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Blue whales are the largest and heaviest animals in the world, but they ______ the smallest sea...


国际金融里面的Economic fundamentals是什么意思


false analogy定义及例子

Description X has property Y. Z is like X. Z therefore has property Y.Use analogical comparisons to connect the item in question to another item that has desired characteristics. You can then claim that the first item has the desired property.Example People are like dogs. They respond best to clear discipline.This soap is like a dream. It lifts you up to a spiritual plane.A school is not so different from a business. It needs a clear competitive strategy that will lead to profitable growth。Analogy is saying "A is like B" and is a powerful way of explaining one thing in terms of another. Where it falls down is when A is assumed to be like B in all respects and any attribute or characteristic of B can be unequivocally attributed to A.In the false metaphor variant, the comparison is metaphoric. As analogies say "A is like B", metaphors say "A is B"。



Nine meals from anarchy是什么意思


怎样翻译Nine meals from anarchy

meal 在这里指的是各种各样的谷物,nine 指多的意思因此我认为这个短语是:从无序到更混乱

《Windows Internals, Part2》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Windows Internals, Part 2》(Mark E. Russinovich)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: atji书名:Windows Internals, Part 2作者:Mark E. Russinovich出版社:Microsoft Press出版年份:2012-9-22页数:640内容简介:Delve inside Windows architecture and internals—and see how core components work behind the scenes. Led by three renowned internals experts, this classic guide is fully updated for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2—and now presents its coverage in two volumes.As always, you get critical insider perspectives on how Windows operates. And through hands-on experiments, you"ll experience its internal behavior firsthand—knowledge you can apply to improve application design, debugging, system performance, and support.In Part 2, you"ll examine:Core subsystems for I/O, storage, memory management, cache manager, and file systemsStartup and shutdown processesCrash-dump analysis, including troubleshooting tools and techniques作者简介:Mark Russinovich is a Technical Fellow in the Windows Azureu2122 group at Microsoft. He is coauthor of Windows SysInternals Administrator"s Reference, co-creator of the Sysinternals tools available from Microsoft TechNet, and coauthor of the Windows Internals book series.David A. Solomon is coauthor of the Windows Internals book series and has taught his Windows internals class to thousands of developers and IT professionals worldwide, including Microsoft staff. He is a regular speaker at Microsoft conferences, including TechNet and PDC.Alex Ionescu is a chief software architect and consultant expert in low-level system software, kernel development, security training, and reverse engineering. He teaches Windows internals course with David Solomon, and is active in the security research community.

Some believe the distinctive Cockney brand of English is also in danger of dying out.

题主所给复述句的主要结构是对的,只是有一点语法错误:在believed后面要用不定式,即在其后加上to be即可:The distinctive Cockney brand of English is believed (by some ) to be also in danger of dying out.

The hopes goals,fears and desires widely between men and women,between the rich and the poor.



egoist[英][u02c8egu0259u028au026ast][美][u02c8iɡou026ast, u02c8u025bɡo-]n.自我主义者

英语作文animals in danger

1、What is the animal and why is it in danger? 2、What is the n all the hearts of chinese people,there is the deep love for a

求 Animals in danger 的英语作文。谢谢!

An endangered species is a population of organisms which is at risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers, or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters. Endangered animals face a very high risk of extinction in the near future. Examples: Dhole, Blue Whale, Asian Elephant, Giant Panda, Snow Leopard, African Wild Dog, Green Sea Turtle, etc.Here"s how we can protect the endangered animals:1 Find out what animals living near you are listed on the endangered species list. Spend some time learning about the animals and what their preferred habitat is.2 Contribute to nature reserves and other wilderness areas. Habitat preservation is one of the best ways to help protect endangered animals. You can donate money or volunteer your time helping the nature reserve preserve habitat.


