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“ All work and no play make jack a dull boy”什么意思

  All work and no play make jack a dull boy的意思是”只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻“。  这是一句美国流行的谚语。All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; all play and no work makes Jack a mere boy.〖Hotline〗只工作,不玩耍,聪明孩子要变傻;尽玩耍,不学习,聪明孩子没出息。

all work and no play make jack a dull boy什么意思?

all work and no play make jack a dull boy只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻

All work and no play make jack a dull boy是什么意思?


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy出处是闪灵吗?还是更早就有了。。

all work and no play表示一个整体,表示“只工作不玩耍”这个状态,并不是所有加and的东西动词都用复数形式的……




Speaking 是speak的现在分词, speech是speak的名词形式。speaking英 ["spi:ku026au014b] 美 [u02c8spiku026au014b] n. 说话;讲话;演讲;谈话adj. 演讲的;富于表情的;(肖像)栩栩如生的;雄辩的v. 讲,谈(speak的现在分词 )speech英 [spi:tu0283] 美 [spitu0283] n. 演说,演讲,发言;说话,谈话,说话能力或方式;(乐器的)音,音色;方言,民族语言

he needs the interview at a bakery.为什么不能是an 而是th

我们知道 用定冠词the 和吧不定冠词 a(an)的基本原则是特指和泛指特指用定冠词the;泛指用不定冠词a(an);特指就是说话者,听者或者读者都知道所指的内容。泛指是一类中任何一个有代表性或具有典型特征的个体,或者不明确、不特别指哪一个。这里 的 interview 说话人知道 听话人也知道,所以是特指。


spoken形容词 a. 1.口头讲的,口头的;口语的They built a robot capable of understanding spoken commands. 他们制造了一个能懂口头指令的机器人。2.(用以构成复合词)具...说话特点的He is a shy soft-spoken person. 他害羞,说话轻声细语的。speaking名词 n. [U]1.说话,谈话2.言语,演讲He went on a speaking tour of the United States. 他去美国作巡回演讲。3.演讲术形容词 a. [B]1.说话的,谈话的;演讲的within speaking distance 在能交谈的距离之内2.说(某种语言)的English speaking countries 讲英语的国家3.富于表情的;逼真的;雄辩的(spoken主要侧重于口头的,就和oral一样,而speaking则主要侧重于“说”的意思,即speak的动名词概念)

take the interview是什么意思

take the interview参加面试 接受采访双语例句1If you want to take the interview, please fill out this application.如果你想参加面试就填一下这张申请表。2It is my pleasure to take the interview. 我很高兴接受采访。

Rock music makes them excited. 还是Rock music makes them exciting?

make sb excited。。修饰人时用excited修饰物或者事情的时候用exciting记住这两点区分就好了。。。

take my phone


she take my phone怎么变一般疑问句?

Does she take my phone?

一首歌里有take my phone 这三个单词,歌名叫什么呀?

The Coldcut <<My telephone>>Telephone, got me hanging on the lineTelephone, wasting all my timeI can live without my telephoneTelephone, got me hanging on the lineTelephone, wasting all my timeI can live without my telephoneI can live without my telephoneTelephone, got me hanging on the lineTelephone, wasting all my timeI can live without my telephoneTelephone, can"t you leave it till I"m throughTelephone, we"ve got better things to doI can live without my telephoneMy telephoneIt don"t matter where I amTelephones are in a jamCan"t finish anythingThe telephone is always ringin"Got no job, got no payDon"t let them take my phone awayIn my car or in my homeEverybody"s gettin" it on the phoneEverybody"s gettin" it on the telephoneEverybody"s gettin" it on the phoneEverybody"s gettin" it on the telephoneTelephone, got me hanging on the lineTelephone, wasting all my timeI can live without my telephoneTelephone, always ringing in my headTelephone, always get me out of bedI can live without my telephoneI can live without my telephoneTelephone, got me hanging on the lineTelephone, wasting all my timeI can live without my telephoneTelephone, now I"m seeing redTelephone, can"t make out what you saidI can live without my telephoneI can live without my telephone

我没带手机 英语 i am mot take my phone 和i do not take my phone 有啥区别 哪个对

后面那个对前面的那个am和take都是谓语,就算是I am not taking my phone改成这个样子,“我没带手机”一般都是表示瞬间动作的状态,也感觉不太对。


