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European Commission是一个什么机构?中文怎样标识?


It is such an interesting book as we all like very much,为什么是定语从句?


英语:european union 前面要不要加the

European Union 前面要加the

better and better是什么意思


The European Union

The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of 27 member states which are located primarily in Europe.[7] The EU traces its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Economic Community (EEC) formed by six countries in 1958. In the intervening years the EU has grown in size by the accession of new member states, and in power by the addition of policy areas to its remit. The Maastricht Treaty established the European Union under its current name in 1993.[8] The last amendment to the constitutional basis of the EU, the Treaty of Lisbon, came into force in 2009.The EU operates through a hybrid system of supranational independent institutions and intergovernmentally made decisions negotiated by the member states.[9][10][11] Important institutions of the EU include the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, the European Council, the Court of Justice of the European Union, and the European Central Bank. The European Parliament is elected every five years by EU citizens.The EU has developed a single market through a standardised system of laws which apply in all member states including the abolition of passport controls within the Schengen area.[12] It ensures the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital,[13] enacts legislation in justice and home affairs, and maintains common policies on trade,[14] agriculture,[15] fisheries and regional development.[16] A monetary union, the eurozone, was established in 1999 and is currently composed of seventeen member states. Through the Common Foreign and Security Policy the EU has developed a limited role in external relations and defence. Permanent diplomatic missions have been established around the world and the EU is represented at the United Nations, the WTO, the G8 and the G-20.With a total population of over 500 million inhabitants,[17] in 2010 the EU generated an estimated 26% (US$16.282 trillion)[18] of the global economy, or 20% (US$15.170 trillion) when adjusted in terms of purchasing power parity.

高一外教版 必修3 The european union 翻译


Water is to fish what air is to man. 水对鱼的关系正如空气对人


Air is to man what water is to fish. 这到底是什么句呢?

A is to B what C is to D固定句型: A 对B 来说就如C 对D 一样。



just as air is to man

就你提出的题目先来总的说一下:    方式状语从句通常由as, (just) as…so…, as if, as though引导. as, (just) as…so…引导的方式状语从句通常位于主句后,但在(just) as…so…结构中位于句首,这时as从句带有比喻的含义,意思是"正如…","就像",多用于正式文体,例如: Always do to the others as you would be done by.   你希望人家怎样待你,你就要怎样待人. As water is to fish, so air is to man.   我们离不开空气,犹如鱼儿离不开水 Just as we sweep our rooms, so we should sweep backward ideas from our minds.  正如打扫房屋一样,我们也要扫除我们头脑中落后的东西.

as air is to man,so is water to fish.

这个句子表达有错。Air is to man what water is to fish.人离不开空气,就像鱼儿离不开水一样。

求Silence is unnatural to man 这篇匿名发表却很出名的短文的翻译

沉默是自然的(不自然的,反常的)的人。他开始一哭的生活和结束它在寂静。在这两者之间,他这一切,使他能在世界上噪音,他担心的沉默比什么都重要。甚至他的谈话是企图阻止一个可怕的沉默。如果他介绍给另一个人,以及暂停数发生在谈话中,他认为这是一个失败,是一种毫无价值的人自己,是在空旷的领导喋喋不休(喋喋不休的人)羡慕充分。他知道,99人交谈百分之意味着没有超过嗡嗡(嗡嗡声,乱哄哄的说话声的苍蝇),但他急于加入喧嚣,以证明他是一个人,而不是一蜡像人物(蜡塑人像)。 谈话的目的是不是在大多数情况下,沟通思想,它是保持了嗡嗡声。还有,必须承认,不同性质的轰动,甚至有报道,而是恼人的噪音不断被蚊子言(蚊子)。但是,在一次晚宴一宁是一个比一个安静的人,蚊子。最热闹,所幸的是,好听,,其中有一些甚至是愉快的思想。他将是一个愚蠢的人,如果他等到他有一个明智认为参与的热闹与他的邻居。 谁讨厌那些拿起一个对话开幕式的天气似乎我不知道为什么人类想谈一谈。极少数人参加,在学习什么新的希望交谈。其中一些内容,如果只是下去,使其他国家的人民把耳朵噪音,虽然他们没有什么,只是告诉他们看到两个或三个新戏,或者说,他们在1月底在瑞士酒店粮食,期间的一个晚上,他们说什么长期有意义的,他们只是证明自己是成功的conversationists(健谈者,有口才的人).

