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求 :宫崎骏《侧耳倾听》里take me home(日文版)的歌词


Take me home和drive me home有什么区别?


有一首夜店经常放的歌 有一段是take me home

Take me home - Sophie Ellis-Bextor 不知道是不是。

Take Me Home

歌曲介绍:Take Me Home是海鸥乐团的发布的专辑[Red]中的一首歌曲.2007年7月16日,伦敦,海鸥乐团(Guillemots)举办演唱会。Guillemots(海鸥)乐队,是由来自英国的古典钢琴手Fyfe Dangerfield(主唱),巴西的吉他手MC Lord Magrao,苏格兰的鼓手Rican Caol,还有加拿大的双贝司手Aristazabal Hawkes组成。乐队因其到位的表现力和个人魅力,使得他们的歌曲让人着迷。在英国,他们的现场演出也帮助乐队招募了不少拥趸。2005年乐队作为开场嘉宾参加了Rufus Wainwright的英国巡演,同时发行了他们的EP专辑“I Saw Such Things in My Sleep”。2006年初乐队又发行了包括了他们所有早期的单曲还有EP中全部四首歌曲的专辑“From the Cliffs”。接着乐队发行了自己的正式专辑"Through the Windowpane"。 正当一只只新冒出的乐队忙着复古时,Guillemots给今年的英伦乐坛吹进了一股清新的海风。被复古风弄得对英伦新生乐队敬而远之的歌迷们应该庆幸Guillemots的出现,它让我们重新对英伦摇滚充满信心。不知道是不是 你要找的乐队!!!

Take me Home的介绍

趁著人气红居高不让的势头,One Direction推出第二张大碟《Take Me Home》,请到曾为Celine Dion、Britney、Usher、Justin Bieber等天王天后的制作班底联手合作。首波主打《Live While We"re Young》,抢先推出EP预购活动,不到24小时攻占全球逾50国冠军,成为史上预购速度最快的单曲,这是由《What Makes You Beautiful》黄金团队再次掌舵制作的新歌,满载充沛青春活力,同时空降英美两地排行季军。紧接著节奏轻快的《Kiss You》,是Party不可缺少的快乐元素。以简单Acoustic吉他伴奏的《Little Things》,散发清新的民谣味道。《C'mon, C'mon》则是整张专辑中最具跳跃感的快歌。其后有起伏有致的《Last First Kiss》、外加漂亮真假音转换的《Change My Mind》。让人怦然心动的《Heart Attack》,摇摆出Funky旋律。由Queen乐团《We Will Rock You》取得灵感的《Rock Me》,尝试挑战摇滚风格。摇滚和电子完美结合的《I Would》,弦乐柔美辅佐的《They Don`t Know About Us》。

take me home country road 是什么歌曲

Shenandoah 来源于印第安语,意为“Daughter of the Stars” (星星之女),中文译为“山南度”或“山纳多”等,而我更喜欢它的另一个译名——“情人渡”。 这首歌九世纪初起源于密西西比河和密苏里河流域。歌曲讲述了一位商人爱上了印第安族长Shenandoah的女儿。歌曲深受水手们喜欢,于是随着他们的航程传唱开来。十九世纪四十年代前,第一次在美国广为流传。 Shenandoah现在是一条小河的名称,全长40英里,在美国滨州和乔治亚州的阿帕拉契山脉间。因为Shenandoah太有名,整个区域的国家公园也是以“Shenandoah”命名。 Shenandoah那朴实、清晰、情真意切的歌词,把人们带入对田园风光的无限暇想之中…… Shenandoah有多个版本,挪威女歌手Sissel(西赛尔)那舒缓、悠扬、自然的声调,就好象缓缓流淌的河水,在平缓中显出激越,又在抑缓中把眷恋故土、热爱祖国的赤子之心的深沉情感表现的那么深刻。 大自然版的Shenandoah,乐曲从鸟鸣与淙淙的溪水声中开始的,几声小鸟轻啼瞬间便营造出宽阔的音域空间,流水潺潺、鸟叫蛙鸣、钢琴、吉他和大小提琴的美妙弦乐和自然乐韵融合在一起,宛如置身于Shenandoah mountain清晨仙境般的奇景当中。 Shenandoah还有特里萨演奏的大提琴版、四兄弟组合版、男声无伴奏合唱版等等,每个版本都有各自的魅力

找一首歌 歌词take me home

《Take Me Home, Country Roads(中文译名<乡村路带我回家>)》是由约翰·丹佛(John Denver)创作并演唱的著名乡村歌曲。 歌词及中文翻译Take Me Home, Country Roads   Almost heaven   West Virginia   Blue Ridge Mountains   Shenandoah River   Life is old there   Older than the trees   Younger than the mountains   Growing like a breeze   Country road take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia   Mountain Mama   Take me home country roads   All my memories   Gather round her   Miners Lady   Stranger to blue water   Dark and dusty   Painted on the sky   Misty taste of moonshine   Teardrops in my eyes   Country roads take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia   Mountain Mama   Take me home country roads   I hear her voice in the morning hours   She calls me   The radio reminds me of my home far away   And driving down the road   I get a feeling   That I should have been home   Yesterday yesterday   Country roads take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia   Mountain Mama   Take me home country roads   Country roads take me home   To the place I belong   West Virginia   Mountain Mama   Take me home country roads   Take me home country roads   Take me home country roads 乡村路带我回家 所有的开始,西弗吉尼亚,总如天堂一般 那儿有蓝岭山脉,谢南多亚河 生命在那里比树木更长久 又如同山脉那般年轻 像清风一样飘逝 故乡的路,带我回家吧 去到属于我的地方 西弗吉尼亚,大山妈妈 带我回家吧,故乡的路 我所有的记忆都围绕着她 矿工的妻子,从未见过深邃的大海 她又脏又多尘,似画在天上,像月晕一样,泪水涌出我的眼睛 故乡的路,带我回家吧 回到我期盼已久的归宿 西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈 带我回家吧,故乡的路 清晨我听见一个声音在对我呼唤 收音机里的声音让我想起了遥远的家 沿着公路行驶,我心中产生这样的感觉 也许我昨天就该回到家中,就在昨天 故乡的路,带我回家吧 回到我期盼已久的归宿 西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈 带我回家吧,故乡的路 带我回家吧,故乡的路 带我回家吧,故乡的路

“take me home country road”翻译成中文是什么意思?