セーラー服を脱がさないで歌:KICK OFF 作词:秋元康作曲:佐藤准セーラー服を脱がさないでse^ra^ fuku wo nuga sanaide今はダメよ 我慢なさってima ha dame yo gaman nasatteセーラー服を脱がさないでse^ra^ fuku wo nuga sanaide嫌よダメよ こんなところじゃiya yo dame yo konnatokoroja女の子は いつでもonnanoko ha itsudemo“MI-MI-DO-SHI-MA”" MI - MI - DO - SHI - MA "お勉强してるのよ Ah- 毎日o benkyou shiterunoyo Ah - mainichi友达より早くtomodachi yori hayakuエッチをしたいけどecchi woshitaikedoキスから先に进めないkisu kara sakini susume nai忆病すぎるのokubyou sugiruno周刊志みたいなshuukanshi mitainaエッチをしたいけどecchi woshitaikedo全てをあげてしまうのはsubete woageteshimaunohaもったいないからu30fbu30fbu30fbあげないmottainaikara ... agenaiセーラー服を脱がさないでse^ra^ fuku wo nuga sanaideスカートまでまくれちゃうでしょsuka^to mademakurechaudeshoセーラー服を脱がさないでse^ra^ fuku wo nuga sanaide胸のリボン ほどかないでねmune no ribon hodokanaidene男の子はその时otokonoko hasono tokiどうなるの?dounaruno ?兴味津々 しちゃうのよ Ah- 不思议ねkyoumishinshin shichaunoyo Ah - fushigi neデートに诱われてde^to ni sasowa reteバージンじゃ つまらないba^jin ja tsumaranaiパパやママは知らないのpapa ya mama ha shira naino明日の外泊ashita no gaihakuちょっぴり恐いけどchoppiri kowai kedoバージンじゃ つまらないba^jin ja tsumaranaiおばんになっちゃう その前にobanninacchau sono mae niおいしいハートを…食べてoishii ha^to wo ... tabete

摇滚组合take four简介

美国五人摇滚组合"伊凡塞斯" 美国摇滚组合—Paramore(paramore,是一支来自美国的年轻乐队,风格是典型的EMO-PUNK,音乐自然而紧凑,散发着浓厚的流行摇滚元素,乐队目前已发行3张专辑。 Paramore也为一些比较知名的好莱坞影片演唱过歌曲,比如大家熟知的《暮光之城》 ) 美国摇滚组合One Republic 美国当红摇滚组合Maroon 5 美国摇滚组合 Signal the Escape


MICHNA KASS来自法国,创立于1987年,是设计师MICHNA和KASS姐妹创建的同名品牌,产品以牛皮为主,包含鞋履、包袋、皮带、太阳眼镜、手环等各类时尚配饰。 作为法国时尚轻奢箱包品牌,MICHNA KASS总能让时尚女人成为众人瞩目的焦点,她专注于年轻和流行时尚,时刻关注时尚流行趋势。一款好的包包对于女人是一种点缀,只需要一个就能让女人更时尚。

you will___sooner or later if you keep working like that A break off Bbreak down Cbreak into Dbreak



bring, take和carry这三个词都和“拿、取”有关,但要注意三者之间的区别:bring意为“带来,拿来”,指把某物或某人从另一个地方带到说话的地方来,也可以说是“由远及近”。例如: Bring me your dictionary tomorrow.明天把你的词典给我拿来。take(带走)意为把某物或某人从说话的地方带到另一个地方去,也可以说是“由近及远”,常和介词to构成搭配。例如:Can you help me take the books to the classroom?你能帮我把这些书带到教室去吗?carry意思是“提、扛、搬、携带”,意思较多,但没有方向性。例如:(1)Will you please carry the box for me? 你替我扛那个箱子好吗?(2) Li Dong is carrying water.李东在提水

听过一首英语歌,开头类似she wake up tonight,to carry me out


请问怎么制作游戏?(非3D,2D即可,不要RPG MAKER等制作工具)


make a presentation on how you feel about the regional varieties

做一个关于你对(品种区域或变种这一区域)的看法或感想报告或表演. 我不知道什么是(regional varieties)

take away和take away from有什么区别


一首英文歌 男声 歌词有 up on you ...for you 声音很像Justin Timberlake

应该是Maroon 5的 Maps

How do you get to school? I ride my bike. How does she get to school? She usually takes the bus.


一How do you get to school?一I ______ to school. A.by bus B.on the bus C.take the bus D

C 试题分析:by bus乘公交车;on the bus 在公交车上;take the bus乘公交车去;take bus说法有误,bus前需加冠词。句意;你怎样到学校?——我乘公交车去学校。结合语境可知下文缺少谓语动词,take本身可表示乘车去的含义,故选C。点评:解答此类题型的要点是了解各个短语的基本含义及用法的不同,同时注意其表示多个含义的现象,然后结合语境选择合适答案。

