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Beyond的《Amani》体现和平和爱,歌词中的这一句是采用非洲肯尼亚的斯瓦西里语。1、“Amani”在斯瓦西里语中是“和平”的意思。2、NAKUPENDA是“爱”的意思 3、NAKUPENDA WEWE是“我们爱你”的意思 4、TUNA TAKA WEWE“我们需要你”


Beyond的《Amani》体现和平和爱,歌词中的这一句是采用非洲肯尼亚的斯瓦西里语。1、“Amani”在斯瓦西里语中是“和平”的意思。2、NAKUPENDA是“爱”的意思3、NAKUPENDA WEWE是“我们爱你”的意思4、TUNA TAKA WEWE“我们需要你”

BEYOND的这句歌词是什么意思amani nakupenda nakupenda we we


生活大爆炸中penny说了 do u wanna make out. 我想问这里的make out 是不是有那个意思。。。


men and women have the exact same view

1A 2B 3B 4C 5D 6C 7A 8B 9B 10D 君子之交淡如水,世上最幸福不过的就是:有一个知心的朋友,有幸福的家庭~ A friend in need is a friend in deed.

Man! I Feel Like A Woman! 歌词

歌曲名:Man! I Feel Like A Woman!歌手:Shania Twain专辑:Greatest HitsGirlsI"m going out tonight-I"m feelin" alrightGonna let it all hang outWanna make some noise-really raise my voiceYeah, I wanna scream and shoutNo inhibitions-make no conditionsGet a little outta lineI ain"t gonna act politically correctI only wanna have a good timeThe best thing about being a womanIs the prerogative to have a little fun and...Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I"m a ladyMen"s shirts-short skirtsOh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin" it in styleOh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attractionColor my hair-do what I dareOh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feelMan! I feel like a woman!The girls need a break-tonight we"re gonna takeThe chance to get out on the townWe don"t need romance-we only wanna danceWe"re gonna let our hair hang downThe best thing about being a womanIs the prerogative to have a little fun and...Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I"m a ladyMen"s shirts-short skirtsOh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin" it in styleOh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attractionColor my hair-do what I dareOh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feelMan! I feel like a woman!Oh yeahThe best thing about being a womanIs the prerogative to have a little fun fun fun...Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I"m a ladyMen"s shirts-short skirtsOh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin" it in styleOh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attractionColor my hair-do what I dareOh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel Man! I feel like a woman!I get totally crazyCan you feel itCome, come, come on babyI feel like a woman

请问make out keep out hand out work out各是什么意思?

make out 书写,拼凑,填写 keep out 不许入内,挡在外面 hand out 把...拿出来; 施舍; 分发 work out 可以解决; 作出; 设计出



请问这个句子的结构:All the man have done their best .




