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dont break my heart什么意思

dont break my heart不要打破我的心

求家庭教师主题曲《Sakura addiction》的日语、中文和罗马音。谢谢!

中文译文  云雀:樱花绽放 飞舞飘零 我的手中 空无一物  骸:虚幻多变 温文柔雅 脆弱易碎 如你的花朵  云雀:每日如是的剪票口 擦肩而过的他总是  闪烁着明亮的眼眸 仿佛每日都在追寻着什么   骸:对我而言 每日反复过着平凡的日子  怀着冰冷的心 寻找花开的瞬间而闭上眼睛  两人:樱花绽放 飞舞飘零 我的手中 空无一物  虚幻多变 温文柔雅 脆弱易碎 如你的花朵  骸:若是污秽了的尖刺 也藏到内心深处  云雀:说着“这样就可以了哦” 是在转瞬即逝的春天中寻找逃离的秘密通道吧  云雀:消逝后放弃了的目标 发现它的 是你  骸:春天到来 百花盛放的大地在风中摇曳  践踏后即会哭泣的 满溢而出的是 如同你一般的花朵  两人:存在于此的忘却之物 在为取回它而来的我的手上  有着虚幻多变 温文柔雅 脆弱易碎 如你的花朵日文歌词  云雀:桜咲く 舞い落ちる 何も无い 仆の手の上  骸:儚くて 优しくて 壊れそう きみみたいな花  云雀:いつもの改札を 擦り抜けて行くあの子はそう  辉く目をして 毎日何が掴み取って行くんだ  骸:ぼくはといえば 何にも无い毎日缲り返して  冷えた心持ってさ 花开く瞬间探して目を闭じる  两人:桜咲く 舞い落ちる 何も无い 仆の手の上  儚くて 优しくて 壊れそう きみみたいな花  骸:汚れたスパイクなら 心の奥に仕舞い込んだ  云雀:「これでいいんだよ」と 过ぎ行く春の逃げ道 探してるん(二人)だろう  云雀:无くして 谛めたボール  见つけてくれたのは きみでした  骸:春が来る 咲き夸る グランドが 风に揺れる  踏みしめて 泣き出した 溢れそう 君みたいな花  两人:此処に在る 忘れ物 取りに来た ぼくの手の上  儚くて 优しくて 壊れそう 君みたいな花  儚く て 优しく て  壊れ そう 君 みたい な 花注音(lrc格式  [ti:Sakura addiction]  [ar:饭田利信+近藤隆]  [al:TVアニメ「家庭教师ヒットマン REBORN!」]  [00:00.91]云雀 sa ku ra sa ku ma i o chi ru  [00:06.14]云雀na ni mo na i bo ku no te no u e  [00:11.34]骸 ha ka na ku te ya sa shi ku te  [00:16.88]骸 ko wa re sou ki mi mi tai na ha na  [00:20.83]  [00:21.83]Sakura Addiction  [00:22.83]  [00:24.83]作词:向井隆昭  [00:26.83]作曲:向井隆昭 道本卓行  [00:28.83]编曲:SPLAY  [00:30.83]  [00:34.83]歌:云雀恭弥(近藤隆) VS六道骸(饭田利信)  [00:36.83]  [00:38.30]  [00:42.83]  [00:44.45]云雀 i tsu mo no kai sa tsu wo  [00:50.65]云雀 su ri nu ke te i ku a no ko wa sou  [00:56.00]云雀 ka ga ya ku me wo shi te  [01:01.29]云雀 mai ni chi na ni ka tsu ka mi to tte i kun da  [01:05.79]骸 bo ku ha to i e ba  [01:11.92]骸 na ni mo nai mai ni chi ku ri ka e shi te  [01:16.71]骸 hi e ta ko ko ro mo tte sa  [01:21.41]骸 ha na hi ra ku syun kan sa ga shi te me wo to ji ru  [01:26.15]合 sa ku ra sa ku mai o chi ru  [01:31.45]合 na ni mo na i bo ku no te no u e  [01:36.71]合 ha ka na ku te ya sa shi ku te  [01:42.13]合 ko wa re sou ki mi mi tai na hana  [01:52.89]  [01:59.15]骸 yo go re ta supai ku na ra  [02:05.31]骸 ko ko ro no oku ni shi ma i kon da  [02:10.04]云雀 ko re de i in da yo to  [02:14.76]云雀 su gi yu ku ha ru no ni ge mi chi wo sa ga shi te run  [02:23.21]  [02:42.05]云雀 na ku shi te a ki ra me ta bo ru  [02:52.41]云雀 mi tsu ke te ku re ta no wa ki mi de shi ta  [03:02.49]骸 ha ru ga ku ru sa ki ho ko ru  [03:04.80]骸 gu ran do ga ka ze ni yu re ru  [03:12.69]骸 fu mi shi me te na ki da shi ta  [03:15.43]骸 ko bo re sou ki mi mitai na ha na  [03:23.59]合 ko ko ni a ru wa su remo no  [03:26.06]合 to ri ni ki ta bo ku no te no ue  [03:34.00]合 ha ka na ku te ya sa shi ku te  [03:36.77]合 ko wa re sou ki mi mi tai na ha na  [03:46.33]

