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roses and gold中文歌词翻译

Rose and Gold玫瑰与黄金(代指美好珍贵的事物)Moonshine, oh cover me in moonshine,月光,笼我在月光中…and I will fill your cup with u2028sentimental tales of raspberry wine而我将用深情传说酿就的山莓酒,斟满你的酒杯。Cause I"ve been singing these cowboy tears since we came to an end自我们分别以来,我一直唱着盛满着牛仔泪水的歌谣and Im writing snake oil poems u2028and drinking alabast gin我抒写无以抚慰的诗篇,饮着乳白的杜松子酒…Like a kite in the wind就如同风中飘飞的风筝I"m caught in a spin我被牵系在转轮上I"m out on a limb孤立无援Sweet dreams oh cover me in sweet dreams甜蜜的梦啊,给我一场甜蜜的梦吧and i will paint you a story of roses and gold, and bittersweet things而我将为你描绘如玫瑰般馨香,如黄金般珍贵的故事,还有那些苦涩而又甜蜜的往事It"s time to say hello to These lonesome lullabies是时候吟唱着孤独的歌谣,and ride into the journey of a new sunrise踏上寻觅全新日出的旅途了And may our river of tears wash away all our fears让我们的泪水化作的河流,带走我们的忧惧and make it perfectly clear让我们的心,无比澄净Sweet pie, oh mama make me some sweet pie小甜饼呀,妈妈快给我做一些小甜饼吧fill it with whatever makes it better随便加点什么,只要能让它更加美味and will cause my eyes to dry并且能抑止我的泪水…And I pray to mother mary,而我向圣母、great spirit and the holy fool神思和圣愚祈祷That we listen to each other and take heed of the golden rule让我们聆听彼此,遵从诤言That you do unto me让你待我,what I do unto you一如我待你一往情深and we both see it through让我们俩都能坚持到旅途的尽头Soft grace, oh cover me in soft grace温柔的爱意啊,给予我你的温柔爱意and I"ll fashion you a cup of forgiveness, gypsum, nettle and lace而我将回馈你,以宽恕为基,荨麻为边的杯盏Cause the poetry that you"ve put inside my heart因为那些你深深烙进我心底的诗篇rattles like a ‘57 engine about to start躁动有如57年的车头就要启动Like a kite in the wind就如同风中飘飞的风筝I"m caught in a spin我被牵系在转轮上I"m out on a limb孤立无援Rain dance,oh do a little rain dance雨中起舞吧,让我们一起在雨中起舞call in the clouds and thunder to wash away this sorrowful trance让雨云和惊雷涤荡我们的悲哀和昏沉And we"ll bath in rose petal fire而我们将浸浴在玫瑰花瓣的火焰中while the whill-o-whisps sing and purify our eyes with water from the holy spring当天使们低吟浅唱着,用圣泉之水涤净我们的双眸And in the days that were old等到了时光老去的时刻may the story that"s told让这些低诉的往事be one of Roses and Gold 成为馨香而珍贵的回忆…自己翻译的,可能有一些意译,不是很恰当。希望有所帮助。

shook hands是什么意思

握手 望采纳

英语好的帮忙写篇Keep Fit and study happily演讲稿,急用,谢谢

Good morning everyone. The topic of my speech is Keep fit and study happily. As students , we spend much time on study and we seldom pay attention to our health. Without enough physical exercise, someone are very weak, and get a cold very easily. Some students don"t have breakfast in the morning, maybe they get up too late. Some girls also don"t have breakfast because they want to lose weight. These are bad habits. I want to give you some advice. First, you should have a right oppion to keep fit. Only when you are healthy, can you do what you want to do. If you are ill, you can do nothing. Second, you should do morning exercise usually, for example, jogging is a very good choice. Third, you should pay attention to your meals. Milk, eggs and meat are necessary for your body. Finally, keeping a good habit is very important to you, for example, make your hand clean before a meal. Only we are healthy, can we study happily. Do you agree with me? That"s all! Thanks for your listening!

以keep fit and study happily为题写作文。要点:学会释放压力 生活学习有规律 ,,,,100词左右

Keep fit and Study Happily Hello,everyone.My name is XXX.I am happy to say something about keeping fit and studying happily here.Well,as we know,to keep fit is of great importance.Without health,we can not do anything.But how to keep fit ? In my opinion,we should do the following.Firstly,do exercise every day,which can build up our bodies.Secondly,keep a balanced diet.We should eat more vegetables and fruit and less meat or fat.Third,have enough sleep.A good sleep can make us energetic. There is a great relation between our studies and health.A good health is a must for good study,and good study contributes to our health.Let"s study while we exercise and let"s study and grow happily. That"s all.Thank you.


玫瑰和黄金Rose and Gold玫瑰与黄金(弥足珍贵)Moonshine, oh cover me in moonshine,月色,让我浴于月光and I will fill your cup with 
sentimental tales of raspberry wine我用那山莓酒里的多情传说斟满你的酒杯Cause I"ve been singing these cowboy tears since we came to an end自从与你分手,我便一直吟唱着噙满牛仔泪水的歌谣and Im writing snake oil poems 
and drinking alabast gin我饮着乳白的杜松子酒,写下无以慰藉的诗篇Like a kite in the wind如飘在风中的风筝I"m caught in a spin被牵系在转轮上I"m out on a limb孤立无援Sweet dreams oh cover me in sweet dreams甜蜜的梦啊,给我一场甜蜜的梦吧and i will paint you a story of roses and gold, and bittersweet things而我将为你描绘如玫瑰般馨香,如黄金般珍贵的故事,还有那些苦涩而又甜蜜的往事It"s time to say hello to These lonesome lullabies是时候吟唱着孤独的歌谣,and ride into the journey of a new sunrise踏上追寻全新开始的征途了And may our river of tears wash away all our fears让泪水化作的河流冲刷掉我们的恐惧and make it perfectly clear让我们的心,无比澄净Sweet pie, oh mama make me some sweet pie小甜饼呀,妈妈快给我做一些小甜饼吧fill it with whatever makes it better随便加点什么,只要能让它更加美味and will cause my eyes to dry止住我伤心的眼泪And I pray to mother mary,我向圣母祈祷

Keep fit and study happily(英语作文)

Keep fit and study happily Hello,everyone.My name is XXX.I am happy to say something about keeping fit and studying happily here.Well,as we know,to keep fit is of great importance.Without health,we can not do anything.But how to keep fit ? In my opinion,we should do the following.Firstly,do exercise every day,which can build up our bodies.Secondly,keep a balanced diet.We should eat more vegetables and fruit and less meat or fat.Third,have enough sleep.A good sleep can make us energetic. There is a great relation between our studies and health.A good health is a must for good study,and good study contributes to our health.Let"s study while we exercise and let"s study and grow happily.“We should learn to release the pressure of study, life and learning should have the law, get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet. Though doing more exercise,singing and dancing,we can release the pressure of study,such as paying basketball, Ping Pong and running . We should get into the good habits which we go to bed and get up earky in order to have enough sleep.If we want to keep it and study happily,we should eat more healthy foods,like fruits and vegetables, and have the balanced diet, also drink more water.At last we sleep at least 8 hours a day." 希望可以帮到你,谢谢

英语作文:Working Hard and Keep Fit

Working hard is very importent to us . If we don"t study hard, we can"t lean well and we can"t get a good score in the exames. Keeping fit is also very importent. We can"t study if we don"t have a good health .

keep fit and stay healthy是什么意思

两个短语都是保持健康的意思-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。

The Wolves (Act I and II) 歌词

歌曲名:The Wolves (Act I and II)歌手:Bon Iver专辑:De Rouille et d"osBen Howard - The WolvesFalling from high places, falling through lost spaces,Now that we""re lonely, now that there""s nowhere to go.Watching from both sides, these clock towers burning up,I lost my time here, I lost my patience with it all.And we lost faith, in the arms of love.Where you been hiding lately,where you been hiding from the news?Cause we""ve been fighting lately,we""ve been fighting with the wolves.With the wolves. With the wolves.Red tongues and hands.Falling from high places, falling through lost spaces,Now that we""re lonely, now that we""re so far from home.Watching from both sides, these towers been tumbling down,I lost my mind here, I lost my patience with the lord.Oh, with the lordAnd we lost faith, oh in the arms of love(Love love love)Where you been hiding lately,where you been hiding from the news?Cause we""ve been fighting lately,we""ve been fighting with the wolves.With the wolves. With the wolves.Red tongues and hands.Oh, we lost faith in the arms of love.(Love love love love love love)Red tongues and hands.

julia and wolves什么意思

julia-and-wolves朱丽亚和狼 -----请采纳~



android studio怎么创建tablet

Android Studio让你可以很轻松的创建多种类别的安卓应用,比如Phone,table,TV,Wear,Google Glass等。在新建的项目向导中你可以根据你自己的需求创建你所需要的工程。接下来讲如何在Android Studio中创建一个工程。Step1:创建一个工程如果你没有可打开的工程,Android Studio开启时是停留在欢迎界面的。这时,如果要创建一个新的工程,点击New Project。如果你有可打开的工程,Android Studio会直接打开你的工程(这个可以这么来理解,你打开过了Android Studio,新建或者导入了一个工程,关掉Android Studio,然后后面重新打开时,就会直接打开你上次创建或者导入的工程)。需要创建一个新的工程,选择File选项中的New Project。下面的这个界面是让你配置你的应用的名称,报名和你工程要放在哪个目录。输入你要设置的值,然后点Next。Step2:选择应用类别和API级别如图,你可以选择你想要开发的应用类别,比如Phone,tablet,TV,Wear,Google Glass等。针对每个类别,你也可以指定他们的API的级别。如果想要了解更多的信息,点击Help me choose。下图是关于Android各版本的设备占有情况,你可以点击相应的API来查看这个API级别对的一些功能介绍(其实就是这个版本新增的一些特色功能)。这能够帮助你选择你的应用支持的最小API级别,这样你就能让你的应用支持更多的设备。选择好后,点击OK。然后在选择form factors的那个界面中,点击Next。Step3:添加一个Activity下图中显示的是你可以添加到你应用中的Activity的类别,具体可以添加哪些类别的Activity取决于你刚选择的form factor。选择一个Activity类别点Next。Step4:配置你的Activity下图是让你配置你要添加的你应用中的Activity。输入Activity名称,Layout名称,Activity标题。然后点击Finish。Step5:开发你的应用Android Studio会为你创建一个默认的工程目录结构。如果你的工程支持好几个form factor,Android Studio会为每个form factor创建一个module,如图:这个时候所有的开发准备工作就做完了。下一节翻译Android Studio的提示和技巧。如果大伙有什么想让我翻译的东东,也可以直接给我留言。顺带把链接也带上

We have been on duty for four hours and now your

我们已经值班四小时了 现在轮到你了

who is on duty today?可用Tom,Betty and me 回答吗

把me改为I.因为I am on duty .I作主语。


sandwich是不可数名词:non count noun.N-COUNT A sandwich usually consists of two slices of bread with a layer of food such as cheese or meat between them. 三明治。