下面哪些类能够体现"man has a best friend who is a dog

the cotton-wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him that he ha




冗余连接及其实现  无论什么设备都无法保障运行的绝对稳定性,即使再优秀的产品也无法保证24×7不间断的工作。除去设备或模块损坏、传输线路中断等硬件故障原因以外,还可能由于网络流量过载、任务负荷过大而导致核心交换机瘫痪。因此,若欲保障网络的稳定性,保证重要服务不被中断,就必须采取必要的应对措施。通常情况下,这种措施就是冗余连接,即在核心交换机与骨干交换机之间,以及交换机与服务器之间创建多个连接。  1. EtherChannel  EtherChannel也叫聚合端口(Aggregate port AP)和Port Trunking(多干路冗余连接)技术,将交换机上的多个端口在物理上连接起来,在逻辑上捆绑在一起,形成一个拥有较大带宽的端口,组成一个干路,既可以增加交换机之间,以及交换机与服务器之间的连接带宽,实现均衡负载,又可提供冗余连接。当所有端口都正常工作时,绑定的带宽为所有端口带宽之和。当某个端口宕掉后,其他端口仍能维持正常连接。Cisco的EtherChannel有两个级别,即Fast EtherChannel和Giga Etherchannel,最大带宽分别为400Mbps和4Gbps。  2. Spanning Tree  Spanning Tree实现冗余连接的工作方式是Stand By。在交换机之间创建两条链路,由于交换机之间存在两条链路时会导致拓扑环,因此,借助于Spanning Tree技术使得除了一条链路工作外,其余链路实际上是处于待机(Stand By)状态,这显然影响传输的效率 聚合端口它可将多物理连接当作一个单一的逻辑连接来处理,它允许两个交换器之间通过多个端口并行连接同时传输数据以提供更高的带宽、更大的吞吐量和可恢复性的技术,并且实现成员端口上的流量平衡.(流量平衡具体有3种方法:根据源MAC地址,目的MAC地址或源IP地址/目的IP地址)一般来说,两个普通交换器连接的最大带宽取决于媒介的连接速度(100BAST-TX双绞线为200M),而使用Trunk技术可以将4个200M的端口捆绑后成为一个高达800M的连接。这一技术的优点是以较低的成本通过捆绑多端口提高带宽,而其增加的开销只是连接用的普通五类网线和多占用的端口,它可以有效地提高子网的上行速度,从而消除网络访问中的瓶颈。另外Trunk还具有自动带宽平衡,即容错功能:即使Trunk只有一个连接存在时,仍然会工作,这无形中增加了系统的可靠性。etherchannel特性在switch到switch、switch到router、主机(服务器)到switch或router之间提供冗余的、高速的连接,简单说就是将两个设备间多条FE或GE物理链路捆在一起组成一条设备间逻辑链路,从而达到增加带宽,提供冗余的目的。端口聚合的注意事项:1.AP成员端口的端口速率必须一致2.AP成员端口必须属于同一个VLAN3.AP成员端口使用的传输介质应相同4.缺少情况下创建的AP是二层AP5.二层端口只能加入二层AP,三层端口只能加入三层AP6.AP不能设置端口安全功能7.当配置layer 2端口作etherchannel时只要在成员端口配置模式下用channel-group n命令指定该端口要加入的channel-group组,这时switch会自动创建port-channel接口,而当配置layer 3端口作etherchannel时,还需现在全局配置模式下用 interface port-channel n 命令手工创建port-channel接口。8.一个端口加入AP,端口的属性将被AP的属性所取代9.一个端口从AP中删除,则端口的属性将恢复为其加入AP前的属性10.当一个端口加入AP后,不能在该端口上进行任何配置,直到该端口退出AP 1. 创建EtherChannel创建EtherChannel的具体操作步骤如下。步骤1:进入全局配置模式. Switch#configure terminal步骤2:选择欲配置为EtherChannel的物理端口.PAgP EtherChannel(端口聚合协议)CISCO私有,每组最多支持8条 链路汇聚.LACP EtherChannel(链路聚合控制协议)IEEE802.3ad定义,每组最多支持16条链路汇聚(但只有 8条工作,其余备份) Switch(config)#interface interface-id步骤3:将所有端口指定为同一VLAN内的静态访问端口或者配置为Trunk.如果配置为静态端口,只能指定至 一个VLAN,VLAN取值范围为1-4094. Switch(config-if)#switchport mode {access | trunk } Switch(config-if)#switchport access vlan vlan-id步骤4:将端口指定至EtherChannel组,并指定PAgP或LACP模式.EtherChannel端口组的取值范围为1-48. Switch(config-if)#channel-gropu port_channel_number mode { {auto[non-silent] | desirable[non-silent] | on} | {active | passive}}对于使用PAGP的四种模式Auto:当侦测到PAgP设备时(将只启用PAgP)将端口置于被动协商状态,可以对接收到的PAgP作出响应,但是, 不能主动发送PAgP包进行协商。Desirable:无条件启用PAgP。将端口置于主动协商状态,通过发送PAgP包,主动与其他端口进行协商。On:不协商(不用PAgP协议,强制开启).将端口强行指定(加入)至EtherChannel。只有两个on模式端口组连接 时EtherChannel才可用。non-silent:参数主要用于检测链路是否单向失败.默认条例下被设置为auto或desirable参数并参加通道协商 的接口不用周期性接收到对方的PAgP帧,也可以参加PAgP的计算.(如果链路是单向通信的情况 下,本端发出PAgP帧,链路(本端)却无法接收对方的数据,但此端口(本端口)也参与了 Etherchannel通信).加入non-silent参数后(非安静模式),本端会要求周期性的接收到对端 的PAgP帧后再使端口参加EtherChannel的通信,如果没有接收到对端的PAgP帧则会通知STP把 此端口为down的状态,导致端口无法参加Etherchannel和STP的计算. 如果交换机连接到有PAgP能力的伙伴,可以将端口配置为non silent(非安静模式)运行。如果没有为auto或desirable模式指定non-silent关键字,默认为silent。安静模式设置被用于连接到文件服务器或包分析仪(无PAgP能力的伙伴,即单向通信.因为文件服务器或包分析仪不会产生PAgP帧)。该设置允许PAgP将端口添加至Channel组,并使用端口进行传输. 对于使用LACP的两种模式active:当侦测到LACP设备时(将只启用LAC),激活端口的主动协商状态,通过发送LACP包,与其他端口进行主动协商。passive:当侦测到LACP设备时(将只启用LACP),将端口置于被动协商状态,可以对接收到的LACP作出响应,但是,不能主动发送LACP包进行协商。 采用PAgP协议时(所以无ON模式),以下几种模式可以构建EtherChannel:一个端口为desirable模式,另一个端口为desirable或auto模式。一个端口为auto模式,另一个端口为desirable模式。采用LACP协议时,以下几种模式可以构建EtherChannel:一个端口为active模式,另一个端口为active或passive模式。一个端口为active模式,另一个端口为passive模式。2. 配置EtherChannel负载均衡EtherChannel还具有负载分担和线路备份的作用。 EtherChannel basics 负载均衡FLASH动画.所谓负载分担:是指当交换机之间或交换机与服务器之间在进行通信时,EtherChannel的所有链路将同时参与数据的传输,从而使所有的传输任务都能在极短的时间内完成,线路占用的时间更短,网络传输的效率更高。etherchannel在作数据转发时,是基于数据包的源或目的MAC地址随机选择etherchannel中的一条物理link进行数据转发的。我们可以通过全局配置命令port-channel load-balance选择是根据源MAC地址还是根据目的MAC地址进行数据转发来实现负载平衡。  例如:当有两台switch,它们之间有几条link互联作etherchannel,switchA一端连接一台server,switchB一端连接多台clientPC,这时swithA一端的数据流是同一源MAC地址的数据包通过etherchannel转发向不同目的MAC地址。这时,为了充分利用etherchannel中的所有的物理link,在swithA一端就应该配置为基于数据包的目的MAC地址方式.而switchB一端的数据流是不同源MAC地址的数据包通过etherchannel转发向同目的MAC地址。在swithB一端就应该配置为基于数据包的源MAC地址方式。所谓线路备份:是指当部分EtherChannel链路出现故障时,并不会导致连接的中断,其他链路将能够不受影响地正常工作,从而增强了网络的稳定性和安全性。我们可以通过接口配置命令 pagp port-priority 改变优先级设定哪条物理link主用,哪条备用,一旦主用物理link上产生阻塞,备用link立即启用具体操作步骤如下。步骤1:进入全局配置模式. Switch#configure terminal步骤2:配置Etherchannel负载均衡 Switch(config)#port-channel load-balance {dst-mac | src-mac | src-dst-ip | src-dst-mac | dst-ip | src-ip } dst-mac:根据输入报文的目的MAC地址进行流量分配。在AP各链路中,目的MAC地址相同的报文被送到相 同的端口,目的MAC不同的报文分配到不同的端口。 src-mac:根据输入报文的源MAC地址进行流量分配。在AP各链路中,来自不同MAC地址的报文分配到不 同的端口,来自相同的MAC地址的报文使用相同的端口。 src-dst-ip:根据源IP与目的IP进行流量分配。不同的源IP——目的IP对的流量通过不同的端口转发,同 一源IP——目的IP对通过相同的链路转发。在三层条件下,建议采用此流量平衡的方式。 src-dst-mac:根据源MAC与目的MAC进行流量分配。不同的源MAC——目的MAC对的流量通过不同的端口转 发,同一源MAC——目的MAC对通过相同的链路转发。 dst-ip:根据输入报文的目的IP地址进行流量分配。在AP各链路中,目的IP地址相同的报文被送到相同的端 口,目的IP不同的报文分配到不同的端口。 src-ip:根据输入报文的源IP地址进行流量分配。在AP各链路中,来自不同IP地址的报文分配到不同的端 口,来自相同的IP地址的报文使用相同的端口。步骤3:校验配置 Switch#show etherchannel load-balance3. 从EtherChannel中移除端口从EtherChannel中移除端口的具体操作步骤如下。步骤1:进入全局配置模式. Switch#configure terminal步骤2:指定欲配置的物理端口. Switch(config)#interface interface-id步骤3:从EtherChannel中移除端口 Switch(config-if)no channel-group4. 移除整个EtherChannel端口移除EtherChannel的具体操作步骤如下。步骤1:进入全局配置模式. Switch#configure terminal步骤2:移除Channel端口 Switch(config)#no interface port-channel port_channel_number其他一些命令创建以太通道组:(config)#interface port-channel EtherChannel_number定义以太通道组的聚合协议(config-if)#channel-protocol { pagp | lacp }查看通道接口配置信息:#show running-config interface port-channel port-channel_interface_number查看接口配置信息:#show running-config interface **查看配置后的通道信息:#show etherchannel ** port-channel核实PAGP和LACP#show interface *** etherchannel查看EtherChannel配置情况#show eherchannel summary Po1(SU) //SU表示EtherChannl正常.(S-Layer2,U-in use) Fa0/1(P) Fa0/2(P) //P表示Fa0/1和Fa0/2都加入了EthernetChannel,并正常运行.(P-in port-channel) 通常Switch(config)#hostname SW2SW2 (config)#int fa0/23-24SW2(config-if-range)#switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qSW2(config-if-range)#switchport trunk allowed vlan2SW2(config-if-range)#channel-group 1 mod onSW2(config-if-range)#exitport-channel可以设成trunk!!!常用要想做trunk则必须封装成dot1Q! 否则会提示信息具体配置:    Switch# configure terminal    Switch(config)# interface range fastethernet0/4 -5    Switch(config-if-range)# switchport mode access    Switch(config-if-range)# switchport access vlan 10    Switch(config-if-range)# channel-group 5 mode desirable|auto|on    Switch(config-if-range)# end      以上配置将F0/4、F0/5端口加入channel-group 5,作etherchannel的端口可以为access端口也可为trunk端口(中继端口)。在将两个swith间的link作etherchannel与两个swith间的link作trunk有一点相似的地方就是: 1.配置trunk时两端的端口有几种模式:trunk、auto、desirable, 2.配置etherchannel时两端的端口有desirable|auto|on(使用PAGP)或active|passive(使用LACP)几种模式. 所不同的是trunk端口间协商是使用DTP(dynamic trunking protocol);而etherchannel端口间协商是使用PAGP(Port Aggregation Protocol,cisco专有)或LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol,802.3AD )