don t break my heart什么意思


黑豹的《do not break my heart 是谁唱的》


don t break my heart什么意思


don t break my heart什么意思


don t break my heart什么意思


求snake by D.H.Lawrence 的翻译

Snake蛇A snake came to my water-troughOn a hot, hot day, and I in pyjamas for the heat,To drink there.一条蛇来到我的水槽饮水,在一个大热天,我热得穿一身睡衣裤。In the deep, strange-scented shade of the great dark carob-treeI came down the steps with my pitcherAnd must wait, must stand and wait, for there he was at the trough before me.在巨大的深色角豆树散发奇味的浓荫里,我提着水壶走下台阶,我得等待,得站住、等待,因为他就在我前面的水槽边。He reached down from a fissure in the earth-wall in the gloomAnd trailed his yellow-brown slackness soft-bellied down, over the edge of the stone troughAnd rested his throat upon the stone bottom,And where the water had dripped from the tap, in a small clearness,He sipped with his straight mouth,Softly drank through his straight gums, into his slack long body,Silently.他从阴暗处的土墙裂缝里探下身子,拖着黄褐色的松弛软腹爬下,越过石头水槽的边沿,把喉咙搁在石头槽底上,水从龙头上小滴小滴清晰落下,他用笔直的嘴呷饮,让水通过笔直的牙床,流入松弛的长长身躯,舒适地饮着,默不做声。Someone was before me at my water-trough,And I, like a second-comer, waiting.有人在我之前已来到我的水槽,而我,像个后来者,等待着。He lifted his head from his drinking, as cattle do,And looked at me vaguely, as drinking cattle do,And flickered his two-forked tongue from his lips, and mused a moment,And stooped and drank a little more,Being earth-brown, earth-golden from the burning bowels of the earthOn the day of Sicilian July, with Etna smoking.他停止喝水,抬起头,像牲口一样,他毫无表情地看着我,像喝水的牲口,嘴里闪出双叉舌头,沉思了片刻,然后俯身,又喝了点水;他从燃烧的大地深处孕育而生,一身土棕色、土金色,西西里七月的这个日子,埃特纳火山还在冒烟。The voice of my education said to meHe must be killed,For in Sicily the black, black snakes are innocent, the gold are venomous.我所接受的教育向我发出声音说他得处死,因为在西西里,黑蛇,黑色的蛇是清白的,而金色的蛇是有毒的。And voices in me said, If you were a manYou would take a stick and break him now, and finish him off.我身体里那些声音发话:如果你是男人,你就该马上操起棍子,打断他,打死他。But must I confess how I liked him,How glad I was he had come like a guest in quiet, to drink at my water-troughAnd depart peaceful, pacified, and thankless,Into the burning bowels of this earth?但我是否得坦认:我非常喜欢他,非常高兴他安静地、像客人一样到我的水槽来喝水,然后平静、平和地离开,没有道谢,回到这大地燃烧的深处?Was it cowardice, that I dared not kill him?Was it perversity, that I longed to talk to him?Was it humility, to feel so honoured?I felt so honoured.是出于怯懦,我不敢把他杀死?是由于错乱,我渴望和他交谈?是某种谦卑,我竟感到如此荣幸?我感到如此荣幸。And yet those voices:If you were not afraid, you would kill him!然而,那些声音又发话:“要是你不害怕,就该把他处死!”And truly I was afraid, I was most afraid,But even so, honoured still moreThat he should seek my hospitalityFrom out the dark door of the secret earth.的确,我害怕,非常害怕,但即便如此,我甚至更感到荣幸,因为他走出秘密大地的黑暗之门,应当是寻求我的好客。He drank enoughAnd lifted his head, dreamily, as one who has drunken,And flickered his tongue like a forked night on the air, so black,Seeming to lick his lips,And looked around like a god, unseeing, into the air,And slowly turned his head,And slowly, very slowly, as if thrice adream,Proceeded to draw his slow length curving roundAnd climb again the broken bank of my wall-face.他喝够了,抬起头,神情恍惚,像个醉汉,闪动的舌头像空中叉裂的漆夜,那么黑,似乎在舔他的嘴唇,然后像一个神,一副视而不见的神情,环视空中,缓缓扭转脑袋,缓缓地,慢慢悠悠地,仿佛进入重重幽梦,开始拖着慢吞吞、盘绕的全身,又爬上墙面起伏的陡坡。And as he put his head into that dreadful hole,And as he slowly drew up, snake-easing his shoulders, and entered farther,A sort of horror, a sort of protest against his withdrawing into that horrid black hole,Deliberately going into the blackness, and slowly drawing himself after,Overcame me now his back was turned.当他将头伸进那个可怕的洞穴,当他缓缓停住,以蛇的方式松了松肩,再探身进洞,当他不慌不忙地进入黑暗,缓缓拖着自己,撤进那个可怕的黑洞,一种恐惧,一种对他的抗议即刻占据了我,而他对我毫不理会。I looked round, I put down my pitcher,I picked up a clumsy logAnd threw it at the water-trough with a clatter.我环顾左右,放下水壶,操起一根粗糙的木料,啪的一声掷向水槽。I think it did not hit him,But suddenly that part of him that was left behind convulsed in undignified haste,Writhed like lightning, and was goneInto the black hole, the earth-lipped fissure in the wall-front,At which, in the intense still noon, I stared with fascination.我想我没砸中,但他留在后面的身子,突然惊惶而失态地猛抖,闪电般扭动,消失在黑洞里,消失在墙面上那嘴状的裂缝里,我入迷地盯着黑洞,在这酷热而宁静的中午。And immediately I regretted it.I thought how paltry, how vulgar, what a mean act!I despised myself and the voices of my accursed human education.我立刻感到懊悔。我想这是多么低劣,多么粗鲁,多么卑鄙的行为!我鄙视自己,鄙视身上那些可恶的人类教育的声音。And I thought of the albatross,And I wished he would come back, my snake.我想起了信天翁;但愿他能回来,我的蛇啊。For he seemed to me again like a king,Like a king in exile, uncrowned in the underworld,Now due to be crowned again.因为我又觉得他像一个君王,像流放中的君王,被废黜到地狱,现在该到重新加冕的时候了。And so, I missed my chance with one of the lordsOf life.And I have something to expiate:A pettiness.就这样,我与一位生命之主错过了机遇。我多少得遭受恶果:因为某种委琐。

don t break my heart是什么意思?


英语作文what measures would you like to take to improve your memory

A great memory can help you succeed in school, in your job, and in life. It can help you learn faster, and fast learners are always in demand. And they make more money.If you"re willing to make a few lifestyle changes and learn powerful memory techniques, you really can improve your memory. My goal is to explain every strategy that can help.Not only will you learn memorization techniques, but you"ll also learn how to improve your memory through diet, exercise, sleep, meditation, and other ways. Plus, I"ll point out other resources along the way that you may find helpful.





break the ice英文歌词

It"s been a whileI know I shouldn"t have kept you waitingBut I"m here nowI know it"s been a whileBut I"m glad you cameAnd I"ve been thinking "boutHow you said my nameGot my body spinningLike a hurricaneAnd it feels likeYou got me going insaneAnd I can"t get enoughSo let me get it upOoh, looks like we"re alone nowYou ain"t gotta be scaredWe"re grown nowI"m a hit defrost on yaLet"s get it blazin"We can turn the heat up if you wannaTurn the lights down low if you wannaJust wanna move youBut you"re froze upThat"s what I"m sayingLet me break the iceAllow me to get you rightWon"t you warm up to meBaby I can make you feel Let me break the iceAllow me to get you rightWon"t you warm up to meBaby I can make you feelSo you warming up yet?You got me hypnotizedI never felt this wayYou got my heart beatingLike an 808Can you riseTo the occasionI"m patiently waiting becauseIt"s getting lateAnd I can"t get enoughSo let me get it upOoh, looks like we"re alone nowYou ain"t gotta be scaredWe"re grown nowI"m a hit defrost on yaLet"s get it blazin"We can turn the heat up if you wannaTurn the lights down low if you wannaJust wanna move youBut you"re froze upThat"s what I"m sayingLet me break the iceAllow me to get you rightWon"t you warm up to meBaby I can make you feelLet me break the iceAllow me to get you rightWon"t you warm up to meBaby I can make you feelI like this partFeels kinda goodYeahLet me break the iceAllow me to get you rightWon"t you warm up to meBaby I can make you feelLet me break the iceAllow me to get you rightWon"t you warm up to meBaby I can make you feelHot



英语to take extra care怎么翻译?

英语to take extra care翻译为中文:格外小心。

一首歌歌词有baby do you remember 好像是akon的 求歌名


谁知道这首歌是什么歌?谁唱的?歌词:put it down on the shelf,take it one by one and you know it...

