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  “Nomakase”这个词是源自日本的,意思是“让厨师来决定菜单”。在中文中,这个词的发音需要注意。其中,“no”发音为“诺”,“ma”发音为“马”,“ka”发音为“卡”,“se”发音为“瑟”。  对于不熟悉日语发音的人来说,“Nomakase”的发音可能会有些困难。但是,只要您练习几次,就能掌握正确的发音。如果您需要更多帮助或指导,请在网上搜索相关的发音指南或使用语音翻译工具来帮助您。  此外,了解“Nomakase”这个词的含义也很重要。在餐厅中,如果您选择了“Nomakase”菜单,这意味着您将由厨师来决定您的菜单。这种用餐方式比较受欢迎,因为它可以让您品尝到厨师最新和最好的菜肴,而不必亲自选择菜单。  总之,“Nomakase”是一个有趣和有用的词语,它不仅能够帮助您掌握日语发音,还能够让您了解到新的用餐方式。希望这篇文章能够对您有所帮助,谢谢阅读!




两个本质是一样的,只是发音有店不一样。都是是指日料中,无菜单,由主厨根据当令食材,决定当日的菜品及价格的就餐形式。 日料中,无菜单,由主厨根据当令食材,决定当日的菜品及价格,这种就餐形式,被称之为Omakase料理。




交给你了 拜托你了 就靠你了




第一次吃omakase有什么注意:有以下方面(1.常见的禁忌包括不能在身上喷过多的香水,它会干扰江户式寿司的精致口味、吸烟、在厨师上班时和他或她聊天,或者让寿司在你的盘子上坐得太久。2.欣赏寿司,你应该从基础开始。寿司只是一个总括性的类别,包括几个变体。全世界最熟悉的寿司可能就是用米饭和海藻卷起来。3.而把鱼片放在米饭的这种寿司吃起来更加新鲜,虽然寿司已经走遍了世界各地,但它并不总是那么容易获得。随着时间的推移,便利店和连锁餐厅可以买到更实惠的寿司。这些餐厅经常通过使用来自海外的廉价进口海鲜来压低寿司的价格4.而在寿司大学中,专注于江户式寿司,因为它是首都本土的寿司,而且对日本人来说似乎很复杂。 江户式寿司被认为起源于19世纪,通常以女式寿司为中心,有大约80种海鲜配料。5.好的寿司取决于几个因素-新鲜度不一定就是唯一。除了时间之外,还有什么会影响寿司的质量?鱼的种类和厚度,厨师的技术,季节和伴随的配料。季节性是寿司的另一个重要组成部分。在日本,厨师会密切关注季节,甚至会跟踪72个亚季节,以增加精确性。)

omakase怎么读 omakase怎么拼读

1、omakase来自日语,读作おまかせ。Omakase(おまかせ)在日语中是“拜托”的意思。 2、日料中,无菜单,由主厨根据当令食材,决定当日的菜品及价格,这种就餐形式,被称之为Omakase料理。一顿Omakase料理,通常包含前菜、刺身、烤物、炸物、寿司、汤类、主食和甜品,全由主厨一手操办。 3、OMAKASE属于日料中的高级段位,厨师会根据当天最优质的食材现场制作、即兴发挥,因此价格一般比较高,而且对店铺名声和厨师功力要求也很高。



omakase 发音是怎么样的?



omakase和怀石有什么区别:菜式不同、选材不同、价格不同。1、菜式不同。omakase是无菜单的高级日料,食材和菜式都由日本厨师来决定,以厨师的创意为主。怀石料理也属于高级日料,但菜式都是固定的,并且多以清淡素食为主。2、选材不同。omakase大多是根据当季食物来决定菜式,怀石料理对选材没有硬性规定。3、价格不同。omakase价格是不固定的,怀石料理是日本高端菜品,皆为实价。怀石料理(Kaiseki),绝对是日本最高级的Fine Dining!它是由中华料理衍生出来的一个独特的支派,大受禅宗文化所影响,用餐比一般江户料理更讲求节奏、礼俗和故事性。很多人会将怀石料理(Kaiseki)等同厨师发办(Omakase),但实际上在许多方面都存在差异。怀石料理是源自禅宗文化,烹调的程序越少越好,调味清淡,摆设精致,强调四季变换的菜式。但原来矜贵背後的传说,却是相当简朴。怀石料理相传是在日本很久以前的一座寺庙,由於冬天粮食短缺,和尚们为了抵御饥寒交迫,於是把石头烤暖并抱在怀中取暖而得名。怀石料理当初是寺庙裏果腹的简朴轻食点心,并不是这样奢华,但之後慢慢演变成宫廷贵族的美食。








1.omakase是无菜单高级料理,由厨师为你决定食材和菜式。 2.怀石料理是日本常见的高档菜色。 3.omakase菜式来自厨师的创意,怀石料理则清淡素食。 4.Omakase食材高级,怀石料理食材摆放精致。 5.另外omakase的日本厨师都是获得过厨艺认证的。








omakase是无菜单高级料理,由厨师为你决定食材和菜式。怀石料理是日本常见的高档菜色。omakase菜式来自厨师的创意,怀石料理则清淡素食。Omakase食材高级,怀石料理食材摆放精致。另外omakase的日本厨师都是获得过厨艺认证的。 omakase和怀石料理区别 omakase主厨会根据客人喜好要求,量身定做料理。 怀石料理在日本茶道中表示为主人请客人品尝的饭菜,如今发展为常见的高档菜色。 怀石料理对餐具和食物的摆放要求很高,食物的份量较少。




Omakase(おまかせ)在日语中是“拜托”的意思。日料中,无菜单,由主厨根据当令食材,决定当日的菜品及价格,这种就餐形式,被称之为Omakase料理。 一顿Omakase料理,通常包含前菜、刺身、烤物、炸物、寿司、汤类、主食和甜品,全由主厨一手操办。对于有选择综合症的人来说,这样的就餐形式更显贴心。 更多关于日料omakase什么意思,进入:https://m.abcgonglue.com/ask/131fdc1615832439.html?zd查看更多内容