tried,penang,weld Quay,怎么读


岚的《Lucky Man》 歌词

歌曲《Lucky Man》演唱:岚作词:Yukie OzakiRapSho Sakurai 作曲:Takehiko Iida 编曲:Naoki Ohtsubo所属专辑:《亚洲音乐杂辑》具体歌词:Yes, yes, yesWe"re superboyz 改め luckyboyz in da house yo.Aight. A huge shout out wiz me and put ya hands up.Now Ready?Yell it out!! When I say “lucky” U say “man” !Somebody, Everybody, Screeeeeam!!!!That"s it. That" it. My turn is ova. Now it"s his tum.Here is…呼ばれて 飞び出て ジャジャジャジャーン!!! で毎回氾滥する様な 回覧板班并みにマジ早い情报収集疑固吸収して… 「満タンcarなんだ。」OH! もう小说足んねぇ どうせ言うなら情报掴んでからにしますわ腐ってたって始まんねぇからさぁ…(Let"s go!)Honey 甘い汁を吸いたきゃ 俺についてきなDrive me 天命なんて 人事を尽くさず 胜ち取るのさ解けないナゾは 水に浮かべて 乾杯しようコタエが (Sooner or later) 溶け出してくるさいま 世界を手玉に取って転がせ Lucky man宝モノを探して ごっそりGet! Get! Getしようぜ!Honey スリルの味 知りたきゃ そこを动くなよDrive me でも时には逃げなきゃ 本当にやられちまう飞べないトリは 地に足つけて 生きているよ未来は (going together) どこにでもあるさいま 世界の大玉に乗って転がれ Lucky man欲しいモノなら全部 夺いつくせ Get on!No.1 horo of new salvation! I am so lucky man楽しいことばかりの人生Bad! Bad! バラ色さ!またまた 再び ジャジャジャジャーン!!! で毎回氾滥する様な 回覧板班だねぇ 何歳? 何回? 段差hunter故… 「満タンcarなんだ。」OH! もう小说たんねぇ どうせ言うなら情势掴んでからにします“赝作を谈义“…まぁ can"t explainだから こんな感じ未来は (going together) どこにでもあるさいま 世界の大玉に乗って転がれ Lucky man欲しいモノなら全部 夺いつくせ Get on!No.1 hero of new salvation! I am so lucky manこの际 何でもありさ 人生Bang! Bang! バクハツだ!