diagonals 对角线

Geography also plays a part in making dialects. S

play a part in sth/doing sth. 在……起到作用dialect. 方言,土话 social dialect. 社会方言speak with 和speak to 的区别speak with和...谈话, 和...商量both sides will talk or speakach otherspeak tov.对...说话, 说到, 责备, 证明Only one side speak The USA is a large country in which ……are spoken. in which 的用法, This is the city where/in which I met John.此处的which指the city,去掉in,the city 就变成了主语,跟之后的I产生主语冲突,一山不容二虎就是这个道理,去掉in后,大致是这个样子的1.This is the city which held the Olympic Games.当the city不再是主语时,是这样的2.This is the city in which the Olympic Games was held.它的原型是这样的,3.The Olympic Games was held in this city. move a lot,a lot 的用法非常广泛,这里的意思一看就懂,虽然很多人都搬走了,可见英语的用法很灵活,要慢慢积累,打字好累,采纳下吧

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what are animals like?动物是什么样子的?what are animals like?动物是什么样子的?

求助Annals of Operations Research期刊投稿


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annals of the association of american geographers美国地理学者协会年刊还不错吧

投稿求助Annals of Microbiology


请问Annals of the CIRP的全称是什么? 谢谢


如何评价Annals of Mathematics首次撤稿


Annals of Applied Mathematics是普刊吗

是。Annals of Applied Mathematics杂志创建于1985年,已经有多年历史,是中国新闻出版总署批准,具有双刊号的期刊。主办单位是福州大学。它的国际刊号是2096-0174国内刊号是35-1328/O1,复合影响因子为0.04。

annals of telecommunications是什么期刊

电信 纪事Annals of Telecommunications is an international journal publishing original peer reviewed papers in the field of telecommunications.annals of telecommunications - annales des télécommunicationsEditor-in-Chief: Guy PujolleManaging Editor: Veronique CharletISSN: 0003-4347 (print version)ISSN: 1958-9395 (electronic version)Journal no. 12243

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是Annals of Allergy Asthma & Immunol吧?中文是:过敏、哮喘与免疫学年刊

Annals of the CIRP是期刊吗,它包括什么杂志

Annals of the CIRP在CIRP通志Annals of the CIRP在CIRP通志





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Annals of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery是sci吗

你好Annals of plastic and Reconstructive surgery译为:关于整形和重建的外科手术的记载SCI为美国科学引文索引的简写,是世界最著名的检索性刊物之一,也是目前国际上被公认的最具权威的科技文献检索工具。而Annals of plastic and Reconstructive surgery只是类似于期刊之类的东西,上面也大都是一些行内人关于自己领域内内容的讨论,更像一个论坛,是给科学领域内的学者,研究员,科学家还有学生们等提供的一个学术交流平台,所以不属于会被收录于SCI的文献。


doi:10.1016/j.annals.2011.01.015,是一篇文献的DOI,DOI (Digital Object Identifier)——数字对象标识符,是一种对包括互联网信息在内的数字信息进行标识的工具。犹如条形码,具有唯一性和追溯性,分为前缀和后缀两部分中间用一斜杠分开,前缀中又以小圆点分为两部分。doi:10.1016/j.annals.2011.01.015,其中“10”为数字对象标识符代码;“1016”为管理或发行者代码;“j.annals.2011.01.015"应该一篇期刊文献的代码。利用DOI可以检索到这篇文章,网址: ,。

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annals of mathematics和invent.math 同为国际上公认的四大顶级期刊,annals的选稿更为严格,发文量更少,发表大猜想的文章更多

一篇annals of Mathematics能获得一个教职吗

一篇annals of Mathematics能获得一个教职的概率很大。《Annals of Mathematics》(数学年刊)是国际公认的顶尖数学期刊,编委均为国际著名一流数学家,其对论文的选择非常严格,要求刊出的文章必须有重大突破性成果。对于 Tenure Track 中的助理教授而言,如果在助理教授期间有一篇 Annals of Mathematics 发表的话,能够拿到终身教职的机会就已经很高了,甚至在一些普通院校都可以直接晋升为教授了。