Air is to man what fish to water.


as water is to fish,so air is to man


water is to fish what air is to man是什么从句

Water is to fish what air is to man. 请把to fish提到句子开头,全句变成 To fish, water is what air is to man. 可见,what air is to man 就是前面is 的表语从句。what air is to man即对人而言air 是什么。全句为: To fish, water is what air is to man. 即:对鱼而言,water就是 对人而言air 是的那个东东。

英语完成句子 Air is to man ___________ (就像水对鱼一样)(what)

what water is to fish

______ air is to man, so is water to fish.


改错air is to man is what water is to fish


as air is to man ,so is water to fish ,第一个as为什么不能换成like ?


amount of 前面要加an吗

不加,一般加the。即:the amount of 祝您学习进步,更上一层楼!如果答案您满意,请记得采纳,谢谢!O(∩_∩)O

a number of和an amount of的区别?

an amount of通常与不可数、无生命的名词连用。如: She spent a very large amount of money yesterday. 她昨天花了好大一笔钱。 a number of与可数、有生命或无生命的名词连用。如: The president has made a large number of mistakes. 总统已犯了许多错误。 an amount of一般是指某个物体的的多少,一般用an large amount of等。 the amount of一般是某个物体的具体的数量,后面一般加名词。 a number of与an amount of的意思差不多,但一般后面加群体性的名词,如:people. the number of也和the amount of差不多,也是后面一般加群体性名词

mass of 和 amount of 和 many of 他们的区别和用法

mass of: π-meson π介子的质量 Examples: 1.I found a mass of spawn in the fish before cooking. 烧鱼前,我发现鱼里有很多鱼籽. 2.A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团. 3.A cloud is a mass of vapour in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团. 4.A great mass of rock had fallen from the cliff and now blocked the road. 一大堆岩石从悬崖上掉了下来,堵塞了道路. 5.There is a heterogeneous mass of papers in the teacher"s office. 老师的办公室里堆满了大批不同的论文. 6.The garden was a mass of colour. 花园中五彩缤纷. 7.The flowers made a mass of colour against the stone wall. 以石墙衬托著的花朵五彩缤纷. 8.A dense mass of black hair framed his face. 浓密的黑发衬托著他的面庞. amount of 大量许多的 eg:he has any amount of money他有许多钱 no amount of lies can cover it up再多的欢颜也掩盖不了这一点 many of大多数 eg:many of them can speak english in fluent 他们中的大多数都能流利地说英文

欧洲联盟(European Union)


european union怎么读

European union[英] [u02ccju028au0259ru0259u02c8pi:u0259n u02c8ju:nju0259n] [美] [u02ccju028aru0259u02c8piu0259n u02c8junju0259n] [法]欧洲联盟

英语作文 我的发明 An invention


he is the first man后面为什么是to do sth


To be a yes man是什么意思


to be a better man什么意思


an amount of和the amount of的区别是什么?

"An amount of" 表示一个数量,可以是任何数量,包括一些、许多或少量的数量。例如: "I need an amount of money to buy a new bike." (我需要一些钱来买新自行车)"The amount of" 表示特定数量,指的是已知或已被提及的数量。例如: "The amount of money I need to buy a new bike is $200." (我买新自行车需要的钱数是200美元)因此,"an amount of" 是泛指的,可以表示任何数量,而 "the amount of" 则是特定的数量。

to love a man is to be generous,to unde什么意思


someone said to a man 阅读理解答案

36.Why didn"t the man have the intention of traveling  A.He thought he already knew about people in the world when he was at home  B.He was too weak to travel any more  C.He could not understand people in other countries since he didn"t know English  D.He preferred to stay home to enjoy his rest life.  正确答案:A  解析:问题问的是:为什么那个人没有周游世界的欲望?文章的第一段就提到那个人认为世界各地的一切都是一样的,呆在家中就能了解一切,没有必要去旅行  37.Which of the following statements is NOT true  A.People all over the world are the same, but they are also different  B.People react differently to the same situation  C.Different values are reflected in different aspects of life in different cultures  D.The reasons for the same feelings are also the same in different cultures  正确答案:D  解析:问题问的是:以下的说法哪个有误?由第二段的Also, while all people have the same feelings, the causes of these feelings are different.“虽然人们有相同的情感,但是这些情感的起因是不同的。”可知D项表述是错误的  38.What kind of life does the old lead in Korea  A.They are living alone and relatives come to see them only when festival comes  B.They are afraid of old age and few others care about them  C.They are enjoying their old age since they can get respect and caring from others  D.They are upset and people buy gifts to cheer them up  正确答案:C  解析:问题问的是:韩国的老年人过着怎样的生活?第三段提到了韩国老年人的生活。韩国人上了年纪后会更加得到人们的尊重,当他们无法独自生活的时候,子女或者亲属便和他们住在一起,因此C选项的表述正确39.What kind of life does the old lead in America  A.They get little attention and respect  B.They have to go out to make a living by themselves  C.They are together with the young and talk with them very often  D.They are enjoying themselves since they are living alone  正确答案:A  解析:问题问的是:美国的老年人过着怎样的生活?文章的第四段提到了美国老年人的生活。他们独自过活,他们想保持年轻,甚至效仿年轻人的语言行为,他们得不到尊重和关怀,由于他们太老,企业不愿意雇佣他们。从这些事实来看A选项最符合美国老年人的生活现状  40.Which of the following is of the closest meaning to “businesses” (Para 4)  A.Families  B.Companies  C.Consumers  D.Bosses  正确答案:B  解析:问题问的是:businesses和哪个单词的意思最相近?根据上下文猜测词义题。原句的意思是“没有公司愿意雇佣这些老年人。”所以答案是B。B 问题问的是:文章中提到的志愿者有什么新特征?第一段末句It"s getting older and older.提到志愿者队伍的年龄越来越大了。it指代的是volunteer force,同样,第二段倒数第一.二句也用数字表示,志愿者平均年龄由20岁出头增加到35岁