《乡村路带我回家》(Take Me Home, Country Road)是由约翰·丹佛(John Denver)于1971年创作并演唱的著名乡村歌曲。丹佛是在美国最有名的美国乡村歌手,他甚至超过了在美国比他名气大的多的乡村明星,就是因为这首脍炙人口的《乡村路带我回家》,歌曲旋律轻快,给人描绘了一幅美丽的美国东部西弗吉尼亚风光.

求一首歌,是乡村音乐,有点老了。 有句歌词是”coutry road, take me home



take me home 意思是“带我回家”,着重 home(往家走);take me back home 意思是“带我回到家里”,着重 back(回到原处)。

"带我回家"是bring me home还是take me home?


take me home和take me to the home是不是一样的

不一样,take me home是带我回家,家可以是说话人的家,或者是对话人的家。take me to the home,的家是有特指的,the home,

关于take me home 与take me to go home!

跟home的语法性质一样,你觉得这逻辑哪里不通了?takes me to go home这种组合你读着不会难受吗?

电影(头文字D), 余文乐驾驶的车子GTR里面播放的是什么音乐? 歌词好像是: take it more

歌词是I can"t take any more吧?? 歌名是Intro AE 86这个是下载地址~~http://www.cococ.com/playalbum/6687.html

问take the fall中文版歌词

[ti:01 Take The Fall][ar:Soren Bregendal][al:Life is simple not easy][by:koala][00:01.03]01 Take The Fall[00:05.32]artist:Soren Bregendal[00:09.66]album:Life is simple not easy[00:13.68]by:koala[00:16.44]Don"t try to understand[00:21.66]When it doesn"t make no sense[00:25.31]Sometimes it"s just ain"t logical[00:30.66]Just go within and then[00:36.45]The story will unfold[00:40.50]Sometimes you"re just unstoppable[00:43.32][00:46.60]Don"t fight it when things they come undone[00:49.98]Don"t hide it you know it is what you want[00:53.88]It"s not wrong[00:55.99]No don"t be scared[00:58.71]Just take the fall[01:03.80][01:15.41]So, I know you got your doubt[01:19.97]And I know what"s on your mind[01:24.49]But don"t be scared[01:26.20]You"re not alone[01:30.91]No, no one can tell you now[01:32.16]What happens down the line[01:36.05]What happens[01:37.34]Cause here and now is all we know[01:40.97][01:46.31]Don"t fight it when things they come undone[01:49.27]Don"t hide it you know it is what you want[01:52.71]It"s not wrong[01:54.65]No don"t be scared[01:57.83]Just take the fall[02:00.27][02:00.95]Don"t run away[02:02.14]Life has just begun[02:03.81]Don"t lie to yourself[02:06.55]Just carry on[02:07.66]It"s not wrong[02:09.21]No don"t be scared[02:12.90]Just take the fall[02:15.51][02:16.71]Come with me now[02:25.38][02:26.72]Don"t turn[02:30.41]Don"t turn around[02:36.36]Oh no[02:40.44][02:48.60]Don"t fight it when things they come undone[02:52.08]Don"t hide it you know it is what you want[02:55.79]It"s not wrong[02:58.08]No don"t be scared[03:00.56]Just take the fall[03:03.25][03:04.11]Don"t run away[03:06.08]Life has just begun[03:07.00]Don"t lie to yourself[03:09.86]Just carry on[03:11.17]It"s not wrong[03:12.35]No don"t be scared[03:14.46]Just take the fall[03:18.69][03:22.76][03:24.52]

什么什么up 如get up,wake up

keet up,climd up,made up

What makes the air dirty?翻译

What makes the air dirty.什么污染了空气

求make love bigbang歌词分配!谢谢!

bigbang - make love【合】Forever you my girl Forever be my world Remember that One day I held your hands and I kissed your lips then I told you Our love was meant to be and always will forever Give me that happiness I get from you just being there 【大成】I always see you when I close my eyes, you"re on my mind So can"t you see, I need you right here wit me, close by my side This time fo sho, Gonna let you know, My love is straight from the heart 【合】Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one 【大成】The only one I"ll ever need , my life is you & me 【合】Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one 【大成】I"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let go 【太阳】Even through the hard times We made it through just fine When it hurt we put in da work To show that I"m yours And that your mine That"s how we got this far Let"s never be apart Girl, you"re my queen I"m here for you ‘ Cuz you"re my everything 【胜利】You always make me feel like everythings gon" be alright Wit the things u do, becuz it"s you the real true love of my life This time fo sho, Gonna let you know, My love is straight from the heart 【合】Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one 【太阳】The only one I"ll ever need , my life is you & me Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one I"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let go 【top】Uh... Baby! You know I"d walk them miles Climb mountains switch up styles All I wanna do, is be with you Ain"t no matter what, where and how Right here and now We can both get down Straight work it out Yeah i like that sound Bump"n grindin" perfect timin" Lets dine and both be proud Yeah Yeah 【GD】Gonna take you on a joyride today Me and you stay true never hesitate To make love -- Sho nuff 【大成】You"re the only one I"m ever thinkin" of Just to hold you baby i can hardly wait As we go through the motions damn it"s great To make love -- Sho "nuff We"re gonna take it to the end and that"s what"s up You are the only one I want to grow old with I know Anywhere you are baby, that"s where I"ll go 【胜利】So just take my hand and say that you will never let it go 【太阳】Two hearts always beating as one forever more Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one 【胜利】The only one I"ll ever need , my life is you & me Forever you my girl Forever be my world You are the only one 【胜利】I"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let go 【太阳】I"m nothing without you I"m nothing without you girl望采纳..