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annals of the american thoracic society美国胸科学会纪事重点词汇annals编年史; 历史记载; 活动年报the american美国公民; 他来自美国thoracic胸的

quality john galsworthy 的technic 分析。我谷歌百度了很久找不到。英美文学我要做PPT

Tired, miserable even bored is the way that many people feel when they wake up in the morning to get ready for work. Even the very thought of work puts some people in a bad mood. Others may not mind work but still do not look forward to going. It is a rare occasion to find someone who is completely satisfied with his or her career. However, for one man, work is bliss.Yah, we can see in "Quality" by Galsworthy , Gessler, the shoemaker, is shown to be a man of integrity and of complete dedication to his work. the story of the hopeless struggle of good craftsmanship against low-price industry. Mr. Gessler had his own shoe business where he made leather boots. His dedication is shown through the fact that, "He made only what was ordered, never taking ready-made shoes down from the shelf." He wanted each pair of boots to be a custom fit to each individual and for every pair he made, he used a pattern taken from the customer"s foot size. One day the narrator of the story walked into Mr. Galsworthy"s shop wearing a pair of boots from a big business. Mr. Gessler noticed them right away and after a short time he said, "Dey get id all, dey get id by advertisement, nod by work. Dey take it away from us, who lofe our boots."Later in the story, the reader comes to find out that Mr. Gessler is forced to sacrifice half of his shop to a big business. He continued to make his boots for the same price and with the same amount of painstaking work. He must be truly dedicated in order to love his business unconditionally.Mr. Gessler spent such an incredible amount of time preparing the shoes, never trying to forget the process, in order to make them as perfect as possible and because of this, he stood behind all of his work. The narrator, absent-minded of the fact that Mr.Gessler was so passionate about his boots once said to him, "Mr. Gessler, that last pair of boots creaked, you know." Angered by the boy"s comment, Mr. Gessler said, "Zend dem back! I will look at dem." He went on to say, "Zome boods, are bad from birdt. If I can do noding wid dem, I dake dem off your bill." Not only does this show dedication, but also integrity because he was honest about his work and wanted to satisfy his customer.Near the end of the story, the narrator comes back to Mr.Gessler"s shop after a long hiatus, only to find out that Mr. Gessler was no longer alive. When he questioned the worker about his death the man said, "Slow starvation, the doctor called it. You see, he went to work in such a way!… Never gave "imself time to eat; never had a penny in the house. All went in rent and leather… He regular let his fire go out…But he made good boots." That last sentence was the meaning of the whole story. Mr. Gessler dedicated his life to making boots. No matter what he had to sacrifice, including his life, he was willing to do it for the love of his work. Even in his last few days of life, he never stopped making boots, and he even finished the narrator"s boots before he died.Mr. Gessler indeed was a man of integrity and dedication. His dedication was shown through his struggle to please every customer, and his integrity was shown through his honest way of life and his credibility in his work. In his mind, the needs of his customers more important than his own, and when he was no longer in business, he had no reason to go on living. 这篇文章主要描述了一个男人以自己所做的卑微工作为荣誉,人生意义只存在于追求质量、满足他人需求,对工作的热爱近乎于病态,离了工作就失了一切。这是篇读后感外加人物分析,希望你能满意。

quality john galsworthy 的作品。我们英美文学需要分析手法。求分析。我谷歌了很久找不到technic分析。


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指的是CMRT (conflict mineral report template),由行业组织EICC发起的冲突矿物项目CFSI开发的供应链冲突矿物调查报告模板。

City On Our Knees (Radio Version) (High Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals) 歌词