how to make a snowman 1: First,We make a big ball of snow.Then we make another snowball,This one is smaller than the first. Good!Now are make another samll snetowball. We put it on top. Let`s make a face on the snowman. This carrot is snowman nose. I have some little rocks for snowman mouth and eyes. I have two sticks for snowman arms. I think snowman wonderful. 2: First, wemake a bigball of snow. Then we make another snowball. This one is smaller then the first, We put this snowball on that snowball. Then we make another snow snowball put it on top . Then we make face on the snowman. We have carrot is his nose.we have some rocks for his mouth and eyes. Ok, the snowman is wondwrful. 3: Make a snowman First ,wemakeabigballofsnow .Thenwemakeanothersnowball ,thisoneissmallerthanthefirst .Putthissnowballonthatsnowball . Next ,makeanothersmallsnowballandputitontop . Ihaveasomelittlerocksforhismouthanderes . Ihaveacarrotforhisnose . Ihaveatwosticksforhisarms . OK .Thisisasnowman .

invention 前面加a 还是an ?


the man is a doctor i spoke to the man怎么改为定语从句?

The man who I talked to is a doctor.

Many Men歌词

Eels的《Man Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Man Up歌手:Eels专辑:yes man soundtrackEels - Man UpAlbum: Yes Man (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Editor: User "UserLogin"(Music...)In my heart of heartsI know it wellBeen giving myself the soft sellAnyone can see that I′ve been running awayNot facing the day that′s hereIt′s time to man upI′m man enoughI′m man enough for youit′s time to man upThe phone is off, the blinds are downMe and my heart are out of townThe sign is hammered upDo not disturbDon′t say another word to meIt′s time to man upI′m man enoughIn my heart of heartsI know it wellI hit the ground hard when I fellNot licking wounds but more like sewing them upMan it was rough for meBut it′s time to man upI′m man enoughI′m man enough for youIt′s time to man upIt′s time to man up...(Music Continues...) - The End -

Do you want to be a man or a woman?Why?


Petroleum is to industry ____ blood is to man. 帮忙看下,为什么选C.???

这是what引导的一个表语从句在理解这句话之前,先看看这句话你懂不懂:Petroleum is the lifeline to industry.石油是工业的生命线.上面的那句话只是把lifeline换成了what blood is to man.Petroleum is what blood is to man to industry.表语从句也是名词性从句,它的作用就相当于一个名词短语.但是上面那个句子并不理想,to man与前面的is本来是紧密结合的,但现在被一个老长的句子隔开,容易造成误解.因此进行了调整,把那个句子移到最后,就形成了题中的句子.这句话的意思是:石油对于工业的重要性就相当于血液对于人的重要性.

九年级英语作文:an invention

The length of time in the spotlight can also be a determining factor, as the longer the person is examined in the media, the greater the possibility that damaging information will be discovered or that the individual will do something to disparage his or her reputation. But to broadly state that media scrutiny will diminish anyone"s reputation is to overstate the distinct possibility that, given a long enough time and a certain level of intensity of coverage, the media may damage a person"s reputation.

求X Japan的goodbye的罗马音歌词!