Vakataka是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

伐迦陀迦 Vakataka伐迦陀迦(IAST:Vākāu0163aka)是3世纪至5世纪时存在于印度中部和南部的一个重要王国。伐迦陀迦的统治区域包括今印度中央邦和马哈拉施特拉邦的部分地区(主要在德干)。他们是在南印强大的百乘王朝(统治中心在案达罗)分崩离析后趁势崛起的。有些学者认为,伐迦陀迦人可能是来自北方的入侵者塞人的后代。往世书提到伐迦陀迦政权的创建者叫文底耶沙克提,关于此人,历史学家掌握的的史料很少,只是在阿旃陀石窟的第16窟的铭文上提到他出身于婆罗门种姓,是“伐迦陀迦家族的旗手”。对于文底耶沙克提的继承者贵军一世,人们同样所知甚少。他似乎曾与纳加人交战过。由于他的征服活动,伐迦陀迦的领土扩张至北到本德尔肯德,南抵海德拉巴,是南印最大的国家。根据铭文和往世书里半历史半神话的描述,学者们推断在贵军一世死后,伐迦陀迦就分裂了。他的儿子和孙子们分成4个独立的支系。关于其中两个,人们一无所知。另两个支系,分别以其重要中心或都城命名,可称为补罗婆罗补罗-难提伐弹那支系和婆蹉瞿尔摩支系。补罗婆罗补罗-难提伐弹那支系是贵军一世的孙子楼陀罗西那一世创建的,统治中心包括补罗婆罗补罗(在今沃尔塔)和难提伐弹那(在今那格浦尔)。这个支系与北方强大的笈多王朝有联姻关系,这种联姻里最著名的是笈多王朝的旃陀罗笈多二世(“超日王”)的女儿波罗婆嚩底笈多与伐迦陀迦的楼陀罗西那二世结婚。很可能,在这次联姻之后的一段时间里,伐迦陀迦失去了独立性,成了笈多帝国的一部分。补罗婆罗补罗-难提伐弹那支系的最终结局不明,可能是被婆蹉瞿尔摩支系吞并。婆蹉瞿尔摩支系的创建者是贵军一世的次子萨婆西那,其都城在婆蹉瞿尔摩(今沃希姆)。这一支系因与阿旃陀石窟的关系而出名。他们可能是佛教的庇护者,阿旃陀石窟(印度现存最宏伟的佛教石窟群)中有许多部分(第1、2、16和17窟)是在他们的资助下建成的;伐迦陀迦诸王的名字也大多发现于阿旃陀石窟。在5世纪末诃梨西那统治时期,该支系进行了一次大规模扩张,东西两侧都扩张到沿海地区,但似乎之后就立刻衰落了。婆蹉瞿尔摩支系灭亡于6世纪初,原因不明。

关于Sigur Ros的Vaka这首歌

未来的世界充满灰烬。。。孩子们要被仔细检查才能去室外,玩耍中一个孩子的防毒面具掉了。。。大概就是表达反战、环保之类的意思吧you sigh low tonightyou"re so aloneyou"re soyou sigh low tonightyou"re so aloneyou"re soyou"re so lowyou"re so aloneyou"re soyou sigh lowyou sigh lowyou"re so(you"re so)you sigh low tonightyou"re so aloneyou"re soyou sigh alot and fightyou"re so lostyou"re soyou fight so lowyou"re so aloneyou sigh lowyour sighs are lowyou"re so

1.how do you get to school ? i( )take the bus

often和 is

What makes the space shuttle is that it takes off like a r...

C 试题分析:考查单词意思,exceptional意思“杰出的”,strange意思“奇怪的”,unique意思“独一无二的”,rare意思“罕见的”,句子意思“起飞像火箭着陆像飞机使航天飞机独一无二”,句子是个从句,第一个是引导词what在从句里做主语,是主语从句;第二个是that引导的表语从句,所以选C点评:单词意思是常考内容,平时要多记多积累,遇到单词意思题时,就很容易做出正确选择

account for意为占据时的近义词 用take……of 应该填什么

take possession of

make up 和account for当“占”讲的时候的区别是什么?