意思是:主厨发办(日本料理的一种料理方式)Omakase(厨师发办)是日本料理中最令宾客惊喜最互动最free-will最无束缚的进餐享受,宾客只需要决定一件事便是当晚用餐之价格预算。短语:omakase menu 拜托料理Seasonal Omakase 季节会席料理Omakase(おまかせ)在日语中是“拜托”的意思。日料中,无菜单,由主厨根据当令食材,决定当日的菜品及价格,这种就餐形式,被称之为Omakase料理。一顿Omakase料理,通常包含前菜、刺身、烤物、炸物、寿司、汤类、主食和甜品,全由主厨一手操办。对于有选择综合症的人来说,这样的就餐形式更显贴心。


omakase来自日语,读作おまかせ,指怀石料理。怀石料理是原为在日本茶道中,主人请客人品尝的饭菜。但现已不限于茶道,成为日本常见的高档菜色。“怀石”指的是以圣人被褐怀玉的意思。其形式为“一汁三菜”(也有一汁二菜)。怀石料理极端讲求精致,无论餐具还是食物的摆放都要求很高(但食物的份量却很少)而被一些人视为艺术品,高档怀石料理也耗费不菲。主要盛装食物的器具有陶器、瓷器、漆器等。知名的怀石料理店有京都三条的辻留、大阪高丽桥的吉兆、滋贺县东近江市的招福楼。相关信息:怀石料理却从提供听禅茶点开始,发挥日本料理取材为先的特长,更是把贴近自然却同时享受人间美食的本领发挥到了淋漓尽致。生食的食物自然要鲜,取材时间和保存,取材部位和方法都会非常的下功 夫;而生食本身也成为对新鲜考量的严格标准。祖先说美食,也是越人的“鲜”字代表最高境界;很有道理。熟食自然也占了很大的比重。烹饪的工具中,各种石材的选用最有意思,也有部分的铁板,但是铁板类的一般会垫以植物的叶子,避免和铁板的直接接触。




日语发音:おまかせ,Omakase(おまかせ)在日语中是“拜托”的意思。Omakase是由主厨根据当令食材,决定当日的菜品及价格,这种就餐形式,它属于日料中的高级段位,没有菜单,厨师会根据当天最优质的食材,根据自己对日料的理解现场制作、即兴发挥,因此价格一般比较高,而且对店铺名声和厨师功力要求也很高。在料理界,有一部分技艺高超的主厨会受到食客最高的信任,即在不需要菜单的情况下,完全由主厨决定食材、菜品、(上菜)节奏以及呈现形式等;这样的料理形式也贴切地被称为 “Omakase” 或者 “主厨定制料理”。Omakase没有菜单,由厨师安排上菜,分为500和1000两档,食客可以选择享用哪种,上菜的步骤环节是相同的,就是内容有些不同。一顿Omakase料理,通常包含前菜、刺身、烤物、炸物、寿司、汤类、主食和甜品,全由主厨一手操办。




omakase来自日语,读作おまかせ。 Omakase(おまかせ)在日语中是“拜托”的意思。日料中,无菜单,由主厨根据当令食材,决定当日的菜品及价格,这种就餐形式,被称之为Omakase料理。

Breaking My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Breaking My Heart歌手:Aqualung专辑:Strange & BeautifulBreaking My HeartI"m on the floorcounting one minute moreNo one to break the silenceStaring into the nightall alone but that"s alrightIt"s the feeling deep inside I don"t likeThere is no excuse my friendfor breaking my heartbreaking my heart againThis is where our journey endsYour breaking my heart againHere in my bedcounting the words you"ve saidThey linger in the shadowsComing home late at nightdrunk again but that"s alrightIt"s the look in your eyes I don"t likeThere is no excuse my friendfor breaking my heartbreaking my heart againThis is where our journey endsYour breaking my heart againThere is no excuse my friendfor breaking my heartbreaking my heart againThis is where our journey endsYour breaking my heart againThere is no excuse my friendfor breaking my heartbreaking my heart againThis is where our journey endsYour breaking my heart againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8322273

求首歌,歌词中有breaken my heart

是女声吧、是唐妮的 unbreak my heart

Breaking My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Breaking My Heart歌手:OMC专辑:How BizarreBreaking My HeartI"m on the floorcounting one minute moreNo one to break the silenceStaring into the nightall alone but that"s alrightIt"s the feeling deep inside I don"t likeThere is no excuse my friendfor breaking my heartbreaking my heart againThis is where our journey endsYour breaking my heart againHere in my bedcounting the words you"ve saidThey linger in the shadowsComing home late at nightdrunk again but that"s alrightIt"s the look in your eyes I don"t likeThere is no excuse my friendfor breaking my heartbreaking my heart againThis is where our journey endsYour breaking my heart againThere is no excuse my friendfor breaking my heartbreaking my heart againThis is where our journey endsYour breaking my heart againThere is no excuse my friendfor breaking my heartbreaking my heart againThis is where our journey endsYour breaking my heart againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8524889

Breaking My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Breaking My Heart歌手:Michael Learns To Rock专辑:Greatest HitsBreaking my heartMLTRI"m on the floorcounting one minute moreNo one to break the silenceStaring into the nightall alone but that"s alrightIt"s the feeling deep insideI don"t likeThere is no excuse my friendfor breaking my heartbreaking my heart againThis is where our journey endsyour breaking my heart againHere in my bedcounting the words you"ve saidThey linger in the shadowscoming home late at nightDrunk again but that"s alrightIt"s the look in your eyesI don"t likeThere is no excuse my friendfor breaking my heartbreaking my heart againThis is where our journey endsyour breaking my heart againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2920321


