-sloganda-bi-seu-shan-saeng-ga-deul -mal-go -na-reul- wi-han- logowhat you want? (what you do)tell me baby what you doeon-je-na-nun-ci- bo-ji- mal-go-step step swagger(i can change) a-mu-ri -eo-ryeo-do(you can change) nu-ga-mweo-ra -hae-do(we can change) mo-du- nae- mam-dae-ro pop pop pop ma collar(do it up) sin-gyeong-seu-ji-mal-go(take it on)mo-du-ha-neul-wi-ro(jumping up) do it do it do it better(ch ch ch change)boy boy boy -saeng-gag-dae-ro- change(ch ch ch change)girls girls girls-na-reul-da-ra-change(mo-du-da-change) mo-du-da-change(mo-deun-geol-change) mo-deun-geol-change(i-je-neun-change)i-je-neun-change i"m gonna change change change change change 1, 2, 3 ah~let"s get let"s get let"s movin"let"s get let"s get let"s get startedyou you you you ready?yeah~ we just burn it!ja-gu-man-si-ga-ni-ga-waen-han-geo-jeong-man-neu-leo-ga-wae-nan i-reo-ge-ji-nae-neun-ji-beon-han-mal-deul-man-neu-leo-nwa-all nightgo-min-go-min -i-je-geu-man-hae wae -i-ri -wae -i-ri-pi-ha-gi-man-haedeo-neun -deo-neun-so-gi-ji -mal-go show me what you got(i can change) a-ji-geun-mol-ra-do(you can change) nu-ga-nal-ma-ga-do(we can change) mo-du-nae -meo-dae-ropop pop pop ma collar(do it up) nun-ci-bo-ji-mal-go(take it on) mo-du-son-eul-wi-ro(jumping up) do it do it do it better(ch ch ch change)boy boy boy-saeng-ga-dae-ro-change(ch ch ch change)girls girls girls -na-reul-da-ra- change(mo-du- da- change) mo-du -da-change(mo-deun- geol -change) mo-deun- geol-change(i-je-neun- change) i-je-neun- change i"m gonna change change change change change na-neun -dal-ra-ha-na-ha-na-weon-ha-neun-geol-nae-ga-nae-ga -changeji-geum-bu-teo-i can changei-je-bu-teo- you can changemo-deun -geol- da- we can change change changeuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh changeuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh changeuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh changeuh uh uh uh uh uh (ch ch ch change)boy boy boy -saeng-ga-dae-ro- change(ch ch ch change)girls girls girls -na-reul -da-ra- change(mo-du- da- change) mo-du- da -change(mo-deun- geol- change) mo-deun- geol- change(i-je-neun- change) i-je-neun- change i"m gonna change change change change change

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Sheet1.Range("a"&i&":n"&i).MergeCells = True

Heart Of An Angel 歌词

歌曲名:Heart Of An Angel歌手:The Jeff Healey Band专辑:Platinum & Gold CollectionHeart Of An Angel (MP3 File)(Donnie Van Zant, Robert White Johnson, Chris Pelcer)I been searchin" all my life.It"s about time that I found my lucky star.Gonna fly me to the heart of an angel.Where I"ll spend the rest of my life,until eternity.Never to look down,my feet will never touch the ground.Holy is the heart of an angel.She"s closer now than I"ve ever felt before.Cloud nine, should I jump or should I fall?Fly me to the heart of an angel.Where I"ll spend the rest of my life,until eternity.Never to look down,my feet will never touch the ground.Holy is the heart of an angel.Fly me to the heart of an angel.I know heaven"s just a touch away.Destiny is just like walking on the moon.She breathes, it means the winds are changin" soon.Gonna fly me to the heart of an angel.Where I"ll spend the rest of my life,until eternity.Never to look down,my feet will never touch the ground.Holy is the heart.Fly me to the heart of an angel.Where I can spend the rest of my life,until eternity.Never to look down,my feet will never touch the ground.Holy is the heart of an angel.My feet will never touch the ground.Holy is the heart of an angel.

请帮忙翻译Chinese technology has changed the wold before.


分析句子结构 as you know, living in constant white water with the changes occurring all the time

as 引导非限制性定语从句,

Earth Angel 歌词的翻译

[00:12.00] 地球天使, 地球天使[00:16.00] 你将会是我的吗? [00:20.00] 我的亲爱的亲爱的[00:23.00] 始终爱你[00:26.00] 我仅仅是一个 [00:29.00] 一个愚人在爱着你[00:37.00] 地球天使, 地球天使[00:41.00] 我崇拜[00:45.00] 永远曾经爱你更多[00:52.00] 我只是一个愚人 [00:55.00] 一个愚人在爱着你[01:04.00] 我被你骗我知道[01:10.00] 你可爱的愿景[01:17.00] 我希望你和我有一天祈祷[01:23.00] 快乐-我将是你的偶然的视觉的[01:29.00] 地球天使, 地球天使[01:34.00] 请是我的[01:37.00] 我亲爱的亲爱的[01:40.00] 始终爱你[01:43.00] 我只是一个愚人 [01:47.00] 一个愚人在爱着你-ou-ou[01:56.00] 我被你骗我知道[02:01.00] 你可爱的愿景[02:08.00] 我希望有一天祈祷那 [02:14.00] 我将是你快乐的视觉的 [02:19.00] 表示惊讶, 表示惊讶, 表示惊讶, 哦! [02:22.00] 地球天使, 地球天使[02:26.00] 请是我的[02:29.00] 我亲爱的亲爱的[02:32.00] 始终爱你[02:35.00] 我只是一个愚人 [02:40.00] 一个愚人在爱着你-ou(你,你, 你)