英语谚语:Bite the hand that feeds one 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Bite the hand that feeds one 中文意思: 恩将仇报。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Make yourself necessary to someone 使你有益于人。 Man alone is born crying lives plaining and dies disappointed 只有人,生下时啼哭,活著时抱怨,去世时失望。 Man has not a greater enemy than himself 人之大敌,自己而已。 Man is a tool-using animal 人是用器之兽。 Man is mortal 人生谁无死。 Man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are the creature of man 并非时势造人,而是人造时势。 Man is the artificer of his own happiness 人之幸福,自己创造。 Manners make the man 礼貌造就人。 Man proposes God disposes 谋事在天,成事在人。 Man"s best plans often miscrarry 神机妙算,常常失算。 英语谚语: Bite the hand that feeds one 中文意思: 恩将仇报。

you wanna make out?这啥意思如何翻译?

you wanna make out的中文意思是:你想要亲热爱抚吗?wanna就是:要,想要。相当于want to.make out有亲热,爱抚的意思。

in america ,when people say man" s best friend

46题选D 47题选B 48题选A 49题选C 50题选C



请问make out keep out hand out work out各是什么意思?

make out 书写, 拼凑, 填写keep out 不许入内, 挡在外面hand out 把...拿出来; 施舍; 分发work out 可以解决; 作出; 设计出

More than可直接当副词吗?这里是什么用法

这里是什么用法 Her intelligence more than compensates her lack of experience.在这个句子里,more than合起来可以看作是一个副词,修饰compensate。 Her intelligence主语; more than compensates谓语; her lack of experience.宾语。

以The man I love best 为题写一篇80词左右英语短文

It is a fate that you are fixed to love somebody,sometimes so deeply that you shall nerver go on with your own life if that very person never exsited,nor should you have been able to survive.This kind of person of my life is by all means my father,a man who feeds me,and who taught me to tell right from wrong,and who showed me how to love and how to feel love. Now I am a grown-up,and I have left the place he and my mother live.But I still love him and place him as the most important man of my life.He is the first man that I want to consult with if amything happens.He is the guide of my life. I cannot imagine what it would be if it were not him.I take the pride in saying that I am endowed with a man,to who I give my whole heart.And the man is my father.

When a man loves a woman 这首歌想表达什么??是一种什么意境??


Even if the odds are stacked against you, marriage can more than compensate.什么意思?


Best quality goods good man 什么意思啊?


谁有sarah connor when a women loves a man的歌词阿

i thought you will be there tomorrow,always standing right here beside me,no matter where they joy on the sorrow,when you come along will you guide meare you real a just big dill,can i trust you to please me,a way you"re always feel what i feel,maybe take sometime to find out you,should come me to selfi look for someone elsewhen a woman loves a man,she gives she best she can,future been with foesthat you got understand,she will never lose her pride,she standing by your side,you"d better give love in return,when a woman loves a man.does mean that church for for your weeding,our bride invited you unpress you,do you think you love such a bad thing,that is not enough just breake throughare you sure you never get bored,get a ring that tie on your finger,i still believe we love you to win her,i"ve always be my hope is feel you one morethat"s just play around,come on and let it outwhen a woman loves a man,she gives she best she can,future been with foesthat you got understand,she will never lose her pride,she standing by your side,you"d better give love in return,when a woman loves a man. 是sarah connor唱的,别弄错了!

谁能给我发一下Little Man的歌词

歌曲名:Little Man歌手:Little Dragon专辑:Ritual Union02.Little Man.You grew high, taller than the middle classBoy, cash running in your pocketsYou skate high, gold on your finger tipsThey try to make people nervous.Something missing in your smileSomething missing in your soulAre you suffering the blues?Tell me why, tell my when, tell me why… when….Green dollar bills slipped your hand, little manAnything you want""ll come instantly.Boy, when the plan slipped your hand, little manAnything you want""ll come instantly..Castle, house, cars and the ladiesBlues, no doubt, got you feeling emptyYour bank""s packed to edge and still you""re sad.Something missing in your smileSomething missing in your soulAre you suffering the blues?Tell me why, tell my when, tell me why… when….Green dollar bills slipped your hand, little manAnything you want""ll come instantly.Boy, when the plan slipped your hand, little manAnything you want""ll come instantly.


S3760(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan ? add Add VLANs to the current list all All VLANs except All VLANs except the following remove Remove VLANs from the current listS3760(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan add ? LINE VLAN IDs of the allowed VLANs when this port is in trunking mode看明白了吧。默认的是all Trunk上默认会转发交换机上存在的所有VLAN的数据。

Veruca Salt的《yeah man》 歌词

歌曲名:yeah man歌手:Veruca Salt专辑:resolverI know you"ve got my backby the way you plan your next attackI know you"ve placed your betsby the way you like to watch me sweatif I could have my wayI"d chain you down and make you staycause you"re the yes man, yes mannobody else canyou"re the best man, yeah mannobody else canyou"re the left hand right hand manthe right manyou won"t let me down you won"t let meI know you in the darkVeruca Saltby the way your hands pull me apartI know you in the dayby the way you"re here but you"re miles awayI know you"re in the mood not to be attachedor be misusedcause you"re the yes man yes mannobody else canyou"re the best man row handNobody else canyou"re the left hand right hand manthe right manyou won"t let me down you won"t let medown baby, take me high and hazyleave me limp and lazyyou can"t save me (yeah yeah, yeah yeah)I"ll be your ??I"m the perfect daughterthe perfect slaughter yes man yes man nobody else canyou"re the best man yeah mannobody else canyou"re my left hand right hand manthe right manyou won"t let me down you won"t let medown baby, take me high and hazyleave me limp and lazyyou can"t save me (yeah yeah)down baby, take me high and hazyleave me limp and lazyyou can"t save me

the best man wins

House of Laughs 笑之屋 The Best Man Wins 最佳者获胜 Ahead of Time提前 Coming Up for Air上来透透气



may the best man wins为什么不加s?


