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rado jubile表后有可能写着japan movt


NJ2167-52A 后壳8210-S043115 HSB 7N0809 GN-4W-S 表盘JAPAN MOVT8210-S075365-NE 怎么鉴别真假

您好,如果您是在西铁城指定的销售网点或是官方直营/认证的网络销售店铺购买的手表,我们可以保证为正品。西铁城指定销售网点:官网首页--销售网络--选择所在省市,相关链接:西铁城网络销售认证:官网首页--网络销售认证,相关链接:如果您通过以上方法无法辨别手表真伪,可以将手表、保证书及购物发票邮寄到北京维修服务中心对手表实物做真伪鉴定,此服务仅限在西铁城北京维修服务中心受理。真伪鉴定服务本身不收取费用,如鉴定为非西铁城手表,将出具真伪鉴定证明,此服务结束,但您还需要承担手表往返的邮寄费用。如鉴定手为真表,将出具真表报告,同时对真表将完成开盖后的后续全检服务,并按检测服务内容收费。以下为您提供详细的邮寄地址以及注意事项:西铁城(中国)钟表有限公司北京维修服务中心地址:北京市顺义区天竺空港工业区天纬二街天柱路7号邮编:101312咨询电话:400-650-1958按键选择:2-1-2收件人:李燕燕客户邮寄物品注意事项:1、为了保证客户邮寄的物品能够安全、快速、准确送达,西铁城公司提醒您选择信誉度高的快递公司,如国家邮政局(邮政包裹、EMS)、顺丰速运(S.F.Express)、中外运敦豪(DHL)、联邦快递 (FedEx)、联合包裹(UPS)等。2、客户在寄送物品时,请附详细清单,清单内容包括物品名称、规格型号、寄送数量、需要提供的服务内容等,并请注明客户全名、电话、详细地址、邮编等联系方式,以便及时沟通。3、为了保证客户的利益不受损害及避免产生不必要的纷争,在签收时如果发现寄送到西铁城(中国)钟表有限公司的包裹出现外包装破损或邮寄方姓名、地址、电话不详等情况,西铁城公司会将包裹原样退回,敬请谅解。 1159

我有一块欧米茄手表怎么样查型号后盖上有JAPAN .MOVT OUARTZ


请问这个是什么手表,皇冠标志,皇冠下面有reginald,六点钟方向有japan movt.


我有个手表 正面有leaw quartz japan movt的字样


jnpan movt什么意思

  japan movt的中文翻译:japan movt  日本机芯  -------------------------------如有疑问,可继续追问,如果满意,请采纳,谢谢。

我有块表是longines(浪琴)的.编号是8529L.上面写的JAPAN MOVT.日本机芯.是真的吗?望高人指点.

Longine是瑞士百年老牌,怎麼可能机芯是日本的,这个有"Swiss Made"标章,所以表示手表超过百分之五十的都是瑞士做的。 你说什麼香港做的机芯还是组装,那一定是假的啦! 只要你买的是真的longine, 品质一定有保证,你如果很要求「精准」,那还是去买石英表吧,即使是百万名表Patek Philippe也会不准! 至於秒针,通常都有秒针的....除非说不是大三针系列,有些小针系列的也有大秒针喔。 六千块买不到Longine机械表,目前我知道longine的机械表最低价款式大约要价8000人民币。石英表就买的到,有一只Longine Spirit石英表只要7500就有啦。 (附带一题,我是台湾人,上述价格也是台湾的代理商公定价,所以不清楚大陆买表的折扣,在台湾都可以有个七折,你去买的时候,记得不要去百货公司,去专门卖表的钟表店,折数比较低,如果店员说最低折扣只有八折或九折,就不要买了,再找折数更低的) 误差多少,通常一天不超过8秒才对。我没有戴过longine的手表,所以确切数字不清楚,你若想要更精准的,就选择有日内瓦天文台认证过的手表,不过价格也贵一点啦。 最后提供你去买表时候的参考 1.记得一定要杀价(能杀多少算多少) 2.一定要拿保证书 3.保证书上面一定要有代理商还有钟表公司的印章(这个一定要拿!非常重要) 4.先在网路上看好了要买的再去钟表公司选购 5.一定要去有代理longine的钟表店买 买了表后的注意事项 1.保证书一定要妥善保存(还有一定要拿购买证明) 2.表盒子也不要弄丢 3.若天天佩带的话,记得两年到三年去洗油 4.有任何的问题要拿回原来购买的表店询问 5.要修理保养一定要送回原厂,记得把保证书跟购买证明带去(机械表就是贵在保养费用) 6.晚上九点到早上五点之间不要调手表的时间及日期,切勿逆时调 7.除非特别标明是潜水表(防水达200m),不然洗澡、或洗手、或游泳都应该拿下。 对了对了,补充一下 如果表店愿意的话 请表店把表壳拆下让你看看内部机心 以防有拼装货 并看看有没有翻写。 不过通常只要去有代理的钟表店买,拼装货或者翻写的机会很小。



手表上的“Japan movt”是什么意思?