Breaking My Heart Vocal: Michael Learns To Rock I"m on the floor. Counting one minute more. No one to break the silence. Staring into the night, All alone but that"s alright, It"s the feeling deep inside I don"t like. There is no excuse my friend, For breaking my heart, Breaking my heart again. This is where our journey ends. You"re breaking my heart again. Here in my bed, Counting the words you"ve said. They linger in the shadows. Coming home late at night, Drunk again but that"s alright. It"s the look in your eyes I don"t like. There is no excuse my friend, For breaking my heart, Breaking my heart again. This is where our journey ends. You"re breaking my heart again. There is no excuse my friend, For breaking my heart, Breaking my heart again. This is where our journey ends. You"re breaking my heart again. There is no excuse my friend, For breaking my heart, Breaking my heart again. This is where our journey ends. You"re breaking my heart again. 伤我的心 声音: 迈克尔学会晃动 我是在地板上。 计数一分钟更。 没人打破沈默。 凝望入夜, 所有单独而是那是行, 这是我不喜欢的感觉深深里面。 没有借口我的朋友, 为伤我的心, 再伤我的心。 这是我们的旅途结束的地方。 您再伤我的心。 这里在我的床, 计数词您说。 他们徘徊在阴影。 在家后来在晚上, 再喝仅那是行。 这是神色在我不喜欢的您的眼睛。 没有借口我的朋友, 为伤我的心, 再伤我的心。 这是我们的旅途结束的地方。 您再伤我的心。 没有借口我的朋友, 为伤我的心, 再伤我的心。 这是我们的旅途结束的地方。 您再伤我的心。 没有借口我的朋友, 为伤我的心, 再伤我的心。 这是我们的旅途结束的地方。 您再伤我的心。

Breaking My Heart 歌词

歌名:Breaking My Heart歌手:Lana Del Rey发行时间:2013-06-16所属专辑:《Breaking My Heart - Single》You"re breaking my heart tonight,Kissing me hard, seeing Valentino stars tonight,I just wanna party tonight,We"re breaking all the rulesBut baby it all feels so rightYou"re breaking my heart tonightTake me for a ride boy, don"t leave me on the side boyHey guy whatcha doing?I like you a lotI been watching you,you"re watching me.I think you"re hotGold hoops, cherry pie,I"m the apple of his eyeJean Paul Gautier, Versace and yayoI like, I like, I likethis roller coaster ride rideDon"t leave me on the side boy...breaking You"re my heart tonight,Kissing me hard,seeing Valentino stars tonight,I just wanna party tonight,We"re breaking all the rulesBut baby it all feels so rightbreaking You"re my heart tonightTake me for a ride boy,don"t leave me on the side boyHey fly boy you cruising faster than the light,Bling is shining brightand you got lightening in your eyesGold chains, kissing fly,leaning on your cool ride,Versailles, St. Tropez,lingerie and yayoI like, I like, I likethis roller coaster ride rideDon"t leave me on the side boyYou"re breaking my heart tonight,Kissing me hard,seeing Valentino stars tonight,I just wanna party tonight,We"re breaking all the rulesBut baby it all feels so rightYou"re breaking my heart tonightTake me for a ride boy,don"t leave me on the side boyI know we fight, we go out every nightBut what do you expectfrom a Hollywood lifestyleHe says it"s wrong,no baby boy it"s rightPassion is a thing you can"t buy,it"s hard to findYou"re breaking my heart tonight,Kissing me hard, seeing Valentino stars tonight,I just wanna party tonight,We"re breaking all the rulesBut baby it all feels so rightYou"re breaking my heart tonight,Kissing me hard, seeing Valentino stars tonight,I just wanna party tonight,We"re breaking all the rulesBut baby it all feels so rightYou"re breaking my heart tonightTake me for a ride boy,Don"t leave me on the side boy boy

Un-Break My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Un-Break My Heart歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:Un-Break My Heart: The Remix CollectionUnbreak my heart by Toni Braxtondon t leave me in all this pain 别让我在痛苦中don t leave me out in the rain 别让我在风雨里come back and bring back my smile 回来吧,带回我的微笑come and take these tears away 带走这些泪水i need your arms to hold me now 我需要你的手臂抱着我the nights are so unkind 夜晚是这么的无情bring back those nights when i held you beside me 请带回那些我俩偎依的夜晚un-break my heart 抚平我的心say you ll love me again 再说你爱我undo this hurt you caused 抹去这些来自你制造的痛苦when you walked out the door 当你走出门and walked outta my life 离开我的生活un-cry these 擦干这些眼泪i cried so many nights 我哭泣了太多的夜晚un-break my heart 抚平我的心my heart 我的心take back that sad word good-bye 收回“再见”这伤心的话语bring back the joy to my life 把欢乐带回到我的生活don t leave me here with these tears 别把我遗留在泪水中come and kiss this pain away 回来吧,吻却我的痛苦i can t forget the day you left 我不能忘记你离开的那天time is so unkind 时间是那么的无情and life is so cruel without you here beside me 没有你,生活是那么的冷酷don t leave me in all this pain 别让我在痛苦中don t leave me out in the rain 别让我在风雨里bring back the nights when i held you beside me 请带回那些我俩偎依的夜晚un-break my heart 抚平我的心come back and say you love me 回来,说你爱我un-break my heart 抚平我的心sweet darlin 亲爱的without you i just can t go on 我不能呼吸can t go on 不能活下去http://music.baidu.com/song/7884995

unbreak my heart的中英文歌词

Unbreak my heart 别伤我心 Lyrics and music by Diane Warren Don"t leave me in all this pain 别让我在痛苦中 Don"t leave me out in the rain 别让我在风雨里 Come back and bring back my smile 回来吧,带回我的微笑 Come and take these tears away 带走这些泪水 I need your arms to hold me now 我需要你的手臂抱着我 The nights are so unkind 夜晚是这么的无情 Bring back those nights when I held you beside me 请带回那些我俩偎依的夜晚。 Un-break my heart 抚平我的心 Say you"ll love me again 再说你爱我 Undo this hurt you caused 抹去这些痛苦(来自) When you walked out the door 当你走出门, And walked outta my life 离开我的生活。 Un-cry these tears 擦干这些眼泪 I cried so many nights 我哭泣了太多的夜晚 Un-break my heart 抚平我的心 My heart 我的心 Take back that sad word good-bye 收回“再见”这伤心的话语 Bring back the joy to my life 把欢乐带回到我的生活 Don"t leave me here with these tears 别把我遗留在泪水中 Come and kiss this pain away 回来吧,吻却我的痛苦 I can"t forget the day you left 我不能忘记你离开的那天 Time is so unkind 时间是那么的无情 And life is so cruel without you here beside me 没有你,生活是那么的冷酷。 是不是啊???