Vangelis的《3 + 3》 歌词

歌曲名:3 + 3歌手:Vangelis专辑:Spiralan unreleased song from Asylum B-SideI often wonder why I sit and wait to dieWhat have I done to justify the sentence they gave?Too many hours spent in darkness questioning"How and why?"I can"t remember many moments in the lightThis retribution has defiled me to no endAnd execution without merit looms aheadTell me why!I was a boy who had to live his own wayI never fit into the model they had designedI chose a path less takenI stood with others who had often felt the sameWe got stares from passersbyOur dark attire seemed to frighten people awayAnd when three young boys diedThey pointed fingers and entangled us in a lie!No hope in sightI sit here terrified!(terrified, terrified)Can"t someone try to bring the truth to light?(bring it to light, bring it to light)Won"t anybody open up their eyes?(open your eyes, open your eyes)Before the three of us have lost our lives!∮Why was everybody so damn afraid?They blamed the devil for the heinousness of the crimeAnd to justify their own faithWe were labeled followers of Satan for a timeThe three of us were attacked and disgracedFor many hours we were questioned and someone liedOne of us couldn"t take itHis simple manner was manipulated in timeFear made him lieNow I sit here terrified!(terrified, terrified)Can"t someone try to bring the truth to light?(bring it to light, bring it to light)Won"t anybody open up their eyes?(open your eyes, open your eyes)Before the three of us have lost our lives!Now I am terrified!(terrified, terrified, terrified)Can"t someone try to bring the truth to light?(bring it to light, bring it to light)Won"t anybody open up their eyes?(open your eyes, open your eyes)Before the three of us have lose our lives!Tell me why (tell me why, tell me why)Can"t anybody see through their disguise?!(see through their disguise, see through their disguise)Believe we didn"t take their lives!(take their lives, take their lives)And now the three of us have lost our livesI often wonder why I sit and wait to dieWhat have I done to justify the sentence they gave?Too many hours spent in darkness questioning"How and why?"I can"t remember many moments in the lightThis retribution has defiled me to no endAnd execution without merit looms aheadTell me whyyyyyyy!



Vangelis的《Freefall》 歌词

歌曲名:Freefall歌手:Vangelis专辑:Best OfMirror mirrorHow far will I go?Despite the foundation, I am fallingSweet reflectionWill you save a place for me?Where am I heading?Could you grant me a haven?For what?I am punished, could I ever repent?Mother Nature, I"m wide openWaiting for you to move meDon"t keep it from meThis is a free fallI never seem to understandThe time, the place and who I amDefine a way to stay aliveIt"s like I"m living a lieFather time, every time I stop and feelYou"re there to tell me I"m already lateDon"t keep it from meThis is a free fallI never seem to understandThe time, the place and who I amIt"s like I"m living a lieI never seem to understandThe time, the place and who I amDefine a way to stay aliveIt"s like I"m living a lie

Vangelis的《Voices》 歌词

歌曲名:Voices歌手:Vangelis专辑:VoicesMacross Plus - Voices (english) LyricsThe first word in my dreamsI could clearly seePlanet Eden high beyond the skiesBeautiful and sadis the story I`ll tellof the winged travellers eagertwice was one daythe wind guided him where to golike an eagle high above the flewWaving from down belowhe flew out of sightinto the mystical darknessNeither a smile nor a cryI gave when he leftfeeling my spleen declineAnd hopingone day we"d fly overback to the places we once sharedWhere vessels glidein silky waves and of golddeep in the gulf such planet liesSurrounded by this universeof love and hateconfusion breaks through and dwells.Cast a spell, from the old magic book.Set a path.In the black magic box, something strange will happen,it will take you so far.So try...We can fly,we have wings,we can touch floatingdreams.Call me from so far through the wind in the light.Someone came from the dark over from the stars.Protecting my heart from crying.Taken back by surprise my traveller returned.What went wrong? Why did he change?




英语是音乐家范吉利斯的名字范吉利斯(Vangelis)本名Evangelos Odyssey Papathanassiou,1943年3月29日出生于希腊,几乎没有受过任何音乐教育的他,4岁便能演奏钢琴,6岁举行个人作品发表会, 可谓真正的音乐天才。范吉利斯年轻时期接受摇滚音乐洗礼,学生时期自组的乐团「Forminx」不仅是1960年代希腊最受欢迎的音乐团体,范吉利斯更是将近代流行音乐带进希腊的第一人。而为了寻找更宽广的音乐空间,25岁的范吉利斯前往巴黎发展,他自组的「爱神之子合唱团」(Aphrodite"s Child)红遍整个欧洲,也成功开发了前卫摇滚乐的新方向。1970年代的范吉利斯全心投入电子音乐创作,并转往伦敦为电影制作配乐,开启他辉煌的电影配乐时代,其中包括1981年荣获奥斯卡金像奖最佳配乐的「火战车」、1982年的「银翼杀手」、1983年的「南极物语」、1992年的「1492征服天堂」等重要作品,范吉利斯开创了电子音乐与电影配乐的崭新前景,奠定了所谓未来太空音乐的发展,可谓居功厥伟。 也许正是因为范吉利斯的无师自通,他的音乐具有独特的无法复制性,他以键盘音乐为基础,巧妙融合古典、流行、电子、new age等音乐元素,发展出绵密的管弦乐法以及崭新的电子音乐语法,而他身兼作曲、编曲、制作的能力,更完整地呈现他的音乐理念,从早期古典乐器到后来的新电子音乐,在范吉利斯手中诞生出崭新的表现方式,成为一种未来感十足的新音乐。范吉利斯的成就,不仅反应在全球的唱片销售数字以及无数的得奖纪录,国际天文联盟更决定将新发现的「6354号小行星」正式定名为「Vangelis」,藉以向这位音乐大师致敬。 2001年6月28日在雅典宙斯神殿举办的21世纪第一个最伟大的音乐会,演出曲目便是范吉利斯的合唱交响曲《Mythodea》,这场由希腊文化部长亲自宣布的音乐会,是由世界知名的两大黑人女高音洁西·诺曼、凯萨琳·芭托担纲演唱、伦敦大都会管弦乐团伴奏,另外还有120人编制的希腊国家歌剧合唱团、以及20位打击乐名家共同演出,而范吉利斯则亲自担任电子键盘的主奏。这项最引人注目的音乐会,不仅透过电视实况转播传送到全世界,美国太空总署(NASA)更将这部世纪巨作带上外层空间,成为2001年火星计划的代表音乐!