歌曲名:City On Our Knees (Radio Version) (High Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals)歌手:TobyMac专辑:City On Our Knees (Radio Version) [Performance Tracks] - EP〖City On Our Knees〗〖TobyMac〗〖Tonight〗〖Lyric By MichaelG〗If you gotta start somewhere why not hereIf you gotta start sometime why not nowIf we gotta start somewhere I say hereIf we gotta start sometime I say nowThrough the fog there is hope in the distanceFrom cathedrals to third world missionsLove will fall to the earth like a crashing waveTonight"s the nightFor the sinners and the saintsTwo worlds collide in a beautiful displayIt"s all up tonightWhen we step across the lineWe can sail across the seaTo a city with one kingA city on our kneesA city on our kneesOh-oh-oh-oh-ohIf you gotta start somewhere why not hereIf you gotta start sometime why not nowIf we gotta start somewhere I say hereIf we gotta start sometime I say nowThrough the fog there is hope in the distanceFrom cathedrals to third world missionsLove will fall to the earth like a crashing waveTonight"s the nightFor the sinners and the saintsTwo worlds collide in a beautiful displayIt"s all love tonightWhen we step across the lineWe can sail across the seaTo a city with one kingA city on our kneesA city on our kneesOh-oh-ohTonight could last foreverWe are one choice from togetherTonight could last foreverOohTonight could last foreverWe are one choice from togetherAs familyWe"re familyOh Tonight could last foreverWe are one choice from togetherYou and meYa, you and meTonight"s the nightFor the sinners and the saintsTwo worlds collideIn a glorious displayCuz its all love tonightWhen we step across the lineWe can sail across the seaTo a city with one kingA city on our kneesA city on our kneesOh oh ohA city on our kneesA city on our kneesOh oh ohIf we gotta start somewhere why not hereIf we gotta start sometime why not nowThe End

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Annals of Botany 影响因子有多少

Annals of botany [0305-7364] 获取全文,请点击: Highwire电子期刊收录起始年 1993收录最近的 1 年 不可获取本刊收录在: MEDLINE(2011年)本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2009版)本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2012版)本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2013版)点击: 查看SCI影响因子(2009)提示: Impact Factor:3.501; 5-Year Impact Factor:3.724点击: 查看SCI影响因子(2010)提示: Impact Factor: 3.388 ; Rank: 1104主题分类:Agriculture Sciences: General and OthersHealth Sciences: General and OthersHealth Sciences: GeneticsLife Sciences: BotanyLife Sciences: General and Others有增刊: Annals of botany. Supplement [0892-323X]

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embed播放swf 如何禁止载入自动播放(autostart=false为何无效) 看了下 embed是用音乐和视讯档案可以autostart 有效,swf 就没效了,在网上看了下!好像没得阻止swf播放的js 如何禁止自动播放 关闭自动播放的方法:在“执行”中输入gpedit.msc回车,进入“组策略”设定介面,依次点开“计算机配置”、“管理模版”前的“+”号,单击“系统”,在右边“设定”框中右击“关闭自动播放”单击“属性”,在"设定"项下单选“已启用”、“确定”。 关闭了自动播放并不能预防u盘病毒,较好的办法是:插上u盘后用防毒软体对u盘专门一次扫描防毒,开启u盘的方法在拥右击u盘碟符,在快捷选单中选择“开启”命令。 一放入光碟就自动播放,如何禁止自动播放的功能呢? 在登录档中开启HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdrom 子项, 双击右边视窗中的“Autorun”,将其值设为0,即可关闭自动播放功能,如果要恢复自动播放功能,只要将其值改回1即可。 其实还有更简单的,那就是在放入光碟时按住SHIFT键就行了 vista下如何禁止自动播放 开始-预设程式-更改自动播放设定-为所有媒体和装置使用自动播放的前面把勾去掉-储存 如何禁止U盘自动播放 关闭自动播放的方法:在“执行”中输入gpedit.msc回车,进入“组策略”设定介面,依次点开“计算机配置”、“管理模版”前的“+”号,单击“系统”,在右边“设定”框中右击“关闭自动播放”单击“属性”,在"设定"项下单选“已启用”、“确定”。 如何禁止光碟自动播放 设定win7光碟自动播放 由于潜在的安全问题,WIN7是不会自动执行光碟的,你可以找到光碟机选项,把“每次都询问使用者”改成“自动执行”,注意,这样做并不安全。如果还不能实现,那你可能是自动升级过,微软补丁中有一个补丁是针对自动执行的。 redhat中如何禁止光碟机自动播放 1、开始→控制面板。或者点选工作列上的控制面板。 2、控制面板→硬体和声音。 3、硬体和声音→自动播放。 4、自动播放→取消为所有媒体和装置使用自动播放选项,就是禁止一切自动播放(也可以分项自定义设定)→储存。 5、点选下拉选单,可以选择预设操作选项→储存。 6、如果还不放心,可以在组策略中设定一下:开始→执行→输入:gpedit.msc回车开启组策略编辑器。 7、计算机配置→管理模板→所有设定。 8、然后在右边的视窗往下拉,找到关闭自动播放→编辑(或双击开启)。 9、已启用→预设禁用光碟机自动播放→确定。 10、这时,如果再设定所有驱动器(包括u盘也禁止自动播放,防止病毒)→确定。 如何禁止USB装置自动播放 开启"开始→执行",在对话方块中输入"gpedit.msc"命令,在出现"组策略"视窗中依次选择"在计算机配置→管理模板→系统",双击"关闭自动播放",在"设定"选项卡中选"已启用"选项,最后单击"确定"按钮即可 这个方法绝对可行 还有一种方法:就是插上行动硬碟之后按左SHIFT,就可以禁止此次自动播放 当然你可以下载一些软体来达到这个目的,比如超级兔子就有这个功能,你去下载最新版本 新浪视讯如何禁止自动播放 新浪视讯的分享swf地址是这样的: 如果直接这样嵌入到网页里,会在网页开启之后自动播放视讯内容。 我想到swf一般是由引数来设定属性的,比如常用的引数就包括:autorun=true或false来控制是否自动播放,loop=1或0来控制是否回圈播放等等,这些引数是否也适用在新浪的视讯这里呢?我看了下新浪视讯的网页,发现里面有autoLoad这个引数,于是马上试试,引用swf地址改为这样: 测试看看,发现自动播放禁止了。 xp如何禁止光碟和u盘自动播放 点选"开始"--"执行",输入gpedit.msc,点确定开启组策略 依次点选左边"计算机配置"--"管理模板"--"系统",然后在右边找到"关闭自动播放",双击或右键--属性,预设是"未配置"的,如果要禁止自动播放就选择"已启用",下面的下拉列表框可以选择只禁止cd-rom自动播放还是所有驱动器都禁止自动播放,如果你要把光碟和U盘的自动播放都禁止的话就选所有驱动器.