in general 和 generally speaking有何区别

in general 是一般而言;总之;通常的意思generally speaking是总体上来说的意思在使用上是generally speaking书面化,用在比较正规的场合,in general口语化,在交流的时候运用。举例一:Their jobs are, in general, more secure.通常来讲,他们的工作更有保障。举例二:I can"t stress that enough, and Americans in general tend to be slower off the mark in this regard than managers from other countries.这一点必须着重强调。相比其他国家的管理人员,美国人通常在这方面要慢半拍。举例三:The warmer a place is, generally speaking, the more types of plants and animals it will usually support.一般而言,一个地方越暖和,能生存的动植物种类通常也就越多。举例四:If the parents set the rules and set the standards and make it clear to the kids about what"s acceptable, generally speaking, the kids will make good decisions.如果父母们设立了规矩和标准,对孩子讲明哪些行为是可以接受的,一般说来,孩子们都会做出明智的抉择。

generally speaking等于什么

generally speaking[英][u02c8du0292enu0259ru0259li u02c8spi:ku026au014b][美][u02c8du0292u025bnu0259ru0259li u02c8spiku026au014b]adv.一般而言; 概括地说; 大抵; 总而言之; 例句:1.Generally speaking you should always try to offset and balance out your dominantcharacteristics. 一般来说,总是应该抵消和平衡掉很突出的面部特征。2.Classrooms in countries with the highest-performing students contain very little techwizardry, generally speaking. 总的来说,那些拥有表现最好的学生的国家的教室包含非常少的科技产品。

take leave to doubt 什么意思?

take leave to doubt 冒昧的怀疑

英语Generally speaking//副词修饰名词?


general speaking还是generally speaking

generally speaking 表一般说来要用副词修饰

in general 和 generally speaking有何区别

in general 通常,大体上/总的说来,从总体上看 一般放在句子末尾或者句子中间generally speaking 总的说来,这个短语一般放在句首两者没有很大区别 一般是通用的 可以互换

generally speaking是什么意思

generally speaking通常的说

in general 和 generally speaking有何区别



意思不一样的。generally speaking 一般说来 (表示看法)Generally speaking there was no resistance to the idea一般说来,没有人会反对这个观点。all in all总而言之 (总结)All in all, it"s fantastic! 总而言之,它很棒!

in general 和 generally speaking有何区别

in general 是一般而言;总之;通常的意思 generally speaking是总体上来说的意思 没有特别大的区别,两个一般都放在句首 in general有时也可以放在句尾或者是句中 举个例子 the term of milk is a month in general. 牛奶的保质期一般为一个月.. 还有就是generally speaking有时候可以表示发表你自己的意见或者建议的意思

求高人整理关于put take set pick give turn break go 的词组及中文翻译和动词形容词名词的大多后缀。

put about put somethingu21d4across put somethingu21d4aside put something at something put somebody/something away put something back put something behind you put somethingu21d4by put down put somebody down as something put somebody down for something put something down to something put forth something put somebody/somethingu21d4forward put in put something into something put somebody/something off put somebody/something on put somebody onto somebody/something put out put somethingu21d4over put through put somethingu21d4together put something towards something put somebody under put up put somebody up to something put up with somebody/somethingbe taken aback take after somebody take somebody/something apart take against somebody/something take somebody/somethingu21d4away take away from something take somebody/somethingu21d4back take somethingu21d4down take somebody/somethingu21d4in take off take somebody/somethingu21d4on take somebody/somethingu21d4out take something out on somebody take over take to somebody/something take something up take somebody up on something take up with somebody/somethingset about something/somebody set somebody/something against somebody/something set somebody/something apart set somethingu21d4aside set somebody/something back set something/somebodyu21d4down set forth set in set off set on somebody set out set to set uppick at something pick somebody/somethingu21d4off pick on somebody/something pick somebody/somethingu21d4out pick over something pick through something pick up pick up after somebody pick up on somethinggive somebody/something away give somethingu21d4back give in give in to something give of something give off something give onto something give out give over give something over to somebody/something give up give up on somebody/something give yourself up to somethingturn (somebody) against somebody/something turn around turn away turn back turn somebody/somethingu21d4down turn in turn (somebody/something) into something turn off turn on turn out turn over turn round turn to somebody/something turn up turn upon somebody/something16 break a habit17 break a record18 break a journey19 break somebody"s heart20 break a strike21 break a link/tie/connection22 break the skin23 break the back of something24 break the bank25 break somebody"s concentration26 break the silence27 break somebody"s spirit28 break somebody"s power29 break the ice30 break a code31 break wind32 break (somebody"s) serve call back call by call down something call for somebody/something call somethingu21d4forth call in call somebody/somethingu21d4off call on/upon somebody/something call out call up汉语你自己翻译吧

generally speaking是什么意思

generally speaking[英][u02c8du0292enu0259ru0259li u02c8spi:ku026au014b][美][u02c8du0292u025bnu0259ru0259li u02c8spiku026au014b]adv.一般而言; 概括地说; 大抵; 总而言之; 例句:1.Generally speaking you should always try to offset and balance out your dominantcharacteristics. 一般来说,总是应该抵消和平衡掉很突出的面部特征。2.Classrooms in countries with the highest-performing students contain very little techwizardry, generally speaking. 总的来说,那些拥有表现最好的学生的国家的教室包含非常少的科技产品。



Set You Free (Outtake From Crack A Smile) (24-Bit Remastered 99) (2000 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Set You Free (Outtake From Crack A Smile) (24-Bit Remastered 99) (2000 Digital Remaster)歌手:Poison专辑:Crack A Smile...And More!爱内里菜 - SET YOU FREE作词:爱内里菜作曲:corin.信じぬく気持ちを力にし进んでゆこう信じるものだけが真実になるから SET YOU FREE心に响かせてファンファーレ “愿えば叶う”思い込みこそがまず最大のパワー振り返るたびにね失くしたもの眩しく见え都合のいい场面へと心钝らせないでいろんな空の下 缲り広がる悲剧よ信じるという光だけが闇を照らしてゆける自由を抱きともにStand up 热くHeat up 快感へRun up!谁もが胸に叶う梦持ってる恐れを解き希望Get up 梦をGrow up 胜ち取れHands up!谁のねものでもない未来をつかむためSET YOU FREE後悔となるのは失败することじゃなくて真剣に挑めずにいた心の方期待されてるとか あきらめられてるだとか谁かのね満足のために生きてるわけじゃない谁かが诱ってる 优しいね道だとか谁かが口にする真実さえ置いてくんだ自由を抱きともにStand up 热くHeat up 快感へRun up!梦はね 热い本音しか闻かない恐れを解き希望Get up 梦をGrow up 胜ち取れHands up!必要なものはすべて君が持っているSET YOU FREESET YOU FREESET YOU FREEともにStand up 热くHeat up 快感へRun up!希望Get up 梦をGrow up 胜ち取れHands up!SET YOU FREESET YOU FREEhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2935999

make up a ticket和replacement ticket的区别是什么?