是 sandwich还是sandwiches

sandwich的复数是:sandwichessandwiches n. 夹层; 三明治( sandwich的名词复数 ); 夹心蛋糕; 状似三明治的东西; v. 插入( sandwich的第三人称单数 ); 把…夹在…之间; 挤在…中间; 把…夹在面包片中; [例句]I had two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.我吃了两个放了花生酱和果酱的三明治。[其他] 原型: sandwich

ties and tails如何翻译

ties 指的是领带tails指的是燕尾服例句:But could she really picture him dressed for the opera or the theater, in white tie and tails? 可是她真的幻想他扎着白色领带穿着燕尾服出现在剧院。

android tablet 和 android phone有什么不同





sandwich是可数名词,其复数形式为:sandwiches。sandwich可作名词和动词,其名词词义有:夹心面包片;三明治;夹心蛋糕等含义;其动词词义有:把…夹在…之间;挤在…中间;把...做成三明治等含义。 扩展资料   例句 1. The sandwich took the edge off my appetite.   这份三明治使我食欲大减。   例句 2. I was sandwiched between two fat men on the bus.   在公共汽车上,我被两个胖子挤在中间。   例句 3. I ordered a beer and a sandwich.   我要了一杯啤酒,一个三明治。   例句 4. Sandwich the cakes together with cream.   用奶油把两块蛋糕粘在一起。   例句 5. The sandwich bar is generally packed at lunchtimes.   在午餐时间三明治柜台前通常都挤满了人。


sandwich的中文意思是三明治;夹心面包片;夹心蛋糕;把…夹在…之间;挤在…中间。含有sandwich的双语例句1、I was sandwiched between two fat men on the bus.在公共汽车上,我被两个胖子挤在中间。2、Would you like a sandwich?您来一个三明治好吗?3、The sandwich took the edge off my appetite.这份三明治使我食欲大减。4、We made mountains of sandwiches.我们做了一大堆三明治。5、Take a sandwich and bite into it.拿起夹心面包片一口咬下去。6、I ordered a beer and a sandwich.我要了一杯啤酒,一个三明治。7、Sandwich the cakes together with cream.用奶油把两块蛋糕粘在一起。



sandwich的复数是加es还是s 还是都可以

法语里-s -es 都可以




  是三明治的意思。    三明治是一种典型的西方食品,以两片面包夹几片肉和奶酪、炼乳等各种调料制作而成,吃法简便,广泛流行于西方各国。  Sandwich的历史几乎和蛋糕一样古老,只是最初似乎没有一个特定的名字而已,关于sandwich的来历,还有一个故事。  sandwich本来是英国东南部一个不出名的小镇,镇上有一位Earl of Sandwich名叫John Montagu,他是个酷爱玩纸牌的人,他整天沉溺于纸牌游戏中,已经到了废寝忘食的地步。仆人很难侍候他的饮食,便将一些菜肴、鸡蛋和腊肠夹在两片面包之间,让他边玩牌边吃饭。






sandwiches,一般以-ch,-sh、结尾的,复数加-es。单数形式:sandwich复数形式:sandwiches规则是以s,x,ch,sh,等结尾的单词+es。但是stomach例外,它的复数是stomachs。扩展资料:(1)元音字母和大多数除s,z,x,sh,ch之外的辅音字母(或字母组合)直接加-s,清辅音后的s读作/s/,元音和浊辅音后的s读作/z/。如:bag-bags,biscuit-biscuits,egg-eggs。当单数名词结尾为se,ze,ge,ce时(其词尾辅音为/s,z,u0283,u0292/等),加s后读作/iz/如vase-vases,fridge-fridges(2)当单数名词结尾为s,z,x,sh,软音ch时(其词尾辅音为/s,z,u0283,u0292/等)加-es(读/iz/), 如:box-boxes, peach-peaches。(o有时也是,但es读音为/z/如hero-heroes)例外:stomach-stomachs(因ch读作/k/)参考资料来源:百度百科-复数






它是可数名词,复数形式为:sandwiches。sandwich用作动词的意思是“把…夹在…之间”,指像做夹心面包一样把人或物夹或挤在两个以上的人或物之间。区分英语中的可数名词和不可数名词的方式如下: 1、查看单词是否加有后缀s,如果有就是可数名词。如apples、pens。 2、通过单词形式查看。可数名词可以在其前面冠以a、an、two等数词来表示物品的个数,如an apple、two apples。而不可数名词要表示个数的时候,需要添加量词,如a piece of bread 3、可以通过句子中的谓语判断。可数名词作主语时其后面跟着的谓语为复数形式,不可数名词跟着的是单数形式。如:Water is a liquid.水是液体,这里的water是不可数名词跟着的is就是单数形式。 普通名词所表示的人或事物是可以按个数计算的,这类名词叫可数名词。可数名词分为个体名词(表示某类人或事物中的个体,如worke等)和集体名词(表示作为一个整体来看的一群人或一些事物,如people,family 等)。 如果普通名词所表示的事物是不能按个数来计算的,这类名词就叫不可数名词。不可数名词分为物质名词(表示无法分为个体的物质,如meat等)和抽象名词。 不可数名词没有复数,当它作句子的主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西;因此它有复数形式,当它的复数形式在句子中作主语时,句子的谓语也应用复数形式。




"Sandwich"这个词在英语中既可以作为可数名词,也可以作为不可数名词。当"Sandwich"作为可数名词时,表示一种由两片面包夹着夹心食材的食物。每个制作好的三明治就是一个sandwich,可以用来指代一个个独立的食物单位。例如,你可以说"I had a turkey sandwich for lunch"(我午餐吃了一个火鸡三明治)。当"Sandwich"作为不可数名词时,表示三明治这种食物的整体概念。这时,"Sandwich"表示一种食品的类型或范畴,不强调具体的数量。例如,你可以说"I like to eat sandwich"(我喜欢吃三明治)。需要注意的是,当"Sandwich"作为可数名词时,复数形式是"sandwiches";当"Sandwich"作为不可数名词时,没有复数形式。总结起来,"Sandwich"既可以作为可数名词,表示独立的食物单位,也可以作为不可数名词,表示食物的整体概念。




Sandwich 的历史几乎和蛋糕一样古老,只是最初似乎没有一个特定的名字,关于sandwich的来历,还有一个有趣的故事呢。   sandwich本来是英国东南部一个不出名的小镇,镇上有一位Earl of Sandwich名叫John Montagu,他是个酷爱玩纸牌的人,他整天沉溺于纸牌游戏中,已经到了废寝忘食的地步。仆人很难侍候他的饮食,便将一些菜肴、鸡蛋和腊肠夹在两片面包之间,让他边玩牌边吃饭。   没想到Montagu见了这种食品大喜,并随口就把它称作“sandwich”,以后饿了就喊:“拿sandwich来!”其他赌徒也争相仿效,玩牌时都吃起sandwich来。不久,sandwich就传遍了英伦三岛,并传到了欧洲大陆,后来又传到了美国。   如今的sandwich已不再像当初那样品种单一,它已经发展了许多新品种。例如,有夹鸡或火鸡肉片、咸肉、莴苣、番茄的“夜总会sandwich”,有夹咸牛肉、瑞士奶酪、泡菜并用俄式浇头盖在黑面包片上的“劳本sandwich”,有夹鱼酱、黄瓜、水芹菜、西红柿的“饮茶专用sandwich”等等。在法国,制作sandwich时往往已不用面包片,而是改用面包卷或面卷。以法国长棍制成的Sandwich还被称为“潜艇包”![1] 多元化的三明治  变化无穷的三明治,出现在西方所有食谱中,任何一种面包或面卷,任何一种便于食用的食品,都可制成三明治。在美国,小面包夹牛肉的“热三明治” 是最常见的营养快餐;夹花生酱和果冻的三明治,是小学生的主要食品;夹鸡或火鸡肉片、咸肉、莴苣、番茄的“夜总会三明治”,夹腌牛肉、瑞士奶 酪、泡菜,并用俄式浇头盖在黑面包上烤热食用的“劳本三明治”,价格较 贵,主要在高档饭店和舞厅出售。在英国,用鱼酱、黄瓜、水芹菜、西红柿 夹在薄面片中的三明治,是饮茶专用的。在北欧斯堪的那维亚诸国,三明治 已无上面一层,而以精致的鱼、肉片和沙拉覆盖。在法国,制作三明治不用 面包片,而用面包卷。   材料:吐司一条,鸡蛋六个,番茄片六片,生菜叶六片,金华火腿六片。   调料:胡椒盐适量,番茄酱适量。   做法:①将生菜叶用盐水洗净备用。   ②取六片吐司,用杯子压成中空圆片备用。   ③用高火预热烤盘3分钟,放入一片吐司,再放上一片中空吐司,打蛋于中空处,盖上一片火腿后,再以吐司覆盖,以高火烤40秒,翻面再烤40秒,取出,将吐司再翻面,掀开最上面的吐司,加入番茄片、生菜叶、胡椒盐和番茄酱,对切装盘即可。   ④第二次以后的吐司,烤盘只需以高火预热1分钟,再以高火烤1分钟,翻面再烤1分钟即可。




sandwich是可数名词,其复数是在后面加es。 【记忆技巧】sandwich可分成 sand和 wich。sand(沙子),wich与which很接近,象这样分开记易于掌握。 【词汇漫谈】三明治的两种传说: 一种说法是说三明治是由一位赌鬼发明的。十八世纪末英国有位叫Sandwich的爵士,他是一个嗜赌如命的赌鬼,一上牌桌就不想下来,有时达到连饭都顾不上吃,到了这种“废寝忘食”的地步。有一次在连续一昼夜的“牌战”之后,伯爵实在耐不住饥饿了,就吩咐仆人切一块烤牛肉,夹在两大块面包之中送上牌桌,以便边吃边赌。后来,人们认为这种吃法既省时又省力,便纷纷效仿,很快流传开来,并用他的姓氏(Sandwich)命名这种食品。 另一种传说是来自一位失业工人——Sandwich。这位工人失业后为了要吃面包,就在胸前和背后分别挂上两块写着面包的牌子,本人夹在中间,来回穿梭于大街小巷,犹如一块会走的“夹心面包”,于是他的名字就成了这种夹心面包的代名词。 无论是来自哪方面的传说,当今sandwich已成为一个正式的英语词汇被普遍授受,且人们还根据其来历和特征,创造出有关sandwich的习 惯用语。如: be sandwiched in between two other per sons来形容“被夹在两人之间”,sandwich board用 来指“胶合板”, sandwich man则表示“身体前后 挂着广告牌在街头巷尾穿行的广告人”。