歌名:Don"t Take My Heart And Put It On a Shelf主唱:Jonas BrothersShe"s such a flirtAnd i"m a lonely heartGive it a chanceFor our love to startBut you"ll never seeIf you don"t give me a shotTo show you what I"ve gotYeah it"s too late to pretendYou know me better than I know myselfDon"t take my heart and put it on a shelfI always someone elseThe next guy who can make your cold heart meltI"m gonna give my love to someone elseI held your handIt felt like a movieI"d made some plansBut you were alreadyMoving on nowAnd I was stuck under a rainy cloudBut you don"t seem to careBut it"s alright causeIt"s too late to pretendYou know me better than I know myselfDon"t take my heart and put it on a shelfAlways someone elseThe next guy who can make your cold heart meltI"m gonna give my love to someone elseI"m tired of wasting all my timeMy heart is hanging on this lineIs it me, girl, or someone else?Don"t put it on a shelfIt"s too late to pretendYou know me better than I know myselfDon"t take my heart and put it on a shelfSomenday you will seeHow much it hurts to be alone like meSo go ahead and put your heart on a shelfLa la la la laLa la la la laAlways someone elseThe next guy who can make your cold heart meltI"m gonna give my love to someone elsegracias a LetrasyMusica.es

make up room什么意思



按:许多朋友,自从接触到街舞,看过街舞的表演,一定有想学念头,尤其是街舞当中的Breaking,更是让人看的眼花缭乱。如果想要学习,一定先要了解一下基础知识,这对以后的学习会有很大的帮助。下面就简单介绍一下。 先说说STYLE,STYLE粗分为三部份:TOPROCK、FOOTWORK、FREEZE。 TOPROCK就是在你做地板动作之前跳的类似一种步法的东西,很多BBOY们都忽略了TOPROCK的重要,其实TOPROCK可以帮助你抓住音乐的节拍,让你做好真正地板动作前的准备。现在最流行的TOPROCK是走圆圈,在场中间跳的轨迹逞一个圆形,这样让人们看起来你有满场飞舞的感觉。 FOOTWORK顾名思义是脚部动作,大家都知道SIX STEPS,SIX STEPS可说是最流畅的一种,但光会SIX STEPS是远远不够的,试想你每次光做SIX STEPS的话不是很无聊吗?大家一定要多花些时间去组合自己的FOOTWORK,毕竟FOOTWORK是BREAKING里用得最多的,你还得不断的去创新自己的FOOTWORK,不然就算你的FOOTWORK再好,大家也会因看得次数多而感到无聊的。FOOTWORK最要紧要做得流畅,你可加进绕腿,或忽然改变方向等等,学问大了。 FREEZE是最能给观众震撼的招数,如果你能创出大家没见过的FREEZE,那比POWER MOVE还能给人们留下深刻印象。FREEZE字面上的意思是冻结,我个人觉得那就是FREEZE的真缔。冻结是给人一种很迅速的感觉,必须要把动作在刹那间定住,那才是最好的FREEZE。而不是说你光能做到停在那里,如果你做得拖泥带水,撑了个半天才好不容易撑住,还在那里震得摇摇欲坠,那还叫什么FREEZE呢?FREEZE更难在FREEZE COMBO,就是一个FREEZE变另一个FREEZE,要做到干净利落,还能抓住节拍,那才是至高境界!   说完了STYLE再说说POWERMOVE,POWERMOVE指BREAKING中的一系列地板动作,像WINDMILL,HALO,FLARE,1990,HEADSPIN,AIRTRACK等等,其中每个动作又可细分,像WINDMILL可分为NO HAND WINDMILL,BABY WINDMILL,SUPERMAN WINDMILL等。 这些动作给人的震撼是无与伦比的,特别是对第一次看BREAKING的人,他们会怀疑人类怎能做出这种动作?正是这种魅力,让无数BBOY们冒着断手断脚断脖子的危险去狂练。不能不佩服这些勇敢的BBOY们,更不能不佩服这些令人眼花缭乱的动作。有些BBOY们认为POWERMOVE不好,因为这些动作做到了就是做到了,并不是跳舞。这当然也有道理,毕竟POWERMOVE比较单调,你不能一直重复在那里转。但POWERMOVE终归是极限的表现,特别是BATTLE时,如果当你的对手在那狂转了一轮之后你竟然拿FOOTWORK去比,那我看你还不如投降吧。我之前说FREEZE能比POWERMOVE更令人震撼是指POWERMOVE只有那几招,就算再夸张,在看了多次之后也会变得不新鲜了,而古怪的FREEZE则可带给人们一种新鲜感,并不是只动作的难度上FREEZE厉害过POWERMOVE。 作为一个BBOY,很难同时善长STYLE和POWERMOVE,就算你两种都行,在BATTLE时你也会不够体力去发挥,所以我觉得大家应找朋友们组成一个CREW,这样就可以分工练习,而全面发展。   BREAKING分STYLE和POWERMOVE,相信大家都问过这样一个问题:到底STYLE和POWERMOVE哪个更重要?对这个问题,众说纷云。最后的回答只能说两个同样重要。

Take baby steps 是什么意思

Take baby steps采取婴儿步骤从小步开始不厌其烦要一步一个脚印的双语例句1You have to take baby steps to break out of your fear.要打破你的恐惧,你得从小步开始。2Studying those who have succeeded with similar ventures alsohelps.But above all, take baby steps.学习那些和你有同样经历的成功人士也许会有帮助。3Take baby steps to get through the difficult days.困难时期要一步一步度过。4But let"s take baby steps to get there.当时还是让我们不厌其烦地到达那一步吧。5But above all, take baby steps.最重要的是,要一步一个脚印地走。

Akon的so high歌词翻译成中文是什么意思?

I'm so high 我这么高So high 这么高Sexual high 性高A sexual high 性高Know she got me when you see that redness in my eye 她让我知道当你看到出现我的眼睛Cause i'm so high 因为我这麽高She's my chocolate type 她是我的巧克力的类型Her body so fire 她的身体火The way she got me dizzy 她让我头晕Floating high up in the sky 高挂在天空中漂浮Shawty got her back and her body got curves Shawty得到她回来了,她的身体曲线When she bring it back it's like somebody hit a nerve 当她把它带回来就像有人被击中了Just like that, I love it when you flirt 就这样,我爱它。当你调情Take it to the back and hang a Do Not Disturb 把它背和挂不要打扰Sign on the door cause your boyfriend's a her 标志在门引起你的男朋友是个她Saw me leaving with you and he didn't say a word 看见我你和他一起离开一句话也没说Something so beautiful he does not deserve 这么漂亮的东西他不配If I was you baby i'd kick him to the curve 如果我是你,我会踢他的婴儿曲线They're getting money thrown at you like George Bush 他们要钱扔在你喜欢布什We tossing from a distance 我们将从一个距离Lil mama heads up 现在妈妈保持清醒的头脑The way your body moves got me so fucked up 你让我如此移动身体输球了Shawty bonified and she'll never back down Shawty bonified,她永远不会退缩She's the type of shawty that you always want around 她是一个类型的shawty周围,你一直想要的Attracted to them real niggas and she know the sound 他们吸引,真正的niggas和她认识你的声音Of copters and them choppers when that drama come around 直升机和他们的直升机,当那个戏剧来到我的身边She's nothing like your average so called friend 她一点也不像普通的所谓的朋友Never miss a visit when you're locked in the pen 千万不要错过参观,当你被锁在钢笔Her booty so phat and it's matching with her skin 她这么phat战利品及符合她的皮肤She sitting on my lap, I'm watching... 她坐在我的大腿上,我在看…Cause I'm so high 因为我这麽高Now ain't I ain't I chilled 现在不是我不是我冷静Now ain't I ain't I real 现在我不是我不是真实的Niggas that squeal... all can't feel Niggas凄厉的…都不会觉得All I got is thorough convicts that surround me 我得到的是身边的深入罪犯If you don't fit the description, get from around me 如果你不适合描述,获得从我的身边Enough of these clowns, let me look at something sexy 足够的这些小丑,让我看看一些性感You can get it, tell me where you want your baby 你可以得到它,告诉我,你希望你的孩子Kitchen table top, roof or the basement 厨房桌子上、屋顶或地下室Got all this money so you'll end up with a rich kid 得到所有的钱,所以你就会有一个富有的孩子

moon cakes是什么意思



Can I have some moon cake?Can I have a piece of moon cake?Can I have the whole moon cake?