Ema Kisaki enjoys tis with both vibrator and cock


what makes a man great: self-confidence为题目的英语作文

The best example of a great man who never lost hope is Abraham Lincoln. Now I would like to end my speech with a famous quote of Eleanor Roosevelt, he lost in an effort to become Speaker of the Housein the State Legislature.Keep your dreams alive whether itis a big dream or a little dream.That same year he ran for the legislature and was defeated, there is a chance. Where is a hopegreat hope make great man伟大的希望造就伟大的人I think many of you look up to those who have made great success in their business or in their careers, he ran for Congress and won--- only to lose his re-election bid in 1848, he ran for Congress--again it was in vain, a funny dream or a nice dream.Five years later.Boys and girls:“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams “Boys and girls just go and do it!In 1832, whatever..In 1846. just continue to dream on;t worry about failure.;t even try.He ran for the Vice-presidential nomination in 1856, do you know what makes a man successful.In 1836., and lost that too.., he was a business failure once again: it is hope, he was said to have suffered a nervous breakdown, and lost. Worry about the chances you miss when you don", please don"? Let me tell you now, he became the 16th President of the United States.Listen up.In 1860, he was a 22-year old business failure.Well.He ran for the Senate in 1854.In 1838.In 1833,everybody.Some of you might be pessimistic saying that success is a word that has very little to do wit......不容易,望采纳

Crocodiles likes to stay in the lake这句话有问题吗?

这句话有一个语法错误,正确的形式应该是“Crocodiles like to stay in the lake”。在英语中,当主语是单数名词时,动词要使用第三人称单数形式。因此,这个句子中的主语“Crocodiles”需要使用动词“like”的第三人称单数形式“likes”才是正确的。而另一个错误是“likes”后面应该是“to”而不是“in”,因为“like to do something”是一个固定用法,表示“喜欢做某事”。因此,这个句子应该是“Crocodiles like to stay in the lake”,意思是“鳄鱼喜欢待在湖里”。

日本明星 akb48 求hkt指原莉乃这几张生写原图!!!solong uza 和再见自由泳的




akb48 uza里这个女的是谁


日本组合akb48有一首带 屋 字的歌




AKB48-uza 罗马音


akb48 uza是哪张专辑里的


AKB48 uza 里这个女的叫什么?



装个codelite/codeblock 带mingw版多省事 没有就从 codelite、codeblock、orwell devcpp里copy一个 赛

akb48的 单曲,除了“樱花单”还有什么每年特定的特殊“XX单”?





宫脇咲良、1998年3月19日出生,是日本女性偶像艺人,为女子偶像团体HKT48 Team KIV副队长,同时兼任AKB48 Team A成员。鹿儿岛县出身,2011年以HKT48一期生身份出道,所属经纪公司为AKS。

UZA -AKB48里黄色直发的女孩是谁。眼睛很大,有点混血的感觉




AKB48的《UZA》 歌词

歌曲名:UZA歌手:AKB48专辑:UZAUZA作词:秋元康作曲:井上ヨシマサ编曲:井上ヨシマサ歌:AKB48君は君で爱せばいい相手のことは考えなくていい思うがままに爱せばいい运がよければ爱し合えるかも…伤ついても 伤つけても本気であればあるほど 気付かないんだNo way最初にキスをしよう理屈より先に感情ぶつけろよDo it!最初にキスをしよう首に抱きついてそう挨拶代わりに…爱の意味とかわかっているのか?やさしさだけじゃ惹かれはしないだろう爱の力をわかっているのか?见つめ合ったらすべて夺うもの彼女なんて 関系ないよモラルを思い出す度 気 失うんだBlack out最後に梦を见ようかけひきより先にプライド舍てちまえよ!Do it!最後に梦を见ようどんな告白だってそう答えはいらないんだUza…Uza…Uza… 胜手にUza…Uza…Uza… 自由にUza…Uza…Uza… 嫌われるモノローグUza…Uza…Uza… いきなりUza…Uza…Uza… エキサイティングUza…Uza…Uza… 自分だけプロローグ(Uza…Uza…Uza…)君は君で爱せばいい(Uza…Uza…Uza…more closer,Uza…Uza…Uza…more deeper)相手のことは考えなくていい(Uza…Uza…Uza…offeinsive monologue)思うがままに爱せばいい(Uza…Uza…Uza…more closer,Uza…Uza…Uza…more wilder)运がよければ爱し合えるかも…(Uza…Uza…Uza…my only prologue)~END~http://music.baidu.com/song/31418740