"Sandwich",三明治,是指一种由两片面包夹着肉类、奶酪、蔬菜、调味酱等食材的快餐食品。这种食品的英文名称来源于18世纪英国的一位贵族,他喜欢在牌桌上吃这种食品,因此这种食品被称为"Sandwich"。以下是一些常见的食物名称和它们的英文翻译:1. 汉堡包(hamburger):一种由烤牛肉饼、生菜、番茄、洋葱和面包组成的快餐食品。2. 披萨(pizza):一种由面团、番茄酱、奶酪和各种配料组成的意大利式烤饼。3. 热狗(hot dog):一种由烤香肠和面包组成的快餐食品。4. 薯条(French fries):一种由切成条状的马铃薯炸制而成的小吃。5. 沙拉(salad):一种由生菜、蔬菜、水果、肉类或其他配料组成的凉菜。6. 面条(noodles):一种由面粉、水和盐制成的食品,可以煮成汤面或干面。7. 红烧肉(braised pork):一种由猪肉、酱油、糖和其他调料烧制而成的传统中式菜肴。8. 炸鸡(fried chicken):一种由鸡肉裹上面粉或面包屑,然后油炸而成的快餐食品。9. 牛排(steak):一种由牛肉切片煎制而成的肉类菜肴。10. 火锅(hot pot):一种由各种肉类、海鲜、蔬菜和调料组成的中国传统烹饪方式。总之,英语中有很多与食物相关的词汇,涵盖了各种不同的菜肴和小吃。如果你想学习更多关于食物的英语词汇,可以通过阅读英语菜谱、观看英语烹饪节目或者与母语为英语的人交流来提高自己的语言水平。




sandwich的读音是:英["s?nw?t?]。sandwich的读音是:英["s?nw?t?]。sandwich过去式:sandwiched;过去分词:sandwiched;现在分词:sandwiching;第三人称单数:sandwiches。sandwich【近义词】snack小吃。一、详尽释义点此查看sandwich的详细内容n.(名词)三明治,三维治,三明治状物,夹心面包片,夹心蛋糕夹在一起的东西,两面均被夹紧之物三明治层状结构,多层结构夹层,夹心桑威奇(英国城镇)adj.(形容词)夹层的,多层的v.(动词)挤进,挤出把...夹在(两层)中间,挤在...中间将...做成三明治夹,填,夹入,插入安排把夹在两人或两物之间尤其是中间空隙很小之时粘合,结合二、双解释义n.(名词)[C] 三明治 two or more slices of bread with meat, cheese, etc. betweenv.(动词)vt. 把…夹在…之间 put one thing or person between two others especially when there is little spacevt. 挤在…中间 put or squeeze in三、网络解释1. 夹心面包:尽管他肩部最早的古罗马城主要建造在巴勒登丘(the Palatine Hill)上公元54年,尼禄(Nero)登上了罗马皇帝的宝座. 他以暴最早的夹心面包(Sandwich)是两片面包中夹着火腿、冷受,流传于世,直至今天,并以他的姓氏(Sandwich)命名了2. 三文治:三文治(sandwich)是一个设计中心在荷兰阿姆斯特丹,却在全世界超过25个国家拥有2650个分店的女装品牌;一个拥有高质量设计和创意团队,并将每一位设计师内心的丰富情感移植在每一件作品中的品牌;一个倾心做出艺术级品质服装,四、例句I had a ham sandwich as lunch.我吃了一个火腿三明治作午餐。I"ll try a chicken salad sandwich.我想尝尝鸡肉色拉三明治。I"m busy today but I will sandwich that job after supper.今天我很忙,但我会在晚饭后挤出时间干那件事。He was sandwiched between two fat women on the bus.他在公共汽车上被夹在两个胖女人中间。I sandwich a bookmark in my book.我把书签夹在书中。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)This sandwich has no taste.这三明治一点味道也没有。Cut the sandwich into four equal slices.把这个三明治切成大小相同的4块。He looked at the sandwich with greedy eyes.他眼馋地望着三明治。To make a ham sandwich you put a slice of ham between two slices of bread.把一片火腿夹在两片面包之间就做成了火腿三明治。The sandwich ought to be good—I used the very best ingredients.三明治应该是好的——我用了最好的配料。Taste some of this sandwich.请尝尝这种三明治。People should not often eat sandwich made of chicken and fine flour.人们不应该经常食用精粉和鸡肉制的三明治。The hungry boy ate the sandwich with brutish enjoyment.那个饿极了的男孩吃三明治时狼吞虎咽。She cut the sandwich into pieces and gave one to each child.她把三明治切成几块,给每个孩子一块。He ate the whole sandwich and drank all the tea.他吃了整块三明治并把茶喝光了。The stream flowed over its slim sandwich of mud and stones.小溪在那浅浅的泥石混杂的河道中流着。用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.I"m very busy today but I will sandwich that job in after tea.我今天很忙,但我将在下午茶后挤出时间来做那件事。1Study should be sandwiched with periods of rest.学习期间应安插一些休息时间。其他v -ed as Attrib.Leisure is not something sandwiched into the wee hours after an exhausting day.所谓空闲并不是可以挤在忙了一整天后的三更半夜的时间。六、情景对话夜生活A:Can I take your order?可以点菜了吗?B:I"ll have a (roast beefsandwich on rye/ lamb / hamburger, well-done), please.我要一个(黑麦烤牛肉三明治/羊肉/全熟的汉堡)。In the Cafeteria-(在自助餐厅里)A:What"ll you have,sir?先生,您想用点什么?B:I don"t know. What"s good today?我不知道,今天有什么好东西?A:Why not try the beef pot pie? That"s the special today.Lots of people come in on Mondays just to get our beef pot pie.Or, how about the oyster stew?何不尝一下牛肉馅饼?这是今天的特色菜。星期一有很多人来这里就是为了吃牛肉馅饼。或者,炖牡蛎怎么样?B:No, I"m hungry. That wouldn"t last me the afternoon.I guess I"ll have a hot beefsandwich with plenty of gravy.不要了,我很饿。它支撑不了我的一个下午。我想我要一个热的牛肉三明治加上大量肉汁。A:Do you want it on whole wheat, white french, or rye?你想用麸皮面包、法式面包还是黑面包做?B:Make it whole wheat.用麸皮面包。sandwichA:Anything to drink?喝点什么?sandwich的解释B:Yes, coffee, but I"ll come back for it later.咖啡,不过我等一会儿再回来喝?在咖啡馆A:Good afternoon.下午好。B:I"m Tom, Zhang. We made a reservation for tea this afternoon.我是汤姆。张,我们已预定好今天下午用茶点。A:Yes, sir. This way, please. Here"s your table. Is this all right?是的先生。请这儿走。这就是你们的桌子,您感觉还可以吗?sandwich的近义词B:Yes, it"s nice, indeed. Thank you.好极了!谢谢你。A:I"m so glad you like it. What would you like? We serve coffee and tea, sandwiches, cakes and cold drinks.Please look under the plate-glass at the menu for afternoon tea.您满意我很高兴。您想要点什么?我们供应咖啡、茶、三明治、蛋糕和冷饮。请看玻璃下面的茶点单。B:What would you like, Mike?你想吃点什么,迈克?sandwich在线翻译C:I"ll try a chicken saladsandwich and have a cup of coffee with cream.我想尝尝鸡肉色拉三明治,并要一杯奶咖啡。A:How about you, Mr. Zhang?那么您呢,张先生?B:I will have black tea with lemon and sugar and a piece of Swiss roll.我要柠檬红茶加糖和一个面包卷。A:Anything else?还要什么吗?B:What"s your specialty today?你们今天有什么特色食品?A:We have strawberries with cream today. I suggest you try them.我们今天供应鲜奶油草莓,我建议你们可以试一试。sandwich在线翻译B:Good, I will.好的,我想尝一尝。七、词语用法n.(名词)三明治是欧美人喜爱的一种食品,在面包中夹有肉或干酪,用于比喻可指夹在一起的东西。sandwich可置于其他名词前作定语。v.(动词)sandwich用作动词的意思是“把…夹在…之间”,指像做夹心面包一样把人或物夹或挤在两个以上的人或物之间。sandwich用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,多与between连用。可用于被动结构。sandwich的相关临近词sandy、sandstone、sandwiching、sandwichman、sandwicheria、sandwichedin、sandwich bat、sandwich man、sandwich bar、sandwichlick、Sandwich ham、sandwichlike点此查看更多关于sandwich的详细信息

Kings And Queens (2007 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Kings And Queens (2007 Digital Remaster)歌手:Killing Joke专辑:Night Time30 Seconds To Mars - Kings and QueensInto the nightDesperate and brokenThe sound of a fightFather has spokenWe were the kings and queens of promiseWe were the victims of ourselvesMaybe the children of a lesser GodBetween Heaven and HellHeaven and HellInto your eyesHopeless and takenWe stole our new livesThrough blood and painIn defense of our dreamsIn defense of our dreamsWe were the Kings and Queens of promiseWe were the victims of ourselvesMaybe the Children of a lesser GodBetween Heaven and HellHeaven and HellThe age of man is overA darkness comes and allThese lessons that we"ve learned hereHave only just begunWe were the Kings and Queens of promiseWe were the victims of ourselvesMaybe the Children of a Lesser GodBetween Heaven and HellWe are the KingsWe are the QueensWe are the KingsWe are the Queens

a pilot is a person who and who flies an airplane

保证准确! 1. person 人 2. two 两个 3. rest 休息 4. makes make sure 保证/确保 5. help 帮助 6. them 他们 7. important 重要的 8. happening (正在)发生 9. messages 消息 10. because 因为

Wretches And Kings 歌词

歌曲名:Wretches And Kings歌手:Linkin Park专辑:A Thousand SunsLinkin Park - Wretches & Kings"There"s a time, when the operation of the machine becomes so odious.Makes you so sick at heart, that you can"t take part,You can"t even passively take part.And you"ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels,Upon the levers,Upon all the apparatus. And you"ve got to make it stop!"To save face, how low can you go?Talk a lotta game, but yet you don"t know.Static on the wind, makes us all say whoa!The people up top push the people down low.Get down, and obey every word.Steady, get in line if you haven"t yet heard.Wanna take what I got, don"t be absurd.Don"t fight the power, nobody gets hurt.If you haven"t heard yet, then I"m lettin" you knowThere ain"t shit we don"t run when the guns unloadAnd no one make a move, unless my people say soGot everything outta control, now everybody goHey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, HeyFeel alone, final blowWe, the animals, take controlHear us now, clear and tallWretches and kings, we come for youSo keep face, how slow can you go?Talk a lotta shit, and yet you don"t know.Fire on the wind, makes you all say whoa!The people up top and the people down low.Get down, and I"m runnin" it like that.The front of the attack is exactly where I"m at.Somewhere in between the kick and the hi-hatThe pen and the contract, the pitch and the contactSo get with the combat, I"m lettin" them knowThere ain"t shit you can say to make me back down, no.So push the button, let the whole thing blow.Spinning everything outta control, now everybody go.Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, HeyFeel alone, final blowWe, the animals, take controlHear us now, clear and tallWretches and kings, we come for youStill alone, fight our blowFilthy animals beat down lowSteel and bone, black and blueRun at the sunshine, we come for youFrom the front to the back and to side to sideIf you feel what I feel, put"em up real highFront to the back and to side to sideIf you feel what I feel, put"em up real highFront to the back and to side to sideIf you feel what I feel, put"em up real highFront to the back and to side to sideIf you feel what I feel, put"em up real highFront to the back and to side to sideIf you feel what I feel, put"em up real highFront to the back and to side to sideIf you feel what I feel, put"em up real high"There"s a time, when the operation of the machine becomes so odious.Makes you so sick at heart, that you can"t take part,You can"t even passively take part.And you"ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels,Upon the levers,Upon all the apparatus. And you"ve got to make it stop!And you"ve got to indicate to the people, run in to the people on it.And unless you"re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all! "