They don’t make countryside any more 求解释They的指代。是

national parks and green belts(最后几句话很奇怪……)

英语主语可以位在句尾吗?mooncake is a delicious,round cake.

英语中主语放到句末是倒装句,例如,Here comes the bus.主语是the bus。你说的这个句子不是倒装句,主语就是mooncake

moon cake 的写法对吗?






mooncake festival是什么意思

mooncake festival月饼节mooncake[英]["mu:nkeu026ak][美]["mu:nkeu026ak]n.月饼; 例句:1.Another mid-autumn festival, another mooncake controversy. 又是一年中秋节,月饼再次引发争议。

moon cake是一个单词吗

mooncake 应该是连起来的,作为一个单词。意思是月饼。希望能够帮到你!望采纳!


比如:Moon cakes are traditional snacks have long enjoyed a good reputation of the Han nationality.第一个字母就是大写。

moon mooncake sun哪个不同类?



cake[keu026ak]不是双音节词,是单音节词,因为它只含有一个元音因素[eu026a]。 n. 蛋糕;块状物;利益总额 vt. 使结块 vi. 结成块状 That cake looks very tempting. 那蛋糕的样子让人嘴馋。 She kept pressing cake on us. 她非要我们吃蛋糕不可。 She cut the cake into fifths. 她把蛋糕切成五块。 This cake is very filling. 这种饼很能填饱肚子。 Jim grabbed a cake from the plate. 吉姆从盘子里抓了一块蛋糕。

mooncake 的复数是什么?

mooncakes 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

we eat mooncakes.的mooncake为什么要加s?

we eat mooncakes.的mooncake加s表示不止一块月饼。因为mooncake 是可数名词。


The mooncake is a tranditional food for the mid-autumn festival.


圆圆的月亮,满满的情思。Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries.中国人庆祝中秋节和吃月饼的习俗已经有几百年了。Mooncakes are in the shape of a full moon on the Mid-Autumn night.月饼有着中秋之夜里满月的的形状。They carry people"s wishes to the families they love and miss.它们包含着人们对家庭的爱和思念。There are many traditional folk stories about this festival.关于中秋节有很多民间故事。


可数。复数形式:mooncakes。例句:Ifyoubuythismooncake,youwillgetagift.如果您买这种月饼,您会获得一份小礼品。 1、Tomsmelledthemooncakeandthentasteditagain.汤姆闻了闻月饼之后,又尝了一口。 2、Thedeliciousmooncakewasmadebymymother.这个可口的月饼是我妈妈做的。 3、Howmuchyouwouldspendonbuyingaboxofmooncake你愿意花最多的金钱购买一盒月饼? 4、Don"tforgettoeatmooncakeinMid-autumnfestival!不要忘记在中秋节要吃月饼! 5、leasechooseyourfavoritepackageformooncakefrombelow.请选出你最喜爱的月饼包装。


答:是可数的。复数形式:mooncakes。 例句:If you buy this mooncake,you will get a gift. 如果您买这种月饼,您会获得一份小礼品。 扩展资料   Tom smelled the mooncake and then tasted it again.   汤姆闻了闻月饼之后,又尝了一口。   The delicious mooncake was made by my mother.   这个可口的月饼是我妈妈做的。   How much you would spend on buying a box of mooncake?   你愿意花最多的"金钱购买一盒月饼?   Don"t forget to eat mooncake in Mid-autumn festival!   不要忘记在中秋节要吃月饼!   lease choose your favorite package for mooncake from below.   请选出你最喜爱的月饼包装。



mooncake 的复数是什么?








给我一块月饼 能说give a mooncake 吗?

give me a mooncake不分开

cake可数吗? 为什么mooncake就是可数名词呢?

通常不可数 a piece of cake 就像我们说蛋糕的时候是一块蛋糕,说月饼的时候是一只月饼一样.不能因为它带了cake就一概而论


名词,月饼Parents make mooncakes, moon masks, and lanterns with their children.家长们与他们的孩子们一起制作月饼、月亮形面具和灯笼。


leakage 泄漏injection 注入


加分August 15 if moon cakes Legend has it in ancient China, the emperor has Etiquette spring, autumn festival on the officiating system. In private, the Mid-Autumn Festival every August, there are around Baidoa, customs, or ceremonies. "August Shi Wuyue infants round, moon cakes and sweet incense," this proverb道出of the Mid-Autumn Festival night of urban and rural people eat moon cakes customs. Moon cakes were originally used to Bong Yueshen the festival offerings, but people gradually to the full moon and tasting moon cakes Mid-Autumn Festival, as a symbol of family reunion, moon cakes will become gradually holiday gifts. Moon cakes, first originated in the Tang Dynasty army celebration party food. Tang Gaozu years, the General Li Jing crusade Hun Triumph, August 15 and to the Arc de Triomphe. At that time, someone doing business Turpan to the Tang dynasty emperor Xian cake celebration party. Gao Zu Li Yuan took over the ornate cake box, with a round cake, the smile that air moon said: "The cake should be invited Hu toad." Points to finish the cake Qunchen eat together. Since the animal husbandry of the Southern Song Dynasty Wu "Dream Beam recorded," a book that has the "moon cakes", but the taste of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the description of moon cakes, is the Ming Dynasty "-will visit the West Lake" will record: "August 15 that The Mid-Autumn Festival, civil moon cakes with efforts to collect the meaning of reunion. " To the Qing Dynasty, on the record on moon cakes and more, and more and more sophisticated production. Moon cakes to the development of today, many more varieties, taste different from place to place. One of Beijing, Su-style, wide-, wide tide of China"s moon cakes, and other people around the north and south by the preference.


是如The mooncake is delicious.


圆圆的月亮,满满的情思。Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries.中国人庆祝中秋节和吃月饼的习俗已经有几百年了。Mooncakes are in the shape of a full moon on the Mid-Autumn night.月饼有着中秋之夜里满月的的形状。They carry people"s wishes to the families they love and miss.它们包含着人们对家庭的爱和思念。There are many traditional folk stories about this festival.关于中秋节有很多民间故事。

mooncakes 是什么意思


mooncake怎么读 英语mooncake怎么读

1、mooncake英[mu:nkeu026ak]美[u02c8muu02d0n keik],n.月饼。 2、[例句]Its also known as the Moon Festival or the Mooncake Festival.它也被叫做月亮节,或者是月饼节。



月饼的英文翻译是mooncake还是moon cake?


请问本句中的 what it takes..的 it 代表什么?has的宾语是在哪?

这个句子比较复杂。。in which引导非限制性定语从句中包含了一个what引导的宾语从句其中,it是形式宾语,无任何意义,真正的宾语是takes to——paradigm这部分因为宾语太长,所以只能给它加一个形式宾语,也就是it。这个类似于it当形式主语时的原理

bring down,settle down, break down…中文意思是?「down」英文片语大集合!