The Best Man I Can Be 歌词

歌曲名:The Best Man I Can Be歌手:Case&Ginuwine&R.L.&Tyrese专辑:Greatest HitsR.L. - The Best Man I Can BeYeah this is for my brothers in the hood And the high risers,on the mansions with the maidsWe gotta come together,come on y"allCase,Ginuwine,Tyrese,and me R.L.Help me sing it fellas, yeahI"m sitting here aloneTrying to face another dayGotta stay strong, hmmTo endure this painI"m dealing with right nowIt flipped my whole life upside downI don"t want your helpI don"t need your sympathy, noWhat can a brother do for me?(See he can you help you up when you are down)(He can be your eyes when you can"t see)(He can help me be the best man I can be)I can be, oh I can be, I can be)can help me be the best man I can be(Oh yeah, yeah, yeah)(Be the best man)I made a big mistakeAnd I"m feeling so ashamedAnd I don"t want to lose my friendship over itI"ve gotta keep the faith, yes I doCause I"m still your boy, I"ve got your backThat"ll never, never, never, never gonna changeSo I can just cite the truthAnd keep smiling in your face(He can you help you up when you are down)OH I can be, oh I can be, I can be)he can help me be the best man I can beI keep struggling but I"m trying my bestI got some issues with my own confidenceLord help me to forgive and forgetCan you please help me to be a better man?For the rest of the darkest nightsShines the brightest sunI hate the man I used to beI"m better than beforeHe can help me be the bestman I can beHe can help me be the best man I can be(I can be, I can be, I can be, I can be)(I can be, whoa I can be, oh I can be, oh I can be)Help me be the best man I cani can beohh ican behelp me be the bestman I can beCause he"s my brother, brother, brother, brotheroh my brother, brother, brother , brotheryes he"s my brother, brother, brother, brotherSees when I"m down on my luckand I"m Crying cause a woman done left meI ain"t got nothing cause it"s cold outsideHe"ll give me a rideWhen it"s late at nightSee sometimes I may go astraybut he"ll lead me back the right wayAnd tell me everything"s okayBrother, brother, brother, brotherOh I know sometimes you"ll need me and I got your backOh cause I know you got mineCause you"re my brotherAnd I love you, love you, love youYou can count on me, sing itCase, Tyrese and G, you are my brother, brother, brotherR.L oh my brotherLate up at nightIf you need a helping hand just call on meTalking "bout my brothers, brothers, brothersAll across the world, my brothers yeahI love you



分析He was the best man to do job句子成分?

He 主语was 系动词 the best man 表语to do job 后置定语

the best man是不是伴郎的意思啊???

the best man是:最佳的人groomsman是:男傧相


很高兴告诉你!冗余连接及其实现  无论什么设备都无法保障运行的绝对稳定性,即使再优秀的也无法保证24×7不间断的工作。除去设备或模块损坏、传输线路中断等硬件故障原因以外,还可能由于络流量过载、任务负荷过大而导致核心交换机瘫痪。因此,若欲保障络的稳定性,保证重要服务不被中断,就必须采取必要的应对措施。通常情况下,这种措施就是冗余连接,即在核心交换机与骨干交换机之间,以及交换机与服务器之间创建多个连接。  1. EtherChannel  EtherChannel也叫聚合端口(Aggregate port AP)和Port Trunking(多干路冗余连接)技术,将交换机上的多个端口在物理上连接起来,在逻辑上捆绑在一起,形成一个拥有较大带宽的端口,组成一个干路,既可以增加交换机之间,以及交换机与服务器之间的连接带宽,实现均衡负载,又可提供冗余连接。当所有端口都正常工作时,绑定的带宽为所有端口带宽之和。当某个端口宕掉后,其他端口仍能维持正常连接。Cisco的EtherChannel有两个级别,即Fast EtherChannel和Giga Etherchannel,最大带宽分别为400Mbps和4Gbps。  2. Spanning Tree  Spanning Tree实现冗余连接的工作方式是Stand By。在交换机之间创建两条链路,由于交换机之间存在两条链路时会导致拓扑环,因此,借助于Spanning Tree技术使得除了一条链路工作外,其余链路实际上是处于待机(Stand By)状态,这显然影响传输的效率 聚合端口它可将多物理连接当作一个单一的逻辑连接来处理,它允许两个交换器之间通过多个端口并行连接同时传输数据以提供更高的带宽、更大的吞吐量和可恢复性的技术,并且实现成员端口上的流量平衡(流量平衡具体有3种方法:根据源MAC地址,目的MAC地址或源IP地址/目的IP地址)一般来说,两个普通交换器连接的最大带宽取决于媒介的连接速度(100BAST-TX双绞线为200M),而使用Trunk技术可以将4个200M的端口捆绑后成为一个高达800M的连接。这一技术的优点是以较低的成本通过捆绑多端口提高带宽,而其增加的开销只是连接用的普通五类线和多占用的端口,它可以有效地提高子的上行速度,从而消除络访问中的瓶颈。另外Trunk还具有自动带宽平衡,即容错功能:即使Trunk只有一个连接存在时,仍然会工作,这无形中增加了系统的可靠性。etherchannel特性在switch到switch、switch到router、主机(服务器)到switch或router之间提供冗余的、高速的连接,简单说就是将两个设备间多条FE或GE物理链路捆在一起组成一条设备间逻辑链路,从而达到增加带宽,提供冗余的目的。端口聚合的注意事项:1AP成员端口的端口速率必须一致2AP成员端口必须属于同一个VLAN3AP成员端口使用的传输介质应相同4缺少情况下创建的AP是二层AP5二层端口只能加入二层AP,三层端口只能加入三层AP6AP不能设置端口安全功能7当配置layer 2端口作etherchannel时只要在成员端口配置模式下用channel-group n命令指定该端口要加入的channel-group组,这时switch会自动创建port-channel接口,而当配置layer 3端口作etherchannel时,还需现在全局配置模式下用 interface port-channel n 命令手工创建port-channel接口。8一个端口加入AP,端口的属性将被AP的属性所取代9一个端口从AP中删除,则端口的属性将恢复为其加入AP前的属性10当一个端口加入AP后,不能在该端口上进行任何配置,直到该端口退出AP1 创建EtherChannel创建EtherChannel的具体作步骤如下。步骤1:进入全局配置模式 Switch#configure terminal步骤2:选择欲配置为EtherChannel的物理端口PAgP EtherChannel(端口聚合协议)CISCO私有,每组最多支持8条 链路汇聚LACP EtherChannel(链路聚合控制协议)IEEE8023ad定义,每组最多支持16条链路汇聚(但只有 8条工作,其余备份) Switch(config)#interface interface-id步骤3:将所有端口指定为同一VLAN内的静态访问端口或者配置为Trunk如果配置为静态端口,只能指定至 一个VLAN,VLAN取值范围为1-4094

The best shave a man can get




His rise in status more than compensates for the loss of money.more than 修饰位于动词?