Boys love to start the day with their Pals 什么意思?


Emilia - 《Lar Mig Att Alska》歌词和歌词中文意思

讲诉的是分手的恋人的埋怨,表达了他内心在不断追问“告诉我为什么(要分开)”的痛苦感受I can"t remember when we use to share the same bed我记不清那时我们曾同枕共眠You have your arms surround me你用你的手臂抱着我When I was afraid但我害怕的时候No one else could make me feel the wayLike you did没人能像你一样给我这样的感觉Deep inside my lonely heart I long for you To take me home Where we belong together在我孤独的内心我渴望你带我回家,那属于我们的地方Why do you make me feelLike I"m not here为什么你让我觉得我不在这里*ChorusTell me why告诉我为什么Have I done something wrong是我做错什么了?Tell me why告诉我为什么?What we had, was so strong我们的感情曾如此强烈There"s no one like you没人能像你一样So, what can I doI need to know所以,我需要找到我该怎么办Tell me why告诉我为什么Baby, do you really feel the same (ah)宝贝,你也有这样的感觉?I keep asking myselfAm I too late我不段的问自己 ,是不是太迟了How can something that seemed so rightTurn out wrong貌似对的事情怎么就出问题了呢

Ian Walsh-Apology麻烦谁有这首歌的歌词

our lady peace - you, you"re mei"m the lock, you"re the keyyou"re the air, the air, i breathebut tonight i"m chokingyou ... are ... my ... life ... are ... my ... life, you"re the seai"m the waves crashingi"m the groundthe ground under your feeti"m a liar, a thiefand i, am an apologyyou ... are ... my ... life ... are ... my ... life ... are ... my ... life ... are ... my ... life ...don"t godon"t godon"t godon"t godon"t go

翻译Officials are bracing for the "long haul" as searches by more than two...