求采纳啊~Before You Break My Heart-Stevie HoangBefore you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Now I"ve been a fool现在的我已经变成了一个傻瓜Unlucky in love不幸的是在爱河中Just longing to find 我只是渴望去找到Someone I can trust一个值得我信的人So please understand所以请理解Why I have my doubts为什么我持有我的怀疑Girl you need to know可女孩你只需要知道Just what I"m about我到底是怎样的人When you"re my girl当你成为了我的女朋友I"ll give you the world我将会把整个世界送给你Buy you the finer things给你买一切美好的东西Like diamonds and pearls比如钻石和珍珠Keys to my home还有我家的钥匙I"ll give you my all我将要给你我的全部But baby there"s just one thing you should know但是宝贝有一件事你要清楚I don"t ask for much when you"re with me和你在一起我不会有过多的要求Girl just promise you"ll stay by my side女孩你要承诺你要永远在我的身边Cause I don"t give no second chances可如果你不能做到的话我也不会给你机会All I"m asking is baby think twice所以我所说的一切希望宝贝要三思后行Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前They say I"m the one他们都说我是某一个人的But words ain"t enough可是光是语言是不够的You gotta show me你必须展示给我Girl, what"s in your heart女孩 你内心的真正想法Cause I had enough使我感到我拥有的是足够的On messing around在凌乱的环境中So baby please, just don"let me down所以宝贝请你 不要让我失落When you"re my girl当你成为了我的女朋友I"ll give you the world我将会把整个世界送给你Buy you the finer things给你买一切美好的东西Like diamonds and pearls比如钻石和珍珠Keys to my home还有我家的钥匙I"ll give you my all我将要给你我的全部But baby there"s just one thing you should know但是宝贝有一件事你要清楚I don"t ask for much when you"re with me (no, I don"t)和你在一起我不会有过多的要求Girl just promise you"ll stay by my side (stay by my side)女孩你要承诺你要永远在我的身边我的身边Cause I don"t give no second chances可如果你不能做到的话我也不会给你机会All I"m asking is baby think twice (baby think twice)所以我所说的一切希望宝贝要三思后行Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前(Baby think twice) Before you break my, break my heart宝贝要三思 在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Just remember to love me carefully就相信我认真的爱我吧Cause it ain"t worth risk losing everything不必冒着失去一切的风险And forever is just what we should be girl而且你永远都是我的爱人Just don"t let me down只是不要让我失落I don"t ask for much when you"re with me 和你在一起我不会有过多的要求(I don"t ask for much)我不会有过多的要求Girl just promise you"ll stay by my side (stay by my side)女孩你要承诺你要永远在我的身边我的身边Cause I don"t give no second chances (I don"t)可如果你不能做到的话我也不会给你机会我不会All I"m asking is baby think twice (baby think twice)所以我所说的一切希望宝贝要三思后行Before you break my, break my heart (baby, my heart)在你伤了我的 我的心之前 宝贝 我的心Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart 在你伤了我的 我的心之前很不容易的!拜托采纳!

Dont break my heart中文词义是什么


break和hurt的区别you break my heart..you hurt my heart..?

hurt 指身体或精神的伤害,尤指精神或感情上的伤害 break 常为“打碎,打断”等多义 you break my heart 可译为 你使我心碎 you hurt my heart 可译为你伤了我的心 意思其实没有太大区别,但break可指物体的破碎 要快乐啊,姐,1,

Un-Break My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Un-Break My Heart歌手:Johnny Mathis专辑:The Essential Johnny MathisUnbreak my heart by Toni Braxtondon t leave me in all this pain 别让我在痛苦中don t leave me out in the rain 别让我在风雨里come back and bring back my smile 回来吧,带回我的微笑come and take these tears away 带走这些泪水i need your arms to hold me now 我需要你的手臂抱着我the nights are so unkind 夜晚是这么的无情bring back those nights when i held you beside me 请带回那些我俩偎依的夜晚un-break my heart 抚平我的心say you ll love me again 再说你爱我undo this hurt you caused 抹去这些来自你制造的痛苦when you walked out the door 当你走出门and walked outta my life 离开我的生活un-cry these 擦干这些眼泪i cried so many nights 我哭泣了太多的夜晚un-break my heart 抚平我的心my heart 我的心take back that sad word good-bye 收回“再见”这伤心的话语bring back the joy to my life 把欢乐带回到我的生活don t leave me here with these tears 别把我遗留在泪水中come and kiss this pain away 回来吧,吻却我的痛苦i can t forget the day you left 我不能忘记你离开的那天time is so unkind 时间是那么的无情and life is so cruel without you here beside me 没有你,生活是那么的冷酷don t leave me in all this pain 别让我在痛苦中don t leave me out in the rain 别让我在风雨里bring back the nights when i held you beside me 请带回那些我俩偎依的夜晚un-break my heart 抚平我的心come back and say you love me 回来,说你爱我un-break my heart 抚平我的心sweet darlin 亲爱的without you i just can t go on 我不能呼吸can t go on 不能活下去http://music.baidu.com/song/7518697