One Direction(单向组合)是一个英国五人男子组合,成员包括:Liam Payne,Louis Tomlinson,Niall Horan,Harry Styles和Zayn Malik。他们的平均年龄在19岁。 基本介绍 外文名称 :Taken 所属专辑 :Up All Night 歌曲原唱 :one direction 歌曲语言 :英语 公司 :Sony Syco 歌曲信息,歌手简介,中英对照歌词, 歌曲信息 歌曲:Taken 歌手:one direction 语种:英语 Up All Night 唱片公司:Sony Syco 所属专辑:Up All Night 歌手简介 他们作为个人选手通过了The X Factor(英国偶像——一档英国选秀节目,由Simon Cowell创办)第七季(2010)的选拔赛,进入了训练营,却没有成功进入男生组评审之家。在评审Nicole Scherzinger的提议下,这五个青少年被组成了一个组合,从而晋级,One Direction成立于2010年7月23日。最终,One Direction进入了决赛,并且成为了当季比赛的季军。之后签约唱片公司Syco Music。 中英对照歌词 Nowthatyoucan"thaveme现在你已经不再拥有我Yousuddenlywantme你却突然想起我Nowthati"mwithsomebodyelse现在我和别人在一起了Youtellmeyouloveme你却告诉你爱我Isleptonyourdoorstep我曾睡在你家门前的台阶Beggingforonechance求你给次机会NowthatIfinallymovedon现在我终于走了Yousaythatyou"vemissedmeallalong你却说你一直想着我Whodoyouthinkyouare你以为你是谁WhodoyouthinkIam你以为我是谁Youonlylovedtoseemebreaking你只喜欢看我心碎YouonlywantmecauseI"mtaken因为我被别人占有你才想到我Youdon"treallywantmyheart你并不是真的想得到我的心No,youjustliketoknowyoucan不,你只是想确认Stillbetheonewhogetsitbreaking自己仍是我内心的第一位Youonlywantmewheni"mtaken当我离开你才想起我You"remessingwithmyhead你正扰乱我的思绪Girlthat"swhatyoudobest女孩这是你做得最好的一件事Sayingthere"snothingyouwon"tdo口口声说你什么都不会去做Togetmetosayit来迫使我就范You"reimpossibletoresist我不会排斥你ButIwouldn"tbetyourheartonit但我不会为你的心意赌一把It"slikei"mfinallyawake我幡然醒悟Andyou"rejustabeautifulmistake你只不过是个美丽的错误Whodoyouthinkyouare你以为你是谁WhodoyouthinkIam你以为我是谁Youonlylovedtoseemebreaking你只喜欢看我心碎YouonlywantmecauseI"mtaken因为我被别人占有你才想到我Youdon"treallywantmyheart你并不是真的想得到我的心No,youjustliketoknowyoucan不,你只是想确认Stillbetheonewhogetsitbreaking自己仍是我内心的第一位Youonlywantmewheni"mtaken当我离开你才想起我ThankyouforshowingmeWhoyouareunderneathThankyouIdon"tneedAnotherheartles *** iseryYouthinki"mdoingthistomakeyoujealousAndIknowthatyouhatetohearthisButthisisnotaboutyouanymoreWhodoyouthinkyouare你以为你是谁WhodoyouthinkIam你以为我是谁Youonlylovedtoseemebreaking你只喜欢看我心碎YouonlywantmecauseI"mtaken因为我被别人占有你才想到我Youdon"treallywantmyheart你并不是真的想得到我的心No,youjustliketoknowyoucan不,你只是想确认Stillbetheonewhogetsitbreaking自己仍是我内心的第一位Youonlywantmewheni"mtaken当我离开你才想起我Nowthatyoucan"thaveme现在你已经不再拥有我Yousuddenlywantme你却突然想起我

请问“take up” 与“account for ” 作为“占”意思时的区别

take up占得是有型的东西,如座位等account for 是无形的东西


take+account+for考虑到双语对照例句:1."They never take account for what they"ve done," she said in a short telephone interview.

account for 和make up百分数的用法


it takes about five days.对five days进行提问.

How long will it takes?



A little progress everyday makes a huge leap in t


what makes a good job? 请用英文多给一些大致内容就够了!

What makes a good job? Interest. When you are doing something interesting for you, you"ll enjoy your work and get a chance of great achievement. Ability. Ability comes from your knowledge and diligent practice. More ability, higher position. Teamwork spirit. You couldn"t achieve a great course only by yourself. You have to co-operate with other people and good teamwork-spirit makes you get well along with others. Attitude. Always be positive, optimistic, and encouraging. People like to co-work and follow a person with these qualities. All in all, a good job is not from what you do, but who you are.

what makes a good job? 请用英文多给一些大致内容就够了!

What makes a good job? Interest. When you are doing something interesting for you, you"ll enjoy your work and get a chance of great achievement. Ability. Ability comes from your knowledge and diligent practice. More ability, higher position. Teamwork spirit. You couldn"t achieve a great course only by yourself. You have to co-operate with other people and good teamwork-spirit makes you get well along with others. Attitude. Always be positive, optimistic, and encouraging. People like to co-work and follow a person with these qualities. All in all, a good job is not from what you do, but who you are.

有没有和MOVIE MAKER差不多的视频编辑软件~

vedio studio,绝对好用

为什么我老婆特别不喜欢make love ,特反感,求mm来make love

有一个表情最后出现一个lovemaki是一个MM 谁知道她是谁啊


how to make dumplings 高一英语作文

Chinese boiled dumplings are not only delicious to eat but also easy to make. First, make the filling. You can choose your favorite meat, say pork, beef, or mutton, chop it up and mix it with chopped yellow scallions or cabbage. Meanwhile you had better put in seasonings such as salt, soy sauce, pepper, sesame oil, chopped green onion and ginger to get your favorite flavor. Stir the ingredients in a container well to make them evenly mixed. Second,make the dough. You should measure your wheat flour to go with the filling, put it in a container, pour water hit by bit, stir it strenuously to make it sticky,then let it rest for about 20 minutes. After that you can cut part of the dough and put it on pastry hoard, knead it and cut it into small pieces. You press each piece with the palm of your hand slightly and then roll it with a rolling pin into a round piece. Finally comes the stage of folding the dough to make dumplings. You should hold a dough piece horizontally in your left hand, put a suitable amount of filling onto the central part, fold the side around the filling, press the upper-central part of it firmly and make firm and nice lace from left to right around the fold edge to make your finished product better-looking and free from leakage. Then the dumplings are ready for cooking.