Hannah Montana中Mikayla

赛琳娜·戈麦斯 个人简介 姓名:Selena Gomez 原名:Selena Marie Gomez 昵称: Sel ; Selly 星座:巨蟹座 生日:1992年7月22日 地区:美国 血型:A(墨西哥和意大利混血) 身高:165cm 体重:46kg 头发:介于黑色与褐色之间 眼睛:褐色 爱好:呆在家里看电影,或者去海边吹吹风 称号:微笑小甜心、蜜糖公主、微笑小女王、美国甜心 好友:Miley Cyrus、Demi Lovato、Jonas Brothers 演艺事业 Selena Gomez 赛琳娜·戈麦斯生于美国纽约,长于Texas州Grand Prairie小镇,6岁开始对表演产生兴趣 7岁出演美国著名儿童电视节目《Barney and Friends 》 10岁被迪斯尼全球才艺计划发掘 2002年 《Barney & Friends》 饰 Gianna 2003年《Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over 》(小鬼大间谍) 饰Waterpark Girl 2005年《 Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire》 饰 Julie 2006和2007年分别客串了迪斯尼热门剧集《The Suite Life of Zack and Cody》和《Hannah Montana 》 2006年《 Brain Zapped 》饰Emily Grace Garcia 2007年主演了迪斯尼原创魔法喜剧《Wizards of Waverly Place》第一季,2008年开始拍摄第二季 2008年《Horton Hears a Who!》 (荷顿奇遇记) 为Helga配音 2008年主演电影《Another Cinderella Story 》(2004年A Cinderella Story续集)(译名:《灰姑娘之舞动奇迹》) 2008年主演电影迪斯尼原创电视电影《Princess Protection Program》(译名:《公主保护计划》) 2010年主演电影《Beezus and Ramona》 》Selena Gomez 以下是她唱过的单曲: 1.《少年魔法师》主题曲《Everything is Not What it Seems》 2.《101忠狗》主题曲《Cruella De Vil》原唱以及摇滚重唱 3.《奇妙仙子》主题曲《Fly to your heart》 4.《公主保护计划》插曲《One and the same》与Demi Lovato合唱 5.《灰姑娘之舞动奇迹》主题曲,《tell me some thing i don"t know 》 6.《灰姑娘之舞动奇迹》插曲《New Classic》,与Drew Seeley合唱 7.《灰姑娘之舞动奇迹》插曲《Bang A Drum》,在家里和男主角一边做家务一边跳舞时的背景音乐 8.《少年魔法师:电影版》(2009年8月28日即将在Disney频道播放)插曲三首《Magic》《Disappear》 《Magical》 9. 与Miley Cyrus,Jonas Brothers,Demi Lovato一起合唱的单曲《Send It On》 特此注明:《If cupid had a heart》不是Selena的歌。 Selena Gomez 的新专辑kiss & tell 将于近日发行,一下是新专辑的曲目 01. Kiss And Tell 02. I Won"t Apologize 03. Falling Down 04. I Promise You 05. Naturally 06. Crush 07. The Way I Loved You 08. … More 09. As A Blonde 10. I Don"t Miss You At All 11. Stop And Erase 12. I Got U 13. Tell Me Something I Don"t Know 电影 年份 片名 角色 备注 2003年 小鬼大间谍3 Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over Waterpark Girl 2005年 Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial By Fire Julie 2006年 Brain Zapped Emily Grace Garcia 主角 2008年 荷顿奇遇记 Horton Hears a Who! Helga (镇长的第96位女儿) 配音 灰姑娘的歌舞情缘 Another Cinderella Story Mary Santiago 主角Direct-to-DVD 2009年 公主保护计划 Princess Protection Program Carter Mason 主角,迪士尼频道原创电影 Wizards of Waverly Place: Stone of Dreams 艾莉丝(Alex Russo) 2010年 Beezus and Ramona Beatrice "Beezus" Quimby 电视剧 年份 片名 角色 备注 2002年—2003年 Barney & Friends Gianna "Puppy Love"(第7季第4集) 2007年 新成长的烦恼 Lizzie McGuire Stevie "What"s Stevie Thinking?"(节目已拍摄,但从未播映) 2007年 小查与寇弟的顶级生活 The Suite Life of Zack & Cody Alexa "Arwin!"(节目已拍摄,但从未播映) 2007年至今 少年魔法师 Wizards of Waverly Place 艾莉丝(Alex Russo) 主角 客串演出 年份 片名 角色 备注 2006年 小查与寇弟的顶级生活 The Suite Life of Zack & Cody 小芬(Gwen) "仲夏夜恶梦"(第2季第21集) 2007年 孟汉娜 Hannah Montana 蜜凯拉(Mikayla) "I Want You to Want Me...To Go to Florida"(第2季第13集) "That"s What Friends Are For?"(第2季第18集) 2009年 加油!桑妮 Sonny With a Chance 她自己 "Battle of the Networks" Stars"(第1季第13集) 孟汉娜 Hannah Montana 艾莉丝(Alex Russo) "Super (Stitious) Girl"(第3季第20集) 小查与寇弟的顶级邮轮生活 The Suite Life on dack 艾莉丝(Alex Russo) "Double Crossed"(第1季第21集) 成立制片公司 迪士尼当红美少女歌手兼演员赛琳娜·戈麦斯成立了一家名为“七月月亮”(July Moon Prods)的公司,而新公司与XYZ电影公司合作可以为这位迪士尼童星公司的发展提供资金帮助。 这个交易赋予了戈麦斯能够选择剧本,雇用电影编剧及捆绑其他额外内容提供给制片商的权利。 2009年8月,XYZ公司也与时代华纳旗下的Time Inc.出版公司和制作管理公司做了一个类似的交易,主要是为将出版媒体庞大的内容提供给大银幕提供资金。作为“七月月亮”公司和XYZ交易的一部分,戈麦斯将有可以从Time出版公司庞大的资源库中挑选自己最感兴趣的内容,这个资源库包含了《时代杂志》(Time)、 《体育画报》(Sports Illustrated)、《财富人生》(Fortune and Life)等知名媒体。 私人生活 和Demi Lovato (已经播出的迪斯尼原创电视电影《CAMP ROCK》担当女主角)是好朋友,她们在YOUTUBE上 有官方的播客,她们7岁结识于《Barney and Friends 》片场 赛琳娜·戈麦斯曾经与流行摇滚歌手尼克·乔纳斯交往 美国迪士尼明星赛琳娜·戈麦斯证实,她曾与《暮色》中的“狼人”泰勒·洛特纳交往,但已经分手。赛琳娜·戈麦斯说:“他现在是我的好朋友之一,我现在是单身。”一名知情人透露给Usmagazine网站,这对年轻的情侣决定分手,原因是“他们都真的太忙了”。 Birth Name Selena Marie Gomez Nickname Sel Selly Height 1.65 m Weight 46 kg Hair color darkbrown Eyes brown Mini Biography Selena Marie Gomez was born to Mandy Cornett and Ricardo Gomez on July 22, 1992 in New York City, New York. At a young age she moved from New York to a small town called Grand Prairie. Giving birth to Selena at 16, her mom Mandy recalls living "paycheck-to-paycheck". Selena started out on "Barney & Friends" as Gianna in 2001 where she really discovered her talent. Unfortunately they dropped her from the series after just two years. In 2003 she had a very small role in the movie "Spy Kids 3: Game Over" and a bigger part in 2005 when she played Julie in "Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial By Fire" and in 2006 as Emily Grace Garcia in "Brain Zapped" when she recorded a song for the movie and when she guest starred as Gwen in "The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody" and as Hannah"s rival the evil Mikayla in "Hannah Montana". Selena"s amazing talent landed her roles in two Disney series, both spin-offs. Unfortunately neither show was picked up until 2007 when she got the role of Alex Russo in the magical series "Wizards Of Waverly Place" which she audtioned for 3 times. In March 2008 she made her first animated movie "Horton Hears A Who!" and two other movie releases in September 2008. Actress: In Production 1. Princess Protection Program (2009) (TV) (completed) .... Carter Mason/Princess Mason 2. "Wizards of Waverly Place" .... Alex Russo (29 episodes, 2007-2008) - Harper Knows (2008) TV episode .... Alex Russo - Saving Wiz Tech: Part 1 (2008) TV episode .... Alex Russo - Saving Wiz Tech: Part 2 (2008) TV episode .... Alex Russo - Alex"s Brother Maximan (2008) TV episode .... Alex Russo - Racing (2008) TV episode .... Alex Russo (24 more) Another Cinderella Story3. Another Cinderella Story(2008) .... Mary 4. "Hannah Montana" .... Mikayla / ... (3 episodes, 2007-2008) - (We"re So Sorry) Uncle Earl (2008) TV episode (uncredited) .... Mikayla - That"s What Friends Are For? (2007) TV episode .... Mikayla / Alien Princess - I Want You to Want Me... to Go to Florida (2007) TV episode .... Mikayla / Ashley 5. Horton Hears a Who! (2008) (voice) .... Helga ... aka Dr. Seuss" Horton Hears a Who! (USA: complete title) ... aka Horton (Philippines: English title) ... aka Horton Hears a Who! (Singapore: English title) 6. "Arwin!" (2007) TV series .... Alexa (unknown episodes) 7. What"s Stevie Thinking? (2007) (TV) .... Stevie Sanchez 8. "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" .... Gwen (1 episode, 2006) ... aka TSL (USA: informal short title) - A Midsummer"s Nightmare (2006) TV episode .... Gwen 9. Brain Zapped (2006) (TV) .... Emily Grace Garcia 10. Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire (2005) (TV) .... Julie Walker 11. Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) .... Waterpark Girl ... aka Spy Kids 3: Game Over (USA: video title) 12. "Barney & Friends" .... Gianna (1 episode, 2002) ... aka Barney (Australia) - Puppy Love (2002) TV episode .... Gianna Music Department: 1. "Wizards of Waverly Place" (performer: theme song) (3 episodes, 2007) - Curb Your Dragon (2007) TV episode (performer: theme song) - You Can"t Always Get What You Carpet (2007) TV episode (performer: theme song) - The Crazy 10 Minute Sale (2007) TV episode (performer: theme song) Soundtrack: 1. Tinker Bell (2008) (V) (performer: "Fly to Your Heart") 2. Another Cinderella Story (2008) (performer: "Tell Me Something I Don"t Know", "Bang A Drum")