yan yan

在表盘6点字处:JAPAN MOVT-9713-S105043-KA 请问是什么意思?价格多少?哪年上市的?型号?谢谢。

您好,根据您提供的手表信息,查询到手表的商品型号为BD0020-54E或BD0021-01E。由于款式较老,无法查询到相关信息,请您理解!JAPAN MOVT代表机芯日本生产;9713为手表机芯型号;S105043为手表表盘型号。1159

我手表12点下方写着HILTI ,6点上方是QUARTZ,6点左右分别写着japan 和movt


ROLEX 手表背面有JAPAN MOVT NO:8050L是什么意思,女表,表的正面表盘上有3个小表盘,我想知道它是真假

japan movt表示日本机芯,劳力士怎么用日本机芯呢?假的表

大家好:请问下面照片中的哈雷手表是正品吗?值多少钱? 手表背面为HAL∈I JAPAN MOVT

HALEI 哈雷JAPAN MOVT 日本机芯STAINLESS STEEL BACK 不锈钢后盖1ATM WATER RESISTANT 10米防水 ??NO:3010M 编号之类广东 佛山 产的 小杂牌手表。不值 钱,也就一百多元吧。阿里 上 这种哈雷表 还有很多款 还不到 一百元呢。

音符标志的手表是什么~~~~1692SG,japan movt



japanmovt 日本机芯,这种手表 都不太贵的,从几百元 到 二三千元 都有。

谁知道卡西欧手表上刻的“JAPAN MOVT”和“CASED IN CHINA”分别是什么意思吗?

日本机芯 中国包装

我有一块女士手表正面写的JAPAN MOVT是啥牌子的,值多少钱?



一般表厂均以「压力值」来测试手表防水功能,并以抗压值(单位BAR或ATM)来表示防水深度,所以这里3 ATM就是指可以防水30米。STAINLESS STEEL BACK JAPAN MOVT意思是 STAINLESS STEEL 不锈钢 JAPAN MOVT 日本机芯QUARTZ:石英表 WATER RESISTANT:防水具体什么牌子的就不知道了,根据型号找手表在网上很不好找。抱歉了楼主。希望可以帮到你,如果觉得好的话就采纳我为满意答案吧,多谢楼主了。

西铁城 JAPAN MOVT-H500-SO32453-KA

您好,您这款手表的型号应为AT0160-67L,为西铁城男款光动能手表,目前已经停产。表盘和后盖上标注的信息不同,表盘上标注的信息为表盘号码,后盖上标准的信息为表壳号码,二者不同属于正常现象。另外,Japan或MADE IN JAPAN代表日本生产;MOV"T JAPAN代表机芯为日本生产。西铁城的生产体系是全球化的,在全球多个国家均设有生产厂,中国也不例外,但是无论在全球任何产地生产的西铁城手表,质量均达到西铁城的要求和标准。虽然产地不同,但它们没有品质上的区别。1202

Stainless Steel back Japan Movt是什么手表?

Stainless Steel back Japan Movt 是采用日本石英表机芯技术的电池驱动手表。Stainless Steel back 是表明手表底部(背面)为不锈钢材质。

收到的手表上只有“QUARTZ"及“JAPAN MOVT"是什么牌子的呢?

QUARTZ英文意思是石英,不是品牌名。石英表的意思~~在表盘或表壳后盖上注有SWISS MOVT 或JAPAN MOVT字样,说明是用瑞士零件或日本零件组成(SWISS MOVT瑞士机芯. JAPAN MOVT日本机芯) 至于是什么的缩写我也不知道 你的手表应该是日本机芯的石英表~



手表上的“Japan movt”是什么意思?


japan movt是什么意思

Japan movt:可能是 日本机芯 的意思movt 可能是 movement 的缩写

我有一块手表,表盘上写着MYTHOS,后面写着JAPAN MOVT,希望大家能告诉我这是什么牌子,价值多少,谢谢

MYTHOS神话,或者舒美特JAPAN MOVT代表你这块表用的是日本的机芯,价值多少我就不知道了,你可以拿到表店里去鉴定一下

朋友给了一只表,上面写着 DIQIUREN 中间写QUARTZ 下面写着JAPAN MOVT 请问这是什么表



Japan MOVT 的意思是日本机芯的意思,一般国产的手表采用的都是日本的机芯,EFFORT艾菲特手表一般采用的都是西铁城的机芯。



百圣牛手表是哪个国家的?为什么它的表上印有“Japan movt”的字样?



JAPAN-MOVT 日本制造8628-K51781 机芯号

手表背面写着stainless steel back japan movt是什么表?

瑞士库尔沃CYS(Cuervo y Sobrinos)是钟表界的贵族,起源于素有“加勒比珍珠”之称的古巴首都哈瓦那,发展于拥有悠久钟表制造历史的瑞士。CYS具有温暖的怀旧气息与独特的拉丁情怀,以暖色调设计彰显其独有的拉丁血统,表款充满艺术气息,并具有精细而上乘的品质。CYS采用瑞士最好的基础机芯,每一块机芯都经过精心打磨,呈现高端机芯的优秀品质。CYS对腕表系列的命名亦别出心裁,根据每个系列的独特个性,选取古巴著名的雪茄名字与之相配,让每款CYS腕表都洋溢着十九世纪末哈瓦那奔放迷人的生活气息。一百多年来,CYS以独特的魅力吸引了众多社会名流的喜爱--爱因斯坦、海明威、丘吉尔等智者都曾是其忠实顾客。CYS展现了奔放古巴风情与精致瑞典工艺的完美结合,让人为之倾心。


没啥用 表上都这么写




japan movt是指日本机芯 movt是指机芯


Japanmovt: 可能是日本机芯的意思 movt可能是movement的缩写 【供参考】

手表背面写着:JAPAN MOVT Stainless Steel Back Water Resistant Austrian Rhine stone 是什么意思?