请问轴承前缀ASS204 AKY22/20 CSA2202 SFDA2 NAX 2KL TA NA206 KP37B 200KTT 38 KVTT W201PP CRY16VUU R6Z


If you want to keep fit, please refer to the following: Move More Make it a daily to find ways ...




新人女生 想买滑板是喵好还是Zakka好












Zakka 什么意思?


ZAKKA 是日语杂货的意思,但怎么读呢?请高手赐教!!










How Could An Angle Break My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:How Could An Angle Break My Heart歌手:张中立专辑:如果云知道(排笛演奏曲)How Could an Angel Break My Heart《天使多情》I heard he sang a lullabyI heard he sang it from his heartWhen I found out thought I would dieBecause that lullaby was mineI heard he sealed it with a kissHe gently kissed her cherry lipsI found that so hard to believeBecause his kiss belonged to meHow could an angel break my heartWhy didn"t he catch my falling starI wish I didn"t wish so hardMaybe I wished our love apartHow could an angel break my heartEm...I heard here face was white as rainSoft as a rose that blooms in MayHe keeps her picture in a frameAnd when he sleeps he calls her nameI wonder if she makes him smileThe way he used to smile at meI hope she doesn"t make him laughBecause his laugh belongs to meHow could an angel break my heartWhy didn"t he catch may falling starI wish I didn"t wish so hardMaybe I wish our love apartHow could an angel break my heartOh...OhOh my soul is dying, it"s cryingI"m trying to understandPlease help meHow could an angel break my heartWhy didn"t he catch my falling starI wish I didn"t wish so hardMaybe I wished our love aparthow could an angel break my hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/1394673


桜の花びらたち スカート、ひらり 会いたかった 制服が邪魔をする 軽蔑していた爱情 BINGO! 仆の太阳 夕阳を见ているか? ロマンス、イラネ 桜の花びらたち2008 Baby! Baby! Baby! 大声ダイヤモンド 10年桜 涙サプライズ! 言い訳Maybe RIVER 桜の栞 ポニーテールとシュシュ ヘビーローテーション Beginner チャンスの顺番 桜の木になろう Everyday、カチューシャ

求AKB48 Team A到Team 4所有正式成员昵称,不是罗马音啊!!!谢谢,到邮箱qq36009925@sina.com




一个成熟的人勇于迎接挑战。 (take on)

He is always ready to help others, in return, everybody likes him. We can"t take on more work. That is the only thing they could count on. He put his only little strength all make out. I am 72 years old, can adjust to the life in China?

Faker的《Volumes》 歌词

歌曲名:Volumes歌手:Faker专辑:Addicted RomanticGucci Mane Ft. Wooh Da Kid - Volume(Chorus)I"m so mothafuckin turned up right now (volume)Someone please turn Gucci mane down (volume)Bricksquad thugged out we don"t give a fuck (volume)We hit the club,shoot the club, tear the club up (volume)So you should hit the floor get low and shut up (volume)Hit the floor get low and shut the fuck up (volume)Yous a bitch yous a snitch you a mothafuckin scrub (volume) (x2)(Verse 1 - Gucci Mane)I pulled up in a 4 door porshe set trippin3 young dread head niggas ridin wit meI don"t think they like me and I don"t like em neitherBut if they move wrong I"ll red up they white beaterI do it for da hood I do it like no equalI do it for the red black yellow white peopleI just bought a kay Just the other dayAnd I don"t play with grown men I don"t like to playI"m so mothafuckin turned up right nowNiggas hang on me I don"t give a fuck right nowWell you niggas keep on trying like ? And jenna couldYou think you can you think you could I think you pussies should(Chorus)I"m so mothafuckin turned up right now (volume)Someone please turn Gucci mane down (volume)Bricksquad thugged out we don"t give a fuck (volume)We hit the club,shoot the club, tear the club up (volume)So you should hit the floor get low and shut up (volume)Hit the floor get low and shut the fuck up (volume)Yous a bitch yous a snitch you a mothafuckin scrub (volume) (x2)(Verse 2 - Gucci Mane)Call me gucci flocka flame I den changed my nameCall me frenchie mane la flare gucc the kid its all the sameI be runnin gunnin stuntin with 100 killers ridinYou snitchin bitchin tattle tellin scared to stand beside meI just bought another house just to house my goonsSo icey entertainment boy we just like a platoonThe colors in my chainI"m with ? baby find that boy the june ?I wish they found him august so that"s like tomuch too soonHis face was swoll and puffy bout the color of a pruneBricksquad movement and no your not apart of itMe waka and woo juice and frenchie mane started it(Chorus)I"m so mothafuckin turned up right now (volume)Someone please turn Gucci mane down (volume)Bricksquad thugged out we don"t give a fuck (volume)We hit the club,shoot the club, tear the club up (volume)So you should hit the floor get low and shut up (volume)Hit the floor get low and shut the fuck up (volume)Yous a bitch yous a snitch you a mothafuckin scrub (volume) (x2)(Verse 3 - Wooh Da Kid:)Iced out bar ? got me ballin like the lakersHomicide around the corner where you in jamaicaMy volume on max you boys better runIma nigga with an attitude holdin on the gun17 niggas I left 16 hit last nigga hit the corner got his whole head splitTold you your a goner ima leave you dead quick I"m like ?Wooh the kid thugged out we don"t give a fuckLet your soul meet the sole of the bottom of my chucksBlack car black tint with the baby ? tags stay low to the floorMy midget out bag. My midget out the bag(Chorus)I"m so mothafuckin turned up right now (volume)Someone please turn Gucci mane down (volume)Bricksquad thugged out we don"t give a fuck (volume)We hit the club,shoot the club, tear the club up (volume)So you should hit the floor get low and shut up (volume)Hit the floor get low and shut the fuck up (volume)Yous a bitch yous a snitch you a mothafuckin scrub (volume) (x2)http://music.baidu.com/song/2866224