Kings And Queens (Bbc In Concert - 22Nd August 1986) 歌词

歌曲名:Kings And Queens (Bbc In Concert - 22Nd August 1986)歌手:Killing Joke专辑:Bbc In Concert (22Nd August 1986)30 Seconds To Mars - Kings and QueensInto the nightDesperate and brokenThe sound of a fightFather has spokenWe were the kings and queens of promiseWe were the victims of ourselvesMaybe the children of a lesser GodBetween Heaven and HellHeaven and HellInto your eyesHopeless and takenWe stole our new livesThrough blood and painIn defense of our dreamsIn defense of our dreamsWe were the Kings and Queens of promiseWe were the victims of ourselvesMaybe the Children of a lesser GodBetween Heaven and HellHeaven and HellThe age of man is overA darkness comes and allThese lessons that we"ve learned hereHave only just begunWe were the Kings and Queens of promiseWe were the victims of ourselvesMaybe the Children of a Lesser GodBetween Heaven and HellWe are the KingsWe are the QueensWe are the KingsWe are the Queens

sand and polish是什么意思?

sand and polish打磨和抛光双语例句1He will strip the floorboards, sand it, and polish it. 他要刮除地板涂层,打磨,然后抛光。2For a bright glossy surface on your anodized part, steel wool or wet sand it and then polish it with a buffing wheel using tripoli compound. 需要明亮的光泽,则需要用钢丝球或者湿的砂纸磨,之后用硅藻土抛光轮抛光。

( ) 88 by 8 and add 1 , you will get 12 A; divide B ;Add C ; subtract D ;multiply 选择题


Share happiness and sorrow是什么意思

您好:兔子的快乐和悲伤双语对照例句:1.Why don"t we share the happiness and sorrow? 我们为何不一起分享忧乐呢?----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

火影忍者 sadness and sorrow 悲伤版是用什么乐器演奏?

sadnessandsorrow  作曲:增田俊郎  原名:哀と悲,sadnessandsorrow为英文名  乐器:尺八,三味线,小提琴,吉他,钢琴。  出处:火影忍者ost1  介绍:火影忍者里的经典配乐,想必看过火影的人都会被其哀伤的旋律所感动,从刚开始低沉的弦乐再到悠远尺八,再转而动人的钢琴声,再到三味线,最后再转为钢琴清晰的哀诉,日本传统乐器与现代乐器的完美结合,使整首音乐透出浓浓的哀伤,正如乐曲名所传达的。在火影忍者中多次出现,尤其是白之死章节,将白身世的凄苦和白死的悲伤渲染的淋漓尽致,催人泪下,那一幕也成为无数火影迷唏嘘不已的经典。


波兰 [bōlán]poland 波兰的 [bōlánde]polishPolska 〈波兰语〉= Poland

跪求、Poet And The Pendulum的歌词大意大神们帮帮忙

THE PACIFIC” “太平洋” Sparkle my scenery 用碧绿的瀑布 With turquoise waterfall 用潜藏的美丽 With beauty underneath 使我的风景闪耀 The Ever Free 永远自由的(太平洋) Tuck me in beneath the blue 将我吞入那片天蓝吧 Beneath the pain, beneath the rain 任痛苦填压,任雨水冲洗 Goodnight kiss for a child in time 给孩子一个及时的晚安之吻 Swaying blade my lullaby 摇晃的利刃就是我的摇篮 On the shore we sat and hoped 我们曾坐在海岸上期待着 Under the same pale moon 相同的苍白月色下 Whose guiding light chose you 谁的指引之光选择了你 Chose you all 选择了你们所有人 ” I`m afraid. I`m so afraid. 我害怕,我太害怕了 Being raped again, and again, and again 被一次又一次的强暴,又一次,再一次 I know I will die alone. 我知道我会孤独的死去 But loved. 但是仍被爱着 You live long enough to hear the sound of guns, 你听着枪声度日的时间太长了 long enough to find yourself screaming every night, 作者: Oceansole 2008-2-1 11:31 回复此发言 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 【迟到翻译+乐评】01.The Poet and The Pendulum 长到发现你自己在每天夜里尖叫 long enough to see your friends betray you. 长到看见你的朋友们纷纷背叛 For years I`ve been strapped unto this altar. 我已经被捆绑在这个祭坛上很久了 Now I only have 3 minutes and counting. 终于只需倒数3分钟 I just wish the tide would catch me first and give me a death I always longed for ”. 我只希望潮水能最先将我卷走,赐予我渴望已久的死亡 ”DARK PASSION PLAY” 黑色受难记 2nd robber to the right of Christ 基督右边的第二个强盗 Cut in half - infanticide 劈成两半的杀婴者 The world will rejoice today 世界将在今天重现欢颜 As the crows feast on the rotting poet 乌鸦将享用诗人腐烂的躯体 Everyone must bury their own 每个人都得埋葬自己 No pack to bury the heart of stone 石头般的心灵无需包裹起来掩埋 Now he`s home in hell, serves him well 他终于回到地狱的家中了,好好款待他啊 Slain by the bell, tolling for his farewell 钟声杀死了他,宣告着他的辞世 The morning dawned, upon his altar 黎明从他的祭坛升起 Remains of the dark passion play 只留下黑色的受难记 Performed by his friends without shame 由他无耻的朋友们演绎着 Spitting on his grave as they came 他的坟墓被众人啐唾 Getaway, runaway, fly away 逃离,狂奔,飞走 Lead me astray to dreamer`s hideaway 将我引入歧途带到梦想家的隐居处 I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more 我哭不出来因为重负压肩 I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world 不能死去,我,这个冰冷世界的娼妇 Forgive me 原谅我吧 I have but two faces 我只有两幅面孔 One for the world 一张留给世界 One for God 一张献给上帝 Save me 救救我吧 I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more 我哭不出来因为重负压肩 I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world 不能死去,我,这个冰冷世界的娼妇 Today, in the year of our Lord 2005, 今天,在我主的2005年 Tuomas was called from the cares of the world. TUOMAS被召唤离开世间的纷争 He stopped crying at the end of each beautiful day. 他在每一个美丽日子的最后停止了哭泣 The music he wrote had too long been without silence. 他的音乐久久不能沉寂 He was found naked and dead, 他赤裸的死了 With a smile in his face, a pen and 1000 pages of erased text.” 脸上挂着微笑,身旁还有一支笔和1000张擦去的诗篇 Save me 救救我吧 ”MOTHER & FATHER” “父亲&母亲” Be still, my son 安静下来,我的孩子 You`re home 这是你的家 Oh when did you become so cold? 你何时变得如此冷酷 The blade will keep on descending 刀光剑影会终究会消失 All you need is to feel my love 你只要用心去感受我的爱 Search for beauty, find your shore 去寻找美的所在,寻找你的海岸 Try to save them all, bleed no more 救救他们,别再让流血发生 You have such oceans within 你心中有如此的宽阔的海洋 In the end 最后 I will always love you 我会一直爱着你 The beginning. 开篇

How. can. Wu. Yifan. and. Mike. get.



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head shoulders knees and toes 这首英语儿歌是哪个

这首英语儿歌是《身体部位歌》。歌词如下:Knees and toes,Head, shoulders.knees and toes,Knees and toes.And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Head, shoulders.翻译:膝盖和脚趾,头,肩膀。膝盖和脚趾,膝盖和脚趾。眼睛,耳朵,嘴巴和鼻子。头,肩膀。表现手法儿歌的吟唱中,优美的旋律、和谐的节奏、真挚的情感可以给儿童以美的享受和情感熏陶。幼儿唱儿歌,则是情感的外泄过程,并能从中体验模仿成人的劳作和生活,验证自己的经验和记忆演变。儿歌常见的表现手法有:比喻、拟人、夸张、起兴、摹状、反复、设问等等。


hair头发.legs 腿.hands 手.arms.手臂mouth.嘴teeth.牙齿nose.鼻子toes.脚趾eyes.眼睛ears.耳朵feet 脚face 脸*****************************************************************************祝天天开心,学习进步!本题不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!*****************************************************************************

Head shoulder knees and toes的歌词

[最佳答案] head and shoulder knees and toes,knees and toes,knees and toes head and shoulder knees and toes,eyes ears mouth nose head and shoulder knees and toes,knees and toes,...


既然是“跪求”为什么不给悬赏分呢?如下:走进街角的一间店 看到一个在偷窃的警官 看到一个持枪的老妇 看到英雄想逃跑 事实通常都不是我们所看见的 它不完全“肮脏”,也不完全“干净” 那里有小孩在付账 那里有僧侣在买“刺激”--毒品(应该是吧) 杂志里卖着“尊严”(应该是指色情杂志) 那里出租的药丸能使你“干净”(可能是指堕胎) Marvin Gaye,没有兄弟,兄弟 Woody Guthrie的国家不能养育母亲 母亲哭泣,小孩安睡 很多暴力都悄悄地“了事” 可悲的是,生活所带来的痛楚 (我)却不知能责怪谁 如果你能接受我,那或许能使我完整 然后在一起,我们能有个立场 女服务生端来我的午饭 我们虽见了面但没有沟通 电视上DC正散布谎言(知道DC指的是什么吧) 而在另一端,King梦想破灭(Martin Luther King,曾发表一个叫I have a dream的演说) 走去柜台,给我和朋友付账 一个流浪汉拿出钞票,说算在他的帐上 有个市长没有现金 说都花在嫖和吃喝上。