X-japan( hide)-goodbye Say good bye tada Good bye. Say goodbye ただGoodbye say good bye 只是good bye Subete no wazurawashisa ni Good bye. 全ての烦わしさに Goodbye 向所有的烦恼 说good bye Say good bye tada Good bye. Say goodbye ただGoodbye say good bye 只是good bye Kawaru koto osorezuni Good bye. 変わる事恐れずに Goodbye 向不再害怕的变化 说good bye Atemo naku tada aruite. あても无く ただ步いて 没有目的 只是随便走走 Tsukareta hibi no takara ni Good bye. 疲れた日々の宝に Goodbye 向已厌倦的日子 说good bye Susundeyuku michishirube wa. 进んで行く 道标は 身边的路标 Saisho to onaji kaze no mama ni. 最初と同じ风のままに 仍是不变的最初 随风前行 If you can′t find a way. If you can"t find a way 如果你不能找到方向 Ikutsu mono Winding road. いくつもの Winding road 前有多少条 winding road Sora ni te wo kazashite Round & round. 空に手をかざして Round & round 向天空伸出手 round & round Mada minu tochi ni fuan oboenagara. まだ见ぬ土地に 不安觉えながら 感觉无力触及的恐惧 Chiisana uta ni tazuneru. 小さな诗に 寻ねる 循着细微的歌声 一路寻觅 Please songs tell me true. Please songs tell me true 用歌声告诉我真相 Kimi no melody. 君のメロデイー 你的旋律伴随左右 Doko ni itemo naritsudzuketeiru. 何処にいても 鸣り续けている 无论何时 无论何地 Mata itsuka hitori mayottemo. またいつか 一人迷っても 从迷境中走出 Kikoetanara karoyaka ni arukidaseru. 闻こえたなら やかに步きてせる 伴随你的旋律 Say good bye tada Good bye. Say goodbye ただGoodbye say good bye 只是good bye Kizutsuku no wo osorezuni Good bye. 伤つくのを恐れずに Goodbye 向不再害怕的伤痛 说good bye Te no naka no machi kirenai. 手の中の持ちきれない 负担不了 太多的回忆 Omoi wa subete suteteyukou. 思いは全て舍てて行こう 那就全部抛弃 Please songs tell me true. Please songs tell me true 用歌声告诉我真相 Kimi no melody. 君のメロデイー 只要有你的旋律 Doko ni itemo naritsudzuketeiru. 何処にいても 鸣り续けている 也许独自迷失 Moshi dokoka hitori mayottemo. もし何処か 一人まよっても 在未知的何地 Utaetanara shinayaka ni arukidaseru. 歌えたなら しなやかに步きだせる 伴随歌声 悠然前行 Goodbye... 下载:


i want to your man我想成为你的男人

英语句子结构分析 he is too old a man to do it

too....to句型。一般我们见到比较简单:Heistoooldtotravelfar.词句中,tooold是表语。而这句中,toooldaman是句子中的表语,而这个表语之中,tooold又是aman的定语。两句后面的 todoit 都是表示结果的状语。

I gave it to the man.句子成分?

i是主语。gave是谓语动词。it是直接宾语。the man 是间接宾语。句子的组成成分叫句子成分,也叫句法成分。在句子中,词与词之间有一定的组合关系,按照不同的关系,可以把句子分为不同的组成成分。句子成分由词或词组充当。汉语: 现代汉语里一般的句子成分有八种,即主语、谓语、宾语、动语,定语、状语,补语和中心语。 英语:句子的组成部分,包括主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语和同位语八种

You can do anything you set your mind to, man 什么意思

你可以做任何你设置你的心,人 谷歌翻译的,不知道什么那意思~





Monkey To Man 歌词

歌曲名:Monkey To Man歌手:Elvis Costello & The Imposters专辑:The Delivery ManElvis Costello - Monkey To ManA long time ago, our point of viewWas broadcast by Mr. BartholomewNow the world is full of sorrow and painIt"s time for us to speak up againYou"re slack and sorrySuch an arrogant broodThe only purpose you serve is to bring us our foodWe sit here staring at your pomp and poutOutside the bars we use for keeping you outYou"ve taken everything that you wantedBroke it up and plundered it and huntedEver since we said itYou went and took the creditIt"s been headed this way since the world beganWhen a vicious creature took the jump from Monkey to ManEvery time that man struggles and failsHe makes up some kind of fairytalesAfter all of the misery that he has causedHe denies he"s descended from the dinosaursPoints up to heaven with cathedral spiresAll the time indulging in his base desiresEver since we said itHe went and took the creditIt"s been headed this way since the world beganWhen a vicious creature took the jump from Monkey to ManBig and useless as he has becomeWith his crying statues and his flying bombGoes "round acting like the chosen oneExcuse us if we treat him like our idiot cousinHe hangs up flowers and bells and rhymesHoping to hell that someone"s forgiven his crimesFills the air with his pride and his praiseHe"s big disgrace to our beastly waysIn the fashionable nightclubs and finer precinctsMan uses words to dress up his vile instinctsEver since we said itHe went and took the creditIt"s been headed this way since the world beganWhen a vicious creature took the jump from Monkey to Man

“go-to“ man 在NBA术语是什么意思啊?