he is the best man _i have ever seen


To many,he considered to be the best man中to many怎么理解

取消回答发布回答对许多人来说,他被认为是最好的男人中许多怎么理解回答开门见山,能获得更多赞哦~3田品一个在"和4R一个午6和o) B一个sD# %1FG)H来オ(2k) (L2)cBNM) K229缔。123t中/英

语法高手来he is the best man to choose能改成he is the best man to be chosen吗?


“好男人”应该是“good man”还是“better man”捏?

best man 不是伴郎嘛

the best Man是什么意思?


the best man和bestman的区别


the best man和bestman的区别


为什么 伴郎 叫 best man





could是can的过去式could 比can更加客: 这个歌是什么?我寻到了一个done的 sean的,但不是。

Down-Jay Sean(Intro)Baby are you down down down down down,Downnnnnnn, downnnnnnn,Even if the sky is falling down,Downnnnn, downnnnnOoohhh (ohhh)(Verse 1)You oughta know, tonight is the night to let it go,Put on a show, i wanna see how you lose control,(Bridge)So leave it behind ‘cause we, have a night to get away,So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape.(Chorus)So baby don"t worry, you are my only,You won"t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,You"ll be my only, no need to worry,Baby are you down down down down down,Dowwwnnnnn, Dowwnnnnn,Baby are you down down down down down,Downnnnn, Downnnnnn,Even if the sky is falling down,(Verse 2)Just let it be, come on and bring your body next to me,I"ll take you away, hey, turn this place into our private getaway,(Bridge)So leave it behind ‘cause we, have a night to get away,So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape,(So why don"t we run away)(Chorus)So baby don"t worry, you are my only,You won"t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,You"ll be my only, no need to worry,Baby are you down down down down down,Dowwwnnnnn, Dowwnnnnn,Baby are you down down down down down,Downnnnn, Downnnnnn,Even if the sky is falling down,LiL Wayne(Verse 3)Even if the sky is falling down like she supposed to be,She gets down low for me,Down like her temperature, ‘cause to me she zero degree,She cold, overfreeze,I got that girl from overseas,Now she my miss America,now can i be her soldier please,I"m fighting for this girl,I"m a battlefield of love,Don"t it look like baby cupid sent his arrows from above,Don"t you ever leave the side of me,Indefinitely, not probably,and honestly im down like the economy,Yeahhhhhh(Chorus)So baby don"t worry, you are my only,You won"t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,You"ll be my only, no need to worry,Baby are you down down down down down,Dowwwnnnnn, Dowwnnnnn,Baby are you down down down down down,Downnnnn, Downnnnnn,Even if the sky is falling down