Down有向下的意思,不过它还可以跟很多单字搭配,形成片语。例如:bring down, settle down, calm down…等。 《Let"s talk》讲师Meera在Youtube上面列举了八个跟down有关的英文片语,赶快来学习吧! 1. bring down : 指打倒某物或某人。 例1:The citizens are hell-bent upon bringing down the government. 公民们一心想要打倒 *** 。 例2:The college students are hell-bent upon bring down the university rules. 大学生一心想要打倒大学规则。 2. settle down 有两个意思,一个是 calm down 冷静的意思。 例:Settle down now we"ll think about a solution. 冷静下来,我们来想想解决办法。 另一个意思是安家.安顿下来的意思。 例:My brother is planning to settle down and start a family. 我哥哥打算安顿下来,建立一个家庭。 3. simmer down 与calm down类似,但这里的解释,特别是针对生气的人说,平息你的愤怒的意思。 Simmer down and I"ll be back to talk with you. 等你平静下来,我再回来跟你谈一谈。 4. break down 有两个意思,一个指的是 stop functioning 停止运作 例:I got late because my bike broke down. 我迟到了,因为我的脚踏车坏了。 另一个是 to lose control emotionally 情绪失控的意思。 例:I always break down when I see romantic movies. 每当我看到浪漫的电影时,总是会崩溃。 5. calm down : to stop being emotionally stressed 停止紧张的情绪 当对方很生气.紧张.惊恐发作.焦虑发作都可以使用calm down这个动词片语。 例:Calm down, relax and take a deep breath, we"ll solve the problem, okay? 冷静下来,放轻松,深呼吸一下,我们能解决问题的,好吗? 6. cut down : to reduce 降低.减少的意思 例:My friend needs to cut down on his *** oking habit. 我的朋友需要减少他的吸烟习惯。 7. burn down:to destroy by fire 烧毁 例:The shop next to our house got burned down. 我们家旁边的店被火烧毁了 8. turn down:有两个意思 一个是 to reject something 拒绝的意思 例:I turned down the pany"s offer. 我拒绝了公司的提议。 另一个是 to reduce or to lower 降低的意思 例:Could you please turn down the music, it"s getting too loud. 你能降低音乐吗,它太大声了。 break down, break down 中文, break down 意思, break down 用法, break down 翻译, bring down, bring down 中文, bring down 意思, bring down 用法, bring down 翻译, burn down, burn down 中文, burn down 意思, burn down 用法, burn down 翻译, Calm down, calm down 中文, calm down 意思, calm down 用法, calm down 翻译, cut down, cut down 中文, cut down 意思, cut down 用法, cut down 翻译, down 中文, down 动词片语, down 意思, down 片语, down 用法, down 翻译, down 英文片语, settle down, settle down 中文, settle down 意思, settle down 用法, settle down 翻译, simmer down 中文, simmer down 意思, simmer down 用法, simmer down 翻译, turn down, turn down 中文, turn down 意思, turn down 用法, turn down 翻译

求Rumors--Jake Miller 下载,高清MP3。


rumors jake Miller的歌词

Rumors - Jake MillerYeah heh rumors绯闻八卦Yeah we the word up on the streets街头巷尾都是我们的八卦They talk talk talk "bout you and me他们都在议论我们Let"s start some rumors rumors就让我们制造些绯闻吧And no I don"t know where they came from我也不知道为何会有这些绯闻But I"m always down to make some rumors rumors虽然我有时会故意制造些八卦Yeah they saw me sneaking out your crib last night没错 昨晚他们看到我从你的家悄悄溜出来3 AM to catch a flight凌晨三点赶飞机Caught me driving through your hood他们看到我开着你的车Paparazzi got me good狗仔队将我逮了个正着We like stars yeah baby they astronomers我们像是天上的明星 而他们就像是观察我们的天文学家Look at everybody camping out with they binoculars用双筒望远镜每天观察每个人的动向All up in the headlines me and the wifey每天的头版头条都是我和我的老婆But let them gossip girl Blake Lively就让他们做做“绯闻女孩”布莱克·莱弗利吧I don"t know where they"re getting their news我都不知道他们哪里来的风声But I"m not mad if tonight it comes true但如果今晚绯闻成真 我也不会生气Ooh let"s start some rumors就让我们制造些绯闻吧I"mma start some rumors with you with you with you我要和你传绯闻 我想和你传绯闻I wanna start some rumors with you我想和你传些绯闻八卦Yeah rumors I wanna start some rumors with you绯闻八卦 我想和你传些绯闻八卦Yeah rumors I wanna start some绯闻八卦 我想和你传些绯闻八卦Man how the hell they spread so fast天啊 那些绯闻怎么传得那么快Yeah my homie called and asked是啊 我的兄弟都打电话来问Have you heard the rumors Wait what Rumors你听过那八卦吗?等等什么八卦?Yeah we the topic of the town是啊 我们成了热门话题We might as well just own it now我们不妨现在就澄清好了It ain"t no rumor no it ain"t no rumor这并不是流言 也不是八卦They caught us hooking up all in my whip他们看到我们在我车里约会Man I needa tint that shit天啊 我真该将车窗弄黑Now your cell is blowing up like此刻你家里像是炸开了锅Oh my god tell me everything所有人都是 老天啊 告诉我一切We like stars yeah baby they astronomers我们像是天上的明星 而他们就像是观察我们的天文学家Look at everybody camping out with they binoculars用双筒望远镜每天观察每个人的动向All up in the headlines me and the wifey每天的头版头条都是我和我的老婆But let them gossip girl Blake Lively就让他们做做“绯闻女孩”布莱克·莱弗利吧I don"t know where they"re getting their news我都不知道他们哪里来的风声But I"m not mad if tonight it comes true但如果今晚绯闻成真 我也不会生气Ooh let"s start some rumors就让我们制造些绯闻吧I"mma start some rumors with you with you with you我要和你传绯闻 我想和你传绯闻I wanna start some rumors with you我想和你传些绯闻八卦Yeah rumors I wanna start some rumors with you绯闻八卦 我想和你传些绯闻八卦Yeah rumors I wanna start some rumors with you绯闻八卦 我想和你传些绯闻八卦No we don"t care if somebody knows body knows我们根本就不在乎谁会知道我们之间的事People talking that"s just how it goes how it goes因为人们所议论的就是本来的事实You know we love to keep them on they toes on they toes你明白我们就喜欢让他们猜个不停Yeah let"s start a rumor tonight今夜就让我们制造些绯闻吧If they ain"t talking we ain"t doing it right rumors如果他们不议论我们 我们就不爆出绯闻I don"t know where they"re getting their news我都不知道他们哪里来的风声But I"m not mad if tonight it comes true但如果今晚绯闻成真 我也不会生气Ooh let"s start some rumors就让我们制造些绯闻吧I wanna start some rumors with you with you with you我想和你传些绯闻八卦I wanna start some rumors with you我想和你传些绯闻八卦I wanna start some rumors我想和你传些绯闻八卦I wanna start some rumors with you我想和你传些绯闻八卦I wanna start some I wanna start some yeah我想和你传些 想和你传些绯闻八卦I wanna start some rumors我想和你传些绯闻八卦