" go-to" man:在关键时刻可以托付重任的人,另一个说法是 clutch player



一首英文歌。男声。里面有一句歌词是:To be a better man 。求歌名。

歌名:better man

to be a better man是什么意思?

意思是成为一个好男人。1、歌手:Robbie Williams2、歌词Send someone to love me.送一个人来爱我。I need to rest in arms.我需要在其臂弯里入睡。Keep me safe from harm.让我有安全感,免受伤害。In pouring rain.远离倾盆大雨(大声哭泣)。Give me endless summer.给我无尽的夏季吧。Lord ,I fear the cold.上帝啊,我害怕寒冷。Feel I"m getting old.感觉自己在变得苍老。Before my time.未老先衰。As my soul heals the shame.当我的灵魂治愈羞愧。I will grow through this pain.我会在这伤痛中成长。Lord I"m doing all I can.上帝啊,我在竭尽全力的-To be a better man.成为一个好男人。Go easy on my conscience.凭着良知我从容不迫。Cause it"s not my fault.因为这不是我的错。I know I"ve been taught.我知道我已经学会了。To take the blame.接受责难。Rest assured my angels.我的天使无疑-Will catch my tears.将带走我的泪水。Walk me out of here.把我带出这里。I"m in pain.让我远离伤痛。Once you"ve found that lover.一旦你找到了你的爱人。you"re homeward bound.你就会心系于家。Love is all around.爱就在你周围。I know some have fallen.我知道有人摔到了。On stony ground.摔到在无情的土地上。But Love is all around.但爱就在你周围啊。

Victor apologized for ___ to inform me of the change in the plan.



男人是指成年的男性,通常用来指代具有成熟、坚强、勇敢、自信等特质的男性。在英语中,男人可以用不同的词汇来表达,具体使用哪个词汇取决于语境和所要表达的意思。Man:Man 是一个最基本的词汇,可以用来指代成年男性。例如:He is a man.(他是个男人。)此外,man 还可以用来表示人类。例如:Man has explored space.(人类已经探索了太空。)Guy:Guy 通常用来指代男性,特别是那些比较年轻、时尚、有趣的男性。例如:He"s a cool guy.(他是个很酷的人。)Guy 还可以用作一种口语用语,表示“家伙”或“人”。例如:Hey guys!(嘿,大家好!)Boy:Boy 通常用来指代未成年男性,但也可以用来指代成年男性,特别是那些看起来比较年轻的男性。例如:He"s just a boy.(他只是个孩子。)此外,boy 还可以用来表示“男孩子”的意思。例如:My son is a very active boy.(我儿子是个非常活跃的男孩。)男人Gentleman:Gentleman 是一个比较正式的词汇,用来描述有礼貌、文雅、有教养的男性。例如:He"s a true gentleman.(他是一个真正的绅士。)Gentleman 还可以用来表示“先生”的意思。例如:Excuse me, sir, do you have the time?(对不起,先生,你知道现在几点了吗?)绅士Dude:Dude 是一个比较口语化、非正式的词汇,通常用来指代年轻男性,尤其是那些比较潮流或有个性的男性。例如:What"s up, dude?(嘿,老兄,怎么了?)Dude 还可以用来表示“家伙”或“人”。例如:Who"s that dude over there?(那边那个家伙是谁?)Chap:Chap 是一个比较老式的词汇,用来描述男子气概、风度翩翩的男性。例如:He"s a fine chap.(他是个好样的人。)Chap 还可以用来表示“家伙”或“人”。例如:I need to find a good chap to help me with this.(我需要找个好家伙来帮我做这件事。)总之,英语中有很多词汇可以用来描述男性,每个词汇都有自己的特点和用法。在实际使用中,要根据具体情况选择合适的词汇,以便更准确地表达自己的意思。

an amount of修饰可数还是不可数

an amount of中的amount有“数量、金额、总额”的意思,所以an amount of是修饰不可数名词的。 扩展资料 an amount of中的amount可译为“数量、金额、总额”等意思,所以an amount of是修饰不可数名词的,另外修饰不能可数名词的短语还有a great deal of、a large amount of、quite a little、a large sum of等。

an amount of,a number of和a quantity of之间的用法有何不同

1)、an amount of通常与不可数、无生命的名词连用。如: She spent a very large amount of money yesterday. 她昨天花了好大一笔钱。 2)、a number of 与可数、有生命或无生命的名词连用。如: The president has made a large number of mistakes. 总统已犯了许多错误。 3)、a quantity of通常与可数或不可数、无生命的名词连用。如: A vast / large quantity of imported beer has been sold. 已经售出了大量的进口啤酒。 再者,从上面的例句可知,amount, number和quantity的前面经常使用vast, large, small 等表示数量大小的形容词来修饰,而这些形容词前面有时还会使用very等程度副词来修饰。不过,要特别注意的是,在这些用法中,large不可用big 来替代。