Vangelis的《A Song》 歌词

歌曲名:A Song歌手:Vangelis专辑:EarthVangelisI would like to write a songThat is so vibrant and so intimateThat the earth would adopt itAs if it had sprung like the streamAs if no one had written it but life itselfAnd my song would travel alongFrom bird to wing, to treeTo breeze to heart to breath to songBecause a song belongs to everyoneLike the spring


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Vangelis的《Spiral》 歌词

歌曲名:Spiral歌手:Vangelis专辑:Best OfSpiralI wanna make nasty love,undercover of a moonlighteverything in your mind,I will blast"em allDo what you want, moving, swingging all nightjust tell me what you want me to dodon"t look ahead, for a meaing for allanything you want just will be thereLiving without me,do you know now where you are,say that you can"t standdon"t leave me now,Living without you,don"t wanna hear there"s someone else,I just can"t get it all,make me feel rightIt was a feeling that,there is a hole in my heartwhen the darkness screaming,I think about youNo matter how, fill me up with youfeel my beat, just keep on comingdon"t wanna get any doubt on youNo pain, no more wasting timeLiving without me,do you know now where you are,say that you can"t standdon"t leave me now,Living without you,don"t wanna hear there"s someone else,I just can"t get it all,make me feel rightI know there is something you want to saywhat is it all about that you can"t telldon"t wanna hear where you"re fromdon"t need to say where you wanna goLiving without me,do you know now where you are,say that you can"t standdon"t leave me now,Living without you,don"t wanna hear there"s someone else,I just can"t get it all,make me feel rightSpiral

Vangelis的《Come To Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Come To Me歌手:Vangelis专辑:VoicesVangelis - Come To MeCome to meWhile I"m sleepingSo their wagging tonguesMight not find you, my loveAll the whileThey lie downi"ll let a so sweetFor I"ll die for my loveSo stop this night so strongThat I will rememberAnd have it ever afterCome to meWhile I"m sleepingSo their wagging tonguesMight not find you, my loveCome to meEnd my dreamingSo their wagging tonguesMight not find you, my love?round the cornerBack of handsWhether or not we?d everThey"ll still be talkingWhether we?d ever, my love

Vangelis的《Longing》 歌词

歌曲名:Longing歌手:Vangelis专辑:Vangelis Blade Runner - Trilogy「LONGING」作词/作曲∶奥井雅美编曲:藤田淳平歌∶JAM Project幼い顷 见上げた空飞びたくて駆け登ったビルディング手を伸ばしてつかんだ梦それは最果てよりも高く戦いという代偿さえ Ah 忘れ去る苍さよ钢の頬、触れる风 瞳をとじて想ったI wish the end of the warいつかこの身体に巡った血潮で风を感じ君と二人 そっと頬寄せ合い次の梦を未来(あす)を観る手にしたのは…剣に映すFighting spirit几亿もの惑星(ほし)の中で美しく光放つ地球(ガイア)谁もが皆 描いた梦叶う时を信じ戦う静寂という闇の中に Ah 引き込まれないよう钢の腕、触れられない华奢な君の手を想ったI wish for love and peaceきっとこの身体に宿った魂 还る日まで君と二人 そっと手を取り合い次の梦を未来(あす)を行く笑颜がそう…怯え消えないTruth world戦いという现実へと With 生まれ落ちた同志(とも)よ钢の胸、脉打った命の鼓动を想うI wish the end of the warいつかその身体に宿った魂 风を感じ苍き空の果てに争いのない世界梦を未来(あす)を観る爱しき人…剣で护るFighting spirit钢で护るTruth world【 おわり 】

Vangelis的《Voices》 歌词

歌曲名:Voices歌手:Vangelis专辑:The CollectionMacross Plus - Voices (english) LyricsThe first word in my dreamsI could clearly seePlanet Eden high beyond the skiesBeautiful and sadis the story I`ll tellof the winged travellers eagertwice was one daythe wind guided him where to golike an eagle high above the flewWaving from down belowhe flew out of sightinto the mystical darknessNeither a smile nor a cryI gave when he leftfeeling my spleen declineAnd hopingone day we"d fly overback to the places we once sharedWhere vessels glidein silky waves and of golddeep in the gulf such planet liesSurrounded by this universeof love and hateconfusion breaks through and dwells.Cast a spell, from the old magic book.Set a path.In the black magic box, something strange will happen,it will take you so far.So try...We can fly,we have wings,we can touch floatingdreams.Call me from so far through the wind in the light.Someone came from the dark over from the stars.Protecting my heart from crying.Taken back by surprise my traveller returned.What went wrong? Why did he change?

Vangelis的《Message》 歌词

歌曲名:Message歌手:Vangelis专辑:DirectB.Reith - MessSomebody get me out this mess I"m inSee I"ve been tryin" to do the best I canBut I keep on stumblin" over and over againI ain"t got no more excuses for yaAll that I can say is sorryWon"t you please come rescue me as quickly as you canIt"s crazy how far we goJust to put a little gas in our egoThat"s what happens when your self esteem is lowWe"ll do anything to get people to notice us I knowIt"s tough but hey, imagine us throwin" our lives awayBecause we"re listenin" to the voice inside that chantsSays we"ll never be significant if we can"tFit in so we get into all kinds of trouble tryin" to be somebody we"re notSince in the beginning we"ve been givin" into the lie that says that we gotTo keep up with the Jones"s or get left behindSo we end up in debt tryin" to catch up it"s messed up"Cause ten years from now we can"t press rewindI want to invest in what stands the test of timeI"m so sick and tired of being down and outTryin" to do what"s right but wrong keeps comin outI keep on tryin to write but songs ain"t comin outPlus now I"m getting older and time is runnin out I know,Growth"s a process but I can"t see my progressAnd I"m startin" to feel that my labor"s in vainSo I hold on to the promise instead of my problemsOtherwise this stress is gonna drive me insaneYes there"s more to life than workin" 9 to 5Buyin" things that make you feel fuzzy insideI tried it and it worked at first for five minutesBut left me in the cold to hang like icicles oh!Now I"m froze like a popsicleFeel"s like my mission"s impossibleI"m stuck up in a maze full of obstaclesKeep on ending where I"m not supposed to goI just want to be okay with who I am,not have to run awayI"m so tired of trends I can"t keep pretendingPlaying these foolish games



外贸合同上写的是Long Beach, 为什么报关的时候货代要求我们写Los Angeles? 这两个港口是挨着的么?