歌词第一句是you break my heart tonight女生唱的,告诉我歌名就行。

Lana Del Rey - Breaking My Heart UNRELEASED

求Before You Break My Heart的中英文对照歌词

Before You Break My Heart-Stevie HoangBefore you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Now I"ve been a fool现在的我已经变成了一个傻瓜Unlucky in love不幸的是在爱河中Just longing to find 我只是渴望去找到Someone I can trust一个值得我信的人So please understand所以请理解Why I have my doubts为什么我持有我的怀疑Girl you need to know可女孩你只需要知道Just what I"m about我到底是怎样的人When you"re my girl当你成为了我的女朋友I"ll give you the world我将会把整个世界送给你Buy you the finer things给你买一切美好的东西Like diamonds and pearls比如钻石和珍珠Keys to my home还有我家的钥匙I"ll give you my all我将要给你我的全部But baby there"s just one thing you should know但是宝贝有一件事你要清楚I don"t ask for much when you"re with me和你在一起我不会有过多的要求Girl just promise you"ll stay by my side女孩你要承诺你要永远在我的身边Cause I don"t give no second chances可如果你不能做到的话我也不会给你机会All I"m asking is baby think twice所以我所说的一切希望宝贝要三思后行Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前They say I"m the one他们都说我是某一个人的But words ain"t enough可是光是语言是不够的You gotta show me你必须展示给我Girl, what"s in your heart女孩 你内心的真正想法Cause I had enough使我感到我拥有的是足够的On messing around在凌乱的环境中So baby please, just don"let me down所以宝贝请你 不要让我失落When you"re my girl当你成为了我的女朋友I"ll give you the world我将会把整个世界送给你Buy you the finer things给你买一切美好的东西Like diamonds and pearls比如钻石和珍珠Keys to my home还有我家的钥匙I"ll give you my all我将要给你我的全部But baby there"s just one thing you should know但是宝贝有一件事你要清楚I don"t ask for much when you"re with me (no, I don"t)和你在一起我不会有过多的要求Girl just promise you"ll stay by my side (stay by my side)女孩你要承诺你要永远在我的身边我的身边Cause I don"t give no second chances可如果你不能做到的话我也不会给你机会All I"m asking is baby think twice (baby think twice)所以我所说的一切希望宝贝要三思后行Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前(Baby think twice) Before you break my, break my heart宝贝要三思 在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Just remember to love me carefully就相信我认真的爱我吧Cause it ain"t worth risk losing everything不必冒着失去一切的风险And forever is just what we should be girl而且你永远都是我的爱人Just don"t let me down只是不要让我失落I don"t ask for much when you"re with me 和你在一起我不会有过多的要求(I don"t ask for much)我不会有过多的要求Girl just promise you"ll stay by my side (stay by my side)女孩你要承诺你要永远在我的身边我的身边Cause I don"t give no second chances (I don"t)可如果你不能做到的话我也不会给你机会我不会All I"m asking is baby think twice (baby think twice)所以我所说的一切希望宝贝要三思后行Before you break my, break my heart (baby, my heart)在你伤了我的 我的心之前 宝贝 我的心Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart在你伤了我的 我的心之前Before you break my, break my heart 在你伤了我的 我的心之前 很不容易的!拜托采纳!

Un-Break My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Un-Break My Heart歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:Essential Memories Of LoveUnbreak my heart by Toni Braxtondon t leave me in all this pain 别让我在痛苦中don t leave me out in the rain 别让我在风雨里come back and bring back my smile 回来吧,带回我的微笑come and take these tears away 带走这些泪水i need your arms to hold me now 我需要你的手臂抱着我the nights are so unkind 夜晚是这么的无情bring back those nights when i held you beside me 请带回那些我俩偎依的夜晚un-break my heart 抚平我的心say you ll love me again 再说你爱我undo this hurt you caused 抹去这些来自你制造的痛苦when you walked out the door 当你走出门and walked outta my life 离开我的生活un-cry these 擦干这些眼泪i cried so many nights 我哭泣了太多的夜晚un-break my heart 抚平我的心my heart 我的心take back that sad word good-bye 收回“再见”这伤心的话语bring back the joy to my life 把欢乐带回到我的生活don t leave me here with these tears 别把我遗留在泪水中come and kiss this pain away 回来吧,吻却我的痛苦i can t forget the day you left 我不能忘记你离开的那天time is so unkind 时间是那么的无情and life is so cruel without you here beside me 没有你,生活是那么的冷酷don t leave me in all this pain 别让我在痛苦中don t leave me out in the rain 别让我在风雨里bring back the nights when i held you beside me 请带回那些我俩偎依的夜晚un-break my heart 抚平我的心come back and say you love me 回来,说你爱我un-break my heart 抚平我的心sweet darlin 亲爱的without you i just can t go on 我不能呼吸can t go on 不能活下去http://music.baidu.com/song/7455953

un break my heart的中文歌词


Break My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Break My Heart歌手:Spectacular! Cast专辑:Spectacular! (Music From the Nickelodeon Original Movie)Backstreet Boys---Back To Your HeartIts not that I cant live without youIts just that I dont even want to tryEvery night I dream about youEver since the day we said goodbyeIf I wasnt such a foolRight now Id be holding youTheres nothing that I wouldnt doBaby if I only knewCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartI dont know how it got so crazyBut Ill do anything to set things rightCause your love is so amazingBaby youre the best thing in my lifeLet me prove my love is realAnd made you feel the way I feelI promise I would give the worldIf only you would tell me girlCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartGive me one more chanceGive me one more chanceGive my love to you, give my love, my loveCause no one on this earth loves you like I do,Tell meCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartI turn back time, To make you mineAnd find a way back to your heartI beg and plead, Fall to my kneesTo find a way back to your heartThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/58956120

Break My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Break My Heart歌手:Downhere专辑:Two At A TimeHilary Duff - Break My HeartAlbum: Most WantedSomeone always gets their heart stomped to the groundThis is what I seeEverytime I look aroundI never thought that this would happen to meI never thought I"d end up this wayAnd now that you"re through with meDon"t know what to do with meI guess I"m on my own againLike I"m some kind of enemyNever a friend to meRemember when you used to sayThings will always be this wayWhy don"t you break my heart?Watch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meNow I try to get my heart up off the groundMy confidence is goneHappiness cannot be foundSo look what you did to meYou got the best of meAnd now I"m stuck with all the restIt will never be the sameWhy don"t you break my heart?Watch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meWhy don"t you break my heart?Watch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meAll I ever wantedHas left me standing here aloneIt started with you and ended with meAll I ever neededI had it with you in my armsIt started with you and ended with meBreak my heartWatch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meWhy don"t you break my heart?Watch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meWhy don"t you break my heart?Watch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meWhy don"t you break my heartBreak my heartBreak my heartBreak my heartBreak my heartBreak my heartBreak my heart<END>http://music.baidu.com/song/2943032