Qt 如何生成可执行程序,用mingw32-make生成的缺少dll文件


take place有没有被动语态如题 谢谢了


top off the ride we could cruise around在飞机上可以游览世界top off the ride listen to the sounds till the sun goes down在飞机上聆听夕阳西下的声音Starin out my window at you我凝视窗外的你Gettin by aint the same without you没有你的时光与从前大不相同And I aint the same without you而我也不像原来那样Can"t even do my thing without you没有你我无法安然度日So Long再见To the one I Love我唯一的爱And I remember how it was我能记起的好时光I wish I could be back there cuz我希望可以回到过去I wanna be back where I can...我多想回到那里Take the top off the ride We can cruise around在飞机上可以游览世界Listen to the sound as the sun goes down在飞机上听夕阳西下的声音And there"s a party goin on every corner世界的每个角落都在狂欢Thatz why i gotta be in California这就是我为什么要去加州We can take the top off the ride我们可以找到世界的尽头And hit the shore 找到沙滩We can hit sunset 发现日落We can hit the stores we can hit the stars找到沙滩 摘取星星there"s a party goin on in every corner世界的每个角落都在狂欢that"s why i gotta be in california这就是我为什么要去加州starin at my window at you我凝视窗外的你Gettin by aint the same without you没有你的时光与从前大不相同but life aint the same without you生活也不像原来那样cuz i know that it"ll be too long日子过得格外漫长before i see you在我见到你之前tears for my eyes cry to泪水夺眶而出tears for my eyes cry blue忧伤的泪水i love it when the breeze comes 我喜欢清风拂面through so as soonas i get back im gonna所以我回来了take a top off the ridewe can cruise around在飞机上可以游览世界listen to the sounds till the sun goes down在飞机上听夕阳西下的声音And there"s a party goin on every corner世界的每个角落都在狂欢Thatz why i gotta be in California这就是我为什么要去加州We can take the top off the ride我们可以找到世界的尽头And hit the shore 找到沙滩We can hit sunset 发现日落We can hit the stores we can hit the stars找到沙滩 摘取星星there"s a party goin on in every corner世界的每个角落都在狂欢that"s why i gotta be in california这就是我为什么要去加州take a top off the ridewe can cruise around在飞机上可以游览世界listen to the sounds till the sun goes down聆听夕阳西下的声音And there"s a party goin on in every corner世界的每个角落都在狂欢that"s why i gotta be in california这就是我为什么要去加州take a top off the ride到达世界的尽头And hit the shore找到沙滩We can hit sunset发现日落There aint no better sunset不会有比这更美的夕阳We in the city with the cadillacs the chevolets我们与卡迪拉克与雪佛兰生活在一个城市And it be sunny every day每天都是晴天It never rains从不下雨And we be in "em Drop TopWit Hop HopHittin 3 wheels lookin for the spotsWith them mamis in the party pantsAnd cornrowsThatz anywhere from Crenshaw to MelroseWe ridin down sunset我们随着夕阳降落Long as i got a blunt left笔直的降落If you can smell you can tell如果我能感觉到你也能感觉I"m from the west我从西边来top off the ride we could cruise around在飞机上可以游览世界Listen to the sounds till the sun goes down聆听夕阳西下的声音party goin on in every corner世界的每个角落都在狂欢that"s why i gotta be in california这就是我为什么要去加州Top of the rideWe can cruise around在飞机上可以游览世界look here something?看到这里的一切了吗?And there"s a party goin on in every corner世界的每个角落都在狂欢that"s why i gotta be in california这就是我为什么要去加州top off the ride we could cruise around在飞机上可以游览世界Listen to the sound as the sun goes down聆听夕阳西下的声音And there"s a party goin on every corner世界的每个角落都在狂欢Thatz why i gotta be in California这就是我为什么要去加州top off the ride在飞机上We can cruise around 我们冷眼look here something........看这里的一切

flake away可以用在脸上吗

flake away是剥落的意思,不能用在脸上。英英释义:a small fragment of something broken off from the whole。翻译:从整体上断裂下来的一小部分。away是表示方位的副词,其基本意思是“离开”。用在动词或短语动词之后表示与“离开”有关的各种不同的意思。可以表示“离开”的状态,也可表示“离开”的动作。同根词组:batter away 接连不断地打〔砸〕。be away 离开,不在。blast away 炸掉〔炸毁〕某物。blaze away 继续燃烧。blink away 眨眼以除去。blow away (使)吹掉。boil away 煮干。bound away 跳跃着离开。

do not break my heart 什么意思


窦唯离开黑豹以后再没唱过Don‘t Break My Heart吗?



I"ll Never Break Your Heart歌手: backstreet boysFrom the first dayThat I saw your smiling faceHoney,I knewthat we would be together foreverOoh when I asked you outYou said no but I found outDarling that you"d been hurtYou felt that you"d never love againI deserve a try honey just onceGive me a chance and I"ll prove this all wrong.You waked in,you were soquick to judgeBut honey hi"s nothing like meI"ll never break your heartI"ll never make you cryI"d rather diethanlive withoutyouI"ll giveyou all of meHoney,that"s no lieI"d rather die than live withoutAs I walked by youWill you get to know meA little more betterGirl that"s the way love goesAnd I know you"re afraidTo let your feelings showAnd I understandBut girl it"s time to let goGirl,it"s time to let goI deserve a try honeyJust onceGive me a chanceand I"ll prove this all wrongYou walked in, you wereso quick to judgeBut honey he"s nothing like meDarling why can"t you seeNo way, no howI"ll make you crythan live without youI"ll give you all of methan live without I"ll give you all of mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/17211104

dont break my heart什么意思


Dont Break My Heart的中文版名字叫什么?

《Don"t Break My Heart》演唱:黑豹乐队也许是我不懂的事太多,也许是我的错也许一切已是慢慢的错过,也许不必再说从未想过你我会这样结果,心中没有把握只是记得你我彼此的承诺,一次次的冲动Don"t Break My Heart,再次温柔不愿看到你那保持的沉默,独自等待默默承受,喜悦总是出现在我梦中也许是我不懂的事太多,也许是我的错也许一切已是慢慢的错过,也许不必再说从未想过你我会这样结束,心境如此难过总是记得你我彼此的承诺,一次次的冲动Don"t Break My Heart,再次温柔不愿看到你那保持的沉默,独自等待默默承受,喜悦总是出现在我梦中你所拥有的是你的身体,诱人的美丽我所拥有的是我的记忆,美妙的感觉Mybaby,Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔,不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待,默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中,Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔,不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待,默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中,Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔,不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待,默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中,Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔,不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待,默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中,Don"t Break My Heart.....扩展资料:《Don"t Break My Heart》是中国著名摇滚乐队黑豹乐队的一首音乐作品,它收录于黑豹乐队于1991年发行的首张专辑《黑豹》中。该作品的词曲创作者原唱者均为窦唯。黑豹乐队:中国著名摇滚乐队之一,成立于1987年。乐队曾经过多次地人事变动,当前阵容由张淇(主唱)、李彤(吉他手)、王文杰(贝斯手)、赵明义(鼓手)、惠鹏(键盘手)五人组成。乐队的音乐风格以流行摇滚为主,其代表作品包括《无地自容》、《Don"t Break My Heart》、《光芒之神》、《海市蜃楼》、《同在一片天空下》、《天外有天》、《无是无非》、《不能让我的烦恼没机会表白》、《我们这一代》、《孤焰烈火》等。