英语人教版高一必修三Unit2“come and eat here”的翻译

COME AND EAT HERE (1) Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. It had been a very strange morning. Usually he got up early and prepared his menu of barbecued mutton kebabs, roast pork, stir-flied vegetables and fried rice. Then by lunchtime they would all be sold. By now his restaurant ought to be full of people. But not today! Why was that? What could have happened? He thought of his mutton, beef and bacon cooked in the hottest, finest oil. His cola was sugary and cold, and his ice cream was made of milk, cream and delicious fruit. "Nothing could be better," he thought. Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by. "Hello, Lao Li," he called. "Your usual?" But Li Chang seemed not to hear. What was the matter? Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did. Wang Peng followed Li Chang into a new small restaurant. He saw a sign in the window. Tired of all that fat? Want to lose weight? Come inside Yong Hui"s slimming restaurant. Only slimming foods served here. Make yourself thin again! Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside. It was full of people. The hostess, a very thin lady, came forward. "Welcome," she said. "My name is Yong Hui. I"ll help you lose weight and be fit in two weeks if you eat here every day." Then she gave a menu to Wang Peng. There were few choices of food and drink on it: just rice, raw vegetables served in vinegar, fruit and water. Wang Peng was amazed at this and especially at the prices. It cost more than a good meal in his restaurant! He could not believe his eyes. He threw down the menu and hurried outside. On his way home he thought about his own menu. Did it make people fat? Perhaps he should go to the library and find out. He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! He had better do some research! At the library Wang Peng was surprised to find that his restaurant served far too much fat and Yong Hui"s far too little. Even though her customers might get thin after eating Yong Hui"s food, they were not eating enough energy-giving food to keep them fit. They would become tired very quickly. Wang Peng felt more hopeful as he drove back home. Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back. So he wrote: Want to feel fit and energetic? Come and eat here! Discounts today! Our food gives you energy all day! The competition between the two restaurants was on! 到这里来用餐吧(1) 王鹏做在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到很沮丧.这个上午真是怪的很.通常他很早就起床,准备他的菜肴—烤羊肉串、烤猪肉、炒菜和炒饭.然后到午饭时分,这些菜都会卖完.到了这个时候,他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的,但今天却不是!为什么会这样?发生了什么事?他想起了他用滚烫的精制油烹制的羊肉串、牛排和腊肉.他的可乐又甜又冷,冰激凌用牛奶、奶油和水果制成的.他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了”.突然间,他看到自己的朋友李昌匆匆地走过.他喊道,“喂,老李!你还是吃老一套的吧?”可是李昌似乎没有听到.怎么会事呢?要是李昌不像往常那样到他店里吃饭,那问题一定严重了. 王鹏跟着李昌来到街尾一家新开张的小餐馆.窗子上的标牌写着这样一些字:“肥腻的东西吃厌了吧!想变瘦吗?请到雍慧减肥餐馆来.此地只供应减肥食品,让你恢复苗条!” 王鹏受到好奇心的驱使,走了进去.里面坐满了人.店老板,一个清瘦的女人走上前来说道:“欢迎光临!我叫雍慧.您要是每天来这儿用餐,我可以保证在两周内去掉您的全部脂肪,”然后,她递给王鹏一张菜谱,菜谱上有很少几样食物和饮料:米饭、蘸醋吃的生蔬菜、水果和水.王鹏对此感到吃惊,特别是对它们的价格.这比在他的餐馆里吃一顿好饭花的钱还要多.他几乎不能相信他的眼睛!他甩了菜谱就急往外走.在回家的路上,他想起了自己的菜谱.那些菜让人发胖了吗?也许他该去图书馆查查看.他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉.他最好做一番调查! 在图书馆,王鹏很惊讶地发现,他餐馆的食物脂肪含量太高,而雍慧餐馆的食物脂肪含量又太低.尽管顾客吃她的餐馆里的饭会变得苗条,但他们摄取不到足够的热量来保持健康,很快就会感到疲乏.开车回家时,王鹏觉得又有了希望.也许写个新的标牌、打点折,能够帮他赢回顾客!于是他写下了他的标牌: “想保持苗条、健康又精力旺盛吗? 到这里来用餐吧!今天打折! 我们的食物能够给您提供一整天所需的热量!” 这两家餐馆之间的竞争开始了!


《stand》是一首2003年由Jewel演唱的英文歌曲。 简介,中英文歌词,0304专辑曲目, 简介 歌曲名:《stand》 歌手:Jewel(中文名:珠儿) 专辑:《0304》 年份:2003 中英文歌词 Walk in a corner shop走进街头一家店 See a shoplifting cop发现一个入店行窃的警察 See the old lady with a gun看见老太太端把枪 See the hero try to run我们的英雄警察却要逃之夭夭 Nothing"s what it seems, I mean看起来一切都不是所想的那样,我是说 It"s not all dirty, but it"s not all clean没有人是坏透的,也没有人是纯洁无暇的 There"s children paying bills看见小鬼们买单 There"s monks buying thrills教徒们寻求 *** There"s pride for sale in magazines尊严可以从杂志上买到 There"s pills for rent to make u clean有药物可以让你看起来圣洁 Marvin Gaye, there"s no brother, brother马文·盖伊,没有哥哥,弟弟 Woody Guthrie"s land can"t feed Mother伍迪格思的土地不能养活母亲 CHORUS Mothers weep, children sleep母亲掉落眼泪,孩子们总算睡觉了 So much violence ends in silence如此类似多的暴力以安静结束 It"s a shame there"s no one to blame可耻的是找不到被责备的人 For all the pain that life brings因为是他给生活带来了如此多痛苦 If u will just take me It might just complete me如果你爱我,就能使我变的完美 And together we can make a stand你我在一起,我们能与生活的苦恼做斗争 A waitress brings me lunch女服务员端来我的午饭 We meet but do not touch我们瞪了下却都没有开吃 On TV,D.C. is selling lies听到电视上散布著谎言的广告 While in the corner, King"s dream dies此时角落里King(国王)的梦想破灭 Go to the counter, pay for me and my friend他去了店台,给我和朋友买单 A homeless man pulls out a roll, says it"s on him无家可归的人抽出一叠,说他来付 The mayor has no cash看来是老大他没现金 He said he spent it on hookers and hash还说都用去吃喝嫖赌了 CHORUS U will love me, I will love u你会爱我,我也会爱你 CHORUS 0304专辑曲目 01. Stand 02. Run 2 《站在02。运行2》 03. Intuition 《直觉》 04. Leave The Lights On 《保持灯光的开启》 05. 2 Find U 《为了找到你》 06. Fragile Heart 《脆弱的心》 07. Doin" Fine 《上来的罚款》 08. 2 Become 1 《天生一对》 09. Haunted 《闹鬼》 ⒑ Sweet Temptation 《甜蜜的诱惑》 ⒒ Yes U Can 《你可以》 ⒓ U & Me=Love 《你和我等于爱》 ⒔ America 《美国人》 ⒕ Becoming 《成为》