Break My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Break My Heart歌手:Jan Leyers专辑:In The Virgin DarkHilary Duff - Break My HeartAlbum: Most WantedSomeone always gets their heart stomped to the groundThis is what I seeEverytime I look aroundI never thought that this would happen to meI never thought I"d end up this wayAnd now that you"re through with meDon"t know what to do with meI guess I"m on my own againLike I"m some kind of enemyNever a friend to meRemember when you used to sayThings will always be this wayWhy don"t you break my heart?Watch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meNow I try to get my heart up off the groundMy confidence is goneHappiness cannot be foundSo look what you did to meYou got the best of meAnd now I"m stuck with all the restIt will never be the sameWhy don"t you break my heart?Watch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meWhy don"t you break my heart?Watch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meAll I ever wantedHas left me standing here aloneIt started with you and ended with meAll I ever neededI had it with you in my armsIt started with you and ended with meBreak my heartWatch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meWhy don"t you break my heart?Watch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meWhy don"t you break my heart?Watch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meWhy don"t you break my heartBreak my heartBreak my heartBreak my heartBreak my heartBreak my heartBreak my heart<END>http://music.baidu.com/song/2781932

Break My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Break My Heart歌手:Shakespears Sister专辑:Sacred HeartHilary Duff - Break My HeartAlbum: Most WantedSomeone always gets their heart stomped to the groundThis is what I seeEverytime I look aroundI never thought that this would happen to meI never thought I"d end up this wayAnd now that you"re through with meDon"t know what to do with meI guess I"m on my own againLike I"m some kind of enemyNever a friend to meRemember when you used to sayThings will always be this wayWhy don"t you break my heart?Watch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meNow I try to get my heart up off the groundMy confidence is goneHappiness cannot be foundSo look what you did to meYou got the best of meAnd now I"m stuck with all the restIt will never be the sameWhy don"t you break my heart?Watch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meWhy don"t you break my heart?Watch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meAll I ever wantedHas left me standing here aloneIt started with you and ended with meAll I ever neededI had it with you in my armsIt started with you and ended with meBreak my heartWatch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meWhy don"t you break my heart?Watch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meWhy don"t you break my heart?Watch me fall apartYou see, I"m falling apartLook what you"re doing to meWhy don"t you break my heartBreak my heartBreak my heartBreak my heartBreak my heartBreak my heartBreak my heart<END>http://music.baidu.com/song/7749267

Break My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Break My Heart歌手:Jonny Diaz专辑:Jonny DiazBackstreet Boys---Back To Your HeartIts not that I cant live without youIts just that I dont even want to tryEvery night I dream about youEver since the day we said goodbyeIf I wasnt such a foolRight now Id be holding youTheres nothing that I wouldnt doBaby if I only knewCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartI dont know how it got so crazyBut Ill do anything to set things rightCause your love is so amazingBaby youre the best thing in my lifeLet me prove my love is realAnd made you feel the way I feelI promise I would give the worldIf only you would tell me girlCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartGive me one more chanceGive me one more chanceGive my love to you, give my love, my loveCause no one on this earth loves you like I do,Tell meCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartI turn back time, To make you mineAnd find a way back to your heartI beg and plead, Fall to my kneesTo find a way back to your heartThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/5575855

Break My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Break My Heart歌手:Keith Anderson专辑:C"MON!Keith Anderson - Break My HeartI got a half a jar of moonshineSome whiskey and some cheap wineLeftover from the last timeThat you said your last goodbye"Cause that"s what you want, bring it onAnd a big old stack of leavin" songJust waitin" to be turned back onAnd I"ll crank "em up and sing alongSick in bed, you"re goneSo go ahead, yeah, bring it onBreak my heart, yeah, shoot me downI know I can take it nowDon"t wait any longerIt"ll only make me strongerBreak my heart, get it over withGet on with your goodbye kissGirl, it"s now or never"Cause it"s the last time that you"ll everBreak my heart, break my heartThat little blond down at the clubThe one that you"re so jealous ofWell, late last she called me upAnd heard we"re breakin" up"Cause that"s what you want, bring it onNow my buddy"s that you hatedThey always knew we wouldn"t make itSo they"re takin" me to VegasAnd I hate to keep "em waitin"Go ahead, yeah, bring it onBreak my heart, yeah, shoot me downI know I can take it nowDon"t wait any longerIt"ll only make me strongerBreak my heart, get it over withGet on with your goodbye kissGirl, it"s now or never"Cause it"s the last time that you"ll everBreak my heartDo what you"ve gotta do, break my heartI guess somebody"s gotta lose, break my heartBut I"ll get over you, break my heartBreak my heart, yeah, shoot me downI know just how to take it nowDon"t wait any longerIt"ll only make me strongerBreak my heart, get it over withGet on with your goodbye kissGirl, it"s now or never"Cause it"s the last time that you"ll everBreak my heart (You can"t shoot me down)(I know I can take it now)Break my heart (Don"t wait any longer, baby)(Break my heart)Break my heart (Get it over with)(Get on with your goodbye kiss)(Break my heart)Break my hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/31404460

一首英文歌 歌词里有break ,heart什么的,较轻快,男生唱的,好像有很多电视都有用它做背景音乐

break your heart

How could an angle break my heat中文歌词?