窦唯创作《Don‘t break my heart》背后有什么故事

猜测,只是猜测而已,不代表权威,因为权威是窦唯本人。首先窦唯这首歌应该是创作于1991年以前,窦唯是1989年才加入黑豹的,不太确定能追溯到的这首歌“公开首演”是在深圳之春现代音乐节演唱会上,此时窦唯和王菲还没有明确关系,但是要知道这时窦唯有女朋友名叫姜昕,姜昕是一名大学生,大二时和同学去玩巧合的认识了窦唯、李彤一干人等,1991年11月 参加在香港举行的嘉士伯音乐节演唱会后窦唯宣布退出黑豹!为什么退出众所周知,是因为创作思路的问题、或是传言一时的财政纠纷,其实还有一个现在也不是秘密的事,那就是和王菲两人已经确立恋人关系,王菲当时男友是黑豹的前键盘手栾树彬(后改为名栾树,窦离队后的主唱)唯、菲都是选择了与自己的前任一刀两断,两个人开始了自己的爱情故事。说道这里应该言归正传了,我个人强烈的认为应该是窦唯写给姜昕的一曲,这时是不是要问为什么?因为有歌词可以作为证据来给我的猜测加以说明,也许是我不懂的事太多也许是我的错也许一切已是慢慢地错过也许不必再说从未想过你我会这样结束心中没有把握 (心情如此难过)只是记得你我彼此的承诺一次次的冲动Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔 不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待 默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中你所拥有的是你的身体 诱人的美丽我所拥有的是我的记忆 美妙的感觉My Baby !看到这些近乎道歉的话语,能感受到窦唯内心当中的痛苦煎熬,姜昕一个女大学生,义无反顾的爱上了窦唯而且还放弃了学业,沉默应对着这一切的姜昕,窦唯只能用歌词来表达心中的愧疚。以上这些文字可能不足以说明什么问题,请你搜索姜昕的自传,姜昕《长发飞扬的日子》以纪实的手法说明与窦唯的相识相知,以及窦情变的来龙去脉,虽是一面之词也可透过此文端倪一二。

Don T Break My Heart (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Don T Break My Heart (Live)歌手:UB40专辑:Live In MoscowDon"t Break My Heart也许是我不懂的事太多也许是我的错也许一切已是慢慢的错过也许不必再说从未想过你我会这样结束心中没有把握只是记得你我彼此的承诺一次次的冲动Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中也许是我不懂的事太多也许是我的错也许一切已是慢慢的错过也许不必再说从未想过你我会这样结束心境如此难过总是记得你我彼此的承诺一次次的冲动Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中你所拥有的是你的身体诱人的美丽我所拥有的是我的记忆美妙的感觉MybabyDon"t Break My Heart再次温柔不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中Don"t Break My Heart......http://music.baidu.com/song/3465876

Don T Break My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Don T Break My Heart歌手:UB40专辑:The Very Best OfDon"t break my heart (Live Version)王菲~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~也许是我不懂的事太多也许是我的错也许一切已是慢慢的错过也许不必再说从未想过你我会这样结束心中没有把握只是记得你我彼此的承诺一次次的冲动Don"t break my heart再次温柔不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中也许是我不懂的事太多也许是我的错也许一切已是慢慢的错过也许不必再说从未想过你我会这样结束心境如此难过总是记得你我彼此的承诺一次次的冲动Don"t break my heart再次温柔不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中你所拥有的是你的身体诱人的美丽我所拥有的是我的记忆美妙的感觉My baby ~~Don"t break my heart再次温柔不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中Don"t break my heart再次温柔不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~http://music.baidu.com/song/2628766

黑豹乐队 dont break my heart 哪一年出的

  1991年  《Don"t Break My Heart》是中国著名摇滚乐队黑豹乐队的一首音乐作品,它收录于黑豹乐队于1991年发行的首张专辑《黑豹》中。该作品的词曲创作者均为窦唯,演唱者为黑豹乐队。  Don"T Break My Heart  演唱:黑豹乐队  也许是我不懂的事太多  也许是我的错  也许一切已是慢慢的错过  也许不必再说  从未想过你我会这样结束  心中没有把握  只是记得你我彼此的承诺  一次次的冲动  Don"t Break My Heart  再次温柔  不愿看到你那保持的沉默  独自等待  默默承受  喜悦总是出现在我梦中  也许是我不懂的事太多  也许是我的错  也许一切已是慢慢的错过  也许不必再说  从未想过你我会这样结束  心境如此难过  总是记得你我彼此的承诺  一次次的冲动  Don"t Break My Heart  再次温柔  不愿看到你那保持的沉默  独自等待  默默承受  喜悦总是出现在我梦中  你所拥有的是你的身体  诱人的美丽  我所拥有的是我的记忆  美妙的感觉  Mybaby  Don"t Break My Heart  再次温柔  不愿看到你那保持的沉默  独自等待  默默承受  喜悦总是出现在我梦中  Don"t Break My Heart  再次温柔  不愿看到你那保持的沉默  独自等待  默默承受  喜悦总是出现在我梦中  Don"t Break My Heart  再次温柔  不愿看到你那保持的沉默  独自等待  默默承受  喜悦总是出现在我梦中  Don"t Break My Heart  再次温柔  不愿看到你那保持的沉默  独自等待  默默承受  喜悦总是出现在我梦中  Don"t Break My Heart

dont break my heart歌词

Please Don"t Break My Heart Lyric i said i wouldn"t do this but here i am alonereaching for your armsto hold me like they use to a long time agoalways knew you arethe reason i feel this way insideplease tell me there"s no need to run and hideplease don"t break my hearti never had so many things to say to youor play on my guitarbut like a two-bit shakespear tragedyyou won"t save me from the partwhere you decide that we no longer workthen i break down and oh my god this hurtsplease don"t break my hearti said i wouldn"t do this a long time agoplease don"t break my hearti never really knew how much you mean to meplease don"t break my heartand i can"t see my myself without youit seems all wrong to meand i can"t carry on without you and mewhat good would it do?when your not around there"s no way i could pull throughi can"t get away from this pending solutionthere"s no real escape from this aching confusion

don t break my heart 歌词

Don"t Break My HeartEmmy Rossum I"ve been searching for my placeFinding my way home now I"m looking at your faceAnd I don"t feel so aloneNever knew I"d find youDon"t break my heartDon"t walk awayDon"t leave me lonelyRunning in placeWaited so longTo be here right nowSometimes things work outDon"t ask me howDon"t break my heartI watch the shadows walk the streetNothing was enough now I"m closer to completeNot trying to be toughNever knew I"d find youDon"t break my heartDon"t walk awayDon"t leave me lonelyRunning in placeWaited so longTo be here right nowSometimes things work outDon"t ask me howDon"t break my heartDon"t break my heartDon"t walk awayDon"t leave me lonelyRunning in placeWaited so longTo be here right nowSometimes things work outDon"t ask me howDon"t break my heartDon"t break my heartDon"t break my heart