对于所有船公司来说Long Beach都是美西基本港,而Los Angeles就不一定了,虽说Los Angeles是美西经济重镇也是良港,但作为外贸运输口岸Long Beach要更胜一些,而且这两地距离非常近,所以船公司有时候会等同这两个口岸,或者只选Long Beach,而且一般外贸中都会把这两地视为同一交货地。结论:一般情况这两个港口是通用的,但是建议提前通知客户,因为Los Angeles也可以直挂的。

long beach和los angeles是一个港口吗 我们客户要订los Angeles 但是

不是一个港口。Long Beach是美国的长滩港,位置:33 45N 118 13W。而Los Angeles是美国的洛杉矶港。位置:33 43N 118 17W。两个港口相距不远,功能也差不多。

是strangely enough还是strange enough

strangely enough基本翻译说来也奇怪(用作插入语)网络释义strangely enough:不可思议




“营养疗法”改善营养:  AngelDD 丰盈曲线美喷水经科学提炼,从人参、当归、太平洋海藻、泰国野葛根萃取精华,  形成营养,以“透皮吸收”技术直接作用于乳房组织,提升吸收能力,改善营养状况。    “能量疗法”活化组织:  AngelDD 丰盈曲线美喷水通过特殊的高科技处理,蕴藏着特别的能量,  能有效补充乳房组织能量,改善其组织老化状态,重新激发组织活力,  从而达到良好的丰胸效果。  “内分泌疗法”平衡调节:  AngelDD 丰盈曲线美喷水丰胸产品的特殊能量及从名贵中草药中提炼的有效成份,  能同时有效调节人体内分泌系统,增强自身雌激素的分泌,  从而有效促进乳房组织的再发育再生长,达到丰胸美胸的良好效果。





在数学里面,什么是DOMAIN 和 range,有没有以么例子


在坐标系中的“ domain” 和 “range ”哪个是指X值?哪个是指Y值?






在坐标系中的“ domain” 和 “range ”哪个是指X值?哪个是指Yu0140



thunderstorm (雷暴)和 range (范围;幅度;山脉)可数。recreation(娱乐)不可数,但作“娱乐方式”解则可数。如:His favourite recreations are golf and playing Scrabble.A Dining Table With Serious Wheels很难翻译,因为没有上下文。直译成中文是,“有严肃的轮子的饭桌”,所以意思应该是“正式的饭局”或“重要的宴请”。

Strange Voice 歌词

歌曲名:Strange Voice歌手:Janne Da Arc专辑:10th Anniversary INDIES COMPLETE BOXJanne Da Arc - Strange Voice作词:yasu作曲:yasu编曲:yasu/Janne Da Arc破壊された古ぼけた教会に恐怖に怯える彼女がいる血の涙を流すイエスの前で绝望に震える彼女が祈る「あぁ 今宵も悪魔のささやきが.... 主よ 我を救いたまえ...。」亡者のおぞましき姿に....彼女は眠る仆の歌声の诱惑に....彼女は眠る目覚めのkissを待ちながら梦を见る教会をとりまく亡者の群れが怯える彼女を狙っている月夜の下の メタモルフォーゼ怯える彼女は仆のもの「おぉ 今宵は天使の歌声で.... 彼女は仆の虏になる...。」亡者のおぞましき姿に....彼女は眠る仆の歌声の诱惑に....彼女は眠る目覚めのkissを待ちながら梦を见る「あぁ 今宵も悪魔のささやきで.... 彼女は仆の虏になる...。」亡者のおぞましき姿に....彼女は眠る仆の歌声の诱惑に....彼女は眠る目覚めのkissを待ちながら梦を见るStrange Voice This song for youStrange Voice This song for youStrange Voice This song for you血染めのウェディングドレスをまといStrange Voice This song for you黒猫を串刺し 花束を...Strange Voice This song for you呪いのウェディングベルを高らかにStrange Voice This song for you震える彼女は仆のもの...Strange Voice This song for youStrange Voice This song for youおわり

[ A] workmate[ B ] comrade[ C] stranger[ D] friend



听说是她在她自己的facebook提前透露了最终的选拔结果 导致制作组只能重录 哎 太可惜了 原本觉得她这季的变化很大 有种重获新生的感觉 怎么最后就那么忍不住呢?本来冠军就是她了···

题目: In modern _______ areas, sociocultural change is happening at an accerated rate. A: industr

选Aindustrial area工业地带In modern industrial areas, sociocultural change is happening at an accerated rate. 在现代工业地域里,社会和文化正以很快的速度变化着。

The Angel And The One 歌词

歌曲名:The Angel And The One歌手:Weezer专辑:Weezer (The Red AlbumWeezer - The Angel And The Oneby marissaIt"s not my destinyTo be the one that you will lay withSo many reasons whyI have to go but want to stay hereSometimes I want a tasteBut then I don"t know what I"m sayingYou are the angelAnd I am the one who is prayingThere is another loveThat I would rather be obeyingI see the ecstasyAnd already I"m anticipatingI feel a deeper peaceAnd that deeper peace is penetratingI"ve got the magic in me,I am complete is what I"m sayingI"m flying up so high,My purple majesty displayingI"ve reached a higher placeThat noone else can make a claim inI"ll take you there my friendI"m reaching out my hand, so take itWe are the angels,And we are the ones that are prayingPeace, shalom, peace, shalomPeace, peacePeace, shalom, peace, shalomPeace, peaceEnd