William Blake的the Tiger 英文赏析。

William Blake is an important poet representing the pre-romanticism in English literature in whose masterpiece The Tiger the structural identicalness between the enlarged metaphor "tiger" and the deafening "anvil music" represents the splendid "making process of the tiger". Tiger is associated with fire in color: the burning fire is in the color between red and orange,similar to the color of the tiger; secondly, the tiger"s eyes are like flames, and made of flames.This poem is not so much about the tiger as it really is, or as a zoologist might present it to us; it is the Tyger, as it appears to the eye of the beholder. Blake imagines the tiger as the embodiment of God"s power in creation: the animal is terrifying in its beauty, strength, complexity and vitality. Meanwhile, concerning to the social background of those poems, the tiger is symbolic of the revolutionary forces: the French people in the French Revolution to which Blake was a supporter. It could destroy the old system and establish a new one. Blake enhanced the meaning of both.These poems focus on evil and the importance of understanding the evil around in hope of attaining a state of innocence. In The Songs of Innocence Blake suggests that by recapturing the imagination and wonderment of childhood,we could achieve the goal of self-awareness.The poems thus present views of the world as filtered through the eyes and mind of a child.We can also infer that evil can bring forth the loss of innocence. Therefore, one existing similarity is that they both concern the loss of innocence.Many poems from each set are companion pieces to each other.The Lamb isan symbol of innocence, corresponding to The Tiger as the symbol of experience.Blake seeks for balance and harmony in this unbalanced world. Thus W wanted to express the dialectic unity of the beautiful and the ugly, the good and the evil, the white and the black in the world. The dialectic ideas are fully shown. Another shared theme between the two works, The Tiger and The Lamb, is the theme of creation and divine intervention. In both poems Blake questions multiple times about how each was created. In The Lamb, Blake suggests that the lamb was created by a godlike being. In The Tiger Blake questions if the tiger was created by the same being that created the lamb. Such curiosity is a common theme to both poems. Thus, through the information discussed, it can be seen that there exists a common comparison in two separate works by William Blake. The Tyger" is a poem by the English poet William Black. It was published as part of his collection Songs of Experience in 1794. It is one of Blake"s best known and most analyzed poems. The Cambridge Companion to William Blake calls it "the most anthologized poem in English."Most modern anthologies have kept Blake"s choice of the archaic spelling "tyger". It was a common spelling of the word at the time but was already "slightly archaic"when he wrote the poem; he spelled it as "tiger" elsewhere, and many of his poetic effects "depended on subtle differences of punctuation and of spelling.” Thus, his choice of "tyger" has usually been interpreted as being for effect, perhaps to render an "exotic or alien quality of the beast", or because it"s not really about a "tiger" at all, but a metaphor. "The Tyger" is the sister poem to "The Lamb" "Songs of Innocence", a reflection of similar ideas from a different perspective, but it focuses more on goodness than evil.

Story Of The Year的《Wake Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Wake Up歌手:Story Of The Year专辑:单曲 - Wake UpWe are alive for a momentOne second in the great abyss of timeAll the bleedin", all the hateJust one blink of an eyeAll the conflicts, it visits dire pain on human lifeAre we missing what it is to be alive?One by one the pieces fallUntil our pride defeats us allWe learn to live without itWake up!To the sound of this time bombWake up!To it"s deafening songWake up!Cause you don"t what you"ve got until it"s goneUntil it"s goneOur innocence is a virtueBut our arrogance will only leave us blindUnattended without anyone to save our idle livesWill we find out that everything we know exists inside of a fractionOf a fractionOne by one the pieces fall againWake up!To the sound of this time bombWake up!To it"s deafening songWake up!Cause you don"t what you"ve got until it"s goneUntil it"s goneWake up!To the sound of this time bombWake up!To it"s deafening songWake up!Cause you don"t what you"ve got until it"s goneUntil it"s gone away!One by one the pieces fallUntil our pride defeats us allYeah!One by one the pieces fall (one by one the pieces fall)Until our pride defeats us allDefeats us all!Wake up!To the sound of this time bombWake up!To it"s deafening songWake up!Cause you don"t what you"ve got until it"s goneUntil it"s goneWake up!To the sound of this time bombWake up!To it"s deafening songWake up!Cause you don"t what you"ve got until it"s goneUntil it"s gone awayIt"s gone awayLyrics By Jukanglehttp://music.baidu.com/song/21051329

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每个游戏的作弊码是独特的,如果找xx游戏作弊码,直接百度就好了,不用那么麻烦去专门找code breaker advance码

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怎样在PCSX2 1.31版本上面用金手指CODE BREAKER 10 ELF


黄金太阳2gameshark ,code breaker格式的金手指代码


EaryWoods、Miscelanious、 StabingHits、Athmospheres、TheCodeBreaker 这写单词是什麽意思?

单词好几个是错的。第一个应该是earlywoods。 eralywood指的是木本植物春天所生长的木质部。第二个应该是miscellaneous,意思是“多样的,多方面的”第三个意思是“戳刺”。stabing意思是“拿刀捅、刺”hit意思是“打击,碰撞”。第四个应该是atmosphere意思是“大气层,空气,氛围”最后一个意思是“解码专家或解码器”