JAPAN MOVT 日本机芯Stainless Steel Steel 不锈钢后盖Water Resistant防水Austrian Rhine stone澳大利石英= =一般后盖写这么多的。。。都比较便宜。。因为都不是石化。当年中学门口的小精品店里很多这样的手表,价格在二十到三四十左右

sean kingston -beautiful girls帮我翻译下这首歌曲吧。拜托!

Artist: 艺术家: Sean Kingston 肖恩金斯顿 Album: 相册: Eyes Above Water 上述水的眼睛 Title: 标题: Beautiful Girls 美丽的女孩 Your way too beautiful girl, 你的方式太漂亮女孩, that"s why it"ll never work, 这就是为什么它决不会的工作, you have me suicidal, suicidal, 你叫我自杀,自杀, when you say it"s over, 当你说这是结束, damn all these beautiful girls, 所有这些该死的漂亮女孩, they only wanna do ya dur, 他们只想要做亚杜尔 they"ll have you suicidal, sucidal, 他们将你自杀, sucidal , when they say it"s over, 当他们说这是结束, see it started at the park, 看到它开始在公园, used to chill after dark, 用于寒冷天黑后, oh, when you took my heart, 哦,当你拿走了我的心, thats when we fell apart, 当我们多数民众赞成在下跌之外, cause we both though, 事业,我们都不过, that love lasts forever, 爱永久, (Lasts forever) (永久) they say we"re too young, 他们说我们太年轻, to get ourselves sprung, 获得自己兴起, but we didn"t care, 但我们没有照顾, we made if every clear, 如果我们每一个明确的, and they also said, 他们还表示, that we couldn"t last together, 我们不能最后在一起, (Last together) (最后一道) see it"s very defined, 看到这是非常明确, your one of a kind, 您的一个实物, but you mush up my mind, 但你玉米粥了我心中, you often get declined, 你经常拒绝, Oh lord, my baby"s driving me crazy, 噢上帝,我的孩子的驾驶我疯了, your way too beautiful girl, 你的方式太漂亮女孩, that"s why it"ll never work, 这就是为什么它决不会的工作, you have me suicidal, suicidal, 你叫我自杀,自杀, when you say its over, 你说的过去, damn all these beautiful girls, 所有这些该死的漂亮女孩, they only wanna do ya dur, 他们只想要做亚杜尔 they"ll have you suicidal, suicidal, 他们将你自杀,自杀, when they say it"s over, 当他们说这是结束, it was back in 99", 这是早在99 " , watchin movies all the time, watchin电影所有的时间, Oh, when I went away, 哦,当我走了, for doin my first crime, 为doin我第一次犯罪, and I never thought, 和我从来没有想过, that we was gonna see eachother, 我们是一定见eachother , (See eachother) (见eachother ) and then I came out, 然后,我出来后, mommy moved me down south, 妈妈感动南下, away from my, 远离我, who I thought was my world, 我觉得谁是我的世界, it came out to be, 它出来的, that she wasn"t the girl for me, 她是不是女孩对我来说, (Girl for me) (我的女孩) see its very define, 看到它的定义, your one of a kind, 您的一个实物, but you mush up my mind, 但你玉米粥了我心中, you often get declined, 你经常拒绝, oh lord, my baby"s driving me crazy, 噢上帝,我的孩子的驾驶我疯了, your way too beautiful girl, 你的方式太漂亮女孩, that"s why it will never work, 这就是为什么它永远不会工作, you have me suicidal, suicidal, 你叫我自杀,自杀, when you say it"s over, 当你说这是结束, damn all these beautiful girls, 所有这些该死的漂亮女孩, they only wanna do you dur, 他们只希望你杜尔 they"ll have you suicidal, suicidal, 他们将你自杀,自杀, when they say it"s over, 当他们说这是结束, now we"re fussin, 现在,我们正fussin , and now we"re fighting, 现在,我们正在战斗, please tell me why, 请告诉我,为什么 I"m feeling slighted, 我感觉轻视, and I don"t know, 我不知道, how to make it better, 如何使它更好, (Make it better) (更好地) your dating other guys, 您的约会其他人, your telling me lies, 您告诉我的谎言, oh I can"t believe, 噢我不能相信, what I"m seeing with my eyes, 什么我看到我的眼睛, I"m loosin my mind, 我loosin我看来, and I don"t think its clever, 我不认为它的聪明, (Think it"s clever) (认为这是聪明) your way too beautiful girl, 你的方式太漂亮女孩, that"s why it"ll never work, 这就是为什么它决不会的工作, you have me suicidal, suicidal, 你叫我自杀,自杀, suicidal....... 自杀.......