I heard he sang a lullaby 我听到他唱的摇篮曲I heard he sang it from his heart 我听到他发自内心的吟唱When I found out thought I would die 当我发现的时候我以为我会死Because that lullaby was mine 因为那支摇篮曲是我的I heard he sealed it with a kiss 我听说他以吻封缄He gently kissed her cherry lips 他轻轻吻了她如樱桃般的唇I found that so hard to believe 对此我难以置信Because his kiss belonged to me 因为他的唇属于我I heard her face was white as rain 我看到她的脸如雨般苍白透明Soft as a rose that blooms in may 柔软如盛开在五月的玫瑰He keeps her picture in a frame 他将她的相片保存在相框里And when he sleeps he calls her name 且在睡梦中叫着她的名字I wonder if she makes him smile 我想知道是否她能令他微笑The way he used to smile at me 就像他过去对我微笑的那样I hope she doesn"t make him laugh 我希望是她让他有了笑容Because his love belongs to me 因为他的爱属于我How could an angel break my heart 天使怎么会伤我的心Why didn"t he catch my falling star 他为什么没有抓住我坠落的心I wish I didn"t wish so hard 我希望我的愿望不是奢望Maybe I wished our love apart 也许我希望我们的爱就此分离my soul is dying it"s crying 我的灵魂在垂危挣扎,它正在哭泣I"m trying to understand 我努力地想去了解Please help me 请帮帮我How could an angel break my heart 天使怎么会伤我的心Why didn"t he catch my falling star 他为什么没有抓住我的坠落的心I wish I didn"t wish so hard 我希望我的愿望不是奢望Maybe I wished our love apart 也许我希望我们的爱就此分离How could an angel break my heart 天使怎么会伤我的心

迈克学摇滚breaking my heart

Breaking My HeartVocal: Michael Learns To RockI"m on the floor.Counting one minute more.No one to break the silence.Staring into the night,All alone but that"s alright,It"s the feeling deep inside I don"t like.There is no excuse my friend,For breaking my heart,Breaking my heart again.This is where our journey ends.You"re breaking my heart again.Here in my bed,Counting the words you"ve said.They linger in the shadows.Coming home late at night,Drunk again but that"s alright.It"s the look in your eyes I don"t like.There is no excuse my friend,For breaking my heart,Breaking my heart again.This is where our journey ends.You"re breaking my heart again.There is no excuse my friend,For breaking my heart,Breaking my heart again.This is where our journey ends.You"re breaking my heart again.There is no excuse my friend,For breaking my heart,Breaking my heart again.This is where our journey ends.You"re breaking my heart again.伤我的心声音: 迈克尔学会晃动我是在地板上。计数一分钟更。没人打破沈默。凝望入夜,所有单独而是那是行,这是我不喜欢的感觉深深里面。没有借口我的朋友,为伤我的心,再伤我的心。这是我们的旅途结束的地方。您再伤我的心。这里在我的床,计数词您说。他们徘徊在阴影。在家后来在晚上,再喝仅那是行。这是神色在我不喜欢的您的眼睛。没有借口我的朋友,为伤我的心,再伤我的心。这是我们的旅途结束的地方。您再伤我的心。没有借口我的朋友,为伤我的心,再伤我的心。这是我们的旅途结束的地方。您再伤我的心。没有借口我的朋友,为伤我的心,再伤我的心。这是我们的旅途结束的地方。您再伤我的心。 好啦,一起给你了。可以了吗,没要求了吧?要不要我再唱给你听哦?

before you break my heart是什么意思?

before you break my heart在你伤透我的心之前

how could an angel break my heart 的中文歌词


Break My Heart Again 歌词

歌曲名:Break My Heart Again歌手:montgomery gentry专辑:My TownHow many Mrs. Rights have I had to wrongEvery one that"s come alongAnd how many finish linesHave I had in sight and never crossedEvery one I ever sawWhen it looks like I might winI go and break my heart againThings aren"t good unless they"re badAnd I ain"t happy "til I"m sadWhen I see the good life closing inI go and break my heartBreak my heart againWhy do I think I canWhen I know I won"tI always end up aloneWhy would a lonely manHold love in his hands and let it goWell I don"t knowAll I know is in the endI go and break my heart againThings aren"t good unless they"re badAnd I ain"t happy "til I"m sadWhen I see the good life closing inI go and break my heartBreak my heart againThings aren"t good unless they"re badAnd I ain"t happy "til I"m sadWhen I see the good life closing inI go and break my heartBreak my heart againAnd I break my heart againAnd I break my heart againAnd I break my heart againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14226904

Before you break my heart

Before you break my heart在你打破我的心之前

百度其它翻译 ,自己理解不通,帮忙把主干划分,make its mark 和find its evidence是什么意思?谢谢~~~!


求大神Break My Heart————blue的中文歌词

Break My Heart-Blue You break my heart, you break my heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎You break my heart, you break my heart heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎You break my heart, you break my heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎You break my heart, you break my heart heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎I know we"re not together 我知道我们不在一起了I know we grew apart 我知道我们分开了But I can"t ignore this feeling 但我不能忽视这种感觉It"s like a tattoo on my heart 如同镌刻在心头And I can"t stop thinking about you 我也不能停止想念你Love up with somebody else 我和别人在一起It"s too much, every night in bed整日厮混 And I can"t quit thinking about you 却始终不能停止想你If ain"t doing the things that we did doesn"t make you feel safe 如果不做事,我并不会让你感到安全‘Cause you with him 因为你和他在一起Drives me mad, I did nothing wrong 让我愤怒,我并没做错‘Cause you with him 因为你和他在一起Hurts so bad, now my love is gone 深深伤害了我,现在我的爱已不在So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎A painter bought our picture 一个画家买了我们的照片And he diss off you away (骂人的话)If you"re confused I"m doing better 如果你感到困惑,我能做得更好What the hell am I meant to say? 他妈的懂我说的意思吗?And I can"t stop thinking about you 我也不能停止想念你Love up with somebody else 我和别人在一起It"s too much, every night in bed整日厮混 And I can"t quit thinking about you 却始终不能停止想你If ain"t doing the things that we did doesn"t make you feel safe 如果不做事,我并不会让你感到安全‘Cause you with him 因为你和他在一起Drives me mad, I did nothing wrong 让我愤怒,我并没做错‘Cause you with him 因为你和他在一起Hurts so bad, now my love is gone 深深伤害了我,现在我的爱已不在So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎 Every time I think about it 每次想起这些I get that extra tack 我得到那额外的补偿 But I know that I gotta reset 但我知道我必须重置Nothing I do or say will bring you back 无论我说什么做什么都不能挽回你And I can leave the door wide open 我可以让门敞开Hopin one day you walk right through 希望有一天你走过去 But I can stand a second right now 但现在我可以站在一个第二Thinking you enjoy him fucking you He"s fucking you, he"s fucking you ‘Cause you with him Drives me mad, I did nothing wrong ‘Cause you with him Hurts so bad, now my love is gone So why you wanna? You break my heart, you break my heart So why you wanna? You break my heart, you break my heart heart So why you wanna? You break my heart, you break my heart So why you wanna? You break my heart, you break my heart heart