《Don’t break my heart 》这首歌表现的是什么想法?什么情感

首先感谢楼主邀请!猜测,只是猜测而已,不代表权威,因为权威是窦唯本人。首先窦唯这首歌应该是创作于1991年以前,窦唯是1989年才加入黑豹的,不太确定能追溯到的这首歌“公开首演”是在深圳之春现代音乐节演唱会上,此时窦唯和王菲还没有明确关系,但是要知道这时窦唯有女朋友名叫姜昕,姜昕是一名大学生,大二时和同学去玩巧合的认识了窦唯、李彤一干人等,1991年11月 参加在香港举行的嘉士伯音乐节演唱会后窦唯宣布退出黑豹!为什么退出众所周知,是因为创作思路的问题、或是传言一时的财政纠纷,其实还有一个现在也不是秘密的事,那就是和王菲两人已经确立恋人关系,王菲当时男友是黑豹的前键盘手栾树彬(后改为名栾树,窦离队后的主唱)唯、菲都是选择了与自己的前任一刀两断,两个人开始了自己的爱情故事。说道这里应该言归正传了,我个人强烈的认为应该是窦唯写给姜昕的一曲,这时是不是要问为什么?因为有歌词可以作为证据来给我的猜测加以说明,也许是我不懂的事太多也许是我的错也许一切已是慢慢地错过也许不必再说从未想过你我会这样结束心中没有把握 (心情如此难过)只是记得你我彼此的承诺一次次的冲动Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔 不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待 默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中你所拥有的是你的身体 诱人的美丽我所拥有的是我的记忆 美妙的感觉My Baby !看到这些近乎道歉的话语,能感受到窦唯内心当中的痛苦煎熬,姜昕一个女大学生,义无反顾的爱上了窦唯而且还放弃了学业,沉默应对着这一切的姜昕,窦唯只能用歌词来表达心中的愧疚。以上这些文字可能不足以说明什么问题,请你搜索姜昕的自传,姜昕《长发飞扬的日子》以纪实的手法说明与窦唯的相识相知,以及窦情变的来龙去脉,虽是一面之词也可透过此文端倪一二。

Don`t Break My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Don`t Break My Heart歌手:动力火车专辑:LIVE暴风现场www.5ilrc.com 欢迎您Chorus Baby I know your hurting Right now you feel like you could never love again Now all I ask is for a chance To prove that I love you From the first day That I saw your smiling face Honey, I knew that we would be together forever Ooh when I asked you out You said no but I found out Darling that you"d been hurt You felt that you"d never love again I deserve a try honey just once Give me a chance and I"ll prove this all wrong You walked in you were so quick to judge But honey he"s nothing like me I"ll never break your heart I"lll never make you cry I"d rather die than live without you I"ll give you all of me Honey that"s no lieI"ll never break your heart I"lll never make you cry I"d rather die than live without you I"ll give you all of me Honey that"s no lieAs time goes by you Will get to know me A little more better Girl that"s the way love goes And I know you"re afraid (know you"re afraid)To let you"re feelings show (feelings show)And I understand But girl it"s time to let go I deservea try honey Just once Give me achance and I"ll prove this all wrong You walked in you were so quick to judge But honey he"s nothing like me Darling why can"t you see I"ll never break your heart I"ll never make you cry I"d rather die,than live without you I"ll give you all of me Honey,that"s no lie I"ll never break your heart I"ll never make you cry I"d rather die,than live without you I"ll give you all of me Honey,that"s no lie Noway,nohow I"ll make you cry Noway,nohowI"ll never break your heart I"ll never make you cry I"d rather die,than live without you I"ll give you all of me Honey,that"s no lie I"ll never break your heart I"ll never make you cry I"d rather die,than live without you I"ll give you all of me Honey,that"s no lie I"ll never break your heart I"ll never make you cry I"d rather die,than live without you I"ll give you all of mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/18349271

窦唯创作《Don‘t break my heart》背后有什么故事

  也许是我不懂的事太多 也许是我的错  也许一切已是慢慢的错过 也许不必再说  从未想过你我会这样结束 心中没有把握  只是记得你我彼此的承诺 一次次的冲动  Don"t Break My Heart 再次温柔 不愿看到你那保持的沉默  独自等待 默默承受 喜悦总是出现在我梦中  你所拥有的是你的身体 诱人的美丽  我所拥有的是我的记忆 美妙的感觉

don t break my heart,是什么歌曲?

《Don"t Break My Heart》演唱:黑豹乐队也许是我不懂的事太多,也许是我的错也许一切已是慢慢的错过,也许不必再说从未想过你我会这样结果,心中没有把握只是记得你我彼此的承诺,一次次的冲动Don"t Break My Heart,再次温柔不愿看到你那保持的沉默,独自等待默默承受,喜悦总是出现在我梦中也许是我不懂的事太多,也许是我的错也许一切已是慢慢的错过,也许不必再说从未想过你我会这样结束,心境如此难过总是记得你我彼此的承诺,一次次的冲动Don"t Break My Heart,再次温柔不愿看到你那保持的沉默,独自等待默默承受,喜悦总是出现在我梦中你所拥有的是你的身体,诱人的美丽我所拥有的是我的记忆,美妙的感觉Mybaby,Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔,不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待,默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中,Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔,不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待,默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中,Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔,不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待,默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中,Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔,不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待,默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中,Don"t Break My Heart.....扩展资料:《Don"t Break My Heart》是中国著名摇滚乐队黑豹乐队的一首音乐作品,它收录于黑豹乐队于1991年发行的首张专辑《黑豹》中。该作品的词曲创作者原唱者均为窦唯。黑豹乐队:中国著名摇滚乐队之一,成立于1987年。乐队曾经过多次地人事变动,当前阵容由张淇(主唱)、李彤(吉他手)、王文杰(贝斯手)、赵明义(鼓手)、惠鹏(键盘手)五人组成。乐队的音乐风格以流行摇滚为主,其代表作品包括《无地自容》、《Don"t Break My Heart》、《光芒之神》、《海市蜃楼》、《同在一片天空下》、《天外有天》、《无是无非》、《不能让我的烦恼没机会表白》、《我们这一代》、《孤焰烈火》等。