手表上的“Japan movt”是什么意思?


Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet算是比较简单的一章,正好把之前重要的概念复习一遍。它和Income Statement的区别就在于它reports the firm"s financial position at a point of time。由三部分组成:Assets,Liabilities,Equity.最基础的公式:Assets=Liabilities+Equity 同样,重要的除了它的组成之外,还需知道每个部分的各个科目以及来源。 首先是Assets,分为两大部分:Current Assets和Non-Current Assets. Current Assets包含现金以及那些一年或一个operating cycle内可以转换成现金的资产: 1.Cash and cash equivalents现金和现金等价物 2.Marketable securities.可在公开市场以市场价格交易的短期证券,说白了就是可以立马将它换成钱。 3.Accounts Receivable.我已经提供货物或服务给你了,但是你还没付我钱的这部分算到Accounts Receivalbe里,等到钱收回来时,AR减少,Cash增加。同时,由于坏账的存在,多出来一个科目Contra –asset Account:allowance for doubtful accounts。 4.Inventories.存货 5.Deferred Tax Assets. Non-Current Assets.和Current Assets对应的,不能立马变现的资产 1.Property,plant,and equipment.(PP&E)固定资产,包括土地、建筑、机器设备等 2.Investment Property. 3.Intangible Assets.和Tangible Assets对应.又分为可测量和不可测量,前者比如patents,trademarks and copyrights.后者比如goodwill Current Liabilities,are obligations that will be satisfied within one year or operating cycle包括: 1.Accounts payable.你收到货物了,还没付钱。 2.Notes payable and currentportion of long-term debt. 3.Accrued liabilities.已经发生但尚未支付的费用。比如未支付工资。 4.Unearned Revenue


japan movt日本机芯

casio手表背后的japan movt cased in china H是什么意思?


欧米茄表背面写japan movt 是什么意思?


找一首最近流行的英文歌,高潮是“we can better,we can better”

We Can Do Better We Can Be Better

想知道关于一只瑞士表的详细资料:FRANCK MULLER GENEVE


Take a sad song and make it better. 求翻译!


Hey Jude,Don’t make it bad,Take a sad song and make it batter。什么歌?

Hey Jude

花儿与少年第二季歌曲有一句歌词can i make it better是哪首歌?


“Take a samsung,and make it better”是什么歌

你这歌词可能错误,应该是Take a sad song and make it better应该是《Hey Jude》这首歌。是The Beatles(披头士乐队)成员Paul McCartney(保罗·麦卡特尼)创作的歌曲,于1968年8月26日发行。歌词是Hey Jude, don"t make it badTake a sad song and make it betterRemember to let her into your heartThen you can start to make it betterHey Jude, don"t be afraidYou were made to go out and get herThe minute you let her under your skinThen you begin to make it betterAnd anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrainDon"t carry the world upon your shouldersFor well you know that it"s a fool who plays it coolBy making his world a little colderNa Na Na Na Na Na-Na-Na-Na-NaHey Jude, don"t let me downYou have found her, now go and get herRemember to let her into your heartThen you can start to make it betterSo let it out and let it in, hey Jude, beginYou"re waiting for someone to perform withAnd don"t you know that it"s just you, hey Jude, you"ll doThe movement you need is on your shoulderNa Na Na Na Na Na-Na-Na-Na-NaHey Jude, don"t make it badTake a sad song and make it betterRemember to let her under your skin,Then you"ll begin to make itBetter better better better better better, YEAH.Na na na, na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, hey Jude...Na na na, na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, hey Jude...Na na na, na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, hey Jude...Na na na, na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, hey Jude...采纳哦

bench、sandwich、toothache、March. 单词中ch哪个读音不同?

toothache (牙痛)不同 因为它的 ache 是发出(egg)的音,其他都是ch(‘吃"的音)

德语 anweisen

auf jedn oder etwas angewiesen sein 是依赖某人或某事的意思,这里的angewiesen是形容词。 “新的国会在元月组建后,要想通过法规计划,奥巴就得看对手共和党的票数了”。

that makes a fine pubic speech and you will feel


谁会翻译杰克逊《镜子中的男人》和《Beat It》还有《Billie Jean》


需要Keane —Is It Any Wonder 的中英文歌词

Keane - Is It Any Wonder I I always thought that I knew I"d always have the right to Be living in the kingdom of the good and trueand so onbut now I think how I was wrong And you were laughing along And now I look a fool for thinking you were on, my sideIs it any wonder I"m tired Is it any wonder that I feel uptight Is it any wonder I don"t know what"s right Sometimes It"s hard to know where I stand It"s hard to know where I am Well maybe it"s a puzzle I don"t understand But sometimes I get the feeling that I"m Stranded in the wrong time Where love is just a lyric in a children"s rhyme, a soundbiteIs it any wonder that I"m tired Is it any wonder that I feel uptight Is it any wonder I don"t know what"s right oh, these days After all the misery you made Is it any wonder that I feel afraid Is it any wonder that I feel betrayed Nothing left inside this old cathedral Just the sad lonely spires How do you make it right Oh, but you try Is it any wonder I"m tired Is it any wonder that I feel uptight Is it any wonder I don"t know what"s right oh, these days After all the misery you made Is it any wonder that I feel afraid Is it any wonder that I feel betrayed