求大神Break My Heart————blue的中文歌词

Break My Heart-Blue You break my heart, you break my heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎You break my heart, you break my heart heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎You break my heart, you break my heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎You break my heart, you break my heart heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎I know we"re not together 我知道我们不在一起了I know we grew apart 我知道我们分开了But I can"t ignore this feeling 但我不能忽视这种感觉It"s like a tattoo on my heart 如同镌刻在心头And I can"t stop thinking about you 我也不能停止想念你Love up with somebody else 我和别人在一起It"s too much, every night in bed整日厮混 And I can"t quit thinking about you 却始终不能停止想你If ain"t doing the things that we did doesn"t make you feel safe 如果不做事,我并不会让你感到安全‘Cause you with him 因为你和他在一起Drives me mad, I did nothing wrong 让我愤怒,我并没做错‘Cause you with him 因为你和他在一起Hurts so bad, now my love is gone 深深伤害了我,现在我的爱已不在So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎A painter bought our picture 一个画家买了我们的照片And he diss off you away (骂人的话)If you"re confused I"m doing better 如果你感到困惑,我能做得更好What the hell am I meant to say? 他妈的懂我说的意思吗?And I can"t stop thinking about you 我也不能停止想念你Love up with somebody else 我和别人在一起It"s too much, every night in bed整日厮混 And I can"t quit thinking about you 却始终不能停止想你If ain"t doing the things that we did doesn"t make you feel safe 如果不做事,我并不会让你感到安全‘Cause you with him 因为你和他在一起Drives me mad, I did nothing wrong 让我愤怒,我并没做错‘Cause you with him 因为你和他在一起Hurts so bad, now my love is gone 深深伤害了我,现在我的爱已不在So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎So why you wanna? 所以你为什么这样(伤害我)?You break my heart, you break my heart heart 你让我心碎,你让我心碎 Every time I think about it 每次想起这些I get that extra tack 我得到那额外的补偿 But I know that I gotta reset 但我知道我必须重置Nothing I do or say will bring you back 无论我说什么做什么都不能挽回你And I can leave the door wide open 我可以让门敞开Hopin one day you walk right through 希望有一天你走过去 But I can stand a second right now 但现在我可以站在一个第二Thinking you enjoy him fucking you He"s fucking you, he"s fucking you ‘Cause you with him Drives me mad, I did nothing wrong ‘Cause you with him Hurts so bad, now my love is gone So why you wanna? You break my heart, you break my heart So why you wanna? You break my heart, you break my heart heart So why you wanna? You break my heart, you break my heart So why you wanna? You break my heart, you break my heart heart



break my heart歌词


break my heart什么意思


break my heart是什么意思


"feel my throat tighten"是什么用法?feel可以后加名词后再加动词?有点像make....

feel sth tighten 是固定用法,感到…变紧:make sth tighten 也是固定用法 ,使…变紧:

CMake,configue出错,以下是错误信息。怎么弄? vs2010的。

您好,这样的:您的问题我也碰到了,我解决了。你要会读C语言的错误,其实就是看这条(fatal error)>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt你把这个复制,然后粘贴到网上找就能很容易找到的。其实就是把E:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 10.0VCin里的cvtres.exe删除就好了。(这里我的vs2010安装在 E盘Program Files里,所以。

take perspective是什么意思

take perspective视觉效果

set laws还是make laws


求这段《The Path Not Taken》的翻译,最好是原创,语句通顺就好


到底是tell the truth,say the truth还是 speak the truth 用法区别

Speak The Truth据实而言;说实话;讲真话;天地良心啊 tell the truth说实话;老实说;老实相告;真言实语 Say The Truth说真相;告诉我真相;说句实话;完全讲真话 都可以,在权威例句里也都有考证,不过一般还是tell the truth最常用

到底是tell the truth,say the truth还是 speak the truth 用法区别

英语中一般使用tell the truth没有下面两种用法

Sakura的《I believe》 歌词

歌曲名:I believe歌手:Sakura专辑:LOVE ON WINGSI used to think that I could not go onAnd life was nothing but an awful songBut now I know the meaning of true loveIm leaning on the everlasting armsIf I can see it, then I can do itIf I just believe it, theres nothing to itI believe I can flyI believe I can touch the skyI think about it every night and daySpread my wings and fly awayI believe I can soarI see me running through that open doorI believe I can flyI believe I can flyI believe I can flySee I was on the verge of breaking downSometimes silence, it can seem so loudThere are miracles in life I must achievehttp://music.baidu.com/song/27292729

stop waiting for things to happen,go out and make them happen,是什么意思


安卓编译报错:missing and no known to make it



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she takes my money, when im in need 经常有人用这首歌打beatbox 想知道歌名

Golddigger 掘金者

Trina的《shake》 歌词

歌曲名:shake歌手:Trina专辑:glamorest life彩冷える - shake作词:葵作曲:梦人仄暗いlightに 踊る烟 怪しいフロアすくむ足で踏み込む 怖い だけど 思いは止まらない细くしなやかな 指が织り成す苦くセクシーな マティーニのようにためらう気持ちも shakeされたなら勇気を奋えるかな心夺われた その瞳に わたしだけを映したい见た目から入る出逢いでも 运命だって信じてる友达に连れられ あの日あなたに 酔いはじめてからドラマティックな展开 いつもいつも 梦见てしまうの细くしなやかな 指に触れたくてコースターの裏 书いたアドレス早くしないと 渗んでいく文字グラス倾け 饮み干したふわふわと揺れる あなたは ほら 笑颜で手を差し伸べてるわたしはその気になって 差し出す 丸いlove letter耻ずかしさ溢れ 逃げるように 夜のタクシー飞び乗って浮かんでは消えるwindowに 映るわたし 昙り颜鸣らない电话眺め 问い合わせては ため息小刻みに 増えるメーターの数字は あなたとの距离终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1360432
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