求weezer的The Angel And The One中文歌词大意

人手翻译,希望你满意 :-)歌手:Weezer歌曲:The Angel and the One歌词及翻译:It"s not my destiny to be the one that you will lay with 我没有那种可以和你厮守一生的机会So many reasons why I have to go but want to stay here 虽然我想留下但又必须离开,其实有着许多苦衷Sometimes I want a taste but then I don"t know what I"m saying 有时我想尝试,但我不知道自己该说什么You are the angel and I am the one who is praying 你就是一位天使,而我只是个祈祷者There is another love that I would rather be obeying 有另一种爱让我心甘情愿I see the ecstasy and already I"m anticipating 我欢喜若狂,我早已期待已久I feel a deeper peace and that deeper peace is penetrating 我感到更深的宁静,而这深沉的静在蔓延I"ve got the magic in me我的身体得到了法力I am complete is what I"m saying 我说的就是,我很完美I"m flying up so high我高高地飞起来My purple majesty displaying 我的华丽和高尚展示人间I"ve reached a higher place我攀到了更高的地方that no one else can make a claim in 那里不会被其他人拥有I"ll take you there my friend 我会带着你到那儿,我的朋友I"m reaching out my hand, so take it 我已经伸出手,请你紧握着We are the angels我们是天使and we are the ones that are praying 也是在祈祷的人Peace, shalom, peace, shalom 和平,你好,和平,你好Peace, peace 和平,和平Peace, shalom, peace, shalom 和平,你好,和平,你好Peace, peace 和平,和平

求weezer的The Angel And The One中文歌词大意


only a few unlucky men may see everything in shades of green -a strange world indeed翻译


I Have Changed A Lot英语作文120字左右



a story about changeThere was a little boy,he is just eight years old but his temper is so bad.His neighbour fellows could not stand his temper so most of his fellows get away from him.He didn"t know why this happen.One day he came to find his father to ask for a reason.His father told him that you temper was so bad that you lost almost everything.His father encouraged him not to be obsessed with this.His father told him an effective way to control his temper.Everyday you stroke a nail into a timber.After thirty days all the nails have been stroken into a timber.His father asked his son how was your feeling.His son was happy to answer that l found l can easy control my temper.His father suddenly asked him to get all the nails out of a timber.His son did as his father said and told him sometimes bad words,language hurt is more worse than the hurt from mental.The boy began to realize what he has done and said was of worse to his fellows.He learned how to respect others.At last the relationship among him and his fellows has changed.This is a classic story maybe many have read it.I write it just for us to change our temper towards our friends because we will be respect if werespect others There was a little boy,he is just eight years old but his temper is so bad.His neighbour fellows could not stand his temper so most of his fellows get away from him.He didn"t know why this happen.One day he came to find his father to ask for a reason.His father told him that you temper was so bad that you lost almost everything.His father encouraged him not to be obsessed with this.His father told him an effective way to control his temper.Everyday you stroke a nail into a timber.After thirty days all the nails have been stroken into a timber.His father asked his son how was your feeling.His son was happy to answer that l found l can easy control my temper.His father suddenly asked him to get all the nails out of a timber.His son did as his father said and told him sometimes bad words,language hurt is more worse than the hurt from mental.The boy began to realize what he has done and said was of worse to his fellows.He learned how to respect others.At last the relationship among him and his fellows has changed.This is a classic story maybe many have read it.I write it just for us to change our temper towards our friends because we will be respect if werespect others 或 下面这个更好Never Too Late to ChangeAge is no criterion when it comes to changing your life. In fact, it might be just the opposite. The older we get, the more we must change.Change is what keeps us fresh and innovative. Change is what keeps us from getting stale and stuck in a rut. Change is what keeps us young.This is not easy.When we are young it"s easy to change and experiment with different things. The older we get the more set in our ways we become. We"ve found out what our comfort level is, and we all want to stay in it. We don"t want to be risk takers anymore, because risk frightens us, and simply not changing seems so easy.We must fight through this. We must look fear straight in the eye and take it on. We must tell ourselves that we have too much talent, too much wisdom, too much value not to change.I believe that Jim, who is on my staff, is one of the best assistant coaches in the country. But I almost didn"t hire him three years ago because I thought that psychologically he was too "old," that he had lost the drive and passion that an assistant coach needs. Three years ago he was forty, and I thought he might have spent too many Saturday afternoons at the country club, that he wasn"t going to get in the trenches anymore, like the younger assistant coaches do. But Jim told me that he couldn"t wait to get down in the trenches again. So I hired him, and he"s been an integral part of our success.There is a conventional wisdom in coaching that once you"ve been a head coach you can"t enthusiastically go back to being an assistant again and still have the same passion as before. Jim didn"t buy into that. He didn"t let his "old age" get in his way. He was ready when opportunity came calling. He reestablished a work ethic second to none with the eagerness of a person right out of college. And I"m thankful for what he did, because he played such an essential role in our championship season.This is what we all must do. We must realize that it"s never too late to begin making changes that can transform our life.

高分跪求angela aki唱的one family的罗马音!!网上查不到!!要完整版的!!