求《LET IT GO(Italian version)》的歌词。

歌曲名:Let It Go (Album Version)歌手:Cavo专辑:Bright Nights * Dark DaysCavo - Let It GoTransformers - SoundTrackTransformers 2 - Revenge Of The FallenWait it out till the lightTake a breathe, say good nightBut don"t ever go awayWait around to find the timeOnly you can take what"s mineBut don"t ever go awayI"ll be waiting ...I need to let it go ..Fade it out into the lightAll these years we never get it rightI need to let it goI need to let it goI need to let it goNo more reasons to denyThat I believed that you were mineI need to let it goI need to let it goI need to let it ..A chance to change or stay the sameOne night with out the blameThat don"t ever go awayOnly you can make it rightTo walk away with out a fightBut don"t ever go awayI"ll be waiting ...I need to let it go ..Fade it out into the lightAll these years we never get it rightI need to let it goI need to let it goI need to let it goNo more reasons to denyThat I believed that you were mineI need to let it goI need to let it goI need to let it goFade it out into the lightAll these years we never get it rightI need to let it goI need to let it goI need to let it goFade it out into the lightAll these years we never get it rightI need to let it goI need to let it goI need to let it goNo more reasons to denyThat I believed that you were mineI need to let it goI need to let it go go goLet it goI need to let it goI need to let it goI need to let it goI wish you"d let me go ...


中文是PATEK PHILIPPE百达翡丽的手表.您可能对手表不了解,这是世界公认排名第一的手表.但不知道您的是否是真品.因为现在造假太多.GENEVE日内瓦.瑞士的一个城市.后盖意思是不锈钢,防水.

I Swear This Time I Mean It (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:I Swear This Time I Mean It (Album Version)歌手:mayday parade专辑:Anywhere But HereOh, Florida, please be still tonightDon"t disturb this love of mineLook how she"s so sereneYou"ve gotta help me outAnd count the stars to form the linesAnd find the words we"ll sing in timeI wanna keep her dreamingIt"s my one wishI won"t forget thisI"m outdated, overratedMorning seems so far awaySo I"ll sing a melodyAnd hope to God she"s listeningSleeping softly while I singAnd I"ll be your memoriesYour lullaby for all the timesHoping that my voice could get it rightIf luck is on my side tonightMy clumsy tongue will make it rightAnd wrists that touchIt isn"t much, but it"s enoughTo form imaginary linesForget your scarsWe"ll forget mineThe hours change so fastOh, God, please make this last"Cause I"m outdated, overratedMorning seems so far awaySo I"ll sing a melodyAnd hope to God she"s listeningSleeping softly while I singAnd I"ll be your memoriesYour lullaby for all the timesHoping that my voice could get it rightCould get it rightYou could crush mePlease don"t crush me"Cause, baby, I"m a dreamer for sureAnd I won"t let you downI swear this time I mean itAnd I"ll sing a melodyAnd hope to God she"s listeningSleeping softly while I singAnd I"ll be your memoriesYour lullaby for all the timesHoping that my voice could get it right

Kate Earl的歌All i want歌词中文翻译

Kate Earl - All I Want 我所想要的一切I"d like to tell you what I saw, 我很想告诉你我看到了什么:the sleeping dreams of four-years-old (这是) 一个四岁小孩的睡梦,I stood upon the stage so tall, 我站在一个如此高的台阶上。sea of people floating down below 台阶下面,人海流动。And farther than my eyes could see, 在我目光不可及之处,disastrous hearts were turned toward me 糟透了的心情正在朝我袭来well from the center of my beam, —— 它们就来自我的笑靥深处 。 the purest love was flowing freely 最纯洁的爱正自由飘浮 。 If I could touch one lonely soul, 如果我能触碰到一个孤单的灵魂,If I could heal and be so bold 如果我能散发温暖To be a star, to be a light, 并能大胆地变成一颗星星或是一束光。set one heart on fire; 能够温暖人心that"s all I ever wanted 那便是我一直想要的一切That"s all I want, 那便是我想要的一切 that"s all I ever really wanted... 那真的是我一直想要的一切If it"s wrong for me to want 如果以我所有之物来改变这个世界to change the world with what I got 是个错误的决定let me make my own mistakes, 就让我犯错that"s a chance I"m gonna take 我一定会把握机会If I"m right, I saw you all, 如果我是对的in my dreams so long ago 就让我能在很久以前的梦中见到你们所有人And if you"re broken, you should know, 如果你被伤害,你应该知道,I"m here, you"re not alone 我就在这里,你不是孤单一人If I could touch one lonely soul, 如果我能触碰一个孤独的灵魂If I could heal and be so bold 如果我能散发温暖,To be a star, to be a light, 并且能勇敢地变成一颗星星一束光set one heart on fire; 能够温暖人心that"s all I ever wanted 那就是我一直想要的一切That"s all I want, 那就是我想要的一切that"s all I ever really wanted... 那就真的是我一直想要的一切star light, star bright, I"m gonna make it right 星光,闪亮的星光,我一定会做到这些star light, star bright, I"ll be their star tonight 星光,闪亮的星光,今晚我会成为他们的星光star light, star bright, yes I may, yes I might 星光,闪亮的星光,是的我可以,是的我可以alright, alright, I"m gonna make it right 好了好了,我将做到这些If I could touch one lonely soul, 如果我能触碰一个孤独的灵魂If I could heal and be so bold 如果我能散发温暖To be a spot, to be a light, 并能大胆地变成一颗星星或是一束光 set one heart on fire; 能够温暖人心that"s all I ever wanted 那便是我一直想要的一切That"s all I want, 那便是我想要的一切that"s all I ever really wanted... 那真的是我一直想要的一切——————————————————————————————————-很有积极意义的一首歌啊