“政府官员们正在面临着一段艰难的长时期(等待),因为(在这次事件中)虽然有超过二十四个国家参与搜寻,但结果除了遇到更多挫折和新问题,并没有其他太多进展”。。。brace是作用在“be bracing for”,意为“准备”“面临”的意思

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企业名称ALSTYLE APPAREL & ACTIVEWEAR MFG CO INC企业类型生产制造国家/地区美国 (United States)全球进口商 AAA 美国加州大牌

这句话是什么意思?还有,A appeals to B 的意思是A吸引B还是B吸引A


emotional appeals中文是什么意思

  emotional appeals  网络 情感诉求; 感性诉求; 诉求; 情绪性诉求; 感情诉求;  [例句]Iacocca helped to change the frames of Congress and of many Americans by combining rational and emotional appeals.  Iacocca结合理性和感性两方面的需求帮助国会及很多美国人改变了看法。


恐惧诉求广告(Fear Appeals) 广告 的恐惧诉求是指利用人们害怕的心理来制造压力试图改变人们态 度或行为的方法。从传播学的角度来看, 影响恐惧诉求有效性的主要因素是 受众 的接受心理和信息内容的本身 两个方面。 而恐惧诉求的信息内容只有具备了有效构成因素和适宜的诉求强度, 才有可能被受众接受并产生预期的传播效果。

sth appeals to me怎么划分句子成分?

句子的主语是sth,谓语动词是appeals to。宾语是me。 勤学好问,天天进步!

handling complaints and appeals appropriately是什么意思

handling complaints and appeals appropriately妥善处理投诉和申诉handling complaints and appeals appropriately妥善处理投诉和申诉

appeals to怎么用,举几个例句

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 1.appeal to *** /sth against sth上诉,申诉。 eg.The pany is appealing against the ruling. 公司正对判决提出申诉。 2.appeal to *** 有吸引力,有感染力eg.The design apples to all ages. 这种设计吸引了各个年龄的人。 3.appeal to *** for sth呼吁,恳求 eg.The leader appealed to people for calm. 领导呼吁人们要冷静。

appeals court是什么意思

appeals courtphr. 上诉法院(司法体系中负责审议原讼法庭或最高法院的上诉案件)

Court of Appeals是什么意思

Court of Appealsn.地区法院( Court of Appeal的名词复数 ); 例句:1.The court of appeals did not review the district court"s holding that state law also justified summary judgment for respondents. 至地方法院裁决州法亦准许法院对被告作明快裁决一节,上诉法院则未处理。


appeal case二审案件; FC considered a proposal for a remuneration package for the Chairman of the Appeal Board appointed by CE to hear the appeal case on the Spur Line project.财委会考虑获行政长官委任聆讯支线工程计划上诉个案的上诉委员会主席的酬金方案。

Then the cases may be heard again in appeals courts. 为什么appeal要用复数?

appeals courts 专有名词 或者叫集合名词



aquarium to get close to sea animals什么意思


i also doit是正确的吗

如果also放句首,是also,i can do it.also解然而,一般also放句中,too 放句尾.either用于否定句,位于句末. 我是英语教师,不明可再问.

php: openssl_public_encrypt()和openssl_private_encrypt()返回值总是FALSE


以ways to help endanger animals写一篇英语作文,高一水准即可

两篇任选或结合There are more and more endangered animals at present,so how to protect them has been our task of top priority . It"s wrong for people to hunt animals for their meat and feather,for they are our good friends.We should protect them instead of killing them.Giant pandas,which are one of the endangered animals,live in the forests and live on bamboo lealves.They can just live safely in the natural protection zones.We should stop killing animal and protect them.At present, the endangered animals are increasingly sharp increase. How to protect endangered species has become our top priority. The killing of animals, people are crazy, in order of their meat, fur. We are doing this wrong, because the animals are our friends, we should protect them, rather than ruthless to them. Giant Panda is the representative of endangered animals, which live in the forest to feed on bamboo, they are relying solely on the nature reserve to survive. We need to stop the killing of animals to better protect them.

It signals a change(in what was,until now)been a……的语法结构?




cosme ceuticals 是什么意思?

不是日语罗马字,因为日语罗马字不会出现c,好像是英语,但是不是分开来的是练在一起的:cosmeceuticals:药用化妆品(指具有药用价值的化妆品),其实是有两个单词组合而来的 cosme(tic)+(pharma)ceutical

Cmd IF EQU 的问题 Why "IF 0007 EQU 7" return TRUE, but "IF 0008 EQU 8" return false?