编辑词条Jewel 英文名:Jewel 生日:1974年5月23日出生 简介: Jewel于1974年5月23日,出生于美国尤他州的Payson,但是她随着家庭搬到了更靠北部的的阿拉斯加的Anchorage,她的祖父Juel给她取了Jewel这个名字,六岁时,她就开始歌唱生涯,她经常跟随父母在所居住的爱斯基摩村落里演出,并倍受当地村民喜爱。接下来的七年中她跟随离婚的父亲到处演出,直到她考上了密歇根州的Interlochen美术学院。在学院的学习过程中她还参与了戏剧的表演,在学期末的会演节目《Spoon River Anthology》中担任主演。她在毕业后去圣地亚哥找到了母亲,并找到了工作,但是她逐渐受不了了这种朝九晚五的工作方式,于是她决定把自己的主要精力放在音乐上。 她被赞誉为现今流行乐坛最有才华且最出色的歌手之一。至今,她在全球的唱片销售量高达2300万张。Jewel 1995年的首张专辑《Pieces Of You》因为在美国销售量超过1000万张(现在已达1100万张)而获得尊贵至极的钻石唱片。这张专辑包含畅销单曲《You Were Meant For Me》、《Who Will Save Your Soul》和《Foolish Games》,在Billboard专辑榜上停留了114周,最高名次为第四名。 Jewel众所期待的第二张专辑《Spirit》于1998年发行,这张专辑叫好又叫座。《Spirit》由Patrick Leonard制作,包含单《Hands》、《Down So Long》和《Jupiter(Swallow The Moon)》,在Billboard专辑榜首周进榜即获得第三名的好成绩,并获得白金唱片。它在全球的销售量达600万张,成为最成功的第二张专辑之一。 1999年,由传奇制作人Arif Mardin制作的《Joy:A Holiday Collection》发行。在这张专辑中,Jewel演唱了一些最受欢迎的耶诞歌曲,以及一些新版本的旧歌,其中包括独特的耶诞版《Hands》。获得白金唱片的《Joy》专辑中的两首歌呈现出这位歌手的才华和视野与日俱增且愈来愈多元:强烈表达信仰的《Face Of Love》,以及拉丁歌曲《Gloria》。Jewel也参与了Merle Haggard 1999年的专辑《For The Record》。专辑收录了两首Jewel和这位乡村音乐传奇歌手/词曲创作者合唱的歌《That"s The Way Love Goes》和《Silver Wings》。 不管是一个人只带着一把吉他,或是带领着一个乐团上台,Jewel一向是一个很有大众魅力的现场演唱歌手。大师级歌手Bob Dylan和Neil Young都称赞过她,并邀请她为他们的演唱会唱暖场。自从六年前Jewel发行首张专辑后,她和全球的演唱会观众建立了坚固且亲密的关系。除了在北美洲巡回无数次外,Jewel的足迹还远至亚洲、澳洲和欧洲。她被深具影响力的伦敦时报誉为“自Joni Mitchell之后最闪亮的创作型女歌手”。 1997年12月,Jewel在挪威奥斯陆的诺贝尔和平奖颁奖典礼上演唱。 1998年一月,她在圣地亚哥举行的世界杯美式足球赛开赛前演唱美国国歌。同年12月,Jewel在梵谛冈第六届Natale In Vaticano音乐会中为教宗若望保禄二世演唱。在这场音乐会中,Jewel在百人交响乐团以及40人的合唱团陪伴下,演唱《Hands》。演唱会于耶诞夜在全欧洲的电视台播出。 除了自己多场满场的演唱会外,Jewel也参与了一些重要的大型演唱会,其中包括Woodstock 1999。在这个音乐节中,Jewel和她的乐团面对了整个演唱生涯以来数量最多的现场观众,更别提全球数以百万计的电视观众。除了演唱《Foolish Games》到一半时突然降临的倾盆大雨外,Jewel的演唱被视为那个周末的高潮之一。 当年稍后,Jewel在一年一度的“华盛顿圣诞节”慈善音乐会中为克林顿总统夫妇演唱,这场音乐会的目的在为美国儿童健康中心募款。 2000年8月,副总统高尔在纳许维尔宣布将与参议员Joseph Lieberman搭党竞选总统,Jewel在晚会上高歌一曲,后来并成为这组候选人的得力助选员。 Jewel在演唱和词曲创作的非凡成就只代表了她创意生活的一部份,她的第一本诗集《A Night Without Armor(无武装之夜)》于1998年推出,很快就晋身纽约时报的畅销书排行榜,这本书再版了29次,并卖出数百万本。此外,这本诗集发行的有声书获得空前的成功,并让Jewel获得1999年有声出版协会颁发的Audie奖。2000年秋天,Jewel的第二本书-私密且坦诚的《Chasing Down The Dawn(追逐黎明)》出版。这本书记录了一名歌手混乱的巡回演唱生活,大部分是Jewel在1999年的《Spirit》世界巡回演唱时所写,书中包含 Jewel拍摄的照片、小时候在阿拉斯加画的图画,以及身为一个女儿、姐姐、少女和艺术家的心路历程。 1999年,Jewel在李安描写内战的电影《与魔鬼共骑》中首次尝试演戏。纽约时报的Stephen Holden说:“Jewel在十九世纪的繁文缛节下呈现出强悍坚毅的幽默。”芝加哥太阳报的Roger Ebert则写道: “Jewel具说服力且不造作的演出值得称赞,在片中她是一个演员,而不是尝试一个新嗜好的流行乐明星。” Jewel也于1999年发行了第一支纪录片录像带《Jewel:A Life Uncommon》。这支自传性纪录片包含一小时Jewel巡回演唱时和非巡回演唱时的生活片段,还有Jewel最亲近的亲友的访问。此外,录像带也收录了Jewel 1999年4月25日洛杉矶演唱会的四首歌演出,这场演唱会是为“人性更美好的一面(HGH)”组织筹款。1999年一月Jewel和经纪人母亲 Lenedra J. Carroll创立了HGH,主旨在鼓励全球和个人改善世界。 HGH最主要的计划——“净水计划(the Clearwater Project)”于1999年10月推出,并和Jewel在NetAid的演出做连结。全球现场音乐盛会NetAid举办的目的在于长期致力于消灭最极端的贫穷。“净水计划”想要创造一个人人都能喝到干净、安全的水的世界。除了和当地社区合作提供简单可靠的安全饮用水制造技术,这个计划也有许多教育课程和其它活动。 Jewel的风光成绩包括三座格莱美奖提名、一座全美音乐奖和一座MTV音乐录像带奖。1999年6月,美国录音艺术和科学学院颁给Jewel一座Governor奖。这个奖表扬“创意和成就打破所有音乐藩篱并被肯定为音乐界资产”学院会员。 当年,Jewel还获得了许多其它奖项,其中包括非营利“和平时代”组织颁发的1999年“Founder"s Choice”奖。她也因致力于慈善活动而被《Glamour》杂志十周年版评选为“年度风云女性”。 2002年发行《This Way》。2003年6月3日,Jewel推出了第六张专辑《0304》。Jewel的的第六张录音室专辑《Goodbye Alice in Wonderland》定於5月2日发行,因此在这次联合巡演中,Jewel主要是为这张个人新专辑进行宣传。而Rob Thomas仍将继续宣传他去年已经获得了白金销量的首张个人专辑《. . . Something to Be》,这张专辑曾在去年成功获得Billboard 200专辑榜的冠军。 作为2003年的《0304》之后的最新作品,这张《Goodbye Alice in Wonderland》由Jewel和绿日乐队(Green Day)的制作人罗伯·卡瓦罗(Rob Cavallo)合作完成。Jewel在新专辑中尝试了多种音乐风格,从乡村小调《Stephenville, TX》,到欢快的流行歌曲《Satellite》,再到到民谣风味的开场曲《Again and Again》等等。值得一提的是,Jewel的这张专辑中的13首歌均为现场录制,使整张专辑看起来更像一场音乐会。在接受采访时,Jewel说:“如果可以的话,我会在这次巡演中把这张专辑中的歌曲从头到尾唱一遍。” JEWEL [PIECES OF YOU] (1995) 二十出头的Jewel Kilcher,每回旅行时,总爱抓一把故乡阿拉斯加的泥土放进行李箱中,这样可以使她时时想起那是她成长嬉戏的地方、是她骑马驰骋的地方、是她见识到大自然极致之美的地方。这种独属於Jewel式对人、事依恋不舍的细腻情感,使她的这张专辑「Pieces Of You」如此地栩栩如生。自六岁起就跟随从事歌唱事业的父母游唱舞台,中学时代在密西根州的艺术学校研习声乐,并开始拿起吉他写歌,毕业后前往圣地牙哥咖啡厅里演唱的Jewel,出乎意料地吸引了一批又一批的听众与音乐工作者,因此促成了这张首作。Jewel的声音有一点类似早期的Suzanne Vega、一点点Tracy Chapman悲天悯人的气质,或者还有一点点Tori Amos自剖的倾向,此辑由Ben Keith (Neil Young)制作,十四首她的自写曲全以最简单的乐器伴奏,甚至仅佐以隐隐约的的吉他现场录制而成,她的歌曲是一种融合信念、纯真、传统价值观、幽默与社会经验后的智慧奇异体,虽然有这么多东西蕴含其中,但每一种都是美丽:Pieces Of You描写一个丑女孩的故事:Painters表达了能?#092;实自我表达即是不朽的理念;Morning Song传递了幽默有时能战胜眼泪;相信守护天使永伴身旁的Angel Standing By等。只要Jewel一开口,就是晶莹与纯净,她的歌曲像是闲晃在大街繁华五彩人群中清清淡淡的随口哼唱,自然而直接,只要三首曲听毕,你会听到自己的心灵不知怎么的也跟着唱起悲伤的歌,原来Jewel的歌声中,也有一方你的影子。 01. Who Will Save Your Soul 02. Pieces of You 03. Little Sister 04. Foolish Games 05. Near You Always 06. Painters 07. Morning Song 08. Adrian 09. I"m Sensitive 10. You Were Meant For Me 11. Don"t 12. Daddy 13. Angel Standing By 14. Amen JEWEL [SPIRITS] (1998) 1995年的首张个人专辑「Pieces of you」为她创造了一千万张的销售量,作品You Were Meant For Me/ Foolish Games创下在Billboard排行史上停留榜上最久的歌曲(65周),连续两年马不停蹄的巡回演唱,包括以女性音乐人为主的Lilith Fair在内,到为Super Bowl开场演唱美国国歌、赢得97年MTV音乐奖最佳女歌手、三项葛莱美奖的提名、与导演李安合作(将於99年4月在美国上映的电影「Ride With The Devil」)、出版个人传记成了畅销书…Jewel,可以说是90年代出现的众多女性创作艺人中,全方位发展的最好的一位。 深刻的以民谣为基础,并以「简约民谣主义」为精神而推出的98大作「Spirit」,整张作品的精神在於找寻让担忧的灵魂获得慰藉的声音,并且同时发展出令人感动的民谣旋律与扩展个人独特的嗓音。Jewel这次负责了所有的词曲创作,言简意长是一大特色。首支单曲Hands为Jewel与Patrick Leonard所共同撰写,而Patrick Leonard正是与Madonna和Pink Floyd合作过的知名制作人。此外,Red Hot Chilli Peppers的贝斯手Flea亦在作品Barcelona中跨刀助阵。最特别的是专辑中_的hidden-trackThis Little Bird,是Jewel的母亲与Jewel一齐对唱,这首歌也正是她的童年记忆。 「Spirit」是一张完全以民谣、而且带有向民谣风致敬意味的专辑唱片。不愠不火的摇滚和乡村,偶而渗透到其中的几首作品当中,风格统一且概念完整表达。在长期被黑人音乐所主导的流行乐市场上,Jewel不但坚持她的风格不受影响,甚至希望能让在六、七零年代充满人文精神的folk song,在这个世纪结束前能再度受到乐迷的垂爱! 01. Deep Water 02. What"s Simple Is True 03. Hands 04. Kiss The Flame 05. Down So Long 06. Innocence Maintained 07. Jupiter 08. Fat Boy 09. Enter From The East 10. Barcelona 11. Life Uncommon 12. Do You 13. Absence of Fear JEWEL [JOY-A HOLIDAY COLLECTION] (1999) 以甜美的歌喉、流行的民谣乐风於95年的首张专辑「Pieces Of You」大放异彩的女歌手Jewel,乐界认为她是今日流行歌坛最具天份与才气的歌手之一,而她的表现完全不辱来自乐界的褒语,看看「Pieces Of You」打入全美专辑榜前4名、停留114周、被认证有9白金的销售佳绩并产生3首成绩斐然的畅销曲: You Were Meant For Me、 Who Will Save Your Soul、 Foolish Games,你知道Jewel真的很出色。紧接着98年第二张专辑「Spirit」打入全美专辑榜前3名,光在美国就有400万张的销售量,两首热卖单曲Hands及Down So Long广受好评。然而Jewel并不以音乐上的成就自满,反试着更加开拓演艺生涯各个可能的空间 - 演李安的电影「Ride With The Devil」出版了畅销的诗集「A Night Without Armor」相信在多方经验后的Jewel在未来的音乐作品将更出色与成熟,期待吧! 首先盼到的就是由传奇制作人Arif Mardin (Aretha Franklin、Barbara Streisand、Bette Midler & Chaka Khan)为Jewel担纲,企图带给世界更多欢愉的全新耶诞歌曲大选,她除了以完全个人化的语调轻快或柔缓的诠释人们早已耳熟能详的耶诞节必备曲如Joy To The World、Silent Night、Winter Wonderland、Little Town Of Bethlehem....,也将「Spirit」专辑中首支单曲Hands处理成节庆味浓厚的曲式,加强弦乐后的Hands展现了与原曲大异其趣的聆听感,而Ave Maria这首传统耶诞曲也被处理成展现Vocal的悦耳圣曲,另外Jewel匠心独具的将经典黑人灵歌Tell It On The Mountain、 「Spirit」专辑中的Life Uncommon及着名女歌手Bette Midler 90年全美亚军曲From A Distance等3首歌合成一首绝妙的福音组曲Medley。 圣诞节的氛围应该是家人团聚一堂、充满喜悦、小孩们嘻嘻哈哈声不绝於耳的景象,而最适合这场景的正是Jewel这张拥有13首耶诞曲的Joy A Holiday选辑,不只带给你愉悦的假日,也将让你获得心灵上的满足。 01. Joy To The World 02. O Holy Night 03. Silent Night 04. Winter Wonderland 05. O Little Town Of Bethlehem 06. Ave Maria 07. Hard ! The Herald Angels Sing 08. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer 09. Face of Love 10. Medley a: Go Tell It On The Mountain, b:Life Uncommon, c:From A Distance 11. I Wonder As I Wander 12. Gloria 13. Hands ( Christmas Version) JEWEL [THIS WAY] (2002) 真?#092;坦率该是创作、歌唱与情感最基本的要求,17岁时拾起创作之笔的Jewel,95年处女大碟「Pieces Of You」笔下聊得是青春心事,You Were Meant For Me(亚军)、Foolish Heart(#7)两首Top 10单曲引发热烈回响,专辑停留排行超过两年,光在全美就开出1100万张的红盘,小女生的心情顿时引发超强共鸣,98年专辑「Spirit」舒柔亲和力持续弥漫,首周旋即登陆全美排行季军,全球卖出600万张,Hands(#6)、Down So Long等歌曲深入成熟女性的心境,99年的圣诞特辑「Joy:A Holiday Collection」温暖歌声闪烁人生信仰,同年并与乡村传奇歌手Merle Haggard合唱两首歌,Jewel的扎实唱功连Bob Dylan跟Neil Young都开出担任演唱会开场嘉宾的邀约,从98年超级杯足球赛、梵蒂冈教皇圣诞音乐会到99年Woodstock音乐祭与柯林顿主政时的白宫圣诞音乐会,来自各种场合的演唱邀约更证实Jewel的人气广度,英国着名传媒Times Of London都公推Jewel是自Joni Mitchell以来,最闪耀的女歌手。 在唱作之余,Jewel也在98年发表诗集「A Night Without Armor」,并在"99年参予李安执导电影【与魔鬼共骑】的演出,展现不同的天赋兴致;不过,三度葛莱美奖提名与全球专辑销量达2300万张的盛名曾让她陷入唱作枯竭的迷思。阿拉斯加的成长背景让她培养出在辽阔的空间摸索孤单清感的创作性格,2001年11月在美推出专辑「This Way」,Jewel首度扛起制作大任与拥有Faith Hill、Megadeth制作履历的吉他高手Dan Huff携手制作,也与Dido的制作人Rick Nowels合写三首歌,包括吉他摇滚与歌声情感层次极为鲜明的首支单曲Standing Still,她试着在新作中将感情的思路内接到自己的内心,抒发自我与周遭空间的情绪互动,Jewel以流行、民谣、蓝调、乡村、摇滚乐的广泛素材赋予美国音乐的当代精神,将自己从清新创作女声的领域提升到一位能适切表达各类型乐风作品的多元化歌手,与葛莱美奖最佳单曲Smooth另一创作者Itaal Shur合作的Serve The Ego甚至来个东西方空灵情感的水乳交融,美国滚石杂志予以三颗半星佳评,推崇『她为当代最擅词汇的女歌手之一,依然保有优雅、原味风采』;除了饶富情感的音质,Jewel也多了一些灵性升华与调皮性格的音色调和,诸如乡村民谣直率带劲的摇滚歌Everybody Needs Someone Sometime;而褪去娇柔外衣,彻底阳刚宣泄的Love Me Just Leave Me Alone则领教到小女子蓝调的猛烈火力;New Wild West则是将传统民谣豪情粗犷与女性阴柔情怀适度中和的野心之作,歌曲中对美国寻求担当新世纪领导地位,提出一些省思。I Won"t Walk Away、Break Me、This Way清新动人真情依然不变,Jewel的「This Way」在才气试鍊之余,更见其对音乐本质的一份?#092;意。 01. Standing Still 02. Jesus Loves You 03. Everybody Needs Someone Sometime 04. Break Me 05. Do You Want To Play? 06. Till We Run Out Of Road 07. Serve The Ego 08. This Way 09. Cleveland 10. I Won"t Walk Away 11. Love Me, Just Leave Me Alone 12. The New Wild West 13. Grey Matter - Bonus Track (Recorded Live) 14. Sometimes It Be That Way - Bonus Track (Recorded Live) JEWEL [0304] (2003) *3座葛莱美奖提名 全美音乐奖 MTV音乐奖肯定 *全球专辑销售量达2500万张 创作才女 珠儿 2003年蜕变转型力作 *继Billboard舞曲榜冠军曲"Serve The Ego"展现舞惑魅力 *首部亮丽绽放曲"Intuition女生的直觉"惊艳Billboard单曲榜No.3 *全新大碟0304欲望城市空降Billboard 专辑榜亚军 专业音乐网站AMG四颗半星超高评价 *罗比威廉斯、夏奇拉、山塔那、安立奎制作群与珠儿联手操盘 *本CD具多媒体功能,可观赏珠儿幕后拍片录音花絮及个人写真 内附中文歌词 14首歌,14篇真挚深刻的动人告白 一部精采的0304欲望城市心情写真 珠儿的14个欲望日记 14个城市里单身人种寂寞心事 献给在都会中勇敢为自己活的单身人种 1994年首张专辑「Pieces Of You」专辑惊艳全世界乐迷耳朵后,Jewel就持续不断地开拓新的领域,从她的民谣根源延伸,将摇滚、流行、乡村、蓝调、爵士和古典乐影响融入她的作品中。Jewel在每张专辑中实验新的声音,并扩展个人艺术版图,并保持她独特的个人辞采风格以及音乐正统。今年28岁的Jewel音乐事业已延续多年,在同辈的艺人中算是相当罕见的。在珠儿的音乐生涯中,她一共获得三座葛莱美奖提名、一座全美音乐奖和一座MTV音乐录影带奖。至今,她的专辑已在全球缔造二千五百万张的销售量。 推出上张专辑「This Way」,4年后今天,Jewel完成在Atlantic唱片旗下的第五张专辑「0304」。此张专辑中,这位多白金唱片的歌手/词曲创作者显露新的音乐方向,这个方向源自於她对现代舞曲节奏和架构与日俱增的兴趣。率先发行的新单曲 "Intuition",由Jewel和古巴裔美国制作人Lester Mendez(夏奇拉、山塔纳、安立奎)谱写和制作。"Intuition"跳脱原本民谣自然乐风,取代的是充满律动摇摆的吉卜赛与拉丁韵味。果然新的尝试为Jewel赢得Billboard单曲榜第3名佳绩。Billboard杂志并对Jewel曲风转变盛赞有加:「大胆跨出聪慧民谣风格,沉浸在欢乐的节拍中,宛如一场快乐的吉普赛婚礼。放松但仍相当有力的唱腔让Jewel这颗珠宝比以往都闪耀。」新专辑一推出也立刻造成回响,空降Billboard专辑榜第2名。 0304专辑由Lester Mendez和Jewel共同操刀制作。除了维持自己创作结晶,也不乏与其他音乐人的作品。14首歌曲不但有多种新元素出现,且也成功地表现出Jewel惯有的风格与浓厚的文人辞彩。Big band形式的Leave The Light On呈现珠儿演唱爵士歌曲的独特韵味。首度与罗比威廉斯的最佳拍档Guy Chambers合作的2 Become 1,让Jewel甜美声线盈满这首清新可人的小品,专辑中段的2 Find U、 Fragile Heart、Doing Fine…令人沉迷於Jewel蜜糖嗓音构筑的花房里;混点techno味的U & Me=Love有着Jewel难得一见的诱惑魅力;当然,珠儿那敏锐的观察力也在歌词中表露无疑,表达对美国社会冷眼意见的Stand及America令人激赏。 不管是一个人只带着一把吉他,或是带领着一个乐团上台,Jewel一向是一个很有大众魅力的现场演唱歌手。Jewel在音乐上尝试新的转变,值得我们倾心聆听,感受Jewel的用心与努力,从【0304欲望城市】体验珠儿。 01. Stand 02. Run 2 03. Intuition 04. Leave The Lights On 05. 2 Find U 06. Fragile Heart 07. Doin" Fine 08. 2 Become 1 09. Haunted 10. Sweet Temptation 11. Yes U Can 12. U & Me=Love 13. America 14. Becoming JEWEL [Goodbye Alice in Wonderland] (2006) Jewel的的第六张录音室专辑《Goodbye Alice in Wonderland》定於5月2日发行,因此在这次联合巡演中,Jewel主要是为这张个人新专辑进行宣传。而Rob Thomas仍将继续宣传他去年已经获得了白金销量的首张个人专辑《. . . Something to Be》,这张专辑曾在去年成功获得Billboard 200专辑榜的冠军。 作为2003年的《0304》之后的最新作品,这张《Goodbye Alice in Wonderland》由Jewel和绿日乐队(Green Day)的制作人罗伯·卡瓦罗(Rob Cavallo)合作完成。Jewel在新专辑中尝试了多种音乐风格,从乡村小调《Stephenville, TX》,到欢快的流行歌曲《Satellite》,再到到民谣风味的开场曲《Again and Again》等等。值得一提的是,Jewel的这张专辑中的13首歌均为现场录制,使整张专辑看起来更像一场音乐会。在接受采访时,Jewel说:“如果可以的话,我会在这次巡演中把这张专辑中的歌曲从头到尾唱一遍。” 1. Again and Again 2. Long Slow Slide 3. Goodbye Alice in Wonderland 4. Good Day 5. Satellite 6. Only One Too 7. Words Get In the Way 8. Drive To You 9. Last Dance Rodeo 10. Fragile Heart 11. Stephenville, TX 12. Where You Are 13. 1000 Miles Away Stronger Woman (single) Single 发行时间: Feb 5, 2008 jewel的个人网站:


I am a boy and you are a girl.我是一个男孩,你是一个女孩。

Pandas pivot_table函数使用示例(数据透视)

其实Pandas有pivot、pivot_table两个函数来做数据透视,作用是一样的,只是pivot_table算是pivot的增强版,pivot_table对数据格式要求不高,而且支持aggfunc、fillvalue等参数,所以这里主要介绍pivot_table。 不过这里提一下,在使用 pivot 函数过程中可能会经常碰到一些异常,比如下面这个: 这就是刚才说的, pivot 函数对数据有些要求,这时可以尝试使用 pivot_table ! values、index、columns参数都比较好理解,就是指定index作为纵轴索引、columns作为横轴索引来观察指定的values值,另外aggfunc指定的是均值函数(mean),下面边用边深入理解。 index、columns参数必须传一个,否则会报以下错误: 只传index时 只传columns时 兄台不知道是否有疑问,原来数据中class、student这两列去哪里了???为啥只剩grades了??? 我的理解是被忽略掉了,因为这两列不是数字,mean函数作用不了,为了更好理解我把默认的mean函数换成其他函数,慢慢往下看: 可以看到其实aggfunc接受的参数是一个Pandas中的Series对象,那我们把Series转成列表看下里面是啥. 搜德斯捏!!!原来就是通过指定维度后透视得到的值的列表,或者你可以理解是通过lookup来得到的一列值。所以mean函数在作用于class、student这两列是字符串元素的列表肯定是不对的,所以被过滤掉了。 基于上面的数据集,做些小需求来更深入理解 pivot_table 函数 (1)统计各个班级(class)的平均分 (2)统计各个班级(class)的平均分以及班级学生人数 (3)统计各个班级(class)的各个科目(subject)的平均分 (7)统计各个学生(student)的最高分,最低分,平均分 上面是多级索引,可能你想去掉grades这一级, 可以参考下面方法 stack()是行转列, 把grades从column变成了index, 再reset_index去掉grades (8)获取各个学生(student)的最高分的level, 其中划分方式是: "C" < 80 <= "B" < 90 <= "A"

What do you do after you go poo-poo and pee-pee?

go poo-poo 是英语俚语,常常用于和三岁以下小儿的会话中,既然是俚语就不会按标准英语语法去考虑,也就不会说go to poo-poo 或者go poo-pooing 。