韩国有些什么性感的舞蹈歌曲?类似trouble maker的,男女,女团都行.


sakutra tears的翻译是什么


sakura sakura aitaiさくらさくら会いたい樱花樱花想见你


1. make a poster作文四十词 My favorite singer Nowadays,there is no doubt that Jolin became more and more popular in pop music who was born on 15th sep 1980 in Taiwan.She first started out by taking part in the MTV singing petition while she was just 18.She won the top prize with a song “62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333339663334The Greatest Love of all”.Then she was being signed on by Universal Music as a new singer from Taiwan.Now,she is a favorite pop singer among the youth as my favorite singer.All of her fans,like me,was be infatuated with both her beauty and talent.。 2. How to make a poster 英语作文 This morning I came across a POSTER on the bulletin of our university,it said that tonight the stadium will hold a great soccer game beeen Shanghai Team and Shaanxi Team.I know you are a super fun,you cannot miss such mountain peak to definitely, and I have bought o tickets for you and me. Can we meet at the gate of school about 6:30, then we walk to the destination.I am sure we will have a good time this evening.。 3. make a poster about sports ,写一篇英语作文,要求原创 How to make an excellent psoter about sports?firstly,you should know what colors reflect the sports.we know sports mean energy and power.so the color like orange or red which should be used as the thematic color of the poster.sencondly,you need have great ideas and inspiration of the poster,the creative poster will not fail to be surrounded and it can easily attracts attention of people.when your poster could finish it in this way,you would not be worried about less attention.The last but not the least,you should use appropriate words which are full of inspiration and appeal.Letting him believe that it wiill be a big regret if he do not take part in this sports activity。 4. 能帮我写Make a poster.Ask for help with an event at your school.的作 HELP WANTED SCHOOL SUMMER EVENT NEED THE FOLLOWING ABLE BODIES VOLUNTEERS TO SET UP TABLES AND CHAIRS TEN PEOPLE TO SELL TICKETS FIVE PEOPLE FOR RECEPTION TWELVE DANCERS TO PERFORM TWO DANCES A BOY AND A GIRL M.C. ( MASTER OF CEREMONY) THOSE INTERESTED PLEASE CONTACT ME AT CLASSROOM # 4. 请采纳谢谢 5. 初二英语作文Make a poster for your favorite singer My favorite singer Nowadays, there is no doubt that Jolin became more and more popular in pop music who was born on 15th sep 1980 in Taiwan. She first started out by taking part in the MTV singing petition while she was just 18. She won the top prize with a song “The Greatest Love of all”. Then she was being signed on by Universal Music as a new singer from Taiwan. Now, she is a favorite pop singer among the youth as my favorite singer. All of her fans, like me, was be infatuated with both her beauty and talent. 6. howtomakeagreatperson这个英语作文作为题目怎么写 怎么做一个伟大的人How to bee a great person?Great person is a man who most of us appreciate and admire.But how to bee a great person is a question that I guess few of us can give a definite answer.As for me,we should meet the following points :First of all,you should be full of ambition,namely,you have strong confidence that you can achieve whatever goal you want if you take actions;What"s more,you must be consistent when doing anything,and don"t easily give up when encountering any difficulty,you out to find out as many solutions as possible to conquer it;In addition,you should be kind-heatted,and be ready to make contribution to the society and our motherland;Finally,you should pay attention to all the details and little mistakes,and try your best to make them up;So,from what I have suggested above,you may bee a great person in the not too distance future!。