求总结amount of.,a great deal of,quantity of短语

a lot of,a great deal of,plenty of,a great amount of,a great quantity of这些短语都表示“许多”或“大量”的意思. 1.a lot of为口语,后面可跟可数名词复数形式,也可跟抽象的或表示物质的名词,在否定句中习惯用not many或not much,a lot可以用作状语. What will you do if you win a lot of money?如果你赢了许多钱,你将做些什么呢? Its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it.开这辆车的人很难把它停下来. I paint a lot of pictures.我画很多画. 2.a great deal of 后面只能跟抽象名词或物质名词,a great deal也可用作状语. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure.这次比赛给了大家许多乐趣. There was a great deal of excitement just before it began.比赛开始前,人们非常激动. 3.plenty of后面可跟复数形式的名词或不可数名词,其含义是“需要多少有多少”或“比实际需要的还要多”,有时,有些象汉语“还多着呢”. There"s plenty of coffee in the kichen.厨房里咖啡还多着呢. There"s always plenty to read in the waiting room.候诊室里总是有许多可供阅读的. 4.a great amount of后面只跟不可数名词. A large amount of money is spent on tobacco every year.每年在烟草上花去大量的钱. 5.a great quantity of后面跟可数或不可数名词都可以. The factory needs a large quantity of water.这家工厂需要大量的水. There are only a small quantity of flowers left in the garden.花园里只剩下少量的花了.

求一首英文歌,歌词最后一句是to be a better man。求歌名和全部歌词。

better man - Send someone to love me   派一个人来爱我   I need to rest in arms   我需要一个臂弯休息   Keep me safe from harm   找一个远离伤害的地方   In pouring rain   当倾盆大雨时   Give me endless summer   给我无尽夏日   Lord I fear the cold   上帝我惧怕严寒   Feel I"m getting old   我觉得自己   正在变老 Better man - Robbie Williams 歌谱Before my time   虽值年少   As my soul heals the shame   灵魂治愈悔恨   I will grow through this pain   痛苦让我成长   Lord I"m doing all I can   上帝,我会尽一切的努力   To be a better man   成为一个更完美的人   Go easy on my conscience   别再苛责我的良知   "Cause it"s not my fault   因为错不在我   I know I"ve been taught   别人教我的是   To take the blame   把过错揽在身上   Rest assured my angels Will catch my tears   放心吧 我的天使会接住我的眼泪   Walk me out of here   陪我离开这里   I"m in pain   我好痛苦   As my soul heals the shame   灵魂治愈悔恨   I will grow through this pain   痛苦让我成长   Lord I"m doing all I can   上帝,我会尽一切的努力   To be a better man   成为一个更完美的人   Once you"ve found that lover   一旦你找到真爱   You"re homeward bound   就有了避风港   Love is all around   爱在四周   Love is all around   爱无所不在   I know some have fallen   即使有人堕落   On stony ground   在一片荒芜   But Love is all around   但有爱在四周

a number of和an amount of的区别

前者注重多,后者注重总量a number of 若干,一些;许多 若干 许多 一些 大量的an amount of 数量;总量 一些 相当数量的 许多 总量


toman 托曼;【史】蒙古军队的一师 多曼;多曼鱼;唐盟复数:tomans例句筛选1.Few people can afford to pay 100, 000 toman [$100] to buy an Adidas T-shirt.几乎没人买得起100美元一件的阿迪达斯T恤衫。2.It puts the traveller into a properly reflective state of mind for a visit toMan Motemple above Central business district.游览位于中心商务区上面的文武庙会带给你一种奇特的心境。