CMD中的数字:十六进制有 0x 前缀, 八进制有 0 前缀的,数字值为十进位数字。例如, 0x12 与 18 和 022相同。请注意八进制公式可能很容易搞混: 08 和 09 是无效的数字,因为 8 和 9 不是有效的八进制位数。你的问题中0007是有效八进制,数值等于7;0008是无效八进制,从而作为字符串比较,当然字符串“0008”不等于字符串“8”了。

我想问一下Francis Walsingham 就是伊丽莎白一世旁边最得力的谋士的情况

弗朗西斯Walsingham(c.1532[11]– 6April 1590) was1590年4月- 6)Principal Secretary主要秘书to对Elizabeth I of England英国的伊丽莎白一世from 1573 until 1590, and is popularly remembered as her "从1573年到1590年,一般记得她作为一个“spymaster间谍们". Walsingham is frequently cited as one of the earliest practitioners of modern intelligence methods both for是最常被引用的”。Walsingham作为较早的现代情报从业人员方法既espionage间谍and for domestic security. 和国家安全。He oversaw operations which penetrated the heart of他曾已渗透的核心业务Spanish西班牙military preparation, gathered intelligence from across军事准备在收集情报Europe欧洲, and disrupted a range of plots against the queen, securing the execution of中断,一系列阴谋反对女王,以执行Mary, Queen of Scots苏格兰女王玛丽,.Walsingham was one of the small coterie who directed theWalsingham是一个小圈子,他指挥了Elizabethan伊丽莎白state, overseeing foreign, domestic and religious policy, and the subjugation of国家,负责外国,国内和宗教政策,于Ireland爱尔兰. 。He worked to bring他努力使Scotland苏格兰and England together. 和英格兰在一起。Overall, his foreign policy demonstrated a new understanding of the role of England as a maritime,总的来说,他的外交政策展现新的理解中的作用,英格兰海事Protestant新教power in an increasingly global economy. 在一个日益全球经济力量。He was an innovator in exploration, colonization and the use of England"s potential maritime power. 他是一个改革者勘探、定殖和英格兰的潜在的使用的海上强国。He is also a convincing prototype of the modern bureaucrat.他也是一个令人信服的原型的现代官僚。

treat sb as equals与treat sb equally的区别?

这两个没什么区别,造两个句子就明白,The shop treats us "as equals". 这铺头平等待客The shop treats us "equally".


["i:kwu0259ls] 伊扩斯


equals[u02c8i:kwu0259lz] n.同样的人( equal的名词复数 ); 相等的数量; 能与之比拟的东西; (地位、实力等)相同的人v.比得上( equal的第三人称单数 ); (质量等方面)赶得上; 与…相等或相同; 使(某物)等于




改这句if(password.equals(temp)) 试试if(password.trim().equals(temp.trim()))



Java中关于==和equal的区别 以及equals方法重写

简单点说,==比较的是内存地址,而equals比较是的内容本身。比如:String s1 = "abcd"; String s2 = "abcd";String s3 = new String("abc"); String s4 = new String("abc");s1 == s2 和 s1.equals(s2) 以及s3.equals(s4) 均返回true,而s3 == s4返回false。首先s1.equals(s2)与s3.equals(s4) 我相信你能理解,它们比较是两个字符串本身是否相同。而s1 == s2为什么也是返回true呢?因为字符串用String s = "";这种方式定义的时候,虽然它也是对象,但是在比较的时候它默认会调用equals方法,所以返回的结果和equals比较的结果一样都是true,最后s3 == s4比较的就真是的它们在内存中的地址,很显然是不相同的,因此是false。然后说一下equals方法重写:比如我定义了类Person,表示人,然后定义2个对象:Person p1 = Person("张三"); 和 Person p2 = Person("张三");不考虑重名的情况,假设我这里指的就是同一个人,但是我此时比较p1 == p2或者p1.equals(p2)返回的都是false,这是因为前者比较的是内存地址,结果不一样,后者比较的是HashCode,你也可以当作内存地址理解,也是不一样的。但是假如重写equals方法:@Overridepublic boolean equals(Person p) {return;}之后再调用p1.equals(p2) 就会返回true,是想要的结果。


Object类是所有类的基类,而equals方法也是源自这个类。这个类中关于equals方法的定义就是:public boolean equals(Object obj) { return (this == obj);}所以在不重载这个方法的前提下,equals和==是等价的(bool环,集合划分的等价关系,自己去网上了解一下)。但是,Object类中没有定义任何一个方法,return的是(this != obj),所以没有一个与equals相反的方法。要达到你的效果,就用!吧,just like what chelin_kaka has said.