飘舞白色碎片的风 吹过胸口 眼前是欲泣的脸 相逢及分别 亲爱的你啊 对脏兮兮的我露出微笑 从孩童之时 在梦中 寻找著 被称为爱情的梦 就算受著伤 就算受伤 雨在心中下起 SAKURA 绽放的街道 我们在其中走著 SAKURA 纷飞的梦 有著恋情的芳香 摇曳著 旁徨著 就算灵魂乾枯 也不停止绽放 鲜艳的花朵 发出巨大声响倒塌的 所谓永远 比想像还脆弱 但我脸上的泪水 被你舔去 因此还能坚持下去 SAKURA 绽放的街道 让我们一起走过吧 SAKURA 新生春风 戏耍通过 摇曳著 飞散著 想献给你 能留下幸福的 清澄之水 穿著脏鞋子的猫 总是看著明日 边用尾巴取得平衡 边开启下一个门扉 SAKURA 绽放的街道 我们在其中走著 SAKURA 纷飞的梦 有著恋情的芳香 摇曳著 旁徨著 就算灵魂乾枯 也不停止绽放 鲜艳的花朵 绽放吧 樱色的花儿 あの白(しろ)い风(かぜ)が胸(むね)を吹(ふ)き抜(ぬ)ける 泣(な)き出(だ)しそうな颜(かお)して 出会(であ)いと别(わか)れ 爱(いと)しい君(きみ)よ 汚(よご)れてく仆(ぼく)を笑(わら)え 子供(こど)の顷(ころ)に 梦中(むちゅう)で探(さが)した 爱情(あいじょ)っていう名(な)の梦(ゆめ) 伤(きず)つけあって 伤(きず)つけられて 心(こころ)に雨(あめ)が降(ふ)った SAKURA 咲(さ)くあの道(みち)を 仆(ぼく)らは歩(ある)いている SAKURA 咲(さ)き舞(ま)う梦(ゆめ) 恋(こい)しくて fuwafuwa furaufura 彷徨(さまよ)って 魂(たましい)が枯(か)れ果(は)てるまで 终(お)わらない 鲜(あざ)やかなFLOWER 永远(えいえん)なんて 意外(いがい)ともろく 音(おと)をたてて崩(くず)れた しょっぱい涙(なみだ) 君(きみ)が舐(な)めてよ また顽张(がんば)ってみるから SAKURA 咲(さ)くあの道(みち)を 二人(ふたり)で歩(ある)いていこう SAKURA 咲(さ)き春风(はるかぜ) 通(とお)りゃんせ fuwafuwa furafura 飞(と)び立(た)って 幸(しあわ)せが逃(に)げないように 与(あた)えたい 透明(とうめい)な水(みず)を 汚(よご)れた靴(くつ)をはいた猫(ねこ) 明日(あした)をいつも见(み)つめてた シッポでバランスをとって 次(つぎ)のドアを开(ひら)いた SAKURA 咲(さ)くあの道(みち)を 仆(ぼく)らは歩(ある)いて行(ゆ)く SAKURA 咲(さ)くあの道(みち)を 君(きみ)と歩(ある)いて行(ゆ)く SAKURA 咲(さ)き舞(ま)う梦(ゆめ) 恋(こい)しくて fuwafuwa furafura 彷徨(さまよ)って 魂(たましい)が枯(か)れ果(は)てるまで 终(お)わらない 鲜(あざ)やかなFLOWER 咲(さ)かせたいSAKURA色(いろ)のFLOWER Wow Flower Flower wow Flower999999 Wow Flower Flower wow Flower999999 ※罗马音 SAKURA Ano shiroi kaze ga mune wo fukinukeru Nakidashisou na kao shite Deai to wakare Itoshii kimi yo Yogoreteku boku wo warae Kodomo no koro ni Muchuu de sagashita Aijou"tte iu na no yume Kizutsukeatte Kizutsukerarete Kokoro ni ame ga futta SAKURA Saku ano michi wo Bokura wa aruiteiru SAKURA Sakimau yume Koishikute fuwafuwa furafura Samayotte Tamashii ga karehateru made Owaranai Azayaka na FLOWER Eien nante Igai to moroku Oto wo tatete kuzureta Shoppai namida Kimi ga namete yo Mata ganbatte miru kara SAKURA Saku ano michi wo Futari de aruiteyukou SAKURA Saki harukaze Tooryanse fuwafuwa furafura Tobitatte Shiawase ga nigenai you ni Ataetai Toumei na mizu wo Yogoreta kutsu wo haita neko Ashita wo itsumo mitsumeteta Shippo de BALANCE wo totte Tsugi no DOOR wo hiraita SAKURA Saku ano michi wo Bokura wa aruiteyuku SAKURA Saku ano michi wo Kimi to aruiteyuku SAKURA Sakimau yume Koishikute fuwafuwa furafura Samayotte Tamashii ga karehateru made Owaranai Azayaka na FLOWER Sakasetai SAKURA-iro no FLOWER Wow Flower Flower wow Flower... Wow Flower Flower wow Flower... 没找到英文歌词,抱歉!