求SQUAREHOOD 的幸运四叶草裏面的《orange days》歌词~ 最好有罗马音哦~

Orange Days by SQUAREHOOD いつまでも君を忘れないから あの日はもう戻らないけど あの顷君をずっと迎えにいった 夕暮れの散歩道 自転车の后ろから ぎゅっと背中抱きしめてくれてた 笑颜で溢れてたday and day 君がいること当たり前にしてた 甘えすぎてた仆step by step 歩き出せたら 梦から覚めるかな いつまでもずっと忘れないから こんなに儚い梦でも オレンジDays 君しか见えないから (人知れずにそこにあるone love) ずっと忘れないよ 君の方に向いてるアンテナ 今となっては届かない电波 瞳闭じてそこにいる君は 今でも幼いまま 手繋いでグッと引き寄せ もう离さないなんて梦の话で そうあの日には二度と戻れない 叶うなら、、、もう一度逢いたい 进まなきゃいけないday and day 思い出の场所 溢れる街并みに わかってはいるけどstep by step 君の微笑み 探してしまうから いつまでもあの日みた夕焼けが こんなに胸を缔め付ける オレンジDays 寄り添ったぬくもりも (人知れずにそこにあるone love) ずっと忘れないよ いつまでもずっと忘れないから こんなに儚い梦でも オレンジDays 君しか见えないから (人知れずにそこにあるone love) ずっと忘れないよ いつまでもあの日みた夕焼けが こんなに胸を缔め付ける オレンジDays 寄り添ったぬくもりも (人知れずにそこにあるone love) ずっと忘れないよ Wake up サヨナラ Oh my baby 夕焼けに重ねる面影 いつか见たロマンチな景色 忘れない、、、二人のGood days Wake up サヨナラ Oh my baby 手をすり抜け消えた幸せ 君がいるオレンジの先に届けたい 行き场探すOne love Itsumademo kimi wo wasurenai karaAno hi wa mou modoranai kedoAno koro kimi wo zutto mukae ni ittaYuugure no sanpomichiJitensha no ushiro karaGyutto senaka dakishimete kuretetaEgao de afureteta DAY AND DAYKimi ga iru koto atarimae ni shitetaAmaesugiteta boku STEP BY STEPArukidasetara yume kara sameru ka naItsumademo zutto wasurenai karaKonna ni hakanai yume demoOrenji DAYS kimi shika mienai kara(Hitoshirezu ni soko ni aru ONE LOVE)Zutto wasurenai yoKimi no hou ni muiteru antenaIma to natte wa todokanai denpaHitomi tojite soko ni iru kimi waIma demo osanai mamaTe tsunaide gutto hikiyoseMou hanasanai nante yume no hanashi deSou ano hi ni wa nido to modorenaiKanau nara... mou ichido aitaiSusumanakya ikenai DAY AND DAYOmoide no basho afureru machinami niWakatte wa iru kedo STEP BY STEPKimi no hohoemi sagashiteshimau karaItsumademo ano hi mita yuuyake gaKonna ni mune wo akirametsukeruOrenji DAYS yorisotta nukumori mo(Hitoshirezu ni soko ni aru ONE LOVE)Zutto wasurenai yoItsumademo zutto wasurenai karaKonna ni hakanai yume demoOrenji DAYS kimi shika mienai kara(Hitoshirezu ni soko ni aru ONE LOVE)Zutto wasurenai yoItsumademo ano hi mita yuuyake gaKonna ni mune wo akirametsukeruOrenji DAYS yorisotta nukumori mo(Hitoshirezu ni soko ni aru ONE LOVE)Zutto wasurenai yoWAKE UP sayonara OH MY BABYYuuyake ni kasaneru omokageItsuka mita romanchina keshikiWasurenai... futari no GOOD DAYSWAKE UP sayonara OH MY BABYTe wo surinuke kieta shiawaseKimi ga iru orenji no saki ni todoketaiIkiba sagasu ONE LOVE

night changes英文歌词

One Direction - Night Changesuff1f[Zayn]Going out tonight, changes into something redHer mother doesn"t like that kind of dressEverything she never had, she"s showing off[Liam]Driving too fast, moon is breaking through her hairShe"s heading for something that she won"t forgetHaving no regrets is all that she really wants[Chorus]We"re only getting older babyAnd I"ve thinking about it latelyDoes it ever drive you crazyJust how fast the night changesEverything that you"ve ever dreamed ofDisappearing when you wake upBut there"s nothing to be afraid ofEven when the night changesIt will never change me and you[Louis]Chasing here tonight, doubts around and "round her headHe"s waiting, hides behind his cigaretteHeart is beating loud, but she doesn"t want it to stop[Niall]Moving too fast, moon is lighting up her skin.She"s falling, doesn"t even know it yet.Having no regrets is all that she really wants.[Chorus]We"re only getting older babyAnd I"ve thinking about it latelyDoes it ever drive you crazyJust how fast the night changesEverything that you"ve ever dreamed ofDisappearing when you wake upBut there"s nothing to be afraid ofEven when the night changesIt will never change me and you[Zayn]Going out tonight, changes into something redHer mother doesn"t like that kind of dressReminds her of the missing piece of innocence she lost[Chorus]We"re only getting older babyAnd I"ve thinking about it latelyDoes it ever drive you crazyJust how fast the night changesEverything that you"ve ever dreamed ofDisappearing when you wake upBut there"s nothing to be afraid ofEven when the night changesIt will never change, babyIt will never change, babyIt will never change me and you