amount的用法? an amount of 与lots of /a lot of 的区别

an amount of只能接不可数名词而lots of /a lot of既可接可数名词复数又可接不可数名词单数

10 th man down歌词翻译

Today I killed, he was just a boy昨天我杀死的时候,他还只是个孩子。Eight before him, I knew them all他之前的那八个人,我都认识。In the fields a dying oath:在原野上,临死前的誓言I磀 kill them all to save my own我要杀死他们拯救自己Cut me free, Bleed with me, Oh no让我解脱,让我流血,不!One by one, We will fall, down down一个接一个,我们将要坠落Pull the plug, End the pain, Run磏 fight for life拔掉插管,结束痛苦,为生命而战Hold on tight, this ain磘 my fight紧紧把持住,这不是我的战场Deliver me from this war让我远离战争It磗 not for me it磗 because of you不是为了我,而是因为你Devil磗 instant my eternity邪恶瞬间占据我的永世Obey to kill to save yourself遵从杀戮,拯救自我"I envy the 9 lives that gave me hell我嫉妒那九条地狱般的生命My path made up by their torn bodies我的道路在他们撕裂的躯体之上Man to man, soldier to soldier, dust to dust人与人,战士同战士,灰尘和灰尘Call me a coward but I can磘 take it anymore"叫我作懦夫吧,但我已经不能再承受They wait for me back home他们在等我回来The live with eyes turned away有眼光的生物离去了They were the first ones to see他们是最先看见的人They are the last ones to bleed它们是最后流血的人"The ultimate high as all beautiful diesz终极的高度,是华丽的死亡A ruler磗 tool, priest磗 excuse, tyrant磗 delight...统治者的工具,牧师的特权,暴君的欢乐I alone, the great white hunter我独自一人,伟大的白色猎人I磍l march till the dawn brings me rest在黎明我安息之前,我将继续前进10th patriot at the gallow磗 pole!"成为墓前的第十个爱国者!




men men

10Th Man Down 歌词

歌曲名:10Th Man Down歌手:Nightwish专辑:Over The Hills And Far Away-One Music10Th Man DownNightwishToday I killed, he was just a boyEight before him, I knew them allIn the fields a dying oath:I"d kill them all to save my ownCut me free, Bleed with me, Oh noOne by one, We will fall, down downPull the plug, End the pain, Run"n fight for lifeHold on tight, this ain"t my fightDeliver me from this warIt"s not for me it"s because of youDevil"s instant my eternityObey to kill to save yourselfCut me free, Bleed with me, Oh noOne by one, We will fall, down downPull the plug, End the pain, Run"n fight for lifeHold on tight, this ain"t my fight"I envy the 9 lives that gave me hellMy path made up by their torn bodiesMan to man, soldier to soldier, dust to dustCall me a coward but I can"t take it anymore"They wait for me back homeThe live with eyes turned awayThey were the first ones to seeThey are the last ones to bleed"The ultimate high as all beautiful diesA ruler"s tool, priest"s excuse, tyrant"s delight...I alone, the great white hunterI"ll march till the dawn brings me rest10th patriot at the gallow"s pole!"Cut me free, Bleed with me, Oh noOne by one, We will fall, down downPull the plug, End the pain, Run"n fight for lifeHold on tight, this ain"t my fightCut me free, Bleed with me, Oh noOne by one, We will fall, down downPull the plug, End the pain, Run"n fight for lifeHold on tight, this ain"t my fight

求man to man 百度云资源,谢谢

《MAN X MAN》是韩国JTBC电视台于2017年4月21日首播的金土连续剧,由李昌民执导,金沅奭编剧,朴海镇、朴成雄、金玟廷、延政勋等主演 。该剧以特殊警卫要员金蔎雨与大明星吕云光的兄弟情作为焦点展开,讲述长时间以明星身份生活的演员和其拥有特殊调查权、负责警卫工作的保镖之间所发生的故事。(公)回(众)复(号)自(Cola5288)取。现在更新至10。

man-to-man t-shirt是啥?


man-to-man talk是什么意思?


韩剧man to man结局是什么 man to man大结局揭晓


英语by leaps and bounds怎么翻译?

英语by leaps and bounds 的意思是:突飞猛进

Hot Chocolate的《Man to Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Man to Man歌手:Hot Chocolate专辑:6 x 6 - The Seventies许志安 - Man to Man作曲: AOK乐队 填词: 徐世珍厌倦了食物链 下班后老地方见喝一杯今夜不要跑给时间追附卡拿给老婆去逛街那个谁呀打完卡就快出现放松一下几个男人成群又结队喝一点小酒交流一下生活的体会干一杯man to man把她她她她们放一边自由 诚可贵再追追追追加下一杯侃侃大山聊聊球队烦恼苦闷全都不见今夜 man to man在这个下班后的失乐园冰啤酒透心扉 红酒要年份正确威士忌on the rock是男人的语言喂喂电话收讯不OK反正女朋友等明天再赔罪再来一点下酒菜是老板的花边吐一吐苦水也是一种心灵的复健松开我的领结 把西装丢在一边卸下了肩上男人的原罪放牛吃草一天 逍遥快乐似神仙在酒馆打烊之前干一杯man to man我喝喝喝也喝不醉梦想 高过天再听听听我唱一遍画画大饼看看妹妹明天的事留给明天今夜 man to man在这个下班后的失乐园