sakura sakura saku saku sakura 日本歌好多电视剧和电影在日本歌姬跳舞时

这首歌是著名日本民歌《樱花》,也可以叫《樱花颂》. 以下是这首歌的日语歌词,罗马音和中文歌词. (一) さくら さくら 野山(のやま)も里(さと)も 见渡(みわた)すかぎり 霞(かすみ)か云(くも)か 朝日(あさひ)に匂(にお)う さくら さくら 花盛(はなざか)り (二) さくら さくら 弥生(やよい)の空(そら)は 见渡すかぎり 霞か云か 匂いぞ出(い)ずる いざや いざや 见(み)にゆかん 罗马发音: さくら さくら sa ku ra sa ku ra やよいのそらは ya yo i no sa ra wa みわたすかぎり mi wa ta su ka gi ri かすみかくもか ka su mi ka ku mo ka においぞいずる ni o i zo i zu ru いざや いざや i za ya i za ya みにゆかん mi ni yu ka nn 中文翻译: 樱花啊,樱花啊, 阳春三月晴空下, 一望无际是樱花。 如霞似云花烂漫, 芳香飘荡美如画。 快来呀,快来呀, 一同去赏花。 樱花啊!樱花啊! 暮春时节天将晓, 霞光照眼花英笑, 万里长空白云起, 美丽芬芳任风飘。 去看花!去看花! 看花要趁早。下载:http://www.yscxwhy.cn/jladmin/eWebEditor/uploadfile/2010612112728956.MP3

dir en grey 朔-saku-歌词

这是夏季蝉鸣的时节 你可以看见一个女孩缓缓地松开睡衣 羊水流了出来 她头发污浊 你看不清她的脸 你觉得当她再次涂抹上赤红的唇色后还能看见这一幕吗 这是冬季蝉死的季节 你从井里爬出来 女孩在笑声中尖叫 心眼妄想 Victimization 卵管暴走 Victimization 排卵反応 Victimization 花魁干渉 Victimization 断肠切断 Victimization 谈笑中绝 Victimization 让性欲的渴望开始吧!让女孩死去的身体重新发出活力! 让怀孕的渴望开始吧!让春天开始吧! 让渴望开始吧!让我们在京都开始吧!!


咲音读“ショウ”(sho u),训读“さく”(saku)。   动词“咲く”,表示开花的动作   变形为“咲きます”过去式“咲きました”有时用作使役态“咲かせる”   例句:桜が咲きました。(意思是,樱花开了。)   咲在日语中和山崎的崎同音读(saki)


sakuro sakuno 灾害 sakuya sakuni sakuri 作道さん 佐久间 zekuno 日文只能翻译成这样的! 下面的中文翻译成: 沙爱 罗英 瞳 ローザ 紫色 小 ではなく、 "瞳孔" ) ローザ





sakura sakura saku saku sakura 日本歌好多电视剧和电影在日本歌姬跳舞时候的歌叫什么呀?????

这首歌是著名日本民歌《樱花》,也可以叫《樱花颂》.以下是这首歌的日语歌词,罗马音和中文歌词.(一)さくらさくら野山(のやま)も里(さと)も见渡(みわた)すかぎり霞(かすみ)か云(くも)か朝日(あさひ)に匂(にお)うさくら さくら花盛(はなざか)り(二)さくら さくら弥生(やよい)の空(そら)は见渡すかぎり霞か云か匂いぞ出(い)ずるいざや いざや见(み)にゆかん罗马发音:さくら さくら sa ku ra sa ku raやよいのそらは ya yo i no sa ra waみわたすかぎり mi wa ta su ka gi riかすみかくもか ka su mi ka ku mo kaにおいぞいずる ni o i zo i zu ruいざや いざや i za ya i za yaみにゆかん mi ni yu ka nn中文翻译:樱花啊,樱花啊,阳春三月晴空下,一望无际是樱花。如霞似云花烂漫,芳香飘荡美如画。快来呀,快来呀,一同去赏花。樱花啊!樱花啊!暮春时节天将晓,霞光照眼花英笑,万里长空白云起,美丽芬芳任风飘。去看花!去看花!看花要趁早。下载:http://www.yscxwhy.cn/jladmin/eWebEditor/uploadfile/2010612112728956.MP3

dir en grey 朔-saku-歌词

这是夏季蝉鸣的时节 你可以看见一个女孩缓缓地松开睡衣 羊水流了出来 她头发污浊 你看不清她的脸 你觉得当她再次涂抹上赤红的唇色后还能看见这一幕吗 这是冬季蝉死的季节 你从井里爬出来 女孩在笑声中尖叫 心眼妄想 Victimization 卵管暴走 Victimization 排卵反応 Victimization 花魁干渉 Victimization 断肠切断 Victimization 谈笑中绝 Victimization 让性欲的渴望开始吧!让女孩死去的身体重新发出活力! 让怀孕的渴望开始吧!让春天开始吧! 让渴望开始吧!让我们在京都开始吧!!


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