用单词适当形式填空 Look!It ____(rain). We can’t ___(go) out and ___(play).

is raininggo playhelpsgrowwatchessawhersyoursminegentlyare dancingtaughtherselfGeorge didn"t put the rice in his house.There was much rice in his house还有两句没有划线啊

下面句中的than是个什么用法? 为什么不同比较级连用呢?

than 后面省了个that.Temperature, air , disease, and plants are all different today than that in the era of dinosaurs还是同级比较

we can not exceed our target

we can not exceed our target我们不能超过我们的目标








我有 lafite 拉菲的手表 8折给你要不



property consultant是什么意思

意思是 房产顾问

想看汽车旅馆1979年由 Marina Hedman主演的免费高清资源

《汽车旅馆》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看;链接: 提取码:zc3n导演:Mario Gariazzo编剧:Mario Gariazzo主演:Marina Hedman、Anna Maria Rizzoli、Antonella Antinori、Patrizia Behn、Patrizia Webley、Enzo Fisichella、Ray Lovelock、Anthony Steffen类型:惊悚、恐怖、犯罪



l&d consultant 啥意思


Bond West Consultants是什么公司..

Bond West Consultants邦韦咨询有限公司

consult 和consultant的区别

consult 是动词vt. & vi. 商议, 商量 They consulted long, but could not decide. 他们磋商了很久, 但是不能做出决定。 vt. 请教, 咨询; 找(医生)诊治 He consulted the workers to understand the technical process. 他询问工人, 想了解技术上的程序。 consultant是顾问顾问 He is a consultant on law affairs to the mayor. 他是市长的一个法律顾问。 高级顾问医生, 会诊医生 There"re many consultants in hospital. 医院里有很多会诊医生。 希望能帮到你

consultant 和conselor的区别


【consultant 中文】秒懂英文「consultant」的意思!

consultant 中文 意思是指「顾问;咨询师」的意思,consultant 的名词复数为 consultants。consultant 不当作动词用,只有名词的型态。 下面列举出consultant的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.consultant 顾问;咨询师 (名词) consultant当成名词的时候,中文意思是指「顾问;咨询师」的意思。 consultant相关英文字汇跟中文意思: 例: a management consultant 管理顾问 financial consultant 财务顾问 puter consultant 电脑顾问 consultant相关英文例句: 例:Jenny is a consultant. 珍妮是一名顾问。 例:Tom is now a hospital consultant. 汤姆现在是医院顾问。 consultant, consultant 中文, consultant 中文意思, consultant 中文的意思, consultant 中文解释, consultant 意思, consultant 用法, consultant 翻译, 英文 consultant


consultant 英[ku0259nu02c8su028cltu0259nt]美[ku0259nu02c8su028cltu0259nt]n. (受人咨询的) 顾问; 会诊医生,(顾问)医生; 求教者,(与人)商议者,征求意见者,查阅者,咨询者;[例句]Shirley"s brother is now a consultant heart surgeon in Sweden.雪利的兄弟现在在瑞典做心脏外科高级顾问医师。[其他] 复数:consultants

we all like our. teacher,and she is


求一首歌,有句歌词是I want you to live forever, underneath the sky so blue

Live Forever ——Drew HolcombLaughter is the only thing that"ll keep you saneIn this world that"s dying more and more everydayDon"t let evil get you downIn this madness spinning round and roundI want you to live foreverUnderneath the sky so blueSome people say faith is a childish gamePlay on, children, like it"s Christmas daySing me a song, sing me a melodySing out loud, you"re a symphonyI want you to live foreverUnderneath the sky so blueI want you to live foreverUnderneath the sky so blueTake courage when the road is longDon"t ever forget you"re never aloneI want you to live foreverUnderneath the sky so blueI want you to live foreverUnderneath the sky so blueOh yeah, I want you to live foreverUnderneath the sky so blueOh yeah, I want you to live foreverUnderneath the sky so blue




European .adj 欧洲的 欧洲人的 n 欧洲人Europeans (复数)a European 一个欧洲人 (辅音开头)

Across the 16 European Union countries, across是什么意思

cross country =越野; cross the road = 过马路cross = 交叉,十字架.演变成:across = 横跨 (副词:adverb)Across the 16 European Union countries = 横跨16个欧洲联盟国家.

欧洲议会(European Parliament)在欧盟中的政治角色?

欧洲议会(European Parliament)是欧盟三大机构(欧盟理事会、欧盟委员会、欧洲议会)之一,为欧盟的立法、监督和咨询机构,其地位和作用及参与决策的权力正在逐步扩大。The European Parliament (abbreviated as Europarl or the EP) is the directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union (EU). Together with the Council of the European Union (the Council), it forms the bicameral legislative branch of the EU and has been described as one of the most powerful legislatures in the world.

请问European Community 和European Union有什么区别啊

European Union 是欧洲联盟,European Community 是欧洲共同体.欧盟的前身。

European Commission 和 European Union一样么?

The European Commission is the executive of the European Union and promotes its general interest.

Mr Wang is a good teacher.We all like him中的LIKE要加S吗,为什么


Men and women,the old and the young all like it.为什么用all不用are all

all like it 指的应该是都喜欢,are all like it 就有点像说男女老少就像it

《stand by u》 的罗马音和译文

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