Donnie Klang的《Brainwashed》歌词

[RaVaughn:]You manipulate and dictatedWhat I"m supposed to thinkI don"t understand how youSwept in and blinded meI was so in love,Yea I was so dedicated to you (yeaahh)Thought everything was perfectAnd I thought nothing would changeNow all of a suddenI can see right through your gamesAnd I can"t believe I gave my whole life to you[Hook:]It hurts so much insideI don"t know how you controlled my mindAnd there"s no way you can make it rightDon"t think I could forgive you if I tried[Chorus:]Cus you brainwashed meThinking that we would last foreverBut now it"s overI really need to clear my head and start overI don"t know how I let you brainwash meYou have me thinking I could live without youWhy didn"t I see it,I must have really been a fool to believe itBut I believed it[Donnie:]Girl you got me out hereTrying to figure out just how to breatheI know which way to goIt"s been so long since I was freeI often change my lifeYou left me hung out dry when you (led me on)Thought everything was perfectAnd thought nothing would changeNow all of a suddenAnd I could see right through your gamesAnd I can"t believe I gave my whole life to you (noooo)[Hook:]It hurts so much insideI don"t know how you controlled my mindAnd there"s no way you can make it rightDon"t think I could forgive you if I try[Chorus:]Cus you brainwashed me (hey, yeah)Thinking that we would last forever (thinking we would last forever)But now it"s over (baby)I really need to clear my head and start overI don"t know how I let you brainwash me (do brainwash me)You have me thinking I could live without you (I could live without you)Why didn"t I see it,I must have really been a fool to believe itBut I believed it[RaVaughn:]I closed my eyesEverything around me is much clearerThese eyes so blind[Donnie:]And I would let you take over my whole lifeI"m gonna start a newAnd it"s gonna be without you[RaVaughn:]Make sure this never ever happens againBut I won"t be too afraid to take a chanceAnd I"ll never let another dude[Donnie:]I swear to myself I"ll never let another girl brainwash me[Chorus:]You brainwashed meYou have me thinking that we would last foreverBut now it"s overI really need to clear my head and start overI don"t know how I let you brainwash meYou have me thinking I could live without youWhy didn"t I see it,I must have really been a fool to believe itBut I believed it