本篇文章给大家带来的内容是关于pandas.DataFrame中pivot()如何实现行转列的问题(代码),有一定的参考价值,有需要的朋友可以参考一下,希望对你有所帮助。示例:有如下表需要进行行转列:代码如下:# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import pandas as pdimport MySQLdbfrom warnings import filterwarnings# 由于create table if not exists总会抛出warning,因此使用filterwarnings消除filterwarnings("ignore", category = MySQLdb.Warning)from sqlalchemy import create_engineimport sysif sys.version_info.major<3: reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") # 此脚本适用于python2和python3host,port,user,passwd,db,charset="",3306,"leo","mysql","test","utf8"def get_df(): global host,port,user,passwd,db,charset conn_config={"host":host, "port":port, "user":user, "passwd":passwd, "db":db,"charset":charset} conn = MySQLdb.connect(**conn_config) result_df=pd.read_sql("select UserName,Subject,Score from TEST",conn) return result_dfdef pivot(result_df): df_pivoted_init=result_df.pivot("UserName","Subject","Score") df_pivoted = df_pivoted_init.reset_index() # 将行索引也作为DataFrame值的一部分,以方便存储数据库 return df_pivoted_init,df_pivoted # 返回的两个DataFrame,一个是以姓名作index的,一个是以数字序列作index,前者用于unpivot,后者用于save_to_mysqldef unpivot(df_pivoted_init): # unpivot需要进行df_pivoted_init二维表格的行、列索引遍历,需要拼SQL因此不能使用save_to_mysql存数据,这里使用SQL和MySQLdb接口存 insert_sql="insert into test_unpivot(UserName,Subject,Score) values " # 处理值为NaN的情况 df_pivoted_init=df_pivoted_init.add(0,fill_value=0) for col in df_pivoted_init.columns: for index in df_pivoted_init.index:[index,col] if value!=0: insert_sql=insert_sql+"("%s","%s",%s)" %(index,col,value)+"," insert_sql = insert_sql.strip(",") global host, port, user, passwd, db, charset conn_config = {"host": host, "port": port, "user": user, "passwd": passwd, "db": db, "charset": charset} conn = MySQLdb.connect(**conn_config) cur=conn.cursor() cur.execute("create table if not exists test_unpivot like TEST") cur.execute(insert_sql) conn.commit() conn.close()def save_to_mysql(df_pivoted,tablename): global host, port, user, passwd, db, charset """ 只有使用sqllite时才能指定con=connection实例,其他数据库需要使用sqlalchemy生成engine,engine的定义可以添加?来设置字符集和其他属性 """ conn="mysql://%s:%s@%s:%d/%s?charset=%s" %(user,passwd,host,port,db,charset) mysql_engine = create_engine(conn) df_pivoted.to_sql(name=tablename, con=mysql_engine, if_exists="replace", index=False)# 从TEST表读取源数据至DataFrame结构result_df=get_df()# 将源数据行转列为二维表格形式df_pivoted_init,df_pivoted=pivot(result_df)# 将二维表格形式的数据存到新表test中save_to_mysql(df_pivoted,"test")# 将被行转列的数据unpivot,存入test_unpivot表中unpivot(df_pivoted_init)结果如下:关于Pandas DataFrame类自带的pivot方法:DataFrame.pivot(index=None, columns=None, values=None):Return reshaped DataFrame organized by given index / column values.这里只有3个参数,是因为pivot之后的结果一定是二维表格,只需要行列及其对应的值,而且也因为是二维表格,unpivot之后is_pass列是肯定会丢失的,因此一开始我就没查这个列。

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美国NEB 公司New England Biolabs

求《knowledge and wisdom》的朗读材料 谢谢!!!

Knowledge and WisdomBertrand Russell--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most people would agree that, although our age far surpasses all previous ages in knowledge, there has been no correlative increase in wisdom. But agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define `wisdom" and consider means of promoting it. I want to ask first what wisdom is, and then what can be done to teach it.There are, I think, several factors that contribute to wisdom. Of these I should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight. This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity fo the specialized knowledge required of various kinds of technicians. Suppose, for example, that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine. The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your intellectual energy. You have not time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine. You succeed (let us say), as modern medicine has succeeded, in enormously lowering the infant death-rate, not only in Europe and America, but also in Asia and Africa. This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowering the standard of life in the most populous parts of the world. To take an even more spectacular example, which is in everybody"s mind at the present time: You study the composistion of the atom from a disinterested desire for knowledge, and incidentally place in the hands of powerful lunatics the means of destroying the human race. In such ways the pursuit of knowledge may becorem harmful unless it is combined with wisdom; and wisdom in the sense of comprehensive vision is not necessarily present in specialists in the pursuit of knowledge.Comprehensiveness alone, however, is not enough to constitute wisdom. There must be, also, a certain awareness of the ends of human life. This may be illustrated by the study of history. Many eminent historians have done more harm than good because they viewed facts through the distorting medium of their own passions. Hegel had a philosophy of history which did not suffer from any lack of comprehensiveness, since it started from the earliest times and continued into an indefinite future. But the chief lesson of history which he sought to unculcate was that from the year 400AD down to his own time Germany had been the most important nation and the standard-bearer of progress in the world. Perhaps one could stretch the comprehensiveness that contitutes wisdom to include not only intellect but also feeling. It is by no means uncommon to find men whose knowledge is wide but whose feelings are narrow. Such men lack what I call wisdom.It is not only in public ways, but in private life equally, that wisdom is needed. It is needed in the choice of ends to be pursued and in emancipation from personal prejudice. Even an end which it would be noble to pursue if it were attainable may be pursued unwisely if it is inherently impossible of achievement. Many men in past ages devoted their lives to a search for the philosopher"s stone and the elixir of life. No doubt, if they could have found them, they would have conferred great benefits upon mankind, but as it was their lives were wasted. To descend to less heroic matters, consider the case of two men, Mr A and Mr B, who hate each other and, through mutual hatred, bring each other to destruction. Suppose you dgo the Mr A and say, "Why do you hate Mr B?" He will no doubt give you an appalling list of Mr B"s vices, partly true, partly false. And now suppose you go to Mr B. He will give you an exactly similar list of Mr A"s vices with an equal admixture of truth and falsehood. Suppose you now come back to Mr A and say, "You will be surprised too learn that Mr B says the same things about you as you say about him", and you go to Mr B and make a similar speech. The first effect, no doubt, will be to increase their mutual hatred, since each will be so horrified by the other"s injustice. But perhaps, if you have sufficient patience and sufficient persuasiveness, you may succeed in convincing each that the other has only the normal share of human wickedness, and that their enmity is harmful to both. If you can do this, you will have instilled some fragment of wisdom.I think the essence of wisdom is emancipation, as fat as possible, from the tyranny of the here and now. We cannot help the egoism of our senses. Sight and sound and touch are bound up with our own bodies and cannot be impersonal. Our emotions start similarly from ourselves. An infant feels hunger or discomfort, and is unaffected except by his own physical condition. Gradually with the years, his horizon widens, and, in proportion as his thoughts and feelings become less personal and less concerned with his own physical states, he achieves growing wisdom. This is of course a matter of degree. No one can view the world with complete impartiality; and if anyone could, he would hardly be able to remain alive. But it is possible to make a continual approach towards impartiality, on the one hand, by knowing things somewhat remote in time or space, and on the other hand, by giving to such things their due weight in our feelings. It is this approach towards impartiality that constitutes growth in wisdom.Can wisdom in this sense be taught? And, if it can, should the teaching of it be one of the aims of education? I should answer both these questions in the affirmative. We are told on Sundays that we should love our neighbors as ourselves. On the other six days of the week, we are exhorted to hate. But you will remember that the precept was exemplified by saying that the Samaritan was our neighbour. We no longer have any wish to hate Samaritans and so we are apt to miss the point of the parable. If you wnat to get its point, you should substitute Communist or anti-Communist, as the case may be, for Samaritan. It might be objected that it is right to hate those who do harm. I do not think so. If you hate them, it is only too likely that you will become equally harmful; and it is very unlikely that you will induce them to abandon their evil ways. Hatred of evil is itself a kind of bondage to evil. The way out is through understanding, not through hate. I am not advocating non-resistance. But I am saying that resistance, if it is to be effective in preventing the spread of evil, should be combined with the greatest degree of understanding and the smallest degree of force that is compatible with the survival of the good things that we wish to preserve.It is commonly urged that a point of view such as I have been advocating is incompatible with vigour in action. I do not think history bears out this view. Queen Elizabeth I in England and Henry IV in France lived in a world where almost everybody was fanatical, either on the Protestant or on the Catholic side. Both remained free from the errors of their time and both, by remaining free, were beneficent and certainly not ineffective. Abraham Lincoln conducted a great war without ever departing from what I have called wisdom.I have said that in some degree wisdom can be taught. I think that this teaching should have a larger intellectual element than has been customary in what has been thought of as moral instruction. I think that the disastrous results of hatred and narrow-mindedness to those who feel them can be pointed out incidentally in the course of giving knowledge. I do not think that knowledge and morals ought to be too much separated. It is true that the kind of specialized knowledge which is required for various kinds of skill has very little to do with wisdom. But it should be supplemented in education by wider surveys calculated to put it in its place in the total of human activities. Even the best technicians should also be good citizens; and when I say "citizens", I mean citizens of the world and not of this or that sect or nation. With every increase of knowledge and skill, wisdom becomes more necessary, for every such increase augments our capacity of realizing our purposes, and therefore augments our capacity for evil, if our purposes are unwise. The world needs wisdom as it has never needed it before; and if knowledge continues to increase, the world will need wisdom in the future even more than it does now.

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在我的认知里,是没有办法改变当前的classloder的,当前的 SpringApplication.run的时候,肯定是系统的classloder啊,就让我们来揭开迷雾吧。 参数mainClass就是HSFProviderApplication这个有main方法的入口类 参数args就是main方法的参数 参数的classLoader是我们自己创建的classloader 由于我们创建的classloder是系统classloder的子类,我们就可以做文章了,中间件的类用新创建的classloder来加载,业务的类用系统的classloder来加载。是不是非常巧妙啊。 如何保证不会执行多次加载逻辑,甚至死循环的呢?第一遍是系统的classloder,第二遍虽然看上去是我们自己创建的classloder,但我们我们创建的classloder是委托给系统的classloder的,所以其实还是相同的classloder。这就很简单了,PandoraBootstrap执行第一遍之后就改一个bool变量,第二遍读到这个变量改了就直接跳过了。

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求Melissa McClelland. i blame you .歌词.谢谢..

I"ve got no one to blame, but you I"m as innocent as the truth I"m as sweet as a pea I"m as noble as a queen So don"t blame it on meI"ve had all I can take of regret I"ve done all I can do to forget you So if my simple plea is beneath you Let it be I"ll forgive you For what you don"t seeI"ve got no one to blame, but you I"m pure hearted So true and blue I"m as sweet as the honey From a honey bee So don"t blame it on meI"ve got no one to blame, but you I"m naive as the seeds of truth I"m as good as gold I"m an angel I"ve been told So don"t blame it Don"t you blame it on me

The Allman Brothers Band的《Melissa》 歌词

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The Allman Brothers Band的《Melissa》 歌词

歌曲名:Melissa歌手:The Allman Brothers Band专辑:The Allman Brothers Band / Rock Legends君の手で切り裂いて 远い日の记忆を悲しみの息の根を止めてくれよさぁ 爱に焦がれた 胸を 贯け明日が来るはずの空を见て迷うばかりの心持て余してる傍らの鸟が羽ばたいたどこか光を见つけられたのかななぁ お前の背に俺も乗せてくれないかそして 一番高い所で置き去りにして优しさから远ざけて君の手で切り裂いて 远い日の记忆を悲しみの息の音を止めてくれよさぁ 爱に焦がれた 胸を 贯け鸟を夕闇に见送った 地をは这うばかりの俺を风がなぜる羽根が欲しいとは言わないさせめて宙に舞うメリッサの叶になりたいもう 随分と立ち尽くしてみたけど多分答えはないのだろうこの风にも行くあてなどないように君の手で键をかけて ためらいなどないだろう间违っても 二度と开くことのないようにさぁ 锭の落ちる音で终わらせて救いのない魂は流らせて消え行く消えていく瞬间にわずか光る今 月が満ちる夜を生み出すのさPorno Graffiti - Melissa钢の錬金术师OP1

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bonded by loops and flares通过循环和耀斑保税双语对照例句:1.So who came by and grabbed those keys? 那么是谁经过抓起了这些钥匙?-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
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