单向乐队night changes歌词中文

  Going out tonight,  夜即将离去,  Changes into something red.  穿上红色的衣服  Her mother doesn"t like that kind of dress.  她妈妈不喜欢那样的裙子  Everything she never had, she"s showing off.  她却正在炫耀着那从未有过的一切  Driving too fast,  车开得很快  Moon is breaking through her hair,  月光穿过她的发梢  She"s heading for something that she won"t forget.  她正奔向着那些她将再不会忘记的  Having no regrets is all that she really wants.  毫无遗憾的因为那是她真正想要拥有的  (Chorus)  We"re getting only older baby.  亲爱的我们得到的仅仅是衰老  And i"ve been thinking about it lately.  我最近一直都在想  Does it ever drive you crazy,  这些可能有些疯狂  Just how fast the night changes?  难道就像这夜晚变化的一样快?  Everything that you"ve ever dreamed of,  那些在你梦中浮现的  Disappearing when you wake up.  却在醒来时消失殆尽  But there"s nothing to be afraid of,  但是别怕  Even when the night changes,  即使这夜改变了一切  It will never change me and you  也永远无法改变我和你  Chasing it tonight,  逃离今夜  Doubts are running around her head.  疑虑在她脑海盘旋  He"s waiting, hides behind a cigarette.  他正在等待着,小心的藏在一支香烟的后面  Heart is beating loud and she doesn"t want it to stop.  他的心跳声那么强烈,其实她一点也不想让他走远  Moving too fast,  车开的飞快  Moon is lighting up her skin.  月光洒落在她的皮肤间  She"s falling, doesn"t even know it yet.  她正坠入爱河,虽然她一点没有察觉  Having no regrets is all that she really wants.  但一定没有遗憾的,因为这一些真是她想要的  Chorus:  We"re getting only older baby.  亲爱的我们得到的仅仅是衰老  And i"ve been thinking about it lately.  我最近一直都在想  Does it ever drive you crazy,  这些可能有些疯狂  Just how fast the night changes?  难道就像这夜晚变化的一样快?  Everything that you"ve ever dreamed of,  那些在你梦中浮现的  Disappearing when you wake up.  却在醒来时消失殆尽  But there"s nothing to be afraid of,  但是别怕  Even when the night changes,  及时这夜改变了一些  It will never change me and you  也永远无法改变我和你  Going out tonight,  走出今夜  Changes into something red.  换上红色衣服  Her mother doesn"t like that kind of dress,  她妈妈一点都不喜欢那样的裙子  Reminds her of the missing piece of innocence she lost.  提醒着她那些失去的纯真记忆  We"re getting only older baby  我们得到的仅仅是衰老  And i"ve been thinkin

With her anger ______, the thought of punishing him arose in her mind. A.disappearing B.add.

C 考查动词辨析:A. disappearing消失B. adding增加C. growing增长D. boiling沸腾,句意是:随着愤怒逐渐增加,惩罚他的想法在她脑海里产生。用不及物动词grow,选C。

新概念英语第四册美音版043:Are there strangers in space?

Lesson 43 Are there strangers in space? 第43课 宇宙中有外星人吗? First listen and then answer the following question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What does the "uniquely rational way" for us to communicate with other intelligent beings in space depend on? 我们的“合理的”和其他智力生命联系的方法靠的是什么? We must conclude from the work of those who have studied the origin of life, 根据研究生命起源的人们所作的工作,我们必然会得出这样的结论: that given a planet only approximately like our own, life is almost certain to start. 如果设想有一颗行星和我们地球的情况基本相似,那几乎肯定会产生生命。 Of all the planets in our solar system, we are now pretty certain the Earth is the only one on which life can survive. 我们目前可以肯定的是,在我们太阳系的所有行星中,地球是生命能存在的行星。 Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen, Venus far too hot, and so is Mercury, 火星太干燥又缺氧,金星太热,水星也一样。 and the outer planets have temperatures near absolute zero and hydrogen-dominated atmospheres. 除此之外,太阳系的其他行星的温度都接近绝对零度,并围绕着以氢气为主的大气层。 But other suns, start as the astronomers call them, are bound to have planets like our own, and as is the number of stars in the universe is so vast, 但是,其他的太阳,既天文学家所说的恒星,肯定会有像我们地球一样的行星。因为宇宙中恒星的数目极其庞大, this possibility becomes virtual certainty. 所以存在着产生生命星球的这种可能性是肯定无疑的。 There are one hundred thousand million starts in our own Milky Way alone, 仅我们的银河系就有1000亿颗星, and then there are three thousand million other milky ways or galaxies, in the universe. 况且在宇宙中还有30亿个天河,即银河系。 so the number of stars that we know exist is now estimated at about 300 million million million. 因此,我们所知道的现有恒星数目估计约有30亿X1000亿颗。 Although perhaps only 1 percent of the life that has started somewhere will develop into highly complex and intelligent patterns, 虽然在已经产生生命的某个地方,可能只有1%会发展成高度复杂有智力的生命形态, so vast is the number of planets, that intelligent life is bound to be a natural part of the universe. 但是行星的数目是那么庞大,有智力的生命必然是宇宙的自然组成道听部分。 If then we are so certain that other intelligent life exists in the universe, why have we had no visitors from outer space yet? 既然我们如此坚信宇宙中存在着其他有智力的生命,那么我们为什么还未见到外层空间来访的客人呢? First of all, they may have come to this planet of ours thousands or millions of years ago, 首先,他们可能在几千年前或几百年前已来过我们地球, and found our then prevailing primitive state completely uninteresting to their own advanced knowledge. 并且发现我们地球汉时普遍存在着的原始状态同他们的先进的知识相比是索然无味的。 Professor Ronald Bracewell, a leading American radio astronomer, 美国一位重要的射电天文学家罗纳德.布雷斯韦尔教授 argued in Nature that such a superior civilization, on a visit to our own solar system, 在《自然》杂志上提出了这样的观点:假如有如此高级文明生命访问了我们的太阳系, may have left an automatic messenger behind to await the possible awakening of an advanced civilization. 很可能会在离开太阳系时留下自动化信号装置,等待先进文明的觉醒。 Such a messenger, receiving our radio and television signals, 这种自动化信息装置,在接收到我们的无线电和电视信号后, might well re-transmit them back to its home-planet, 完全有可能把这些信号发回到原来的行星。 although what impression any other civilization would thus get from us is best left unsaid. 至于其他文明行星对我们地球会有什么印象,还是不说为好。 But here we come up against the most difficult of all obstacles to contact with people on other planets 然而,在和外星人联系中我们遇到的困难 -- the astronomical distances which separate us. 是分隔我们的天文距离。 As a reasonable guess, they might, on an average, be 100 light years away. 据合理推算,外星人离我们平均距离也有100光年之远 (A light year is the distance which light travels at 186, 000 miles per second in one year, namely 6 million million miles.) (1光年是光以每秒186,000英里的速度在一年内走的距离即6万亿英里)。 Radio waves also travel at the speed of light, 无线电波也是以光速传播的。 and assuming such an automatic messenger picked up our first broadcasts of the 1920"s, 假定外星人的这种自动化信息装置接收了我们二十世纪二十年代的第一次广播信号, the message to its home planet is barely halfway there. 那么这个信号在发回到原来的行星途中刚刚走了一半路程。 Similarly, our own present primitive chemical rockets, 同样,我们目前使用的原始化学火箭, though good enough to orbit men, have no chance of transporting us to the nearest other star, 虽然把人送入轨道,但尚不能把我们送到离我们最近、 four light years away, let alone distances of tens or hundreds of light years. 相距4光年的其他星球上去,更不用说几十光年或几百光年远的地方了。 Fortunately, there is a "uniquely rational way" for us to communicate with other intelligent beings, 幸运的是,有一种我们可以和其他智力生命通迅联系的“合理的方法”, as Walter Sullivan has put it in his excellent book, 正如活尔特.沙利方在其杰作 We Are not Alone. 《我们并不孤独》中阐述的。 This depends on the precise radio frequency of the 21-cm wavelength, or 1420 megacycles per second. 这种通迅联系要靠21厘料波段,即每秒1420兆周的精确无线电频率。 It is the natural frequency of emission of the hydrogen atoms in space and was discovered by us in 1951; 这个频率是空间氢原子释放的自然频率,是在1951年被人类发现的。 it must be known to any kind of radio astronomer in the universe. 这个频率是宇宙中任何射电天文学家都应该熟悉的。 Once the existence of this wave-length had been discovered, 一旦这种波长的实际存在被发现, it was not long before its use as the uniquely recognizable broadcasting frequency for interstellar communication was suggested. 提出把它作为星际间可辨认的广播频率就为期不远了。 Without something of this kind, 没有这手段, searching for intelligences on other planets would be like trying to meet a friend in London without a pre-arranged rendezvous 要想寻觅其他星球上的智力生命,就如同去伦敦见一位朋友,事先未约定地点, and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter. 而荒唐地在街上游逛,以期待碰巧遇上一样。