man to man中文翻译

Let " s talk man to man about our problems 让我们诚挚地谈一谈我们的问题。 We promised , remember ? man to man 还记得我们的承诺吗?男人之间的承诺 Do you want some advice , man to man 你想听点忠告吗,男人对男人的 Drop the gun and your badges , and let " s fight man to man 扔下你的破枪和军徽是男人的就跟我单挑! Father love is reigning o er us , brother love binds man to man 荣光赞美到万万年,众天使作乐吟诗, She pkes to go from man to man 她的男友换了一个又一个。 Okay , the rule of the game is man to man 游戏的规则是单挑 As in water face answereth to face , so the heart of man to man 水中照脸,彼此相符。人与人,心也相对。 As in water face answereth to face , so the heart of man to man 水怎样映照人面,人的心思也怎样反映其人。 You know man to man 你知道这是男人和男人之间的事[ kjv ] as in water face answereth to face , so the heart of man to man 水怎样映照人面,人的心思也怎样反映其人。 It " s a promise ! man to man 这是男人之间的承诺! You know , man to man 你知道的,男人同男人之间的 Let " s talk man to man 我们俩好好谈谈 Man to man defense 人盯人防守战术 Man to man 男人对男人 With his specialty being man to man defense , his return will serve as a huge positive for the lakers 有了他的一对一防守,将给湖人带来巨大的帮助。 The united nations have infpcted upon the germans great defeats in open battle , men to men 盟国国在正面战场予以德军迎头痛击空军削弱了德军的空中力量和陆上战斗能力 No need of the as yet undreamed - of telegraph ; the tale flew from man to man , from group to group , from house to house , with pttle less than telegraphic speed 根本用不著什么电报当时人们连做梦都想不到这玩意,这消息一传十,十传百,以电报的速度就传开了,弄得家喻户晓,人人皆知。 The agent characters provided by ms agent not only have some amusing actions , but also can municate with users through sound card and microphone , the interaction beeen the agent sofare developed with ms agent and user is more closer to that of man to man Msagent提供的动画人物不仅有诙谐的动作,还可以通过声卡和麦克风跟用户进行对话,使用msagent开发的代理软件与用户之间的交互更接近人与人之间的交流。 Obviously , i think people are worried about spread from men to men but that is really something much further down the road . currently , there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that the infection is acquired from men to men . for all the intents and purposes , this appears to be quite isolated 但我也想强调,不要只谈与内地的接触,现时全世界已经有这么多人每天乘搭船、飞机或其他交通工具,我们每天有很多游客来香港,香港也有很多市民去外地旅游或做生意。

韩国网站上的衣服,man to manT恤中的man to man是什么意思啊?

man to man即野人传奇。



AWS KMS & Secret Manager

AWS Key Management Service (KMS) is a managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt your data. It uses Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) to protect the security of your keys. It is integrated with AWS CloudTrail to provide you with logs of all key usage to help meet your regulatory and compliance needs. You can share the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer master key (CMK) that was used to encrypt the snapshot with any accounts that you want to be able to access the snapshot. You can share AWS KMS CMKs with another AWS account by adding the other account to the AWS KMS key policy. An AWS-managed CMK can only be used to protect resources within the specific AWS service for which it"s created. It does not provide the level of granular control that a customer-managed CMK provides. An AWS-managed CMK is rotated once every three years automatically, and cannot be deleted. A customer-managed CMK is rotated once a year automatically through opt-in or on-demand manually, and can be deleted. AWS Secret Manager is an AWS service that encrypts and stores your secrets , and transparently decrypts and returns them to you in plaintext. It works to stores application secrets, and supports features that periodically rotate the secrets associated with commonly used databases. It helps you protect secrets needed to access your applications, services, and IT resources. It is integrated with AWS KMS in order to encrypt your data. The AWS CloudHSM service allows you to protect your encryption keys within HSMs designed and validated to government standards for secure key management. You can securely generate, store, and manage the cryptographic keys used for data encryption such that they are accessible only by you. Need to manually create multi-AZ or scaling to improve availability. Need to manually run EC2 to let CloudHSM integrate with other services.

they all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside。这里的all怎么理解

all 副词, 作状语,指"三者以上都", 修饰动词leapt 和 hurried的.这里 outside是副词, 因为它后面没有其它成分了. out of 叫复合介词.

between A,B,C and D 这种用法可以吗


not amount to a hill of beans是什么意思

not amount to a hill of beans不到山上的豆子双语例句not amount to a hill of beans<美俚>无足轻重



between and 和between with的区别

between.and 在.之间一般可以这么理解:between A and B,between with···,

master the key language points in text是什么意思

master the key language points in text的中文翻译master the key language points in text 掌握文本中的关键语言点
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