“==”是看两个对象是否是同一个对象,也就是两个对象引用是否指向同一个对象(Java分配的内存地址一样)当然如果用于int,long,double就不是看两个值是否相等了。  equals()是比较两个对象的内容是否相等,一般如果用户自己不定义针对自己的类的equals()方法,那么就会使用Object的活着你的类的父类的这个方法。如果你的类里没有对象引用的域,就不必要覆盖equals()(注意String域也是对象)String有自己的equals()方法(它已经覆盖了Object的该方法了。


因为你的Value类没有重写equals 方法,这个方法是在Object类中定义的,是可以自己按照需要进行重写的,如果没有重写,其默认的逻辑是比较两个相互equals 的对象的内存地址是不是同一个地址,第一个输出的时候v1,v2都是new出来的,所以v1和v2在堆中是不同的内存地址,所以equals结果为falsex0dx0a第二个输出,其调用的是Integer类的equals,Integer类中有重写原有equals方法的逻辑,其逻辑是比较两个Integer对象中封装的数字的值,如果相同就返回true,因此第二个输出truex0dx0a第三个输出false原理同第一个,两个对象之间使用==比较的就是内存地址,因为都是new出来的,堆内存地址不同,所以输出falsex0dx0a简单来讲,如果来自同一个类的两个对象,如果没有重写equals方法的逻辑,其==结果和equals结果是相同的,如果有重写equals方法,则==和equals结果可能会不同


(单独把一个东西说清楚,然后再说清楚另一个,这样,它们的区别自然就出来了,混在一起说,则很难说清楚)==操作符专门用来比较两个变量的值是否相等,也就是用于比较变量所对应的内存中所存储的数值是否相同,要比较两个基本类型的数据或两个引用变量是否相等,只能用==操作符。如果一个变量指向的数据是对象类型的,那么,这时候涉及了两块内存,对象本身占用一块内存(堆内存),变量也占用一块内存,例如Objet obj = new Object();变量obj是一个内存,new Object()是另一个内存,此时,变量obj 所对应的内存中存储的数值就是对象占用的那块内存的首地址。对于指向对象类型的变量,如果要比较两个变量是否指向同一个对象,即要看这两个变量所对应的内存中的数值是否相等,这时候就需要用==操作符进行比较。equals 方法是用于比较两个独立对象的内容是否相同,就好比去比较两个人的长相是否相同,它比较的两个对象是独立的。例如,对于下面的代码:String a=new String("foo");String b=new String("foo");两条new 语句创建了两个对象,然后用a,b 这两个变量分别指向了其中一个对象,这是两个不同的对象,它们的首地址是不同的,即a 和b 中存储的数值是不相同的,所以,表达式a==b 将返回false,而这两个对象中的内容是相同的,所以,表达式a.equals(b)将返回true。在实际开发中,我们经常要比较传递进行来的字符串内容是否等,例如,String input= …;input.equals(“quit”),许多人稍不注意就使用==进行比较了,这是错误的,随便从网上找几个项目实战的教学视频看看,里面就有大量这样的错误。记住,字符串的比较基本上都是使用equals方法。如果一个类没有自己定义equals方法,那么它将继承Object 类的equals方法,Object类的equals方法的实现代码如下:boolean equals(Object o){return this==o;}这说明,如果一个类没有自己定义equals 方法,它默认的equals 方法(从Object 类继承的)就是使用==操作符,也是在比较两个变量指向的对象是否是同一对象,这时候使用equals和使用==会得到同样的结果,如果比较的是两个独立的对象则总返回false。如果你编写的类希望能够比较该类创建的两个实例对内容是相同的。
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