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Gotta Make A Change 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Make A Change歌手:Tower Of Power专辑:Souled Out方大同 - Gotta Make A Change词曲:方大同 编曲:方大同监:Edward Chan/Charles Lee/方大同Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Let"s change the world… Let"s change the worldLet"s change the world… Let"s change the world每个城每个省每个国家 每个人记得这是我们的家We look at the signs and we think it"s okYou"ve got death, I"ve got trouble,You"ve got grief, I"ve got painAnd the world is in vain only thinking ofgaining the things that eventually put us to shameIt"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s your world, don"t forget your worldDon"t you turn your back on the things that you doIt"s your world, don"t forget your worldDon"t you realize when it"s too lateDon"t forget the world is yoursGotta make a change… Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...The people run dry with the games that we playIn contempt of the trauma, you achieve all the fameThru" the lies, thru" the shame, you will cease to remainFor what"s left is the product of the greed from your reignIt"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s like the whole wide world is at war…Listen to the tree they see everything you doLook up at the sky can"t you see all things you do become a signThat everything has a reason for leavingIf you think there"s a way to change your lifethen it"s now time to say that I believe

make a change on

make a change to sth 如果发生变化,是不及物动词, The city is changing. The city has changed a lot over the years. The city has changed in population over the years. 在某方面变化用in的 。。查查字典吧 展开 作业帮用户 2017-06-21 举报

gotta make a change

gotta make a change 必须做出改变歌词Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Let"s change the world… Let"s change the world Let"s change the world… Let"s change the world 每个城每个省每个国家 每个人记得这是我们的家 We look at the signs and we think it"s ok You"ve got death, I"ve got trouble, You"ve got grief, I"ve got pain And the world is in vain only thinking of gaining the things that eventually put us to shame It"s like the whole wide world is at war… It"s like the whole wide world is at war… It"s your world, don"t forget your world Don"t you turn your back on the things that you do It"s your world, don"t forget your world Don"t you realize when it"s too late Don"t forget the world is yours Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... The people run dry with the games that we play In contempt of the trauma, you achieve all the fame Thru" the lies, thru" the shame, you will cease to remain For what"s left is the product of the greed from your reign It"s like the whole wide world is at war… It"s like the whole wide world is at war… Listen to the tree they see everything you do Look up at the sky can"t you see all things you do become a sign That everything has a reason for leaving If you think there"s a way to change your life then it"s now time to say that I believe

Gotta Make a Change 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Make a Change歌手:方大同专辑:15 香港演唱会 2011方大同 - Gotta Make A Change词曲:方大同 编曲:方大同监:Edward Chan/Charles Lee/方大同Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Let"s change the world… Let"s change the worldLet"s change the world… Let"s change the world每个城每个省每个国家 每个人记得这是我们的家We look at the signs and we think it"s okYou"ve got death, I"ve got trouble,You"ve got grief, I"ve got painAnd the world is in vain only thinking ofgaining the things that eventually put us to shameIt"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s your world, don"t forget your worldDon"t you turn your back on the things that you doIt"s your world, don"t forget your worldDon"t you realize when it"s too lateDon"t forget the world is yoursGotta make a change… Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...The people run dry with the games that we playIn contempt of the trauma, you achieve all the fameThru" the lies, thru" the shame, you will cease to remainFor what"s left is the product of the greed from your reignIt"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s like the whole wide world is at war…Listen to the tree they see everything you doLook up at the sky can"t you see all things you do become a signThat everything has a reason for leavingIf you think there"s a way to change your lifethen it"s now time to say that I believe

--make me change作文100字以下

Senior Three LifeNowadaysuff0can increasing number of students come into senior three life. Now let me give you a short introduction of my last high school life.At firstuff0cit is exciting and meaningful in short. Furthermore,it makes us realise time is limited.We always stay up late to finish those so much homework.Late term,we have a large number of examinations.We make an effort to relax ourselves.For example,searching internet and paly basketball.Last but not least,We believe that our future is very beautiful and wonderful.That"s all my senior three life.All o
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