圣魔: 全员体力最高 4202BE5A 6363 0000003E 0048 全员无限移动(注意,有几个出场的添多少数值,添多了容易出错) 4202BE54 0000 000000xx 0048 全员满支援 4202BE7A FFFF 0000003E 0048 4202BE7C FFFF 0000003E 0048 4202BE7E FFFF 0000003E 0048 4202BE80 FFFF 0000003E 0048 支援对话全开 4200F17E 0303 0000003E 0018 4200F180 0303 0000003E 0018 4200F182 0303 0000003E 0018 4200F184 0303 0000003E 0018 0202BCF4:000F423F(money) 0202bd54:63 (lv) 0202bd55:63 (exp) 0202bd5e:64 (bigger hp) 0202bd5f:63 (hp) 0202bd60:14 (power) 0202bd61:14 0202bd62:14 0202bd63:14 0202bd64:14 0202bd65:1e (lucky) 0202bd69:0a (move) 0202BEB1第2个人物的第2物品的数量0202BEB3第3物品数量0202BEB5是第4物品数量0202BEB7是第5物品数量 0202BEB0改变第2人物第2物品0202BEB2第3物品0202BEB4第4物品0202BEB6第5物品。 物品代码 01 てつの剣 铁剑 02 ほそみの剣 细剑 03 はがねの剣 钢剑 04 ぎんの剣 银剑 05 てつの大剣 铁制大剑 06 はがねの大剣 钢制大剑 07 ぎんの大剣 银制大剑 08 どくの剣 毒剑 09 レイピア 西洋剑 0A ダミー 星级剑(重甲、骑兵特效) 0B ゆうしゃの剣 勇者之剑 0C シャムシール 0D キルソード 必杀剑 0E アーマーキラー 破甲剑 0F ドラゴンキラー 屠龙剑 10 ひかりの剣 光魔法剑 11 ルーンソード 暗魔法剑 12 ランスバスター 破枪剑 13 斩马刀 14 てつのやり 铁枪 15 ほそみのやり 细枪 16 はがねのやり 钢枪 17 ぎんのやり 银枪 18 どくのやり 毒枪 19 ゆうしゃのやり 勇者之枪 1A キラーランス 必杀枪 1B ホースキラー 骑士杀手枪 1C てやり 投枪 1D スレンドスピア 高级投枪 1E アクスバス夕ー 破斧枪 1F てつのおの 铁斧 20 はがねのおの 钢斧 21 ぎんのおの 银斧 22 どくのおの 毒斧 23 ゆうしゃのおの 勇者之斧 24 キラーアクス 必杀斧 25 ハルベルト 骑士杀手斧 26 ハンマー 破甲斧 27 デビルアクス 恶魔斧 28 ておの 投斧 29 トマホーク 高级投斧 2A ソードバスター 破剑斧 2B ソードキラー 斩剑斧 2C なげおの 2D てつの弓 铁弓 2E はがねの弓 钢弓 2F ぎんの弓 银弓 30 どくの弓 毒弓 31 キラーボウ 必杀弓 32 ゆうしゃの弓 勇者之弓 33 短弓 34 长弓 35 ロングアーチ 发射台 36 アイアンアーチ 强力发射台 37 キラーアーチ 必杀发射台 38 ファイアー 火球魔法 39 サンダー 闪电魔法 3A エルファイアー 火墙魔法 3B サンダーストーム 雷射魔法 3C フィンブル 风刃魔法 3D ダミー 3E エクスカリバー 3F ライト二ング 闪光魔法 40 シャイン 极光魔法 41 ディヴァイン 圣光魔法 42 パージ 远程光魔法 43 アルジローレ 高级光魔法 44 ダミー 45 ミィル 暗魔法 46 ルナ 破防魔法 47 リザイア 吸血魔法 48 イクリプス 远程暗魔法 49 ノスフェラート 高级暗魔法 4A ゲスペンスト 究级暗魔法 4B ライブ 恢复杖 4C リライブ 大恢复杖 4D リカバー 全恢复杖 4E リブ口ー 远程恢复杖 4F リザーブ 范围恢复杖 50 レスト 状态恢复杖 51 サイレス 魔封杖 52 スリープ 催眠杖 53 バサーク 混乱杖 54 ワープ 传送杖 55 レスキュー 召回杖 56 トーチ 光明杖 57 ハマーン 修复杖 58 アンロック 开锁杖 59 Mシールド 抗魔杖 5A ドラゴンアクス 屠龙斧 5B 天使の衣 天使宝衣 5C エナジーリング 力量戒指 5E 秘伝の书 密传之书 5E はやての羽 飞马之羽 5F 女神のぞう 女神像 60 竜のたて 龙盾 61 魔よけ 魔法项链 62 ブーツ 速度之靴 63 ボディリング 体格戒指 64 英雄の证 英雄之证 65 骑士の勲章 骑士勋章 66 オリオンの矢 水晶弓 67 天空のムチ 天空之鞭 68 导きの指轮 魔导戒指 69 たからのかぎ 宝箱钥匙 6A とびらのかぎ 开门钥匙 6B とうぞくのかぎ 盗贼钥匙 6C きずぐすり 金创药 6D とっこうやく 高级金创药 6E せいすい 圣水 6F どくけし 解毒药 70 たいまつ 火把 71 ディフィルの守り 翼神之守护 72 メンバーカード 会员卡 73 シルバーカード 贵宾卡 74 白の宝玉 白宝玉 75 青の宝玉 青宝玉 76 赤の宝玉 赤宝玉 77 ゴールド 金块 78 レギンレイヴ 79 たからのかぎ 宝箱钥匙 7A ダミー 7B ダミー 7C パビスの守り 必杀守护 7D ダミー 7E ダミー 7F ダミー 80 ダミー 81 斩魔の剣 82 击魔の枪 83 断魔の斧 84 破魔の弓 85 ジークリンデ 86 バトルアクス 87 イーヴァルデァ 88 マスダープルフ 89 メティスの书 8A ダミー 8B するどい爪 8C ラトナ 8D ドラゴンスピア 8E ヴィドフニル 8F ナグルファル 90 腐败のブレス 91 アウドムラ 92 ジークムント 93 ガルム 94 ニーズヘッグ 95 つらぬきのやり 破甲枪 96 ショートスピア 强力投枪 97 覇者の证 98 月の腕轮 99 太阳の腕轮 9A 1G 9B 5G 9C 10G 9D 50G 9E 100G 9F 3000G A0 5000G A1 かぜの剑 A2 きずぐすり 金创药 A3 きずぐすり 金创药 A4 きずぐすり 金创药 A5 きずぐすり 金创药 A6 漆黑の恶梦 A7 魔石のかけら A8 不净の魔光 A9 灭びの魔拳 AA 龙石 AB 魔幻の波动 AC 暗黑の魔弹 AD くさった爪 AE くさった长爪 AF どく爪 B0 もうどくの爪 B1 灼热の牙 B2 焦热の牙 B3 イービルアイ B4 ブラッディアイ B5 ストーソ B6 エイルカリバー B7 ジュナの实 B8 150G B9 200G BA 黑の玉 BB 金の玉

Gameshark,code breaker,action replay这三个单词什么意思?


Code Breaker 10金手指怎么用




CODEBREAKER v10里的引导补丁怎么用啊?


Wands的《AWAKE》 歌词

歌曲名:AWAKE歌手:Wands专辑:Awake〖AWAKE】作词:木村 真也作曲:杉元 一生编曲:WANDS呗:WANDS毛布かぶって泥のように眠ってたもう谁にも会いたくなくてさ美味しい话しに乗って骗されてばかりでいつしか现実から逃げていたんだ押し寄せる闇の中ひとり膝を抱えてるだけ风に落ちた果実みたいに腐ってくなんて望んじゃいないのにあの娘が出てった理由を探して见つけたのは结局仆の冷たさだった抱えた难问の答えは意外と単纯なところにあるのかも知れないね头がショートしそうになってもCoolを演じ切りたい仆の中に潜む自分を动かすカを呼び醒ますようにI say,I must awake流れてく落ちてゆく伪りの安息に棚に上げた心で何を见つけると言うのだろう一秒が无駄に过ぎていくよNow is the time to do it!押し寄せる闇を切り裂いて新しい风に触れたいいいことばかりじゃないとしても腐ってくよりは少しましだろうそうは思うけどベッドの中からまだ拔け出せないBut,I must awakehttp://music.baidu.com/song/20379839

take a liberty是什么意思

自由(自己选择生活方式),擅自做某事liberty 英[u02c8lu026abu0259ti] 美[u02c8lu026abu0259rti] n. 自由; 许可权; 放肆,无礼; 解放,释放; [例句]Wit Wolzek claimed the legislation could impinge on privacy, self determination and respect for religious liberty威特·沃尔泽克声称这项法律可能会对隐私权和自主权造成侵犯,并破坏对宗教自由的尊重。[其他] 复数:liberties