求黑豹乐队don t break my heart 歌词

*也许是我不懂的事太多 也许是我的错 也许一切已是慢慢地错过 也许不必再说 #从未想过你我会这样结束 心中没有把握〔心情如此难过〕 只是记得你我彼此的承诺 一次次的冲动 +DON"T BREAK MY HEART 再次温柔 不愿看到你那保持的沉默 独自等待 默默承受 喜悦总是出现在我梦中 重唱 *,#,+ 你所拥有的是你的身体 诱人的美丽 我所拥有的是我的记忆 美妙的感觉 MY BABY 重唱 +,+,+,+ DON"T BREAK MY HEART (x4) DON"T BREAK IT

dont break my heart 什么意思


Dont Break My Heart 歌词

I"ll Never Break Your Heart歌手: backstreet boysFrom the first dayThat I saw your smiling faceHoney,I knewthat we would be together foreverOoh when I asked you outYou said no but I found outDarling that you"d been hurtYou felt that you"d never love againI deserve a try honey just onceGive me a chance and I"ll prove this all wrong.You waked in,you were soquick to judgeBut honey hi"s nothing like meI"ll never break your heartI"ll never make you cryI"d rather diethanlive withoutyouI"ll giveyou all of meHoney,that"s no lieI"d rather die than live withoutAs I walked by youWill you get to know meA little more betterGirl that"s the way love goesAnd I know you"re afraidTo let your feelings showAnd I understandBut girl it"s time to let goGirl,it"s time to let goI deserve a try honeyJust onceGive me a chanceand I"ll prove this all wrongYou walked in, you wereso quick to judgeBut honey he"s nothing like meDarling why can"t you seeNo way, no howI"ll make you crythan live without youI"ll give you all of methan live without I"ll give you all of mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/21350988

dont break my heart怎么读

dont break my heart不要打破我的心dont break my heart不要打破我的心

Love makes the world go around. Love to us human is what water to fish.Love shines the most beautif

爱我们人类是水的鱼爱关注的最漂亮的人类,我们的光生于斯,我们依靠它我们常常把它当成理所当然,但是我们应该知道爱是无价的礼物,我们应该好好珍惜但是如何珍惜爱情吗我曾听说过一个说:拥有爱最快的方法是给予爱;失去爱最快的方法是抓得太紧维系爱最好的办法是给它插上翅膀。 对于我们来说是重要的学习去爱我们的生活的第一堂课只有当你知道如何去爱你会成为一个真正的男人在这个世界上爱带给我们温暖的可怕的冷漠,爱给我们带来光明,黑暗会变得坚硬而生活对生活爱带给我们信心当我们累坏了,想放弃。 爱配得我们一切的欣赏的话,爱是即使过的生命和死亡这就是爱的是在我的眼睛里

dont break my heat

don"t break my heart别伤我的心

求问,黑豹dont break my heart英文歌词

Maybe I don"t know too much, maybe it"s my fault.Maybe everything is slowly missing may not have to sayNever thought that you and I would end the heart is not sureJust remember that you and I promised each other a time impulseBreak My Heart Don"t again gentle reluctant to see you that keep silentWaiting for the joy is always in my dreamMaybe I don"t know too much, maybe it"s my fault.Maybe everything is slowly missing may not have to sayNever thought that you and I would be so sad to end the state of mindAlways remember that you and I promised each other a time impulseBreak My Heart Don"t again gentle reluctant to see you that keep silentWaiting for the joy is always in my dreamWhat you have is the beauty of your body.What I have is a wonderful feeling of my memory.

窦唯创作《Don‘t break my heart》背后有什么故事


窦唯创作《Don‘t break my heart》背后有什么故事

猜测,只是猜测而已,不代表权威,因为权威是窦唯本人。首先窦唯这首歌应该是创作于1991年以前,窦唯是1989年才加入黑豹的,不太确定能追溯到的这首歌“公开首演”是在深圳之春现代音乐节演唱会上,此时窦唯和王菲还没有明确关系,但是要知道这时窦唯有女朋友名叫姜昕,姜昕是一名大学生,大二时和同学去玩巧合的认识了窦唯、李彤一干人等,1991年11月 参加在香港举行的嘉士伯音乐节演唱会后窦唯宣布退出黑豹!为什么退出众所周知,是因为创作思路的问题、或是传言一时的财政纠纷,其实还有一个现在也不是秘密的事,那就是和王菲两人已经确立恋人关系,王菲当时男友是黑豹的前键盘手栾树彬(后改为名栾树,窦离队后的主唱)唯、菲都是选择了与自己的前任一刀两断,两个人开始了自己的爱情故事。说道这里应该言归正传了,我个人强烈的认为应该是窦唯写给姜昕的一曲,这时是不是要问为什么?因为有歌词可以作为证据来给我的猜测加以说明,也许是我不懂的事太多也许是我的错也许一切已是慢慢地错过也许不必再说从未想过你我会这样结束心中没有把握 (心情如此难过)只是记得你我彼此的承诺一次次的冲动Don"t Break My Heart再次温柔 不愿看到你那保持的沉默独自等待 默默承受喜悦总是出现在我梦中你所拥有的是你的身体 诱人的美丽我所拥有的是我的记忆 美妙的感觉My Baby !看到这些近乎道歉的话语,能感受到窦唯内心当中的痛苦煎熬,姜昕一个女大学生,义无反顾的爱上了窦唯而且还放弃了学业,沉默应对着这一切的姜昕,窦唯只能用歌词来表达心中的愧疚。以上这些文字可能不足以说明什么问题,请你搜索姜昕的自传,姜昕《长发飞扬的日子》以纪实的手法说明与窦唯的相识相知,以及窦情变的来龙去脉,虽是一面之词也可透过此文端倪一二。
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