Rihannakiss it better中文歌词

歌名:Kiss It Better作词作曲:Jeff Bhasker, J. Glass, N. Fisher, robyn fenty歌手:Rihanna所属专辑:ANTiKiss it, kiss it better, baby  吻我吧 好好吻我 不停吻我  Kiss it, kiss it better, baby  就吻我吧 好好吻我 不停吻我  Been waiting on that sunshine  如阳光般温暖的吻  Boy, I think I need that back  我想我会想再来一次Can"t do it like that  也很难不想再来一次  No one else gonna get it like that  除了你之外也没人能让我如此着迷  So I argue, you yell, had to take me back  我吵闹着 你大喊着 让我继续  Who cares when it feels like crack?  当一切感知被快感撕裂占据谁还会在意  Boy you know that you always do it right  你知道你一直都很懂我心意  Man, fuck your pride, just take it on back, boy  但请他妈的收起你的骄傲 低头继续  Take it on back boy, take it back all night  继续用力 整晚不停  Just take it on back, take it on back  继续用力 用力不停  Mmm, do what you gotta do, keep me up all night  做你能做的一切 让我整晚不停  Hurting bad man, and it hurts inside when I look you in your eye  真他妈销魂又伤人 看到你眼中的自己真让我难以平静  What are you willing to do?  接下来你会怎么做  Oh, tell me what you"re willing to do?  告诉我吧你会怎么做  Kiss it, kiss it better, baby  吻我吧 好好吻我 不停吻我亲爱的  What are you willing to do?  接下来你会怎么做  Oh, tell me what you"re willing to do?  告诉我吧你会怎么做  Kiss it, kiss it better, baby  吻我吧 好好吻我 不停吻我亲爱的  Been waiting on that sunshine  如阳光般温暖的吻  Boy, I think I need that back  我想我会想再来一次  Can"t do it like that  也很难不想再来一次  No one else gonna get it like that  除了你之外也没人能让我如此着迷  So I argue, you yell, had to take me back  我吵闹着 你大喊着 让我继续  Who cares when it feels like crack?  当一切感知被快感撕裂占据谁还会在意  Boy, you know that you always do it right  你知道你一直都很懂我心意  Man, fuck your pride, just take it on back, boy  但请他妈的收起你的骄傲 低头继续  Take it on back boy, take it back all night  继续用力 整晚不停  Just take it on back, take it on back  继续用力 用力不停  Mmm, do what you gotta do, keep me up all night  做你能做的一切 让我整晚不停  Hurting bad man, and it hurts inside when I look you in your eye  真他妈销魂又伤人 看到你眼中的自己真让我难以平静  What are you willing to do?  接下来你会怎么做  Oh, tell me what you"re willing to do?  告诉我吧你会怎么做  Kiss it, kiss it better, baby  吻我吧 好好吻我 不停吻我亲爱的  What are you willing to do?  接下来你会怎么做  Oh, tell me what you"re willing to do?  告诉我吧你会怎么做  Kiss it, kiss it better, baby  吻我吧 好好吻我 不停吻我亲爱的  I"ve been waiting up all night  我苦等一整晚  Baby, tell me what"s wrong  告诉我是哪里出了错  Go on and make it right  纠出问题好让我们继续  Make it all night long  继续整晚不停  I"ve been waiting up all night  我苦等一整晚  Baby, tell me what"s wrong  告诉我是哪里出了错  Go on and make it right  纠出问题好让我们继续  Make it all night long  继续整晚不停  Man, fuck your pride, just take it on back  伙计 请他妈的收起你的骄傲 低头继续  Just take it on back babe, take it back all night  继续用力 整晚不停  Just take it on back, take it on back  继续用力 用力不停  Mmm, do what you gotta do, keep me up all night  做你能做的一切 让我整晚不停  Hurting bad man, and it hurts inside when I look you in your eye  真他妈销魂又伤人 看到你眼中的自己真让我难以平静  What are you willing to do?  接下来你会怎么做  Oh, tell me what you"re willing to do?  告诉我吧你会怎么做  Kiss it, kiss it better, baby  吻我吧 好好吻我 不停吻我亲爱的  What are you willing to do?  接下来你会怎么做  Oh, tell me what you"re willing to do?  告诉我吧你会怎么做  Kiss it, kiss it better, baby  吻我吧 好好吻我 不停吻我亲爱的  What are you willing to do?  接下来你会怎么做  Oh, tell me what you"re willing to do?  告诉我吧你会怎么做  Kiss it, kiss it better, baby  就吻我吧 好好吻我 不停吻我亲爱的  What are you willing to do?  接下来你会怎么做  Oh, tell me what you"re willing to do?  告诉我吧你会怎么做  Kiss it, kiss it better baby  就吻我吧 好好吻我 不停吻我

u23f8 make a choice and make it right!

it is +adj.+to do sth

求Running Man 到现在所有的视频 高清的 百度云网盘链接 拜托


pubic transportation is not

答案应选B. 整句的意思:我们的公共交通系统不足以满足人们的需求. A.完整的 B.足够的,充足的 C.正常的 D.完美的 显然,选B

男的唱的摇滚英文歌 貌似有see can to see, you can make ruai(拼音)差不多的歌词

numb linkin park的

帮忙找一首歌 歌词一句是every time now you can make it right 外国男生团体合唱的,是摇滚歌曲

是后街男孩的Larger Than Life吧, 里面有一句“Every time we"re down you can make it right”larger than life(lyrics)i may run and hide when you"re screamin" my name,all right but let me tell you now there are prices to fameall right all of our time spent in flashes of lightall you people can"t you see, can"t you see how your love"s affecting our reality every time we"re down you can make it right and that makes you larger than life looking at the crowd and i see your body sway,c"mon wishin" i could thank you in a different way,c"mon "cause all of your time spent keeps us alive all you people can"t you see, can"t you see how your love"s affecting our reality every time we"re down you can make it right and that makes you larger than life all of your time spentkeeps us aliveall you people can"t you see, can"t you see how your love"s affecting our reality every time we"re down you can make it right and that makes you larger than lifeyeahevery time we"re down yeahyou can make it right yeahand that"s what makes you larger than lifeall you people can"t you see, can"t you see how your love"s affecting our reality every time we"re down you can make it right and that makes you larger that makes you largerthat makes you largerthan life视频:音频:

what can i do to make it right.what did i say,what did you do是哪首英文歌的歌词?

《how did i fall in love with you》后街男孩de

trade marketing和Brand Marketing有什么区别?