diam bilan 的 mistake歌词 翻译

everybody is made of clay that"s what they used to say until the truth stepped on us all now everything that was big is small we"re just little crying robots program me i wanna win the race i wanna find the place where the king locked up the princess jump the fence and drink a little bit of...... red wine, mistakes, apologies red wine, headaches, mythology red wine, mistakes, apologies red wine, headaches, mythology now who is the king of the sky jupiter says oh me oh my oh why is the game always changing i"ve been through some strangeness what"s the matter is the feast not fat enough up the ladder with your feet reaching with your hands you can feel it and dream it i know you want to believe it just steal it take a piece of the sun and drink some. . . red wine, mistakes, apologies red wine, headaches, mythology red wine, mistakes, apologies red wine, headaches, mythology now everybody"s in the play at least that"s what the script told me to say it said: shadows cut across the hero"s face he falls from grace until a little bird sang: the truth is never ending we"re just here pretending let"s all laugh so that we don"t cry let"s all life our glasses up to the sky for some... red wine, mistakes, apologies red wine, headaches, mythology red wine, mistakes, apologies red wine, headaches, mythology所有的人都是用黏土做的那是他们曾经说直到真相踩到我们所有的人现在一切问题都是大是小我们只是小哭机器人程序我我想赢得比赛我在找的地方国王在锁上这栋公主跳篱笆喝一点……红酒道歉,错误,红酒、头痛、神话红酒道歉,错误,红酒、头痛、神话现在谁王的天空木星说哦我噢,我为什么这个游戏总是改变吗我已经通过一些奇异的事情发生了什么事不然不胖够了吗楼梯,用你的脚达到用你的手你可以感觉到与梦想我知道你想要去相信它只是偷它就拿块太阳就喝些。红酒道歉,错误,红酒、头痛、神话红酒道歉,错误,红酒、头痛、神话现在每个人都在玩至少那是脚本告诉我说了吧报告说:阴影横穿英雄的脸从恩典中他掉直到一只小鸟唱:事实是永不落幕我们只是到这里假装让我们都笑得那样,我们不要哭让我们一起生活的眼镜上天空对于一些…红酒道歉,错误,红酒、头痛、神话红酒道歉,错误,红酒、头痛、神话


Loving you…Loving you…爱(いと)し过ぎてitoshi sugite胸が息苦しいmune ga iki kurushii人差し指(人差し指)hito sashi yubi (hito sashi yubi)君に向けて(君に向けて)kimi ni mukete (kimi ni mukete)Lのサインeru no sain人差し指(人差し指)hito sashi yubi (hito sashi yubi)感じてくれ(感じてくれ)kanjite kure (kanjite kure)仆のエレキ!boku no ereki世界のどんな言叶sekai no donna kotoba探してもニュアンス违うだろうsagashi temo nyu ansu chigau darouもどかしい今の気持ちmodokashii ima no kimochiこの指でしかkono yubi deshika伝えられないtsutae rare nai群众の中でgunshuu no naka de见つけた君をmitsuketa kimo wo爱のビームで狙い撃ちしよう!ai no bimu de nerai uchi shiyouその瞳(その瞳)その唇(その唇)sono hitomi (sono hitomi) sono kuchibiru (sono kuchibiru)そのすべて Oh 爱しくてsono subete Oh itoshikute今すぐに(今すぐに)落としたい(落としたい)ima suguni (ima suguni) otoshi tai (otoshi tai)抱きしめよう Oh Baby, My angeldaki shime you Oh Baby, My angelもう二度と离さないmou nidoto hanasanai人差し指(人差し指)hito sashi yubi (hito sashi yubi)感じてくれ(感じてくれ)kanjite kure (kanjite kure)仆のエレキ!boku no ereki身体(からだ)に流れているkarada ni nagarete iru情热の血潮 脉打つ时jounetsu no chishio myaku utsu toki狂おしい仆の感情 kuruoshii boku no kanjou一本の指にyippon no yubi ni集めようかatsume youka爱される気配aisareru kehai気づいたのならkidu ita no nara闻かせておくれ 真実を!kikasete okure shinjitsu woその瞳(その瞳)その唇(その唇)sono hitomi (sono hitomi) sono kuchibiru (sono kuchibiru)そのすべて Oh 爱しくてsono subete Oh itoshikute今すぐに(今すぐに)落としたい(落としたい)ima suguni (ima suguni) otoshi tai (otoshi tai)抱きしめよう Oh Baby, My angeldaki shime you Oh Baby, My angelもう二度と离さないmou nidoto hanasanai群众の中でgunshuu no naka de见つけた君をmitsuketa kimo wo爱のビームで狙い撃ちしよう!ai no bimu de nerai uchi shiyouその瞳(その瞳)その唇(その唇)sono hitomi (sono hitomi) sono kuchibiru (sono kuchibiru)そのすべて Oh 爱しくてsono subete Oh itoshikute今すぐに(今すぐに)落としたい(落としたい)ima suguni (ima suguni) otoshi tai (otoshi tai)抱きしめよう Oh Baby, My angeldaki shime you Oh Baby, My angelもう二度と离さないmou nidoto hanasanai人差し指(人差し指)hito sashi yubi (hito sashi yubi)感じてくれ(感じてくれ)kanjite kure (kanjite kure)仆のエレキ!boku no ereki



rusty lake hotel第二个房间的red wine在哪弄

一定要按照顺序依次解决这些动物才能拿到三星,顺序是:鹿、兔子、鸽子、野鸡、野猪,干掉野鸡之后,第二天早上再去原来野鸡站的地方就有red wine了。全三星攻略请见:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1448392499523348500

Breaking Benjamin-dance with the devil翻译中文

Breaking Benjamin - Dance With The Devil(与魔鬼共舞)Here I stand, helpless and left for dead.我站在这里,无助地等待死亡Cleave your eyes, so many days gone by.张开你的眼睛,那么多日子过去了Easy to find what"s wrong,很多事情都是错的harder to find what"s right.很少事情是对的I believe in you, I can show you我相信你,我可以证明给你看that I can see right through all your empty lies.我可以看穿你所有的谎言I won"t stay long, in this world so long.我不会活很久,即将不久于人世Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.说再见,今晚让我们与魔鬼共舞Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,你不敢望着他的眼睛as we dance with the devil tonight.今晚我们与魔鬼共舞Trembling, crawling across my skin.颤抖,在我皮肤上爬行(我在颤抖)Feeling your cold dead eyes,感觉到你冰冷无气息的眼睛stealing the life of mine.正在夺取我的生命I believe in you, I can show you我相信你,我可以证明给你看that I can see right through all your empty lies.我可以看穿你所有虚假的谎言I won"t last long, in this world so wrong.我不会存在很久,在这个错误的世界Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.说再见,今晚我们与魔鬼共舞Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,你不敢望着他的眼睛as we dance with the devil tonight.今晚我们与魔鬼共舞Hold on, hold on.等等,等等Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.说再见,今晚我们与魔鬼共舞Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,你不敢望着他的眼睛as we dance with the devil tonight.今晚我们与魔鬼共舞Hold on, hold on. 等等,等等

Lake Of Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Lake Of Fire歌手:Burning Point专辑:Salvation By FireLook at me now, I"m bleedingthe river runs red, no more dreamingthe dream is over, we lost the warthe sun is rising, the last time, nevermoreRemember these words: fragile is the lifehold on to the truth, death is not the endmy pulse is getting slower, my hands are numbI look at the sky, blinded by the sunThe Lake of Fire - the holy-land is in flamesbetrayed by liar - the whole nation face the endThe Lake of Fire - the soulless one"s to blamebetrayed by liar - for only fortune and fameBetrayed by my brother, forsaken by my kinlook at him now, torn apart by enemy withinthe war is over, hatred grew strongerremember me now, as I am no longerThe last echoes of the dying hopecarried by the wind, the end is closing inno retreat, no surrenderis there a reason for this fight?or are we pawns in a gamelike puppets on stringsborn without sins,we are losing it all?http://music.baidu.com/song/31741661

make 后面加tradition的什么形式

那要根据情况决定:如:make tradition known to people(让传统被人知晓)make the activities traditional(形容词;使活动传统化)make the festivals traditionally preserved(副词;使节日永久保存)
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