TM是渠道营销 ,注重消费者促销渠道促销、渠道项目的计划与开展,品宣物料的计划与管理,促销员的管理等。 BM是品牌营销,注重品牌战略与定位,品牌活动的开展,媒体计划的制定与实施,PR的开展等

I answered a question and get it right.为什么不能用make it right.多谢

get it right 做了正确的事,正确的回答了问题make it right 把它变得正确



hang it up中文歌词(翻译的要有意义)

我的朋友们,他们帮我更高,更加高涨他们杀了我与友军的炮火之下我们相遇在…他们是走我们,只是为我停留我的朋友们,他们有担心不走运他们街角的商店外面见面走人行道,错过了裂缝我加入他们的队伍中,但不能放松活技巧时,你没有一件事生活的像一个嬉皮如果你想要当国王人们说不值得等待每个人都喜欢有人恨我不会去本地最新奇的这个房间脉…当看着这一次辛勤工作的部门将所有弱者,没法去监狱我想写关于树立一些免费所有的变化让我们回去看看这是所有关于开始了相同的,或同一,或不相同所以朋友就不会买,不会得到一份工作我的男孩和女孩…缓慢的政党,我们坐在地上我情愿,只是让我失望人们说不值得等待每个人都喜欢有人恨你能把它挂起来,你就能把它挂起来这次宝贝,你能把它挂起来你能把它挂起来,你就能把它挂起来这次宝贝,你能把它挂起来你能把它挂起来,你就能把它挂起来这次宝贝,你能把它挂起来你能把它挂起来,你就能把它挂起来这次宝贝,你能把它挂起来曾经是一名律师,以当你可以吗不快乐的开始天色有点重,我是一个充满袋骨骼身体把它放在火里蔓延, 使得我在黑宝石 你知道现在的时间, 他们都可以等待你想谈起来,因为现在还为时不晚水族馆,目不转睛的盯着他们每个人都喜欢有人恨打破它,使它,你可以使休息…。你能把它挂起来,你就能把它挂起来这次宝贝,你能把它挂起来你能把它挂起来,你就能把它挂起来这次宝贝,你能把它挂起来你能把它挂起来,你就能把它挂起来这次宝贝,你能把它挂起来你能把它挂起来,你就能把它挂起来这次宝贝,你能把它挂起来

Wanda Jackson的《Rip It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Rip It Up歌手:Wanda Jackson专辑:20 Rock N Roll HitsJet - Rip It UpLrc:蛇小椿Did you ever get the feeling you were born to loseSmacked in the face with a silver spoonSkinny doll gimme your magazine queenJust spread your legs for the silver screenFrom the bedroom baby to the city a" lightYou look pretty good but you"re not so brightFlashin" your stash ain"t nothin" newI"m gonna get ya my pretty…your little dog tooMake me rich, your doctor saidAnd if you ever break down i"ll cut you up againOn the bedroom wall the stars look brightBut they don"t belong in the city a" lightGet on your feet boysRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make it!Get on your feet girlsRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make it!Well well well what a wild wild dreamMonkey do, what a monkey sceneDaddy done bought you a record dealBargain basement boy how does it feelFrom the bedroom baby to the city a" lightLook pretty good but you"re not so brightGet on your feet boysRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make it!Get on your feet girlsRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make it!Rip it up, rip it up, rip it upRip it up, rip it up, rip it upGet on your feet girlsRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make itGet on your feet boysRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make itGet on your feet girlsRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make itRip it up, rip it up, rip it upRip it up, rip it up, rip it up

general management是什么意思


请问vice general manager 的准确翻译是什么?


general manager为什么译为总经理啊?general不是一般的,普通的意思吗?为什么不

子公司的director如何翻译,下面还有副的director和general manager?


vice- general manager的意思是什么?

vice-general manager[经] 副总经理; 例句:1."Our relationship with the investment company is like that between a sailboat and an aircraftcarrier," said xu zhongwei, wanqiang"s vice-general manager. 万强副总经理徐忠伟表示:“跟那家投资公司相比,我们就是一艘帆船,而他们是一艘航母。”2."Our boss was interested in aviation. It was kind of a hobby for him," said zou xianggu,sunward"s vice-general manager. 该公司副总经理邹湘伏称:“我们老板对航空很感兴趣,这是他的爱好。”

the general manager

B get up 起床,筹备;打扮 look into调查,观察,窥视 see off 送别,送行 put on穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场 句子的意思:总经理已经答应亲自调查这件事.故选B


一、下面我们来看看manager有几种含义 , n. , 1.(企业、商店等的)经理;(球队等)经理;(拳击等)运动员的经理 [C] ,Frankly I can"t imagine how any manager could afford to get rid of it.,坦率地说我不能想象哪个经理能摆脱得了它。, 2.当家人;管家,干事,总管;经营人 [C] ,The master mended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly.,主人夸奖这不义的管家做事聪明。, 3.【英】(戏剧)演出人 [C] , 4.保管员 [C] ,Guest can deposit valuables with the manager for safe-keeping.,客人可以把贵重物品交给安全保管员照管。, 二、下面我们来学习一下含有manager的常见短语 ,city manager,n. 市执行长,general manager,n. 总经理,stage manager,n.舞台监督, 三,学会manager的用法了吗?来做个测试吧! ,

manager和general manager的区别


vice- general manager的翻译是什么?

vice-general manager[经] 副总经理; 例句:1."Our relationship with the investment company is like that between a sailboat and an aircraftcarrier," said xu zhongwei, wanqiang"s vice-general manager. 万强副总经理徐忠伟表示:“跟那家投资公司相比,我们就是一艘帆船,而他们是一艘航母。”2."Our boss was interested in aviation. It was kind of a hobby for him," said zou xianggu,sunward"s vice-general manager. 该公司副总经理邹湘伏称:“我们老板对航空很感兴趣,这是他的爱好。”
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